Intelligent Communication Systems

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Intelligent Communication Systems

Edited by: AL-Dahoud Ali Walid A. Salameh Linda Smail

ISBN 978-1456392291

Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal Phone: +1-347-4149239

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Intelligent Communication System First Edition Editor AL-Dahoud Ali

Al-Dahoud, is an associated professor at Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan. He took his High Diploma form FON University Belgrade 1986, PhD from La Sabianza1/Italy and Kiev Polytechnic/Ukraine, 1996. He is working at Al-Zaytoonah University since 1996 until now. He worked as visiting professor in many universities in Jordan and Middle East, as supervisor of master and PhD degrees in computer science. He established the ICIT conference since 2003 and he is the program chair of ICIT until now. He was the Vice President of the IT committee in the ministry of youth/Jordan, 2005 and 2006. Al-Dahoud was the General Chair of (ICITST-2008), June 23–28, 2008, Dublin, Ireland ( He has directed and led many projects sponsored by NUFFIC/Netherlands. His hobby is conference organization, so he participates in the following conferences as general chair, program chair, session’s organizer or in the publicity committee: - ICITs, ICITST, ICITNS, DepCos, ICTA, ACITs, IMCL, WSEAS, and AICCSA Journals Activities: Al-Dahoud worked as Editor in Chief or guest editor or in the Editorial board of the following Journals: Journal of Digital Information Management, IAJIT, Journal of Computer Science, Int. J. Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, and UBICC. He published many books and journal papers, and participated as keynote speaker in many conferences worldwide.

Editorial Board Walid A. Salameh

Walid A. Salameh, is a professor of Computer Science. He received his Bachelor degree from Yarmuk University-Jordan 1984. His MSc and PhD were received in 1987 and 1991 respectively from the Department of Computer Engineering –METU. He published more than 62 papers in the areas of neural networks, computer networks and elearning paradigm. His recent research interests are on building sustainable and efficient elearning paradigms and architectures that serves the goals of learning outcomes. He is a member of the editorial boards of different journals and contributed as a guest editor in different books.

Linda Smail

Linda Smail is an associate professor at the School of Arts and Sciences at the New York Institute of Technology since September 2006. She holds a PhD in applied Mathematics from the University of Marne-la-Vallée (Paris-East), France. Until 2005, she worked as a researcher at the Laboratory of Analysis and Applied Mathematics at the University of Marne-la-Vallée. Through this research, which is sponsored by INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computation Science and Control), she has, along with members of the research team, developed

new and more efficient algorithms to compute distribution and conditional

probabilities in large Bayesian Networks. She has developed an extensive knowledge of Bayesian Networks, their applications, and all related computing techniques. Her research interests include graphical models and machine learning and her recent research focuses on exact inference algorithms for Bayesian networks. For the task of computing probability and conditional probability in Bayesian networks.

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+1-212-901-6990 ISBN 978-1456392291

Preface The book title has been chosen from the conference title: the first annual International Conference on Information and Communication System (ICICS09). The conference received over 160 papers; accepted 90 papers, 20 papers have been selected as conference best papers, 9 papers are published in this book. The book consists of 9 chapters that cover the following areas: -

Security And Cryptography


Mobile Agents


Evidence Mining


Navigation Systems


Software Development


Vector Quantization


Security in Internet Communication


Communication through Expressing


Intrusion Detection Systems

This book presents a collection of research papers in the arias of computer science and communication systems. It is suitable for new researchers and PhD students because it contains up to date researches in the mentioned fields and a lot of references for related topics. Al-Dahoud Ali (Ph.D.)

Organization of Book Intelligent Communication System, 1st Edition contains of 8 chapters:

Chapter 1- Security Approaches in Internet Communication

Chapter 1 aims to examine

security approaches in internet communication. For this purpose, role of the coding science: “cryptology” in providing secure internet communication and related techniques in this scope are also explained within the chapter. Furthermore, in order to give an example for usage of cryptology techniques, an e-mail application, which was developed to send or receive encrypted e-mail messages, is also introduced in this chapter. Chapter 2 - Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

In this chapter, we developed an

efficient digital forensics mining tool to help cybercrime investigators in evidence collection and analysis by providing various forensically important features. Chapter 3 - ACHIEVING UNCONDITIONAL SECURITY BY QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Chapter 3 present quantum cryptosystems as a tool to attain the unconditional security. We also describe the well known protocols used in the field of quantum cryptography. Chapter 4 - Adaptive Architecture to Protect Mobile Agents

The objective of this chapter is

to propose a protocol to protect mobile agent, based on two agents: mobile agent and investigator agent. The investigator is a mobile agent’s prototype with no critical code and data. It is created and sent by mobile agent in order to be executed first. In return, investigator agent is analyzed by mobile agent to detect any malicious action: if actions are forbidden, mobile agent redoes a copy and changes destination. If actions are doubtful, mobile agent chooses a plan of adaptation then migrates. If all actions are authorized, mobile agent migrates with confidence.

Chapter 5 -

Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

This chapter presents our participatory expressive workshop and information system to support it. Aim in this research is to cultivate communications in local communities. Expressing thoughts will be a first step to communicate each other and creating new stories by remixing others expressions will help to exchange and grasp others thoughts. We propose a workshop program and a model of content circulation, and develop a system to realize them. Our system supports decomposing and recomposing by automatic draft content generation. We implemented the system for a workshop, in which participants created contents based on a format of expression

named photo-attached acrostics. Through observation of the practice, we concluded that our framework could help content decomposition. Chapter 6 - IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

In this chapter we have

proposed an appliance controlling system, named as Internet and PC Based Appliance Control (IPAC), using concepts of parallel port programming. IPAC is designed to control a device from PC and from Internet, and can be applied in any smart infrastructure to automate the device and can work with almost every type of automation method either it is wired (e.g. LAN) or wireless (e.g. Bluetooth). This system can be applied in designing smart homes, secure homes, centralized device controlling system, Bluetooth control system, WAP control system. Chapter 7 - Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development This chapter discusses problems concerned with the conduction of requirements engineering activities in agile software development. We also suggests some improvements to solve some challenges caused by agile requirements engineering practices in large projects, like properly handling and identifying critical (including non-functional) requirements, documenting and managing requirements documentation, keeping agile teams in contact with outside customers. Finally, the chapter discusses the requirements traceability problem in agile software development and suggests some ideas to maintain the traceability links between agile software artefacts to help developers to comprehend parts of the system, and to keep the consistency among agile software artefacts during refactoring. Chapter 8 - Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantizationÂ

This chapter illustrates an optimized trellis

coded vector quantization (OTCVQ) scheme designed for robust encoding of the LSF parameters. The objective of this system, called initially "LSF-OTCVQ Encoder", is to achieve a low bit-rate quantization of the FS1016 LSF parameters. The efficiency of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder (with weighted distance) was first proved in the ideal case of transmissions over noiseless channel. After that we were interested on the improvement of its robustness for real transmissions over noisy channel. To protect implicitly the transmission parameters of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder incorporated in the FS1016, we used a joint source-channel coding carried out by the channel optimized vector quantization (COVQ) method. In the case of transmissions over noisy channel, we will show that the new encoding system, called "COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ Encoder", would be able to contribute significantly to the improvement of the FS1016 performances by ensuring a good coding robustness of its LSF spectral parameters.

Chapter 1 Security Approaches in Internet Communication

Utku KOSE Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey

ABSTRACT In today’s world, information security is an essential factor, which must be taken into consider to ensure secure applications and services in information technology. Since the inception of the information technology concept, there has been a remarkable interest in security approaches that aim to protect information or digital data. Especially, rise of the Internet and internet technologies has caused searching for newer approaches, methods and techniques that try to provide secure internet communication sessions for computer users over the Internet. In this sense, this chapter aims to examine security approaches in internet communication. For this purpose, role of the coding science: “cryptology” in providing secure internet communication and related techniques in this scope are also explained within the chapter. Furthermore, in order to give an example for usage of cryptology techniques, an e-mail application, which was developed to send or receive encrypted e-mail messages, is also introduced in this chapter. Keywords: information security, internet communication, encryption techniques.


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the security concept is an important factor, which is associated with almost all fields in peoples’ modern life. It is too important that this concept has been a remarkable subject to the humankind for a long time period. Basically, the “security” term can be defined as “the protection of a person, property or organization from an attack” [1]. But it also has more specific meanings that are used to define similar situations, aspects and features of different fields in the life. Additionally, there are also different concepts, which are derived originally from the “security” term and used to define security approaches and techniques in different fields. The term: “information security” is one of these concepts and it is mostly associated with information technology. Briefly, the information security term is described as protecting information or digital data against any attack that can be performed by using different attacking technologies, methods and techniques [2]. At this point, the popularity and extensiveness








developments and improvements in the field of information technology. Actually, the rise of the Internet and internet technologies has caused rapid developments and improvements in information security and formed its current situation in the modern life. Today, it is more important to ensure secure web services and web applications for people who use these technologies to perform their works and communicate with other people from all over the world. Especially, providing secure internet communication between two people has become an important subject that must be taken into consider for protecting send or received digital data. Because of this, there are many different approaches, methods and techniques that try to provide secure internet communication sessions for people over the Internet. This chapter aims to examine the foremost information security approaches in especially internet communication. Additionally, role of the cryptology in providing secure communication sessions and related methods or techniques that can be evaluated in this sense are also examined and explained in the chapter. In this aim,

principles of encryption techniques like private-key encryption and public-key encryption and their usage in the internet communication systems or applications are explained. As an example for usage of these cryptology techniques, an e-mail application, which was designed and developed to be used for sending or receiving encrypted e-mail messages, is also introduced in the chapter. This application employs a private-key encryption algorithm, which aims to provide an effective approach to encrypt the mail message and related attachments. By explaining structure of this algorithm and features of the related application, the chapter tries to give more concrete ideas about security approaches in internet communication. The chapter is organized as follows: The second section explains the foremost approaches, methods and techniques that can be used to ensure a secure internet communication. This section also introduces some systems and programs that can be used to provide security in communication sessions. Immediately afterwards, the third section introduces the coding science: cryptology and explains using features of widely-used encryption techniques briefly. Next, the fourth section introduces the related e-mail application and finally, the chapter ends with a discussion–conclusions section.

ENSURING SECURITY IN INTERNET COMMUNICATION In order to ensure security in internet communication, many different approaches, methods and techniques have been introduced in time. Additionally, different kinds of systems and programs have also been designed and developed to implement introduced approaches, methods or techniques in the internet environment. Definitely, all of these developments and improvements aim to ensure a secure communication over the Internet. At this point, the “secure communication” concept must be defined in order to understand the subject better. Secure communication can be defined as performing communication in different ways that make a third party unable to listen to the communication session [3, 4]. Nowadays, this concept is used as the “secure internet communication” to define


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

security aspects of the internet communication. Security Approaches in Internet Communication Security approaches in internet communication can be examined under different categories and titles. In this section, the foremost approaches, methods and techniques are taken into consideration to explain the subject briefly. In internet communication, the security can be categorized under three main titles. These are [5, 6]: 1 Hiding the content, 2 Hiding individuals of the communication, 3 Hiding the communication environment. The first title: “Hiding the content” examines the approaches that enable users to hide contents of messages (information or digital data) that are received or send during the communication session. The related approaches include “encryption”, “steganography” and “identity based systems” [5, 6]. The encryption is the technique of making information or digital data unclear with special mathematical functions. The encryption is explained in more detail in Section 3. Steganography is an approach that is used to hide information or digital data in a digital media like voice, video and pictures. This can be done by replacing the least significant bit of each pixel belonging to the chosen media [7]. Figure 1 shows a representative sample that explains steganography. The last approach: identity based systems try to provide secure communication by evaluating each user’s identity. In this way, the communication channel is open to only trusted users.

Figure 1. A representative sample that explains steganography

The second title: “Hiding individuals of the communication” examines the approaches that aim to hide individuals of the communication from third parties or malicious factors. The term: “anonymity” can also be used to define approaches under this title. The related approaches include “anonymous systems or applications” and “trace routing techniques” [5, 6]. Anonymous systems or applications are some kind of software or hardware solutions that enable users to hide themselves from factors that want to listen to the communication session. For instance, “anonymous proxies” allow computer users to access to the Internet via fake addresses of different countries and they become untraceable in this way. Figure 2 represents a diagram that shows the anonymous proxy approach simply. In addition to anonymous systems and applications, some special routing techniques also enable users to become untraceable. The last title: “hiding the communication environment” refers to the approaches that allow users to make the communication environment “hidden”. The simplest way to achieve this work is to make communication environment less popular and notable on the Internet environment. Apart from this, a random data flow can also be created for the communication environment. By creating random data flow, the communication environment becomes harder to detect.

Figure 2. Anonymous proxy approach Systems and Programs to Ensure Security in Internet Communication On the market, there are many different types of systems and programs that are widely used to ensure security during internet communication. These systems and programs can be categorized under the titles below: 4 Firewalls, 5

____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

5 Anti Virus-Spyware-Malware Programs, 6 Monitoring Systems, 7 Encryption-Decryption Systems, 8 Secure Messaging (IM) Programs, 9 Secure Conferencing Programs, 10 Other Specific Systems or Programs Firewalls are some kind of program or hardware systems that are specially designed and developed to block unauthorized access to a computer system [8]. Nowadays, there are many different firewall programs that can be installed and used over an operating system. Some software companies like “Agnitum” and “Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.” develop and provide today’s popular firewall programs like “Outpost” and “Zone Alarm”. On the other hand, there are also more advanced hardware systems that act as firewalls for more advanced computer systems like servers. Anti Virus-Spyware-Malware programs provide security solutions against dangerous program and code types like viruses, trojans, spywares and malwares. Protecting computer systems against these types of dangerous factors is too important to ensure security for especially internet communication. Today, different software companies like “Kaspersky Lab.”, “Eset”, “Symantec”, “McAfee” and “Trend Micro” provide special programs that combine functions of Anti VirusSpyware-Malware protecting mechanisms. Furthermore, there are also more advanced and effective programs that combine both firewall and Anti VirusSpyware-Malware protecting mechanisms. These programs are usually called as “Internet Security” programs. As a result of increasing number of dangerous program, code types and other malicious factors, computer users, who often work on the Internet, often prefer to use “internet security” programs. Monitor systems are often used to watch active processes over a network system. By using this type of systems, unwanted activities over the network system can be detected easily and necessary precautions can be taken against possible attacks in the future. In this way, unwanted third parties and malicious

factors on a special communication session can be detected and removed immediately. Nowadays, there are many kinds of monitoring systems that are developed by different software companies. For instance, “Microsoft” offers a free network monitoring program named “Microsoft Network Monitor”. Additionally, another company named “Paessler” works on only network programs and provides a free network monitoring tool. Finally, “Net Optics” provides many different advanced monitoring and filtering solutions for communication security. In order to achieve a secure communication, another method is using encryption-decryption systems. On the market, there are hardware and software based encryption-decryption solutions that try to provide high-level security for valuable information and stored digital data. Today, encrypting information and digital data is the most effective and popular approach to provide security in almost all fields of the modern life. By combining different kinds of security approaches, some secure instant messaging (IM) and conferencing programs have been designed and developed by software companies. Some of these programs are also “open source” and they offer “free” and “developing” security solutions for internet communication. For instance, “Skype” is one of the most popular internet communication programs and it provides secure voice and chat communication with 128 bit AES and 1024 bit asymmetrical protocols [6]. On the other hand, “Zfone” is an open source program that enables users to make secure voice communication. Some popular IM programs like “Yahoo Messenger” uses secure approaches to provide more security in their communication services. “WASTE” is also another IM program that uses high strength “end-to-end” encryption and an anonymous network. As different from other ones, the WASTE is an open source IM program [6]. In addition to the mentioned ones, there are also many more systems or programs that have been developed to be used for more specific aims. Some of these systems or programs ensure the security indirectly. Because of this, they must be used with the support of other security systems or programs.


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

THE CODING SCIENCE: CRYPTOLOGY AND ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUES Today, different types of mathematical methods and techniques are used to send information or digital data from one place to other places safely. The related methods and techniques also enable computer users to store their valuable information or digital data with more secure approaches. These methods and techniques are examined within “Cryptology”. Cryptology is the name of the science, which incorporates both “cryptography” and “cryptanalysis”. Cryptology can also be called as the “coding science”. At this point, cryptography and cryptanalysis refer to different aspects of the cryptology. Because of this, these terms must be defined in order to understand main scope of the cryptology. Cryptography is the field of encrypting information or digital data by using mathematics, computer science and engineering approaches. On the other hand, cryptanalysis is associated with studies and practices of making encrypted information or data unencrypted. In this sense, cryptanalysis works on weak and strong features of an encryption algorithm designed and developed within cryptography approaches [9, 10]. In other words, cryptanalysis is the field, which is used to analyze and break safe communication sessions. In order to achieve this, cryptanalysis employs different types of methods and techniques like analytic judgment, applications of mathematic tools and combinations of figure definition. Figure 3 represents a diagram that shows fields of the cryptology.

Figure 3. Fields of the cryptology There are three more terms that must be examined within this subject. These

are: cryptographer, cryptanalyst and cryptologist. Cryptographer is the term, which is used to define person whose work or research studies are based on cryptography. On the other hand, the person who studies on cryptanalysis is called as the cryptanalysis. As it can be understood from previous explanations, both the cryptographer and the cryptanalysis are cryptologists. Cryptology is too important for computer users because it provides security for computer-aided works such as transferring data between computer systems, designing and developing new computer-based technologies and also performing Internet communication. In today’s world, cryptology is also often used to provide security in computer-based systems or applications like e-business, e-marketing, e-science, e-government and e-signature [11]. At this point, two elements of the cryptology: encryption and decryption techniques have important roles on status of provided security levels. The encryption term can be defined as transforming information or digital data with a special function and the encryption key used by this function. On the other hand, decryption is defined as converting the encrypted information or digital data to its original, unencrypted form. In encryption works, two different encryption-key techniques are widely used. These are named as “public-key encryption” and “private-key encryption” respectively. Today, another approach, which is called as “Hybrid Cryptosystem”, is also used to combine advantages of both public-key and private-key encryption techniques. In order to have more idea about cryptology and its effects on Internet communication, it is better to explain features of public-key and private-key encryption techniques. Public-Key Encryption Public-key encryption technique can also be called as “asymmetric encryption”. In this encryption technique, the user, who wants to ensure a secure communication, needs two different keys. These keys are called as “private key” and “public key” respectively. Each key that the user can use has different roles during the communication. The public key is known by everybody. But the private key is known by only one user. The encryption process is performed by using the public key whereas the decryption process is performed with the private key [12, 9

____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

13]. At this point, some mathematical equations are used to make the connection between public and private keys. In other words, encrypted information or digital data can be decrypted by using the private key, which is connected with the public key that was used for encrypting the mentioned information or digital data. Because of this, it is impossible to decrypt the encrypted information or digital data with the help of other private keys. In this technique, it is too important that the user must hide his / her private key from other users. But he / she can share the public key with other people [14]. Figure 4 represents a diagram that explains a typical communication session based on public-key encryption technique.

Figure 4. A typical communication session based on public-key encryption technique Today, RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) algorithm is the most popular approach that uses the public-key encryption technique. In addition to this algorithm, El Gamal, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), Diffie-Hellman key definition and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) are also other widely used approaches that use the publickey encryption technique [14 – 16].

Private-Key Encryption Private-key encryption technique can also be called as “symmetric encryption”. In this encryption technique, only one key is used for encrypting or decrypting the information or digital data [12, 17]. The private-key encryption technique comes with two different approaches: “block encryption” and “row encryption”. In block encryption systems, the original message is separated into fixed length blocks and each block is encrypted individually [9]. In this way, a block is matched with

another fixed length block from the same alphabet. In designing of block codes, mixing and diffusion techniques are used and these techniques are applied by using “permutation” and “linear transformation” operations respectively [18]. At this point, strength of the related block encryption algorithm is set by S boxes, number of loops, using keys in XOR operations, block length and key length. Using random key is also another important factor to improve strength of the applied algorithm [19]. The other approach: row encryption is a new form of permutation algorithms which were used in the past [9]. Row encryption technique needs a long key data. Because of this, transition files with feedback feature are used to produce a half-random key. The encrypted message content is created by performing XOR operations with the produced key on the original message. At this point, the receiver must produce the same key in order to decrypt the encrypted message [9]. Figure 5 represents a diagram that explains a typical communication session based on private-key encryption technique.

Figure 5. A typical communication session based on private-key encryption technique Today, DES (Data Encryption Standart) algorithm is the most popular approach that uses the private-key encryption technique. Additionally, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorirhm), Skipjack, RC5, RC2 and RC4 algorithms are also other popular approaches that use the private-key encryption technique [11, 14 – 16, 19]. The explained encryption techniques provide different types of security solutions and approaches for different systems. Because of this, their advantages


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

and disadvantages must be known to choose suitable technique for any designed system. Private-key encryption ensures a fast encryption technique whereas public-key encryption provides a slow, but a trusted one. Additionally, private-key encryption technique is useful on digital data, which is stored in a media [12]. But it may be expensive to ensure security in sharing the private key with other users. Although public-key and private-key encryption techniques employ some different features, they are widely used in different types of applications or systems, which aim to ensure security in especially Internet communication.

A SECURE APPLICATION FOR E-MAIL COMMUNICATION In order to give more concrete ideas about security approaches in internet communication, a sample e-mail application can be examined in detail. The developed application enables computer users to encrypt their message text and attachments and send the encrypted content to the receiver(s) via easy-to-use interface. At this point, decryption of the message is done by the receiver(s) with the same application. The application comes with a simple but strong enough private-key encryption algorithm to ensure security for send or received e-mail messages. Before explaining the encryption algorithm of the application, it is better to explain using features and interface of the developed application. Using Features of the Application The e-mail application was designed and developed by using the C# programming language. At this point, object oriented programming methods and techniques allowed developers to create a fast, stable and simple application structure. Interfaces of the application have been formed with simple but effective controls. Coding and designing processes of the application were performed on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform. Figure 6 represents a screenshot from the application.

Figure 6. A screenshot from the application The e-mail application has a user friendly design and simple controls that enable computer users to perform the related operations in a short time. The application comes with three different interfaces, which can be used to perform different operations related to e-mail communication. The user can view these interfaces by using the provided controls on the application. With the first interface, folders of the adjusted mail address (inbox, sent box‌etc.) can be viewed. On the other hand, other two interfaces are used for encrypting plain mail messages or decrypting the received encrypted ones. In this way, the same application can be used by both sender and receiver users to ensure a secure communication. Working structure of the developed communication system is shown in Figure 7 briefly.

Figure 7. Working structure of the developed communication system This simple but strong enough application employs an effective private-key encryption algorithm, which enables user to encrypt their original mail message text and related attachments with some basic mathematical functions. In this way,


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

a secure e-mail communication channel between two users can be realized easily. In order to have more idea about security aspects of the e-mail application, features of this algorithm must be explained in detail.

The Encryption Algorithm The encryption algorithm, which is provided in the developed application, ensures strong approaches to change original form of the message text to more complex and different forms of data. For instance, the whole message text is divided into some blocks to improve effectiveness of the encryption approach. At this point, variable blocks are used instead of constant blocks. Additionally, the security level of the algorithm is increased by producing random numbers for each encryption process. Moreover, this algorithm also requires longer encryption keys for longer message texts. Thus, longer message texts are encrypted with more complex keys. On the other hand, the most important feature of the algorithm is that it is based on the private-key encryption technique. With the support of the private-key encryption, the developed algorithm offers an effective and fast encryption process. Furthermore, it also supports encrypting big size data. With the developed algorithm, the encryption process is performed and completed in four steps. These are: 1. Separation of the original text, 2. Random permutation production method, 3. Key production and bit-level encryption (XOR method), 4. Production of the key and the encrypted data. Under the next subtitle, these steps are explained in more detail.

Encryption steps The first step of the encryption process is based on separation of the original message text into different numbers of text blocks. The related number is automatically defined according to the character count of the text. Separation of the text is also performed according two rules: If the character count of the original

text can be divided into three and a half or seven, the original text is separated into the character count. Otherwise, the character count is set to a definite number, which can be divided into five. In order to achieve this, some space characters are added to the original message text. In the next step, random permutation production method is used to change original content of the message text. For this purpose, random numbers are produced for each block, which was obtained in the first step. Positions of each character in the blocks are changed according to produced random numbers. As a result of changing character positions, a simply encrypted text, which was created with the permutation method, is obtained. With the permutation method, properties of the related text characters are protected. But their positions are automatically changed [17]. In the third step, the final form of the encrypted message text is obtained. In this sense, random numbers between 0 and 9 are produced according to character count of the encrypted text and each character of this text is encrypted at bit-level with randomly produced key numbers. During the encryption process, the XOR (eXclusive OR) method is used [According to the XOR method, the result (output) is “1”, if two inputs are “different”. Otherwise, the result (output) is “0”]. As a result, a set of new characters are obtained for the last form of the message text. Table 1 shows some examples for the XOR encryption process of different characters. Table 1. Some examples for the XOR encryption process of different characters. Character


Encrypted Character

(in binary)

(in binary)

(in binary)

















____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication
















In the last step, created encryption – decryption key and the encrypted data are organized in two separate temporary files and contents of these files are transferred to the application interface to be saved by the user in .txt file formats. Figure 8 represents a flowchart, which briefly explains and shows each step of the developed encryption algorithm.

Figure 8. Flowchart of the developed encryption algorithm By using the explained algorithm steps, the developed application allows users to encrypt both their mail messages and attachments easily. At this point, it is also important to explain decryption process of the application. In the decryption process, the obtained key file is used by the application for the encrypted mail message text. In order to understand decryption steps better, main parts of the key file must be examined first. Figure 9 shows a brief schema that shows the related key file parts.

Figure 9. Parts of the key file As it can be seen from the Figure 9, the key file consists of two different parts, which can be called as “Part 1” and “Part 2” respectively. During the decryption process, the application gets the encrypted form of the text [before the bit-level encryption (XOR)] by using the “Part 1”. Afterwards, the original message text is created by using the “Part 2”. At this point, the original message text is the decrypted text for the receiver. As a result, the receiver has a chance to get the original message in a more secure way with the help of mentioned method. All of the explained processes are performed by the e-mail application via two different interfaces. In the application, these interfaces are named as “Encryption Screen” and “Decryption Screen” respectively. In order to have more idea about usage of the e-mail application, these interfaces must be explained briefly.

Encryption and Decryption Interfaces of the Application As mentioned before, the developed e-mail application includes simple and user friendly interfaces to provide fast and easy using experience for computer users. As different from e-mail folder interface, “Encryption Screen” and “Decryption Screen” have similar interfaces and controls. For encrypting any mail message text, the user can open the Encryption Screen. Figure 10 shows a screenshot from the Encryption Screen of the e-mail application.


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

Figure 10. A screenshot from the Encryption Screen of the e-mail application In order to provide a fluent using experience, users are enabled to change the view to encryption or decryption interfaces (screens) by using two buttons located on left and top side of each “screen”. Additionally, the users are enabled to learn more about the usage of the related “screen” by using the “Help” button. On the Encryption Screen, the user can type the original message text under the “Message” field. On the other hand, there are some more fields that are associated with typical e-mail message fields like “To” and “From”. Additionally, the user can also add one or more attachments to the message by using related controls on this screen. In order to start the encryption process for the mail message and related attachments, the “Encrypt” button can be used. During the encryption process, some statistical information can also be viewed on the title bar of this screen. At the end of the process, two .txt files are created for the produced key and the encrypted data. These files can be saved by the user to any directory. At this point, it is important to use .txt file type for the encrypted data to protect its content from foreign characters, which can be produced by other word processor programs. Moreover, process time is also lowered by using the .txt file type for the encrypted data. After getting the key and the encrypted data, the user can send the message to the receiver(s) by using the “Send” button located on the Encryption Screen. While sending the encrypted mail message to the receiver, restrictions, which are applied by ports or firewalls, may affect the e-mail application. In order to solve this problem, a remoting application, which is held in a trusted authority, was

developed. With this application, communication with the authority is performed over the port: 80, by using shaped XML structure, which is suitable for the semantic data model. After receiving the encrypted e-mail, the Decryption Screen of the application can be used to get the original mail message and its attachments. The Decryption Screen was designed as similar to the Encryption Screen. Figure 11 shows a screenshot from the Decryption Screen of the e-mail application.

Figure 11. A screenshot from the Decryption Screen of the e-mail application On the Decryption Screen, the receiver can view the encrypted message text under the “Encrypted Text” title. After choosing the key file, the text can be decrypted by using the “Decrypt” button. As soon as the decryption process is finished, the original text is shown in the text field located on bottom side of the Decryption Screen. The introduced e-mail application provides an effective and strong security solution for e-mail communication over the Internet. It is too important that examining using features and functions of this application enables readers to have more concrete ideas about security approaches in today’s internet communication. Definitely, there are also many different kinds of applications or systems that try to ensure security for different fields of internet communication.

DISCUSSION–CONCLUSIONS This chapter explained the foremost information security approaches in especially internet communication. In this sense, role of the cryptology in ensuring


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

security for communication sessions and its fields that can be examined in this scope were explained in the related sections. In order to explain more about usage of cryptology in communication security works, principles and functions of encryption techniques like private-key encryption and public-key encryption were also examined. At this point, an e-mail application, which can be used for sending or receiving encrypted e-mail messages, was also introduced to enable readers to have more idea about the usage of cryptology and encryption techniques in providing security for internet communication. Features and functions of this application provide a simple but strong enough approach to support explained subjects about the security factor in internet communication. Today, the security concept is an extremely important subject because the information is currently more valuable for the humankind and there is a supremely effort to protect “valuable information” from environmental factors. As a result of rapid developments in the technology, more advanced systems, which provide better security solutions for valuable information or digital data, are designed and developed expeditiously. With the related developments in the technology, it is expected that the number of different attacking and “security breaking” methods and techniques will be reduced in time. But conversely, more attacking and “security breaking” methods or techniques are designed and developed by malicious people from day to day. Because of this, more research studies and works should be performed to take security precautions one step ahead from malicious methods and techniques against the security. Although there are many different, advanced security applications and systems, the “human factor” is still a critical and important factor in providing a complete security for almost all fields in the modern life. It is important that the human factor is the weakest part of even more advanced security systems and it seems that this situation will not be changed in the near future. Because of this, people must be trained about current security approaches, methods and techniques that can be used to ensure information security. Moreover they also must be warned against potential “social engineering” methods and techniques that can be implemented to benefit from disadvantages of the human factor. This can be done by doing the

following tasks: 1. Arranging educational seminars or meetings about information security, 2. Attending comprehensive conferences and symposiums about information security, 3. Following the latest developments and improvements about security approaches, methods and techniques, 4. Following the latest developments and improvements about attacking and “security breaking” methods and techniques. 5. Being aware of social engineering methods. “Getting access to source code…was kind of like the secret ingredient. I wanted to know what the secret was…”, Kevin David MITNICK


____ Chapter 1: Security Approaches in Internet Communication

REFERENCES 1. R. Kurtus: What is Security?, Ron Kurtus’ School for Champions, (2002). [Online] Retrieved April 10, 2010 from: 2. N. Yalcin, and U. Kose: Sending E-Mail with an Encrypting Algorithm Based on Private-Key Encryption, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Systems 2009, pp. 33-37 (2009). 3. D. P. Agrawal, and Q.-A. Zeng: Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems, Thomson, (2005). 4. J. Kurose, and K. Ross: Computer Networking, Addison Wesley, (2003). 5. L. M. Surhone, M. T. Timpledon, and S. F. Markesen: Secure Communication, Betascript Publishing, (2010). 6. Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia: Secure Communication, (2010). [Online] Retrieved April 13, 2010 from: 7. S. Sagiroglu, and M. Tunckanat: A Secure Internet Communication Tool, Turkish Journal of Telecommunications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-10 (2002). 8. Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia: Firewall (computing), (2010). [Online] Retrieved April 14, 2010 from: 9. R. J. Spillman: Classical and Contemporary Cryptology, Prentice Hall, pp. 1-6, 132, 137 (2005). 10. R. A. Mollin: RSA and Public Key Cryptograhy, Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 125, 53 (2003). 11. S. Sagiroglu, and M. Alkan: Electronic Signature in All Respects: E-Signature, Grafiker Publishing, pp. 2, 8-9, 24, 31 (2005). 12. W. Trappe, and L. C. Washington: Introduction to Cryptograhy with Coding Theory, Prentice Hall, pp. 4-6 (2002). 13. M. D. Abrahams, S. Jajoida, and H. J. Podell: Information Security: An Integrated Collection of Essays, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp. 15, 350-384 (1995). 14. D. R. Stinson: Cryptography Theory and Practice, Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp.

114, 162 (1995). 15. C. Cimen, S. Akleylek, and E. Akyildiz: Mathematics of the Codes: Cryptography, Middle East Technical University – Center of Society and Science, (2007). 16. S. Singh: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography, Anchor, (2000). 17. K. Schmeh: Cryptography and Public Key Infrastructure on the Internet, Heidelberg, pp. 42 (2003). 18. M. T. Sakalli, E. Bulus, A. Sahin, and F. Buyuksaracoglu: Design Techniques and Power Analysis in Flow Codes, In Proceedings of 9th Annual Academic Informatics Conference, (2007). 19. S. Andac, E. Bulus, and M. T. Sakalli: Analyzing Strength of Modern Block Encryption Algorithms, In Proceedings of 2nd Young Researchers Congress of Engineering Sciences, pp. 87 (2005).


Chapter 2 Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

Khaled Almakadmeh, & Mhammed Almakadmeh Concordia University, Canada

ABSTRACT Internet has created new forms of human interaction through its services, like E-mail, Internet Forums and Online Banking Services. On the other hand, it has provided countless opportunities for crimes to be committed, many digital techniques have been developed, and used to help cybercrime investigators in the process of evidence collection. In this paper, we developed an efficient digital forensics mining tool to help cybercrime investigators in evidence collection and analysis by providing various forensically important features. Keywords: Evidence, Digital Forensics, Semantic Search, Cybercrime Investigation

INTRODUCTION Internet has provided many solutions that help people over the entire world to facilitate their lives including; E-mail, Instant Messages (IM), Online Banking Services, and many other services that most of the people can’t stop using. However, according to published statistics, there are thousands of businesses and 24

government departments like Western Union, and CD Universe have been hacked, which resulted in over a billion dollars of damages per year, and this amount of losses is climbing. This makes the job of law enforcement officers including cybercrimes investigators more difficult and complicated, because of the large amount of data that has to be collected and analyzed. Most of cyber criminals use high-technological devices; this requires that law enforcement agencies to have efficient tools and utilities to gather and analyze data from these devices. These reasons were primary motivation behind conducting our research in computer forensics to develop our Digital Forensic Evidence Mining Tool. It’s dedicated to help cybercrimes investigators in the process of collecting and analyzing evidence from suspects’ devices. We have provided features that are highly needed, helpful and supportive toward evidence collection. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and many others perform keyword search. However, cybercrime investigators need is to be able to do a semantically oriented search. Semantic search [1] provides a great flexibility during the investigation process. For example, the word "cocaine" is not going to be mentioned frequently in a drug dealer's communications, instead, when an investigator wants to search for a word like "cocaine", (s)he is expecting to get results that contain the term cocaine or any other related terms. Table 1 shows some examples of terms and their synonyms/Hyponyms Table 1. Examples of terms & their synonyms/ Hyponyms Term



Blow, Nose Candy, Snow, Crack, Tornado


Depository, Reserve, Backlog, Stockpile, Deposit, Container, Money Resource, Money Box


Probe, Inquiry, Enquiry, Research, Investigating


Net, Cyberspace, System, Electronic Net, Computer Network

Our tool is able to enrich the search with various semantic suggestions that the 25

____ Chapter 2: Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

investigator can use. While developing our tool we faced many challenges; we should take into consideration the tool efficiency, robust functionality, and visualization during the whole development cycle. Besides these challenges, our solution should be scalable for large number of files and ready to adapt new features. In addition, the tool needs to be very responsive; within a matter of few seconds the search results need to be displayed and ready to be processed.

RELATED WORK In this section, we focus on previous tools and solutions that have been proposed to help cybercrime investigators. First, we discuss stand alone utilities used in this field and in subsequent sections we mention how our tool takes advantage by integrating them, and providing more customized features that will help cybercrime investigators in performing their jobs. The first utility we use is Google Desktop Search (GDS) [2] provided by Google Corporation. GDS is a desktop search engine that provides full text search for a wide range of file types, such as emails, documents of all types, audio files, images, chat logs, and history web pages that the user has visited. What makes it efficient is that after the initial setup and building the index for the first time, indexing occurs only when the machine is idle. Thus, the machine's performance is not affected. GDS also makes sure that it stays up to date by monitoring any changes on existing or in newly added files. The last but not the least feature is finding deleted files; Google Desktop creates cached copies (snapshots) of all files. These copies can be viewed even if the files have been deleted and are returned in the search results. The other utility we use is WordNet [3], a large English lexical database. It provides nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms called “Synsets�. Synsets are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and lexical relations [3]. In [4] indexing with WordNet Synsets is used to improve text retrieval. We take advantage of this utility to show the investigator a broad collection of suggestions that she/he could pass to GDS.


Further discussion about our developed solution is provided in subsequent sections.

PROBLEM STATEMENT A Good problem statement should answer the following questions: What is the problem? The investigator needs to be able to query the criminals’ devices to build knowledge about what information it contains. This knowledge can be used to provide evidence, and/or to prevent future incidents. Who has the problem? The intended clients for this solution are cybercrime investigators; they face a problem when performing an effective and efficient search on the information in criminals’ devices. What is the solution? A full featured desktop tool that uses GDS and WordNet to provide semantic search in a suspect’s computer.

PROPOSED SOLUTION In this section, we show an overview of our tool’s architecture. Then, we discuss how each component in the tool contributes to the overall functionality. After that, we show the use-case and activity diagram of our tool. System Architecture The system architecture provides a comprehensive overview of the tool and its supporting infrastructure, Figure 1 shows the architecture of our tool:


____ Chapter 2: Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

Figure 1. Tool Architecture

Tool Components The system components are: Graphical User Interface WordNet API Google desktop SDK Business Layer We describe each component from a technical perspective, and explain how they communicate with each other to handle the submitted task. Then, we present the implemented features that are of great use to cybercrime investigations. Graphical User Interface The Graphical User interface (GUI) was designed to be simple, intuitive, and yet very practical. It contains all our tool functionalities in a clear and standard presentation to minimize the learning curve of the user. The GUI also provides menus that accomplish the same functionalities as the main window components; this menu is intended to help users that are more menu-oriented. Figure 2 shows a screen shot of our tool.


Figure 2. Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

WordNet For the semantic search functionality, we decided not to automatically search for all synonyms of the desired term. Since this approach will overload the tool, and overwhelms the investigator with a large amount of results. Instead, we designed our tool to search only for the desired term. Figure 3 shows more practical feature-rich suggestion panel. When the forensic investigator enters a term and hits Enter; the suggestion panel shows a list in the form of tree view that contains synonyms, acronyms, sister terms‌etc.

Figure 3. Panel shows suggestions for "Cocaine"


____ Chapter 2: Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

In addition, the investigator has the capability for more options, like specifying whether he wants to look for nouns, verbs, or adjectives that are related to the term he previously searched. Below that panel there is a definition window that shows the definition of the selected word from the suggestion panel, and an example of use. Double-clicking on a term from the suggestion panel initiates a new request to search for that term and the results are displayed in a new tab. This approach guarantees that our tool is working at the highest performance level. Google Desktop SDK The Google Desktop Search SDK consists of the following: Event Schemas: The GDS engine processes event objects sent to it by other components (Business layer, or even the GUI). An event object consists of the content data the investigator wants the engine to index and store, as well as additional meta-information and properties about that content or the event object. The event schemas specify the allowed event types and the relevant properties for each event type. Developer Indexing API: The Developer Indexing API consists of interfaces used to construct event objects and send them to GDS. Developer Search API: We only use the Developer Search API. It sends an HTTP request to Google Desktop Search engine that contains the investigator search query term. The HTTP response contains the desktop search results in XML format. When the investigator submits a search query, actually (s)he generates an HTTP request that includes a &format = xml parameter. For example, to search for "Google" you would send something like: ZK YvuYSRWnFHk91Z0?q=Google&format=xm. To break this down: is the localhost address and GDS port. 30

search&s=1ftR7c_hVZKYvuYS-RWnFHk91Z0: is the search command and a security token. ?q=Google: is the query term(s) parameter. If the investigator wants to search for more than one term, separate the terms with











use:?q=Google+GDS. If the investigator wants want to search for a specific phrase, separate the terms with +s and surround the phrase with %22s. For example, to search for the phrase "Google Desktop Search", use:?q=%22Goo-gle+Desktop+Search%22 To search for the two phrases "Google Desktop Search" and "Copyright 2005", use:?q=%22Google+Desktop+Search%22+%22Copy-right+ 2005%22. &format=xml specifies that the HTTP response returns the search results in XML format. By default, an HTTP search response will only return the first ten results. It’s kept for developer to specify the number as needed by appending the &num= parameter, followed by the maximum number of results to be returned to the query. There is no problem if the maximum number argument value is greater than the total number of search results; only the total number of results is returned, with no null "results". Business Layer This component is at the core of our tool; it receives the search terms from the GUI and it interacts with the WordNet component in case the investigator wants to search a keyword from the suggestion panel, it also sends the search term with the search preferences to the GDS engine. The business layer processes the results and sends them back to the GUI to be shown to the investigator. This layer resembles the brain of our tool where all the processing complexity is hidden kept separated from the GUI. It is composed of classes and functions that communicate with the rest of the components.


____ Chapter 2: Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

Use Case Diagram The use case diagram [5] gives an abstract of what functionalities the investigator can use when working with our tool.

Figure 3. Use case Diagram

Activity Diagram The activity diagram [5] shows the flow of the program when a search task is submitted to the tool. As shown in the diagram, the user can specify advanced search options before executing the search; also choose a keyword from WordNet to run the search again. After the results are shown, the user can generate a report and save it to be used later when presenting the evidence to the court of law.

Figure 4. Activity Diagram 32

Applicability Our tool runs on Windows XP, Vista, and even Windows 7, and by using Google Desktop Search engine our tool can access all file types, MS Office files, Outlook files, archive files (such as .zip, .rar), email and web history files.

TOOL FEATURES Our tool provides a feature-rich environment for the investigator. We provide many features that help the investigator in evidence analysis and report generation. Below is a description of all the functionalities our tool provides: Result Display: By default search results are displayed in a group of twenty per page; the previous and next buttons allows the investigator to navigate through the next and previous result page. The total number of results found is shown at the top of the results page. Access All Files Types: Using Google Desktop Search engine our tool can access all file types, MS Office files, Outlook files, archive files (such as .zip, .rar), and web history files. Semantic Search: Full of features panel that suggests many variations of the keyword, including a small panel that shows the meaning of each word, and a sample sentence of how it is used. Multiple Tabs: For each keyword searched a new tab will open, allowing the investigator to conduct more search processes, and close any unneeded tab. Advanced Search: Provides more options that allow the tool to filter the number of results. Choose various file types for more refined search, including most common file types, like; text, images, audio/video, archive (zip), and HTML files. Choose specific file category like email or web to search only the specified type of files. Choose the number of results per page. Sort the results by relevance: when checked; relevant files (within the same directory) will be displayed (sequentially) after each other. Display File Snippet: Allows the investigator to see the searched term within the 33

____ Chapter 2: Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool

file it’s been found. Display Detailed File Information: like creation date, last access date, last write date, file attributes, and MD5 Checksum value. Opening the File in the Appropriate Application: when the file name is double clicked in the graphical user interface. Comprehensive Menu: provides the same functionalities to the user is (s)he is more accustomed to using menus. Report Generation: allows the selection of multiple files from multiple search results tabs, to be added and used to generate a report in HTML format. This report shows for each file: the file title, path, MD5 Checksum value, and files size. Set the Search Path: to search within a specific directory only. Calculate & Display the Hash (MD5) of the file to prove the integrity of the seized evidence. Help Menu: provides the user with a user manual of how to use the tool functionalities.

CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we developed a Digital Forensics Evidence Mining Tool that is dedicated to help cybercrimes investigators, in the process of collecting and analyzing data from a suspect’s computer. We have provided in this solution features that are highly needed, helpful and supportive towards evidence collection. We took advantage of some already developed APIs, such as; Google Search Desktop API, and WordNet API to enrich our application. Due to recurring requirements in this hot topic, our solution is scalable and can be adjusted to adapt future requirements and features to provide a unique and essential tool for cybercrime investigators.


REFERENCES 1. R. Guha, Rob McCool, Eric Miller, Semantic search, International World Wide Web Conference, Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web. 2. Benjamin Turnbull, Barry Blundell, Jill Slay, Google Desktop as a Source of Digital Evidence. 3. George A. Miller, Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fellbaum, Derek Gross, and Katherine Miller, Introduction to WordNet: An On-line Lexical Database. 4. Julio Gonzalo, Felisa Verdejo, Irina Chugur, Juan Cigarrain, Indexing with WordNet synsets can improve text retrieval, UNED, Ciudad Universitaria. 5. G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, I. Jacobson, Unified Modeling Language User Guide.



Mohamed Elboukhari, University Mohamed Ist, Morocco, Mostafa Azizi, University Mohamed Ist, Oujda, Morocco Abdelmalek Azizi, Academy Hassan II of Sciences & Technology, Morocco

ABSTRACT Classical cryptography algorithms are based on mathematical functions. The robustness of a given cryptosystem is based essentially on the secrecy of its (private) key and the difficulty with which the inverse of its one-way function(s) can be calculated. Unfortunately, there is no mathematical proof that will establish whether it is not possible to find the inverse of a given one-way function. Since few years ago, the progress of quantum physics allowed mastering photons which can be used for informational ends and these technological progresses can also be applied to cryptography (quantum cryptography). Quantum cryptography or Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is a method for sharing secret keys, whose security can be formally demonstrated. It aims at exploiting the laws of quantum physics in order to carry out a cryptographic task. Its legitimate users can detect eavesdropping, regardless of the technology which the spy may have. In this study, we present quantum cryptosystems as a tool to attain the unconditional security. We also describe the well known protocols used in the field of quantum 36

cryptography. Keywords: Quantum cryptography, Quantum key distribtuion, Unconditional security.

INTRODUCTION The Origin of the Concept of Quantum Computer In his article [1] Richard Feynman presented an interesting idea illustrating how a quantum system can be used for computation reasons. Also the article described how effects of quantum physics could be simulated by such quantum computer. Every experience investigating the effects and laws of quantum physics is expensive and complicated. The idea of Richard Feynman was very interesting because it can be used for future research of quantum effects. A quantum computer is a machine for computation that uses quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. The principle behind quantum computation is that quantum properties can be exploited to represent data and perform operations on these data [2]. Later in 1985, it was proved that a quantum computer would be much more powerful than a classical one [3]. A technology of quantum computers is also very different. For operation, quantum computer uses quantum bits (qubits). Quantum mechanic’s laws are completely different from the laws of a classical physics. A qubit can exist not only in the states corresponding to the logical values 0 or 1 as in the case of a classical bit, but also in a superposition state. The major difference between quantum and classical computers is related to the memory. While the memory of a classical computer is a string of state 0 (0’s) and state 1(1’s) and it can perform calculations on only one set of numbers simultaneously, the memory of a quantum computer is a quantum state that can be a superposition of different numbers. A quantum computer can do an arbitrary reversible classical computation on all the numbers simultaneously and performing


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

a computation on many different numbers at the same time interferes all the results to get a single answer. For example as in figure 1.1 a quantum computer with 4 qubits gives 24 superposition states. Each state would be classically equivalent to a single list of 4 1's and 0's. Such computer could operate on 24 states simultaneously. Eventually, observing the system would cause it to collapse into a single quantum state corresponding to a single answer, a single list of 4 1's and 0's. Some problems occur in production of quantum computers. Any kind of measurement of quantum state parameters considers interaction process with environment (with other particles as particles of light for example), which changes some parameters of this quantum state. Also, measurement of superposition quantum state will collapse it into a classical state, this is called decoherence. The decoherence problem is the major obstacle in a process of producing of a quantum computer. If this problem cannot be solved, a quantum computer will be no better than a silicon one [4].

Figure 1: Effect of four qubits To make quantum computers powerful, many operations must be performed before quantum coherence is lost. It can be impossible to construct a quantum computer that will make calculations before the problem of decoherence. But if one makes a quantum computer, where the number of errors is low enough, than it is possible to use an error-correcting code for preventing data looses even in the case when qubits in the computer decohere.


A hardware problem is another one problem in building quantum computers. Because of some successful experiments Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology is the most popular today. Also, some other designs are based on ion trap and quantum electrodynamics (QED). All of these methods have significant limitations and nobody knows what the architecture of future quantum computers hardware will be [3]. The quantum computing is still in its infancy and although the concept of quantum computers has remained purely theoretical for a long time, recent developments in quantum computers have aroused interest. Experiments have been carried out in which quantum computational operations were executed on a very small number of qubits (quantum bit). Both practical and theoretical research continues with interest, and many national government and military funding agencies support quantum computing research to develop quantum computers for both civilian and national security purposes, such as cryptanalysis. If a quantum computer becomes a reality then the artificial intelligence is one of its benefits. It has been proved that quantum computers will be much faster and consequently will perform a large amount of operations in a very short period of time. So, increasing the speed of operation will help computers to learn faster even using the one of the simplest methods. Also, high performance will allow us in development of complex compression algorithms, voice and image recognition, molecular simulations, true randomness and quantum communication. Randomness is very interesting in simulations. Molecular simulations are important for developing simulation applications for biology and chemistry. Also, the quantum communication has great benefits in the field of security because both receiver and sender are alerted when an eavesdropper tries to catch the signal and thus quantum computers make communication more secure. Actually there a lot of research concerning a new type of cryptography called quantum cryptography.


cryptography, or also quantum key distribution (QKD), uses quantum mechanics to guarantee secure communication. It enables two parties to produce a shared random bit string known only to them, which can be used as a key to encrypt and decrypt messages [5].


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

New Field of Cryptography: Quantum Cryptography The current cryptographic technologies, such as RSA and others are based on factorization.

Integer factorization problem is believed to be computationally

infeasible with an ordinary computer for large integers that are the product of only a few prime numbers (e.g., products of two 300-digit primes) [6]. A quantum computer by comparison could efficiently solve this problem using Shor's algorithm [7] to find its factors. This ability would allow a quantum computer to "break" many of the cryptographic systems in use today, in the sense that there would be a polynomial time (in the number of digits of the integer) algorithm for solving the problem of factorisation. In particular, most of the popular public key ciphers are based on the difficulty of factoring integers (or the related discrete logarithm problem which can also be solved by Shor's algorithm), including forms of RSA. These are used to protect secure Web pages, encrypted email, and many other types of data. Breaking these would have significant ramifications for electronic privacy and security. The only way to increase the security of an algorithm like RSA would be to increase the key size and hope that an adversary does not have the resources to build and use a powerful enough quantum computer. A way out of this dilemma would be to use some kind of quantum cryptography. Wiesner [8] proposed the one-time pad method for key distributions, exploiting the laws of physics to scan for system intrusion or wiretap in the 1970s. Quantum mechanics does not regard measurement as an external and passive process, but instead as one that changes the internal states of the system. Detection, wiretaps, and intrusion are measurement behaviors, any wiretap and intrusion during key distribution can be detected. Hence, a quantum cryptosystem attains unconditional security. Quantum cryptography is only used to produce and distribute a key, not to transmit any message data. This key can then be used with any chosen encryption algorithm to encrypt (and decrypt) a message, which can then be transmitted over a standard communication channel (classical channel). The security of quantum cryptography relies on the foundations of quantum mechanics, in contrast to traditional public key cryptography which relies on the 40

computational difficulty of certain mathematical functions. Also traditional public key cryptography cannot provide any indication of eavesdropping or guarantee of key security. Quantum key distribution has an important and unique properly; it is the ability of the two communicating users (traditionally referred to as Alice and Bob) to detect the presence of any third party (referred to as Eve) trying to gain knowledge of the key. A third party trying to eavesdrop on the key must in some way measure it, thus introducing detectable anomalies. By using quantum superpositions or quantum entanglement and transmitting information in quantum states over a quantum channel (such as an optical fiber or free air), a communication system can be implemented which detects eavesdropping.

STATE OF ART OF QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY Mathematicians have searched for ages, for a system that would allow two people to exchange messages in perfect privacy. Quantum Cryptography was born in the early seventies when Stephen Wiesner wrote the article "Conjugate Coding"[8], was rejected by IEEE Information Theory but was eventually published in 1983 in SIGACT News (15:1 pp. 78-88, 1983). Stephen Wiesner showed in his paper how to store or transmit two messages by encoding them in two “conjugate observables”, such as linear and circular polarization of light, so that either, but not both, of which may be received and decoded. His idea is illustrated with a design of unforgeable bank notes. The ongoing development of quantum cryptosystems thereafter was primarily the result of the efforts of Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard. Most quantum cryptographic key distribution protocols developed during that time were based on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and Bell’s Inequality. Others employed the quantum non-localization, such as the cryptosystem developed by Biham et al. [9]. Users store a particle in the quantum memory of the sending center, such that the users of the same center are assured secure communication. Phoenix et al. [10] introduced a method of developing a quantum cryptographic network rather than adopting quantum non-localization. Huttner and Peres employed non-coupled


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

photons to exchange keys [11], and Huttner et al. also applied a weak correlation to reduce significantly the level of tapped information [12]. Wiesner used bright light to construct a quantum cryptosystem [13]. The early quantum cryptosystems developed in the 1980s and 1990s however lacked complete facilities of research on the security of key distribution protocols. An eavesdropper in these systems was assumed to be able to adopt only simple wiretap methods but quantum mechanics can in practice support more complex methods. Applying a separate method to manage each possible attack is quite difficult and numerous research scholars devote themselves in enhancing the system security by applying specific methods for key distribution under various attacks. The first one who examined the security of quantum cryptosystems was Lutkenhaus [14]. In [15,16] Biham and Mor presented a method of resolving collective attack. Mayers and Salvail [17], Yao [18] and Mayers [19] based their research on BB84 Protocol [20], believing that this method could provide unconditional security and resist various attacks. In the article [21] Bennett et al. examined the security of even–odd bits of quantum cryptography. Despite the development of Quantum Key Distribution protocols, after 20 years, a group of scholars asserted that although quantum cryptosystem based on the QKDP can achieve unconditional security, its key generation is not efficient in practice because the qubits transmitted in the quantum channel cannot be completely employed. For example, out of 10 qubits, only 5 qubits are used for key generation. Also, its key distribution applies one-time pad method, and the length of the key must be the same as that of the plaintext, so the number of qubits required far exceeds the length of plaintext. So, the cost of frequent transmission of bulk messages is much too high. Consequently, the new idea of Quantum Secure Direct Communication (QSDC) is proposed. A QSDC protocol transforms plaintext to qubits to replace the key, and transmits the messages via the quantum channel. This reduces the number of qubits used, thus enables automatic detection of eavesdroppers. Beige et al. in 2002 [22] was initialized the elaboration of QSDC Protocol. In 42

their scheme, the secure message comprises a single photon with two qubit states; it becomes read-only after a transmission of an extra classical message via a public channel for each qubit. Later Boström and Felbingeer developed a PingPong QSDC Protocol [23] that adopts the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) pairs [24] as the quantum information carriers. In this protocol, the secure messages are decoded during transmission, and no additional information needs to be transmitted. A QSDC scheme using batches of single photons that act as a onetime pad [25] is proposed by Deng et al. in 2004 and in 2005 Lucamarini and Mancini presented a protocol [26] for deterministic communication without applying entanglement. Wang et al. proposed a QSDC approach that uses single photons, of which the concepts were resulted from the order rearrangement and the block transmission of the photons [27].

PRINCIPLES USED IN ELABORATION OF QUANTUM KEY DISTRIBUTION PROTOCOLS Photon and Polarization A photon in physics is an elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field and the basic "unit" of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. It is also the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Like all elementary particles, photons are governed by quantum mechanics and will exhibit wave-particle duality – they exhibit properties of both waves and particles. For example, a single photon may be refracted by a lens or exhibit wave interference, but also act as a particle giving a definite result when quantitative mass is measured. Polarization is a physical property; it emerges when a light is considered as an electromagnetic wave. The polarization direction of a photon can be fixed to any desired angle with a polarizing filter. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle The Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle shows that two complementary quantum


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

states cannot be simultaneously measured. When Heisenberg was performing a light diffraction experiment he discovered this principle. He remarked the decoherence of wave function of the system while measuring the position of photons. A shorter wavelength corresponds to a more precise position of the photons; as the wavelength rises, disturbances increase, and the position of the photons becomes imprecise and uncertain. So, the simultaneous measurements of two complementary quantum states are imprecise, and they alter the system. Therefore, the new state differs from that before the measurement. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the main principle to assure the security of early Quantum Key Distribution protocols. For an eavesdropper who attempt to tap into a system to hack secret information needs to measure the quantum state but Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that the measurement of a quantum system affects the entire system. Thus, the legitimate users can monitor any change to determine the presence of an eavesdropper or a wiretap. The application of the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and two types of orthogonal quantum state have lead Bennett and Brassard [20] to build a key distribution protocol, named the BB84 Protocol. Also, Bennett [28] presented a similar protocol but simpler using a non-orthogonal quantum states; it was called the B92 Protocol. Bell’s Inequality In 1935, Einstein et al. argued for the completeness of quantum mechanics [24]. They projected that a strong non-classical mechanical connection exists between two particles A and B that are separated, and they form an entangled photon pair. Restated, very strong connection is observed when two quantum bits are in an entangled state. Modifying or measuring the state of one of the quantum bits determines the relative change in the rest of the quantum bit states within the entangled state. Also, even if they are later widely separated, their behavior remains that of a single unit or a single entity, exhibiting a form of locality; space has no impact on the quantum behavior of the entity. The measurement result of B depends on that of A and vice versa. A beautiful result discovered in 1964; Bell [29] applied the restrictive classical 44

probability correlation function to prove and explain that a connection exists between the correlation functions satisfying Bell’s Inequality when a classical probability is employed to illustrate the quantum status of a system. However, in the 1970s many experiments [30] revealed that the inequality cannot be satisfied if different bases are employed to measure the separated photons of the entangled pair mentioned in EPR paradox. So, entangled quantum states exist whose correlation function cannot be expressed using classical probability. These quantum states are non-local. To the researchers who attempt to contradict that quantum states have locality, these findings were an important victory.

PROTOCOLS OF QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY BB84 Protocol This protocol [20] was elaborated by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984. It is based in its design on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. It is known as BB84 after

its inventors and year of publication, was originally described using photon polarization states to transmit the information. Any two pairs of conjugate states can be used for the protocol, and many optical fiber based implementations described as BB84 use phase encoded states. This protocol is surely the most famous and most realized quantum cryptography protocol. The security proof of this protocol against arbitrary eavesdropping strategies was first proved by Mayers [31], and a simple proof was later shown by Shor and Preskill [32]. The sender and the receiver (Alice and Bob) are connected by a quantum communication channel which allows quantum states to be transmitted. Actually, there are two means to transport photons: the optical fiber or free space [33]. Recent research are experimenting the use of atoms and electrons as a quantum particle [34]-[35] and perhaps a novel kind of quantum channel will appear. The quantum channel may be tampered with by an enemy. By its very nature, this channel prevents passive monitoring. In addition Alice and Bob communicate via a public classical channel, for example using broadcast radio or the internet. Neither of these channels needs to 45

____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

be secure; the protocol is designed with the assumption that an eavesdropper (Eve) can interfere in any way with both. So, this classical channel may be passively monitored but not tampered with by Eve. BB84 uses the transmission of single polarized photons (as the quantum states). The polarizations of the photons are four, and are grouped together in two different non orthogonal basis. Generally the two non-orthogonal basis are: -base ⊕ of the horizontal (0°) and vertical polarization (+90°), and we represent the base states with the intuitive notation:




. We have

⊕ ={ 0 , 1 }


details about quantum computation please see [36]). -base ⊗ of the diagonal polarizations (+45°) and (+135°). The two different base

states are



⊗ ={ + , − }


+ =


(0 + 1)



− =

1 2


(0 −1)

. We


In this protocol, the association between the information bit (taken from a random number generator) and the basis are described in Table 1. Table 1. Coding scheme for the BB84 protocol. Bit 0

0 = a 00

+ = a 10


1 = a 01

− = a 11

The BB84 can be described as follows [37]: 1) Quantum Transmissions (First Phase) n a) Alice chooses a random string of bits d ∈ {0,1} , and a random string of bases n b ∈ {⊕, ⊗} , where n > N ( N is the length of the final key).

b) Alice prepares a photon in quantum state

a ij

for each bit


b in d and j in b as

in Table 1, and sends it to Bob over the quantum channel.


a c) With respect to either ⊕ or ⊗ , chosen at random, Bob measures each ij ' n received. Bob’s measurements produce a string d ∈ {0,1} , while his choices of ' n bases form b ∈ {0,1} .

2) Public Discussion (Second Phase) a) For each bit


in d : bi

i) Alice over the classical channel sends the value of

to Bob.

ii) Bob responds to Alice by stating whether he used the same basis for measurement. Both



bi ≠ bi




are discarded if


b) Alice chooses a random subset of the remaining bits in d and discloses their values to Bob over the classical channel (over internet for example). If the result of Bob’s measurements for any of these bits do not match the values disclosed, eavesdropping is detected and communication is aborted. c) The string of bits remaining in d

once the bits disclosed in step 2b) are

N removed is the common secret key, K = {0,1} (the final key).

To understand BB84 protocol it is very important to describe how we measure a qubit in the field of quantum physics; if we have a qubit as the measure of this state in the basis

{c , g }

qubit =e c + f g

produces the state



with the

2 2 g probability of | e | and the state of with the probability of | f | and of course

| e | + | f | = 1 ( | e | is the absolute square of the amplitude of e). So, measuring with 2



the incorrect basis yields a random result, as predicted by quantum theory. Thus, if 1 , the classical outcome Bob chooses the ⊗ basis to measure a photon in state

will be either 0 or 1 with equal probability because 1 =


( + - - ) ; if the ⊕ basis


was chosen instead, the classical outcome would be 1 with certainty because 1 =1 1 +0 0



____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

To detect Eve, Alice and Bob perform a test for eavesdropping in step 2b) of the protocol. The idea is that, wherever Alice and Bob’s bases are identical (i.e. '

b i =b i

), the corresponding bits should match To detect Eve, Alice and Bob perform

a test for eavesdropping in step 2b) of the protocol. The idea is that, wherever bi = bi


Alice and Bob’s bases are identical (i.e. di = di

), the corresponding bits should


match (i.e.

). If not, an external disturbance is produced or there is noise in

the quantum channel, we suppose all that is caused by Eve. Eve can perform several attacks. One type of possible attack is the interceptresend attack, where Eve measures photons sent by Alice and then sends replacement photons to Bob, prepared in the state she measures. This produces errors in the key shared between Alice and Bob. As Eve has no knowledge of the polarization of photons sent by Alice, she can only guess which basis to measure photons, in the same way as Bob. In the case where she chooses correctly the basis, she measures the correct photon polarization state as sent by Alice, and resends the correct state to Bob. But if its choice is incorrect, the state she measures is random, and the state sent to Bob is sometimes not the same as the state sent by Alice. If Bob then measures this state in the same basis Alice sent, he gets a random result instead of the correct result he would get without the presence of Eve. An illustration of this type of attack is shown in the Table 2. Eve chooses the incorrect basis with the probability 0.5, and if Bob measures this intercepted photon in the basis Alice sent he gets a random result, i.e., an incorrect result with probability of 0.5. The probability an intercepted photon generates an error in the key string is then 0.5 × 0.5=0.25. If Alice and Bob publicly compare n of their key bits the probability they find disagreement and identify the presence of Eve is: 3 n Pd = 1 − ( ) 4


So to detect an eavesdropper with probability

Pd = 0.9999999...

Alice and Bob

need to compare n = 72 key bits. 48

Table 2. An example of the intercept-resend attack. Alice's random bit Alice's random sending basis









Photon polarization Alice sends







Eve's random measuring basis Polarization Eve measures and sends Bob's random measuring basis Photon polarization Bob measures PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF BASIS















0 ✓


0 ✘



0 ✓


1 ✓

Shared secret key Errors in key

B92 Protocol In 1992, Bennett proposes a protocol for Quantum Key Distribution based on two nonorthogonal states and known under the name of B92 or protocol of two states[28]. The quantum protocol B92 is similar to the BB84 protocol but it uses only two states instead of four states. B92 protocol is also based on the on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

B92 protocol is proven to be unconditional secure. A remarkable proof of the unconditional security of B92 is the proof of Tamaki [38]. That is meant that this proof guaranteed the security of B92 in the presence of any enemy who can perform any operation permitted by the quantum physics; consequently the security of the protocol cannot be compromised by a future development in quantum calculation. Others results related to unconditional secure of B92 are discussed in [39][40]. The use of a quantum channel that Eve (enemy) cannot monitor without being detected makes possible to create a secret key with an unconditional security based on the laws of the quantum physics. The presence of Eve is made manifest to the users of such channels through an unusually high error rate. B92 is a protocol of quantum key distribution (QKD) which uses polarized photons as information carriers. B92 supposes that the two legitimate users, Alice and Bob,


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

communicate through two specific channels, which the enemy also has access to:

A classical channel, which can be public; Eve can listen passively (without being detected);

A quantum channel that (by its nature) Eve cannot listen passively. The first phase of B92 involves transmissions over the quantum channel, while

the second phase takes place over the classical channel. To describe B92 we use the same notations as those used for the description of BB84 protocol. For simplicity we give the Fig. 4.2 to show different states of photons (polarizations) which we use in this protocol. Encoding data on photons is shown in Table 1.

Figure 2: Different states of photons used in B92 protocol. In B92 protocol, several setups must be done [41]: 1) First phase (Quantum Transmissions) n a) Alice choose randomly a vector of bits A ∈ {0,1} , n > N ( N is the length of the

final key). If and if

Ai = 1

Ai = 0

Alice sends to Bob the state of

, she sends to him the state of



over the quantum channel

, for all i ∈ {0,1, … , n} .

n B =0 b) Bob creates in its turn a random vector of bits B ∈ {0,1} , n > N . If i Bob

B =1 Bob chooses the basis ⊗ , for all i ∈ {0,1, … , n} . chooses the basis ⊕ and if i

c) Bob measures respectively each quantum state sent by Alice (




) in the

selected basis ( ⊕ or ⊗ ). 2) Second phase (Public Discussion)


a) Over the classical channel, Bob sends T to Alice. T =1 b) Alice and Bob preserve only the bits of the vectors A and B for which i . In

such case and in absence of Eve, we have: formed by




A i = 1 − Bi

and the shared raw key is


c) Alice chooses a sample of the bits of the raw key and reveals them to Bob over A ≠ 1 − Bi the classical channel. If it exists i such as i , then Eve is detected and the

communication is aborted. N d) The shared secret key K ∈ {0,1} is formed by the raw key after elimination of the

samples of the step 2c). The Table 3 illustrates how the B92 protocol operates. There are three points to understand the protocol B92 perfectly. Firstly, if the test of Bob is equal to 0 for a measure, then Bob does not know what Alice sent to him. Thus if Bob chooses 0 + (resp. ) for any the basis ⊕ (resp. ⊗ ), he can obtain as result of his measure

quantum state sent by Alice (




). Secondly, if the test of Bob is equal to 1

then Bob knows with exactitude what Alice sent to him, for example if Bob − chooses the basis ⊗ (resp. ⊕ ), he will obtain after measure the state (resp. 1

) and Alice surely sent to him




). Thirdly, in the step 2b), Alice and

T =1 Bob test the presence of Eve; the idea is that if it exists i such as i then A i = 1 − Bi

, if not an external disturbance is produced or there is noise in the

quantum channel, we suppose all that is caused by Eve. 2) Second phase (Public Discussion)

a) Over the classical channel, Bob sends T to Alice. T =1 b) Alice and Bob preserve only the bits of the vectors A and B for which i . In

such case and in absence of Eve, we have: formed by




A i = 1 − Bi

and the shared raw key is



____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

c) Alice chooses a sample of the bits of the raw key and reveals them to Bob over A ≠ 1 − Bi the classical channel. If it exists i such as i , then Eve is detected and the

communication is aborted. N d) The shared secret key K ∈ {0,1} is formed by the raw key after elimination of the

samples of the step 2c). The Table 3 illustrates how the B92 protocol operates. There are three points to understand the protocol B92 perfectly. Firstly, if the test of Bob is equal to 0 for a measure, then Bob does not know what Alice sent to him. Thus if Bob chooses 0 + (resp. ) for any the basis ⊕ (resp. ⊗ ), he can obtain as result of his measure

quantum state sent by Alice (




). Secondly, if the test of Bob is equal to 1

then Bob knows with exactitude what Alice sent to him, for example if Bob − chooses the basis ⊗ (resp. ⊕ ), he will obtain after measure the state (resp. 1

) and Alice surely sent to him




). Thirdly, in the step 2b), Alice and

T =1 Bob test the presence of Eve; the idea is that if it exists i such as i then A i = 1 − Bi

, if not an external disturbance is produced or there is noise in the

quantum channel, we suppose all that is caused by Eve. Table 3: Description of the mechanism of B92 protocol. Bits chosen by Alice

Ai = 0

States sent by Alice


Bits chosen by Bob

Bi = 0

Bi = 1

Bi = 0

Bi = 1

Basis chosen by Bob Results of the measures of Bob Probability to measure the state The value of the test


Ai = 1 +








1 2

1 2

1 2

1 2












The EPR Protocol Preliminary In [42], Artur Ekert has elaborated a quantum protocol based on the properties of quantum-correlated particles. He uses a pair of particles (called pair EPR). EPR refers to Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, which presented a famous paradox in 1935 in their article [24]. They challenged the foundations of quantum mechanics by pointing out a “paradox”. The authors state that there exist spatially separated pairs of particles, called EPR pairs, whose states are correlated in such a way that the measurement of a chosen observable A of one automatically determines the result of the measurement of A of the other. Since EPR pairs can be pairs of particles separated at great distances, this strange behavior is due to “action at a distance.” It is possible for example to create a pair of photons (each of which we label below with the subscripts 1 and 2, respectively) with correlated linear polarizations. An example of such an entangled state is given by: S =

1 2



1 2 + 1 1 0 2)

Thus, if one photon is measured to be in the state measured, will be found to be in the state



, the other, when

, and vice versa.

To explain the paradox of “action at a distance”, Einstein et al. suppose that there exist “hidden variables”, inaccessible to experiments. They then state that such quantum correlation phenomena could be a strong indication that quantum mechanics is incomplete. Bell [29] in 1964, gave a means for actually testing for locally hidden variable (LHV) theories. He demonstrated that all such LHV theories must satisfy the Bell inequality. On the other hand, quantum mechanics has been shown to violate the inequality. EPR Protocol Unlike BB84 and B92 protocols, this protocol uses Bell’s inequality to detect the presence or absence of Eve as a hidden variable. The EPR quantum protocol


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

is a 3-state protocol. We describe this protocol in terms of the polarization states of an EPR photon pair. θ

We use the notation of

which denotes the polarization state of a photon linearly

polarized at an angle θ. As the three possible polarization states of our EPR pair, we choose: S0 =

S1 =

S2 =

1 2




1 2







0 2) 1


5π 1

3π 6


2π 6






3π 1

+ 2









) 2

For each of these states, we choose the following encoding data: The


state Bit


3π 6


π 6


4π 6


2π 6


5π 6


The measurement operators [36] corresponding to this encoding are respectively: M0 = 0

M1 =

M2 =










Like BB84 and B92 protocols, there are two phases to the EPR protocol, the first phase over a quantum channel and the second over a public channel. EPR protocol could describe as follows [43]: 1) Quantum Transmissions (First phase) Firstly, a state


is randomly selected from the set of states

{ S j , 0 ≤ j ≤ 2}



create EPR pair in the selected state


. One photon of the established EPR pair

is sent to Alice, the other to Bob. With equal probability separately and independently, Alice and Bob at random select one of the three measurement operators






. They measure their respective photons with the

selected measurement operators. Alice records her measured bit. And Bob records the complement of his measured bit. This procedure is repeated for as many times as needed. 2) Public Discussion (Second phase) Alice and Bob establish a discussion over a public channel to determine those bit at which they used the same measurement operators. Next, they separate their respective bit sequences into two subsequences. The first subsequence, called raw key, consists of those bit at which they used the same measurement operators. The second subsequence, called rejected key, consists of all the remaining bit. The purpose of the rejected key is to detect Eve’s presence. Alice and Bob over the public channel compare their respective rejected keys to determine whether or not Bell’s inequality is satisfied: if it is, Eve’s presence is detected and if not, then Eve is absent. For this specific EPR protocol, Bell’s inequality can be formulated as follows. We note P ( ≠| i , j ) the probability that two corresponding bits of Alice’s and Bob’s rejected keys do not coincide known that the measurement operators chosen by Alice and Bob are respectively either










We write also the expression: P ( =| i , j ) = 1 − P ( ≠| i , j ) , Φ (i , j ) = P ( ≠| i , j ) − P ( =| i , j ) , Ι = 1 + Φ (1, 2) − | Φ (0,1) − Φ(0, 2) | .

So, the Bell’s inequality reduces in this case to Ι≥0

and for quantum mechanics (i.e., no hidden variables) Ι=−

1 2


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

which is a clear violation of Bell’s inequality. There are others protocols of quantum cryptography. For example, there is the EPR protocol with a single particle and there is also a 2-state EPR implementation of the BB84 protocol. We can consult [44]-[45] for details. Also, the paper [46] treats the various multiple state and rejected data protocols.

CONCLUSION Quantum cryptography is based on a combinations of principles from quantum physics and information theory and made possible thanks to the tremendous progress in quantum optics and in the technology of optical fibers and of free space optical communication. Its security relies on deep theorems in classical information theory and on a profound understanding of the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Quantum cryptography has some important contributions to classical cryptography: privacy amplification [47] and classical bound information are examples of concepts in classical information whose discovery were much inspired by quantum cryptography. Also, the fascinating tension between quantum physics and relativity, as illustrated by Bell’s inequality, is not far away. Actually, despite the huge progress over the recent years, many technological challenges and open questions remain. The first technological challenge at present concerns improved detectors compatible with telecom fibers. Also two other issues concern free space and quantum repeaters. The first is presently the only way to realize quantum cryptography over thousands of kilometers using near future technology. The purpose of the idea of quantum repeaters is to encode the qubits in such a way that if the error rate is low, then errors can be detected and corrected entirely in the quantum domain. So, the hope is that such techniques could extend the range of quantum communication to essentially unlimited distances. For the open questions side, we emphasize three main concerns. First, complete and realistic analyses of the security issues are still missing. Second, figures of merit to compare quantum cryptography schemes based on different


quantum systems (with different dimensions for example) are still awaited. Third, the delicate question of how to test the apparatuses did not yet receive enough attention. Quantum cryptography could well be the first application of quantum mechanics at the single quanta level. Many experiments have demonstrated that keys can be exchanged over distances of a few tens of kilometers at rates at least of the order of a thousand bits per second. There is no doubt that the technology can be mastered and the question is not whether quantum cryptography will find commercial applications, but when!


____ Chapter 3: Achieving unconditional security by Quantum Cryptography

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Chapter 4 Adaptive Architecture to Protect Mobile Agents

Nardjes BOUCHEMAL, LIRE Laboratory, Computer Science Department Ramdane MAAMRI, Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria

ABSTRACT Mobile agents are a new paradigm to distributed computation, where mobile agent roams the global Internet in search of services for its owner. The most problem with this approach is security. The objective of this paper is to propose a protocol to protect

mobile agent,

based on two agents: mobile agent and investigator agent. The investigator is a mobile agent’s prototype with no critical code and data. It is created and sent by mobile agent in order to be executed first. In return, investigator agent is analyzed by mobile agent to detect any malicious action: if actions are forbidden, mobile agent redoes a copy and changes destination. If actions are doubtful, mobile agent chooses a plan of adaptation then migrates. If all actions are authorized, mobile agent migrates with confidence. Keywords: Protection, Mobile agent, Adaptability investigation.


INTRODUCTION Mobile agents are program instances, able to migrate from one agent platform to another [1], [3], [9], thus fulfilling tasks on behalf of user or another entity. They consist of three parts: code, data state (e.g. instance variables), and execution state. They transport sensitive information such as secret keys, electronic money, and other private data. Consequently, security is a fundamental precondition for acceptance of mobile agent applications. In other words, we need to have a program that actively protects itself against malicious hosts who try to attack mobile agent in order to obtain service without providing payment, to remove private information from agent’s memory, or to destroy their code, state or data [16], [27]. We can classify host’s attacks against mobile agents into three classes [4], [8], [14]: inspection, modification and replay attacks. Inspection consists in examining the contents of agent, or the stream of execution to get back critical information transported by mobile agent. The modification is realised by replacing some elements of agent with the aim of leading an attack. Replay attacks are obtained by cloning the agent, then by executing the investigator in several configurations to find agent’s knowledge. We also quote denial of service [12] where a malicious host can ignore demands of service, introduce unacceptable delays for critical spots, don’t execute the code of mobile agent either end it without notice. Other agents who wait for the answer of this agent will be in deadlock. Different approaches are proposed to guarantee to agents a trust execution in visited hosts, such as tamper proof hardware [12], function hiding [13], black box [6], [15] or clueless agents [11]. We explain in this paper a proposition to protect mobile agent, based on cloning and adaptability concepts. The investigator is a mobile agent copy, with no critical code and data. Mobile


____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

agent creates its investigator, saves a copy and sends it first to the host. After execution, investigator returns back to mobile agent who compares it with the saved copy in order to detect possible attacks. Thus, instead of divulging mobile agent to malicious host, we propose to send an investigator firstly to examine possible attacks. This idea minimizes damages on mobile agent and allows detecting and avoiding several types of attacks in moment of their arrivals. We will discuss performances that our proposition can bring to protect mobile agents against these attacks in section 6, but at first we begin with section 2 where we present some works based on one or several agents to protect mobile agent, and other works based on adaptability. Section 3 describes principle, architecture, and steps of proposed system. Section 4 presents some implementation principles. In section 5 we propose an experiment to compare our approach with tow other approaches. We evaluate the protocol in section 6. Finally, section 7 summarizes our contribution and describes future works.

Related Work In this section, we summarize some proposed techniques based on adaptability, and other based one or more agents.

A. Adaptability to protect mobile agents Adaptability concept The adaptation designates the action to react facing variations of environment constraints [20], [21]. The adaptation can be static or dynamic: The static adaptability is done before the execution according to environment knowledge detained. Dynamic adaptability is based on estimation, during the construction of the application, of different variations of the environment and defining actions of adaptation. Consequently, it defines adaptability rules. Works based on Adaptability S.Hacini et al in [14] proposed an approach which offers to mobile agent the 64

possibility to modify its behaviour. This ability makes it unpredictable and complicates its analysis [2]. The idea is that mobile agent must verify the customer trustworthiness and present an appropriate behaviour. S.Leriche and JP.Arcangeli [20], [21], proposed architecture based on micro replaceable components to adapt mobile agent to various executions conditions. We tried to use this idea in our architecture to adapt the mobile agent to different attacks.

B. Works based on other agents Corradi et al. [6], Yao et al. [25] [26] and Guan et al. [10] used mechanisms with a TTP (Trusted Third Party) to protect mobile agent’s data. TTP records itinerary information directly or indirectly. The main problem is that they need one TTP at least, and mobile agent needs to communicate with it ceaselessly. So, TTP will become a bottleneck, and even cause single point failure. More over, it’s not easy to find a TTP in the open internet. El Rhazi and S.Pierre in [7] proposed an approach based on cooperation of a sedentary agent running inside a trusted third host. Results show that the protocol detects several attacks, such as denial of service, incorrect execution and reexecution of mobile agent code. But major limit is that the sedentary agent can do nothing against different attacks, and mobile agent continues its migration uselessly, so all future visited hosts (after code modification attack) will be considered as being malicious even if they are not. Ouardani and S.Pierre in [22] proposed a technique considered as an improvement of [7], based on two sedentary agents. Their role is to follow the mobile agent step by step by verifying its itinerary, calculating the time of execution to detect various types of attacks, and verifying every time its state.

The Protocol A. Origin (Military Life) Our proposal is inspired from the principle of Military Investigator or scouts.


____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

Their main mission is to acquire information about opponent territory, to dread dangers and obstacles, then to make reports on all visited places and met dangers or attacks. These reports are put back to leader of troop to analyze. If he decides to go, he has to choose a policy of adaptation to environment’s nature and opponent attacks. He can ask for reinforcement, choose to go by air, by boat or by road. The leader can decide not to go at all if investigators don’t return. Note that these investigators have no idea on main mission of their troop; they are only enlightening the road. Even if they are captured, they have no sensitive or critical information. Thus, the principle consists to send at first a prototype agent, called the investigator, to destination host. The investigator is a copy of mobile agent: its code is a part of mobile agent’s code and does not translate any important knowledge. Investigator data is also a copy of mobile agent’s non sensitive data. Mobile agent creates its investigator, keeps a copy and sends it to destination host to be executed. At return, mobile agent compares it with the saved copy in order to detect any modification of data or code. B. Architecture components We use two different entities: mobile agent (MA) and investigator agent (CA). We will detail components of each entity in what follows (Fig.1): Mobile Agent Mobile agent contains code, static and dynamic data and modules: interface, analyzer, adapter, manager, component library and action library. Code Created by the owner, it expresses mobile agent knowledge, and constituted by several replaceable components. Static data Static data are unchangeable data, such as creator identity, its digital signature, data used during mobile agent’s execution, estimated investigator runtime (in order to compare it later with the real execution time), decryption keys to decrypt 66

investigator’s report and other keys to encrypt collected data, partial results and mobile agent itinerary. Dynamic data This part is dynamic because it evolves in every migration. We find black list hosts (BLH), trusted hosts list (THL) and doubtful or untrusted hosts list (UHL). Collected data and partial results are encrypted and saved after every migration (decryption key is only on home host to guarantee data confidentiality). Besides, every visited host is registered and encrypted by mobile agent to form the itinerary. Investigator’s copy Mobile agent backs up a copy of investigator agent (code and data) before migration towards a site to make comparison and analysis after return. Action library Action library contains a set of predefined events, divided into three classes: •

Class of allowed actions:

It contains all allowed actions that investigator

can make without any problem. For example execution, migration, etc. •

Class of forbidden actions:

This class contains forbidden actions which

can violate integrity or confidentiality of the investigator. For example action delete or modification of code. •

Class of doubtful actions:

It contains a set of doubtful actions that mobile

agent is not sure if they are untrusted or not. For example copy-paste code action. Interface We propose an interface between mobile agent and the investigator. It receives data, code and report of the investigator, then sends them to analyzer to be analyzed. Analyzer The role of this part is to analyze investigator agent: code, data and report. No modification must be done on code and static data. Dynamic data or partial results must be signed by the visited host, otherwise, it is considered malicious. Analyzer compares investigator’s report with actions library: 67

____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

If actions are forbidden (attack is grave), analyzer informs manager to change investigator destination.

If actions are doubtful (attack is avoidable), analyzer informs adapter to choose suitable components from components library and ask manager to replace components at mobile agent’s code in order to adapt it.

If all actions are allowed, mobile agent migrates with confidence.

Component Library It contains replaceable components used by mobile agent during adaptation. These components are fragments of code chosen by adapter following investigator’s report. Adapter We rely in this section on the architecture proposed by Hacini et al [14] and Leriche et al [21]. The role of adapter is to adapt mobile agent following the events report, by choosing and sending suited components to manager in order to change mobile agent structure. Adapter contains a set of the type: <If Action (i) Then Component (j)>. For example, in case of code analyse, adapter decides to use a more raised protection policy of code, by choosing obfuscation technique [17]. So, it adapts mobile agent to a situation of attack by loading the component “obfuscation code”. Manager Its role is to change mobile agent structure to adapt it in case of attacks. Manager redoes a copy of the investigator and changes its destination in case of forbidden actions. It adds sites in blacklist, trust or untrusted list. If there is no attack, manager is informed by analyzer and enables mobile agent to migrate with guarantee.

2) Investigator agent The investigator is a prototype of mobile agent with no important code and data. Our aim is not to expose directly essential knowledge and sensitive data of mobile agent without testing the assurance of host, and identify if it is malicious or not. 68

Investigator has static data, such as creator digital signature, and dynamics data, such as partial results collected on the host. Investigator agent has also a report of all produced actions on the host, and it communicates with its mobile agent using an interface. These actions are coded by an encoding key known only by mobile agent, and changed for every migration in order to avoid the risk that a malicious host makes forbidden action then tries to delete it from actions’ report.

Dynamic data Static data

Components Lib



Actions library

ANALYZER Investigat or


INVESTIGATOR Information Flux Communication




Code, data and report of investigator

Figure.1. Proposed Architecture

C. Steps of the protocol A. Firstly, mobile agent is on the site of origin H0. Before migrating to a site H1, it creates an investigator, keeps a copy then sends it on H1. Mobile agent calculates investigator execution time. B. The investigator, by arriving on the host H1, calculates environmental key by realizing several predefined actions on collected information from H1.


____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

Environmental key aims at identifying the host before beginning the execution [23]. If this key is not valid, investigator returns towards its mobile agent which changes the destination. If the key is valid, investigator begins its execution. C. Mobile agent analyzes investigator. We can envisage the following situations.


Mobile agent calculates and compares estimated time with execution time. If

it is exceeded, mobile agent concludes that investigator is either “killed” or its destination is modified, so "lost". It puts this host in the blacklist and decides not to migrate. 4.2

If investigator returns, mobile agent compares it with the saved copy. If it

finds that code or static data are modified, it puts responsible host in the blacklist and decides not to go. 4.3

If there is no modification in code or static data, mobile agent verifies if

investigator partial results are signed. The objective is to avoid non-repudiation, where a host can deny having received the investigator. In the end of steps 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, mobile agent must redo another investigator and sends it towards another destination. 4.4 If code and data are not modified, and partial results are signed, mobile agent analyzes investigator’s report and compares its actions with library of actions:

If it finds forbidden actions (such as deletion of code or data), it puts the host in blacklist (BLH), redoes another copy of investigator and sends it towards another destination.

If it finds doubtful actions (such as copy past), it puts host in list of doubtful sites (UHL), chooses suited components, then changes structure of its code by making replacements of components .

The goal is to increase the security level of mobile agent in order to avoid the attack.

If all report’s actions are allowed, mobile agent registers the host H1 in its list of trusted host (THL), adds and encrypts it in the itinerary, then migrates.


D. At the end of its mission, mobile agent returns to host of origin with all collected data, lists of malicious, doubtful and trusted hosts. These lists are used for future migrations. E. Before continuing its way towards a host H2, mobile agent verifies that H2 is not in its black list, recreates an investigator and redoes same steps.

Implementation In order to prove the viability of our protocol, prototypes of mobile and investigator agents are created. The current implementation is made within JADE agent platform (Java Agent Development framework). The main reason for this selection was the fact that JADE is one of the best modern agent environments [5]. Furthermore, JADE is open-source and it is FIPA compliant [1]. In what follow, we describe some principles of our implementation ①

Mobile agent and investigator agent take place in JADE containers. In order to simulate different attacks, we propose to implement an agent, called Testing Agent (TA), in the secondary container.

Its role is to generate attacks on investigator agent to observe the behaviors of mobile agent.

Mobile agent, investigator agent and testing agent are defined in Agent class (package jade.core).

All proposed modules (manager, adaptor, and analyzer) are defined with java classes. Actions library and components library are represented by data bases.

All proposed agents must be registered in DF agent (yellow pages service, Class DFService, package jade.Domain).

Communication between agents is assured with FIPA ACL language. (Class ACLMessage, package jade.lang.acl). We use Dummy agent to visualize messages between agents (Fig.2).

All agents’ behaviors are defined with the class Behavior (package jade.core.behaviour).


____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

Figure 2. Messages with Dummy Agent

Experiment In order to validate our protocol, we planned an experiment, which consists to create three mobile agents (Fig.3): MobileAgent1, protected with an approach based on detection, where an attack is detected after return to the home site. The second agent, MobileAgent2, is protected with TTP (Trusted Third Party). TTP is a server where MobileAgent2 is verified after each migration. Third agent is MobileAgent3, protected with the proposed protocol.


Figure 3. Different Containers and Agents Used in the experiment To simulate different attacks, TA generates some behaviours (Fig.4), classified in three classes: forbidden behaviours, doubtful behaviours and peaceful behaviour (i.e. no attacks). Firstly, testing agent generates grave attacks (A4: Modification, A5: Kidnapping). MobileAgent1 cannot detect these attacks before it returns to host of origin. In more, it can lose responsible host trace. TTP can detect that MobileAgent2 is modified or kidnapped, but it needs more time. MobileAgent3 can easily detect this kind of attacks by comparing the saved copy of investigator agent and calculating investigator run time. Malicious host is saved in black listed hosts. Secondly, testing agent generates doubtful attacks: we choose spying investigator code (A3) and copy past action (A2). MobileAgent1 will have no idea that it was copied or analyzed. In the best, its owner can detect these attacks, but


____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

too late. TTP is able to detect these actions on MobileAgent2 when it verifies it. However, TTP needs more time for verification and it can’t avoid attacks. MobileAgent3 can detect these attacks once it analyzes investigator report. In this case, it adapts itself by choosing obfuscation component, which consist to make the code incomprehensible [18]. We note down that the attack was inefficient after adaptation. Finally, testing agent doesn't attack any mobile agent: MobileAgent1 and MobileAgent2 can‘t be sure that the host is trust. MobileAgent3 is faithful and can migrate with confidence.

Figure 4. Testing Agent Interface We calculate for every agent, necessary time to detect attacks, knowing that total time to go and return towards the host of origin is of 50 seconds. We elaborated graph of comparison presented in figure 5. Note that more the number of sites to be visited is big more attacks time detection of MobileAgent1and MobileAgent2 is more important.


Figure 4. Comparison between approaches

EVALUATION Guan et al. [10], Karjoth et al. [19], Yao et al. [25] and T. Sander et al. [24] used the following points as security properties of mobile agent, we use some of them as requests to analyse our protocol: •

Confidentiality Report’s analysis of investigator agent allows knowing if its code or data were

copied. Moreover, environmental key guaranties confidentiality, because only authorized hosts can access at first to investigator then to mobile agent. •

Non-repudiation The signature of results by host and recording of itinerary with encryption

assure this property, because no site can deny that it was visited. •

Integrity It is verified when investigator agent is analysed by mobile agent, which

compares its code with the saved copy to detect any corruption or modification

Conclusion In this paper, we looked at the general problem of mobile agent protection against malicious hosts, and different proposed works. Then, we presented a protocol to assure the mobile agent protection. The idea is based on prevention 75

____ Chapter 4: Adaptive architecture to protect mobile agents

and requires two agents: mobile agent, with knowledge and critical data, and a prototype, with no sensitive code and data. This prototype is called investigator agent. A mobile agent, before migrating to a host, creates a investigator then sends it firstly. In return, it is analyzed in order to detect attacks. If investigator is attacked, mobile agent chooses a policy of adaptation which consists in replacing components suited to the situations of attacks. Mobile agent decides not to go at all if attacks are severe. We described the proposed architecture and its implementation using JADE. We discussed the capacity of this protocol to verify various properties of security. While there are several areas of the work presented here that require further investigation. There are two that particularly interest us. Firstly, we would like to assess the performance of our proposal in a real case; we will choose ecommerce. Secondly, we would like to develop JADE Mobile Agents witch is more application specific.


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Chapter 5 Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

Kosuke Numa and Koichi Hori The University of Tokyo, Japan

ABSTRACT This paper presents our participatory expressive workshop and information system to support it. Our aim in this research is to cultivate communications in local communities. Expressing thoughts will be a first step to communicate each other and creating new stories by remixing others expressions will help to exchange and grasp others thoughts. We propose a workshop program and a model of content circulation, and develop a system to realize them. Our system supports decomposing and recomposing by automatic draft content generation. We implemented the system for a workshop, in which participants created contents based on a format of expression named photo-attached acrostics. Through observation of the practice, we concluded that our framework could help content decomposition. Keywords: Participatory workshop, Creative activity support, Content circulation, Content recomposition, Automatic content generation.


INTRODUCTION With the rapid spread of mobile devices and the Web, we live in a world of explosively increasing volumes of information. Through real-time content publishing in daily lives, it became easier that people in different places communicate each other, however far they may be. Despite the situation ― or should we say, because of the situation, communications in local communities are neglected. People in Japanese urban areas often don’t know well about their neighbors, nor, much less, what their neighbors are thinking. For such purpose, we developed a participatory expressive workshop and a support system. Our aim in this research is to provide opportunities for people in a local area to discuss on their area so that they understand their place and the community more deeply and more widely. First step of communication is to express your thought. Remixing expressions will lead participants to exchange and understand others opinions. Our workshop and system are integratively designed for such sake. We designed and developed both information system and activities to utilize it. Our technological focus is on content circulation framework which includes creation (expressing) and reuse (remixing).

BACKGROUNDS AND APPROACH Our aim in this research is to cultivate communications in local communities. People in urban areas sometimes don’t have enough opportunities to discuss with their neighbors on the area. Participatory expressive workshop is our approach to draw their stories.Storytelling and narrative approaches are gaining wide acceptance in several fields, including psychology, folklore, education, and therapeutics. People articulate and interpret their temporal experience by telling stories [1,2]. Storytelling helps people understand and manage their experiences. In recent years, digital storytelling [3] evolved out of grassroots movements in the US and the UK. Digital stories are typically produced in a workshop style.


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

Figure 1. Workshop as a system A workshop is a specially managed place where people gather and act collaboratively. In a typical digital storytelling workshop, participants combine their narrated words and photos to produce short films. In order to help ordinary people tell their stories, the workshop style is a key. Bruner asserts that a story is produced from a joint act of a storyteller and hearers [4]. In a workshop, facilitators and other participants play hearer roles. In a context of communication, acceptance of stories occupies an important part. Communication is not one-way information transfer. Hearers are requested to understand and adopt others opinions. To promote acceptance of stories, we provide an expression style in which participants remix their and others expressions in our workshop. We developed both workshop program and information system to support the workshop. The system has functions to realize the workshop like storing and showing expressions at first. In addition, it stimulates participants with machinery generated remixed contents to provide new perspectives. As a technological background, our work is to provide a new model of content circulation, which includes loop of content creation. Creation of information is difficult to be directly supported. Truly “new� information is rarely produced but


usually new combinations of information are devised. In this research, we propose a framework for recomposition of stored contents from a creativity support research perspective. In our framework, a system shows draft contents, which are automatically generated by remixing the user’s and the others contents, when a user produces a new content. A user finishes her content by selecting and modifying draft content. Through such process, we aim to develop an iteratively growing loop of expressions. In the loop, others contents are taken in a user’s newly produced content, and the content are used in others contents again. In our research, we designed a new format of expression to emphasize a loop of content creation and recomposition. The format, photo-attached acrostics, contains pairs of pictures and sentences. This format is easy to be taken apart to partial expressions. The details of the format will be shown in section 5. Workshop we focus on in this research is a participatory and experiential group work-based style for learning and creation. Workshops are held in various fields – arts such as theatres, hand crafts and music, citizen-participatory town planning, and learning like training in companies and classes in schools. A workshop is arranged and organized by facilitator. The facilitator establishes tasks and prepares a place. Participants work together for the tasks in the place. Shared place and tasks enhance to form opinions and output expressions. In some case participants collaborate and in some case they compete. Lave discussed the process of learning, creation, and consensus formation in a group called Community of Practice [5], where people share techniques, interests, or concerns. Commitment to the Community of Practice is activated by roles, which participants are required to play, such as a master and an apprentice [6]. This theory, Legitimate Peripheral Participation, explains participatory workshops gain participants’ active commitments. A person, who plays a participant role, is requested to carry tasks out based on the program prepared by the facilitator. Figure 1 illustrates the concept of our proposed workshop as a system. The core elements of a workshop are participants, facilitator, information system(s), tasks, and place. 83

____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

Every person related to a workshop plays a role such as a participant or a facilitator. They gather in a place and work for given tasks. Information system support people’s activities in a workshop. These whole is a creativity support system called workshop; a participant her/himself is also a part of a system. A participant gets new ideas and creates expressions through tasks in a workshop, and at the same time, he contributes to others’ creation as a part of the system. The context where an expression placed in will be changed when one gets a new idea from another participant or from another expression. Information system, however, can analyze and extract the structures of expressions based on the surface expressions, not on the people’s subjective thoughts. Balanced combination of outputs from information systems and interaction with other people will stimulate participants effectively. A workshop, at the same time, requests participants to output expressions as tasks in its program.

RELATED WORK Creativity Support In the beginnings of 1990s, research area called creativity support was raised. In the area, problems like how computers can support human creative activity and what kind of creative activity can be supported were discussed. Boden distinguished two sorts of creativity: H-creativity, which indicates historically new idea/concept formation, and P-creativity, psychologically new idea/concept formation in human minds [7]. In our research, we aim P-creativity support rather than H-creativity support. For ordinary people, our target users, what they express ― externalization of internal nebulous thoughts ― is more important than how they express ― surficial originality of expressing techniques. In psychology field, Guilford made the distinction between convergent and divergent thinking [8]. Our approach emphasizes neither of them specially, but if daring to say, it matches divergent one. One of our aims is to support expressing, which seems to be a convergent process; but widening users’ views and


unsticking users’ stuck thinkings are more important. Many and many creative methods have been proposed, including KJ method [9] and brainstorming [10], and many systems to help creative methods using computer systems have been developed [11].

Automatic Content Generation Our research aims to stimulate users by presenting draft expressions. It doesn’t mean that the system takes a user’s place to “create” expressions; it just presents candidates. Users decide to insert the draft into their expression or not, and if so, they select which candidate is added and modify it according to their will. Letting users place the generated candidates into their own content affords them to think deeply about it. Automatic content generation techniques, however, are useful for our purpose. Bringsjord and his group developed a system called Brutus1, which generates literary stories [12]. Knowledge bases and grammar rules are programmed in advance, and it generates quite readable and natural stories. When sufficient knowledge and enough rules are provided, machines can generate high-quality unexpected expressions. AARON programmed by painter Harold Cohen is known as a painting software [13]. AARON generates paintings according to parameters given by Cohen. There is an interesting story: Someone asked him “who is the ‘creator’ of the paintings?” Cohen claimed that AARON does not paint, but Cohen paints using AARON. This is the very what we emphasize: A system is a tool for creation. An output of the system can be an expression only after evaluated and accepted by the user as her expression. If she is insufficient, she can modify parameters or edit the output, then “create” her work. Here an output is stimulation for a user. Multiple document summarization [14, 15] is technically related to our research. We have not implemented these techniques, but these will be helpful.

Knowledge Models in Knowledge Management Our research aims to design a new loop of content circulation. As for 85

____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

knowledge management area, SECI model [16] is widely known. SECI is the abbreviation for Socialization, Externalization, Combination, and Internalization, which are the processes of knowledge cycle. Shneiderman categorized creative activities into following four activities: “collect,” “relate,” “create,” “donate” [17] And Ohmukai et al. expanded Shneiderman’s model to distinguish information activity layer and communication activity layer [18]. In their model called ICA model ― Information and Communication Activities model, two layers of information activities (“collect,” “create” and “donate”) and communication activities (“relate,” “collaborate” and “present”) form cycles related to each other. Hori and his group developed a cycle model which consists of the knowledge liquidization and crystallization processes [19]. They called decomposition of expressions into units in proper granularity with every possible connection among each as liquidization. And as crystallization, they called new expression formation from decomposed partial units based on new relationships within the context. Our research is based on this concept [20]. In our proposed framework, a system decomposes and recomposes collected users expressions.

Figure 2. Proposed framework

Figure 4. Architecture of developed system


CONTENT CIRCULATION FRAMEWORK Figure 2 illustrates our proposed framework for content circulation. Contents created by multiple users are stored into the database. The recomposing engine decomposes stored contents and generates draft contents. Here we aim not to create complete contents but to stimulate users. The support interface shows drafts to a user and she edits and finishes her content. These operations spread to the recomposing engine and it shows other drafts. We show two levels of interaction loops here. Direct and local interaction between users and the support system is shown in editing and stimulating loop. Remixing and reusing stored contents form indirect and total interaction loop. This model is applicable for various manners of creation and publication of contents. For example, writing process of papers or blog entries include information collection phase and editing phase. Of course authors need to add their own original opinions, but candidate combinations of related information will help their considerations. Format of expression can vary and is not limited to text expressions. While we expect the framework can be applied to any types of contents, we dare focus on text content in this research. Decomposition and recomposition are realized by usual text processing techniques. We wanted to focus not on techniques for implementation but on the content circulation framework itself. For that reason, we held a participatory workshop where participants created their contents and recomposed them into new contents.


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

PHOTO-ATTACHED ACROSTIC WORKSHOP We designed and organized a workshop as a field practice [21]. In the workshop, participants create contents based on rules. We designed a new format of expression called photo-attached acrostics to highlight the





recomposing. Acrostic is “a poem or other writing in an alphabetic script, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out another message1.” We modified it to include pictures for each sentence. Participants take and select photos, write sentences whose first letters match a message given. Here a pair of sentence and photo should correspond and both photos and sentences should be along a theme given. An example of photoattached acrostic is shown in Fig. 3. The message of the example is “ABCDE.” In the workshop, participants create an acrostic using their own photos at first. Then next, they are divided into groups and collaborate to create new expressions by remixing their expressions. Collaboration with others will raise new context and Figure 3. Example of photoattached acrostics

stimulate participants. In the third step, they create expressions by themselves again, using all pictures used in the former steps.


Participants are requested to place others’ (partial) expressions in their new expressions. We aim that participants form new opinions/ideas stimulated by others. At the same time, the workshop facilitator shows other new remixed acrostics using the developed information system described below.

SUPPORT SYSTEM The system consists of four parts (Fig. 4): expression database, expression input interface, expression recomposing engine, and expressing support interface. It has the same structure with the framework illustrated in Fig. 2, but is modified to highlight its dataflow. Users input their works, which are created in manual and analog manner in the workshop. The expressing support interface shows draft expressions, which are generated from the expression recomposing engine (see Figure 6). The expression recomposing processes are as follows: Decomposition phase Analyze morphological structures of text. Calculate term relation weights and term weights. We use term dependency for term relation weights and term attractiveness for

′ term weights [22]. Term dependency td (t , t ) from term t to t ′ is given by:

td (t , t ′) =

sentences(t I t ′) sentences(t )


Here sentences(t ) indicates the number of sentences in which term t appears,

′ and sentences(t I t ) is the number of sentences term t and t ′ appear at the same time. Term attractiveness attr (t ) of term t is a total of incoming term dependencies. T is the set of all appearing terms.

attr (t ) =

∑ td (t , t ′)

t ′∈T t ′ ≠ t


Recomposition phase


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

Extract candidate terms according to their initial letters. Extract photos which include each term in 1. Evaluate photos. We define the weight

wt ( p ) =

wt ( p ) of a photo p for term t as follows:

∑ td (t , t ′) ⋅ attr (t ′)

t ′∈T p t ′ ≠ t


For each initial letter, the term candidates, their related terms, and attached photos are structured.

Figure 5 illustrates an example of word network extracted in the decomposing phase. Sizes of the nodes indicate their weights ( td ) and the distances between two connected nodes shows their strength of the link ( attr ). This figure just visualizes word relations which are calculated internally in the system; we didn’t show users the figure directly. Based on this network, we generate candidates of expressions and present them in creation support interface (Fig. 5). Choose one candidate of initial terms in the left textbox, then other related terms are presented in middle textbox. Choose one again, a photo combined to selected terms and the rest of related terms are shown. User can overview candidates presented on the system, select one she likes, and edit it. In the workshop, a facilitator shows semi-automatically generated expressions, which are edited in certain rules like choosing photos with the highest weights or the lowest. With these expressions, we aim to stimulate the participants by machinery generated context. Through this step, we observe the effects of the expression recomposing engine. After the workshop, we asked the participants to try the expressing support interface. We evaluate the interface from this test.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The theme of our first practice was “Shonan” ― the name of a region along a coast in central Japan. We called for participation to the people related to ― e.g., living around, working around, or was born around ― Shonan area. Through the workshop, participants are expected to discuss together and get new opinions about the area. The workshop was held at 8th and 16th December 2007 in Fujisawa city, the center of Shonan area, with nine participants. Most of their occupations were related to media activities or media literacy: information media-major students, an elementary school teacher, an art university professor, members of citizens’ television at Shonan, and so on. While the youngest was an undergraduate student, a retired person was also included. Three were female, and six were male. The participants were divided into three groups and finally they made 30 photoattached acrostics from 259 photos. Fig. 7 shows the scenes in the workshop. Through this workshop, we aim that participants exchange their knowledge and get new ideas through collaboration and competition. Most of the works from the latter steps were created by remixing others’ former works. One participant, however, didn’t change his mind finally. He preferred creating by himself rather than through collaboration. This fact shows our method is not almighty; this seems quite natural. For the rest of participants, we found that collaborations in the shared place were effective. In the workshop, we prepared the tasks which consist of individual creations and collaborative creations. We expected that participants would change and expand their way of thinking through these tasks. In the process of creating one expression, the participants changed their views actually more frequently. One was not always thinking together with others during a group work; she thought about the task alone; Then she and other member of her group discussed about their thoughts together; And she thought by herself again... In the first step, the facilitator selected photos and terms based on certain rules so that we could observe the effects of the recomposing engine. As a result, a


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

content, which was created by choosing photos and terms with the highest weights in the expression (2) and the expression (3) (shown on the top of each list of candidates in the support interface) happened to have a similar story structure to a participant’s one. We aimed to form a different context, but made a similar story. The facilitator, however, could create much more expressions in much less time. The outputs of the system were not always new, but the number of outputs was large enough to stimulate the participants.

Figure 5. Extracted network in the decomposition phase. Whole structure (top) and partial enlargement (bottom).


Figure 6. Screen image of photo-attached acrostic creation support interface


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

As the second step, we asked the participants to try the support interface after the workshop and conducted interviews with them. While positive comments like “I could easily create new acrostics” were heard, a problem was pointed. The system shows candidates for each sentence separately; connecting sentences ― making story ― is not supported enough.

CONCLUSION In this paper, we introduced our participatory expressive workshop and information system to support it. We aimed to cultivate citizens’ communications in local communities through expressing and remixing. Based on our model of content circulation, we devel oped the workshop program and the system.

Figure 7: Photo-attached acrostic workshop


Our first trial dealt with a peculiar type of expression. But as we already mentioned, our framework is applicable to other types of expressions. Especially it suits on Web content creation. The Web can be a database from which a system draw others expressions, and can be a place where people present their created contents. Reusing and remixing loop of circulation is natively on the Web. We are planning to develop an application of our framework for blogging.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work has been supported by a grant from the Japan Science & Technology Agency under CREST Project.


____ Chapter 5: Communication through expressing and remixing: Workshop and System

REFERENCE 1. P. Ricœur: Temps et Récit, Seuil, (1983) [Time and Narrative, University of Chicago Press, (1984)]. 2. R. C. Schank: Tell Me a Story: Narrative and Intelligence, Northwestern University Press, (1990). 3. J. Lambert: Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community, Digital Diner Press, (2002). 4. J. S. Bruner: Acts of Meaning, Harvard University Press, (1990). 5. Wenger, R. McDermott, and W. M. Snyder: Cultivating Communities of Practice. Harvartd Business School Press, (2002). 6. J. Lave and E. Wenger: Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press, (1991). 7. M. A. Boden, The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms, New York: Basic Books, 1991. 8. J. P. Guilford, The Nature of Human Intelligence, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. 9. J. Kawakita, “The KJ method: a scientific approach to problem solving,” Technical report, Kawakita Research Institute, Tokyo, 1975. 10. F. Osborn, Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures of Creative Problem-solving, Scribner New York, 1957. 11. J. Munemori and Y. Nagasawa, “Gungen: groupware for a new idea generation support system,” in Information and Software Technology, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 213-220, 1996. 12. S. Bringsjord and D. A. Ferrucci, Artificial Intelligence and Literary Creativity: Inside the Mind of Brutus a Storytelling Machine, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc., 1999. 13. P. McCorduck, Aaron's code, WH Freeman & Co. New York, 1991. 14. Mani and E. Bloedorn, “Multi-document summarization by graph search and matching,” in Proceedings of Fourteenth National Conference on


Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97), pp. 622-628, 1997. 15. R. Barzilay, K. R. McKeown, and Michael Elhadad, “Information fusion in the context of multi-document summarization,” in Proceedings of the 37th Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 550-557, 1999. 16. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi, The Knowledge Creating Company, Oxford University Press, 1995. 17. B. Shneiderman, Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies, MIT Press, 2002. 18. Ohmukai, H. Takeda, M. Hamasaki, K. Numa, and S. Adachi, “Metadatadriven personal knowledge publishing,” in Proceedings of 3rd International Semantic Web Conference 2004, pp. 591-604, 2004. 19. Hori, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, and J. Ostwald, “Organic perspectives of knowledge management: Knowledge evolution through a cycle of knowledge liquidization and crystallization,” In Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2004. 20. Numa, K. Tanaka, M. Akaishi, and K. Hori, “Activating expression life cycle by automatic draft generation and interactive creation," in International Workshop on Recommendation and Collaboration (ReColl'08), 2008. 21. Numa, K. Toriumi, K. Tanaka, M. Akaishi, and K. Hori, “Participatory Workshop as a Creativity Support System,” in 12th International Conference







Engineering Systems (KES2008), 2008. 22. Akaishi, K. Satoh, and Y. Tanaka, “An associative information retrieval based on the dependency of term co-occurrence,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2004), pp. 195-206, 2004.


Chapter 6 IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Sandeep Kumar, Alighar Muslim University, India Al-Dahoud Ali, Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan Archana Gupta, Aligarh Muslim University, India Himanshu Bhardwaj, Aligarh Muslim University, India Saiful Islam, Aligarh Muslim University, India

ABSTRACT Today, because of the advancements in the computer and electronic sciences everything is going to be automated. In fact, some devices or infrastructures are capable to change the behavior according to situations; these devices are called Smart Devices or Smart Infrastructures. This system is designed to meet the requirement of appliance control in automated or smart infrastructures which includes home, offices, industries or may be sophisticated vehicles like aero planes. Appliance control basically refers the process or technique of controlling a device (including complete machines, mechanical devices, electronic devices, electrical devices etc.) using some comfortable, luxurious and reliable means based on some automation methods. Even a number of standards have been defined for wired and wireless controlling and automation of home appliances including Bluetooth, UPnP, X10 etc, this field 98

is still in developing state. In this document we have proposed an appliance controlling system, named as Internet and PC Based Appliance Control (IPAC), using concepts of parallel port programming. IPAC is designed to control a device from PC and from Internet, and can be applied in any smart infrastructure to automate the device and can work with almost every type of automation method either it is wired (e.g. LAN) or wireless (e.g. Bluetooth). This system can be applied in designing smart homes, secure homes, centralized device controlling system, Bluetooth control system, WAP control system. Keywords: Home Networking, Smart Homes, Secure Homes, UpnP Devices, X10 protocol, WAP Devices, IR Devices, Bluetooth Device

INTRODUCTION Why Home Networking is not so common? There are several key problems associated with creation of home networked. Some of them are discussed below:

Consumers are unaware of the benefits of the networked or smart home

At this point in time, most home networks are used to connect PCs for tasks such as printing and shared Internet connectivity. Consumers still do not see the other










communications, and remote security control. Because of this lack of awareness, the demand for home networking products is still minimal Running additional wires through homes is costly and a hassle for consumers. In order to counteract this problem, the industry is developing wireless and other standards which will allow users to interconnect information devices without installation of new wires.


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Technology is too complex for most household users. Unlike other home electronics, the technology behind home networking is not intuitive and requires more technological expertise than the average household possesses.

Lack of incentive for Internet providers to push networking technology. The home providers of broadband Internet (i.e., cable Internet providers and DSL providers) are currently surviving well enough on the strength of their connectivity service sales and do not need to push additional products. In addition, these communications carriers are too busy building network infrastructures and too swamped with customers demanding their high-speed access to spend time worrying about home networking.

Potential privacy issues. Because the networked home would enable information to flow out of the home in ways that households are not accustomed to, privacy could be compromised. Additionally, the new technology behind information appliances and smart homes could introduce new security holes not before encountered.

Interface issues. In smart home test beds, control interfaces have ranged from touch-screen devices to PDAs. Data on the effectiveness of the various interfaces seems scarce.

So, these were the some issues regarding the popularity of home networking. Now we shift our attention towards the home networking. Imagine a completely networked home, in which every appliance can be remotely managed [14] from anywhere on the Internet with a simple Web browser [1][12][17][19]. The general goal of the automatic-home movement is to use networking technology to integrate the devices, appliances and services found in homes so that the entire domestic living space can be controlled centrally or remotely [16]. Following is a snap displaying a typical automated home. [2]


Figure 1. A typical Automated Home System [2] Home wiring, the advance home developers are installing, typically adds several thousand dollars to the cost of a new home, and it is usually Ethernet or coaxial cable -- or some combination of both -- with other technologies in the mix. The network is being designed to make possible remote operation of appliances connected to the network.

Figure 2. Already available extra wiring for device controlling in Smart Infrastructure Other technology developers are generating buzz in this area as well. In June 2008, at the Bluetooth World Congress, vendors were touting the expansion of wireless networking technology into everything from air conditioners to cable television boxes."Bluetooth was originally developed as a wireless technology -primarily for short-range exchange of data between laptops, PDAs and mobile phones," said Nick Hun, managing director at TDK Systems, whose Blu2i adapters are being used in such home applications. But, he noted, when early adapters


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

were released to industrial engineers at the end of 2002 demand soon proved overwhelming.

Secure home It is a highly cute smart home environment in which every device is automated with maintaining sufficient security. E.g. In the following figure home door is locked by software lock (by using a password) and can be opened only by software methods.

Figure 3. A software lock in Secure Home Environment [2]

Preliminaries Summarized from [3][4][5][20][22] there are following technologies used to create a networking environment where home appliances work as a network nodes.

Direct Cable In this devices are connected through serial, parallel or USB port. Generally desktop software is also supplied for making the device management a comfortable and easy task.


Figure 4 Direct Cable Connection Method of Home Networking [8]

Bluetooth This is cross device wireless standard created for cell phones and PDAs, and can link up to eight devices. Phone Line Data shares the phone line frequency and requires phone jack everywhere a networked device is located. Also requires special cards and drivers. Ethernet Connections are made using hub system and network cards in each device. It requires driver installation and wiring. There are more expensive and chances of hardware conflicts are there.

Figure 5. Use of telephone media for controlling home devices


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Radio Free Network Uses radio frequency waves to transmit data through walls and doors up to 800 feet, requires network card, can have some interference. AC Network Uses power lines and wiring already within home to connect parallel port to adapter in outlet. It is difficult to set up, slow networking, problems with interference from other devices and is also expensive [4].

RELATED WORK At 2Wire's R&D laboratory, researchers are currently developing [2009] wireless applications to control lighting and home security devices, Software and other IT companies are also not lagging behind in this advancement. Following figure shows a desktop PC Controlled automated home [2] from INSTEON.

Figure 6. Home controlling desktop software from INSTEON [2]

Related Technologies UPnP(Universal Plug and Play Devices) UPnP technology is a distributed, open networking architecture that employs TCP/IP and other Internet technologies to enable seamless proximity networking, in addition to control and data transfer among networked devices in the home, office, and public spaces. Intel software for UPnP technology helps hardware designers and software developers build easy connectivity into common electronic devices [4] [6] [9]. 104

X-10 Devices X10 [7][21] is a communication language protocol that allows compatible products to talk to each other via existing 110 v electrical wiring in the home. Upto 256 different addresses are available and each device you can use usually requires a unique address.

Infra-Red Device IR data transmission is also employed in short-range communication among computer peripherals and personal assistance. Remote controls and IrDA devices use infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDS) to emit infrared radiation which is focused by a plastic lens into a narrow beam.

Bluetooth Devices [10][13] It is a small form factor, low cost technology that provides low-power, short range (up to 10 m) links between mobile PCs, cell phones, printers or other devices arranged in ad hoc ‘piconets’ of up to 8 devices. For promoting interoperability between different Bluetooth devices Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has produced over 400 pages of profiles (published as volume 2 of the version 1.1 specifications). Bluetooth is a simpler technology than any other popular IEEE 802.1 1 standard for wireless local area networks. By ‘simpler’ is meant here fewer and/or less demanding RF semiconductor chips, fewer passive components and less complex digital base band chips.

DESIGN OF IPAC Organization of IPAC Figure [7] shows the complete organization structure of IPAC. In the figure only four devices are shown but using IPAC system we can control up to 128 devices (Why and How, This will be clear in the next section).


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Functions of Different Units of IPAC Web Interface (WI) This is the interface available over the internet and appears on the browsers screen. Its function is to just provide an interface to user over the net through web browser so that user can access the appliance at the distant place (home or office).

User Interface (UI) This is the WI counterpart for local users. This is the interface that is used by the users who own the server. Fig. 7 Organization of IPAC

Figure 7. Organization of IPAC This is basically similar to INSTEON desktop[2] software and has aim of the device management a comfortable and easy task for user’s point of view.


Server This runs web-server so that the system can be accessed over the internet. Second important part of server is the database which stores the information about status of different devices.

Tracker This system reads the status entries from database and generates proper control word to be PC port for generating proper signals. This is one of the most important parts of the system.

Control Word Format For the proposed IPAC system an 8-bit control word will be used to control various home-appliances. Following figure shows the interpretation of different bits:

Figure 8. Control Word Format for proposed IPAC System 4-bits are used to address maximum of 16 rooms. (R-Field) 3-bits are used to address up to 8 devices within a single room. (D-Field) Single bit is used to set or reset (ON or OFF) the device selected by R-field and Dfield bits. (SField) In this structure we can address up to 128 devices because we are using 7-bits for addressing. All available 128 addresses (devices) are grouped into the 16 groups (rooms). Table1 shows these 16 groups and corresponding device address


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

range. Room Number

Device Address Range

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31 32-39 40-47 48-55 56-63 64-71 72-79 80-87 88-95 96-103 104-111 112-119 120-127

Table 1. Grouping of 128 addresses into 16 different groups

Encoding When converting the status record from database into control word we will first find the binary equivalent of room and device separately. From the control word structure it is clear that we have to left shift the room bits by three position to place them at the correct position. Then we can OR the ‘room bits’ and ‘device bits’ to determine the absolute address. .Similarly we have to ‘OR’ the absolute address with (10000000)2 for making the status field ‘1’ if the device is ON. Otherwise if the device is OFF there is no need to change the MSB because by default it is ‘0’. Moreover, one thing to be noted here is that the address of first room is ‘0000’ but we say it ‘Room 1” just to keep the room number in natural domain. Similar is the case with device address. So while decoding we will decrease the room number and device number by 1 prior to converting to binary equivalent. This is shown in the flow chart given below. While implementing the system in HLL it is important that in place of decreasing room-no by 1 then covering to binary and then shifting 108

the room bits by 3-bits is just equivalent to multiplying room no by 8 after decreasing by 1. Similarly ORing with (10000000)2 is equivalent to adding with 128 in decimal number system (only in this particular case).

Example If room number is 5, device number is 8 and we want to set this device in ON state.

Binary Method (5-1)10=(4)10=(00000100)2 (room bits) (8-1)10=(7)10=(00000111)2 (device bits) Status =1 Shifting room bit left by 3-position we get (00100000)2 After ORing with device bits we get (00100111)2 Since the status is ON so we have to OR with (10000000)2 After ORing we get (10100111)2 which is the required control word.

Denary Method (5-1)10=(4)10 (corrected room no) (8-1)10=(7)10 (corrected device no) Status =1 Multiplying corrected room no by 8 we get 4X8=32 Adding with corrected device number we get 32+7=39 Since the status is ON so we have to add 128 After adding 128 we get (167)10 which is the required control word. Since binary equivalent of (167)10 is (10100111)2 we are at the right track. Following figure the complete process flowchart


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Figure 9.

Flowchart for Encoding the room number, device number and their

associated status into corresponding control word.

Poller This part of IPAC remains in running state as long as your system (server) is ON (if you do not want to exit the IPAC service). This system, after a periodical time, executes the tracker so that if any changed had been made in the device status it should be propagate to corresponding device. Its function is to watch (poll) the database continuously so it is designated as Poller.

Appliance Controller (AC) This part of IPAC, which is in the form of hardware, is responsible for interfacing the controlling PC (Server) with electrical devices. This part comprises of a 7X128 line decode that is used to address one out of 128 devices ( 7 input 110

bits are taken from the 7 LSBs of parallel port). The MSB from the parallel port represents the data (status i.e. ON or OFF). With the addition of a relay of proper rating we can connect any device. The relay passes the AC signal as long as the device-status associated with this is ON. For maintaining the device continuously (even in power failure condition) we have to attach a memory element for storing the device status (We have used flip-flop) for that.

Electrical Appliances These are home appliances which we are going to control. We will control the electrical device using this system but inclusion of transducer we can also control mechanical or electromechanical devices.

SIMMULATION In Section-I, Section-II and Section-III we have laid out, designed our proposed system IPAC. In this section we will discuss a particular simulation of IPAC to analyze the results.

Simulation Requirements Following table gives the detail requirements needed for running the simulation of IPAC: Platform (Technology)


Visual Basic 6.0 HTML ASP Access 2000

User Interface Web Interface For Controlling from Internet Database Mappings Sending Control Signal to Appliance Controller For Decoding Control Word For Inverting Active Low Output of Decoder To display the Control Signals

D-25 Type Parallel Port PC74HC154P HD74LS04P 12 LEDs Table.2 Simulation Requirements


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

Simulation Screen Shots Following are some snaps taken from the simulation:

Figure 10. Status changing by user interface

RESULT AND CONCLUSION We have designed this system for controlling electrical devices but the design can be extended to control mechanical devices. We have simulated the system for controlling the LEDs and this is working properly. At last we will finish our system design discussion by concluding that using the parallel programming concept of PC is also a good tool for controlling home appliances.


Figure 11. Statuses Changing by Web Interface

Figure 12. Appliance Controller for simulating controlling the LEDs The major benefit is the cost. Since here the major cost factor is the PC which is generally present in every intermediate level family. Other major cost distribution


____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

factor is the cost of the software but this is a very long time asset. The hardware part (i.e. Appliance Controller) is just a decoder and a set of flip-flops so it is hardly of app. $10 USD. The remaining is the relays and the cost of the relay depends on the rating which depends on the device to be control. Except relays all the costdistribution factors are one-time and fixed investment and does not depends on the number of devices we are going to control.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank to Mr. M. Inamullah (Department of Computer Engineering), Mr. Izharuddin (Department of Computer Engineering) for their help in completing this work.


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____ Chapter 6: IPAC System For Controlling Devices over the Internet

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Chapter 7 Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Abdallah Qusef ,Rocco Oliveto ,Andrea De Lucia University of Salerno. Italy

ABSTRACT Finding out, analyzing, documenting, and checking requirements are important activities in all development approaches, including agile development. This chapter discusses problems concerned with the conduction of requirements engineering activities in agile software development. We also suggests some improvements to solve some challenges caused by agile requirements engineering practices in large projects, like properly handling and identifying critical (including non-functional) requirements, documenting and managing requirements documentation, keeping agile teams in contact with outside customers. Finally, the chapter discusses the requirements traceability problem in agile software development and suggests some ideas to maintain the traceability links between agile software artefacts to help developers to comprehend parts of the system, and to keep the consistency among agile software artefacts during refactoring. Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Traceability, Agile Software Development.


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

INTRODUCTION The agile approach is creating a stir in the software development community. Agile methods are reactions to traditional ways of developing software and acknowledge the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes [1]. In the implementation of traditional methods, work begins with the elicitation and documentation of a complete set of requirements, followed by architectural and high-level design, development, and inspection. Beginning in the 1990s, some practitioners found these initial development steps frustrating and, perhaps, impossible [2]. The industry and technology move too fast, requirements change at rates that swamp traditional methods [3], and customers have become increasingly unable to definitively state their needs up front while, at the same time, expecting more from their software. As a result, several consultants have independently developed methods and practices to respond to the inevitable change they were experiencing. These Agile methods are actually a collection of different techniques (or practices) that share the same values and basic principles. The agile Manifesto states valuing "individuals and interaction over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to changes over following a plan" [1]. Requirements Engineering (RE) is the process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the constraints under which it operates and is developed. The main goal of a RE process is creating a system requirements document for knowledge sharing, while Agile Development (AD) methods focus on face-to-face communication between customers and agile teams to reach a similar goal. There are several research papers discussing the relationship between RE and AD (e.g. [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]). They explain some RE practices in agile methods, compare these practices between agile and traditional development systems, and examine the problems of AD when it is dealing with the management of large projects and control critical requirements. This chapter addresses the problem of how (user) requirements can be


captured and specified in the context of agile software development approaches. It therefore tries to identify how standard RE techniques and processes can be combined with agile practices and to find solutions to some of the difficulties related to their work. In addition, this article discusses the traceability problem in agile software development, since the current traceability between agile software artifacts is ill defined [10]. In particular, we discuss how to solve the traceability problem by extracting some important information from software artifacts to identify traceability links between them. We also discuss how these links can be used to improve the decisions making process and help developers during the refactoring process. Finally, the chapter comes up with a set of guidelines for agile requirements engineering. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 sheds light on the benefits and limitations of agile methodologies in the software development life cycle and discusses some agile approaches from a requirements engineering perspective. The agile RE activities are discussed in detail in Section 3, while Section 4 briefly discusses how the requirement engineering process is performed in two agile approaches. Section 5 addresses the requirements traceability. Section 6 gives some guidelines and enhancements concerning with an efficient application of RE practices in AD. Finally, Section 7 summarizes our conclusions and future work.

AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT The goal of agile methods is to allow an organization to be agile, but what does it mean to be Agile? Jim Highsmith says that being Agile means being able to "Deliver quickly. Change quickly. Change often" [2]. While agile techniques vary in practices and emphasis, they follow the same principles behind the agile manifesto [1]:


The highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.


Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.

Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

Working software is the primary measure of progress.

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. Agile development methods have been designed to solve the problem of

delivering high quality software on time under constantly and rapidly changing requirements and business environment. Agile methods have a proven track record in the software and IT industries. Fig. 1 shows that about 69\% of organizations are adapting one or more agile practices for use in general project management as well as organizational development [11]. In fact, the agile development methodologies are used in organizations where there is no requirement freezing, incremental and iterative approach is used for modeling and every one in the team is an active participant and everyone's input is welcome. The main benefit of the agile development software is that it allows for an adaptive process - in which the team and development react to and handle 120

changes in requirements and specifications, even late in the development process. Through the use of multiple working iterations, the implementation of agile methods allows the creation of quality, functional software with small teams and limited resources. The proponents of the traditional development methods criticize the agile methods for the lightweight documentation and inability to cooperate within the traditional work-flow. The main limitations of agile development are: agile works well for small to medium sized teams; also, agile development methods do not scale, i.e. due to the number of iterations involved it would be difficult to understand the current project status; in addition, an agile approach requires highly motivated and skilled individuals which would not always be available; lastly, no enough written documentation in agile methods lead to information loss when the code is actually implemented. However, with proper implementation the agile methods can complement and benefit traditional development methods. Furthermore, it should be noted that traditional development methods in non-iterative fashions are susceptible to late stage design breakage, while agile methodologies effectively solve this problem by frequent incremental builds which encourage changing requirements. In the following, some common agile methods are briefly discussed from the requirements engineering perspective. Agile Modeling Agile Modeling (AM) is a new approach for performing modeling activities [12]. It gives the developers a guideline of how to build models--using an agile philosophy as its backbone--that resolve design problems and support documentation purposes but not over-build these models. The aim is to keep the amount of models and documentation as low as possible. The RE techniques are not explicitly referred in AM but some of the AM practices support some RE techniques like brainstorming.


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Figure 1. Agile development adoption [11]

Feature-Driven Development Feature-Driven Development (FDD) consists of a minimalist, five-step process that focuses on building and design phases [13] each defined with entry and exit criteria, building a features list, and then planning-by-feature followed by iterative design-by-feature and build-by-feature steps. In the first phase, the overall domain model is developed by domain experts and developers. The overall model consists of class diagrams with classes, relationships, methods, and attributes. The methods express functionality and are the base for building a feature list. A feature in FDD is a client-valued function. The feature lists is prioritized by the team. The feature list is reviewed by domain members [14]. FDD proposes a weekly 30minute meeting in which the status of the features is discussed and a report about the meeting is written. Dynamic Systems Development Method Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) was developed in the U.K. in the mid-1990s. It is an outgrowth of, and extension to, Rapid Application Development (RAD) practices [15]. The first two phases of DSDM are the feasibility study and the business study. During these two phases the base requirements








the 122

development process. DSDM does not insist on certain techniques. Thus, any RE technique can be used during the development process [7]. DSDM’s nine principles include active user involvement, frequent delivery, team decision making, integrated testing throughout the project life cycle, and reversible changes in development. Extreme Programming Extreme Programming (XP) is the most famous of any of the agile approaches. It is based on values of simplicity, communication, feedback, and courage [6]. XP aims at enabling successful software development despite vague or constantly changing software requirements. The XP relies on the way the individual practices are collected and lined up to function with each other. Some of the main practices of XP are short iterations with small releases and rapid feedback, close customer participation, constant communication and coordination, continuous refactoring, continuous integration and testing, and pair programming [17]. Scrum Scrum is an empirical approach based on flexibility, adaptability and productivity [18]. The Scrum leaves open for the developers to choose the specific software development techniques, methods, and practices for the implementation process. Scrum has been in use for nearly ten years and has been used to successfully deliver a wide range of products.

REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING: AN AGILE DEVELOPMENT PROPSECTIVE RE is concerned with discovering, analyzing, specifying, and documenting the requirements of the system. RE activities deserve the greatest care because the problems inserted in the system during RE phase are the most expensive to remove. As shown in Fig. 2, some studies revealed that around 37\% of the problems occurred in the development of challenging systems are related to the requirements phases [19]. The main difference between traditional and agile development is not whether


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

to do RE but when to do it. The RE processes in traditional systems focuses on gathering all the requirements and preparing the requirements specification document before going to the design phase, while the agile RE welcomes changing requirements even late in the development life-cycle. Agile RE applies the focal values mentioned in the agile manifesto to the RE process. The processes used for agile RE vary widely depending on the application domain, the people involved and the organization developing the requirements. However, this chapter explains the agile RE activities which are: Feasibility Study, Elicitation and Analysis, Documentation, Validation, and Management.

Feasibility Study The Feasibility Study gives the overview of the target system and decides whether or not the proposed system is worthwhile. The input of the feasibility study is an outline description of the system and how it will be within an organization. The results should be a short report, which recommends whether or not it is worth carrying on with the RE and AD process. Initially, all relevant

Figure 2. Problems of challenging systems [19] stakeholders have to be defined, in other words, all right customers who are related to the development of the system and are affected by its success or failure


must be selected, and then the brainstorming session takes place to share the knowledge ideas between agile teams and "ideal'' customers to answer a number of questions like: Does the system contribute to the high level objectives and the critical requirements of the organization? In a first step, the high level goals and critical requirements (functional and non-functional requirements) for the system are defined upfront in order to determine the scope of the system. These requirements describe the expected business values to the customer. Is your organization ready for the AD? Each agile method has its own characteristics and practices that will change the daily work of the organization. Before an organization selects one of them, it should consider whether or not it is ready for agile development. In fact, this question is very important and many researchers tried to answer it like [11], [20]. For example, Ambler [11] discusses some successful factors and questions to be answered affecting the successful adoption of agile methods. Can the system be implemented within given budget? Some contracts do not allow for changing requirements. "The requirements must be complete before a contract can be made, which is often found in fixed-priced projects'' [5]. In agile projects where changing requirements is welcome, contracts often are based on time and expenses and not on fixed-priced scope. Hence, agile methods use scope-variable price contracts [21]. This means that the features really implemented into the system and its cost evolve as well. Therefore, requirements are not specified in details at contract level but defined step by step during the project through a negotiation process between the customer and the development team [8]. How to integrate the agile activities with traditional organizational activities already in place? Some researches suggest tentative models for integrating agile activities with traditional organizational activities by transferring the knowledge from one process to another and how the traditional team should adopt its activities to suit the mechanisms of agile teams [22][23].

Requirements Elicitation In this activity, agile teams work with stakeholders to find out about the application domain, the services that the system should provide, the system's operational constraints, and the required performance of the system (nonfunctional requirement). The most important techniques used for requirements


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

elicitation in AD are: Interviews: "Interviewing is a method for discovering facts and opinions held by potential stakeholders of the system under development'' [6]. There are two types of interviews: Closed interviews, where a predefined set of questions are answered, and the open interviews, where there is no predefined agenda and a range of issues are explored with stakeholders. In fact, interviews are good for getting an overall understanding of what stakeholders do and how they might interact with the system, but they are not good for understanding domain requirements. All agile methods say that interviews are an efficient way to communicate with customers and to increase trust between two sides. Brainstorming: this is a group technique for generating new, useful ideas, and promoting creative thinking. Brainstorming can be used to elicit new ideas and features for the application, define what project or problem to work on and to diagnose problems in a short time. The project manager plays an important role in brainstorming. He/she determines the time of creative session, makes sure that there is no escalating discussions about certain topics, and comes to make sure that every body expresses his/her opinion freely. After the creative session is ended, the topics are evaluated by the team. Also, the connections and dependences between the discussed ideas are represented by (for example) graph visualization, so the conflicts with other requirements are found and evaluated. Ethnography: it is an observational technique that can be used to understand social and organizational requirements [24]. In agile development ethnography is particular effective at discovering two types of requirements: the first one refers to requirements that are derived from the way in which people actually work rather than the way in which process definitions say they ought to work, and the second one refers to requirements that derived from cooperative and awareness of other people's activities. Ethnography is not a complete approach to elicitation and it should be used with other approaches such as use case analysis [19][24]. Use Case analysis: this is a scenario based technique used in UML-based development which identifies the actors involved in an interaction and describes 126

the interaction itself. A set of use cases should describe possible interactions that will be presented in the system requirements; each use case represents a useroriented view of one or more functional requirements of the system [24]. Requirements Analysis

The main task here is to determine whether the elicited requirements are unclear, incomplete, ambiguous or contradictory, and then resolve these issues. Conflicts in requirements are resolved through prioritization negotiation with stakeholders. The main techniques used for requirements analysis in agile approaches are: Joint Application Development (JAD): this is a workshop used to collect business requirements while developing a system. The JAD sessions also include approaches for enhancing user participation, expediting development, and improving the quality of specifications [24]. In agile environment, in case of conflicts between stakeholders' requirements the use of JAD can help promoting the use of a professional facilitator who can help to resolve conflicts. In addition, the JAD sessions encourage customer involvement and trust in the developed system. Modeling: system models are important bridge between the analysis and the design process [6]. In agile environment the pen board (or pin board also) is divided into three sections: models to be implemented, models under implementation,









representation of the project status [8]. These models must be documented and not thrown-away. Prioritization: agile methods specify that the requirements should be considered similar to a prioritized stack. The features are prioritized by the customers based on their business value, so that the agile teams estimate the time required to implement each requirement. The agile team must distinguish between ``must have" requirements from ``nice to have" requirements; this can be done by frequent communications with the customers. Fig. 3 shows the requirements prioritization process: at the beginning of each iteration, there is a requirements collection and prioritization activity. During that, new requirements are identified


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

and prioritized. This approach helps to identify the most important features inside the ongoing project. Typically, if a requirement is very important it is scheduled for the implementation in the upcoming iteration; otherwise it is kept on hold. At the following iteration, the requirements on hold are evaluated and, if they are still valid, they are included in the list of the candidate requirements together with the new ones. Then, the new list is prioritized to identify the features that will be implemented; if a requirement is not important enough, it is kept on hold indefinitely [8].

Figure 3. Requirements prioritization process Requirements Documentation

The purpose of requirements documentation is to communicate requirements (or knowledge sharing) between stakeholders and agile teams. In fact, no formal requirements specification is produced in agile development methods since agile focuses on minimal documentation. The features and the requirements are recorded on story boards, index cards, and paper prototypes like use cases and data flow diagrams. The lack of documentation might cause long-term problems for agile teams [6]. In the following, we suggest some recommendations for agile development teams to help them in managing and implementing large projects and projects with critical


requirements: The agile team leader assigns two or three members to produce documentation in parallel and concurrence with development. The two (or three) members will be responsible for handling requirements (functional and nonfunctional requirements), writing, reviewing, and maintaining documentation consistent with development. Furthermore, efficient practices like peer interviews will help to ensure the accuracy and quality of the documentation. The reason for choosing two or three members is because the resources are limited and the other members must adhere to the agile manifesto of producing working software rather than documentation. In addition, we can not have just one person doing it, because that violates one of the agile manifesto principles: "Business people and developers must work together daily through-out the project" [1]. Using computer-based tools like UML modeling and project management tools to specify a high level description of the project, and to document certain practices and requirements used in agile projects in an electronic format. Developing a reverse engineering process [25] to be applicable on agile projects, so that we can use it to reverse engineer the code to produce documentation using for example UML modeling tools.

Requirements Validation

The goal of requirements validation is to ensure that requirements actually define the system which the customer wants. The requirements validation checks the consistency, completeness and realism of requirements. The main practices used for requirements validation in agile approaches are: Requirements reviews: it is a manual process that involves multiple readers from both agile team and stakeholders checking the requirements against current organizational standards and organizational knowledge for anomalies and omissions. In agile projects the requirements reviews must be formal reviews: we mean that the agile team should walk with the customers through each requirement; conflicts, errors, extra, and omissions in the requirements should be formally recorded. 129

____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Write tests first: In agile development, testing is also a method for requirements validation and therefore also part of requirements engineering. In some agile methods like XP, the requirements are implemented and tested using the Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. By applying this technique developers create tests before writing code. The developed code is then refactored as needed to improve its structure [26]. The TDD supports evolutionary development and promotes the development of high quality code. The requirement from which the test case was created is now presented in a form in which it is completely validated, in the sense that it can be automatically (after each iteration) determined whether a requirement is implemented by the software or not. This makes the developers aware for the progress of the project and the state of the current iteration of the project. Also, it supports the refactoring process to get an improved design by reduced coupling and strong cohesion [27]. A common misconception is that all tests are written prior to implementing the code [7]. Rather, TDD contains short iterations which provide rapid feedback. Code refactoring and unit tests ensure that emerging code is more simple and readable. In fact, unit tests can be considered as a live and up-to-date documentation: they represent an excellent repository for developers trying to understand the system, since they show how parts of a system are executed. Evolutionary prototyping: a prototype is an initial version of the system. Evolutionary prototyping starts with a relatively simple system which implements the most important customer requirements which are best understood and which have the highest priority. The system prototypes allow customers to experiment to see how the system supports their work (requirements elicitation), and may reveal errors and omission in the requirements which have been proposed (requirements validation). As shown in Fig. 4, the main objective of evolutionary prototyping in AD is to deliver a working system to customers by focusing on customer interaction [24]. Acceptance testing: acceptance testing is a formal testing conducted by the customer to ensure that the system satisfies the contractual acceptance criteria. The acceptance tests are not different than the automated system tests, but they 130

are performed by the customer. Delivering working software to the customer is a fundamental agile principle and hence the customers create acceptance criteria for the requirements and test the requirements against these criteria. Being AD an incremental process, the customers can give feedbacks to the developers to enhance the development of future increments of the system. However, as a general problem there are often no formal acceptance tests for non-functional requirements. Requirements Management

Understanding and controlling changes to system requirements take place in this activity. In order for requirements management tools to work efficiently, they must be able to store requirements, prioritize requirements, track requirement changes and development progresses, and provide a level of requirements traceability [29], [30]. In agile projects, managers have to create and maintain a framework for the interaction between the agile teams and the stakeholders, by (i) identifying the ideal people who can be members of agile teams and ideal customers who can answer all the developers’ questions correctly, (ii) strengthening the collaboration, and (iii) negotiating contracts with the customers [8].

Figure 4. Evolutionary prototype process


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

We believe that agile methods can play an important role in the management of large projects. The decomposition of the larger parts of the project into smaller components, called sub-components, lends itself to the employment of more agile teams. These agile teams can work in other time zones and other countries provided that frequent communications and self organization are established. Agile teams working in parallel on sub-components allows for quick development and early design. An early design leads to an early review. Consequently, the iterative schedule and emphasis on delivering the product allows the agile teams to assess the successes and shortcomings, and plan for the next iteration. Once a specific agile team has successfully completed a sub-component, the team is available to work on another component or sub-component. Each of these smaller agile teams will still be responsible for assigning two members to complete the previously described documentation which is necessary to satisfy the other stakeholders. Agile teams should use modern communications like web-based shared team projects and instant messaging tools. These tools are useful to keep in touch with the customer and other agile teams in order to discuss requirements when they are not on-site. In Section (requirement traceability) we will discuss the requirements traceability as one of the important aspects of the requirements management.

REQUIREMENTS ENGINNERING IN XP AND SCRUM In the previous section, we discussed about how the requirements engineering activities are performed in agile methods in general form. Although the agile methods do not have distinct and explicit RE process, they use most of this process. Table 1 summarizes how RE activities are implemented actually in XP and Scrum methods, respectively. Here, the XP and Scrum are chosen as a good examples of agile methods to show how the RE process are applied practically. As we said before, the agile RE welcomes changing requirements even late in the development lifecycle and it depends on the people as the most important


factor for the project success. There is no difference between different agile methods in the requirements elicitation phase, since they rely on face-to-face communication between the ideal customers and agile team. The ideal customers described the system requirements as user stories in XP, while in Scrum the product backlog is formulated to include all described features and requirements. Then, the analysis of requirements depends on the requirements prioritization process that prioritizes the requirements according to their importance for the customer. In fact, all agile methods are based on the requirements prioritization to implement the most important requirements first. In addition, frequent delivery of working software allows better understanding and analysis of requirements. The requirements documentation activity in agile development depends on face-to-face communication and software source code as a good resource for knowledge sharing since agile development focuses on minimal documentation. The features and the requirements in XP are recorded on story boards, index cards, and paper prototypes. To ensure that the requirements and features captured are a valid representation of the required system, in AD, frequent meetings between customers and agile teams can be scheduled. Also, the customer can run acceptance tests to ensure that delivered functions actually define the system which he/she wants. In XP, the developers can use the TDD cycle to validate their work frequently and to refactor their code as needed. In XP the short increments and incremental planning techniques are used to manage the change of requirements. The change of requirements may result to add and/or delete the user stories. The Scrum provides a project management framework that focuses development into 30-day Sprint cycles in which a specified set of backlog features are delivered. The core practice in Scrum is the use of daily 15-minute team meetings for coordination and integration.

REQUIREMENTS TRACEABILITY Requirements traceability refers to "the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both a forwards and backwards direction'' [31]. In another


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

definition, requirements traceability refers to the characteristics of a system in which the requirements are clearly linked to their sources and Table 1. RE implementation in XP and Scrum RE activity

XP implementation

Scrum implementation

Requirements Elicitation

Requirements elicited as Product Owner formulates the stories. Product Backlog. Customers write user stores. Any stakeholders can participate in the Product Backlog.

Requirements Analysis

Not a separate phase. Analyze while developing. Customer prioritizes the user stories.

Requirements Documentation

User stories & acceptance Face-to-face communication. tests as requirements documents. Software products as persistence information. Face-to-face Communication.

Requirements Validation

Test Driven Development Review meetings. (TDD). Run acceptance tests. Frequent feedback.

Requirements Management

Short planning iteration. User stories for tracking. Refactor as needed.

Backlog Refinement Meeting. Product Owner prioritizes the Product Backlog. Product Owner analyzes the feasibility of requirements.

Sprint Planning Meeting. Items in Product Backlog for tracking. Change requirements are added/deleted to/from Product Backlog.


to the artifacts created during the system development life cycle based on these requirements [32]. Traceability can provide important insights into system development and evolution assisting in both top-down and bottom-up program comprehension, impact analysis, and reuse of existing software, thus giving essential support in understanding the relationships existing within and across software requirements, design, and implementation [32], [33]. The importance of maintaining traceability links is confirmed on one side by the support provided by many CASE tools (see for instance Rational Requisite Pro 1 ) and on the other side by numerous standards, such as the ISO 15504, CMMI, and IEEE 1219-1998 [34], that consider requirement traceability as a "best practice". Traceability is an important part in traditional software development but it is not a standard practice for the agile methods. However, maintaing traceability links between the artefacts produced can provide important insight also in agile development environment. In particular, tracing user stories to their test cases and back we have a way to validate that a user story is implemented and tested. The importance of maintaing the dependency links among agile software artefacts becomes an essential part in maintenance task. The artefacts produced during an agile development process (i.e., requirements, acceptance tests, unit tests and code) generally change at the same time. Thus, having traceability links between the produced artefacts allows to map high-level documents, and thus abstract concepts, to low-level artefacts. This clearly improves the software maintainability: once a maintainer has identified the high-level document (e.g., requirement) related to the feature to be changed, traceability helps to locate the code to be maintained. This will also help the testers to see what they need to change when a user story is changed or removed and what are the user stories they need to test. In addition, the traceability links are useful to validate that the system is implemented correctly and gives the customer some form of certification that we have tested the system.

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____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Dependencies (links) between unit tests and classes under test can help developers to comprehend the code as the unit test explicitly indicates what the expected behavior of a class should be for typical usage scenarios. Moreover, the traceability links between unit tests and related code can be also exploited to maintain consistency during refactoring process. When refactoring, the developer must ensure that all unit tests continue to pass, so unit tests might need to be refactored together with the source code [35]. Indeed, refactoring of the code should be followed by refactoring of the tests [36]. Many of these dependent test refactorings could be automated or at least made easier, if the exact relationships between the unit tests and the corresponding classes under test would be known. There are many techniques that have been presented to support traceability management. These techniques have been intended to work with traditional software development methodologies and therefore designed under the assumption that a formal requirements process is in place, but in agile software development the situation is different because the main development artifact is the source code. As a result, many researchers tried to find solutions for this challenge [37], [38]. For example, in [37], Echo tool-based approach is proposed to enable the scalability of agile requirements elicitation practice. Echo provides a mechanism that allows for flexible and dynamic creation of content as well as the supporting traceability structure. Indeed, Echo tool does not support multi-user environment to enable distributed collaboration. In addition, other agile practices like TDD are not supported by this tool. Moreover, in [38] the traceability patterns framework is produced as a solution to requirement component tractability in agile software development depending on the structure of source code. However, this framework lacks to the practical evaluation in real-world industrial systems. Thus, the support for traceability in contemporary software engineering environments and tools is not satisfactory. As a result, traceability links between agile software









dependencies between different artefacts have to be manually identified when needed. As a result, during the comprehension of existing software systems, software engineers are required to spend a large amount of effort on synthesizing 136

and integrating information from various sources to establish links among these artifacts. This consideration calls for (semi)automatic approaches supporting the developer during the identification of links between software artefacts. The artefacts produced during software development in agile environment are usually user stories, unit tests, and code classes. Links between user stories and unit tests and between unit tests and code classes are enough to support all the activities described above. As for the identification of links between user stories and unit tests, approaches based on Information Retrieval (IR) [40] techniques could be exploited to support such a task. The rationale behind such approaches is the fact that user stories are text based and that programmers use meaningful domain terms to define source code identifiers in their unit tests. Indeed, IR-based methods propose a list of candidate traceability links on the basis of the similarity between the text contained in the software artifacts. Such methods are based on the conjecture that two artifacts having high textual similarity share several concepts, thus they are good candidates to be traced on each other. In the traceability community promising results have been achieved applying IR techniques for recovering links between source code and free text documentation. In particular, IR methods have been used to recover traceability between manual pages and source code [33], [41], between requirements [42]; between several others types of artifacts [30]; and between unit tests and units under test [10]. However, to the best of our knowledge there is no empirical study carried out to evaluate the support given by IR methods to recover links between user stories and unit tests. Quite different is the scenario when considering the links between unit tests and tested classes. In this case, links have to recovered between structured artefacts (i.e., source code). Thus, heuristic-based approaches can be exploited [43]. Some guidelines and naming conventions that describe the testing environment have been proposed to facilitate the identification of these links. For example, the naming conventions based approaches identify the tested classes by analyzing the name of the unit test. Usually, the name of a unit test is obtained by 137

____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

the name of the tested class followed or preceded by the word "Test''. For instance, the class Converter is tested by the unit test "ConverterTest'' (or "TestConverter''). Although this approach is very simple, it establishes one-to-one relationship between unit test and tested class, but this is not always true in real programming life [44]. In addition, not all developers might follow the predefined naming conventions when they named their unit tests. In this context, other heuristic-based approaches should be used. Bruntink et al. [45] show that classes which depend on other classes require more test code and thus are more difficult to test than independent classes. In order to improve the testability of complex classes, they suggest using a "cascaded test suites'' where a test of a complex class can use the tests of its required classes to set up the complex test scenario. Source code analysis techniques [46], [47] can be used to detect and capture dependencies among the unit tests onto related source code. As an example, the backward program slicing [48] uses intraprocedural or interprocedural control and data flow information to identify the classes that directly or indirectly affect the computation of the results of the assert statements, i.e., the statements used to compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome, in the unit tests.

GUIDELINES FOR AGILE RE This section introduces some guidelines to improve the performances of requirements engineering processes in agile environment and to enhance the quality of requirements: •

Customer Involvement: agile development focuses very strongly on customer interaction. At the beginning, all relevant ideal stakeholders have to be identified. Selecting the right customers and prioritizing their respective requirements is a key issue. The different elicitation practices aim to get as much











Agile Projects Contracts: at the beginning, the most critical requirements are expressed by the stakeholders as well as they can, so that the experienced project leaders can determine an initial cost for agile projects and guess the cost of later changes.

Frequent Releases: frequently delivering parts of the system provides the ability to release faster expected results to the customers in order to get feedbacks from them. Hence, the requirements are implemented in an iterative and incremental fashion.

Requirements Elicitation Language: use linguistic methods for requirements elicitation, derived from Natural Language Processing (NLP) [6]. In other words, requirements are collected using the language of the customer, not a formal language for requirements specification.

Non-Functional Requirements (NFR): in agile approaches handling of NFR is ill defined [7]. We propose the customers and agile team leaders to arrange for meetings to discuss NFR (and all critical requirements) in the earliest stages. Once the initial NFR of a project have been identified and documented, the agile teams can begin with development.

Smaller agile teams are flexible: smaller agile teams allow continuous communications between them and stakeholders in efficient way, and the requirements changes are controlled. Fig. 5 shows that whenever the agile teams are smaller, the chances of the project success increased [12].

Evolutionary requirements: RE in agile methods accommodate changing requirements even late in the development cycle, but that changes to the requirements must wait until the culmination of each iteration. Therefore, agile development does not spend much time in initial requirements elicitation. Consequently, this methodology will ensure that iterations are consistent with expectations, and that the development process will remain organized.


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

Figure 5. Agile team sizes [11] •

No early documentation: any documents produced in the early stages can quickly








requirements change. By allocating only 5\%-15\% of the resources to requirements we think development team can still address shortcomings in agile development while complying with the agile principles in general. •

Requirements splitting: if the agile team considers a requirement too complex, this technique helps the customer to divide it into simpler ones. This helps agile teams to better understand the functionalities requested by the customer, and helps agile teams working in parallel with frequent communications between them. In XP [16], the requirements are written on story cards, the complex user stories are broken down smaller stories. Of course not all user stories can be divided since some contain several subrequirements, or record non-functional requirements. If a story card could be successfully divided, the original story card is discarded, since it no longer needed. All requirements are now included in the union of the new story cards.


Requirements Traceability: we are persuaded that agile projects would work better if they include requirements traceability tools together with validation tools. A good practice would be to identify the traceability links in TDD environment. In other words, the traceability links between test cases and 140

related code should be identified and evolved to control co-changes. In this way, once the code is refactored, the agile team is able to re-build the traceability matrix again and determine what are the test cases needed to be re-run. In particular, the focus should be on the identification of the traceability links added or deleted after the refactoring process. In case the traceability links between source code and the related unit tests are broken during refactoring, this may be treated as a warning for possible code and/or unit test review [35]. Traceability information between requirements, source code and unit tests can also be used to drive software development, by identifying requirements for which unit tests and/or source code has not been implemented yet. In addition, traceability information can be used to support refactoring.

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK The agile methodology manifesto supports a very efficient RE. This chapter surveyed the real process and activities of agile RE including feasibility study, elicitation, analysis, documentation, validation, and management. The secret of the success of agile RE is customer collaboration, good agile developers, and experienced project managers. The chapter also provided some recommendations to solve the requirements documentation problem in agile projects, to make agile methodology suitable for handling projects with critical (functional and non-functional) requirements, to allow agile teams involved in large software projects to work in parallel with frequent communications between them. In addition, we also highlighted some benefits provided by the requirements traceability during software development and suggested some methods to identify links between artifacts produced in agile development environment. As future work, we will plan to conduct industrial case studies to support our ideas, and try to develop a tool that support the distinction between functional and nonfunctional requirements. Supporting traceability in TDD environment aiming at re-


____ Chapter 7: Requirements engineering and traceability in agile software development

establishing traceability after refactoring and using traceability to improve refactoring is also part of the agenda for future work.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank Mr. Avishek Shrestha for his help, valuable ideas, and various references.


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Chapter 8 Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

BOUZID Merouane University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria

ABSTRACT Speech coders operating at low bit rates necessitate efficient encoding of the linear predictive coding (LPC) coefficients. Line spectral Frequencies (LSF) parameters are currently one of the most efficient choices of transmission parameters for the LPC coefficients. In this paper, we present an optimized trellis coded vector quantization (OTCVQ) scheme designed for robust encoding of the LSF parameters. The objective of this system, called initially "LSF-OTCVQ Encoder", is to achieve a low bit-rate quantization of the FS1016 LSF parameters. The efficiency of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder (with weighted distance) was first proved in the ideal case of transmissions over noiseless channel. After that we were interested on the improvement of its robustness for real transmissions over noisy channel. To protect implicitly the transmission parameters of the LSFOTCVQ encoder incorporated in the FS1016, we used a joint source-channel coding carried out by the channel optimized vector quantization (COVQ) method. In the case of transmissions over noisy channel, we will show that the new


encoding system, called "COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ Encoder", would be able to contribute significantly to the improvement of the FS1016 performances by ensuring a good coding robustness of its LSF spectral parameters. Keywords: Source-channel coding, Robust speech coding, LSF parameters.

INTRODUCTION In speech coding systems, the short-term spectral information of the speech signal is often modelled by the frequency response of an all-pole filter whose transfer function is denoted by H(z) = 1/A(z) in which A(z) = 1 + a1 z −1 +…+ ap z −p


In telephone band speech coding (300-3400 Hz, fe = 8 KHz), the

parameters of this filter are derived from the input signal through linear prediction (LP) analysis of p = 10 order. The 10 parameters {ai}i=1,2,…,10, known as the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients [1], play a major role in the overall bandwidth and preserving the quality of the encoded speech. Therefore, the challenge in the quantization of the LPC parameters is to achieve the transparent quantization quality [2], with the minimum bit-rate while maintaining the memory and computational complexity at a low level. In practice, one doesn't quantify directly the LPC coefficients because they have








representations have been formulated which convert them into much more suitable parameters to quantize. One of the most efficient representations of the LPC coefficients is the Line Spectral Frequency (LSF) [3]. The LSF parameters (LSFs) which are related to the zeros of polynomials derived from A(z) [1] exhibit a number of interesting properties. These properties [2] make them a very attractive set of transmission parameters for the LPC coefficients. Exploiting these properties, various coding schemes based on scalar and vector quantization were developed in the past for the efficient quantization of spectral LSF parameters. Several works showed that the vector quantizer (VQ) schemes, such as multistage


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

VQ [4], Split VQ [2]‌, can achieve at lower bit-rates the transparent quantization quality of the LSFs compared with those conceived based on scalar quantizer (SQ). In this paper, we present an optimized trellis coded vector quantization (OTCVQ) scheme designed for the efficient and robust coding of LSF parameters. The aim of this system, called at the beginning "LSF-OTCVQ Encoder", is to achieve a low bit rate transparent quantization of LSFs by exploiting the intraframe dependence between the closest pairs of the LSF parameters. In the case of ideal transmissions over a noiseless channel, we have already proved in [5] that the LSF-OTCVQ encoder (with weighted distance) could achieve good performances when applied to encode the LSF parameters of the US Federal Standard FS1016. Indeed, we have showed that LSF-OTCVQ encoder of 27 bits/frame produces equivalent perceptual quality to that obtained when the LSF parameters are unquantized. Subsequently, our interest was drawn to the improvement of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder robustness for real transmissions over noisy channel. In low bit rate speech coding domain, the essential objective is to reduce the bit rates of speech coders while maintaining a good quality of transmission. In general, during the design of speech coding systems, the effects of transmission noises are often neglected. A redundant channel coding [6] is conventionally used to ensure an "explicit" protection to sensitive parameters of speech coders against channel errors. According to the separate design approach, suggested by Shannon in his classical source/channel coding theorems [7], the channel encoder can be designed separately from the source encoder by adding redundant bits (Errordetecting-correcting codes) to source data. Indeed, robust encoding systems could be designed according to this separation approach but at the cost of an increase of the bit-rate/delay transmission and the complexity of the coding/decoding. However, at low bit rate where the constraints in complexity and delay are very severe, this channel coding is not especially recommended. The separation design disadvantages have motivated some researchers to investigate a joint solution to the source and channel coding optimization problem so that they can reduce the 150

complexity on both sides, while providing performances close to the optimum. For these purposes, Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC) was introduced in which the overall distortion is minimized by simultaneously considering the impact of the transmission errors and the distortion due to source coding [8], [9], [10]. Most of these works have proved the effectiveness of the JSCC to protect implicitly (i.e., without redundancy) source data while maintaining a constant bit rate and a reduced complexity. To implicitly protect the transmission indices of our LSF-OTCVQ encoder incorporated in the FS1016, we used a JSCC method carried out by the Channel Optimized Vector Quantization (COVQ). We will show first how to adapt and apply successfully the COVQ technique for the robust design of a new encoding system (called "COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder") in order to implicitly protect some of its indices. To finish, we will generalize the study with the complete protection of all the indices of the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder. An outline of this paper is as follows. In section 2, we briefly review the basics of vector quantization. In section 3, we describe the design steps of the OTCVQ encoding system. Examples of comparative results of TCVQ/OTCVQ encoders are reported in this section. Next, we present the joint coding method by the COVQ technique. The performances of the COVQ system applied to encode memoryless source are presented at the end of the section. The application of the OTCVQ scheme for encoding the LSF parameters is described in section 5. Simulation results, when using two different distance measures (unweighted and weighted) in the design and the operation of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder, are provided. In section 6, we present the application of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder to quantize the LSF parameters of the FS1016 speech coder. After, a JSCC-COVQ method was used to implicitly protect the LSF-OTCVQ indices for transmissions over noisy channel. Conclusions are given in section 7.

VECTOR QUANTIZATION A k-dimensional vector quantizer (VQ) of size L is a mapping Q of k-


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

dimensional Euclidean space ℜk into a finite subset (codebook) Y = {y0,…, yL−1} composed of L codevectors [11]. The design principle of a VQ consists of partitioning the k-dimensional space of source vectors into L non overlapping cells {R0,.., RL−1} and associating with each cell Ri a unique codevector yi. Coding a sequence of input source vectors by a VQ consists thus to associate to each source vector x the binary index i ∈ {0,…, L −1} of a close codevector yi whose distance from the input vector is minimized. In general, the vector quantization involves an irreversible loss of information which results in a quality degradation evaluated commonly by a distortion measure. For a given VQ, the average distortion is defined by [11]: D=

1 k

L −1

∑ ∫ d ( x, y i ) p(x )⋅ dx

i =0 x∈Ri



where p(x) is the k-fold probability density function of the source and d(x, yi) is the widely used squared Euclidean distance. The optimal design of a VQ is based on the principle of searching simultaneously the partition {R0,.., RL−1} and the representing codevectors {y0,.., yL−1} which minimizes the average distortion D. To resolve this problem, two main necessary conditions of optimality need to be successively satisfied during the VQ design process [11]: 1. For a given codebook Y = {y0, y1,..., yL−1}, the optimal partition satisfy :


Ri = x : d ( x, y i ) ≤ d ( x, y j ), ∀j ≠ i



It's the nearest neighbor optimality condition. 2. Given an encoder partition {Ri, i = 0,..., L−1}, the optimal codevectors yi are the centroids




y i = Cent ( Ri ) = E ( X / X ∈ Ri )







Various algorithms for the design of VQ have been developed in the past. The most popular one is certainly the LBG algorithm [12]. This algorithm (LBG-VQ) is an iterative application of the two optimality conditions such as the partition and the codebook are iteratively updated.


OPTIMIZED ENCODING SYSTEM BASED ON THE TRELLIS CODED VECTOR QUANTIZATION The scalar trellis coded quantization (TCQ) [13] and its generalized version to vector case (TCVQ) [14], [15] improve upon traditional trellis encoders [16] by labelling the trellis branches with entire subsets rather than with individual reproduction levels. This approach, which was motivated by Ungerboeck's formulation of Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) [17], uses a structured alphabet with an extended set of quantization levels. In this work, one was interested particularly on the TCVQ encoder which structure is quite similar to TCQ, with an increase in complexity due to vector codebook searching [14]. The design of a TCVQ encoder consists of several interrelated steps. These steps include selection of trellis, extended initial codebook








subcodebooks (subsets) and labelling the trellis branches with these subsets. Consider the design process of a k-dimensional TCVQ encoder of rate R bits per sample (bps) used to encode a sequence of source vectors. The S-state trellis used in TCVQ can be any one of Ungerboeck's amplitude modulation trellises [17]. The extended initial TCVQ codebook is generally designed by the LBG algorithm. It contains 2kR+1 codevectors (twice that of the VQ). However, during the TCVQ encoding process, only a subset of size 2kR of these codevectors may be used to represent a source vector at any instance of time. According to Ungerboeck's set partitioning method, the codevectors are then partitioned into four subsets D0, D1, D2 and D3 each of size 2kR−1. In our TCVQ encoders design, we used the heuristic algorithm described in [15] to partition the extended TCVQ codebook. After that, the subsets are labelled on the trellis branches according to Ungerboeck's rules of TCM [17]. These rules are meant to ensure that the distortion between the original and the reconstructed source sequences (under clear channel assumptions) is close to the minimum. To encode the source vectors sequence, the well-known Viterbi algorithm [16] is used to find a legitimate optimal path through the trellis, which results in


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

minimum distortion. The TCVQ encoder transmits to reception a bit sequence specifying the corresponding optimal path (sequence of subsets) in addition to a sequence of kR−1 bits codewords necessary to specify codevectors from the chosen subsets. At the TCVQ decoder side, the bit sequence that specifies the selected optimal trellis path is used as the input to the convolutional coder of the TCVQ system. The output of this coder selects the proper subset Di. The codewords of the second binary sequence are used to select the correct codevectors from each subset. An example of a 4-states scalar TCQ encoder of rate R = 2 bps used to encode a memoryless source, which is uniformly distributed on the interval [-A A], is illustrated on Fig. 1.



(c) Figure 1. TCQ encoder of rate R=2 bps : (a) Section of labelled 4-states trellis, (b) Output alphabet levels and partition, (c) TCQ convolutional coder. Examples of simulation results for encoding unity-variance memoryless


Gaussian sources using integer and fractional rates TVCQ encoders are respectively given in tables 1 and 2. For different rates, results are given in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in dB, along with the corresponding LBG-VQ performance and distortion rate function D(R). Notice that when the rate is fractional, the dimension k has to be such that kR becomes an integer. Table 1. Performances of TCVQ encoding with integer rates for the Gaussian source. Rate Vector bps Dim. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



TCVQ Trellises Size (State's Number) 4 4.64 4.85 4.98 5.05 10.18 10.36 10.59 10.93

8 4.77 5.03 5.08 5.14 10.31 10.50 10.69 11.02

16 4.85 5.09 5.12 5.16 10.38 10.57 10.72 11.05

32 4.93 5.10 5.15 5.18 10.46 10.60 10.75 11.07


64 4.98 5.21 5.22 5.23 10.51 10.69 10.81 11.12

4.40 4.42 4.49 4.69 9.31 9.70 10.00 10.41




Table 2. Performances of TCVQ encoding with fractional rates for the Gaussian source. Rate Dim. bps k 0.66 0.75 0.80

6 4 5

TCVQ Trellises Size (State's Number) 4 3.34 3.72 3.96

8 3.39 3.78 4.04

16 3.41 3.80 4.07

32 3.42 3.82 4.08

64 128 3.45 3.48 3.87 3.90 4.14 4.18

256 3.49 3.93 4.20



3.05 3.36 3.69

4.01 4.51 4.82

At the same encoding rate, these results show that the TCVQ outperforms the TCQ (k = 1). Moreover, the TCVQ allows fractional rates as shown by the simulation results listed in table 2. We can see also that, for a given rate, the TCQ/TCVQ performances are higher than those of the conventional SQ/VQ. To more improve the TCVQ performances, a training optimization procedure


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

for the extended TCVQ codebook design was developed [5]. For a given training source vectors, this procedure updates the TCVQ codebook by replacing each code vector with the average of all the source vectors mapped to this code vector. This leads to an iterative design algorithm for the overall TCVQ encoder. Using this optimization variant, the algorithm will be called OTCVQ (Optimized Trellis Coded Vector Quantization) algorithm. Examples of simulation results for encoding memory less Gaussian sources using fractional rate OTCVQ encoders are listed in table 3. Table3. Performances of the OTCVQ with fractional rates for the Gaussian source.

Rate bps 0.66 0.75 0.80

Dim. k 6 4 5

TCVQ Trellises Size (State's Number) 8 16 32 64 128 256 LBGVQ 3.41 3.45 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.52 3.53 3.05 3.81 3.85 3.87 3.89 3.93 3.96 3.97 3.36 4.08 4.14 4.16 4.17 4.21 4.23 4.25 3.69 4

D(R) 4.01 4.51 4.82

Comparing these results with those given in table 2, we clearly notice the performance improvements brought by the optimization of the TCVQ codebooks.

JOINT CODING BY THE CHANNEL OPTIMIZED VECTOR QUANTIZATION Vector quantization is currently used in various practical applications and since some type of channel noise is present in any practical communication system, the analysis and design of VQs for noisy channels is receiving increasing attention. In this work, we considered the joint source-channel coding (JSCC) associated specifically with the use of VQ in order to provide an implicit protection to our quantizers. Particularly, we were interested on a category of JSCC relating to quantizers optimized by taking into account the error probability of channel. It's about the channel optimized vector quantization [8], [18].


COVQ system principle: Modified optimality conditions A channel optimized vector quantizer (COVQ) is a coding scheme based on the principle of VQ generalization by taking into account the present noise on the transmission channel. The idea is to exploit the knowledge about the channel in the codebook design process and the encoding algorithm. Thus, the operations of source and channel coding are integrated jointly into the same entity by incorporating the channel characteristics in the design procedure. Indeed, the LBG-VQ is well appropriate to a modification in this sense. The purpose then is to minimize a modified total average distortion between the reconstituted signal and the original signal, given the channel noise. The design of a COVQ encoder is carried out by a VQ version extended to the noisy case [8], [18]. The COVQ scheme keeps the same VQ block structure (encoder/decoder, dimension, bit rate). The difference is in the formulation of the necessary conditions of optimality to minimize a modified expression of the total average distortion. This new distortion is formulated by considering simultaneously the distortion due to vector quantization and channel errors [18], [19]: D=

L −1 ⎡ L −1 ⎤ 1 p( x) ⎢ p( j / i) ⋅ d ( x, y j )⎥ dx , k i =0 ⎢ j =0 ⎥ Ri ⎣ ⎦



where p(j/i) is the channel transition probability which represents the probability that the index j is received given that the index i is transmitted. By comparing the Eq. (4) with Eq. (1), one can notice easily that these two equations are equivalent, except that the Eq. (4) uses a modified distance measure (term in the braces). It about the same distance d but with weightings given by the channel transition probabilities p(j / i), i, j = 0,..., L−1. The formulations of optimality necessary conditions of COVQ are also derived in two steps, according to the minimization principle of the modified total average distortion [8], [18], [19]. For a given codebook Y = {y0,..., yL−1} and by using a squared Euclidean distance measure, the optimal partition Ri (i= 0,..., L−1) for a noisy channel is such that :


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

L−1 ⎧⎪ ⎫⎪ 2 L−1 2 Ri = ⎨x ∈Rk : p( j /i) x − yj ≤ p( j /l) x − yj , ∀l ≠ i⎬ ⎪⎩ j=0 j=0 ⎭⎪


Similarly, the optimum codebook for a fixed partition is given by: L −1

∑ p( j / i) ∫ xp( x).dx yj =

i =0

L −1


, j = 0,…, L−1.


∑ p( j / i) ∫ p( x).dx i =0


The codevector yj represents now the centroid of all input vectors that are decoded into the cell Rj, even if the transmitted index i is different from j. The equations (5) and (6) are respectively referred as the generalized nearest neighbour and centroid conditions with a modified distortion measure. The optimal codevectors for noisy channel are thus linear combinations of those for the noiseless case, weighted by the a posteriori channel transition probabilities. In our applications, the communication channel considered is a discrete memoryless channel with finite input and output alphabets. Precisely, we assumed a memoryless binary symmetric channel (BSC) model with bit error (crossover) probability p [6], [16]. For codewords (VQ indices) of n bits, the BSC transition probabilities are described by [9], [19]: p( j i ) = (1 − p) n−d H (i , j ) ⋅ p d H (i , j ) ,


where dH (i, j) (0 ≤ dH (i, j) ≤ n) is the Hamming distance between the n-bits binary codewords represented by integers i and j. When the channel bit error probability p is sufficiently small, the probability of multiple bit errors in an index is very small relative to the probability of zero or one bit error [9], [18], [19]. To simplify the numerical computations, it is often adequate to consider only the effects of single bit errors on channel codewords. The BSC channel model can be then approximated by [9]: j ∈ ξi , ⎧ p ⎪ p( j i ) = ⎨1 − np j = i, ⎪ 0 otherwise ⎩



where ξi is the set of all integers j, (0 ≤ j ≤ L −1), such that the binary representation of j is of Hamming distance one from the binary representation of i. In the case where the source distribution is unknown, long training database of k-dimensional vectors can be used for the quantizer design. With the approximation given in Eq. (8), the equations (4) and (6) will be respectively modified as: D=

1 N

N −1 L −1

∑ ∑ k p( j / it ) ⋅ d ( xt , y j ) , 1


t =0 j∈ξi


∑ p( j / i) ∑ xl / N

yj =

i∈ξ j

l:xl ∈Ri

∑ p ( j / i ) Ri




i∈ξ j

where N is the size of the training base and Ri denotes the number of training vectors belonging to the cell Ri. COVQ encoder design algorithm The design procedure of the COVQ encoding system is a straightforward extension of the LBG-VQ algorithm. An iterative optimization of the two modified optimality conditions is carried out such as the partition and the codebook codevectors are updated by using the modified distortion including the channel probability [8], [18]. The steps of our version of the COVQ algorithm are detailed in [20]. We suppose that a set of input vectors is available (training base) and that the BSC channel error probability ε is given. This channel probability, which is often called design error probability of COVQ codebook, is considered as an input parameter in the optimization process. At the beginning this design parameter is set temporarily at a low value; then gradually increased until matching the desired design error probability. The choice of the initial codebook is very important since it can significantly 159

____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

impact the final results. In our design, the initial codebook is conceived for ε = 0 (i.e., for noiseless channel). It is about a simple run of the conventional LBG-VQ algorithm which will converge to a locally optimal codebook. This codebook will be used as initial codebook of the COVQ algorithm. Then, for each stage of ε, the algorithm will converge to an intermediate codebook which will be used as initial codebook of the next stage in the COVQ design process. The greatest difficulty in the COVQ system design is that the channel error probability is a parameter in the optimization process.

In real transmission

situation, this parameter is difficult to estimate. It may even vary in time, making the design according to a specific value rather academic. Thus, according to the practical situation and to the estimates of the real communication channel characteristics, COVQ encoders can be selected to obtain the highest degree of robustness.

COVQ encoder performances We now present numerical results on the performance of COVQ encoding system operating over a BSC channel with variable bit error probability p. Examples of simulation results of COVQ encoders, trained for various values of the design probability parameter ε (ε = 0.001, 0.005, 0.010 and 0.050) are given in table 4. These encoders, whose selected characteristics are: k = 2, R = 2 bps and L = 16, were applied to encode memoryless Gaussian source. For a comparative evaluation with the conventional VQ, the LBG-VQ (designed for a noiseless channel, ε = 0.000) performances were also included in the table.

Table 4.

SNR Performances comparison between COVQ and VQ over BSC

channel ε p 0.000 0.001 0.005

0.000 0.001 0.005 0.01


9.686 9.685 9.624 9.537 8.664 9.584 9.604 9.565 9.481 8.643 9.292 9.314 9.357 9.332 8.571


0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2

8.927 6.824 4.650 2.518

8.965 6.918 5.292 3.109

9.034 7.351 5.875 3.876

9.179 7.608 6.801 4.752

8.477 7.800 7.043 5.886

In the case of transmissions over noisier channels (higher values of p), the results indicate that COVQ performs better than LBG-VQ. For example, for a BSC of p = 0.2, a considerable SNR gain of 3.36 dB was obtained by the COVQ (trained for ε = 0.05) compared with the LBG-VQ. One notice that when the channel probability p does not match with the design probability ε, COVQ encoders trained for ε identical or close to p are those which yields the best performances. However, when the channel is noiseless (p = 0.000) the SNRperformances of COVQ encoders are suboptimal with the increase of the design parameter ε. In this case, the LBG-VQ ensures comparable performances or better than the COVQ. Same remarks when the channel error probability is low (p < 0.005) with a slight performances improvement obtained by COVQ encoders trained for a low value of the design parameter ε (example, COVQ for ε = 0.001).

OPTIMIZED-TCVQ FOR LOW-BIT RATE ENCODING OF LSF PARAMETERS Using the OTCVQ encoding technique, an encoding scheme for the LSF parameters is presented in this section. The aim of this encoding system, called "LSF-OTCVQ Encoder" [5], is to efficiently quantize the LSF parameters of one frame using only the dependencies among the same parameters. For speech coding applications, the OTCVQ is used in block mode, where each block corresponds to an LSF vector of size 10. In this work, two-dimensional 2-D codebooks (k = 2) are used for encoding the LSF vectors. Thus, each stage in the trellis diagram is associated with 2-D of the LSF vector. Hence, there are five stages in the LSF-OTCVQ trellis with two branches entering and leaving each state. Since the LSF parameters have different means and variances, five extended codebooks are then needed to encode an LSF vector.


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

Knowing that choice of an appropriate distance measure is an important issue in the design of any VQ system, we have used another distance measure in the design and the operation steps of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder. It's about the weighted Euclidean distance measure. Based on the LSF parameters properties, several weighted distance measures have been proposed for the LSF encoding [2], [4], [21]. In our applications, we used the weighted squared Euclidean distance given by: d ( f , fˆ ) =


∑ ci wi ( f i − fˆi ) 2 i =1




ˆ fi and f i are respectively the ith coefficients of the original f and

ˆ quantized f LSF vectors;

ci and wi represent respectively the constant and

variable weights assigned to the ith LSF coefficient. These weights are meant to provide a better quantization of LSF parameters in the formant regions. Many weighting functions have been defined to calculate the variable weight vector w = [w1,…, w10]. Particularly, we used the weighting function, known by the inverse harmonic mean (IHM) [21]: wi =

where f0 = 0 and

1 1 + f i − f i −1 f i +1 − f i



f11 =0.5. The constant weight vector c = [c1,…, c10] is

experimentally determined [2]: ⎧1.0, for 1 ≤ i ≤ 8 ⎪⎪ c i = ⎨0.8, for i = 9 ⎪0.4, for i = 10 ⎪⎩


The LSF quantizer performances are evaluated by the average spectral distortion (SD) which is often used as an objective measure of the LSF encoding performance. This measure correlates well with human perception of distortion. When calculated discretely over a limited bandwidth, the spectral distortion for frame i is given, in decibels, by [4] : 162

SDi =

1 n1 − n 0

n1 −1


⎡ S (e j 2πn / N ) ⎤ ⎢10 log10 ⎥ . (14) ˆ (e j 2πn / N ) ⎥ S ⎢ ⎦ n = n0 ⎣

For speech signal sampled at 8 kHz with a 3 kHz bandwidth, an N = 256 point FFT is used to compute the original S(ej2πn/N) and quantized Ŝ(ej2πn/N) power spectra of the LPC synthesis filter, associated with the ith frame of speech. The spectral distortion is thus computed discretely with a resolution of 31.25 Hz per sample over 96 uniformly spaced points from 125 Hz to 3.125 kHz. The constants n0 and n1 in Eq. (14) correspond to 1 and 96 respectively. Generally, it is accepted that an average SD of about 1 dB indicates negligible audible distortion has incurred during quantization. This value has been, in the past, suggested for transparent quantization quality and used as a goal in designing many LPC quantization schemes. In [2], Paliwal and Atal established that the average SD is not sufficient to measure perceived quality alone. They introduced the notion of spectral outliers frames. Consequently, we can get transparent quality if we maintain the following three conditions: 1. The average SD is about 1 dB, 2. The percentage of outlier frames having SD between 2 and 4 dB is less than 2%, 3. No frames must have SD greater than 4 dB. Now, we evaluate the performances of our LSF-OTCVQ encoder operating at different bit rates. All simulation results reported in this section were obtained by using four-state trellis and 2-D codebooks. For each encoding rate, 2 bits are thus assigned to represent the initial state. When the remaining bits cannot be equally assigned to represent the five 2-D codebooks, fewer bits are used in the last codebooks, since it is known that human resolution in the higher frequency bands is less than in the lower frequency bands.

We investigated the optimum bit

allocations for the LSF-OTCVQ encoder and found that the bit allocations given in table 5 yield the best results.


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

Table 5. Bit allocations of each LSF-OTCVQ trellis stage codebook as a function of bit rate Bits / LSF Vector

1 5 5 6 6 6

2 5 5 5 6 6

3 5 5 5 5 6

4 4 5 5 5 5

5 3 3 3 3 3

Bits / Stage codebook

24 25 26 27 28

Trellis Stage Number :

The speech data used in the experiments of this section consists of approximately 43 min of speech taken from the TIMIT speech database [22]. To construct the LSF database, we have used the same LPC analysis function of the FS1016 speech coder [23]. A 10-order LPC analysis, based on the autocorrelation method, is performed every analysis frame of 30 ms using a Hamming window. One part of the LSF database, consisting of 75000 LSF vectors, is used for training and the remaining part, of 11262 LSF vectors (different from the training set), is used for test. For different bit rates, the performances of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder are shown in table 6. These results have been obtained by using separately two different distortion measures (unweighted and weighted distances) in both the design and the operation of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder. These comparative results clearly show the improvement of the LSF-OTCVQ performances, obtained by using the weighted distance. The LSF-OTCVQ encoder, designed with a weighted distance, need 27 bits/frame to get transparent quantization quality. Compared to the encoder designed with the unweighted distance, it can save about 1-2 bits/frame while maintaining comparable performances.


Table 6. Performances of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder as a function of bit rate.

EFFICIENT AND ROBUST CODING OF THE FS1016 LSF PARAMETERS: APPLICATION OF THE LSF-OTCVQ In this section we use the LSF-OTCVQ encoder (with weighted distance) to quantize the LSF parameters of the FS1016. For the moment, we suppose that the transmissions are done over a noiseless ideal channel. Recall that the US Federal Standard FS1016 is a 4.8 kbits/s Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) speech coder [23]. According to the FS1016 norm, the LSF parameters are encoded at the origin by an SQ of 34 bits/frame. For the same test database (11262 LSF vectors), this 34 bits/frame LSF SQ results in an average SD of 1.72 dB, 25.99 % outliers in the range 2-4 dB, and 0.46 % outliers having SD greater than 4 dB. By comparing these results with those given in table 6, we can see that the LSF-OTCVQ encoder (for all studied lower rates) performs better than the 34 bits/frame SQ used at the origin in the FS1016. Thus, several bits per frame can be gained by the application of the LSFOTCVQ in the LSF encoding process of the FS1016. Subjective listening tests of the 27 bits/frame LSF-OTCVQ encoder were also performed. Incorporating this encoder in the FS1016, the bit rate for the quantization of the LSF parameters decreases to 900 bits/s and consequently the FS1016 operate at a bit rate of 4.57 kbits/s. To carry out these tests, we generated for the same original speech signal three versions of synthetic speech signals: one with unquantized LSFs and the two others with quantized LSFs using respectively the 27 bits/frame LSF-OTCVQ encoder and the 34 bits/frame SQ. Subjective


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

quality evaluations are done here through A-B comparison and MOS (Mean Opinion Score) tests using 8 listeners. Six sentences from the TIMIT database (spoken by three male and three female speakers) are used for the subjective evaluations. The A-B comparison test involves presenting listeners with a sequence of two speech test signals (A and B). For each sentence, a comparison is done between the two synthetic signals: one A (or B) with unquantized LSFs and the other B (or A) with LSFs quantized by the LSF-OTCVQ encoder. The A-B signal pairs are presented in a randomized order. The listeners choose either one or the other of the two synthesized versions, or indicate no preference. For the MOS tests, the listeners were requested to rate each synthetic speech sentence (with LSFOTCVQ quantized LSFs) in a scale between 1 (bad) and 5 (excellent). At the end, the average score of opinion (MOS) is calculated. Results from the A-B comparison tests show that the majority of the listeners (58.84 %) have no preference. The mean preference for speech signal coded with LSF-OTCVQ quantized LSFs (20.83 %) is identical to that obtained for the speech signal coded with unquantized LSFs. Roughly, we can conclude that the two considered versions of coded speech are statistically indistinguishable, i.e., there are no perceptible differences and the quantization does not contribute to audible distortion. In terms of MOS, the considered coded version of speech exhibits a good score of 3.89. This implies that good communications quality and high levels of intelligibility [2] are obtained using the 27 bits/frame LSF-OTCVQ encoder in the FS1016. In addition, in term of average segmental signal-to-noise ratio (SSNR), the synthetic speech signals with unquantized LSF parameters gave an average SSNR of 11.05 dB; with LSF-OTCVQ encoding of LSF parameters, the average SSNR obtained is 10.31 dB. In the case where LSF parameters are quantized by the 34 bits SQ, an average SSNR of 9.59 dB was obtained. Thus, a reduction in coding rate with an improvement of the SSNR-performances of the FS1016 was obtained by application of the LSF-OTCVQ encoding system.


Robustness of the COVQ-OTCVQ encoder: Transmission over a noisy channel In a practical communication system, the robustness of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder must be reinforced so that the encoder will be able to cope up with channel errors. In this part, we were interested in implicit protection of the encoders by application of the JSCC-COVQ technique. We will see first how to apply the COVQ for the robust design of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder in order to provide an implicit protection to some of its indices. To finish, we will generalize the study with the full protection of all the indices of the new LSF-OTCVQ encoder with the COVQ technique. Design of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder with JSCC-COVQ technique The design principle of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder optimized for noisy channel is based mainly on the design algorithm of LSF-OTCVQ modified according to the basic concept of the COVQ. In the applications, the five extended codebooks of our new encoding system, denoted by: "COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder", were optimized for a design error probability Îľ = 0.05. The basic steps of our design algorithm of the 27 bits/frame COVQ-LSFOTCVQ encoder are summarized below. Notice that the trellis states number of the encoder is always S = 4; consequently 2 bits/frame are necessary to represent the initial state. The remaining 25 bits are assigned for the 5 codebooks according to the bits allocation given in table 5. Let us specify that at the beginning the 5 initial extended codebooks are designed by the LBG-VQ algorithm (Îľ = 0.000) using the weighted Euclidean distance. The codebooks design of COVQ-LSFOTCVQ encoder is done using the same training data base (75000 LSF vectors). Thereafter, this base is divided into 5 training subsets of 2-D LSF vector pairs (LSF 1-2, LSF 3-4, LSF 5-6, LSF 7-8 and LSF 9-10).


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

Design steps of COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder: Step 1: Initial design − Based on the 5 training subsets, use the COVQ (εc = 0.05) algorithm to design the five (2-D)

extended initial codebooks of the encoder.

− Partition each initial codebook in 4 sub-codebooks using the set partitioning algorithm. Then, label the transitions of each trellis stage with the corresponding partitioned COVQ-codebook (i.e., COVQ-codebook LSF1-2 for stage 1,… − Set a stop threshold α to very small value. Step 2: TCVQ coding/decoding process − For the given LSF vectors training base, find the best possible reproduction LSF vectors through the trellis by using a modified version of Viterbi procedure. − Calculate the average SD between the original and quantized LSF vectors. Step 3: Termination Test − If the relative decrease of the average SD is below the threshold α, save the 5 optimized codebooks of COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder, stop. − Otherwise, updates the 5 COVQ-codebooks using a modified version of the optimization procedure and go to step 2. In step 2, the TCVQ encoding process of input LSF vectors consists to find the best possible sequence of codevectors (optimal path) through the trellis. This research task is assured by the Viterbi algorithm with a slight modification of the distance computation formula. This distance, which must be minimized during the TCVQ search process of the optimal codevector, is formulated as follows: d ( f , fˆi ) =

∑ p( j / i)


1 k ∑cm wm d ( f (m) − fˆ j (m))2 (15) k m=1


where k is the dimension of LSF vectors (k = 2 for LSF's pairs) and ξi is the set of the i-neighbors such as dH (i, j) = 1. Recall that after the encoding process, COVQLSF-OTCVQ encoder transmits two binary sequences in addition to two bits representing the trellis initial state. In this part, we must notice that only the indices sequence of COVQ-LSFOTCVQ codevectors (sequence of 20 bits for the 5 indices) is supposed to be protected implicitly by COVQ. This sequence results directly from the COVQ search procedure through the 5 codebooks of the encoder. On the other hand, the other binary sequences (initial state, optimal path) are not delivered by VQ search process and consequently they are not protected implicitly against channel errors.

Performances of the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ system: Encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters We present now the performances of the 27 bits/frame COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder (ε = 0.05) applied for the efficient and robust coding of FS1016 LSF parameters. In these simulations, the channel errors will affect only the transmission of LSF parameters. For the moment, only the sequences of 20 bits/frame specifying the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ codevectors indices are transmitted over a BSC channel of bit error probability p varying between 0 and 0.5. The data base used in the following evaluations is composed of 13.69s speech sequences extracted from the test data base. Synthesized speech signals of this base were generated by the FS1016, with objective evaluations in terms of average SD for the LSF encoders and average SSNR for synthetic speech signals. The SD Performances of the 27 bits/frame systems: LSF-OTCVQ (without protection) and COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ (ε = 0.05) are reported in table 7. These results show that when the channel error probability becomes rather high (p > ε = 0.05), the COVQ yields significant improvement to the performances of LSF-OTCVQ encoder. Without protection, the LSF-OTCVQ has incurred more severe degradation compared with the protected LSF encoder. This degradation is represented by a brutal increase in the average SD of the LSF-OTCVQ as well as the percentage of outliers frames having SD> 4 dB. Under these conditions, the 169

____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

COVQ (ε = 0.05) has permitted thus to LSF-OTCVQ to have a good robustness against channel errors by maintaining a reduced and slow increase of the average SD and the number of outliers frames (SD > 4 dB). Table 7. Performance comparisons between COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ/LSF-OTCVQ encoders of 27 bits/frame: Application to the FS1016 LSF parameters encoding

However, when the transmissions are done over a noiseless channel (p = 0.000) or slightly disturbed

(p ≤ ε), the performances of COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ

become suboptimal by compromising the transparent quantization quality. On other hand, important observations were noted concerning the SSNR objective performances of the global FS1016 encoder. Indeed, contrary to certain conclusions made before, the FS1016 SSNR performances (with LSF parameters coded by COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ) are also remarkable when the channel is slightly disturbed. The comparative evaluation of the FS1016 objective performances, with LSFs coded by LSF-OTCVQ and COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoders, is presented in Fig. 2.



Average SSNR (dB)





% ( FS1016 with LSF-OTCVQ) % ( FS1016 with COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ)







Error Probability (p)

Figure 2. Average SSNR performances of the FS1016 speech coder. For error probabilities p ≤ 0.01, these results show that the distortions are negligible for the two LSF encoding systems. We can conclude that the encoding system COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ (ε = 0.05) can provide a good implicit protection to the FS1016 LSF parameters with suboptimal SD-performances when the channel is slightly disturbed.

COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder with redundant channel coding Now, we generalize the study with the full protection of all transmission indices of the 27 bits/frame COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder (ε = 0.05). By adequately exploiting the bits gained by this encoder, a redundant channel coding is used to explicitly protect the 7 bits/frame remaining without protection. Since in our simulations the transmissions are done via BSC channel with the assumption of only one error bit dominating by corrupted index (single error), a simple single error-correcting code is largely sufficient to correct all possible single errors which will affect the transmitted sequences of the encoder (5 bits of the optimal path and the 2 bits of the initial state). Notice, of course, that the 20 bits/ frame representing the codevectors indices of the optimal path are already protected by COVQ. To carry out the channel coding of the non-protected 7 bits/frame, we used two error-correcting Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes belonging to the category of systematic linear block codes. In this paper, we will not review the design/operation theory of


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

the Hamming codes which is generally well documented [6]. These codes were first conceived to effectively correct only one error per transmission block (single error-correcting codes). In our design, the two Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes have the capacity to protect 8 bits by generating together 14 bits. The 27 bits/frame COVQLSF-OTCVQ encoder, with the two Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes, will thus operate at a rate of 34 bits/frame. It is about the same number of bits allocated with the original coding of the FS1016's LSF parameters. Thus, the global design of the FS1016 with COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ (plus the 2 Hamming codes) of LSF parameters maintains the speech coder rate to its original value of 4.8 kbits/s. The performances of the non-protected LSF-OTCVQ compared with those of the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ (Îľ = 0.05) encoder with Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes are given in table 8. Table 8. Performances comparison between the LSF-OTCVQ encoder and the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ (Îľ =.05) + Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes

For all error probability variation range, the results showed that the channel coding by Hamming codes (7, 4, 3) has clearly improved the performances of the 27 bits/frame COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoding system. The global system thus has a good robustness against the errors of the noisy channel. On the other hand by comparing these results with those given in table 7, the LSF-OTCVQ encoder has incurred larger degradation in terms of average SD and outliers. This is due mainly to the random noise effects of the binary sequences specifying the initial state or 172

the optimal path. Concerning the SSNR performances of the global FS1016 (with LSFs coded by COVQ-LSF- OTCVQ + 2 Hamming (7, 4, 3) codes), the degradations are very low and even negligible for error probabilities p < 0.01. The SSNR performances of the FS1016, in the cases with and without LSF protection, are presented in Fig. 3. 12

Average SSNR (dB)





FS1016 with non-protected LSF-OTCVQ FS1016 with COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ + 2 Ham(7,4)







Error Probability (p)

Figure 3. Average-SSNR performances of global FS1016

CONCLUSION In this work, an optimized trellis coded vector quantization scheme has been developed and successfully applied for the efficient and robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF spectral parameters. In the case of ideal transmissions over a noiseless channel, objective and subjective evaluation results revealed that the 27 bits/frame LSF-OTCVQ encoder (with weighted distance) produced equivalent perceptual quality to that when the LSF parameters are unquantized. After, we used a JSCC-COVQ technique to protect implicitly the transmission indices of the LSF-OTCVQ encoder incorporated in the FS1016. The simulation results showed that our new COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoding system has permitted to the basic LSF-OTCVQ encoder to have a good robustness against BSC channel errors especially when the transmission errors probability is high. To finish this work, it was necessary to protect all the transmission indices of the COVQ-


____ Chapter 8: Robust encoding of the FS1016 LSF parameters: Application of the channel optimised trellis coded vector quantization

LSF-OTCVQ encoder since only a part of its indices was protected implicitly by JSCC-COVQ. By using adequately the bits per frame gained by this encoder, a redundant channel coding by Hamming codes was used to explicitly protect the remaining bits without protection. We showed that the COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoder, using the Hamming codes (7, 4, 3), has contributed significantly to the improvement of the encoding performances of the FS1016's LSF parameters. We can conclude that our global COVQ-LSF-OTCVQ encoding system with Hamming channel codes can ensure an effective and robust coding of the LSF parameters of the FS1016 operating over noisy channel.


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