Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Monitoring & Tracking | UbiBot

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Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Monitoring & Tracking

Why is Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Real-Time Monitoring and Tracking Important?

All pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, pills, and blood products, are sensitive to temperature and humidity, and not handling the distribution of those products properly can completely damage the product or reduce its efficiency.

Cold Chain Transport of Temperature Sensitive Pharmaceutical Products

A cold chain is a temperature-controlled supply chain that involves constant refrigeration of pharmaceutical products. A cold chain transport is important because it preserves the usability and quality of pharmaceutical products. The pharmaceutical industry transports a variety of products every day.

▫ medicinesOver-the-counter ▫ Biologics such as blood, vaccines, and tissue ▫ Prescribed medications ▫ Raw thatThesematerialspharmaceuticalarevarietyofproductstransporteveryday!!

What Can Happen if the Pharmaceutical Products Are Not Transported at The Right Temperature? The consequences can be lifethreatening when temperaturesProductshandledpharmaceuticaltemperature-sensitiveproductsarenotproperlyduringtransport.thataresensitivetohighcandeteriorateifthey’reexposedtoahighertemperature.

UbiBot GS1 is a device that can improve the cold-chain pharmaceutical supply because it can effectively regulate the transportation of drugs, including holding tanks and refrigerated trucks.

How UbiBotCanHelp?

The special thing about GS1 is that it provides real-time detection during the pharmaceutical product’s transportation and enables pharmaceutical companies to trace the entire logistics fully.

Contact Us Via: Zetta, Kingston Road London, SW19 1LA United Kingdom

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