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What’s Going On in Upper Bucks?
Spring Food Drive (March 3-April 2) at Quakertown Farmers Market Office, Exit #4, 201 Station Rd. Accepting canned & nonperishable items. FMI: 215-536-4115.
FRESH CONNECT Bucks County (free farmers mkt for eligible Bucks County residents) every Wed 11am-1pm at Quakertown Memorial Park, 600 W Mill St. Walk Through Method. FMI: 215-536-0353
FRESH CONNECT Bucks County (free farmers mkt for eligible Bucks County residents) 10am-12noon every 1st & 3rd Thursday at Palisades Middle School, 4710 Durham Rd, Kintnersville. Drive Through Method. FMI: 215-536-0353
WINTER FOOD MARKET at Perkasie Fire Hall every 2nd & 4th Sat. 10am-12noon each month thru May 13. FMI: 215-257-5065 or events@perkasieborough.org
March 1
Robert James Investments monthly Coffee Club at 9am. Topics include market update, current events, & local happenings. First Wednesday of each month, 9am. Call Victoria at 215-583-5013 for info & to register.
March 2
Looking for some awesome people to join our 2023 Citizens Police Academy Class starting March 2. FMI: please email Steven Stoneback at sstoneback@quakertown.org
March 3
Trumbauersville Hoagie Sale (order by March 3, pickup March 13) FMI: Marilyn 215-536-2518 or Jen 215-989-0909.
March 4
Soup Day 10am-1pm at Dublin Fire Company, 194 N Main St. No eat-in! $9/quart. Order quarts on Soup Day from 8am-11am at 215-249-3740.
Seasonal Saturdays: Easter Crafts 10am2pm at Schwenkfelder Heritage Center, 105 Seminary St, Pennsburg. Make & Take crafts for all ages. Drop in, free of charge, no registration needed. Younger children may need a parent/guardian to assist them. FMI: 215-679-3103.
St. Isidore School Auction 6:30pm11pm at St. Isidore School Gym,603 W Broad St, Quakertown. $50/person (incl. beer/drinks) BYOB, Dinner by Giacomo’s Market. Live, Silent & Basket Auctions. Auction2023@StIsidoreSchool.com
Maple Sugar Day 11am-2pm. Bring family & friends and learn how maple sugar was collected and made during pioneer days. Peace Valley Nature Center, 170 N Chapman Rd, Doylestown. peacevalleynaturecenter.org
‘Oldies Dance’ with DJ Joel, 7pm-10pm at Green Lane Fire Company, 214 Main St, Route 63, Green Lane. $12 (cash bar, snacks, door prizes). FMI: 215-453-9841.
March 7
Perkasie Historical Soc. Speaker Series:
“Mapping the One-Room Schoolhouses of Bucks County” w/Chase Palmer. Dinner Meeting at 6:30pm at St. Stephen’s UCC, 110 N 6th St, Perkasie. Cost/$12. Reserve by Thurs. before meeting, call Pat 215-257-9624. Check website for updates: perkasiehistory.org
March 8
Woman’s Club of Indian Valley meets 1pm at Telford Community Building, 125 W Hamilton Ave, Telford. Program: Chime Choir from Generations. FMI: Woman’s Club of IV.com or 862-251-3076. Prospective members welcome.
Congressman Fitzpatrick will be at 10 S 3rd St in Quakertown at Craig Staats' office 2pm4pm to answer questions about veterans, IRS, Social Security and any other federal issues. No appointment needed.
March 11
Quakertown Lions Hoagie Sale! Must be pre-ordered by March 5 for pickup today at QNB’s 3rd St location in Quakertown. $6 each. Limited extra hoagies available. To order: Jim 215-536-1983.
Perkasie Winter Market connects our community with locally made, healthy food makers. Located at the Perkasie Fire Company Fire Hall 100 N. 5th St.10am-12pm.
Slot Car Spectacular 9am-1pm in Event Rm 201 at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Rd. Vendors selling cars, accessories & more.
90’s Dance Party. Food, Beer, Raffle, 50/50. Doors open 6pm. Benner Hall, Richlandtown. Adv. tickets $30, $40 at the door if available. Info and tickets: prideofquakertown.org
Benefits youth through Pride of Quakertown Scholarships.Tax Form Pick-up Day 9am-3pm (Saturday) at Craig Staats’ office, 10 S 3rd St, Quakertown. Also available weekdays from 9am-4pm.
Christ’s Community Café 9am-11am at First United Church of Christ, 4th & Park Ave, Quakertown. Free “to-go” style lunches to share. Stop by while supplies last.
March 12 Daylight Saving time beginS
Souderton Cheerleading Booster Club’s Basket Bingo, 1pm-5pm at Souderton High School, 625 Lower Rd, Souderton. Bingo starts at 2pm. Tickets: $30/advance, $35/ at door. Also includes 2 raffle tickets. FMI: 267-474-0694. “Blessings” Choir Concert 6pm at Penn Valley Church, 320 N 3rd St, Telford. The “Genevans” (50-voice student choir) from Geneva College, PA. Geneva.edu/genevans or 215-723-5890.
March 13
Hoagie Sale for Upper Bucks Senior Center. Italian, turkey or ham 12-inch hoagies/$7 each. Must pay when ordering before Wed, March 15. Pick up is March 23 from 1pm-3pm. FMI/ ordering: Sara 215-536-3066 or upperbucksac. org or stop in at the Center, 2183 Milford Square Pike, Milford Square.
“How School Boards Impact Us All” presented by League of Women Voters of Bucks County on Zoom, (register at bit.ly/ lwybucks) Panel of experts discuss: what school boards do, how elected and how their actions affect community members.
March 14
‘Link at Lunch’ networking event, 12noon1pm at The Station, 139 N Main St, Dublin. Casual atmosphere, Goldie’s Grill is at The Station for dining. FMI: 215-348-3913.
March 17 St. Patrick’S Day
‘Chocolotta’ Event, 6:30pm at Quakertown YMCA, 401 Fairview Ave. Silent auction, Open bar, Catering by Karen Hunt and fun chocolate desserts. Supports low to medium income families. FMI: 215-536-9622.
March 18
3rd Saturday Indoor Craft Show 9am-4pm in Event Rm 201 at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Rd. Local vendors with Handmade Items.
Pet Vaccine Clinic 10am-3pm at Last Chance Ranch, 9 Beck Rd, Quakertown. Low cost vaccines for dogs and cats, heartworm testing, micro-chipping. FMI: lastchanceranch.org or 215-538-2510.
‘Oldies Dance’ with DJ Gary Wiley, 7pm10pm at Green Lane Fire Company, 214 Main St, Route 63, Green Lane $12. Cash bar, snacks, door prizes. FMI: 215-453-9841.
Easter Bunny Breakfast 9 – 11 am at Upper Bucks Technical School, 3115 Ridge Rd, Perkasie. Adults: $10, Kids: $6, ages 0 – 2 eat free. Indoor egg hunt. Easter Bunny will be on hand. Bring your camera! Benefits UBCTS FFA students. Food prepared by Culinary Arts students.
March 19
“British Battle That Backfired” free program by Robert Beck, 2pm at Richland Historical Society, 130 Richlandtown Pike, Quakertown. (Free tours of One-Rm Schoolhouse & Museum will begin 12noon) FMI: 215-538-8671
March 20 FirSt Day oF SPring
March 21
Quakertown Christian School, Bridge K-12th Grade Open House, 5pm-7pm at 50 E Paletown Rd, Quakertown. Come see the QCS difference. FMI: 215-536-6970 or quakertownchristian.org
March 22
‘Wooden Treasures, the Story of Bucks County’s Covered Bridges’ at 7pm. Author Scott Bomboy will talk about their history and show slides of the bridges still standing in Bucks County. Donations appreciated. FMI: hilltownhistory.org
March 25 Grace Christian School’s 38th Annual Spring Auction 9am-2pm on campus of Penn Valley Church, 320 N Third St, Telford. Breakfast available. Live auction begins 10am. (gift certificates, crafts, quilts, gift baskets, more). 11am is “Doggy Days Demos” kids’ show. Lunch available, bake sale. Much more! FMI: gcs-online.org or 215-723-5896.
‘Bingo After Dark’ (opens 4:30pm, games 6pm) at Sellersville Fire Dept, 2 N Main St. Tickets: $40/advance, $45/at door if available. Must be 21 yrs old. BYOB, kitchen will be open. Tickets/FMI: sellersvillefd.com
Perkasie Patchwork Coffeehouse Benefit will feature “Seasons” (5 award-winning siblings create fusion of Celtic and roots music) 7pm doors open, 7:30pm concert. $12/adults, $10/seniors, $6/students 13+, Free/ages 0-12. FMI: PerkMenno.net/coffeehouse
Open House 10am-12noon at Strassburger Farmstead, 407 Keystone Dr & Bethlehem Pk, Sellersville. PA 71st Infantry Civil War re-enactors will present on the grounds. Ladies group will be sewing inside the Homestead. R/D April 1. Donations appreciated. FMI: hilltownhistory.org
Lasagna Dinner 4pm-8pm or sold out. Eatin or Take-out. Cost: by Donation benefits a Church Mission Trip. St. Andrew’s UCC, 615 E Walnut St, Perkasie.
WWWA Wrestling in Event Room 201 at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Rd. Bell Time is 6:30pm.
Perkasie Winter Market connects our community with locally made, healthy food makers. Located at the Perkasie Fire Company Fire Hall 100 N. 5th St.10am-12pm.
‘National Alliance on Mental Illness” FREE presentation for teens and adults about understanding mental health. Riegelsville Public Library, Community Room, 615 Easton Rd. FMI: riegelsvillelibrary.info
March 26
Easter Bunny arrives 11am-5pm for Photos & visits at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Rd. He will be in Room 201. FMI: quakertownmarket@gmail.com. Photos are
$5 each or 3/$13. He will be here weekends through April 8.
‘Vietnam Era Veteran’s Appreciation Day’ from 12noon-8pm. Quakertown American Legion Post 242 at 610 E Broad St, Quakertown. Complimentary food, refreshments and door prizes for Vietnam Vets. FMI: 215-538-0747.
March 31
Hoagie Sale (order by March 31, pickup April 17) Trumbauersville Fire Company, 142 N Main St. FMI: Marilyn 215-536-2518 or Jen 215-989-0909.
April 1
Annual Easter Egg Hunt 10am at Soccer Fields, 221 California Rd, Quakertown. Ages: 0-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-8 years, and also a Special Needs group. The Easter Bunny will visit, too.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt at 1pm (r/d April 2) at Quakertown Farmers Market, 201 Station Rd. FMI: quakertownmarket@gmail.com
Easter Egg Hunt 11am at First Church of the Brethren, 455 Trumbauersville Rd, Quakertown. Asking families to bring a nonperishable food item for Heavens Bounty food pantry. FMI: 215-536-7510.
Easter Egg Hunt 10am-12noon at Pearl S Buck Estate, 520 Dublin Rd, Perkasie. FREE event! (0-3 year olds at 10:20am) (4-6 year olds at 10:40am) (7 year olds at 11am). Easter Bunny arrives at 10am, Eggs are filled. Arrive early for parking. Registration required. Bad weather moves the Event indoors. FMI: pearlsbuck.org/Easter-Egg-Hunt
Cash Bingo! (open 11:30am, games 1pm) at Pennridge Community Center, 146 E Main St, Silverdale. Tickets are $30 each. Raffles! Hot food and snacks! Details: pennridgecommunitycenter.org FMI:215453-7027
10th Annual Tails & Ties Gala 5pm-10pm at Centennial Event Center at Homewood Suites, 3350 Center Valley Pkwy, Center Valley. Live music, dinner & drinks (must be 21 yrs old). Live auction, raffles, more. FMI: Jackie@lastchanceranch.org
Annual Spring Fling Dance & Fundraiser 6pm-10pm (Upper Bucks Sertoma) at Benner Hall, Richlandtown. Raffles, Pig roast, BYOB, Music, Fun, Prizes. Tickets/$30. Email: ubsertoma@gmail.com or call 610-653-0626.
April 4
Perkasie Historical Society Speaker Series: “Perkasie Fire Company #1, April 1st, 1926: Not an April Fool’s Joke” w/Jeff Schoeller. Dinner Meeting 6:30pm at St. Stephen’s UCC, 110 N 6th St, Perkasie. Cost/$12. Reserve by Thursday before the meeting. Call Pat 215-257-9624. Check website for updates: perkasiehistory.org
April 5-8
Easter Flower Sale 9am-9pm at Trumbauersville Fire Company or until sold out.
April 8
Easter Egg Hunt with Easter Bunny 1pm at Druckenmiller Playground, Maple Ave, Sellersville. Ages: 0-2 years old, 3-4 years old, 5-7 years old, 8-10 years old. No rain/ date…Easter Bunny will distribute eggs from Public Works Building if raining. NOTE: real eggs are used. Eating eggs not refrigerated after 2 hours may risk foodborne illness.
April 9 eaSter Day
Please join us for Easter Service 9am at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, One Luther Lane, Trumbauersville. 215-536-3193.

How to Teach Impulse Control
Dogs are impulsive by nature; but when your dogs’ impulses are causing them to react in ways that are disruptive, embarrassing, and dangerous to other people or even themselves, you need to start training them NOW! Certain impulses can be particularly stronger for certain breeds. Terriers are more likely than Pugs to want to chase squirrels. But a Pug may have a harder time waiting patiently for his food. Examples of lack of impulse control: crashing through doorways, rushing in out of car doors, pulling on the leash, chasing cats, squirrels, pulling to greet people, jumping up to greet people, the inability to calm down, trying to steal food out of your hand. There's never a bad time to start working on impulse control.

The See-saw Game is one way to help teach your dog impulse control. The idea of the game is to make your dog wait while you lower the bowl to the floor while he holds the wait until you have given him the release cue (“free” or “break”). It sounds challenging, but all you need is patients and treats.
Cue your dog to sit. Tell your dog “wait” in a drawn out calm voice. Hold the bowl
I was recently privileged to attend the bat mitzvah of our great-niece, Claire Sonstein.

In the Jewish religion, a child becomes an adult at the age of thirteen. Not legally of course, but in the eyes of the Jewish community. As someone raised catholic, I had little knowledge of the service and was transfixed through this beautiful ceremony, beginning to end, from the rabbi’s opening statement, to Claire’s reading of the Torah, and her closing remarks delivered so eloquently.
But I was most struck by the responsibility that her father Joey conveyed when he spoke to her in front of family and friends that day. Yes, he congratulated her on the hard work she put in to be ready, but he then went on to convey the tremendous undertaking that she was being commissioned to accept.
Claire was advised that she now had a role in this world…our world…to make it a better place for all…to put others before herself… work for the common good and causes that go beyond personal benefit. He urged her to make the right decisions in life, not the easy ones.
To paraphrase the rabbi, as Joey did, This is work that you are not required to complete, but neither are you free to abstain from.
When I listened to this charge being given to young Claire, I realized that perhaps some of the best advice we can give a young person is about their duty and responsibilities not only as youths, but more importantly, as adults.
Perhaps even more critical…a teaching, or reminder…to each of us, that even in our busiest days, we still have a mandate to be stewards of our planet, caretakers of each other, and an obligation to counsel others to do the same.
Imagine, if when taking in the often horrific news of the day, in whatever format you use, we all followed one father’s advisement to his thirteen year old daughter…what those daily headlines could be…would be…as we all worked to make this world a better place.

I share this with you today, with the hope that you will consider a father’s words, and take them forward.
JoHn SCHaninger iS a lifelong reSident of PennSylvania and HaS lived in uPPer blaCK eddy for over 13 yearS reaCH Him at m12String@aol Com with a couple of treats in it at the dog’s shoulder level (off to the side so you’re not lowering it directly under his nose), and before he can move, mark the pause with a click or a marker word like “yes”. Then take a treat out of the bowl and feed it to him. Start to lower the bowl to the floor in little increments each time. Set yourself up for success by not going too fast. Remember to have a high rate of reinforcement. As you are lowering the bowl, remember to immediately raise it when his butt comes off the floor and tries to move towards the bowl. Reset and repeat this until you can successfully lower the bowl all the way to the floor. The only punishment that is happening is the food goes away if he moves. Refrain from yelling or saying “no.” You can start by rewarding your dog when you're able to lower a quarter of the way, half of the way, three quarters of the way, then all the way to the floor. When the dog reliably doesn't go for the bowl, now you can add duration and eye contact. Bone-appetite!

Submitted by marion C. o’neil CPdt-Ka, Ctdi, owner and inStruCtor for molaSSeS CreeK dog training, llC, QuaKertown and trainer rainer for runaway farm Pet HoSPital, PennSburg SHe Can be reaCHed at molaSSeSCreeK@verizon net