Aug. 25, 2011

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Burrito Showdown Page 7 PAGE 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011

In This Issue:


First Week in Pictures Pages 2 - 3


Students Seek Housing Off-Campus With the large freshman class, upperclassmen look for alturnative housing.

Page 3



The Freshman 15 Tips for avoiding weight-gain, and how to take off those infamous extra pounds.

Page 7

Up, Up and Away

Vol. 106, NO. 5 UATRAV.COM

University Graduation Numbers Increase by LEIGH JACKSON Staff Writer

An average of about 32 percent of full-time, degree-seeking freshmen at the UA will graduate in four years, according to statistics from the last few years of the UA Office of Institutional Research. “We have had very good news regarding student retention,” said Suzanne McCray, vice provost for enrollment management and the dean of admissions. The class of 2004 had 2,423 fulltime freshmen seeking degrees from the UA and 826 of them graduated within four years, according to the UA Office of Institutional Research website. By their sixth year almost 58 percent of full-time students who start-

ed in 2004 had graduated, almost 38 percent had left the university without degrees and about 4 percent were continuing to seek a degree at the UA, according to the website. “Our overall sixth year retention rate is up to 58 percent. It has gone up strikingly over the past few years,” McCray said. Between the years of 1998 and 2004, almost 57 percent of students that had entered the UA as full-time freshmen seeking degrees had graduated with degrees by their sixth year at the university, according to the UA Office of Institutional Research website. In 2009, 55.5 percent of students in the U.S. seeking a bachelor’s degree had attained their goal by their sixth year in college, according to The National Center for Higher Edu-

cation Management Systems. Between the years of 1998 and 2007 the UA had an average of almost 69 percent of full-time, degreeseeking freshmen being retained through their third year, according to the UA Office of Institutional Research website. During the past 10 years the UA has had an average of 2,267 undergraduate students awarded with their baccalaureate degree each year, according to the website. That would indicate that every year, more than 13 percent of the undergraduate student body graduates, as of the student body population last year.

see GRADUATION on page 3

UA Law Among Best Valued Schools by LANDON REEVES Contributing Writer

The UA Law school was named as a “60 Best Value” school, by a Pre-Law Magazine, estimated to reach 45,000 perspective law students. “It is nice that our graduates will see something they already knew,” said Andy Albertson, director of communications for the Law School. “You get a good education for the price here.” One thing that sets the law school apart from other law schools would be the professors, Albertson said.

see LAW SCHOOL on page 2

How to Make Dorm-Friendly Cakes

A microwave recipe anyone can make in a confined space.

Page 8



Sticking With The Starters Alonzo Highsmith has held his ground in fall practice as Arkansas’ third first-team linebacker.

Page 5

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly A recap of the best and worst of the week.

Page 4

UA Receives Record Number of Donations by BRITNEY CRAIG Contributing Writer

UA donations increased 40 percent in the 2010-2011 school year, according to an Arkansas Newswire press release. The university received $121.3 million in private gifts, surpassing the recorded goal of $100 million, and increasing from the $86.7 million received the previous year, according to the Newswire. “We are trending upward,” said Brad Choate, the vice chancellor of university advancement. “The money came from lots of donors—$10 million from the Reynolds Foundation.” The Reynolds Foundation gave the most, and their donation played a large part in helping the university pass their goal. Although many donors like to remain anonymous, other large donations were also announced; SMT software gave $3.5 million, and both the Tyson Foundation and Walker Foundation gave $2.5 million, Choate said. The large donations were not expected, especially during this time of economic uncertainty, Chaote said. “The reputation of the university has risen in the last 10 years,” said Mike Macechko, executive director of the Arkansas Alumni Association. The Alumni Association helps set the stage for the alumni to give back to the university.

see DONATIONS on page 3



Lots two and 36 have been removed from campus to make way for new buildings on campus. Lot 67 will also close to make way for an expansion of the athletic department.

Parking Lots Closed for Construction by LEIGH JACKSON Staff Writer

Amid frustrations surrounding parking issues, two UA parking lots have been permanently closed. Lots two and 36 are both going to be removed from campus. Lot 36, off of Douglas Street, has been closed in order to make the tract available for the construction of a new Infant Development Center, said Andy Gilbride, the education and instruction specialist for UA Transit and Parking. The UA will reimburse Parking and Transit for the cost of originally building lot 36, said Bob Beeler, director of design and construction. “The lot was built

three years ago, and after looking around we thought it was the best location for the Infant Development Center.” Lot 36 is located behind some of the sorority houses and has helped accommodate sorority members’ parking needs in the past. The lot consisted of 112 parking spaces that were made available to all students with a basic parking permit. Some of spaces were designated for faculty members also, Gilbride said. “The lot also helped with the parking needs of students living in residence halls on that side of campus, such as Holcombe and the Quads,” Gilbride said. “Very few of the parking spaces will be re-opened after construction,” Gilbride said.

On-campus residences had to avoid some of the construction projects. “I live on campus, so I don’t have to worry about a parking spot. I just roll out of bed and go find my classes,” said Paula Kog, freshman business marketing major. “I have had trouble finding some of my classes around all this construction.” Lot 36 is not the only lot to be closed during these construction projects. A new lot, Lot 75, was constructed on the east side of Garland, Gilbride said. It consists of 25 faculty parking spaces. The new parking garage on Garland should help accommodate some of the lost parking spaces, Gilbride said.

The Garland parking structure is located relatively close to lot 36, he said. It provides students looking for parking around that area with an alternative option. “We think that we’ll be able to accommodate everyone,” Gilbride said. Although the Garland parking structure is a more expensive option, it is still being used by students. “More freshmen are taking advantage of the parking garage on Garland,” Gilbride said. “I have not had any trouble finding a parking spot,” said Vincent Nguyen, sophomore biochemistry major. There are also plans to close Lot 67 for an expansion of the athletic department, Gilbride said.

ASG Scholarships to Increase, Says ASG President by CONOR WOODY Staff Writer

The Associated Student Government staff plans on increasing the number of scholarships it gives out over the next five years, the ASG President said. The actual amount will depend entirely on donations made by a new council composed of UA student body presidents, said Michael Dodd, ASG president. “We offered five scholarships last



year to students applying as part of our effort to reach out to past ASG presidents,” Dodd said. The President’s Council will meet for the second time this fall, where Dodd and available former ASG presidents will decide which students will receive scholarships this year, Dodd said. Last April, the new group of presidents met for the first time, and decided on five students out of more than 38 applicants who would re-




ceive the money, Dodd said. “The amount of scholarships given in the future will depend on how many past presidents come to the council,” said Billy Fleming, last year’s ASG president. “The council was a result of a lot of fund raising and developing last year,” Fleming said. “The idea was for former student body presidents to come back to campus to become an active part of the community here.”



“Each recipient received $300$500,” Dodd said. “My goal, also echoed by the other presidents in town for the meeting, is to one day fill the requests of all applicants. This council has a chance to leave a strong legacy on campus, fulfilling the needs of all students who have trouble paying tuition.

see SCHOLARSHIPS on page 2




SCHOLARSHIPS from page 1 “The applicants were some of the most deserving students on this campus,” he said. The money for the scholarships was raised by a membership fee for the President’s Council, Fleming said. “We raised almost $3,000 last year, which went out to each of the students that the council felt most deserved the money,” Fleming said. Applicants were given a series of essay questions to answer, ranging from past academic achievement to their family’s financial hardships, said Rudy Trejo, assistant director of student activities. “Last year’s scholarship’s were all from contributions from previous ASG presidents,” Trejo said. “Many former presidents donated $250. How many and what kind of scholarships offered will depend on the amount [the President’s Council] fund raises and what their prerogative is.” The Office of Student Activities, Trejo said, will collect the applications and work with Academic Integrity and Student Conduct to run academic and disciplinary records on each candidate applying to make sure they meet certain eligibility requirements. “Once we collect and verify after the date, we forward the applications to the selection board,” he said. The next President’s Council meeting will be held Nov. 4-5, where the group will once again decide which of the applicants will receive scholarships, Dodd said. Applications will be released some time in September, Dodd said, and anyone interested in receiving one or anyone with questions about the scholarship can contact Michael Dodd at asgpres@

ABOUT THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER The Arkansas Traveler, the student newspaper of the University of Arkansas, is published every day during the fall and spring academic sessions except during exam periods and university holidays. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Traveler. The editor makes all final content decisions. One copy of The Arkansas Traveler is free to every member of the UA community. Additional copies can be purchased for 50 cents each. Mail subscriptions for delivery within the continental United States can be purchased for $125.00 per semester. Contact the Traveler Business Manager to arrange.

CONTACT 119 Kimpel Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701

Students Find Alternative Housing in Apartments by BOBBIE FOSTER News Editor

In order to accommodate the largest freshman class ever to attend the UA, with 4,400 freshmen, the UA turned away more students than usual, leaving some with questions of where to live. With each student rejected housing, apartment owners saw the number of applications grow along with the waiting list. “[We] saw about an 80 percent” increase in student renters while leasing,” said Sheri Boyum, assistant manager of Shiloh apartments. “[Our apartments] saw about a 20 percent increase,”said Teresa West, consultant for Stearn Street apartments. “I wanted to live on campus because of the convenience, but I was put on the waiting list,” said sophomore Tori Edington said. “When something opened

up on campus it was going to be about $2,000 more than Reid Hall was so I just decided it wasn’t worth it and started looking at apartments. The convenience of living on campus just wasn’t worth that much extra money to me,” Edington said. In order to house more students on campus the university renovated the old Fiji and Sigma Pi house into two new dorms: Walton South and Walton North. Each has a capacity of 152 but comes with a higher price tag that left many upperclassmen scrambling to find affordable housing. “I live off campus,” said Aric Fisher, a sophomore chemical engineering major. “It is easier for me because I feel more free to come and go. I don’t have a roommate to worry about.” Before moving off-campus, Fisher lived on campus as a freshman, he said. “I used to worry about dis-

turbing my roommate, but now I do not have one. It has also been cheaper for me to live off campus,” Fisher said. The UA has higher housing prices than many of the surrounding colleges with oncampus housing averaging $4,874, while Arkansas State University averages $3,530 and Harding University, $2,880, according to, a college search website comprised of student reviews. The cheapest apartments close to the UA are North Creekside apartments starting at $420 a month, on Leverett according to apartmentfinder. com. “We noticed people starting to look earlier,” West said. “That’s when I found out they had kicked a lot of the upperclassmen off campus. Students were coming to look in February and March. People normally start looking at the last minute around June or July.”

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Students play Jenga and other games at Friday Night Live in the Arkansas Union. Friday Night Live is hosted by University Programs every Friday night. LAW SCHOOL from page 1 “We have professors who really care about what they are doing, and that is the case throughout this campus,” he said. UA law professors have provided expert commentary for publications such as the Wall Street Journal and the L.A. Times. “Though the UA doesn’t pay as much as our peer institutions do, our students are still fortunate enough to learn from some of the best professors anywhere, and that is because these professors care deeply about Arkansas and their students,” Albertson said. One way law school professors and administrators prepare their students is through teaching professionalism. “From the day the first-year law students walk in, they hear about conducting yourself in a professional manner, and throughout the year, we have law firms and public service

groups come here interviewing our students,” Albertson said. In the class of 2010, about 93 percent of alumni were either employed or seeking a higher degree within nine months of graduation, he said. The UA ranked 132nd out of more than 190 universities, according to U.S. News & World Report. “[That] is a very impressive ranking when you consider all of the other colleges in the country,” said John Diamond, associate vice chancellor for university relations. The UA’s highest ranking was 19th in the country, according to Special Libraries Association. That rank was based on the number of substantive, published papers of research and professional practice in the leading journals for subject specialist librarians from 2000 to 2010, according to the association. Another school gaining nationwide attention is the Sam Walton School of Business,

which placed 101st in “The Best Undergraduate Business Schools” in Bloomberg Business Week. The magazine interviewed employers of companies who hired several business majors the previous years. They asked about the schools whose graduates are efficient and creative as well as other traits hiring staffs consider desirable. “The goal of the university isn't to appease those who do the rankings. It is to make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do for the students,” Diamond said. “An overwhelming number of schools look at the rankings as something that is good to have if they are ranked favorably, but unfair if they are ranked unfavorably.” “We are constantly trying to increase our ranking and get the good word out about the university,” said Dawn Mabry, director of survey, research and support services for UA. “Our goal is to educate our students and improve our ranking

through good student retention and graduation rate.” U.S News & World Report received its data from annual questionnaires, school websites and surveys from faculty and administration. The Princeton Review collected data from student surveys. Date from was provided by the school it is reviewing. Results based on opinion or statistics often don’t equal the sum of experiences and quality education an institution provides, Diamond said. Graduation rate, size and price are factored into USN and WR rankings, while other organizations calculate ranks with test scores and faculty salaries. “The most important factors are a school's ACT and SAT scores, its student retention, faculty salary and student to faculty ratio,” according to This website rose UA’s rank in 2010 to 248 from 203 the year before.

The Arkansas Traveler strives for accuracy in its reporting and will correct all matters of fact. If you believe the paper has printed an error, please notify the editor at 575.8455 or at


The women and men of the University of Arkansas Police Department, in partnership with the community, are committed to protecting the future of Arkansas by promoting a safe and secure environment.


The Transit and Parking office handles parking permits and passes and transit for students, including bus routes and GoLoco Ride Sharing. Students with parking violations can contact the office to appeal their citation.

NEED A RIDE AT NIGHT? CALL 575 - 7233 Otherwise known as 575-SAFE, the mission of the Safe Ride program is to provide students with a safe means of transportation from any uncomfortable or inconvenient situation. Safe Ride brings you home safely.

NEED TICKETS? CALL 1-800-982-4647 Don’t forget to call early and reserve your student football tickets for the 2010-2011 season. The ticket office is located on Razorback Road next to Baum Stadium.



THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011 GRADUATION from page 1


Students dance in the Pomfret commons at the annual luau. All freshmen are invited and the luau serves as one of the first mixers of the year.


Students cross Dickson Street on their way to class Wednesday. The largest student population in UA history causes crowding on major sidewalks. DONATIONS fronm page 1 “The experience alumni had while they were at the university helps, but also they believe their success today is a result of the education they received [at the university],” therefore, they willingly give back to the place that helped them,” Macechko said. Forty-eight percent of the money went to improvements to buildings and structures on campus, 33 percent was spent on students and programs, 15 percent supported faculty and staff and the remaining 4 percent went towards other initia-

tives, said David Gearhart, UA chancellor. "I think its fantastic. With the downturn in the economy, this increase is a complement to our staff, deans and faculty. We always want to move our goals up," Gearhart said. The only problem with such an increase in donation is that it could possibly become a record too high to break. There is a chance that the university may not receive this much money in outright gifts and pledges again for years, Choate said. “There might be another recession, so who knows, but as long as the university continues to grow in reputation,

then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t,” Macechko said. There’s no reason why the increasing donations should not continue, Macechko said.

During the past 10 years, Louisiana State University has had an average of 4,434 undergraduate students awarded their bachelor’s degree each year, according to the graduate analysis file from the LSU Office of Budget and Planning. That would indicate that each year almost 19 percent of LSU’s undergraduate student body graduates, as of the student body population last year. “There are a lot of ways to improve retention rates at the UA,” McCray said. “Financial aid is important because a big reason why a lot of students drop out of school is because they can’t afford it.” Scholarships are one way the UA can keep students in the long term, McCray said. “We’re hoping to see that the lottery scholarship funding will help retain students,” McCray said. “We also try to improve retention by encouraging regular class attendance and by trying to help students feel more at-home on campus. We also try to make sure what we’re doing to improve retention is actually working,” Studies show that higher rates of retention are associated with a combination of institutional commitment, academic goals, social support, academic self-confidence and social involvement, according to the ACT policy report. The UA’s top three colleges, in regards to the number of students enrolled, are the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, the Sam M. Walton College of Business and

The College of Education and Health Professions, according to the UA Office of Institutional Research. In 2010, these three colleges awarded 2,777 degrees. That is about 70 percent of the 3,930 degrees awarded in 2010. Every fall on the 11th day of class, the university makes a list of all first-time, degreeseeking, freshmen and that group is referred to as that year’s cohort, said Gary Gunderman, director of student records and academic information.

To measure retention they take the cohort from the first year and compare it with the number of students that return for their second year, from the same cohort, Gunderman said. Retention is measured up to the third year of the returning cohort and then they use the cohort statistics to measure four, five and sixyear graduation rates, he said.



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EDITOR: Saba Naseem MANAGING EDITOR: Mille Appleton

FROM THE BOARD Campus Crunch Unless you’ve skipped the first three days of classes and picked up the Traveler before coming to campus this morning you’ve noticed that the UA has a space issue. If you drive to campus you have to deal with the musicalchairs-like adventure of finding a spot. Not only do we have more cars on campus, but in the last year the UA administration has closed multiple surface lots to add buildings. Transit buses are also packed as more students have been pushed into off-campus housing to make way for the largest freshmen class in UA history. Like last year in some classes there aren’t enough desk to accommodate the students, and three days after the start of classes bookstores still have waiting lines. (Though, for a note of optimism, it isn’t the more-than-hour lines of this weekend.) With a bit of a humor, we can hope that the lines of Starbucks and RZ’s will break our coffee addiction, that more students means more people reading The Traveler and that as the school year rolls on and students start skipping classes, more parking spots, desks and bus seats will open up. If not, maybe the increasing student population will result in ultra-competitive students, which in the current job market might not be such a bad thing.

Welcome to the Weekend You’ve made it, the first week of class is almost at its end. If you check the UA Crime Log as often as we do, you might have noticed the handful of public intoxication incidents during the weekend after move-in. We hate to sound like your mother, but if you’re going to drink at least do so responsibly. While it’s great to have fun, the morning after is awful and experiencing it in jail, we can only assume, makes it 10 times worse. If you drinking underage, and we all know it happens, try to do it off campus. If you need a ride call SafeRide. You’re already paying for it as part of student fees, so use it when possible.


The Dreams Of Our Reality: A Transition MIND THE GAP by Devin O’Dea

A New Era At Apple It was announced Wednesday night that Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of Apple. Despite having taken time off in the last few years because of health issues, Jobs is considered the driving force behind Apple. As Mac users in the Traveler office, and obsessed with iPhones like most other students, we hope that Apple continues to turn out amazing, innovative products.

New Academic Integrity Policy In case your teachers have somehow failed to mention it, the UA has a new Academic Integrity policy. The new policy and sanctions can be found at Violations are broken into three violations, with six levels of sanctions. The sanctions range from failing an assignment to expulsion from the university if found guilty. For your sake check it out.

Quote Of The Day “The goal of the university isn’t to appease those who do the rankings. It is to make sure we are doing what we are supposed to do for the students.”

-John Diamond, associate vice chancellor for University Relations, “

Traveler Columnist

The beginning of each academic school year often serves as a checkpoint for students in their undergraduate development into their version of a successful individual. Like many, I came to college with larger-than-life-expectations that the world would be left a noticeably different place because of the sum of my potential and efforts. This is a normal, healthy line of thinking, but it is not without its dangers. Such dreams and aspirations are ultimately a good thing. They keep you motivated. They give you an identity. Possibly, they can one day give you fulfillment. But if held too tightly, dreams can transform from something that lifts you up into something that brings you down. To understand how this happens, we ought to start at the beginning. For many, professional dreams begin to form in early adolescence, a time of life that represents an unprecedented level of mental and physical development. This cognitive development comes with what psychologist David Elkind coined a personal fable, a form of egocentrism that leads to an over-differentiation of one’s experiences, feelings, and abilities to the point that one believes their experiences are extraordinarily isolated from that of all other’s experiences. The personal fable manifests itself emotionally with thoughts like “nobody understands me” and often comes with an imaginary audience that speculates the opinions of others and subsequently scrutinizes the self. This imaginary audience leaves a teenager with an overconcern for the thoughts of others and a propensity to anticipate the reactions of others in real and imagined scenarios. All of this speculation, during a crucial time of your development, impels one to assign value

only to achievements, for these are the most available indications of your own worth in the minds of others. Simply put, you are good if and only if you do that which those around you consider good. In terms of your own professional narrative, the one-two punch that is the personal fable and imaginary audience is what constructs those larger-than-life expectations about your future based off what you think others value. YOU are going to be the best heart surgeon that the world has ever seen. YOU will become the youngest and richest CEO of all time. YOU will craft that final legislation leading to world peace because there is nobody that thinks like you. The personal fable makes you believe that you are extraordinarily unique and invulnerable to the obstacles of any career path and, because of this, that everyone is

dreams, your fundamental aspirations that, to some extent, define who you are as an individual. Hopefully, you came to college to pursue these dreams, or at the very least, with an aspiration to become inspired. And on the other hand, you have reality. We pay tuition to learn, but ultimately to transform our dreams and aspirations into reality. But it comes with a price. Your experience as an undergraduate at the UA will make you intimately aware of the ugly underbelly of dreams, that is, the adult responsibility it takes to achieve them. There is an intrinsic conflict between dreams and reality, and unfortunately, those bills and other responsibilities knocking on your door force you to resolve it quickly, perhaps sooner than we should. This transition is especially challenging because it is fairly difficult to alter

“ While the personal fable can produce an ample supply of motivation, it also fails the individual at some level because of its fanatical sense of obligation to a fantastical future.” expecting you to achieve the highest tier in your field. Here, it appears obvious that, while the personal fable can produce an ample supply of motivation, it also fails the individual at some level because of its fanatical sense of obligation to a fantastical future. Romanticized day-dreams of wearing scrubs and saving lives, riding the rush of the stock market, or becoming an influential diplomat fail to encapsulate the reality of the path that it takes to get there. The problem is that we have already assigned the value, what is good, great or magnificent in our minds, to the dreams that emanated from the fables of our adolescent era. But life changes—drastically—from the time we enter college to the time we leave and we sometimes forget to update ourselves with respect to those changes. Because of this, the tried and tired student is often in a state of conflict throughout the entirety of their undergraduate experience. On one hand, you have your

our dreams and expectations. Years ago, when you assigned value to both abstract and tangible objects (e.g. an ideal job, relationship, or car) your body and brain became programed to reward you when you obtained them. Your brain releases a common cascade of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin or other “feel good” neurotransmitters each time you accomplish a goal to which you have assigned value. This chemical connection compounds our attachment to each and everything we wish to obtain. Again, this is a mostly constructive process that insures that we maintain a sense of value in our lives, but let us not forget that some of the value we assigned during adolescence is unrealistic and dangerously grandiose. Changing your professional goals with respect to your lifeexperiences is in no way inherently bad; it can make you feel bad because you have programed yourself to do so. If we wish to be truly happy, it is vitally im-

portant that we allow the lessons of our experiences to reprogram our expectations for life. With this in mind, we can do ourselves a great favor by understanding the various forces pushing and pulling us from the teenage years of adolescence into the era of independence that defines you as a young adult. We must remind ourselves that we, like everything in this world, are constantly changing. Therefore, it is completely natural to change your goals and values for life with respect to the experiences with which you are confronted. If we do not, we will certainly suffer one way or another. If we don’t detach ourselves to the naïve aspirations of our youth, we will feel disappointed, anxious, or angry with life when it inevitably doesn’t match up to our idealized expectations. While this might come off as distant and unlikely, years of self-analysis, whether it is conscious or unconscious, has a way of surprising you. In life, we sail across an ocean of vast uncertainty. Throughout this journey we are constantly shaken by the tumultuous waves of life’s potential, and as a result, we look to anchor our idea of “me” with both personal and professional aspirations. If we attach ourselves too tightly to this anchor, as is often the case with the personal fable and other selfprophecies, we leave ourselves susceptible to become bruised and battered by the natural storm of the sea on which we sail. But we have another option. We can let go. We can release ourselves from all of the self-created, socio-psychological burdens that the “real world” imposes. We can ride out the storm, learn from its lessons, and work together to adapt ourselves in such a way that we can positively progress into the future, rather than be weakened by the uncertainty that life promises. We can understand that because we change with respect to our experiences, we can constantly improve ourselves by improving the quality of how we experience. In this way, at each checkpoint we can look back at the last, and reflect in marvel what a fulfilling, unpredictable, and beautiful journey life is.

The Traveler Board’s The Good, The Bad and The Ugly The Good



One week until the first football game.

.. —

The Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial opened.

Texas Governor Rick . . Perry leads the GOP field — by 12 points, according to the latest Gallup Poll..

Samantha Williams

The Arkansas Traveler welcomes letters to the editor from all interested readers. Letters should be at most 300 words and should include your name, student classification and major or title with the university and a day-time telephone number for verification. Letters should be sent to

.. (

Jordain Carney


Mille Appleton

.. —

The line at the campus Starbucks, Brough or really any other place on campus. The alleged pending divorce of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett.



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The start of another semester.




Saba Naseem



The Ugly

The Bad

The amount of traffic on campus during almost any time of day. The 5.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Virginia Tuesday. The Dow Jones dropping more than 1,873 points in a month.


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Second-Team Defense Has Question Marks by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

Arkansas defensive coordinator Willy Robinson feels good about his first-team defense. The Razorbacks return eight starters, including five seniors. The second-team defense isn’t as settled less than two weeks until the Sept. 3 season opener against Missouri State. “I have some real doubts about how deep we are yet, just because I’ve not seen our seconds develop into a solid backup,” Robinson said. “The second group had fun playing (in a scrimmage), they just weren’t executing well enough. It’s across the board. We’re still not executing where we need to be at any of the three phases – up front, at linebacker and in the secondary.” Junior middle linebacker Terrell Williams and senior cornerback Greg Gatson have been two bright spots in the second unit, Robinson said. Williams finished sixth on the team with 42 tackles last season, but was moved from weakside linebacker to Jerry Franklin’s backup at middle linebacker. “Terrell’s doing good,” Robinson said. “I’d like to see him react a little better, but his physical play has really stood out.” Gatson started one game last year and has worked behind senior Isaac Madison with the second-team defense in fall camp. He had 18 tackles and one interception. “I don’t think if Madison went down, (Gatson) couldn’t do the job,” Robinson said. “He’s done a great job with physical play and his ability to understand the game.” Cornerback Tevin Mitchel and defensive ends Horace Arkadie and Trey Flowers are the true freshman competing for playing time in the second unit, Robinson said. “We still haven’t etched that in stone,” Robinson said. “Those are the three guys we’re milling around in the first two groups and seeing how they’re doing.” Mitchel has worked with the first-team defense at

times in fall practice, too. The 6-foot, 176-pounder was one of the Hogs’ highest-rated signees in the 2011 recruiting class. “He’s a guy that has great natural talent for the position,” Robinson said. “We moved him up to the second unit, so things are coming at him a little faster. We scrimmaged him with the first group last (Thursday). He rolled with the first group and was kind of wowed by the speed. He felt very blessed he could get the opportunity to do that. “You can always tell them, but until they get the opportunity to experience it, they’re not going to believe you anyways.” Arkadie weighed 235 pounds when he arrived on campus, but the Irving, Texas, native is up to 274. “I’m very, very anxious,” Arkadie said. “I’m going to go out there when my number’s called and bust my butt as much as I can. I’m very excited. I’ve worked.” He’s working across from sophomore defensive end Chris Smith. “He’s a beast,” Smith said. “When he first came in, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh.’” Barring injuries, the second unit will have an opportunity to learn behind one of the most experienced defenses in the Southeastern Conference. Contact has been limited in fall camp, but the starters have shown up when tackling has been allowed. “We see the anxiousness when we scrimmage,” Robinson said. “When we get a chance to hit, we see a really talented football team that can run to the ball and tackle. It’s got to be frustrating that those times are few and far between, but you’ve got to take care of your teammates as well. The time is growing near. The following Saturday, we’ve got a game.” Even in scrimmage and live-tackling work, quarterbacks are off limit to the defense. “I’m ready to see a different color jersey, but that’ll come in due time,” senior defensive end Jake Bequette said. “We’ve got about 10 days for that, so it’ll be fine.”


Junior college transfer Alonzo Highsmith has worked at weakside linebacker with the first-team defense since the start of fall practice, ahead of junior Terrell Williams and senior Bret Harris.

Sticking with the Starters Newcomer Alonzo Highsmith has worked with the first-team defense since fall camp started by ZACH TURNER

Asst. Sports Editor

Arkansas linebacker Alonzo Highsmith Jr. has fit in with the veterans from the start. The 6-foot-1, 229-pound junior college transfer is entering his first season as a Razorback and has worked with the first-team defense for a majority of fall practice. “I think my ability to learn is what has kept me in (with the first team) right now,” Highsmith said. “The coaches told me the faster I learn, the quicker they could put me in there. I liked hearing that.” Highsmith has picked up the defense quickly in less than one month of fall practice. “He works very hard and is conscientious of the plays,” Robinson said. “We are still installing and are not done installing (new schemes), so the things he keeps getting well at and all of a sudden ‘hey we have one more thing we want you to do’ that is when he is thinking too much.” After Arkansas’ spring practice there was a void to be filled alongside starters Jerry Franklin and Jerico Nelson at weakside linebacker. Highsmith made a

good impression in the summer and was thrown into the spot. “We threw him in there based on his ability, hard work and knowledge,” coach Bobby Petrino said. “Nobody declared themselves the starter in the spring.” Having played at Phoenix Junior College the past

one percent better every day and if you do that consistently your play will rise.” In Arkansas’ scrimmage last Thursday, Robinson said Highsmith played up to speed with the first-team and came of the ball really well. “He is a guy that really stood out,” Robinson said. “He tackled extremely well,




two seasons, Highsmith said sticking to the motto he learned from his coach there is something that has pushed him since becoming a Razorback. “You are not going to be perfect today, just get one percent better every day,” Highsmith said. “That is something I learned from my coach out of JUCO to just get

Alonzo Highsmith so things seem to be picking up for him.” Highsmith’s father, Alonzo Highsmith Sr., had a successful career as a running back at University of Miami before enjoying a six-year NFL career. Highsmith Sr. was a member of the 1983 National Championship team that won the Orange Bowl 31-30 over Nebraska. “I get football,” Highsmith said. “The different concepts come and you put those in, but at the end of the day it is

still football. I think that has helped me out a lot.” Highsmith’s confidence has risen after sticking with the starters all of fall practice. “My confidence is up right now having gone through camp and this whole past week,” Highsmith said. “I am catching on even more and moving faster within the defense and it has my confidence going up every day.” In 2010, Highsmith was named a junior college AllAmerican after he recorded 94 tackles, 12 tackles for a loss and four sacks. Playing alongside Arkansas’ leading tackler each of the past three seasons, senior Jerry Franklin, has helped Highsmith learn the playbook. Franklin has been a captain each of the past two seasons and produced his best season as a Razorback in 2010, when he recorded 100 tackles and 6.5 sacks. “He is a great leader and tells me what I have to do to stay in there,” Highsmith said. “There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t asked him a question and he hasn’t given me an answer. If I do something wrong he is quick to let me know.” He’s done enough right to stay with the first-team defense.


OSU Provides Early Season Soccer Challenge by LIZ BEADLE Staff Writer

Last weekend, 13 Arkansas freshmen got their first taste of collegiate soccer. The Razorbacks went 1-1, winning the season opener against SMU, but losing at Kansas. Sunday, the freshmen will get their biggest test early in the season when Arkansas hosts No. 7 Oklahoma State. “They’re a very talented team—they’re very physical,” Arkansas coach Erin Aubry said. “They have a lot of strength, size and speed. They’re very well coached. They play the game of soccer very well.” The Cowgirls (2-0) lead the all time series against the Razorbacks 4-0 and have beaten TCU and UAB this season. OSU faces riva Oklahoma Friday, two days before their 1 p.m. match against Arkansas. Last year, OSU went 20-4-2, including 8-2 in the Big 12. “This game will just prepare us for SEC play,” Aubry said. “We’re going to take every op-

portunity we can to gain experience and to really show what we can do.” The Razorbacks went from excitement after a 2-1 win against SMU to disappointment following a 4-1 loss at Kansas last weekend. “They have to learn that it is hard and rare to have that excitement,” Aubry said. “That disappointment they felt on Sunday is the most powerful thing and we’re going to take the positives from it. I would be upset with them if they didn’t learn from their mistakes.” The tough loss at Kansas can serve as motivation to get the Razorbacks ready to face their highest-ranked opponent so far this season. “It was a growing experience and we needed to do it and it will make us stronger,” said Aubry. “We’ll learn from it and we’ll be back at it this week with even more drive and more ambition than we’ve had so far.” The match on Sunday will also serve as an early-season Senior Night for the five seniors on the team. Defender Kailey Anders, goalkeeper Kendal Winston and midfield-

er Chelsea Tidwell are starting their last season as Razorbacks, while forward Daniella O’Shea and goalkeeper Brittany Hudson athletic juniors, academic seniors. Arkansas will celebrate its seniors all season. “Our leadership is so strong this year from that class that we wanted to go ahead and use the opportunity to highlight these seniors throughout their last year,” Aubry said. “It’s not just about the last home game, it’s about their last season and we need to play for that all season long.” Oklahoma State is the first ranked opponent Arkansas has faced this season and is the highest-ranked opponent the Razorbacks have faced since a 4-3 loss at No. 2 Florida in 1999. “You put some very young kids on a field with a very, very good team ranked nationally and that’s just fun,” Aubry said. “It’s fun to see what you have and I think there will be some excitement with it too. It’s great experience to get thrown in the fire, so to speak. We are playing the best so we can be the best.”


Arkansas’ soccer team (1-1) will host No. 7 Oklahoma State (2-0) at 1 p.m. Sunday, the Razorbacks’ highestranked opponent in 12 years.

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Q: Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

A: The ‘P’ is silent. Q: How do you make a tissue dance? A: Put a little boogie in it. Q: You know what they say about bad doctors? A: They have no patience.


A Bear walks into a bar and says “I want a gin.............. and tonic.” The bartender asks “Why the big pause?” The Bear looks down and says “I don’t know, I’ve always had them.”


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Michael A. Kandalaft


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1 The NFL’s Montana and Favre, e.g. 4 __-wip: “real cream” brand 9 Rap’s __ Rhymes 14 Suffix with script 15 Apply, as pressure 16 Not cool, man 17 Marksman’s skill 18 *Duplicator in an office 20 Former boxer Ali 22 Musician’s gift 23 Makes a decision 24 *Great Chicago Fire scapegoat 28 Apt. complex unit 29 Ohio rubber city 32 Canonized Fr. women 35 Grand Coulee, for one 37 Thief-turned-sleuth Lupin 38 Nonpro sports org. 39 *Classic chocolate treat 41 “Proud Mary” pop gp. 42 Throbs 44 Watchdog’s warning 45 Prog. listing 46 Spot on TV 47 Aptly named fruit 49 *Take a path of least resistance 56 Narrow cut 58 Filmdom’s Farrow 59 Short vodka order 60 Seller’s assurance of payment, and a hint to what the last words of the answers to starred clues can have in common 64 Sewing kit item 65 Starts the pot 66 Army base near Petersburg, Va. 67 12/24 or 12/31 68 Iraq’s main port 69 Ritual celebrating the Jews’ liberation from Egyptian slavery 70 __ Moines

1 Uneasy feeling 2 Prickly bush 3 18-wheelers 4 Automaker’s bane 5 Lead-in for skeleton 6 Bank statement abbr. 7 Laundry appliance 8 “Be that as __ ...” 9 Tampa Bay athlete, briefly 10 Opens, as a gate 11 Marine salvage crew’s job 12 Glass darkener 13 Big galoots 19 Latin art 21 Throws softly 25 Old Norse works 26 Biochemist’s gel 27 Singer Vikki 30 “... __ and for all!” 31 Bookish type 32 ‘90s-’00s NFL Pro Bowler Warren 33 Bull: Pref. 34 Speakers at memorial services 36 Chow mein additive 37 “I can’t believe this!” 39 “Feed me,” in Siamese? 40 Champagne word 43 Cover completely 45 Prepare, as flour 48 Red Sox pitcher Jon 50 Brat 51 Little fights 52 Bret who wrote gold rush stories 53 Ran with ease 54 Fruit yielding oil 55 Some cellar contents 56 Union underminer 57 Head-turning Turner 61 Mex. neighbor 62 Trite 63 Originally called

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You’ve got the hunger. The need for meat, beans and all your other favorite Mexican sides all wrapped in a tortilla—it’s burrito time. But with three places in the entertainment district to chose from - Flying Burrito, Qdoba and Chipotle - for this oh-so (hopefully) delicious classic of Mexican cuisine, where should you go? I stopped by each build-it-yourself burrito joint and tried a steak burrito with similar toppings. Here’s the rundown on what to expect at each restaurant: by EDDIE GREGG Staff Writer

Flying Burrito Co.: The Home Team 509 W. Spring St. #220 (479) 521-3000

Flying Burrito is a taste of Fayetteville. Locally owned and operated since 2003, Flying Burrito is the oldest burrito bar in town. Since opening their doors, the folks there have been serving up the best burritos in town. Aside from tasty grub, it has that laid-back “joie de vie” that is so common in Fayetteville-based establishments. The flavor, variety and overall quality are what set Flying Burrito apart from the herd. “We have a lot more choice in everything than our competitors,” said Delberta Larson, the general manager at Flying Burrito. For example, Flying Burrito offers both white and yellow queso, both of which are outstanding, as does Qdoba, while Chipotle doesn’t even have queso. With five types of tortillas and literally dozens of toppings to choose from, Flying Burrito comes in first when it comes to customizing your meal, followed closely by Qdoba. Chipotle is a distant third. Flying Burrito also rotates through several specialty salsas a week, including roasted red pepper, tomatillo avocado, jalapeño lime, black bean corn and spicy pineapple. When it came to the burrito—the flavors were incredible. The rice was awesome. The steak, which is allowed to soak in its own juice on the serving line, was the best out of the three

restaurants. The grilled veggies had a great smoky flavor, and the cheesiness of the queso tied the whole thing together. My only real complaint about Flying Burrito is that when I went through the serving line I noticed a few of the toppings looked like they had been sitting for a while. The rice bin was developing a nice patina. Regardless, the flavors won me over. For my money, Flying Burrito has the best burritos in town. Atmosphere: Laid back. Definitely puts the “bar” feel in “burrito bar.” Price Range: Food $0.79 - $11.99 Drinks: $1.69+ Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Fri. - Sat. 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. Full Bar: Yes Wheelchair Access: Yes Specials & Rewards $1 beef, chicken or veggie tacos with purchase of small drink. After spending $100, get $10 in store credit. Delivery: Yes Free Wi-Fi:Yes

Qdoba Mexican Grill: Taco Bell’s Big Brother 603 W. Dickson St. (479) 444-7470

This place is okay, but the overall food quality and ambiance pretty much make the place feel like Taco Bell’s slightly more refined big brother just set up shop and added a bar. Not a good choice for a steak burrito. Now, to be fair, Qdoba is better known as a late night destination for tacos. Plus, they’re the only burrito bar open late on weekends, which is great for those out on the town looking for late night snack. They also serve lime corn chips, which are pretty tasty, and you won’t find them at Flying Burrito or Chipotle. I’m definitely not going back for a steak burrito anytime soon, though. The tortilla had no flavor and pulled apart before I had even made it half way through the burrito, unlike at Chipotle and Flying Burrito where the tortillas held together despite encasing burritos that were both a solid two-and-a-half inches thick. Trying to eat a falling-apart, two-and-a-half inch thick burrito on the go is a recipe for disaster, and it really defeats the to-go nature of the burrito. The rice wasn’t even close to the quality offered at Flying Burrito or even Chipotle. The main detraction,


however, was the steak. It was tough and the flavor didn’t compare to that served at Flying Burrito or Chipotle. Qdoba has pretty decent tacos and some other good dishes, but the place for steak burritos it is not. Atmosphere: Laid back, but feels like a fast food joint. I did notice they played a nice selection of indie music, which is a plus in my book. Price Range: Food $0.99 - $7.29 Drinks $1.59+ Hours: Sun.- Wed. 10:30 a.m.- 10 p.m. Thurs. -- Sat. 10:30 -- 3 a.m. Full Bar: Yes Wheelchair Access: Yes Specials & Rewards $1 tacos with purchase of any drink on Tuesdays. After spending $100, get $10 in restaurant credit. Delivery: Yes Free Wi-Fi: Yes

Chipotle Mexican Grill: The New Kid on the Block 550 W. Dickson St. (479) 444-1466

Two words sum up Chipotle: “Organic” and “fresh.” Again, I got a steak burrito with all the fixings. It was delicious, but Flying Burrito still just edges them out. The freshness of the ingredients was great, and it was nice to watch the cooks actually grilling and chopping my steak right after I ordered it. I wanted to talk to the management at Chipotle about their ingredients and the quality of their food, but they declined to comment for this story and directed me to check out their website, citing the need for a corporate representative to be present for an interview. According to Chipotle’s website, they are dedicated to “food with integrity,” which is their “commitment to finding the very best ingredients raised with respect for the animals, the environment and the farmers.” Almost all of their ingredients are organic. Most of their pork, beef and chicken comes from naturally raised sources and are free from growth hormones and antibiotics. The conventional wisdom is that organic ingredients guarantee better food. By and large that’s true, but despite the fact that Chipo-


tle uses organic and fresher-looking ingredients, the flavor across the board just wasn’t quite as good as Flying Burrito’s. Although Flying Burrito’s ingredients aren’t organic, they more than make up for it with their recipes and preparation. Atmosphere: Hip, modern and minimalistic. Full Bar: No. They will be serving beer and margaritas, though, pending a liquor license. Price Range: Food - $1.15 - $6.35 (Drinks - $1.55 – $4.25) Hours: 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. daily Wheelchair Access: Yes Specials & Rewards: Bring in a receipt showing a 2011 Fall semester book purchase of $150 or more and Sept. 27-29 enjoy buyone-get-one-free burritos, bowls, tacos and salads. Delivery: No Free Wi-Fi: No


The Final Word: When you get down to it, choosing between these three places really depends on what you are looking for and what time it is. If you’re looking for super fresh, organic ingredients, a hip, urban environment, and you’re concerned about how your meat was treated before it was sacrificed to feed the masses—Chipotle is for you. If you’ve got the urge for some hand-held Mexican wonder food after a night on the town, try Qdoba, but skip the steak burrito. And if you’re out late on the weekend, it’s your only burrito option in the entertainment district. But if you’re looking for a hearty, flavorful Fayetteville take on the burrito, Flying Burrito is the way to go. Out of the three steak burritos I ate, Flying Burrito’s soared the highest.

Weekend Concerts Freshman 15: Battle of the Bulge Bring Country Flare by LAUREN LEATHERBY Features Editor

by NICK BROTHERS Staff Writer

Sure enough, school has started and students are already looking forward to getting out of the routine of classes and making plans for Dickson Street this weekend. This weekend should satisfy any country fan, as well as fans of electronic and acoustic folk. If country is your thing, the weekend of Aug. 26 is going to be great. With both Reckless Kelly on Friday night and Josh

Abbott Band Saturday night at George’s Majestic Lounge, Dickson will be bustling with country fans. Kicking things off the night of Aug. 26 at George’s, Austin natives Reckless Kelly bring a wellpolished roadhouse country rock sound to Fayetteville. The band consists of the brothers Willy (vocals/guitar) and Cody Braun (vocals, fiddle, mandolin, harmonica), Casey Pollock

CONCERTS on page 8

The dreaded “freshman 15” – it is the topic of so many jokes and so much gossip, a theme in so many TV shows and movies, and now it’s your turn. Entering freshmen will now be the ones to battle those dreaded extra pounds as they embark on their first year of college. Some students will gain weight, while other students take advantage of the HPER building’s facilities and the cafeteria’s salad bar to end

up losing weight. The “Freshman 15” may actually be a bit lower than all of the hype claims. According to a study in the Journal of American College Health, while 70 percent of students in the study gained a “significant” amount of weight between the start of college and the end of sophomore year, most students did not gain the full 15 pounds. The average weight gain was closer to nine pounds among the group of 764 students. Nine pounds, though, is still a lot to gain. Weight gain

should be no mystery, though, when students analyze many of their living habits. The first culprit may be unhealthy or late-night snacking, or worse, the unhealthy and late-night snacking. Many students enjoy snacking while studying. After all, writing that 15-page paper on Moby Dick isn’t so bad when you have Peanut M&M’s at an arm’s length. Eating while one is distracted, though, can be a dangerous thing. A study at Yale University showed that when subjects watched television while eating pizza, they

ate 36 percent more than they would have without being distracted. It’s no secret that many student-favorite snacks include things high in empty calories that are cheap, tasty and unfortunately not very healthy. After all, it’s easier to keep Oreos in a dorm room than a bag of broccoli that will spoil after a week. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines empty calories as foods and beverages

FRESHMEN 15 on page 8




Tasty Topping Microwave Cakes by EMILY RHODES Staff Writer

The time of year has come once again: mini-fridges being hauled up the stairs, the smell of cardboard boxes in the hallways and saying those tearful goodbyes to the parents. Moving out of the house and into the dorm room means doing your own laundry, eating at the cafeteria every day and being responsible for getting to class on time. One thing students don’t have to sacrifice, however, is a home-cooked meal.

When I moved into the residence hall as a freshman three years ago, my parents gave me a box of kitchen supplies, a fridge and a microwave. Apart from the odd Toaster Strudel and instant mac and cheese, I barely used the utensils until my mother gave me this quick recipe to enjoy a taste of home without leaving the dorm room. These cakes can be made with a variety of toppings in just a few minutes and with minimal mess. After a major mistake attempting to make these, I learned it is worth it to invest

in a good roll of Cling Wrap. My roommate and I attempted to make the cake using a Ziploc bag and a hair tie instead of Cling Wrap and ended up with an explosion of scrambled eggs and cake batter. Needless to say, a quick trip to Walmart and a second attempt made a much better dessert. The recipe calls for basic cake ingredients and the measurements are so small that you can split the cost with a roommate or friend and still make hundreds of these tasty treats.

Ingredients: 1 small micro-wave safe bowl ¼ cup margarine ¼ cup sugar 1 egg ⅜ cup plain flour, all purpose 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon cocoa powder (optional for chocolate cake mix)

LAUREN HUSBAND CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER UA students keep off the freshman 15 by taking Zumba at the HPER. Group exercise classes take place six days a week in various rooms at the HPER.

FRESHMAN 15 from page 7

Begin by creaming the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl with a whisk. After getting a smooth consistency, add the egg and beat until incorporated. Then, mix in the flour and baking powder. At this time, if you want to make a chocolate cake, add the cocoa powder into the mixture. Mix until fully incorporated and you have a smooth batter. This should take around 2 minutes. If the mixture is too thick, add a small amount of milk until you get the right consistency. Once the batter is ready, grease the inside of a microwave safe bowl with cooking spray or the margarine wrapper. Fill the bottom of the bowl with your favorite syrup – Hershey’s chocolate and caramel syrups work well. Strawberry cake anyone? Fruit preserves are great too! Once the bottom of the bowl is covered in syrup or preserves, fill the rest of the bowl with the mixture. Then, using microwavesafe Cling Wrap or a larger bowl or domed plate, cover the mixture and microwave on high for 3 minutes. Make sure that whatever you cover the mixture with has enough room for the cake to rise underneath it, so if you use Cling Wrap, allow for extra slack on top. When the cake is cooked through (check by sticking a toothpick or knife in until it comes out clean), run a knife around the side of the bowl and invert the cake onto another plate by placing an additional plate on top and flipping the cake upside down. The cake will be extremely hot and the syrup will be scalding, so be careful not to burn yourself! Then, enjoy with your favorite toppings or ice cream. A simple way to bring a taste of home to college, these treats will liven up any evening of studying. Be sure not to leave your door open though, or you might become the new bakery in your building. EMILY RHODES STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

that are high in calories with solid fats or added sugars and without real nutritional value. The website states that “it is important to limit empty calories to the amount that fits your calorie and nutrient means.” For late-night eating, the Taco Bell located at 2055 W. Martin Luther King Blvd can be a best friend and a worst enemy to many students. Not only is the restaurant open 24 hours, but students also get a discount. “All you have to do is show a student I.D,” said Cathy Paine, store manager of the Taco Bell on Martin Luther King Boulevard. The open-late restaurant is a tasty solution to late-night hunger. “When you’re studying late at night and you get hungry, all the dining halls are closed, so you go to Taco Bell,” said Megan Wojcicki, a senior. “They always advertise the ‘Fourth Meal,’ but that’s really what it is: people have dinner early, and then they’re hungry again. It ends up being their fourth meal of the day.” Another culprit of weight gain may be a lack of activity. Students who participated in high school sports but aren’t participating at the university level are not accustomed to the lack of physical activity. Newly sedentary students may eat the same amount they did when they worked out for three or four hours a day. Now that they are not burning as many calories, they may put on extra weight, and that’s not from muscle. A final reason behind university students’ quick weight gain is alcohol consumption. Students that begin to drink significantly in college may see a quick increase in their waistlines. A bottle of regular beer generally contains around 150 calories, while a rum and coke often has around 200 calories, according to nutrition information. Having a few drinks in a night can tally up to the same calorie count as eating an entire extra dinner.

CONCERTS from page 7 (lead guitar), Chris Schelske (bass) and Jay Nazz (drums). In 2008, the band achieved the number one Americana and the number one Texas Charts song from their album Bulletproof, according to their website. The band sticks to good rock n’ roll chord progressions for most of their songs, and the other Texas twang instruments fit right along in the mix. On top of it all, Willy, the lead singer, has nice rough and tough vocals that pull it all together. For those who aren’t big on country but like electronic, the Rogue Lounge on Dickson will be featuring the Fossils of Ancient Robots that same night. Originally from Eureka Springs, Ark., the group promises “their live show is a high-energy, interactive performance with a focus on dance,” on their Facebook page. They have an electro-pop sound with a lot of live instruments in the mix to go

Students can avoid the “freshman 15,” or perhaps more appropriately the “freshman nine,” by getting active, being involved and watching what they eat. The HPER building gives students free access to workout facilities, fitness classes, intramural sports and a wealth of other activities. “Staying active through exercise and recreation during college can be beneficial in multiple ways,” said Katie Helms, assistant director of University Recreation. “Physically, exercise and recreation can help students maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress and aid immune system function, all of which ultimately enhance academic performance.” Students that wander through the HPER building could get lost for hours exploring the different opportunities that University Recreation provides for students to stay healthy and active. The building includes a fitness center, pool, indoor track, basketball and racquetball courts, rock climbing and more. “The Fitness/Wellness program provides group exercise classes at no extra charge for students, as well as various other group classes and wellness seminars,” Helms said. “The Intramural Sports program offers sport leagues in various sports such as flag football, soccer, softball, volleyball and tennis.” Students looking around campus will find still more programs. Club sports are a more competitive sports option. Those teams practice regularly and compete with other schools. The Outdoor Connection Center offers gear rental services as well as hiking, biking, climbing and paddling outings. Classes in activities such as Ballroom Dance, capoeira (a Brazilian combination of martial arts, sports and music) and CPR are also available, Helms said. Another important way to avoid gaining weight is for students to watch their eating habits. While campus dining halls offer great desserts,

they also offer very healthy options, including a salad bar always filled with fresh vegetables and toppings. Students can make use of these options to stay healthy. “Always survey the dining halls before you get a plate, so you know what you want to eat most,” said Macy Brisben, a UA junior. “Get lots of things on only one plate, including dessert, and don’t go back for seconds. The best way to keep track of what you eat is to use an iPhone calories app.” For the inevitable studyand-snacking combo, Dr. Melina Jampolis, Diet and Fitness expert for, recommends that students should keep snacks such as baby carrots, apples, string cheese and low-fat microwave popcorn in their dorm room. Another way to stay healthy is to incorporate physical activity while studying. “The brain works much better with good blood flow,” said Jean Henry, associate professor of health science. “Never sit for more that 45 to 50 minutes without getting up and moving around.” Involvement in campus activities is another way for UA students to stay healthy and active. There are more than 250 registered student organizations on the UA campus, according to the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement website. “For me, I eat when I am bored, so students should be sure to get involved,” Brisben said. One of the keys to both staying healthy and getting involved is to get plugged in socially. “Find a partner in your plan to stay healthy - someone you can be active with, watch calories with, etc.,” Henry said. “Our social connections do help determine our habits and behaviors; be sure you are surrounding yourself with others who want to stay healthy.” All of this together can lead to not only avoiding the freshman weight gain, but becoming even more fit freshman year and beyond.

with the digital musical programming. One thing is for sure - the beat is a big part of all of their songs. “The Inside” will be the song to listen for with its edgy overdrive vocals. With influences like Devo and Depeche Mode, they’re sure to be the most unique music group that weekend. The next night, on Aug. 27, the country-rock/folk of Josh Abbott Band comes to George’s. The band members are leader Josh Abbott (vocals, acoustic guitar), Preston Wait (fiddle, electric guitar), Edward Villanueva (drums, and comic relief, interestingly enough), James Hertless (bass) and Caleb Keeter (electric guitar). The vocals of Josh Abbott “evince a slight Steve Earle character: breathy, fiery intense,” according to the band’s website. When they’re playing, be sure to listen for “Oh, Tonight,” “She’s Like Texas” and “Road Trippin’.” They’re pretty likeable songs with a lot of great instrumentation from the band members.

Lastly, Fayetteville native Tiffany Christopher will close the weekend Sunday afternoon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Common Grounds coffee shop. Her mellow and jazzy sound will surely complement the lazy afternoon while sipping on an espresso at lunch. She has a very warm tone to her vocals that often sound like Norah Jones. Her music syncs up to it well. “She scats like a 60s jazz diva and has guitar chops like a rock goddess,” said Kelly Brown in a review for the Colorado-based Summit Daily. Sunday should be a nice change of pace from all the country music of the weekend, with Christopher’s folky jazz music livening up Common Grounds. The best part about this weekend in Fayetteville is that it’s only the first weekend in a long line of live music acts. Whether it’s quality country music or dance music, Dickson Street will be rockin’.

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