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A passion for conservation

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Bi omaterials

Growing up in Ho Chi Minh City, chances to visit nature are rare. I wanted to be in forestry to find ways to bring nature to people so that they can appreciate the nature around them.


What have you liked most about your program so far?

I appreciate that my program is not only science-based but also very social-based. I have learned about Indigenous rights, local community rights and inclusive conservation. It has made me realize how sheltered I was before. Conservation isn’t just an environmental field, it’s also a community field.

Tell me a bit about your extracurricular activities

I don’t have a lot of spare time! But, I do enjoy hiking in BC. During the academic year, a lot of my time is spent as an academic and teaching assistant for multiple UBC courses; sitting on several committees; and volunteering for projects, such as the Learning Buddies Network, which offers free literacy and math skills mentoring to elementary school students.

What are your career aspirations?

After my co-op position as an outreach team member with Parks Canada, I found that my passion lies in science communication and outreach. I want to eventually go back to Vietnam to raise awareness and teach people about conservation. Currently, conservation back home simply means not littering. There’s no discussion on demand reduction, sustainable living, local involvement or inclusive conservation, and I want to change this. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do after I graduate yet. I would very much like to find a position that fits me, then eventually find my research interest for my higher academic career.

What are you looking forward to in the final year of your studies?

While not knowing what I will do after graduation scares me a little, I’m looking forward to finishing up my bachelor’s degree and applying my knowledge to real-life situations.

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