UBC Forestry Annual Report

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Annual Report

Forestr University of British Columbia

2005 Annual Report

Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia

April 1, 2005 – March 31, 2006

Cover montage

Jamie Myers

Text photographs

UBC Telestudios unless indicated

Editor: Susan B. Watts, Ph.D., R.P.F. Desktop Publishing: In-house at the Faculty of Forestry by Jamie Myers, H.N.D.

Š 2006, Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia ISSN 1188-9837

Contents Dean’s Message


Students and Teaching Programs Undergraduate Students Programs of Study Co-op Programs Recruitment Enrolment Statistics Awards Graduation Statistics

4 5 6 7 8 9

Graduate Students Enrolment Statistics Scholarships and Fellowships Degrees Granted

10 11 12

International Forestry


First Nations Forestry


Faculty, Research, Development and Alumni Office of the Dean Faculty and Staff

18 19

Forest Resources Management Faculty and Staff Achievements and Plans BC Forum on Forest Economics & Policy

20 21 24 25

Forest Sciences Faculty and Staff Achievements and Plans

26 27 31

Wood Science Faculty and Staff Achievements and Plans

32 33 36

Centre for Advanced Wood Processing


Centre for Applied Conservation Research


University Research Forests


Offices, Awards and Distinctions


Extramural Funding and Sponsored Research


Faculty Publications


Faculty Development and Alumni



Photo: Paul Lawson

The Loon Lake Student Centre in the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest


were ones that had already been identified in our own “Road Map” strategic planning document which follows closely on UBC’s Trek 2010 themes. In many respects, the review has been an endorsement of our Road Map document (revised in November 2005 and available at www.forestry.ubc.ca/docs/roadmap.doc). The support of many of the strategies within the Road Map should empower us to move forward with confidence while developing incentives to realize our objectives. During the past year we have maintained a steady state in our undergraduate enrolment numbers with an increase of one student for a total of 454. We attribute a drop in our new enrolment numbers to a decrease in enrolment of students from high school – due in part to a higher entrance GPA now in effect. We continue to concentrate considerable efforts on recruitment and this past year we increased our focus on students from other UBC faculties. Two of our recruiters left during the year and we welcomed three new staff members to our ranks. Lesley Fettes and Samantha Berdej were hired as admissions advisors and Joanna Mackie joined our Wood Science department to promote the Wood Products Processing program. During the year we produced two new promotional brochures designed to help attract new students to our undergraduate programs. See pages 4-9 for more information on our undergraduate student activities.

N JANUARY OF 2006 the Faculty of Forestry underwent a formal evaluation by an external review panel. The purpose of this review was to appraise our strengths and balance of teaching, scholarly and professional activities, academic programs and service; to assess our standing nationally and internationally; and to advise on our future development. The review team met with a range of stakeholders as well as our faculty, staff and students during their three day visit to campus. We are very happy to say that the review team’s report (available at www. forestry.ubc.ca/events) recognized the Faculty as “one of the premier forestry schools in the world, with a strong international reputation showing excellence and impact of our scholarship and academic programs”. Their acknowledgement that we are an exceptionally strong academic unit with enviable physical resources and support systems reinforces what we have been told by our colleagues around the world. We also fully recognize the support that we have received from both our external and internal UBC community, all of which has greatly assisted us in creating an environment that has allowed us to excel. We were also very pleased that many of the recommendations made by the reviewers

Faculty of Forestry Activities, 1995/96 – 2005/06 95/ 96

































Graduate enrolment












Diploma in Forestry
























































7,141 10,409





8,357 11,370 11,379 10,427 12,101


Undergraduate enrolment Distance education (fte)

Diploma in engineering 2

Teaching Evaluation Index 3

GPOB ($’000)




Extramural funding ($’000)


Endowment income ($’000) Extramural funding/GPOB faculty member ($’000) 1 2

3 4 5 6























Headcount unless otherwise noted. Average numerical score of several criteria used by students to assess teaching performance of Faculty members. 1 = Excellent; 2 = Very Good; 3 = Good; 4 = Fair; 5 = Poor; 6 = Very Poor. GPOB = base recurring budget. WFTE calculated as 2  (undergraduate + extrasessional + diploma/3) + 4  masters + 6  Ph.D. students. Research + special purpose + endowment (until 1996/97, shown separately after this). Endowment income separated from extramural income from 1996/97 onwards.

2005 Annual Report




Our graduate student numbers reached an all time high in 2005/06 with a total enrolment of 242 students. More than half of these students were registered in doctoral programs. We also rolled out several new graduate courses during the year as well as revamping the graduate recruitment and research segments of our Faculty web site. Pages 10-13 highlight our graduate student activities. International forestry activities have continued to evolve and grow (pages 14-15). During the year five students from the Faculty participated in exchange programs and we hosted seven international exchange/visiting students from 14 different universities in nine countries. We also welcomed 29 international visiting faculty members and 21 international postdoctoral visitors from over 20 countries. In January, Warren Fortier, from the Simpcw First Nation in British Columbia, joined our First Nations forestry initiative as coordinator of Aboriginal initiatives. He works directly with our student services team in the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal students (see pages 16-17). We welcomed one new faculty member this past year and saw the retirement of another. Dr. Yousry El-Kassaby has joined the Forest Sciences department as a professor and NSERC Chair in Applied Forest Genetics and Biotechnology (see page 31). Dr. David Barrett retired from the Faculty on June 30, 2005 (see page 36). David spent 15 of his 21 years at UBC serving as head or acting head of the department of Wood Science and is continuing to pursue his professional interests in his retirement. Dr. Rob Guy took over the reins of the Forest Sciences department in January, replacing Dr. Bart van der Kamp who had served as head for the past seven years. The Forest Resources Management department prepared for an external review in anticipation of Dr. George Hoberg reaching the end of his five year term as head. On completion of the department’s review, in April of 2006, a search will begin for a new head. The department of Wood Science and the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing began the preparation of their self-study document in anticipation of an external review in September of 2006. Our two centres, the Centre for Applied Conservation Research (CACR) and the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) both had busy and productive years. CAWP was highly active in its education and extension programs and CACR maintained a vigorous research, education and outreach role. See pages 38-41 for more information.

2 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Over the past year, forty-eight new research projects were initiated at our three Research Forests and the Malcolm Knapp Forest hosted the opening of the new $1.2 million Loon Lake Student Centre and the Cadillac Fairview Trevor Linden Gymnasium in June 2005. Pages 42 and 43 provide a full account of the Forests’ activities. Extramural support of our faculty members’ research has been climbing steadily for the past few years and reached $12.1 million for the 2005/06 year. Our largest increase was in the area of provincial funding which was up by 42.7% from the previous year. Most of this increase came from projects sponsored by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range who contributed more than three times as much research funding compared to the previous year. Federal funding increased by 2.3%, and Tri-council funding was up by 2.9% (the university as a whole saw a 4% decrease in Tri-council funding for this past year). Industry support of our research was up by 18.2% funding over 50 projects in the Faculty. A listing of individual faculty member research projects and their associated research publications for the past year can be found on pages 44-65 of this report. Our development program saw good progress over the year with the completion of construction projects at Loon Lake, the continued funding for the CAWP industry program, a provincial announcement of funding towards a new chair in Wood Building Design and Construction and the establishment of several new student scholarships. Pages 66-67 carry the highlights of our development and alumni activities. We have continued to devote considerable effort towards our communication and outreach initiatives. During the year we hosted the Schaffer Lecture in Forest Sciences (see page 40), the Namkoong Family Lecture (page 31), a new Distinguished Lecture Series through our BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy (page 25), the Centre for Applied Conservation’s spring symposium (page 40), and we co-hosted, with UNBC, a workshop series on the mountain pine beetle epidemic (page 24). We also began a very successful lunch time research talk series by our own faculty members, launched the fifth edition of the Forestry Handbook for British Columbia (published by the Faculty of Forestry in 2005), produced an informal history of our Faculty covering the period 1990-2001, greatly expanded the content of Branch Lines, our Faculty newsletter, and made some major improvements to our website.

PLANS FOR 2006/07 In July of 2006 UBC will have a new President, Stephen Toope. Dr. Toope comes to us from the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation where he has been its President since 2002. He helped set up the Foundation which is an independent, private and non-partisan organization created to promote outstanding research and interaction between researchers in the social sciences and the humanities, and policymakers in government, business and the arts. From 1994-1999 Dr. Toope served as the youngest dean in the history of McGill University’s Faculty of Law. As dean, he launched and managed a strategic plan to reorganize the undergraduate curriculum and led the successful completion of the then-largest capital campaign in Canadian law faculty history, resulting in the rebuilding of the McGill Law Library. It is certain that he will continue to build on the impressive legacy that he will inherit from his predecessor, President Martha Piper. President Piper catalyzed numerous initiatives, from helping convince the federal government to invest in the creativity of university based research, to establishing the university village concept at UBC Vancouver and the establishment of UBC Okanagan. One aspect of her vision in which the Faculty of Forestry has invested is in the delivery of the concepts outlined in the Trek 2010 document. This provided the basis for our own Road Map and was incorporated into the self study document that formed the basis of our Faculty review. We were very pleased by the positive assessment of the reviewers, particularly as many of the recommendations were ones which we had already identified in our own strategic planning document. There were several significant recommendations that we intend to pursue. One major recommendation was that we “re-examine our vision, mission faculty capabilities and curriculum opportunities with the goal of enhancing undergraduate program options”. To this end we are looking at not only revamping some of our current undergraduate offerings but also developing some new undergraduate programs and courses that will better reflect current needs. This is consistent with our Road Map goal of developing new courses and curricula to help meet student and societal demands. The research excellence of the Faculty was praised by the reviewers and remains one of our greatest strengths. We have received strong funding support from federal, provincial and international sources, with the majority of these funds obtained after extensive peer review of the proposals. As mentioned earlier, our thesisbased graduate student numbers are approaching capacity and this is another area in which we

will be devoting a considerable amount of effort, ensuring that the “engines” of our research effort, our graduate students, get the support they need to complete their studies. Considerable progress has been made in the past year in better coordinating the various groups that deliver Canada’s forest and forest products related research and development. It looks likely that the three research institutes, Paprican, Forintek and Feric will have some form of common board. With the contribution of a fourth, CFS based “Fiber Institute”, Canada’s premier forest related R&D institutes will have an enviable capacity that will be one of the best in the world. UBC and our sister universities will play a key role in not only training the people required by the institutes but also contributing to the innovative thinking and delivery of ideas, policies, products and processes that will be required for our future forests and products derived from them. The current mountain pine beetle epidemic is a perfect example of how real climate change is. This is a global phenomenon. Many of our faculty members have contributed to the discussion on how “real” global warming is. At a more regional level, our faculty members are making contributions to research that ranges from policy recommendations on forest management to the development of new products from our beetled killed forests. The review of the Faculty strongly endorsed much of what we are currently doing and has reinforced many of the goals that are outlined in our Road Map. During the various discussions around the review there was considerable debate about how the Faculty could contribute to, or lead, in UBC’s aspirations to be a leader in sustainability and the global environment. To this end, over the last few months, discussions have been initiated by the VP Academic and Provost for UBC, Dr. Lorne Whitehead about the possible re-alignment of some UBC units including the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. One goal of these discussions will be for UBC to better tackle the environmental/ sustainability aspects of what we do in education, research and extension. It has been suggested that the time frame for this reflection should be over the next year but no longer than two years. A steering committee responsible for overseeing the possible realignment of our Faculties is expected to be announced in the early summer of 2006. I hope to update you on the progress of these discussions in our regular issues of Branch Lines.

2005 Annual Report





Peter L. Marshall B.Sc.F., M.Sc.F., Ph.D., R.P.F. Associate Dean Undergraduate Studies 604–822–4918 peter.marshall@ubc.ca Sally Aitken B.S.F. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Director Forest Sciences Program Dennis Bendickson B.S.F., R.P.F. Director Forest Operations Major Simon C. Ellis B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.W.Sc. Director, Wood Products Processing Program Scott G. Hinch B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Director, Natural Resources Conservation Program John Nelson B.S.F., M.B.A., Ph.D., R.P.F. Director, Forest Resources Management Major Anonda Berg B.A. Undergraduate Programs Secretary 604–822–2727 for.recep@ubc.ca www.forestry.ubc.ca/programs/ undergrad.html


HE FACULTY of Forestry offers four-year degree programs in the following five areas:

Forest Sciences – B.Sc. (Forest Sciences)

This challenging yet flexible program is designed to develop professionals who understand the dynamics of and can conduct research in forested ecosystems, and are well prepared for graduate studies in related areas. Students in the Forest Sciences program gain a strong foundation in the basic biological and environmental sciences, with emphasis on the interacting components and functions of forests. Core topics include genetics, soil science, weather and climate, tree form and function, ecology, silviculture, biodiversity and research methods. In the third and fourth years of study, students specialize in an area of particular interest to them. Possible specializations include but are not limited to forest ecology, physiology, forest soils, forest genetics, forest pathology, forest entomology, fire science, and aquatic sciences. This program is also offered as a fouryear International Forestry Specialization. The name of this program was changed this year from B.Sc. (Forestry) to B.Sc. (Forest Sciences) to improve clarity and better differentiate it from the B.S.F. program. Contact: Sally Aitken 604–822–6020 sally.aitken@ubc.ca

Wood Products Processing B.Sc. (Wood Products Processing) This award-winning program is a fusion of science, engineering and business that prepares graduates for careers in the wood products sector and related fields. Students gain a solid understanding of wood as they explore business and advanced manufacturing operations. They can also choose to complement their science degree with a Minor in Commerce. Coop is another exciting option that integrates careerrelated experience into their academic studies. Contact: Simon Ellis 604–822–3551 simon.ellis@ubc.ca

Forest Operations – B.S.F. This B.S.F. major prepares the graduate for professional forestry responsibilities, with an emphasis on planning, design and administration of forest harvesting operations. Areas of study include: design and construction of forest roads and drainage structures; selection, planning and supervision of logging systems; site protection and rehabilitation; and the development of computer applications for harvesting systems. A minor in commerce is an option for qualified students. Contact: Dennis Bendickson 604–822–5932 dennis.bendickson@ubc.ca

4 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Natural Resources Conservation B.Sc. (Natural Resources Conservation) This multidisciplinary program provides students with a solid foundation in the natural and social sciences underlying management and conservation of natural resources, as well as an appreciation for the political and socioeconomic contexts which affect conservation strategies. Students develop a working knowledge of the tools and quantitative techniques used by resource planners. A notable feature of the program is the field school offered in the fourth year which features integrated field and classroom instruction throughout the fall term. Pending approval from the UBC senate, two majors in the B.Sc. (Natural Resources Conservation) program will be offered. The original program will be termed ‘NRC - Major in Science and Management’. A new stream termed ‘NRC - Major in Global Resources’ will have a similar first two years to the other major, but will involve in subsequent years a broader array of resource systems and globalization courses, international study, and greater elective freedom. Contact: Scott Hinch 604–822–9377 scott.hinch@ubc.ca

Forest Resources Management – B.S.F. This B.S.F. major focuses on the multidisciplinary aspects of forest resources and the management of forested ecosystems for such products as timber, grazing, wildlife, recreation, aesthetics, and water. Students learn about the unique characteristics of each resource, their interactions, and the manipulation of forests to yield a variety of desirable products in the context of ecological, social and economic objectives. The program prepares graduates for responsible careers as professional foresters. This program is also offered as a four-year International Forestry Specialization. Contact: John Nelson 604–822–3902 john.nelson@ubc.ca

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 • Seek Senate approval for new Conservation stream with global focus. • Modify the International Forestry Specialization for the Forest Sciences program to better parallel the standard program. • Design more flexibility and options for the BSF Forest Resources Management program, while maintaining professional accreditation. • Promote the new Minor in Commerce for the BSF Forest Operations program and consider a new Minor in Geomatics option. • Maintain focus on increasing undergraduate enrolment and expanding undergraduate recruitment and retention efforts for domestic, international and aboriginal students.


OOPERATIVE EDUCATION is a three-way partnership between employers, students and the university. This partnership provides an opportunity for students to gain practical work experience, related to their program of study, by alternating academic terms with paid work terms. Graduates of a co-op program are well prepared, academically and professionally, for their future careers. Participating employers have access to an excellent staffing resource for peak periods or special projects as well as the opportunity to recruit, train and assess potential future employees. Co-op students are available for four or eight month work terms commencing each year in January, May and September. Over the course of their programs, students complete eight academic terms and five work terms to meet their co-op degree requirements. Employers interested in hiring a co-op student should contact one of our cooperative education coordinators.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 • Continue to increase employer participation in co-op students’ career development activities. • Expand national and international work term opportunities for co-op students. • Maintain on-line diary project to include diaries written by co-op students in all forestry undergraduate disciplines and increase the diversity of work term experiences being shared.



ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 Forestry Programs • The first class of co-op students graduated in 2005-06. • Thirty one four-month co-op work terms were successfully completed. • Co-op students successfully completed their work terms at a variety of employer hosts including consultants, crown corporations, government (federal and provincial), industry and non-governmental organizations. • The first international co-op work term was secured by a Natural Resources Conservation student with the Sexto Sol Center for Community Action in Motozintla, Mexico. • The fourth Annual Forestry Careers Day was held in November 2005 bringing students together with organizations representing industry, conservation and professional associations.

Geoffrey Anderson B.Comm. Co-op Education Coordinator Forestry Programs 604–827–5196 geoff.anderson@ubc.ca

Barbara Bremner B.A. Co-op Education Coordinator Wood Products Processing Program 604–822–4793 barbara.bremner@ubc.ca

Wood Products Processing Program • Work terms were completed in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Quebec, as well as in China, South Africa, and the USA. • Forty-seven four-month co-op work terms were completed successfully. • Forty-three percent of companies that hired co-op students in 2005-06 were first time employers. • Thirteen percent of the co-op work terms were completed internationally. • Attendance at the semi-annual co-op presentation evenings increased reflecting a growing interest amongst employers in hiring co-op students and graduates.


2005 Annual Report




Candace Parsons B.S.F., R.P.F. Director, Student Services 604–822–3547 candace.parsons@ubc.ca


TTRACTING UNDERGRADUATE students continues to be a priority for the Student Services team and the Recruitment and Retention Committee, chaired by Candace Parsons. This year we increased our focus on students in other UBC faculties, who had already met rigorous entrance requirements. Presentations in first year science courses yielded a number of transfer requests and we continued to promote forestry courses as suitable electives for students in other faculties. The year saw some organizational changes. Steve Baumber and Neil Davis left to pursue graduate studies. We thank them for their enthusiasm and efforts. To offset these departures, we welcomed three new recruiters. Lesley Fettes and Samantha Berdej were hired to focus on undergraduate recruitment and Joanna Mackie joined the Department of Wood Science to promote the Wood Products Processing program. The Faculty also has specific initiatives for international and Aboriginal students. Chiara Longhi is responsible for our international student recruitment program and Warren Fortier supports the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal students. A new Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention Action Plan was drafted and the Recruitment Strategy was updated to reflect organizational changes and capture the lessons learned since the initial strategy was developed.

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 Samantha Berdej Admissions Advisor 604–822–1834 samantha.berdej@ubc.ca.

Lesley Fettes B.S.F., F.I.T. Admissions Advisor 604–827–5195 lesley.fettes@ubc.ca.

Joanna Mackie B.A. (Hons.), M.F.C. Recruitment Officer Wood Products Processing 604–822–3862 joanna.mackie@ubc.ca

Promotional material and retention activities • Developed a new brochure for the Faculty’s five undergraduate programs and one for the Wood Products Processing program. • Created materials and programs to advise first year students about university life. • Provided brochures to advisors in other UBC faculties about courses available to non-Forestry students for elective credit. • Completed a survey of our new students. On-campus recruitment activities • Took part in the 2005 UBC Counsellor Information Day and Resource Fair for over 200 high school counsellors from across BC. • Participated in UBC Focus Days to raise awareness of Forestry programs. • Attracted first year science students with inclass presentations, campus advertising and by attending the Faculty of Science’s Beyond First Year – Choose Your Major event. • Attended the Faculty of Arts’ Beyond Second Year event. • Participated in UBC-Okanagan’s Beyond Second Year event and developed a transfer guide for students wishing to complete their studies at UBC Forestry in Vancouver.

6 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Off-campus recruitment activities • Continued to attract technical and college transfer students, prioritizing students in forest technology and engineering transfer programs across the province. • Undertook recruitment activities in 24 BC communities, predominantly in the Lower Mainland. • Participated in education and career fairs and provided professional development workshops for teachers. Partnerships • Collaborated with representatives from university and college forestry programs to produce a discussion paper calling for a national marketing and recruitment campaign. • Finalized the Malaspina University-College bridging arrangement. • Participated in GEERing Up!, a youth-oriented science and engineering program run by the UBC Faculty of Applied Science. • Supported the Truck Loggers Association’s annual tradeshow and convention and collaborated with BCIT to guide 100 Grade 8 students around the tradeshow.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 • Update the Recruitment and Retention Action Plan for 2006-07. • Design and launch promotional websites for conservation, forests and wood. • Expand initiatives to engage students in promoting the Faculty and its undergraduate programs. • Strengthen on-campus recruitment activities to increase awareness of the Faculty’s programs. • Launch a summer camp to promote forest and wood sciences and raise the Faculty’s profile within the community. • Participate in a work-study program for high school students to learn about forestry. • Create new bridging arrangements with select colleges and technical institutions. • Work with the Faculty of Education to develop a path for forestry students interested in education.

Key recruitment activities April 2005 – March 2006 Number of Number of Number of Number of Institutions Presentations Students Educators High Schools




















New Student Enrolment

New students entering the Faculty 2005 – 06 Year of study

Number of new students entering







4 Total

700 600 Number of Students

New student enrolment this year was 138, down about 25 percent from the previous year. This decrease was attributable primarily to a decrease in enrollment of students from secondary school. This was due, in part, to the Faculty raising the secondary school entrance GPA (grade point average) from 73 to 75 percent (and to 77 percent for the Forest Sciences program). As a consequence of higher entrance standards, we expect fewer of the new students to fail their first year, which should improve our retention rates. New students entering into different program years are tabulated below.

Total Enrolment



400 300

New Enrolment




93/94 95/96 97/98 09/00 01/02 03/04 05/06

Total enrolment and new enrolment 1993/94 to 2005/06 student body as international students. The following graph shows the distribution of undergraduate students by year of study. Number of Students 196

4 138

108 76

B.Sc. (Wood Products Processing) 14%

B.Sc. (Forest Sciences) 20%



2 3 Year of Study


Enrolment by year of study 2005 – 06

B.S.F. 30%

B.Sc. (Natural Resources Conservation) 36%

Breakdown of new enrolment 2005 – 06

Total Enrolment Total undergraduate enrolment remained stable at 454, up by one student from the previous year. The increase in admission GPA from secondary school should correspond with a higher rate of student success in first year and consequently more students able to continue their studies with us than in past years. We remain an attractive location for visiting and exchange students from elsewhere in Canada and the world. This year we hosted 27 of these students. In addition, the number of international students enrolled in our degree programs continues to increase. This year we had 43 such students, up from 28 the previous year. We hope to be one of the first units on campus to meet the university’s target of having 15% of the undergraduate


The percentage of female students in our undergraduate programs continues to increase, and is now about 39 percent, up one percent from the previous year. The following table provides a breakdown of students by program. Enrolment by program 2005 – 06 Number enrolled

% of total

Forest Resources Management (B.S.F.)



Forest Operations (B.S.F.)



Forest Sciences (B.Sc.)



Wood Products Processing (B.Sc.)



Natural Resources Conservation (B.Sc.)



2005 Annual Report



First Year Students




Blaschuk, Stephen Braun, Sarah Cheng, Kenneth Dalton, Rachel Freeman, Olivia Hart, James Huang, Yi Jervis, Harlan Lin, Brian Ting-En Macalister, Sean Okamoto, Tami Patocka, Tomas Ross, Colleen Slekys, Kristina


Second Year Students 2

Bakker, Nicola Barney, Yanny Biggs, Ryan Brandvold, Fenella Chewter, Marley DeSandoli, Lisa Donker, Scott Edwards, Vanessa Huang, Yi Karow, Larissa Lane, Benjamin Libal, Nathan Lindstrom, Virginia Mallon, Christopher Maunsell, Sherri Morrison, Kimberly O’Farrell, Tyler Sheldon, Kim Shaffer, Eva Strickland, Peter


Third Year Students Agbayani, Selina Baird, Christopher Bambrick, Elaine Embleton, Dianna Englander, La’i



Ewen, Stephanie ALUMNI , LITTLE, MAC , SPLAN Henriques, Daniel WOOD Lim, Hyung-Suk (Thomas) WELLWOOD Lindsay, Scott WELDWOOD Watai, Kengo CANADIAN

Fourth Year Students Arnison, Colleen BANKS, CRAIG Barlow, Jordan BANKS, WOOD Bosch, Roberto LARRE 2 Brack, Michael TRUCK Brochart, Jean-Michel WOOD Broekhuizen, Nicolas COAST Brooks, Dallin NATIONAL Bryan, Katherine BANKS, CRUCIL Burke, Michael BANKS, WOOD Chau, Jo Oi-Ki BANKS, WOOD Coggins, Samuel WORRALL 2 Cranmer, Betsy ABCFP Dick, Graeme DEAN, WOOD Hamilton, Matt SPLAN Kester, Timothy HOBSON Knight, Natasha BANKS Kristoff, Carl WOOD Lee, Alfred Byung Ku WOOD Menard, Julien BACKMAN, ENGLISH, MILLS Ngai, Edmand DEAN Omran, Ahmed KNAPP Ong, Sheldon STEINER, WEYERHAEUSER Pershin, Andrew BANKS, WOOD Phillips, Lauren ABCFP2 1 Pon, Lucas MAC Rasmussen, Kristen BACKMAN, BIER, HADDOCK, PACIFIC, SMITH, SPLAN, TIMBERLINE 2 Rietman, Andrea MAC Schoonmaker, Amanda JOHNSON, SPLAN Scott, Stephen BANKS, WOOD Sianchuk, Robert CHISHOLM, WOOD Sloan, Mark DEAN, ELKINGTON Splawski, Daniel BANKS, WOOD Stange, Yulia CIF Stromgren, Eric MACHINERY Vandergriendt, Eric DEAN Zeron, Katherine DEAN, E. BACKMAN, WELDWOOD

Full Name of Award 1

ABCFP Scholarship in Forestry , Graduating Prize 2 in Forestry . 1 UBC Forestry ALUMNI Division Scholarship and 2 Entrance Scholarship . BACKMAN Scholarship in Forest Resources Management Charles and Jane BANKS Scholarship. John E. BIER Memorial Prize in Forest Pathology. Emily and Francis BINKLEY Scholarship. CANADIAN Woodworking Machinery Distributors Association Prize CARIBOO Woodlot Education Society Scholarship in Forestry. Hugh R.D. CHISHOLM Scholarship in Forestry. Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF) Medal. COAST Fire Prevention and Control Group Ken Haley Memorial Prize. Robert J. CRAIG Memorial Scholarship. August and Cristina CRUCIL Scholarship in Forestry DEAN of Forestry Scholarship. Elizabeth BACKMAN Scholarship in Natural Resources Conservation. Galt ELKINGTON Memorial Scholarship.

8 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Barry ENGLISH Memorial Prize. Phil HADDOCK Prize in Silviculture. Harry HOBSON Memorial Prize. Ted JOHNSON Scholarship in Forestry. Janet KETCHAM Scholarship. Malcolm KNAPP Spring Camp Prize. Tony KOZAK Scholarship in Forest Measurement. Charles LARRE Memorial Graduating Prize David Bell LITTLE Memorial Scholarship. 1 H. R. MACMILLAN Prizes in Forestry , Forest 2 3 Harvesting , Scholarship in Forestry . MACHINERY and Supply Companies Group Forestry Scholarship. Jim and Gerry McINTOSH Award in Forestry1 and 2 Scholarship in Forestry . William McMAHAN Scholarship University of BC MEMORIAL Scholarship. James Russell MILLS Memorial Award. NATIONAL Education Initiative Gerhard Kress Memorial Scholarship. NORTHWOOD Pulp and Timber Limited Scholarship. PACIFIC Regeneration Technologies Inc. Silviculture Scholarship

Robert E. MILLS Memorial Award. 1 Kapoor Singh SIDDOO Scholarships in Forestry 2 and Forest Ecology . J. Harry G. SMITH Award in Forest Resources Management. Oscar SODERMAN Memorial Scholarship. William John SPLAN Scholarship in Forestry. Paul Robert STEINER Memorial Scholarship in Wood Science. TIMBERLINE Scholarship. 1 TRUCK Loggers Association Scholarship and 2 Scholarship in Harvesting . UNIVERSITY of BC Scholarship. WELDWOOD of Canada Ltd. Scholarship in Forestry. Mary and Robert WELLWOOD Memorial Scholarship in Wood Science and Industry. WEST Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. Scholarship in Forestry. WEYERHAEUSER Scholarship in Forestry. Weldwood of Canada Limited H. Richard WHITTALL Scholarship. University of B.C. WOOD Products Processing Awards. John WORRALL Tree Enthusiast Prize.

Bursaries The following bursaries have been made available specifically for students enrolled in the Faculty of Forestry. Due to the confidential nature of bursary applications, recipients cannot be identified. Herschel H. BOYDSTON, Jr. Memorial Bursary in Forestry. Gerry and Jack BURCH Bursary. Tommy BURGESS Memorial Forestry Bursary. Ian T. CAMERON Memorial Bursary. CANFOR Corporation Bursary. COASTAL Silviculture Committee Bursary. Doris M. DOWLING Memorial Bursary.

EUROCAN Pulp & Paper Co. Bursary. J. D. HETHERINGTON Memorial Bursary. British Columbia KILN Association Bursary in Forestry. Jeanette LINDSAY Memorial Bursary. NORRIS-MEBIUS Bursary. P. L. NORTHCOTT Memorial Bursary. Tudor OMMANEY Memorial Bursary in Forestry.

Henri J. PIGEON Bursary in Wood Science and Industry. Oscar SODERMAN Memorial Bursary. Oscar SZIKLAI Memorial Bursary in Forestry. E.G. & W.D. TOUZEAU Bursary. VINTEN Fund Forestry Bursary. John WORRALL Alumni Bursary in Forestry.

Degrees Conferred, May 2005 and November 2005 Congregations B.S.F. Forest Resources Management

B.Sc. (Wood Products Processing)

Aleksich Epp, K.J. Anderson, T.L. Broekhuizen, N.A. Cautley-Davis, C.A. Clark, R.C. Coleman, G.B. Cranmer, B. Cunningham, R.J. Forbes, P.J. Gairdner, N.P. Holbek, E.M. Hunter, H.M. Hunter, J.W. Johnston, C. I. Kennah, M.F. Kester, T.D. Mathers, J.L. Philips, L.G. Racher, A.W. Schening, K. Smith, I.N.A. Woitas, B.K. Zacharatos, K.Z.

Almond, M.E. Atherton, A.M. Bosch, R.A. Dylke, S.M. Gerbrandt, A.J. Gration, F.N. Leung, B. Mak, J.Y. Saddler, S.J. Sjoden, T.L. Yu, N.

B.S.F. Forest Operations

B.Sc. (Natural Resources Conservation) Clark, L. Davis, M.L. Faghihi, A. Garson, P.J. Iredale, F.J. Keil, D.C. Lai, S.K.B. Leard, D.E. Li, A.C. Loveman, J.M. Pon, L.B. Stange, Y. Stefansson, I. Tang, M.X.H.

Drohomirecki, V.J. Griffin, D.E. McGourlick, C.P. Page, S.W. Rietman, A.B. Schulte, W.J. Service, A.G. Tallio, I.B.


Number of Students

140 120 100 80 60


40 20 `88 `89 `90 `91 `92 `93 `94 `95 `96 `97 `98 `99 `00 `01 `02 `03 `04 `05

Students graduating 1988 – 2005 Students graduating from degree programs 1988 – 05

2005 Annual Report






HE FACULTY OF FORESTRY offers four graduate degrees:

• Doctor of Philosophy – Ph.D. (in Forestry) • Master of Science – M.Sc. (in Forestry) • Master of Applied Science – M.A.Sc. (in Forestry) • Master of Forestry – M.F.

Enrolment and Graduation Trends


Graduate program enrolment increased over the past year to 242 graduate students, the highest enrolment in our history. Masters




Number of Students

180 120 90 60







Graduate student enrolment 1993/94 – 2005/06



Number of Graduates

60 50 40 30


20 10 1993







Spring & Fall Convocations

Graduates 1993 – 2005

Fax: 604–822–8645 www.forestry.ubc.ca/programs/ grad
























Twenty-nine students graduated, 22 with Masters degrees and 7 with Ph.D. degrees. Average time-inprogram was three years for masters and five years for doctoral students. Women comprised 46% of our masters and 38% of our doctoral students, for an overall average of 42%.

10 UBC Faculty of Forestry










Wood Science








Forest Sciences



Lori Nelson Graduate Admissions and Research Secretary 604–822–6784 grad.for@ubc.ca


Forest Resources Management



Distribution of students by department 2005 – 06*


Tracey Teasdale Graduate Programs Assistant 604–822–6177 grad.for@ubc.ca




Cindy E. Prescott B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Dean Graduate Studies & Research 604–822–4701 cindy.prescott@ubc.ca


*As of December, 2005.



Distribution of students by program 2005 – 06*

*As of December, 2005.

Activities We rolled out several new graduate courses this year, covering diverse topics such as globalization, international trade, ecological economics, indigenous peoples and visualization. The first students entered our Forests and Society stream. We actively participated in the Graduate Recruitment Initiative on campus and ramped up our recruitment activities including website improvements, promotional materials and recruitment/promotion booths at the IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane, Australia and the Sigma Xi conference in Seattle, Washington. The Forestry Graduate Student Association (FGSA) organized a welcome back barbeque, wine and cheese social, and monthly lab-hosted socials. The FGSA executives were Alex Plattner, Saba Vahid, Jacqueline Cavill, Shannon Daradick, Rebecca Best, Hannah Buschhaus and Steve Thoews. Students presented their research at the Faculty Research Poster Night and awards for outstanding posters were presented to Shannon Ewanick, Victoria Maloney and Sierra Curtis-McLane. Mohammed Iddrisu (Ph.D. with K. Ritland and S. Aitken), Kenneth Byrne (M.Sc. with S. Mitchell) and Derek Thompson (M.Sc. with R. Kozak and P. Evans) were awarded prizes for best theses. Rebecca Best received the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award.

Doctoral Students Aitken, Kathryn CANFOR, HOFFMEISTER, VANDUSEN Alexiadis, Pavlos HELLER, MCPHEE Astrup, Rasmus MCPHEE Barker, Jason MCPHEE Bears, Heather UGF PAETZOLD Bingham, Marcus UGF GES Brooks, Denise UGF PAETZOLD Camfield, Alaine NSERC PGS Campbell, Jocelyn NSERC CGS Canam, Thomas MCPHEE Chi, Faustino COMMONWEALTH Cizek, Petr UGF GES Cockle, Kristina NSERC CGS Coleman, Heather NSERC PGS Crossin, Glenn NSERC CGS Deslippe, Julie NSERC PGS Dordel, Julia BASSETT Fedy, Bradley UGF Floyd, William NSERC PGS Hilker, Thomas DAAD Holliday, Jason CHISHOLM, VANDUSEN Kirby, Kathryn UGF Krzyzanowski, Judi MCPHEE Lantz, Trevor UGF Lewis, John SSHRC McDonnell, Lisa NSERC PGS Miller, Laurie COCHRAN, WEBER, WELDWOOD Nitschke, Craig NAMKOONG, SMITH, VANDUSEN Qin, Wenjuan NSERC IPS Sakals, Matthew JOHAL Scherer, Robert MCPHEE, TIMBERWEST FRM Schwab, Olaf UGF, MCPHEE Association of BC Forest Professionals. George S. ALLEN Memorial Scholarship. Edward W. BASSETT Memorial Scholarship in Reforestation. BRIGHT FUTURE Scholarship. Don BUCKLAND Memorial Scholarship in Forest Pathology. CANFOR Corporation Fellowship in Forest Ecosystem Management. Canadian Forest Service. CANNON AAAS US National Parks Scholarship. Hugh Robert Duncan CHISHOLM Scholarship in Forestry. Ralph and Elizabeth COCHRAN Scholarship. COMMONWEALTH Scholarship. CONAYCT (Mexico Council of Science and Technology). DAAD Jahresstipendium fuer Doktoranden Scholarship Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst. DU PONT Canada Fellowship in Pulp and Paper. McLean FRASER Memorial Scholarship. Canada – US FULBRIGHT Scholarship

Spetic, Wellington Tannert, Thomas Teste, Francois Tikina, Anna Timko, Joleen Vidal, Natalia Wilson, Amy Wilson, Scott



Masters Students Ambus, Lisa Ames, Caroline Best, Rebecca Deguise, Isabelle Forsyth, Jason Huebert, Colin Jewell, Kelly Larson, Lisa Lee-Johnson, Eddison Masupayi, Patricia McGuigan, Erin Miquelajauregui, Yosune Murray, Sonia Norris, Andrea Oaten, Dustin Plattner, Alexander Pon, Lucas Reiss, Aya Seebacher, Tanya Storry, Kirstin Turvey, Shannon Wood, Sylvia

Braham G. GRIFFITH Memorial Scholarship in Forest Resources Management. Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Award. Brenda HANSON Memorial Scholarship in Forestry. Paul HELLER Fellowship. Bob HINDMARCH Award. Bert HOFFMEISTER Scholarship in Forest Wildlife. Asa JOHAL Graduate Fellowship in Forestry. Izaak Walton KILLAM Memorial PreDoctoral Fellowship. LUMBER Inspector’s Benevolent Society Scholarship. Mary and David MACAREE Fellowship. Donald S. MCPHEE Fellowships. NAMKOONG Family Fellowship in Forest Sciences. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship. NSERC Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship. NSERC KILLAM. NSERC Julie PAYETTE.


NSERC Post Graduate Scholarship NSERC Top Up S upplements. Forestry Research POSTER Winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd). J. Harry G. SMITH Scholarship in Forest Resources Management. SOPRON Alumni Fellowship. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship. TIMBERWEST Forest Limited Fellowship in Forest Resources Management and Planning. TIMBERWEST Forest Limited Fellowship in Forest Sciences. University of B.C. Graduate Fellowship – Graduate Entrance Scholarship. University of B.C. Graduate Fellowship – Cordula and Gunter PAETZOLD. VANDUSEN Graduate Fellowships in Forestry. Adrian WEBER Memorial Scholarship in Forest Ecology. WELDWOOD of Canada Limited Scholarship in Forestry. WELDWOOD of Canada Ltd. H. Richard WHITTALL Scholarship.

2005 Annual Report



Degrees Conferred, May 2005 and November 2005 Congregations



M.A.Sc. FAKHRI, Hamid Reza

Dr. G. Smith Measurement and Modeling the Effect of Fines Content on the Transverse Permeability of Oriented Strand Board (OSB).

M.F. BOWERING, Michael Scott

Dr. V. Lemay Effects of Forest Roads on the Growth of Adjacent Lodgepole Pine Trees in the Williams Lake Area of B.C..

M.Sc. BYRNE, Kenneth Earl

Dr. S. Mitchell Critical Turning Moments and Drag Equations for British Columbia Conifers.

CHUNG, Pablo Antonio

Dr. J. Ruddick Leaching of Copper from Amine-Copper Treated Softwood Decking.

DELONG, Deborah Louise

Drs. R. Kozak and D. Cohen Benchmarking the Canadian Value-Added Wood Products Sector: Competitive Factors that Contribute to its Success.

DING, Mineral Ying Xiang

Dr. D. Cohen An Exploratory Analysis of Chinese Building Specifiers – Their Knowledge of Wood Products & Contributions to Material Specification.


Dr. M. Feller Influence of Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Fire, and Ungulate Browsing on Forest Stand Structure in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains.

EICHEL, Frank Herbert

Dr. P. Marshall Application of the Getis Statistic to the Monitoring of Riparian Zones Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT Images.

INGRAM, John David

Dr. J. McLean The 1995-1998 Outbreak of Neodiprion abietis on the Coast of British Columbia.

12 UBC Faculty of Forestry

JAYASINGHE, Piyangi Rajika

Drs. R. Kozak and G. Bull Forest Certification in the Canadian Value-Added Wood Products Manufacturing Sector.


Dr. J. Richardson Non-Additive Effects of Mixed-Species Leaf-Litter on a Benthic Stream Community in the Pacific Northwest.

KURABI, Arwa Badereldin

Dr. J. Saddler The Inhibitory Role of Lignin in the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Softwoods.

MACKENZIE, Kirsten Dawn

Dr. S. Hinch The Effects of Streamside Forest Harvesting on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Diet in the Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada.


Dr. C Breuil Morphological and Molecular Identification of Ophiostomatoid Fungi Associated with SpruceAttacking Bark Beetles of the Genus Ips De Geer.

SALTER, Jonathan David

Dr. S. Sheppard Designing and Testing a Prototypical Landscape Information Interface for Lay-People.

SCOTT, Robyn Elizabeth

Dr. S. Mitchell Modelling Windthrow Risk in Coastal Variable Retention Using Tree, Neighbourhood, and Stand Attributes.

SIMONS, Victor Brock

Dr. H. Kimmins Habitat Suitability Modeling from Empirical Data: Application to Mule Deer in the Interior of British Columbia.


Dr. C. Prescott Transformative Sustainability Learning: A United Pedagogy of Head, Hands and Heart.

STEWART, Jaclyn Jeanette

Dr. S. Mansfield Isolation and Characterization of Lignin from Populus.

THOMPSON, Derek William

Drs. R. Kozak and P. Evans Thermal Modification of Colour in Red Alder Wood.

URBAN, Kathrin Viola


Dr. P. Evans The Effect of Solar Radiation on the Surface Checking of Lodgepole Pine.

WALIA, Ankit

Dr. R. Guy Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Tsuga heterophylla and its Relationship to Mineral Nutrition and Growth.


Ph.D. BURA, Renata

Dr. J.Saddler Bioconversion of Corn Fibre to Ethanol.

CROWE, Kevin Andrew

Dr. J. Nelson Incorporating Spatially Explicit Objectives into Forest Management Planning.

GANDY, Ryan Scott

Dr. M. Meitner Evaluating Content and Mode of a Next Generation Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) and Subsequent Effects on Passenger Preference Judgements.

IDDRISU, Mohammed Nurudeen

Drs. K. Ritland and S. Aitken Genetic Variation, Population Structure and Mating Systems in Big Leaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum Pursh)

MARR, Amy Beth

Dr. P. Arcese Conservation Genetics of Small Populations.

STAUDHAMMER, Christina Lynn

Drs. T. Maness and R. Kozak Statistical Procedures for Development of RealTime Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Lumber Manufacturing.

STIRLING, Rod Anthony

Dr. C. Breuil Detection and Evaluation of Decay in Pulp and Paper Fibre Supplies.

2005 Annual Report



John L. Innes B.A., M.A., Ph.D., CEnv Director International Forestry 604–822–6761 john.innes@ubc.ca

Sandra Schinnerl B.Comm., M.Ed. Coordinator of Special Projects 604–822–9627 sandra.schinnerl@ubc.ca

Chiara Longhi M.A. International Recruitment Officer 604–822–9187 chiara.longhi@ubc.ca Fax: 604–822–8645 E-mail: int.progs@ubc.ca www.forestry.ubc.ca/intprogs www.forestry.ubc.ca/exchange


NTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES within the Faculty of Forestry continue to evolve and grow. In a recently completed Faculty of Forestry external review conducted in January 2006, (http:// www.forestry.ubc.ca/review/Forestry_Review_2006. pdf ), the review team found that the international activities of the Faculty “will bring enhanced and significant recognition to the university over time.” There are ongoing attempts to increase the number of international students, visitors and post-doctoral visitors that wish to spend time in the Faculty, and we continue to strive to enhance our teaching by including international content where appropriate within courses and across programs. Our faculty members are involved in a wide range of international activities, but we need to find innovative ways to fund formal and more meaningful research collaborations with our international colleagues from around the world. Listed below are some of the achievements the Faculty has had in the area of international research and scholarship as well as some of our plans for the upcoming year.

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 “Trek 2010: A global journey”, the strategic planning document of UBC, stresses the need to develop a greater international awareness in its students. It recommends doing this through increasing international learning opportunities, both at home and abroad. Such a strategy is particularly relevant to the Faculty of Forestry. Our future graduates will live and work in a society in which the need to understand and interact with people from other societies will be crucial in order to solve the global environmental issues that we face. Our students need to be capable of engaging successfully in international trade, working on global environmental issues and utilizing knowledge gained elsewhere to solve local problems. Internationalisation has been emphasized within the strategic plan for the Faculty of Forestry and may provide the only opportunity for some students to learn about the requirements of foresters, forest ecologists and wood scientists of the future. The Faculty of Forestry, in the context of UBC, is already culturally diverse, has significant numbers of international graduate students and a range of international research activities. We are currently documenting this activity, much of which is apparent throughout this annual report.

International Activities The Faculty continues to improve its international activities and linkages despite the absence of institutional funding support to carry out any expansion of current international-related study

14 UBC Faculty of Forestry

and research. Our international extramural funding sources in 2005-2006 saw a drop of 4% (5.3% to 4.4% of all faculty extramural funding sources). The number of projects funded through international sources decreased from 13 projects to 11 projects. We are currently seeking ways to change this, such that the opportunities become more attractive for researchers in the Faculty. The Faculty welcomed 29 international visiting faculty members and 21 international post-doctoral visitors from over 20 countries last year, contributing to our aims for greater internationalization of the Faculty. Our faculty members not only welcomed fellow researchers from around the world, but also played an active role in international research activities. Last year, fourteen of our faculty members participated in over 51 international committees, as well as 16 faculty presenting over 56 international papers outside of Canada. There were also 87 talks given internationally collectively from members of the faculty covering 16 countries. Another key aspect of our international activities has been the initiation of formal links with China. The Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with Beijing and Nanjing Forestry Universities, and with the Beijing Forestry Management Staff College, are now being launched into active collaborations. This year the Faculty finally approved a 2+2 year bridging program; it is now waiting for Senate approval. If successful, the Faculty will be able to welcome Chinese students from our partner universities who, having completed two years of study in their home institution, will receive transfer credit to complete their undergraduate degrees here at UBC Forestry. We continue to explore various ways in which our co-operation with China can be further developed, ranging from exchange of students and faculty to assistance with research and demonstration projects in China. Recently, an MoU has also been signed with the Faculty of Forestry at the University of West Hungary in Sopron, Hungary. This agreement is particularly significant as it was the students and staff of this Hungarian university that came to UBC in 1956 and made a significant contribution to the growth and success of the Faculty at that time. In the past year we have hosted seven faculty members, each for three month visits from Sopron, to support the launch of a forest operations degree program in English at the University of West Hungary. Dr. Tony Kozak, professor emeritus of the Faculty of Forestry continues to provide his support and assistance to this collaboration. We continue to take an active role in the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, and we contributed to the XXII

IUFRO World Congress in August 2005, sending 26 faculty, staff and students as part of our UBC delegation. Dr. John Innes, Professor and Director of International Forestry was elected as Vice President, Policy of IUFRO and the Faculty is now well positioned to enhance its participation in this global network of forest researchers. Dr. Phil Evans of the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) also continues to help the Faculty of Forestry meet some of its obligations as global citizens. With financial assistance from the Canadian International Development Agency, CAWP continues to strengthen links with Stellenbosch University and Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. The agreement and funding enables CAWP to deliver specialist scientific education and training in advanced wood processing on a sustainable basis.

Student Recruitment and Exchange Our student exchange program continues to be an option for students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students can select from 22 institutions in 13 countries. In the 2005-06 academic year, we had students who went to Australia, New Zealand, Sweden and Costa Rica. Over 27 international exchange/visiting students visited us from 14 different universities in nine different countries including Australia, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Japan, Korea, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. With five students going on exchange from the Faculty, and 27 incoming exchange students, there continues to be a marked imbalance in our program. This is an issue that we are attempting to grapple with. For example, the Go Global office, the former Exchange office, with the support of the individual faculties, has successfully expanded our program to include international work placements and internships as another option for students who wish to gain more international experience. We continued our concerted efforts to make international students more aware of programs within the Faculty of Forestry through participation in international recruitment activities, including recruitment fairs throughout the Pacific Northwest and Idaho, with plans to expand to Europe and Asia. The effort appears to have been successful, and the number of applications from international students is increasing. The TRANSFOR program (Transatlantic Education for Globally Sustainable Forests) continues to increase student mobility between the European Union and Canada. We hosted nine students during the summer for the Canadian field course and sent one UBC student, together with seven students from the University

of New Brunswick, the University of Toronto and the University of Alberta to the European Union field tour. We are grateful to Dr. Bruce Larson for playing a major role in implementing this agreement.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 Curriculum Development Curriculum and program change, through the increase in international course content and program offerings continues to be a priority area. Challenging students with global issues, and solutions is an important part of their university education and one that we see requiring careful nurturing. Joint courses offered through the Sauder School of Business in sustainability and business are now available to our Forestry graduate students and graduate and undergraduate courses are now offered in globalization. In an exciting new development, our recently appointed adjunct professor, Dr. Hosny El Lakany (former Assistant Director-General of the FAO Forestry Department of the United Nations), will be teaching our fourth year forest policy course this upcoming academic term, and will be drawing from his extensive international experience to bring more international forest policy issues into the curriculum.

Enhanced Role in the International Partnership for Forest Education The International Partnership of Forest Education (IPFE) is entering a new stage of development and Dr. Hosny El Lakany has been elected to Chair of the IPFE with the objective to solidify its mandate and set out a plan for governing and priorities for the next five years. Dr. El Lakany, will be working closely with UBC Forestry and its other university and regional members from around the world to improve forest education and training world wide through this initiative.

International Events In May of 2007, as part of the special relationship UBC Forestry has with the University of West Hungary, a 50th Anniversary ceremony and celebration of the Sopron Faculty will be held at UBC.

2005 Annual Report




Ronald Trosper B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Aboriginal Forestry 604–822–8089 ronald.trosper@ubc.ca.

Warren Fortier B.N.R.S., Dip. T. Coordinator of Aboriginal Initiatives First Nations Forestry 604–822–0651 warren.fortier@ubc.ca


OR MORE THAN 12 years, the Faculty has been developing and implementing its First Nations strategy. Starting with recognition of the increasing importance of British Columbia’s First Nations in the forest sector, the strategy is expanding to include the importance of indigenous peoples in all aspects of ecosystem management, including conservation policy, land use planning, and park co-management. Today, in British Columbia, the need for First Nations involvement in forested land activities has never been more evident. In November 2004, the Canadian Supreme Court ruled in the Haida and Taku cases that First Nations must be consulted at a strategic level in forestry management. In spite of its view, the Court issued no injunction, and in late May, 2005, the Haida Nation, along with non-Haida community members, blockaded forest operations on Haida Gwaii in protest of actions they felt did not adequately address the public concerns or Aboriginal rights on the island. These and other events contributed to Premier Campbell’s decision to enter into a “New Relationship” with First Nations in BC. Leaders of the First Nations Summit and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs agreed to work on developing the New Relationship. A New Relationship document described the new BC Government’s intent to establish new legislation and policy affecting First Nations rights and access to traditional territories. Although the extent of the practical effect of the New Relationship remains to be determined, First Nations are gaining greater access to forest resources through Forest and Range Agreements, the new Forest and Range Opportunities, and other Interim Measures Agreements. Although many of the tenures are non-replaceable or have other drawbacks, progress appears to be occurring. The challenge remains to increase the number of First Nation Registered Professional Foresters and land managers. The UBC Faculty of Forestry wishes to provide assistance to First Nations and the wider forest community in order to meet these challenges and opportunities through its First Nations strategy. Below is an abbreviated list of achievements over the past year. They are a reflection of strategies and efforts employed to maintain established relationships while fostering new ones.

• •

• •

• •

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 • Dr. Ronald Trosper from the Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation, Montana, began his second year in the Faculty as associate professor of Aboriginal Forestry by teaching a new graduate course, “Indigenous Peoples and Forest Land Management,” FRST 522. He continues to teach CONS 370, “First

16 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Nations and Forest Lands,” and FRST 529, “Ecological Economics,” Warren Fortier, from Simpcw First Nation in British Columbia, became Coordinator of Aboriginal Initiatives in January, 2006. Warren completed a Forestry Diploma at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) and a Natural Resource Science Degree at Thompson Rivers University. Warren has worked for the forest industry in cutting permit developments and silviculture. He worked as administrative coordinator and instructor within the Natural Resource Technology program at NVIT. Warren acknowledges the great work that his predecessors completed as a foundational base for future achievements. One of Warren’s first accomplishments was to update the Faculty’s web site on aboriginal forestry with astute help from Renita Drakes. Warren works directly with the student services team in the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal students. He collaborates with other Aboriginal coordinators and existing services within the Forest Sciences Centre and the First Nations House of Learning. Warren also provides support to Dr. Ron Trosper in the development and implementation of Aboriginal initiatives on and off campus. Warren reaches out to Aboriginal communities by participating in career fairs and accepting requests to deliver presentations on perspectives on Aboriginal forestry education. A total of fourteen undergraduate and two graduate Aboriginal students are currently enrolled in forestry programs. Last year, the Faculty and Malaspina University College formally created the First Nations Bridging and Laddering Partnership to offer the first two years of the B.S.F. degree program for block credit transfer to UBC. We continue to implement this partnership. Ronald Trosper became a member of the Research Advisory Board for the Centre for Native Policy and Research. Last year, with help from the First Nations coordinator for the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, we successfully acquired $26,819 from the Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Fund to develop and implement a pilot math program for forestry students, including Aboriginal students enrolled in other science-based programs. Dr. Trosper continued with two research projects funded by the Sustainable Forest Management Network. He has replaced George Hoberg as principal investigator for the research project, “First Nations and Sustainable Forestry: Institutional Conditions for Success,” which focuses upon the factors affecting the success of

joint ventures involving First Nations, and other similar arrangements, in the forestry sector. We conducted a successful workshop summarizing and critiquing early results from the project, in February, 2006. • Dr. Trosper is a co-investigator on a new project, “A Participatory Approach to Aboriginal Tenure Reform in Canada.” The Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council is a participant in this project, which will examine aboriginal tenures. • Dr. Trosper has also joined a new Task Force on Traditional Forest Knowledge of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. The task force is currently building its work plan. In connection with this project, he presented a paper at the IUFRO’s World Congress in Brisbane, Australia. The paper was titled, “Now that Paiute Forestry is Respectable,” and dealt with issues involved in building connections between traditional knowledge and traditional modern-day science. • David Walkem, Chief of the Cooks Ferry Indian Band, B.Sc.F., M.B.A., R.P.F., delivered a BC Forum Lecture on “Forest Policy Changes Needed to Create a New Relationship with First Nations in BC – Lessons from the Merritt TSA Innovative Forest Practices Agreement Pilot Project”.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 With the succession of the coordinator and the hiring of Dr. Trosper, the First Nations Council of Advisors agreed to review and re-establish the First Nations strategy within the Faculty of Forestry, with the general goal of creating an Aboriginal Forest Institute in the future. The following planned activities are a reflection of this process: • First Nations Recruitment and Retention Fund – to support recruitment and retention activities of the coordinator of Aboriginal programs, and initiatives such as summer science camps for First Nations youth and visiting Elders and speakers. • Review and revise our implementation plan for the First Nations strategy – many of the objectives of the current strategy have been accomplished. In addition, because of changes in the forest sector and in curriculum needs in forest land management, plans for the future need to be examined and refocused. • Restructure the delivery of Aboriginal summer forestry camps – a new formula for delivering valuable forestry related experience to Aboriginal youth. These camps will reflect the needs and concerns of communities with increasing forest management responsibilities by providing exciting activities for the youth.

• Further develop graduate studies on questions important to First Nations, with an emphasis on First Nations students doing graduate work. Develop a network of First Nations in British Columbia interested in such research. • Develop innovative ways to support professional development in the forestry sector, such as development of short courses or web-based courses that address the needs of Aboriginal communities and their partners. • Complete the “Institutional Conditions for Success” research project. Continue the project on Aboriginal tenure reform. • Further develop the relationships between First Nations, the Faculty of Forestry, and the Faculty’s Research Forests. • Dr. Trosper will continue participating in a new graduate program in Forests and Society. Students can pursue a masters degree either with a thesis or with a professional paper. This program provides ways to study indigenous forestry at the graduate level. Further information is available on the web at http:// www.forestry.ubc.ca/forsoc/

First Nations Council of Advisors Garry Merkel, R.P.F.

FNCOA Co-Chair, Tahltan Nations

Gordon Prest

FNCOA Co-Chair, Sto:lo

Jack Saddler

Dean of Forestry, UBC

Dr. Peter Marshall

Professor & Associate Dean of Forestry, UBC

Dr. George Hoberg

Professor & FRM Director, UBC

Dr. Ronald Trosper

Associate Professor of Aboriginal Forestry

David Nordquist

Forester, Adams Lake Indian Band

Dwight Yochim

Association of BC Forest Professionals

Darrell Robb

Director, BC Ministry of Forests, Aboriginal Affairs

Dr. Richard Vedan Associate Professor, Social Work & Family Studies; Director, UBC First Nations House of Learning Keith Atkinson

President & General Manager, Coast Forest Management

Bev Sellars

BC Treaty Commission

Debbie Miller

Treaty Officer, Katzie First Nation

Laurie Vaughan


Carleigh Johnston

Undergraduate Student

Yanny Barney

Undergraduate Student

Warren Fortier

Coordinator of Aboriginal Initiatives, UBC

2005 Annual Report



SADDLER, J. N. (Jack)


B.Sc. (Hons.) (Edin.), Ph.D. (Glas.) Dean 604–822–3542 jack.saddler@ubc.ca


B.Sc.F., M.Sc.F. (Tor.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), R.P.F. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies Responsible for administering undergraduate academic programs, including curriculum and calendar changes; admissions; retention; transfers and advancements; awards; discipline and teaching evaluations. 604–822–4918 peter.marshall@ubc.ca


B.Sc. (Hons.) (Brock), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Calg.) Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research Responsible for promoting and overseeing administration of externally-sponsored research activities, and administering all aspects of Forestry graduate programs. 604–822–4701 cindy.prescott@ubc.ca

WATTS, Susan B.

B.Sc. (Wales), M.F., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.), R.P.F. Director, Communications Responsible for directing communications and external relations, for promoting research, for coordinating project proposal developoment and for producing Faculty Newsletters and Annual Reports. 604–822–6316 sue.watts@ubc.ca

18 UBC Faculty of Forestry

ANDERSON, Geoffrey B.Comm. (Nfld.) Cooperative Education Coordinator 604–827–5196 geoff.anderson@ubc.ca

FORTIER, Warren B.N.R.S., Dip. T. Coordinator of Aboriginal Initiatives 604–822–0651 warren.fortier@ubc.ca.

BERDEJ, Samantha Admissions Advisor 604–822–1834 samantha.berdej@ubc.ca

GARTHSON, Chloe B.A. (Hons) (Hamilton) Development Coordinator 604–822–8787 cgarthson@forestry.ubc.ca

BERG, Anonda B.A. (Brit. Col.) Undergraduate Programs Secretary 604–822–2727 for.recep@ubc.ca BORTHWICK, Barbara Director, Administration 604–822–5542 barbara.borthwick@ubc.ca CARSON, Larry B.Sc. (Vic.), MCSE Systems Manager 604–822–0773 larry.carson@ubc.ca


KEATING-HUSK, Clare B.A. (Hons.) (Lincolnshire & Humberside) Dean’s Assistant and Alumni Relations Officer 604–822–3542 clare.keating-husk@ubc.ca


LONGHI, Chiara M.A. (Univ. Pisa) International Recruitment Officer 604–822–9187 chiara.longhi@ubc.ca MORIZAWA, Caryn Dean’s Coordinator 604–822–2176 caryn.morizawa@ubc.ca

CEDERBERG, Erin B.A. (Hons) (Calg.) Development Coordinator 604–822–8787 erin.cederberg@ubc.ca

MYERS, Jamie H.N.D. (Lon.) Editorial and Graphic Design Coordinator 604–822–4072 jamie.myers@ubc.ca

DRAKES, Angela Financial Coordinator 604–822–4312 angela.drakes@ubc.ca

NELSON, Lori Graduate Admissions Secretary 604–822–6784 grad.for@ubc.ca

DRAKES, Renita B.A. (Brit. Col.) Education and Web Technology Coordinator 604–822–0024 renita.drakes@ubc.ca

PARSONS, Candace E.B. B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), R.P.F. Director, Student Services 604–822–3547 candace.parsons@ubc.ca

EVANS, Katrina B.Sc.F. (ANU) Senior Development Officer 604–822–8716 katrina.evans@ubc.ca

SCHINNERL, Sandra B.Comm., M.Ed. (Brit. Col.) Coordinator of Special Projects 604–822–9627 sandra.schinnerl@ubc.ca

FETTES, Lesley B.S.F. (Brit. Col.) Admissions Advisor 604–827–5195 lesley.fettes@ubc.ca

TEASDALE, Tracey Graduate Programs Assistant 604–822–6177 tracey.teasdale@ubc.ca

Office of the Dean Forest Sciences Centre 2005 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: 604–822–2727 Fax: 604–822–8645

2005 Annual Report



David Tait

George Hoberg Head

Younes Alila

Dennis Bendickson

Gary Bull

Nicholas Coops

Jonathan Fannin

Sumeet Gulati

John Innes

Valerie LeMay

Kevin Lyons

Thomas Maness

Peter Marshall

Michael Meitner

Dan Moore

John Nelson

Stephen Sheppard

David Tindall

Ron Trosper

Markus Weiler

Paul Wood

20 UBC Faculty of Forestry

HOBERG, George

Professor and Head Forest Policy B.S. (1980) Calif., Berkeley, Ph.D. (1987) MIT 604–822–3728 george.hoberg@ubc.ca

ALILA, Younes

Associate Professor Forest Engineering Hydrology B.A.Sc. (1985), M.A.Sc. (1987), Ph.D. (1994) Ottawa, P. Eng. 604–822–6058 younes.alila@ubc.ca


Senior Instructor and Director, Forest Operations Major Forest Operations B.S.F. (1971) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–5932 dennis.bendickson@ubc.ca

BULL, Gary Q.

Assistant Professor Forest Economics and Forest Policy B.S.F. (1988), M.F. (1991) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1995) Tor. 604–822–1553 gary.bull@ubc.ca

COOPS, Nicholas C.

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Remote Sensing Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Modeling in Forestry and Ecology B.App.Sc. (1991), Ph.D. (1996) RMIT, Melbourne 604–822–6452 nicholas.coops@ubc.ca

FANNIN, R. Jonathan

Professor (Forest Resources Management, Civil Engineering) Forest Engineering, Roads, Soils, Terrain Stability Assessment B.Sc. (Hons.) (1983) Belfast, Ph.D. (1987) Oxf., P. Eng. 604–822–3133 jonathan.fannin@ubc.ca

GULATI, Sumeet

Assistant Professor (Forest Resources Management, Land and Food Systems) Food and Resource Economics B.A. (1993) Mumbai, M.A. (1995) Delhi, M.S. (2000), Ph.D. (2003) Maryland 604–822–2144 bart

INNES, John L.

Professor and Forest Renewal BC Chair in Forest Management Sustainable Forest Management, Cumulative Impacts Analysis, First Nations B.A. (1979), M.A. (1983), Ph.D. (1983) Cantab., CEnv 604–822–6761 john.innes@ubc.ca


LeMAY, Valerie M.

Associate Professor Biometrics/Mensuration B.Sc. (1981), M.Sc. (1982) Alta., Ph.D. (1989) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–4770 valerie.lemay@ubc.ca


LYONS, C. Kevin

Assistant Professor Forest Engineering B.S.F. (1997), M.F. (1998) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (2001) Oregon State 604–822–3559 kevin.lyons@ubc.ca

MANESS, Thomas C.

Associate Professor and Director, BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy Forest Economics and Systems Analysis B.S.F. (1979), W. Virginia, M.Sc. (1981) Virginia Polytech., Ph.D. (1989) Wash. 604–822–2150 thomas.maness@ubc.ca


Professor and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies Growth and Yield, Sampling Design B.Sc.F. (1976), M.Sc.F. (1979) Tor., Ph.D. (1984) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–4918 peter.marshall@ubc.ca

MEITNER, Michael

Assistant Professor Environmental Perception and Visualization, Recreation, GIS B.Sc.(1992), M.A.(1998), Ph.D. (1999) (Arizona) 604–822–0029 michael.meitner@ubc.ca


Associate Professor (Forest Resources Management, Geography) and Forest Renewal BC Chair in Forest Hydrology Hydrology B.Sc. (Hons.) (1979) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1984) Canterbury, P. Geo. 604–822–3538 rdmoore@geog.ubc.ca

2005 Annual Report


Forest Resources Management Forest Sciences Centre 2045 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: 604–822–3482 Fax: 604–822–9106



Associate Professor and Director, Forest Resources Management Major Timber Supply Planning B.S.F. (1980), M.B.A. (1982) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1988) Oregon State, R.P.F. 604–822–3902 john.nelson@ubc.ca

SHEPPARD, Stephen R.J.


Associate Professor (Forest Resources Management, Landscape Architecture) and Director, Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning Visual Management, Planning, Visualization B.A. (1974) Oxf., M.Sc. (1976) Brit. Col., M.A. (1980) Oxf., Ph.D. (1982) Calif., Berkeley 604–822–6582 stephen.sheppard@ubc.ca

TAIT, David E.N.

Assistant Professor Optimization Techniques, Forest Planning B.Sc. (1968), M.Sc. (1970), Ph.D. (1983) Brit. Col. 604–822–2997 david.tait@ubc.ca


Associate Professor (Forest Resources Management, Sociology) Environmental Sociology/Social Research Methods B.A. (1985), M.A. (1989) Vic., Ph.D. (1994) Tor. 604–822–2550/2363 tindall@interchange.ubc.ca


Associate Professor Aboriginal Forestry B.A.(1967), M.A.(1970), Ph.D.(1974) Harvard 604–822–8089 ronald.trosper@ubc.ca

WEILER, Markus

Assistant Professor (Forest Resources Management, Geography) and Forest Renewal BC Chair in Forest Hydrology Watershed Hydrology M.Sc. (1997) U. Freiburg, Ph.D. (2001) Swiss Federal Inst. Technology 604–822–3169 markus.weiler@ubc.ca

WOOD, Paul M.

Associate Professor Conservation Policy, Environmental Ethics B.Sc. (1973), Ph.D. (1994) Brit. Col., R.P.F., R.P. Bio. 604–822–0951 paul.wood@ubc.ca

22 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Sessional Lecturer SCHWAB, Olaf B.Sc. (Gottingen), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Forest Economics

Research Associates HARSHAW, Howard B.A. (Lakehead), B.A. (Dalhousie), M.F. (Brit. Col.) Forest Recreation LUO, Qiang (Charles) B.Sc. M.Sc. (Beijing, China), Ph.D. (Tokyo, Japan) Hydrology NELSON, Harry B.A. (Carleton), M.A. (Harvard), Ph.D. (Brit Col.) Forest and Resource Economics, Policy and Trade

Post-doctoral Fellows GANDY, Ryan B.L., M.L. (Pretoria), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Telematics and GIS HRACHOWITZ, Markus M.Eng, Ph.D. (Vienna) Hydrology JOST, Georg B.Sc., Ph.D. (Vienna) Hydrology NIGHTINGALE, Joanne M. B.Sc., (Hons.), Ph.D. (Queensland, Australia) Remote Sensing

Adjunct Professors D’EON, Robert (Consultant) B.Sc.F., M.Sc.F., Ph.D. Ecology and Management of Forested Landscapes EL-LAKANY, Hosny B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. International Forest Policy HOGAN, Dan (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.A., M.Sc., P.Geo. Geomorphology HUDSON, Robert (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D Forest Hydrology

ILES, Kimberley (Consultant) B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D. Forest Inventory LECKIE, Donald G. (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc., Ph.D. Remote Sensing MATAKALA, Patrick (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Mozambique) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Community Resource Management and Conservation Planning THERIEN, Guillaume (J.S. Thrower & Associates) B.A.Sc., Ph.D. Forest Biometrics WILSON, Bill (Canadian Forest Service) B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Forest and Resource Economics, International Trade WINKLER, Rita D. (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.S.F., M.Sc., Ph.D. Watershed Management, Snow Hydrology WULDER, Mike (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Forest Geomatics, Remote Sensing

MAEDEL, Jerry B.F.A., T.C. (Vic.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) GIS/RS Coordinator


MANESS, Katie B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician MURPHY, Siobhan B.A. (Victoria), M.A. (Brit. Col.) Research Scientist RELOVA, Marissa B.A. Econ. (Maryknoll Coll., The Philippines) Financial Clerk


RISTEA, Catalin B.Sc. (Transylvania), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Project Manager ROBINSON, Nicole B.Sc. (McGill), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Associate Director, B.C. Forum on Forest Economics and Policy SCHUETZ, Andre Computer Developer SCOTT, Robyn B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit.Col.) Research Scientist SMOLKA, Shelley Department Secretary VERWOERD, Harry Computer Support Specialist



AIREY, Adelle Secretary

Dr. Paul Wood was promoted to associate professor with tenure eective July 1, 2005.

AKAI, Heather Administrator AQUINO, David B.Sc.F. (National Agrarian), M.F. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician BAILEY, Jennifer B.Sc. (Vic.), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant BASTIDAS, Rafael B.Sc.(Bogota, Columbia), Syst. Sup. Specialist Cert. (BCIT) Technician BROWN, Larianna B.Sc. (Brit.Col) Research Scientist GOUGH, Angeline B.Sc. (Brit.Col) Research Scientist

2005 Annual Report





PLANS FOR 2006 – 07

• John Innes chaired the Congress Scientific Committee at the XXII IUFRO World Congress in Brisbane Australia, August 8-13, 2005. • In preparation for an external review of the Department, we undertook a significant strategic planning process to develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities) assessment where all Departmental faculty and staff had input. We adopted nine strategic objectives, each supported by action items. • Markus Weiler was awarded $265,780 from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation to establish a Water Tracer Laboratory. • We appointed Dr. Hosny El-Lakany, recently retired as Assistant Director General of Forestry, FAO, as an adjunct professor. • Drs. Meitner and Nelson received new NSERC research grants. Drs. Alila, Coops, Fannin, LeMay, Lyons, Sheppard and Weiler received ongoing NSERC funding. Dr. Maness received an NSERC Collaborative R&D grant. • Dr. Hoberg co- hosted with UNBC a workshop series “Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic and the Future of Communities and Ecosystems, Research Synthesis and Strategy” at Robson Square, November 7, 2005, and UNBC, November 9, 2005. • Dr. Jonathan Fannin gave an invited plenary lecture on BC forest practices to the International Conference on Landslide Risk Management. • As part of a larger, $20,000,000 grant from Genome Canada and partner institutions, Drs. Paul Wood and Gary Bull received $732,000 to investigate ethical, legal, and social issues pertaining to the use of genomic techniques in forestry. • We worked with the Department of Forest Sciences to develop a new major focused on global resources for the Natural Resources Conservation Program.

• A search is underway for a new Department Head. • The Department will be reviewed in April 2006. • In partnership with the Department of Forest Sciences, we plan to revise the undergraduate curriculum to increase flexibility and enrolment. • The Forests and Society group will be hosting a Fall workshop entitled “Gauging public opinion of forestry and forest uses: How can public surveys inform forest management?” • As a follow-up to the 2002 symposium on “small stream channels and their riparian zones,” Dan Moore, in collaboration with John Richardson, will be convening a symposium on alternative riparian management strategies in February 2007.

24 UBC Faculty of Forestry


HE BC FORUM on Forest Economics and Policy is a new research and education institute dedicated to stimulating new ideas, innovative research and far-sighted public policy options critical to BC’s forestry sector. The Forum was established with a generous gift from Canadian Forest Products Ltd. The Forum’s purpose is to promote public dialogue and provide unbiased inquiry and objective analysis on vital economic and policy issues that concern our forests and the values we derive from them and to assist BC adapt in a changing global environment.

• What are the key success factors for the value added sector in BC? D. Delong, D.L. Delong Associates • Design: Potential for BC’s wood products industry. B. Bell, Formativ Design • BC Regions: Economic zoning for diverse forest values. S. Nicol, R. Sunderman, & G. Robinson, Lion’s Gate Consulting • Technology and the competitiveness of the wood products sector. T. Maness, UBC (Most of the above publications are available from www.bc-fourm.org/_media)



In 2005, the BC Forum Roundtable identified four priority research themes (see below). Issues Briefs serve to outline the broad context of the issue. Synthesis Papers establish clear objectives for research, bring together pertinent information and identify what is already known and what needs to be known. Forest Sector Competitiveness: The goal of this program is to understand how globalization and increase in trade in international forest products will impact the BC forest sector and what information and research can lead to better positioning this sector. Value Focused Forestry: Global competition in commodity wood products markets is expected to intensify. Coupled with this is an almost certain decrease in the allowable cut due to a host of environmental, social and economic factors. The goal of this program is to explore the potential benefits and challenges of adopting a high value recovery approach from our forests. Forest Tenure and Land Management Strategies: There is common agreement among stakeholders that land tenure is a critical competitiveness issue in BC. The goal of this program area is to identify the research questions that must be answered to quantify the costs and benefits of changing the tenure and land management system. Communities: Strong forest-based community economies are an essential part of an economically competitive and sustainable forest sector. The goal of this program is to support the many existing institutions and organizations involved in rural community development in BC by providing objective, thoughtful and timely information and research about factors affecting BC’s communities. Issues Briefs • Towards a value focused forest sector in British Columbia. R. Kozak and T. Maness, University of British Columbia • Strengthening forest-based community economies in BC. C. Pearce, Mountain Labyrinth Resources Synthesis Papers • What is a value added sector and why is it important to forest sector competitiveness? R. Schultz, BC Ministry of Forests & Range and A. Gorley, Triangle Resources

Public events are intended to both inform stakeholders and the general public of the critical issues facing the BC forest sector and to stimulate dialogue and exchange of ideas.



Symposia In March 2006 the Forum, in partnership with the Forest Products Association of Canada, hosted a symposium entitled: Value Focused Forestry in British Columbia: A Wealth of Opportunities. Over 190 participants from the forest industry, government, First Nations, banking sector, academia, communities, and NGOs attended the event that featured presentations on the synthesis papers commissioned by the Forum.

Distinguished Lecture Series This new lecture series brought together researchers, business leaders, and other forest sector stakeholders to create a strategic vision for competitiveness and a sustainable forest sector. • Economic Models for Forest Sector Policy Analysis. D. Adams, Oregon State University • Timberland Ownership, Forest Company Valuation & Competitiveness. S. Chercover, D.A. Davidson & H. Kerr , TimberWest • Public Involvement in Land Use Planning. B. Schindler, Oregon State University • Forest Policy and the New Relationship with First Nations. Chief D. Walkem, Nicola Similkameen Innovative Forestry Society • Economic Effectiveness of Protected Areas. R. Deacon, University of California, Santa Barbara

Thomas Maness B.S.F., M.Sc., Ph.D. Director 604–822–2150 thomas.maness@ubc.ca Nicole Robinson B.Sc., M.Sc. Associate Director 604–822–5570 nicole.robinson@ubc.ca Catalin Ristea B.Sc., M.Sc. Program Manager 604–822–8232 catalin.ristea@ubc.ca

PLANS FOR 2006-07 • Publish and present findings of the synthesis papers on land tenure and management systems in BC at our September 2006 symposium • Host lectures on key issues facing the BC forest sector • Expand our capacity through fund raising • Continue synthesis and research work under our four priority themes

2005 Annual Report


BC Forum on Forest Economics & Policy Forest Sciences Centre 2045 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Phone: 604–822–5570 Fax: 604–822–9106 info@bcforum.org www.bc-forum.org

FOREST SCIENCES DEPARTMENT Bart van der Kamp Head (until Dec. 31/05)

Sally Aitken

Peter Arcese

Jรถrg Bohlmann

Fred Bunnell

Chris Chanway

Yousry El-Kassaby

Michael Feller

Sarah Gergel

Susan Grayston

Robert Guy Head (effective Jan. 01/06)

Scott Hinch

Hamish Kimmins

Maja Krzic

Bruce Larson

Kathy Martin

John McLean

Steve Mitchell

Cindy Prescott

John Richardson

Kermit Ritland

Suzanne Simard

Tom Sullivan

Susan Watts

26 UBC Faculty of Forestry


Professor and Head (until Dec. 31, 05) Forest Pathology B.S.F. (1964) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1967) Aberd. 604–822–2728 bart.vanderkamp@ubc.ca

AITKEN, Sally N.

FELLER, Michael C.

Associate Professor Fire Science and Water Quality B.Sc. (Hons.) (1968), M.Sc. (1969) Melb., Ph.D. (1975) Brit. Col. 604–822–3729 michael.feller@ubc.ca


Professor and NSERC Chair in Population Genetics, Director, Forest Sciences Program and Director, Centre for Forest Gene Conservation Forest Genetics and Gene Conservation B.S.F. (Hons.) (1984) Brit. Col., M.Sc. (1986), Ph.D. (1989) Calif., Berkeley 604–822–6020 sally.aitken@ubc.ca

GERGEL, Sarah E.


Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Soil Microbial Ecology Soil Microbial Ecology B.Sc. (1982), Ph.D. (1987) Sheffield 604–822–5928 sue.grayston@ubc.ca

Professor and Forest Renewal BC Chair in Applied Conservation Biology Population Ecology of Birds and Mammals B.A. (1981) Wash., M.Sc. (1985), Ph.D. (1988) Brit. Col. 604–822–1886 peter.arcese@ubc.ca


Associate Professor (Michael Smith Laboratories, Forest Sciences, Botany), Distinguished University Scholar, NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Fellow Plant/Insect Interactions, Forest Health, Genomics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology B.Sc. (1988), M.Sc. (1991), Ph.D. (1995) Braunschweig, Germany 604–822–0282 bohlmann@msl.ubc.ca


Professor (Honorary) Principles of Conservation Biology, Influences of Forestry Practices on Wildlife B.S.F. (Hons.) (1965) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1973) Calif., Berkeley, R.P.Bio. 604–822–8287 fred.bunnell@ubc.ca

CHANWAY, Christopher P.

Professor (Forest Sciences, Land and Food Systems) Soil Microbiology B.Sc. (1978) Winn., B.S. Ag. (1980) Manit., M.Sc. (1983), Ph.D. (1987) Brit. Col. 604–822–3716 christopher.chanway@ubc.ca


Professor and NSERC Chair in Applied Forest Genetics and Biotechnology Quantitative Genetics B.Sc. (1970) Alexandra, M.Sc. (1976) Tanta, Ph.D. (1980) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–1821 y.el-kassaby@ubc.ca

Assistant Professor Watershed Landscape Ecology B.S. (1992) Florida, M.S. (1996), Ph.D. (2001) Wisconsin 604–827–5163 sarah.gergel@ubc.ca



GUY, Robert D.

Professor and Head (effective Jan. 01, 06) Plant Physiology B.Sc. (1977), Ph.D. (1984) Calg. 604–822–6023 rob.guy@ubc.ca

HINCH, Scott G.

Professor and Director, Natural Resources Conservation Program (Forest Sciences, Institute for Resources and Environment) Aquatic Ecology and Fish Conservation B.Sc. (Hons.) (1985), M.Sc. (1987) W. Ont., Ph.D. (1992) Tor. 604–822–9377 scott.hinch@ubc.ca

KIMMINS, J.P. (Hamish)

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Forest Ecosystem Modelling Forest Ecology, Sustainability of Managed Forests, Modelling Forest Ecosystems B.Sc. (1964) Wales, M.Sc. (1966) Calif., Berkeley, M.Phil. (1968), Ph.D. (1970) Yale, R.P.F. (Hon.) 604–822–3549 hamish.kimmins@ubc.ca


Assistant Professor (Forest Sciences, Land and Food Systems) Soil Science B.Sc. (1986), M.Sc. (1990) (Belgrade), Ph.D. (1997) Brit. Col. 604–822–0252 maja.krzic@ubc.ca

2005 Annual Report


Forest Sciences Forest Sciences Centre 3041 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: 604–822–2507 Fax: 604–822–9102



Professor and Forest Renewal BC Chair in Silviculture Silviculture and Stand Dynamics A.B. (1976) Harvard, M.F.S. (1978) Yale, Ph.D. (1982) Washington 604–822–1284 bruce.larson@ubc.ca

MARTIN, Kathy M.


Professor (Canadian Wildlife Service) Avian Ecology and Conservation B.Sc. (1970) Prince Edward Is., M.Sc. (1973) Alta., Ph.D. (1985) Qu. 604–822–9695 kathy.martin@ubc.ca

McLEAN, John A.

Professor Forest Entomology B.Sc. (1965), M.Sc. (1968) Auckland, Ph.D. (1976) S. Fraser, F.R.E.S., R.P.Bio. 604–822–3360 john.mclean@ubc.ca


SIMARD, Suzanne W.

Associate Professor Forest Ecology and Silvics B.S.F. (1983) Brit. Col., M.S. (1989), Ph.D. (1995) Oregon 604–822–1955 suzanne.simard@ubc.ca


Professor (Forest Sciences, Land and Food Systems) Wildlife Ecology B.Sc. (Hons.) (1973), M.Sc. (1976), Ph.D. (1978) Brit. Col. 604–822–6873 tom.sullivan@ubc.ca

WATTS, Susan B.

Lecturer and Director, Communications Forest Entomology B.Sc. (1973) Wales, M.F. (1976), Ph.D. (1981) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–6316 sue.watts@ubc.ca

Sessional Lecturer

Associate Professor Silviculture B.S.F. (1987), Ph.D. (1999) Brit. Col., R.P.F. 604–822–4591 steve.mitchell@ubc.ca

LAVALLEE, Suzie B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate (UBC) Insect Ecology and Conservation


CHAN-McLEOD, Ann C. Allaye B.S.F., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Alaska) Physiological Ecology

Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research Forest Nutrition B.Sc. (Hons.) (1981) Brock, M.Sc. (1984), Ph.D. (1988) Calg. 604–822–4701 cindy.prescott@ubc.ca


Associate Professor Stream and Riparian Ecosystems B.Sc. (1979) Tor., M.Sc. (1983) Alta., Ph.D. (1989) Brit. Col. 604–822–6586 john.richardson@ubc.ca

RITLAND, Kermit M.

Professor and NSERC Chair in Population Genetics Population and Quantitative Genetics B.Sc. (1977) Wash., Ph.D. (1982) Calif., Davis 604–822–8101 kermit.ritland@ubc.ca

Research Associates

CLARK, Terry B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tor.) Numerical Modeling of Small Scale Atmospheric Processes using Large Eddy Simulation Techniques HUGGARD, David B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Biodiversity Monitoring and Ecological Data Analysis PEARSON, Audrey B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Washington) Natural Disturbances in Coastal Forests RITLAND, Carol B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Tor.) Molecular Genetics SEELY, Brad B.S. (Redlands), Ph.D. (Boston) Nutrient Dynamics and Forest Hydrology VERNIER, Pierre B.A., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Habitat Modelling and Landscape Ecology WANG, Tongli M.Sc., Ph.D. (Helsinki) Forest Tree Breeding

28 UBC Faculty of Forestry

WELHAM, Clive B.Sc., M.Sc., (Manit.), Ph.D. (S. Fraser) Biosciences

MARTIN, Tara B.Sc. (Griffith), Ph.D. (Queensland) Population and Conservation Biology

WELLS, Ralph B.Sc., M.R.M. (S. Fraser) Applied Forest Ecology

MELLINA, Eric B.Sc., B.Sc. (McGill), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Ecology and Fish-forestry Interactions

ZHONG, Anliang B.Sc., M.Sc. (Fujian), Ph.D. (Nanjing), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Forest Ecology

NORRIS, Ryan B.E.S. (Hon.) (Waterloo), M.Sc. (York), Ph.D. (Queens) Migration, Behavioural and Population Ecology, Stable-isotopes

Honorary Research Associates COOKE, Steven J. B.ES., M.Sc. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Illinois) NSERC and Izaak Killam Fellowship Fish Conservation JACKSON, Michael B.Sc. (E. Anglia), M.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (E. Anglia) Biology of Shallow Lakes, Ecotoxicology, and Biodiversity Conservation OVASKA, Kristiina B.Sc. (Lakehead), M.Sc. (Acadia), Ph.D. (UVic) Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles ZHANG, Yixin B.Sc. (Nanjing), Ph.D. (Umeå) Stream Ecology

Post-doctoral Fellows BASILIKO, Nathan B.S. (Hon.) (Ithaca), Ph.D. (McGill) Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of Wetlands; Global and Environmental Change BENGTSSON, Per M.Sc., Ph.D. (Lund) Chemical Ecology and Ecotoxicology COOPERMAN, Michael B.Sc. (Tufts), M.S. (Montana), Ph.D. (Oregon) Fish Ecology and Fluvial Geomorphology CURTIS, Janelle B.Sc. (Hon), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (McGill) Conservation Biology DREVER, Mark B.Sc. (Tor.), MPM (S. Fraser), Ph.D. (Guelph) Avian Ecology and Conservation EVANS OGDEN, Lesley B.Sc. (Tor.), M.Sc. (York), Ph.D. (S. Fraser) NSERC Fellowship Avian Ecology and Conservation HAEUSSLER, Sybille B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), M.Sc. (Oregon), Ph.D. (UQAM) Forest Ecology


SAKAMAKI, Takashi B.E, M.E, D.E. (Tohoku) Dynamics of Organic Matter and Nutrients in Estuaries and Tidal Flats


SMETS, Pia M.Sc. (Leuven), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Forest Genetics, Genecology

Visiting Scholars BLANCO VACA, Juan Ph.D. (Navarra) Forest Ecology, Nutrient Cycling and Ecosystem-level Modelling MAZAHERI-ASSADI, Mahnaz B.Sc. (Bangalore), M.Sc. , Ph.D. (Roorkee) Soil Microbiology TANG, Jingen (Carl) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Nanjing) Forest Entomology

Adjunct Professors BISHOP, Christine (Canadian Wildlife Service) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Amphibian and Avian Ecology BOTHWELL, Max (National Water Research Institute) B.A., M.A. Stream Ecology BULMER, Charles (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Productivity of Disturbed and Rehabilitated Soils BURTON, Philip J. (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Regeneration Ecology COATES, David (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.S.F., M.Sc., Ph.D. Silviculture and Forest Ecology

2005 Annual Report




HAWKES, Brad (Canadian Forest Service) B.S.F., M.Sc., Ph.D. Fire Ecology and Management HUMBLE, Leland (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc., Ph.D. Entomology KLENNER, Walter (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., R.P.Bio. Forestry Wildlife KURZ, Werner (Canadian Forest Service) Diplom Holzwirt, Ph.D. Forest Ecosystem Modelling MORRISON, Duncan J. (Canadian Forest Service) B.S.F., M.Sc., Ph.D. Root Diseases NEWMAN, Reg (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc., B.S.F., Ph.D. Range Ecology SHAMOUN, Simon (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Plant Pathology SHORE, Terrence (Canadian Forest Service) B.Sc.(Hons.), Ph.D. Bark Beetles STOEHR, Michael (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Advanced Generation Seed Orchards. YANCHUK, Alvin (B.C. Ministry of Forests & Range) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Gene Conservation

Faculty Associates DURALL, Daniel (Okanagan University College) B.Sc., Ph.D. Mycorrhizal Ecology CLEMENTS, David (Trinity Western University) B.Sc., Ph.D. Weed Ecologies

30 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Staff BERG, Nora B.Sc. (Alta.) Research Assistant/Technician CHAN, Andrea B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Financial Clerk CHENG, Rosemarie B.S.I.E. (UP, The Philippines) Financial Coordinator CHOURMOUZIS, Christine B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Guelph) Research Scientist DEL BEL, Kate B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Calgary) Research Assistant/Technician DESCALZO, Rolando M.P.M., Ph.D. (S. Fraser) Research Assistant/Technician GIBSON, Will B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician HAAG, Devon B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician HODGES, Norman B.Sc. (Vic.) Computer Specialist HOFER, Nancy B.S.C.N. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician HOUDE, Isabelle B.Sc. (McGill), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Coordinator and Project Manager KRAKOWSKI, Jodie B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Scientist KREMSATER, Laurie B.S.F., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Manager, Sustainable Forestry Project LANQUAYE, Naa B.Sc. (Ghana), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician LIAO, Limin B.Sc. (Shangsha), M.Sc. (Beijing) Research Assistant/Technician LOTTO, Andrew R.M.O.T. (Malaspina) Research Assistant/Technician

McKAY, D’Arcy B.Sc. (SFU) Research Assistant/Technician MISCAMPBELL, Allyson B.Sc. (Lakehead), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician MOSSOP, Martin B.Sc. (S. Fraser) Research Assistant/Technician MOY, Arnold B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) GIS Specialist MUTIA, Christine B. Admin. (UP, The Philippines) Financial Clerk NANJOKAITIS-LEWIS, Ilona B.Sc. (Trent), M.R.M. (SFU) Research Assistant/Technician PINTO, Xavier B.Sc. (Lima), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician ROOTMAN, Susan Departmental Clerk SETO, Carrie B.A. (H.K.) Administrator SQUIRES, Kelly B.Sc. (Memorial), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician TUYTEL, Joanne B.S.F. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician VIOLA, Guiseppina B.Sc. (L’Aquila) Research Assistant/Technician

Promotion/Tenure Drs. Sally Aitken, Peter Arcese, Scott Hinch and Cindy Prescott were promoted to professor effective July 1, 2005. Dr. Suzanne Simard was awarded tenure as an associate professor effective July 1, 2005.

New Faculty Appointment Dr. Yousry A. El-Kassaby has joined the Department as a Senior Industry-NSERC Research Chair in applied forest genetics and biotechnology. He received his B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. in genetics from Alexandria and Tanta Universities, Egypt and Ph.D. from the Faculty of Forestry, UBC. Yousry has spent the majority of his career working as a research scientist for the forest industry and a biotechnology start-up company. His research will

focus on creating linkages between germplasm developers and operational users to enhance the efficiency of the current tree improvement system by incorporating new innovations including appropriate biotechnologies.

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 • Dr. Robert Guy was appointed as head of the Forest Sciences Department, replacing Dr. Bart van der Kamp who led the Department ably for the past seven years. • Drs. Bohlmann and Ritland were awarded a Genome BC/Genome Canada grant totaling $20 million over four years. Their project will focus on genomic mechanisms of insect resistance in spruce, and comparisons with loblolly pine, and involves close collaboration with the BC Ministry of Forests & Range, as well as with co-funders internationally. • Drs. Gergel and Krzic received new NSERC Discovery Grants and Drs. Aitken, Arcese, Chanway, Grayston, Guy, Hinch, Kimmins, Martin, Mitchell, Prescott, Richardson, Ritland and Simard received ongoing NSERC funding. • Drs. Bunnell, Chan-McLeod, Grayston, Hinch, Kimmins, Larson, Mitchell, Prescott, Richardson, Simard, Sullivan, van der Kamp and Zhang were awarded Forest Science Program grants totaling $1,481,195. • Dr. Guy received a Killam Teaching prize. • Dr. Grayston received an Erskine Fellowship from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. • The 2006 Namkoong Family Lecture was held in March and can be viewed at our website.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 • With the approaching retirement of Dr. van der Kamp, we will be preparing to recruit replacement faculty during 2007/08. • Maintain high level of proposals to NSERC, FIA and other funding agencies. • Continue to develop the undergraduate programs. • Dr. Guy will represent the Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists in organizing a joint meeting, including a symposium on Tree Physiology and Genomics, with the American Society of Plant Biologists in Boston, August 5-9, 2006. • Drs. Richardson and Moore are planning an international conference on “Small streams: what can be done to protect them?” in early 2007 at UBC. • Dr. Hamish Kimmins has been asked to be a continuing “corresponding” member of the COMEST of UNESCO. • Dr. Kimmins will be the chair of the sixth North American Forest Ecology Workshop in June 2007. • Dr. S. Mitchell is planning an international conference on “Wind and Trees” in August 2007 at UBC. 2005 Annual Report





Stavros Avramidis

David Barrett

Colette Breuil

David Cohen

Patrick Cramond

Simon Ellis

Philip Evans

Robert Fürst

John Kadla

Robert Kozak

Frank Lam

Shawn Mansfield

Helmut Prion

John Ruddick

Jack Saddler

Gregory Smith

Taraneh Sowlati

32 UBC Faculty of Forestry


Professor and Head Environmental Aspects of Wood Products and Processing B. Tech. (Hons.) (1973), Ph.D. (1979) Massey F.I.A.W.S. 604–822–7667 paul.mcfarlane@ubc.ca


Professor Wood Physics and Drying B.S.F. (1981) Thessaloniki, M.S. (1983), Ph.D. (1986) SUNY, Syracuse, F.I.W.Sc. F.I.A.W.S. 604–822–6153 stavros.avramidis@ubc.ca


EVANS, Philip D.

Professor and Director, Centre for Advanced Wood Processing Photoprotection and Modification of Wood B.Sc. (Hons.) (1980), Ph.D. (1985) Wales, F.I.A.W.S., F.I.W.Sc. 604–822–0517 phil.evans@ubc.ca

FÜRST, Robert

Instructor I Manufacture of Secondary Wood Products Master Dipl. (1992) Augsburg, Germany 604–822–0034 robert.fuerst@ubc.ca



Professor Emeritus Wood Products Engineering B.A.Sc. (1965) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1973) Calif., Berkeley, F.I.A.W.S., P. Eng. 604–822–5852 david.barrett@ubc.ca

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Advanced Biomaterials Chemistry Polymer Chemistry and Materials Science B.Sc. (1989) Brit. Col., Ph.D. (1997) N. Carolina, F.I.A.W.S. 604–827–5254 john.kadla@ubc.ca

BREUIL, Colette

KOZAK, Robert A.

Professor Forest Products Biotechnology B.Sc. (1971) Lyon, M.Sc. (1974) Ottawa, Ph.D. (1977) Lyon 604–822–9738 colette.breuil@ubc.ca

COHEN, David H.

Professor Forest Products Marketing and Management Dipl. For. Tech. (1976) Selkirk, B.Sc. (1986) Idaho, Ph.D. (1989) Virginia Polytech. 604–822–6716 david.cohen@ubc.ca

CRAMOND, Patrick

Associate Professor Sustainable Business Management B.Sc. (1988), Ph.D. (1996) Brit. Col. 604–822–2402 rob.kozak@ubc.ca

LAM, Frank

Professor Wood Mechanics B.A.Sc. (1982), M.A.Sc. (1985), Ph.D. (1992) Brit. Col., F.I.W.Sc., P. Eng. 604–822–6526 frank.lam@ubc.ca


Senior Instructor (Wood Science, Mechanical Engineering) Wood Products Processing B.A.Sc. (1974) Brit. Col., P. Eng. 604–822–1287 pcramond@mech.ubc.ca

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Wood and Fibre Quality Biotechnology and Chemistry of Wood Fibres B.Sc. (Hons.) (1992) Mt. Allison, M.Sc. (1994) Dal., Ph.D. (1997) Brit. Col. 604–822–0196 shawn.mansfield@ubc.ca

ELLIS, Simon C.

PRION, Helmut G.L.

Associate Professor and Director, Wood Products Processing Program Wood Anatomy and Quality B.Sc. (Hons.) (1983) Wales, M.Sc. (1986), Ph.D. (1989) Brit. Col., F.I.W.Sc. 604–822–3551 simon.ellis@.ubc.ca


Associate Professor (Wood Science, Civil Engineering) Engineered Timber Structures Design B.Eng. (Hons.) (1974) Stellenbosch, Ph.D. (1987) Tor., P. Eng. 604–822–3864 prion@civil.ubc.ca

Wood Science Forest Sciences Centre 2900 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: 604–822–9352 Fax: 604–822–9104 woodubc@interchg.ubc.ca www.wood.ubc.ca

2005 Annual Report




Professor Wood Preservation B.Sc. (1965), M.Sc. (1966) Newcastle, Ph.D. (1970) Lond. 604–822–3736 john.ruddick@ubc.ca



Professor and Dean Forest Products Biotechnology B.Sc. (Hons.) (1975) Edin., Ph.D. (1978) Glas. F.I.A.W.S. 604–822–3542 jack.saddler@ubc.ca

SMITH, Gregory

Assistant Professor Wood Composites B.A.Sc. (1988) Brit. Col., M.A.Sc. (1992), Dr.sc.techn. (1996) Swiss Federal Inst., P. Eng. 604–822–0081 gregory.smith@ubc.ca

SOWLATI, Taraneh

Assistant Professor Operational Research, Performance Assessment B.Sc. (1990) Sharif Univ. of Tech., M.A.Sc. (1996) Tarbiat Modares, Ph.D. (2001) Tor. 604–822–6109 taraneh.sowlati@ubc.ca

Research Associates BERLIN, Alejandro G. M.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. (Moscow State, Russia) Forest Products Biotechnology BRAUN, Jennifer B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati) Polymer Science CHOWDHURY, Jahangir B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Chitt.), M.Sc. (Wales), Ph.D. (Oregon State) Wood-based Composites MABEE, Warren B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tor.) Forest Products Biotechnology OUDJEHANE, Azzeddine B. Eng. (ENPA, Algeria), M.Sc. (INPG, France), Ph.D. (Université Blais Pascal Clermont Ferrand, France) Process Modeling

34 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Post-doctoral Fellows ACKOM, Emmanuel B.Sc. (Hons.) (Ghana), M.Sc., Ph.D. (BTU, Germany) Industrial Ecology of Forest Products Manufacturing; Forest Certification & Chain of Custody BAR-NIR, Batia B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tel-Aviv University, Israel) Chemistry, Organic Synthesis BURA, Renata B.Sc. (Hons.), M.A.Sc. (Tor.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Bioconversion of Biomass to Ethanol CHANDRA, Richard B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col), Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology / Institute of Paper Science and Technology, USA) Wood Chemistry DAI, Qizhou M.Sc. (Science & Technol., China), M.Sc. (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Ph.D. (N. Carolina) Cellulosic Nanocomposites and Liquid Crystals KANG, Kyu-Young B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Dongguk, Korea) Biotechnology and Chemistry of Wood Fibre KIM, Jae-Jin B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Korea) Forest Products Biotechnology LIM, Young-Woon B.S., M.S. (Korea Univ.), Ph.D. (Seoul Nat., Korea) Forest Products Biotechnology LOHRASEBI, Abdolhossein B. Eng. (Iran), M.Sc. (Tor.), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Wood Fibre Utilization, OSB Orientation and Properties PAN, Xuenjun B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tianjin, China) Ph.D. (Hokkaido, Japan) Forest Products Biotechnology PARK, Ji-Young Ph.D. (Seoul Nat., Korea) Biotechnology and Chemistry of Wood Fibre SARAVI, Albert B.Sc. (Amir Kabir University of Technology, Iran), M.Sc. (Sharif University of Technology, Iran), Ph.D. (Brit. Col.) Process Control SEMPLE, Kate B.Sc. (Hons.) (Australian National), M.Sc. (Melb.), Ph.D. (Australian National) Wood Composites

WANG, Liyu B.Eng., M.Eng. (Northeast Forestry, China), Ph.D. (Beijing Forestry) Non-destructive Grading of Timber WU, Hongwei B.Sc., M.Sc. (China), Ph.D. (Beijing University) Wood Drying, Heat and Mass Transfer.

Visiting Scholars LEE, Hung B.Sc. (Hons.) (Brit. Col), Ph.D. (McGill) Enviromental Biology SAFI SAMGHABADI, Azamdokht B. Sc. (University of Tehran), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran) Operations Research, Fuzzy Systems YOON, Seung-Lak B.S. (Kangwon National University, Korea), M.S., Ph.D. (Hokkaido University, Japan) Bioconversion and Fermentation Technologies

Adjunct Professors BEATSON, Rodger (British Columbia Institute of Technology) B.Sc., Ph.D. Pulp and Paper Chemistry DAI, Chunping (Forintek Canada Corp.) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Wood Composite Products and Processing, Computer Modeling GASTON, Chris (Forintek Canada Corp.) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Forest Products Marketing MORRIS, Paul (Forintek Canada Corp.) B.Sc., Ph.D. Preservation and Protection OLIVEIRA, Luiz (Forintek Canada Corp.) B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Wood Drying

Staff CHENG, Michelle Receptionist/Financial Clerk

FISHER, Karen Administrator


GILKES, Neil B.Sc., Ph.D. (Wales) Senior Research Scientist GREGG, David B.Sc. (Calg.), M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Forest Products Biotechnology Research Scientist HASTINGS, Diana B.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician


JOHANSSON, Carl B.Sc., Ph.D. (S. Fraser), MCSE Computer Support Specialist KUEI, Yung-Ping B.Sc., M.Sc. (Taiwan) Research Assistant/Technician LEE, George B.Sc. (China), M.Sc. (Oregon State) Wood Engineer Scientist MACKIE, Joanna B.A. (S. Hampton), M.F.C (Tor.) Recruitment OďŹƒcer MYRONUK, Robert Dipl. Tech. (BCIT) Research Support Services Supervisor TONG, Yonghui (Larry) B.Sc., M.Sc. (Northeast Forestry, China) Research Assistant/Technician VOSS, Coral Secretary WONG, Debbie B.Comm. (Brit. Col.) Accounting Clerk WU, Youhai M.A.Sc. (Brit. Col) Research Engineer XIE, Dan B.Eng. (Tianjin, China) Research Assistant/Technician YAN, Hui Jun B.S. (Shandong Inst., China), M.A.S. (Harbin, China) Research Engineer

CULLIS, Ian B.Sc., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Research Assistant/Technician

YANG, Li B.Sc. (Northeast Technology Univerisity, China), M.Sc. (University of Idaho) Research Assistant/Technician

FENG, Liyang B.Sc. (Northeast University, China) Research Assistant/Technician

YAWALATA, Dominggus Ph.D. (Brit. Col) Research Assistant/Technican

2005 Annual Report





Dr. David Barrett retired on June 30, 2005. David was hired in late 1984 as the Head of the Harvesting and Wood Science Department. Over his 21 years as a faculty member he made a profound contribution in many areas. Despite the administrative demands of serving as Head or acting Head of Department for a total of 15 years, David lead a productive, and globally recognized, research team in Timber Engineering. He has trained more than 25 post-graduate students. Amongst his diverse contributions, David played a major role, with other faculty members, in developing the undergraduate Wood Products Processing program and in establishing the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing. In recognition of these contibutions David Barrett and Thomas Maness were jointly awarded the Forest Excellence Award – Value Added Category by Forest Renewal BC in 1996. David will continue to pursue his professional interests in his retirement.

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 • The Wood Products Processing program achieved an enrolment of 106 undergraduate students with a new student intake of 22. • The co-op program continued as an integral and highly successful component of the Wood Products Processing program. This year, 33 students completed a total of 47 placements in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec as well as China, South Africa and the USA. • A detailed review of the Wood Products Processing curriculum was completed. • With strong support from industry and the Provincial government, we announced a new chair in Wood Building Design and Construction. This Chair will be a joint appointment between the faculties of Forestry and Applied Science. • In August 2005, Joanna Mackie was hired as the Recruitment Officer for the Wood Products Processing program. The Department engaged in a range of activities to raise awareness of the program and the associated opportunities in the wood products sector. These activities included: participation in 6 education and career events; 15 visits to high schools and colleges; and 27 presentations to 900 students and 25 teachers. • The Charles Larre Memorial Graduating Prize for the most outstanding graduating student in the Wood Products Processing program was awarded to Jordan Barlow. • Dr. Phil Evans led the $1 million CIDA funded project on wood products education for South Africa.

36 UBC Faculty of Forestry

• Dr. Rob Kozak was appointed as Editor of the Journal of Forest Products Business Research. • Department members obtained international research contracts from the United States and New Zealand. • Dr. Evans and former graduate student, Dr. Rico Cabangon won the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development prize for their work on the development of high strength, oriented, wood-wool cement composites for use in emergency shelters and affordable housing. • Dr. Evans received the George Marra Award from Wood and Fiber Science for a paper he co-authored entitled ‘Manufacture of woodcement composites from Acacia mangium: Mechanistic study of compounds improving the compatibility of Acacia mangium heartwood with Portland cement’.Dr. Evans won the Commonwealth Forestry Association Medal for ‘Innovative and successful international forestry research initiatives’. This award acknowledges his research on developing wood-based composites for affordable housing in developing countries. • Dr. Kadla received a Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. • Drs. Dai, Lam and Smith received new NSERC operating grant funds. Drs. Avramidis, Barrett, Beatson, Breuil, Kadla, Kozak, Lam, Mansfield, Ruddick, Saddler and Sowlati are receiving ongoing NSERC funding. • Dr. McFarlane received ongoing SFM NCE funding.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 • An external review of both the Department of Wood Science and the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing will be undertaken in the fall. • We wish to generate matching funds for a BC Leadership Chair in Advanced Forest Products Manufacturing Technologies. • The search committee for a new Chair in Wood Building Design and Construction will be struck. • An event has been organized to recognize the 10th anniversary of the Wood Products Processing program. Students, alumni, industry, faculty and staff will be strongly represented at a function to be held in April. • The terms of both the Department Head and the Director, CAWP will be completed during the coming year. The Dean will be responsible for managing the appointment process. • The faculty will continue to vigorously pursue federal and provincial research funding for wood products research.

Photo: Jamie Myers

Fourth oor walkway in the Forest Sciences Centre 2005 Annual Report



Philip D. Evans B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. Director 604–822–0517 phil.evans@ubc.ca Iain MacDonald, B.A. Associate Director Pat Cramond, B.A.Sc. Senior Instructor Robert Fürst, M. Dipl. Instructor Taraneh Sowlati B.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Barbara Bremner, B.A. Cooperative Education Coordinator Jason Chiu, B.Sc. Research Assistant Carl Johansson, B.Sc., Ph.D. LAN Administrator Karen Fisher Administrator Coral Voss Secretary Ken Wong, B.Sc. QC Specialist Tom Wray Facilities Manager

Centre for Advanced Wood Processing Forest Sciences Centre 2900-2424 Main Mall Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z4 Phone: 604–822–0517 Fax: 604–822–9159 cawp@interchg.ubc.ca www.cawp.ubc.ca


HE CENTRE FOR Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) is Canada’s national centre for education, extension and research for the advanced wood products industries. These industries, which are generally small to medium scale enterprises (SMEs), manufacture a diverse range of products whose value greatly exceeds their raw material content. The success of such SMEs depends, in part, on their ability to effectively adapt and utilize new concepts and manufacturing technology in order to produce the products and services that an increasingly discerning and unforgiving global marketplace requires. CAWP’s role in this bigger picture is to provide industry with access to highly educated and trained students with the capacity to lead and drive change in the industry; offer a continuing education program aimed at enhancing the skills of existing industry employees and an extension service designed to improve the manufacturing efficiency of SMEs; finally an interdisciplinary research program. In fulfilling this mandate, CAWP is playing an important role in the development of Canada’s forest industries and providing a model for educational-industry partnerships that institutions in many countries are seeking to emulate. CAWP is funded through an endowment and cost recovery on services. Notable achievements in our mandated areas of responsibility in 2005-06 were acquisition of automated coating equipment to support undergraduate teaching and continuing education in the key area of wood finishing; growth in the number of international co-operative industry education placements for undergraduates in the Wood Products Processing Program; development of an e-based certificate in wood finishing; strengthening of links with the University of Northern British Columbia in the field of continuing education (lumber drying); further development of the continuing education arm of the Timber Building Technology Group which included holding the first North American International Wood Building forum; election of CAWP and UBC as the Canadian partner in the North American Wood-based Composites Centre; strengthening of research activities in the field of value-added wood processing and the receipt by members of CAWP of important research prizes; development of a Chair in Wood Building Design and Construction (in partnership with Departments of Wood Science and Architecture). Eight companies; Loewen Windows, Viceroy Homes, Interforest, Goodfellow, Raywal Kitchens, Weyerhaeuser, Stack-A-Shelf and Unison Windows are supporting CAWP’s programs via our industry partnership program and a number of machinery companies continue to provide significant in-kind support. In addition to these

38 UBC Faculty of Forestry

contributions a number of organizations provided significant support for the chair in Wood Building Design and Construction including Ainsworth Lumber, Timber Systems, Goodfellow and the Province of BC. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of the companies and individuals that are currently assisting in our programs. Finally I would like to thank the Board of CAWP for the advice and support they have given to the centre in the past year. Our activities and plans for the future are described below.

Educational Programs The number of students in the Wood Products Processing program remained static in 2005 reflecting a balance between students graduating from and joining the program. Nevertheless the Wood Products Processing program remains the 2nd largest degree program in the Faculty of Forestry, behind the B.Sc in Natural Resources Conservation, but ahead of the Forest Resources Management program. A most welcome development in 2005 was growth in the number of international co-operative industry education placements. There were 47 co-op student placements in 2005-06 and 13% of these were outside of Canada – in China, South Africa and USA. The remaining placements showed good geographical distribution across Canada in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Ontario. The Wood Products Processing program is ten years old and since its development over 100 students have graduated from the program. Collectively our graduates are starting to have a significant impact on the Canadian wood manufacturing industry, as was intended when the program was conceived. Plans are well developed to celebrate this in CAWP in April of 2006. CAWP is committed to providing students with access to the best, state-of-the-art wood processing and computing facilities and, as part of this commitment, during 2005-06, we replaced all of the computers in CAWP’s undergraduate laboratories (27 in total), integrated video-conferencing equipment into our main undergraduate lecture theatre (The Caseroom), and added (or replaced) several pieces of equipment in our high-head machinery laboratory including a new Stromab pendulum saw, Tiger Stop digital stop system, Bürkle, SAS 1300 Roller coating-UV curing unit and CEFLA automated spraying system. We are indebted to Tiger Stop, Bürkle and CEFLA for their generous support.

Continuing Education, Communication and Extension CAWP’s continuing education and extension program was highly active in 2005-06. In January 2006 we launched our first e-based certificate in industrial wood finishing and five industry participants are expected to graduate from this program in 2006. CAWP’s international development project in South Africa, supported by Canadian International Development Agency, will lead to the development of seven new e-learning courses over the next five years on topics related to secondary wood processing. It is our intention to make modified versions of these courses available to industry in order to achieve our strategic objective of being the global leader in providing wood products processing education to industry and maximizing the impact and geographical reach of our programs with the resources available to us. A major international conference on wood building design and construction was held in Vancouver on September 14th & 15th of 2005. The conference preceded the BC Wood Global Buyers Mission in Whistler, BC and attracted a mix of 150 people from across North America. The Timber Building Technology group that helped to organize this conference partnered with software company Dietrich’s North America to host a number of training courses in CAWP in the field of computer-aided design of timber-frame buildings and roof structures. CAWP continued to assist industry through in-plant training and two more companies achieved certification through the WoodMark QC program. CAWP assisted a range of international organizations interested in value added processing. Early in 2005-06 CAWP hosted a visiting delegation from the Scottish and Irish sawmilling and value-added wood processing industries, and we have entered into a partnership with Weyerhaeuser Australia to provide their salesforce with access to an e-learning web-site on wood products processing. Through the institute of Wood Science we organized two seminars by speakers from New Zealand (Bob Franich, Ensis) and Australia (Ray Roberts, A.N.U.). CAWP produced its fourth comprehensive annual report in 2005 and 4 issues of the CAWP Communications Newsletter, and for the first time, show-cased its programs at the Ligna trade show in Hannover, Germany.

Research The year that has just passed saw further progress in the development of CAWP’s research program and recognition of its quality. CAWP graduate student, Derek Thompson (supervised by Drs. Kozak and Evans) won the Faculty of Forestry Graduate Thesis Award for his dissertation on ‘Thermal modification of colour in red alder’. Associate of CAWP, Dr. Kate Semple won the George Marra Award for the outstanding paper in the Journal Wood and Fiber Science. Visiting Scientist Rico Cabangon won the Philippine Agriculture and Resources Research Foundation R & D Award for research on development of innovative wood composites. Finally the Director of CAWP, Phil Evans, was the recipient in 2005 of the Commonwealth Forestry Association Medal (Americas) for Innovative and Successful International Forestry Research Initiatives. As mentioned in last year’s annual report, CAWP is managing and co-ordinating the UBC component of the NRCAN/CFS Value-to-Wood Scheme which is supporting eight research projects on value-added wood processing. One new project on the use of hybrid poplar for value-added wood processing (Mansfield) was initiated in 2005 and an additional research project on roller coatingUV curing of coatings on OSB will commence in the coming year. Finally, CAWP played a leadership role in the election of UBC to the North American Wood-based Composites Centre. UBC will join Virginia Tech, Oregon State University and the University of Maine as the academic partners in a consortium that comprises the majority of leading companies in the important field of wood composites. Our election to the Wood-based Composites will bring graduate scholarships to CAWP and important industry contacts. It is strong independent verification of the quality of our research.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 Major initiatives are planned for all of the aforementioned areas, most significantly: • Increase industry support for CAWP by further developing our industry partnership program; • Develop additional on-line courses on advanced wood processing; • Develop a BC Leadership Chair in Advanced Forest Products Manufacturing; • Implement a strategic and operational plan to increase CAWP’s geographical reach and effectiveness.

2005 Annual Report


CENTRE FOR ADVANCED WOOD PROCESSING VISITING AND POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS Chowdhury, Jahangir (CAWP, UBC) Krause, Hans (Christian Albrechts Univ., Kiel, Germany) Modzel, Günter (University of Göttingen, Germany) Roberts, Ray (A.N.U., Australia) Semple, Kate (CAWP, UBC) Weizenegger, Johannes (Applied Sciences, University of Biel, Switzerland) CENTRE ASSOCIATES Avramidis, Stavros (UBC) Barrett, David (UBC) Blyt, Christian (Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design) Bramer, Mark (Conestoga College) Breuil, Colette (UBC) Dai, Chunping (Forintek) Ellis, Simon (UBC) Hartley, Ian (UNBC) Kadla, John (UBC) Kataoka, Yutaka (FFPRI, Tsukuba, Japan) Kiguchi, Makoto (FFPRI, Tsukuba, Japan) Köster, Heinz (Fachhochschule Rosenheim) Kozak, Robert (UBC) Lam, Frank (UBC) Mai, Carsten (Univ. of Göttingen) Maness, Thomas (UBC) Mansfield, Shawn (UBC) McFarlane, Paul (UBC) Militz, Holger (Univ. of Göttingen) Morris, Paul (Forintek) Mortimer, John (Stellenbosch Univ., S.Africa) Prion, Helmut (UBC) Romilly, Douglas (UBC) Rypstra, Tim (Stellenbosch Univ., S.Africa) Schajer, Gary (UBC) Scholte, David (Consultant) Smith, Gregory (UBC) Yellowly, Ian (UBC)



NCREASING HUMAN DEMAND for natural resources makes the maintenance of healthy, sustainable forests a key challenge for the future. To address this challenge, Dr. Fred Bunnell and Dean Clark Binkley established the Centre for Applied Conservation Biology in 1991. Over the past 15 years, faculty members, post doctoral fellows and graduate students have helped the Centre build a reputation for excellence in research on biodiversity conservation. In 2001 the Centre became the Centre for Applied Conservation Research (CACR) under the direction of Dr. John Innes, to reflect a broader mandate to incorporate biological, social and economic issues into applied conservation research. Peter Arcese and Sarah Gergel now share the CACR directorship and draw on many faculty, post doctoral fellows, and graduate students from across campus and other universities to collaborate on research projects and seminars aimed at improving the conservation of rare species and ecosystems and the sustainable use of forest and other natural resources.

HIGHLIGHTS OF 2005 – 06 Sarah Gergel B.S., Ph.D. Co–Director 604–827–5163 sarah.gergel@ubc.ca

Peter Arcese B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. Co–Director 604–822–1886 peter.arcese@ubc.ca

Centre for Applied Conservation Research Forest Sciences Centre 3004-2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 Fax: 604–822–5410 www.forestry.ubc.ca/conservation

New CACR Seminar Series A new, themed graduate seminar (CONS 503) introduced this year will focus on multi-stakeholder land use planning and tackle a new case study each year from its social, ecological and economic dimensions. Our inaugural fall course on Garry oak ecosystems exposed graduate students to the challenges faced by decision-makers, managers and government scientists. The seminar series, like CACR, is inter-departmental by design, and was a collaborative effort with the FRM department’s Forests & Society Program. Instructors included Sarah Gergel, Susan Grayston, Gary Bull, with assistance from Peter Arcese. The course attracted high-calibre students from across campus and faculty from several different departments. Spring Symposium Our Spring 2006 Symposium was well-attended by university, ENGO, government scientists and policy-makers from around the province who came to hear speakers on many issues related to the biology and social and economic aspects of conservation planning, including: • Sarah Gergel & Peter Arcese – Learning from the historical reconstruction of land use and species change; • Gary Bull & Alton Harestad (SFU) – Conservation planning in Clayoquot Sound:10 years after the CSSP; • Paul Wood – Sustainability impeded: Political legitimacy in liberal democracies; • John Innes – Global conservation priorities and forest policy;

40 UBC Faculty of Forestry

• Matt Austin (BC MoE) – Developing a biodiversity strategy for British Columbia; • Marlow Pellatt (Parks Canada) – Implications of climate change on Garry oak ecosystems of southern BC; and • George Hoberg – After the party: challenges to the implementation of the “Great Bear Rainforest” decision. Leslie L. Schaffer Lecture The Leslie L. Schaffer Lecture was presented by Professor Hugh Possingham, Director of the Ecology Centre at the University of Queensland and a Fellow of The Australian Academy of Science. Hugh recently received the POL Eureka Prize for Environmental Research and Fenner medal for plant and animal biology from the Australian Academy of Sciences and the Australian Mathematical Society Medal for his work on the economics of conservation decision-making, land use planning and marine and terrestrial reserve design. Software developed in Hugh’s lab (MARXAN) is used around the world to find optimal solutions to problems in marine and terrestrial reserve design. His lecture to a large and diverse Schaffer audience was entitled “Making biodiversity conservation decisions at global and local scales” and was so well-received that meetings with Provincial and Federal scientists and decisionmakers will ensure a return visit to CACR in 2007 to engage in projects in BC. New CACR Post-doctoral Fellow CACR was very lucky to attract Dr. Tara Martin, formerly of CSIRO and the University of Queensland, as the new CACR post-doctoral research associate to conduct inter-disciplinary research and assist in the fall seminar course. Tara is a native of Salt Spring Island, an expert in decision theory and quantitative methods in multi-species conservation planning.

Research Projects Identifying critical habitat Janelle Curtis (NSERC post-doctoral fellow), Tara Martin (CACR and NSERC post-doctoral fellow), Jordan Rosenfeld (BC MoE), Pippa Sheppard (Parks Canada) and Peter Arcese embarked on a project to understand the consequences of data quality on the identification of ‘critical habitat’ for species at risk, and to guide research, monitoring and land conservation. Arcese and Curtis delivered keynote and closing talks at a 2006 Columbia Mountains Institute workshop on critical habitat and solicited input from recovery teams working throughout Canada.

Avian biodiversity, forestry and tree health in interior forests Mixed forests of interior BC sustain a forest industry and over 200 forest-dependent wildlife species. Since 1995, Kathy Martin and colleagues have monitored cavity nesting species in relation to forest cutting treatments to provide operational recommendations that maintain biodiversity in managed landscapes. Currently, research focuses on the impacts on forest wildlife of mountain pine beetles and related management activities. The ecology and conservation of alpine and arctic birds and their habitats Alpine and arctic habitats are experiencing dramatic climate warming. Kathy Martin has established the Centre for Alpine Studies (www. forestry.ubc.ca/alpine) to promote research on how animals breed and survive in these increasingly variable conditions, and students are currently conducting research on habitat selection, genetic structure and demography of ptarmigan in relation to climate change and on alpine songbird behaviour and demography. Remote sensing and biodiversity monitoring Nicholas Coops arrived at UBC in 2004 as a Canadian Research Chair in Remote Sensing and now leads projects that apply remote sensing to forest growth and biodiversity issues, including modeling the extent of mountain pine beetle damage and estimating biodiversity in woody species using satellite data. The genetics of carnivores The Genetic Data Centre, directed by Dr. Carol Ritland, continues to conduct state-of-the art DNA genotyping and sequencing and to train and advise students, post-docs and faculty, including projects to describe the inheritance of coat colour and population structure of Kermode bears, the genetics of killer whales on the West Coast, and population structure of Alaskan carnivores. Corporate social responsibility and value-added wood products Rob Kozak and his lab are developing a framework for the diffusion of corporate social responsibility practices in the forestry sector and identifying hurdles, constraints and opportunities for Canadian value-added producers. Salmon migration research Scott Hinch and colleagues are using telemetry studies, and lab and field experiments to show that high water temperatures in the Fraser River advance senescence, disease and energy depletion in Pacific salmon, helping to explain the extraordinarily high mortality rates being experienced by Fraser sockeye.

Bundling biodiversity and carbon in credit markets Gary Bull and colleagues are studying how biodiversity conservation might off-set the economic and opportunity costs of forest harvest under ecosystem based management on the BC coast. Bull collaborates with CIFOR, Forest Trends and the FAO to aid biodiversity conservation in Canada, China and tropical areas worldwide. Soil biodiversity and sustainable forest management Sue Grayston, Cindy Prescott and colleagues’ green tree project is combining a multi-disciplinary group of researchers from UBC, UBCO, UNBC, MoF&R and RRU to quantify changes in soil microbial and faunal diversity in response to harvesting and to assess variable retention as a management tool to maintain soil functions and site productivity. Landscape ecology and riparian management Gergel and colleagues are creating an historic forest inventory of the Queen Charlotte Islands by using aerial photographs from the 1930s to estimate natural variation in riparian zones prior to harvesting and to quantify losses of large cedar. Her student, Trevor Lantz, recently received a Canon National Park Research Award for his work on the effects climate change and disturbance on plant communities in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT. Stream and Riparian Research Laboratory John Richardson continues to lead collaborators in a wide range of initiatives on the ecology and management of riparian-stream ecosystems, the influence of reserve strips on riparian ecosystems, ecology of invertebrates and amphibians, and the effects of resource limitation and organic matter on stream communities. Understanding Garry oak ecosystems In 2005 the AAAS, Cannon Corporation, and US National Parks Service selected Emily Gonzales to receive a Canon Research Award in recognition of outstanding work on biodiversity decline. This year, Joe Bennett received an NSERC CGS award to add a regional emphasis to work on Garry oak ecosystems and assess the influence of climate change on community structure.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07 Gergel and Arcese will continue to lead Centre partners to solve interdisciplinary problems in conservation. Our fall 2006 seminar, led by Gergel and T. Martin, will draw on and off-campus groups to consider alternatives for conserving and restoring coastal forest, offer training and experience to students and partners, and facilitate multi-authored papers on biodiversity valuation, conservation area design, credits markets, species at risk and climate change. 2005 Annual Report





HE FACULTY OF FORESTRY operates three Research Forests: The Malcolm Knapp Research Forest (Knapp Forest) near Maple Ridge on the coast, the Alex Fraser Research Forest (Fraser Forest) near Williams Lake in the central interior of BC and the Aleza Lake Research Forest (Aleza Forest), near Prince George (jointly operated with the University of Northern British Columbia). The mission of the Research Forests is to support the Faculty of Forestry, other partner universities and research organizations in serving the people of BC through teaching and research. This is accomplished by hosting research from a variety of disciplines in order to create teaching opportunities for students from UBC, other post-secondary institutions and continuing education programs. The location of the forests, covering eight diverse biogeoclimatic subzones and three tenure systems, offers a variety of research and education opportunities.

ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2005 – 06 Bruce Larson A.B., M.F.S, Ph.D. Chair, Research Forests Advisory Committee 604–822–1284 bruce.larson@ubc.ca

Malcolm Knapp Research Forest PO Box 21120 14500 Silver Valley Road Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 1P7 Phone: 604–463–8148 Fax: 604–463–2712 Alex Fraser Research Forest 72 S. 7th Avenue Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 4N5 Phone: 250–392–2207 Fax: 250–398–5708 Aleza Lake Research Forest 3333 University Way Prince George, B.C. V2N 4Z9 Phone: 250–960–6674 Fax: 250–960–5851

MALCOLM KNAPP FOREST Paul Lawson B.S.F., M.B.A., R.P.F. Manager paul.lawson@ubc.ca

• Initiated 17 new research projects. • Employed two UBC forestry students in 4-month internship positions and hosted two international interns from Germany and the Phillipines • Opened the $1.2 million Loon Lake Student Centre and the Cadillac Fairview Trevor Linden Gymnasium in June 2005. The opening was attended by over 60 guests and friends including UBC President Dr. Martha Piper. • Increased Loon Lake facility use to 14,900 visitor-days in 2005 from 9,900 in 2003. • Hosted courses in the Faculty’s Spring Field School and Conservation Field School. • 250 children and over 300 volunteers attended the second Camp Goodtimes held at Loon Lake. • Completed the new dock at Loon Lake funded by the Canadian Cancer Society and Ronald MacDonald House Charities. • Opened an expanded sawmill facility which cut 500,000 board feet in 2005, specializing in components for timber frame construction. The sawmill also completed a lumber recovery study for hybrid poplar in conjunction with Dr. Shawn Mansfield.

42 UBC Faculty of Forestry

• Broke ground on the $2.5 millionWalter C. Koerner Forestry Center at Loon Lake, which will open in 2006 and house 40 beds of accommodation, kitchen and dining room and a conference facility. • Continued silviculture operations with surveys on 168 ha, commercial thinning on 21 ha, and planting of 27 ha.


Ken Day B.Sc.F. (Hons.), M.F., R.P.F. Manager ken.day@ubc.ca

• Initiated 21 new research projects. • Recorded 566 contact days for extension activities, including UBC Fall Field School. • Employed two UBC Forestry students for four months, and hosted two international interns from Germany and Sweden. • Hosted two student volunteers during reading week. • Led 19 tours and provided 10 presentations for international, Canadian, and local audiences comprised of researchers, professionals, students, teachers, and naturalists. • Provided a venue for Canadian Orienteering Championships with an international field of 420 competitors . • Continued silviculture operations with surveys on 521 ha, brushing on 18.2 ha, and planting of 28,000 seedlings on 22.9 ha. • Built 0.6km of new permanent road. • Conducted a fuel-management pilot project with support from the Union of BC Municipalities. • Found attacks by mountain pine beetles in juvenile stands as young as 24 years of age. • Initiated minor timber products sales with eight transactions totaling $3,500 gross sales.

PLANS FOR 2006 – 07

ALEZA LAKE FOREST Michael Jull B.S.F., M.Sc., R.P.F. Manager jullm@unbc.ca

Malcolm Knapp Forest

• Initiated 10 new research projects and long-term monitoring programs including three ALRF seed grant funding projects. • Completed and received government approval for ALRF Management Plan #2, in effect for 2005-2010. • Completed the first Forest Stewardship Plan for 2005-2009. • Completed weather station renovaton. • Enhanced extension and the current Aleza website (http://alrf.unbc.ca/). • Received approval of a new university ALRF Endowment Fund, in cooperation with UNBC. • Continued operational silviculture operations with planting of 73,000 trees. • Entered into a Forests for Tomorrow agreement with the BC Ministry of Forests and undertook 11 ha. of backlog conifer release treatments on old 1980’s cutblocks. • Built 2 km of new road and upgraded 1.5 km of winter road. Research Forests harvesting 2005


Knapp Forest

Fraser Forest

Aleza Forest


m 19,714 ha 36.9

14,391 42.3

12,079 47.5

46,184 126.7


Commercial Thinning/ Partial Cutting

m ha





5,315 20.6

14,337 68.6

9,022 48.0 7,542



Knapp Forest utilized a variety of harvest methods in 2005 including mechanized feller/ processor, multi-span skyline and helicopter. Silvicultural systems ranged from clearcut with reserves to group selection and variable retention. Commercial thinning continued to be the major proportion of the area under operations. Fraser Forest reduced its focus on mountain pine beetle harvest, with 48% of the volume targeting beetle-damaged pine stands. Pine beetle damage is subsiding on the Research Forest as harvesting old and mature pine stands is nearly completed. Aleza Lake Forest utilized mainly groundbased systems in 2005 and is working towards a long-term harvesting and roads strategy on its landbase. Spruce log markets remain challenging with current levels of pine beetle-kill salvage saturating fiber demand in the region.

• Complete the Walter C. Koerner Forestry Centre, and begin work on replacing the cabins at Loon Lake. • Increase Loon Lake visitor days significantly based on improved accommodations. • Construct and open a facility for research and training in log and timber frame construction adjacent to our sawmill. • Complete an on-line database of all UBC Research Forest historical photographs. • Host a portion of the Faculty’s summer recruitment camp. • Reduce total timber harvest to 22,000 cubic metres.


Alex Fraser Forest • Complete Management and Working Plan #3. • Initiate forest cover inventory project. • Continue to diversify revenue streams, including sales, services and funded projects. • Reduce timber harvest levels to 20,000 cubic metres. • Secure funding for a research fellowship in timber-frame construction. • Convert silviculture history data to Province’s online database.

Aleza Lake Forest • Initiate new Timber Supply Analysis process for 2007 completion. • Initiate group selection operational trial in spruce-balsam forest types. • Initiate plans for a field station facility, including overnight accommodations. • Facilitate new research projects on amphibian ecology and canopy arboreal lichens with UNBC and UBC graduate students. • Undertake forest re-inventory projects. • Continue wildlife monitoring programs including owl, raptor, waterfowl and mammal species. FOREST STAFF Cheryl Power B.S.F., R.P.F. Resident Forester Malcolm Knapp Research Forest cheryl.power@ubc.ca Cathy Koot B.Sc., R.P.Bio. Research Coordinator Alex Fraser Research Forest cathy.koot@ubc.ca Melanie Karjala M.N.R.E.S. Research Coordinator, Aleza Lake Research Forest, karjal0@unbc.ca

2005 Annual Report




LONGSIDE THEIR teaching and research commitments, most Faculty members have committee responsibilities with off-campus organizations and groups. These involvements are listed below together with various distinctions and awards (in bold-face type) bestowed on Faculty members during the past year.


• Deputy, IUFRO 02.04.01 Population, Ecological and Conservation Genetics. • Associate Editor, Tree Genetics and Genomes.


• Associate Editor, Mycological Research.


• NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship 2006 – 2008. • Member, International Review Panel for the Joint Genomics Institute’s, Community Sequencing Program. • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Amyris Biotechnologies Inc. • Member, Genome BC Science Advisory Committee. • Member, Advisory Committee of the Phytochemical Society of North America. • Member, Editorial Board, GENE, Functional Genomics. • Member, Editorial Board, Trees. • Member, Editorial Review Board, Tree Physiology.


• Scientific Advisor, Chinese State Forest Administration Carbon Committee. • Faculty Representative, YouLead! Team and the Uganda House Planning Committee.


• Peter Wall Senior Early Career Scholar 2005/06. • Adjunct Faculty. Oregon State University.


• Member, Editorial Board, Forest Genetics. • Associate Editor, Canada Journal of Forest Research. • Biotechnology Co-ordinator, IUFRO. • Member, panel of experts on forest gene resources, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


• Chair, Robert E. Dougherty Educational Foundation Scholarship Committee.


• Philippine Agriculture and Resources Research Foundation R&D Award (Research Category) for research on development of innovative wood composites (shared with postgraduate student Rico Cabangon). • Adjunct Professor, The Australian National University.

44 UBC Faculty of Forestry

• Visiting Professor, University of Bordeaux. • Member, NRCAN Value to Wood Research Advisory Committee. • Fellow, International Academy of Wood Science. • Fellow, Institute of Wood Science, Chairman Canadian Branch. • Member, Organising Committee Pacific Rim Biobased Composites Symposia.


• Nominee, University of BC, Killam Teaching Prize (Faculty of Forestry).


• Member, Foreign Scholar Travel Award Committee, International Association for Landscape Ecology – US Chapter. • Panelist, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants, Ecosystems Review Panel. • Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, NSF Hydrologic Sciences, Division of Earth Sciences. • Ad Hoc Proposal Reviewer, NSF Collaborative Research Grant, Geography and Regional Science.


• Erskine Fellowship. • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Soil Science. • Associate Editor, Soil Biology & Biochemistry. • Member, NSERC Ecology & Evolution Discovery Grant Selection Committee.


• 2005 Killam Teaching Prize (Faculty of Forestry). • President, Canadian Society of Plant Physiologists. • Editor, TREES Structure and Function, CoManaging. • Communicating Editor, TREES Structure and Function. • Member, Program Committee, Plant Biology 2006. • Member, College of Reviewers, Canada Research Chairs program. • Member, Plant Canada Board of Directors.


• American Fisheries Society Award of Excellence.


• Research Area Leader, Sustainable Forest Management Network Centre of Excellence. • Co-Chair, Organizing Committee, Mountain Pine Beetle Research Workshops.


• Distinguished Service Award, IUFRO. • Premier’s Award for Innovation 2005/6 – Finalist. • Adjunct Professor, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China. • Member, Editorial Board, BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. • Member, Editorial Board, Landforms and Environmental Processes. • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. • Member, Editorial Board, Forest, Snow and Landscape Research. • Member, Comitato di Indirizzo per la Valutazione della Ricerca, Italy. • Member, Interdisciplinary Committee, World Cultural Council. • Chairperson, IUFRO 2005 Congress Scientific Committee. • Member, C-Questor Scientific Advisory Committee. • Chairperson, IUFRO Policy Committee. • Member IUFRO Science Committee. • Chairperson, IUFRO Task Force on Environmental Change. • Member, Mutual Recognition Task Force, Sustainable Forestry Board. • Member, Resource Committee, Sustainable Forestry Board. • Member, Executive Committee Commonwealth Forestry Association. • Member, Business Plan Task Group, Sustainable Forestry Board. • Member, IUFRO Management Committee. • Member, Forest Leadership Steering Committee. • Member, IUCN/SSC Sustainable Use Specialist Group. • Member, Centres of Excellence Review Group, Academy of Finland.


• Fellow, International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS). • JSPS Fellowship. • Member, Editorial Advisory Board Holzforschung. • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. • Secretary, ACS Cellulose Renewable Materials (CELL) Division. • Committee Member, ISWPC Scientific Program Committee. • Committee Member, INWFPPC Scientific Program Committee. • Past Chairman, TAPPI Wood Chemistry and Biotechnology Committee.


• Corresponding Member, Comest Of Unesco


• Nominee, The Charles A. McDowell Award for Excellence in Research. • Fellow, Institute of Wood Science. • Deputy, IUFRO Working Group 5.10.10. • Voting Member, CSA Technical Committee for Sustainable Forest Management. • Member, UN/ECE Timber Committee Team of Specialists on Forest Products Markets and Marketing.


• Guest Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. • Adjunct/Guest Professor, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. • Member, Canadian Standards Association, CSA086 Technical Committee on Engineering Design in Wood. • Member, Canadian Standards Association, CSA Technical Committee on Solid and Engineered Wood Products. • Member, American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM Committee D-7 on Wood. • CAC Member, ISO TC 165 Timber Structures. • Member, Canadian Wood Council Committee on Objective Based Code for Wood Frame Construction. • Fellow, Institute of Wood Science.


• Associate Editor, Forest Science. • Associate Editor, Forestry Chronicle. • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research.


• Associate Editor, International Journal of Forest Engineering.


• Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. • Member, International Advisory Board Holzforschung. • Chair, Publicity for the Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials of the American Chemical Society. • Member, Executive Committee of the Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division of the American Chemical Society. • Member, International Scientific Committee for the International Conference on Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry.


• Associate Editor, Forestry Chronicle. • BC Representative, Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board. • Member, Complaints Resolution Committee, Association of BC Forest Professionals. • Chair, Registration Appeals Committee, Association of BC Forest Professionals. 2005 Annual Report





• Associate Editor, Wildlife Biology. • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Member, American Ornithologists Union (AOU) Council. • Member (representative for Cananda), International Ornithological Committee.


• President, UBC Chapter 696 Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society


• Member of the Editorial Board, Forestry. • Coordinator, IUFRO Unit 8.01.11, Wind and Trees. • Adjunct Professor, University of Laval.


• Junior Representative for Canada to the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. • Secretary, Canadian National Committee for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. • Guest Associate Editor, Journal of the American Water Resources Association.


• Deputy coordinator, IUFRO S4.04.10 Sustainable Harvest Scenarios .


• Canadian Forestry Scientific Achievement Award. • Co-Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Member, Forest Science Board.


• Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology. • Associate Editor, Journal of the North American Benthological Society. • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. • Associate Editor (guest), Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Endangered species recovery teams for BC freshwater fish, Oregon spotted frog, and coastal giant salamander. • Member, South Coast Conservation Program. • Associate, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.


• Adjunct/Guest Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. • Associate Editor, Heredity.


• Past President and Executive, American Wood Preservers Association. • Vice Chair, Canadian Standard Association on Wood preservation.

46 UBC Faculty of Forestry

• Member, Royal Chemistry Society. • Past President, International Research Group on Wood protection. • Canadian Representative, ISO TC165 Study Group on Wood Durability.


• Editor, World Journal Microbiology and Biotechnology. • Associate Editor, International Microbiology and Biotechnology (MIRCEN) Journal. • Task Leader, IEA Biotechnology Network. • Member, US DoE Biofuels Review Program. • Member, BCMEM Wood Ethanol Technology Committee. • Member, NREL Biofuels Program (US Dept. of Energy). • Leader, Liquid Biofuels Task 39 IEA Bioenergy.


• Co-Chair and Scientific Committee Member for the 2006 International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Vancouver, BC. • Chair of Research Cluster B (Public Engagement Tools and Processes) for the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), Great Northern Way Campus.


• Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Committee Member, National Center for Ecosystem Analysis and Synthesis: Mycorrhizal Management.


• • • •

Member, Canadian Operational Research Society. Member, Forest Products Society. Member, Institute of Wood Science. Member, Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology.


• 2004 Ralf Yorque Prize, Ecology and Society.


• Member, Board of Directors Evans Lake Forest Education Society.


• UBC Representative of CUAHSI. • Associate Editor (guest), Canadian Journal of Forest Research. • Member, Surface Water Technical Committee, American Geophysical Union. • Chairperson, MOCHA (Modular Course Hydrology Advancement).


• Member, Board of Referees, Environmental Ethics. • Member, National Recovery Team for Freshwater Species of British Columbia.

Photo: Jamie Myers

Forest Sciences Centre, Student Lounge & Treehouse 2005 Annual Report




ETWEEN APRIL 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006, members of our Faculty were awarded a total of $12.1 million in research funding. This represents an increase of 16.3% from last year’s figure and our largest contribution to research so far recorded. Operating Budget

Total Funding ($000)


UBC Forestry was out in force at the XXII World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) in Brisbane, Australia, in August 2005. Fourteen of our faculty members and nine graduate students participated in the Congress. We contributed 26 oral presentations and organized

Extramural Research Funds 12,101

12,000 10,000 8,000


6,000 4,000 2,000 85/86



Extramural funding 57 89 118 per faculty member supported by operating budget ($000 )

















Operating budget, extramural funding and research activity 1985/86 – 2005/06

Cindy E. Prescott B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Research 604–822–4701 cindy.prescott@ubc.ca

Federal funding increased by 2.3% and represented 48.2% of our total funds received (down from 54.7% last year). Members of the Faculty held 9 NSERC Strategic grants, 3 Collaborative Research and Development grants, 1 Special Research Opportunity grant, 3 Industrial Research Chairs, 36 Discovery grants, 2 SSHRC grants and 14 Network of Centres for Excellence awards. Canada Research Chairs and Canada Foundation for Innovation awards contributed another $798,236. Natural Resources Canada contributed $1.85 million, mostly to support research addressing the mountain pine beetle problem. Provincial funding increased by 42.7% for the year, with a gain of approximately $1.1 million. Most of this funding came from projects sponsored by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range who contributed $1.84 million during the year, up more than three fold from the previous year. Forestry Innovation Investment funds supported ten research projects for a total of $734,190 in the area of international marketing and mountain pine beetle impacts on forest products. Forest Science Program funding, at $700,918 was down by 53.6%. Private industry support for research contributed another $1.59 million. The largest industry contributors were Ainsworth Lumber, Canfor Corporation and BC Hydro International. International research support was down by 3.9% at $537,326 with the largest amount of funding coming from the International Energy Agency for the Bioconversion Task (Saddler). We also received endowment income of $1.7 million for the year. This funding is provided from endowments originally set up by Forest Renewal BC in support of five Chairs, as well as from private sources.

48 UBC Faculty of Forestry

eight technical sessions. A session on “International perspectives on interdisciplinary research” was organized by our students and has been published in the Forestry Chronicle (May/June 2005). Dr. John Innes served as scientific chair for the Congress and was nominated vice president of IUFRO. The Congress also marked the inauguration of the Faculty’s promotion booth, which we staffed throughout the meeting. In the Fall of 2005 we began our monthly research talks, in which members of the Faculty described their research interests. Extramural funding sources 2005 – 06* Source


Federal NSERC/SSHRC Natural Resources Canada Canada Research Chairs Network of Centres for Excellence Environment Canada & Parks Canada Canada Foundation for Innovation Other Subtotal

2,302 1,851 600 572 290 198 20 5,834

59 19.0 30 15.3 5 5.0 14 4.7 12 2.4 5 1.6 5 0.2 130 48.2

Provincial BC Ministry of Forests & Range Forestry Innovation Investment Forest Science Program BC Knowledge Development Fund BC Ministry of Environment Other Subtotal

1,840 734 701 100 85 270 3,730

36 15.2 10 6.1 15 5.8 1 0.8 4 0.7 10 2.2 76 30.8

1,596 403 1,999

58 13.2 11 3.3 69 16.5

Private Industry Other International

Total * Excluding endowments.




Count %



286 100

The following list reflects research funding obtained between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006. AITKEN, S.N. • Junior Industrial Research Chair in population genetics (NSERC, industry $30,802) • Population genomics of cold adaptation in spruce (NSERC $34,000) • Proposal to establish a Centre for Forest Gene Conservation at the University of British Columbia (BCMoF&R $220,000) • Adapting forest genetic resource management to climate change (NSERC $51,888) • Centre for Forest Gene Conservation to determine the environmental controls on the populations (BCMoF&R $19,400) ALILA, Y. • Developing thresholds for a key hydrologic indicator of watershed function: Equivalent cut area (BCMoF&R $59,850) • Forest management effects on flooding in rainon-snow coastal British Columbia: An innovative experimental-numerical modelling approach (NSERC $39,000) • Effects of varying logging rates on streamflow in Upper Penticton Creek Watershed experiment (BCMoF&R $20,265) • Forest management in interior British Columbia: Moving beyond equivalent cut areas (BCMoF&R $95,000) • Tsitika River sediment budgets project: Effectiveness evaluation of road deactivation at Russell Creek using a sediment budget approach (BCMoF&R $40,000) • A hydrological design support system for sustainable forest management of MPB infestations and treatments at the watershed scale (Forest Practices Board $53,000) ARCESE, P. • Application of ecological and evolutionary theory to the conservation of populations and species (NSERC $48,300) • Capital improvements and support to field research on Mandarte Island (Donation $30,000) • Southern Gulf Island plant survey (Parks Canada Agency $11,500) • Population viability analysis for species at risk (Parks Canada Agency $46,500) • Development of applied science methods to monitor marbled murrelet populations and habitats in relation to forestry. (BCMoE $10,000) • Emily Gonzoles: Herbivores and exotic plants in endangered Garry oak ecosystems (AAAS $29,592) • Identifying the historical and current role of at-sea food limitation in marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) population using stable-nitrogen isotopes (WWF $12,000)

AVRAMIDIS, S. • Fractal characterization of the structure and water sorption characteristics of wood (NSERC $27,000) • Timber drying quality prediction model (NRC $76,125)


BARRETT, J.D. • Reliability of wood products (NSERC $22,000) • E120 vibration MOE test program (CFPA $20,431) • SA: CN timber evaluation project (Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP $82,810) • E120 F330 product testing (CFPA $72,000) • In-grade testing of BC coastal timbers – Phase 3 (CFPA $45,000) • Sitka spruce vibration MOE measurements (CFPA $5,056) • Sitka spruce and yellow cedar technical submissions (CFPA $16,974) BEATSON, R. • Genetic control of arabidopsis fibre properties (NSERC $26,000) BOHLMANN, J. • Terpenoid defenses in spruce (NSERC $82,000) • E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship (NSERC $90,000) • Conifer chemical defenses (NSERC Steacie Memorial Supplement Grant $119,040) • Strategies to improve genetic resistance to white pine weevil attack in spruce (NSERC $67,925) • The mountain pine beetle epidemic (NSERC $197,950) • Forestry genomics, Treenomix I: A genomics technology platform for Canadian forestry (co-investigator) (Genome BC, Genome Canada $2,169,547) • GrapeGen (Genome BC, Genome Canada, Genome Spain $25,000) • Conifer forest health, Treenomix II (coinvestigator) (Genome BC, Genome Canada $5,097,738) BREUIL, C. • Molecular & genetic characterization of conifer host laminated root rot pathosystems (NRC $35,000) • Role of the proteinases in fungal growth and pigmentation on wood (NSERC $18,000) • Role of extractives depletion and fungal colonization in the failure of old and secondgrowth western red cedar wood products (NSERC $76,325) • The mountain pine beetle epidemic: Strategies for improvement of pine host defense and reduction of fitness of beetle-associated fungi (NSERC $35,000) 2005 Annual Report



• Fitness and pathogenicity of the fungi associated with the MPB and other secondary beetles in green attack (NRC $78,750) • Phytosanitary risks associated with MPB-killed trees (NRC $29,400) • Functional and population genomics of ophiostomatoid fungi of importance to Canadian forestry (NSERC $30,500) • Decay fungi and associated rates of decay in standing trees killed by mountain pine beetle (NRC $24,150)

• Factors affecting the ecological legacy of unsalvaged post-beetle stands (NRC $124,709) • Effects of climate change on avian communities and implications for sustainable forest management (BCMoF&R $42,000) • Integrating silvicultural control of mountain pine beetle with wildlife and sustainable forest management objectives (NRC $74,761) • An experimental study of variable-retention harvest methods on forest birds (Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd. $50,000)

BULL, G.Q. • Institutional development of a domestic emission trading system that includes carbon offsets from the agriculture and forestry sectors (BIOCAP $20,400) • Developing a sustainable forest management plan and a five-year business plan for Iisaak Forest Resources Ltd., a First Nations owned forest resources company (IISAAK Forest Resources Ltd. $50,000) • Harmonizing biodiversity conservation with climate change mitigation and community development (Future Generations $28,091) • The case of carbon in Mozambique’s agro – forests (Centre for International Forestry Research $11,000) • Developments in Russian Far East and East Siberia forest sector: Forest products and timber trade (NRC $12,595) • Forest modeling for China and Asia – Pacific scenario-building process (Centre for International Forestry Research $46,897)

CHANWAY, C.P. • Nitrogen balance in pine forests: evaluation of two possible missing links (NSERC $38,000)

BUNNELL, F.L. • Refining conservation priorities in British Columbia (BCMoF&R $49,600) • Evaluating large-scale forest zoning to improve the efficiency of timber production and biodiversity objectives (BCMoF&R $74,289) • Linking multiple indicators of biological diversity to forest management decisions (BCMoF&R $50,800) • A species accounting system to integrate indicators of biological diversity (BCMoF&R $70,742) • A bioregional assessment of sustainable forest management for the boreal plains (NCE $36,800) • Developing monitoring priorities and indicators of success in sustaining biological diversity in British Columbia (BCMoE $45,000) • Assessing risk to avian diversity in the face of climate change (BCMoE $20,000) • Developing a conservation plan for Canadian Forest Products Ltd. operations in northeastern BC (Canadian Forest Products Ltd. $23,000) CHAN-MCLEOD, A. • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program (CCIAP) (NRC $118,807)

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COHEN, D.H. • Wood products value chain study (Environment Canada $15,000) COOPS, N.C. • Canada Research Chair in remote sensing (CRC $100,000) • Multi-scale assessment of forest carbon dynamics using near-field, airborne and satellite remote sensing (NSERC $25,300) • Red-attack mapping of large areas with satellite data: Issues and protocols (CFS $15,000) • Establishment of a world-class remote sensing research laboratory (industry $8,420) • Capacity of high spatial resolution imagery to identify stream geomorphology (Interfor $11,025) • Process-model simulation of landscape-level carbon dynamics (NRC $20,000) • Sustainable forestry indicators derived from high spatial resolution satellite imagery and airborne LIDAR data (BCMoF&R $93,500) • Monitoring to reduce the future risk of mountain pine beetle attack: Aerial and satellite image processing methods (NRC $43,000) DAI, C. • Hydro-thermal consolidation of wood strand composites (NSERC $29,600) DAY, K. • Alex Fraser Research Forest (BCMoF&R $28,350) EL-KASSABY. Y.A. • Industrial Research Chair in applied forest genetics and biotechnology (Forintek, NSERC, FERIC, BCMoF&R, PAPRICAN, industry, Johnson’s Family Forest Biotechnology Fund $332,000) EVANS, P.D. • UBC 23 – Integrated protection of structural wood composites for exterior exposure (NRC $38,300)

• Development of software to quantify defects at wood surfaces (Chemical Specialties, Inc $8,892) • Surface modification to improve weathering resistance (Forintek Canada Corp. $60,000) • Wood products processing education (AUCC $206,757) • Bleaching and finishing of mountain pine beetle affected lodgepole pine wood (FII $61,465) • Surface engineered lumber laboratory for the advanced wood processing industries (Cotec $8,043) • Infrastructure operating funds (CFI $12,662) FANNIN, R.J. • Piping erosion and lanslide travel distance (NSERC $28,000) FELLER, M.C. • Whitebark pine and fire (Parks Canada Agency, B.C. Parks $25,000) • Maintaining open canopy conditions in Interior Douglas-fir forests at Isobel Lake, treatment effects on tree ground, forest fuels, and nutrients (BCMoF&R $20,000) • Nutrient cycling in Engelman spruce subalpine fir forests (FSP $4,000) • ESSF nutrient cycling project (FSP $4,000) GERGEL, S.E. • Climate change, disturbance, and tall shrub dynamics in the Mackenzie Delta (Global Forest Science $3,000) • Haida Gwaii 1937 air photo GIS project (Gwaii Trust Society, Parks Canada Agency $13,349) • Historical forest inventory for Haida Gwaii (Gwaii Trust Society $34,210) • Landscape indicators of watershed status (NSERC $15,590) • Climate change, disturbance, and tall shrub dynamics in the western Canadian arctic and subarctic (American Association for the Advancement of Science $30,259) • Quantifying the variability in riparian zone structure (BCMoF&R $95,000) GRAYSTON, S.J. • Canada Research Chair in soil microbial ecology (CRC $100,000) • Forest fertilization and identification of microbial indicators to enhance C sequestration and reduce GHG emissions (BIOCAP, NSERC $154,976) • Plant-microbe interactions in forest soils (NSERC $40,000) • Nutrient biogeochemistry in Athabasca oil sands reclamation (NSERC $65,825) • The soil microbial ecology laboratory – identification and development of indicators of forest sustainability (GV Instruments Canada Ltd. $55,535)

• Green tree retention: A tool to maintain ecosystem health and function (BCMoF&R $105,676) GUY, R.D. • Comparative physiology of plant adaptation: C and N isotope discrimination and trade-offs in traits related to resource acquisition in black cottonwood (NSERC $44,000) • British Columbia Flux Station of Fluxnet – Canada: Influence of climate and disturbance on carbon cycling in forest and peatland ecosystems (NSERC, Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences $25,272) • Identification and selection of fast-growing poplar genotypes for carbon sequestration and biomass production (BIOCAP $41,978) HINCH, S.G. • Rainbow trout bioenergetic and stream dissolved oxygen responses to clear-cut logging in northcentral British Columbia (BCMoF&R $51,005) • Energetics, behaviour and fitness of anadromous migrating fish (NSERC $26,100) • Abnormal migration and premature mortality in Pacific salmon (NSERC $232,000) • Passage efficiency & migration behaviour of salmonid fishes at the Seton Dam Fishway (BC Hydro International Ltd. $129,938) HOBERG, G. • Research area leader assistance (NCE $22,500) • UBC/UNBC mountain pine beetle workshops (MoF&R $45,000) • Meeting objectives for spatially-defined conservation areas in crown forest land (Forest Practices Board $6,000) INNES, J.L. • Application of sustainable forest management in a culturally-modified landscape (SSHRC $24,160) • A common ground for criteria and indicators of sustainable forests for British Columbia (Forest Research Extension Partnership $43,750) • Surface and subsurface processes in debris-flow generating hollows in the Kalum Forest District (BCMoF&R $45,000) • Cumulative impacts of development on forests in northeast British Columbia: Pilot study (NCE $106,325) • Soil accumulation rates in basins (BCMoF&R $40,000) KADLA, J.F. • Canada Research Chair in advanced biomaterials (CRC $100,000) • Chemical, mechanical, and durability properties of mountain pine beetle infested timber (NRC $56,000)

2005 Annual Report




• Biopolymers – precursors to advanced materials (NSERC $26,960) • The formation of dihydroconiferyl alcohol (DHCA) subunits in lignin in a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cad) deficient mutant of loblolly pine (USDoE $45,386) • Log quality of mountain pine beetle (MPB) infested wood in relation to pulp and paper manufacture (FII $50,134) • Development of thick MPB strand based wood composites (co-investigator) (FII $63,525) • Development of MPB wood – cement and wood – plastic composite products (co-investigator) (FII $31,763) • Log quality of mountain pine beetle (MPB) infested wood in relation to lumber manufacture – Year 2 lumber and fibre properties (coinvestigator) (FII $87,864) • Development of properties indicators and database for mountain pine beetle (MPB) infested wood in relation to time-since-treedeath (co-investigator) (FII $135,660) • The development of value-added bioproducts from the bioconversion of lignocellulosics (coinvestigator) (NSERC, BIOCAP $105,000) • Wood and fibre quality of juvenille pine (USDA $198,575) KIMMINS, J.P. • Critical loadings of acid and nitrogen to Georgia Basin ecosystems – Modelling the ecological effects of nitrogen deposition (Environment Canada $31,500) • A systems approach to integrating ecological, economic and social values within the SFM framework for tree farm licence 49 (NCE $29,750) • Complexity and scale in forest ecosystem management and agroforestry modeling (NSERC $25,000) • Canada Research Chair in forest ecosystem modelling (CRC $200,000) • Evaluation of an ecosystem – based approach to mixedwood modelling (BCMoF&R $49,350) KOZAK, R.A. • Statistical process control of colour for wood products (NSERC $16,200) • Wood in the human environment (International Environmental Institute $75,000) • Corporate social responsibility in the forestry sector (International Environmental Institute $75,000) • Wood products value chain study (Environment Canada $15,000) KRZIC, M. • Effects of land-use practices on soil compaction (NSERC $9,400) • Soil conditions and tree growth in BC’s forests (BCMoF&R $25,000)

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LAM, F. • UBC 21 – Procedures to qualify new constructions and species of glulam beams (NRC $54,075) • Advanced structural analysis program for metal plated wood truss systems (NSERC $62,200) • Timber engineering education in China – faculty exchange with Tongji University (Council of Forest Industries of BC $22,575) • CAF, Forintek, UBC China – Canada ingrade testing collaboration project (Forintek Canada Corp. $24,000) • Seismic performance of timber structural systems (NSERC $33,000) • Studies on strength of MSR lumber (Canadian Forest Products Ltd. $10,000) • Structural performance of value-added building components (NRC $82,475) • Laminated decking and flooring products from MPB infested wood (FII $45,150) • Development of MPB thick laminate wood plate products (FII $26,513) • Development of thick MPB strand based wood composites (co-investigator) (FII $63,525) • Innovative methods for moisture conditioning MPB logs for OSB production (FII $134,116) • Stress-wave technology for defect detection and classification of mountain pine beetle infested logs and lumber (FII $98,000) • Performance of floor panels (Ainsworth Lumber Co Ltd. $196,123) • Development of MPB wood – cement and wood – plastic composite products (co-investigator) (FII $31,763) • Log quality of mountain pine beetle (MPB) infested wood in relation to lumber manufacture – Year 2 lumber and fibre properties (coinvestigator) (FII $87,864) • Development of properties indicators and database for mountain pine beetle (MPB) infested wood in relation to time-since-treedeath (co-investigator) (FII $135,660) LARSON, B.C. • Juvenile tree allometry (Bulkey Valley Centre $7,500) • Modeling individual tree mortality for northern mixed-species stands (BCMoF&R $29,400) • Developing protocols for evaluating, treating, and monitroing the forest of San Juan Island National Historical Park (National Park Service $11,711) • FIA Forest Science Program Project FSP Y061051 (BCMoF&R $12,000) LAWSON, P. • Long term research installations (BCMoF&R $22,680)

LEMAY, V.M. • Structural diversity measures and relationships with remotely sensed data (NSERC $15,000) • Modeling natural regeneration in MPB affected stands in south central BC (BCMoF&R, NRC $103,500) LYONS, C.K. • The mechanics of anisotropic materials applied to the management of forests (NSERC $15,000) • Research in forest engineering (Terminal Forest Products Ltd. $10,053) MANESS, T.C. • Feasability and conceptual design of a highly flexible manufacturing facility (NSERC, Forintek Canada Corp. $130,560) • Mathematical model formulation of forest stewardship planning incorporating wood products, environmental and societal values (Woodflow Systems Corp. $41,685) • Multi-criteria strategic planning for sustainable forest management (NSERC $19,000) • Decision support methods for simultaneous assessment of timber and non-timber resource objectives (Canadian Forest Products Ltd. $35,000) • The economic impact of natural disturbances – A review and synthesis of policy responses (NRC $2,000) • Strategic and operational decision support methods for sustainable forest management and efficient processing of the timber resource (Woodflow Systems Corp. $52,500) MANSFIELD, S.D. • Canada Research Chair in wood & fibre quality (CRC $100,000) • Employing metabolic profiling as a screening technology for internal checking of radiata pine (WQI Ltd. $54,085) • Characterizing wood and fibre properties by metabolic profiling (conference support for PHD student Andrew Robinson) (New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology $2,606) • Elucidating the variations in fibre chemistry and morphology of aspen clones to improve pulp processing and quality (NSERC $18,000) • Wood quality assessment technology for the value-added industry (NRC $89,500) • Strength testing of hemlock for strongwood product (International Forest Products Ltd. $38,651) • Evaluating Canada’s underutilized species, hybrid poplar, for the value-added industry (NRC $58,800) • Genetic engineering of cellulose biosynthesis in hardwood and softwood trees (USDoA $40,288)

MARSHALL, P.L. • Development of the Prognosis BC growth and yield simulator in the southern and central BC: Model validation (BCMoF&R $50,999) MARTIN, K.M. • Effect of elevation on phenotypic and genotypic evolution of songbirds (Alberta Conservation Association $15,000) • Ecology of alpine and forest birds (NSERC $35,300) • Avian ecology and climate variability in Kluane alpine ecosystems (NSERC $10,000) • Alpine and forest landbird ecology and conservation research (Environment Canada $67,500) • Effects of extreme environmental variation on the behaviour and breeding biology of alpine horned larks and savannah sparrows (UBC, Federal $6,190) • Potential effects of climate change on breeding biology and population dynamics of rock and white-tailed ptarmigan in the Yukon Territory (UBC, Federal $3,870) • The importance of high versus low elevation stopover sites: Using physiology to quantify habitat quality (Environment Canada $12,000) • Climate variability monitoring for northern alpine bird research (NSCERC $14,997) McFARLANE, P. • Innovative methods of chain of custody tracking of certified forest products (NCE $81,500) • Fellowship grant for post doc fellow/research associate (NCE $22,500) • Surface quality of MDF for value-added industries (NRC $76,000) • Economic, environmental and social benefits of 2nd-generation biofuels in Canada (NRC, BIOCAP $39,850) • Promoting biofuels in Canada (NRC $32,865) MEITNER, M.J. • Public perceptions of mountain pine beetle management alternatives (NRC $55,264) • Social sustainability: Strategies for definition, measurement and management (NCE $11,986) • Interactivity and usability of environmental visualization systems (NSERC $17,200) MITCHELL, S.J. • Numerical modelling of wind flow in retention system openings (BCMoF&R $67,069) • Wind drag on conifer crowns (NSERC $26,000) • Integrating silvicultural control of mountain pine beetle with wildlife and sustainable forest management objectives (NRC $32,007) • Incorporating the effects of windthrow after retention harvesting into TASS and TIPSY (BCMoF&R $20,500) 2005 Annual Report




• Comparison of windthrow damage under alternative silvicultural systems at the MASS study area (Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd. $3,000) NELSON, J.D. • A systems approach to integrating ecological, economic and social values within the SFM framework for Tree Farm Licence 49 (NCE $83,050) • Exploring opportunities for mitigating the ecological impacts of current and future MPB outbreaks through improved planning: A focus on Northeastern BC (NRC $101,325) • Decision support systems for forest land use planning (NSERC $21,000) PRESCOTT, C.E. • British Columbia Flux Station of FluxnetCanada: Influence of climate and disturbance on carbon cycling in forest and peatland ecosystems (Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, NSERC $9,000) • UBC Mountain Pine Beetle graduate student posters (BCMoF&R $34,999) • SCHIRP: Ecology and management of ericaceous shrub-dominated ecosystems in coastal BC (BCMoF&R $79,801) • Synthesis and extension of research on the nutritional sustainability of variable retention harvesting (BCMoF&R $29,400) RICHARDSON, J.S. • Effects of forest practices on the native signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in BC (BCMoF&R $31,205) • Ecology and management of riparian-stream ecosystems: A large-scale experiment using alternative streamside management techniques (BCMoF&R $195,727) • Variation in detritus-based food webs and community structure based on quality of organic matter (NSERC $20,000) • Evaluation of habitat features of enhanced offchannels related to productivity and biodiversity (Fisheries & Oceans Canada $9,600) • Human impacts on water quantity and quality, the implications for ecological & socio-economic processes, & policy development in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (NCE $12,000) • Benthic invertebrate monitoring and assessment project-workshop (BCMoE $10,000) RITLAND, K.M. • Senior Industrial Research Chair in population genetics (NSERC, industry $31,201) • Population genomics of plants (NSERC $80,000) • Forestry genomics, Treenomix I: A genomics technology platform for Canadian forestry (co-investigator) (Genome BC, Genome Canada $2,169,547)

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• Conifer forest health, Treenomix II (co-investigator) (Genome BC, Genome Canada $5,097,738) RUDDICK, J.N.R. • The role of nitrogen compounds in the fixation of copper in wood (NSERC $31,900) • Wood preservation – factors impacting on the performance (industry $43,902) SADDLER, J.N. • The development of value-added bioproducts from the bioconversion of lignocellulosics (coinvestigator) (NSERC, BIOCAP $105,000) • Supply of pretreated biomass for surface characterization and enzymatic digestion studies (National Renewable Engergy Lab $1,351) • Softwood residues-to-ethanol scale-up & bottleneck reduction (NRC $190,254) • Participation of forest products biotechnology, UBC, in the Biomass Consortium on Applied Fundamentals (CAFI) (NRC $114,837) • Substrate and enzyme factors that affect the efficient hydrolysis of cellulose to ethanol (NSERC $22,000) • The development of a technically and economically viable pre-treatment and enzymatic process for the conversion of softwood residues to ethanol (BIOCAP $35,875) • IEA Bioconversion Task (IEA $289,831) • Infrastructure operating funds – Bioprocessing Centre for Sustabinable Fuels-Operations (CFI $80,574) SHEPPARD, S.R.J. • Development and testing of advanced landscape visualization (NSERC $14,800) • Social sustainability: Strategies for definition, measurement and management (NCE $12,001) • Future visioning of local climate change scenarios with integrated geomatics/visualization systems (Environment Canada $49,951) • Extension notes & SFM publishing (Canadian Forest Products Ltd. $5,800) • Canfor SFM public opinion survey (Canadian Forest Products Ltd. $195,095) • Future visioning of local climate change scenarios with integrated geomatics/visualization systems (NCE $17,500) SIMARD, S.W. • Improving predictions of juvenile tree growth in complex mixtures for sustainable forest management (BCMoF&R $36,246) • Effects of young stand silviculture on conifer/ broadleaf mixtures in seral ICH forests of southern interior BC (BCMoF&R $30,000) • Predicting development and productivity of southern interior mixed species stands through calibration and modelling (BCMoF&R $46,998)

• Role of common mycorrhizal networks in plant community dynamics (NSERC $35,000) • Nutrient dynamics in the mycorrhizosphere of Douglas-fir seedlings establishing after the BC wildfires of 2003 (NSERC $38,465) • Cultivation of Toona ciliata var. australis (F. Muell.) in subtropical mixed species plantations in Misiones, Argentina (Danzer Forestacion S.A. $1,711) • CFI Infrastructure operating funds (CFI $5,000) • Paper birch density management experiments (BCMoF&R $8,400) • Ectomycorrhizae and networks: Their role in facilitating Douglas-fir regeneration under water, site and climatic stresses (BCMoF&R $80,000) • Paper birch/conifer mixture experiments (BCMoF&R $21,000) • PROBE (PRotocol for Operational Brushing Evaluations) (BCMoF&R $8,400) SMITH, G.D. • Investigation of the resination process for oriented strand board (NSERC $25,100) • Improving the properties of particleboard for value-added industries (NRC $74,000) SOWLATI, T. • UBC 20 – Life cycle analysis of windows for North American residential markets (NRC $58,000) • Efficiency measurement and improvement in the Canadian wood industry (NSERC $12,000) • Job costing system in a wood manufacturing company (Raywal Ltd. $8,642) SULLIVAN, T.P. • Use of diversionary foods to reduce seedling damage by voles (BCMoF&R $48,300) • Stand structure and maintenance of biodiversity in green-tree retention stands at 30 years after harvest: A vision into the future (BCMoF&R $54,600)

VAN DER KAMP, B.J. • SRD 1791 Hazard tree failure study (British Columbia Transmission Corporation $10,500) • Reducing the impact of Armillaria root disease via mixed species plantations including western red cedar (BCMoF&R $29,513) WEILER, M. • Water and solute response of runoff generation processes (NSERC $23,500) • Water tracer laboratory (industry, CFI, BCKDF $258,356) • Discharge measurement of mountain rivers using fluorometric dye methods (Environment Canada $3,485) • Tsitika River sediment budgets project (BCMoF&R $87,990) • A wireless senser cluster for high resolution spatial-temporal monitoring of water flow and solute transport in watersheds (NSERC $76,200) • Hydrological and biological processes of aquatic ecosystems in the boreal landscape (STINT $25,000) WELHAM, C. • Retrospective analysis of MPB incipient populations (BCMoF&R $25,000) WOOD, P.M. • Assigning sufficient priority to biodiversity conservation: Principles and practice (SSHRC $19,140) ZHANG, Y. • Cumulative watershed effects of forestry practices on stream ecosystems (BCMoF&R $80,000)

TINDALL, D.B. • Social sustainability: Strategies for definition, measurement and management (NCE $38,054 • Linking framing and social network analysis in social movements research: a mixed methods approach (co-investigator) (SSHRC $29,550) • Understanding the social structural basis of environmental activism and pro-environmental behaviour: Regional, temporal, and sectoral comparisons (co-investigator) (SSHRC $79,200) TROSPER, R. • First Nations and sustainable forestry: Institutional conditions for success (NCE $84,750) • A participatory approach to aboriginal tenure reform in Canada (NCE $30,000)

2005 Annual Report





HIS LIST INCLUDES documents published between April 1, 2005 and March 31, 2006. Names appearing in bold-face type are those of UBC Forestry Faculty members. For further information on any of these publications (many of which are available in libraries), please contact the appropriate Faculty member directly. Albani, M., J.P. Kimmins, and D.W. Andison. 2005. Boreal mixedwood species composition in relationship to topography and white spruce seed sources. For. Eco. Manage. 209:167-180. Arcese, P. and A.B. Marr. 2005. Population viability in the presence and absence of cowbirds, catastrophic mortality, and immigration. pp. 175-191 in J.N.M. Smith, L.F. Keller, A.B.Marr and P. Arcese (eds.) Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island. Oxford University Press, New York. Archer, H., R.A. Kozak, and D. Balsillie. 2005. The impact of forest certification labelling and advertising: An exploratory assessment of consumer purchase intent in Canada. For. Chron. 81(2):229-244. Avramidis, S., and L. Iliadis. 2005. Woodwater sorption isotherm prediction with artificial neural networks: A preliminary study. Holzforschung 59:336-341. Avramidis, S., and L. Iliadis. 2005. Predicting wood thermal conductivity using artificial neural networks. Wood Fiber Sci. 37(4):682-690. Avramidis, S., S. Shida, A. Koumoutsakos, and D. Kobayashi. 2005. Stability study of square timbers in simulated house frame service in Japan. Forest Prod. J. 55(10):84-91 Balakshin M., E. Caponema, B. Goldfarb, J. Frampton, and J.F. Kadla. 2005. NMR studies on Fraser fir lignins. Holzforschung 59:488-496. Bastidas J., R. A. Venditti, J. Pawlak, R. Gilbert, S. Zauscher, and J.F. Kadla. 2005. Characterization of fiber surfaces using chemical force microscopy. Carbohydrate Polymers 62:369-378. Beckley, T.M., J.R. Parkins, and S.R.J. Sheppard. 2006. Public Participation in Sustainable Forest Management: A Reference Guide. Knowledge Exchange and Technology Exploitation (KETE) Programme of the Sustainable Forest Management Network, Edmonton, Alberta. 54 pp. Beland J.D., J. Krakowski, C. Ritland, K. Ritland, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2005. Genetic structure and mating system of northern Arbutus menziesii populations. Can. J. Botany 83:1581-1589. Berlin, A., N. Gilkes, A. Kurabi, R. Bura, M. Tu, D. Kilburn, and J.N. Saddler. 2005. Weak ligninbinding enzymes – a novel approach to improve the activity of cellulases for hydrolysis of lignocellulosics. Appl. Biochem. Microb. 121-124:163-170.

56 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Berlin, A., V. Maximenko, R. Bura, K. Kang, N. Gilkes. and J.N. Saddler. 2005. A rapid microassay to evaluate enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic substratesWiley InterScience. Published online, DOI: 10.1002/bit.20783. Blevins, D, C.E. Prescott, H.L. Allen, and T. Newsome. 2005. Effects of thinning and fertilization on repressed lodgepole pine growth, foliage biomass, and growth efficiency. Can. J. For. Res. 35:2851-2859. Blouin, V.M., M.G. Schmidt, C.E. Bulmer, and M. Krzic. 2005. Effects of mechanical distrubance on soil properties and lodgepole pine growth in BC’s Central Interior. Can. J. Soil Sci. 85:681-691. Bondar, C.A., K. Bottriell, K. Zeron, and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Does trophic position of the omnivorous signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in a stream food web vary with life history stage or density? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 62:2632-2639. Bondar, C.A., Y. Zhang, J.S. Richardson, and D. Jesson. 2005. The conservation status of the freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in British Columbia. BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. Fisheries Management Report No. 117. Boyland, M., J. Nelson, and F.L. Bunnell. 2005. A test for robustness in harvest scheduling models. Forest Ecol. Manag. 207:121-132. Braun J., K. M. Holtman, and J. F. Kadla. 2005. Lignin-based carbon fibers: Oxidative thermostabilization of kraft lignin. Carbon. 43: 385-394. Byeon H.S., H.M. Park, and F. Lam. 2005. Nondestructive evaluation of strength performance for finger-jointed wood using flexural vibration techniques. Forest Prod. J. 55(10):37-42. Bunnell, F.L. 2005. Beetles, biodiversity and blindass guesses. Forum 12(3):20-24. Bunnell, F.L. 2005. Adaptive management for biodiversity in managed forests – it can be done. pp. 3-11 in C.E. Peterson and D.A. Maguire (eds.)Balancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sustainable Forestry: Proceedings of a conference. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-635. Portland, OR. Bunnell, F.L. and K.A. Squires. 2005. Forestdwelling endemics of British Columbia. Extension pamphlet, Centre for Applied Conservation Research, UBC, Vancouver, BC.

Bunnell, F.L., R.W. Campbell, K.A. Squires. 2005. Assessing the need for species conservation action in British Columbia. BC J. Ecosystems & Manage. 6(2):29-37. Bunnell, F.L., K.A. Squires, M.I. Preston, and R.W. Campbell. 2005. Towards a general model of avian response to climate change. pp. 59-70 in Proc. Implications of Climate Change in BC’s Southern Interior Forests. Workshop, Revelstoke, BC, Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology. Byun-McKay A., K.A. Godard, M. Toudefallah, D.M. Martin, R. Alfaro, J. King, J. Bohlmann, and A.L. Plant. 2006. Wound-induced terpene synthase gene expression in Sitka spruce that exhibit resistance or susceptibility to attack by the white pine weevil. Plant Physiol. 140:10091021. Canam, T., H.D. Coleman, J.Y. Park, D.D. Ellis, and S.D. Mansfield. 2005. The effects of altered carbohydrate metabolism on plant growth and cellulose biosynthesis. pp. 189-194 in Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry. Auckland, New Zealand. Caponema E., M. Balakshin, and J.F. Kadla. 2005. Quantitative characterisation of a hardwood MWL by NMR spectroscopy. J. Agr. Food Chem. 53:9639-9649. Cardille, J.A., M.G. Turner, M. Clayton, S.E. Gergel, and S. Price. 2005. METALAND: Characterizing spatial patterns and statistical context of landscape metrics. Bioscience 55(11):983-988. Chamberlain, B., M. Meitner, and Gandy, R. 2005. Visualizing international deforestation trajectories using ArcGIS. 11 pp. in Proc. ESRI International Users Conference, San Diego, California. (CD) ESRI Press. Christensen, J.R., J.S. Richardson, C.A. Bishop, B. Pauli, and J. Elliott. 2005. Effects of nonylphenol on rates of tail resorption and metamorphosis in Rana catesbeiana tadpoles. J. Toxicol. Env. Heal. A 64:557-572. Christy, A.G., T.J. Senden, and P.D. Evans. 2005. Automated measurement of checks at wood surfaces. Measurement 37:109-118. Cohen, D., R. Kozak, N. Vidal, W. Spetic, and R. Ide. 2005. Performance expectations and needs of the Japanese house consumer. Forest Prod. J. 55(5):37-44. Coleman, H.D., D.D. Ellis, M. Gilbert, and S.D. Mansfield. 2006. Up-regulation of sucrose synthase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase impacts plant growth and metabolism. Plant Biotechnology J. 4:87-101.

Cooke, S.J., G.T. Crossin, D. Patterson, K. English, S.G. Hinch, J.L. Young, R. Alexander, M.C. Healey, G. Van Der Kraak, and A.P. Farrell. 2005. Coupling non-invasive physiological assessments with telemetry to understand inter-individual variation in behaviour and survivorship of sockeye salmon: Development and validation of a technique. J. Fish Biol. 67:117. Coops, N.C., and C. Stone. 2005. Use of a radiative transfer model to examine variation in reflectance spectra due to damaged Pinus radiata foliage. Aust. J. Bot. 53:417-429. Coops, N.C., N. Goodwin, and C. Stone. 2006. Predicting Spherophsis sapinea damage on Pinus radiata stands using CASI-2 derived spectral indices and spectral mixture analysis. Photogramm. Eng. Rem. Sens. 72(4):404-417. Coops, N.C., N. Goodwin, C. Stone, and N. Sims. 2006. Assessment of forest plantation canopy condition from high spatial resolution digital imagery. Can. J. Rem. Sens. 30: 855-866. Crossin, G.T., and S.G. Hinch. 2005. A non-lethal method for assessing the somatic energy content of freely migrating adult Pacific salmon. T. Am. Fish. Soc. 134:184-191. Crowe, K., and J. Nelson. 2005. An evaluation of the simulated annealing algorithm to the area-restricted harvest scheduling model using optimal benchmarks. Can. J. For. Res. 35:25002509. Dai Q., R. Gilbert and J.F. Kadla. 2005. Rheology of cellulose liquid crystalline polymers. pp. 2663-2675 in A. Cohen (ed.), Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing. Marcel Dekker Inc. Dai Q., H.-M. Chang, J. Hasan, and J.F. Kadla. 2004. Bleachability of kraft pulps from earlywood and latewood of fast-growing loblolly pine. J. Wood Chem. Tech. 24(4):357-370. Ehlting J., N. Mattheus, D.S. Aeschliman, E. Li, B. Hamberger, I.F. Cullis, J. Zhuang, M. Kaneda, S.D. Mansfield, A.L. Samuels, K. Ritland, B.E. Ellis, J. Bohlmann, and C.J. Douglas. 2005. Global transcript profiling of primary stems from Arabidopsis thaliana identifies candidate genes for missing links in lignin biosynthesis and transcriptional regulators of fiber differentiation. The Plant J. 42:618-640. El-Kassaby, Y.A., and J. Krakowski. 2005. Forest biotechnology deliverables: Availability and benefits. pp. 53-69 in S. McCord and R. Kellison, (eds.) North American Conf. on Forest Biotechnology. New Century, New Trees: Biotechnology as a Tool for Forestry in North America, Research Triangle Park, S.C., USA.

2005 Annual Report




Ellis, S.C., R.A. Kozak, W. Spetic, and P.D. Evans. 2006. Human resource needs and demand for post-secondary education in the Canadian secondary wood products industry. Wood Fiber Sci. 38(1):5-16. Elustondo, S., S. Avramidis, and L. Oliveira. 2005. Industrial evaluation of re-dry strategy for softwood lumber. MADERAS: Ciencia y Technologia 7(2):65-78. Elustondo, D., S. Avramidis, and R.L. Zwick. 2005. The demonstration of increased fiber utilization using optimized lumber sorting and radio frequency vacuum drying. Forest Prod. J. 55(1):76-83. Er, K.B.H, J.L. Innes, K. Martin, and B. Klinkenburg. 2005. Forest loss with urbanization predicts bird extirpations in Vancouver. Biol. Conserv. 126(3):410-419. Evans, P.D., M.J. Chowdhury, B. Mathews, K.J. Schmalzl, S. Ayer, and M. Kiguchi. 2005. Weathering and wood protection. pp. 277-297 in M. Kutz, (ed.), Handbook of Environmental Degradation of Materials. William Andrew Publishing, Norwich, NY. Fannin, R.J., A. Eliadorani, and J.M.T. Wilkinson. 2005. Shear strength of cohesionless soils at low strength. Geotechnique 55(6):467-478. Fannin, R.J., G.D. Moore, J.W. Schwab, and D.F. VanDine. 2005. Landslide risk management in forest practices. pp. 299-320 in Proc. International Conference on Landslide Risk Management, Vancouver, BC. Feller, M.C. 2005. Forest harvesting and streamwater inorganic chemistry in western North America: A review. J. Am. Water Resour. As. 41:785-811. Feller, M.C. 2005. Maintaining plant diversity in mixed severity fire regimes. pp. 21-32 in L. Taylor, J. Zelnik, S. Cadwallader, and B. Hughes (eds.) Mixed Severity Fire Regimes: Ecology and Management. Proc. Association for Fire Ecology. Washington State University Extension, Pullman, WA. Gapare, W.J., and S.N. Aitken. 2005. Strong spatial genetic structure in peripheral but not core populations of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) Mol. Ecol. 14:2659-2667. Gergel, S.E. 2005. Spatial and non-spatial factors: When do they impact the utility of landscape indicators of water quality? Landscape Ecol. 20(2):177-189. Gergel, S.E., S.R. Carpenter, and E.H. Stanley. 2005. Do dams and levees impact nitrogen cycling? Simulating the effects of flood alterations on floodplain denitrification. Glob. Change Biol. 11:1352-1367.

58 UBC Faculty of Forestry

Gilchrist EJ, G.W.Haughn, C.C. Ying, S.P. Otto, J. Zhuang, D. Cheung, B. Hamberger, F. Aboutorabi, T. Kalynyak, L. Johnson, J. Bohlmann, B.E. Ellis, C.J. Douglas, and Q.C.B. Cronk. 2006. Use of ecotilling as an efficient SNP discovery tool to survey genetic variation in wild populations of Populus trichocarpa. Mol. Ecol. 15:1365-1376. Gomi, T., R.D. Moore, and M.W. Hassan. 2005. Suspended sediment dynamics of small forest streams of the Pacific Northwest. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 41:877-898. Gonzalez, J., and M. Meitner. 2005. Working together for environmental management: A collaborative learning approach. 20 pp. in Proc. ESRI International Users Conference, San Diego, California. (CD) ESRI Press. Goodwin, N., N.C. Coops, and C. Stone. 2005. Quantifying forest canopy condition from airborne imagery using spectral mixture analysis and fractional abundances. Int. J. Appl. Earth Observation and Geoinformation 7:11-28. Grayston S.J., J.A. Addison, S.M. Berch, L.E. DeMontigny, D.M. Durall, K.N. Egger, M.D. Jones, R. Modesto, W.W. Mohn, T.S. Panesar, C.E. Prescott, and D.S. Srivastava. 2006. Green tree retention: A tool to maintain soil function after harvest. BC J. Ecosystems Manag. 7:9-12. Gulati S., and J. Vercammen. 2005. The optimal length for an agricultural carbon contract. Can. J. Agr. Econ. 53(4):359-374. Gulati S., N. Malhotra, and S. Malhotra. 2005. Extent of protection via antidumping action: A case study of the Vitamin C industry in India. J. World Trade. 39(5):925-936. Guy, R.D., and G.C. Vanlerberghe. 2005. Partitioning of respiratory electrons in the dark in leaves of transgenic tobacco with modified levels of alternative oxidase. Physiol.Plant. 125:171-180. Halwas, K.L., M. Church, and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Benthic assemblage variation among channel units in high-gradient streams on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 24(3):478-494. Hamann, A., P. Smets, A.D. Yanchuk, and S.N. Aitken. 2005. An ecogeographic framework for in situ conservation of forest trees in British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35:2553-2561. Harshaw H.W., and D.B. Tindall. 2005. Social structure, identities, and values: A network approach to understanding people’s relationships to forests. J. Leisure Res. 37(4):426-449.

Hausner, G., M. Iranpour, J.J. Kim, C. Breuil, C.N. Davis, E.A. Gibbs, J. Reid, P.C. Loewen, and A.A. Hopkin. 2005. Fungi vectored by the introduced bark beetle Tomicus piniperda in Ontario, Canada, and comments on the taxonomy of Leptographium lunderbergii, Leptographium terebrantis, leptographium truncatum, and Leptographium wingfieldii. Can. J. Bot. 83(10):1222-1237. Heady, R.D., and P.D. Evans. 2005. Wood anatomy of Actinostrobus (Cupressaceae). IAWA J. 26(1):79-92. Hickey, G.M., and J.L Innes. 2005. Monitoring sustainable forest management in different jurisdictions. Environ. Monit. Assess. 108:241260. Hickey, G.M., and J.L. Innes. 2005. Scientific review and gap analysis of sustainable forest management criteria and indicators initiatives FORREX Series No. 17. 54 pp. FORREX, Kamloops. Hinch, S.G., S. Cooke, M.C. Healey, and A.P. Farrell. 2005. Behavioural physiology of fish migrations: Salmon as a model approach pp. 239-295, in K. Sloman, S. Balshine and R. Wilson, (eds.). Fish Physiology Vol. 24: Behaviour and Physiology of Fish. Elsevier Press. Houde, I., F.L. Bunnell, and S. Leech. 2005. Assessing success at achieving biodiversity objectives, based on the main steps of an adaptive management process. BC J. Ecosystems & Manage. 6(2):17-28. Hoover, T., J.S. Richardson, and N. Yonemitsu. 2006. Flow-substrate interactions create and mediate leaf litter resource patches in streams. Freshwater Biol. 51:435-447. Huber D.P.W., and J. Bohlmann. 2006. The role of terpene synthases in the direct and indirect defense of conifers against insect herbivory and fungal pathogens. pp. 296-313 in S. Tuzun and E. Bent (eds.) Multigenic and Induced Systemic Resistance in Plants. Springer, New York. Huber D.P.W., R.N. Philippe, K-A. Godard, and J. Bohlmann. 2005. Characterization of four terpene synthase cDNAs from methyl jasmonateinduced Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii. Phytochemistry 66:1427-1439. Huber D.P.W., R.N. Phillippe, L. Madilao, R.N. Sturrock, and J. Bohlmann. 2005. Changes in anatomy and terpene chemistry in roots of Douglas-fir seedlings following treatment with methyl jasmonate. Tree Physiol. 25:1075-1083. Innes, J.L. 2005. Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and training in forestry and forest research. For. Chron. 81(3):324-329.

Innes, J.L. 2005. Long-term forst experiments: The need to convert data into knowledge pp. 25-31 in C.E. Peterson and D.A. Maguire (eds.) Balancing Ecosystem Values: Innovative Experiments for Sutainable forestry. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-635. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Innes, J.L. 2005. Driving changes in the focus of natural resources research. BC J. Ecosystems Manag. 6(2):87-90. Innes, J.L., and H.F. Hoen. 2005. The changing context of forestry. pp. 1-14 in J.L. Innes, G.M. Hickey and H.F. Hoen (eds.) Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. Innes, J.L., and A.H. Mathey. 2005. Recent developments in silviculture. Canadian Silviculture. Spring:23-26. Jerabkova, L., C.E. Prescott, and B.E. Kishchuk. 2006. Nitrogen availability in soil and forest floors of contrasting types of boreal mixedwood forests. Can. J. For. Res. 36:112-122. Kadla J.F., and S. Kubo. 2005. Kraft lignin/poly (ethylene oxide) blends: effect of lignin structure on miscibility and hydrogen bonding. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 98:1437-1444. Kadla J.F., and S. Kubo. 2005. Carbon fibers from lignin-recyclable plastic blends pp. 317-331 in A. Cohen (ed.), Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Kadla J.F., S. Kubo, and R. Gilbert, 2005. Ligninbased biocomposite materials pp. 671-698 in A. K. Mohanty, M. Misra and L.T. Drzal (eds.) Natural Fibers, Bipolymers and Their Biocomposites. CRC Press. Kang, K.S., Y.A. EL-Kassaby, M.S. Chung, C.S. Kim, Y.J. Kang, and B.S. Kang. 2005. Fertility variation and effective number in a clonal seed orchard of Cryptomeria japonica. Silvae Genet. 54:104-107. Karlsson, M., J.S. Richardson, and P.M. Kiffney. 2005. Modelling organic matter dynamics in headwater streams of south-western British Columbia, Canada. Ecol. Model. 183:463-476. Kataoka, Y., M. Kiguchi, T. Fujiwara, and P.D. Evans. 2005. The effects of within-species and between-species variation in wood density on the photodegradation depth profiles of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa). J. Wood Sci. 51(5):531-536. Keating, J. D., C. Panganiban, and S.D. Mansfield. 2006. Tolerance and adaptation of ethanologenic yeasts to lignocellulosic inhibitory compounds. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 93(6):1196-2006. 2005 Annual Report



Keim, R.F., A.E. Skaugset, and M. Weiler. 2005. Temporal persistence of spatial patterns in throughfall. J. Hydrol. 314(1-4):263-274.


Lewis, J.L. and S.R.J. Sheppard. 2005. Ancient values, new challenges: Indigenous spiritual perceptions of landscapes and forest management. Soc. Natur. Resour. 18(10):907-920.

Kim, J.J., E.A. Allen, L.M. Humble and C. Breuil. 2005. Ophiostomatoid and basidiomycetous fungi associated with green, red grey lodgepole pines after mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) infestation. Can. J. For. Res. 35:274284.

Lim, Y. W., J.-J. Kim, M. Lu, and C. Breuil. 2005. Determining fungal diversity on Dendroctonus ponderosae and Ips pini attacking lodgepole pine using cultural and molecular methods. Fungal Diversity 19:79-94.

Kimmins, J.P., C. Welham, B. Seely, M. Meitner, R. Rempel, and T. Sullivan. 2005. Science in forestry: why does it somtimes disappoint or even fail us? For. Chron. 81:723-734.

Lim, Y.W., J.J. Kim, R. Chedgy, P.I. Morris, and C. Breuil. 2005. Fungal diversity from western redcedar fences and their resistance to B-thujaplicin. Antonie Van Leeuwenhock 87:109-117.

Kozak, R.A. 2005. Research and resource dependent communities: A world of possibilities. BC J. Ecosystems Manag. 6(2):55-62.

Lovell, J., D.L.B.Jupp, G. Newnham, D.S. Culvenor, and N.C. Coops. 2005. Lidar simulation for forest height retrieval. For. Ecol. Manag. 214:398-412.

Krakowski, J., and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2005. Lodgepole pine and white spruce germination: Effects of stratification and simulated aging. Silvae Genet. 54:138-144. Krakowski, J., Y.S. Park, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2005. Early testing of Douglas-fir: Wood density and ring width. For. Genet. 12:99-105. Krzic M., R. Newman, and K. Broersma. 2006. Forest grazing on Lodgepole pine cutblocks in Proc. of the 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Range Management, Vancouver BC. (CD). Kubo, S., and J.F. Kadla. 2005. Hydrogen bonding in lignin: a model compound study. Biomacromolecules. 6:2815-2821. Kubo, S., J.F. Kadla, and Y. Uraki. 2005. A short review for current and future developments in lignin based carbon fibers. Mokuzai Kogyo 60(6):250-255.

Lund S.T., and J. Bohlmann. 2006. The molecular basis for wine grape quality - A volatile subject. Invited perspective paper. Science 311:804-805. Lyons C.K. 2005. Load sharing on log bridges. FORREX Link 7(1):12. Lyons C.K. 2005. Finite element modeling of log bridges. ABCFP Forum Mag. 12(6):15. Lyons C.K., and D.M.Bennett. 2005. The effect of taper on the MOE of log stringers. Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 39(7):560-568. Lyons C.K., and M. Lansdowne. 2006. Vertical stress in the gravel decking of log bridges. Western J. Appl. Forest. Vol. 21(2):61-67. Mallory, M., and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Complex interactions of light, nutrients and consumer density in a stream periphyton-grazer (tailed frog tadpoles) system. J. Anim. Ecol. 74:1020-1028.

Lanquaye-Opoku, N., and S.J. Mitchell. 2005. Portability of stand-level empirical windthrow risk models. Forest Ecol. Manag. 216:134-148.

Marinescu, M., T. Sowlati, and T. Maness. 2005. The development of a timber allocation model using Data Envelopment Analysis. Can. J. For. Res. 35(10):2304-2315.

Lee S., J. Kim and C. Breuil. 2005. Leptographium longiclavatum, a new species associated with the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Mycol. Res. 109:275-284 .

Martin, K. 2006. Wildlife biodiversity and MPB (mountain pine beetle) in interior forests. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Branchlines 16(3):9-10.

LeMay, V., and N. Smith. 2005. Measurement and analysis issues for complex stands of British Columbia. Abstract in Proc. of the XXII IUFRO World Congress in Brisbance, Australia.

Masuya, H., J.J. Kim, M.J. Wingfield, Y. Yamaoka, S. Kaneko, C. Breuil and G.-H. Kim. 2005. Discovery and description of a teleomorph for Leptographium koreanum. Mycotaxon. 94:159-173.

LeMay, V., and H. Temesgen. 2005. Comparison of nearest neighbour methods for estimating basal area and stems per ha using aerial auxilliary variables. For. Sci. 51(2):109-119.

Matsuda, B.M. and J.S. Richardson. 2005. Movement patterns and relative abundance of coastal tailed frogs in clearcuts and mature forest stands. Can. J. For. Res. 35:1131-1138.

LeMay, V., and H. Temesgen. 2005. Connecting inventory information sources for landscape level analyses. Forest Biometry, Modelling, and Information Sciences. (FBMIS) 1:37-49.

Mabee, W., and J.N. Saddler. 2005. Assessing the emerging biorefinery sector in Canada. Appl. Biochem. Biotech. 121-124:765-778.

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McGuire, K.J., J.J. McDonnell, M.Weiler, B.L. McGlynn, C. Kendall, J.M. Welker, and J. Seibert. 2005. The role of topography on catchment-scale water residence time. Water Resour. Res., 41.doi:10.1029/2004WR003657. McIntire E.J.B., R. Duchesneau, and J.P. Kimmins. 2005. Effect of biological legacies and different natural disturbance frequencies and severities on the dynamics of boreal forest communities. Can. J. For. Res. 35(11):2765-2773. Meitner, M., and R. Gandy. 2005. Using image mapping techniques to model and visualize our changing forests. 10 pp. in Proc. Italy-Canada Workshop, 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling: Applications of Heritage, Industry, Medicine and Land, Padua, Italy. (CD). Meitner, M., R. Gandy, and R. D’eon. 2005. Human perceptions of forest fragmentation: Implications for natural disturbance management. 9 pp. in Proc., Our Shared Landscape, Ascona, Switzerland. (CD). Meitner, M., J. Gonzalez, R. Gandy, and J. Maedel. 2005. Critical thinking, knowledge retention and strife: Reflections on active-learning techniques. 8 pp. in Proc. ESRI Education Users Conference, San Diego, California. (CD). ESRI Press. Mellina, E., S.G. Hinch, E.M. Donaldson, and G. Pearson. 2005. Stream habitat and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) physiological stress responses to clear-cut logging in British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35:541-556. Mellina, E., S.G. Hinch, K.D. MacKenzie, and G. Pearson. 2005. Seasonal movement patterns of stream-dwelling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their responses to clear-cut logging in British Columbia, Canada. T. Am. Fish. Soc. 134:1021-1037. Moore, R.D. 2006. Stream temperature patterns in British Columbia, Canada, based on routine spot measurements. Can. Water Res. J. 31:41-56. Moore, R.D. 2005. Introduction to salt dilution gauging for streamflow measurement. Part 3: Slug injection. Streamline Watershed Manag. Bull. 8(2):1-6. Moore, R.D. 2005. Small stream channels and their riparian zones in the Pacific Northwest: Introduction. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 41:759-761. Moore, R.D., and D.F. Scott. 2005. Camp Creek revisited: Effects of forest harvesting on streamflow in a medium-sized, snowmelt-dominated catchment. Can. Water Res. J. 30:331-344. Moore, R.D., and S.M. Wondzell. 2005. Physical hydrology in the Pacific Northwest and the effects of forest harvesting – a review. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 41:753-784.

Moore, R.D., D. Spittlehouse, and A. Story. 2005. Riparian microclimate and stream temperature response to forest harvesting – a review. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 41:813-834. Moore, R.D., P. Sutherland, T. Gomi, and A.S. Dhakal. 2005. Thermal regime of a headwater stream within a clear-cut, coastal British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 19:2591-2608. Negishi, J.N., and J.S. Richardson. 2006. An experimental test of the effects of food resources and hydraulic refuge on patch colonization by stream macroinvertebrates during spates. J. Anim. Ecol. 75:118-129. Pacheco, S., J. Gonzalez, and M. Meitner. 2005. Land use planning in the Yungas biosphere reserve in Argentina. 19 pp. in Proc. ESRI International Users Conference, San Diego, California. (CD) ESRI Press. Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of steam exploded Douglas-Fir wood by alkali-oxygen post-treatment. Pan, X., C. Arato, N. Gilkes, D.J. Gregg, W. Mabee, E.K. Pye, X. Xiao, and J.N. Saddler. 2005. Biorefining of softwoods using ethanol organosolv pulping – preliminary evaluation of process streams for manufacture of fuel-grade ethanol and coproducts. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 90 (4):473-481. Pan, X, N. Gilkes, J.F. Kadla, K. Pye, S. Saka, K. Ehara, D.J. Gregg, D, Xie, D. Lam, and J.N. Saddler. 2006. Bioconversion of hybrid poplar to ethanol and co-products using an organosolv fractionation process: optimization of process yields. Biotechnol. Bioeng. Published online. DOI:10.1002/bit.20905 Parfit, L.J., I.D. Hartley, and S. Avramidis. 2005. Acoustic constant property of interior spruce (Picea spp.) from the central interior of British Columbia. Forest Prod. J. 55(9):74-76. Park, J-Y., S. Ralph, J. Bohlmann, and S.D. Mansfield, 2005. The multigene dirigent family of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) differential gene expression in response to wounding. pp. 181-188 in Proc. of the 13th International Symposium of Wood and Pulping Chemistry (ISWPC). Auckland, New Zealand. Patra A.K., L. Abbadie, A. Clays-Josserand, V. Degrange, S.J. Grayston, P. Loiseau, F. Louault, S. Mahmood, S. Nazaret, L. Philippot, F. Poly, J.I. Prosser, A. Richaume, and X. Le Roux. 2005. Effects of grazing on microbial functional groups involved in soil N dynamics. Ecological Monographs 75:65-80. Peter, B., and J. Nelson. 2005. Estimating harvest schedules and profitability under the risk of fire disturbance. Can. J. For. Res. 35:1378-1388. Prescott, C.E. 2005. Decomposition and mineralization of nutrients from litter and humus. pp. 15-41 in H. BassiriRad, (ed.) Nutrient Acquisition by Plants: An Ecological Perspective. Springer Verlag Ecological Studies series. Springer, Berlin. 2005 Annual Report




Prescott, C.E., and L. Vesterdal. 2005. Effects of British Columbia tree species on forest floor chemistry. pp. 17-29 in O. Menyailo and D. Binkley (eds.). Trees and Soil Interactions, Implications to Global Climate Change. NATO Science Series. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Ralph S., J.Y. Park, J. Bohlmann, and S.D. Mansfield. 2006. Dirigent proteins in conifer defense: Gene discovery, phylogeny, and differential wound and insect-induced expression of a family of DIR and DIR-like genes in spruce (Picea spp.). Plant Mol. Biol. 60:21-40. Ralph S, C. Oddy, D. Cooper, H. Yueh, S. Jancsik, N. Kolosova, R.N. Philippe, D. Aeschliman, R. White, D. Huber, C. Ritland, F. Benoit, T. Rigby, A. Nantel, Y.S.N. Butterfield, R. Kirkpatrick, E. Chun, J. Liu, D. Palmquist, B. Wynhoven, J. Stott, G. Yang, S. Barber, R.A. Holt, A. Siddiqui, S.J.M. Jones, M.A. Marra, B.E. Ellis, C.J. Douglas, K. Ritland, and J. Bohlmann. 2006. Genomics of hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa x deltoides) interacting with forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria): Normalized and full-length cDNA libraries, expressed sequence tags (ESTs), and a cDNA microarray for the study of insect-induced defenses in poplar. Mol. Ecol. 15:1275-1297. Ramsfield, T.D., S.F. Shamoun, and B.J. van der Kamp. 2005. Infection of Arceuthobium americanum by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its potential for inundative biological control. Forest Pathol. 35:332-338. Reynoldson, J., R. Culp, R. Lowell, and J.S. Richardson. 2005. The Fraser River. pp. 697-732 in A.C. Benke, and C.E. Cushing (eds.) Rivers of North America. Elsevier, Burlington MA. Richardson, J.S. and A.M. Milner. 2005. Pacific Coast rivers (Canada and Alaska). pp. 735-773 in A.C. Benke and C.E. Cushing (eds.) Rivers of North America. Elsevier, Burlington, MA. Richardson, J.S., R.E. Bilby, and C.A. Bondar. 2005. Organic matter dynamics in small streams of the Pacific Northwest. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 14(4):921-934. Richardson, J.S., R.J. Naiman, F.J. Swanson, and D.E. Hibbs. 2005. Riparian communities associated with Pacific Northwest headwater streams: Assemblages, processes, and uniqueness. J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 41:935-947. Richardson, J.S., P.M. Kiffney, R.D. Moore, M.C. Feller, S.G. Hinch, and S.J. Mitchell. 2005. Experimental tests of riparian-headwater stream interactions and the effects of forest harvest in British Columbia, Canada. 10 pp. in Proc. Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources in Headwaters, Bergen, Norway. (CD).

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Rietman, L.M., S.F. Shamoun, and B.J. van der Kamp. 2005. Assessment of Neonectria neomacrospora (anamorph Cylindrocarpon cylindroides) as an inundative biocontrol agent against hemlock dwarf mistletoe. Can. J. Plant Path. 27:603-609. Ritland K. 2005. Multilocus estimation of pairwise relatedness with dominant markers. Mol. Ecol. 14:3157-3165. Ritland, K., M.D. Meagher, D.G.W. Edwards, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2006. Isozyme variation and the conservation genetics of Garry oak. Can. J. Botany 83:1478-1487. Ritland K., S. Ralph, D. Lippert, D. Rungis, and J. Bohlmann. 2005. A new direction for conifer genomics. pp. 75-84 in C. Williams (ed.). Landscapes, Genomics and Transgenic Conifer Forests. Kluwer-Springer Press, Netherlands. Ro D.-K., and J. Bohlmann. 2006. Diterpene resin acid biosynthesis in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda): Functional characterization of abietadiene/ levopimaradiene synthase (PtTPS-LAS) cDNA and subcellular targeting of PtTPS-LAS and abietadienol/abietadienal oxidase (PtAO, CYP720B1). Phytochemistry, published online. Feb. 23, 2006 doi:10.1016/J.Phytochem. 2006.01.011. Ro D-K., G-I. Arimura, S.Y.W. Lau, E. Piers, and J. Bohlmann. 2005. Loblolly pine abietadienol/abietadienal oxidase PtAO is a multifunctional, multi-substrate cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 102:8060-8065. Ro D-K., J. Ehlting, C.I. Keeling, R. Lin, N. Mattheus, and J. Bohlmann. 2006. Microarray expression profiling and functional characterization of AtTPS genes: Duplicated Arabidopsis thaliana sesquiterpene synthase genes At4g13280 and At4g13300 encode root-specific and wound-inducible (Z)-bisabolene synthases. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. Published online Oct. 27, 2005 doi:10.1016/j.abb.2005.10.011. Roberts, R.J., and P.D. Evans. 2005. Effects of manufacturing variables on surface quality and distribution of melamine formaldehyde resin in paper laminates. Composites, Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 36A(1):5-104. Robinson, A.R., R. Gheneim, R.A. Kozak, D.D. Ellis, and S.D. Mansfield. 2005. The potential of metabolite profiling as a selection tool for genotype discrimination in Populus. J. Exp. Biol. 56(421):2807-2819. Robinson, P.A., A.R. Norris, and K. Martin. 2005. Interspecific nest sharing for red-breasted nuthatches and mountain chickadees in British Columbia, Canada. Wilson Bulletin 117(4): 400-402.

Rogers, L.A., C. Dubos, C. Surman, J. Willment, I.F. Cullis, S.D. Mansfield, and M.M.Campbell. 2005. Mechanisms governing lignin deposition in arabidopsis revealed by comparison of three ectopic lignification mutants. New Phytol. 168:123-140. Rogers, L. A., C. Dubos, I.F. Cullis, C. Surman, M. Poole, J. Willment, S.D. Mansfield, and M.M. Campbell. 2005. Light, the circadian clock, and sugar perception in the control of lignin biosynthesis. J. Exp. Bot. 56:1651-1663 Rungis D., B. Hamberger, Y. Berube, J. Wilkin, J. Bohlmann, and K. Ritland. 2005. Efficient genetic mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms based upon DNA mismatch digestion. Mol. Breeding 16:261-270. Salehirad, N., and T. Sowlati. 2005. Performance analysis of primary wood producers in British Columbia using DEA. Can. J. For. Res. 35(2):285-294. Samuel, M.A., A. Walia, S.D. Mansfield, and B.E. Ellis. 2005. Overexpression of SIPK in tobacco enhances ozone-induced ethylene formation and blocks ozone-induced SA accumulation. J. Exp. Bot. 56:2195-2201. Sandercock, B.K., K. Martin, and S.J. Hannon. 2005. Life history evolution in extreme environments: Comparative demography of arctic and alpine ptarmigan. Ecology 86:2176-2186. Sandercock, B.K., K. Martin, and S.J. Hannon. 2005. Demographic consequences of age structure in extreme environments: Population models for artic and alpine ptarmigan. Oecologia 146:13-24. Schajer, G.S., J.I. Gazzarri, D.C. Wong, T.C. Maness, and R.A. Kozak. 2005. Scanner system for separate-sided lumber surface measurements. For. Prod. J. 55(12):175-180. Schmalzl, K.J., and P.D. Evans. 2005. Surface protection of wood with titanium, zirconium and manganese compounds. Int. Res. Group on Wood Preservation Document (IRG/WP 05-30376). Schultz, R., P.L. Marshall, and V. LeMay. 2005. Predicting time-since-fire using forest inventory data: A case study in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan, Canada. Abstract in Proc. XXII IUFRO WORLD CONGRESS, Brisbane, Australia. Scott, R.E., and S.J. Mitchell. 2005. Empirical modelling of windthrow risk in partially harvested stands using tree, neighbourhood and stand attributes. For. Ecol. Manag. 218:193-209. Semple, K., E. Sackey, H.J. Park, and G.D. Smith. 2005. Properties variation study of furniture grade M2 particleboard manufactured in Canada. For. Prod. J. 55(12):117-125.

Semple, K., E. Sackey, H.J. Park, and G.D. Smith. 2005. Properties comparison of furniture grade MS and M2 particleboard products manufactured in Canada. For. Prod. J. 55(12):125-131. Sheppard, S.R.J. 2005. Landscape visualisation and climate change: The potential for influencing perceptions and behaviour. Environ. Sci. Policy 8:637-654. Sheppard, S.R.J. 2005. Participatory decision support for sustainable forest management: A framework for planning with local communities at the landscape level. Can. J. For. Res. 35(7):1515-1526. Sheppard, S.R.J. 2005. Validity, reliability, and ethics in visualization. pp. 79-97 in I. Bishop, & E. Lange (eds.) Visualization in Landscape and Environmental Planning: Technology and Applications. Taylor and Francis, London. Shrimpton, J.M., D.A. Patterson, J.G. Richards, S.J. Cooke, P.M. Schulte, S.G. Hinch, and A.P. Farrell. 2005. Ionoregulatory changes in different populations of maturing sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from the Fraser River, British Columbia during ocean and river migration. J. Exp. Biol. 208:4069-4078. Simard, S.W. 2005. Changes in ecosystem processes and management. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Branchlines 16(3):4-5. Simard, S.W., and B.J. Zimonick. 2005. Neighborhood size effects on mortality, growth and crown morphology of paper birch. For. Ecol. Manag. 214:251-269. Simard, S.W., S.M. Hagerman, D.L. Sachs, J.L. Heineman, and W.J. Mather. 2005. Conifer growth, Armillaria ostoyae root disease and plant diversity responses to broadleaf competition reduction in temperate mixed forests of southern interior British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 35:843-859. Smith, G.D. 2005. The lap-shear strength of bonds between oriented strand board (OSB) like strands coated with pMDI resin. Holz als Rohund Werkstoff 53(4):311-12. Smith, G.D. 2005. Direct observation of the tumbling of OSB strands in an industrial scale coil blender. Wood Fiber Sci. 37(1):147-159. Smith, J.N.M., L.F. Keller, A.B. Marr, and P. Arcese (eds). 2005. Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island. Oxford Monogrpahs in Population Biology, Oxford University Press, New York. Smith, J.N.M., A.B. Marr, P. Arcese and L.F. Keller. 2005. The song sparrow and the brown-headed cowbird pp. 65-87 in J.N.M. Smith, L.F. Keller, A.B. Marr and P. Arcese (eds.) Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island. Oxford University Press, New York. 2005 Annual Report




Smith, J.N.M., A.B. Marr, P. Arcese and L.F. Keller. 2005. Fluctuations in Numbers: Population Regulation and Catastrphic Mortality. pp. 43-64 in J.N.M. Smith, L.F. Keller, A.B. Marr and P. Arcese (eds.) Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island. Oxford University Press, New York. Smith, J.N.M., A.B. Marr, P. Arcese and L.F. Keller. 2005. Social mechanisms: dominance, territoriality, song and the mating system. pp. 89-111 in J.N.M. Smith, L.F. Keller, A.B. Marr and P. Arcese (eds.) Biology of Small Populations: The Song Sparrows of Mandarte Island. Oxford University Press, New York. Sowlati, T. 2005. Efficiency studies in forestry using data envelopment analysis. For. Prod. J. 55(1):49-57. Sowlati, T., J.C. Paradi, and C. Suld. 2005. Information systems project prioritization using data envelopment analysis. Math. Comput. Model. 41(11/12):1279-1298. Spetic, W., R.A. Kozak, and D.H. Cohen. 2005. Willingness to pay and preferences for healthy home attributes in Canada. For. Prod. J. 55(10):19-24. Stahl, K., R.D. Moore, and I.G. McKendry. 2006. The role of synoptic-scale circulation in the linkage between large-scale ocean-atmosphere indices and winter surface climate in British Columbia, Canada. Int. J. Climatology 26:541-560. Staudhammer, C., V.M. LeMay, R.A. Kozak, and T.C. Maness. 2005. Mixed-model development for real-time statistical control data in wood products manufacturing. Forest Biometry, Modelling and Information Sciences 1(2005):19-35. Stewart, J.J., J.F. Kadla, and S.D. Mansfield. 2006. The influence of lignin chemistry and ultrastructure on the pulping efficiency of clonal aspen. (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Holzforschung 60:111-122. Suratman, N.M., V.M, LeMay, G.Q. Bull, D.G. Leckie, N. Walsworth, and P.L. Marshall. 2005. Logistic regression modeling of thematic mapper data for rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) area mapping Science Letters 2(1):79-84. Svenson, D.R., H-m. Chang, H. Jameel, and J.F. Kadla. 2005. The role of non-phenolic lignin in chlorate forming reactions during ClO2 bleaching of softwood kraft pulp Holzforschung (59):110-115. Swenson, J., R. Waring, W. Fan, and N.C. Coops. 2005. Predicting site index with a physiologicallybased growth model across Oregon, USA. Can. J. For. Res. 35:1697-1707. Sykes, R., B. Li,. G. Hodge, B. Goldfarb, J.F. Kadla, and H. Chang. 2005. Rapid prediction of wood properties of loblolly pine using transmittance near infrared spectroscopy. Can. J. For. Res. 35:2423-2431.

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Temesgen, H., and S.J. Mitchell. 2005. An individual-tree mortality model for complex stands of southeastern British Columbia. Western J. Applied For. 20:101-109. Thompson, D.W., R.A. Kozak, and P.D. Evans. 2005. Thermal modification of color in red alder veneer. I. Effects of temperature, heating time, and wood type. Wood Fiber Sci. 37(4):653-661. Thony, P., W. Mabee, R.A. Kozak, and G.Q. Bull. 2006. A characterization of the British Columbia log home and timber frame manufacturing sector. For. Chron. 82(1):77-83. Treonis, A.M., S.J. Grayston, P.J. Murray, and L.A. Dawson. 2005. Effects of root feeding, cranefly larvae on soil microorganisms and the composition of rhizosphere solutions collected from grassland plants. Appl. Soil. Ecol. 28:203-215. Trosper, R. 2005. The growing role of indigenous communities in the management of natural resources. BC J. Ecosystems and Manag. 6(2):96-97 Tu, M., X. Zhang, A.Kurabi, N. Gilkes, W. Mabee, and J.N. Saddler. 2006. Immobilization of ß-glucosidase on Eupergit C for lignocellulose hydrolysis. Biotechnol. Lett. 28:151-156. Uner B., J.F. Kadla, S. Zauscher, and M. Ramasubramanian. 2006. Determination of adhesion forces between poly (vinyl alcohol) and an iron oxide surface using atomic force microscopy. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 99:3528-3534. Urban, K., and P.D. Evans. 2005. Preliminary observations of the effect of growth ring orientation on the surface checking of flat sawn southern pine decking. Int. Res. Group on Wood Preservation IRG/WP 05-20313. Vollsinger, S., S.J. Mitchell, K. Byrne, M. Rudnicki, and M.D. Novak. 2005. Wind tunnel measurements of crown streamlining and drag relationships for several hardwood species. Can. J. For. Res. 35:1238-1249. Wagner, G.N., L. Kuchel, A. Lotto, D.A. Patterson, M. Shrimpton, S.G. Hinch, and A.P. Farrell. 2005. Routine and active metabolic rates of migrating, adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) in seawater and freshwater. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79(1):100-108. Wagner, G.N., S.G. Hinch, L.J. Kuchel, A. Lotto, S.R.M. Jones, D.A. Patterson, J.S. Macdonald, G. Van Der Kraak, M. Shrimpton, K.K. English, S. Larsson, S.J. Cooke, M.C. Healey, and A.P. Farrell. 2005. Metabolic rates and swimming performance of adult Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) after a controlled infection with Parvicapsula minibicornis. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 62: 2124-2133.

Wahbe T.R., C. Ritland, F. Bunnell, and K. Ritland. 2005. Population genetic structure of tailed frogs (Ascaphus truei) in clearcut and oldgrowth stream habitats in south coastal British Columbia. Can. J. Zool. 83:1460-1468.

Wilkin J.E., S.F. Shamoun, C. Ritland, K. Ritland, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2005. Genetic diversity and population structure of Valdensinia heterodoxa, a potential biocontrol agent for salal in coastal British Columbia. Can. J. Plant Pathology 27:559-571.

Wallace B., T. Forge, M. Krzic, K. Broersma, and R. Newman. 2006. Effects of biosolids on soil physical properties of forage production systems in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Range Management, Vancouver BC. (CD)

Wilkin J.E., S.F. Shamoun, C. Ritland, K. Ritland, and Y.A. El-Kassaby. 2005. Population genetics of Gaultheria shallon in British Columbia and the implications for management using biocontrol. Can. J. Bot. 83:501-509.

Wang, T., A. Hamann, D. Spittlehouse, and S.N. Aitken. 2006. Development of scale-free climate data for western Canada for use in resource management. Int. J. Climatol. 26: 383-397. Wang Y., F. Lam, J.D. Barrett, and M. He. 2005. Comparisons of different stress class systems and test methods on bending properties. For. Prod. J. 55(12):66-71. Weber, A., J. Karst, B. Gilbert, and J.P. Kimmins. 2005. Thuja plicata exclusion in ectomycorrhizadominated forests: testing the role of inoculum potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Oecolgia 143:148-156. Weiler, M. 2005. An infiltration model based on flow variability in macropores. J. Hydrol. 310: 294-315. Weiler, M. 2005. MPB impacts on watershed hydrology. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia. Branchlines 16(3):11. Weiler, M., and J.J. McDonnell. 2006. Testing nutrient flushing hypotheses at the hillslope scale: A virtual experiment approach. J. Hydrol. 319:339-356. Weiler, M., J.J. McDonnell, H.J. Tromp-van Meerveld, and T. Uchida. 2005. Subsurface stormflow. pp. (3)1719-1732 in M.G. Anderson and J.J. McDonnell. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Wiley and Sons. White, C.A., and M.C. Feller. 2004. Repeat photography of montane trembling aspen in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. pp. 22:2-23 in Proc. Tall Timbers Fire Ecol. Whittaker, C., K. Squires, and J.L. Innes. 2005. Biodiversity research in the boreal forests of Canada: protection, management and monitoring. Ecological Bulletins 51:59-76. Wilford, D., M.E. Sakals, and J.L. Innes. 2005. Fans with forests: Contemporary hydrogeomorphic processes on fans with forests in west central British Columbia, Canada. pp. 25-40 in A.M. Harvey, A. Mather, and M. Stokes (eds.). Alluvial Fans. Geological Society of London Special Publications, London.

Wilson, S., and K. Martin 2005. High elevation habitat associations of birds during fall migration. Ecoscience 12:561-568. Wilson, A.S.G., B.J. van der Kamp, and C. Ritland. 2005. Spatial genetic and clonal structure in Maianthemum dilitatum as defined by AFLP markers. Can. J. Bot. 83:1126-1132. Woo, K. L., P. Watson, and S.D. Mansfield. 2005. The effects of mountain pine beetle on lodgepole pine wood morphology and chemistry. Wood Fiber. Sci. 37(1):112-126. Wood, P.M. 2006. A matter of intergenerational justice. UBC Reports 52(4):7. Wood, P.M. 2005. North American temperate forests: Past deforestation, present regulation, and future challenges. pp. 33-51 in Proc. of 60th Anniversary of National Arbor Day International Symposium on Korea’s Forests. Seoul, Korea. Wulder, M., J. White, B. Bentz, F. Alvarez, and N.C. Coops. 2006. Estimating the probability of mountain pine beetle red-attack damage. Remote Sens. Environ. 101:150-166. Xie, Y., A. Krause, C. Mai, H. Militz, K. Richter, K. Urban, and P.D. Evans. 2005. Weathering of wood modified with the N-methylol compound 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea. Polym. Degrad. Stabil. 89:189-199. Yamada T., T-F Yeh, H-M Chang, L. Li, V.L. Chiang, and J.F. Kadla. 2006. Rapid analysis of transgenic trees using transmittance near infrared spectroscopy. Holzforschung 60:24-28. Yeh, T.F., H.M. Chang, and J.F. Kadla. 2004. Rapid prediction of solid wood lignin content using transmittance near-infrared spectroscopy. J. Agr. Food Chem. 52(6)1435:1439. Yokoyama, T., H.M. Chang, R.S. Reiner, R.H., Atalla, I.A. Weinstock, and J.F. Kadla. 2004. Polyoxometalate oxidation of nonphenolic lignin subunits in water: Effect of substrate structure on reaction kinetics. Holzforschung 58(2):116-121. Zabek, L.M., and C.E. Prescott. 2006. Biomass equations and carbon content of aboveground leafless biomass of hybrid poplar in coastal British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manag. 223:291-302.

2005 Annual Report




Katrina Evans B.Sc.F. Senior Development Officer 604–822–8716 katrina.evans@ubc.ca

Chloe Garthson B.A. (Hons) Development Coordinator 604–822–8787 cgarthson@forestry.ubc.ca

Erin Cederberg B.A. (Hons) Development Coordinator 604–822–8787 erin.cederberg@ubc.ca


arly in 2006 the Faculty of Forestry was formally acknowledged by an external review panel to be “among the premier forestry schools in the world”. Not only does this recognize the dedication and academic achievement of our faculty, staff and students, it also recognizes the significant contributions made to the Faculty by our many alumni and friends. Without their generous support for our students, research and outreach activities, whether it is financial or through volunteer activities, we would not be where we are today – a world leader. For the period April 2005 to March 2006 the Faculty of Forestry raised $2,276,223 in gifts, contributions and pledges in support of awards, research, endowments, upgrading of our facilities, and special activities. Once again the funds raised for the Faculty grew over the previous year’s total of $1,919,297.

Events Major alumni and development events held during the year included: • The Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Spring Camp Tour and BBQ in April 2005 which recognized the enormous contribution of Jack Walters, Director of the Research Forest from 1968 to 1985, and who, sadly, passed away in August 2004. A commemorative plaque and stone cairn was unveiled in his memory. The tour also included a visit to the 17 year old industry trials, student thinning exercise, and the almost complete Loon Lake Student Centre. • In May 2005 a Convocation morning tea for our graduating students and their parents was held in the Faculty for the first time. Representing our alumni, Mike Apsey (’61), gave an inspiring speech congratulating the students on their

Donor gifts and contributions to the Faculty of Forestry – 2005/06 $ pledged

Area of designation

% of $

$ received

% of $ received

Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards John Worrall “Tree Enthusiast” Prize ($2,905) Kenneth Graham Memorial Award ($15,314) UBC Forestry Alumni Division Entrance Scholarship ($3,443)





Property, Building and Equipment Loon Lake redevelopment ($135,215) Treeehouse ($6,818)





Research BC Forum on Forest Economics and Policy ($125,000)





















Academic Programs CAWP Partnership Program ($45,000) Endowments Chair in Wood Building Design and Construction ($1,765,000) Other Total donations & contributions

Forestry Alumni Support Our alumni continue to support the Faculty and our students generously. This year’s annual appeal, including a special appeal for the Kenneth Graham Memorial Award, raised $48,617 in support of projects such as the redevelopment of Loon Lake, the John Worrall “Tree Enthusiast” Prize and Bursary, the Kenneth Graham Memorial Award, the new student “Treehouse”, and a wide variety of other student and research activities in the Faculty. The funds raised for Loon Lake have been specifically earmarked towards the furnishing of the new Walter C. Koerner Forestry Centre. We would also like to thank our alumni volunteers for their continuing support during the year with the annual alumni appeal and other alumni and Faculty activities.

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graduation and formally welcoming them to the ranks of our over 4000 Forestry alumni. • The Alex Fraser Research Forest Fall Camp Tour and BBQ in August 2005 included a demonstration by Dr. Kathy Martin of the methods taught to students in the surveying, assessment and conservation of wildlife values, particularly using bird populations as an indicator. This was followed by a walk to view the devastating impact of Mountain Pine Beetle on some key research sites on the forest. • In November 2005 the Faculty held its Third Donor Recognition to thank our donors for their support, give them the opportunity to meet our award winning students, and learn more about other key initiatives in the Faculty, such as the redevelopment of Loon Lake and the BC Forum in Forest Economics and Policy.


PLANS FOR 2006 – 07

• Completion of Loon Lake Student Centre, formerly known as the “Yacht Club”, in June 2005. The 7,000sq ft extension consists of a new gymnasium/multi-purpose space, three new dormitory rooms to sleep 24, a common room, washroom facilities, and a 12 station computer lab. Thanks to a contribution of $400,000 from the Canadian Cancer Society British Columbia and Yukon and Cadillac Fairview Corporation Trevor Linden Invitational Golf Tournament, the ‘Cadillac Fairview Trevor Linden Gymnasium’ was formally opened on 6 June 2005 in a ceremony attended by over 100 people. • Completion of a new dock at the Loon Lake Research Education Centre supported through a donation totaling $91,370 by the Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Canadian Cancer Society. • On 3rd February 2006 the Honorable Rich Coleman, Minister of Forests and Range, and Minister responsible for housing, formally announced a provincial government contribution of $1.4 million towards an endowed Chair in Wood Building Design and Construction, a joint initiative between the Faculties of Forestry and Applied Science. Industry partners include: Ainsworth Lumber, SPF Group of Companies, Goodfellow, Western Archrib, Read Jones Christoffersen, Hundegger Inc, Timber Systems and Forintek. • Continued funding for the CAWP Industry Partnership Program in support of student scholarships, recruitment and co-op, equipment purchases and hiring of industry experts for training. The following companies are CAWP Partners as of 31 March: Loewen Windows, Viceroy Homes, Raywal Kitchens, Superior Millwork, Interforest, Weyerhaeuser, and Stack-a-Shelf. • A fundraising plan for the BC Forum in Forest Economics and Policy was developed. The BC Ministry of Forests & Range, Canfor, and Forest Products Association of Canada continued their support for the Forum. • Established three new student awards that will provide an additional $5,550 in support for our students. New awards include the: Canfor Corporation Scholarship in Forestry, Charlie and Sue Johnson Forestry Entrance Scholarship, Peter Andrew Goloubef Scholarship in Forestry.

In the coming year the Faculty’s Alumni and Development Program will help the Faculty consolidate its areas of strength, promote investment in new opportunities for growth, and maintain our important connection with our alumni and external community. This includes: • Continuing to strengthen our relations with our alumni and supporters. In particular, developing better ways for our alumni to connect with each other, engaging our younger alumni, providing opportunities for our alumni to be more involved in the mentoring of our students and new graduates, and reaching out to our alumni across BC and beyond. • Increasing financial support available to our students. Focus will be directed towards graduate student support and creation of a Fall Field Camp Prize. • Continue raising support for the redevelopment of the Loon Lake Research and Education Centre, in particular towards the new $2.5 million Walter C. Koerner Forestry Centre and new cabins. • Securing matching support for the establishment of the BC Leadership Chair in Advanced Forest Products Manufacturing. This is one of nine Leadership Chair’s approved for UBC by the provincial government’s Leading Edge Endowment Fund. It is the only BC Leadership Chair in industrial forestry & wood products and will lead the development of new and innovative knowledge and technologies aimed at increasing the global competitiveness of the BC, and Canadian, wood products industries. • Strengthening support for forest economics and policy research in the Faculty through the BC Forum in Forest Economics and Policy, and the establishment of a Chair in Forest Resource Economics. • Secure support for a Chair in Urban Forestry. • Review and re-establish our First Nations Initiative with the goal of creating an Aboriginal Forestry Institute within the Faculty to assist Aboriginal communities with capacity building, land use planning, governance and business management. • Obtaining support for the Centre for Applied Conservation Research (CACR). With a membership of more than 70 faculty, research scientists and graduate students, the Centre’s aim is to promote interdisciplinary research that incorporates biological sciences, social sciences and economics to provide solutions to large scale landscape planning problems, particularly as they relate to sustainable forest management. • Continue increasing the number of industry members for the CAWP Industry Partnership Program. The students, faculty and staff at the UBC Faculty of Forestry wish to thank all those who have contributed their time, interest and support for the Faculty.

2005 Annual Report



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Questions concerning this report or requests for mailing list updates, deletions or additions should be directed to: Dr. Susan Watts, R.P.F. Annual Report Editor Faculty of Forestry, Dean’s Office Forest Sciences Centre University of British Columbia 2005 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: Fax: E-mail:

604–822–6316 604–822–8645 sue.watts@ubc.ca

New Student Lounge in the Forest Sciences Centre

Photo: Jamie Myers

Printed in Canada using acid-free, elemental chlorine free paper.

Office of the Dean Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia Forest Sciences Centre 2005 – 2424 Main Mall Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4 CANADA Phone: 604–822–2727 Fax: 604–822–8645 www.forestry.ubc.ca 06/06/6500

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