1 minute read

Bryan Welch King of Our Sins

The destruction of Man The monstrous mushroom cloud shooting a mile high The sonic shockwaves turning homes into holes These horrors front and center, burning in the memories Of witnesses like the fire that burns through wood and flesh. Despite this, it was the arrogance that Created the biggest problem To think they fully understood the true Consequences of being a god

From this arrogance, From its horrid and painful mutations I was born. An unwilling phoenix rising from the nuclear ashes. Born too tall, too strong, too heavy, for this world Your people created my torment, and now They use their destruction to solve their arrogance. The bombs and bullets so good at killing one another Nothing but dust in the wind to me And so despite their best efforts, Your people cannot kill me.


You’ve seen Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bikini Atoll and Nevada deserts. And so you comprehend the consequences For you know of your people’s destruction And you know of your people’s arrogance And so to you I say, with my final breath Saraba Tomoyo

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