UbiBot’s Wireless Sensor Netwoks in Internet of Things
Wireless Sensor Netwoks
Sensor networks have emerged as a promising tool for monitoring the physical world, that can sense, process and communicate. A sensor network is a network of many tiny disposable low power devices called nodes. A wireless sensor node (or simply sensor node) consists of sensing, computing, communication, actuation, and power components. A WSN usually consists of tens to thousands of such nodes that communicate through wireless channels for information sharing.
Architecture Of Wireless Sensor Network
Challenges in Wireless Sensor Network
UbiBot’s Wireless Sensors Wireless Smart Sensor WS1
Wireless Smart Sensor WS1 Pro
Wireless Smart Sensor WS1 The UbiBot ÂŽ WS1 has industrialgrade sensors that work seamlessly to give you accurate sensing of environmental conditions. The optional external temperature probe allows you to monitor liquids, soil and other harsh environments.
Wireless Smart Sensor WS1 Pro The UbiBot ÂŽ WS1 Pro is a state-of-the-art environmental monitoring system that leverages the latest IoT technologies. Collect data in real-time anywhere in the world using the built in mobile data and WiFi. All your data is automatically synced to the UbiBot ÂŽ IoT Platform, and you can access your device in real-time via our App or using a browser.
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