CreateBlanketsforProjectLinus SHIFTS:11:30AM-1PM,2PM-3PM,4PM-5:30PM
CreateTheFeelingsBookLiteracyKitsfor WestchesterJewishCommunityServicesParent Child+Program SHIFTS: 11:30AM-1PM,2PM-3PM,4PM-5:30PM
CreateLaundrySachetswithHOPECommunity Services
DonatebloodwiththeNewYorkBlood Center DONATIONHOURS:11:30AM-5:30PM
LearnHands-OnlyCPRwith OssiningVolunteerAmbulanceCorps SHIFTS:11:30AM-1PM,2PM-3PM,4PM-5:30PM
CreateCardsfortheTroopswithUnitedfor theTroops SHIFTS: 11:30AM-1PM,2PM-3PM,4PM-5:30PM
MakeSandwicheswithOneSandwichataTime SHIFT:4PM-5:30PM
The RISE program connects adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to local nonprofits, where they build skills while volunteering.
• Advocate for community inclusion through volunteerism.
• Offers disability awareness to nonprofits to support goals of diversity.
• Provide training to IDD organization on volunteer management.
• Support Community Engagement Goals.
• Help Build Community Connections.
• Connections to Volunteer Assignments & Projects.
• Experience the power of community inclusion.
• Understanding how volunteer skills transfer to workforce development and living a quality life in our community.
• Building skills in: life skills, job readiness, volunteerism, communication, relationship building and leadership.
RISE Program Manager Patti Colombo, MS. CTRS Phone: 914-227-9312
Email: Patti@volunteernewyork.org www.volunteernewyork.org/rise
735 Birthday Cards made and mailed to Senior Corp volunteers
175 Individuals w/disabilities supported in social and job readiness skills
600 Students received education support
1,120 Teens received Period Kits
18 Horses cared for
August 28, 2024- June 4, 2025
The Mission of the Aspiring LeaDDership program is to foster Aspiring LeaDDers with developmental disabilities to build community, strengthen self-confidence, and develop leadership skills, so they may LEAD by example, find their VOICE and take ACTION!
This is the 2nd year Volunteer New York! and Westchester Institute of Human Development (WIHD), are collaborating to offer this 10-month leadership development program for young adults with developmental disabilities. The program provides accommodations for various learning needs in a small group cohort and requires participants to apply and be accepted into the program.
Sessions are held in-person, once a month, as a ½ day session. The program ends with a graduation ceremony with family and friends. There is no cost to participate Program is co-facilitated by Brendan Klein a self-advocate and employed with WIHD as the Coordinator of Self-Advocacy & Community Engagement and Patti Colombo, who is the RISE Program Manager for Volunteer New York! Both are graduates of Volunteer New York! Leadership Westchester program.
The Aspiring LeaDDership program is the journey of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) who aspire to lead, start by identifying their own strengths, values, and passions, understanding what drives them and what they hope to achieve as leaders. They recognize areas for improvement and actively work to develop skills such as communication, selfadvocacy, goal setting, teamwork, self-management, and building relationships in their community.
Patti Colombo
Brendan Klein Manager, RISE Program Coordinator of Self Advocacy & Community Engagement patti@volunteernewyork.org
bklein@wihd.org 914-227-9312 914-493-8119
RSVP of Westchester call 4-227-9318 or go to eernewyork.org/adults sign up online today!
Adults aged 55 and over who volunteer frequently are known to live longer, have less stress, report better health, and have fewer visits to the hospital
Volunteering can also deepen your connection to your community and help build new relationships. Studies have even shown that giving back regularly can reduce the intensity of chronic pain.
It's only a matter of time before doctors begin prescribing volunteering like medicine! Until then, enjoy similar benefits by joining RSVP of Westchester today.
Volunteer New York! is an AmeriCorps Seniors grantee that hasbeenhostoftheRSVPprograminWestchesterforover 50years ThankyoutothetensofthousandsofRSVPof Westchestermemberswhohaveservedsince1972. AdditionalsupportforRSVPofWestchesterisfundedinpart bytheU.S.DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices,New YorkStateOfficefortheAging,andtheWestchesterCounty DepartmentofSeniorProgramsandServices
These are the four main categories of community impact that RSVP of Westchester members can choose to support through their service. Which resonates the most for you?
Mentoring in schools and helping children with homework, reading, and learning English
Assisting older adults with transportation, Medicare education, and other support services.
There are over 20 RSVP of Westchester "Stations" where you can volunteer year-round. Each station is a nonprofit organization that provides critical support to community members and relies on RSVP members like you to get the job done.
Youcanuseyourexperiences,talents,andunique skillsetstohelpkeepourcommunitythriving!
Providing job readiness training and board service
Coordinating food and clothing distribution, recreational activities, and friendly visits, for Veterans and their families.
RSVP members receive transportation reimbursement*, supplemental liability insurance, recognition gifts, a community newsletter, and birthday greetings!
Members are also invited to exclusive events, including networking opportunities, workshops, recognition celebrations, and more.
* Must be 60 or older and a resident of Westchester county.
WhenyoujoinRSVPofWestchester,youdecide how,where,andwhenyouwanttoserve,with commitmentsrangingfromanhourto40hours perweek.AndwithsomanylocalRSVPstations tochoosefrom,thereisnoshortageofengaging waystogiveback.
Carver Center
Center for Aging in Place
Family Service Society of Yonkers/Literacy and Grandparents
Greenburgh Evergreen Club
Hudson River Museum
Hugh Doyle Senior Center
Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital
Mt. Vernon Office of the Aging
Mt. Vernon Youth Bureau
NYS Veterans Home
Saint Joseph's Medical Center
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
Volunteer New York!
Wartburg Adult Care Community
Westchester Community College
Westchester County Dept. of Senior Programs & Services (HIICAP)
White Plains Hospital Center
Yonkers Partners in Education
Volunteer New York! invites you to participate in the 43rd Annual Volunteer Spirit Awards Breakfast on Friday, May 5th from 8:00-10:00 AM at the Westchester Marriott.
Hundreds of supporters from throughout our community attend our annual sell-out benefit. The range of programs and vital services of Volunteer New York! would not be possible without your support All sponsorship levels include recognition at the event and on pre-event marketing materials, online visibility, and tickets. Other ways to participate include purchasing congratulatory Benefit Journal ads (detailed below), tickets to the event, or making a gift to Volunteer New York! here: https://www.volunteernewyork.org/awards
CONTACT: MATT SOPER • (914) 227-9307 • matt@volunteernewyork.org
• Top billing on all print and PR materials
• Speaking opportunity to welcome guests at the event
• Corporate profile and 2-page color centerfold ad in Benefit Journal
• Corporate banner positioned prominently at event
• Exclusive logo recognition on step and repeat for event photos PLATINUM
$10,000 (unlimited)
• Corporate recognition on all PR materials and website
• Speaking opportunity at event
• Corporate banner display in prime location at event
• Premium table of 12
• Full page color ad in Benefit Journal GOLD
$7,500 (unlimited)
• Corporate recognition on all PR materials and website
• Corporate banner display at prime location at event
• 10 event tickets
• Full page color ad in Benefit Journal
$5,000 (unlimited)
• Corporate recognition on website
• Corporate banner display at event
• 6 event tickets
• Half page color ad in Benefit Journal
• Corporate recognition on website
• Corporate banner display at event
• 4 event tickets
• Half Page Color ad in Benefit Journal
$3,000 (unlimited)
Networking Reception Sponsor . . . $7,500
High energy, one-hour post-awards networking reception for guests to meet the honorees and get to know your company. Includes exclusive signage at reception and 8 event tickets.
Video Sponsor . . . $5,000
Sponsor this year's Legacy Award video produced and unveiled for 450+ guests at the awards to an audience of key business, nonprofit, civic and community leaders and featured on our website for a year following the event. Includes 6 event tickets.
Journal Sponsor . . . $5,000
Full page color ad featured in front interior of Benefit Journal distributed to 450+ guests and digital version featured on our website for a year following the event. Includes 6 event tickets.
Photo Booth Sponsor . . . $2,000
Guests love the interactive photo booth at our one-hour post-awards Networking Reception Includes tabletop sponsor sign with your logo and 2 event tickets.
Coffee Sponsor $2,000
Ensure guests start the morning off right as they register and mingle before the program. Includes tabletop sponsor sign with your logo and 2 event tickets.
Table Sponsor . . . $1,500
Includes tabletop sponsor sign with your logo and 10 event tickets.
Additional Giving Opportunities
Support the Volunteer Spirit Awards by making a gift or buying a ticket to the event: https://www.volunteernewyork.org/awards
• Honor Joe Roberto Legacy Award winner
• Honor another award winner
• Purchase a ticket to the event for $150
VolunteerNewYork!partnerswithcompaniesofall sizestodevelopmeaningfulvolunteerengagement opportunitiesthataddressvitalissues.
Ourexpertstaffcanprovidecustomized,highimpactcorporatedaysofserviceandsupportnew andexistingemployeevolunteerprogramstomeet yourcorporateresponsibilitygoals.
The Experience Provides
Outdoorprojectssuchasparkclean up,trailmaintenance,shorelineclean up,nonprofitgarden/farmwork, therapeutichorsefarmmaintenance, buildingrefresh,playgroundrefresh
Clientengagementprojectswithyouth atafter-schoolprograms,HeadStart programs,ongoingmentoring,game timeinteractionwithseniors,and inclusiveprojectsengagingthosewith disabilities
On-siteprojectsatyourcompany includingcreatingliteracykits,gardening kits,carekitsfortheunhoused,blankets forchildreninhospitalsandmore
Projectscanbecreatedforawhole day,halfday,orevenjustonehour
ListenandLearnsessions focusingoncivicengagement
Wecantailoraprojecttoyourcompany’s goalsthatalignwithourcommunity’s immediateneeds!
Premiumbrandingandvisibilityon bannersandsignageatallVolunteerNew York!events&outreachactivities
VisibilityonVolunteerNewYork!’smedia includingFacebook,LinkedIn,Twitter,and Instagramwithaculminationofover 18,200followers
Earlyregistrationforour9-11Serve andRememberDayofService
InclusionondedicatedCorporate ChampionspageonVNY!website AdvertisementinannualVolunteer SpiritAwardsJournal Complimentaryticketstothe VolunteerSpiritAwards
We're proud to work with many businesses that understand the synergy between volunteerism and a strong community and workforce, including each of our Corporate Champions.
Volunteer New York! mobilizes our community to address its greatest challenges.
For the past 11 years, GreatNonprofits.org named us a “Top-Rated Nonprofit” based on online reviews from volunteers and nonprofit partners. The 914Inc. Small Business Awards has named us an “Outstanding Non Profit.” Last year, we inspired over 35,000 people to volunteer 445,000 hours. Volunteer New York! is a one-stop resource devoted to increasing volunteerism in Westchester and our surrounding communities.
Volunteer New York! partners with companies of all sizes to develop meaningful community outreach efforts that address vital issues. Our expert staff can provide customized, high-impact corporate days-of-service and support new and burgeoning Employee Volunteer Programs to meet your corporate responsibility goals. Companies can leverage their participation in our signature events like the Volunteer Spirit Awards, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service and 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance to increase market visibility or to enhance your own branded community initiatives.
As the region’s go-to resource for all things volunteer, Volunteer New York! can help you build the cornerstones of a solid employee volunteer program that will both boost employee engagement and showcase your corporate citizenship efforts. We're proud to work with many great businesses who understand the synergy between volunteerism and a strong local community & workforce. A list of our current Corporate Champions can be found on our website at www.volunteernewyork.org/Corporate-Champions.
Corporate Service with Volunteer New York! helps local companies contribute to and strengthen the community in which they do business. Volunteer New York! works with our partners to plan projects that meet their needs, whether one-time efforts or a calendar of customized projects, creating a volunteer program that meets the engagement goals of each company. Volunteer New York!’s project management includes:
• Analysis of company needs and desired outcomes for their volunteer service.
• Identification of local nonprofit organizations that meet company needs and objectives.
• Outreach to nonprofit organizations to ensure their capacity to accommodate company volunteers and/or receive the completed donated projects. Volunteer New York! works with agencies to identify available volunteer roles as well as to ensure the agency’s ability to welcome and provide support to company volunteers whether virtually or in person.
• Prepare proposal for company review and project selection.
• Once a project has been selected, coordination of project logistics includes sourcing all necessary supplies, bringing to the designated location, and distributing completed projects to the partner agencies.
• On site day-of event project management.
• External Recognition on Volunteer New York!’s website and e-newsletter.
• Participation in post project debrief for future company planning.
• The ideal lead time for a project is at least 8 weeks. This allows for proper vetting of nonprofit partners and sufficient notice to recruit volunteers.
Samples of customized projects include:
• Outdoor projects such as park clean up, trail maintenance, river shoreline clean up, nonprofit garden/farm work, therapeutic horse farm maintenance, building refresh such as painting or picnic table construction, playground refresh and more.
• Client engagement projects with youth at after-school programs, Head Start programs, ongoing mentoring, game time interaction with seniors, inclusive projects engaging those with disabilities and more.
• On site projects at the company including kit creation such as Literacy kits, Gardening kits, Care kits for those experiencing homelessness, Blankets for children in hospitals and more.
• Projects can be created for a morning, afternoon or just one hour on-site.
• In other words, we can tailor a project to your company’s goals that align with the immediate community needs!
Most customized day of service opportunities are $100 per volunteer slot created plus supplies costs, meals, transportation (if applicable). A minimum of 20 people or $2,000 partnership fee is required.
Additional Employee Engagement Opportunities: These exclusive programs allow corporate employees to learn more about Civic Engagement and the value of Nonprofit Board service, just to name two. The expert staff of Volunteer New York! leads sessions in consultation with your corporate representatives to customize an interactive program that can be held in person or virtually.
Quarterly volunteer opportunities can be curated to highlight volunteer opportunities for your team members to access and participate in on their own time, including family-friendly volunteer projects. Four or more projects are sourced and highlighted each quarter that align with your pillars of engagement, or geographic preferences and are delivered via email for a partnership fee of $2,500 per year. These opportunities can be easily uploaded into your volunteer engagement platform for easy distribution and provide staff a broad selection for their VTO.
Civic Circle
“Why We Need More Than Volunteering: Your Role in Creating Meaningful Change" (Virtual or In Person) is a 1-hour, interactive learning experience developed by Points of Light and led by Volunteer New York! that introduces participants to the concept of Civic Engagement and what it means, including:
• The Definition of Civic Engagement
• How to identify personal areas of passion
• How to make an impact in your community
• Introduction of The Points of Light Civic Circle®
• Tangible next steps to take action
Fee for Service: $2,000
A one-hour session providing a high-level summary of Nonprofit Board service, culminating in a specialized invitation to the annual Volunteer New York! Nonprofit Board Boot Camp program. This program offers the opportunity to elevate high-potential employees in their career through board service and includes the following topics:
• Definition of a Nonprofit Board Member
• Dispelling the myths of joining a nonprofit board
• Identifying why employees may want to join a nonprofit board (Mission, passion, interest, skill set, heart to give back, see a need)
• How to decide which board is right for the individual and what are nonprofits looking for in the pipeline
• High-level overview of Fiduciary Responsibility, Fundraising 101, and Board Make-up through the DEI lens
• “Panel” style discussion with leadership team members who share their experiences of nonprofit boards
Fee for service: $2,500
Corporate Champions with Volunteer New York!
Corporate supporters at the $5,000 level and above join an elite and growing group of local businesses, our Corporate Champions, who demonstrate their commitment to their employees and to the community in which they do business.
Corporate Champion Benefits
• Premium branding and visibility opportunities on banner and signage at all other VNY! events & outreach activities
• Visibility within VNY!’s social media efforts including Facebook (6,700 followers), LinkedIn (4,486 followers), X (Formerly Twitter) (3,362 followers) and Instagram (3,822 followers)
• Advertisement in annual Volunteer Spirit Awards Journal
• Inclusion on dedicated Corporate Champions page on VNY! website
• External recognition in Volunteer New York! social media
• Complimentary tickets to the Volunteer Spirit Awards
• Early registration for our 9-11 Serve and Remember Day of Service
Volunteer New York! curates volunteer opportunities to meet the needs of the community where their employees work and live.
Providing companies, the sought-after opportunity for their employees to come together, give back under the corporate name, feel great about the place they work, and have a deeper community impact.
To learn more about how your company can engage during this time, while employees are either working from home or in the office, contact Jennifer Machuca at jennifer@volunteernewyork.org or call 914-227-9317.
About Volunteer New York!
Volunteer New York! mobilizes our community to address its greatest challenges.
We believe everyone can serve.
We believe that volunteering is transformational. We believe relationships matter
Volunteer New York! delivers:
Projects created in collaboration with our nonprofit partners that meet specific and urgent community needs.
An experience for companies to support their employees while also furthering their efforts to support and embrace diverse recipient groups.
Opportunities in the impact areas of environment, youth education, social-emotional skills, healthy habits, vulnerable adults, and individuals with special needs.
Why is Corporate Volunteering critical to businesses today?
Deloitte’s 2017 Volunteerism Survey results indicate that creating a culture of volunteerism in the workplace boosts morale, workplace atmosphere, and brand perception.
89% Of Employees believe that companies who sponsor volunteer activities offer a better overall working environment than those who do not.
92% of respondents agree that corporate volunteering is an effective way to improve leadership skills.
We bring our projects directly to you on site implementing an in-person experience in a safe and meaningful way.
Projects tailored to engage and connect employees with both in person colleagues and those working remotely.
All supplies and instructions are shipped to employees’ homes or offices along with a postage-paid label for easy project return.
VNY! will organize a day of service for your employees at incredible local organization.
We bring the project to you!
Engage your employees in a impactful team building activity that promises to connect teams while they make a real difference for the community.
We have dozens of projects to choose from that can engage a group of 25-2000 employees.
We meet your team where they are.
All supplies and instructions are shipped to employees’ homes or offices along with a postagepaid label for easy project return. An interactive video call led by a Volunteer New York! staff member is provided, walking volunteers through step-by-step instructions, jump-starting the conversations, and providing information about the recipient nonprofit, its mission, and clients.
In Person
Projects are designed to be done in person and are offered onsite.
Projects in a box are designed with remote teams in mind. They can be mailed directly to team members across the U.S.
Fill school supply kits with homemade bookmarks and other items for children in underresourced schools. (Supplies: $20 per volunteer)
In this project, you will assemble school supply kits with a variety of essential items for children in under-resourced communities. Students are increasingly asked to purchase their own classroom supplies which can create a financial burden for families. In addition to putting the kits together, volunteers will make bookmarks, a fidget toy, and write an inspirational note to the student. Kits will be donated to local schools, after-schools, and other community partners for distribution to children in need.
Pack hygiene and other essential items for adults experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. (Supplies: $20 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will assemble personal care packs with essential hygiene and first aid supplies to bring a bit of warmth to adults in our community who are experiencing homelessness. In addition to assembling the kits, volunteers will make a small waterproof toiletry bag and write a message of warmth. Kits will be donated to local organizations to be distributed to the people in need whom they serve.
Create packs filled with supplies for students to complete two unique STEM building challenges. (Supplies: $20 per a volunteer)
In Person
Volunteers will assemble STEM Engineering Packs for students that contain materials for two engineering challenges — a catapult and a balloon powered car. Volunteers will also create a laminated STEM vocabulary ring and write a personal note to the student. The projects are aligned with current New York State curriculum standards and can be used in the classroom, in after-school programs and/or at home.
Support seriously ill children with birthday bags.
(Supplies: $20 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will assemble birthday bags, and make handmade cards for children with serious medical needs local organizations that supports terminally ill children and their families.
In Person
Create Laundry Sachets for Formerly Homeless Women.
(Supplies: $20 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will bag laundry detergent, fold in a dryer sheet, cover them in fabric remnants and secure them with a thoughtful or inspiring note. This is a very practical need for many families, and it lets the recipients know that others are thinking of and supporting them.
Make cozy blankets for children in need.
(Supplies: $15 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will hand tie a fleece blanket that will be donated to children through Project Linus; a national not-for-profit organization with a simple goal to provide a little security, warmth, and comfort to babies and children in need. Named after the blanket-toting character in Charles Schultz' Peanuts cartoon strip, Project Linus gives a new handmade blanket to children who are in a hospital, experiencing trauma, are suffering through the loss of a loved one, are in foster care, are experiencing homelessness, or in other challenging situations.
Make a no-sew beds for cats or dogs
(Supplies: $15 per a volunteer)
In Person
Volunteers will hand tie fleece to make beds for cats and dogs at a local shelter. This project could be done in person or virtually and is a great way to bring a team together for a wonderful project to support our furry friends.
Create a plant-at-home garden enriching children’s knowledge about how food grows and awakening the joy of watching a seed become an edible plant.
(Supplies: $25 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will assemble herb seed planting kits that provide children (and adults alike) everything they need to grow a variety of different herbs.
Volunteers will be given seeds, soil pods, pots, and other materials to put together into burlap bags which they can then decorate.
Projects will be donated to after-school programs.
Support young children's social-emotional literacy by creating a feelings board and Feeling Friends. (Supplies: $15 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will be provided with all the supplies to create a literacy kit for the picture book, The Feelings Book by Todd Parr. Materials paper for feeling board and yarn to create Feeling Friends. By creating these Feelings Kits, you will provide a way for a child to act out themes from the book while also identifying feelings within themselves. All items, plus a copy of the book, will be put in a reusable pouch and donated to local organizations and child care centers serving students in need.
Assemble Mindfulness Kits for Children to Support Socio Emotional Learning (Supplies: $15 per a volunteer)
Volunteers will create calming Kits to support children and young adults when they need to take a break, breathe, and calm themselves to be successful in their day. Volunteers will make laminated mindfulness and breathing rings, fidget toys, a mini book of positive thoughts, and write a personal note to students. Kits will be donated to children and young adults in schools, after
Create Scarves for Neighbors In Need (Supplies: $15 per a volunteer) In Person
Volunteers will create no sew fleece scarves to be distributed to organizations that work with unhoused individuals. The cozy scarf will be made with love by your volunteers and will keep someone warm in cold weather
"I want to let you know what we are in the process of conducting mid-year interviews with families, and The Feelings Book comes up a lot! A number of families continue to read it frequently with their children, and it has spurred a lot of wonderful conversations about feelings."
- Jessica, Director, Early Childhood Programs Westchester Jewish Community Services, 1/11/2022
"I have been volunteering with VNY! for about 6 years now and cannot say enough good things about them. They made volunteering easy and fun and helping along the way, whether it be simple tasks or assisting in being a project leader. I have participated in MLK and 9/11 days of service many times over now directly with them, AND I was really excited they were involved in my company's efforts to give back to the local community. Taking the lead on organizing large corporate volunteer events, it still had a personal feel and I HIGHLY recommend them to help with individual or corporate programs."
- Volunteer New York! Corporate Volunteer, 10/28/2020
Nora Nicholson
Manager, Corporate Partnerships
nora@volunteernewyork.org 914-227-9316
Nicole Lowrance
Senior Manager, Corporate Partnerships
nicole@volunteernewyork.org 914-227-9308
Abby Fuirst
Manager, Corporate Partnerships
abby@volunteernewyork.org 914-227-9321