SAP Canada and UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

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SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

The UBC Learning Exchange thanks SAP Canada and its employees for their exceptional support of the Reading Week Community Service Projects.

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The UBC Learning Exchange The UBC Learning Exchange is an expression of the University of British Columbia’s strong commitment to community engagement. Based in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, the Learning Exchange consists of two major program areas. First, the Learning Exchange offers marginalized residents resources designed to inspire them to become life-long learners and active citizens and second, the Learning Exchange connects UBC students with inner city schools and non-profit organizations where they contribute to community programs while learning about important social issues, developing their interpersonal skills, and gaining clarity about their own educational and career goals. Since 1999, the Learning Exchange has been working closely with the Vancouver Board of Education, because we both strongly believe that having UBC students mentor inner city children and youth is a powerful way to prevent them from “falling through the cracks”. UBC students support elementary and secondary students in a variety of subject areas, including math, reading, and science. They also lead a wide range of after-school programs and special projects.

“You are going to have a tremendous opportunity to connect with the kids in a way that will have an impact on their sense of self-confidence and well-being and self-esteem, and will really, truly make a difference in their learning. You’ll also have an opportunity to serve as powerful role models, and . . . you are going to learn and grow from your experiences.” ~ Lynn Green, Associate Superintendent for the Vancouver Board of Education Page 2 • SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

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What are Reading Week Community Service Projects? One of the most important and powerful ways that UBC students engage with inner-city children is through our Reading Week (spring break) community service projects. The Reading Week program immerses UBC students in three-day projects in which they work side-by-side with elementary school children. The projects meet the priorities of local inner city schools, while connecting children with enthusiastic mentors. For the UBC students who want their university learning to be applied to real-life issues beyond the classroom, it’s energizing and eye-opening to collaborate with the children on activities such as a literacy fair, a hands-on science project, or the creation of a community garden. SAP Canada, formerly Business Objects, began providing financial support for the Learning Exchange’s Reading Week program in 2005. At that time, there were 150 UBC students participating in the program. With SAP’s strong and consistent support, this has grown significantly. And now, the program involves about 300 UBC students and 1200 children every year.

“The mentoring of positive role models has had a great impact on my students’ outlook. They see successful university students, who are just as enthusiastic and dedicated to their project as they are. Many of my students thrive on these interactions and some of them even begin to see themselves as future university students.” ~Justin Borsato, Teacher, Britannia Elementary Page 4 • SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

“This is what has been missing from my education!” ~UBC student, Reading Week 2009

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SAP Canada Employee Involvement Since 2008, SAP employees have been participating in a unique leadership training program through the Learning Exchange. Combining talent development and corporate social responsibility, participants in the Community Leadership Program take part in leadership workshops and then practice what they have learned by leading a team of UBC students in a project at an inner-city school. The program has been a win-win for all involved. SAP employees refine their leadership skills, while learning about important social issues and contributing to Vancouver schools. And the Learning Exchange gets enthusiastic project leaders, who bring a diverse experiences and perspectives that enrich the projects.

“I’m proud to be part of an organization that motivates its staff through opportunities of leadership in the community. This program was not a handout to underprivileged kids; it was an opportunity for Business Objects’ future leaders to see how we can impact individuals and communities with our knowledge, language, and attitude. The experiences that I gained through the program are directly applicable to my career. Business Objects has always been is in the business of changing companies through information but is also demonstrated to me that we can change communities through our people. Thank you BOBJ.” ~Farshad Bayati, SAP Canada Employee, Reading Week 2008

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“One feedback I had, directly quoted from a student was: ‘You are a great leader. You really listen to us.’ It serves as an encouragement and a confirmation to my belief in leadership: that as a leader, I am really a comrade who is watching the back of whoever there is in my team, to make sure they can face the challenges ahead and offer assistance whenever asked.” ~SAP Canada Employee, Reading Week 2008 SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010 • Page 1

Feedback from SAP Canada Employees

“Leading a team that was focused on working within an inner city school, with children that came from underprivileged environments provided an opportunity for true reflection on the importance of investing in the lives of others. At the base of any leadership role there is the inherent responsibility to invest in the success of others. Participation in a program such as this gives the opportunity to provide meaningful input into the lives of others, and as a result, is great practice for leadership both in the community and in the workplace.” ~Keith Metcalfe, SAP Canada Employee, Reading Week 2008

“Through my participation in the Emerging Leaders opportunity I gained more insight to what I respect, respond to and appreciate within a leader. The program made me really examine my perspective on leadership in contrast to the archetypal stereo-types we all have at a superficial level. By analyzing and recognizing are own strengths and discussing the concepts of relational leadership and emotional intelligence, I was able to define the type of leader I want to be and how my existing strengths champion that leadership within me.” ~Wode Corchesne, SAP Canada Employee, Reading Week 2008

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“Some of the projects were so well done and the kids who were really into their topic, really got into it! My favorite –project was the Pythagorean Theorem. I was expecting it to be quite difficult because one child was deaf and the other was a bit hyperactive with a learning disability and a low level in math and reading. In the end, they had one of the best exhibits and presentations. They were calculating square roots, explaining the Pythagorean theorem to passerby’s and even remembered the word “hypotenuse!” They had so much energy and were so excited that they were doing this higher level math.” ~SAP Canada Employee, Reading Week 2008

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Reading Week Community Service Projects Now This year, UBC’s two-week long Olympic reading break allowed the Learning Exchange to engage 500 UBC students with 2000 school children – the largest number of university students ever. Many of the projects had Olympic themes. For example, SAP employee James Phu led Britannia Elementary’s “Math Behind the Olympics” project. Through this project a group of very keen UBC students teamed up with grade 7 students to understand some difficult math concepts. For example, the students learned about speed, distance, and velocity by racing down the gym in bobsleds made with help from their UBC mentors. The project’s UBC student leader, Marley Macvey, is a math major and was excited to be doing a project in her field of study. “When I think of learning math as a kid, it could be daunting. What made the difference for me was when I was told to think of all the equations and formulas as tools in a toolbox that’s essential for everyday life.” Marley hoped that her own passion for math would inspire the kids.

“At Britannia we have seen a dramatic increase in student work habits, focus, and attendance during Reading Week projects with the UBC Learning Exchange. Being part of this project has become a critical part of what it means to be in Grade 7 at Britannia and successive grades look forward to it each year.” ~Greg Barnes, Principal, Britannia Elementary Page 10 • SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

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Reading Week Community Service Projects Inspire! Many UBC students and project leaders hope to inspire school children through their participation in the Reading Week projects. However, they are often surprised to find themselves equally inspired by the kids. SAP employee, Ally Peerbocus, the leader of the “Math and Science Fiesta” at Macdonald Elementary, experienced this. His project paired up UBC students with students in grades 4, 5, and 6 to create projects for a science fair that took place on the final day of the project. Using mathematics to help understand the data they collected, the students’ projects ranged dramatically from experimenting with food colouring in order to learn about the capillary action in plants to testing the effectiveness of household substances in cleaning pennies to determining how best to get a volcano to explode. While inspired by the students’ creativity, enthusiasm, and hard work, Ally reported that his greatest source of inspiration came early on the morning of the second day, well before anybody was working on their projects. Ally and his student leaders were preparing for the day when they noticed a child’s drawing on the classroom floor. They assumed it had fallen from a nearby bulletin board until a similar drawing mysteriously appeared on the floor the next morning. Clearly slipped under the door by a student, this one had a message written in orange felt pen stating, “Thank you for helping me.”

“The kids inspired me so much, I think it was a great way for students and kids alike to have tons of fun and learn valuable skills.” ~UBC Student, Reading Week 2010

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UBC Student Reflections “I learned not to have stereotypes about schools and the children in them. It taught me the importance of how community can bring together people and help the children grow.” ~UBC Student, Reading Week 2006

“I thoroughly enjoyed this experience – it really pushed my boundaries and I appreciated the challenge.” ~UBC Student, Reading Week 2007

“It was an amazing opportunity to learn from kids and I feel proud and great about the things I’ve done for the past three days. I’d like to get involved in this project if I have a chance in the next year.” ~UBC Student, Reading Week 2010 Page 14 • SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

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Thank you SAP Canada The Learning Exchange and SAP have had a mutually beneficial relationship for the past several years and have worked together for the benefit of many SAP employees, hundreds of UBC students, and thousands of inner-city school children. Thank you for your outstanding support and partnership. We look forward to continuing to achieve great things together in the coming years.

“The Learning Exchange’s partnership with SAP is an inspiring example of how business, university, and community can work together in innovative and truly mutually beneficial ways.” ~ Margo Fryer, Director, UBC Learning Exchange Page 16 • SAP Canada and the UBC Learning Exchange 2005-2010

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UBC Learning Exchange 612 Main St Vancouver, BC V6A 2V3 Ph. 604.408.5164

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