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Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science

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Trees of Campus

Trees of Campus

Edited by Maja Krzic (UBC), Fran Walley (University of Saskatchewan), Amanda Diochon (Lakehead University), Maxime Pare (University of Québec in Chicoutimi) and Rich Farrell (University of Saskatchewan)

This free online textbook, available in English and French, is written by 41 authors. The textbook includes 17 chapters that cover the core sub-disciplines of soil science, an overview of soils distribution across Canada explained in the context of the Canadian system of soil classification and a glossary of common terminology. openpress.usask.ca/soilscience


Recarbonizing Global Soils:

A Technical Manual of Recommended Management Practices

Volume 5: Forestry, Wetlands, Urban Soils Practices Overview

Edited by members of FAO and ITPS

Soils sequester and hold more organic carbon than both ground vegetation and the atmosphere combined. In this technical manual, more than 400 international soil management experts – including Faculty of Forestry Profs. Cindy Prescott and Sue Grayston – have attempted to standardize data on soil management practices in a variety of contexts and at different scales. fao.org/soils-portal/resources

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