6 minute read
Upper Bucks Area Places of Worship
Bible Baptist Church
Meets at HIghland Park Dining Hall
415 Highland Park Road
Sellersville, PA 18960
484-523-3333 www.biblebaptistcares.org
Pastor: Tom Harris
Bible Study Hour 9:30 am, Morning Worship
10:30 am, Services interpreted for the deaf
Christ Church United Church of Christ
101 N. Main Street
Trumbauersville, PA 18970
215-538-0142 christchurch10@verizon.net www.christchurchisalive.org
Pastor: David Heckler
A friendly, welcoming church. Change fear into hope, doubt into faith. God is calling.
Join us at 11am Sunday. Halleleujah!
Christ’s Lutheran Church
1 Luther Lane
Trumbauersville, PA 18970
215-536-3193 christselca@verizon.net www.christslutheran.com
9:00am Worship, 10:15 Sunday School, Handicapped accessible, Family Friendly
Church. Find us on Facebook!
Church of the Incarnation
44 S. 8th Street
Quakertown, PA 18951
Ardores@verizon.net www.IncarnationQuakertown.org
Pastor: Most Rev. Thomas J. Kleppinger
Traditional worship, Biblical faith
Sunday 10:30am, Holy Days as announced.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
560 S. Main Street
Quakertown, PA 18951
215-536-3040 emmanuelchurch11@yahoo.com www.emmanuelquakertown.org
Sunday service at 10am, Visitors and new members always welcome!
First United Church of Christ
151 S. Fourth Street
Quakertown, PA 18951
215-536-4447 info@firstUCC.net
Senior Pastor: Rev. Jon C. Bauman
Min. of Visitation & Pastoral Care: Elaine Ely
Join us in person Sundays 9:15am Join us online at www.firstUCC.net. Community Lunch
2nd Saturday Drive through pickup 9am. Community Dinner 3rd Thursday 5:30pm (eat in).
Good News Church
424 Juniper Street
Quakertown, PA 18951
Pastor: David Markey, Jr.
An alternative to the ultra-contemporary Sunday Worship and Children’s Church 10:30 am, Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm, World Evangelism Fellowship affiliate.
Grace Bible Fellowship Church
1811 Old Bethlehem Pike N. Quakertown, PA 18951
215-536-6096 grace@quakertownbfc.org www.quakertownbfc.org
Sr. Pastor: Ron Kohl
Sunday School for all ages. 10:10am Morning Worship, Small group meetings 2nd & 4th
Sundays 6:30pm; Tues: Ladies Bible Study 9:45am; Wed: AWANA (2 yrs - 6th grade) & Teens for Christ 6:30pm, Adult prayer meeting 6:45pm
Juniper Street Bible Church
317 Juniper Street
Quakertown, PA 18951
Pastor: Bob Stevenson www.juniperstreetbiblechurch.org
Sunday worship 10am (also watch live on our Facebook page), Tuesday 7pm Bible study and prayer. We offer an invitation to you. Come and worship with us.
Morning Star Fellowship
429 S. 9th Street
Quakertown, PA 18951 215-529-6422
Pastors: John & Theresa Decker www.mstarqtown.org
Sunday Services at 9 am and 11 am. Our cafe is open with free coffee. Children’s Ministries provided. Celebrate Recovery on Tuesdays at 7 pm. Student Ministries on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Weekly Connections. For updates and schedule changes, check our website.
Palisades Community Bible Church
8730 Easton Road Revere, PA 18953
610-847-2637 secretary@pcbchurch.com www.pcbchurch.com
Pastor: Rev. Corbin Seltzer, Jr.
Sunday School (all ages) 9:30am, Sunday
Morning Worship 10:30am, Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:00pm, Men & Ladies’ Bible Studies - see website. “Walk by Faith.” II Cor. 5:7
Pennridge Christian Fellowship
720 Blooming Glen Rd, Blooming Glen 18911 215-257-7309 pastor@pennridgecf.org www.pennridgecf.org
Pastor: Thomas Vargis
Multicultural Charismatic church worshipping God in a casual, friendly atmosphere. Our service consists of song service, testimonies, and teaching of the word. Live Spanish translation & children’s service at 10:30 Sunday worship. Livestream: fb.com/pennridgechristianfellowship
Quakertown United Methodist Church
1875 Freier Road
Quakertown, PA 18951
215-536-4992 barb@qumc.com www.qumc.com
Pastor: Rev. Richard K. Brown II
Sunday schedule: Worship 8:30 am, Sunday School 9:45 am, Worship 11 am Communion first Sunday of each month.
St. Isidore Roman Catholic Church
2545 West Pumping Station Rd Quakertown, PA 18951
(215) 536-4389
Pastor: Rev. Kenneth C. Brabazon izzyparoff@comcast.net www.stisidores.org
Sunday Masses - 5:00pm Saturday evenings; 7:00am, 9:00am, & 11:00am on Sunday mornings; 1:00pm in Spanish Sunday afternoons
St. John’s Lutheran Church
4 South Main Street • PO Box 458 Richlandtown, PA 18955 215-536-5027 Admin@stjohnsrpa.org www.stjohnsrpa.org
Pastor: Rev Dr. David A Genszler
In person worship service Sunday at 9:30 am, Watch our Worship Service anytime on stjohnsrpa.org/sermon or on Facebook.
Activity Center Rentals Open, Capacity 125, call 215-536-5027 to book.
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Spinnerstown
1565 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Spinnerstown 18968 (GPS Quakertown 18951) 215-536-0734 stjohnsspinnerstown@gmail.com www.stjohnsofspinnerstown.org
Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. Service also is live-streamed on Facebook (St. John’s Lutheran Church, Spinnerstown, PA) and video available on the church website.
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart!
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art: Thou my best thought, both by day and by night; waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord.
Thou my soul’s shelter, and Thou my high tower; raise Thou me heav’nward, O Pow’r of my pow’r…
It’s one of my favorite hymns and prayers— and during this Lenten and Easter season (not to mention this cultural season), it’s almost a theme. In many of our churches over the past six weeks, the stories of John’s gospel have challenged us repeatedly with how we see one another, and ultimately how we see and understand Jesus. Nicodemus comes to Jesus in the dark of night to meet Jesus, having seen God’s hand at work in Jesus’ miraculous signs, only to be told that no one can see God’s Reign without being born anew, from above— and ultimately, pointed to a cross likened to Moses’ healing bronze serpent lifted high amidst a deadly infestation of desert vipers. A Samaritan woman comes to a well at high noon hoping to avoid the scandal that others always seem to see in her, finds Jesus there, and ends up inviting her entire village to meet Him, saying, “Come and see a man who told me everything I’ve ever done! Could he be the Messiah?” (Would you be so excited to introduce someone to a person who’d exposed you so totally?) A man born blind is given new sight by Jesus (a gift that was surely traumatic before it was transcendent), and as the religious authorities interrogate him, we come to see that the newly sighted one sees more clearly than all the others who claim to know God well. Another man dead supposedly beyond redemption is raised to life by Jesus, who then calmly tells his sisters (perhaps a command for themselves and the crowd around them as much as for their brother) “Take off his grave clothes and let him go!” And ultimately, we
St. John’s Lutheran Ridge Valley
910 Allentown Road, West Rockhill Twp 215-257-9643 stjohnsridgevalley910@gmail.com www.stjohnsridgevalley.com
Pastor: Rev. Lauren Bruno 8:30am Traditional - 10:15am w/praise band. Grape juice & gluten-free wafers available. Adult Forum 9:40, Handicapped accessible. All invited and welcome to Share the Joy!
St. John the Baptist Parish 4050 Durham Road, Ottsville 18942 610-847-5521 pastor@stjohnsottsville.org www.stjohnsottsville.org
Pastor: Selvaraj Lucas, MSC St. John the Baptist, the first Catholic parish in Bucks County, has served the pastoral needs of Catholics since 1743.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Applebachsville 837 Old Bethlehem Road, Quakertown 215-536-5789 stpaulsqtown@gmail.com www.stpaulsqtown.org
Pastor: Rev. David Heckler
We believe in sharing God’s love in joyful service. Come and see. All are welcome. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ 104 Green Street Sellersville, PA 18960 215-257-7268
Pastor: Rev. Trudy Irving secretary@stpaulsucc.net www.stpaulsucc.net
Sunday Worship 10:15 in Sanctuary Springfield Mennonite Church 1905 Pleasant View Road Coopersburg PA 18036 267-999-1404
Pastor: Rev. Joseph Wames pastorjoe@springfieldmennonite.org www.springfieldmennonite.org
Join us at 10:15a Sunday Mornings for a Blended Worship Service, Multi-generational, loving congregation. Biblically and Doctrinally Sound.
Trinity Lutheran Church 102 N. Hellertown Avenue Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536.4345 www.trinityquakertown.org
Pastor: Dayle Malloy
9 a.m. Traditional service, 11 a.m. Contemporary Service, 10: 15 a.m. Sunday School, Handicap accessible, Family Friendly, Dynamic Music Ministry, Living God’s Love for All come to see this Jesus “high and lifted up, shining in the light of [His] glory” not on what we’d consider a throne, but on His cross, naked, bleeding, dying, and so utterly human, reduced to shreds by the shrapnel of our zeal for defending “righteousness” and yet exalted in His relentless forgiveness— a forgiveness that not even the grave can contain.
All of which begs the question of us: How do we see? How do we see God most clearly: in the “awesomeness” of destructive and dominating power, or in the seeming fragility of self-giving, serving love? How do we see the people around us, especially those most vulnerable: as resource-sucking leeches constantly seeking what’s rightfully ours, or as those in whom Jesus comes to meet us in distressing disguise? How do we understand power and glory: as the gleam of those who take what they want and leave the “losers” in their wake, or as the life-giving strangeness of those who’ll go to the well and even to the grave, call the outcast by their own name, take them by the hand, and lead them from death to life? In the light of Jesus’ cross, do “winners make policy and losers go home”— or does God take His stand with the losers, take their brokenness upon Himself, and bid us walk with them into a new creation of resurrection life?
So much depends on how we see. So many people struggle to find life, shrouded in the invisibility created by our own blindness. So as we enter once more into the season defined by the cross of Jesus and the defiance of shame and death, it’s never been more vital that we make our common prayer, “Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart.” Be Thou our vision, crucified and risen Lord— that for us all, there may be a new creation in You!
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