Sermon Based Curriculum
Sermon Date: April 11, 2010
Sermon Title: The New Normal
Sermon Text: John 20:11-31
Small Group Text: John 20:19-23
In John 20:19-23, we see what some commentators refer to as Jesus’ “Charter for the Church.” Prior to the crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples that they would do even greater things than He had done (John 14:12).
Now, in these few verses, Jesus passes the torch to His followers to accomplish His mission in the world. We will see His commission to the church (verse 21), His empowerment of the church (verse 22), and His message, proclaimed by the church (verse 23.)
Read John 20: 19-23 1. In verse 21, Jesus indicates that He was sent by the Father. For what purpose did the Father send Him? Jesus was sent as God’s gift to the world to offer and proclaim the gift of salvation, freedom from sin and reconciliation with God.
2. Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” What significance does this directive have for us as the church? We the church are to proclaim the gift of salvation, freedom from sin and reconciliation with God. Have group members read Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:4648, as parallel passages of Jesus’ Great Commission to the church.
3. Read Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37:1-5. What happens when God “breathes” on something or someone? The breath of God gives life to dead things!
4. How might these passages help us understand what’s happening in John 20:22? Jesus is breathing life into his Church. 5. Read Acts 1:8. What happens when a church receives the life-giving Spirit of Christ? We receive power to accomplish the great commission to which we have been called.
6. What is Jesus saying to his followers in John 20:23? Do we the church have the authority and the power to forgive sins? No, Jesus was giving the church the privilege of announcing God’s terms on how a person can receive forgiveness. If one believes in Jesus, then the church has the privilege to proclaim forgiveness. If a person rejects Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, then the church is obliged to proclaim that this person is not forgiven.
1. What do you believe is your role in fulfilling this Great Commission? 2. How do you “receive the Holy Spirit� into your life? See Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
3. What happens in the life of a church or individual who is dependent on the Holy Spirit – contrasted to a church/person working in their own power? 4. Since you have been given the mission, power and message of forgiveness, write down the name of one person in your life who needs to receive this gift. Pray for an opportunity to talk to them. His mission = Our mission His power = Our power His message = Our message
Sermon-Based Curriculum