Annual Report
PDFs of this report and previous years’ are available at Compiled and produced by: Alice Miao, Jamie Myers and Susan Watts
This list includes documents published between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017. Names appearing in bold-face type are those of UBC Forestry Faculty members. For further information on any of these publications (many of which are available in libraries or online), please contact the appropriate Faculty member directly.
Addo-Danso SD, Prescott CE, Smith AR. 2016. Methods for estimating root biomass and production in forest and woodland ecosystem carbon studies: a review. Forest Ecol Manag 359:332-351. Ahmed OS, Wulder MA, White JC, Coops NC, Hermosilla T, Franklin SE. 2017. Classification of annual non-stand replacing boreal forest change in Canada using Landsat time series: a case study in northern Ontario. Rem Sens Letters 81(1):29-37. Akhtari S, Sowlati T. 2016. Hybrid simulation and optimization approaches to tackle supply chain complexities – a review with a focus on forest products supply chains. J Sci Techn Forest Prod Proc 5(5):26-39. Alayon DIO, Tsui CKM, Feau N, Capron A, DhillonB, Zhang Y, Alamouti SM, Boone CK, Carroll AL, Cooke JEK, Roe AD, Sperling FAH, Hamelin RC. 2017. Genetic and genomic evidence of niche partitioning and adaptive radiation in mountain pine beetle fungal symbionts. Mol Ecol 26(7):2077-2091. Albrecht A, Badel E, Bonnesoeur V, Brunet Y, Constant T, Defossez P, de Langre E, Dupont S, Fournier M, Gardiner B, Mitchell SJ, Moore JR, Moulia B, Nicoll BC, Niklas K, Schelhaas M-J, Spatz H-C, Telewski FW. 2016. Comment on “critical wind speed at which trees break”. Phys Rev E 94:67001-67002. Amoroso MM, Daniels LD, Baker PJ. 2017. Dendroecology: lessons learned and future frontiers. http:// in Dendroecology: Tree-ring Analyses Applied to Ecological Studies, Amoroso MM, Daniels LD, Baker PJ, Camarero JJ (eds). Springer International Publishing AG. Cham, Switzerland. Arango Isaza RE, Diaz-Trujillo C, Dhillon B, Aerts A, Carlier J, Crane CF, de Jong TV, de Vries I, Dietrich R, Farmer AD, Fereira CF, Garcia S, Guzman M, Hamelin RC, Lindquist EA, Mehrabi R, Quiros O, Schmutz J, Shapiro H, Reynolds E, Scalliet G, Souza Jr M, Stergiopoulos I, Van der Lee TAJ, De Wit PJGM, Zapater M-F, Zwiers L-H,
Grigoriev IV, Goodwin SB, Kema GHK. 2016. Combating a global threat to a clonal crop: banana black Sigatoka pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) genomes reveal clues for disease control. PLOS Genet 12(8):e1005876. Arminen H, Tuppura A, Toppinen A, Kozak RA. 2016. Corporate responsibility development paths in the US forest sector. Forestry 89(5):500-511. Bailis R, Zerriffi H, Gajarsa J, Hargadine S. 2017. Decentralized Energy Portfolio Review: Country Report and Case Study Summaries – Brazil. from United States Agency for International Development. 76 pp. Baldwin E, Zerriffi H, Gajarsa J, Hargadine S. 2017. Decentralized Energy Portfolio Review: Country Report and Case Study Summaries – Tanzania. from United States Agency for International Development. 50 pp. Barber Q, Bater CW, Braid A, Coops NC, Tompalski P, Nielsen SE. 2016. Airborne laser scanning for modelling understory shrub abundance and productivity. Forest Ecol Manag 377:46-54. Barker J, Christiansen JR, Grayston SJ. 2017. Indirect microbial effects on methane flux are stronger when the environmental influence is weaker in a temperate forest ecosystem. Soil Biol Biochem 105:92-95. Barreau A, Ibarra JT, Wyndham FS, Rojas A, Kozak RA. 2016. How can we teach our children if we cannot access the forest? Generational change in Mapuche knowledge of wild edible plants in Andean temperate ecosystems of Chile. J Ethnobiol 36(2):412-432. Barron S, Sheppard SRJ, Condon P. 2016. Urban forest indicators for planning and designing future forests. Forests, doi:10.3390/ f7090208.
Bass AL, Hinch SG, Teffer AK, Patterson DA, Miller KS. 2017. A survey of microparasites present in adult migrating Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in southwestern British Columbia determined by high-throughput quantitative polymerase chain reaction. J Fish Dis 40:453-477. Bastrup-Birk AM, Reker J, Nihat Z, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Zizensis M, el al. 2016. European forest ecosystems: state and trends. http:// from EEA Report No. 5. European Environment Agency. Copenhagen, Denmark. Beamish AL, Nijland W, Edwards M, Coops NC, Henry GHR. 2016. Phenology and vegetation change measurements from true colour digital photography in high Arctic tundra. Arctic Sci 2:33-49. Bett N, Yun SS, Hinch SG. 2016. Behavioural responses of Pacific salmon to chemical disturbances cues during the spawning migration. Behav Proc 132:76-84. Bett NN, Hinch SG, Burnett NJ, Donaldson MR, Naman SM. 2017. Causes and consequences of straying into small populations of Pacific salmon. Fisheries 42:220-230. Bett NN, Hinch SG, Dittman AH, Yun S-S. 2016. Evidence of olfactory imprinting at an early life stage in pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Sci Rep 6:36393. Blanco J, Lo Y-H, Welham C, Larson B. 2017. Productivity of forest ecosystems. Chap 4 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Boyle WA, Sandercock BK, Martin K. 2016. Patterns and drivers of intraspecific variation in avian life history along elevational gradients: a meta-analysis. Biol Rev 91:469-482. Brammer JR, Brunet ND, Burton C, Cuerrier A, Danielsen F, Dewan K, Herrmann TM, Jackson MV, Kennett R, Larocque G, Mulrennan M, Pratihast AK, SaintArnaud M, Scott C, Humphries MM. 2016. The role of digital data entry in participatory environmental monitoring. Conserv Biol 30:1277-1287.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Bräutigam K, Soolanayakanahally R, Champigny M, Mansfield SD, Douglas C, Campbell MM, Cronk QCB. 2017. Sexual epigenetics: genderspecific methylation of a gene in the sex determining region of Populus balsamifera. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep45388. Brown N, Nelson T, Wulder MA, Coops NC, Hilker T, Bater CW, Gaulton R, Stenhouse GB. 2016. An approach for determining relationships between disturbance and habitat selection using bi-weekly synthetic images and telemetry data. Pp 341-356 in Multitemporal Remote Sensing. Springer, Netherlands. Bulkan J. 2017. Social, cultural and spiritual needs and values. Chap 10 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Bulkan J. 2016. UNDRIP endorsed by Canadian government: consequences for the BC forest sector. BC Forest Professional September – October 2016. Bulkan J. 2016. Rentier states in Guyana and Suriname and the consequent lack of a social contract. Archaeol Anthropol 20(1):2-18. Bulkan J. 2016. The limitations of international auditing: the case of the Norway-Guyana REDD+ agreement. Chap 5 in The Carbon Fix: Forest Carbon, Social Justice and Environmental Governance, Stephanie Paladino, Shirley J Fiske (eds). Routledge. London, UK. Bulkan J. 2016. “Original lords of the soil”? Amerindian rights and the expansion of state power in Guyana. Environ Hist 22(3):351-391. Bulkan J, Palmer J. 2016. Global ecological signpost, local reality: the Moraballi Creek studies in Guyana and what happened afterwards. Forests 7:317. Bulkan J, Palmer J. 2016. Rentier nation: landlordism, patronage and power in Guyana’s gold mining sector. J Extract Ind Soc 3:676-689. Bull JG, Kozak RA. 2016. The meaning and means of environmental sustainability for the forest sector: drivers and responses in a more responsible world. Chap 6 in Forest Value Chain Optimization and Sustainability, D’Amours S, Ouhimmou M, Audy J-F, Feng Y (eds). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). Boca Raton, US.
2 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Burke JL, Bohlmann J, Carroll AL. 2017. Consequences of distributional asymmetry in a warming environment: invasion of novel forests by the mountain pine beetle. Ecosphere 8:e01778. Burke JL, Carroll AL. 2017. Breeding matters: natal experience influences population state-dependent host acceptance by an eruptive insect herbivore. PLoS ONE 2(2):e0172448. Burnett NJ, Hinch SG, Bett NN, Braun DC, Casselman MT, Cooke SJ, Gelchu A, Lingard S, Middleton CT, MinkeMartin V, White CH. 2017. Reducing carryover effects on migration and spawning success of salmon through a management experiment of dam flows. River Res Appl 33:3-15. Cadham W, Van Dyk JS, Kumar L, Saddler JN. 2016. Challenges and opportunities for the conversion technologies used to make forest bioenergy. Chap 7 in Mobilisation of Forest Bioenergy in the Boreal and Temperate Biomes: Challenges, Opportunities, and Case Studies, Evelyne Thiffault CT Smith Martin Junginger Göran Berndes (eds). Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Cambero C, Sowlati T. 2016. Incorporating social benefits in multi-objective optimization of forest-based bioenergy and biofuel supply. Appl Energ 178:721-735. Cao L, Coops NC, Innes JL, Dai J, Ruan H, She G. 2016. Tree species classification in subtropical forests using small-footprint full-waveform LiDAR data. Int J Appl Earth Observ Geoinfo 49:39-51. Cao L, Coops NC, Innes JL, Sheppard SRH, Fu L, Ruan, L, She G. 2016. Estimation of forest biomass dynamics in subtropical forests using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR data. Remote Sens Environ 178:158-171. Chan G, Evans PD. 2016. Acetylated pine is as resistant to surface checking as the tropical hardwood Ipe. proceedings.asp in proc American Wood Protection Association Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, US.
Casselman MT, Burnett NJ, Bett NN, Middleton CT, Minke-Martin V, Braun DC, McCubbing D, Hinch SG. 2016. Effectiveness of Cayoosh flow dilution, dam operation, and fishway passage on delay and survival of upstream migration of salmon in the Seton-Anderson watershed. http:// from 2015 Annual Report for St’át’imc Government Services and BC Hydro. Chaloupková K, Stejskal J, El-Kassaby YA, Lstibůrek M. 2016. Optimum neighbourhood seed orchard design Tree Geneti Genomes, doi:10.1007/ s11295-016-1067-y. Chance C, Coops NC, Plowright AA, Tooke TR, Christen A, Aven N. 2016. Invasive shrub mapping in an urban environment from hyperspectral and LiDAR-derived attributes. Front Plant Sci 7:1528. Chandler JR, Haeussler S, Hamilton EH, Feller M, Bradfield G, Simard SW. 2017. Twenty years of ecosystem response after clearcutting and slashburning in conifer forests of central British Columbia, Canada. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0172667. Chang CY, Fréchette E, Unda F, Mansfield SD, Ensminger I. 2016. Elevated temperature and CO2 stimulates late season photosynthesis, but impairs cold hardening in pine. Plant Physiol 172:802-818. Chaudhary VB, Rúa MA, Antoninka A, Bever JD, Cannon J, Craig A, Duchicela J, Frame A, Gardes M, Gehring C, Ha M, Hart M, Hopkins J, Ji B, Johnson NC, Kaonongbua W, Karst J, Koide R, Lamit LJ, Meadow J, Milligan BG, Moore JC, Pendergast IV TH, Piculell B, Ramsby B, Simard SW, Shrestha S, Umbanhowar J, Viechtbauer W. Walters L, Wilson G, Zee PC, Hoeksema J. 2016. MycoDB: a global database of plant response to mycorrhizal fungi. Nature 3:160028. Chen B, Xu G, Coops NC, Ciais P, Myneni RB. 2016. Satellite-observed changes in terrestrial vegetation growth trends across the Asia-Pacific region associated with land cover and climate from 1982 to 2011. Int J Digit Earth 9(11):1055-1076. Chen DM, Tucker B, Badami MG, Ramankutty N, Rhemtulla JM. 2016. A multi-dimensional metric for facilitating sustainable food choices in campus cafeterias. J Cleaner Prod 135:1351-1362.
Choi D, Watanabe Y, Guy RD, Sugai T, Toda H, Koike T. 2017. Photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen allocation in the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L) grown in a FACE system. Acta Physiol Plant 39:71.
Coutand C, Mitchell SJ. 2016. Editorial: mechanical signaling in plants: from perception to consequences for growth and morphogenesis (thigmomorphogenesis) and ecological significance. Front Plant Sci, doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01441.
Christiansen JR, Levy-Booth DJ, Prescott CE, Grayston SJ. 2017. Different soil moisture control of net methane oxidation and production in organic upland and wet forest soils of the Pacific coastal rainforest in Canada. Can J For Res 47:628-635.
Coutand C, Mitchell SJ, Puijalon S, Monshausen G (eds). 2017. Mechanical Signaling in Plants: From Perception to Consequences for Growth and Morphogenesis (thigmomorphogenesis) and Ecological Significance. Frontiers in Plant Science eBook. 93 pp.
Christiansen JR, Levy-Booth DJ, Prescott CE, Grayston SJ. 2016. Microbial and environmental controls of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in three forest types along a soil moisture gradient in a Pacific coastal temperate rainforest. Ecosystems 19:1255-1270. Clark TD, Furey NB, Rechisky EL, Gale MK, Jeffries KM, Porter AD, Casselman MT, Lotto AG, Patterson DA, Cooke SJ, Farrell AP, Welch DW, Hinch SG. 2016. Tracking wild salmon smolts to the ocean reveals distinct regions of nocturnal movement and high mortality. Ecol Appl 26(4):959-978. Cockle KL, Bodrati A, Martin K. 2017. Persistence of nesting cavities in the subtropical Atlantic forest: influence of habitat, tree and cavity characteristics. Forest Ecol Manag 384:200-207. Cooke BJ, Carroll AL. 2017. Predicting the risk of mountain pine beetle spread to eastern pine forests: considering uncertainty in uncertain times. Forest Ecol Manag 396:11-25. Cooke SJ, Brownscombe JW, Raby GD, Broell F, Hinch SG, Clark TD, Semmens JM. 2016. Remote bioenergetics measurements in wild fish: opportunities and challenges. Comp Biochem Phys A 202:23-37. Coomes OT, Takasaki Y, Rhemtulla JM. 2016. Forests as landscapes of social inequality: tropical forest cover and land distribution among shifting cultivators. Ecol Soc 21(3):20. Coops NC, Hermosilla T, Hilker T, Black A. 2017. Linking stand architecture with canopy reflectance to estimate vertical patterns of light-use efficiency. Remote Sens Environ 194:322-330.
Culbert PD, Dorresteijn I, Loos J, Clayton MK, Fischer J, Kuemmerle T. 2017. Legacy effects of past land use on current biodiversity in a low-intensity farming landscape in Transylvania. Landscape Ecol 32(2):429-444. Daniels LD, Gray RW, Brett B, Pickell PD, Pisaric MFJ, Chavardès RD, Greene GA, Marcoux MH, Comeau V. 2017. Disturbance Regimes in the Maritime to Submaritime Forests of the South Coast of British Columbia: Status of Knowledge and Understanding. from report to the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Victoria, BC, Canada. 99 pp.
Dixon PG, Malek S, Semple KE, Zhang PK, Smith GD, Gibson LJ. 2017. Multiscale modelling of Moso bamboo oriented strand board. BioRescouses 12(2):3166-3181. Dixon PG, Semple KE, Kutnar A, Kamke FA, Smith GD, Gibson LJ. 2016. Comparison of the flexural behavior of natural and thermo-hydromechanically densified Moso bamboo. Eur J Wood Prod 74(5):633-642. Donaldson MR, Burnett NJ, Braun DC, Suski CD, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ, Kerr JT. 2016. Taxonomic bias and international biodiversity conservation research. FACETS 1:105-113. Dulic A, Angel J, Sheppard SRJ. 2016. Designing futures: inquiry in climate change communications. Futures 81:54-67. El-Kassaby YA, Klapste J. 2016. Tree breeding – challenges and opportunities. Chap 7 in Forestry for the Curious: Why Study Forestry? K Viadya, YA El-Kassaby, J Klapste (eds). Curious Academic Publishing. Emaminasab M, Tarmian A, Oladi R, Pourtahmasi K, Avramidis S. 2017. Fluid permeability of poplar tension wood and normal wood in relation to ray and vessel properties. Wood Sci Technol 51:261-272.
de Andrade RB, Balch J K, Parsons AL, Armenteras D, Roman-Cuesta RM, Bulkan J. 2017. Scenarios in tropical forest degradation: carbon stock trajectories for REDD+. C Balance Manag 12(1):1-7.
Emaminasab M, Tarmian A, Pourtahmasi K, Avramidis S. 2016. Improving the permeability of Douglas-fir containing compression wood by Pysisporinus vitreus and Xylaria spp. Int Wood Prod J 7(3):110-115.
de Zwaan DR, Greenwood JL, and Martin K, 2017. Feather melanin and micro-structure variation in dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) across an elevational gradient in the Selkirk Mountains. J Avian Biol 48(4):552-562.
Evans PD, Mundo IA, Wiemann MC, Chavarria GD, McClure PJ, Voin D, Espinoza EO. 2017. Identification of selected CITES-protected Araucariaceae using DART TOFMS. Int Assoc Wood Anat J 38(2):266-281.
Defrenne CA, Oka GA, Wilson JE, Simard SW, Lavkulich LM. 2016. Disturbance legacy on soil carbon stocks and stability within a coastal temperate forest of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Open J Forestry 6:305-323. Diochon A, Basiliko N, Krzic M, Yates T, Olson E, Masse J, Amiro B, Kumaragamage D. 2016. Profiling undergraduate soil science education in Canada: status and projected trends. Can J Soil Sci 97(2):122-132.
Evans PD, Vollmer S, Kim JDW, Chan G, Gibson SK. 2016. Improving the performance of clear coatings on wood through the aggregation of marginal gains. Coatings 6(4):66. Feau N, Taylor G, Dale AL, Dhillon B, Bilodeau GJ, Birol I, Jones SJM, Hamelin RC. 2016. Genome sequences of six Phytophthora species threatening forest ecosystems. Genomics Data 10:85-88. Ferrini F, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Fini A (eds). 2017. Handbook of Urban Forestry. Routledge. Oxon, UK and New York, US. 548 pp.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Ferster CJ, Eskelson BNI, Andison DW, LeMay VM. 2016. Vegetation mortality within natural wildfire events in the western Canadian boreal forest: what burns and why? Forests 7(9):187. Fredriksson M, Cool J, Duchesne I, Belley D. 2017. Knot detection in computed tomography images of partially dried jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and white spruce (Picea glauca) logs from a Nelder type plantation. Can J For Res 47:910-915. Frisenstam KL, van den Bosch M, Chen Y, Friberg P, Osika P. 2017. Self-reported psychosomatic health in Swedish children, adolescents and young adults living in rural and urban areas: an internet-based survey. JMIR Publ Heal Surveill 3(1):e9. Furey NB, Hinch SG. 2017. Bull trout movements match the life history of sockeye salmon: consumers can exploit seasonally distinct pulses. T Amer Fish Soc 146:450-461. Furey NB, Hinch SG, Bass AL, Middleton CT, Minke-Martin V, Lotto AG. 2016. Predator swamping reduces predation risk during nocturnal migration of juvenile salmon in a high-mortality landscape. J Anim Ecol 85(4):948-959. Furey NB, Hinch SG, Mesa MG, Beauchamp DA. 2016. Piscivorous fish exhibit temperature-influenced binge feeding during an annual prey pulse. J Anim Ecol 85:1307-1317. Gagnon MC, Feau N, Dale AL, Dhillon B, Hamelin R, Brasier C, Grünwald NJ, Brière SC, Bilodeau G. 2017. Development and validation of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the NA2 lineage of Phytophthora ramorum from whole genome sequence data. Plant Dis 101(5):666-673. Gardner CJ, Andriamahenina Z, Carro A, Jones TG, Jasper LD. 2016. Rapid assessments and local knowledge reveal high bird diversity in mangroves of north-west Madagascar. Wetlands Ecol Manag 25(1):45-58. Garnett S, Zander K, Hagerman SM, Satterfield T, Meyerhoff J. 2017. Social preferences for adaptation measures to conserve Australian birds threatened by climate change. Oryx, doi:10.1017/S0030605316001058.
4 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Gasparri E, Lam F, Liu Y. 2016. Compression perpendicular to grain behaviour for the design of a prefabricated CLT façade horizontal joint. in proc of the World Conference on Timber Engineering (14th WCTE) CD-ROM. Vienna, Austria. Gaston C, Robichaud F. 2016. Overview of wood product markets, distribution and market research in North America: implications for value chain optimization forest value chain optimization and sustainability. Chap 7 in Forest Value Chain Optimization and Sustainability, D’Amours S, Ouhimmou M, Audy J-F, Feng Y (eds). CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). Boca Raton, US. Germain RR, Wolak ME, Arcese P, Losdat S, Reid JM. 2016. Direct and indirect genetic and fine-scale location effects on breeding date in song sparrows. J Anim Ecol, doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12575. Gilani HR, Kozak R, Innes JL. 2016. The state of innovation in the British Columbia value-added wood products sector: the example of chain of custody certification. Can J For Res 46(8):1067-1075. Gong Y, Baylis K, Xu J, Kozak RA, Bull GQ. 2016. Farmers’ risk preferences and pesticide use decisions: evidence from field experiments in China. Agr Econ 47(4):411-421. Goodbody TRH, Coops NC, Marshall PL, Tompalski P, Crawford P. 2017. Unmanned aerial systems for precision forest inventory purposes: a review and case study. For Chron 93(1):71-81. Goodbody TRH, Coops NC, Tompalski P, Crawford P, Da KJK. 2017. Updating residual stem volume estimates using ALS-and UAV-acquired stereophotogrammetric point clouds. Int J Rem Sens 38(8-10):2938-2953. Greene GA, Daniels LD. 2017. Spatial interpolation and mean fire interval analyses quantify metrics of historical mixed-severity fire regimes. Int J Wildland Fire 26:138-147. Griess VC. 2016. New developments in forest management planning. CAB Reviews 11(5):1-6. Guo X, Coops NC, Tompalski P, Nielsen SE, Bater CW, Stadt JJ. 2017. Regional mapping of vegetation structure for biodiversity monitoring using airborne LiDAR data. Ecol Inform 38:50-61.
Hagerman SM, Pelai R. 2016. “As far as possible and as appropriate”: implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Conserv Lett 9(6):469-478. Hajjar R, Kozak RA. 2017. The evolution of forest producer associations and their current role in REDD+: case studies from Quintana Roo, Mexico. Land Use Policy 60(2017):373-383. Halperin J, LeMay V, Chidumayo E, Verchot L, Marshall P. 2016. Modelbased estimation of above-ground biomass in the miombo ecoregion of Zambia. Forest Ecosys 3:14. Halperin J, LeMay VM, Coops NC, Verchot L, Marshall P, Lochhead K. 2016. Canopy cover estimation in miombo woodlands of Zambia: comparison of Landsat 8 OLI versus RapidEye imagery using parametric, nonparametric, and semiparametric methods. Remote Sens Environ 179:170-182. Hamelin R, Innes JL. 2017. Forest ecosystem health and vitality. Chap 5 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. He W, Evans PD. 2016. Reducing the thickness swelling of a model wood composite by creating a threedimensional adhesive network. Int Wood Prod J 7(4):202-207. Hember RA, Coops NC, Spittlehouse DL. 2017. Spatial and temporal variability of potential evaporation across North American forests. Hydrol 4(1):5. Hember RA, Kurz WA, Coops NC. 2017. Relationships between individual tree mortality and water-balance variables indicate positive trends in water stress-induced tree mortality across North America. Glob Change Biol 23(4):1691-1710. Hember RA, Kurz WA, Coops NC. 2017. Increasing net ecosystem biomass production of Canada’s boreal and temperate forests despite decline in dry climates. Glob Biogeochem Cyc 31(1):134-158. Herath P, Beauseigle S, Dhillon B, Ojeda DI, Bilodeau G, Isabel N, Gros-Louis MC, Kope H, Zeglen S, Hamelin RC, Feau N. 2016. Anthropogenic signature in the incidence and distribution of an emerging pathogen of poplars. Biol Invasions 18(4):1147-1161.
Hermosilla T, Wulder MA, White JC, Coops NC, Hobart GW, Campbell LB. 2016. Mass data processing of time series Landsat imagery: pixels to data products. Int J Digit Earth 9(11):1035-1054. Hodgins KA, Yeaman S, Nurkowski K, Rieseberg LH, Aitken SN. 2016. Expression divergence is correlated with sequence evolution but not positive selection in conifers. Mol Bio Evol 33:1502-1516. Hoffman D, Krzic M, Schmidt M, Nashon S, Lavkulich LM. 2016. Blending multimedia and face-toface learning about forest floor and humus forms. conference-presentations/ in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada. Holliday JA, Aitken SN, Cooke JEK, Fady B, González-Martínez SC, Heuertz M, Jaramillo-Correa J-P, Lexer C, Staton M, Whetten RW, Plomion C. 2017. Advances in ecological genomics in forest trees and applications to genetic resources conservation and breeding. Mol Ecol 26:706-717. Homebach L, Cambero C, Sowlati T, Walther G. 2016. Optimal design of supply chains for second generation biofuels incorporating European biofuel regulations. J Cleaner Prod 131:565-575. Honeybourn J, Krzic M, Smukler S. 2016. Researchers team up to help local farmers solve soil management issues. UBC ReachOut 25:4-5. Honorato MT, Altamirano TA, Ibarra JT, de la Maza M, Bonacic C, Martin K. 2016. Composition and preference for nesting materials of cavity nester vertebrates in temperate Andean forests of Chile. Revista Bosque 37(3):485-492 [in Spanish]. Hu J, Pribowo A, Saddler JN. 2016. Oxidative cleavage of some cellulosic substrates by auxiliary activity (AA) Family 9 enzymes influences the adsorption/desorption of hydrolytic cellulase enzymes. Roy Soc Chem 18:6329-6336. Hu X-G, Liu H, Jin Y-Q, Sun Y-Q, Li Y, Zhao W, El-Kassaby YA, Wang X-R, Mao J-F. 2016. De novo transcriptome assembly and characterization for the widespread and stress-tolerant conifer Platycladus orientalis. PLoS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148985.
Hu X-G, Liu H, Zhang J-Q, Sun Y-Q, Jin Y-Q, Zhao W, El-Kassaby YA, Wang X-R, Mao J-F. (2016). Global transcriptome analysis of Sabina chinensis (Cupressaceae), a valuable reforestation conifer. Mol Breeding, doi:10.1007/s11032-016-0526-3. Huang A, Elliott JE, Cheng KM, Ritland K, Ritland C, Thompson SK, Hindmarch S, Martin K. 2016. Barn owls (Tyto alba) in North America: phylogeographic structure, connectivity, and genetic diversity. Conserv Genet 17:357-367. Huang AC, Elliott JE, Hindmarch S, Lee S, Maisonneuve F, Bowes V, Cheng KM, Martin K. 2016. Increased rodenticide exposure rate and risk of toxicosis in barn owls (Tyto alba) from southwestern Canada and linkage with demographic but not genetic factors. Ecotoxicology 25:1061-1071. Ibarra J T, Altamirano TA, Vermehren A, Vargas FH, Martin K. 2017. Observations of a tree-cavity nest of the rufous-legged owl and predation of an owl nestling by a chimango caracara in Andean temperate forests. J Raptor Research 51:85-88. Innes JL. 2017. Sustainable forest managment: from concept to practice. Chap 1 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Innes JL. 2017. Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management. Chap 2 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Innes JL. 2017. Maintenance of soils. Chap 6 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Innes JL. 2017. Forests and carbon. Chap 8 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Innes JL. 2017. Conclusions. Chap 16 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US.
Innes JL, Tikina AV (eds). 2017. Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice. Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. 396 pp. Iverson M, Krzic M, Sidles N, Dyanatkar S, Smukler S, Crowley C. 2016. Digging In: an educational tool promoting citizen science for introduction to soil science course. in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada. Jackson CL, Schuster R, Arcese P. 2016. Release date influences first-year site fidelity and survival in captive-bred Vancouver Island marmots. Ecosphere 7(5):e01314. Jackson MM, Topp E, Gergel SE, Martin K, Pirotti F, Sitzia T. 2016. Expansion of subalpine woody vegetation over 40 years on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Can J For Res 46:437-443. Jarron LR, Hermosilla T, Coops NC, Wulder MA, White JC, Hobart GW, Leckie DG. 2017. Differentiation of alternate harvesting practices using annual time series of Landsat data. Forests 8(1):15. Jasmani Z, Ravn HP, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. The influence of small urban parks characteristics on bird diversity: a case study of Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Urban Ecosyst 20(1):227-243. Jaung W, Bull GQ, Putzel L, Kozak RA, Elliott C. 2016. Bundling forest ecosystem services for FSC certification: an analysis of stakeholder adaptability. Int Forest Rev 18(4):1-14. Jaung W, Putzel L, Bull GQ, Kozak RA, Elliot C. 2016. Forest Stewardship Council certification for forest ecosystem services: an analysis of key stakeholder adaptive capacity. For Pol Econ 70:91-98. Jaung W, Putzel L, Bull GQ, Kozak RA, Markum. 2016. Certification of forest watershed services: a Q methodology analysis of opportunities and challenges in Lombok, Indonesia. Ecosyst Serv 22(2016):51-59. Johnson AM, Kim H, Ralph J, Mansfield SD. 2017. Natural acetylation impacts carbohydrate recovery during deconstruction of Populus trichocarpa wood. Biot Biofuels 10:48. Jones TG, Glass L, Gandhi S,
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Ravaoarinorotsihoarana L, Carro A, Benson L, Ratsimba HR, Giri C, Randriamanatena D, Cripps G. 2016. Madagascar’s mangroves: quantifying nation-wide and ecosystem specific dynamics, and detailed contemporary mapping of distinct ecosystems. Remote Sens 8(2):106. Jones TG, Ratsimba HR, Carro A, Ravaoarinorotsihoarana L, Glass L, Teoh M, Benson L, Cripps G, Giri C, Zafindrasilivonona B, Raherindray R, Andriamahenina Z, Andriamahefazafy M. 2016. The mangroves of Ambanja and Ambaro Bays, northwest Madagascar: historical dynamics, current status and deforestation mitigation strategy. Chap 5 in Estuaries: A Lifeline of Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean, Salif Diop, Peter Scheren, John Ferdinand Machiwa (eds). Springer International Publishing. Switzerland. Jucker T, Caspersen J, Antin C, Barbier N, Bongers F, Chave F, Dalponte M, van Ewijk KY, Forrester DI, Heani M, Higgins SI, Holdaway RJ, Lida Y, Keller M, Lorimer C, Marshall PL, Momo S, Moncrieff GR, Ploton P, Poorter L, Rahman KA, Schlund M, Sonké B, Sterck FJ, Trugman AT, Usoltsev VA, Vanderwel MC, Waldner P, Wedeux B, Wirth C, Woods M, Xiang WH, Zimmermann NE, Coomes DA. 2016. Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programs. Glob Change Biol 23(1):177-190. Kabisch N, Haase D, van den Bosch MA. 2016. Adding natural spaces to social indicators of intra-urban health inequalities among children: a case study from Berlin, Germany. Int J Environ Res Publ Heal 13(8):783. Kalcsits LA, Guy RD. 2016. Genotypic variation in nitrogen isotope discrimination in Populus balsamifera L clones grown with either nitrate or ammonium. J Plant Physiol 201:54-61. Kang H, Seely B, Wang G, Innes JL, Zheng D, Chen P, Wang T, Li Q. 2016. Evaluating management tradeoffs between economic fiber production and other ecosystem services in a Chinese-fir dominated forest plantation in Fujian Province. Sci Total Environ 557-558:80-90.
6 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Karatzos S, van Dyk JS, McMillan JD, Saddler JN. 2017. Drop-in biofuel production via conventional (lipid/ fatty acid) and advanced (biomass) routes. Biofuel Bioprod Biorefi 11(2):344-362. Kim KH, Dutta T, Ralph J, Mansfield SD, Simmons BA, Singh S. 2017. Impact of lignin polymer backbone esters on ionic liquid pretreatment of poplar. Biot Biofuels 10:101. Kirby K, Rhemtulla JM, Gergel SE. 2017. Heterogeneity in ecosystem services: multi-scale carbon management in tropical forest landscapes. Chap 17 in Learning Landscape Ecology: A Practical Guide to Concepts and Techniques, Sarah E Gergel, Monica G Turner (eds). Springer Science+Business Media. New York, US. Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. Landscape Laboratories for the World. digitaal/scape/ from Scape Dossier Landscape Laboratories. Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. Urban forestry and arboricultural research in Europe: what’s new? Arborist News 25(6):50-51. Korecký J, El-Kassaby YA. 2016. Pollination dynamics variation in a Douglas-fir seed orchard as revealed by microsatellite analysis. Silva Fennica 50:1682. Krasny M, Russ A, Svendsen E, Enqvist J, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2017. In Environmental governance. from Urban Environmental Education Review, Russ A, Krasny M (eds). Cornell University Press. Ithaca, New York, United States, Krzic M, Bomke AA, Sylvestre M, Brown SJ. 2016. Sustainable management course provides a framework for problem-based learning. http://goo. gl/toFmYC in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada. Krzic M, Terpsma C, Smukler S. 2016. Soil productivity in the Fraser River delta. UBC Branchlines 27(1):12-13. Kuglerová L, García L, Pardo I, Mottiar Y, Richardson JS. 2017. Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation? Ecosphere 8:e01779.
Lamarche J, Potvin A, Stewart D, Blais M, Pelletier G, Shamoun SF, Hamelin RC, Tanguay P. 2016. Real-time PCR assays for the detection of Heterobasidion irregulare, H occidentale, H annosum sensu stricto and the Heterobasidion annosum complex. Forest Patho 47(2):e12321. Lameris TK, Bennett JR, Blight LK, Giesen M, Janssen MK, Schaminée J, Arcese P. 2016. A century of ecosystem change: human and seabird impacts on plant species extirpation and invasion on islands. Peer J 4:e2208. Laundy Frisenstam K, van den Bosch MA, Chen Y, Friberg P, Osika W. 2017. Selfreported psychosomatic complaints in Swedish children, adolescents, and young adults living in rural and urban areas: an internet-based survey. JMIR Publ Heal Surveill 3(1):e9. Lazarescu C, Hart F, Pirouz Z, Panagiotidis K, Mansfield SD, Barrett JD, Avramidis S. 2017. Wood species identification by near-infrared spectroscopy. Int Wood Prod J 8(1):32-35. Leach JA, Olson DH, Anderson PD, Eskelson BNI. 2017. Spatial and seasonal variability of forested headwater stream temperatures in western Oregon, USA. Aquat Sci 79(2):291-307. Lenz PRN, Beaulieu J, Mansfield SD, Clément S, Desponts M, Bousquet J. 2017. Factors affecting the accuracy of genomic selection for growth and wood quality traits in an advanced-breeding population of the black spruce (Picea mariana). BMC Genomics 18:335. Lerstrup I, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. Forest sites in a Danish forest preschool: affordances and preferences. Landscape Res 42:47-62. Levine J, Isaeva A, Eddy I, Foggin M, Gergel SE, Hagerman S, Zerriffi H. 2017. A cognitive approach to the post-Soviet Central Asian pasture puzzle: new data from Kyrgyzstan. Reg Environ Change 17(3):941-947. Levy-Booth D, Prescott CE, Grayston SJ. 2016. Site preparation and fertilization of wet forests alter soil bacterial and fungal abundance, community profiles and CO2 fluxes. Forest Ecol Manag 375:159-171.
Li T, Cheng D-l, Avramidis S, Wålinder EPM, ZhouD-G. 2017. Response of hygroscopicity to heat treatment and its relation to durability of thermally modified wood. Constr Build Mater 144:671-676. Li Y, Lam F, Li M. 2016. Torque loading tests on the rolling shear strength of cross laminated timber. J Wood Sci 62(5):407-415. Lindgren PMF, Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS, Ransome DB, ZabekbL. 2017. Long-term influence of stand thinning and repeated fertilization on forage in young lodgepole pine forests. Can J Forest Res, doi:10.1139/ cjfr-2016-0507. Liu Y, El-Kassaby YA. 2016. Landscape of fluid sets of hairpin-derived 21-/24-nt-long small RNAs at seed set uncovers special epigenetic features in Picea glauca. Genome Biol Evol 9(1):82-92. Liu J, Lam F. 2016. Experimental test of cross laminated timber connections under bi-directional loading. http:// in proc of the 14th WCTE CD-ROM. Vienna, Austria. Liu Y, Barot S, El-Kassaby YA, Loeuille N. 2016. Impact of temperature shifts on the joint evolution of seed dormancy and size. Ecol Evol, doi:10.1002/ ece3.2611. Lochhead K, Ghafghazi S, Havlik P, Forsell N, Obersteiner M, Bull GQ, Mabee W. 2016. Price trends and volatility scenarios for designing forest sector transformation. Energ Econ 57:184-191. Louhi P, Muotka T, Richardson JS. 2017. Sediment addition reduces the importance of predation on ecosystem functions in experimental stream channels. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 74:32-40. Lube V, Evans PD. 2016. Surface microchecking of oriented strand board exposed to wetting and drying. www. asp in proc American Wood Protection Association Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, US. Lussier J, Krzic M, Smukler S, Terpsma C. 2016. Evaluation of the early remedial effects of grassland setasides on agricultural soils. http:// in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada.
Lyons KC, Nelson JD, Bull GQ. 2016. Cost to produce carbon credits through fluctuating harvest levels in British Columbia. Can J For Res 46(11):13021309. Ma S, Lam F. 2016. Seismic analysis of pin-supported CLT shear wall system equipped with low-yield-strength steel dampers. in proc of the 14th WCTE CD-ROM. Vienna, Austria. MacLachlan IR, Tongli W, Hamann A, Smets P, Aitken SN. 2017. Selective breeding of lodgepole pine increases growth and maintains climatic adaptation. Forest Ecol Manag 391:404-416. MacNearney D, Pigeon K, Stenhouse G, Coops NC, Nijland W, Finnegan L. 2016. Heading for the hills? Evaluating spatial distribution of woodland caribou in response to a growing anthropogenic disturbance footprint. Ecol Evol 6(18):6484-6509.
Masse J, Grayston SJ, Prescott CE, Müller C. 2016. Gross nitrogen transformation rates differ in reconstructed oil-sands soils from natural boreal-forest soils as revealed using a 15N tracing method. Geoderma 282:37-48. Masse, J, Prescott CE, Renaut S, Terrat Y, Grayston SJ. 2017. Plant community and nitrogen deposition as drivers of α- and β-prokaryotic diversity in reconstructed soils and in natural boreal-forest soils. Appl Environ Microbiol, doi:10.1128/ AEM.03319-16. Mathew Iype D, Sheppard SRJ. 2017. Building community capacity on local energy. Planning West 59(2):19-21. Mathys AS, Coops NC, Waring RH. 2016. An ecoregion assessment of projected tree species vulnerabilities in western North America through the 21st century. Glob Change Biol 23(2):920-932.
Mahony CR, Cannon AJ, Wang T, Aitken SN. 2017. A closer look at novel climates: new methods and insights at continental to landscape scales. Glob Change Biol, doi:10.1111/ gcb.13645.
McGregor RR, Sakalidis ML, Hamelin RC. 2016. Neofusicoccum arbuti a hidden threat to Arbutus menziesii characterized by widespread latent infections and a broad host range. Can J Plant Pathol 38(1):70-81.
Mansfield SD, Parish R, Ott P K, Hart F J, Goudie JW. 2016. Assessing the wood quality of interior spruce (Picea glauca x P. engelmannii): variation in strength, relative density, microfibril angle and fibre length. Holzforschung 70(3):223-234.
McKown AD, Guy RD, Quamme L. 2016. Impacts of bud set and lammas phenology on root:shoot biomass partitioning and carbon gain physiology in poplar. Trees 30:2131-2141.
Marini L, Okland B, Jönsson AM, Bentz B, Carroll AL, Forster B, Grégoire J-C, Hurling R, Nageleisen L-M, Netherer S, Ravn HP, Weed A, Schroeder M. 2017. Climate drivers of bark beetle outbreak dynamics in Norway spruce forests. Ecography 40:1-10. Martin K, Wilson SD, MacDonald EC, Camfield AF, Martin M, Trefrey SA. 2017. Effects of severe weather on reproduction for sympatric songbirds in an alpine environment: interactions of climate extremes influence nesting success. Auk 134(3):696-709. Martino DC, Colodette JL, Chandra R, Saddler JN. 2017. Steam explosion pretreatment used to remove hemicellulose to enhance the production of a eucalyptus organosolv dissolving pulp. Wood Sci Technol 51(3):557-569.
McLean MF, Hanson KC, Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Patterson D, Nettles T, Litvak M, Crossin GT. 2016. Physiological stress response, reflex impairment, and delayed mortality of white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus exposed to simulated fisheries stressors. Conserv Physiol, doi:10.1093/conphys/cow031. Mellqvist H, Kristensen L, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. Participatory green structure planning for linking urban and rural landscapes – examples from a Swedish municipality. Nord J Archit Res 2016(3):71-96. Mewalal R, Mizrachi E, Maloney VJ$, Mansfield SD, Myburg AA. 2016. The Arabidopsis domain of unknown function 1218 (DUF1218) containing proteins, MODIFYING WALL LIGNIN-1 and 2 (At1g31720/MWL-1 and At4g19370/MWL-2) function redundantly to alter secondary cell wall lignin content. PLoS ONE 11(3):e0150254.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Meyer G, Black TA, Jassal RS, Nesic Z, Grant NJ, Spittlehouse DL, Coops NC. 2017. Measurements and simulations using the 3-PG model of the water balance and water use efficiency of a lodgepole pine stand following mountain pine beetle attack. Forest Ecol Manag 393:89-104. Minke-Martin V, Hinch SG, Braun DC, Burnett NJ, Casselman MT, Eliason EJ, Middleton CT. 2017. Physiological condition and migratory experience affect fitness-related outcomes in adult female sockeye salmon. Ecol Freshwater Fish, doi:10.1111/ eff.12347. Mizrachi E, Verbeke L, Christie N, Fierro AC, Mansfield SD, Davis MF, Gjersing E, Tuskan GA, Van Montagu M, Van de Peer Y, Marchal K, Myburg AA. 2017. Network-based integration of systems genetics data reveals pathways associated with lignocellulosic biomass accumulation and processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci 114(5):1195-1200. Molin PG, Gergel SE, Filho BCC, Ferraz SFB. 2016. Spatial determinants of Atlantic forest loss and recovery in Brazil. Landscape Ecol 32(4):857-870. Momayyezi M, Guy RD. 2017. Substantial role for carbonic anhydrase in latitudinal variation in mesophyll conductance of Populus trichocarpa Torr & Gray. Plant Cell Environ 40:138-149. Momayyezi M, Guy RD. 2017. Blue light differentially represses mesophyll conductance in high vs low latitude genotypes of Populus trichocarpa Torr & Gray. J Plant Physiol 213:122-128. Morgenroth J, Nielsen AB, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Östberg J, Harðarson SB. 2016. Urban Tree Diversity for Sustainable Cities. http:// from Policy Brief of CARe-FOR-US II. Copenhagen, Denmark. Morgenroth J, Östberg J, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Nielsen AB, Hauer RJ, Sjöman H, Chen WY, Jansson M. 2016. Urban tree diversity – taking stock and looking ahead. Urban For Green 15:1-5. Morrell N, Johnston K, Tarwater C, Arcese P. 2016. Nest defense and parental investment in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Can J Zool 94:453-461.
8 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Nadeau S, Meirmans PG, Aitken SN, Ritland K, Isabel N. 2016. The challenge of separating signatures of local adaptation from those of isolation by distance and colonization history: the case of two white pines. Ecol Evol, doi:10.1002/ece3.2550. Naman SM, Rosenfeld JS, Richardson JS, Way JL. 2017. Species traits and channel architecture mediate flow disturbance impacts on invertebrate drift. Freshwater Biol 62:340-355. Naman SM, Rosenfeld JS, Richardson JS. 2016. Causes and consequences of invertebrate drift in running waters: from individuals to populations and trophic fluxes. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 73:1292-1305. Nelson H, Hotte N. 2016. Competition and investment in the BC coastal forest industry. Truck Logger BC, Nelson H, Hotte N, Kozak RA. 2017. The changing socio-economic contributions of forestry. Chap 9 in Sustainable Forest Management: from Concept to Practice, John L Innes, Anna V Tikina (eds). Routledge. London, UK and New York, US. Nesbitt L, Meitner MJ. 2016. Access and benefits: exploring urban green equity in North America. http:// in proc of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Tree Diversity. Melbourne, Australia. Nesbitt L, Meitner MJ. 2016. Exploring relationships between socioeconomic background and urban greenery in Portland, OR. Forests 7(8):162. Nguyen VM, Young N, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ. 2016. Getting past the blame game: convergence and divergence in perceived threats to salmon resources among anglers and indigenous fishers in Canada’s lower Fraser River. Ambio 45:591-601. Nietlisbach P, Keller LF, Camenisch G, Guillaume F, Arcese P, Reid JM, Postma E. 2016. Pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient explains more variation in fitness than heterozygosity at 160 microsatellites in a wild bird population. Proc Roy Soc B, doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.2763. Nijland W, Bolton DK, Coops NC. 2016. Imaging phenology; scaling from camera plots to landscapes. Remote Sens Environ 177:13-20.
Nikolakis W, Akter S, Nelson H. 2016. The effect of communication on individual preferences for common property resources: a case study from two Canadian First Nations. Land Use Policy 58:70-82. Nikolakis W, Innes JL. 2017. Evaluating incentive-based programs to support forest ecosystem services. Environ Conserv 44(1):1-4. Nitschke CR, Waeber PO, Klaassen JW, Dordel J, Innes JL, Aponte C. 2017. Nutrient uptake and use efficiency in co-occurring plants along a disturbance and nutrient availability gradient in the boreal forests of the southwest Yukon. Can J Veg Sci 28(1):69-81. Ozkaynak B, Pinter L, Almassy D, Loewe C, Mzavanadze N, RodriguesLabajos B, van den Bosch MA, Dahl A, Floerke M, Gaponenko N, Kock R, Kusch S, Kirilenko A, Vihervaara P. 2016. Strengthening environmental governance. Chap 3 in GEO-6 Assessment for the PanEuropean Region. United Nations Environmental Programme. Nairobi, Kenya. Padda KP, Puri A, Chanway CP. 2016. Plant growth promotion and nitrogen fixation in canola by an endophytic strain of Paenibacillus polymyxa and its GFP-tagged derivative in a longterm study. Botany 94:1209-1217. Padda KP, Puri A, Chanway CP. 2016. Effect of GFP tagging of Paenibacillus polymyxa P2b-2R on its ability to promote growth of canola and tomato seedlings. Biol Fert Soils 52:377-387. Padda KP, Puri A, Chanway CP. 2016. Seedling growth promotion and nitrogen fixation by a bacterial endophyte Paenibacillus polymyxa P2b-2R and its GFP derivative in corn in a long-term trial. Symbiosis 69(2):123-129. Panwar R, Kozak RA, Hansen E (eds). 2016. Forests, Business, and Sustainability. Routledge. Oxfordshire, UK. 228 pp. Panwar R, Kozak RA, Hansen E. 2016. Many paths to sustainability, but where are we going? Chap 1 in Forests, Business and Sustainability, Panwar R, Kozak RA, Hansen E (eds). Routledge. Oxfordshire, UK.
Park JM, Kwon SH, Lee HJ, Na SJ, El-Kassaby YA, Kang KS. 2017. Integrating fecundity variation and genetic relatedness in estimating seed crops genetic diversity: Pinus koraiensis seed orchard as an example. Can J For Res 47:366-37.
Pickell PD, Coops NC, Gergel SE, Andison DW, Marshall P. 2016. Managed boreal forests drive rapidly changing landscape patterns over the last three decades in Canada. PLoS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0157736.
Patterson DA, Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Robinson K, Young N, Farrell AP, Miller K. 2016. A perspective on physiological studies supporting the provision of scientific advice for the management of Fraser River sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Conserv Physiol 4(1):cow026.
Pickell PD, Coops NC, Gergel SE, Andison DW, Marshall P. 2016. Evolution of Canada’s boreal forest spatial patterns as seen from space. PLoS ONE 11(7):e0157736.
Paudel S, Waeber PO, Simard SW, Innes JL, Nitschke CR. 2016. Multiple factors influence plant richness and diversity in the cold and dry boreal forest of southwest Yukon, Canada. Plant Ecol 217:505-519. Paul SS, Neufeld K, Krzic M, Smukler S. 2016. Comparison of geospatial techniques for 3-dimensional digital soil mapping in Delta, BC. http:// in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada. Pec GJ, Karst J, Taylor DL, Cigan PW, Erbilgin N, Cooke JEK, Simard SW, Cahill Jr JF. 2016. Change in soil fungal community structure driven by a decline in ectomycorrhizal fungi following a mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak. New Phytologist 213:864-873. Pei H, Shao Y, Chanway CP, Hu W, Meng P, Li Z, Chen Y, Ma G. 2016. Bioaugmentation in a pilot-scale constructed wetland to treat domestic wastewater in summer and autumn. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23:7776-7785. Perez P, Nelson T, Coops NC, Fontana F, Drever R. 2016. Characterization of spatial relationships between three remotely sensed indirect indicators of biodiversity and climate: a 21years’ data series review across the Canadian boreal forest. Int J Digit Earth 9(7):676-696. Peterson St-Laurent G, Hagerman SM, Hoberg G. 2017. Emergence and influence of a new policy regime: the case of forest carbon offsets in British Columbia. Land Use Policy 60:169-180.
Pickles BJ, Wilhelm R, Asay AK, Hahn A, Simard SW, Mohn WW. 2016. Transfer of 13C between paired Douglas-fir seedlings reveals plant kinship effects and uptake of exudates by ectomycorrhizas. New Phytologist 214:400-411. Pickles DRB, Simard SW. 2017. Mycorrhizal networks and forest resilience to drought. Pp 319-339 in Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil – Fertility, Structure, and Carbon Storage, Johnson NC, Gehring C, Jansa J (eds). Elsevier Science & Technology Books. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Piltan M, Sowlati T, Cohen DH, Gaston C, Kozak RA. 2016. Analysis of the drivers and factors influencing partnership performance in the British Columbia’s forest products supply chain. J Sci Techn Forest Prod Proc 5(5):65-76. Piltan M, Sowlati T. 2016. Multicriteria assessment of partnership components. Expert Syst Appl 64:605-617. Plowright A, Coops NC, Chance C, Sheppard SRJ, Aven N. 2017. Multi-scale analysis of relationship between imperviousness and urban tree height using airborne remote sensing. Remote Sens Environ 194(1):391-400. Plowright AA, Coops NC, Eskelson BNI, Aven NW. 2016. Assessing urban tree condition using airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR). Urban For Green 19:140-150. Porth I, Bull GQ, Cool J, Gelinas N, Griess VC. 2016. An economic assessment of genomics research and development initiative projects in forestry. CAB Rev 11(16):1-10.
Porth I, Garnier-Géré P, Klápštĕ J, Scotti-Saintagne C, El-Kassaby YA, El Burg K, Kremer A. 2016. Speciesspecific alleles at a β-tubulin gene show significant associations with leaf morphological variation within Quercus petraea and Q robur populations Tree Genet Genom, doi:10.1007/s11295-016-1041-8. Potvin C, Sharma D, Creed I, Aitken SN, Anctil F, Bennett E, Berkes F, Bernstein S, Nathalie B, Bourque A, BrownB, Sheppard SRJ, et al. 2017. Stimulating a Canadian narrative for climate. FACETS 2:131-149. Powers RP, Coops NC, Nelson T, Wulder MA. 2016. Evaluating reserve design efficacy in the Canadian boreal forest using time series AVHRR data. Can J Remote Sens 42(3):171-189. Powers RP, Coops NC, Tulloch VJ, Gergel SE, Nelson TA, Wulder MA. 2016. A conservation assessment of Canada’s boreal forest incorporating alternate climate change scenarios. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv, doi:10.1002/ rse2.34. Puri A, Padda KP, Chanway CP. 2016. Evidence of nitrogen fixation and growth promotion in canola (Brassica napus L) by an endophytic diazotroph Paenibacillus polymyxa P2b-2R. Biol Fert Soils 52:119-125. Raby GD, Casselman MT, Cooke SJ, Hinch SG, Farrell AP, Clark TD. 2016. Aerobic scope increases throughout an ecologically relevant temperature range in coho salmon. J Exp Biol 219:1922-1931. Rechisky EL, Healy SH, Porter AD, Welch DW, Hinch SG. 2016. Telemetry-based estimates of early marine survival and residence time of juvenile steelhead in the Strait of Georgia and Queen Charlotte Strait in 2015. Pp 167-170 in State of the Physical, Biological and Selected Fishery Resources of Pacific Canadian Marine Ecosystems, Peter C. Chandler, Stephanie A. King, R. Ian Perry (eds). DFO Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3179. Sidney, BC, Canada. Reid AM, Chapman WK, Prescott CE, Nijland W. 2016. Using excess greenness and green chromatic coordinate colour indices from aerial images to assess lodgepole pine vigour, mortality and disease occurrence. Forest Ecol Manag 374:146-153.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
Reid JM, Bocedi G, Nietlisbach P, Duthie AB, Wolak ME, Gow EA, Arcese P. 2016. Variation in parent-offspring kinship in socially monogamous systems with extra-pair reproduction and inbreeding. Evolution 70:1512-1529. Renard D, Bennett EM, Rhemtulla JM. 2016. Agro-biodiversity has increased over a 95-year period at sub-regional and regional scales in southern Quebec, Canada. Environ Res Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/12/124024. Ribbons RR, Levy-Booth DJ, Masse J, Grayston SJ, McDonald MA, Vesterdal L, Prescott CE. 2016. Linking microbial communities, functional genes and nitrogen-cycling processes in forest floors under four tree species. Soil Biol Biochem 103:181-191. Richardson JS, Wipfli MS. 2016. Getting quantitative about consequences of cross-ecosystem resource subsidies on recipient consumers. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 73:1609-1615. Rickbeil G JM, Hermosilla T, Coops NC, White JC, Wulder MA. 2017. Barrenground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) behaviour after recent fire events; integrating caribou telemetry data with Landsat fire detection techniques. Glob Change Biol 23(3):1036-1047. Rickbeil GJM, Hermosilla T, CoopsNC, White JC, Wulder MA. 2017. Estimating changes in lichen mat volume through time and related effects on barren ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) movement. PLoS ONE 12(3):e0172669. Roberts CC, Michalak DR, Lawler JL, Nielsen JJ, Stralberg SE, Hamann D, McRae A, Brad H, Wang T. 2017. Scale-dependent complementarity of climatic velocity and environmental diversity for identifying priority areas for conservation under climate change. Glob Change Biol, doi:10.1111/gcb.13679. Rodewald AD, Arcese P. 2016. Direct and indirect interactions between landscape structure and invasive or overabundant species. Curr Landscape Ecol Rep, doi:10.1007/s40823-016-0004-y. Sakalidis ML, Feau N, Dhillon B, Hamelin RC. 2016. Genetic patterns reveal historical and contemporary dispersal of a tree pathogen. Biol Invasions 18(6):1781-1799.
10 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Gergel SE, Turner MG (eds). 2017. Learning Landscape Ecology, 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag. New York, US. 350 pp. Sato T, El-Sabaawi R, Campbell K, Ohta T, Richardson JS. 2016. A test of the effects of timing of a pulsed resource subsidy on stream ecosystems. J Anim Ecol 85:1136-1146. Selgrath JC, Roelfsema C, Gergel SE, Vincent AC. 2016. Mapping for coral reef conservation: comparing the value of participatory and remote sensing approaches. Ecosphere 7(5):e01325. Seneviratne SS, Davidson P, Martin K, Irwin D. 2016. Low levels of hybridization across two contact zones among three species of woodpeckers (Sphyrapicus sapsuckers). J Avian Biol, doi:10.1111/ jav.00946. Sheppard SRJ, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Croy O, Palomo AM, Barron S. 2017. Urban forest governance and community engagement. Chap 17 in Handbook of Urban Forestry. Francesco Ferrini, Cecil C Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Alessio Fini (eds). Routledge. Oxon, UK and New York, US. Shi J, Avramidis S. 2017. Water sorption hysteresis in wood: I review and experimental patterns – geometric characteristics of scanning curves. Holzforschung 71(4):307-316. Shi J, Avramidis S. 2017. Water sorption hysteresis in wood: II mathematical modeling – functions beyond data fitting. Holzforschung 71(4):317-321. Shigaeva J, Hagerman SM, Zerriffi H, Hergarten C, Isaeva A, Mamadalievv Z, Foggin M. 2016. Decentralizing governance of agropastoral systems in Kyrgyzstan: an assessment of recent pasture reforms. Mt Res Dev 36(1):91-101. Shinzato E, Shimabukuro Y, Coops NC, et al. 2017. Integrating area-based and individual tree detection approaches for estimating tree volume in plantation inventory using aerial image and airborne laser scanning data. iForest 10:296-302. Simard SW. 2017. The mother tree. In The Word for World is Still Forest, Anna-Sophie Springer, Etienne Turpin (eds). K Verlag and the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlin, Germany.
Simard SW. 2016. Unseen connections. In We Discover, Marc Guttman (eds). Marc Guttman, Simard SW. 2016. Note from a forest scientist. In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben. Greystone Books, David Suzuki Institute. Vancouver, BC, Canada., Singh G, Chandoha-Lee C, Zhang W, Renneckar S, Vikesland PJ, Pruden A. 2016. Biodegradation of nanocrystalline cellulose by two environmentally-relevant consortia. Water Res 104:137-146. Skyba O, Cullen D, Douglas CJ, Mansfield SD. 2016. Gene expression patterns of wood decay fungi Postia placenta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium are influenced by wood substrate composition during degradation. Appl Environ Microbiol 82(14):4387-4400. Socha J, Coops NC, Ochal W. 2016. Assessment of age bias in site index equations. iForest, doi:10.3832/ ifor1548-008. Sohi A, Avramidis S, Mansfield S. 2017. Near-infrared spectroscopic separation of green chain sub-alpine fir lumber from a spruce-pine-fir mix. BioResources 12(2):3720-3727. Sohi A, Uzunovic A, Avramidis S. 2016. Ultrasonic phytosanitation of pinewood nematode infected wood. Maderas Cienc Tecnol 18(1):99-104. Sopinka N, Hinch SG, Healy SJ, Raby GD, Patterson DA. 2016. Effects of experimentally elevated egg cortisol on offspring traits in two species of wild Pacific salmon. Environ Biol Fish 99:717-728. Sopinka NM, Jeffrey JD, Burnett NJ, Patterson DA, Gilmour KM, Hinch SG. 2017. Maternal programming of offspring hypothalamic – pituitary – interrenal axis in wild sockeye salmon. Gen Comp Endocrin 242:30-37. Sopinka NM, Middleton CT, Patterson DA, Hinch SG. 2016. Does maternal captivity of wild, migratory sockeye salmon influence offspring performance? Hydrobiologia 779:1-10. St-Denis A, Kneeshaw D, Bélanger, N, Simard SW, Laforest-Lapointe I, Messier C. 2017. Species-specific responses to forest soil inoculum in planted trees in an abandoned agricultural field. Appl Soil Ecol 112:1-10.
Steenweg, R, M. Hebblewhite M, Kays R, Ahumada J, Fisher JT, Burton C, et al. 2017. Scaling up camera traps: monitoring the planet’s biodiversity with networks of remote sensors. Front Ecol Environ 15:26-34.
Sutherland IJ, Bennett EM, Gergel SE. 2016. Recovery trends for multiple ecosystem services reveal non-linear responses and long-term tradeoffs from temperate forest harvesting. Forest Ecol Manag 374:61-70.
Stephen JD, Mabee WE, Pribowo A, Pledger S, Hart R, Tallio S, Bull GQ. 2016. Biomass for residential and commercial heating in a remote Canadian Aboriginal community. Renew Energ 86:563-575.
Sutherland IJ, Gergel SE, Bennett EM. 2016. Seeing the forest for its multiple ecosystem services: indicators for cultural services in heterogeneous forests. Ecol Indic 17:123-133.
Stewart D, Zahiri R, Djoumad A, Freschi L, Lamarche J, Holden D, Cervantes S, Ojeda DI, Potvin A, Nisole A, Béliveau C, Capron A, Kimoto T, Day B, Yueh H, Duff C, Levesque RC, Hamelin RC, Cusson M. 2016. A multi-species TaqMan PCR assay for the identification of Asian gypsy moths (Lymantria spp) and other invasive Lymantriines of biosecurity concern to North America. PLoS ONE, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160878.
Tang Q, Puri A, Padda KP, Chanway CP. 2017. Biological nitrogen fixation and plant growth promotion of lodgepole pine by an endophytic diazotroph Paenibacillus polymyxa and its GFP-tagged derivative. Botany, doi:10.1139/cjb-2016-0300.
Stoltz J, Lundell Y, Skärbäck E, van den Bosch MA, Grahn P, Nordström E-M, Dolling A. 2016. Planning for restorative forests: describing stressreducing qualities of forest stands using available forest stand data. Eur J For Res 135(5):803-813. Sullivan TP, Ransome DB, Sullivan DS, Lindgren PML, Klenner W. 2017. Tree squirrel abundance and demography in managed coniferous forests of British Columbia are within the range of natural fluctuations of old-growth stands. Can J Forest Res 47:565-582. Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS. 2017. Influence of stand thinning and repeated fertilization on forest ecosystems: 20-year responses of tree growth, structural attributes, and redbacked voles. Forest Ecol Manage 391:207-220. Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS, Boonstra R, Krebs CJ, Vyse A. 2017. Mechanisms of population limitation in the southern red-backed vole in conifer forests of western North America: insights from a long-term study. J Mammal, doi:10.1093/jmammal/ gyx082. Suren H, Hodgins KA, Yeaman S, Nurkowski KA, Smets P, Rieseberg LH, Aitken SN, Holliday JA. 2016. Exome capture from spruce and pine giga-genome. Molec Ecol Res 16:1136-1146.
Taylor JT, Sopinka NM, Wilson SM, Hinch SG, Patterson DA, Cooke SJ, Willmore WG. 2016. Examining the relationships between egg cortisol and oxidative stress in developing wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Comp Biochem Phys A 200:87-93. Teffer AK, Hinch SG, Miller KS, Patterson DA, Farrell AP, Cooke SJ, Bass A, Szekeres P, Juanes F. 2017. Capture severity, infectious disease processes, and sex influence post-release mortality of sockeye salmon bycatch. Conserv Physiol 5(1):cox017. Thiel B, Krzic M, Gergel SE, Terpsma C, Black A, Jassal R, Smukler SM. 2016. Soil CO2, N2O, and CH4 fluxes from production fields with planted and remnant hedgerows in the Fraser River Delta of British Columbia. Agrofor Syst, doi:10.1007/ s10457-016-9990-3. Timko JA, Kozak RA. 2016. The influence of an improved firewood cookstove, Chitetzo mbaula, on tree species preference in Malawi. Energ Sust Develop 33:53-60. Toews M, Juanes F, Burton AC. 2017. Mammal responses to human footprint vary with spatial extent but not with spatial grain. Ecosphere 8:e01735. Tompalski P, Coops NC, White JC, Wulder MA, Yuill, A. 2017. Characterizing streams and riparian areas with airborne laser scanning data. Remote Sens Environ 192:73-86.
Tompalski P, Coops NC, White JC, Wulder MA. 2016. Enhancing forest growth and yield predictions with airborne laser scanning data: increasing spatial detail and optimizing yield curve selection through template matching. Forests 7(11):255. Tomscha SA, Gergel SE, Tomlinson MJ. 2017. The spatial organization of ecosystem services in riverfloodplains. Ecosphere 8(3):e01728. Tomscha SA, Sutherland I, Renard D, Gergel SE, Rhemtulla JM, Bennett EM, Daniels LD, Eddy IMS, Clark E. 2016. A guide to historical data sets for reconstructing ecosystem service change over time. Bioscience 66(9):747-762. Tripp D, Nordin L, Rex J, Tschaplinski P, Richardson JS. 2016. The importance of small streams in British Columbia. in FREP (Forest and Range Evaluation Program) Extension Note #38. Victoria, BC, Canada, Unda F, Kim H, Ralph J, Mansfield SD. 2017. Altering carbon allocation in hybrid poplar (Populus alba × grandidentata) impacts cell wall growth and development. Plant Biotechn J 15:864-878. van den Bosch MA, Mudu P, Uscila V, Barrdahl M, Kulinkina A, Staatsen B, Swart W, Kruize H, Zurlyte I, Egorov AI. 2016. Development of an urban green space indicator and the public health rationale. Scand J Publ Heal, doi:10.1177/1403494815615444. van den Bosch MA, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Cave B, Kock R. 2016. Healthy Planet, Healthy People (UNEP/UNECE 2016). in GEO-6 Assessment for the Pan-European Region. United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi, Kenya. van den Bosch MA, Ward Thompson CW, de Oliveira ES, Wheeler BW, Depledge MH. 2016. Urban green spaces and health – a review of evidence urban green spaces and health. http://goo. gl/hvzlIY in WHO Regional Office for Europe, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. Bonn, Germany and Copenhagen, Denmark. van den Bosch MA. 2017. Natural environments, health, and wellbeing. Oxford Res Encyclopedias Environ Sci, doi:10.1093/ acrefore/9780199389414.013.333.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017
van den Bosch MA. 2017. Impacts of urban forests on physical and mental health. from Routledge Handbook of Urban Forestry, Francesco Ferrini, Cecil C Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Alessio Fini (eds). Routledge. England and Wales, UK. Vasco C, Torres B, Pacheco P, Griess VC. 2017. The socioeconomic determinants of legal and illegal smallholder logging: evidence from the Ecuadorian Amazon. For Pol Econ 78:133-140. Walji K, Smukler S, Krzic M, Terpsma C. 2016. Evaluating the effects of grassland set-asides on soil nutrient availability in Delta, BC. http://goo. gl/toFmYC in proc of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Kamloops, BC, Canada. Wallace B, Krzic M, Newman RF, Forge TA, Broersma K, Neilsen G. 2016. The lasting effects of biosolids in agroecosystems. In the News of Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, and American Society of Agronomy, Wallace, J., and Avramidis 2016. Impact of airflow on hem-fir kiln drying. Drying Techn 34(11):1354-1358. Wang GY, Mang S, Cai HS, Liu SR, Zhang ZQ, Wang LG, Innes JL. 2016. Integrated watershed management: evolution, development and emerging trends. J Forest Res 27(5):967-994. Wang R, Zhao J, Meitner MJ. 2017. Urban woodland understory characteristics in relation to aesthetic and recreational preference. Urban For Green 24:55-61. Wang SS, Lu YY, Wang GY, Innes JL, Kang H, Wang B, Li KF, Zhao SW, Liu, B. 2016. Methane fluxes along a permafrost hillslope gradient in northcentral China. For Sci 62(3):281-287. Wang T, Hamann A, Spittlehouse D, Carroll C. 2016. Locally downscaled and spatially customizable climate data for historical and future periods for North America. PLoS ONE 11(6):e0156720. Wang T, Wang G, Innes JL, Nitschke C, Kang H. 2016. Climatic niche models and their consensus projections for future climates for four major forest tree species in the Asia-Pacific region. Forest Ecol Manag 360(2016):357-366.
12 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Wang W, Innes JL, Liu J. 2017. An analysis of farmers’ net incomes from underplanted forest products: case studies from Hunan and Guangxi Provinces of China. Int Forest Rev 19(1):119-127. Weimann H, Rylander L, van den Bosch MA, Albin M, Skärbäck E, Grahn P, Björk J. 2017. Perception of safety is a prerequisite for the association between neighbourhood green qualities and physical activity: results from a cross-sectional study in Sweden. Heal Place 45:124-130. Westerhoff LS, Coté A, Chu M, Sheppard SRJ, Burch S, Pahl S. 2017. Motivating communities to retrofit their homes: The potential of thermal imaging in BC. Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions White Paper, Victoria, BC. files/uploads/publications/Thermal_ Imaging_Report_2017.pdf. White JC, Coops NC, Wulder MA, Vastaranta, M, Hilker T, Tompalski P. 2016. Remote sensing technologies for enhancing forest inventories: a review. Can J Remote Sens 42(5):619-641. White JC, Wulder MA, Hermosilla T, Coops NC, Hobart GW. 2017. A nationwide annual characterization of 25 years of forest disturbance and recovery for Canada using Landsat time series. Remote Sens Environ 194:303-321. Wong CM, Daniels LD. 2016. Novel forest decline triggered by multiple interactions among climate, an introduced pathogen and bark beetles. Glob Change Biol 23:1926-1941. Wood SLR, Rhemtulla JM, Coomes OT. 2017. Cropping history trumps fallow duration in long-term soil and vegetation dynamics of shifting cultivation systems. Ecol Appl, doi:10.1002/eap.1462. Xiang H, Zhang Y, Richardson JS. 2016. Importance of riparian zone: effects of resource availability at land-water interface. Rip Ecol Conserv 3:1-17. Xiong H, Liu Y, Lam F. 2016. Experimental study of lateral resistance of reinforced glued-laminated timber post and beam structures. in proc of the 14th WCTE CD-ROM. Vienna, Austria. Xiu N, Ignatieva M, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C. 2016. The challenges of planning and designing urban green networks in Scandinavian and Chinese cities. J Archit Urbanism 40(3):163-176.
Yang H, Puri A, Padda KP, Chanway CP. 2017. Substrate utilization by endophytic Paenibacillus polymyxa that may facilitate bacterial entrance and survival inside various host plants. FACETS 2:120-130. Yang H, Puri A, Padda KP, Chanway CP. 2016. Effects of Paenibacillus polymyxa inoculation and different soil nitrogen treatments on lodgepole pine seedling growth. Can J For Res 46:816-821. Yates D, Krzic M, Bomke A, Smukler S, Bradfield G, Terpsma C. 2017. Comparison of selected soil properties following grassland set-aside and annual crop rotations in the Fraser River Delta of British Columbia. Can J Soil Sci, doi:10.1139/ CJSS-2016-0159. Yeaman S, Hodgins KA, Lotterhos KE Suren H, Nadeau S, Degner JC, Nurkowski KA, Smets P, Wang T, Gray LK, Liepe KJ, Hamann A, Holliday JA, Whitlock MC, Rieseberg LH, Aitken SN. 2016. Convergent local adaptation to climate in distantly related conifers. Science 353:1431-1433. Yeung ACY, Lecerf A, Richardson JS. 2017. Assessing the long-term ecological effects of riparian management practices on headwater streams in a coastal temperate rainforest. Forest Ecol Manag 384:100-109. Young N, Nguyen VM, Corriveau M, Cooke SJ, Hinch SG. 2016. Knowledge users’ perspectives and advice on how to improve knowledge exchange and mobilization in the case of a co-managed fishery. Environ Sci Pol 66:170-178. Yuan H, Niu S, El-Kassaby YA, Li YLW. 2016. Simple genetic distanceoptimized field deployments for clonal seed orchards based on microsatellite markers: as a case of Chinese pine seed orchard. PLoS ONE 11(6):e0157646. Zerriffi H, Hargadine S, Gajarsa J, Schumacher J. 2017. Decentralized Energy Portfolio Review: Synthesis Report. United States Agency for International Development, http:/
Zerriffi H, Natarajan H, Purohit N, Hargadine S. 2017. Decentralized Energy Portfolio Review: Country Report and Case Study Summaries – India. from United States Agency for International Development. Zhai R, Hu J, Saddler JN. 2016. What are the major components in steam pretreated lignocellulosic biomass that inhibit the efficacy of cellulase enzyme mixtures? ACS Sust Chem Eng 4(6):3429-3436. Zhan J-F, Avramidis S 2017. Impact of conventional drying and thermal post-treatment on the residual stresses and shape deformations of larch lumber. Drying Techn 35(1):15-24. Zhang L, Liu S, Sun P, Wang T, Wang G, Wang L, Zhang X. 2016. Using DEM to predict Abies faxoniana and Quercus aquifolioides distributions in the upstream catchment basin of the Min River in southwest China. Ecol Indic 69:(2016):91-99. Zhang W, Barone JR, Renneckar S. 2016. Reducing the heterogeneity of xylan through processing. Carbohydr Polym 150:250-258. Zhou Y, Hilker T, Coops NC. 2017. Modeling gross primary production for sunlit and shaded canopies across an evergreen and a deciduous site in Canada. IEEE T Geosci Rem Sens 55(4):1859-1873. Zimonick BJ, Roach WJ, Simard SW. 2016. Selective removal of paper birch increases growth of juvenile Douglas-fir while minimizing impacts on the plant community. Scand J For Res, doi:10.1080/02827581.2016.12 61934.
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