UbiBot is a Global Provider of Smart IoT Products and Solutions

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UbiBot Monitor Anything from Anywhere with the help of IoT SensorsEnviromental

Presentation Plan • How IoT Works • Future Prospect of IoT • The Future of IoT • Technological Challenge of IoT

What is IoT? • In brief, the “things” in Internet of Things are the everyday objects in your house, only hooked up to the internet. It’s really that simple. So think a thermostat that can be controlled from an app on your smartphone (handy on those cold winter mornings) or a coffee maker that switches itself on when it can tell you’ve gotten out of bed. wifi temperature sensor, wifi humidity sensors and much more are examples of IoT.

Applications of the Internet of Things • The benefits of the IoT are first and foremost found in industry. In a way its manufacturing that has led the charge here, as letting machines talk to each other directly rather than through humans has brought about a serious uptick in production across the board. So now some factories basically run themselves, with machines telling each other what they need and when.

How IoT Works? • Now that we’ve established what the IoT is and the kind of cool stuff you can do with it, let’s take a look at how it works. In essence the Internet of Things is one huge cloud. Though the tiny chip in that coffeemaker is dumb as a rock, thanks to its WiFi connection with a proper computer — or a linked-up system of them — it’s as smart as any supercomputer, allowing it to do its thinking other than in its own brain. • So, imagine you just being you, but next time that you’re faced with a large equation — you never know — you can borrow master brain for a few seconds. Imagine all the things you could do if you had that ability. Be envious of digital devices, because they can do exactly that.

Future of IoT • When you consider the future of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, artificial intelligence (AI), conversational technologies, enhancements to both voice and facial recognition, Iot based sensors like IoT environmental sensors wifi humidity sensor, wifi temperature sensor and much more. Reality may be what you envision when it comes to what next-generation devices will feature. • MORE SECURITY NEWS • Troll-killing internet software Trollteq arrives • Telegram starts to play nice with security agencies over user data, but not in Russia • Defense Distributed now sells 3D gun blueprints online, 'pay what you want' • Meet the malware which hijacks your browser and redirects you to fake pages • Our devices are becoming smarter. Lighting, security, mobile devices, networks, and communication systems are all being influenced by IoT connectivity and technological ecosystems are likely to become more enmeshed in the future.

Risk of IoT • The threat of IoT, there is a real risk inherent to the Internet of Things. However, it’s not as sexy as your self-driving car trying to kill you and is therefore a little underreported. It centers around the same question that always pops up when large, in this case huge, amounts of data are at stake: namely, what happens to all that information? • By letting an IoT device in your home, you’re basically installing a bug, one that can gather data from other digital devices, maybe even hear and see you. This isn’t that bad in and of itself, it needs to fulfill its purpose after all, but what happens with the data it gathers?. You need more secure IoT platform.


Any questions? You can find me at: https://www.ubibot.io

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