Place and Promise Annual Report 2009/10

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan Annual Report 2009/2010

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Contents Introduction


Letter From Board Chair and President


Institutional Overview




Strategic Direction Vision Values Commitments

7 7 7 8

Planning and Operational Context Trends in Education Challenges

9 9 10

Goals, Actions, and Results UBC Selected Facts Student Learning Research Excellence Community Engagement Aboriginal Engagement Alumni Engagement Intercultural Understanding International Engagement Outstanding Work Environment Sustainability

11 12 14 33 41 53 58 63 68 74 79

Alignment with Ministry Goals Goals, Objectives, Strategies Performance Results

89 89 94

Financial Information


UBC Vancouver campus

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010


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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan, was launched December 2, 2009 after strong consultation with UBC communities, internal and external. This first annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the implementation of Place and Promise for the first four or so months of its life.

This report incorporates as well the annual Institutional Accountability Plan and Report as required by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development. A web based report, this annual survey covers the highlights of the past year and provides links to further detail for each of the commitments of Place and Promise so the reader may quickly jump to specific plans and contacts for follow up.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Letter from Board Chair and President 15 July 2010 • The Honourable Moira Stilwell, Minister of Advanced Education and Labor Market Development (ALMD) • UBC students, faculty, staff and alumni • Our communities, local, national and global We are pleased to submit Place and Promise: The UBC Plan Annual Report for 2009/10, as approved by the Board of Governors. This report also includes the 2010/11 – 2012/13 Institutional Accountability planning and reporting requirements of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labor Market Development. UBC is recognized as a globally influential research university; a leader in innovation; a destination of choice for outstanding graduate students from around the world; and a university that provides a challenging and enriching undergraduate experience for British Columbian, national and international students. It closely supports the Ministry’s key goals for excellent public post secondary education, and outstanding research and innovation. UBC completed Place and Promise, its strategic plan, in December 2009. This plan will frame the progress of the university over the next decade or so and integrate academic priorities, budget process, endowment management, campus planning and other initiatives to create an environment that allows UBC to excel in diverse ways. UBC continues to operate in a fiscally challenging environment and is entering the third year of a process that fully aligns priorities with the budget model. Exploration and development of additional sources of funding beyond the provincial envelope through Federal government support, partnerships with industry and private philanthropy continues to be a focus. Innovation in education and research, contribution to economic and social development, and meeting the needs of an educated workforce continue as priorities. As Board Chair and President, we accept responsibility for this Annual Report. Yours sincerely,

Bill Levine Chair, Board of Governors

Stephen J. Toope President and Vice-Chancellor

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Institutional Overview The University of British Columbia (UBC), established in 1908, is the third largest university in Canada, educating a student population of 50,000 on major campuses in two cities and at sites across the Province. It holds an international reputation for excellence in advanced research and learning, offering innovative undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. A publicly supported comprehensive university, over 19,500 faculty and staff are employed at UBC. UBC also employs over 6,500 students and approximately 5,000 alumni have chosen to work here. With a total economic impact of $10 billion in local income and over 39,700 jobs, UBC contributes strongly to the economy of the province and Canada. reports/EconomicImpact2009.pdf UBC’s two main campuses are situated in Vancouver on the Point Grey Peninsula (Vancouver campus or UBCV) and in Kelowna (Okanagan campus or UBCO). In addition, UBC has a downtown presence in Vancouver at UBC Robson Square and at the Great Northern Way (GNW) campus, located just southeast of the downtown Vancouver core. The latter is a collaboration between UBC, Simon Fraser University, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and the British Columbia Institute of Technology. UBC is unique among British Columbia’s postsecondary institutions because it has a Faculty of Medicine, through which it provides a distributed learning model for its medical program, partnering with its Okanagan campus, the University of Victoria, University of Northern BC, and with health care facilities across BC. The faculty attracts a significant

proportion of the university’s research funding, and medical research is responsible for a number of commercialization opportunities that have led to patents and spinoff companies. Because of the faculty, UBC ranks among the top ten universities in the world for commercial activity in the biosciences. The university offers resources for every academic and extracurricular interest. UBC has the third largest research library in Canada, the Museum of Anthropology (Canada’s largest teaching museum), one of the world’s largest sub-atomic particle accelerators, a superb concert hall, a contemporary art gallery, botanical gardens, and a full complement of theatre, music and athletics programs. UBC’s international scope continues to grow. Building on its historical ties, its commitment to the Asia Pacific region, and its focus on study and research related to Asia, UBC opened the Asia Pacific regional office in the central district of Hong Kong in 2005. UBC has over 6,000 international students. As a national and international research leader, UBC is committed to the discovery of knowledge and the enhancement of understanding, as well as to the expression, preservation and dissemination of knowledge and culture. UBC has strong core values: advancing and sharing knowledge; free inquiry and scholarly responsibility; educating students to the highest standards; fulfilling its promises and ensuring open, respectful relationships; respecting all members of its communities; and working within the wider community to enhance societal good.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Governance UBC’s two major campuses are governed by a single Board of Governors, a President, and two Senates (one at each campus) whose activities are coordinated by a Council of Senates. Board of Governors

UBC’s Board of Governors is comprised of 21 members: 11 2 3 1 3 1

Appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Two are nominated by the UBC Alumni Association) Elected by fulltime non-faculty employees Elected by faculty (1 UBC Okanagan, 2 UBC Vancouver) Chancellor Elected by students (1 UBC Okanagan, 2 UBC Vancouver) President

By legislation, the Board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University, including the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the President.


Under the terms of the University Act, academic governance is vested in the Senate, whose powers include: • to determine all questions relating to the academic and other qualifications required of applicants for admission as students to the university or to any faculty and to determine in which faculty the students pursuing a course of study must register; • to consider, approve and recommend to the Board the revision of courses of study, instruction and education in all faculties and departments of the university; • to provide for and to grant degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency, except in theology; • to recommend to the Board the establishment or discontinuance of any faculty, department, course of instruction, chair , fellowship, scholarship, exhibition, bursary or prize; • to determine the members of the teaching and administrative staffs who are to be members of each faculty. UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan each have an autonomous senate. Coordination between Senates is achieved by the Council of Senates, which has the mandate to act on any matter brought forward by either the Vancouver or Okanagan Senate.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Strategic Direction Vision


As one of the world’s leading universities, The University of British Columbia creates an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada, and the world.

academic freedom

The University is independent and cherishes and defends free inquiry and scholarly responsibility.

advancing and sharing knowledge

The University supports scholarly pursuits that contribute to new knowledge and understanding, and seeks every opportunity to share them broadly.


The University, through its students, faculty, staff, and alumni, strives for excellence, and educates students to the highest standards.


The University acts with integrity, fulfilling promises and ensuring open, respectful relationships.

mutual respect and equity

The University values and respects all members of its communities, each of whom individually and collaboratively makes a contribution to create, strengthen and enrich our learning environment.

public interest

The University embodies the highest standards of service and stewardship of resources and works within the wider community to enhance societal good.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Commitments Creating an exceptional learning environment… …towards global citizenship and a civil and sustainable society… Student Learning

The University actively supports students in their learning experience through transformative teaching, research, and rewarding campus life.

Research Excellence

The University creates and advances new knowledge and understanding, improves the quality of life through the discovery, dissemination, and application of research across a wide range of disciplines.

Community Engagement

The University serves and engages society to enhance economic, social, and cultural well-being.

Aboriginal Engagement

The University engages Aboriginal people in mutually supportive and productive relationships, and works to integrate understandings of indigenous culture and history into its curriculum and operations.

Alumni Engagement

The University engages its alumni fully in the life of the institution as valued supporters, advocates, and lifelong learners who contribute to and benefit from connections to each other and to the University.

Intercultural Understanding

The University engages in reflection and action to build intercultural aptitudes, create a strong sense of inclusion, and enrich our intellectual and social life.

International Engagement

The University creates rich opportunities for international engagement for students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and collaborates and communicates globally.

Outstanding Work Environment

The University provides a fulfilling environment in which to work, learn, and live, that reflects our values and encourages the open exchange of ideas and opinions.


The University explores and exemplifies all aspects of economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Planning and Operational Context Trends In Education

The following table shows some of the trends evident in higher education today that affect UBC. Examples throughout this report demonstrate UBC’s responses to these trends.



UBC’s Response

Changing Demographics

Declining college entry age population in BC.

Adjust recruitment strategies to attract and retain brightest students.

Domestic population equipped with training from BC post secondary institutes will meet only half needed skilled/ educated labor in BC.

Increase options for completion of course requirements, including part time studies, distance learning and continuing education.

Student Mobility – national and international.

National recruitment strategy, established in 2007 has increased directentry student enrolment from other Canadian jurisdictions by 53% at the Vancouver campus and 34% at the Okanagan campus.


Competition for faculty.

Massification globally (increase in student enrolment).

Sustainable Practices

Investing in environment, economy and social justice.

Advances in How People Learn

Increasing use of technology, studies identifying how people learn.

Continue developing strategic partnerships with international universities. Ensure understanding of key issues in recruitment and put in place mitigating strategies. Two examples recently implemented are a significantly improved housing loan program and faculty relocation office. Ensure international strategies are in place to handle increased demand.

Continue to emphasize sustainability initiatives.

Keep abreast of changes and incorporate into teaching as appropriate.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Planning and Operational Context


The key challenges facing UBC include:



UBC’s Response

Economic Climate and Resource Management

Balancing the budget.

Implemented transparent budget process and involved all key stakeholders in handling the structural deficit. A balanced budget was submitted.

Changing employment patterns.

Implemented strategies to retain and recruit first choice applicants; continue to implement “Focus on People: Workplace Practices at UBC”, now entering its third year.

Enrolment Management

Admissions Procedures.

New Strategic Enrolment Group has been set up and is identifying appropriate strategies.

Competing on the Global Stage

Attracting the best students and faculty.

Recruitment strategies are in place for local, national and international recruitment.

Partnerships and collaborations.

Research portfolio was reorganized to include International New strategic plans for both Research and International Engagement are in consultation process and will be implemented next year. Research and International continue to identify and develop key areas for partnerships and collaborations.

Inequalities in Access

Financial barriers.

Policy 72 states no eligible student will be prevented from commencing or continuing his/her studies for financial reasons Student scholarships and bursaries have increased.


Physical barriers.

A multi-year program of phased access upgrades is underway at the Vancouver campus; the Okanagan Campus has an inclusive campus initiative in place.

Governance of UBC.

Working with government and other constituencies to determine optimal governance structure.

Exclusion as a government related entity.

Working with government to determine best approach.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results Place and Promise: The UBC Plan is set up around nine commitments as described earlier in this report. The following pages provide a high level look and selected examples of the results related to our goals and actions. Links to more detailed information about each commitment are included in the summary table at the end of the report. In addition, the link to the Ministry goals is included.

Read The Highlights: UBC Selected Facts Student Learning Research Excellence Community Engagement Aboriginal Engagement Alumni Engagement Intercultural Understanding International Engagement Outstanding Work Environment Sustainability

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

UBC Selected Facts Background Data Students (Full and Part time #, as at Oct 31) Baccalaureate full time Baccalaureate part time Post baccalaureate full time Post baccalaureate part time Non degree program full time Non degree program part time Masters full time Masters part time Doctoral full time Faculty/Staff (as at Oct 31) Faculty - Professorial Ranks - Lecturers/Instructors (teaching only) - Term Faculty: Sessional full time - Term Faculty: Sessional part time - Term Faculty: Other full time - Term Faculty: Other part time Staff (FTE) Ratios Undergrad : Grad Student : Faculty Staff : Faculty (FTE) Indicators # Aboriginal undergraduate students # u/g students in community engagement activities Overall Voluntary turnover rates - Faculty - M&P



21,238 7,241 3,861 2,883 237 2,323 4,456 957 3,419

4,252 1,067 207 9 5 146 224 98 96

UBC Prev. Year 25,490 8,308 4,068 2,892 242 2,469 4,680 1,055 3,515

23,158 8,781 4,273 2,840 272 2,377 4,148 1,105 3,327

2,078 290 84 491 374 71 9,349

281 18 8 32 21 11 378

2,328 274 92 523 395 82 9,727

2,253 251 122 476 408 62 —

4.3 16.9 3.1

13.6 18.7 1.1

4.7 17.1 2.9

4.9 16.6 —

622 1,900 — — —

241 291 — — —

863 2,191 6.6% 1.3% 7.0%

691 — — — —

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

UBC selected Facts (cont’d) Background Data



Sponsored research funding — — % federal/provincial — — # international undergraduate students 4,730 298 # highly cited staff (Shanghai Jiao Tong ARWU weighting) — — GHG reduction (tCO2e) 60,577 2,822 Library Holdings – monograph volumes (print) 5,218,426 211,159 Library Holdings – Monograph Volumes (electronic) 519,866 (both campuses) Total space (nasm) - Academic 323,125 20,911 - Non Academic 378,574 38,277 - Informal Student Space 15,088 625 Expenses and Revenues Total Revenue % government grants and contracts Total expenses % salaries and benefits Fundraising – total dollars raised, UBC Total only Endowment market value (as at Mar 31)

UBC Prev. Year $549m 51.1% 5,028 20 n/a 5,429,585 519,866

$470m 59.7% — — — 5,328,100 284,633

344,036 416,851 15,713

see note (1) see note (1) see note (1)

1,964,584 1,472,140 (2) 49.2% 58.4% 1,829,418 1,687,180 (2) 61.2% 59.6% $176.1m $150.5m $970m $744m

Notes (1) Okanagan campus figures unavailable due to build out of campus (2) The shortfall in revenues as compared with expenses results primarily from losses in the endowment fund as a result of the global market conditions in 2009/10 and do not directly affect the Universities annual operating funds. See also Ministry indicators.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning The University provides the opportunity for transformative student learning through outstanding teaching and research, enriched educational experiences and rewarding campus life.

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Enhance the Quality and Impact of Teaching UBC is reviewing the quality and impact of its teaching activities. By applying new research on education and expanding learning opportunities outside the classroom, UBC’s goal is to ensure students acquire the knowledge and skills to enhance their personal development and enable them to contribute and lead in a global society. Providing UBC students with an exceptional learning environment is critical to the entire strategic plan. Yet defining how to do so is complex in a student body spread over two campuses, comprising undergraduates and graduates, many disciplines and the need to create that environment throughout the university and not just in the classroom.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Some examples of initiatives underway to enhance the quality of student learning:

carl wieman science education initiative • Goal is to achieve highly effective evidence-based science education for all post-secondary students • To apply the latest advances in pedagogical and organizational excellence • Supports work at the departmental level to achieve sustained widespread improvement in learning • Now underway in seven departments, 26 faculty members involved, 24 courses transformed, and impacting thousands of students •

teaching and learning enhancement fund • A fund to enrich student learning by supporting innovative and effective educational enhancements • 2009/10 saw 48 projects funded for a total of $2.07 million • Projects ranged from developing a multi-media website on First Nations History, Culture and Politics to Instructional Skills for International Teaching Assistants (ITA) • 3.5% of student tuition is contributed to this fund •

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teaching and academic growth (tag) • Enhance the teaching skills of faculty and graduate students • Foster quality teaching and learning across campus • Design and coordinate workshops, support services, and professional development programs to meet a wide range of needs and interests • In collaboration with the UBC Institute for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, supports research and reflection on teaching and learning, locally and internationally •


Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) learning enhancement academic program (leap) • An online portal for all things academic, designed to help students learn more effectively • An innovative collaboration between students, faculty and staff • Develop and publish resources to meet the learning and research needs of UBC students. • Provides study help, peer academic coaching, learning skill resources and other programs •

centre for teaching and learning – ubco • Promotes and supports excellence in teaching and learning • Provides campus wide support for all models of teaching and learning, including online learning • Faculty are provided with a variety of academic growth opportunities including peer mentoring programs, seminar series, training workshops, learning technology support and resources on teaching practices • The Centre provides graduate students and teaching assistants with professional development opportunities •


Curriculum and pedagogy at UBC advances learning and teaching in a variety of contexts, including informal educational settings. Periodic reviews are conducted of each faculty and curriculum review is a key component in ongoing planning for faculties and programs. Curriculum theory, design and evaluation, teacher education, digital media and learning technologies are all taken into consideration with curriculum development. Faculty, student and community input is sought and an increasing emphasis on enriched and transformative experiences is included. The following are some examples of curricular activity.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Curricular Reform

• The Faculty of Law worked with full time and adjunct faculty members to rationalize the upper level curricular offerings in various fields. A task force studied the role of adjunct faculty within the curriculum and how the Faculty could offer better support to adjunct faculty. • UBC’s Okanagan campus introduced an innovative new Bachelor of Science degree with a major in zoology, emphasizing learning in the field. The new program provides a solid foundation of skills, knowledge and practical experience intended to raise student profile for graduate school and other professional programs, ranging from medical sciences to conservation biology.

Curriculum Developed in Collaboration with Students

• The Faculty of Medicine (FoM), in collaboration with the College of Health Disciplines, brought together student representatives from each of the faculty’s programs to inform and influence change within the curriculum. The FoM Student Advisory Group, with over fifty members from Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Audiology, Speech Language Pathology and Physical Therapy, works with key faculty members to develop initiatives that will help integrate interprofessional education into the curriculum. • The Faculty of Graduate Studies took survey information and developed the UBC Graduate Student Culture and Climate Report, which has helped build a more comprehensive understanding of the graduate student experience at UBC in both strengths (intellectual quality of faculty and colleagues) and areas to improve (funding and supervision). This process grounds and informs a more outcome-oriented approach, establishing a more responsive channel for transparent dialogue and feedback on continual improvement and ideas for change.

Curriculum and Enriched Student Learning

There are many projects underway to provide enriched student learning through curriculum change. Following is a flavour of some of the enriched offerings built into the curricula of various faculties. Also see the Community Engagement section for further stories.

Curriculum Incorporates Undergraduate Research Experiences

• The Faculty of Arts introduced a three-part Writing and Research degree requirement to give every student in Arts, from their first weeks on campus to their final year, opportunities to identify with the values of a knowledgemaking culture, and to find themselves part of that world. In first year, Arts Studies in Writing invites students, by means of their own reading and writing, to join the conversations of the disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. As part of their advanced studies, every undergraduate student in Arts is now presented with a research-intensive experience based on small group learning, in which they engage with the research practices of their disciplines, and work collegially with faculty to produce a potential contribution to knowledge in that field.

Curriculum Incorporates Learning Connected to Professional and Research Communities

• The College of Health Disciplines developed an interprofessional collaborative learning series (IP-CLS) using a train-the-trainer approach that addresses components of collaborative practice. The course was developed to

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) ensure that faculty and practitioners are prepared to practice and educate student interprofessionally. • The Faculty of Education has developed a cohort structure to provide enriched educational opportunities throughout a student’s program of study. A faculty advisor links the student’s university experiences with their practicum placements, providing a sense of community for both.

Curriculum Incorporates Community

• The Forestry Faculty has designed the Forest Resources Management major (specialization in Community and Aboriginal Forestry) to provide a comprehensive understanding of forest management, knowledge and skills, and to emphasize community forestry and working with Aboriginal people. Students gain an understanding of the political and socio-economic environment in which forestry is practiced, and for the historical and ethical foundations of the profession. • The Faculty of Dentistry wants students to develop increased social responsibility and a commitment to community service. This is done through outreach programs such as: Volunteer dentistry in the downtown eastside. VolunteerDentistryintheDowntownEastsideDMDStudentsRisetotheChallenges.pdf DMD students in the Haida Gwaii UBC Dentistry Team working outside Canada • The Faculty of Land and Food Systems continue to develop more experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students. Student engagement with the community has been happening for ten years and continues to evolve with opportunities in both core programs in the Faculty and in new programs being developed. • The Faculty of Law offers clinical programs, pro-bono service opportunities and student run journals. Recently, international learning opportunities have been added through programs such as joint legal education programs with Hong Kong University and the University of Hawaii. and • The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences incorporates community based learning in many of their courses, including Pharmacy 303 in which students create and deliver a health/wellness presentation to either senior citizens or high school students. In 2009, the second year Pharmacy class was challenged to complete at least 4 hours of community service. Over 80% (121 students) participated. Other community projects saw students assisting in immunizations for H1N1 at various clinics around Vancouver; volunteering at the Needle Exchange Program; and presenting to local high schools about the profession/opportunities in Pharmacy.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) • A Sauder School of Business course sees faculty and students working in Kibera, a slum outside Nairobi, to teach local would-be entrepreneurs the skills they need to succeed. • Nursing students at UBC’s Okanagan campus have formed a grassroots organization to raise funds for use towards fourth-year trans-cultural learning opportunities. Each year, a group of soon-to-graduate fourth-year Nursing students and some of their professors travel to northern rural Ghana to share their learning with African nursing students, assist at rural health clinics, and deliver medical and other health care supplies to remote villages.


A diverse faculty brings new perspectives and enriches the teaching and learning experience for other faculty members, students and staff. In 2009, UBC welcomed new faculty members with diverse backgrounds, including citizens of Australia, Great Britain, China, Taiwan, the Czech Republic, Holland, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Spain, and Switzerland. UBC faculty members combine research excellence with accomplishments in teaching. Collectively they attracted more than $549m in external research funds in 2009/10 and achieved an average score of 4.13 out of 5 on campus wide Student Evaluations of Teaching, with over 73% of professors scoring above 4. Faculty commitment to service is evidenced by their increasing engagement in community service learning initiatives and leadership in making university intellectual resources accessible and applicable to community needs. For example, the First Nations Studies Program faculty developed a learning model for 4th year students, focusing on research experience that directly addresses issues identified by Aboriginal community organizations and where assessment of the project calls for community input. Our faculty is also enriched through numerous visiting scholars across UBC. For example, two of our programs are: • The Cecil H. and Ida Green Visiting Professorship Program (CIGV), inaugurated in 1972 with public lectures by Gerhard Herzberg, Canadian recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, has since included contributions of 179 distinguished scholars on a broad range of topics. Selected and invited by Green College’s Academic Committee, based on nominations from the campus community, these visiting professors give a series of presentations in different venues and for a variety of audiences. • The Peter Wall Institute’s Distinguished Visiting Professor program invites senior scholars with a reputation for interdisciplinary engagement to spend one month in residence at the Institute. Pursing a specific scholarly agenda, participating in Institute programs and events, and organizing specific activities such as workshops, public talk or speaker’s series, they contribute to the intellectual life of the University.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Awards and Financial Assistance

Policy 72 states no eligible student will be prevented from commencing or continuing his/her studies for financial reasons. UBC meets this policy through student scholarships, bursaries, awards and financial assistance programs.


# students receiving merit based support # students receiving needs based support $ merit based support $ needs based support $ need based government funding Increase in need based government funding


13,528 11,659 $74.5m $125.2 m $110.6m 17.9%


1,772 1,986 $4.6 m $18.9m $16.8 m 27.3%

Financial Assistance Programs

Some of the programs UBC has in place include: • Work Learn Program for international students supported 205 students • Work Study Program for domestic students supported 2,611 students • International Leader of Tomorrow (ILOT) Award saw: - Vancouver: 47 awards ($1,274.792) - Vancouver: 17 bursaries ($449,152) - Okanagan: 2 awards ($48,626) • International Student Humanitarian Award, a 4 year award for students from impoverished or war torn countries, supported 10 awards ($287,559) at the Vancouver campus • Arts Undergraduate Research Award, now in its third year, funds undergraduate assistants working with faculty members on start up or continuing research projects


UBC, as a leading research university, provides facilities and infrastructure that promote learning and research. But buildings are more than venues for classes. They also help to create community and enhance informal learning opportunities that are critical in providing enriched student experiences. UBC Okanagan is in the final stages of its 5 year build-out to move from just under 3,000 students in 2005 to a 7,500 student campus. UBC Vancouver continues to renew buildings through its UBC Renew project and has also completed new buildings to accommodate the learning needs of its students.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) libraries • House over - 5.4 million volumes - 5.2 million microforms - 800,000 maps, audio, video, and graphic materials - 55,000 serial subscriptions - 250,000 e-books • Over 300 staff work at over 20 branches/divisions at UBC Vancouver, UBC Okanagan and Robson Square • •

ubcv campus, major capital projects 2009/10 • Completion of - Beaty Biodiversity Centre (See Research) - Chemical and Biological Engineering East Wing - Childcare Expansion, Kid’s Club - Marine Drive Student Housing Phase 2 - Museum of Anthropology (See Research) - Sauder School of Business, Phase 1 - UBC Renew, Buchanan B - Thunderbird Parks Redevelopment • In construction - Centre for Comparative Medicine - Centre for Integrated Research in Sustainability - Earth Systems Sciences Building (See Research) - Faculty of Law - School of Population and Public Health - UBC Renew – Buchanan A; Old Auditorium; BioSciences

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) ubco campus, buildings • Completion of - Student Residences, Phase 3 - Student Services Administration Building renovation - University Centre • In construction - Arts and Sciences, Building 2 - Engineering Management Building - Health Sciences Centre - Student Housing Phase 3B - Student Housing Phase 4

Beyond the Classroom

With changing demographics and learning methodologies, UBC has incorporated a variety of means to obtain a degree and to offer lifelong learning opportunities. The next section describes some enriched learning opportunities – co-op placements, international service learning, community service learning, and community based research. In addition, other learning opportunities for those who are unable to take courses on UBC’s campuses include distance learning and continuing education.

office of learning technology (olt) • Strengthens learning and teaching experiences by supporting technology enabled environments, introducing the UBC community to e-learning tools • Develop and deliver distance education courses (see photo – nursing student works on masters degree through distance education) • Collaborate with academic and administrative units to facilitate knowledge transfer • Provides support for new innovations in educational technology •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) continuing education • Offers a wide range of courses, workshops, seminars and certificate programs • 7,000 learners each year take part in the programs • •

Expand Educational Enrichment Opportunities UBC has committed to expanding opportunities for all undergraduate students to participate in enriching educational experiences, ensuring that students are prepared and supported to engage in these experiences.

# students participating in curricular community service learning # outgoing students engaged in international learning opportunities # students employed on campus through Work Study/Work Learn # undergraduates graduating with a co-op designation # first year students with a small class experience (<30) # students in pilot Arts Internships


1,200 1,066 2,257 677 1,990 50

UBC-O 270 153 559 42 523 n/a

Further stories can be found in the Community Engagement Commitment section and the International Engagement section.

Community Service Learning

Community service learning takes place locally through the Learning Exchange and UBC-CLI and internationally through Go Global. Both locally and internationally, community service learning is built into the curriculum of many courses. A small sample includes:

faculty of land and food systems • FNH 250 – Nutrition Concepts and Controversies extends the classroom into the community • For example, FNH and Master OT grad students developed basic food skills and nutrition workshops with Coast Mental Health •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) faculty of applied science • Civil Engineering 201 & 202 • Students work with community organizations to find real solutions to their ‘client’s needs’ • For example, they developed a solar powered pump to ensure fresh water for cows while protecting riparian ecosystems from grazing cattle •

faculty of arts • Geog 472: Geographic Information Systems • Students use creative mapping skills in real life problems • For example, working with battered women, students generated maps of where women can find transition housing and services • The Go Global International Service Learning (ISL) program engages students in meaningful projects led by community partners around the world.

mpala research centre, nanyuki, kenya • UBCO student Natalie Melashenko studied at the Mpala Research Centre in Nanyuki, Kenya. • Students learned a variety of field techniques including radio telemetry, small mammal trapping, misnetting of bats and birds, and the use of camera traps. • teaching/subsidy.html

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) needs and rights of children: swaziland • Donovan Duncan, Life Sciences major, worked at a Swaziland rural health clinic from Sep–Dec 2009. • “Being exposed to the thoughts, ideas, hopes, fears, and struggles of the community members was the most enriching aspect of my three months abroad.” •


In addition to opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research at UBC, all UBC students are eligible to undertake research at any of UBC’s 150 partner institutions. Through research, students engage with leading disciplinary questions and can learn from the critical thinking and problem solving approaches of faculty members. Opportunities are in place in many academic programs. A small selection includes:

faculty of arts – research intensive experience • In place for every student • Engage in research practices of their disciplines • Work with faculty to produce a potential contribution to knowledge in the field • e.g. FNSP 400 (First Nations Studies Program) saw students complete a practicum in partnership with an Aboriginal organization

journalism grad students – ghana, digital dumping ground • Peter Klein and a team of his UBC graduate journalism students aired story on PBS June 23, 2009 • Tracked e-waste to Accra, a Ghana slum and Guiyu, China • Exposed potential data security threat, criminal gangs, environmental pollution

research: fair trade carbon limited, uganda • Allison Tremain of UBCO worked with FTCL, a Canadian/Ugandan carbon offsetting business • FTCL plants pine trees and sells the carbon offsets to western Canadian companies • Researched potential effects of pine plantations on stream flow • Results assisted FTCL in developing best management practices of the Ugandan forests

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Co-op Programs

UBC’s co-op programs have provided thousands of students with transformational, educationally enriched experiential learning opportunities for the past thirty years. This year a total of 2,950 full-time, paid work terms were held with employers across Canada, including 211 work terms that were completed outside of Canada.

ubc co-op student mike • “The UBC Co-op Program was challenging, yet without a doubt the most rewarding experience of my undergraduate degree.” • Completed five co-op terms with four different employers • Led him to his current job of Economic Development Analyst with the City of Surrey, City Manager’s Office

ubc co-op student adam • “The most rewarding aspect of Co-op is not just the experience gained, but the people met, friendships forged and connections made.” • Completed a co-op placement with CARO Analytical Services • Noted that “Co-op placements open doors and gives a taste of future career options before one graduates.”

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Support Student Well Being Studies show that social support, emotional wellbeing, healthy diet, and good sleep practices are all significant predictors of academic success for university students. Data from the National College Health Assessment (NCHA), from February 2008, illuminates the impact of mental health and wellbeing on students’ academic success.

r eport feeling so depressed they found it difficult to function at least once in the past year stress impacts their academic performance sleep difficulties impact academic performance Internet use/computer games negatively impact their academic performance


48% 44% 31% 31%

UBC-O 31% 40% 30% 21%

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Some initiatives that are underway to foster a healthy learning community are: • An increased focus on student mental health and wellbeing: - 300 student leaders across 13 different Peer Programs participated in “Healthy Minds at UBC” training, resulting in new initiatives such as the Engineering Wellness Fair, attended by over 300 students. - Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS) program offered stress management and resilience-building workshops for graduate students. • Imagine UBC Orientation was expanded to provide orientation and transition support for all undergraduate students, with a particular focus on academic department orientation for senior undergrads. • Students helping students is the core idea behind the peer support network at the UBC Okanagan campus, with more than two-dozen student mentors, plus student coordinators, provides information and services in four key areas: learning support, supporting students in distress, advocacy support, and supporting student selfdevelopment. • A new Wellness Centre opened in UBC Okanagan’s University Centre, with a clinic and health promotion project space, allowing for a variety of expanded health care services, including general practitioners (MDs), a physiotherapist, nurse practitioners, nurse clinicians, counsellors, a psychiatrist and an alcohol and drug counsellor.

voices project – okanagan • Funded by BC Medical Services Foundation and Canadian Nurses Foundation, • The VOICE Study looked at increasing understanding of healthy community development • The campus community was surveyed on their health interests and questions • Opportunities were provided for students, staff, faculty and administrators to partner in creating health promoting and sustainable campus change •

healthy minds – vancouver • Partnership with campus community and VP Students Portfolio • Increase students’ capacity to maintain mental health through awareness • Enable student engagement and academic success • Promote a culture shift that favours personal wellness and balance of all community members •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Rapid Expansion of On-campus Housing

• Student Housing - Vancouver: 567 new beds infill at Totem Park have received Board approval - Okanagan: 196 new beds opened at Nicola Residence and 140 (Cassiar) and 214 (Purcell) are under construction and slated to open in September 2010 and September 2011, respectively.

Informal Learning Spaces

Informal learning spaces provide opportunities for students to meet and dialogue in relaxed settings. Following are some examples of new informal learning spaces opened this year on UBC’s campuses.

centre for student involvement (csi) • Designed with and for students, the CSI opened at the Vancouver campus in January 2010 • Provides a hub for students who want to get involved in campus life and leadership • Serves as a home base and resource centre for more than 1,200 student leaders in Peer Programs, UBC Orientations, the Student Leadership Conference, and the Conference for Learning and Academic Success. •

dr. simon k.y. lee global lounge & resource centre • Funded by a generous gift from Dr. Lee • Opened in October 2009 as a place for students, faculty, staff, and alumni to engage about the important global issues of our time • 25 student led organizations participated as founding members • Student groups representing more than 1,000 members, collaborated with faculty and staff on “Help Hear Haiti”, an event that fundraised over $5,000 • Restaurateur John Bishop spoke with students following a screening of Deconstructing Supper • involved/ubc-global-lounge/

aboriginal student centre – okanagan campus • A 256 m2 centre on the second floor of University Centre • Designed as a special space reflecting the cultural characteristics of the Aboriginal students who use it • 158 Aboriginal students enrolled in programs ranging from Bachelor of Education degrees to interdisciplinary PhD’s • news/2010/feat-10-004.html

collegia program – okanagan campus • Collegia are on-campus spaces that offer a “home away from home” for commuter students at UBC Okanagan • Each of the Collegia are equipped with furniture, individual and group work spaces, and kitchen facilities, offering students a place to relax, eat lunch, spend time with classmates, and do school work • Collegia are staffed by senior students who welcome members, answer questions and plan programs and events • Since opening this year, the Junior, Senior and International Collegia have had more than 25,000 student visits • campuslife/collegia.html

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) Communication with Students

UBC is leveraging new media and technology to improve communication with UBC students. • UBCevents is a coordinated campus calendar for all campuses, with event listings provided by nearly 400 student organizations and departments. • The Admin Blog is a platform for senior administrators to connect with students online. Administrators meet with student editors from across campus to generate story ideas and have blogged about tuition fees, campus development, and respectful debate. • Transportation Consultation 2010 was launched to engage the community in discussion about possible alternatives to the underground transit terminal following TransLink’s withdrawal and cancellation of the project. An Ideas Fair, Workbook, webcast, and a series of guest bloggers invited the whole community to participate.

Assessment of Student Experience

In August 2009, UBC launched the New to UBC (NUBC) Survey at both campuses, designed to measure characteristics of incoming undergraduate students, including their expectations prior to their arrival at UBC. The NUBC Survey, unlike other surveys that UBC has participated in, is unique as it attempts to measure the impact of the first year experience for both direct entrants and transfer students. The survey will provide benchmarks to help assess progress towards UBC’s strategic objectives as set out in the strategic plan. In February 2010, a follow up survey was administered to undergraduate students of all years. Annual administration of the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) continued, this year with a focus on faculty-specific reports.

Student-led initiatives to create a campus culture of involvement

• UBC Orientations – 850 student leaders at Vancouver and 200 at Okanagan share their personal stories and experiences to welcome new UBC students through academic and social orientation events. www.students.ubc. ca/leadership/involvement.cfm?page=orientations • Student Leadership Conference (Vancouver) - The largest student-driven conference at the Vancouver campus, the SLC is an annual networking and skill development event for 1,200 student leaders. This year, Faces of Today highlighted student leaders across campus, and keynote speakers included slam poet Shayne Koyczan, Senator Romeo Dallaire and entrepreneurial alumnus Brian Wong. • Student Leadership Conference (Okanagan) - 175 students participated in the SLC at the Okanagan campus, which included a community service learning project with the Kelowna Food Bank where students assembled 500 healthy snack packs containing a daily snack for a child, for one week.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) • TEDx Terry Talks (Vancouver) – the Terry Project held its second “TEDx Terry Talks” conference in October 2009. 9 UBC students (and one alumna) expressed their own passions, while giving the “talk of their lives.” Videos and conference summary: • Campus Life Council (Okanagan) - 25 new students contribute to campus life through planning and running events for their peers, such as the Winter Carnival and Festival @ the U. campuslife/campuslifecouncil.html • Vice-President, Students’ Emerging Leaders Program (Vancouver) is a faculty cohort-based program inviting new UBC students to explore leadership in their UBC and Vancouver communities through conferences, workshops, community service learning, and reflection. In 2009/10, 332 new students were matched with 52 pod leaders (upper year students in their faculty) across 7 faculty-based cohorts, each facilitated by a staff and senior student leader.

Athletics and Recreation

Athletics and Recreation provide opportunities for students, ranging from joining a club, working out, to being involved in Varsity and Intramural sports. This is an important part of students’ lives for those who chose to be involved in the programs offered – whether they are simply keeping fit or competing on a national level. Some of the highlights in 2009/10 are: • Vancouver campus’ swimmer Annamay Pierse was named the 2008-09 Canadian Interuniversity Sport female athlete of the year • Okanagan Heat Women’s volleyball team and Vancouver Thunderbird Women’s volleyball team both win national titles • Vancouver’s Men’s Baseball Team vaulted into the NAIA Top 10 in the first edition of the 2010 NAIA Baseball Coaches’ Top 25 Poll • A new artificial field at the Okanagan campus was installed and opened for use in the spring of 2009 for soccer, football, field hockey, and lacrosse • Dramatically reduced student fees for intramural programs, Student Recreation Centre drop-ins, BirdCoop passes, e.g. a one-semester (four month) BirdCoop pass was reduced from $148 to $25. • The Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre opened, a legacy of the 2010 Winter Olympics • Extensive sport and recreation programs offered by UBC REC create a strong sense of community engagement and promote wellbeing. This year, REC programs had 61,000 participants, including 9,500 league registrants, 6,300 event and tournament participants, and 43,000 drop-in users of the Student Recreation Centre facilities.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Enhance the quality and impact of teaching for all students

Review and revise curricula and pedagogy to ensure that they are informed by leading edge research and research on how people learn

Resource allocation and budget planning aligned and in second year of implementation

Simplify and streamline program requirements and course prerequisites whenever possible to enhance flexibility and self-directed learning

Regular faculty reviews completed Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative underway in seven departments

Ensure that periodic academic reviews include an assessment of educational outcomes for all programs

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund approved 48 projects valued at $2.07 million

Further align the University rewards and recognition systems with student learning goals

Facilities upgrades and new building projects approved at the Vancouver campus Build out of Okanagan campus continues

Expand educational enrichment opportunities, including research, a first year small class experience, international learning, community service learning, and coop/practicum/internship opportunities

Provide undergraduate students with at least two enriched educational opportunities during their course of studies

Support student well-being, personal development and positive affiliation with UBC through outstanding campus life programs and service excellence

Continue the rapid expansion of student housing, informal learning space and on-campus work opportunities

Collaborative and community based learning continues to be integrated into curricula A plan to increase community service learning and community based research is being implemented Co-op placements and international service learning programs engage students with community locally and globally

Implement a coordinated strategy for communication with students Ensure regular assessment of the overall student experience, including alumni feedback Support student led initiatives to create a campus culture of involvement

Student housing to increase 2,500 beds by 2015 at UBCV; UBCO has increased from 460 beds in 2005 to 1,300 beds in 2009. An additional 354 beds are anticipated to be added by 2012. New to UBC and National College Health Assessment surveys are completed identifying student concerns re: health

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Student Learning (cont’d) links

Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative Arts Co-op Placements Co-op Placements Co-op UBCO Okanagan – health and wellness Vancouver – health and wellness Vancouver campus athletics Okanagan campus athletics

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence The University creates and advances knowledge and understanding, and improves the quality of life through the discovery, dissemination and application of research within and across disciplines.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) Increase the Quality and Impact of Research Research Funding and Impacts

In 2009/10, UBC received more than $549.7 million in research funding. $549.7 m Research funds 7,759 Projects funded $54.5 m Increase over the previous year $98.9 m Federal and provincial governments contribution toward infrastructure projects through their CFI and BCKDF programs $180.2 m Awarded through peer-reviewed federal research council competitions In mid-2009, executive responsibility for UBC’s international portfolio was shifted to the Vice President Research & International (VPRI, formerly Vice President Research), placing strategic emphasis on promoting international research collaborations and graduate student mobility. The challenges and opportunities associated with this shift are discussed in the International Engagement section of this report. In mid-2010, the VPRI published a revitalized research strategy that is closely aligned with the goals and actions outlined in Place & Promise: The UBC Plan. The plan continues to encourage non-prescriptive, curiosity-driven research, especially interdisciplinary collaborations among UBC units and with external partners. The strategic research plan also prioritizes the recruitment of top-ranked graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to UBC from across Canada and from key international markets including the United States, China, Iran, India and Mexico. Strategies are being developed to support recruitment in China, South Korea, Singapore/Malaysia, Chile and Brazil. See the International Engagement section for further details.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) The following are just a few examples of significant new research infrastructure, initiatives and outcomes in areas of excellence at UBC in 2009/10:

networks of centres of excellence (nce) • UBC will host 2 of 3 new NCEs announced in 2009, valued at over $42M over 5 years. • The two UBC-hosted NCEs will investigate new media issues and brain development in children, respectively. • to-host-new-national-research-networks

bronwen wilson media in early modern europe • Member of international Making Publics (MaPS) project • Explores contributions of art and intellectual works in early Europe (1500 – 1700) and how it influences development of the modern world • cfm?InstrID=136&FacultyID=1

andre marziali small sample dna and rna extraction

julio montaner seek & treat hiv/aids

• Revolutionary new technique to sequence DNA from small or contaminated samples • Potential applications in forensic analysis, bio defence, pathogen detection, biomarkers •

• A unique four-year, $48m pilot program to seek and treat vulnerable populations who are undiagnosed or untreated for HIV. • Believed to be the first project of its kind in the world. • Funded by the province • 2013/2010HSERV0006-000123.htm

michael evans (ubc okanagan) aboriginal experience in mainstream health and social services

ben perrin human trafficking

• Aboriginal participants describe feeling alienated, discriminated against in mainstream hospitals • Negative experiences lead to avoidance of health care • mediareleases/2009/mr-09-021.html

• Influencing policy • Investigating traffickers techniques • Determining location of trafficking rings in Canada and abroad •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) museum of anthropology • $55.5m CFI/BCKDF/donor funded expansion • Reciprocal Research Network engaging Aboriginal communities and international partners •

beaty biodiversity centre • $50m, CFI/BCKDF/donor funded • Biodiversity Research Centre (50+ researchers) • Beaty Biodiversity Museum • •

earth systems sciences building • $37.5m BCKDF • State of the Art earth science education and research facility • $75m building is under construction as of summer 2010 • Will be LEED Gold certified • Managing the business and legal aspects of UBC’s research enterprise remains an institutional priority. The Researcher Information Services (RISe) system has enabled UBC to track every cent of the $549.7m in research funding received in 2009/10; to monitor 7,000 proposals annually; and to meet the informational and reporting needs of 3,000 researchers each month. All researchers at UBC and its affiliated hospital partners, including the BC Cancer Agency and the Provincial Health Services Authority, use RISe to track their research funding and to ensure that all research involving animals, biohazardous materials and human subjects complies with regulations issued by government, accrediting bodies and funding agencies. Many of these affiliated institutions also work collaboratively with UBC to adjudicate ethical issues around research involving human subjects. The University’s Research Ethics Boards (REBs) are concerned with both clinical and behavioural research; REBs at the affiliated hospital locations, including most recently Children’s and Women’s Hospital, are critical in evaluating research conducted beyond the main UBC campuses. The globally challenging economic climate continues to amplify funding challenges faced by UBC and many other Canadian universities. In particular, the unusual strain on operating budgets and endowments emphasizes the need for

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) dedicated and ongoing support of the institutional costs of research. Discussions continue with government on this issue.

Be a World Leader in Knowledge Exchange and Mobilization Knowledge Mobilization and Global Access

During the 2009/10 fiscal year, industry-sponsored research and technology licensing activity increased at UBC over the previous year. 3 133 $41.4 m $5.8 m

New spin off companies Invention disclosures 970 industry sponsored research projects Revenues from technology licensing

140 245 $78.9 m 34

Cumulative total of spin offs Patents filed 798 contracted research projects Patents issued (all countries)

Significant changes in the global innovation landscape have prompted the University Industry Liaison Office (UILO) to adapt its practices in response to emerging sectors and changes to open innovation and knowledge sharing. UILO is committed to providing broader support services that embrace industry engagement through multiple channels: people, knowledge, collaborative research, intellectual property, entrepreneurship and economic development. A greater focus on cultivating ongoing relationships with research partners will better impact society and support Canadian jobs, industry productivity and innovation, as well as provide academic opportunities to UBC faculty and students. The following projects are examples of what is possible: dolby laboratories • Acquired UBC spin off Brightside Technologies Inc., its first major engagement with a university • Created the Dolby Canada Research and Development Centre in Vancouver • $1.5m Dolby Computer Science Research Chair • $1m Dolby Professorship in Digital Media

ostara nutrient recovery technologies

• A UBC spin off founded in 2005 by Prof Don Mavinic • Ostara technology removes phosphate from wastewater treatment systems and uses it to produce environmentally friendly fertilizers • Phosphate is a non-renewable resource that can be recycled • Crystal Green, a slow release commercial fertilizer is in high demand and is used to improve nutrient loads in rivers with depleted salmon stocks • Only Canadian company on the (UK) Guardian’s first global Cleantech 100

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) bc clean energy technology cooperative • Founding members are the National Research Council Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation , Powertech Labs and UBC • Letter of Intent signed to advance the development and commercialization of clean energy technology • Creates a unified source of talent, knowledge and expertise for the sector • Will consult with industry and other research partners to identify and develop joint offerings and projects The UILO has developed new processes to evaluate invention disclosures, initiating new channels such as the West Coast Licensing Partnership ( and Flintbox ( licensing/flintbox.html). Combined with global access principals and open source alternatives, this will result in inventions having positive societal, academic and economic impacts. In consultation with other universities, including Yale and Harvard, the Statement of Principles and Strategies for the Equitable Dissemination of Medical Technologies was endorsed in January 2010. ( initiatives/global/equitable_dissemination.html) An example: kishor wasan – drug to treat fungal infections • developed a drug to treat fungal infections • agreement reached with iCo Therapeutics • exclusive rights to oral formulation for treatment of fungal infections in developed world, iCo will ensure availability and access to the drug in the developing world to treat leishmaniasis • CIHR and iCo funded the UBC Chair in Drug Delivery for Neglected Global Disease •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Research Excellence (cont’d) UBC Hosted/Sponsored Research Focused Events – Engaging the Community Event



The Gairdner 50th Anniversary Symposium: Science and the Future of Medicine


An academic symposium featuring eight esteemed health researchers, including four Nobel Laureates, for life sciences researchers and members of the public

HIV & AIDS – A Global Challenge of Olympic Proportion


An international symposium during the 2010 Olympic Games featuring world experts on HIV/AIDS and top global minds in research, innovation, philanthropy, industry and policy

Peak Performance: The Path to Exceptional Athletic Achievement


A free public discussion during the 2010 Olympics concerning advances in the science of athletic conditioning and performance. Featured scientists who work with leading athletes, sports teams and Olympians

Celebrate Research Annual Awards

650 – UBCV 153 - UBCO

An annual awards ceremony, part of Celebrate Research Week, recognizes honours and achievements by top UBC researchers in the past year

Rising Stars of Research


An annual science poster competition for senior undergraduate students that draws participants from more than 30 Canadian and Hong Kong universities

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference


An annual conference for UBC undergraduate students in any discipline to present an oral, poster or performing/visual arts presentation of a research project, judged by graduate students

Experimental Medicine Student Research Day


Graduate students in the Faculty of Medicine present their research to their peers and other faculty, sharpening their presentation skills and experiencing what a national or international conference is like

Geoexchange Conference


The 3rd Biennial International Geoexchange Conference and Trade Show organized by Geoexchange BC, a clean energy industry association

Intelligent Systems Collaborative Conference


An annual forum for exchanging ideas and results in the computer science areas of artificial intelligence, graphics interface and computer and robot vision

Research Orientation Day


An annual day long research infrastructure orientation for new faculty members, with a focus on research funding opportunities

39 — 97

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Increase the quality and impact of UBC’s research and scholarship

Focus efforts on areas of excellence

Renewed Research strategy

Increase UBC research and graduate support funding in both absolute and relative terms, including support from nontraditional sources

Increased funding over previous year for a total of $549.7m among over 7,000 projects

Improve infrastructure to support leading edge research Expand recruitment of top ranked graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

Funding sources are government (67%), nonprofit (24%) and industry (9%) Significant new research infrastructure and outcomes in areas of research excellence including genomics, anthropology, clean energy, species biodiversity, earth sciences, and HIV/AIDS 36 PhD students received newly established Graduate Student International Research Mobility Award Hosting 2 of the 3 2009 NCE awards ($42m) Annual Celebrate Research Week is held to showcase research at UBC

Be a world leader in knowledge exchange and mobilization

Increase emphasis on engaging external communities in research at UBC Expand the multiplicity of knowledge exchange channels, such as global access licensing

Ongoing discussions to form collaborative and strategic research partnerships Formation of a strategic Graduate Recruitment and Enrolment Committee Developing joint PhD programs between UBC and partner universities

Develop a campus strategy for making UBC research accessible in digital repositories, especially open access repositories

7 new spin-off companies, 157 inventions, 250 patents Evaluation of new disclosures in recognition of its potential global access relevance (UBC first university to adopt formal global access principles) Formation of an entrepreneurship@UBC program entrepreneurship.html UBC Library building an open-access online repository, cIRcle


Open access repository Research website

Celebrate Research Week Entrepreneurship Project

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement The University serves and engages society to enhance economic, social and cultural wellbeing.

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Community engagement happens in all corners of the university, through student projects, research, teaching activities and by all faculties and departments. UBC must coordinate these activities to ensure a strategic focus is maintained and deliverable goals are achieved. A community engagement strategic planning process started in April 2010 and the plan is anticipated to be finalized by next spring.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) Public Understanding of Societal Issues Community Initiatives

UBC holds many lectures and dialogues on a variety of topical issues. These are open to the public and many are posted on the UBC Events webpage, found at and at UBC’s challenge is to get information out to both its internal and external communities so that meaningful dialogue can take place. A major initiative announced in February 2010 and mentioned in the Provincial Throne Speech, UBC as a Living Laboratory is a project that brings together strategic partners and communities to solve societal issues. Starting with a focus on climate and social sustainability initiatives, various demonstration projects to determine the efficacy of selected technologies and their impact on behaviour in communities will be studied. It can be tested and modeled on campus and transferred to communities. See the Sustainability section for further details. The following highlights just a few of the many community events held by UBC this past year:

sport and society • 5 dialogues featuring Olympic/Paralympic athletes • Held at the Chan Centre between January and March • Podcast on the VANOC Globe and Mail website • whats-on/sport-and-society/

institute for healthy living and chronic disease prevention – okanagan campus • Partner with community on research that would enable healthy living and prevent chronic disease • Goal is to conduct research important to the community and apply findings to enhance people’s lives • Awarded two research interest group grants - Supporting health and well being of rural and urban caregivers - Build on and refine an existing map of food-related resources in the Region •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) forensic psychology scholar group tackles tough community issues – okanagan campus • Composed of 6 Faculty members and 5 graduate students • Look at issues at the intersection of psychology and the law, providing a network for research collaboration • Partner with community groups such as the John Howard Society and Youth Forensic Psychiatric Services • Will develop a website and monthly newsletter distributed to the local legal community highlighting new research findings •

43 — 97

UBC set an objective in Place and Promise to facilitate public dialogue on issues of public concern and actively invite community participation. As UBC builds its public dialogues program over the coming years, Robson Square will be promoted as the Vancouver host site. This adds to its role in hosting professional seminars and certificate programs, arts and humanities dialogues and research symposia to highlight UBC’s innovations. The Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Barber School of Arts and Sciences at the Okanagan campus, engages the community in dialogue and debate with renowned experts on topics of civil and sustainable society.

Academic Initiatives

Many community engagement opportunities reach out through the academic stream. The following story embodies how the Place and Promise goals can be achieved – bringing together community engagement, student learning, sustainability and alumni engagement goals.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) community service learning (csl) in a second year civil engineering course • 120 students designed 20 projects related to theme of sustainability • Each team collaborated with a community partner • Teams are mentored by professional engineers (including UBC alumni), senior engineering students and graduate students •

Research into public policy is conducted through various faculties and there are many institutes that delve into public policy research, providing opportunities for community members to be involved through lecture series and other avenues. Some of these are: • The Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training CHET • Liu Institute for Global Studies • Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) • Forestry Policy Resources • UBC Bridge Program • The Learning Exchange, Vancouver campus • The Learning Exchange, Okanagan campus

International Initiatives

Community Engagement also reaches out internationally. UBC plays an active role in magnifying opportunities for faculty, students and trainees to lead and participate in global endeavours that require inter- and multi-disciplinary solutions, advocacy, dialogue, and collaborative action. International opportunities are facilitated by research and student mobility agreements that build in components of community engagement. Two such research opportunities are:

global breadfruit • Breadfruit are a fast-growing staple of indigenous peoples in the South Pacific • Susan Murch, Canada Research Chair in Natural Products Chemistry at the Okanagan campus and partners formed a company called Global Breadfruit • In four years, they have cultivated 7,500 breadfruit trees for distribution to areas where there isn’t enough food • Within a month of distributing the first batch, requests for over two million trees have come from organizations around the world •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) sustainable mining • Professor Marcello Veiga led UNIDO’s Global Mercury Project to reduce mercury pollution and pointing among artisanal gold miners • Working in Asia, Africa and South America the project implemented environmental and health assessments of mercury pollution; procedures to increase gold recovery and reduce mercury emissions and exposure • This sustainable mining approach connects small companies with artisanal miners to ensure free trade, create social benefits for locals and reduce the environmental footprint •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) Fostering Engagement Within the Wider Community Engagement within the wider community comes through avenues such as community service learning, community based research, public access to events as discussed in the previous section, and community use of the cultural and outdoor venues on the UBC campuses.

Community Partnerships

UBC partners with many community agencies. These include partnerships like: • United Way - the Okanagan campus works closely with the Central Okanagan United Way. In Vancouver, the relationship with United Way is over twenty years old and UBC provides a loaned representative, as well as a co-op student for the campaign. Professor Toope is 2010 Campaign Cabinet Co-Chair for the Lower Mainland. • City of Vancouver – a partnership with the City will bring student internship opportunities while researching issues important to the City, such as water quality or sewage treatment • Co-op programs that partner students with community agencies • Interior Savings – partners with the Okanagan campus to bring together students, alumni and the business sector through a mentoring lunch series • Community Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS) brings together medical and allied health students with the Downtown Eastside to deliver supervised clinical treatment, education sessions, provide support and recommend services. • Close to half of UBC’s research is conducted at affiliated hospitals and health authority research institutes, conducting health research that engages members of the local community and improves the quality of life for all British Columbians.

Campus venues

Community engagement takes place through a variety of means. On the learning side this includes continuing education, public use of the libraries – including the Irving K Barber Learning Centre, lectures and dialogues which provide a wide variety of offerings for the communities not only geographically close to the campuses, but also to the broader community through internet related offerings. Through the venues located on campus, efforts are made to bring together learning opportunities with cultural events: • The Louis Riel opera, held at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, brought together thought leaders in a panel discussion about Louis Riel, followed by performances of the opera by UBC students

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) • The Botanical Gardens and Centre for Plant Research brings together 9 gardens with over 8,000 plant species; conducts ongoing research; provides educational opportunities to the community; has an active volunteer group; and a canopy walkway • Nitobe Memorial Gardens, considered one of the finest Japanese Gardens outside Japan, gives tours and lectures to visitors from around the world • The Chan Centre for Performing Arts hosts many events, providing an opportunity for UBC’s own students to perform, as well as external groups. It is the new home for the former CBC Symphony Orchestra • Frederic Wood Theatre stages theatre productions from UBC students and hosts guest lecturers from around the world • The Museum of Anthropology’s renewal project opened in January 2010 with its new reciprocal research network which allows for the collection to be shared by researchers and communities around the world • The Belkin Gallery’s mandate is to research, exhibit, collect, publish, educate and develop programs in the field of contemporary art and in contemporary approaches to the practice of art history and criticism • Recreational venues for swimming, tennis, and hockey are open to the community Open to the community, the cultural attractions at the Vancouver campus have varying degrees of visibility to the public. Those shown below are well known, while other venues are relatively unknown. UBC is reviewing this to identify ways to best communicate to the general public about its cultural venues and their availability to the community.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) The Okanagan campus will be five years old in September 2010. It has focused on ensuring the appropriate teaching, learning and research space is available to accommodate the student population and is now starting to turn its attention to cultural attractions. Plans are being reviewed for theatre space and recreational space. The Okanagan has instituted several public events such as: • Distinguished Speaker series • Celebrate Research week brings together panel discussion on research taking place at the campus • With the largest gymnasium between Calgary and the Lower Mainland, it has become a popular venue for university and non-university sports tournaments

Learning Initiatives

Community Service Learning (CSL) and Community Based Research (CBR), coordinated through the Learning Exchanges provide community opportunities for students. The Okanagan’s Learning Exchange is three years old and numbers will grow as community partnerships are built.

# students participating in CSL and CBR activities Increase in participation in CSL and CBR activities Engaged as part of an academic course Students engaged in February 2010 Reading Week # elementary schools in Reading Week # children involved in Reading Week Staff and alumni involved in CSL projects as mentors



1,900 291 17% 31% 60% 93% 500 n/a 16 n/a 2,000 n/a 30 n/a

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Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) learning exchange okanagan • A “Day in the Life” put 10 students into a homeless persons shoes • Touring the Kelowna Gospel Mission, students experienced the services available for the homeless • Assisting in tasks such as cooking, serving meals and sorting clothes they talked to guests • The experience helped break down some of the misconceptions surrounding homelessness •

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learning exchange vancouver • Participated in the Heart of the City Festival, an annual event highlighting artists and issues in the Downtown Eastside • Hosted book reading and discussion on “Mythogyny: the Lives and Times of Women Elders in BC” • 20 people attended • Co-op programs are available through various faculties, providing many opportunities, both local and international for students to interact with corporate and community partners.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) Research Initiatives

Researchers partner with communities in many ways. Please see Research Commitment for further details. Two illustrations are:

reciprocal research network (rrn) – museum of anthropology • An online tool to facilitate reciprocal and collaborative research about the cultural heritage from the Northwest coast of British Columbia • Communities, cultural institutions and researchers work togther to build collections, collaborate on projects, record stories, upload files, hold discussions and create social networks • RRN is grounbreaking in facilitating communication and fostering lasting relationships between originating communities and institutions around the world

50 — 97

community learning centres (clc) • A 3 year collaboration, completed in 2009, between UBC’s eHealth Strategy Office and BC’s Ktunaxa Nation • Funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research • Community engaged in the design, implementation, and evaluation of CLCs in Akisq’nuk, Aq’am and Lower Kootenay • Provide freely accessible internet-linked computers to all members in a community-based facility and webbased health information relevant to health priorities defined by the communities • CLCs are now an integral part of regional service delivery

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Community Engagement (cont’d) UBC scholars and students participate in international development projects that are supported by funding from organizations such as the International Development Research Council, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and CIDA. Examples of these projects include: • Sustainably Managing Environmental Health Risk in Ecuador • New Public Consortia for Metropolitan Governance in Brazil • Uganda Sustainable Clubfoot Care Project • Wood Products Processing Education in South Africa • Africa Forests Research Initiative on Conservation and Development • Efficacy of Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Island Societies • South East Asia Global Community Dental Residency Program • Point-of-Care Devices for Malaria Diagnosis For further details on student mobility agreements see Go Global outgoing_partner_agreements.pdf

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Dedicate University resources to public understanding of societal issues and stimulate action for positive change

Facilitate deliberative public dialogue on issues of public concern and actively invite community participation

Sport in Society series during the Cultural Olympiad with 5 dialogues

Facilitate engagement of faculty and students in public policy development

Academic initiatives bring students into the community

Robson Square as site for arts and humanities dialogues

Research initiatives provide opportunity for community collaboration and learning Student mobility agreements provide international opportunities

Be a leader in fostering student, faculty, staff and alumni engagement within the wider community

Increase student, faculty and staff participation in community service learning, community based research and service to the community Better define and assess “service” for purposes of tenure and promotion

Community Service Learning through the Learning Exchanges continues to grow with 1,900 students involved at the Vancouver campus and 291 at the Okanagan campus The Museum of Anthropology saw 150,000 visitors and the Botanical Gardens saw over 71,300 visitors 1,900 students at the Vancouver campus participated in community service learning initiatives, a 17% increase from the previous year

Increase community use of learning, cultural and outdoor venues on UBC’s campuses and sites


Events at UBC or Chan Centre for Performing Arts Vancouver Learning Exchange Okanagan Learning Exchange Cultural Attractions at UBC Go Global

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Aboriginal Engagement The University engages Aboriginal people in mutually supportive and productive relationships, and works to integrate understandings of Indigenous cultures and histories into its curriculum and operations.

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Expand Educational Opportunities for Aboriginal People UBC has focused in the past year on implementing the Aboriginal Strategic Plan, paying particular attention to improve and expand the services and support available for Aboriginal students. Because provision of student services extends across many units, the development of a coordinated and integrated system of services is a high priority and efforts will continue to focus on this.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Aboriginal Engagement (cont’d) UBC is at the forefront of the development of new models of collaborative research in partnership with Aboriginal organizations and communities. UBC researchers work in many areas on issues of concern to Aboriginal people and often in collaboration with Aboriginal communities and organizations. A recent Aboriginal research networking meeting at the Vancouver campus was attended by well over a hundred researchers and many more indicated interest in further meetings. In the Okanagan, 32 engagement sessions with over 365 participants were held throughout the year. Significant Aboriginal programs are located across the university and at both campuses, in Education, Arts, Law, Medicine, Forestry and the Sauder School of Business, with specific curricular concentrations in Aboriginal languages, First Nations Studies, First Nations Legal Studies and teacher education. See about/aboriginal-programs-services/ for details. Some examples include:

institute for aboriginal health • Develops and integrates approaches to issues in Aboriginal Health, coordinate research and extend cooperative and collaborative approaches with Aboriginal and community organizations • Projects include the Aboriginal Research Garden, the Family Practice Greening Project and the Community Mentoring project • Students can participate as volunteers, work-study students, or through directed study •

ch’nook aboriginal business education program • Offers business education to First Nations Canadians • Championed the signing of an accord with twentytwo higher education institutes in BC •

memorandum of agreement with en’owkin centre • Establishes recognition of the En’owkin Centre as the post secondary instituion of the Okanagan Nation • Delivery of courses at the En’owkin Centre campus • Okanagan language courses offered by En’owkin Centre at UBC’s Okanagan campus • Allows Aboriginal students access to university courses without registering so they can become accustomed to higher level course work

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Aboriginal Engagement (cont’d) Some Aboriginal programs, such as the First Nations Studies Program (FNSP) in the Faculty of Arts at Vancouver, offer Bachelor’s degrees. FNSP is also a leader in providing research experiences to undergraduate students. Each year all advanced students develop collaborative research projects addressing the needs of Aboriginal communities and organizations. Other programs such as the Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP) or the Ch’nook Aboriginal Business Education Program have a province-wide reach. NITEP offers teacher training for Aboriginal students in both community and campus locations. Ch’nook connects business programs and Aboriginal students across the province.

Instructional Skills

Specific curriculum addressing Aboriginal issues, histories and cultures is only now beginning to enter mainstream primary and secondary education, so students often arrive at the university with little knowledge in these areas, and no experience talking about often contentious issues. Developing the skill and expertise to have meaningful exchanges at such a late stage in a student’s education is a formidable task. UBC’s Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (TAG), in partnership with UBC’s First Nations House of Learning and First Nations Studies Program, have been developing a discussion series designed to provide starting points for developing more effective instructional approaches for working with Aboriginal issues, and other socially and culturally contentious topics. Each session for this series has been built on key themes emerging from interviews with students and instructors on troubling classroom situations that have been identified by a student project. UBC and TAG are also working with the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Native Education College on other initiatives to develop instructional strategies for Aboriginal teaching and learning more widely, and to form networks and partnerships across disciplines, positions, and institutions, through which information and practices may be shared.


In addition to strengthening the services it provides for Aboriginal students and expanding its curriculum on Aboriginal topics and ability to support cross-cultural conversations, UBC has been working to further develop programs that will attract and retain Aboriginal students. People often think that Aboriginal students are all federally funded, but many come to university with no federal or community assistance. Vancouver Campus provides 60 awards for a total of almost $200,000 for Aboriginal students to attend university. Okanagan Campus is growing their aboriginal awards program and currently offers four awards for Aboriginal students. Okanagan Campus continues to build out the campus to accommodate the increased student numbers and have included Aboriginal Programs and Services space in the new University Centre as well as a new Aboriginal student gathering space. A peer support network provides support and employment for students.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Aboriginal Engagement (cont’d) Faculty

Equally exciting is Vancouver campus’s recent attraction of new Aboriginal and other expert faculty across the university. Education, Law, and Arts now have significant concentrations of Aboriginal and other expert faculty, and the Faculty of Science now its first Aboriginal professor. Because of the concentration of scholars and levels of support here, the Vancouver campus is becoming a leading venue for Aboriginal and other scholars in many fields. The increase in scholars provides concentrations and support for the work of Aboriginal and other graduate students in many specialties. The growth of Aboriginal graduate programs is a signal of the maturing development of UBC’s programming in these fields and of our ability to be part of the development of the next generation of scholars. Vancouver currently has more than twenty fulltime Aboriginal faculty members on permanent professorial appointments, the Okanagan more than six, as well as other Aboriginal faculty and staff working in other capacities and the numbers are growing.

Increase Engagement With Aboriginal Communities Sharon McCoubrey, Associate Professor at the UBC Okanagan campus is working with the En’Owkin Learning Centre and the Okanagan Nation Alliance, addressing Aboriginal education matters that are of significance to the Okanagan Valley. McCoubrey10128.pdf Programs such as the First Nations Studies Program Research Practicum, the Department of Anthropology’s Archaeological Field School, the community-based courses offered by the First Nations Languages Program and the Native Indian Teacher Program, are ongoing curricular links to Aboriginal communities. Many research programs operate collaboratively with communities as well, and many other special programs connect the campus to communities. Aboriginal Fisheries Research Unit (Vancouver Campus) and the Centre for Social, Spatial and Economic Justice (Okanagan Campus) are two such examples. Summer programs such as the CEDAR science and math program and the Native Youth Program at the Museum of Anthropology bring Aboriginal youth to campus for experiences that can shape their educational careers. The Native Youth Program has been operating continuously for over thirty years and has alumni in organizations and communities across the city and province. The Bridge Through Sport Program links UBC to the Musqueum community, and through their joint efforts, to communities across UBC through a yearly soccer tournament. Links between the UBC Farm and organizations such as the Vancouver Native Health Society bring inner city Aboriginal people to the campus for experiences that are highly valued opportunities for collaboration and exchange.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Expand educational opportunities for Aboriginal people and widen opportunities for all students to learn about Aboriginal issues and perspectives

Strengthen programs of academic and social support for Aboriginal students

Significant Aboriginal programs are in place across both campuses, with specific curricular concentrations in Aboriginal languages and First Nations studies

Expand curriculum offerings focusing on Aboriginal issues and perspectives

The Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth is working with both campuses to develop more effective instructional approaches for working with Aboriginal issues

Increase hiring of highly qualified Aboriginal faculty and staff

Vancouver campus has more than twenty full-time Aboriginal faculty members

Create and support programs that help prepare Aboriginal students for post-secondary education

Support services for students are in place, including awards for Aboriginal students to attend university

Increase service learning opportunities with Aboriginal organizations and schools with significant Aboriginal populations

Successful research networking day at the Vancouver campus brought together over one hundred researchers

Increase engagement with Aboriginal communities in mutually supportive and productive relationships

Strengthen and expand research grounded in significant community collaboration and consultation Create venues for dialogue with Aboriginal communities and the broader public on significant issues


In the Okanagan, 32 engagement sessions with over 365 participants were held Partnerships, co-ops and collaborations are in place with Aboriginal community organizations and this continues to be explored and enhanced

Aboriginal Strategic Plan Institute for Aboriginal Health Ch’nook Business program Okanagan campus Aboriginal Programs First Nations House of Learning

57 — 97

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Alumni Engagement The University engages its alumni fully in the life of the institution as valued supporters, advocates and lifelong learners who contribute to and benefit from connections to each other and to the University.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Alumni Engagement (cont’d) Deeper Connection to UBC The Alumni Affairs Office (which combines the activities of the Alumni Association and the University’s Alumni Relations Unit) continues to increase engagement and volunteering opportunities for UBC’s 252,000 graduates. The challenge is to find the best means to be relevant to our alumni: to identify that interface between UBC and the interests and causes that our alumni connect with; and to create synergies and opportunities for integration between UBC’s teaching, research and community initiatives and alumni where they live. Established programs, including UBC Dialogues, Next Steps (for new grads), Alumni Weekend and the Alumni Achievement Awards deliver outstanding experiences to alumni and showcase the best of UBC. Publications such as the award winning Trek Magazine and the Grad Gazette, and the website maintain the vital link between the University and its graduates around the world. Programs under development, including a new advocacy initiative, a volunteer management tool and an expanded campus-based reunions program, are focussed on helping Alumni Affairs double alumni engagement and on supporting the University’s goals as articulated in the Place and Promise strategic plan. In addition, the University’s Board of Governors has approved a plan to move forward with an Alumni Centre to be located at the heart of campus on University Boulevard at the Vancouver campus. This state-of-the-art building will become the focal point of alumni engagement on campus, and will provide space for alumni, staff, faculty and student activities. Alumni Affairs holds ongoing events in Vancouver, the Okanagan and areas around the world where high concentrations of UBC alumni live. Many of the events involve Professor Toope, from panel discussions on wide ranging topics to more intimate discussions – in Vancouver, Seattle, Hong Kong, Toronto, Boston, Washington and Victoria.

ubc asia alumni leaders summit 2009 • Held in Hong Kong, December 2009 • 22 Alumni reps from Korea to Kuala Lumpur gathered to review the University’s recent accomplishments and to generate increased network activity in the region • content/plugins/falbum/wp/album. php?album=72157623025117492

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Alumni Engagement (cont’d) alumni weekend - vancouver • Held annually in May to coincide with UBC’s spring Congregation • More than 1,500 alumni and friends attended Classes Without Quizzes, faculty open houses, reunions, special events and social gatherings • For photos, see: wp/wp-content/plugins/falbum/wp/album. php?album=72157618879421176

alumni endowment gala - okanagan • Initiated in 2008, 2010 will mark the third annual event • In 2009, the event was moved to the new University Centre Ballroom and reached capacity attendance at 190 • For photos, see

A sample of Alumni Affairs events and programs, 2009-2010: Event



Annual Alumni Weekend


Alumni Weekend: Events included Classes Without Quizzes, introduction of the Alumni Wine program, campus and Gardens tours, UBC Dialogues, Tide pooling and a panel discussion on Global Citizenship with Professor Stephen Toope.

Annual Endowment Fund Gala - UBO


Fundraising dinner for Alumni Endowment, providing bursaries for 3rd and 4th year students.

Alumni Achievement Awards


The event honours alumni and friends of UBC with a gala event at the Life Sciences Centre.

Trek Magazine

3x yearly

This award-winning publication is the only university publication that is sent to every addressable graduate and donor.

Okanagan Alumni Connections Newsletter


Online newsletter for Okanagan bases alumni and on request. okanagan/alumnirelations/connections.html

Alumni Actively Engaged


“Engagement” includes attending events, mentoring, organizing reunions, volunteering for university committees, supporting UBC financially.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Alumni Engagement (cont’d) Expansion of Opportunities for Lifelong Learning UBC offers many opportunities for alumni to engage in lifelong learning at UBC. Alumni are invited to attend lectures and other events on UBC’s campuses. Alumni are further encouraged to attend continuing education courses, audit classes and suggest courses that would be of benefit to them. Travel programs offer a chance for alumni to reconnect with each other and learn a new language at the same time! The UBC Alumni Book Club at Vancouver, started in 2008, brings together alumni with faculty to delve deeply into issues raised in specific books. More than 150 alumni were involved in discussions of nine books. The Distinguished Speaker series held in the Okanagan offers the opportunity for alumni, and the Okanagan community, to learn about and discuss issues of compelling interest. Six events are held during the academic year, with total attendance of approximately 1,500. Through the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, alumni, wherever they are located, alumni and others can connect to many resources.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Enrich the lives of graduates through a deeper connection to UBC, and help the University achieve its vision

Create opportunities for alumni to connect intellectually with the University

Introduced Next Step, a professional networking program for new grads

Develop volunteer opportunities that are valuable for alumni and the University Partner with students and graduates to build highly engaged alumni communities

Increase alumni commitment to UBC through an expansion of opportunities for lifelong engagement


Implementing an innovative online volunteer management tool Hosted volunteer summit for alumni network leaders across Asia Developing a robust, innovative mentoring program to benefit students and encourage alumni participation

Expand University-wide efforts to engage alumni

Developed an advocacy initiative to help alumni make the case for UBC to government

Build positive regard for UBC through inspiring events, effective communications and outstanding services

Expanded educational travel trips through the “It’s Your World” program involved 75 people

Build a new Alumni Centre that will serve as a dynamic welcome centre on the Vancouver campus, bringing together all members of the campus community

UBC Board of Governors has approved the plan to build a new alumni centre

Alumni Affairs strategic plan Alumni Affairs Irving K Barber Learning Centre

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Intercultural Understanding The University engages in reflection and action to build intercultural aptitudes, create a strong sense of inclusion and enrich our intellectual and social life.

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UBC has made a commitment in its strategic plan to increase the benefits of intercultural learning and to highlight its importance in UBC’s success. Although UBC is taking some action in this area, as a globally recognized university with an increasing number of international students, research and partnerships, there is more that UBC should be doing. A discussion paper on Promoting Intercultural Understanding has been written by Professor Toope and is undergoing a final round of consultations. This paper offers thoughts on helping future generations of students to recognize the significant value of cultural, religious, intellectual, and other forms of diversity and to navigate amongst interdependent communities and societies; generating community dialogue on how we can better enable students to treat diversity as a strength in their academic, professional and personal lives. UBC must engage in an active process of reflection and change so it can embark on a culturally more inclusive future while maintaining focus.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Intercultural Understanding (cont’d) Benefits of Intercultural Learning UBC offers several programs for intercultural and diversity training: • Centre for Intercultural Communication provides ongoing training into intercultural and diversity training. http:// Offers spring and summer institutes, certificate programs and workshops. An example of the Summer Institute program: Training Intercultural and diversity training can be found here: http://cic. • The UBC Certificate in Diversity, Counselling and the Helping Relationship content.html

Student training

• Students may take courses that offer an intercultural perspective and these can be found through the course calendar • Diversity in “Action!” Film festival • TA training program includes diversity training

Remove Barriers to Diversity In March 2010, UBC was recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for the third consecutive year, among 44 other Canadian employers. UBC is the only post-secondary institution in BC to receive this recognition in the 2010 roster and is one of four national academic institutions to be recognized. diversity UBC issued a statement on respectful environment for students, faculty and staff in 2008. Educational opportunities are provided to for the community to learn more about the expectations for the UBC community about the place we wish to learn, work and live. An educational program focussed on the workplace for the first two years and will expand to the student experience in 2011/12. PDF_2008.pdf A renewed Equity and Diversity Strategic Plan completed its consultation process and was approved for implementation in late March 2010. The strategic plan addresses equity and diversity for students, faculty and staff at all UBC campuses and sites and includes goals, recommendations for action and measures to assess progress in achieving the goals.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Intercultural Understanding (cont’d) UBC participates in programs that help remove barriers to diversity. Some of these include:

Courage to Act: Student Leader Training brought together 300 student leaders to receive diversity training and help develop skills needed to be effective student leaders of an inclusive campus environment.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, held Mar 21st to focus attention on racism and promote racial harmony.

• UBC Vancouver held an event at the Chan where entries into a Poetry Slam Contest entitled Racism Experienced or Witnessed were read and three prizes were awarded. An autobiographical play, Weights, was then performed by Mr. Lynn Manning, an award winning poet, playwright, actor and former Blind Judo Champion of the World. • UBC Okanagan marked the day as part of a week of events to discuss racism. Events included a student cultural fair, talks on addressing racism directly and scenes from a dramatic play on racism.

Making the Invisible Visible Poster Campaign raised awareness of the invisible disabilities that make it difficult

for members of the campus community to access an equitable experience at UBC. equity-ambassadors/programs-initiatives/making-invisible-visible.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, held December 6th, brought

together the Faculty of Applied Science’s Women in Engineering Program in collaboration with the Engineering Undergraduate Society and Access & Diversity to hold events on campus. programs-initiatives/day-remembrance-violence-against-women

Out From Under exhibit was co-hosted by UBC and Kickstart to promote art and artists with disabilities. Held at

Robson Square as part of the Cultural Olympiad. ubc-to-host-groundbreaking-exhibitcultural-olympiad-features-activist-disability-history-at-ubc-robsonsquare/ Research initiatives like the Centre for Social, Spatial and Economic Justice at the Okanagan Campus house numerous researchers with interests in issues of justice from a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds. Current research focuses on processes that marginalize Aboriginal people, disabled people, economically disadvantaged people, queer and two-spirited people, and racialized people. UBC’s two distinguished residential colleges, Green College and St. John’s College, are home to an international and interdisciplinary community of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars. By furthering multicultural education and international understanding, these residences enhance the intellectual and cultural life of graduate students at UBC.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Intercultural Understanding (cont’d) Positive Space

Positive Space Campaign fosters a welcoming atmosphere on campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities by identifying spaces where sexual and gender diversity is supported and valued. Ongoing workshops are held and are generally fully subscribed.

Employment Equity

Employment equity on campus is well established, dating back many years. A periodic survey is completed to ensure we meet the standards we have set for employment equity.

Campus Accessibility

Accessibility at each campus remains a priority. At the older Vancouver campus, with almost 500 buildings ranging from pre World War II buildings to complex modern day structures, accessibility can pose a challenge. Guiding principles for development of buildings and access were implemented, and a multi-year program of phased access upgrades is underway. A $600,000 access fund is available, with $160,000 from the province’s Assistance Program for Students with Disabilities. This funding facilitates full access for students with disabilities through accommodations such as attendant care, note takers, invigilators, and interpretive services. As the Okanagan campus is built out, the latest accessibility features are included in buildings and in development of the public realm. An inclusive campus initiative is in place at the Okanagan to ensure that the campus remains welcoming and accessible for all its members. Occupational Therapy students in the Faculty of Medicine have participated in Solutions: A Student Design Exposition that informs and inspires post-secondary students in British Columbia about the value and complexities of assistive device design and utilization by people with disabilities.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Increase awareness and experience of the benefits of intercultural learning

Expand learning opportunities encouraging cultural diversity, dialogue and debate

Intercultural and diversity training programs are in place for students, faculty and staff

Promote effective inter-cultural professional development for faculty and staff

Remove barriers to greater cultural and intellectual diversity within the University, including those faced by historically disadvantaged groups


Improve processes and supports to achieve an excellent and diverse student, staff and faculty body Enhance accessibility of the physical environment at UBC for people with disabilities

United Nations “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” was held with discussions on the issues held at each campus Discussion of Promoting Intercultural Understanding across campuses UBC was recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for the third consecutive year A renewed Equity and Diversity Strategic Plan was completed and approved for implementation A multi-year program of access upgrades is underway at the Vancouver campus and an inclusive campus initiative is in place at the Okanagan

Diversity at UBC Equity Office Vancouver campus Equity Office Okanagan campus Inclusive Campus initiative

67 — 97

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement The University creates rich opportunities for international engagement for students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and collaborates and communicates globally.

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As one of Canada’s most internationally engaged universities, UBC is well recognized on the international stage. Through research, teaching, training and service, all members of the UBC community are encouraged to exchange ideas with members of the global community. UBC’s international relationships take many forms and involve different cultures, languages and educational systems. An international strategic plan, which builds on current successes and brings a strategic focus to key priorities, is currently under development and will be finalized in late 2010. In 2009, the International Office and the Office of the Vice President Research were integrated to better support international engagement across the University. Now called the Office of the Vice President Research & International, the “VPRI Office” provides strategic direction, facilitates partnerships and formal agreements, promotes access to resources, and creates new synergies and new opportunities for global engagement. This office also works closely with other UBC units involved in international activities including the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the International Student Initiative and the Go Global Office.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement (cont’d) This significant organizational shift has renewed efforts to map the extent of UBC’s broad and highly decentralized engagement with researchers abroad. While University leaders are committed to identifying regions of strategic interest to faculty members and the University, there remains a significant gap in understanding the total extent of UBC’s international engagement, and the exact nature of these many and diverse relationships. Identifying, understanding and supporting these relationships remain an institutional priority.

Increase Capacity to Engage Students Internationally UBC is signatory to some 150 reciprocal mobility agreements with international partners. Go Global, UBC’s dedicated student mobility office and the largest program of its kind in Canada, offers a range of opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students including traditional academic exchanges, international service learning, group study programs, experiential placements (co-op, clinical placements, internships) and research placements. Go Global directs $1.4 million annually toward student aid and awards to support UBC students in international learning programs. According to current estimates, 14% of undergraduates at eh Vancouver campus and 22% of the undergraduates at the Okanagan campus are involved in an international program at some point in their undergraduate career. In February 2010, UBC approved Policy 69: Student Safety Abroad, setting standards to enable safer student experiences, provide a registry for out-of-country activity and a framework for emergency support. www.students.

International Undergraduate Students

UBC is working to ensure that international students make up no less than 15% of the undergraduate population. Strategic recruitment activities include visits to hundreds of secondary schools around the world, web-based marketing efforts, and social media. International undergraduate students come from 140 countries; the top three are USA, China and Korea. In Winter 2009, UBC’s international undergraduate populations at each campus were:

# international undergraduate students % international undergraduate students # outgoing exchange students Increase over past year in international applications Increase in international student registrations


4,730 10% 701 17% 11%

UBC supports international students through programs such as International House, a variety of financial assistance programs, and co-sponsored student residences.

UBC-O 298 7% 85 32% 35%

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement (cont’d) co-sponsored student residences • Residences built with partner institutions • Mix of domestic and international students share the residence • Ritsumeikan House has 205 beds • Tec-UBC House has 194 beds • Korea-UBC House has 212 beds • Hong Kong House will open in October 2010 with 200 beds

International Graduate Students

UBC’s graduate student community has consistently grown over the past ten years, and the source countries for international graduate students remain stable. Recruitment in the near term will focus on the U.S., China, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Chile and Brazil.

Asia 53%

United States 22%

Europe 12%

Central/South America 8%

2009 - 2010

total # international graduate students % international graduate students Increase over past year in international applications

Others 5% UBC-V

2,346 25% 14%

UBC-O 67 20% 8%

Strategies to increase graduate student enrolment include cultivating partnerships with key international entities that provide scholarships for graduate study abroad, such as the China Scholarship Council (CSC), which supported 100 visiting and degree-seeking PhD students from Chinese universities at UBC during 2009/10. UBC has signed special agreements with five leading Chinese universities as a “preferred destination” for their CSC winners. Other relationships include ties with the Becas Chile-Canada Equal Opportunities Program, the Bolashak Scholars program in Kazakhstan, the Organization of American States and the UBC based MITACS Global Link program which has developed effective links between academic and industrial sectors in Canada and India. In Fall 2009, UBC Senate approved a formal mechanism for joint PhDs. Students will be jointly supervised by faculty at each institution and jointly awarded a single PhD degree. Interest in this new opportunity has been high, and students are already participating.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement (cont’d) The new UBC Graduate Student International Research Mobility Award supports students participating in research abroad, as well as faculty who wish to host an international graduate student at UBC. In 2009, 48 PhD students (39 outbound and 9 incoming) received support from this award.

Strengthen UBC’s Presence as a Globally Influential University Building Partnerships

UBC currently has more than 200 formal institutional partnerships. Some of these partnerships respond to a need for a specific form of collaboration, such as aligning complementary expertise to support a focused research initiative. UBC has developed solid relationships with a number of international research institutes, including:

max planck institute for solid state research – stuttgart, germany • Collaborative quantum physics workshop • Continued discussion re: collaborative research opportunities and exchange of faculty and graduate students

pacific institute for the mathematical sciences (pims) • One of three international research centres that is an Unité Mixte Internationale of the CNRS (the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) • Established the Banff International Research Station (BIRS) - joint Canada-USA-Mexico initiative - exchange of ideas, knowledge, and methods within Mathematical Sciences and related sciences and industry - involved MITACS and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkley industry - involved MITACS and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkley)

mitacs global link • An effective mechanism to develop links to India • Provides opportunity for students to learn about research and innovation advances in academic and industrial sectors • 17 students from Indian institutes of technology came to UBC in 2009

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement (cont’d) Other relationships are more broad. UBC’s longstanding connections with Asia, singular amongst Canadian universities, reflect the diversity of BC and the history of international engagement at UBC. The Asia Pacific Regional Office, located in Hong Kong, helps to build connections with regional alumni, leading to strategic partnerships, increased opportunity for development, and new connections within the community. UBC is also an active member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) and the Universitas 21 (U21) international network, and plays a leading role in international initiatives such as the G8 University Summit, the Canada-Korea Forum, and the Chinese Scholarship Initiative. Through a new International Research Collaboration Workshop Grant, five faculty members were each awarded $47,000 to facilitate international research collaborations in areas of mutual excellence that lead to joint research proposals. Winning projects in 2009 addressed research in child development, biomechanical modeling, infectious diseases and biodiversity and involved collaborating scholars from Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and South Asia. UBC and the University of Alberta co-hosted the first G8 University Summit to be held in North America, which brought together the presidents of leading research universities from the G8 countries and the wider G20 grouping in Vancouver in May 2010. This influential group addressed the role universities should play in the development of knowledge to lead global social change in the 21st century. Formal presentations by international visitors to UBC included: • Ambassador Ross Hornby, Head of the Canadian Mission to the European Union spoke on the most recent round of Canada-EU trade negotiations at the Institute for European Studies when he visited UBC in September 2009; • High Commissioner Joseph Caron spoke in January 2010 at the Institute for Asian Research on the challenges of creating partnerships in India, where he has been High Commissioner since Fall 2008; • The Emperor and Empress of Japan visited UBC in July 2009 during a state visit to Canada marking 80 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Emperor had visited UBC as a young Crown Prince 55 years before; and • The Rt. Hon. Bethuel Pakalitha Mosisili, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, visited UBC in September 2009 as part of a tour of Canada to raise awareness of the plight of his country in combating HIV/AIDS.

Disseminating Knowledge and Research on Global Issues

UBC researchers are actively exploring new ways to disseminate knowledge and research beyond the campus. For example, the College for Interdisciplinary Studies uses videotaped interviews to highlight the exceptional research of its scholars; these videos are available to a global audience through media channels such as YouTube.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

International Engagement (cont’d) To recognize and support new ways of communicating research, the UBC Library has created the Innovative Dissemination of Research Award. Launched in January 2010, the award honours students, faculty and staff whose creative use of new tools and technologies are expanding the boundaries of research and enhancing the impact of research findings. INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT: SUMMARY TABLE



Select Outcomes

Increase the capacity of UBC students, faculty, staff, and alumni to engage internationally

Increase student participation in learning and service abroad

Through Go Global, 14% of students at Vancouver and 22% at Okanagan were involved in an international program

Increase the international dimension of UBC’s educational opportunities

There are reciprocal mobility agreements with 150 partner institutions

Increase support for international collaborations by faculty, staff and alumni Expand recruitment of outstanding students and faculty from around the world

Strengthen UBC’s presence as a globally influential university

Increase the number of substantial strategic partnerships in regions of priority to UBC Enhance UBC’s scholarly communications on global issues, including on the web

There was an 11% increase in international undergraduate registration this year at Vancouver and 35% increase at the Okanagan International graduate students were 25% of total graduate students

UBC has 200 plus formal institutional partnerships in place 46% of UBC research is published jointly with colleagues outside of Canada, more than any other Canadian university

Strengthen UBC’s role in international development


International Strategic Plan (Draft) Go Global International Student Initiative,231,732,0 Office of the Vice President Research and International

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Outstanding Work Environment The University provides a fulfilling environment in which to work, learn and live, reflecting our values and encouraging the open exchange of ideas and opinions.

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Be The Place of Choice Focus on People: Workplace Practices at UBC

Launched April 2008, this is the University’s human resource strategy. It has both informed and been informed by Place and Promise and is uniquely focussed on the workplace commitment. An outstanding work environment is fundamental to the desire of faculty and staff to join and remain at UBC contributing to their full potential, and that desire will enable UBC to achieve its other commitments. There have been a number of initiatives at both the institution-wide and unit levels, reflecting the need to progress organizationally, while respecting UBC’s decentralized nature and localized cultures. Some examples of our initiatives include:

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Outstanding Work Environment (cont’d) childcare spaces vancouver • 108 spaces added in 2009 • 104 spaces planned for 2010 • 1,000 spaces in place by 2015

leadership programs Managing at UBC • Launched in 2009, offered to over 100 new staff managers at UBC • Goal is to reach 200 participants annually Academic Leadership Development Program (Vancouver Campus) • 2 year cohort based program • For new academic department heads, directors and associate deans

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Community Leadership Program (Vancouver Campus) • 6 month program • Provide staff with leadership opportunities with students in community service learning during Reading Week CHERD (Centre for Higher Education Research and Development) • Up to 9 administrators at the Vancouver campus are sponsored to attend programs offered by CHERD

respectful environment • Issued in 2008 with supportive implementation resources • Articulates expectations for the UBC community about the place we wish to learn, work and live • Education opportunities well attended • PDF_2008.pdf


Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Outstanding Work Environment (cont’d) Workplace Experiences Voluntary Turnover Rate

One of the primary indicators of retention, UBC’s voluntary turnover rate for both faculty and staff is good, although there is higher turnover and issues to be addressed in a handful of employee groups. 8.6% 6.6% 1.3% 7.0%

Conference Board of Canada turnover rate for education and health sectors UBC’s overall voluntary turnover rate UBC faculty turnover rate UBC Management and Professional staff turnover rate

Survey – Workplace Experiences

UBC launched its first institution wide Workplace Experiences Survey in 2009, achieving a 21% response rate. The survey measured items relative to Focus on People as well as Equity and Faculty Professional Life. There are a number of issues to be explored for both faculty and staff but it is noted that more than 70% of respondents are proud to work at UBC, would recommend UBC as a good place to work and would recommend UBC to prospective students. Other survey results show: Workplace_Experiences_Survey_Summary.pdf 88% 78% 89% 65%

Believe they are treated with respect by their colleagues View favourably the teamwork and cooperation within their unit Report they understand how their position fits into the dept/faculty mission Feel a strong sense of commitment to UBC

Community Initiatives

Volunteering is a key component of a socially responsible organization and UBC faculty, staff, students and alumni are enriched by opportunities to contribute in various ways, both locally and globally. 2009/10 saw volunteer opportunities in areas such as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic games, Reading Week through Community Service Learning (hyperlink), and mentoring programs. The following highlights just two opportunities to volunteer with community.

student volunteering • Opportunities are made available for students to volunteer in the community • category/ams_volunteer_connect/ • learningexchange/volunteer/community.html

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Outstanding Work Environment (cont’d) staff volunteering: leave for change • Staff members can volunteer overseas with non profit organizations • Program is part of Uniterra and is jointly operated by the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation and the World University Service of Canada • Since 2009, twelve UBC staff members have participated in the program • Chronicles of participant experiences can be found on the blog at leaveforchange

Healthy, Inspiring Workplace Healthy Workplace Initiatives

A large number of healthy workplace initiatives have been launched with learning opportunities across a variety of preventative health-focussed topics, flu clinics and community-based health fairs. These initiatives also include a significant investment in mental health awareness and suicide prevention training. Being responsive to UBC’s decentralized culture, we launched an adjudicated competition (spring and fall) for funding for healthy workplace initiatives at local levels.


Recruitment remains a challenge for UBC but not a matter of overwhelming concern. Our workplace commitment, our excellence and our vision enable us to consistently recruit outstanding faculty and staff. In 2009, a rethought web-based service oriented recruiting process dramatically changed the process for applicants and administrators. It was well received and is implemented for staff positions and in the pilot phase for faculty recruitment. • Overall UBC consistently recruits almost one-third of its successful candidates for staff positions from internal sources. Promotion within the service of the University is a commitment and this contributes to succession planning. • In 2009, a faculty/staff relocation office was established at the Vancouver Campus. It provides support to candidates and administrators, and supportive processes to recruits and their families. • The orientation processes for faculty and staff were invigorated and include in-person sessions and on-line tools.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Outstanding Work Environment (cont’d) Institution-wide Goals

One of the greatest opportunities we had in 2009/10 was that of enabling faculty and staff, through the robust consultation process leading to Place & Promise, to identify and share institution-wide goals. The process enabled them to both share their voices and hear those of others as it unfolded. This has resulted in resonance of the new strategic plan with staff and faculty.




Select Outcomes

Be the place of choice for outstanding faculty and staff.

Ensure processes and supports are in place to recruit first choice applicants.

Faculty/staff relocation office established at Vancouver; to be established at the Okanagan in 2011/12.

Provide faculty and staff with the means and professional development opportunities to fulfil UBC’s vision, values and commitments.

Planning underway at faculties/units/departments to integrate their goals with Place and Promise. 3 leadership programs in place – Academic Leadership Development Program; Managing at UBC; Community Leadership Program (

Establish a faculty/staff relocation office.

Be a healthy, inspiring workplace that cultivates well-being, resilience and commitment, and be responsive to the family needs of faculty and staff.

Develop an integrated strategy to create a respectful, inclusive and collegial work environment Increase support for Healthy Workplace Initiatives. Provide a variety of affordable on-campus housing and childcare options.

Childcare expansion plan approved by the Board to increase to 1,000 spaces at the Vancouver campus by 2015. Vancouver campus added 108 childcare spaces in 2009, 104 childcare spaces to be added in 2010/11. Focus on People completed second year of implementation.

Ensure that academic and administrative heads and directors have the training, time and support they require to be effective.


Human Resources Focus on People: Workplace Practices at UBC Equity and Diversity at UBC

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability The University explores and exemplifies all aspects of economic, environmental and social sustainability.

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Like many other public institutions, UBC operates in a challenging context. Finances are challenged by limited public funding. Infrastructure must evolve to meet institutional and societal needs and the institution has a role to play to improve the communities we live in. At UBC we see these challenges as opportunities: opportunities to be more efficient and effective; opportunities to partner with private, public and philanthropic partners and to be a living laboratory; and opportunities to build vibrant and sustainable communities.

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) Ensure UBC’s Economic Sustainability Investing in Place and Promise with a structurally balanced budget

UBC has a structurally balanced operating budget for the upcoming year, 2010/11 – a positive achievement given the difficult economic environment for universities in North America. It positions UBC well to continue its upward trajectory. This strong operating situation is driven by three factors: • Strong provincial government support - Post-secondary education experienced limited cuts to its provincial funding - Post-secondary education has been protected from the impact of the new HST • Tremendous academic and research momentum - UBC’s external funding for research is $549 million, an all-time high - There is strong demand for UBC programs, including rising demand from international students with 2009/10 application increases of 17% in Vancouver and 32% in the Okanagan over the previous year • Strong financial management from all our units - Hard choices across all aspects of operations enabled UBC to eliminate a projected structural deficit of $32 million - Commitment to launch Canada’s most significant fundraising campaign to enhance the academic mission Vancouver campus’ $32 million structural deficit eliminated by: $19M $7M $6M

Administrative and operating units are reducing management positions, driving administrative efficiencies, implementing best practices such as campus-wide IT licensing and document management, and reducing contingencies. Faculty savings Increase in investment and business revenues

vancouver budget highlights 2010/11 • $1.5m investment to base budgeting for the Learning Exchange and Community Service Learning • $0.5m new dollars to the University Sustainability Initiative • $0.5m new dollars to Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives • $5m in additional Student Aid Funding • additional commitments to the UPass program and the national enrolment strategy • $3.4m capital outlay as a first step in our commitment to double childcare spaces to 1,000 over the next four years • $3.5m structural commitment to classroom services • $2m annual investment to improve public spaces

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) okanagan budget highlights 2010/11 • Balanced budget • No cuts to faculties or campus-wide units • Campus now hitting maturity with a $99 m budget • $0.4m in additional student financial support • $0.3m additional to Engineering • $0.2m additional to Management • $0.1m additional to Health and Social Development • $0.3m additional for teaching assistants

Key financial indicators: Metrics



Operating surplus (deficit) - Vancouver - Okanagan

$(0.7)m $(0.1)m

Vancouver – eliminated projected $32m structural deficit to achieve balanced budget Okanagan – balanced budget

Student support - Vancouver - Okanagan

$52.0m $5.0m

Infrastructure budget - Vancouver - Okanagan

$19m $1m

Endowment - Net value - Annual return

$970m 14.3%

Debt (Vancouver & Okanagan) - Academic debt - Self-sustained debt

$172m $270m

Includes financial aid and work study Classroom services, building operations and maintenance including utilities, cyclical maintenance

Capped at 3% of revenues: currently at 1.7% Mostly housing

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) UBC as a Living Laboratory From “Sustainability Leader” to “BC Hub for innovation and sustainable development” UBC has embraced a unique opportunity to move from “Sustainability leader” to become “BC’s hub for sustainable innovation”. A key differentiator for BC and a central element of the Provincial agenda for innovation and longterm economic transformation, sustainability provides UBC with a partnership agenda in both the public and private sector. CleanWorks BC, unveiled by the Premier on February 15th, positions the Province as a world-wide centre for Clean Technology innovation, in association with UBC, the City of Vancouver and other partners in the Clean Tech industry. UBC participates in the Green Energy Advisory Task Force through the carbon pricing, trade and export development group. UBC undertook a number of bold steps in early 2010 as described below. Firstly, an integrated organizational structure for sustainability was implemented at the Vancouver campus, with ten funded research and teaching fellows. This team will make the new CIRS building home when it opens in 2011. The Okanagan campus operates campus specific sustainability initiatives through a dedicated office, while research and academic pursuits are supported by the Okanagan Sustainability Institute. Secondly, UBC announced aggressive greenhouse gas emission targets, over 2007 levels. 33% Reduction by 2015 67% Reduction by 2020 100% Reduction by 2050 Thirdly, UBC committed to achieve this outcome by partnering with private and public partners, offering its campuses as “living laboratories” to drive innovation and demonstrate large scale projects that will help leading BC based companies improve their technologies and export around the world. The biomass facility with GE Energy and Nexterra at the Vancouver campus is the first large scale project of this kind. The Vancouver campus has a track record of achieving the Kyoto targets in context of a 30% student increase and to take the next step to achieve these ambitious GHG targets, an Alternative Energy Study was undertaken and provided the blueprint for rolling out the “UBC as a Living Laboratory” concept, mentioned in the February 2010Throne Speech. A $100 m fund for green infrastructure demonstration was created. The initial projects – which will be financially NPV positive, include a leading edge biomass facility, and moving the Vancouver campus to hot water heating, thus achieving a 20% reduction in energy demand.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) In the spirit of partnership, 3 new MOU’s were also put in place at Vancouver: nrc’s institute of fuel cell innovation • Broadens existing partnership with UBC’s Clean Energy Research Centre • Look at social and policy issues associate with clean energy development • UBC, NRC-IFCI and Powertech signed letter of intent to create BC Clean Energy Technology Cooperative

bc hydro – peak electrical demand management

• Community energy planning and implementation • Smart Grid research and development • Student engagement and internships • Joint research programs as driven by CIRS research agenda

city of vancouver – student internships

• 10 annual student internships • Participation in “UBC as a Living Lab” • Joint communications to raise the City and UBC’s profile as sustainability leaders • Piloting smart precincts • Research and planning work by UBC for the City New partnerships entered into to move the Vancouver campus towards its targets include:

nexterra • $27.4m project to build and operate an advanced heat and electricity biomass plant • Transparent community consultation • City of Vancouver will partner through wood supply for the project • Announced Feb 15th at the Premier’s Clean Tech event during the 2010 Olympics • generate-clean-energy-and-new-knowledge

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) pulse/cisco • Demonstration project on the first community wide application of building energy management • Takes EcoTrek to the next level • Operation costs covered by BC Hydro • UBC commits $2.1m in capital for projects with a less than three year payback • greening-the-campus/energy-management

The Okanagan campus has established sustainability baselines across operational and academic sectors. This, coupled with the Sustainability Discussion Paper and the Academic Strategic Action Plan, provides the foundation for UBC Okanagan’s sustainability initiatives. From an operational perspective, all existing academic buildings are in the final phases of geothermal retrofitting, enabling groundwater heating. Sub-metering installation on each building will monitor individual building energy efficiency. All new academic buildings are built to LEED Gold standard with geothermal heating and cooling, designed to reduce energy demand and carbon emissions toward the goal of a net zero emissions campus. For example, the new University Centre is expected to use 49% less energy than a conventional building with the same design and has been recognized by a Powersense Conservation Award for a total estimated savings of 1,125,000 kWh/year. A “Sustainability House” will be developed as the hub to facilitate sustainable development, research and teaching on campus, enabling collaborative links among the academic and operational sectors of the campus, inherently building and strengthening community and demonstrating the campus as “a living lab”. This model positions the Okanagan campus as a sustainability steward and leader and embeds the sustainable philosophy within the campus culture. Partnerships with industry will continue to be developed. Some examples include: fortis bc • Provides select building energy audits • Results to guide targets for carbon emission reductions • Supports “Greening the Office” behaviour change and awareness •

fisher scientific

• Supports “Greening the Labs” on both campuses • Lab Plastics Recycling Pilot underway at the Okanagan campus •

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) Key financial indicators: Metrics



GHG emission - Vancouver - Okanagan

60,577 tCO2e 2,822 tCO2e

Vancouver – 0.7% decrease since 2007. Okanagan decreased 5% in tCO2e/sq.m. from 2007 to 2009

GHG /Student FTE - Vancouver - Okanagan

1.49 tCO2e/FTE 0.51 tCO2e/FTE

Campus engagement - Vancouver - Okanagan

802 796

Community partnerships


Province (CleanWorks), City of Vancouver (MOU), Metro Vancouver (Annacis)

Industry partnerships


UBCO – Fortis BC, Terasen Gas, Fischer Scientific

Sustainability scorecard (Sustainable Endowments Institute)


tCO2e/ FTE decreased from 2007 by 7.9% at Vancouver and by 4.9% at Okanagan

Number of students, faculty and staff engaged in a sustainability program or initiative

Foster Social Sustainability and Community Engagement UBC has a strong commitment to engage and serve the broader community. See also the Community Engagement Commitment • an annual $1.5m commitment to the Vancouver Learning Exchange • research and teaching on issues related to social justice, employment, equity and distributional issues • research on social impact of the Olympics • UBC Okanagan holds its first sustainability youth forum, with over 70 youth from 6 high schools and the City of Kelowna. Participating in discussions, action groups, presentations and group tours, the youth will develop recommendations on sustainability for presentation to the Mayor and city Council

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d) The following illustrates social sustainability and community engagement:

connecting food producers with those in need • Developed by Raja Wariach, a 4th year Okanagan geography student • Through a website food producers can post online ads about excess food • People in need browse the site and contact those producers directly • Started as an Okanagan specific initiative, the website is being broadened to include the entire country

Creating a Vibrant and Sustainable Community This year was marked by bold steps and significant financial commitments to continue to build one of the most vibrant and diverse community in the world. • UBC and the AMS successfully completed a two-year negotiation to build a new $103m Student Union Building on the Vancouver campus. University Centre at the Okanagan campus was opened in June 2009. • Student housing will increase by 2,500 beds by 2015 at the Vancouver campus and by 354 beds by 2012 at the Okanagan campus • 108 childcare spaces were added in 2009, a further 104 are planned for 2010 and a total of 1,000 spaces will be in place by 2015 at the Vancouver campus. The Okanagan campus childcare spaces meet current demand, with the exception of the infant/toddler category. • UBC Okanagan launched UBCO GoBeyond program in partnership with the Sierra Youth Coalition to raise awareness of climate change and effect differences through behaviours and actions. Early successes include the GoBeyond Carbon Diet in October 2009 and the Earn Your Turns – Zero-footprint Ski Trip. • In collaboration with The Fresh Outlook Foundation, UBCO presented 10 documentaries on environmental issues and sustainable development. Attended by a total of 600 people, each film was followed by a panel discussion with local experts. • The Okanagan campus is a growing campus, with a 93.6% increase in square meters of classroom, office and living space, and a 40.2% increase in faculty and staff from 2007 to 2011.

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results




Select Outcomes

Ensure UBC’s economic sustainability by aligning resources with the University vision and strategic plan and deploying them in a sustainable and effective manner

Implement a budgeting framework that allocates resources based on strategic goals, including enrolment, with accounting simplification to improve financial control

Budget framework in place

Deliver a balanced budget annually, through active revenue management and a constant search for effectiveness and efficiencies

Simplified processes and accounting classes 2010/11 operating budget is structurally balanced

Provide a solid financial foundation for long-term success through land revenues, asset management and the launching of a significant fundraising campaign Make UBC a living laboratory in environmental sustainability by combining its sustainability leadership in teaching, research and operations

Establish a widely shared baseline of the UBC carbon footprint, moving towards carbon neutrality in our operations Integrate the University’s physical operations with its research and teaching mandate as a living laboratory

Greenhouse Gas Emission targets announced (Mar) UBC Okanagan working to carbon neutrality in 2010 Living Lab concept in place, announced in Throne Speech New Sustainability structure in place in Vancouver Centralized sustainability office in place at UBCO

Foster social sustainability through teaching, research and community engagement that promote vibrant human interaction and community cohesion

Work with the AMS to build a new student union building that will serve as a dynamic centre for student life

Create a vibrant and sustainable community supported by exemplary governance

Strengthen community governance to further take up UBC’s lead in sustainability initiatives

Campus plan for UBCV in final stages of consultation

Develop and implement campus and community plans that promote pedestrian friendly campuses with an integrated transportation infrastructure and a lively public realm

5 year plan to revitalize Public Realm space at UBCO underway

Work with community based organizations to create a deeper understanding of how social sustainability can be achieved locally and globally

Investing $1.5 M in base budget for the Learning Exchange and Community Service Learning Student Union Building approved by Board and students New Student Services Building in place at UBCO, opened in 2009

Consultation on Public Realm space started in UBCV

UBCO tree planting program plants 250 trees annually on campus

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Goals, Actions, and Results

Sustainability (cont’d)


Sustainability website Campus Planning Public Realm planning Finance Website University Town UBC Okanagan Sustainability

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development goals are described in its 2010/11 – 2012/13 Service Plan, released March 2010. Selected Ministry goals, objectives and strategies and UBC aligned strategies are shown below. Ministry GOAL 1

BC’s dynamic and integrated post secondary education system meets the needs of a knowledge-driven economy and society

Ministry Objective 1.1

British Columbians are able to fulfill their potential through access to quality educational and training opportunities

Ministry Strategies

Continue to provide spaces and infrastructure to support accessible education and training opportunities Continue to advance initiatives to increase participation rates, learning outcomes and economic and social opportunities for Aboriginal learners Work with BC’s post secondary sector to achieve a transfer system that supports seamless mobility of students and credits

UBC Strategies

Continue to implement the renewed strategic plan: Place and Promise: The UBC Plan, released in December 2009, a plan that will coordinate and drive a culture of planning for the university Continue the development of partnerships and collaborations with private industry, other universities and the community; acting as an agent of change in society Review and revise curricula and pedagogy to ensure it is informed by leading edge research and research on how people learn Continue developing strategies for specific access and success for Aboriginal learners , particularly in graduate studies Support Aboriginal student transition to work through innovative professional development programs and on campus recruitment initiatives Work with other post secondary institutions to ensure student mobility

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

UBC Strategies (cont’d)

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

Ensure regular assessment of the overall student experience through participation in various surveys including NSSE, and the UBC undergraduate and graduate surveys Continue to grow enrolment at the Okanagan campus Continue to increase needs based assistance; 2009/10 saw an increase of 16.9% at the Vancouver campus and 26.9% at the Okanagan campus Continue to build experiential learning into the curricula (international learning opportunities, internships, co-ops, service learning, research based experiences, leadership opportunities) at all levels Continue to enhance the professional programs provided only by UBC – Dentistry, Law, Medicine Continue to upgrade student learning spaces so they integrate more with new learning methodologies

Ministry Objective 1.2

BC’s post secondary education sector fosters creativity, innovation and knowledge development

Ministry Strategies

Work in partnership with the Ministry of Small business, Technology and Economic Development on the continued development and management of research and innovation policy and research-related investments Support research and innovation through operating grants to post secondary institutions, targeted funding for graduate students, and thorough the BC Knowledge Development Fund, which supports investments in research infrastructure Work with partners to advance a culture of science across BC

UBC Strategies

Continue to create partnerships that research, model and take knowledge for sustainable solutions into the community, showing ‘UBC as a living laboratory’ Continue to focus on innovative research that serves the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world through effective use of resources such as health research funding (UBC attracts over 80% of this funding in the province) and graduate student research (UBC has over two thirds of the PhD enrolment) Continue to increase support for graduate students, augmenting programs such as the four year model for graduate funding recently implemented Continue to contribute to the BC economy, estimated in 2009 to be roughly 5% or $10 billion, through programs to attract and retain faculty and students at both the local, national and international levels Complete the projects announced in the Knowledge Infrastructure Program (Biosciences Renew Project at Vancouver; Geothermal at Okanagan) Improve infrastructure to support leading edge research Expand the multiplicity of knowledge exchange channels, such as global access licensing, and maintain and enhance UBC’s leadership position in tech transfer and as an acknowledged patent powerhouse Continue to work with partners in industry and government to bring together academia, industry and the public sector through research and training initiatives

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

Ministry GOAL 2

BC’s workforce is highly skilled and globally competitive

Ministry Objective 2.1

BC’s workforce is flexible and responsive to the changing and future needs of the provincial economy

Ministry Strategies

Ensure British Columbians most impacted by the economic downturn...have access to training opportunities that advance their labour market attachment as the economy recovers Increase the supply of skilled workers by continuing to facilitate and improve labour mobility in regulated occupations through interprovincial, pan-Canadian, and international agreements

UBC Strategies

Continue to build on its top performance in international mobility (UBC has the largest program of international exchange in BC, and one of the largest in Canada) Continue to provide financial support to eligible students so that finances are not an impediment to commencing or continuing his/her studies Continue to provide financial support and professional development through on campus work programs Expand part-time paid research opportunities that are tied to academic programs Continue to build awareness among employers of how they can hire international students, working in collaboration with CIC, BCPNP and Service Canada – a rare partnership amongst agencies and unique to BC Continue to focus on out of province recruitment Continue to build and expand on Continuing Studies offerings, providing lifelong learning and alternative learning opportunities Continue UBC’s lead role in the transformation of BC’s resource based economy through Forestry, Mining, Fisheries and the Wine industry Continue to invest in its professional schools (Law, Business, Medicine, Pharmacy) Continue to invest in health training; as the province’s sole health training provider, with contributions by both Government and UBC, a doubling of the medical spaces will be achieved by 2011 with the opening of the Okanagan campus’ distributed medical school program, as well as an increase in the number of pharmacy seats by 2012 Continue providing global education in second language acquisition (UBC is the leading BC institution in this field) Continue to provide non-disciplinary skills training to all levels of students through its partnership with MITACS, which is hosted at UBC Continue to engage with employer communities in BC, Canada and internationally through on campus recruitment, practicums, internships, co-op and mentoring programs Continue to be an effective platform for engaging Asia, through universities, governments and civil society

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

Ministry Objective 2.2

British Columbians have the expertise and tools needed to make sound labour market decisions

Ministry Strategies

Increase the responsiveness of the post secondary education and training system to labour market demand by providing detailed regional labour market forecasting and analysis that will inform decisionmaking and investments

UBC Strategies

Provide undergraduate and graduate students with innovative professional development programs and advising to support sound labour market decisions Continue to expand transitional roles for graduating students within the employer community Increase the number of students participating in community service learning, currently 1,600+ students, by 10% at the Vancouver Campus by 2013/14 Continue to provide international work placements and international service learning to meet increasing demand for these by both students and prospective placements

Ministry GOAL 3

British Columbia is a global destination of choice for students, skilled workers and entrepreneurs

Ministry Objective 3.1

B.C. attracts and increases newcomers to the province through effective partnerships and outreach

Ministry Strategies

Attract international students by capitalizing on BC’s educational, economic and social advantages and develop strategies to encourage them to stay in BC to live and work Expand the Provincial Nominee Program to increase the province’s ability to attract and retain international students, skilled workers and entrepreneurial immigrants

UBC Strategies

Continue to be a principal conduit for talented people arriving in BC, both from other provinces and internationally; overall 12% of students are international, with 15% of new undergraduate admissions and 25% of new graduate admissions being international students Continue to focus on the national recruitment strategy, implemented in 2007 to draw students from other parts of Canada; since 2007, UBC Vancouver has seen a 53% increase in direct-entry students from other Canadian jurisdictions and UBC Okanagan a 34% increase Continue to develop research partnerships and agreements to raise international awareness of UBC and the province and attract talent to the province Continue to recruit Canada Research Chairs, a program to attract talented non-Canadians to be professors here Continue to use the Provincial Nominee Program as a hiring tool, as well as a tool to retain students Continue to act as an overseas training institution for Chinese officials from throughout China by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (UBC was certified for this in 2009)

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

UBC Strategies (cont’d)

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

Continue developing strategic international relationships with key partners Improve processes and supports to achieve an excellent and diverse student, staff and faculty body Increase student participation in learning and service abroad Enhance UBC’s scholarly communications on global issues, including on the web Support international students transition to work through innovative professional development programs and on-campus work opportunities

Ministry GOAL 4

Public sector labour relations support the Province’s goals for long term, sustainable growth and prosperity

Ministry Objective 4.1

Effectively support Government’s management of public sector labour relations and human resource strategies

Ministry Strategies

Develop/maintain an executive compensation and negotiating framework that incorporates government’s fiscal, policy and program directions Establish a public sector pensions framework Improve the quality and reliability of data that supports negotiations Expand strategic labour relations and pension capacity in the provincial government

UBC Strategies

Continue to demonstrate leadership in contributing to the Government’s development and maintenance of a robust executive compensation and negotiating framework that enables research universities to retain and recruit outstanding faculty and staff Continue to work with Government on a public sector pension framework by promoting the hybrid approach (defined benefit plan with fixed contributions) of the Staff Pension Plan. Ensure the ongoing financial health of the Faculty and Staff Pension Plans Ensure the ongoing success of UBC’s human resource strategy - Focus on People: Workplace Practices at UBC - as it moves from its second to third year of implementation. This multi-dimensional strategy is a critical contributor to UBC’s commitment to an Outstanding Work Environment Continue to demonstrate leadership in human resource strategies and practices at a national level through organizations such as the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO)

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Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

The following table shows the performance measures the Ministry tracks and the results:

2009/10 Performance Results Actual 2008/09

Student spaces

Data from 2008/09 Fiscal Year

i. Total student spaces





ii. nursing and other allied health programs





iii. medical school programs




substantively achieved

Total credentials awarded

3 yr avg 2006/7 – 2008/9

9,933 Research Funding

Data from 2007/08 Fiscal Year:

i. Sponsored research funding from all sources (000$)

Total: $470,100

Target 2009/10

Actual 2009/10

Target Assessment 2009/10

Performance Measure

Data from 2009/10 Fiscal Year

3 yr avg 2007/8 – 2009/10

Under review


Data from 2008/09 Fiscal Year:

Total: ≥ previous year

Total: $549,700


Federal = $194,900

Federal = $253,900

Provincial = $85,800

Provincial = $139,600

Other = $189,400

Other = $156,200

Number and percent of public post-secondary students that are Aboriginal (self reported)

Data from 2007/08 Academic Year

Data from 2008/09 Academic Year

Total number (#)


≥ 691



Percent (%)


≥ 1.6%



Bachelor’s Degree completion rate

Data from 2007/08 Academic Year

Direct Entry Students (%)


≥ 76.4%



Transfer Students (%)


≥ 73.9%


substantively achieved

Data from 2008/09 Academic Year

94 — 97

Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Alignment With Ministry Goals

2009/10 Performance Results (cont’d) Actual 2008/09

Baccalaureate graduate assessment of quality of education

2008 BGS Survey Data

i. Satisfaction with Education (%)

93.0% (+/- 0.7)

≥ 90%

91.5% (+/- 0.7%)


ii. Skill Development (avg. %)

79.5% (+/- 1.1%)

≥ 85%

77.7% (+/- 1.1%)

substantively achieved

• Written Communication

73.5% (+/- 1.2%)

73.5% (+/- 1.2%)

• Oral Communication

71.6% (+/- 1.2%)

69.5% (+/- 1.3%)

• Group Collaboration

73.6% (+/-1.2%)

72.1% (+/-1.2%)

• Critical Analysis

89.1% (+/- 0.8%)

86.8% (+/- 0.9%)

• Problem Resolution

74.0% (+/- 1.2%)

71.0% (+/- 1.2%)

• Learn on your own

89.5% (+/- 0.8%)

87.6% (+/- 0.9%)

• Reading and Comprehension

85.2% (+/- 1.0%)

83.4% (+/- 1.0%)

Baccalaureate graduate assessment of quality of instruction

2008 BGS Survey Data:

2009 BGS Survey Data:

Baccalaureate graduate assessment of usefulness of knowledge and skills in performing job

2008 BGS Survey Data

Baccalaureate graduate outcomes – unemployment rate

2008 BGS Survey Data

93.0% (+/-0.7)

86.4% (+/- 1.1%)

4.4% (+/- 0.6%)

Target 2009/10

Actual 2009/10

Target Assessment 2009/10

Performance Measure

2008 BGS Survey Data

≥ 90%

91.4% (+/- 0.7%)

95 — 97


2009 BGS Survey Data

≥ 90%

82.9% (+/- 1.2%)

substantively achieved

2009 BGS Survey Data

≤ 13.4%

7.0% (+/-0.8%)


Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Annual Report 2009/2010

Financial Information For the most recent financial information, please see the Audited Financial Statements available at:

96 — 97


Prepared by:

This Report Incorporates the Institutional Accountability Plan and Report to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development.

Patricia Stevens, Director Office of the President

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