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American Legion Post 242 Update

Once again the Veteran’s of Quakertown thank everyone for attending a very successful Memorial Day Parade and Service. For those who came out on their day off to set-up the portable stage and supply the first responder needs. Thank you! We wish to acknowledge Dee Freeman and his helpers for providing an excellent Public Address System. Thank you! For the drivers of the antique vehicles for escorting of our guests and veteran personnel. Thank you! For the American Legion Post kitchen staff and volunteers. Thank you! For the many more who thought enough of those who served and especially had their names read off during the ceremony as giving their all. Thank you! Most of all to all those townspeople who as the guest speaker mentioned – make Quakertown stand out in our county as a Norman Rockwell knit community. Thank You!!
As I write this I also recently wrote my check for $50.00 for my drawing tickets for the Spring Veteran's’ Drawing that will be held Saturday June 24th. My wife and I always enjoy attending the drawing not only for the great food provided by the Legion, but also for the fun and comrodary of those few hours in participating in drawing the name of the winners of 101 LUCKY TICKET HOLDERS.
Support of our Veterans is one of the FOUR PILLARS of the Legion. In supporting this drawing you make it possible for POST 242 to honor the real winners of this drawing-The
American present and past Service Veterans!!
The prizes total of $4750 given to drawing winners. I just called for an estimate of how much we have turned in so far and it is approximately $6000.00. This is a little under what we receive on the Thursday before the drawing. You can turn in your tickets, as many do, before the drawing starts at 8:00 PM. Remember this for future drawings. I hope I was able to see you at the drawing and if you were there, that you drew a name you recognize. As a side note, I usually hear my brother’s name in either one winning slot or more. I am usually just of puller of names and a consumer of the great food. Yes, I do win occasionally, but not near as often as my brother wins. That is what makes it fun.
Keep an eye on our new sign for “What is Happening.” Our Friday night specials, open to the public, are a big hit with many “SellOuts.” Especially when it is Cheese Steak night. Remember that the “Sons” breakfasts will restart in the fall.
Spend the 4th of July in Quakertown at the Park. This celebration is one of the best in the area, starting with a breakfast early in the morning with events throughout the day. The traffic seems to disperse fairly quickly and you can be home and don’t have to worry about being caught up for hours on some turnpike or interstate. Always remember those who either gave some or gave their all at this time of celebration of INDEPENDENCE & FREEDOM.
Lessons of History
Thinking back to one of my history teachers at QCHS back before our graduation in 1961; I remember many of his sayings. Little did I know that his teachings along with other history teachers after 7th grade would so inspire me to become so driven in life to pursue extensive reading and hands on research of specific events that made this country great.
During my lifetime I have seen totalitarian governments rise, fall, and some rise again. One thing I noticed is that they all seem to want to erase any historical records or sites from their general citizenship. Why?