Annual Report
This list includes documents published between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014. Names appearing in bold-face type are those of UBC Forestry Faculty members. For further information on any of these publications (many of which are available in libraries or online), please contact the appropriate Faculty member directly. Aitken SN, Simard SW. 2015. Restoring forests: How we can protect the water we drink and the air we breathe. Alternatives J 41(1): 30-35. Akhtari S, Sowlati T, Day K. 2014. Optimal flow of forest biomass to a district heating system in Williams Lake, BC. Int J Energ Res 38:945-964. Alfaro R, Fady B, Vendramin GG, Dawson I, Fleming RA, Sáenz-Romero C, Lindig-Cisneros RA, Murdock T, Vinceti B, Navarro CM, Skrøppa T, Baldinelli G, El-Kassaby YA, Loo J. 2014. The role of forest genetic resources in responding to biotic and abiotic factors in the context of anthropogenic climate change. Forest Ecol Manage, doi:org/10.1016/j. foreco.2014.04.006. Arnett J, Coops NC, Gergel S, Falls R, Baker R. 2014. Detecting stand replacing disturbance using RapidEye imagery: a Tasseled Cap transformation and modified disturbance index. Can J Rem Sens 40(1):1-14. Arnett JTT, Coops NC, Daniels LD, Falls RW. 2015. Detecting forest damage after a low-severity fire using remote sensing at multiple scales. Int J Appl Earth Observ Geoinformation. 35(B):239-246. Ashtari S, Haukaas T, Lam F. 2014. In-plane stiffness of cross-laminated timber floors. In Proc 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering Quebec City, Canada. http:// uploads/2010/11/wcte-2014_ PAP715_Ashtari.pdf. Atwood TB, Hammill E, Richardson JS. 2014. Trophic-level dependent effects on CO2 emissions from experimental stream ecosystems. Glob Change Biol 20:3386-3396. Augusto L, De Schrijver A, Vesterdal L, Smolander A, Prescott CE, Ranger J. 2014. Influences of evergreen gymnosperm and deciduous angiosperm tree species on the functioning of temperate and boreal forests. Biological Reviews, doi:10.1111/brv.12119.
1 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Avery-Gomm S, Rosenfeld JS, Richardson JS, Pearson M. 2014. Hydrological drought and the role of refugia in an endangered riffle-dwelling fish, Nooksack Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae). Can J Fish Aquat Sci 71:1625-1634.
Blight L, Hobson K, Kyser K, Arcese P. 2014. Changing gull diet in a changing world: A 150-year stable isotope (δ13C,δ15N) record from feathers collected in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Global Change Biology 21(4):1497-507.
Axelson JN, Smith DJ, Daniels LD, Alfaro RI. 2015. Multicentury reconstruction of western spruce budworm outbreaks in central British Columbia, Canada. Forest Ecol Manage 335:235-248.
Bolton DK, Coops NC, Wulder MA. 2015. Characterizing residual structure and forest recovery following high-severity fire in the western boreal of Canada using Landsat time-series and airborne lidar data. Rem Sens Environ, doi:10.1016/j. rse.2015.03.004.
Azuma D, Eskelson BNI, Thompson J. 2014. Effects of rural residential development on forest communities in Oregon and Washington, USA. Forest Ecol Manage 330:183-191. Baker K, Bull G, LeMay V. 2014. The use of fuelwood market segmentation and product differentiation to assess opportunities and value: A Nicaraguan case study. Energy Sust Devel, doi:10.1016/j.esd.2013.10.004. Barker JS, Simard SW, Jones MD. 2014. Clearcutting and wildfire have comparable effects on growth of directly seeded interior Douglas-fir. Forest Ecol Manage 331:188-195. Bedelean B, Lazarescu C, Avramidis S. 2015. Predicting RF heating rate during pasteurization of green softwoods using artificial neural networks and Monte Carlo method. Wood Res J, 60(1):83-94. Beiler KJ, Simard SW, Durall DM. 2015. Topology of Rhizopogon spp mycorrhizal meta-networks in xeric and mesic old-growth interior Douglas-fir forests. J Ecol, doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12387. Blight L, Dreever M, Arcese P. 2015. A century of change in glaucouswinged gull (Larus glaucescens) populations in a dynamic coastal environment. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117:108-120.
Bosmans T, Stépán A, Toriz G, Renneckar S, Karabulut E, Wagberg L, Gatenholm P. 2014. Assembly of debranched xylan from solution and on nanocellulosic surfaces. Biomacromolecules 15(3):924-930. Boyle WA, Sandercock BK, Martin K. 2015. Patterns and drivers of intraspecific variation in avian life history along elevational gradients: a meta-analysis. Microbiol Rev, doi:10.1111/brv.12180. Bradford MA, Wood SA, Bardgett RD, Black HIJ, Bonkowski M, Eggers T, Grayston SJ, Kandeler E, Manning P, Setala H, Jones TH. 2014. Discontinuity in the responses of ecosystem processes and multifunctionality to altered soil community composition. Proc Nat Acad Sci 111:14478-14483. Bradford MA, Wood SA, Bardgett RD, Black HIJ, Bonkowski M, Eggers T, Grayston SJ, Kandeler E, Manning P, Setala H, Jones, TH 2014. Reply to Byrnes et al. Aggregation can obscure understanding of ecosystem multifunctionality. Proc Nat Acad Sci 111:E5491-E5491. Branton MA, Richardson JS. 2014. A test of the umbrella species approach in restored floodplain ponds. J Appl Ecol 51:776-785.
Brar S, Tsui CKM, Dhillon B, Bergeron M-J, Joly DL, Zambino PJ, El-Kassaby YA, Hamelin RC. 2015. Colonization history, host distribution, anthropogenic influence and landscape features shape populations of white pine blister rust, an invasive alien tree pathogen. PLoS ONE 10(5):e0127916. Bulkan J. 2014. Untangling Christmas lights: crafting a vision for BC’s coastal forests. Branchlines Faculty of Forestry, UBC 25(2):24-25. Bulkan J. 2014. REDD letter days: entrenching political racialization and State patronage through the NorwayGuyana REDD-plus agreement. Social Econ Studies 63(3-4):249-279. Bulkan J. 2014. Forest grabbing through forest concession practices: The case of Guyana. J Sust Forestry 33:407-434. Bull GQ, Pledger S, Splittberber M, Stephen J, Probowo A, Baker K, Singh D, Pootlass D, McLeod N. 2014. Culturally driven forest management, utilization and values: A Nuxalk First Nations case study. Forest Chron 90(5):51-58. Burnett NJ, Hinch SG, Braun DC, Casselman MT, Middleton CT, Wilson SM, Cooke SJ. 2014. Burst swimming in areas of high flow: Delayed consequences of anaerobiosis in wild adult sockeye salmon. Physiolog Biochem Zoolog 87(5):587-598. Burnett NJ, Hinch SG, Donaldson MR, Furey NB, Patterson DA, Roscoe DW, Cooke SJ. 2014. Alterations to damspill discharge influence sex-specific activity, behaviour and passage success of migrating adult sockeye salmon. Ecohydrol 7:1094-1104. Cambero C, Sowlati T. 2014. Assessment and optimization of forest biomass supply chains from economic, environmental and social perspectives. A review of literature. Renewable Sust Energy Rev 36: 62-73. Cambero C, Sowlati T, Marinescu M, Roser D. 2015. Strategic optimization of a forest residue to bioenergy and biofuels supply chain. Int J Energy Res 39:439-452.
Campbell L, Hagerman SM, Gray N. 2014. Producing targets for conservation: science and politics. 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity Special Issue: Glob Environ Politics 14:41-63. Cao L, Coops NC, Innes JL, Dai J, She G. 2014. Mapping above- and below-ground biomass components in subtropical forests using small-footprint LiDAR. Forests 5:1356-1373. Cao L, Coops NC, Hermosilla T, Innes JL, Dai J, Sha G. 2014. Using small-footprint discrete and fullwaveform airborne LiDAR metrics to estimate total biomass and biomass components in subtropical forests. J Rem Sens 2014, 6(8):7110-7135. Chamberlain B, Meitner M. 2014. A new visibility analysis toolset. In Proc ESRI International User’s Conference. San Diego, CA. http://proceedings.esri. com/library/userconf/proc14/ Chan G, Sebe G, Evans PD. 2015. Termite resistance of Scots pine modified with vinyl acetate, vinyl benzoate or phenol formaldehyde resin. 1 p in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting, Vancouver. Chandra R, Arantes V, Saddler J. 2015. Steam pretreatment of agricultural residues facilitates hemicellulose recovery while enzyme accessibility to cellulose. Biores Technol 185:302-307. Chandran A, Innes JL. 2014. The state of the forest: Reporting and communicating the state of forests by Montreal Process countries. Int Forest Rev 16(1):103-111. Chang F-C, Lam F, Kadla JF. 2014. The effect of temperature on creep behavior of wood-plastic composites. J Reinf Plast Comp 33(9):883-892. Chang CY, Zubilewich A, Fréchette E, Unda F, Mansfield SD, Ensminger I. 2015. Sensitivity of cold acclimation to elevated autumn temperature in field-grown Pinus strobus seedlings. Frontiers Plant Sci 6:165.
Chang W-Y, Gaston C. 2014. The competitiveness of Canadian softwood lumber: A disaggregated trade flow analysis. Can J Forest Res 44(12):1494-1506. Chavardes RD, Daniels LD. 2015. Wildfire legacies in Jasper National Park. Banchlines Faculty of Forestry, UBC 26(1):18-19. Che M, Chen B, Innes JL, Wang GD, Dou X, Zhou T, Zhang H, Yan J, Xu G, Zhao H. 2014. Spatial and temporal variations in the end dates of the vegetation growing season throughout the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2011. Agr Forest Meteorol 189:81-90. Chen B, Zhang H, Coops NC, Fu D, Worthy D, Black TA. 2014. Assessing scalar concentration footprint climatology and land surface impacts on tall-tower CO2 concentration measurements in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan, Canada. Theor Appl Climatol 118:115-132. Cheng K, Evans PD. 2015. Optimizing profiling to reduce the checking of Pacific silver fir decking. 18 pp in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Churchland C, Grayston SJ. 2014. Specificity of plant-microbe interactions in the tree mycorrhizosphere biome and consequences for soil C cycling. Front Microbiol 5:261. Cockle KC, Bodrati A, Lammertink M, Martin K. 2015. Cavity characteristics, but not habitat, influence nest survival of cavity-nesting birds along a gradient of human impact in the subtropical Atlantic forest. Biol Conserv 184:193-200. Cockle KL, Martin K. 2014. Temporal dynamics of a commensal network of cavity-nesting vertebrates: Increased diversity during an insect outbreak. Ecology, doi:org/10.1890/14-1256.1. Cook KV, Crossin GT, Patterson DA, Hinch SG, Gilmour KM, Cooke SJ. 2014. The stress response predicts migration failure but not migration rate in a semelparous fish. Gen Comp Endocr 202:44-49.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Coops NC, Fontana F, Wulder MA. 2014. Monitoring national-scale indirect indicators of biodiversity using a long time-series of remotely sensed imagery. Can J Rem Sens 41(3)1-14.
De La Torre A, Ingvarsson PK, Aitken SN. 2015. Genetic architecture and genomic patterns of gene flow between hybridizing species of Picea. Heredity, doi:10.1038/hdy.2015.19.
Cohen D. 2014. Forces shaping the globe’s forest and forest use. Pp 7-25 Chap 2 in Nikolakis W and Innes JL (eds). Forests and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development. The Earthscan Forest Library, Routledge NY, USA.
de Melo Teixeira M, Rodrigues AM, Tsui CK, de Almeida LGP, Van Diepeningen AD, van den Ende, Hamelin RC, Felipe MSS. 2014. Asexual propagation of a virulent clone complex in human and feline outbreak of sporotrichosis. Eukaryotic Cell EC-00153.
Corson C, Gruby R, Witter R, Hagerman SM, Suarez D, Greenburg S, Bourque M, Gray N, Campbell L. 2014. Everyone’s solution? Defining and re-defining protected areas through the Convention on Biological Diversity. Conserv Soc 12:190-202.
Dhillon B, Gill N, Hamelin RC, Goodwin SB. 2014. The landscape of transposable elements in the finished genome of the fungal wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola. BMC Genom 15(1):1132.
Craig VJ, Klenner W, Feller MC, Sullivan TP. 2015. Population dynamics of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) and long-tailed voles (M longicaudus) and their relationship to downed wood in managed forests. Mammal Res 60:29-38. Craig VJ, Klenner W, Feller MC, Sullivan T. 2014. Population dynamics of redbacked voles (Myodes gapperi) and their relationship to downed wood in managed forests of southern British Columbia. Can Wildlife Biol Manage 3:93-108. Dadswell G, Dargavel J, Evans PD. 2015. Wood collections in Australia: a history of expansion and retraction. Australian Forestry, doi:10.1080/0004 9158.2015.1011798. Daniels L, Lavallee S. 2014. Better safe than sorry: Planning for safe and successful fieldwork. Bulletin Ecol Soc Am 95:264-273. Danzig I, Closen M, Tannert T. 2014. High performance cross-laminated-timber shear connection with self-tapping screw assemblies. In Proc World Conference on Timber Engineering. De Araujo F, Hart JF, Mansfield SD. 2015. Variation in trembling aspen and white spruce wood quality grown in mixed and single species stands in the boreal mixedwood forest. Forests 6(5):1628-1648.
3 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Dhillon B, Feau N, Aerts A, Beauseigle S, Bernier L, Copeland A, Foster A, Gill N, Henrissat B, Herath P, LaButti K, Levasseur A, Lindquist E, Majoor E, Ohm R, Pangilinan J, Pribowo A, Saddler JN, Sakalidis M, de Vries R, Grigoriev I, GoodwinS, Tanguay P, Hamelin R. 2015. Horizontal gene transfer and gene dosage drives adaptation to wood colonization in a tree pathogen. Proc Nat Acad Sci 112(11):3451. Donaldson MR, Hinch SG, Jeffries KM, Patterson DA, Cooke SJ, Farrell AP, Miller KM. 2014. Species- and sexspecific responses and recovery of wild, mature Pacific salmon to an exhaustive exercise and air exposure stressor. Comp Biochem Phys A 173:7-16. Donaldson MR, Hinch SG, Suski CD, Fisk AT, Heupel MR, Cooke SJ. 2014. Making connections in aquatic ecosystems with acoustic telemetry monitoring. Front Ecol Environ 12(10):565-573. Dyanatkar S, Krzic M, Wilson J, Sidles N, Crowley C, Watson K, Sanborn P, Bedard-Haughn A, Basiliko N. 2014. SOILx: A location-based augmented reality learning tool for soil science. P 15 in Proc Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Banff, AB.
Ebadian M, Sowlati T, Sokhansanj S, Stumborg M, Townley-Smith L. 2014. Development of an integrated tactical and operational planning model for supply of feedstock to a commercial-scale bioethanol plant. Biofuel Bioprod Bioref 8:171-188. Eddy IMS, Gergel SE. 2015. Why landscape ecologists should assist life cycle approaches. Landscape Ecol 30(2):215-228. Edworthy AB, Martin K. 2014. Longterm dynamics of the characteristics of tree cavities used for nesting by vertebrates. Forest Ecol Manage 334:122-128. El-Kassaby YA, Klapste J. 2014. Genomic selection and clonal forestry revival. Pp 98-100 in Proc Third International Conference of the IUFRO 2.09.02 Woody Plant Production Integrating Genetic and Vegetative Propagation Technologies, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. El-Kassaby YA, Fayed M, Klápště J, Lstibůrek M. 2014. Randomized, replicated, staggered clonal-row (R2SCR) seed orchard design. Tree Genet Genom, doi:10.1007/ s11295-014-0703-7. Evans PD, Haase J, Shakri ABM-S, Kiguchi M. 2014. Durable exterior clear coatings for wood: The journey towards achieving the impossible? 33 pp in Proc Paint Research Association 9th International Coatings Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Evans PD, Lube V, Averdunk H, Limaye A, Turner M, Kingston A, Senden TJ. 2015. Visualizing the microdistribution of zinc borate in oriented strand board using X-ray micro-computed tomography and SEM-EDX. J Compos, doi: org/10.1155/2015/630905. Evans PD, Lube V, Averdunk H, Limaye A, Turner M, Senden TJ. 2015. Micro-distribution of zinc borate in OSB. 12 pp in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Evans PD, Matsunaga H, Averdunk H, Turner M, Limaye A, Kataoka Y, Kiguchi M, Senden TJ. 2014. Microdistribution of copper in southern pine treated with particulate wood preservatives. Chap 13 pp 227-238 in Schultz T, Nicholas DD, Goodell B (eds). Deterioration and Protection of Sustainable Biomaterials. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 1158, Washington DC, USA. Evans PD, Vollmer S, Hernandez V. 2014. Wood photostabilization & protection: Divergent evolution and future prospects. P 30 in Aulova, A, Rogelj A, Emri I, (eds), Book of Abstracts, 8th International Conference on Modification and Stabilization of Polymers, Portorož, Slovenia. Fairhurst M, Zhang X, Tannert T. 2014. Nonlinear dynamic analyses of novel timber-steel-hybrid system. World Conference on Timber Engineering World Conference on Timber Engineering. http://newbuildscanada. ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ wcte-2014_PAP352_Fairhurst.pdf Fecht S, Vallée T, Grunwald C, Tannert T. 2014. Capacity prediction of bonded beech joints under normal and elevated temperatures. World Conference on Timber Engineering data/2014/0903/888/4._Proceedings. pdf. Ferster CJ, Coops NC. 2015. Estimating forest fuels loading using multispectral remote sensing and volunteered data collected with smartphones. Digital Earth, doi:10.10 80/17538947.2014.1002865. Ferster CJ, Coops NC, Harshaw H, Kozak R, Meitner M. 2014. An exploratory assessment of a smartphone application for public participation in forest fuels measurement in the wildland-urban interface. Forests 4(4):1199-1219. Flexner JL, Jones MJ, Evans PD. 2015. Because it is a holy house of God: Buildings archaeology, globalization and community heritage in a Tana church. Int J Hist Archaeol, doi:10.1007/s10761-015-0289-2.
Funda T, Liewlaksaneeyanawin C, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Determination of paternal and maternal parentage in lodgepole pine seed: Full versus partial pedigree reconstruction. Can J For Res 44:1122-1127. Furey NB, Hinch SG, Lotto AG, Beauchamp DA. 2015. Extensive feeding on sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka smolts by bull trout Salvelinus confluentus during initial outmigration into a small, unregulated, and inland British Columbia river. J Fish Biol 86:392-401. Furness E, Nelson H, Harshaw H. 2015. Community forestry in British Columbia: Policy progression and public participation. Forest Pol Econ, doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2014.12.005. Gagnon MC, Bergeron MJ, Hamelin RC, Grünwald NJ, Bilodeau GJ. 2014. Real-time PCR assay to distinguish Phytophthora ramorum lineages using the cellulose binding elicitor lectin (CBEL) locus. Can J Plant Path 36(3):367-376. Gale MK, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ, Donaldson MR, Eliason EJ, Jeffries KM, Martins EG, Patterson DA. 2014. Observable impairments predict mortality of captured and released sockeye salmon at various temperatures. Conserv Physiol 2(1):cou029. Gao S, You C, Renneckar S, Bao J, Zhang Y-H P. 2014. New Insights into enzymatic hydrolysis of heterogeneous cellulose by using cellulose-binding module-3 containing GFP and cellulose-binding module 17-containing CFP. Biotech Biofuels 7:24. Gaskell J, Marty A, Mozuch M, Kersten PJ, Splinter BonDurant S, Sabat G, Azarpira A, Ralph J, Skyba OS, Mansfield SD, Blanchette RA, Cullen D. 2014. Influence of Populus genotype on gene expression by the wood decay fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(18):5828-5835. Gaston C. 2014. Matching market signals to the Canadian wood products value chain. Branchlines Faculty of Forestry, UBC 25(2):16-17.
Gaston C. 2014. Visual wood product trends in North American nonresidential buildings. Forest Prod J 64(3/4):107-115. Geraldes A, Hefer CA, Capron A, Kolosova N, Martinez-Nuñez F, Soolanayakanahally RY, Stanton B, Shuren R, Guy RD, Mansfield SD, Douglas CJ, Cronk QCB. 2015. Recent Y chromosome divergence despite ancient origin of dioecy in poplars (Populus). Molecul Ecol 24:3243-3256. Geraldes A, Farzaneh N, Grassa CJ, McKown AD, Guy RD, Mansfield SD, Douglas CJ, Cronk QCB. 2014. Landscape genomics of Populus trichocarpa: The role of hybridization, limited gene flow and natural selection in shaping patterns of population structure. Evolution 68:3260-3280. Gonzales E, MacDonald I, Tannert T. 2014. Exploring our campus: A showcase of innovative timber construction. Branchlines Faculty of Forestry, UBC 25(4):10-11. Griffiths JS, Tsai A, Xue H, Voiniciuc C, Sola K, Seifert GJ, Mansfield SD, Ellis BE, Haughn GW. 2014. SOS5 mediates Arabidopsis seed coat mucilage adherence and organization through pectins. Plant Physiol 165:991-1004. Grunwald C, Fecht S, Vallée T, Tannert T. 2014. Adhesively bonded timber joints – Do defects matter? J Adhesion Adhesives 55:12-17. Guo F, Wang G, Innes JL, Ma X, Sun L, Hu H. 2014. Gamma generalized linear model to investigate the effects of climate variables on the area burned by forest fire in northeast China. J For Res, doi:10.1007/s111676-015-0084-2. Guo F, Innes JL, Wang G, Ma X, Sun L, Hu H, Su Z. 2015. Historic distribution and driving factors of human-caused fires in the Chinese boreal forest between 1972 and 2005. J Plant Ecol, doi:10.1093/jpe/rtu041. Hagar JC, Eskelson BNI, Haggerty PK, Nelson SK, Vesley DG. 2014. Modeling marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat using LiDARderived canopy data. Wildlife Soc B 38(2):237-249.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Hagerman SM, Satterfield T. 2014. Agreed but not preferred: Expert views on taboo options for biodiversity conservation given climate change. Ecol Appl 24:548-559. Haghdan S, Tannert T, Smith G. 2014. Effects of reinforcement configuration and densification on impact strength of wood veneer/polyester composites. J Compos Mater 49(10):1161-1170. Hajjar R, McGuigan E, Moshofsky M, Kozak RA. 2014. Opinions on strategies for forest adaptation to future climate conditions in Western Canada: Surveys of the general public and leaders of forest-dependent communities. Can J Forest Res 44(12):1525-1533. Hamilton JA, De La Torre AR, Aitken SN. 2015. Fine-scale environmental variation contributes to introgression in a three-species spruce hybrid complex. Tree Genet Genom 11:1-14. Hansen E, Nybakk E, Panwar R. 2015. Pure versus hybrid competitive strategies in the forest sector: Performance implications. Forest Pol Econ, doi:10.1016/j. forpol.2015.02.001. Hansen E, Nybakk E, Panwar R. 2014. Innovation insights from North American forest sector research: A literature review. Forests 5(6):1341-1355. Hazneza S, Evans PD. 2015. A new mechanism to explain the erosion of softwoods during natural weathering. 1p in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. He W, Evans PD. 2015. Effectiveness of hot melt waxes as edge seals for OSB. 1p in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. Hefer CA, Mizrachi E, Myburg AA, Douglas CJ, Mansfield SD. 2015. Comparative interrogation of the developing xylem transcriptomes of two wood-forming species: Populus trichocarpa and Eucalyptus grandis. New Phytol 206:1391-1405.
5 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Hegde R, Bull GQ, Kozak RA, Wunder S. 2014. Household participation in a payments-for-environmental services program: A carbon sequestration project in Mozambique. Envir Dev Econom, doi:10.1017/. S1355770X14000631. Hermosilla T, Coops NC, Ruiz LA, Moskal LM. 2014. Deriving pseudo-vertical waveforms from small-footprint fullwaveform LiDAR data. Rem Sens Let 5(4):332-341. Hernandez VA, Evans PD. 2015. Technical note: Melanization of the wood-staining fungus Aureobasidium pullulans in response to UV radiation. Wood Fiber Sci 46(1):120-124. Higgs E, Falk DA, Guerrini A, Hall M, Harris J, Hobbs RJ, Jackson ST, Rhemtulla JM, Throop W. 2014. The changing role of history in restoration ecology. Front Ecol Environ 12(9):499-506. Hilde C, Woodward R, Avramidis S, Hartley. 2014. The acoustic properties of water submerged lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and spruce (Picea spp) wood and their suitability for use as musical instruments. Materials 7(8):5688-5699. Hilker T, Hall FG, Black TA, Coops NC, Jassal RS, Grant NF. 2014. Potentials and limitations for estimating daytime ecosystem respiration by combining tower-based remote sensing and carbon flux measurements. Rem Sens Environ 150: 44-52.
Hoffman D, Krzic M, Schmidt M, Nashon S, Lavkulich L. 2014. From forest to classroom: A web-based educational tool on forest floor description and humus form classification. Abstract 155-2 in Proc Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of America. Long Beach, CA, USA. Holmes KR, Coops NC, Nelson TA, Fontana FMA, Wulder MA. 2015. Indicators of vegetation productivity under a changing climate in British Columbia, Canada. Appl Geog 56:135-144. Hu J, Gourlay K, Valdeir Arantes, Van Dyk JS, Pribowo A, Saddler JN. 2015. The accessible cellulose surface influences cellulase synergism during the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic substrates. Chem Sus Chem, doi:10.1002/cssc.201403335. Hu J, Arantes V, Pribowo A, Gourlay K, Saddler JN. 2014. Substrate factors that influence the synergistic interaction of AA9 and cellulases during the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass. Energy Environ Sci 7:2308-2315. Huang K, Ritland K, Guo S, Shattuck M, Li B. 2014. A pair-wise relatedness estimator for tetraploids. Mol Ecol Res 14:734-744. Ibarra J T, Martin K, Altamirano TA, Vargas FH, Bonacic C. 2014. Factors associated with the detectability of owls in South–American temperate forests: Implications for nocturnal raptor monitoring. J Wildlife Manage 78:1078-1086.
Hoffman D, Krzic M, Schmidt M, Nashon S, Lavkulich L. 2014. Webbased educational tool for forest floor description and humus form classification. Abstract 153-2 in Proc Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of America. Long Beach, CA, USA.
Ibarra JT, Martin K, Drever MC, Vergara G. 2014. Occurrence patterns and niche relationships of sympatric owls in South American temperate forests: A multi-scale approach. Forest Ecol Manage 331: 281-291.
Hoffman D, Krzic M, Schmidt M, Nashon S, Lavkulich L. 2014. Development of a web-based educational tool for forest floor description and humus form classification. P35 in Proc Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Banff, AB, Canada.
Ibarra J T, Altamirano TA, Vergara G, Vargas FH, Martin K. 2014. Natural history and autecology of the austral pygmy-owl (Glaucidium nana) in the Andean temperate forest of the Araucania region, southern Chile. Edicion Especial: Aves Rapaces Del Bosque Templado Austral. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 20(2014): 00 − 00/Artículo.
Iverson M, Krzic M, Bomke AA. 2014. A framework for site assessment guides for urban impacted soils: A Vancouver case study. J Agric Food Syst Community 5(1):1-11. Iverson M, Krzic M, Dyanaktar S, Bomke A, Crowley C, Karasin K, Smukler S. 2014. Development of an interactive soil map for the city of Vancouver, BC. Pp 153-1 in Proc Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of America. Long Beach, CA, USA. Iverson M, Krzic M, Dyanaktar S, Bomke A, Crowley C, Karasin K, Smukler S. 2014. An interactive soil map for the city of Vancouver, BC. P 37 in Proc Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Banff, AB, Canada. Jackson M, Gergel SE, Martin K. 2015. Citizen science and field survey observations provide comparable results for mapping Vancouver Island white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura saxatilis) distribution. Biol Conser, doi:10.1016/j. biocon.2014.11.010. Jamali A, Evans PD. 2014. Selective removal of carbohydrates by plasma: A potential tool to reveal the lignification pattern in wood cell walls. P 26 in Guillon F, Driouich A, Pelloux J, (eds), Book of Abstracts, 10th Conference of French Network of Cell Wall (Réseau Français des Parois), 7th to 9th July, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amines, France. Jeffries KM, Hinch SG, Gale MK, Clark TD, Lotto AG, Casselman MT, Li S, Rechisky EL, Porter AD. Welch DW, Miller KM. 2014. Immune response genes and pathogen presence predict migration survival in wild salmon smolts. Mol Ecol 23:5803-5815. Jones TG, Coops NC, Gergel S, Sharma T. 2014. Employing measures of heterogeneity and an object-based approach to extrapolate tree species distribution. Data Divers 6(3):396-414. Kalcsits LA, Buschhaus HA, Guy RD. 2014. Nitrogen isotope discrimination as an integrated measure of nitrogen fluxes, assimilation and allocation in plants. Physiol Plant 151:293-304.
Kalcsits LA, Min X Guy RD. 2015. Interspecific variation in leaf-root differences in nitrogen isotope composition among three tree species grown with either nitrate or ammonium. Trees Struct Funct, doi:10.1007/s00468-015-1186-3. Kano R, Tsui CKM, Hamelin RC, Anzawa K, Mochizuki T, Nishimoto K, Hasegawa A. 2014. The MAT1-1: MAT1-2 ratio of Sporothrix globosa isolates in Japan. Mycopathologia 1-6. Kess T, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Jackknife resampling for precision measurement of direct gene flow estimates. Scan J For Res, doi:10.1080/ 02827581.2014.965196. King C, Dordel J, Krzic M, Simard SW. 2014. Integrating mobile-based learning into post-secondary education: Using a mobile gaming application to enhance a forest ecology course. J Natural Res Life Sci Educ 43(1):117-125. Klápšte J, Lstiburek M, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Estimates of genetic parameters and breeding values from western larch open-pollinated families using marker-based relationship. Tree Genetic Genom 10:241-249. Korecký J, Lstibůrek M, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Congruence between theory and practice: Reduced contamination rate following phenotypic preselection within the Breeding without Breeding framework. Scand J For Res, 5616. Krzic M, Hoffman D, Wilson J, Schmidt M, Lavkulich L. 2014. Bringing forest floor and humus forms classification to life using multimedia and mobilebased learning. Pp 155-1 in Proc 2014 Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of America. Long Beach, CA, USA. Krzic M, Wilson J, Basiliko N, BedardHaughn A, Hymphreys E, Dyanatkar S, Hazlett P, Strivelli R, Crowley C, Dampier L. 2014. Soil 4 Youth: charting new territory in Canadian high school soil science education. Nat Sci Educ 43:73-80.
Krzic M, Bomke AA, Sylvestre M, Brown SJ. 2015. Teaching sustainable soil management: A framework for using problem-based learning. Nat Sci Educ 44:43-50. Krzic M, Wilson J, Rogic N, Engle W. 2014. Learning horizons: Implementing a collaborative, reusable, and multi-layered soilweb200 educational tool. P 43 in Proc Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Banff, AB, Canada. Krzic M, Lamagna SF, Newman RF, Bradfield G, Wallace B. 2014. Longterm grazing effects on rough fescue grassland soils in southern British Columbia. Can J Soil Sci 94:337-345. Lamarche J, Stewart D, Pelletier G, Hamelin RC, Tanguay P. 2014. Real-time PCR detection and discrimination of the Ceratocystis coerulescens complex and of the fungal species from the Ceratocystis polonica complex validated on pure cultures and bark beetle vectors. Can J For Res 44(9):1103-1111. Lapointe NWR, Cooke SJ, Imhof JG, Boisclair D, Casselman JM, Curry RA, Langer OE, McLaughlin RL, Minns CK, Post JR, Power M, Rasmussen JB, Reynolds JD, Richardson JS, Tonn WM. 2014. Principles for ensuring healthy and productive freshwater ecosystems that support sustainable fisheries. Environ Rev 22:110-134. Lazarescu C, Breuil C, Avramidis S. 2015. Phytosanitation of mountain pine beetle infected lodgepole pine using dielectric fields at radio frequencies. MADERAS, doi:10.4067/ S0718-221X2015005000021. Lee R, Bradfield G, Krzic M, Newman R, Cumming P. 2014. Plant community – soil relationships in a topographically diverse grassland in southern interior British Columbia. Can Bot 92:837-845. Levesque-Tremblay G, Müller K, Mansfield SD, Haughn GW. 2015. Highly methyl esterified seeds is a pectin methyl esterase involved in embryo development. Plant Physiol 167:725-737.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Levy-Booth, Prescott CE, Grayston SJ. 2014. Microbial functional genes involved in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification in forest ecosystems. Soil Biol Biochem 75:11-25.
Lu Y, Coops NC, Wang T, Wang G, 2014. A process-based approach to estimate Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Distribution and productivity in Southern China under climate change. Forests 6(2):360-379
Li Z, He M, Lam F, Li M, Ma R, Ma Z. 2014. Finite element modeling and parametric analysis of timber-steel hybrid structures. Struct Des Tall Special Buildings 23(14):1045-1063.
Lu Y, Coops NC, Bolton DK, Wang T, Wang G. 2015. Comparing stem volume predictions of coastal Douglas-fir stands in British Columbia using a simple physiological model and LiDAR. Forest Sci 61(3)27:586-596.
Li Z, He M, Li M, Lam F. 2014. Damage assessment and performance-based seismic design of timber-steel hybrid shear wall systems. Earthquakes Struc 7(1):101-117. Lim SS, Innes JL, Meitner M. 2015. Public awareness of aesthetic and other forest values associated with sustainable forest management: A cross-cultural comparison among the public in four countries. J Environ Manage 150:243-249. Lindgren PMF, Sullivan TP. 2015. Mule deer - cattle interactions in managed coniferous forests during seasonal grazing periods in southern British Columbia. Can Wildlife Res, doi: org/10.1071/WR14134 . Liu Y, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Timing of seed germination correlated with temperature-based environmental conditions during seed development in conifers. Seed Sci Res, doi:10.1017/ S0960258514000361 Liu J, Innes JL. 2015. Participatory forest management in China: Key challenges and ways forward. Int Forestry Rev 17(2). Lovatt C, Kominoski JS, Sakamaki T, Macleod B, Richardson JS. 2014. Leaf-litter leachate and light interactively enhance accrual of stream biofilms. Fundam Appl Limnol 184:297-306. Lstibůrek M, Stejskal J, Misevicius A, Korecký J, El-Kassaby YA. 2015. Expansion of the minimuminbreeding seed orchard design to operational scale. Tree Genet Genom 11:12.
7 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Lyons CK. 2015. New development of a remotely operated falling wedge Forest Chron 91(2):176-181. MacDonald EC, Camfield AF, Jankowski JE, Martin K. 2014. An alpine breeding songbird can adjust dawn incubation rhythms to annual thermal regimes. The Auk 131(4):495-506. Mallett J, Kalyanasundaram S, Evans PD. 2015. Three-dimensional digital image correlation of strains in profiled wood decking exposed to wetting & drying. 1 p in Proc Canadian Wood Preservation Association Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. Man CD, Lyons KC, Nelson JD, Bull GQ. 2015. Cost to produce carbon credits by reducing the harvest level in British Columbia, Canada. Forest Pol Econ 52:9-17. Marcoux HM, Daniels LD, Gergel SE, Silva ED, Gedalof ZM, Hessburg PF. 2015. Differentiating mixed- and highseverity fire regimes in mixed-conifer forests of the Canadian cordillera. Forest Ecol Manage 341:45-58. Martin K. 2014. Avian Strategies for living at high elevation: Life-history variation and coping mechanisms in mountain habitats. In Proc British Ornithological Annual Conference, Leicester, UK. www. bouproc-net/uplands/martin.pdf. Mascorro VS, Coops NC, Kurz WA, Olguin M. 2015. Attributing changes in land cover using independent disturbance datasets: A case study of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Reg Environ Change, doi:10.1007/ s10113-014-0739-0.
McDonald I, Evans PD. 2014. Enhancing undergraduate and industry education using blended learning: Creating pedagogical and operational synergies online. Pp 224-238 in Westover JH, Westover, JP (eds) Engaging Hybrid and Blended Learning. Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign, Illinois, USA. McDowell N, Coops NC, Beck P, Chambers J, et al. 2015. How global satellite monitoring improves our knowledge of vegetation disturbances. Trends Plant Sci 20(2):114-123. McKown AD, Klápště J, Guy RD, Geraldes A, Porth I, Hannemann J, Friedmann M, Muchero W, Tuskan GA, Ehlting J, Cronk QCB, El-Kassaby YA, Mansfield SD, Douglas CJ. 2014. Genome-wide association implicates numerous genes underlying ecological trait variation in natural populations of Populus trichocarpa. New Phytol 203:535-553. McKown AD, Guy RD, Quamme L, Klápště J, La Mantia J, Constabel CP, El-Kassaby YA, Hamelin RD, Zifkin M, Azam MS. 2014. Association genetics, geography and ecophysiology link stomatal patterning in Populus trichocarpa with carbon gain and disease resistance trade-offs. Molec Ecol 23:5771-5790. Mewalal R, Mizrachi E, Mansfield SD, Myburg AA. 2014. Cell wall-related proteins of unknown function: Missing links in plant cell wall development. Plant Cell Physiol 55(6):1031-1043. Michaud JS, Coops NC, Andrew ME, Wulder MA, Brown GD, Rickbeil GJM. 2014. Estimating moose (Alces alces) occurrence and abundance from remotely derived environmental indicators. Rem Sens Environ152:190-201. Miller K, Teffer AK, Patterson D, Tucker S, Li S, Schulze A, Tabata A, Kaukinen K, Ginther N, Juanes F, Ming T, Cooke S, Hipfner M, Trudel M, Hinch SG. 2014. Infectious disease, shifting climates and opportunistic predators: cumulative factors potentially impacting wild salmon declines. Evol Appl 7:812-855.
Mizrachi E, Maloney VJ, Silberbauer J, Hefer CA, Berger DK, Mansfield SD, Myburg AA. 2015. Investigating the molecular underpinnings underlying morphology and changes in carbon partitioning during tension wood formation in Eucalyptus. New Phytol 206(4):1351-1363.
Neuner S, Albrecht A, Cullmann D, Engels F, Griess VC, Hahn WA, Hanewinkel M, Härtl F, Kölling C, Staupendahl K, Knoke T. 2014. Survival of Norway spruce remains higher in mixed stands under a dryer and warmer climate. Glob Change Biol 21(2):935-946.
Mobini M., Meyers J, Trippe F, Sowlati T, Froehling M, Schultmann F. 2014. Assessing the integration of torrefaction into the wood pellet production. J Clean Produc 78:216-225.
Newman RF, Krzic M, Wallace BM 2014. Differing effects of biosolids on native plants in grasslands of southern British Columbia. J Environ Qual 43:1672-1678.
Olsen C, Arantes V, Saddler JN. 2015. Optimization of chip size and moisture content to obtain high, combined sugar recovery after sulfur dioxide-catalyzed steam pretreatment of softwood and enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulosic component. Bioresource Technol 187:288-298. Pahl S, Sheppard SRH, Boomsma C, Groves C. 2014. Perceptions of time in relation to climate change. WIREs Climate Change 5(3):375-388.
Muchero W, DiFazio SP, Guo J, Chen J-G, Ranjan P, Slavov GT, Gunter LE, Jawdy S, Bryan AC, Sykes R, Ziebell A, Klápště J, Porth I,Skyba O,Unda F, El-Kassaby YA, Douglas CJ, Mansfield SD, Martin J, Schackwitz W, Evans LM, Czarnecki O, Tuskan GA 2015. High-resolution genetic mapping of allelic variants associated with cell wall chemistry in Populus. BMC Genomics 2015 16:24.
Nguyen VM, Martins EG, Raby GD, Donaldson MR, Lotto AG, Patterson DA, Robichaud D, English KK, Farrell AP, Willmore WG, Rudd MA, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ. 2014. Disentangling the roles of air exposure, gillnet injury, and facilitated recovery on the postcapture and release mortality and behavior of adult migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in freshwater. Physiol Biochemical Zool 87(1):125-135.
Panwar R, Toppinen A. 2014. Sustainability through the private sector initiatives: Forest certification and corporate social responsibility. Pp 247-253 in Bhojvaid P, Khandekar N (eds), Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: A Paradigm Shift, Volume I. Forest Research Institute press. Dehradun, India.
Nadeau M, Sullivan TP. 2015. Relationships between plant biodiversity and soil fertility in a mature tropical forest, Costa Rica. Int J Forest Res Article ID 732946.
Nikolakis W, Nelson H. 2015. To log or not to log? How forestry fits with the goals of First Nations in British Columbia. Can J For Res 45(6):639-646.
Napolitano C, Johnson WE, Sanderson J, O’Brien SJ, Hoelzel AR, Freer R, Dunstone N, Ritland K, Ritland CE, Poulin E. 2014. Phylogeography and population history of Leopardus guigna, the smallest American felid. Conserv Genet 15: 631-653.
Nikolakis W, Nelson H, Cohen D. 2014. Who pays attention to indigenous peoples in sustainable development and why? Evidence from socially responsible investment mutual funds in North America. Organ Environ, doi:10.1177/1086026614546812.
Panwar R, Nybakk E, Pinkse J, Hansen E. 2015. Being good when not doing well: Examining the effect of the economic downturn on small manufacturing firms’ ongoing sustainability-oriented initiatives. Organ Environ, doi:10.1177/1086026615573842.
Nelson H, Hopkins K, Macaulay C. 2014. Informing forest management policy, practice and professionals in BC. Results from the ABCFP Survey on Barriers to Adaptation. BC Forest Prof Mag Nov-Dec 2014.
Nilausen C, Gelinas N, Bull GQ. 2014. Proposed research on social perception of marker-assisted selection and its role in the forests of British Columbia. Forest Chron 90(5):38-41.
Panwar R, Paul K, Nybakk E, Hansen E, Thompson D. 2014. The legitimacy of CSR actions of publicly traded companies versus familyowned companies. J Bus Ethic 125(3):481-496.
Neufeld K, Smukler SM, Grayston S, Bittman S, Hunt D, Krzic M. 2014. Soil microbial community composition and activity after ten years of application of whole and separated dairy slurry and ammonium nitrate fertilizer on a tall fescue grassland. P 52 in Proc Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Soil Science. Banff, AB, Canada.
Nogueira GS, Marshall PL, Leite HG, Campos JCC. 2015. Thinning intensity and pruning impacts on Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. Int J Forest Res 2015:ID168390.
Panwar R, Hansen E, Pinkse J, Nybakk E. 2014. Small firms; ongoing CSR initiatives amidst a financial downturn. Proc Acad Man, doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2014.10692
Nybakk E, Panwar R. 2015. Understanding instrumental motivations for social responsibility engagement in a microfirm context. Bus Ethics: Euro Rev 24(1):18-33.
Paudel S, Simard S, Nitschke C, Innes JL. 2015. Climate variation and disturbance regime affect stand composition and structure of the boreal forests in Southwest Yukon of Canada. Open J Forest 5:337-352.
Panwar R, Hansen E, Kozak R. 2014. Evaluating social and environmental issues by integrating the legitimacy gap with expectational gaps: An empirical assessment of the forest industry. Bus Soc 53(6):853-875.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Paul C, Griess VC, Havardi-Burger N, Weber M. 2014. Timber-based agrisilviculture improves financial viability of hardwood plantations: a case study from Panama. Agrofor Syst 89:217-235.
Pickell P, Hermosilla T, Coops NC, Masek JG, Franks S, Huang C. 2014. Monitoring anthropogenic disturbance trends in an industrialized boreal forest with Landsat time series. Rem Sens Let 5:783-792.
Pickell PD, Andison DW, Coops NC, Gergel SE, Marshall PL. 2015. The spatial patterns of anthropogenic disturbance in the western Canadian boreal forest following oil and gas development. Can J Forest Res, doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2014-0546.
Pickell PD, Gergel SE, Coops NC, Andison DW. 2014. Monitoring forest change in landscapes under-going rapid energy development: Challenges and new perspectives. Land 3:617-638.
Pickell PD, Gergel SE, Coops NC Andison DW. 2014. Monitoring forest change in landscapes undergoing rapid energy development: Challenges and new perspectives. Land 3(3):617-638 Pec GJ, Karst J, Sywenky A, Cigan PW, Erbilgin N, Simard SW, Cahill Jr FF. 2015. Rapid increases in forest understory diversity and productivity following a mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, outbreak. PLOS One, doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0124691. Pendleton AL, Smith KE, Feau N, Martin FM, Grigoriev IV, Hamelin RC, Nelson CD, Burleigh JG, Davis JM. 2014. Duplications and losses in gene families of rust pathogens highlight putative effectors. Frontiers Plant Sci 5:299. Perkin EK, Hölker F, Tockner K, Richardson JS. 2014. Artificial light as a disturbance to light-naïve streams. Freshwat Biol 59:2235-2244. Petty AM, Isendahl C, BrenkertSmith H, Goldstein DJ, Rhemtulla JM, Rahman A, Kumasi T. 2015. Maintenance and change in socialecological systems: applying historical ecology to the study of resource management institutions. Glob Environ Change 31:1-10. Philpott TJ, Prescott CE, Chapman WK, Grayston S. 2014. Nitrogen translocation and accumulation by a cord-forming fungus (Hypholoma fasciculare) into simulated woody debris. Forest Ecol Manage 315:121-128.
9 UBC Faculty of Forestry
Pickles BJ, Twieg BD, O’Neill GA, Mohn, WW, Simard SW. 2015. Local adaptation in migrated interior Douglas-fir seedlings is mediated by ectomycorrhizae and other soil factors. New Phytologist, doi:10.1111/ nph.13360. Pillai K. Navarro F, Zhang W, Renneckar S. 2014. Towards biomimicking wood: Fabricated free-standing films of nanocellulose, lignin, and a synthetic polycation. J Visualized Experiments, doi:10.3791/51257. Piltan M, Sowlati M, T. 2014. A review of partnership studies in the forest products value chains – with a focus on developed countries (US, Canada and Western Europe). Forest Prod J 64(1/2): 4-10. Pledger S, Ghafghazi S, Bull GQ, Mabee W. 2014. Analyzing forest biomass supply chains using agent based simulation modeling. fileadmin/vco/documents/Executives_ Summary/VCO_Executive_Summary_ PLEDGER_VF.pdf. Pointeau VM, Guy RD. 2014. Comparative resource-use efficiencies and growth of Populus trichocarpa and Populus balsamifera under glasshouse conditions. Bot 92:443-451. Porth I, Boyland M, Ahmed S, El-Kassaby YA, Bull G. 2015. Forest genomics research and development in Canada: Priorities for developing an economic framework. Forest Chron 91:1-13. Porth I, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Current status of the development of genetically modified (GM) forest trees world-wide: A comparison with the development of other GM plants in agriculture CAB Reviews, doi:10.1079/ PAVSNNR20149008.
Porth I, El-Kassaby YA. 2014. Assessment of the genetic diversity in forest tree populations using molecular markers. Diversity 6:283-295. Powers RP, Hermosilla T, Coops NC, Chen G. 2015. Remote sensing and object-based techniques for mapping fine-scale industrial disturbances. Int J Applied Earth Observ Geoinfo 34:51-57. Raby GD, Donaldson MR, Nguyen VM, Taylor MK, Sopinka NM, Cook KV, Patterson DA, Robichaud D, Hinch SG, Cooke JS. 2014. Bycatch mortality of endangered coho salmon: Impacts, solutions, and aboriginal perspectives. Ecol Appl 24:1803-1819. Ragauskas AJ, Beckham GT, Biddy MJ, Chandra R, Chen F, Davis MF, Davison BH, Dixon RA, Gilna P, Keller M, Langan P, Naskar AK, Saddler JN, Tschaplinski TJ, Tuskan GA, Wyman CE. 2014. Lignin valorization: Improving lignin processing in the biorefinery. Science, doi:10.1126/ science.1246843. Rechisky EL, Welch DW, Porter AD, Furey NB, Hinch SG. 2014. Telemetrybased estimates of early marine survival and residence time of juvenile sockeye salmon in the Strait of Georgia and discovery passage, 2013. Pp 213-127 in Perry, RI (ed). State of physical, biological, and selected fishery resources of P DFO. Can Sci Advis Sec Res Doc 3102. Reid J, Arcese P, Keller L, Losdat S. 2014. Genetic covariance between components of male reproductive success: within-pair versus extra-pair paternity in song sparrows. J Evol Biol 27(10):2046-56. Reid J, Duthie BA, Wolak M, Arcese P. 2015. Demographic mechanisms of inbreeding adjustment through extra-pair reproduction. J Animal Ecol, doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12340. Reid J, Keller L, Marr A, Nietlisbach P, Sardell R, Arcese P. 2014. Pedigree error due to extra-pair reproduction substantially biases estimates of inbreeding depression. Evolution 68(3):802-15.
Reyes R, Nelson H. 2014. A tale of two forests: Why forests and forest conflicts are both growing in Chile. Int Forest Rev 16:4. Richardson JS, Béraud S. 2014. Effects of riparian forest harvest on streams: A meta-analysis. J Appl Ecol 51:1712-1721.
Semple KE, Smola M, Hoffman J, Smith GD. 2014. Optimizing the stranding of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) culms using a CAE 6/36 disk flaker. Pp 257-269 in Proc 57th International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology, Zvolen, Slovakia.
Simard SW. 2015. Conversations in the forest: The roots of Nature Equanimity. SGI Quarterly, 79: 8-9. Simard SW, Martin K, Vyse A, Larson B. 2013. Meta-networks of fungi, fauna and flora as agents of complex adaptive systems. Chap 7, pp 133-164 in Puettmann K, Messier C, Coates KD (eds). Managing World Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems: Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. Routledge. NY, USA.
Rickbeil GJM, Coops NC, Drever MC, Nelson TA. 2014. Assessing coastal species distribution models through the integration of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric data. J Biogeog 41(8):1614-1625.
Semple KE, Smola M, Zhang K, Smith GD. 2015. Hybrid oriented strand boards made from moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) and Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) Part I: Uniformly mixed single layer uni-directional boards. Euro J Wood Prod 73:515-525.
Roach WJ, Simard SW, Sachs DL. 2015. Evidence against planting lodgepole pine monocultures in cedar-hemlock forests in southern British Columbia. Forestry, doi:10.1093/forestry/cpv005
Semple KE, Xian D, Smith GD. 2014. Reinforced-core particleboard for improved fastener holding ability. Wood Fiber Sci 46(1):48-64.
Sniezko RA, Smith J, Liu J J, Hamelin RC. 2014. Genetic resistance to fusiform rust in southern pines and white pine blister rust in white pines – A contrasting tale of two rust pathosystems – current status and future prospects. Forests 5(9):2050-2083.
Semple KE, Sam-Brew S, Deng J, Cote F, Chen Z, Yan N, Smith GD. 2015. Properties of commercial Kraft paper honeycomb furniture stock panels conditioned under 65% and 95% relative humidity. Forest Prod J 65(3/4).
Song Y, Simard SW, Carroll AL, Mohn WW, Zeng RS. 2015. Defoliation of interior Douglas-fir elicits carbon transfer and stress signalling to ponderosa pine neighbors through ectomycorrhizal networks. Sci Rep 5(8495):1-9.
Semple KE, Zhang PK, Smith GD. 2015. Hybrid oriented strand boards made from moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) Part II: Speciesseparated three-layer boards. Euro J Wood Prod 73:527-536.
Song YY, Simard SW, Carroll AL, Mohn WW, Zheng RS. 2015. Defoliation of interior Douglas-fir elicits carbon transfer and defense signalling to ponderosa pine neighbors through ectomycorrhizal networks. Nat Sci Rep, doi: 10.1038/srep08495(2015).
Sena JS, Giguere I, Boyle B, Rigault P, Birol I, Zuccolo A, Ritland K, Ritland C, Bohlmann J, Jones S, Bousquet J, Mackay J 2014. Evolution of gene structure in the conifer Picea glauca: A comparative analysis of the impact of intron size. BMC Plant Biol 14:95.
Sopinka NM, Hinch SG, Middleton CT, Hills JA, Patterson DA. 2014. Mother knows best, even when stressed? Effects of maternal exposure to a stressor on offspring performance at different life stages in a wild semelparous fish. Oecologia 175:493-500.
Rodríguez K, Sundberg J, Gatenholm P, Renneckar S. 2014. Electrospun nanofibrous cellulose scaffolds with controlled microarchitecture. Carbohyd Polym 100(16):143-149. Schoch CL, Robbertse B, Robert V, Vu D, Cardinali G, Irinyi L, Meyer W, Hamelin, RC, et al. 2014. Finding needles in haystacks: Linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi. Database 2014:bau061. Schroth O, Angel J, Sheppard SRH, Dulic A. 2014. Visual climate change communication: From iconography to locally framed 3D visualization. J Environ Comm, doi:10.1080/1752403 2.2014.906478. Schuster R, Martin T, Arcese P. 2014. Bird community conservation and carbon offsets in Western North America PLoS One, doi: 10.1371/journal. pone0099292. Semple KE, Smith GD. 2014. Theoretical models for bamboo strand recovery and width distribution. Pp 401-408 in Proc Processing Technologies for the Forest and Biobased Products Industries. Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Kuchl, Austria.
Serapiglia MJ, Gouker FE, Hart JF, Unda F, Mansfield SD, Stipanovic AJ, Smart LB. 2015. Ploidy level affects important biomass traits of novel shrub willow (Salix) hybrids. BioEnergy Res 8:259-269. Shabani N, Sowlati T, Ouhimmou M, Ronnqvist M. 2014. Tactical supply chain planning for a forest biomass power plant under supply uncertainty. Energy Int J 78:346-355.
Stenroth K, Hoover TM, Herrmann J, Bohman I, Richardson JS. 2014. A model-based comparison of organic matter dynamics in between riparianforested and open-canopy streams. Riparian Ecol Cons 2:1-13. Stephen JD, Mabee WE, Saddler JN. 2014. The ability of cellulosic ethanol to compare for feedstock and investment with other forest bioenergy options. Ind Biotechnol 10(2):115-125.
Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS. 2014. Responses of red-backed voles (Myodes gapperi) to windrows of woody debris along forest-clearcut edges. Wildlife Res 41:212-221. Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS. 2014. Diversifying clearcuts with greentree retention and woody debris structures: Conservation of mammals across forest ecological zones. Silva Fennica 48(5) article id 1219.
Tomaselli M, Kozak RA, Hajjar R, Timko J, Jarjusey A, Camara K. 2014. Small forest-based enterprises in The Gambia: Opportunities and challenges, Chap 19 in Katila P, Galloway G, de Jong W, Pacheco P Mery G, (eds). Forests Under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues. International Union of Forest Research Organizations/World Forests, Society and Environment, Vienna, Austria.
Sullivan TP, Sullivan DS. 2014. Fertilization, cattle grazing, and voles: Collapse of meadow vole populations in young forests? Wildlife Res 41:367-378.
Tompalski P, Coops NC, White JC, Wulder MA. 2015. Augmenting site index estimation with airborne laser scanning data. Forest Sci, doi. org/10.5849/forsci.14-175.
Tallis H, Lubchenco J and 238 co-signatories. 2014. A call for inclusive conservation Nature 515: 27-28.
Tompalski P, Coops NC, White JC, Wulder MA. 2014. Simulating the impacts of error in species and height upon stand volume for airborne LiDAR Forest Ecol Manage 327:167-177.
Taylor MK, Hasler CT, Hinch SG, Lewis B, Schmidt DC, Cooke SJ. 2014. Reach-scale movements of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) relative to hydropeaking operations in the Columbia River, Canada. Ecohydrol 7:1079-1086.
Tomscha SA, Gergel SE. 2015. Historic land surveys present opportunities for reconstructing frontier settlement patterns in North America. Landscape Ecol 30: 203-213.
Taylor MK, Hasler CT, Findlay CS, Lewis B, Schmidt DC, Hinch SG, Cooke SJ. 2014. Hydrologic correlates of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) swimming activity in a hydropeaking river. River Res Appl 30(6):756-765.
Treu R, Karst J, Randall M, Pec GJ, Cigan P, Simard SW, Cooke J, Erbilgin N, Cahill Jr, JF. 2014. Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi following mountain pine beetle infestation. Ecology 95:1096-1103.
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Annual Report Publications, April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
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