Rules Of Ontologism Part 2

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Rules of Ontologism (Part 2) New edition,



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To read this book is very important for every person who is desirable of series of Qadri Hajweri Rehmatullah Alaih. Do fix some part of your time for reading the book rules of Ontologism. With the mercy of Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬this book will take your life in little time on the heights of ontologism. In sha Allah tala! Written by Sheikh-ul-wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai Damat Barka Tehm-ul-Aaliya PhD (America)





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Name of book: Rules of ontologism (New edition)


The copy rights are reserved for the Institute.


Written by: Sheikh-ul-wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai ‫دامت برکا تہم العالیہ‬ PhD (America)

.u bq

Sequenced by: Maulana Syed Muhammad Adil Sheraz, Maulana Muhammad Waleed-ur-Rasheedi (Teacher of Jamia Madnia old Lahore) Published by: Office of monthly Ubqari


Universal point of spirituality and peace 78/3 Ubqari street near Qurtuba Masjid Mazang Chaurangi Lahore.

Price: 400 Rupees.


Important note:


Published on: August 2015




.u bq



We have tried our best that there may be no mistake in words, verses and ahadith. But still also we think ourselves worthy of correction. Wherever your critical sight may move towards any mistake or any aspect which is worthy of corrections so do inform necessarily, we will be thank full to you.


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The thirteenth kind of character is to gain the fear of the Almighty Allah ................................................. 21 The true meaning of the fear of the Almighty Allah ............................................................................... 21 Very much important advice from the followers…! ............................................................................... 21 A Muslim is on his duty all the time ........................................................................................................ 22


A very important tip ................................................................................................................................ 22 Embarrassment on sins is the food of the friends of the Almighty Allah ............................................... 22 Learn the fear of the Almighty Allah from a young boy ......................................................................... 23

.u bq

Seven signs of the fear of the Almighty Allah ......................................................................................... 23 The disadvantages of the small sins........................................................................................................ 24 ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

to his son.................................................................... 24


The advice of Hazrat Muhammad Baqar

The terrible end of offering the prayer without the ablution ................................................................ 25 The condition of one great man on a small sin....................................................................................... 25


The big end of many of the common things ........................................................................................... 25


The drop of honey became the reason of destruction ........................................................................... 26 Little bit of anger became the reason of the fight of forty years ........................................................... 26 When one lady tied a cat ........................................................................................................................ 27



The accountability on little bit mistake .................................................................................................. 27 Little bit of bad deed…reason of big torment......................................................................................... 27


One straw became the reason of the anger ........................................................................................... 28

.u bq

The torment on not taking the bath after having sex............................................................................. 28 One needle became the reason of getting the torment......................................................................... 28 The accountability on little bit of decrease in the measurement and weighing .................................... 28 The terrible end of not doing the help of downtrodden person ............................................................ 29 On doing the lustful glances… the unseen slap ............................................................................... 29 On doing the lustful glance, forgot the whole of the Holy Quran .......................................................... 29


The incident of Abu Abdullah Zaard ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................................... 29 Sometimes, the punishment of the sin used to be given in the world even .......................................... 30 The mountains like punishment of a little bit of mistake ....................................................................... 30


The ontologism got snatched on only one drink .................................................................................... 30 The accountability of one needle ........................................................................................................... 31


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The reason of deprivation of world ........................................................................................................ 31


Whether the sin is small or big, it is not empty from the ten bad qualities ........................................... 32 When did the human being use to become pious .................................................................................. 32 Few examples of sins .................................................................................................................................. 32 The biggest hindrance in the level of the ontologism ............................................................................ 33


The actual reason of problems in the life ............................................................................................... 33 Few famous and popular sins ................................................................................................................. 33 The twenty one disadvantages in world of the sins ............................................................................... 34

.u bq

The terrible end of few sins ........................................................................................................................ 38 Who will be made to stand from the grave and how? ........................................................................... 38


The condition of four devastated graves and the wonder of the worship of the young age ................. 39 The signs of the consent and resentment of the Almighty Allah ........................................................... 40 The snakes of the bad acts ...................................................................................................................... 40


Sins are the reason of the destruction of the world and of the Day of Judgment ..................................... 40 Four (4) disadvantages of the bribe ........................................................................................................ 40


The disadvantages of adulteration ......................................................................................................... 41 The disadvantages of the forbidden property ........................................................................................ 41



The disadvantages of doing decrease in measurement and weighing ................................................... 41 The disadvantages of complaining.......................................................................................................... 42 The disadvantages of dancing and singing ............................................................................................. 42

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The disadvantages of suicide .................................................................................................................. 42 The disadvantages of doing the magic ................................................................................................... 42 The disadvantages of doing curse........................................................................................................... 42 The disadvantages of doing defalcation ................................................................................................. 42 The disadvantages of doing fight and quarrel ........................................................................................ 42 The disadvantages of doing the suicide .................................................................................................. 43 The disadvantages of cutting the ties ..................................................................................................... 43


The disadvantages of eating the trove of the orphan and to victimize him ........................................... 43 The disadvantages of playing the gambling ............................................................................................ 43


The disadvantages of steeling ................................................................................................................. 43 The disadvantages of adultery ................................................................................................................ 43


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The disadvantages of the prohibited rizq ............................................................................................... 44


The disadvantages of bribery .................................................................................................................. 44 The disadvantages of drinking the wine ................................................................................................. 44 The disadvantages of the world and of the Day of Judgment ................................................................ 45 The disadvantages of doing victimize ..................................................................................................... 45


The different kinds of cruelty.................................................................................................................. 45 The result of bribery‌..worries and bad condition ................................................................................ 46 How does the light of fear of the Almighty Allah use to get produced? ................................................ 46

.u bq

The terrible scenes of the hell .................................................................................................................... 46 The depth of the hell............................................................................................................................... 46


The food of the hell................................................................................................................................. 47 The chains of the hell .............................................................................................................................. 47 Other torments ....................................................................................................................................... 47


The most light torment ........................................................................................................................... 47 The condition of people of hell and people of heaven ........................................................................... 47


The mountains of fire.............................................................................................................................. 48 The dress of the man of the hell ............................................................................................................. 48



The screams and shouting of the man of hell......................................................................................... 48

The wonders of small good deed ................................................................................................................ 49 The incident of one profligate woman of Bani Israel.............................................................................. 49

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One interesting incident of Sheikh Chilli ................................................................................................. 49 The need of sincerity for the level of ontologism ................................................................................... 50 The three things are very much important for the maintenance of the good deeds ............................ 50 The respect of Qibla is the reason of the riddance................................................................................. 50 The service of cat, reason of forgiveness................................................................................................ 51 The strange incidents of doing kindness with one fly............................................................................. 51 The blackguard man got safe from one charity ...................................................................................... 52


The bad dua of birds‌.and protection from one flat bread ................................................................... 53 One bite became the reason of protection ............................................................................................ 53


The bad dua of Prophet Alaeh Salam and the protection from the charity ........................................... 54 The incident to increase faith on the protection of eye sight ................................................................ 54


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The forgiveness on removing the thorn ................................................................................................. 54


The beautiful scenes of the heaven ............................................................................................................ 55 The fourteenth kind of character is repentance ......................................................................................... 56 The sinful people may not get worried….!.............................................................................................. 57 Twenty three rules of the repentance and remorse .............................................................................. 57


The way of doing repentance ................................................................................................................. 59 The sixteenth kind of character is the reality of dua .................................................................................. 59 The importance of dua............................................................................................................................ 59

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The bad thoughts of the devil ................................................................................................................. 60 The importance in the Ahadess .............................................................................................................. 60


The dua is the food of curious soul ......................................................................................................... 60 The son getting alive due to the dua ...................................................................................................... 60 The seventeen rules of dua..................................................................................................................... 61


Like this, the dua use to get accepted for sure ....................................................................................... 61 The dua of which people do not use to get accepted ............................................................................ 62


The twenty one special times of the acceptance of dua ........................................................................ 62 The dua without the durood sharif ......................................................................................................... 63



How the salikeen shall do the dua…? ..................................................................................................... 63

The seventeenth kind of character is the love of the Almighty Allah ......................................................... 63 The definition of love .............................................................................................................................. 63

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The love shall be done to whom? ........................................................................................................... 64 The gifts of doing love with the Almighty Allah ...................................................................................... 64

The incidents of the intense love of the Almighty Allah ............................................................................. 65 The eagerness to meet with the Almighty Allah..................................................................................... 65 The love with the creation is the source of the ontologism of the lord ................................................. 65 Do not think any person as vile............................................................................................................... 66 Do learn the language of fervent love from the bird….!......................................................................... 67


Do the love; get the ontologism of the Almighty Allah .......................................................................... 67 This condition of so little bit of love ....................................................................................................... 67


The biggest wonder of all…..the true love of the Almighty Allah ........................................................... 68 The tests in the love ................................................................................................................................ 68


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The unique way of love ........................................................................................................................... 68


The intense love of the Almighty Allah with the people of him ............................................................. 68 The love of lord by Ibrahim Bin Adham .................................................................................................. 70 Learn the love of the lord from the female slave ................................................................................... 70 The love is done like this also ................................................................................................................. 71


The Almighty Allah use to do love with whom? ..................................................................................... 71 The couplets filled in the love of the lord ............................................................................................... 72 The consent of the lord is a big blessing ................................................................................................. 73

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The way to gain the love of the lord ....................................................................................................... 74 The internal diseases of the followers and the treatments of them .......................................................... 74


The second reason of the Sufism is to get safe from the bad character .................................................... 74 Four disadvantages of bad character...................................................................................................... 74 The discussion of the problems of the tongue ....................................................................................... 75


The protection of the tongue under the light of hadis ........................................................................... 75 The tongue is the most precious part ..................................................................................................... 75


The checking of the tongue .................................................................................................................... 76 Five disadvantages of carelessness of the tongue .................................................................................. 76



Be careful in speaking ............................................................................................................................. 76 The treatment of evil tongue .................................................................................................................. 76

The second problem of the tongue is “lie” ................................................................................................. 77

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The disadvantages of speaking lie .......................................................................................................... 77 Do not speak lie from the children also .................................................................................................. 77 The third problem of the tongue is “back biting” ................................................................................... 78 Eight disadvantages of the back biting ................................................................................................... 78 The times of the permission of doing the back biting ............................................................................ 79 The important precautions ..................................................................................................................... 79 Malik bin Deenar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and safety from the back bitin ................................................................ 80


The atonement of the back biting .......................................................................................................... 80 The fourth problem of the tongue is “defaming” ....................................................................................... 81


Defaming is one intense sin .................................................................................................................... 81 The prevention of the people of the Almighty Allah .............................................................................. 82


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The full of warning incident of the punishment of defaming ................................................................. 82


The seven disadvantages of the accusation ........................................................................................... 82 The fifth problem of the tongue is to make fun ......................................................................................... 83 The joke in heaven with the one who use to do make the fun .............................................................. 83 The six disadvantages of making the fun ................................................................................................ 83


The correction of the misunderstanding ................................................................................................ 84 The sixth problem of the tongue is to do the praise without the need ..................................................... 84 The disadvantages to do the praise without the need ........................................................................... 84

.u bq

The seventh problem of the tongue is to complain.................................................................................... 84 The definition of doing complain ............................................................................................................ 84


The one who use to do complain will not go in the heaven ................................................................... 85 The disadvantages of doing complain .................................................................................................... 85 The curse of saying the words in two directions .................................................................................... 85


The eighth problem of the tongue is to say the words in two directions .................................................. 86 The ninth problem of the tongue is to do the curse ................................................................................... 86


The end of mentioning the faults ........................................................................................................... 86 The other problems of the tongue ......................................................................................................... 87



The three treatments of the protection of the tongue .......................................................................... 87

The discussion of the problems of the heart .............................................................................................. 87 The anger is one fire ............................................................................................................................... 87

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The nine disadvantages of the anger ...................................................................................................... 88 The treatment of the anger .................................................................................................................... 88

The second problem of the heart is “jealousy” .......................................................................................... 89 The first jealousy in the skies and on the earth ...................................................................................... 89 The envious person is the enemy of his own self ................................................................................... 89 The seven disadvantages of being jealous .............................................................................................. 90 The six disadvantages of malignity ......................................................................................................... 91


The third problem of the heart is the “show off” ....................................................................................... 91 The kinds of the showing off ................................................................................................................... 91


The five signs of show off........................................................................................................................ 92 The disadvantages of showing off .......................................................................................................... 93


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The four names of the show off person.................................................................................................. 93


Due to the show off, the good deeds becoming a bad deed .................................................................. 94 The three forms of show off ................................................................................................................... 94

The treatment of show off ...................................................................................................................... 94 The fourth problem of the heart is arrogance ............................................................................................ 95


The advice full of lesson .......................................................................................................................... 95 To keep on doing the repentance till thirty years on little bit of arrogance .......................................... 96 The treatment of arrogance ................................................................................................................... 96

.u bq

The fifth problem of the heart is misery ..................................................................................................... 96 The misery is one torment ...................................................................................................................... 96


The disadvantages .................................................................................................................................. 97 The treatment of misery ......................................................................................................................... 97 The sixth problem of the heart is “The love of the world” ......................................................................... 98


The examples of the world ..................................................................................................................... 98 Do not become happy with the success of non believer ........................................................................ 98


It is not possible to get safe from the death ........................................................................................... 99 It is not bad to earn the wealth… the love of the wealth is bad ............................................................. 99



A strange incident ................................................................................................................................. 100 The treatment of the love of the world ................................................................................................ 100

The seventh problem of the heart is “Greediness” .................................................................................. 101

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The treatment of the greediness .......................................................................................................... 101

The eighth problem of the heart is “Lavishness” ...................................................................................... 101 The free wealth, the unkind heart ........................................................................................................ 101 The disadvantages of doing the lavishness ........................................................................................... 102 The different forms of doing the lavishness ......................................................................................... 102 The different (13) forms of lavishness .................................................................................................. 102 The treatment of the lavishness ........................................................................................................... 103


The ninth problem of the heart is carnalism ............................................................................................ 104 The curse of evil eye ............................................................................................................................. 104


The safety from evil eye ........................................................................................................................ 104 The two pugnacities of the present era ................................................................................................ 104


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The intense torment on forbidden carnalism ....................................................................................... 105


The resentment of the Almighty Allah on looking to a non mehrum person....................................... 105 The flames of the hell in the eyes of the one who use to put lustful gaze ........................................... 106

The disadvantages of lustful gaze ......................................................................................................... 106 The treatment of the lustful gaze ......................................................................................................... 106


The tenth problem of the heart is curiosity and derogation .................................................................... 107 The derogation and the curiosity .......................................................................................................... 107 Do not give the opportunity of doing the derogation to any person ................................................... 108

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Make the other people get safe from the sins ..................................................................................... 108 The heaven is along with the unpleasantness .......................................................................................... 109


The fifth way of correction of the internal self is to follow the Sunnah ................................................... 110 The fifth way of the correction of the internal self is to follow the Sunnah ............................................ 110 The three kinds of acts .......................................................................................................................... 110


The importance and significance of following the Sunnah ....................................................................... 112 The three rights of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬........................................................................................................ 112


The right to be followed and obedience ............................................................................................... 112 The right of love .................................................................................................................................... 112



The right of honor ................................................................................................................................. 112 The knowledge of following the Sunnah in the Holy Quran ................................................................. 112 The knowledge of following the Sunnah in the ahadis e mubarika ...................................................... 113

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One reflection of love with the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬........................................................................................... 113 The strange and weird incident of one lover of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬................................................................. 114

The wish to become blind after doing the ziyarat ................................................................................ 114 The love with Mustufa ‫ ﷺ‬of a snake..................................................................................................... 115 The spirit of obedience of the respectable companions

The interest to follow the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibn e Umar

‫رضی ہللا عنھم اجمعین‬

: ................................................. 115

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

: ....................................................... 116


The respect of sunnah by Abu Zar Ghafaari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬............................................................................. 116 The examplary spirit in following the Sunnah ...................................................................................... 116 The people following the Sunnah of ‫ ﷺ‬in the eyes of strange people ................................................. 117


Do learn the life of Sunnah from the people of the Almighty Allah ......................................................... 118 To follow the Sunnah is a source to gain the peace ............................................................................. 118


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The good news due to following the Sunnah ....................................................................................... 118


The horrible incidents on doing the disrespect of the sunnah ................................................................. 122

To become an animal on doing the disrespect of miswak ................................................................... 122 The rules of faith related to the Almighty Allah ....................................................................................... 124 The oneness of the lord ........................................................................................................................ 124


The rules of dogmas related to the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬............................................................................. 125 The rules of faith related to the Day of Judgment ................................................................................ 126 Rules of the health .................................................................................................................................... 127

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The rules of the dress................................................................................................................................ 130 The 13 rules of the path ............................................................................................................................ 131


The duas to be recited in the market place .......................................................................................... 132 The (13) rules of travelling .................................................................................................................... 132 The duas of the journey ............................................................................................................................ 133


The prayer of respect of the people of the Almighty Allah ...................................................................... 133 The condition of Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of standing in front .................................................. 133


The prayer is the reason to extinguish the fire of the hell ................................................................... 133 The snake even was not able to bring the disturbance in the prayer .................................................. 134



The twenty five rules of the prayer ...................................................................................................... 134 The nine gifts for the one who use to take care about the prayers ..................................................... 135 The recommended duas to recite after the prayer .............................................................................. 135

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The rules of the time near to the death ................................................................................................... 136 The rules to do advice to the one who is near to the death................................................................. 136 The rules to give bath to a dead man ................................................................................................... 137 The importance ..................................................................................................................................... 137 The rules of the appreciated coffin....................................................................................................... 137 The coffin of the woman ....................................................................................................................... 137 The rules of the funeral prayer ............................................................................................................. 138


The rules to bury the dead man............................................................................................................ 138 The four rules of the grave yard ........................................................................................................... 139


The nineteen rules of the Ramadan ul Mubarak ...................................................................................... 139 The acts of the great people in the Ramadan....................................................................................... 139


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The importance ..................................................................................................................................... 140


The duas regarding to the fast .............................................................................................................. 141

The importance and rules of the charity .................................................................................................. 142 The spirit of the charity in the Hazraat Sheikheen ............................................................................... 142 The importance of giving the charity in the life of the people of the Almighty Allah .............................. 143


The charity by Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬................................................................................................... 143 One bright incident of the history of Islam ........................................................................................... 143 The charity is the matchless tip to gain the health ............................................................................... 144

.u bq

The eleven rules of giving the charity in the path of the lord .............................................................. 144 The nine rules of the Hajj .......................................................................................................................... 145


The love and respect of the Madina tul Munawarrah .............................................................................. 146 The respect of the land of Tayyaba....................................................................................................... 146 The end of the humiliation of the ones who use to live in the Madina Munawarah ............................... 146


The source of getting the smile of the ontologism ................................................................................... 147 The beauty of joking ............................................................................................................................. 147


To smile is the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬............................................................................................. 147

The elegant way of the respectable friends of the Almighty Allah........................................................... 148



The elegant sentences .......................................................................................................................... 148 The lamp of suhoor ............................................................................................................................... 150 In everything will be completely clear .................................................................................................. 150

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Do the dead people use to listen? ........................................................................................................ 150 Whether you understand me as mankooha or the flat bread.............................................................. 151 One interesting joke.............................................................................................................................. 151 Sahool…sawal........................................................................................................................................ 151 The idol of the poet............................................................................................................................... 151 The 11 rules of laughing ........................................................................................................................ 152

The rules of the time while getting up from the sleep ............................................................................. 152


The way to wear the dress .................................................................................................................... 152 The fifteen rules to go to the washroom .................................................................................................. 153


The duas related to the washroom....................................................................................................... 154 Rules of taking Bath .................................................................................................................................. 154


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The discussion of recommended and liked bath .................................................................................. 155


The time on which to take the bath is recommended and demanded ................................................ 155

The seventeen rules to do the ablution .................................................................................................... 156 The rules to do the miswak ....................................................................................................................... 156 The other times to do the miswak ........................................................................................................ 157


The rules of walking for the prayer ........................................................................................................... 157 The two rules to go out of the house ....................................................................................................... 158 The three rules to be entered in to the mosque ...................................................................................... 158

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The fourteen rules to remain inside the mosque ..................................................................................... 159 The two rules of giving the answer of the all of prayer ............................................................................ 160


The ten rules to sit in the rows ................................................................................................................. 160 The four rules of after getting free from the prayer................................................................................. 161 The 12 rules of the morning and the evening........................................................................................... 162


The rules of doing breakfast at the morning ............................................................................................ 163

The rules of the prayer of chasht .............................................................................................................. 164


The rules of eating the food...................................................................................................................... 164 The names of the liked foods ................................................................................................................ 165



The thirty rules of eating the food ........................................................................................................ 165 The recommended duas of eating the food ......................................................................................... 167

The rules of tahaiya tul wazu and tahaya tul masjid ................................................................................ 167

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The rules of the prayer of Zohr ................................................................................................................. 168 The four rules of the prayer of Asar.......................................................................................................... 168 The three rules of the prayer of maghrib ................................................................................................. 169 The 5 rules of the time of being entered in the house ............................................................................. 169 The dua of the time of getting entered into the house ........................................................................ 170 The ten rules of the prayer of Isha............................................................................................................ 170 The rules of before sleeping ..................................................................................................................... 171


The duas of reciting at the time of sleeping ......................................................................................... 172 In which way and at what time one should not sleep .......................................................................... 173


The rules of prayer of Istikhara ................................................................................................................. 173 The Istikhara according to the Sunnah ................................................................................................. 173


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The importance of the istikhara............................................................................................................ 173


The goal of the istikhara ....................................................................................................................... 174 The procedure of the prayer of istikhara .............................................................................................. 174 The rules of the prayer of Hajat ................................................................................................................ 174 The rules and beatitudes of the prayer of tahajjud .................................................................................. 175


The three rules of the Friday..................................................................................................................... 176 The level of ontologism through the nikah ............................................................................................... 176 The need of nikah for the progress in ontologism................................................................................ 176

.u bq

Do become free from tension in regards to the proposals .................................................................. 176 What should be the under consideration in searching for the appropriate proposal ......................... 177


To be late in doing the nikah is a big hindrance in the ontologism ...................................................... 178 The one who does not use to get married, they may do these tasks................................................... 178

The ten very much nice benefits of doing the nikah ............................................................................ 178


The reward of getting the happiness of the husband .............................................................................. 179 If there shall be wife so like this............................................................................................................ 180


The seven rights of the husband in the responsibility of the wife ....................................................... 180 The quality of the woman ..................................................................................................................... 182



The good woman .................................................................................................................................. 182 The secret of internal beauty of the ladies ........................................................................................... 182 The relation with the Almighty Allah is how much easy for the wife ................................................... 182

.u bq


The husband and wife both are of heaven ........................................................................................... 183

The spiritual diseases of the ladies ........................................................................................................... 183 The care regarding to the make up, dress and jewelry ........................................................................ 183 The great mistake of the ladies............................................................................................................. 184 The anger of the wife of brother and injustice and cruelty on the orphan brother of husband ......... 184 The intelligent lady................................................................................................................................ 185 How the ladies shall get the level of the ontologism............................................................................ 185


If the husband does not even use to offer the prayer: ......................................................................... 186 The rules for doing the veil for the ladies ................................................................................................. 186


The worry of doing the veil on the death of the son ............................................................................ 186 The covering is the greatest level of the culture of human being ........................................................ 186


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The dishonor of the lady who does not use to do the veil on the Day of Judgment ............................ 187


The 8 rules of doing the veil for the ladies ........................................................................................... 187 The exemplary fear of the Almighty Allah of the exemplary ladies.......................................................... 188

The half of the Islam got spread through the ladies ............................................................................. 188 The fear of the Almighty Allah of the mother of Maulana Ilyaas ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................. 189


The respectable mother of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................ 189 The ladies with good character and the training of children .................................................................... 193 The first school of the ontologism ........................................................................................................ 193

.u bq

The training of the mother of Khuwaja Bakhtiyaar Kaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.......................................................... 193 The training of the mother of Hazrat Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................... 194


The mothers who use to offer the tahajjud prayers ............................................................................. 194 The training of the mother of Hazrat Sahal Tastari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................................. 194 The training of the motherof Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................. 195

Hazrat Imam Raazi

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and the training of children ................................................................... 195


Hazrat Imam Ghazali

and the training of the children ................................................................ 196


The role of the mother of Khuwaja Qutub uddin Bakhtiyar Kaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................. 196 The feeling of being conscious about the responsibility of the mandate............................................. 197



The beatitudes of the training of the daughter .................................................................................... 198

The journey of the ontologism of the lord from the exemplary life of spousal relationship ................... 198 The training of the wife......................................................................................................................... 198

.u bq


The life of spousal relationship which is worthy of being praised ........................................................ 199 One special advice for the followers..................................................................................................... 199 The entrance in the heaven on the forgiveness of the wife ................................................................. 199 How may the mother in law and daughter in law get the prosperous life ........................................... 200

How the husbands should get the relation with the Almighty Allah ........................................................ 200 The rights and rules of the wife for the peace of the spousal relationship .......................................... 200 The three basic needs of the wife ......................................................................................................... 200


The dangerous mistakes of the husbands ................................................................................................ 201 To ignore the wife ................................................................................................................................. 201


The black mailing of giving the divorce ................................................................................................. 202 The limitations on the wife ................................................................................................................... 202


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To be ignorant with the relatives of the wife ....................................................................................... 202


The rules of secret matter ........................................................................................................................ 202 The duas ................................................................................................................................................ 203 For happy relationship .......................................................................................................................... 204 The rules after the birth of the child ......................................................................................................... 204


Before the birth of the child ................................................................................................................. 204 After the birth of the child .................................................................................................................... 205 Before the child getting matured ......................................................................................................... 205

.u bq

The rules to do the service of parents ...................................................................................................... 206 The service of the parents is the path of the success ........................................................................... 206


The pious children are the gift for the parents ..................................................................................... 207 The unconditional spirit of doing the service of the father .................................................................. 207

The curse of the bad dua of the sobbing mother ................................................................................. 208


The punishment of doing the dishonor of the mother ......................................................................... 208 The 18 benefits of doing the service of the parents ................................................................................. 209


The disadvantaged of doing the disobedience of the parents ............................................................. 210 The dua of sending the reward to the parents ..................................................................................... 210



The ten rules regarding to the hairs, beard .............................................................................................. 210 The 12 rules of doing the recitation.......................................................................................................... 211 The 12 benefits of the love and affection among each other .................................................................. 211

.u bq


The rules of writing the letter ................................................................................................................... 212 The rules of doing the hospitality ............................................................................................................. 213 The rules of the mandate and the honesty .............................................................................................. 214 A weird incident regarding submitting belongings to Allah ................................................................. 214 Rules of Collectivity and Unity .................................................................................................................. 215 Community’s 5 rules ............................................................................................................................. 215 Etiquettes of Advised ................................................................................................................................ 216


6 Respects for Promising........................................................................................................................... 217 17 Etiquettes of Salam (greeting) ............................................................................................................. 217


The ten rules of shaking the hands ........................................................................................................... 218 The level of the ontologism of ours, in the neighbor of ours ................................................................... 218


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The level of the neighbors .................................................................................................................... 218


The 11 rules of the neighbors ................................................................................................................... 219 The 11 rules which have been received from the court of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬.............................................. 220 The care of the neighbors by Farooq e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬........................................................................... 221 To take care about the neighbor who have the loan on him ............................................................... 221


To be in the pain by your own self just for the neighbor ..................................................................... 221 The four rules of the gift ........................................................................................................................... 221 The 4 rules of the non Muslims ................................................................................................................ 222

.u bq

The benefits of the kindness and humbleness ..................................................................................... 222 The kind attitude of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with a Jew man ............................................................................ 222


The kindness of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the enemies................................................................................ 223 The kind attitude of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬with the hypocrite people ........................ 223

The rules for the non Muslims .............................................................................................................. 224


The rights and rules for the animals ......................................................................................................... 224


The service of the animals is a source for getting connected to the Lord ............................................ 224 Sheikh Ahmed Qabeer Rafaaee

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and the goodness of the cat .................................................. 225


The happening of forgiveness with the dua of the child of the cat ...................................................... 225


The good attitude with a deer and the dua of it .................................................................................. 226 Got the kingdom by doing the mercy on the deer ............................................................................... 226

.u bq


The 12 rules of keeping an animal as a pet........................................................................................... 226 Ten animals which will go in the heaven .............................................................................................. 228

The great qualities of the lower level of creation ................................................................................. 228

THE 5 ETIQUETTES OF TREATING SERVANTS ............................................................................................ 229 Hazrat Jafar Sadiq(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬beautifully treated his servant ................................................................... 229 4 Etiquettes of owner and Labour ........................................................................................................ 230 Best etiquettes to Advise .......................................................................................................................... 230


Etiquettes of sneezing and yawning ......................................................................................................... 231 Etiquettes of naming ................................................................................................................................. 231 THE REPERCUSSION OF NEGLECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS ..................................................................... 232


The rights of the relatives ..................................................................................................................... 232 The rights of the In-Laws....................................................................................................................... 232


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Etiquettes of orphans, feeble and vulnerable .......................................................................................... 232


Neighborhood of Prophet Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬in paradise ......................................................................... 233

Descent of Anwarat/Angles through Appeasing the Orphan ............................................................... 233 Verve and Generosity of Saints ............................................................................................................. 233 Etiquettes of Common Muslim Brothers .................................................................................................. 233


The importance of affairs.......................................................................................................................... 235 The rules of taking the loan ...................................................................................................................... 235 The good attitude of Imam Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬from the one who took the loan .............................................. 236

.u bq

Kindness in taking the loan back became the reason of the forgiveness ............................................. 236 The social relations are also very much important for getting the level of the ontologism .................... 237


We people have made the social relations completely exit from the religion ..................................... 237 The politics is also the source of getting the level of the ontologism ...................................................... 238

The rules of the words of the naat ........................................................................................................... 238


The importance and rules of the dates of the moon ................................................................................ 239 The commands which use to have the relation with dates of the lunar calendar ............................... 239


The ten rules for the joint family .............................................................................................................. 240 Two very much important tasks ............................................................................................................... 241



The eleven rules of keeping the mobile phone ........................................................................................ 241 Do make the other people safe from the pain and become the friend of the almighty Allah ................. 242 The nine different forms of doing the stealing ......................................................................................... 243

.u bq


The ten rules for the house having the peace .......................................................................................... 244 The rules of school and madarsa for the children .................................................................................... 245 The six rules of doing the good deeds ...................................................................................................... 246 The 7 rules of doing the respect of the human being............................................................................... 247 The leader of the family members of the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and the respect of the humanity.......................... 247

Do get the height of the ontologism by doing the care of your relatives ................................................ 248


The 12 advantages of doing the care of the relatives........................................................................... 248 There will be not the accountability of four kinds of spending ................................................................ 250 Do good act along with the other people ............................................................................................. 250


The need of affairs for the ontologism ..................................................................................................... 251 The cleanliness of the affairs is an important part of the religion........................................................ 251


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The atonement of the affairs is very much difficult ............................................................................. 251


The routine of the great man of Chushtiya........................................................................................... 251

The property should be appointed ....................................................................................................... 251 The importance of the distribution of the legacy ..................................................................................... 252 The incident to get the lesson in the distribution of the legacy ........................................................... 252


The nine disadvantages of not distributing the legacy ......................................................................... 252 The rules of distribution of the legacy: ................................................................................................. 253 The care of Hakeem Ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................................................ 254

.u bq

The other incident of the prevention ................................................................................................... 254 The wonderful care in the affairs of the office ..................................................................................... 254


The rules of the trade of the beatitude .................................................................................................... 255 The ten advantages of the honest traders............................................................................................ 256

The forbidden rizq ..................................................................................................................................... 257


The care of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬.................................................................................................................... 257 The care of Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬........................................................................................................... 257


The worship not being accepted till the 40 days .................................................................................. 257 The gift and the bribery ........................................................................................................................ 257



The decrease in measurement and calculation… benefit or the loss ................................................... 258 The care of Hazrat Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................................................ 258 Prevention from the doubtful thing is the secret of all of the progress ............................................... 258

.u bq


The writings of Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Cughtai Sir ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬................... 260 The confusions of the family ................................................................................................................. 260 Islam and the modern science .............................................................................................................. 260 The diseases of the body and the researches of the modern science.................................................. 261 The books of history and personalities ................................................................................................. 261 The books of medical ............................................................................................................................ 261 The Sufism and the correction of the internal self ............................................................................... 262


The spiritualities and the acts ............................................................................................................... 263 The treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science .................................................................. 264


The problems of the young people ....................................................................................................... 264 The psychological problems .................................................................................................................. 265


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The women ........................................................................................................................................... 265


The translations in the other languages ............................................................................................... 265

Miscelleneous ....................................................................................................................................... 265


rg i.o



.u bq




.u bq


The rules of the ontologism (the new Edition) ......................................................................................... 266


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The thirteenth kind of character is to gain the fear of the Almighty Allah The true meaning of the fear of the Almighty Allah


The true meaning of the fear of the Almighty Allah is to do intense self restrained and to be careful and in the literal meaning it means that (‫ )التجنب عما یضرہ فی االخرۃ‬that a god fearing person is said to that man in shariah who may stop himself from such things which will be harmful on the Day of Judgment. Three levels of the fear of the Almighty Allah have been told in the “Tafseer Bezadi”:





.u bq

(1) The first level is of the public. And that level is this that to accept the faith and get safe from the torment of forever by expressing no relation with the shirk. To this kind only, the Almighty Allah indicated in his this saying (‫( )والزمھم کلمتہ التقوی‬The verse) (2) The second level is of special people and it is this that to be safe from that every single thing which may involve a person in little and small sin even and in shariah this same level is famous with the name of fear of the Almighty Allah and towards this only, the Almighty Allah has pointed in his this saying ( ‫ولو ان اھل القری امنوا‬ ‫( )واتقو‬The verse) (3) The third level is of the most special people and it is this that a person may adopt distance from all such things which may make his internal self ignorant to the Almighty Allah and he may be attentive towards the Almighty Allah in complete way and this is the real fear of the Almighty Allah and towards this only, the Almighty Allah has pointed towards in his this saying that (‫( )واتقو ہللا حق تقاتہ‬The verse). Towards this the poet has indicated in his couplet: ( ‫خیالک‬ ‫ومثواک فی قلبی فاین تغیب؟؟؟‬ ‫)فی عینی و ذکرک فی فمی‬


Very much important advice from the followers…!

.u bq


Just see o the people of the Almighty Allah! If we are eager with the hunger and there may be fifty kinds of dishes in front of us and this shall be said to us that the food which you want to eat, you may eat that but listen to one thing that in any one of the dish I have added the poison even less than the pinch…! We will leave all of the foods in that condition of hunger even that we do not know that in which food there is the poison and just after eating it I may pass away from this temporary world…! The life of our body is how much beloved to us. We know that the poison use to give harm to the body but much more than this, the sins use to give harm to the soul but then also we use to do sins fearlessly. That is the reason that I use to do the advice of it to that every single follower who is connected with the series of Qadri Hajweri of my sheikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that after today, do try to get safe even from the little and small sin very much.



The example of doing good deeds along with the sins is just like this that as if filling milk with the strainer. The meaning is this that just like the milk cannot be filled with the strainer just like that in the heart which uses to do sins, the ontologism cannot come in it because in that heart also many holes use to become due to committing the sins. For example, when a person use to see the false thing so one hole use to be made, when a person may do backbiting so the second hole use to be


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made. How much the sins will keep on being increased that much more the holes will keep on becoming.


The example of the claim of sins is like the manure. How much the manure is of bad smell, that much fragrant flower use to be produced but the condition is this that the manure should be pressed. How much we will press the bad demands of the sins, the flower of fear of the Almighty Allah use togets produced that much fragrant. The big and great people who use to offer the prayer of tahajjud do not use to get that ontologism which is gained by the ones who use to kill the hearts of them in getting safe from the sins.

A Muslim is on his duty all the time


A very important tip



.u bq

The wine was presented to one great man in the airplane. He refused to it. When the officer asked that why you do not use to drink it? He said that make the pilot drink it, he gave the answer that the pilot cannot drink the wine during the flight. The passenger asked the reason. The people of the airplane told the reason that he is on his duty, he cannot drink the thing which is drug (during the flight). The passenger gave the answer that I am a Muslim and I am on my duty that it is very much important in our religion to be safe from every single sin from the age of puberty till the time of death. I am limited to be safe from this sin and I am on my duty. I cannot do the sin of drinking the wine at this time.


.u bq



Hazrat Shibli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said to one Hakeem that I have the disease of sins. F you have the medicine of it so please do give it to me. Right now this conversation was going on that one man was busy in picking up the straws in the ground which was in front. He raised his head and said that Shibli! Come here, I may tell the medicine of it. The flowers of modesty, the fruits of patience and gratefulness, the roots of humbleness and submissiveness, the leaves of the tree of truth, the husk of respect, the seeds of good character. Take all of these and start crushing it in the crushing machine of struggle (hard work). Keep on mixing the water of your forehead every day in it. Fill all of these in the big dish and cook on the stove of interest. When it will become ready after getting cooked so do stain it in the strainer of your heart and after mixing the sugar of the sweetness of tongue give it the high flame of love. The time at which it may come down after getting ready so, make it cool down with the air of fear of the Almighty Allah and then use it. When Hazrat Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ raised his head up so he saw that, that crazy man has got invisible.

Embarrassment on sins is the food of the friends of the Almighty Allah



One man of the Almighty Allah was saying that the person who does not use to have embarrassment and worry on the sins of him so do get to know this that he is involved in the torment of the Almighty Allah. Just like the devil does not use to have the embarrassment till today. Do tell brother that does the devil has the embarrassment? Where is the embarrassment to that cruel! This is the sign of curse. Therefore, to be worried on the sins is a good sign.


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.u bq



To have the pain of getting safe from the sins if the food of the friends of the Almighty Allah, this pain is the food of the beloved people of the Almighty Allah. A sinful and liar person can also do the worship, hajj and umrah. It has got to know that the worship is also the food of the sinful people and of the friends also. So this food of the worship is common in the friends and the disobedient people both and the thing which is common in the sinful people and in the friends of the Almighty Allah how can it be the unique food of the friends of the Almighty Allah. Therefore, to bear the pain of getting safe from the sins, this is only the food of the friends of the Almighty Allah. This is not the part of the sinful people. If he may also start having this food, meaning that if he may also bear the pain of getting safe from the sins so, he will not remain as the sinful or liar person but will become the friend of the Almighty Allah. Hakeem ul ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that keep the light of on thousand prayers of tahajjud in one plate of physical balance and the light of bearing the pain of getting safe from the sins in the other plate, this light will be more heavy.

Learn the fear of the Almighty Allah from a young boy






Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬listened this verse in the childhood (‫( )وقودھا الناس و الحجارۃ‬Surah e Baqrah, verse number: 24 and surah e Tehreem, verse number 6) meaning that the fuel of the hell will be human beings and the stones. So he used to cry very much. One man said that you are from the family of the prophet. Why do you cry so much? He said that Kanaan was the son of Hazrat Nooh Alaeh Salam, look it has been said for him that (‫ ( )انہ لیس من اھلک‬Surah e Hood verse number 46) this man is not from the family members of yours. That man said that you are a child. He said that I have seen my mother that when she use to lit the fire on the stove so she use to put fire in the small sticks, then from them in the big sticks. Just like this I have the fear that over there also this shall not be the sequence.

Seven signs of the fear of the Almighty Allah



.u bq


A famous scholar, Abu Lalees ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say after thinking and pondering very much that the indication of the fear of the Almighty Allah use to get expressed in seven things. (1) The tongue should remain away from the lie, backbiting, saying false things, blaming and immodest tasks and it may keep on being busy in the zikr of the Almighty Allah, recitation of the Holy Quran and in the discussion of the knowledge. (2) That heart in which there may not be the hatred, blaming and jealousy from the brothers because jealousy use to destroy and destruct the good deeds. (3) The eyesight that from it a peson may ot look towards the prohibited food and drinks and to the prohibited dress and may not be inclined towards the world. (4) The prohibited things may not enter in the stomach. (5) The hand should not be moved towards the prohibited things in spite of it it should move towards the obedience of the Almighty Allah. It has been narrated by Hazrat Kaab Bin Ahbar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Almighty Allah has made one building of green barjad. In which there are seventy thousand houses. In every single house there are seventy thousand rooms. That person will be entered in that house on which the prohibited thing will be presented and he may leave it with the fear of the Almighty Allah. (6) The feet may not walk in the direction of disobedience of the Almighty Allah in spite of it they shall move towards the consent and obedience of the Almighty Allah and company of scholars and pious people. (7) The submission


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and obedience which shall be only for the consent of the Almighty Allah, in which there may not be show off and pride even a little bit. (Talkhees Makashifa Al Quloob)


O the Almighty Allah! If there are these indications in any one of us so along with being grateful to the Almighty Allah on it do adopt the consistency on it and if may god forbid, it is not present so do try your best to gain it. Right now from many of the reasons of weakness of Muslims in the whole world, one important reason is the absence of fear of the Almighty Allah and virtue. Right now a Muslim use to be afraid from the large amount, weapons and large army etc but he does not use to get afraid while breaking the commands of the Almighty Allah….!

The disadvantages of the small sins


.u bq

In Bukhari sharif, there is this quote of Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬present. Meaning that today while doing many of the sins you do think them more less than the hair even although in the era of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬we used to think them as the most dangerous sins. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that o Ayesha! ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬do get safe from the small sins also because the Almighty Allah will also ask about them. (Masnad e Ahmed, Sanun Darmi)

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

to his son



The advice of Hazrat Muhammad Baqar



Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬took one pen (by asking for it) as borrowing for writing the holy ahades in the country of Egypt. Then with the mistake he kept that pen in his pencil box and then he went to the city of Maru. When he opened the pencil box after going over there so, he became very sad after looking that pebn. Then Abdullah Bin Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did the tour of country of Egypt from the city of Maru only for returning that pen.

.u bq


It is one little bit of advice of Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬which he gave to his son Jaffar Sadiq ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. That is worthy of writing with the ink of gold. He says that: O son! Do recite “‫ ”الحمد ہلل‬at the time of blessing and at the time of sadness, do recite “( ‫ال حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل العلی‬ ‫ ”)العظیم‬O son! The Almighty Allah has kept three things hidden inside the three things.



1. The consent of him is hidden inside the obedience of him. Therefore, you do not think any of the good deed as less. It is possible that in it only there may be the consent of the Almighty Allah. 2. And the anger and wrath of him is hidden inside the disobedience (sins). So do not think any of the sin as small. It is possible that in it only the fire of anger and wrath may be hidden. 3. And the Almighty Allah has kept the friends of him hidden in the creation. So therefore, ddo not think any of the human being as unworthy or humiliated. We do not know that he may be the friend of the Almighty Allah. This quote of Hazrat Imam Baqar is how much precious. The verification of it uses to happen form many of the ahadees and the incidents.


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O the people of the Almighty Allah! The status of a true follower use to be this that he use to be safe from even the small and little bit of sins and he use to spend the life of him with very much care. Now I may tell with the incidents of the history that some times, small and little incidents also use to become the reason of how many big disadvantages.

The terrible end of offering the prayer without the ablution

.u bq


1. Some man saw a man who used to offer the prayer and had now passed away in his dream. He asked the condition of him from him and asked that after the death how did the Almighty Allah behaved with him? He gave him the answer that: One day I offered one prayer without the ablution. As a result of which one bear has been made to attack over me who use to keep on making me afraid all the time in the grave. Due to this terrible situation I am in a very much bad condition.

The condition of one great man on a small sin




2. The Faqeeh Abu Lalees ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in the “tambeeh ul ghafileen” that Kahams Ibn Al Hasan ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that one sin has been committed by me on which I am crying from the past forty years. When asked, he told that once upon a time my brother came to meet me. I cooked the fish for him. After eating the food, when I sat for washing the hands so, without the permission I took the sand from the wall of my neighbors and rubbed it on my hands. I am crying on this that if the Almighty Allah will ask me: O Kahams! Why did you use the thing of anyone else without the permission, so what answer I will give him?



Awam Bin Hoshab ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that ( ‫ االستغفار و االغترار و االستبشار و‬:‫اربع بعد الذنب شر من الذنب‬ ‫ )االصرار‬meaning after doing the sin, four things are even worse than the sins. (A) To think the sin as less. (B) To come in deception on not coming of the torment. (C) To be happy on the sins (D) And to be consistent n the sins (meaning that to do that sin again and again)

.u bq


The big end of many of the common things

3. You people must have seen and listened that from one abusive word even the fight or the killings sue to happen. With the little bit of smoke of cigarette only and with the little bit of fire only, many big and great markets use to become destroyed. With the particle of fire, whole of the city use to become the ash. The eye sight of a human being should be on the result f every task. In the start, everything uses to be small, then slowly and gradually it use to become more and get the strength.



The strength and spirit of a courageous lion use to be hidden in the childhood of him. The human being of the time, who is intelligent and crazy, the intelligence and cleverness of him is the cause of the childhood of him. This abundance of children of Adam is due to the Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬.


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The start of heavy rain use to be with the light drizzling. Just like this, the root and beginning of thousands of diseases of the world is only from the flu and cold. That is the reason due to which the flu is called as the mother of all diseases. Thousands of seeds of one bunch use to get produced with only one grain of the seed.

The drop of honey became the reason of destruction

.u bq


4. In one book, one weird sentence has passed by from my eyes that from one drop of honey all of the people of two villages have been got killed. It was this how that one man went to any shopkeeper by taking a dish of honey to him for the reason of selling it. When he started showing the honey to the shopkeeper so, one drop of honey fell down on the floor.


.u bq



Now when the son of the shopkeeper got to know about this incident so, he picked up the sword and killed the owner of the honey after coming over there. When the people of the village of the man who was selling the honey got to know about this thing so all of them came along with the weapons. On the other hand, the people of other village also became ready for the fight after listening the news of their arrival. Therefore, the fight of both of those villages got started and it kept on being continued till many days. As a result, both of the villages got destroyed and destructed and there was nothing left. The reason of all of this blood shedding was only one drop of honey.




One zamboor (Bhir) flew and sat on the drop of honey. From that place one lizard ran to catch the bhir. Then a cat attacked on that lizard. On the other side, a dog was standing, it attacked on the cat and it killed her. The dog was of the one who had the honey and the cat was of the shopkeeper. When the shopkeeper saw that the cat has been died so he picked up one stick and hit so much to the dog that it also died. The owner of the dog became very much sad on the death of his dog. He came in anger and killed the shopkeeper.

Little bit of anger became the reason of the fight of forty years 5. Once upon a time one kaleeb saw one saraab female camel that she has made the home destroyed and has broken the eggs of Qambrah. So after coming in anger he gave the command to his servants that do kill the child of this female camel and do hit the arrow on the teat of her. When the arrow hit to her so the milk and the blood started flowing.



When the female camel returned to her house while shouting and screaming so the owner (lady) of her started making noise. The niece Jasaas of her killed the Kaleeb the next day who was also the husband of his sister. Therefore, the fight got started between both of the tribes. This how till forty orforty two years the war kept on being continued between them. In the book “ayyam ul Arab� the description of it has been mentioned. This was the harm of one small matter.


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When one lady tied a cat




6. It is one hadees sharif that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to say that I have seen one lady getting burned

in the hell only for this reason that once upon a time she tied one cat till the time that she died after getting agonizing with the hunger and the thirst. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that he listen the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬while

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

use to narrate from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that some times, a person use to say

.u bq

Abu Huraira


saying this that some times, a person use to get to so much depth of the hell with just a little bit thing, how much the east is far from the west. In fact more than this even. (Bukhari Sharif)


The accountability on little bit mistake


something about the consent of the Almighty Allah which has no special importance near to him but due to thins thing the Almighty Allah use to make the status of him high and some times, he use to say related to the resentment of the Almighty Allah about which he do not use to care but due to this he use to become the worthy of hell. (Narrated from Bukhari)


Abu Suleman ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that O Ahmed! Once upon a time while walking on a path I picked up a small stick of some person without his permission and I do not know that whether I brushed my teeth with that stick or I just threw it away like this. (As a result of doing that little bit of mistake) from the day of my death till today I am involved in the accountability of it. It is sad that today we are so much ignorant and use to get into useless debates.

.u bq




7. Imam Novi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to write in the book “Mawaiz” of him that Ahmed Bin Al Hawari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say this that it was my great desire that I may see Abu Suleman Darani ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ in my dream because he was a very much big scholar. Therefore, after one year of his death I saw him in my dream. I asked that O Sheikh! How did the Almighty Allah behave with you?

Little bit of bad deed…reason of big torment



8. Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has mentioned one story in the book “Minhaj ul Abideen” that one man (used to live in a house of rent, once upon a time he) wrote one letter. Then after taking the sand from the wall of that house, he tried to put it on the letter for making the ink dry. This thought came in his heart that it is the house of rent (therefore I should not use the sand of the wall of it) then the thought came that there is no harm in using so much little thing. Therefore, he took the sand (from the wall) and put it on the letter. So just he listen the voice of Hatif that the one who use to think this sand as little and unworthy thing will


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get to know at that time when on the Day of Judgment he will be made accountable till long time.

One straw became the reason of the anger


9. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬made one dead man alive in one graveyard and asked him that who are you? He said that I was Hamal. Meaning that I used to pick up the things of people in exchange of money. I was picking up the wooden logs of one man in return of money and was going, on the way for brushing my teeth I broke one straw from those wooden logs. In the demand and accountability of which I am being involved till today.

The torment on not taking the bath after having sex

One needle became the reason of getting the torment


.u bq

10. One man told someone in the dream that: Make me free; I am in a bad condition because one day I did not do the bath after having sex. As a result of which the Almighty Allah has made me wear the dress of fire. I am involved in this dress of fire day and night.



11. The famous great scholar, Arif billah Hassan Ibn e Abi Sanan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬never laid down beside the azro e haya till sixty years, neither he ate the food with oil and nor he drank the cold water. After his death someone saw him in his dream. He asked that how are you? So he said that: (‫ )فعل ہللا بی خیرا االانی محبوس عن الجنتہ بابرۃ استعر تھا فلم اردھا‬The Almighty Allah has done good matter with me but one needle which I took just as a loan from some person and I did not return it, due to that I have been stopped for going to the heaven up till now.



The accountability on little bit of decrease in the measurement and weighing


.u bq


12. There was one servant of a famous Sufi Abdul Wahid Bin Zaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was famous for his fear of the Almighty Allah and piousness. He remained busy in doing the worship till forty years. What was that meaning that he used to do the work of weighing and measurement? After the death of him some person asked him in the dream: What has the Almighty Allah done with you? He said that the Almighty Allah has done good matter with me apart from this thing that few times in the weighing machine previous dust used to remain due to which there used to be decrease or increase in the measurement and weighing. Due to only being careless in this regard, in the punishment of mistake of little bit of dust of every single Qafeez (It is the name of one weighing instrument) I was given the command of giving forty, forty Qafeez.


It is one narration that one man offered two rakats prayer to one grave and slept over there. In the dream he saw the man who was in the grave. The man of grave said to him that: You living beings can do the acts but you do not use to know anything (meaning this that you have no knowledge about the reward or punishment of this act) and we know but we are not able to do the act. If the addition of your this prayer of two rakats shall be done (which


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you have just recited) in my book of deeds so it is better than the whole world and the things of it for me.

The terrible end of not doing the help of downtrodden person

.u bq


13. Hazrat Abu Sabrah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the munkar nakeer came to one dead man and said that we will hit you hundred lashes. That man presented the good deeds of him as the commend till the point that ninety nine lashes got forgiven. Now, one was remaining. The angels hit him that one lash. Then with the hitting of that one lash the grave of him became the furnace of fire. That man asked that why have you given me this punishment? So the angels said that one day you were passing by one downtrodden person. He asked the help from you. You refused to help him.

On doing the lustful glances… the unseen slap



14. Abu Yaqoob Nehar Jori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as a great man. He used to say that I saw one man in mutaaf (the place to do tawaaf) who was blind from one eye. He was reciting this dua I mutaaf. (‫“ )اللھم انی اعوذبک منک‬O the Almighty Allah! I seek the refuge of the torment of yours through the consent and mercy of yours.” I asked him the reason of this dua. He said that I am the servant of the Holy Kaaba from the last fifty years. Once upon a time, my glance went upon one beautiful man. I liked him.




Then suddenly one slap was hit on my eye from which my eye came out and got hanged on my cheek. I took out my voice in pain. Then I got one more slap and a voice came from the unseen then if you may do the mistake again so you will be again given the punishment.

On doing the lustful glance, forgot the whole of the Holy Quran

.u bq


15. Muhammad Bin Abdullah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that once upon a time I was with my teacher Abu Bakar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. One young man passed by to us. I saw towards him. My teacher saw me looking at that young man and said O son! You will get the punishment of this lustful glance for sure whether you may get it after a long period of time. Muhammad Bin Abdullah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that after that twenty years passed away. I kept the words of my teacher remembered regarding to the punishment. One night I slept while thinking and pondering about that thing. When I wake up at morning so I forgot the whole of the Holy Quran (Although I remembered it before) then a voice came from the unseen that this is the punishment of that lustful glance.

The incident of Abu Abdullah Zaard

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



16. Some man saw Abu Abdullah Zaard ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in his dream so he asked that what matter has the Almighty Allah done with you? He said that the sins on which I agreed, all of them got forgiven. Only with the acceptance of one sin, the embarrassment came in between. So I was made to stand up as the punishment of this sin. My sweat kept on flowing, it kept on flowing, and it kept on flowing so much that the flesh of my face also fell down. I saw one


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beautiful man with the lustful glance. Let us think even a little bit that this was the effect of looking a beautiful man only with the lustful glance. The people who use to have to look at the non mehram men and women in day and night, what will be done with them. May the Almighty Allah protect all of us with this great sin. Amen!

Sometimes, the punishment of the sin used to be given in the world even

Ibn e Abbas

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


17. It use to come in narration that when the Almighty Allah use to decide to do good with any of his man so he is given the punishment of his sin in the world only. Therefore, it is one hadees sharif that: use to narrate that one man came to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬who was filled in

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blood. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked him the reason of flowing of the blood. So, that man said that


one lady passed near from me. I kept n walking while looking at her. Suddenly, I got hit by a wall with much intensity and I got this condition which you are looking at. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to him that when the Almighty Allah use to decide to do good with any of his man so, he use to give the punishment of his sins to him in the world only.


The mountains like punishment of a little bit of mistake


.u bq




18. One day Abu Yazeed Bastami ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came out in this condition that there was the effect of crying on him. Some man asked the reason of it from him. He said that I have got this news that one man will come on the Day of Judgment and will say that o my lord, I was a butcher. So just this man came to me and asked me about the price of the meat and he kept the finger of him on the meat of mine. Till the point that the finger of him made a mark on the meat and he did not buy the meat and today I am needy of that amount exactly. So just the Almighty Allah will give the command that from the good deeds of the one on whom it is the blame, the amount shall be given to the one who has brought the matter in the amount of his right. And the weighing machine of that man (the one who brought the matter) was only light than the amount of one particle. So therefore, it will be kept in the weighing balance of that man. Therefore, the plate of weighing machine of him will take over and he will be given the command of the heaven and the sins of him and the weighing machine of the one on whom it was the blame will become that much light and he will be given the command of hell…so I just do not know that what will be my condition on that day…

The ontologism got snatched on only one drink



19. Hazrat fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who has been passed as a famous great man, use to say this that I got present at the time of death of one of my student. I suggested him to recite the kalma. So, he refused to recite it and said that I will not recite the kalma. I am ignorant to it; therefore, he passed away in the same condition. Hazrat Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came back while crying. After sometime he saw him in his dream that he is being dragged


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towards the fire of the hell. I asked to him that o the beggar, how did that ontologism get snatch from you? He said, o teacher, one disease happened to me. So, with the advice of few doctors, I used to drink one bowl of wine each year because the Hakeems said that if you will not drink it so, this disease will not leave you. This is the condition of that such man, who used to drink, only and only as a medicine. The one who will drink without any reason, what will be the condition of him?

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It was asked from few people who did the repentance that how did you ask for forgiveness, what was the reason? One said that I was the grave digger (the one who use to dig the graves) I saw few people that inside the grave, the face of them was away from the direction of Qibla. Then I asked from the family members of them so they told this that they used to drink the wine and passed away without doing the repentance.



The accountability of one needle



One incident of one more pious man has been written that the young child of him passed away. After some time he saw him in his dream that the head of him has been become white. I asked him that you were a child, how did your head has become white? He said that, one man has been buried beside me, who used to drink wine, so with the effects of torment of him, my head has also become white. The Almighty Allah is the greatest of all! That is why it is important that one should do repentance before the death. It may not happen that, before doing the repentance the death may come and the end may become bad. May the Almighty Allah keep all of us in his protection. Amen!

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20. One man of the Almighty Allah use to say this that I saw Hasan Bin Zakoon ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in my dream after he passed away from the world and I asked him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that what happened with you? So he said that I am up till now in the prison due to one needle only which I took as a loan from any close person and I did not return it.

The reason of deprivation of world



21. Once upon a time, Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬passed by one such village where beautiful, green and pleasant trees were blooming and the springs of best water were gushing over there. The people of the village did very much respect of Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬. After three years of this, then again Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬passed from that place so he became surprised after looking this that all of the trees got dried, all of the springs of water got dried and all of the houses have become destructed and unpopulated. It was told to him ‫علیہ السالم‬through the revelation that o Esa! ‫ علیہ السالم‬the reason of destruction of this village is this that once upon a time one such man passed by from here that did not use to offer the prayers; he washed his face from one spring of the village. The result of it happened this that all of the springs of this village got dried, the trees got dried and all of the houses got destroyed and unpopulated. O Esa! ‫علیہ السالم‬ when to leave the prayer is the reason of destruction of the religion so, why it will not be the reason of the deprivation of the world. (Khair ul Mawanis)


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Whether the sin is small or big, it is not empty from the ten bad qualities


Faqeeh Abu Lalees Samar Qandi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written on page number 134 of “Tambeeh ul Ghafileen”, the summary of which is this that whether the sin is big or small, ther use to be ten big and great bad qualities in it for sure.

When did the human being use to become pious


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1. The first bad quality is this that he made his creator resented who has all power on him. (2) Second is this that he has made the devil happy who is disliked by the Almighty Allah. (3) Third is this that he has got far from the heaven. (4) Fourth is this that he has got close to the hell. (5) Fifth is this that he did injustice with his beloved internal self. (6) Sixth is this that he has made his internal self dirty. Although the Almighty Allah made him born as pure. (7) Seventh is this that he gave pain to the friends of him who are the angels of protection. (8) Eighth is this that he has made the Prophet (peace be upon him) sad and worried in the grave. (9) Ninth is this that he has made the day and night as the witness of this bad act of him. (10) Tenth is this that he did dishonesty with all of the creation. It is this because after the sin the witness of him will now not get accepted. So the right of the partner got wasted and the rain will also not fall due to the disobedience of him.

w First example


Few examples of sins



A person use to become pious at that time when he may also leave all of those permissible tasks through which there may be the danger of getting in to the prohibited tasks. To get this level and status it uses to be important to leave the small ones. (To leave the small sins.)

Second example:

.u bq


There is the box of one medicine in which there are ninety nine tablets of the strength, of the health, are of the benefit of yours. If one tablet shall be mixed in those ninety nine tablets which would be exactly like them but that tablet shall be of the poison so, will anyone be courageous enough to eat any tablet from that box….not at all because life is beloved to every single person and he knows that maybe that tablet of poison may come in my luck only and so I will lose my life. It a very much sensitive matter. In contrast to it, why do we use to become so much bold in the matter of sins?



One man use to use the utensils of very much high quality while eating the food. He use to eat very much high kind of food, he use to use very much powerful things but along with it he also use to use little bit of poison so, do tell truly that there will be the effect of which thing…? It is obvious that the poison will overcome on all of these things which are of giving the energy. Now think a little bit that the people who have become satisfied after doing very much worship and they do not


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get worried o doing little bit of sins, they do not even know that this poison of the sins is ding which kind of destruction inside them. That is why there is the need of being very much careful.

The biggest hindrance in the level of the ontologism


The meaning of sin is to be disobedient and to not accept the commands. The task in which there use to be the disobedience of the commands of the Almighty Allah that is said to be as the sin. To do the sin is a very intense thing. The anger and the torment of the Almighty Allah happen due to the sin. One should be safe from every kind of the sin, whether it is a small sin or a big sin.


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When you have got to know the reality of the sin that in every sin there is the opposition of the commands of the Almighty Allah and of the Prophet of him ‫ ﷺ‬and whether that opposition is how much less, that is also intense and a big sin. That is why it cannot be said as small. Just like the spark of the fire, whether it is small or big, both of them are enough for burning the store. Just like this both of them are equal for giving the eternal harm to the human being.

The actual reason of problems in the life





Imam Razi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written a weird pint that “in the stomach of the mother, a child do not use to have any problem.” Because over there the child do not use to do the disobedience of the Almighty Allah. Where the disobedience of the Almighty Allah use to get started, over there then the problems use to get produced also. One great man used to say this that o people! How much you wish, you may break the commands of the Almighty Allah. If the Almighty Allah may not have made the life of yours over here as the hell so then say. Whoever will do the disobedience, the life of him will become the example of the hell. The justice and fairness is not only on the Day of Judgment


The life itself also use to give the punishment of the sins

.u bq

Few famous and popular sins

Do listen… do keep remember and do try to be safe…!!



(1) To cut the beard. (2) To leave the prayer. (3) To not keep the fast. (4) To not give the charity. (5) To not perform the hajj in spite of having the capability of it. (6) To say bad words to the companions (May the Almighty Allah be happy with them all). (7) To do disobedience of your parents and teachers in permissible tasks. (8) To not fulfill the rights of the family members and relatives. (9) To drink the wine. (10) To play gambling. (11) To do steeling. (12) To cut the pockets. (13) To take the loan and do not give it back. (14) To take over the land or house of someone. (15) To do bribing. (16) To take the premium. (17) Or to give the bribe for any prohibited work and get the work done. (18) To be happy from the destruction of the crops. (19) To do false swear or to give the false witness. (20) To do the suicide. (21) To spend uselessly in the functions just to get popular or t spend after taking the loan or to not spend after taking the loan. (22) For men, to hang the trouser or the garment below the ankle. (23) To give charity in the prohibited


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The twenty one disadvantages in world of the sins


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tasks. (24) To run away from the ground of war. (25) To do dishonesty in the mandate. (26) To make the picture of the living being or to keep the picture of any living being in the house or in the shop. (27) To do the magic or to learn it. (28) To not fulfill the rights of the neighbors, guests and relatives. (29) To watch any boy or girl with the bad intention or to talk to him or for the woman to stare to the non mehram man. (30) To say the abusive words. (31) To do the pugnacity. (32) The opening of ankles by the women and without any special need to do conversation and talk to the non mehram man. (33) To do disrespect of the scholars. (34) To be proud. (35) To do jealousy. (36) To be miser. (37) To spend uselessly. (38) To do greed. (39) To be ungrateful. (40) To be impatient. (41) To make long and big wishes. (42) To do complaining. (43) To do back biting. (44) To be angry. (45) To be involved in the self love. (46) To see the Muslims with the eyes of unworthiness. (47) To make the bet from the both sides. (48) To do the acts of bidah. (49) To make such bets in the permissible and liked act which are not proved by the shariah. (50) To be consistent on the small sins. (51) To take control over the land of any other person as a moroosi.



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I saw the Murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he used to give the advice to the followers of not only remain away from the sins but to also remain away with the reason of doing that sin and himself he used to follow very much on the carefulness. Once upon a time, I was living in the convent of Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. I went to the bathroom for taking the bath. When I came back so, Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ asked me that where did you go? I said that Hazrat, I went to the bathroom which is near for taking the bath. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬expressed the resentment and very much of dislike on this thing that you use to go and take bath at that place where the people who use to drink wine and do the adultery and al kind of other people use to come and take the bath. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that one sin uses to become the reason of the other sin and that use to be of the third sin and that use to be of the fourth sin and then this how it use to become difficult to leave the abundance of the sins and the decision of the repentance use to become very much difficult and may god forbid if a person may not get the chance of doing the repentance so a person use to pass away from the world without doing the repentance. From this one incident and story you must have got the idea that the life of Hazrat ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ has been passed away from how much of carefulness. May the Almighty Allah grant us the true love of these people of the Almighty Allah and to follow them.



It is very common in this era that the people use to keep on moving towards the sins and do not use to feel any embarrassment in making the Almighty Allah resented. The reason of it is to be not aware from the knowledge of religion, carelessness form the way of scholars and ancestors and to be ignorant from the company of the people of the Almighty Allah. Just like this, one more reason of it is this also that we use to think this that the punishment of sins will only be received on the Day of Judgment. Although just like the torment of the bad acts will be given on the Day of judgment, just like that in the world also the wrath of the lord will be given in the form of torments and problems, lethal diseases and not having beatitude in the wealth. I am presenting few examples of getting the torment in the world in the service of yours.


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(A) The Almighty Allah use to say this that: When (Bani Israel) adopted the disobedience (and) they (get involved) in that thing (from which) they were told to remain away so, we said to said to them that become the monkeys after becoming humiliated. (Surah Al Aeraf) (B) Plus he said: ( ‫فلما‬ ‫( )اسفونا انتقمنا منھم‬Surah Al Zukhruf) when they made us resented so, we gave punishment to them. (C) And said: (‫( )ذلک بما قدمت ایدیکم‬Surah Al imran) this punishment is due to those bad acts which are sent forward by your hands. Many holy verses are present in regards of this topic. The punishment of the bad acts and sins is received in the world; some description of it is being presented in the following, do read and do become worried…!






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(1) Once upon a time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said the quote that: O the group of migrates! There are five such things that if you may get involved in them and I seek refuge from the Almighty Allah that you may get involved in them so, you will get involved in great torments. (a) The immodesty may get common very much popularly in any nation so such new and latest diseases will get produced in them which will not have ever come in listening before. (b) The people who use to start doing decrease in measurement and weighing, the drought, struggle and injustice of the king will get on them. (c) The nation which may stop the charity, the rain will be stopped from them. If the animals may not be present so, not even a drop of rain shall be showered. (d) The people who use to break the promises, the other nations will take over them and they will rob their wealth and property. (e) The people who use to do the opposition of the law of the Almighty Allah (meaning that they may pass the command which is opposite to the command of the Almighty Allah) so there will be fight among them. (Ibn e Maja) (2) Someone asked the reason of the earthquake from Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬ so she said that: The people use to do adultery by becoming bold as if they are doing any permissible work and they use to drink the wine and they use to play the musical instruments so, the Almighty Allah use to feel prudency in the skies, the command is given to the land that make these people shake. (3) There use to be one this effect of the disobedience that there use to be deprivation from the knowledge that the knowledge is one internal light and the sin is the darkness from which the internal light uses to get extinguished. This is the reason that Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said while doing the legacy to Imam Shafee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that I use to look that the Almighty Allah has kept one light inside you so, you may not let it extinguish in the darkness of the disobedience and one more teacher Imam Wakee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of Imam Shafi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also said something like this that the knowledge is one light and the light of the Almighty Allah is not given to the sinful person. (4) Imam Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted from Hazrat Wahab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the Almighty Allah said to the bani Israel that when my worship is being done so, I use to become happy and when I use to become happy so, I use to do the beatitude and there is no limit of my beatitude and when my obedience is not being done so is use to become angry and so I use to do curse and the effect of my curse use to remain till the seven generations. (5) It has been narrated in the Masnad e Ahmed that: The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that (‫ )ان الرجل لیحرم الرزق بالذنب یصبیہ‬meaning that the person use to become deprived indeed from the rizq due to the sins which he has adopted.” From the sins there use to be decrease in the comfort and satisfaction and life starts to seem as the load. (6) Hazrat Ibn e Abi Addunya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted this holy sentence from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that when the Almighty Allah wants to take the revenge (of disobedience) from the people so, the children use to die in great


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amount and the women use to become sterile. (7)The one who is disobedient to the Almighty Allah has to see the pain of disobedience of the people who are under him. It is a quote of one great man that whenever some sin is committed by me so I use to feel the effect of it in my wife and in my animals that they do not use to remain obedient to me in complete way. (8) From the tasks of the sinful people, easiness and beatitude is taken away whereas, for the people who are obedient, the ways of success use to be opened for them. It has been said in the Holy Quran that: ( ‫ومن یتق ہللا‬ ‫ )یجعل لہ مخرجا‬Meaning that the one who may adopt the fear of the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah use to produce the ways for him. (9) The darkness use to get produced in the heart with the sins, the curse of which use t make a person misguided from the path of sunnah and leaves by making involved in the bidah and misguidance and according to the summary of hadees a person who use to follow one bidah, the Almighty Allah use to make him deprived of acting upon one sunnah. Although to be deprived of the Sunnah is to be deprived from the heaven. (10) Sometimes, the effect of this blackness use to come in the eyes from the heart and then on the face. Till this that all of the people use to see the effect of this blackness on the face. Whether a sinful person is how much beautiful or pretty but there use to be one feeling of ugliness on the face of him. Therefore, Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that there use to be magnificence on the face, light in the heart, abundance in the rizq, strength in the body and love gets produced in the hearts of the people by doing good deed and by doing the bad deed there use to be ugliness on the face, darkness in the grave and in the heart, laziness in the body, contraction in the rizq and the hatred use to get produced in the heart of the people. (11) This is also one disadvantage of sins in the world that a person use to become deprived of the obedience and submissiveness. Today one obedience will be left, tomorrow the second one, day after tomorrow, the third one, this how the series use to keep on going till this point that he use to become empty handed from all of the good deeds . Do understand the example of it in this way that some patient has eaten a delicious bite which has increased the disease and has made him deprived of the other thousands of bites. (12) A sinful person use to fall from the eyes of the Almighty Allah and then he is made written as dishonored and humiliated in the eyes of people also. There use to be no respect remains of him in the creation also. It is said by the Almighty Allah: (‫ )ومن یھن ہللا فمالہ من مکرم‬Meaning that to whim the Almighty Allah may make humiliated so, there can be no one for him to give respect. (13) The curse of the sinful person and the harm of it use to fall upon whole of the creation due to which the creation uses to do curse on him. Therefore, Mujahid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the animals use to do curse on the disobedient people where as there use to be intense drought and the rain use to get stopped and the animals use to say this that this is the curse of the sin of the son of Adam. (14) From the habit of sins the pugnacity and damage use to come in the mind because the intelligence is one enlightened quality for which the hate of the sins is very much harmful. Plus to do the sin is itself a proof of intelligence becoming weak. If the mind would have been correct so how he would be able to do the sin after knowing so much of harms and the bad news? (15) One harm is this that by doing the sin, the devils use to get control on him because the obedience of the Almighty Allah is one fort, due to which he use to be safe from the control of the devil. When he will come out from the fort so the devils will gather him even this that he will make all of the organs of him


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involved in the sins. (16) Which ever damage and harm which use to get expressed in the universe, all of that is the result of the bad acts only. It has been said in the Holy Quran that: ( ‫ظھر الفساد فی‬ ‫( )البر و البحر بما کسبت ایدی الناس‬Surah Al Roum) meaning that the damage got expressed in the land and in the ocean due those acts which are being done by the hands of the people. The decrease of water, crops, fruits and pulses is also one damage which uses to get produced due to the sins. Imam Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said in regards to one hadis that I saw the grains of the wheat which were equal to the seed of the dates in any treasure of the Banu Umiya which were inside one shopper and it was written on it that they were produced in the era of the justice and it is the description of few people of desert that the fruits of the era which was before were bigger than thw fruits of this time. When the time of Hazrat Esa ‫ علیہ السالم‬will come and as at that time there will be abundance of the obedience and the earth will become clean from the sins, then the beatitudes of it will come out in great amount. Till this point it has been come in the correct hadis that one pomegranate will be enough for a big group of people and they will be able to sit under the shade of it. The bunch of the grapes will be so much big that it will be heavy on one camel. It has got to known from this that this deprivation of the beatitude of each and every day is the result of our mistakes and the sins. (17) One disadvantage is this that by doing the sins, the blessings use t be snatched back, the problems and difficulties use to get gathered. It is the quote of Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that no problem use to get revealed but due to the sins and no problem is made removed but due to the repentance. In surah Al Shura, it is said by the Almighty Allah that “The problem which use to come on you so, it is due to the earning of your own hands and to most of the things the Almighty Allah use to forgive. It has got known that the decrease of the blessing use to happen due to the sin. (18) To get the curse of the Almighty Allah, of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and of the angels has been proved by many of the verses and narrations that if there may not be any other harm in the sin even so is it less that in the world even he got worthy of the curse of the Almighty Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him) (19) One disadvantage is this that after doing the sin the comfort and satisfaction of heart use to get finished. All the time there uses to be fear of this thing that someone may not know about it or anyone may not come to take the revenge. Although there is peace and comfort in getting safe from the sins. (20) One disadvantage is this that after doing the sin, that sin uses to take place in the heart. Even this that at the time of death even he uses to be busy in that sin. (22) There use to be hopelessness from the mercy of the Almighty Allah due to which a person do not use to do the repentance and use to pass away without doing the repentance.


One man was given the suggestion of reciting the kalma at the time of him death so he said that I did not leave any of the sin throughout my whole life, what will be the benefit of this kalma to me? At last he died without reciting the kalma.


No intelligent man can like this at all that only for a little bit of enjoyment, he may take so much big mountain of problems on his head. Just like we use t remain away from the harmful things in the routine of everyday life, to act like this in regards with the disobedience is necessary. May the Almighty Allah keep all of us safe from the disobedience of him. Amen! Again Amen!


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The terrible end of few sins



Who will be made to stand from the grave and how?


Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that I asked from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the verse ( ‫یوم ینفخ فی‬ ‫ )الصور فتاتون افواجا‬Meaning that the day when the soor will be blown then you will be coming as groups…what is the meaning of this? The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬cried so much on this question that his clothes became wet. Then he said that O Maaz! You have done the question of one big thing. Then he said that: My nation will be divided in to ten groups on the Day of Judgment.






.u bq




.u bq

(1) One group will get up from the graves and they will not be having the hands and feet of them. They will be those people who used to irritate the neighbors of them. (2) The second group will get up from the graves; the faces of them will be like the pigs….this will be that group which used to do laziness and was ignorant to the prayers. (3) The third group will get up from the graves of them in such way that the stomachs of them will be like the mountains…The snakes and centipedes will be filled in them. They will be those people who did not use to give the charity of their wealth. (4) The fourth group will get up from the graves and the blood will be flowing from the mouths of them. They will be those people which used to take the materials in change of the promise and swear on the name of the Almighty Allah. (5) The fifth group will get up from the grave and the bodies of them will be swollen and more intense smell will be coming from them than the smell of the dead being. They will be those people which used to do the sin by hiding due to the fear of the people and they did not use to be afraid from the Almighty Allah. (6) The sixth group will get up from the grave which will have their necks cut. They will be those people which used to give the false witness. (7) The seventh group will get up from the graves of them and they will not be having tongues in the mouths of them in fact there will be blood and puss flowing from it. They will be those people who did not use to give the witness consciously. (8) The eighth people will get up from the graves with having back faces. They will be those people who used to do the adultery and they died without doing the repentance. (9) The ninth group will get up from the graves while having the black face and blue deep eyes. The fire will be filled inside the stomachs of them. They will be those people who used to eat the wealth of the orphan with injustice. (10) The tenth group will get up from the graves with the disease of vitiligo (Leucoderma) and leprosy (Hansen’s disease).They will be those people who used to make their parents resented, used to do the disobedience of them and used to irritate them. (11) The eleventh group will be made to get from the grave as blind. The teeth of them will be like the horn of the cow, the lips of them will be hanging on the chests of them, the tongues of them will be hanging on the thighs of them and the waste material will be coming out from the stomachs of them. They will be those people who used to drink the wine. (12) The twelve group will get up from the grave. The faces of them will be shining like the moon of fourteenth date and they will pass from the bridge of serat like the electricity. They will be those people who used to care for the prayers, they used to do the pious deeds (good acts), they used to be away from the sins and the end of them happened on the


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repentance. The reward of them will be the heaven and the mercy and forgiveness and consent of the Almighty Allah is on them. (Duraah tun Naseheen)


.u bq


For sure, every single person (man and woman) among us wants this that on the Day of Judgment he may get up from the last group so, the completely easy and cheap tip for it is this that a person may spend the life of him in such way just like the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of him ‫ ﷺ‬wants and with the opportunity of the Almighty Allah the struggle has been done to gather this same life in this book “rules of ontologism” so that the ones who are connected to the series of Qadri Hajweri may adopt this life very easily. Because the condition in which they will spend their lives, in that condition they will get the death and the condition in which they will get the death, in that same condition they will get up again. So, from today only get ready and to try at you’re fullest to be included in the last group. Make the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of him ‫ ﷺ‬happy and then gather the success of the world and of the Day of Judgment. While living in the world do prepare for the comfort of the Day of Judgment. May the Almighty Allah give all of us the opportunity to do the good deeds. (Amen. Again Amen.)

The condition of four devastated graves and the wonder of the worship of the young age





.u bq




Abdul Malik Bin Marwan use to say that one young man came to me while crying. He was very much sad. He said that he has done a very much big sin. Is there any condition of me to do the repentance? I said that what sin have you done? He said that I have done a very much big sin. Abdul Malik said that you may do the forgiveness; the Almighty Allah will forgive the sins of yours. Then he told the detail that I saw in my dream that one grave is opened. I saw the face of the dead man in it away from the direction of the Qibla. I started going out due to the fear so some person said that why do not you ask that why the face of him has been made away from the direction of the Qibla. I said that ok tell. So he said that he used to think the prayer as very much light. He is involved in this punishment due to this. Then I dug the second grave. What I saw was this that one dead man has been caught in the chains and is in the form of pig and the rope of the hell is in the neck of him. Then again I decided to come out so a man who use to say said that do you not ask that why he has been involved in this torment? I said that ok do tell that it is for which reason. He said that he used to drink the wine and he dies without doing the repentance. On the third place of the grave I dug one grave so I found the dead man being tied with the nails of the fire t the ground and the ground was coming out from the side of his back. Then due to the fear I was about to run so a voice was given to me that do ask the condition of him at least that why he has been involved in this torment? I said that do tell. It was said that he used to do the complaining and he did not use to take care of the urine. Then he said that o the leader of the true believers! I dug the fourth grave so I saw that dead man on which the flames of the fire were burning on him. Then I was about to run due to the fear so, it was said to me that do you not ask the condition of him that why he has been made involved in this torment? I asked so it was said that he was the one who was ignorant to the prayer. I dug the fifth grave and saw to the man of the grave that the grave of him is vast till the limit of the eye sight and the dead man is taking rest. There is the best dress


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and clothes; the light is only shining over there. I was about to come out after getting mesmerized so, just like before it was said to me that why do you not ask that why has he got so much of respect and the honor? I said that do tell. He said that he was one obedient young man and use to remain busy in doing the worship all of the time.

The signs of the consent and resentment of the Almighty Allah


.u bq


Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬said to the Almighty Allah that o the Almighty lord, when you use to be happy with the creation so what are the signs of it? On this the Almighty Allah said that there are three signs of it. (1) The rains use to happen according to the seasons. (2) I use to give the wealth in the hands of the wise people. (3) I use to give the government to the just people. Then Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬ asked that o my Almighty Lord! When you use t be resented from the creation so what are the signs of it. So the Almighty Allah said this on this that: There are three signs of it. (1) The rains use to happen without the season. (2) I use to give the wealth in the hands of the people who are miser. (3) I use to give the government in the hands of the people who are evil.

The snakes of the bad acts





It is the incident of one village that over there one land lord died, the grave was dug for him so the grave got filled with the black snakes. It was closed and the other grave was dug. So over there also it got filled with the black snakes. The three graves were made so this same was the condition of all of the three graves. These were not the snakes of the land but they were the snakes of his bad acts which the Almighty Allah uses to show some times after removing the cover away. Just like this the Almighty Allah uses to say to all of us that do walk carefully!

.u bq


Sins are the reason of the destruction of the world and of the Day of Judgment Four (4) disadvantages of the bribe

(1) Hardness of the heart. (2) Heart becoming empty from the mercy. (3) Heart not feeling pain on any problem.



The love of wealth getting so much increased that to not even care about the relatives who are close. There is very much heavy sin of taking the bribe. In the Holy Quran and in the hadees shareef very much advice has been given to get safe from it and very much evilness of it. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has cursed upon the one who use to take the bribe, the one who use to give the bribe and the one who use to come in the middle to get the bribe, to write the papers of the bribe and the witness to it, on all of these and said that the one who use to take the bribe and the one who use to give the bribe, both of them are equal in the sin. That is why one should get very much safe from it.


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The disadvantages of adulteration




(1) By doing the adulteration, the human being use to do the following sins. (a) To give deception to the other people or to do fraud. (b) Dishonesty. (c) To eat the forbidden. (d) Lie. (e) To destroy the health of the other people. (2) The result of giving the fraud and deception is hell. (Tibrani) (3) The one who use to do fraud in the crops, he is not among us. (Sahee Muslim) (4) The Day of Judgment of the one who use to do adulteration will be destroyed.


The disadvantages of the forbidden property


.u bq

The one who use to eat the forbidden: (1) Dishonest. (2) The one who use to do the adulteration. (3) Lucrative. (4) The one who use to eat the wealth of orphan. (5) The one who use to do false swear. (6) The one who use to ask something and do not use to give it back. (7) The one who use to take the loan. (8) The one who use to do decrease in the measurement and weighing. (9) The one who use to sell the thing which has fault. (10) Gambler. (11) Magician. (12) Syntactic. (13) Photographer. (14) Adulterer. (15) Threnodies. (16) Broker. (17) Thief. Etc.



.u bq




(1) The one who use to eat the prohibit thing and drink the prohibited thing, the duas of him do not use to get accepted. (2) To eat one bite of forbidden thing, the duas do not use to get accepted till forty days. (3) In the forbidden income there do not use to be beatitude. (4) The one who use to earn the forbidden money there is dar ul hoon cooked in one place of hell. (5) The one who use to earn the forbidden income, neither the nafils of them get accepted nor the farz. (6) The hajj which is done with the forbidden money do not gets accepted. (7) The one who use to eat the forbidden things for him to do the good deeds use to become difficult and to do the sin use to become easy. (8) The children of him use to become disobedient and lawlessness. (9) There use to be the attack thoughts of devil and false thoughts. (10) The one who use to eat the forbidden things use to be the worthy of the wrath of Jabbar and of hell. (11) The forbidden things use to make the person away from the Almighty Allah. (12) With the forbidden things the reward of good deeds uses to get wasted. (13) With the disadvantages of forbidden things, the body and the mind do not use to remain safe. (14) The greed of the forbidden things uses to become the reason of wasting the rights of the people. (15) The charity which has been given from the forbidden money does not use to get accepted. (Tibrani)

The disadvantages of doing decrease in measurement and weighing



(1) There is the terrible torment for the ones who use to measure less. (Al Quran) (2) The money which has been earned through doing decrease in the measurement and weighing, in reality they are the flames of the fire. (3) It is the incident of one great man that he went to one man who was near to his death and he said him to recite the kalma. But he was not able to recite the kalma. It was known that this man used to do decrease in the measurement and weighing and he used to give and take the things with the fraud.


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The disadvantages of complaining




(1) The one who use to complain will not enter in the heaven. (Bukhari and Muslim) (2) The one who use to complain will get the torment of the grave. (3) It is said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that “The one who use to be jealous and do complain and magician is neither from me and nor I am from him.”

The disadvantages of dancing and singing


(1) The one who use to listen the song of the woman, the melted lead will be poured in the ears of him. (2) If the singer would die before doing the repentance so, on the Day of Judgment, in Hashr, the Almighty Allah will make him get up as nude. There will not even be a piece of cloth on the body of him and when he will be trying to stand up so he will stumble and fell down.

.u bq

The disadvantages of suicide


(1) The heaven is prohibited on the one who commits the suicide. (2) The one who will commit the suicide in which manner so, he will remain doing that same thing in the hell as well. (3) The one who use to commit the suicide, he uses to become the worthy of the wrath of the Almighty Allah.

The disadvantages of doing the magic

The disadvantages of doing curse





(1) The punishment f magic is to get killed. (2) The world and the Day of Judgment use to get destroyed by doing the magic. (3) It is said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the one who will agree with the magic, he will not be able to enter in the paradise. (4) To do magic is a destructive sin. (5) To make someone do the magic is also a very much big crime. (6) The one who use to do the magic comes in the group of doing shirk. (7) The magic use to break the relations.

.u bq


(1) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬have said that there will be no intercession for the one who use to do the curse. (Muslim Sharif) (2) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬have said that the true believer is neither the one who use to do the curse nor he is the one who use to say abusive words. (3) The one who is lucrative he has been said as the accursed. (4) The one who use to do curse on the true believer has been said as similar to do his murder. (5) To do the curse use to take towards the hell. (6) By doing the curse, the doors of the world and the skies use to be made closed. (7) The curse use to eat the wealth.

The disadvantages of doing defalcation


(1) By doing the defalcation, the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of him ‫ ﷺ‬use to get resented. (2) To do the defalcation is just similar to crush the commands of the Holy Quran under the feet. (3) The one who use to do the defalcation do not use to get t he guidance. (4) The defalcation has been said as forbidden. (5) The defalcation use to eat the rizq.

The disadvantages of doing fight and quarrel


(1) By doing the fight, a human being use to become the victim of problems. (2) The fight use to make the heart ignorant from the remembrance of the Almighty Allah. (3) The quarrel use to


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become the reason of the grudge and bitterness. (4) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬have said that this only is enough for you to do the sin that you may remain doing the fight always. (5) The fight use to become the reason of misguidance of nation.

The disadvantages of doing the suicide


(1) The suicide use to become the reason of getting distant from the heaven. (2) To do the suicide is the act of hell. (3) The one who use to commit the suicide will remain deprived from the recommendation of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

The disadvantages of cutting the ties


.u bq

(1) The people who use to cut the ties are the worthy of the curse of the Almighty Allah. (2) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬have said in the Hadees e Pak that the one who use to cut the ties will not be able to enter in the paradise. (3) The one who use to cut the ties use to become away from the mercy of the Almighty Allah.

The disadvantages of eating the trove of the orphan and to victimize him


The disadvantages of playing the gambling


(1) To eat the trove of the orphan is just similar to fill the fire in your stomach. (2) The one who use to eat the trove of the orphan will be made deprived from the shade of the throne of the Almighty Allah on the Day of Judgment.

.u bq


The disadvantages of steeling



(1) In Islam to play the gambling meaning to eat the wealth of other people has been said as similar to the cruelty. (2) The gambling use to drown the respect and wealth. (3) The gambling use to become the reason of pugnacity and evil. (4) The gambling is one curse which uses to snatch the peace of the society and it use to play the vital role in the destruction of the society. (5) The gambling use to give the destruction to the generations.

(1) The steeling is the root of evils. (2) To do steeling use to waste the faith.

The disadvantages of adultery



(1)The adulterer and the men and the women will keep on standing nude in the furnace of fire and will keep on shouting. (Bukhari) (2) The adultery is a big sin after the shirk. (3) The one who use to do the adultery with a married person will get the torment of the half of the nation. (4) The one who use to do the adultery, the faith of him use to go away from him. (5) The devil also uses to think it as a great crime and the people who use to make the adultery happen use to make the devil wear the crown. (6) By getting the adultery spread, the drought use to get spread. (Mishkaat) (7) On the old adulterer, all of the seven skies and lands use to do curse and so much of smell will come from the private part of the one who use to do the adultery that from it, the people of the hell will also get pain. (8) The one who use to do adultery again and again is like the one as if dilators. (9) The adultery use to bring the poverty, it use t finish the glow of the face. The Almighty Allah


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has done swear that I will make the one who use to do the adultery as poor. Whether it is with some long time. (10) The adultery use to make the dependency long and the life short. In the fire of the hell, there will be some boxes of the burning fire, after very much screaming and shouting when they will be made open so, the sparks of it will go to the neighbors and all of these neighbors will do the curse on the adulterers which will be present in those boxes at one time. (11) The adulterer use to get deprived from the opportunity of doing good deeds. (12) For the adulterer, the hatred use to get produced in the hearts of the people. (13) There use to be the resentment of the Almighty Allah for the adulterer. (14) The accountability will be done strictly from the adulterer.

The disadvantages of the prohibited rizq

.u bq

(1) By eating one bite of prohibited thing even, the prayers of forty nights do not use to get accepted. (2) That body will not go to the heaven which has been nourished with the forbidden food.


The disadvantages of bribery



.u bq




(1)The devil is the enemy of the human being and the one who use to do the bribery is of the country, of the religion and is the enemy of the collective benefit. (2) The devil use to put evil among the people. Just like this the one who use to take the bribe use to make the ones who are rightful as deprived, use to make the innocent people as criminals, use to make the killers and the thieves free and so, sows the seed of evil in the society. (3) The devil does not use to have the trust on the mastery of the Almighty Allah. He uses to make people afraid from the poverty and the startvation. Just like this the one that use to take the bribe, do not even use to think the Almighty Allah as the curer of all problems that if I may not earn the prohibited so, I will die hungry. (4) The devil use to give the opportunity of doing immodesty and arrogance and the one who use to take the bribe use to make these places maintained. The wine bars, the places of doing adultery, dance clubs etc are all maintained due to these people. (5) The one who use to take the bribe and the one who use to give the bribe, on both of them the curse of the Almighty Allah use to fall and do remember this thing that the effect of the curse of the Almighty Allah use to remain till the seven generations. (6) The bribery will become the hindrance in going to the heaven and it will become the reason of going to the hell. (7) The duas and the good deeds of the one, who use to take the bribe, do not use to get accepted.

The disadvantages of drinking the wine



Physical disadvantages: (1) The veins of the body use to become rigid, the brain and kidneys use to become effected and this man use to become the victim of mental illness and of other diseases. (2) The heart beat becoming fast, the injury use to happen in the lungs, the system of digesting the food use to become destroyed, the happening of physical diseases in abundance and there are many other more diseases apart from these.


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The disadvantages of the world and of the Day of Judgment



(1) The wine use to make the mind finish due to which the words of kufr use to come out, the divorce use to be given to the wife, and the respect of the wife, mother and sister use to get finished. (2) It is the root of all of the evil and the reason of the destruction. (3) The Almighty Allah use to move the face away from the one who use to drink the wine and till fort days, neither the farz of him use to get accepted and nor the nafil. (4) If he may die in the condition of drinking the wine so he uses to die as being the lucrative. (5) The respectable scholars have even stopped to ask about the health of the one who use to drink the wine and even to do him Salam.

The disadvantages of doing victimize


.u bq

The three kinds of victimizing: Few people of knowledge have told the three kinds of doing victimize. The first kind is this that there may be victimizing between a human being and the Almighty Allah and in it the greatest victimizing is to do the kufar and shirk and discord. The second kind is this that there may be victimizing among the human being themselves. The third kind is this that the human being may do victimizing on himself.



.u bq




(1) The cruel man use to become the worthy of the wrath of the Almighty Allah and the different kinds of the torment use to come on him. When the Almighty Allah uses to hold him so, no one can make the cruel person free from his hold. (Bukhari) (2) The dua of the victim man use to get accepted against him. (Mustadrik Hakim) (3) Due to victimizing the countries and the governments use to get destroyed. (4) The one who is cruel will remain deprived from the commend of the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the Day of Judgment. (Sahee Muslim) (5) To do the victimizing is the proof of darkness and poverty of heart. (6) The cruel man will be deprived of the good deeds of him on the Day of Judgment and the weight of the sins of the people who are victim will be kept on the shoulders of him. (7) The cruel man use to be very much humiliated and dishonored in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. (8) There will be only and only the darkness for the cruel man and he will not be able to see the path which use to go towards the heaven.

The different kinds of cruelty

Whether the cruelty is of which kind, the punishment of it will be for sure given on the Day of Judgment. To sit on the chair of the leader of time and then to not fulfill the rights of the common people is to do the cruelty. To take the weighing machine of justice in your hand and then not doing justice is to do the cruelty. To keep the animal and then to not take care about the food of it is to do the cruelty. To keep the servant and then not fulfilling the rights of him according to the demands of the human beings is to do the cruelty.



Today you will find the stories of the cruelty and injustice in our societies which are impossible to believe. Some where the brother use to take over the property of his brother, some where the husband use to burn the wife alive some where the real uncle use to take control over the land of his nieces and then leave them for roaming around outside, some where the innocent prisoners use


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to keep on getting rotten in the prison for many years, some where any land lord use to suppress the right of the poor labor.

The result of bribery‌..worries and bad condition

.u bq


The one who use to take the bribe do not use to fill the money of bribery in his pocket but he use to fill the fire in his grave. It is a thing which has come in to observation that the children which are being nourished in the bribery use to grow up quickly but the youth of them use to be empty from the purity and simplicity. The children who will be nourished with the bribery will never be obedient and the one who use to take the bribe never use to get the peace and satisfaction of heart. How much bribe he use to take for the peace and satisfaction of his heart, that much he use get involved in the worry of heart and in the torment of spirituality and the pain (ache) of his death use to make him the mark of lesson in the world.






Are useless: Useless are those eyes which use to keep on reading the books which use to be full of romance and suspense but they are deprived from reading the Holy book Quran. Useless are those ears which use to listen the adhan and then do not do arrangements of prayers. Useless are those hands which may get up for the cruelty and use to get close in taking the side of the victim person. Useless are those tongues which may keep on being busy in doing the complain and back biting and use to remain ignorant with the praise and tribute of the Almighty Allah. Useless are those feet which use to walk on the paths of evilness in spite of walking towards the right paths. Hazrat Siddiq e Akbar (may the Almighty Allah be happy with him) has said that the wealth do not use to be gained with the desire. The youth do not use to be gained by the dye. The health does not use to be gained by the medicines‌!

How does the light of fear of the Almighty Allah use to get produced?

.u bq


One great man has told the example of leaving the sin in this way that it is the matter of few days, do a little bit of courage and do not destroy the abnegations meaning that do not act upon the demands of the sin.

The terrible scenes of the hell

It seems to be appropriate that now some discussion about the hell shall also be done which is the place for the people who use to be involved in the sins. May the Almighty Allah protect every single Muslim in return of the status of greatness of him. Amen!


The depth of the hell


If any stone may be thrown from up so, after seventy years it may reach to the depth of it. (Targheeb) The thickness of the wall of the hell is equal to walk till forty years. (Tirmizi)


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The food of the hell



.u bq



(1) “‫ ”ضریع‬meaning is such thorns of the fire which are bitterer than the aelway, have much more bad smell than the dead being and more hot than the fire. (Marqah) (2) “‫ ”غسلین‬meaning is this that, that water in which the injuries shall be washed. (3) “‫ ”زقوم‬is one tree which comes out from the root of the hell. The fruits of it are such as if the poisonous tongue of the snakes. After eating it the hot sizzling water will be drink on it just like the thirsty camel. One drop of zaqoom will make all of the rivers and foods of the world destroyed. (4) If one bowl of “‫ ”غساق‬may be thrown in the world so, all of the people of the world may get rotten. This is cold, rotten and very much bad smelled puss. (Mishkaat) (5) “‫ ”ماء کالمھل‬is the boiling oil of olives. When it will be brought near for drinking so, the skin of the face will fell down due to the heat of it. (6) “Maa Sadeed” is the puss like the blood. When it will be brought near for drinking so, it will make the face roast. The skin of the head will fell down after getting burnt and it will cut the ribs and make them come out through the path of urine. (7) “‫ ”مائحمیم‬is the boiling water which will make the ribs into pieces.


The chains of the hell

Other torments


The chain will be put inside through the path of the urine and will be taken out from the mouth and it will roasted in fire in such way just like the stick of meat use to be roasted. (Ibn e Kaseer)

The most light torment




There are snakes which are equal to the size of camels of long necks and centipedes equal to the donkeys. If any one of them even may bite from them so the pain of it will remain till forty years. (Mishkaat) The teeth of these centipedes will be equal to the size of long and big dates. (Targheeb) There is the guard of nineteen big and great angels on the hell and the strength of each and every angel from them is more than all of the human beings and the ghosts. (Bayan ul Quran)

.u bq


On the Day of Judgment the lightest torment is this that the shoes of fire will be made to wear. Due to it the mind will boil like the dish and that person will think this that I am getting the most intense torment than all. (Mishkaat)

The condition of people of hell and people of heaven One man who used to remain the whole life with comfort and luxury, he will be given a dive in the hell so he will say that I never found the comfort in the world and if one such man who used to remain the whole life in comfort, he will be caught and given a dive in the heaven so he will say that never any problem passed over me. (Muslim, Mulkhasan)



The people of hell will be dragged by their faces on that day. All of the good and bad people will be gathered at the back of the hell. After that, all of the bad people will become the bite of the hell and the pious people will be left and the hell use to recognize the bad people in such way just like we use to recognize our children.


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The mountains of fire



The dress of the man of the hell


The man of hell will be made to go upon the mountain till seventy years. After that he will be pushed down and this how he will be given the torment. (Mishkaat) After looking at the black cloud coming, the people of the hell will do this wish that it may shower on them. When it will start showering on them so, the flames and the chains will shower from it. (Ibn e Kaseer)


The dress of the people of the hell will be of boiling metal. The fire of the world is the seventieth part of the hell. If it will be not made to be cooled down so, the benefit would not have been gained from it. This fire use to do the dua from the Almighty Allah that it may not be put in the hell again.

.u bq

The screams and shouting of the man of hell




.u bq




It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu darda ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the hunger will be made to remain over the people of the hell, the pain of which will be equal to that torment in which they will be involved from before. Therefore, they will do the request of the food by becoming restless from the hunger and the wish of them will be fulfilled with the food of “zaree” which will neither make the stomachs of them full and nor it will finish the hunger. So, they will again do the request of eating food. Now the wish of them will be fulfilled with such food which may get stuck in the throat. At that time they will remember this that in the world when anything used to get stuck in the throats of them so they used to make it go down from the throat with the help of anything which is of drinking. Therefore, they will do the request of the water. Then they will be made to hold the boiling water through the zamboor. So, just when those bowls of the hot water will reach close to the faces of them so, they will roast the flesh of their faces and when that water will get enter in to the stomachs of them so, it will make the things which will be in the stomachs of them in to small and tiny pieces. (Ribs etc) so, just when they will say after becoming restless that do call the angels which are allotted on the hell. When they will call the angels so, the angels will give the answer that do not the Prophet of yours brought the clear evidences? (And did not they do the advice to you of leaving the disobedience and to do the obedience of the Almighty Allah?) They will say that yes, it is right. The Prophet came to us for sure. (But we thought them as the liar and we did not accept the things of them) The angels will say that then you may remain here and keep on calling. (Now the screams and shouting of yours is useless because you did kufr in the competition of the Prophets‫ انبیاء علیہم السالم‬.) and the call of the non believers is only useless.


Now they will say among themselves that do call the guard of the hell, the owner. Therefore, they will call the guard of the hell that, “O master! Say to your master that he may do the decision of ours. (Meaning that he may give us death) The owner will give them this reply that (NO! In fact) you will remain in this condition for ever. (The death has been given to the death that is why now no man of the hell will get the death)


Imam Aemash ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that it has been told to him that there will be the gap of thousand years between the call of the people of the hell to the master (The master which has been


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discussed) and in the answer of the master which will be given. (Meaning that they will keep on calling the master till thousand years and after the thousand years when they will get the answer so it will be this that do not say foolish things. The death will not come on you in fact you will have to remain in this condition till forever.) After listening the sad answer of the owner of the hell they will say to each other that now please call the lord of yours because there is no one better than the lord of yours. Therefore, they will do the request that: O our lord! The unluckiness of ours has come on us and there is no doubt in this that we remained misguided. O our lord! Make us come out of this hell. If we may do what we have been doing before so, we will be very much cruel.

.u bq

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that now they will be hopeless from all of the sides and then they will take out the voices like the donkeys and they will start calling helplessly and sadly.

The incident of one profligate woman of Bani Israel


The wonders of small good deed



(1) It is mentioned in one hadeed sharif that the Almighty Allah forgive one profligate woman of the Bani Israel only due to this act that once upon a time she drank the water from one well. Then the eyes of her went on one dog which was near to her and was very much thirsty and with the intensity of the thirst, it was eating the wet (damp) sand. So, that woman said that ( ‫ھذا اصابہ ما‬ ‫ )اصابنی‬meaning that this dog has get that pain with the thirst which was received by me.



Then that lady tied the shoe of her with her clothes and took out the water from the well and made the dog drink it. She got this reward to do the mercy and kindness with the creation of the Almighty Allah that the Almighty Allah has forgiven all of the sins of her and made her enter in the heaven.


One interesting incident of Sheikh Chilli

.u bq

There is one famous incident of Sheikh Chilli that one day he was going while taking one bottle of the oil as the job of two pennies. In the old times, the two pennies were equal to the two to four rupees of today. On the way, he started thinking that from these two pennies I will buy the eggs and keep them under the hen. Two children will come out from these two eggs, one will be cock and the other will be hen. Then there will be more eggs and more children of them. In this way there will be very much cocks and hens. Then I will sold all of them and buy one goat. Then the generation of that goat will get increased.


You saw the mental planning. Right now the money was not even received and the goat has been bought.


Then after selling the goats I will buy the cow. When the generation of that cow will also get increased so, then after selling them I will buy a buffalo. When the generation of the buffalos will also get increased so then I will make a very much big shop after selling them from which then I will become very much wealthy.


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Then I will get one big house constructed and then I will marry some princess or the daughter of any rich man. Then one son of mine will be born from her which will use to live with me. When he will sometimes ask the money from me so I will say, hush sometimes. So, right now he just said hush and the movement happened to the head and that pot fell down from the head.

.u bq


The owner of the pot scolded that oh, what have you done this? Sheikh Chilli said while a=making the bad face that wow man, you care about the loss of yours but you do not know that how much big loss of mine has been happened. Only four to five liters of oil of yours has been wasted and the whole family of mine has got destroyed because all of the wealth of Sheikh Chilli was only those two pennies, which were to be gained by him in return of the job. By breaking the pot, the job went away so the whole of family also went away.

The need of sincerity for the level of ontologism


Friends, the useless happiness and attractions of the world are mortal like this just like this mental planning of Sheikh Chilli was mortal.




(2) One should not think unworthy for even a second. Who knows that in that moment the death may come. Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that (‫ )رکعتان مقتصدتان خیر من قیام لیلتہ و القلب ساہ‬Meaning that the two rakats of prayer with sincerity are better from the prayer of that whole night in which there may be no sincerity. If the two rakats may get accepted so what is the happiness. ( ‫قلیل منک‬ ‫ )یکفینی و لکن قلیلک ال یقال لہ قلیل‬The little things of yours is even enough for me but the thing is this that even to the little thing of yours cannot be even said as the small (little) (Because in regards to the fruits it use to be very much great)


The three things are very much important for the maintenance of the good deeds

.u bq


(3) It is the quote of few great people that to complete every single good deed, three things are very much important. Every single good deed use to get completed with three things. (a) To think it as less. (b) To be in hurry in making it complete and (c) To keep it hidden.

The respect of Qibla is the reason of the riddance



(4) It is not appropriate to be in direction of the Qibla in few acts which are not good and in such conditions in which the private parts of the body shall be open meaning that in the conditions of passing urine etc. and in good deeds, to do the direction towards the Qibla is the reason of the riddance and the source of success. But it is very much sad that people use to think such acts as ordinary and little and so, they do not use to act upon them. There is one Hadees in Abu Daood Sharif: The man who use to keep on spitting towards the Qibla so, on the Day of Judgment he will come in such condition that, that same spit will be in the middle of the eyes of him on the face in form of the big stain. It is the quote of few great people that the Almighty Allah use to open the doors of ontologism on any friend of the Almighty Allah or to any great man at that time when he use to be in the direction


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of the Qibla. It is said that one man started making two sons of him memorizing the Holy Quran together from one day. One son used to sit in the direction of the Qibla while memorizing the Holy Quran and the other did not use to take care of that. Therefore, the son which was mentioned before memorized the Holy Quran one year before than his brother.

The service of cat, reason of forgiveness

.u bq


(5) Ibn e Asakar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in the history of himself that one follower of the great man of the time who was famous also, Hazrat Shibli (May the Almighty Allah do mercy on him) saw him in his dream after the death of him and asked him that how are you? He said that: The Almighty Allah made me stand in front of him and then said that O Abu Bakar Shibli! Do you know that I have forgiven you in return of which act?


I said him that: O the Almighty Allah! You would have forgiven me with the beatitude of any good deed. The Almighty Allah said that No. I said that due to the sincerity in the worships? He said no. I said him that due to meeting the pious people and to do the journey of far distant places for gaining the knowledge? He said no.



I said that, I think these acts only as the source of goodness and on the basis of them only I am sitting while thinking good to gain the mercy and forgiveness of yours. The Almighty Allah said that ok fine. All of these are good deeds but the forgiveness of yours has not happened due to these acts. I said that O the Almighty Allah! Then in return of which act my forgiveness has been done?



The Almighty Allah said that do you remember that once upon a time you were going in one street of Baghdad. On the way you looked to one cat which was deprived of moving due to very much cold and due to the snow fall and intensity of the cold weather it was getting close to the wall. You felt pity on it and so, hide it under the cloth of yours so that it may get some warmth and heat.

.u bq


I said that yes my lord, I have got remembered this incident. The Almighty Allah said that just due to the reason of doing mercy and kindness on that cat I have done mercy on you and have forgiven you.

The strange incidents of doing kindness with one fly



There was one great man who was very much big scholar, noble, muhaddis and mufassir. The whole life of him got spend in teaching and studying and in writing and editing and he spread the rivers of the knowledge. When he passed away so some man saw him in his dream so he asked him that Hazrat! What has been done with you? He said that it is the mercy of the Almighty Allah that he did the kindness of him on me but the matter became very much strange. It was this that this was in the mind of us, that by the praise of the Almighty Allah, I have spent whole of the life of mine in doing very much service of the religion. Did the service of teaching and studying, gave the sermons and did the speeches. Wrote the books and did editing of them, did the preaching of the religion, the discussion of all of these services will happen at the time of the accountability and as the result of these services, the Almighty Allah will do the mercy and blessing of him. But what


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.u bq



happened was this that when I was made to be in front of the Almighty Allah so, the Almighty Allah said that we are forgiving you but do you even know that we are forgiving you due to which reason? This thing came in mind that service of religion which I did, due to them the Almighty Allah ahs forgiven. The Almighty Allah said that no. we are forgiving you due to one other reason. It is this that one day you were writing something (in that time, the pen used to be soaked in the ink and then it was used to write) You soaked the pen of yours in the ink for writing, at that time one fly sat on that pen and that fly started sucking the ink of the pen. So got stopped for little bit of time after looking at that fly and you thought this that this fly is thirsty and let him drink the ink. I will write afterwards. At that time when you stopped that pen, you stopped it purely for the love of mine and for the love of my creation only along with the sincerity. At that time there was no any other feeling inside the heart of yours. Go, today in return of that act we have done the forgiveness of yours.


The blackguard man got safe from one charity


(7) In Majaalis Sunya it has been written on the page number seventy nine that one man used to give pain to the nation of Hazrat Sualeh ‫علیہ السالم‬. The people did the complain in the service of Hazrat Sualeh Alaeh Salam and said that you may do the bad dua of this man to die. He said that today that cruel man will be killed and destroyed. I have got to know this through the revelation that from the Almighty Allah all the arrangements have been done of his killing.


.u bq




That man used to go to gathers the sticks of wood every day. On that day when he was about to go so, he was having two flat breads co incidentally. One flat bread from them he ate by himself and gave the other to the charity and then gathered the wooden sticks and came back safely to his home at evening and he did not get any sort of pain. When Hazrat Sualeh Alaeh Salam got to know about this thing so, he became very much shocked that what is this matter? He called him and then asked that what such good deed have you done today? That man said that today I gave one flat bread in charity. Hazrat Sualeh ‫علیہ السالم‬said that open the stack of the wooden sticks. He opened it and saw ( ‫فاذا فیہ‬ ‫ بھذا دفع عنک‬:‫ )ثعبان اسود مثل الجذہ غاض علی جذہ من الحطب فقال‬meaning that one black snake was present in that stack of the wooden sticks that was cutting one stick with his teeth. Hazrat Sualeh Alaeh Salam said that due t this charity, the torment which was sent by the Almighty Allah got away from you.


Plus, in Majalis e Suniya there is one narration of Hazrat Abu Huraiah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that one group passed from near to Hazrat Esa Alaeh Salam. Hazrat Esa Alaeh Salam said while getting the news through the revelation that one person from them will die today. If the Almighty Allah wills.


That same evening, those people went near to him completely safe and protected. They were having the stacks of the wooden sticks with them. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that do keep these stacks. They kept them. He said to the person about who he gave the prediction of his death that you may open the stack of yours. When he opened and saw that there was one black snake in it. Hazrat Esa


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‫علیہ السالم‬




asked to that man that what pious deed you have done today. He said this that I have not done any such act (any such act worthy of discussing) apart from this that I was having one piece of flat bread with me. One poor and beggar man asked from me. I gave the piece of that flat bread to him. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that only with the beatitude of this little bit of charity this snake has been kept away from you/ (And you remained safe from the harm of it.)


O people of the Almighty Allah! Have you seen with the source of one flat bread or with one piece of flat bread one man became safe from the death and destruction. Well, the result and effect of little bit of good deed use to be very much big.

The bad dua of birds….and protection from one flat bread


.u bq

(8) It has been narrated from Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that from the previous nations, one man used to pick up from the nests of the birds all the time the children of them. The birds used to give the eggs, when the children used to come out of the eggs so after few days only he used to pick them and take them away. The birds did request and appeal in the court of the Almighty Allah. The Almighty Allah said that if this time he may come to pick up the children of yours so, I will make him destroyed.



Therefore, when the children on those birds got born so, that man came out of his house as per his habit with the intention of picking up and taking away those children. Near the town he met one beggar. In the hand of that man there was one flat bread to which he was eating himself. That man gave that flat bread to that beggar. Then he came, picked up and took away the children.



When the mother and father of the children saw this so they did the request in the court of the Almighty Allah related to their condition. (‫ )ربنا انک ال تخلف المیعاد‬meaning that oh our lord! You never ever use to break the promise of yours, but that man did not become destroyed.

.u bq


The Almighty Allah said that do you not know that the day on which any one use to do the charity that day I do not use to kill him with the death of wrath.

One bite became the reason of protection

(9) Wahab Bin Mumba ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as one great man. He use to say this that one lady of bani Israel was washing the clothes on the shore of sea. Near to her, a young child of him was also playing. During this one beggar came and asked something to eat. That lady gave one bite of the flat bread to the beggar.



Right now, only some time had passed that one bear came and picked up the child of that lady and took him away. She ran after the bear while screaming and shouting and said that (‫)یا ذئب! ابنی‬ meaning that o bear! Leave my child. The Almighty Allah quickly sent one angel who made the child get free from the attack of the bear and gave him to his mother and said that this bite of the bear is the return of your that bite which you have done the charity in the way of the Almighty Allah.


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The bad dua of Prophet Alaeh Salam and the protection from the charity


(10) It I a story that in the era of Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬one black guard was a washer man. He used to make the bad people angry against the simple people. The people did the complain of him in the service of Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬. Therefore, Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬did the bad dua for the destruction of him.

.u bq


It was the thought of the people that this man will die today only. But as the evening came so, he came back completely safe to his home while picking up the bundle of clothes. The people got very much surprised and they went and told this thing to Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said this and made them went that do say to him to come to me while taking his bundle of clothes. Therefore, that man got present along with his bundle of clothes. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that open the bundle of clothes.



There was one very much big snake in that bundle of clothes in the mouth of which there was a rope of metal given. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said to that man that which good deed have you done today? That man said that I have not done any good deed today apart from this that (in forest) one man came out from one place of worship to me and did the complain of hunger to me. I was having one flat bread, I gave that to that man.


Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that this snake had been sent from the Almighty Allah for killing you but when you gave the charity so the Almighty Allah gave the command to one angel that (gave the rope to this snake) so just this angel gave the rope to this snake.



The incident to increase faith on the protection of eye sight


.u bq


(11) To lower the gaze is obligatory. In this regard do listen to one incident which is full of shock and use to increase in the faith. Hazrat Rabee Bin Khaseem ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to lower his gaze all the time. From which many people used to think this that he is blind. Rabee Bin Khaseem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ kept on coming in the service of Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬till thirty years. When he used to knock the door after coming so the female servant used to come and after looking at him she used to go back and say to Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the blind friend of yours has come. So ibn e masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to smile after listening this thing of her and when Ibn e Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to see Rabee bin khaseem ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he used to do the recitation of this part of the verse of the Holy Quran that (‫ )وبشر المخبتین‬meaning that do give the good news to those who use to be humble and he used to say this that I swear by the Almighty Allah that if the Prophet (peace be upon him) would see him so he would become very much happy and would have loved him very much.

The forgiveness on removing the thorn


(12) To remove any painful thing from the way is a small act but the reward of it is very much big. (Muslim Sharif) It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that one man removed the thorny branch from the way after looking at it. The Almighty Allah accepted this act and forgive him.


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The river of the mercy of the Almighty Allah came in motion only due to removing one thorn. Today the people use to pass away after looking at the thorns on the way and they use to know this that to remove the thorns from the way is a good deed but very much less people use to give attention towards this thing. Ordinary people use to think this that what reward will be gained of this little bit act. But this thought is not correct; do not think any of the good deed as unworthy and useless. If the lord wants so, even one small good deed can become the exchange of many sins.


One very much short and holy dua


.u bq


It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that (‫ ان اسئات عشرا ان تحسن واحدۃ‬،‫ )ال تعجزن‬meaning that if after doing ten sins in regular way, if you get the opportunity of doing one good deed so in comparison with the bundle of sins, do not leave this good deed while thinking it as little and unworthy. Sometimes, only with one good deed also, the Almighty Allah use to forgive. It is in one hadees sharif that the man who use to sit by mistake in the direction of the house of the Almighty Allah to pass out his urine or solid waste material, then while sitting he changed his direction after keeping the greatness of the house of the lord under consideration so, before he gets up, the Almighty Allah use to forgive all of the sins of him. It is in one more hadees that the man who use to spit towards the house of the Almighty Allah (Exactly with the intention of humiliating it) so on the Day of Judgment in the ground of mehshar that same dirt will be on the face of him like the mark of the dirt.


.u bq




(13) Few great people saw Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in their dreams after the death of him so they asked him that what behavior have the Almighty Allah done with you? Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the Almighty Allah has forgiven me. The man who was asking asked that due to which act? He said that one dua of Hazrat Usman ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬came to me that which he used to recite after looking at nay dead man. (That dua is this that) (‫ )ال الہ اال ھو الحی القیوم سبحان الحی الذی ال یموت‬I also used to recite this dua. With the beatitude of this, the Almighty Allah has made me entered in the heaven.

The beautiful scenes of the heaven



Respected readers! It use to be known as appropriate that over here, the discussion of the heaven may be done in a short way so that there may be easiness in doing the acts. If the hoor of the heaven may put the saliva of her on the oceans of the world so, all of them may become sweet. If she may look towards the heaven by peeking from the roof of her house so, the light and beauty of her may dim the beauty of the sun and the moon. There will be a crown of red colored garnet on her in which the pearl of coral will be decorated. On the right side of her, there will be one million layers of her hairs. Few of these layers of hair will be of light, few will be of garnet, few will be outstanding and few of jasper and few of corals and few of jewels. They will be made wear the crowns of emerald which is the most shining andof red color. There will be colorful pearls from which the fragrance of every kind will be coming out. Every single fragrance of the heaven will be under the hairs of her. (Reference from: Bistan ul Waizeen Ibn e Jauzi)


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It has been narrated from Hazrat Akrama ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said this that the Hoors of the heaven are much more than you in the terms of quantity. They use to do the dua for the husbands of them that o the Almighty Allah! Help my this husband in regards to the religion and make the heart of him attentive towards the obedience and o the most merciful one, make him reach to us along with the closeness of yours. (Hadi ul Arwah, Ibn e Qeem ‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq


It has been narrated from Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that any of the lady who use to give pain and sadness to the husband of her in the world at any time so, the wife of her hoorain (in the heaven) use to say that may the Almighty Allah kill you, do not give pain to her. He is a guest to you for a little bit of time. That time is near that he will come to us after leaving you.




.u bq




One long narration of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn e Umer ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬in which there is the discussion of the entrance in the heaven of the low level of man who will enter in the heaven, he use to say in the end of it that when that man of heaven will reach to the height of his kingdom, the servants of him will bring the food for him, will make him drink the water from which he will become very much full and happy so then those servants will say that now let him meet the wives of him. So then those servants will go back. While this that man of heaven will look towards a beautiful lady. Who will be sitting on a bed, who will be wearing seventy clothes and the color of every single cloth will be different from the other. The man of the heaven will get to see the flesh of her thigh from above the meat and blood and bone and clothes of her so, the man of the heaven will say her just after looking at her that who are you? She will say that I am from those hoors which have been kept hidden for you. This man of heaven will get attentive towards him so, while looking at her only forty years will pass. Then after this when he will look inside one more room so, there will be much more beautiful lady than the previous one. She will say that o man, do you not have any part of yours in us. So this man of heaven will keep on moving towards her till forty years and the eye sight will not even move away from her. (Targheeb)

The fourteenth kind of character is repentance

(‫“ )یا ایھا الذین آمنوا توبوا الی ہللا توبتہ نصاحا‬O the people of faith! Do the pure repentance towards the Almighty Allah.


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that (‫)انی استغفرہلل فی کل یوم سبعین مرۃ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that indeed I use to do repentance seventy times every single day. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is doing the repentance apart from being clean from the sins so, in what category we will be included?


The Almighty Allah use to say that if the people of me may come to me while taking the sins which are equal to the earth and the skies and they ask for the forgiveness so, I will forgive all of them and I will not care about the abundance of the sins.


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The repentance is such thing from which all of the sins use to get forgiven. If every single man will do the check of his life so he will get to see any of the sin happening. Whether the sin is big or small, one should do the repentance very quickly. The actual thing of the repentance is embarrassment and regret. Do try for this that the repentance may not get broken. If it may get broken so do the repentance again quickly. Whether it may get broken a thousand times.

The sinful people may not get worried….!




.u bq


The tafseer roh ul mani is the famous descriptive book of the Holy Quran. In the fourth part of it Allam Aloosi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written one incident of Ibrahim Bin Adham ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the summary of which is this that he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to perform the hajj after doing the worship in the cave of Nesha Pur till ten years so during the tawaf he did one dua from the Almighty Allah that o the Almighty Allah! I want the innocence from you meaning that I may become like this that the sin may not happen by me at all. The thought came in heart from the Almighty Allah that O the king Ibrahim Bin Adham; I know that you have left the kingdom in the love of me…. I do the respect of your love but the dua which you are doing; all of the human beings of the world are doing this dua from me that o the Almighty Allah make me innocent. Never ever the sin may happen by me again. But o Ibrahim Bin Adham! If we may accept the dua of every person and may make every person innocent from the sins so, the whole of the world will become innocent. Then on who will we do the kindness and on whom there will be the mercy and blessing of us….! Do this dua that o the Almighty Allah! Make me stay away from the sins. Give me the opportunity to remain along with the repentance and consistency and if then again the mistake may happen by you so, do ask the forgiveness from me.



Twenty three rules of the repentance and remorse



.u bq


(1) Never use to become hopeless from the acceptance of the repentance, whether how much big and great sins have been committed. (2) The Almighty Allah has not given this definition of the beloved people of him that the sins are not been committed by them but he said that the sins use to be committed by them but they do not use to be stubborn on the sins of them. (3) The Almighty Allah has told this unique quality of the beloved people of him that late at the night they use to cry and do request in front of the lord and they use to the repentance and ask for forgiveness. (4) When the erson who has committed the sins more than the froth of ocean even use to cry in front of the Almighty Allah after becoming embarrassed on the sins of him so the lord use to listen to him and he use to give him the protection in the shade of his mercy. (5) With very much true heart, along with the sincerity, do such repentance which may change the condition of your life and after the repentance you may be seen as the completely different person. Then in any of the corner of mind and heart no thought even shall be remain to go again towards the sin. There are three or four parts of this repentance. If the relation of sin is with the right of the lord so there are three parts of repentance. (a) The human being shall be embarrassed with the feeling of his sins in reality. (b) Keep the strong decision to remain safe from the sin again. (c) And in making the life of yours correct and proper, get involved along with very much care and enthusiasm and if he has taken the right of any other man so the fourth part of repentance is this that he may fulfill the right of the


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person or make it forgiven by him. This is that repentance from which the human being uses to get clean from the sins in reality. (6) Do the strong decision to remain maintained on the repentance of yours and do take care of this at morning and night that no any act may happen against to the promise and swear which has been done with the Almighty Allah. (7) Do not think this that there is the need for repentance only after committing a big sin. A human being is dependent upon the repentance and forgiveness all the time and on every single step the mistakes use to be committed by him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself used t do seventy, seventy and hundred, hundred times the repentance and astaghfar. (Bukhari and Muslim) (8) The sinful man who uses to make his life correct after doing the repentance, never think him as unworthy. (9) Do recite the syed ul astaghfar. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has told to Hazrat Shaddad Ibn e Aus (May the Almighty Allah be happy with him) that syed ul astaghfar, meaning the best dua is this: ( ‫اللھم انت‬ ‫ربی ال الہ اال انت خلقتنی و انا عبدک و انا علی عھدک ووعدک ما استطعت اعوذبک من شر ما صنعت ابوءلک بنعمتک علی‬ ‫( )و ابوء بذنبی فاغفرلی فانہ ال یغفر الذنوب اال انت‬Bukhari and Tirmizi) (10) Do the dua from the Almighty Allah only. Never ever call anyone else apart from him for fulfilling your requests. (11) Do ask that things from the Almighty Allah only which are pure and permissible. It is the disrespect, immodesty and humiliation of the intense level to spread the hands in front of the Almighty Allah for the acts of sin and forbidden goals. (12) Do the dua with the deep sincerity and pure intention and ask along with this belief that the lord from which you are asking he use to also keep knowledge about your condition completely and he is very much merciful on you as well and he is the only one who use to listen the call of his people and use to accept the duas of them. (13) Keep the duas of yours clean from show off, pride and from every doubt of shirk. (14) Do the dua with very much humbleness and attention and focus. The meaning of focus and attention is this that the heart of yours must be shaking with the fear of lord and his greatness and superiority and on the external condition of body also the fear of the Almighty Allah must be expressed in complete way. The head and eyes must be lowered, the voice must be low, the organs must be as loose, the eyes shall be wet and with all of the acts and gestures the innocence and helplessness must be getting expressed. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saw one man that he is playing with the hair of his beard during the prayer so Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that if there would have been the attention in the heart of him so the attention must have been expressed on the body of him even. (15) The greatness of doing worship is this only that the person may call the lord of him along with very much humbleness and innocence while crying a lot. (16) Before doing the dua, do any good deeds for sure for example do any charity and funding, make some person eat the food or offer nafil prayers or keep the fasts. (17)May god forbid if you may get involved in any problem so do the dua after giving the clout of your those acts which you have done with complete sincerity and only for the Almighty Allah. (18)Along with doing dua for the good intentions do try to beautify and make correct the life of yours according to the guidance of the lord also. (19) At the time of doing the dua do take full care of the external rules, purity and cleanliness also and do keep the heart also clean from the impure feelings and the bad thoughts. (20) Do the dua for other people also but always do the start from your own self. (21) If you are leading the dua so always to the brief duas and use to plural form of the words. (22) Do not do the dua of making the blessing and forgiveness of him for your own self


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The way of doing repentance


only specially after doing the mistake of thinking the common mercy of the Almighty Allah as limited. (23) Do prevent to make formal rhymes in dua also and do the dua in simple way while crying and sobbing a lot. Do prevent to sing and move the heads.



.u bq


(1) The way to do repentance is this that the bad news which has been given in the Holy Quran and ahadees e mubarika on the sins, do remember them. With this the pain uses to get produced in the heart on the sins. (2) After offering the two rakats of prayer, do ask the forgiveness from the Almighty Allah after making the face of very much crying and do strong decision for the future that I will not even go near to this sin now. (3) The repentance of leaving the prayer is this that the qaza of the prayer shall also be done and the decision to not leave it now in future shall also be done. (4) Just like this if you have wasted the right of any person so, the forgiveness shall also be asked from the Almighty Allah and it shall be asked from that person also, the right of whom has been done wasted. The repentance of open sin shall be done openly too. (5) For the repentance do remember the sins but when you are done with the repentance completely so do not remember that sin again and again. With this a covering use to come in between the man and the lord. (6) At the time of repentance, only do the repentance from all of the sins in the collective way. It is not important to take the name of each and every sin.

The importance of dua




The sixteenth kind of character is the reality of dua

.u bq


(‫ )وقال ربکم ادعونی استجب لکم‬and the lord of yours has said that do call me, I will accept the dua of yours. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has said that: (‫( )الدعاء مخ العبادۃ‬Dua is the spirit of the worship) The reality of the dua is to give a lot. Meaning that to present the request of yours in the court of the one who has made you, with very much humbleness, helplessness and with the strength of faith.



How many worships are there if the reason of them is to gain the world so that worship do not remain as the worship but the dua is one such worship that if it shall be done for the world even so then also it is a worship. For example if some man shall ask the money for the needs of himself or ask any other wish for the world so then also the reward will be gained. This much has also come in the Hadees e pak that if the shoe lace may even get broken so then also do ask it from the Almighty Allah. This is also the meaning of the path of sulook that such friendship may happen with the king that whenever any problem may happen to me or any pain may come so, quickly my eye sight shall go towards the Almighty Allah.


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It is the rule of common kings of the world that if one may ask again and again from them so they use to become resented and regarding to the kings of these king this use to come in the hadees e pak that (‫( )من لم یسئل ہللا یغضب علیہ‬The one who does not use to ask from the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah use to get resented from him)


The level of the dua is more than every tip because the dua is the request from that entity in whose hands there is the fate. Today we use to do all of the tips but do not use to do the dua.

The bad thoughts of the devil


.u bq

Sometimes, the devil use to give the fraud that so much time has been passed while doing the dua, it did not get accepted or sometimes he use to make you understand this that you are very much sinful, what is the benefit of your dua. All of these are the ways of the devil making you hopeless. Do not pay attention towards him at all. Do make yourself understand like this that I have been only told to do the dua. One companion‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬has said that I do not have this tension that the dua of mine shall get accepted. In fact I want this that I may get the opportunity to do the dua.

The importance in the Ahadess

The dua is the food of curious soul



The man who uses to get the opportunity of doing the dua, the doors of acceptance has got opened for him. The doors of the heaven are made open for the one who uses to do the dua. No anything can make the fate go away except the dua. The dua use to make the problem which is about to come, go away and the difficulties which are just about to come, it use to stop them.


.u bq



The dua is the sign of the faith, the proof of relation with the lord, the reality of the worship, the spirit of the obedience and light of Sufism. The dua is the strong relation of a man with the lord, the weapon of the true believer, the food of the curious soul and the medicine of the injured heart. The dua is the treasure of the poor people, the property of the needy people, the support of the helpless ones, the comfort for the helpless ones, the consolation of the depressed people, the strength of the weak people, the protection for the ones who are desirable of the true path and the things of journey for the salikeen of tareeq. The involvement in the dua and crying in it is the result of the humbleness, complete faith and strong belief on the oneness of the Almighty Allah and on the qualities of the lord.

The son getting alive due to the dua



Hazrat Anas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that we were sitting in the company of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that one migratory lady came while taking her child along with her who had reached to the age of maturity. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent the lady (after making her the guest) towards the ladies and kept the child of her along with us. Only few days passed that, that child came under the attack of viral disease in the Madina and after remaining sick for few days he passed away. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬closed the eyes of him and gave the command of making him buried and doing his funeral. When we tried to give him the bath so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that Anas! ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬Go and give the news to the mother of him.


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The seventeen rules of dua



So I gave the news to her. Hazrat Anas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that, that lady came and sat near to the feet of her son. She started saying while holding the thumb of him that: O the Almighty Allah! I believed on you with happiness and I did the opposition of the idols (of worshiping them) while adopting the ignorance and did the migration in the path of yours with interest. (Hazrat Anas ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ use to say that, I swear by the Almighty Allah that the dua of her did not even get completed that the feet of his son did the movement and he removed the coffin from his face and he remained alive till the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went away from the world and after the death of his mother even. (Al Bidaya wa Nahaya)


.u bq

Some rules of the dua have been mentioned in the Ahadees e mubarka. If the dua shall be done after taking care of them so, to not accept such dua is against to the habit of the Almighty Allah. But if these rules may not be included in the dua so then also do not leave doing the dua. There is only and only the benefit of the dua in every condition.



.u bq




(1) To remain safe from the prohibited things. (2) To do the ablution. (3) To be in the direction of the qibla. (4) To sit with folded legs. (5) To spread both of the hands for the dua. (6) To do the dua along with the sincerity, respect and humbleness. (7) To recite the praise and honor and durood sharif in the start and end of the dua. (8) To mention the dependency and humbleness of yours. (9) To do the dua from the source of the Prophets Alaeh Salam and pious people meaning that o the Almighty Allah do accept the dua of mine in return of these great man. (10) To do the dua along with those duas which are taken from the Prophet (peace be upon him). (11) To do the dua along with interest and inclination and belief while keeping the hopes high. (12) Do not do the dua of any prohibited thing, sin and any forbidden thing. (13) Do ask all of the requests of yours from the Almighty Allah, do not do the believe on the creation. (14) Say Amen at the end of the dua and rub both of your hands on your face. (15) Do not do hurry on the acceptance of the dua. (16) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has allowed to adopt the sources along with the dua and trust. (17) Do ask the ordinary thing even from the Almighty Allah and do not use to think this that from asking any small thing the Almighty Allah will become unhappy. It is not like this at all. Every big thing is small in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. Near to him, the sky and the piece of the salt are equal.

Like this, the dua use to get accepted for sure



Yahya Ghasani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that in the time of Daood Alaeh Salam, the intense drought happened. The people gathered on one place along with the three great scholars of their time for the desire of the rain of mercy. One scholar did dua like this that “O the Almighty Allah! You have revealed in the Tawrat that the man who will be injustice with himself then if he may ask the forgiveness from us so, we will forgive him. O the Almighty Allah, forgive us.” The second scholar said that “O the Almighty Allah! You yourself use to say this that whole of the creation is my servant. O the Almighty Allah, we are the servants of yours. Give us the independence and freedom from the hell and the torment of the world. The third scholar did the dua like this that O the Almighty Allah! It is the promise of yours that I do not use to make the beggars and needy people


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go away from the door of mine as empty. O the Almighty Allah, we are poor and needy ones, we are standing on the door of yours, you do not make us empty handed, do the mercy of yours on us. Therefore, with the beatitude of this humbleness and submissiveness, the Almighty Allah showered the rain on them. (Al Azkar, An Nowi) We are the willing to do the mercy but there is no one to ask for it


To whom shall we show the path, there is not path and destiny The training is common but no one is worthy of it

.u bq

From which there shall be the nourishment of the human being, this is not that flower.

The dua of which people do not use to get accepted




.u bq




From any great man among the great mashaikh, the people did the complain that the dua of yours do not use to get accepted so, he said that there are seven such qualities in you, which have stopped the duas of yours from going to the sky. It was asked that what they are. He said: (1) You use to do such acts from which the Almighty Allah use to become resented then you do not even use to ask forgiveness from those acts and do not even use to become embarrassed on them. (2) You use to say that we are the servants of the Almighty Allah but you do not use to do the acts like the servants meaning that the obedience of our master. (3) You use to recite the Holy Quran but you do not use to do the respect of it and do not eve use to do the pondering and thinking in it. (4) You use to say that we are the people of nation of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but you do not use to walk on the sunnah of him but you follow the culture and traditions. (5) You use to say that the world is temporary but then also you are comforted on this world. (6) You use to eat the forbidden foods and doubtful things and then you do not even use to be regretful on them. (7) You use to say that the Day of Judgment is very much better than the world but you do not use to do struggle in gaining the Day of Judgment in fact you do adopt the world only. From the above mentioned things, what is such thing which is not present in us? So then if the acceptance may happen so how it may happen? Therefore, right now the solution of the problems and difficulties of this nation is nothing else apart from presenting the correction of the acts, the company of the people of the Almighty Allah and the dependency of yours in the court of that pure lord.

The twenty one special times of the acceptance of dua



Allama Jazri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has gathered the ahadees which are related to the special timings and the points for the acceptance of the dua in “Hasan Hussain”. The times, in which the dua use to get accepted specially, they are mentioned as following. (1) In the shab e Qadar. (2) On the day of Arfa. (3) In the month of Ramadan ul Muabarak. (4) On the Friday night. (5) On Friday. (6) In the middle of the night. (7) In the first part of the night. (8) In the last part of the night. (9) At the time of morning coming. (10) At the time of Friday prayer. (Meaning that the time from when the Imam uses to sit on the seat of the sermon till the end of the prayer or from standing straight in the prayer till doing the Salam.) (11) From after the prayer of Asr till the sun set. (12) The dua between the


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adhann and aqamat. (13) In the line of jihad. (14) After the prayers which are farz. (15) In the condition of being in sijdah. (16) After the recitation of the Holy Quran. (17) At the time of drinking the water of zamzam. (18) At the timeof adhan of the cock. (19) At the time of gathering of the Muslims. (20) In the functions of zikr. (21) At the time of rain etc.

The dua without the durood sharif


.u bq


It is the quote of Hazrat Umer Bin Khattab ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the dua use to remain hanging between the earth and the sky, meaning that it do not use to get the opportunity of getting accepted un till the durood sharif on Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may not be added in the dua. It is the quote of few people of knowledge that it is from the rules of the dua that while doing the dua, the humiliation and humbleness and submissiveness and dependency shall be expressed. The formality of doing detail and long descriptions and making words and then pronouncing them shall not be done in the dua. It has been said by the mufassir of the Holy Quran Hazrat Mujahid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the time of five prayers which the Almighty Allah has chosen, these are the best timings. Therefore, the dua shall be done after the farz prayers, in these timings the dua use to be get accepted. (Ahya ul Uloom ud deen)

How the salikeen shall do the dua…?



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According to the great people of the religion, the best way to do the dua is this that sit on a comfortable place while closing your eyes, make the mind free from all of the things, do this imagination till few minutes that the Almighty Allah is in front of you and he is watching you, after making this imagination do the dua. During the dua, if the imagination of the presence of the Almighty Allah may remain focused so the attention of the mind use to be gained and focus and sincerity use to be gained, which is the real of the dua and of every worship. Do the dua for your own self first and then one by one for the other people. Meaning that start from your own self and then your mother and father and then do the dua for all of the brothers and sisters who are the true believers. With this way of acting, the one who is doing the dua, use to get the collective mind. The collective way of taking care is the specialty of the duas of the Prophets Alaehim Salam. This is apparently a ordinary act but this way of care use to make the man meet to the lord.

The seventeenth kind of character is the love of the Almighty Allah


(‫( )والذین امنوا اشد حبا ہلل‬The people of faith use to keep intense love with the Almighty Allah)

The definition of love


The inclination of the nature towards such thing from which the enjoyment use to be gained is called as love and if this inclination may become stronger than this even so it is called as the fervent love. Hazrat Khawaja Sheikh Kabeer Ahmed Rafai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the love is the name of forgetting all of the people apart from the beloved one.


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Three reasons of the love: There use to be three reasons of the love. (1) Either the love use to be happen due to the favor of any person. (2) If the beloved person is beautiful and attractive so, there shall be love due to the beauty and attraction of him. (3) If any talent may be found in the beloved person and that talent is the reason of the love. All of these talents are found in the entity of the Almighty Allah in the most superior level so, we shall do the love of which level.

The love shall be done to whom?

If you want to do the love, then do it with your lord, o human being!


The sincerity is not gained by these toys of sand…


.u bq


The love shall be done to whom…..not from the sun…..because there use to be heat (warmth) in it…not from the water…because it use to take along with its flow….not from the fire….because it use to make burn….not from the height….because it use to make one fall from the direction of his face….not from the depth…because it use to make one press inside it….not from the flowers…because they sue to get dry very soon….not from the thorns…because there is pain in them….not from the people…because there use to be no sincerity in them…so then one should love to whom? The love shall be done to the creator and owner that whose love is real and immortal because he uses to love more than the seventy mothers. As the poet use to say that


It has been mentioned in the hadees shareef that (‫( )اسئلک النظر الی وجھک و الشوق الی لقائک‬O the Almighty Allah) I ask from you to look the face of yours and the interest of meeting with you. (Nisai)



The gifts of doing love with the Almighty Allah



.u bq


(1) Hazrat Yahya Bin Maaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that ( ‫مثقال ذرۃ من الحب الی من عبادۃ سبعین سنتہ بال‬ ‫“ )حب‬One particle of the love is beloved to me more than the worship till seventy years without the love.” (2) Hazrat Zunnonn Misri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that: ( ‫ذھب المحبون ہللا شرفہ الدنیا و االخرۃ‬ ‫“ )الن صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم قال المرء مع من احب فھم مع ہللا‬The one who use to do love with the Almighty Allah only went to the Almighty Allah along with the respect of the world and of the Day of Judgment because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man use to be with the one from which he use to have the love and thus they are with the Almighty Allah. (3) Hazrat Shibli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said that (‫( )سمیت المحنتہ النھا تمحو من القلب ما سوی ہللا‬Qasheerya) The name of love has been kept love for this reason because it use to erase every single thing from the heart of the human being except the Almighty Allah. (4) Hazrat Junaid Bghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had been asked about the qualities of the love so he said that the lover use to keep less interaction and relations with the people. He uses to do pondering and thinking always. He use to remain alone most of the time. He uses to be silent apparently. When he uses to look upon any non mehram person so, he does not use to be stubborn. When any pain uses to come to him, so he does not use to become sad. He does not use to be happy on the pain of other people. He does not use to do the complain on the sickness, he does not use to fight from the people of the world in the worldly matters of them and he uses to be afraid from the goal to be lost, the intelligence of him use to be vast after knowing about the power of the Almighty


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Allah. He uses to get melt without any disease and he uses to get broken without any pain. He uses to sleep less, he uses to eat less and he uses to remain sad. There use to be the different condition of the people; he uses to have a different level of himself. When he uses to be in the crowd so he uses to do the intense love from the Almighty Allah and when he use to be alone so, to so the love from the Almighty Allah immensely use to be his hobby and to cry is the effect of it.


The incidents of the intense love of the Almighty Allah

.u bq

The eagerness to meet with the Almighty Allah




.u bq




Come; let us remember the incidents of few of the people of the Almighty Allah so that the eagerness of the heart may get produced in us also. (1) Hazrat Shibli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that ( ‫من‬ ‫ )اشتاق الی لقاء ہللا اشتاق الیہ کل شئی‬The one who use to have the eagerness for the meeting with the Almighty Allah so, everything use to be eager to meet with him. (2) Hazrat Abu Qasim Qaheeri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say this that (‫ )الشوق نا ہللا اشتعلھا فی قلوب اولیائہ تحرق ما فی قلوبھم من الخواطر‬the eagerness is that fire of the Almighty Allah which use to get burned in the heart of the friends of him and it use to burn all the thoughts by the devil. (3) It has been mentioned in the asaar that the Almighty Allah sent the revelation to Daood ‫علیہ السالم‬that O Daood ‫علیہ السالم‬if the ones who use to move their face away from the remembrance and love of mine, would have known that how I use to wait for them and how much it is the eagerness of mine that they may leave the disobedience so they may die towards me with the intensity of their eagerness and due to the love of mine, they may leave the close relatives of them. O Daood ‫علیہ السالم‬, this is the wait of mine for the ones who use to move their face away so, what will be the condition of my wait for the ones who use to run towards me? (Risala Qasheerya)

The love with the creation is the source of the ontologism of the lord


When the storm passed over on the nation of Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬so, the whole of the nation got killed in the result of that storm. So, the Almighty Allah then gave the command to Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬ through the revelation that now the task of yours is this that you may make the utensils of sand. Therefore, Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬started making the utensils of the sand in the obedience of the command of the Almighty Allah and kept on being busy in this day and night. When many days passed away and there was a huge amount of utensils gathered so, the second command was given this that now break all of the utensils one by one.


Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬said that: O the Almighty Allah! I made them with very much effort and on the command of yours. Now you are giving the command of breaking them. The Almighty Allah said: The command of mine is this that now does break them. Therefore, Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬broke all of them. The Almighty Allah said that: O Nooh! You made these utensils with your hands and with the command of mine. You had so much love with these utensils that when the command had


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been given to you to break them so, you were not feeling like breaking them, the heart was feeling like this that these utensils while have been made with my hands and with my effort, if they may get safe anyhow so it is better. It is because you had love with these utensils produced. But you have not seen to me that I have made whole of the creation from my own hands and you said only one time that (‫( )رب ال تذر علی االرض من الکافرین دیارا‬Nooh, verse number: 23) Translation: O the Almighty Allah! Do kill all of the non believers who are living on the earth and no one from them shall remain. On your this request, I have killed my creation.

.u bq

The indication was towards this thing that the sand from which you were making the utensils, apart from this that, that sand was not made by you and you were not making those utensils with your own wish in fact you were making them with my command, then also you had love with them so, will not I have love with the creation of mine? When there is the love so, then you will also have to do love with the creation of mine, if you have love with me.

‫زتسبیح و سجادہ و دلق نیست‬


‫طریقت بجز خدمت خلق نیست‬


The benefit: Till when there may not be the love with the creation of the Almighty Allah, the assertion of having love with the Almighty Allah cannot be true. That is why Maulana Romi ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ use to say about the Sufism that:


Do not think any person as vile




Meaning that the people have kept the name of it as Sufism for this reason that there shall be tasbeeh in the hand, the prayer mat shall be spread, there may be the special seat, and the person must be wearing the dress of Sufis. The name of these things is not Sufism and school of Sufism. In fact the Sufism and the school of Sufism is nothing else than this that there shall be the service of the creation….if there is the assertion of having love with the Almighty Allah so then do the love with the creation of him. Do the service of them.

.u bq

Hazrat Sheikh ul kul Muhi Uddin Ibn e Arbi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that I got the hatred with one man for this reason that he used to remember Sheikh Abu Madyan with the bad and taunting words. One day I saw the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream. As if the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is saying that Muhi uddin, why do have hatred with that some man. I said to him that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬he use to say bad to the respectable and honorable man like Abu Madyan and I am the follower of him.


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that does that man do not use to keep the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬as his friend?


I said that yes, he use to keep the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬as his friend. On this the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that so you use to have the hatred with him due to this reason that he use to keep the enmity with Abu Madyan. And you do not use to keep him as your friend due to the reason of the love of the Almighty Allah and of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬.


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Therefore, at morning I did the repentance from the bad thoughts of mine and went to the house of him and took one precious sheet of cloth along with me, which I presented to him and made him happy.

Do learn the language of fervent love from the bird….!

Do the love; get the ontologism of the Almighty Allah


.u bq


One male bird said to one female bird in the era of Hazrat Suleman ‫علیہ السالم‬that if you may get along with me so I will give you the kingdom of Suleman. Hazrat Suleman listen this thing because he was the one who use to understand the language of the birds. Quickly he called that bird and said that o fool, what disobedience was this. Who you are to give the kingdom of mine? It said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ( ‫ )علیہ السالم‬I am the lover and the language of the fervent love use to be the weakness. On this Hazrat Suleman ‫علیہ السالم‬forgive the mistake of it. O the people of the Almighty Allah! That is why this is said that the fervent love use to be mad. Whether this fervent love may happen with the Almighty Allah or with any other person…!



.u bq




If there shall be the love so, it shall be with the Almighty Allah. If there shall be the love with any other person apart from the Almighty Allah so in that also there shall be no desire of the internal self or the selfishness involved in it. In fact in it also there shall be the proof and expression of the love of the Almighty Allah. The love of the Almighty Allah is the basic thing. In doing all of the good deeds and in getting safe from all of the sins, there is the part of this love only. The one who will use to have how much love from the Almighty Allah, for him the paths of the religion and the sulook and all of the destinies of the Day of Judgment will keep on becoming easy for him. This is that love which is the reason of comfort and peace in the house of mortality (world) and in the house of immortality (The Day of Judgment). The prayer of someone is offered with the love and of someone after thinking it as the load and someone use to get safe from the sin with very much interest and someone from very much difficulty. The acts and movements and actions of the love that use to do the love are all according to the consent of the beloved one. Ahmed Bin Khuzroya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say that I saw my lord in my dream. The Almighty Allah said that every person use to ask something from me but Abu Yazeed Bastami does not use to ask anything from me, he only use to love me.

This condition of so little bit of love



Some man said to Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬that you may make me get the one particle of the love from the Almighty Allah through the dua of yours. Therefore, Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that you will not be able to bear it. He said again that make me get the half of the particle. The answer was given that the Almighty Allah has given. Therefore, Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬went to him after some time to meet him so that he could ask the condition of him. When he reached to him so he was sitting completely filled in the love of the Almighty Allah. Hazrat Esa ‫ علیہ السالم‬made him move a lot but he did not listen to him for once. He kept on being involved in the love of the Almighty Allah. The Almighty Allah said to Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬that o Esa! If you may do the pieces of him from the hair


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of his head till the nails of his feet so then also he will not pay attention towards you. This is the condition of the love of half of the particle.

The biggest wonder of all…..the true love of the Almighty Allah


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The people said to Hazrat Sheikh Ba Yazeed Bastami Qudus Sarah ul Aziz that you are a great man of wonder that you use to walk on the surface of the water? He said that this is not a wonder; the pieces of the wood also use to float on the water. The people said that ok, then this is the wonder at least that you use to fly in the air. He said that this is also not any wonder. The small and little particles and flies etc also use to fly in the air. The people said that this is for sure a big wonder that you use to go to the Makkah Muazzima in one night only. He said that this is also nothing at all. Because the magicians also use to reach to the koh e diya nand from India, in one night only. Then the people said that ok, and then you may tell yourself that what is the wonder? He said that the wonder is this that the heart may not be attentive towards any other person apart from the Almighty Allah….!

The tests in the love

The unique way of love





One man said to Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬that make me get the love of the Almighty Allah. Therefore, from the source of Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬he got the love of the Almighty Allah. After some days, the goat of him died. Then one day, the buffaloes of him died. He said to Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬that I am a weak man; say to the Almighty Allah that I am not able to do friendship from you. Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that. The Almighty Allah said that to whom we use to make friends one time, we do not use to leave him ever. Do get to know from this that the Almighty Allah uses to have intense love with the people of him and we should also do this that we may also express the proof of love all the time with our creator and master. May the Almighty Allah make us also, the friend of him. Amen!

.u bq


Some man got the dua done for the rain from one great man so that great man gave the answer that these days the Almighty Allah is not happy with me, therefore, you may do like this that make the handkerchief wet and hang it in the lawn. He is not happy but he will not let the handkerchief to get dry. Therefore, just after hanging the handkerchief, the rain started. These are also the things of secret and privacy of the people of the Almighty Allah. Who use to keep on increasing the love in every coming day. May the Almighty Allah, grant us also, the complete love of him. Amen!

The intense love of the Almighty Allah with the people of him


Now let’s look at this thing that how much love the Almighty Allah use to do with the creation of him and along with it do take crae of this thing that we use to the love in which level.


(1) The Almighty Allah has made us born in a Muslim family. This is the result of the love of him only. (2) He has made us from the nation of the last Prophet ‫)ﷺ‬, this is the result of great love. (3) He gave us countless blessings from which the biggest treasure of all is the treasure of the Holy Quran. (4) In the Holy Quran, the Almighty Allah has already said that the people of the faith are


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the ones who use to have very much love. This is also the result of the love and kindness of him. (5) When a person use to recite the surah e fatiha so, the Almighty Allah use to keep o giving the answer after listening each and every verse. This is purely the sign of love only. (6) The Almighty Allah use to say this that (in the Holy Quran) you take my name, I will take the name of yours and he use to say (in the hadees) that the one who will take the name of mine in the loneliness so, I will also take the name of him is the loneliness and the one who will take the name of mine in any gathering of people so, I will take the name of him in more better gathering (of angels) than it. (7) The Almighty Allah use to see the effort of a person. The man use to move forward one hand, he use to move forwards till one guz. When a man uses to move forward one more hand so, the Almighty Allah use to move forward till two hands. When a person uses to move two hands forward so, the mercy of the Almighty Allah use to catch him by running. (8) Every day, in the last third part of the night, he use to say while talking to us that is there anyone to ask for the forgiveness? Is there someone to ask for the health? Is there someone to ask for the rizq? I may give him. After saying this many times and looking at us while sleeping also, he does not use to become resented and then also we use to remain ignorant. (9) The expression of so much great love of the Almighty Allah also use to happen with this that he use to keep on putting the cover on the sins of us. (10) We can also know about the love of the Almighty Allah in this way also that he use to take the ordinary work from us and use to give the countless reward and gift for the limitless life. (11) The Almighty Allah sent us to the world and he took care about the luxuries and needs of us and after that he also gave us the permission to fulfill the needs of the human being as if one king use to call any person for the job from the other country and for the comfort of him he use to call the wife and children of him also with the money of himself so that the needs of him may get fulfilled. Just like that how much wonderful is the love of the Almighty Allah that he use to become happy from the ones who use to do the nikah while living in the world and he use to give complete permission for all of the demands of the human being. He never uses to make us do the hard work or struggle. (12) To send this nation in the end and to take the accountability of it in first place, this is the proof of very much intense love. (13) Many of the people who use to do love with each other for the Almighty Allah will be under the shade of the lord. This is also the fruit of the love. (14) When the person may do the Almighty Allah remember with the ignorance also so then also he use to remember that person after taking the name of him. just like Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has wrote one incident that one man was saying this from many years while doing the worship of the idols as (‫ )یا صنم یا صنم‬that by mistake, one time this (‫( )یا صمد‬Name of the Almighty Allah) came out from the mouth of him. At that same time, the beloved Almighty Allah said that (‫( )لبیک یا عبدی‬O my servant, I am present, ask what you want to ask.)The angels said that o the Almighty Allah! He was doing the worship of the idol of him, from the mouth of him the name of yours has come out by mistake. So the Almighty Allah said that if it also may not give the answer and I also may not give the answer so what will be the difference between it and me.


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The love of lord by Ibrahim Bin Adham


Once upon a time, Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was busy in doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah that Hazrat Khizar Alaeh Salam came to him. After shaking the hands and greeting the Salam Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got busy in doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah again. Then Hazrat Khizar Alaeh Salam said that you have not recognized me, I am Khizar.

.u bq


Hazrat Ibrahim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that it is a good thing, it must be you. But as I have not seen you before this that is why I am not able to recognize you. After saying this Hazrat Ibrahim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ got busy in his work again. On this thing Hazrat Khizar Alaeh Salam got very much surprised that this man is so much careless. So he just said that brother! You are very much careless, although the people use to remain in the wish of meeting me, but they do not use to get to meet me. I have come by my own self to meet you but you did not even give the attention.




Hazrat Ibrahim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that: The one who may have the time from meeting to the Almighty Allah so then he would do the wish of meeting with you. On this Hazrat Khizar Alaeh Salam said that the people use to make me do dua for them, you may also have the dua done by me. Hazrat Ibrahim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that ok, you may do this dua for me that I may become the Prophet. So on this Khizar‫ علیہ السالم‬said that this cannot happen. Hazrat Ibrahim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that ok; if this cannot happen so what is in the fate will happen on its own. You may go back, a lot of loss is happening of mine.

Learn the love of the lord from the female slave


.u bq



The incident of Hazrat Ata ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is famous that once upon a time he went to the market. Over there one crazy female slave was getting sold. He bought her. When some part of the night passed away so, that crazy lady got up and started offering the prayer after doing the ablution and the condition of her was this during the prayer that with the tears her breath was choking. After that she said that o my creator! You have the swear of having love with me, do the mercy on me. Hazrat Ata ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said after listening this that o the female slave, say like this that O the Almighty Allah! I have the swear of having love with you. After listening this she became very much angry and said that I swear by the right of him that if he would not have the love with me so he would not have made you sleeping so nicely and he would not have made me stand like this. After that she read some couplets, the translation of which is this that:



The discomfort is getting gathered and the heart is getting burnt and the patience has gone far away and the tears are flowing. From which thing the comfort can come to him, the one who has not even a little bit of peace due to the fervent love and eagerness and due to the attacks of the discomfort. O the Almighty Allah! If there can be anything in which there may be the riddance from the pain so grant that in the life, do the favor on me. After this she said that o the Almighty Allah! The matter of yours and mine has not remained secret now, make me get up. After saying this she made one scream and passed away.


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The love is done like this also



Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that once upon a time Hazrat Siri Saqti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked from me that what is the love? I gave the answer that it has been said by one group that it is the muwafqat. The other group has said that it is isharat. And the third group has something else also. After listening this he held the skin of his hand and pulled it so it did not move up even a little bit and he said that I swear by the respect and honor of the lord of the universe that if I may say this that this skin has become dry in the love of him so I will say the truth and after saying this he got fainted. The face of him started shining like the moon light and then he said that the person use to reach to that level in the love that if some man would hit him by taking the sword even so then he would not know about it even.

.u bq

If there is the pure love with the Almighty Allah:




One lady came to Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. She said that Hazrat! The Almighty Allah has made it forbidden that I may pull my hijab away. If there may not be the command of doing veil so I would have shown you the face of mine for sure. I am so much beautiful but apart from this my husband wants to do the second marriage. So, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬fell down after becoming fainted. The people became very much surprised that on which thing he had the attack of being fainted. One lady has come to him after taking her matter; she has come while taking the demand of her modesty. When he became conscious so he said that o people! This is the creation which is not involving any other human in the love so how will the Almighty Allah bear the involvement of any other one in the love of him?



The Almighty Allah use to do love with whom?



.u bq


Syed ul Auliya Hazrat Syed Ahmed Kabeer Rafai ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the Almighty Allah use to do love with which person so, the signs of it are these: (1) He use to make him see the faults of him which use to be present in his own self. (2) And he uses to produce the love and kindness for the whole of creation in the heart of him. (3) He uses to make the hand of him habitual of being wise. (4) And he use to give him special eagerness of welcoming the guests and it is that worship which the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do before the prophet hood also. (5) And he use to produce the quality of high courage and to move the eyes away and he use to give the opportunity to look at the faults of one own self in so much amount that a person use to see himself as the most unworthy from all and he do not use to feel himself as worthy of nothing. (6) And with this path of the humbleness and weakness he use to become the beloved of the Almighty Allah because there is no deficiency of the superiority in the treasure of him but the humbleness is not in the treasure of him because this quality is of the human being and the Almighty Allah is away from it. So just, the Almighty Allah use to feel the quality of the human beings as beloved to him. (7) He use to remove the desire of becoming great among the creation and to think himself as the superior from the heart of him. (8) He use to behave with love with the Almighty Allah, the form of which use to be this that he use to do the respect of the creation of the lord because the creation of the Almighty lord is the door and the entrance for the court of the Almighty Allah. If you may get to know the reality of


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the respect of the creation of the Almighty Allah so the doors of becoming beloved in the eyes of the Almighty Allah will keep on remaining opened for you and if you will keep on fighting with the creation so, you will remain deprived from the closeness of the Almighty Allah after getting stuck in the creation.


The respect of the creation is this that, take the heart of the people in your hands, do the consolation of them. That is why to the people to whom the Almighty Allah has given the special closeness and true eagerness of the ontologism. They kept on being busy in mending the hearts and they laid down the cheeks of them under the feet of the people and due to this humbleness and submissiveness only the souls of them kept on remaining close to the acceptance.

The couplets filled in the love of the lord




.u bq




All of the luxuries and lavishness went away The hatred has happened with the comfort of the world The wildness has happened with the money, land and women All of the complain of yours has went away Now do come, now the loneliness has happened Now where are those relations and paths of friendships All of the marks of the past have been washed Now it is me and my loneliness only To remain alone has become the habit of mine Now do come, now the loneliness has happened Now the heart do not use to get involved in anything The heart says that do not meet with anyone Just the imagination of yours may remain continuously The face of yours has been stamped on the heart Now do come, now the loneliness has happened What effect have you done on me I have forgotten the whole universe I am not able to remember anything except you I have got so much ignorance from everything except you Now do come, now the loneliness has happened Madam, there is the zikr of you, there are the memories of yours Your incidents, your words, your name This is the wazifa of mine in morning and in evening I have even got free from the task of the world


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So just they recognized the Almighty Allah through the creation. It is the Hadees e Qudsi that I am near to those, the heart of whom are broken with the greatness and superiority and majesty and they use to adopt the submissiveness and humbleness. (Jamay Al Ahadees ul Qudsiya)


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.u bq



Now do come, now the loneliness has happened Religion and world, heart and soul, conscious and unconscious Money and kingdom and wealth, land and royal dress I have given it on the name of yours, whatever I was having Look, now what the condition of mine has happened Now do come, now the loneliness has happened Joy and enjoyment, festivals and stalls, songs and colors Functions, gatherings those colorful That beauty of the flower, bright and shinning My heart has got away from all of the things, wildness has happened Now do come, now the loneliness has happened The sun of the life has become dull The face of mine like the flower has got dry Now do come, the breath has come on the lips The distance from you has been like a torment Now do come, now the loneliness has happened The life has been spent while waiting and waiting I use to say towards the door again and again Now do come, the life of mine has been sacrificed on you A long period of time has been passed to see you Now do come, now the loneliness has happened


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The consent of the lord is a big blessing



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The biggest blessing of the world and of the Day of Judgment is the consent of the Almighty Allah. The one who has got this blessing, he has become successful and winner in the world and on the Day of Judgment and the one who has been remained deprived from it, he has remained failure and unsuccessful and the one deprived from it is only the unlucky and wretched man. The consent of the lord is such beautiful thing that if for the consent of him, whole of the world would also become resented so then also everything use to be gained. Only for the consent of one lord if whole of the kingdom may also become resented so then also the deal is cheap. In fact the truth is this that the one who use to make the lord happy, use to have the consent of him, the lord use to make all of creation happy with him and the one who use to make the lord unhappy and all of the rest happy, he is not able to make the others happy and nor he is able to find the happiness and peace himself forever. Do remember that in the consent of the lord, there use to be happiness; there is the riddance in doing obedience of him. Do accept the commands of him; keep him happy, whether whole of the world may be resented from you. If he is happy, if he is contend so, do think this that you have become successful, you have got the win.


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The way to gain the love of the lord





(1) One great man used to say this that if you want the love of the Almighty Allah so, do sit in the heart of any person who is the man of the Almighty Allah and remain with him, if the Almighty Allah wills so, you will fall in love with the Almighty Allah. (2) Keep on doing the abundance of the zikr of the Almighty Allah. (3) Focus on the blessings of the Almighty Allah and be thankful on them. (4) In all of the tasks of the life do the arrangement of following the Sunnah. (5) Do the obedience of the Almighty Allah and do the love with the creation of the lord. When the Almighty Allah use to do the decision of doing bad with any person, so he use to grant him with the bad character. (Targheeb)

.u bq

The second reason of the Sufism is to get safe from the bad character


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The second reason of the Sufism is to get safe from the bad character The discussion of the problems of the tongue Five disadvantages of doing the carelessness from the tongue The second problem of the tongue is “lie” The disadvantages of speaking lie The third problem of the tongue is “back biting” The fourth problem of the tongue is “defaming” The rebuke incident of the punishment of defaming The fifth problem of the tongue is to “make fun” The sixth problem of the tongue is to “praise without need” The seventh problem of the tongue is to “do complain” The one who use to do complain will not go in the heaven


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The internal diseases of the followers and the treatments of them


The second reason of the Sufism is to get safe from the bad character Four disadvantages of bad character


(1) The bad character use to make the faith this how false, just like the agaves use to make the food bad. (Baiqahi fil Al Shaab) (2) When the Almighty Allah use to do the decision of doing bad with any person, so he use to grant him with the bad character. (Targheeb) (3) The two qualities cannot be together in the true believer (a) bad character (b) misery. (Baiqahi Fil Al Shaab) (4) The one


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who has the bad character and use to give pain to the neighbor is from the people of the hell. (Masnad e Ahmed). The basic sources of the bad character are mentioned as following: (a) The problems of the tongue. (b) The problems of the heart.

The discussion of the problems of the tongue


The first problem of the tongue is “to speak a lot”:

The wound of the knife, of the arrow, of the sword got healed

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The wound of the tongue which was received remained forever green


The protection of the tongue under the light of hadis


In the problems of the tongue, the first problem if to speak a lot and the effort which is against is named as to speak less. Murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to give very much importance to the tongue for the success in the path of sulook. He used to say that the salik who are the one who use to take care of the tongue and stomach of them, they use to do the progress very much quickly. That is why in the convent of him, most of the times, the fasts of keeping quite also used to be kept.




(1) It has been said in the hadees e pak that: (‫ )من صمت نجا‬The one who remained silent got the riddance. (2) It is said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the one who will be the guarantor of the tongue and the private part of him; I am the guarantor of the heaven for him. (3) It is in another hadees that due to the tongue only, the people will be pushed in the hell. (4) It is in the narration of the Bukhari Sharif that the man who use to have faith on the Almighty Allah and on the Day of Judgment, he should do this that either he should say something good or remain silent. ( ‫من حسن االسالم المرء ترکہ‬ ‫ )ما ال یعنیہ‬The best Islam of a person is this only that he may leave the useless things.

.u bq


How many conversations or the tasks which a human being uses to do, apparently there are three kinds of it: (a) Beneficial, in which there is any benefit of the world or of the religion. (b) Harmful, in which there may be any harm of the world and of the religion. (c) Neither beneficial nor harmful, which may have no any benefit and no any harm.

The tongue is the most precious part



The tongue is the best organ of the body also and also the most bad part also. It has been said that Luqman Hakeem was a Habshi slave. The first wisdom which had been expressed by him was this that the master said: O the slave! Do sacrifice this gat and bring the best part of the meat of it to us. He brought the heart and the tongue. One more time the master said that do sacrifice the goat and bring the worst part of the meat after cutting. He again brought that heart and the tongue. The master asked the reason so he gave the answer that if the heart and the tongue both may get correct so, there is no any organ more best than both of these in the whole body and if they may become incorrect so, there is no any organ of the body more bad than these. Therefore, the tongue shall be used in the zikr of the Almighty Allah, in the good deeds and permissible things otherwise the


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silence is better because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said in the hadees that it is better to say something good than to remain silent and it is better to remain silent than to say something bad. (Behqahi)

The checking of the tongue




.u bq


One great man use to say this that one mathematician of Russia has told after doing the calculation that if we may keeping on being awake till ten hours so, we use to spend three hours and twenty minutes of the time in speaking. Fifty words use to come out from the tongue in one minute and this how in every single hour our tongue use to use nine thousand words and during this duration of speaking (three hours and twenty minutes) we use to speak twenty seven till thirty thousand words. If you want the amount of the speech in the whole year so, after giving the multiplication to this amount of everyday with three hundred and sixty five so, one billion, nine million, fifty thousand words have been made of one year. If the age of us has been reached till sixty years so give the multiplication of this attained result with sixty. Do remember this quote of the Holy Quran that (‫ )ما یلفظ من قول اال لدیہ رقیب عتید‬the words do not use to come out from the tongue but one guard is being sit ready for it, who use to write every word of him. Do think that from these billions of words which have been said in whole of the life, you will have to give the answer of every single word. The demand of this answer will not be able to be delayed, neither you will get any time for it and nor any leniency for giving the excuses or for changing the topics can be taken out till any limit or before this that, that day may come, you may see after doing the check of the heart of yours that how many words have been come out to take towards the good and the evil? If the habit may happen after taking out the words on the tongue after thinking and weighing them then do get to know this that you have got the heaven just while sitting.



Five disadvantages of carelessness of the tongue

.u bq


(1) The stumbling of the tongue is more dangerous than the stumbling of the feet. (2) The tongue is that wild animal that if it might have been left as without any limit so it use to bite others. (3) Do not test the sharpness of the tongue on the one who has made you learn to speak. (4) The human being use to be hidden in the covering of the tongue. He uses to be recognized at that time when he uses to speak. (5) The sweet tongue use to make countless enemies as the friend.

Be careful in speaking


Hazrat Hatim Asmim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that if such person use to be sitting in the gathering of yours who use to keep on writing the words of yours so at least you will be careful in speaking. Although the conversation of yours use to be presented in front of the Almighty Allah so, why do you not be careful in that? One great man was saying this that most of the effects of the external organs use to be on the heart and as the tongue is the ambassador of the heart so the effect of it uses to be directly on the heart.

The treatment of evil tongue


Do say that thing which must have any reason and logic. The conversation which has no result of it, do not be persistent on it because to adopt the words and to not adopt them is in the control of


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the human being himself. If there are many people to meet with or if the time uses to be spend more in the friends so do take out some of the time for the loneliness also or in which way it is possible, remain safe from the useless conversations.

The second problem of the tongue is “lie”


The disadvantages of speaking lie



Do not speak lie from the children also



.u bq

(1) It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that lie is the root of disunity. (2) The person use to keep on saying lie one by one and to the Almighty Allah he use to be added in the list of the liars. (3) The lie is the reason of decreasing the rizq. (4) Hazrat Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that to speak lie is forbidden for this reason that it use to do the effect in the heart and it use to make the face of the heart as tilted and black. (5) One great man use to say this that I have seen one man in my dream that he was pulling something from the mouth of the other person with the source of sansi (One kind of zamboor or plas). He used to put the plas on one side side again and again and used to take out something from the throat. Then he used to put on the other side and take it out. I asked him while getting surprised that o the man of the lord, what are you doing this? He gave the answer that this man is a liar. There is the anger of the lord on him and till the Day of Judgment act like this will be keep on doing on him. (6) Abdullah Bin Jarrad asked from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that can a true believer also do the sin? So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬recited this verse that ( ‫انما یفتری الکذب الذین ال‬ ‫( )یؤمنون‬meaning that the one who are not the true believer use to be the habitual of speaking lie.)

.u bq



Abdullah Bin Amir ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said to one man who was going to play in front of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that I will give you a thing. The leader of the prophet hood ‫ ﷺ‬asked that Abdullah! What will you give? He said that one kharma. The command was given this that, yes it is ok but if you would have made the child amused just like this so it would have been the synonym of lie and o Abdullah, get to know this that the biggest sin in the world which is very near to the shirk is to not fulfill the rights of mother and father. While saying this, the leader of the prophet hood ‫ ﷺ‬sat straight and said this thing that (‫( )اال وقول الزور‬Meaning that you should know this thing that to speak lie is a great sin) and the small use to start coming from the mouth of the liar. Even the angels use to remain far from him.



In three times, the permission has been given to hide the real thing. (1) At the time of fight. (2) When the goal is to make the friendship done in between two Muslims so speak the lie so that the evil can be finished. (3) The man who is having two wives can say to both of them that I do love you only the most. Apart from this if any person would like to know about the property of any person to do the steeling at his house or about any secret so then also it is permissible to hide or if anyone may ask about the fault of another person so then speak lie. The shariah has given the command of hiding the faults.


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If the wife may take the promise of any task so the man can do the false promise to make her be obedient whether at that time he may think this that I will not be able to complete my promise.

The third problem of the tongue is “back biting”


To say some such thing in the absence of some person to which if he may listen so it would not be liked by him, whether if that thing is present also in that person. This is called as the back biting and if that thing is not present in him so then it is the defaming.


.u bq

My Sheikh Hazrat Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to give the advice to the followers of him again and again to be safe from such gatherings where there use to be the back biting and he used to say this that give the matter of the ones who use to want bad for you, in the hands of the Almighty Allah. I may tell as the tehdees bil nemat that due to the duas and attentions of the sheikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬I did not even do one single dua for my own self in one whole year at the time of haj in fact how many people who were there, who use to want bad for me, I kept on doing the duas for them by taking name of all of them. This happened only with the favor of the Almighty Allah. May the Almighty Allah accept this act in the court of him.


Eight disadvantages of the back biting


In following I may mention few disadvantages of doing the back biting. If you may remember them so it will be very much easy to be safe from the back biting.




.u bq



(1) Hazrat Kaab Bin Ahbar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that the one died after doing the repentance from the back biting will go to the heaven in the last from all and the person who died without doing the repentance, he will go to the hell, first of all. (Zajr Al Shan) (2) Farooq e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that, o the human being! You may do the zikr of the Almighty Allah as obligatory over you because it is the healing and do become safe from the back biting because this is a disease. (Zajr Al Shan) (3) Hazrat Qatada ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that just like a man use to feel bad to eat the meat of the dead brother of him, just like that it is obligatory that he may stop himself from doing the back biting and do not throw himself in the hell. (Zajr Al Shan) (4) Hazrat Zain ul Abideen Ali Ibn e Al Hasan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬once upon a time saw one man who was doing the back biting. When he saw so he said that do make you safe from the back biting because it is the food of the dogs. (Zajr Al Shan) (5) Hazrat Abu Qalaba ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said at one time that due to the back biting, the heart of the human being use to be removed from the guidance and it use to be get changed in to the loneliness. (Minhaj ul Abideen) (6) It has been said that some man said to Hazrat Hasan Basri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that, that some man has done the back biting of yours ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬sent one tray to the one who did the back biting which was full of dates and along with it he said to say him that I have listen that you have given the good deeds of yours to me as a gift so I thought it better to give you the money of them. (Minhaj) (7) Some man did the discussion of back biting in front of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn e Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that if I may have thought this correct to do the back biting of any person so I would have done the back biting of my mother because my mother is the most worthy of the good deeds of mine. (8) It has been said that once upon a time


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the prayer of tahajjud of Hazrat Hatim Asam ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was missed so the wife of him, made him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ feel bad. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the answer that last night, one group kept on being busy in the nawafil for the whole night and at morning they have done the back biting of me so, the worship of them of that night will be kept in weighing machine of my deeds on the Day of Judgment. (Minhaj ul Abideen Al Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The times of the permission of doing the back biting


.u bq


Most probably, the reason to give the indication of the ones who use to do the back biting with the dogs is this that to do the back biting is similar to eat the meat of the dead brother. It is obvious that it is the habit of the dog to eat the meat of the dead and to chew the bones therefore, the ones who use to do the back biting are like the dogs because if they would have been the human beings so, there would be the quality of human beings in them and the modesty of the human being would have been found in them and they would not have done the back biting of any person, neither they would have done the taunting on any person.


The Shariah has also given the leniency according to the nature of the human being; it has also taken care about the permissible need of the human being. Therefore, the shariah has given the permission of many of the situations.


.u bq




(1) If one man is doing one such work from which there is the danger of getting harm to the other person so, it is permissible to do the back biting of that such man. (Abu daood) (2) The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has said about doing the back biting openly that: (‫( )الغیبتہ لفاسق و ال مجاھر‬Jamay Al usool) meaning that the back biting of the migrator and of the sinful man is not the back biting. For example if one man use to drink the wine very much openly. He himself is announcing it that I use to drink the wine. Now if at the back of him, if the discussion of him drinking the wine shall be done so he will not feel it bad. It is for this reason that he himself use to drink commonly in front of the people. Therefore, it will not be included in the back biting.

The important precautions

But the one who do not use to want to express that bad thing in front of other people, if you will do the discussion of it in front of the people so that will be included in the back biting. For example that. That man use to drink wine very much openly, he use to do the bribery very much openly but there is some such sin which he use to do while hiding and he do not want to express it in front of the people and that sin is like that, that the harm of it cannot be reached to the other people so not it is not permissible to do the back biting of him and to do the discussion of the sin of him.



In one gathering, the son of Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was present. In that same gathering some man started doing the discussion of bad qualities of hajjaj Bin Yusuf so Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬stopped him and said that: Look, you are telling the bad qualities of him, this is the back biting and do not think this that if there is the murder of many Muslims on the neck of Hajjaj Bin Yusuf so then the back biting of him has been become permissible although the back biting of him has not become permissible in fact where the Almighty


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Allah will take the accountability of murder of many human beings from Hajjaj Bin Yusuf which are on the neck of him so, over there he will also take the accountability of that back biting also which you are doing at the back of him. May the Almighty Allah keep us safe. Amen!


Therefore, do not think this that, that some man is sinful, use to do bidah and is liar, do the back biting of him how much you want, in fact it is obligatory to be safe from doing the back biting of him.

Malik bin Deenar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and safety from the back bitin

.u bq

Hammad Bin Zaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as a very much great man. He use to say this that one day I saw one dog sitting in front of Hazrat Malik Bin Deenar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. I tried to make him run away from there so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that O Hammad! Leave it, this dog is better than that friend who use to do the back biting of the people.


The repentance from the back biting for the whole life:

The atonement of the back biting





While sitting in the gathering of Qazi Ayaz bin Maviya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, one man who was named as Sufyan Bin Hussain started doing the back biting of any person. Qazi sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that have you done the jihad from the Romans? He said that no. Then again he asked that did you get involved in the jihad with the India and Sind? He said that no. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that in whole of the world, the enemies of Islam remained safe from you but the innocent muslim brother was not able to remain safe from you and you have made him injured after testing the sword of tongue on him. There was so much effect on Sufyan Bin Hussain about this sentence of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he never ever did the back biting of any person for whole of his life.



.u bq


The atonement of the back biting is this that the man whose back biting has been done, the one who has done the back biting may ask the forgiveness from him. In this condition that the news of that back biting has been reached to him. Plus, while asking the forgiveness from him it is not at all important to give the explanation and if the back biting has not been reached to him and he has even died or if he is far from the one who has done the back biting so in that condition it is enough to do the astaghfar. Plus, the one who’s back biting has been done, to the astaghfar for him is involved in the atonement of the back biting.


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Defaming is one intense sin


The fourth problem of the tongue is “defaming”


.u bq


It is in hadeed sharif that: be safe from the places of defaming. Meaning that remain very much far. (Ahya uloom ud din) The meaning is this that to do the defaming is the sin and to provide the opportunities of it is also not correct. When the opportunities of it will be given so, the other person will do the defaming. That is why by holding the root of the sin the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has done the correction of ours that there is the command (rule) to get safe from the opportunities of defaming that to every single man, woman, child, young man, old man, in fact to every single human being and the ghost it is not as the choice to get safe in fact it has been said as the obligation. The few examples of it:


The first example: The prayer with the group is obligatory on the men. That is why the scholars use to say this that these days the sunnahs of the prayer shall also be offered in the mosques so that the people may not give this blame that he does not use to offer the sunnahs. (Fatah Al Bari)




The second example: When you do travelling with the wife or with any mehram relative or sit alone so then also time to time, one should keep on telling the people that this lady is what of mine so that no one can get the opportunity of the defaming or to think in false way. The wife of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, respectable Hazrat Safya ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬came to him in the mosque. When some of the people came in front so, he ‫ ﷺ‬gave the explanation that she is my wife. They said that we were not thinking in false way. (Bukhari, Sanun Al Kubra)

.u bq


The third example: To sit or stand with any young boy, (immature boy) or to take service from him is very much in appropriate. When the son, niece etc is along with you so it should be told time to time that what he is of mine, so that the paths of the false thinking may get closed.

The fourth example: It has been mentioned in the hadees sharif that when you are three people so, do not use to do whisper with each other till when there may not be the four people, two people shall not talk with each other privately. (Bukahri) The false thinking also use to happen for this reason too. And just like this Allama Shami ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written that the two people may not talk in some such language to which the third person is not able to understand till when there may not be four people.



The fifth example: If you are the nazim or the mohtamim in any institute so they should always keep the difference in the personal things of them and in the things of the institute in using them. Time to time, keep on making the people aware that this is the personal thing of mine and this is of the institute.


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The prevention of the people of the Almighty Allah

.u bq



One cruel king called one great man in the court of him and the meat of the pig was presented in a plate that does eat it. If you will not eat it so this is the sword, you will be killed. The great man said that to be killed is acceptable, but I will not eat this. When the king found the great man so much consistent so, that plate was made to b picked up from the front of him. The second plate was presented of the plate of the meat of goat and it was said that do eat this at least. He said that now I will not eat this as well. It is because that it has been famous that I was called to make me eat the meat of the pig and on eating this, it will be famous that I have eaten the meat of the pig. To whom I will say after roaming that it was not the meat of the pig in fact it was the meat of the goat which I have eaten. So it is also the command of the shariah to be safe from the humiliation. Just like that great man has done.

The full of warning incident of the punishment of defaming




.u bq




This incident has been written in the edition of “Zarqani” of Mota Imam Malik that in the place around the Madinah Munawwarah, the death of one lady happened. Few of the ladies started giving her the bath. One lady said this while giving the bath that this dead lady had the relation with that and that men. She got caught by the Almighty Allah in such way that the lady who was giving the bath, the hand of her got stuck with the thigh of the dead lady during the bath. By making it come out also, it did not come out. It got late in giving the bath. The men got to know about it. No solution came out. It was asked from one scholar, he said that the hand will be made to be cut but the relatives of that lady did not agree. It was asked from the other scholar. He said that the part of the thigh of the dead body will have to be cut but the relatives of the dead lady did not agree. The great scholar of that time who was a faqeeh and mujtahid, Hazrat Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was called. He came and asked from the lady who was giving the bath, in the covering that you did not say anything, right? She said that I have not said anything else only this sentence came out from my mouth that she had the relations with that and that men. Hazrat Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that do you have four witness? She said that no. Then Hazrat asked her that did the dead lady accepted about these relations in front of you? She said that no. Then he said that the solution of it according to the Holy Quran is this that eighty belts shall be hit to her because she has given the false blame to her.


Therefore, the bodybuilders were called. Till the last hit, the hand did not get free. When the eighty hit got complete so suddenly the hand got free. Then Hazrat Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked from that lady that for what reason did you said like this? She said that once upon a time this lady was passing in front of the house of some man after filling the water. Do think that due to one sentence and a small matter only, how much terrible end use to happen.

The seven disadvantages of the accusation


(1) To make the accusation on some person is the reason of the resentment of the Almighty Allah, the prophets of him, angels and the close ones. (2) The one who use to put the accusation on the people use to be thought as he unworthy and disliked man in the society. (3) Due to putting


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accusations, one very much good society remains after getting involved in the evil and pugnacity. (4) The man who uses to put the accusation use to fell in the eyes of his own self. (5) The man who uses to put the accusations use to be made deprived of the good lucks and opportunities. (6) To put the accusations is very much far away from the status of a Muslim; this is the habit of the hypocrites. (7) The man who use to put the accusations use to try to mix the truth with the falsehood and the falsehood with the truth and he use to remain busy in doing the unsuccessful efforts to prove the innocent and sinless man as the criminal and sinful man and the criminal as free. (Nuzrat UN Naeem)

.u bq

The fifth problem of the tongue is to make fun (‫ )ال یسخر قوم من قوم‬Any nation should not make fun of the other nation.


The joke in heaven with the one who use to do make the fun





To mention someone in such way or to make fun of him in such way from which the people may laugh and the other may get the pain. For example to imitate the style of the walking and roaming, getting up and laughing and speaking or of height and weight. This is also the problem of the tongue which uses to give the harm to the spirituality of the human being. It use to come in the hadees that the man who uses to make fun of the other people, on the Day of Judgment this treatment will be done with him that one door of the heaven will be opened for him. This man will move towards it so suddenly the door will be closed. He will start looking here and there after becoming surprised. Then again the door will be opened, he will move towards it. It will be made closed again and with him this matter will keep on happening. In one gathering, the gas of man got passed. The people started laughing so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said strictly on it that the thing which all of you use to do, why do you laugh on it?

.u bq


The six disadvantages of making the fun

Murshdid Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say about this sin that the ones who use to make the fun of others and then do the worship, will how reach on the level of the ontologism. The riddance of them is itself very much difficult. I may present the six important disadvantages of making the fun in the service of yours. Do read them with attention and do try to get safe from this sin for sure.



(1) To make the fun of someone, in reality use to be the indication of this thing that the person is thinking the other person as small and unworthy. (2) This is such act from which the Almighty Allah uses to become resented and the human being can go in the hell. (3) The pious people use to run away from such man for the sake of the protection of the respect of them. (4) The human being who use to be habitual of making the fun, use to remain deprived of the acceptance of the truth and to listen the words of his betterment. (5) To make the fun is the proof of the illiteracy of the human being because the one who use to know the status of the Almighty Allah, he does not use to look the people of him with the eye sight of the humiliation. (6) Such man is very much welcomed at the place of disobedient, illiterate and humiliated people. (Nuzrat UN Naeem)


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The correction of the misunderstanding




The words which use to make happy, if there is no pain of heart of anyone in them and it use to be not due to the habit or hobby so, it is permissible just like it use to come in the incidents of the Prophet (peace be upon him) also. Get the description of it in the big books.


The sixth problem of the tongue is to do the praise without the need

The disadvantages to do the praise without the need


.u bq

The meaning of this is this that the praise of someone shall be done to do the buttering or fawning of him. Even if that praise is not present in him in reality. If that praise will not be in him so then it will be included in the lie which is completely a problem and the loss.




In the era of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬one man did the praise of the friend of him so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that you have cut the neck of the friend of yours. Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that there are these bad things in doing the praise of any person without the need. (1) There is the bragging and the exaggeration in the praise which use to reach till the lie. (2) The second bad thing is the show off that the one who uses to do the praise, use to express the love of him although there is not even the little bit of love in the heart. (3) The one who use to do the praise, use to hit the arrows of immaturity. (4) The bad thing is this that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this that if it is the praise of the sinful man so, with the praise of the sinful man, the throne of the Almighty Allah use to get trembling.

.u bq



There are two bad things for the one, the praise of whom is being done: (a) It is this that the mamdooh (the one whose praise is being done) use to become proud and he use to think the internal self of him as worthy of the praise. Although it is destruction and damage for him. (b) The mamdooh use to forget the weak points of him after listening the aspects of praise of him or does not use to pay attention and use to get involved in the laziness and ignorance. If there may not be the danger of these disadvantages so, it is allowed to do the praise till one limit.

The seventh problem of the tongue is to complain


The definition of doing complain


The bad quality or word or act of some man which he wants to hide, to express it on the other people when that bad quality use to be present in him in reality or with the intention of producing the pugnacity or the evil, to spread the matter of there over here and the matter of here over there is called as doing complain and if that bad quality may not present in him or if some decrease or


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increase shall be done in it with our one’s own side or if it might be presented with the bad heading so, this is also the defaming and blaming. And the one from whose side, the complain has been don, if it is the expression of any of the bad quality of him so it is also the back biting. So, these have become the three sins. This disease use to be found very much in the desirable people who use to walk on the path of sulook. If this disease use to be present in any person so, do inform the Sheikh for sure so, that the correction of it can be done.


The one who use to do complain will not go in the heaven


.u bq

(1) This habit is very much bad. The Almighty Allah and the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬use to become resented from such person. It use to come in the hadees sharif that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that: (‫ )ال یدخل الجنتہ قتات‬The one who use to do complain will not go in the heaven. (Abu Daood) (2) Once upon a time, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬passed near to two graves so he said that: The ones who are in these two graves, the torment is being given to them. This torment is not being given to them due to any such sins, to get safe from which use to be difficult. One of them is getting the torment due to this reason that he did not use to get safe from the splashing of the urine and the second one is getting the torment due to this that he used to do complains.

The disadvantages of doing complain



.u bq




(1) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the people who use to go here and there while taking the complain with them and they use to produce the quarrel among the friends and they use to find the faults of the ones who are innocent, they are the worst human beings. (2) Hazrat Abbdullah Bin Mubarak ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say this that the man who is not able to hide the thing is the father of the adultery. Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say in his famous and great book “Ahya ul Uloom ud Deen” that in common terms, to do complain is said to this thing that some man say to some other person after going to him that, that some person has said this thing about you. Although to do complain is not the name of only this one form in fact the definition of doing complain is this that to express any such thing or to describe it, the expression of which is thought to be as bad whether whoever may do the expression of disliking on it, whether the one who is saying or the one about whom it is being said or some other third person who is watching, the disliking of all of them is equal. No big deal on this that whether that expression is in written form or by speaking, it is told openly or in signs and by hiding. All of this will be called as doing complain.

The curse of saying the words in two directions



To the complain is the collection of how much evil and wickedness, it can be known with this incident that Hammad Bin Salam ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that one man sold the slave and said that apart from doing complain there is no other fault in him. The mishtri said that it is acceptable to me and he went after buying him. One day the slave said to the wife of his owner after living some days with his new master that the husband of yours do not use to do love with you and he wants to get rid from you. You may do like this that take the blade and while sleeping at night, cut some hairs of him of the lower part of the head. I will do the magic on them from which he will start doing love with you. On the other hand, he went to the husband and said this that the love is going


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on of your wife with one man and she wants to kill you so that she could marry him. If you do not believe so some time do the acting of sleeping and then see. Therefore, one day the husband acted like he I sleeping so the wife came while taking the blade. The husband thought this that in reality she wants to kill me; therefore he got up and killed the wife of him. During this time, the family members of the wife came, they killed the husband. This how the war got started between the two families.

.u bq

The eighth problem of the tongue is to say the words in two directions


The meaning of saying the words in two directions is this that if a person may go to one person so he may say something else and if he may go to the other person so he may say something other than that. The disadvantages



(1) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who will have two faces of him in the world, on the Day of Judgment there will be two tongues of fire for that man. (2) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that on the Day of Judgment, the worst people of the Almighty Allah will be those which used to keep double faces in the world.



The ninth problem of the tongue is to do the curse

.u bq


The meaning of curse is this that to say some person to be involved in the anger or wrath of the Almighty Allah and to be away from the mercy of him or to say him as the worthy of hell or to say this in the bad dua that may the Almighty Allah make you away from the mercy of him. There are many kinds of the curse. The description of them is present in the big books. The disadvantages:


(1) Hazrat Huzaifa ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that the nation who did the crime of doing the curse, it got involved in the torment. (2) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the true believer does not use to do the curse.

The end of mentioning the faults


Imam Zahbi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that once upon a time, Imam Kasai ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and Imam Yaqeedi ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ gathered at the place of Haroon Rasheed. Both of them are the imams of the knowledge of recitation of the Holy Quran. When the time of the prayer came so Imam Kasai ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬led the


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prayer. He started reciting the Surah (‫)قل یایھا الکافرون‬. He forgot that. After the prayer, Imam Yazeedi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that (it is the matter to get the lesson that) the qari of koofa was not even able to recite (‫)قل یایھا الکافرون‬. The matter went away and got ignored. Then co incidentally one day Imam Yazeedi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬stood up for leading the prayer so he forgot the surah Fatiha. After doing the Salam, he felt about the mistake of him so he recited one couplet, the meaning of which is this that:


You shall keep the tongue of yours closed to say such thing in which you may get involved yourself. No doubt that many of the problems use to happen to the human being just because of his own self.


.u bq

There are so many wonders and disadvantages of the tongue that it is out of the way to express. It use to come in the hadees e pak that every morning all of the organs of the body use to do the flattering of the tongue that you may remain correct. if you will remain correct so all of us will remain correct and if you will get false so we will also become false.

The other problems of the tongue





(1) To take without the need. (2) To take more than the need. (3) To mention the things which are forbidden. (For example, the story of the film, the discussion about the gatherings of the sinful people etc) (4) To do the fight. (5) To make noise with the reason of doing the humiliation of other person. (6) To say the abusive words and to talk immodestly. (7) To sing and to read false couplets. (8) To express the secret of someone. (9) To do the false promise. (10) To remain unaware of the fault of your own self. (11) To talk about such things in the public which use to be out of the understanding level of them. (For example to talk about the fate and to talk about the qualities and entity of the Almighty Allah etc) (Ahya ul Uloom)

The three treatments of the protection of the tongue

.u bq


(1) To think for a little time before saying anything. (2) To take care while doing the conversation. (3) To examine the conversation, after doing it.

The discussion of the problems of the heart The first evil of the heart is “anger” The anger is one fire



In the anger, the mind does not use to be in the proper place and the person does not use to have the consciousness to think about the end. Many such things do come out of the tongue which should not be done and the injustice also uses to happen from the hands as well. The real place of the anger is heart and it gets produce from over here. The Almighty Allah use to say this that (‫ )والکاظمین الغیظ و العافین من الناس و ہللا یحب المحسنین‬and the ones who use to hold on the anger, the ones who use to forgive the people and the Almighty Allah use to like such people. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has


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said that the body builder is not the one who may defeat the competitor of him in fact he is the one who may hold on the anger. Hazrat Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the anger is one fire which is hidden inside the fire just like the flames in the ashes and the feeling of proud use to bring this flame outside. May be it is that fire from which the devil was made.

.u bq


And he use to say this that when a person use to become angry so, the fire of the wrath use to get burn, from which the blood of the heart use to start getting boiled and it use to get spread in every single vein. Then after getting boiled it use to come up. Then is the anger is on the one who is weaker than you so the face use to become red and if the anger is on the one who is stronger than you so the face use to become pale and if the anger is on the one who is equal to you so the face use to become red sometimes and sometimes it use to become pale.


The nine disadvantages of the anger


Along with giving the damage to the mid of the human being, the anger also use to give such abundant damages also that the life use to just remain by becoming a bitter reality and the human being also use to lose the balance of his personality. The disadvantages of the anger as mentioned as following:



.u bq




(1) In the condition of the anger, the mind of the human being use to be completely paralyzed. As a result of which it is not even able to do the ordinary tasks and the change use to come in the routine of every day. (2) In the condition of the anger, the balances of the feelings use to become damaged as a result of which the change uses to happen in the attitude of the human being. (3) In the condition of the anger that attraction does not use to remain in the personality which use to be there in the normal conditions. (4) In the condition of the anger the change use to come in the behavior with the guests, friends, relatives and closed ones from which not only the human being uses to fall in the eyes of them but he also uses to get deprived of the social and moral rights of him. (5) In the condition of the anger, the decrease use to happen in the memory and the talents of the mind also use to become less. (6) In the condition of the anger, the human being is not able to face the situations in correct way in fact the anger does not use to leave him worthy of facing the unsuitable conditions in the future also. (7) In the condition of the anger, the thoughts of the human being use to become negative, as a result of which the human being use to reach on such results or do the decision which use to be proved as damaging for him. (8) Due to the anger, few of the physical and mental disease use to get produced in which blood pressure, the ulcer of the stomach, the pain in head and episodes of the depression etc are included. (9) The anger is a very much evil thing. It uses to make the person do fights and hitting, say abusive words and the sins of speaking a lot. Jealousy, arrogance, to humiliate someone, all of these are the wonders of the anger.


The treatment of the anger

One should try a lot to stop the anger that he should do very much control on the internal self and does not let it so increase, with this in sha Allah, the anger will get stop. The way of it is this that


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at the time of anger do change the condition of yours for example if the person is standing so he may sit down or lay down. The person on whom you are angry, make him go away from there or go away somewhere else by yourself. Do recite (‫ )اعوذ باہلل من الشیطن الرجیم‬because this is the effect of the devil.

.u bq


And do remember the power of the Almighty Allah. The person may think this that how much this man is the criminal of mine, more than him I am the criminal of the Almighty Allah. Just like I want this that the Almighty Allah may forgive the sins of mine so I should also do this that I may forgive the mistakes of him. If the anger may not get cooled down with this even so, do the ablution and keep the cheek of yours on the ground so that the arrogance may get broken and due to this patience, a believer use to get the level of the one who use to stay awake at night and the one who use to fast.


The second problem of the heart is “jealousy” (‫)وھو یاکل الحسنات کما تاکل النار الحطب‬



The meaning of the jealousy is this that while seeing someone eating and drinking, prosperous and enjoying or getting respect and honor, to feel burned at heart and to become sad and to like that this blessing may go away from him. The Almighty Allah use to say in his holy book that ( ‫ومن شر‬ ‫ )حاسد اذا حسد‬and I do seek the refuge from the evil of the ones who use to be jealous when they may start doing the jealousy.



The first jealousy in the skies and on the earth

.u bq


Few people have said that: In the skies also, first of all through which sin the disobedience of the Almighty Allah happened, that is the jealousy. On the earth also first of all, the sin through which the disobedience of the Almighty Allah happened, that is the jealousy. In the sky, the devil felt jealous with Adam Alaeh Salam and on the eart, Qabeel felt the jealousy with Habeel.

The envious person is the enemy of his own self



Hazrat Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the example of the envious person is like this that who may throw the stone to hit the enemy of him and the stone may hit on his own right eye and the eye may get burst apart from hitting to the enemy. With this that person may become angry and then may hit the stone more hardly again and just like this he may hurt the other eye of his own self. Then again he may hit the stone and hurt the head. Just like this, just by kep on throwing the stones towards the enemy, he may get injured himself and the enemy may remain completely safe and the people in opposition may laugh after watching it.


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The seven disadvantages of being jealous



‫اذا انت لم ترض لی ما وھب‬

‫اسات علی ہللا فی حکمہ‬


‫اال قل لمن لی حاسدا‬


‫اتسری علی من اسات االدب‬


.u bq



(1) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬has said that: Do not feel hatred with the blessings of the Almighty Allah. Some man said that who use to keep the hatred with the blessings of the Almighty Allah? He said that those people who use to be jealous with the other people due to the blessings of the AlmightyAllah. And it is obvious that the one who will keep the hatred with the Almighty Allah will never be able to get the happiness. (‫ )الحسد مذموم و صاحب مغموم‬to be jealous is a very much bad thing and the envious person use to be remained involved in the sadness all the time. (2) On doing the jealousy, with who the jealousy has been done no any loss of him use to happen in fact the envious man use to waste the good deeds of him. (3) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬has said that the Almighty Allah use to say in any of the holy book that the envious man use to remain as the enemy of the blessings given by me, angry on the decision of mine and resented on my distribution. (4) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the jealousy use to eat the good deeds in such way just like the fire use to burn the dry wooden sticks. (Abu Daood) (5) It is the quote of Hazrat Zakarya ‫علیہ السالم‬that the Almighty Allah use to say that the one who use to be jealous after looking the blessing on any of the man of mine is just like as if he is not happy on the distribution of mine which I have done on him, if today we may see so we get to see the fire of jealousy behind many of the disagreements and fights in the life. Fiqya Mansoor ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that:



Meaning say to those people who are envious to me that do you even know that you have done the disrespect of whom after doing the jealousy. You have done the disrespect of the Almighty Allah in the command of the Almighty Allah. Because the blessing which the Almighty Allah has given to me, you are not happy on it.

.u bq


One man of the Almighty Allah was saying this that on the envious person five dangers and disastrous torments use to get revealed. (1) The envious man use to get involved in the sadness. (2) The problem which uses to come on him, the envious person does not use to get the reward on it. (3) He use to get involved in the condemn of the people (which is the reason of very much damage.) (4) There use to be very much anger of the Almighty Allah on him. (5) The doors of the rizq and betterment use to get closed on him.



The treatment: (1) First of all do think this that by doing the jealousy there is the damage and pain to me only and the disadvantages of being jealous which have been just discussed, do think them. (2) The second treatment of the jealousy is this that, do the praise of the one with whom there is the jealousy and be humble in front of him and do express the happiness on that blessing. (3) Hazrat Ba Yazeed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that I have seen in the meditation that in the heart of the true believer, the world and all of the blessings of it have come. And do think this that when the heart of a true believer is so much vast and he is capable of such qualities so, it should not be made bad with the useless jealousy.


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The six disadvantages of malignity





(1) The one who use to be involved in the malignity, he is worthy of hatred in the eyes of the Almighty Allah and in the eyes of the human beings also. (2) The grudge use to make the heart as blind and it use to extinguish the light of the worship. (3) The person in the heart of whom the grudge uses to get produced, for him it uses to become difficult to spend the life among the human beings. (4) Such person use to remain away from the society of the human beings. (5) He uses to become the reason of making the nation of the Muslims in to small pieces. (6) The presence of the malignity is the proof of the internal dirt and wickedness.


.u bq

The third problem of the heart is the “show off” The kinds of the showing off



The meaning of showing off is this that the good deeds shall be done to just show off. ( ‫فویل للمصلین‬ ‫( )الذین ھم عن صالتھم ساھون الذین ھم یرآءون‬Al Maoon) There is sadness on such people who use to offer the prayer who are unaware with the prayers of them who use to do the show off. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has said that (‫( )ان یسرا الریا شرک‬Ibn e Maja) Even the little bit of show off is the shirk.



.u bq



Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ ﷺ‬use to say this that there are many kinds of the show off. (1) Sometimes, this show off use to be in the clear words. For example that I recited this much of the Holy Quran at night or I got up in the night or sometimes it uses to be in the signs. For example some where the discussion of the matter of hajj was going on so this man said quickly that no sir, when we went so it did not happen with us in this way. (2) Sometimes it uses to be through the body such as to show the weakness and failure from the body from which this may be expressed that I am fasting. Or to make the voice very much low from which the people may understand this that while doing so much worship he has become so much weak that the voice does not use to come out. To sit while closing the eyes and lowering the neck that he is a very much big man of the Almighty Allah, all the time he use to keep on being busy in the zikr and worry. (3) Sometimes it uses to be with the source of the dress that a person may wear the thick cloth or remains dirty so that the people may think this that he is a Sufi. (4) To do the show off in the act meaning that to make the ruku and qayam long or if a person may know that some man is looking at him so quickly offering it with peace and slow speed so that the one who is watching may think this that the prayer is filled with the sincerity.


One kind of the show off is the hidden show off. It is much more delicate than the walking speed of the ant. The reality of it is this that at the time of the good deeds there was no show off in the heart but when this act got revealed in front of the people or if there may be this feeling in the heart that it may get revealed in front of the people so after that there may be happiness in the heart.


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.u bq



The show off uses to get produced with the evil of itself. The man in whom there use to be the show off so he uses to keep the desire of increasing the level and worth of him in the eyes of the other people. For example: was offering prayer in the loneliness, one man came so now some alertness got produced in our prayer and we may start offering the prayer while stopping very much and in very much slow speed so this is the show off. This is for this reason that, that person may think this that he uses to offer a very beautiful prayer and when he will think so the respect will get produced in the heart of him. The aim of the show off was also this that in the heart of him, the worth and respect of him may get produced. The show off use to be in this also that we use to offer the prayer in the house so there use to be no special arrangements and when we use to offer the prayer in the mosque so there use to be the special arrangements. When there is the difference in the way of both of the prayers so you may get to know this that the prayer of yours which is in the mosque is the show off. Otherwise, what is the reason that the difference may get produced in the prayer of mosque and house?....! There shall be the special arrangement of it in proper way that just as we do the arrangement of the prayer in the loneliness, just like that we may do the arrangement in the crowd as well.



.u bq




The show off is in this condition also that a man use to teach the lesson. The teacher is comfortable with the students and the students are comfortable with the teacher but one this condition got produced that the opportunity was received to teach on the other place from where he is not familiar. Now due to these new people, he may start teaching in some other more excellent way. All of this is the show off. One man is not nazeef ul taba. But when he use to go for meeting at some place so he use to be so much formal that it use to be known that just the groom has come out from the washroom. There use to be no special arrangements for going to the mosque, but the arrangements for the meeting so this is also the show off so that the superiority may come in the heart of the people. It is not important for the dress to be precious, to be clean is important. The purity of all of the organs of your body is important, if you will take care about all of these things so, then you will get to know this that you have a clean nature and the purity shall be all the time. If it is only for the meeting so, it is the show off.

The five signs of show off



Hazrat Imam Ghazali ‫ ﷺ‬has told five signs of the show off: (1) “Riya Bil Badan” ‫ ریا بالبدن‬Few of the people who use to do the show off use to make the body of them as weak and lazy and they use to express this in front of the people that we are becoming weak and frail due to the sadness of the religion and over whelming of the Day of Judgment. (2) “Riya Bil Hayyat” ‫ ریا بالہیتہ‬The condition of it uses to be this that the ones who are the desirable of the materialism use to keep the hairs of them dirty, they use to make the mark of sajdah on the forehead of them, they use to wear the dress like poor people and they use to make such face and condition that the people who may look at them may thik them as the people of the Almighty Allah although they do not use to be like this. (3) “Riya Bil Qol” ‫ ریا بالقول‬This kind of the show off use to be found in the people of the religion commonly. They use to make the sermons and the correction, they use to do the conversations full of wisdom and scholarly things, they use to try to make the signs of the depth


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of knowledge and geerai, they use to give the advice to do good deeds and use to stop people from doing the bad deeds although they do not use to act upon the good deeds by themselves and nor they use to avoid the bad deeds. Few from them use to give the gesture of being busy in the zikr and worry all the time. (4) “Riya Bil Amal” ‫ ریا بالعمل‬To offer the prayer with the sincerity and dedication just to show off, to do the charity and give always and to perform the hajj and umrah is included in the Riya Bil Amal. (5) “Riya Bil Shuyookh” ‫ ریا بالشیوخ‬The people who use to be involved in this disease they use to give the invitation to the scholars and mashaikh to come to them with the excuses and the shedding and then they use to do the propaganda that that and that shuyookh use to come to us. Just like this they use to do the discussion of the famous people most of the times so that the people may think this that the relations of them are with the big and great people.


.u bq

Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that there are three signs of the show off: (1) A person would be very much lazy in regards with the worship in the loneliness. (2) When a person use to be with the people so he may do the expression of interest and attention. (3) If someone would praise them so he may do the good deed more and if someone would have done the argue on them so he may get away from the good deed.

The disadvantages of showing off





(1) With the show off, the acts use to become false and the reward of it use to become wasted. (2) The show off person use to be cursed and blight in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. (3) The show off is the branch of one bad smelled tree which use to be present on the ground of the hear, the fruit of which will be expressed in the form of fear and sadness and in the form of the darkness of the heart and on the Day of Judgment it will be in the form of zaqoom and forever torment. (4) The show off person will have to face the humiliation in public on the Day of Judgment. (5) The show off use to change the good deeds in to the sins. (6) The show off use to be humiliated at last in the world also.

.u bq


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that on the Day of Judgment when the Almighty Allah will grant the gifts to the people so he will say that go to those people to showing to whom you used to do the worship. It is in the other hadees that there will be the presence of the scholar, wise man and the champion in the court of the Almighty Allah. The three of them will do the discussion of the acts of them. The Almighty Allah will say (that you are speaking lie) you have done all of these acts just to show off to the people, go and take the reward of them from them. (Mulkhasan)

The four names of the show off person



Some man said that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬, there will be the riddance on the Day of Judgment due to which work? He said: Do not do the fraud with the Almighty Allah. It was asked that what is the meaning of doing the fraud with the Almighty Allah? He said that, do the act on the command of the Almighty Allah, just for the Almighty Allah, not for anyone who is not the Almighty Allah. To do the act for anyone else apart from the Almighty Allah is to do the deception with the Almighty Allah. Get safe from the show off because, the show off is the shirk.


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The show off person will be called with four names on the Day of Judgment. O kafir, o fajir, o ghadir (fraud), o khasir, the act of yours has got wasted. The reward of yours has got finished. Today there is no part of yours and the one who use to do the fraud may take the return of his act from that person for whom you did the act. The narrator (companion) of this hadees said after swearing on the name of the Almighty Allah that I have listen this thing from the Prophet (peace be upon him by my own self. (Tambeeh ul Ghafileen)


Due to the show off, the good deeds becoming a bad deed


.u bq

Hazrat Sufyan Soori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that some person use to do the good deed and due to the purity of it he use to get famous among the angels and in the rejister of the lord, he use to gets mentioned as well. Then it use to happen like this that in the heart of the person the pride use to get produced due to this act, he use to do the discussion of that act again and again and time to time, till this point that, that act use to become the show off and the limit is this that in the register of the lord, that act use to become the sin.

The three forms of show off





The great people have told the three forms of the show off. (1) To do any act for the sake of the creation. This is completely clear show off and it is not permissible. (2) To leave any good deed due to the creation. This is also the show off. For example that any man came to the mosque for offering the prayer and some other person saw him so, now he has left offering the prayer…this is also included in the show off. (3) To hide any of the good deed due to the creation…this is also the show off..For example some man wants to offer the prayer so he use to look here and there that if someone might not be looking at me. When he use to get to know this that no one is watching me so then he use to offer the prayer and as he get to know that, that someone is watching me so neither he use to offer the prayer that it might not happen that the people would say me as a worshiping man so this is also the show off.


.u bq


In all of these three forms, one thing is common. It is this that he is doing the worship so for the creation, he is leaving the worship so for the creation, he is hiding the worship so it is also for the creation although the worship use to be only for the creator. He has kept the creation in front of him in all of the three conditions so all of this happened to be for the sake of the creation and this is the show off. Yes! This shall also be kept in mind that only the thought of the show off is not the show off because just like the sincerity use to be with the intention of one own self, just like that the show off also use to be with the intention. So if we have done the intention of making the Almighty Allah happy in the act of ours so the thoughts and the beliefs might come by themselves that, that some man will see. When this is not the intention so the show off cannot get stuck by its own self.

The treatment of show off


Do check the intention of yours before doing any act that there may not be any other person apart from the Almighty Allah. If anyone else is there so do the dua from the Almighty Allah that o the Almighty Allah! I am doing it only for the happiness of yours. If after this also, the bad thoughts


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may keep on coming that there is the show off in the act of yours so, do explain the internal self in this way that whatever was in my control, I have done that. The bad thoughts are not in my control so why I may pay attention towards them.

The fourth problem of the heart is arrogance

.u bq

The disadvantages:


The arrogance is this that the human being may think himself more in knowledge or in being religious or in family background and cast or in money and wealth or in respect or honor, or in intelligence or in any other aspect and he may think the other people as unworthy and humiliated.




.u bq




(1) The Almighty Allah use to say this that (‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب المتکبرین‬No doubt that the Almighty Allah does not use to like the ones who use to do the arrogance. (2) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that ( ‫ال یدخل‬ ‫ )الجنتہ احد فی قلبہ مثقال حبتہ من کبر‬That man will not get entered in the paradise in the heart of whom there will be arrogance even till the amount of one grain of the mustard meaning the pride of his own self. (Bukhari) (3) It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the man who will think the five things as unworthy will be remain deprived of the five things. (a) The one who will think the scholars as the unworthy, the faith of him will get destroyed. (b) The one who will think the wealthy people as unworthy, he will remain deprived of the benefits of the world. (c) The one who will think the neighbors as unworthy, he will remain deprived of the benefit of the neighbors. (d) The one who think the relatives as unworthy, he will be deprived of the love and affection. (e) The one who will think the wife of him as unworthy; he will be deprived of a good life. (Mmbhaat Ibn e Hijr Al Asqalani) (4) People use to hate the man who use to do the arrogance very much in the hearts of them although due to the fear they use to do very much hostility of them. (5) The man who use to do the arrogance does not use to accept the advice of any other person in fact he use to think the one as bad who use to say the correct thing and he use to give the pain to the one who use to do the advice. The arrogance is the biggest covering:

Sheikh Abu Saeed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that both the sky and the earth are the covering between the human being and the Almighty Allah and nor the throne. In fact the biggest covering of the man between the Almighty Allah is the arrogance and the pride ‫ﷺ‬. If these coverings may get removed from the middle so the human being uses to reach to the Almighty Allah by his own self.

The advice full of lesson



One day Ibn e Samak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to Caliph Haroon Ar Rasheed. The caliph felt thirsty, he asked for the water and he was just about to drink the water that Ibn e Samak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that O the leader of the true believers! Just stop for a while; first do tell this that if you may not get the water so, in the intensity of the thirst you will be able to buy one bowl of the water in how much price? Haroon Ar Rasheed said I will take it after giving half of my kingdom. Ibn e Samak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that now you may drink it. When he was done drinking the water so then he said that if this water


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may go in the stomach of yours and does not come out so, just tomake it come out what will you spend? The caliph said that I will give the remaining kingdom. Ibn e Samak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that:

Well! Do think this that the whole of the kingdom of yours has the price of the one sip of water and few drops of urine. So, never ever do feel proud on it and till where it is possible, do nice act with the people. It has been written in the Tareekh ul Khulfa that there was very much effect on Haroon Ar Rasheed of this thing and he kept on crying for very much long time.


To keep on doing the repentance till thirty years on little bit of arrogance


The treatment of arrogance



.u bq

Hazrat Siri saqti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said that continuously from thirty years I am busy in doing the astaghfar on saying only one thank you. The people asked that what do you mean by doing the astaghfar on being grateful. He said that one day there was the fire in the market of Baghdad from which my shop remained safe from getting burnt. At that time the word “Alhamdulillah” came out from my tongue. Then I got to realize that this has got clear from this that I do think myself as better than whole of the creation and I have no feeling of the pain of other people. On this mistake I am doing the repentance continuously. In this incident, there is how much thing to be worried on for those people who use to be happy on the pain of the other people.


.u bq



(1) The treatment of the arrogance is this that the human being may think upon the reality of him that I have been made with the sand and the impure water, all of the qualities have been given by the Almighty Allah if he may want so he may take right now. So just at this time, the greatness of the Almighty Allah shall be in front. (2) The man who has been thought as the unworthy, he shall behave with very much humbleness with him and he may do respect of him. The arrogance and pride will get out from the heart. Maulana Roum ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that do not see any non believer even with the eyes of humiliation because before dying, right now the hope is present for him to become a Muslim. But to think as unworthy does not mean this that the hatred shall not be done with the falsehood of him. (3) Whenever nay person may come in front specially the person of low status so he may do the salam to him by himself.

The fifth problem of the heart is misery The misery is one torment



To spend which thing is important according to the shariah, to do pettishness in it is called as misery. Hazrat Muhammad Bin Makdar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that, the ancestors used to say this that when the Almighty Allah want to give the punishment to anyone so he use to make the worst people of them as the leaders of them and he use to make the misery people take control on the business and finance of them. Hazrat Bashar Bin Haris ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that while looking at the misery man, the pettishness use to get produced in the heart and with the meeting of it, the


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The disadvantages


heart of a true believer use to become very much sad. It is the quote of the sister ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that there shall be the refuge of the Almighty Allah from the misery and miser man! If the miser would have been the shirt so I would never wear it and if it would have been any path so, I would never walk on it. (Ahya ul Uloom ud deen)

The treatment of misery






.u bq


(1) The Almighty Allah use to say in his holy book that (‫ )ومن یبخل فانما یبخل عن نفسہ‬and the one who use to do the misery, he use to do the misery with him. (2) It is not the status of a Muslim that he may do the misery and go to the hell due to it. The reason of the misery is the love of the wealth and the love of the wealth use to attract towards the world. Due to which the relation of the love of the Almighty Allah use to become weak and the miser use to look at the wealth of him with the eyes of wistfulness which he has gathered and forcefully by not even wising he had to do the journey towards the Day of Judgment and he does not use to like the meeting of his creator. It has come in to the hadees e pak that the man who does not use to like the meeting of the Almighty Allah at the time of his death, he is the one who will go in hell. (3) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one to whom the Almighty lord has given the wealth and he may not give the charity of it so on the Day of Judgment, the property of him will be made as the poisonous snake and will be put in the neck of him and it is obvious that to not give the charity use to due to the misery only. (4) It has been said in the other hadees that due to the misery, the people use to make the forbidden as permissible. Due to the misery the evil and wickedness use to get spread and he said that how much the misery use to erase the Islam, that much nothing else use to erase. (5) It is in the hadees that make you safe from the misery that it has made the previous nations destroyed. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that (‫( )بعید من ہللا بعید من الجنتہ بعید من الناس قریب من النار والبخیل‬The miser man is away from the Almighty Allah, away from the heaven, away from the people and is near to the hell.) (Rawahu Tirmizi)



.u bq


1. The way to get safe from being miser is this that whatever are the disadvantages of being miser for example the destruction of the Day of Judgment or defaming of the world, do think about them. 2. Do think this that the money is not to go in the grave along with the miser person. The wealth which has been given to human being in the world, the reason of it is this that it shall be spend on the needs of one own self and the wealth which may be more than your own need so put pressure on the nature of yours and give that thing to any other person. Whether there may be pain from it to the internal self and till when the effect of misery may not get out from the heart, keep on doing like this. 3. Do try at your fullest to take out the love of wealth from your heart and the way of it is this that does remember the death with abundance.


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The sixth problem of the heart is “The love of the world”

The examples of the world


The world is not only the name of wealth and money in fact all of the conditions before the death is the world. The life of the world is a game and pastime from it only most of the lethal diseases for example pride, arrogance, jealousy, show off, smugness etc. the greediness of these use to get produced.

‫نمی گویم کہ از دنیا جدا باش‬


‫بہر حالیکہ باشی با خدا باش‬


.u bq

The example of the cursed world is like a snake after looking at which a child use to become happy and he wants to play with it. But in reality it is one poisons animal which can sting the child at any time. One great man ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the example of the world is like a shadow. If you may run after it so it will be far from you and if you may show your back to it so it will come towards you after pulling. The meaning of it is not this that you may ignore the business of the world in fact do get the income with the permissible source and keep the religion on respectable level in every aspect


I do not say this that you may remain separate and alone from the world but in whichever condition you may remain, live after becoming the slave of the lord.


.u bq



Just like this that if the water may remain outside the boat so the boat use to keep on moving and if the water may come inside the boat so the boat use to get drown. Just like this if the world may remain in a pocket of a true believer so it is fine. But if it may become inside the heart so it is a complete lose and to which person the world may not make ignorant so that is the blessing for him just like it has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that (‫)نعم المال الصالح للرجل الصالح‬. The good income is a blessing for a pious man because if the man is pious so he will spend in the way of the Almighty Allah, in the poor people and in the good work and if he is involved in the love of the world so without taking care about the forbidden and permissible things he will gain the wealth and will press the rights of the people.

Do not become happy with the success of non believer


Whichever problem use to come on a true believer, even this that if he may feel the pain of getting a thorn, or whether he may get the pain more light than this so the Almighty Allah use to forgive the sins of this person in return of it. No one was able to make my problem easy in the world


The one who helped me in my problem he was my Lord


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.u bq



It has been mentioned in the narration that in the previous era one true believer and a non believer went to do the hunting of the fishes. The non believer put the net after taking the names of his lords and when he took it out so he got very much fishes and the true believer put the net after taking the name of the Almighty Allah of him but not even a single fish was caught. Even this that at the time o the sun set he caught one fish but it also went in to the water after going out from his hands and the true believer return back with empty hands. Although the non believer came back after filling the whole trunk of him. With this incident that angel also felt very much sad who was appointed along with the true believer. But when he went towards the sky so the Almighty Allah showed him the place of that true believer in the heaven. So the angel said after looking at it that I swear by the Lord that after getting this place, whatever problem or difficulty may come to this true believer, there is no loss of him. Then when he was showed the place of the non believer so he said that I swear by the Lord that after getting this place whatever he may get in the world, there is no benefit of it.


It is not possible to get safe from the death


To bear the diseases, to bear the pains use to make the sins of a true believer go away from him. The purification of him use to happen and a great reward is waiting for him on the Day of Judgment.


.u bq




It uses to be said that one man got the fear and danger of the death. He started running so a very much loud voice came to him that the death is not at the back of you but it is in the front. That man turned back quickly and started running in the opposite direction. The voice came that the death is not at the back of you but it is in the front. That man said that when I use to run at the back so then also the death is in front and when I use to run in front so then also the death is in front. The voice came that the death is along with you. It is inside you. Stop! You cannot go after running. Whatever place is of the life, all of that area is of death. That man said that now what shall I do? He got this answer that only do the wait, the death will come by its own self at that time when the life will get finish and the life will get finished for sure. One name of the life is the death. When the life uses to stop the act of it so it use to be said as the death.


That man did the question again that do show me the face of the death so that I shall be able to recognize it. The voice came that look in the mirror the face of the death is your own face. This only has to become the dead body, this same place has to be called as dead person, and it is not possible to get safe from the death. When the death is one unchangeable reality so why one shall make him resented after doing the sins and after gaining the forbidden world in this temporary world.

It is not bad to earn the wealth‌ the love of the wealth is bad


Good wealth is a good thing for a pious man. In the heart of whom there use to be the love and fear of the almighty Allah he will not spend the wealth of him with his own wish. Just like a man of the treasure does not use to spend the wealth of the treasure with his own wish whether ever day


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millions or billions of rupees may keep on going away from his own hands. Just like this, this is the command to a true believer that does not spend the wealth with your own wish. There we use to say do spend over there and where we may stop you from spending so do stop. This is the sign of the people of the Almighty Allah that they do not use to keep the wealth in the heart of them.

A strange incident

.u bq


Hazrat Mullah Jaami ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went out in search for any man of the Almighty Allah with the goal of his own correction and to make the heart of him to be populated with the love of the Almighty Allah. Some man told that Khuwaja Ubaid ullah Ehraar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is a great man of this era, you may go over there. This was the thought of Mulla Jaami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the people of the Almighty Allah use to be without any thing. When he saw very much status and luxuries at the place of Khuwaja Ubaid ullah ehraar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he became very much shocked and in that same spirit this sentence came out from his mouth that (‫)نہ مر د ست آں کہ دنیا دوست دارد‬


How can that man be the friend of the Almighty Allah who may keep the world as his friend (meaning his beloved)



.u bq




Then he saw in his dream that the ground of the Day of Judgment has been arranged and Hazrat Mullah Jaami ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been stuck near to the people who had rights. The people from whom he took the loan are also standing around him and the angels have been holding him that do give the rights of them and he is worried that from where I may give the right of them? During this he saw the travelling vehicle of Hazrat Khuwaja Ubaid ullah Ehrar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while coming. The Khuwaja Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that Oh, why you are irritating this great man? The angel told the reason to him. hazrat Khuwaja Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that do give from the treasure of mine. When the eyes of him got opened so he get to know this that he is great man of very much big level. Hazrat Mullah Jaami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ fell down in the feet of Khuwaja Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said to him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat! A mistake has been done by me do give me the forgiveness. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that do tell that what sentence did you say? He said that now do not make me say it again. When Khuwaja Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did insist to him so he repeated that sentence that (‫)نہ مر د ست آں کہ دنیا دوست دارد‬. Khuwaja Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that it is completely correct but add one more sentence along with it. ( ‫نہ مر د ست آں کہ دنیا‬ ‫ )دوست دارد اگر دارد برآے دوست دارد‬that man is not pious who use to keep the world as his friend (meaning beloved to him) and if he may keep the world beloved to him so he only shall keep it for the sake of his friend (meaning for the happiness of his real friend, the Almighty Allah). May the Almighty Allah give us opportunity to do the acts. Ameem.

The treatment of the love of the world



The way to take out the love of the world from the heart is this that the human being shall think the death of him and his property, wealth and children, relatives and close people all of them getting away from him in very much time.


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The seventh problem of the heart is “Greediness”

The disadvantages


The meaning of greediness is this that the heart uses to be busy along with the wealth and property of the world. It has been said in the hadis e paak that a human being use to keep on becoming old and two things use to keep on becoming young. 1) Greediness of the wealth. 2) The greediness of long life.


The treatment of the greediness


.u bq

Well, so the greediness is the root of all of the spiritual diseases. This is such disease which should be said as the mother of disease because due to this only the pugnacities and fights use to happen. The quarrels use to happen between the people. If there may not be the greediness of the wealth among the people so no one shall suppress the rights of the other person, the reason of adultery is also the greediness of enjoyment. It is the quote of intelligent people that the reality of all of the bad characteristics is the pride and the reality of the pride is the love of fame, this is the second name of the greediness.




The easy solution of the greediness is this that does reduce the expenditure of yours, do not do the greediness of unnecessary wealth and do think this that a man who use to be greedy, always use to become humiliated.

.u bq


The eighth problem of the heart is “Lavishness” The free wealth, the unkind heart



To spend without the need and to spend without the reason is called as lavishness. This is one great disease of our society in which most of the people use to be involved. Ma sha Allah the eating and drinking use to be continued to be very well but no care use to be done about the lavishness. Specially at the time of giving parties such scenes use to be seen very much in which very much lavishness and disrespect of the rizq use to be done. At first, the people who use to do the arrangements, they use to spend the money with their whole heart then rest of the thing use to be get complete by the people who use to eat. They use to put the rice in the plates over the gravy etc very much, now when they are not able to eat so they use to get up after leaving very much of the rice and gravy in the plate. This is that same thing that “the free wealth, the unkind heart”. Although the correct way of it is this that a little bit shall be eaten at first then put more and then eat it. in this way there will not be the lavishness and disrespect of the rizq. In fact in this way it has been


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become as a fashion these days to leave the food in the plate in the parties etc. in the holy Quran the people who use to do the lavishness has been said as the brothers of the devil on one more place. Just like this when the disrespect of the food will be done so the shortage will get produced in it.

The disadvantages of doing the lavishness


.u bq


1. The people who use to do the lavishness has been said as the brothers of the devil in the holy Quran (‫[ )ان المبذرین کانوا اخوان الشیطن‬Al- Asra: 27] 2. By doing the lavishness the human being does not use to become great in fact he use to become humiliated and dishonored. 3. This shall be thought before spending on any place that tomorrow on the Day of Judgment I will have to give the accountability of it and when this question will be done that the wealth was the gift from the Almighty Allah so why have you destructed it in vain? So what answer of it will be with me?

The different forms of doing the lavishness

The different (13) forms of lavishness



In the holy Quran the Almighty Allah as not restricted the lavishness along with any other thing. Meaning this that he has not said like this that it is forbidden to do the lavishness in the wealth, he did not mention the eating or wearing etc in fact he said in common way that you may not do the lavishness. So now under this lavishness it has got to know to do lavishness in everything.




.u bq



1. This is also one form from the forms of the lavishness that any man uses to gather the wealth but he does not use to do the safety of it. for example if that wealth is in the form of crops so on the basis of not doing the safety of it, the bad smell use to get produce in it or due to the reason of getting the waste material, the crops use to become damaged or the insects or bad smell use to get produced in it or else the rats use to come and make it damaged or the ants use to pick them and take them along with them or the food use to get rotten. 2. Some times their use to be the lavishness in the cloths that apart from one or two very much useless dresses use to be kept or very much blankets, sheets or mattress use to be kept on being there for the useless purpose and show off or different kinds of utensils of house use to be gathered and they use to be decorated in the big and huge cupboards. 3. One form of doing the lavishness is this also that the food use to be cooked more than the need and then it use to be fallen down after making it wasted or it use to be sold in the form of stale pieces or there use to be many kinds of the dishes on the dining table and then they use to be thrown in the dust bin. This is the worst lavishness, the answer of which will have to be given on the Day of Judgment. 4. One condition is this also that a man use to wash the utensil and fingers after eating the food with the water before licking them and the food which use to be there on the utensil and the fingers use to get wasted.


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.u bq




.u bq



5. Plus without picking up the pieces of the flat bread which are fallen on the food mat, to through them also use to come in the circle of lavishness in fact the sunnah act is to eat after picking up the fallen food and eating it by making it clean and to lick the fingers and the utensils. There are five benefits in it. (a) To be safe from the lavishness. (b) To be safe from the arrogance. (c) To be safe from the show off. (d) To gain the beatitude. (e) It is to act upon the Sunnah and way of Syed Al Mursaleen ‫ﷺ‬. 6. While taking bath does use the soup and just like it does use the lamp more than the need is also the lavishness. With this we got to know that if one may move out of limits in the other things of luxuries and comfort so then also it is the lavishness. In houses or in mosques to use the electricity more than the need is also the lavishness. 7. If the cloth of the coffin of the dead man shall be used of very much great kind or if the coffin shall be used more than the height of the dead man. 8. Just like this while doing the ablution if the water shall be used very much so all of this is included in lavishness. 9. If the human being may keep on eating after getting full even but yes if he may eat for the reason of the guest so it is not lavishness or if he may eat at the time of suhoor in Ramazan ul Mubarak so it is not any harm. 10. The lavishness also use to happen in wasting the time, in using the energy of body without any need and so use the tongue in the useless conversation. At the time of doing the ablution while doing the miswak, while rubbing the organs, to leave the tap remain open or to wash the organs more than the three times is also the lavishness. 11. This is also from the lavishness that the flat bread maybe eaten from the centre and the corners of it use to be thrown in the baskits of garbage and it shall be wasted. 12. To keep the food on the eating mat which is more than the need but this is also the condition in it that the food may get wasted or if the aim is to show off or to get the popularity so than it will be the lavishness. 13. This also use to come in the lavishness that any man may use the property of him in the tasks of sin, in it one sin will be gained by him of the lavishness and the other sin will be gained of this that he has done the dis obedience.

The treatment of the lavishness

The treatment of the lavishness can happen with the three ways.



1. One should appoint one guard on him who may keep on making him afraid about the bad end of the lavishness in the world and on the Day of Judgment. 2. One should keep himself in the control and may not spend without any use and he may try to bring the spending of him on the balance. The way of it is this that before spending on something first of all do think this that whether there is any benefit or not for me to spend over here. 3. Do compensate all of the reasons of the lavishness in your life.


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‫ال یؤمن احد کم حتی یکون ھواہ تبعا لما جئت بہ‬


The ninth problem of the heart is carnalism

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that no any man can become a Muslim till that time, till when the desires of him may not become obedient to this religion, to which I have brought.


.u bq


To like the thing which are against the shariah is said to be as the carnalism or desires of internal self. The big level of it is kufr and shirk due to which a person use to get out from the boundry of Islam and the lowest level of it is this that a person use to get stumbled with the wonderful obedience. The desire of internal self is such a bad thing that there is the loss of the world also in it and of the religion also. If one may do ponder on all of the disobedience so the reason of it will come out as the desire of internal self for sure. For example it shall be the time of Isha prayer, it was the night of winters, the human being was sitting in the bed and he slept and the prayer of him got late. The real reason of it is to not become uneasy in the rest, comfort of one own self and the desire of internal self only.

The curse of evil eye



.u bq




It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the adultery of the eyes is the lustful gaze and the adultery of the tongue is the conversation of immodesty. The internal self use to do the demands and the private part either use to do the approval of it or the rejection. There was one follower of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He saw one beautiful boy. He said that Hazrat! This boy is a non Muslim; will he also go in the hell? He said that it seems like this that you have seen him with the lustful eyes, now the curse of it will fall on you for sure. He was the one who had memorized the Holy Quran. Due to that one gaze he forgot the Holy Quran. To look any person with the lustful gaze is not only the evil eye in fact to look any person with the gaze of jealousy or to look any person with the gaze of humiliation so this is also the evil eye. It is also important to get safe from it.

The safety from evil eye


One great man used to stop the young people to look with the gaze of carnalism in a strange way. Sometime he used to say that o the young people when you may pass from any such place where the ladies may be uncovered so before passing from that place do take this decision that I have to pass from this place after making my faith safe or whether I have to pass by making it wasted. Sometimes he used to say that if the almighty Allah would say on the Day of Judgment that o immodest man did not you feel embarrass that we were watching you and then even then you looked on the non mehrum person.

The two pugnacities of the present era


Hazrat Sufyaan Soori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said that the boys who have become newly mature, ten devils use to keep on being with them. That is why the pugnacity of those boys who have become ewly mature is very much intense. That is why our great people have done very much care from the


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boys because a man use to feel embarrass from the ladies that if I will look to a lady so what will the people say and what will the ladies say by them own selves and with the boys the internal self use to make ten excuses that he is my verbally called son, he is the son of my sister, he is the son of my brother.

The intense torment on forbidden carnalism




.u bq


It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that whoever man use to touch any woman with the carnalism so on the Day of Judgment the hand of him will be tied to the neck of him. If he would have kissed her so both of his lips will be cut down with the fire of the hell. Then if he would have done the adultery so the thighs of him will speak and it will say that I did the act which has been forbidden so the anger of the Almighty Allah will become intense. When the Almighty Allah will look towards him with the anger so the meat of his face will fall down after becoming rotten. Then he will say that I have not done the adultery so the tongue of him will give the witness, the hands will give the witness that he held, both of his eyes will give the witness that we saw the forbidden thing, the feet will give the witness that we went towards the forbidden thing by walking, the private part will say that I have done the adultery and then the angels who are the safe guard, who use to be called as kiraman katibeen, they will say that we listened it, we wrote it. Then the Almighty Allah will say by his own self that oh cruel man I know it by my own self but I kept a covering on it. The command will be given that oh the angels! Do hold him and make him taste the joy of my torment, he did not even feel embarrass from me. For the proof of it there is the verse of the Holy Quran that (‫ )یوم تشہد علیہم السنتھم و ایدیھم و ارجلھم‬the day on which the feet and hands of them will give the witness by themselves.



The resentment of the Almighty Allah on looking to a non mehrum person



.u bq


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the people who use to do adultery will come in this condition on the Day of Judgment that the faces of them will be burning with the fire. Those people will be recognized due to the bad smell coming from their private parts. They will be pulled by their faces and thrown in to the fire. When they will get entered in the fire so the owner (guard of the hell) will make them wear the dress of iron. If the dress of iron of the one who has done the adultery shall be thrown for only a moment on a huge and big mountain so it would become ash. Then the owner will say that oh the group of zabaniya do burn the eyes of the people who did the adultery with the nails of fire just like they put the lustful gaze and they saw the non mehrum people and in the hands of them make the chains of fire of hell wear them just like these hands moved forward towards the forbidden act and in the feet of them make them wear the chains of fire just like they walked towards the forbidden act. The zabaniya will say that sure sir, sure sir! Therefore the zabaniya will put the chains in the hands of them, they will put the chains in the feet of them and the eyes of them will be made burned with the iron nails. They will say that oh the group of zabaniya do mercy on us and for a little bit of time only make the torment light on us. Zabaniya


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(the angels of torment) will say to them that what kind of mercy we shall do on you when the lord of the whole universe is resented from you.

The flames of the hell in the eyes of the one who use to put lustful gaze

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Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who use to put the lustful gaze the Almighty Allah will fill the eyes of him with the flames of the hell and the man who use to do the adultery with any woman so the Almighty Allah will make him get up from the grave while being thirsty, while crying and sobbing, depressed and while having the dark and black face. There will be the chain of fire in the neck of him and he will be made to wear the dress of qatraan (charcoal). The Almighty Allah will not even address to him, he will not even make him purified and there will be the painful torment for him.

The disadvantages of lustful gaze




Just like this one incident happened in Israel. When one rich Jew got the heart attack at that time when the one to whom he called to the room of one hotel, call girl came out to be his own daughter. In the costel area Elaat of Israel a forty eight years old Jew business man called one call girl while staying in a hotel. Well at that time he got a great shock when the call girl who entered in to the room of him after opening the door came out to be his own daughter. The Jew business man was not able to bear this shock and he got a heart attack. He was taking to the hospital quickly where he accepted this painful incident with his own wife. The wife of him started crying very much after listening this.

The treatment of the lustful gaze



1. The lustful gaze is the base of all of the evils. 2. The one who use to put the lustful gaze use to get involved in the great sin like adultery. 3. By putting the lustful gaze false thoughts use to get produced in the heart and the mind.

.u bq


One great man in the series of Chishtiya use to say that all the praise is for the Almighty Allah! I have done the practice for many years to adopt the habit of keeping my gaze down that I have never seen any man even with the peak of my gaze. I did the decision in my heart that whether I will be addressing to a man or a woman I will always talk to them while lowering my gaze. Therefore I did the practice of it properly and till many years I did not talk to any person ever while raising my eyes. Slowly and gradually I got the habit of it so now sometimes at the time of talking I use to raise my eyes in front of the man but that is also very much less.


I have done my liver as water after being in the problem of depression till many years


Is it easy to be involved in pain by your own self


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The derogation and the curiosity


The tenth problem of the heart is curiosity and derogation

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The derogation and the curiosity (to remain checking other people) these are such great sins to which we have even left thinking as the sins although in the Holy Quran it has been mentioned in a clear way that it is forbidden to do the derogation against the other person also and to be curious meaning to remain checking the other person that what false act is he doing and to fined the false of other people is also forbidden. In the Holy Quran it has been said in the clear words that ( ‫( )و ال تجسسوا‬Al Hujrat 12)


Do not remain in the curiosity of other people. This is the task of a true believer that if he may see any fault of his Muslim brother so he should hide it and not this that he may chase after the faults of any person and put a check on him.



If some scandal has come in front about any person so a person should do this that he should think good about it. It is an intense sin to do the derogation even about any Muslim man. It used to come in hadis e paak that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that (‫( )ایاکم و الظن فان الظن اکذب الحدیث‬Bukhari and Muslim) be safe from the derogation because the derogation is the most lie thing from all of the things.

Few of the derogations use to be sin.



To think without any reason that he would have done like this, this is the derogation about which it has been said in the Holy Quran that (‫( )ان بعض الظن اثم‬Al hujrat 12)

.u bq


Today in our lives both of these sins are common that every person use to make one judgment by his own self about the other man and then he use to do believe on it in such a way as if he has seen him while doing that work with his own eyes. When a little bit of thing came in to his knowledge so then he use to build a castle of false judgments on about him by his own self and he will relate it to the other people that he would have done like this if we people may get the tension of our own faults that after going to the Almighty Allah what will be my end, what will be my condition on the Day of Judgment so the eyes cannot fall up on the faults of other people. Bahadur Shah Zafar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say that


When we were unaware from our own faults

So we kept on looking at the faults and talents of other people


When we looked up on our own faults So nobody was remained bad in the eyes


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The important and strong rule of sufism which use to be strict on the internal self even is this that the derogation shall be kept with your own internal self and good thoughts shall be kept about the other people.

Do not give the opportunity of doing the derogation to any person

.u bq


Plus we should do this that we may be safe from such conditions and such matters due to which the people who use to remain with us and the ones who use to look may have the derogation. Do not adopt such way in your acts and actions, walking style and dressing style and in your conversation from which the people would get the victim of derogation because it is not a good thing even to live after becoming bad person in the eyes of the people. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to be safe from all of the sins. Aameen.

Make the other people get safe from the sins




.u bq




One very much big muhaddis and great man has been passed who is famous with the name of Suleman Aamash and he is also the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. All of the books of the ahadis shareef have been filled with the narrations of him. In the Arabic language Aamash is called as the chandhy. One student came to him and that student was (‫ )اعرج‬meaning he was gammy. He was handicapped from the feet. He was such student who use to be with the teacher all of the time. Just like it use to be the habit of few students that all of the time they use to be around the teacher. Where the teacher is going over there the students are also going along with him. He was also like this. Therefore when Imam Aamash ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to go to the market so this gammy student also used to be along with him. In the market the people used to pass the comment that look that the teacher is chandha and the student is gammy. Therefore Imam Aamash said to the student of him that when I use to go to the market so you may not go along with me. The student said that why? Why should I leave the company of yours? Imam Aamsh ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that when we use to go to the market so the people use to make fun of us that the teacher is chandha and the student is gammy. The student said that (‫ نؤخر و یا ثمون‬،‫ )ما لنا‬Hazrat the people who use to make fun, let them make fun it is because of this that due to the result of them making fun we use to get the reward and they use to get the sin. There is no loss of us in it in fact there is the benefit. Hazrat Imam Aamash ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ said in the reply that (‫نسلم و یسلمون خیر من ان نؤجر و یا ثمون‬


O brother! They will also get safe from the sin and we will also get safe from the sin. This is better than this that we may get the reward and they shall get the sin. It is not obligatory or wajib to go along with me and neither there is any loss even in not going with me. In fact there is this benefit that the people will get safe from this sin. That is why do not go to the market along with me from now onwards.


This is the knowledge of religion. Now apparently the idea of the student knew to be correct that if the people use to make fun so they may keep on doing that but the man who uses to have the gaze of mercy on the creation of the Lord, he does not use to put so much gaze on the mistakes of the creation. In fact he uses to think that how much it is possible I may make the creation safe from


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the sins. It is better that is why he left to go to the market. Well the place where this danger shall be there that the people will express more rigidness so in that condition it use to be better to not say anything.

The heaven is along with the unpleasantness






.u bq


It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that when the Almighty Allah created the heaven so he said to Jibrael ‫ علیہ السالم‬that go and look to the heaven. He looked to it after going there. Then he came back and said to the Almighty Allah that O my Lord! I swear by the honor of yours that whoever will listen the description of this heaven he will get in to it for sure. Meaning that he will try his best to reach in to it. Then the Almighty Allah made it surrounded with the unpleasantness meaning that he kpt the limit to follow the commands of shariah to act on which is disliked by the internal self. Then he said that Jibrael now look after going. Therefore he went and looked to it. Then he came back and said that o my Lord! I swear by the honor of yours that now I have this fear that no one will be able to go in it. Then when the Almighty Allah created the hell so he said to Jibrael ‫ علیہ السالم‬that Jibrael go and look to the hell. He went and looked to it. Then he came back and said to the Almighty Allah that o my Lord! I swear by the honor of yours that whoever will listen the description of it, he will get safe from getting entered in to it. Meaning that he will try his best to be safe from it. After this the Almighty Allah surrounded the hell with the desires of the internal self. Then he said that Jibrael now go and look. He went and looked to it. Then he came back and said that o my Lord! I swear by the honor of yours, I swear by the great status of yours! Now I have this fear that no one will be able to be safe from getting entered in to the hell. (‫( )من یطع الرسول فقد اطاع ہللا‬Al Nisa verse number 8)

.u bq


The man who did the obedience of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬he did the obedience of the Almighty Allah.



The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that there are six kinds of people on which I use to send the curse. In them one is (‫ )التارک لسنتی‬the one who use to leave the Sunnah of mine (Mustadrik Hakim)


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The fifth way of correction of the internal self is to follow the Sunnah

Meaning to spend the life of morning till evening along with the Sunnah and to get the secrets to gain the ontologism of the Lord. The importance and significance of following the Sunnah The knowledge of following the Sunnah in a hadis e mubarika One reflection of love with Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

          

The exemplary spirit in following the Sunnah Do learn the life of Sunnah from the people of the Almighty Allah To become fainted on doing the opposition of Sunnah The Sunnah is the source of getting riddance in the grave Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the importance of the Sunnah The incidence full of lessons on doing the humiliation of the Sunnah To become an animal on doing the dishonor of miswak The curse of doing dishonor of the hadis e paak The rules of faith related to the Almighty Allah The rules of health The rules of dress






.u bq


  

.u bq


The fifth way of the correction of the internal self is to follow the Sunnah The three kinds of acts

According to the intention there the acts are of three kinds.


1. Maasi (the acts of sin) 2. Ta’aat (the acts of piousness) 3. Mubahaat (the permissible acts)

Ma’aasi: With the good intention you cannot give the form of a good deed to a sin. In fact in the act of sin to do the good intention is a sin and sin.


Ta’aat: The acts of piousness are dependent upon the intention in their health and related to their reward. The act which is with the good intention will get included in the worship although the


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.u bq



intention of showing of arrogance will push this same act towards the sin. In one worship many of the intentions of good deed use to increase the reward and gift of it. For example to sit in a mosque is an act of piousness but different intentions can be made in it. 1. The intention of meeting and greeting with the Almighty Allah because the mosque is the house of the Almighty Allah. 2. The intention of waiting for the prayer. With this intention till when he will remain in the mosque so it will be thought like this that he is in the prayer only. 3. The intention of nafli aetikaaf. 4. The intention of being attentive towards the Almighty Allah, to be avoidant from the places of sins and to produce the tension of the Day of Judgment. 5. The intention of making yourself attentive completely for the zikr of the Almighty Allah after becoming ignorant to the creation. 6. The intention of giving the command of good deeds and to stop from the bad act because in the mosque at the time of gathering on will get to meet very much people who use to be aware with the religion, to learn from them and one will get to meet with many people who use to be unaware with the religion one will get the opportunity to make them learn even. 7. The intention of coming in the company of pious people. 8. The intention of getting safe from the sins. When he will come to the masjid (the house of the Almighty Allah) so while becoming embarrassed he will not walked upon the commands of the devil. It has been mentioned in the Marqaat sharah Muishkaat that thet mosque is one strong fort to be safe from the devil so just in only one work of piousness a person will keep on doing how much intentions of good deeds, that much more the reward will although keep on getting increased.




.u bq




Mubahaat:The permissible acts, they can also be included in the Ta’aat (good deeds) with the good intention. Just like to apply the perfume is one disliked act. If it shall be applied with the intention of pride and arrogance or if it shall be applied with the intention of making the strange ladies attracted towards one owl self so to apply this sin fragrance will become a sin and on the Day of Judgment this fragrance will turn out to be much more worthy of hatred than the smell of a dead thing and if this same fragrance shall be applied with the intention of following the sunnah, if the respect of mosque is the aim, if one would have to make other people safe form the pain (so that the other people may not feel bad with the bad smell) so this one permissible act will get included in the good deed and it will become the source of reward. May the Almighty Allah give us true understanding. Aameen. That is why along with the spirit of doing the good deeds there should also be the spirit to beautify and protect the good deeds.


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The three rights of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬


The importance and significance of following the Sunnah


There are countless rights of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬on his nation but the respectable scholars have described the summary of all of those rights in three big rights. If these three rights would get fulfilled so as if all of the rights have been fulfilled.

.u bq

1. The right to be followed and obedience 2. The right of love 3. The right of honor


The right to be followed and obedience

The right of love


The meaning of obedience is to do the following and the meaning of following is to accept what has been said. The relation of obedience is with the acts and words of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the relation of following is along with the commands and quots of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

The right of honor




Such following of the commands of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is not demanded just like one has to do the following of leaders of common world forcefully in fact that obidince is required which shall be the result of respect and love. Meaning that there shall be so much of respect and love of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in the heart that due to it a person shall be forced to do the following of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

.u bq


On the nation the respect and honor and admiration and tribute of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said to be necessary also.

The knowledge of following the Sunnah in the Holy Quran In the Holy Quran the Almighty Allah is giving us the command to follow the Sunnah again and again. How much embarrassing thing it will be for us if we may not do the act now even.



1. (‫( )لقد کان لکم فی رسول ہللا اسوۃ حسنتہ‬Ahzaab verse number 28) for you people the entity of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬is a great example and it will remain always. 2. (‫( )وما آتاکم الرسول فخذوہ وما نھاکم عنہ فانتھوا‬Al Hashar verse number 7) And whatever the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to give to you, do take that and from wqhich thing he may stop you, do stop from it. 3. (‫( )من یطع الرسول فقد اطاع ہللا‬Al Nisa verse number 8) The one who did the obedience of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬he has done the obedience of the Almighty Allah.


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The knowledge of following the Sunnah in the ahadis e mubarika




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1. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that at the time of dispute in nation the one who use to act upon the sunnahs of mine will be like this that the one who use to take the flame in his hand. (Kanzul Aamaal) 2. It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that all of my nation will get entered into the heaven but the one who refused. It was asked that who will do the refusal. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that the one who will have done the obidince of mine will get entered in to the heaven and the one who will have done the disobidience of mine so he has done the refusal. (Bukhari) 3. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that whatever command shall I gave you may hold it and from which I shall refuse you so you may be stopped from it. 4. The Propeht ‫ ﷺ‬has said that (‫( )ال یومن احدکم حتی یکون ھواہ تبعا لما جئت بہ‬Sharah Al Sunnah). No one among you and become a true believer till that time when the desire of him may not become obedient to this religion which has been brought by me. 5. Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to quote from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who would have kept holding the sunnah of mine strongly, he will get the reward of thousand martyres that I am leaving two things for you people if you will keep on holding them so you will not get misguided at all. The book of the Almighty Allah and the sunnah of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫( ﷺ‬Mauta Imam Malik, Mishkaat) 6. Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬use to narrate that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that there are six kinds of people on whom I use to send the curse. In them one is (‫ )التارک لسنتی‬the one who use to leave the Sunnah of mine. (Mustadriq Hakim) 7. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who made my Sunnah alive, he has done love with me and the one who has done the love with me, he will get entered with me in the heaven. (Kanzul amaal) 8. It has been written in the shara tul Islam that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who has done the protection of my Sunnah, so the Almighty Allah will do the respect of him in four things. A) He will produce the love of him in the hearts of pious people. B) He will put the fear of him in the hearts of sinful people. C) He will make the rizq of him broad. D) He will produce the strongness in his faith. (Reference from Shamail)

One reflection of love with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬



1. When Hazrat Hubaib ( ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was made to stand on the place of hanging so all of the non Muslims and non believers started saying that do you like this that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬would be in your place and you may get safe? He said that I swear by the Almighty Allah! I do not even like this thing that in the foot of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬even a thorn may get stuck and I shall be left safe. (Al Badaya wal Nahaya) 2. In ghazwa e Uhad Hazrat Abu Dajana ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬made the back of him as the safety for the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬. the arrows used to get hit on it and he did not use to even move. (Zaad Al Meaad)


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The strange and weird incident of one lover of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬


.u bq



3. One companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬cleaned the injury of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬after sucking it. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to him that does spit it. He said that I swear by the Lord! I will never ever spit it. (Zaad ul Meadd) 4. Zaid Bin Harisa ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say that on the day of ghazwa e Uhad the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬sent me to search for Saad Bin Rabee ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and he said to me that if you may see him so say my salam to himand say that the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬ use to say that how do you find yourself? (Meaning that what is your condition). He says that I started roaming among the people who were killed. Then I reach to him then it was the last time of him and there were seventy injuries of arrows and swords and blade on the body of him. I said to him that O Saad! The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬is saying Salam to you and he is asking that what is your condition. He said that go and say Salam to the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and go and say to him ‫ ﷺ‬that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬I am getting the fragrance of the heaven and say to my nation Ansar that if something might happen to the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬in this situation that from among you one eye even can do the act so in the court of the Almighty Allah no any excuse of yours will be beneficial and then his soul got departed. (Zaad Al Meaad)


.u bq




Hazrat Maulana Wajihuddin Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was from the close people of Aalim Rabbani Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He went for doing the Hajj. After reaching to the Madina Munawwarah when the duration of the visa started getting finished so his gave the application in the related office to increase the duration of the visa. They said that do bring the reason of it also after writing that for what reason you want to stay over here more. He wrote in the box of that reason that (‫ )للوفات‬meaning that I want to get the duration of the visa to be increased for having my death over here. Well the staff of the office saw the filled area and increased the visa for 15 days. Then one or two days were remaining in completing the fifteen days so he got present on the rozah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and did the request that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬Now the duration is just about to get end. Now at least call me towards yourself. So just before the duration got finished he died over there.

The wish to become blind after doing the ziyarat


Hazrat Behrul Uloom Hafiz Muhammad Azeem Al Mutakhallas Ba Waiz (from 1205 Hijri till 1275 Hijri). He was also famous with the name of Hafiz G Sir Ganj waly. He was the Imam Khateeb and Mudarris of Jama e Masjid Ganj.


This area of Pishawar has got famous with the name of Hafiz Muhammad Azeem. The condition which was there of the love of him with the Hazrat Muhammad who was the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that is beyond the ability to write. Once upon a time he got the opportunity to have the holy look of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬so he said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah


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‫ ﷺ‬after getting the opportunity to see the beautiful looks of yours these eyes do not want to look some other person now. When he woke up so he had already become blind. Very much beautiful and big eyes of him were now with out any light.


All the praise is for the Almighty Allah! What was that love of Muhammad? It was the result of that same love and affection that the Almighty Allah granted him with the knowledge of Ladni. Without the ability to see he spent whole of his life teaching and studying. He remembered all of the volumes of sahah Sitta verbally. In 1275 hijri which was 1958- 59 AD he died. On the funeral of him the crowd of the people was with so much abundance that the people of the city were shocked that from where this has so much human beings have come.

.u bq

The love with Mustufa ‫ ﷺ‬of a snake


At the time of migration the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬were staying in the cave of Soor. During this time one snake was stinging while coming out from a hole. After looking at the snake Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬kept the foot of him on the mouth of the hole. When the snake was not able to come out so it stung on the foot of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬.





When the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got to know so he said to Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that do remove your foot. It use to be told that the snake was from the nation of Hazrat Esa ‫ علیہ السالم‬who did the request form Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬that I want to do a meeting with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬ said to it that you cannot get to see him in your present form. That is why with the source of the dua he was made as a snake and it was told to him that go in the cave of Sour over there you will get to see him at the time of migration. (Manfozaat Faqeeh All Ummat)

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The respectable companions were the lovers and devotee of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and they did not even use to be hesitated even a little bit to sacrifice the lives of them on the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but this love was not only external in fact the affect of this love was being reflected clearly in the form of sunnah in their acts and in their characters.

The spirit of obedience of the respectable companions

‫رضی ہللا عنھم اجمعین‬




This was the condition of every single person among the respectable Hazraat companions ‫رضی ہللا عنھم‬ that in their way of living and wearing, in their sitting and getting up, in their sleeping and waking up, in their eating and drinking in all of the situations of these they wqere not able to bear any such thing which would be against the personality of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. whether what was the program of them used to be there, if they used to get to know that this is against the personality of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so they did not even use to be late for even a minute to leave it. Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬sent Hazrat Hasama Bin Saahiq Kamaani ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬to the king of Roam Harqal by making him as a ambassador. When he reached to the court of Harqal so for the respect of him Harqal made him sit on one chair of Gold.


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Hazrat Hasama ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that in start I sat on that chair in the condition of carelessness but when I got the feeling that this is the chair of gold os I quickly got up from it and stand up. Harqal laughed on this act of mine and asked that we did the respect of yours through this chair. Why have you got up? I said in the rply that (‫ )انی سمعت رسول ہللا ﷺ ینھی من مثل ھذا‬I have listened by my own self from the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has stopped to sit on anything like this of gold. (Kanzul Amaal)


The interest to follow the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibn e Umar

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

The respect of sunnah by Abu Zar Ghafaari

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


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When Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar May used to go to Makkah Mukarrama from Madina Munawwarah so he used to take rest under one tree. Someone asked the reason of it so he ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ said that I have seen the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬while taking rest over here). That is why I also use to do the obedience of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Naafe ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that Hazrat Ibn e Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to do very much following of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The place on which the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬offered the prayer, over there he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to offered the prayer. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬took rest under one tree so he ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ used to do very much care of that tree and he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to give water to it so that it may not become dry. (Kanzul Amal)



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It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that when you may get angry so if you are standing so you may sit down and if you are sitting so you may lay down, the anger will keep on going. Syedina Abu Zar Ghaffari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was giving water to his garden, one man did such act that the mouth of the tube got broken and the water started flowing after coming out. Hazrat Abu Zar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬became angry but quickly he remembered the quote of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. He‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬happy sat over there in the water and dirt, all of his cloths became dirty but he did not bear to be late in completing the command of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. it is the teaching of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that if anything which is to be eaten may fell down on the gorund so do not leave it because this is to disrespect a blessing, the devil use to be happy with it, you may not make the devil happy in fact if the bite have fallen down so pick it up and eat it and if the dust has been stuck to it so make it clean and eat the rest of it. When Hazrat Huzaifa ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬picked up the bite in the royal court so some man argued on it and he stopped him so he said that (‫ )ا اترک سنتہ حبیبی لھو الء الحمقاء‬shall I leave the sunnah of my beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬just because of these stupid people.

The examplary spirit in following the Sunnah



In the respectable companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬the spirit of doing the obedience of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was like this that you and I cannot even think about it. the incident of one companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬has been written that whenever he used to come out after taking a bath so he used to wish this that he may also take out the line in his head just like the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to take out but as the hair of him ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ were short curly and rough just like they use to be of the people of Habsha that is why the line was not able to come out in them. that companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to remain very much sad because of the reason of not being able to act on this sunnah that my head does not have the similarity with the holy head of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. one day the stove was on that companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬took one rod of


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iron, he made it hot on the fire and he rubbed that rod in the middle of his head. Due to this hot rod the hair and skin of his head got burned from which the wound became. The people started saying that why have you bear so much pain? He said that after this pain I have got very much happiness of this thing that my head has got the similarity with the holy head of my beloved ‫ﷺ‬.

The people following the Sunnah of ‫ ﷺ‬in the eyes of strange people

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Sunnah has been said to the pure life of our beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. every desirable person should do this that in his life he may learn every single Sunnah and do acxt on it. not only the close people gave the witness of pure life of our beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in fact the strange people and the people of other religions also keep the relation of how much affection with him, I may present few examples of it in front of you otherwise on this topic there are very much books present. It is a matter of being how much sad for us that even then also we leave the pure Sunnah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, what shall be said to it. The ignorance of ours and the love of other people, or something else!




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1. I have spent most of the time of my life while reading the stories of lives of famous people. I can say with complete faith that Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is such a great level human being that the human being as compare to him is not able to be seen in the history of this land. (Professor Chanka Raam, Book The life of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ 2. There is no doubt in this that from all of the leaders there is not even such whose stories of life are in more detail and are more true than the stories of life of Prophet ‫[ ﷺ‬John Dawin Port, Pology for Muhammad and the Quran] 3. Wherever a Muslim uses to go, the teachings of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬use to be along with him, they use to do affect on other people. At the morning, after noon, evening the call of command of Islam (Azaan) use to get loud and the heads which use to bow down before in front of the stones and animals now they use to bow down in front of the Almighty Allah. Islam has raised the status of character of human being. (the religion Islam by Joseph Thomsan) 4. I am habitual to go through the religion of the world. I have also gone through the Islam. The founder of Islam has given the pure teachings of great character which has shown the human being the path of truth and has given him the teaching of equivalence. I have also read the translation of the holy Quran there is not only beneficial things and guidance for the Muslims in fact for all of the people (the witness of Mahatma Gandhi) 5. Carloyal has written while doing the praise of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that with the mission of him the base of kingdom of the whole world and their government and greatness got shook and a new era of culture got started. Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬blew such spirit in Arabs who were living backward than whole of the world from which they became powerful.


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Do learn the life of Sunnah from the people of the Almighty Allah To follow the Sunnah is a source to gain the peace






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There is a great storm happening in the ocean, it is on its peak, the waves are moving furiously, the lightening is happening, the clouds are thundering, one man is sitting in the ship, he is very much afraid, he is thinking this that now this ship will get drown and we are not able to get safe. In this same condition while shivering and getting afraid he went to the room of captain. What he sees is this that the captain is laying on his bed with very much comfort and he is reading the news paper. That man said just after entering that Sir! You are doing wrong, the ship is stuck in the storm and high waves, there is the intense danger of getting drowns and you are laying down in your room with comfort. The captain said this while giving the answer very much peacefully that you seem like a new traveler. It seems like you have never done the journey of ship in the ocean ever before. He uses to do the trips everyday just like this. Every day there use to be this ocean and these high waves. There use to be these high tides and dark nights. Our compressor is working in a correct way, the bowler of our ship are doing their work with full energy, you do not be worried, we will reach to our desirable destiny at morning at 7 o clock, you may go and lay down with comfort. With this it has been known that a true believer whose direction is towards the qibla and the relation of him is with the one who is of Gumbad e Ghizra and he is the one who walk upon the sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬what is the tension to him and what is the fear to him. The ship to sale which there is Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬it can never ever drown, whether how many waves may come and whether the night may be dark even.

The good news due to following the Sunnah



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1. Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil was from the most famous caliph of Hazrat Khuwaja Noor Muhammad Mahaarvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. he used to take very much care of following the sunnah. Before some days of his death, he saw Hazrat Muhammad, the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬in his dream. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that ( ‫تو مارا ابسیار خوش‬ ‫ )کردی کہ ہمگیں سنتہائے مارا زندہ کر دی‬I am very much happy from you that you have made my all of the sunnahs alive. 2. To become fainted on doing the opposition of sunnah: It is famous about Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that once upon a time while coming out of the washroom he kept his left foot outside by mistake so at the spot he got fainted that the opposition of hadis e paak has been committed by me because the command of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is this that at the time of getting entered in the washroom at first keep the left foot inside and at the time of coming out first take out the right foot and I kept at first my left foot outside while coming out. Well there was any reason and there was some love and attachment with the Almighty Allah and with the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that due to a little bit of mistake even he got fainted otherwise I and you use to keep on doing such mistakes all the time and we do not even feel ashamed.


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If we even feel ashamed so then also no any question gets produced to be fainted or to fall down with the fear of the Almighty Allah. The hearts of such great people used to be filled and full with the love of the Almighty Allah although apparently they do not use to have the kingdom and luxuries and armies. 3. Hazrat Khuwaja Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the importance of sunnah: Hazrat Khuwaja Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬forgot one sunnah at the time of doing ablution and he offered the prayer in that same condition. At that same night he saw Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ in his dream. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said O Fuzail Bin Ayaz it is a thing of great shock that the mistake happened in the ablution. Hazrat Khuwaja ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬woke up from his sleep due to the fear and he performed the fresh ablution from the start and as the compensation of this mistake he made five hundred rakat prayers obligatory on his own self till one year. 4. The sunnah is the source of getting riddance in the grave:Allama Zain ul Aabideen Bin Rajab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in the “The conditions of the grave” that once upon a time one such man came to him who was a thief of coffin but now he was away from this bad act and he was standing the life of piousness after doing the repentance. Allama zain ul abaideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that you used to steal the coffins of the Muslims and you have seen the condition of them after their death, do tell this that when you used to open the faces of them so the direction of them used to be towards which thing? He gave the answer that most of the faces used to be away from the direction of the qibla. Hazrat Zain ul Abaideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got very much shocked because while a person burry the face of a Muslim use to be done towards the direction of the qibla. He asked about this thing from Imam Auzaaii ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so first of all Imam Auzaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬recited (‫ )انا ہلل و انا الیہ راجعون‬three times then he said that these are those people who used to move their faces away from the sunahs in their lives. One important thing is this that among the respectable companions ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ there was not the difference of this thing that which sunnah is small and which sunnah is big in fact near to them every single sunnah was great, that is why thye use to do the arrangements to act upon all of the sunnahs. The reality is this that by doing a little bit of arrangement there use to be a collection of good deeds in the book of rewards of the human being that is why one should do the efforts to act upon the sunnahs. 5. The effort of king Alamgir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for sunnahs:The war of Alamgir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is happening with the Shewa G that during this the grocery of shewa g got finished. He did the discussion with the mother. The mother said that do the discussion with Alamgir ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ . He said that he is the enemy. He said that he is the enemy for sure but he is a strict follower of the religion. It is in the religion of Muslims that (‫( )المستشار موتمن‬Mishkat Shareef). The advice should be given correct, that is why he will give the correct advice. Therefore he asked for the advice that the grocery has been finished what should I do? He said that do friendship and then do the preparations. When the preparations will be done do the war after that. He said that will you do the friendship? He said that yes. He said till how much time? The answer was given that till ten years and then Alamgir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the command to his army to go back. The officers asked him that why it is like this? He


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said that it has been mentioned in the holy Quran that (‫ )الصلح خیر‬that it was asked that then why you gave him the time of ten years? He gave the answer that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did the friendship at Sulah Hudaibia till ten years and there is the success only in following the respectable Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. 6. The effort of Hazrat Zakariya Multani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for sunnah:Once upon a time Hazrat Sheikh Bahau ddin Zakariya Multani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to the convent so over there some of the followers were doing the ablution that all of the followers got up for the respect of him while leaving the ablution as in complete and did him Salam but one follower stood up after doing the ablution complete and did the respect of him then. He said that you are the most greatest from all of the followers and you are pious because you are the one to take care about the Sunnah. (Sair Al Arifeen) 7. The inclination with the recommended food: Hazrat Sheikh Bahau ddin Zakariya Multani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬always used to eat the food along with the travelers, guests and pious people. Once upon a time one very much big group of poor people was along with him in eating the food. He ate one bite along with every single person. He saw one man that he is eating while soaking the flat bread in the food. He said that all the praise if for the Almighty Allah! From all of these poor people this poor man use to know to eat food nicely because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the sareed has that same importance on the food which I have on all of the Prophets and Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬has on all of the ladies (Fawaed ul Fawaed and Sair ul Arifeen) 8. The following of shariah by Hazrat Sultan Bahu ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬:Sultan Bahu ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was himself a follower of shariah and in his teachings also he used to give very much emphasis on following the shariah. Once upon a time he said that if any man may walk against the Sunnah even equal to a hair at that same time all of the blessings of him used to get finished. He use to say in one of his own couplet while saying all of his internal greatness as the result of obedience of shariah that (‫پیشواۓ خود شریعت سا ختم‬ ‫)ہر مراتب از شریعت یا فتم‬ ‫علیہ‬ ‫ہللا‬ ‫رحمہ‬ 9. The respect of sunnah by Bayazeed Bastami : Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ use to say this that I did the decision that I may do the dua from the Almighty Allah to finish the desire of the food and woman but I was thinking this that the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has not done like this so why should I do such work which is against the sunnah (then I did not do like this) but the almighty Allah fulfilled the desire of my heart. Now this is this condition that when a lady use to come in front so I do not even pay this much of the attention that whether this is a wall or a lady. 10. The following of sunnah by Hazrat Abu Bakar Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Abu Laheeb Bin Maqatil Behzaaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that I was sitting at the place of Hazrat Abu Bakar Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ (he was present at the time of his death). Jafar Kheri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him about the condition of death of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the tongue of Shibli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got stopped, the sweat came on his forehead so he said to me to make him do the ablution with the use of signs. I made him do the ablution but I forgot doing the rinse in his beard. On this he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬held my hand and entered the fingers of mine in his beard and rinse it. after


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listening this Jafar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬started crying and said that what should be said about that man who did not even let doing rinse in the ablution at that time when the tongue of him was close and the forehead was filled with sweat and he did not even let one sunnah go away with his hands. 11. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the importance of the Sunnah: Once upon a time one man lived till two months with the famous and great friend of the Almighty Allah. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. one day he was just doing the decision of going back that Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to the room of him according to his habit and he was doing his packing for going back. This man became very much shocked that how much strangely hospitality and humbleness is there in the nature of these people that apart from so much of the popularity and great status he is busy in doing my service. At the time of doing good bye Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that why did you come. He said that I listened this that you are a very much big friend of the almighty Allah and you are a great man who use to have wonders but I have not seen any of your greatness after coming here. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that have you even seen any act which is against the sunnah. He said that no. on this he said that this is the greatness and the real wonder that any of our act shall not be against the sunnah. 12. The efforts of doing sunnah by Peer Meher Ali Shah Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Once upon time Hazrat Peer Meher Ali Shah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to perform the Hajj. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much tired and he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also had pain so he slept after reciting only the farz of the prayer of the Isha. In his dream he got to see the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he said that Meher Ali you have offered the farz and you have left the sunnahs of mine. When you have even left the sunnahs of mine so what will be the condition of the rest of the people? He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬woke up quickly so the state of crying happened to him very much and he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬kept on crying till long time. After that he completed the prayer of Isha. 13. The efforts of doing the sunnah by Imam e Azam ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Once upon a time one thousand pairs of shoes came to Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬as a gift. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ distributed them among all of the people at the same time and with coincidence at the evening the son of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Hazrat Hammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had the need of the shoe so he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ got them from the market and gave them to him. The people became very muchs hocked that Hazrat so much of the shoes came to you, you distributed all of them. he ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ quoted the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that when the gift shall come from any of the person so the people around him also use to be included in that gift, that is why I distributed all of them. how much effort are insisters used to do that the almighty Allah may give all of us the true love like them to decorate each and every sunnah in our life and to act upon each and every hadis e paak. In reality these people were not just to say in fact they were the one who use to show after doing. Hazrat Shah Abdul Azeez Muhaddis Dehlwi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to write that the one who use to think the Sunnah liked and he did laziness in acting upon it so he will get the punishment of being deprived with the faraiz. May the Almighty Allah


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give us the opportunity to understand the importance of each and everySunnah and to act upon each and every sunnah. Amen!


The horrible incidents on doing the disrespect of the sunnah To become an animal on doing the disrespect of miswak






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1. Allama Ibn e Kaseer ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has mentioned in his book Al bidaya wal Nihaya that one man who was named as Abu Salma who was from the tribe of the place of Nasra and he was very much brave and immodest. In front of him when the discussion of importance and significance and respect of miswak came so he said while doing the promise just because of his anger and wrath that I will use the miswak in my private place (may the Almighty Allah keep in his safety). Therefore he moved the miswak in his private place ans showed after fulfilling the promise of himself and this how he did the matter of disrespect and dishonor with the miswak. As a result of which in a natural way just after nine months the pain started happening in the stomach of him and then one bad faced animal who was liked a wild mouse got produced from the stomach of him which was having the tale of the size of one foot and four inches, four feet, head like a fish and four teeth which were coming outside. Just after getting birth this animal shouted three times on which the daughter of him moved forward and she killed that animal after crushing the head of it an on the third day this man also died. It was said by him that this animal has cut me and my intestines. This incident took place in 1660 and one big group of people who use to live around this place observed this by themselves in which there were the Khutba of this place also included. 2. The curse of doing the disrespect of the hadis e paak: The common people use to be the victim of misunderstanding due to not being able to understand the difference between the correct and weak ahais shareef and just after listening weak about any of the hadis e pak after thinking it as unworthy to act upon it, they use to do the disrespect of it. that is why there is the need to do very much care in this regard. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that while getting the pichny in the day of Saturday and Wednesday there is the danger of getting the lukoderma. One man said this hadis e paak as weak and intentionally he got the pichna on the day of Saturday. The result of which happened this that he got involved in the lukoderma. After some days he got to see the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and he started doing the complain of his disease so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that just how you did now bear that. Why did you got pichna on the day of Saturday? He said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that the narrater of this hadis e paak was weak. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that but he quoted the hadis e paak of mine. He said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that mistake was done by me I do the repentance. After listening this the Prophet


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of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬did the dua at the morning when the eyes got opened so there was not even the mark of the disease. Just like this the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that after sleeping the prayer of Asar there is the fear of losing the intelligence and it is in one hadis e paak that the one whose piece of shoe may get broken so till when he may not make it correct so till that time he should not walk at all while wearing one shoe only. Just like whateverthe doctors of spirituality may say do not find the logics in it do accept it without any argument or debate because in these matters there are countless secrets and private things, the qualities of which are not able to come into the understanding of each and every person. (Tableegh e deen by Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬






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3. The horrible incident of doing the dishonor of hadis e paak: Hafiz Ibn e Hajar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ has written in Fatah Al Baari that there was one very much big Muhaddis in Damishq. Thousands of students used to come to him to study the hadis e paak but the face of him always used to be covered. One student use to say that after studying many years with him one day on my questioning again and again he showed me the face of him. I saw this that the face and the head of him was completely like a donkey. The teacher said that O Son! Never ever do the disrespect of the Ahadis e paak of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬because once upon a time I felt a doubt in this hadis e paak that no any person from you should move forward then the Imam in going into the Ruku and in getting up from the Ruku otherwise the Almighty allah will make the head of him like the head of the donkey. I did the doubt in happening in this thing and (just for an experience) I moved forward then the Imam so just as a result of doing this act the condition of my face became like this which you are seeing. 4. The horrible end of the one who made the fun of the hadis e paak:This narration and proverb of Ahmed Bin Shoib has been written by Allam Ibn e Qeem ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the book Maftah Daar Al Saada by looking from the book majaalisa which has been written by Ahmed Bin Marwaan Maliki. Ahmed Bin Shoib use to say this that we were studying the hadis e paak from one muhaddis in the city of Basra. One day the discussion of this hadis e paak happened that the angels use to spread the wings of them under the feet of the students of religion. In this gathering one motazmi man was present (Motazla has been passed as one group of people, the people of this group do not use to accept such ahadis e paak). That motazli man started making fun of that hadis e paak and said that I swear by the Almighty Allah! Tomorrow I will put long and big nails in the lower part of my shoes and I will crush the wings of the angels from them and give them the pain and injury. Therefore he did like this and when he walked just a little bit after wearing the shoes which was filled with the iron nails and blades so quickly both of the legs of him became dry and very much lethal abscesses got produced in them. 5. The immediate punishment on doing the joke with the hadis e paak: Imam Tibrani ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ use to say this that I have listened this thing from Abu Yahya Zakariya Ibn e Yahya Saaji ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He has told that we were going in few streets of the city of Basra to one Muhaddis (with the intention of listening and studying the hadis e paak from him). we


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started walking with little bit fast speed. One funny man was also along with us who was immodest and weak in regards to the religion. That man said just in a way to do joke and do fun that do pick up the feet of yours it may not happen that you may break the wings of the angels. Just this was said by him that he remain stuck on that same place, he was not able to move from his place and at the same time both of his legs became dry and he fell on the ground. 6. To be consistent on the Sunnah is much greater than the wonder: The one who does not use to follow the Sunnah, who is the one who use to fly in the air, he is involved in the leniency by the Lord and he cannot be greater than the one who use to follow the Sunnah. The example of it is like this that just like the prime minister is not able to fly an air plane but one pilot is able to fly the air plane and also make the prime minister sit in it and make him to the journey so the level of whom is greater. Sometimes the one who use to fly an aero plane use to be a non Muslim and the one who use to sit in that air plane use to be the friend of the Almighty Allah. Do learn one Sunnah everyday:



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One should spread the Sunnah very much that by spreading the Sunnah the evilness and the disobedience of the Almighty Allah will get finished by their own sleves. In the life of every day from the morning till the evening there are thousand kinds of relations of us. We are the father of anyone, brother of anyone, husband of anyone, relative of anyone, friend of anyone and neighbor of anyone. Just like this we are stuck in thousand kinds of matter. So just while being inside the limits to fulfill the right of every single person is named as shariat, school of Sufism and Sunnah. I may try to mention the common sunnahs in the service of you friends so that after reading them one spirit and interest may get produced in ourselves and I do request very much from every single salik of siries of Qadri Hajweri that he may keep on reciting and keep on spreading these sunnah again and again and keep on bringing them in his life because without it every single man is a failure and unsuccessful. May the Almighty Allah make us loaded with the sunnahs of internal and external condition inregards with his pious people. Aameen!

The rules of faith related to the Almighty Allah There are three basic faiths. 1) Oneness of the lord. B) The Prophethood. C) The Day of Judgment.

The oneness of the lord


It is a grerat favor of the Almighty Allah that he has made us as Muslims. That is why we should know this that what are the faiths of Islam? And the most important thing for a Muslim is to gain the knowledge of correct faith. Without the correction of the faiths the faith does not remain.


1. The Almighty Allah is one. 2. He is not depandant upon anyone.


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3. Only the Almighty Allah is worthy of worship. 4. There is no partner of the Almighty Allah. 5. The Almighty Allah use to know every single hidden thing. 6. The Almighty Allah is from forever and he will remain till always. 7. No anything is like him. 8. He is alive, he is the most strong. 9. The whole of the universe has been produced with the command and power of him. 10. The Almighty Allah is pure from the nose, ear etc meaning from the face and form of human being.

The rules of dogmas related to the Prophets

‫علیہم السالم‬




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1. All of the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬are true, it is obligatory to accept every single of them to do the disrespect of anyone Prophet or messenger (May God forbid is kufr) and with it the acts of whole of the life use to get wasted and that person use to become worthy of the punishment of the hell forever. 2. From the creation of the almighty Allah, the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬used to be the most pure great and superior and they use to be innocent and pure from all kinds of the sins before and even after the Prophethood. All of the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬are alive in their own graves. The almighty Allah used to give his miracles to his Prophets. 3. Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the leader of all of the Prophets. Our Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do the most worship and obedience of the almighty Allah. The almighty Allah gave him ‫ ﷺ‬the most knowledge. 4. The first Prophet of all is Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬and the last Prophet and messenger is Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. now after Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬no new Prophet will come. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the Prophet for all of the human beings and the ghosts till the Day of Judgment. 5. The Prophets which were sent for the correction of the people, the quantity of them is one lac and twenty four thousand according to a famous narration.

The holy names of the famous Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬:

By searching in the books, the names of which Prophets following.

were known they are mentioned as


Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Sheesh ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Shoeb ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Barjees ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Yunus ‫علیہ السالم علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Sulemaan ‫(علیہ السالم‬He was also a king and a messenger too) Hazrat Hood ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Daod ‫علیہ السالم‬ Hazrat Al Yasee ‫علیہ السالم‬


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

‫علیہم السالم‬


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10. HazratAyub ‫علیہ السالم‬ 11. Hazrat Zul Kifl ‫علیہ السالم‬ 12. Hazrat Hazqeel ‫علیہ السالم‬ 13. Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬ 14. Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬ 15. Hazrat Haroon ‫علیہ السالم‬ 16. Hazrat Khizar ‫علیہ السالم‬ 17. Hazrat Zul Qarnein ‫(علیہ السالم‬according to few scholars he was also a king and a messenger too) 18. Hazrat Yaqoob ‫علیہ السالم‬ 19. Hazrat Yusuf ‫علیہ السالم‬ 20. Hazrat Yusha Bin Noon ‫(علیہ السالم‬he was the niece of Hazrat Moosa ‫)علیہ السالم‬ 21. Hazrat Shamoon ‫(علیہ السالم‬Shamoil do come as a name also and after Hazrat Yuseh ‫علیہ السالم‬he was sent in a nation also) 22. Hazrat Daniyaal ‫علیہ السالم‬ 23. Hazrat Hanaaniya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 24. Hazrat Armiya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 25. Hazrat Azariya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 26. Hazrat Mashael ‫(علیہ السالم‬22 till 26 they were sent in the era of Bakht Nasar King) 27. Hazrat Idrees ‫علیہ السالم‬ 28. Hazrat Ilyaas ‫علیہ السالم‬ 29. Hazrat Zakariya ‫علیہ السالم علیہ السالم‬ 30. Hazrat Yahya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 31. Hazrat Saleh‫علیہ السالم‬ 32. Hazrat Loot‫علیہ السالم‬ 33. Hazrat Uzair ‫علیہ السالم‬ 34. Hazrat Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬ 35. Hazrat Ismail ‫علیہ السالم‬ 36. Hazrat Ishaq ‫علیہ السالم‬ 37. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬ 38. The last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

The rules of faith related to the Day of Judgment

Hazrat Imam Mehdi will appear. The appearance of Dajjal. The arrival of Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬. The arrival of Yajooj and Majooj.


1. 2. 3. 4.


It is our faith and belief that the Day of Judgment will happen, almost the small signs of the Day of Judgment have been completed and big signs are remaining uptill now which are mentioned as bellow:


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Apart from these there are many other signs also.


5. The sun rise from the west. 6. The arrival of one animal. 7. The coming out of the smoke. 8. The ruling of habshi people. 9. The wind will blow very fast. 10. The coming of one loud noise.




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We have to get up again after the death, there is the presence in the court of the Almighty Allah, there is the heaven, there is the hell, the people who are non believers will be thrown in the hell forever, the people who are Muslims that whose sins will be more, they will also be thrown in the hell for a little time, those people whose sins will be less and good deeds will be more, they will be made to be entered in to the heaven forever. The relation of all of these things is from the faiths and the faith use to be in the heart that is why the relation of the faith is from the heart.

Rules of the health



Few people of the Almighty Allah have written the rules to spend the life in a beautiful way after doing very much effort. For sure on doing act upon which the person will cover the heights of the ontologism which use to be gained by very less people only. May the almighty Allah give the reward to those respectable scholars according to his great status. Aameen.


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The summery of these teachings is being presented by me in the service of yours in a brief way and today I may also do take the decision and you also may do the decision that after today we have to spend our life according to the Sunnah and we have to live on it and die on it only. May the Almighty Allah make all of us consistence.


Always do decorate the life with the beautiful and good character, smile and with a lively heart, keep it attractive and healthy, remain far from anger, depression and tension and worry, jealousy, arrogance, short sightedness, bad intentions, dead heart and frustrations of the mind. These are the diseases of the characters and the frustrations of the mind use to affect the abdomen in a very much bad way and the problem of the stomach is the worst enemy of the health. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do remain simple and straight, do adopt the balance way and remain healthy and happy. (Mishkat) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Haris ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that I have never seen any man more smiling than the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.


1. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked while looking an old man who was walking while ragging himself that what has happened to this old man? The people told that he did the promise to go to the house of the Almighty Allah by walking. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that the lord is ignorant with this that this old man may make himself involve in the tormant and give the command to that old man that do complete the journey of yours by getting on any vehicle.


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2. When Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬saw one young man while walking in a lazy speed so he picked up his belt and said while making him afraid that do walk on the path along with the complete energy. When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to walk on the path so he used to keep very much fixed step and he used to walk along with full energy in such way that as if he is going down in any depth. (Tirmizi) 3. Once upon a time some Muslims were presented in the service of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to meet him. The teeth of them were becoming yellow due to the reason of non being clean. When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saw them so he said that why are your teeth looking yellow? Do the miswak. (Masnad e Ahmed) 4. Do not put the weight on the body of yours which is more than the strength to bear. Do not waste the physical energies, this is the light of the physical energies that the safety of them shall be done and the work should be taken with them according to the strength of them in a balanced way. 5. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do that much of act only how much strength is inside you to do it. It is because that the lord does not use to get tired this that you yourself may become tired. (Bukhari) 6. Always spend a live of effort, hard work, struggle and courage. Do have the habit to bear all kinds of hardships and do fight with intense situations and do the arrangement to spend a life of struggle and simplicity after becoming very much strong. Do not become lazy, sensitive, comfort lover, low courage, luxurious and the one involved in the world. When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was sending Hazrat Maaz Ibn e Jabal ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬after making him as the governor of Yaman so he gave him the advice that Maaz! Do make your self from loving the comfort. It is because that the servants of the lord do not use to be the lover of comfort. (Mishkat) 7. Do have the habit to control your internal self; do have the control on your feelings, thoughts, desires and wishes. Do make your heart safe from getting misguided, your thoughts to get spread away and your gaze to become lustful. With the misguidance of the desires and with the lustfulness of the gaze, the heart and the mind use to become deprived with the peace and comfort and such faces use to become deprived with the beauty and attraction,prettiness and good looks of young age and with the attraction of qualities of male gender and then they use to be proved as less courageous, hopeless and wicked in every aspect of the life. 8. Do eat the food on time always, be safe from eating very much, and never ever eat more than the hunger. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that a true believer uses to eat in one intestine and a non believer use to eat in seven intestines. (Tirmizi) The health is dependant on the health of the stomach and by eating very much the stomach use to become damaged. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has made it clear like this in one example that the stomach is like a pond for the body and the veins use to keep on getting alive with this pond. So if the stomach is correct and healthy so the veins will also go back alive with health and if the stomach is itself damaged and sick so the veins will go back while sucking the disease. (Behiqi) the


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Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has also said this while giving importance to eat less that the food of one man is enough for two people. 9. Do eat simple food always; do eat the flat bread of the flour which is not stained. Do prevent to eat very much hot food even. Do prevent with the spices, sour taste and the taste which is more than the requirement. 10. Do eat such food which shall be simple and easy to be digested and from which the body may get the health and the energy. Do not run after the tastes of the tongue and just for enjoyment. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to like the flat bread of the flour which did not use to be stained. He not use to like very much thin and the flat bread of the flour. He did not use to eat very much hot food from which the smoke uses to come out. In fact he used to wait for it to cool down. 11. Do take rest after the food of noon for some time and do walk for a little bit of time after eating the food at night and after eating the food never ever use to do any intense kind of mental or physical work. It is a famous quotes of the Arabic language that (‫)تغد تمد تعش تمش‬ when you may eat the food of noon so lay down, when you may eat the food of night so do the walk. 12. Do keep the dress and bed clean; do take care about the ablution and bath for the cleanliness of the body. The cleanliness of the body, plus and all of the things which are of made and with the purity of them the soul also use to get peace and comfort and the body also use to get the freshness and the joy and collectively on the health of a human being there use to be a very much pleasant effect of it. 13. Do take care about the cleanliness and safety of the teeth. By keeping the teeth clean one use to get the comfort and here use to be the good effect on the digestion and teeth use to remain strong. Do have the habit to do the miswak, and do also keep the usage of manjan etc also. Do not make the teeth damage with the abundance of pan or tobacco etc. after eating the food even does clean the teeth very much nicely. When the teeth use to remain dirty so different kinds of the diseases use to get produced. That is why it was the routine of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that when he used to wake up after sleeping so he used to clean his mouth with the miswak. (Mutaffiqun Alaih) 14. Do take care completely about the purity, hygiene and cleanliness. It is in the holy Quran that the Lord use to make those people beloved to him who uses to remain very much clean and pure. (Al Tauba) and it is said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the cleanliness and purity is half of the faith. 15. Do recite this dua also of the Prophet ‫ و اعوذبک من العجز و ( ﷺ‬،‫اللھم انی اعوذبک من الھم و الحزن‬ ‫ و اعوذبک من الجبن و البخل و اعوذبک من غلبتہ الدین و قھر الرجال‬،‫( )الکسل‬Abu Daud) O lord! I give myself in the protection of yours from the tension, from the depression, from the helplessness, form the sluggishness and laziness, from the weight of the loan and with this thing that the people may keep me while controlling over me.


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The rules of the dress








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1. At the time of wearing a dress do think this that this is that blessing from which the lord has granted the human being only. The other creations are deprived from it. Do thank the lord on this unique gift and blessing and after becoming overwhelemed with this unique gift never ever do the ungratefulness of the lord and never do the act of disobedience, the dress is a great sign of the lord. When you may wear the dress so make this feeling fresh and do the expression of feelings of thankfulness after reciting the recommended dua. 2. The best dress is the dress of the fear of the Almighty Allah. The meaning of the dress of fear of the Almighty Allah is also the purity of internal self and also the dress of external prevention. Meaning do wear such dress which shall be the dress of the pious people near the shariah, from which there may not be the expression of pride and arrogance, which shall not be the source of similarity for the ladies with the men and not even for men to be similar to the ladies. Do wear such dress after looking at which this shall be felt the one who is wearing the dress is a good and god fearing human being and the ladies should take care of those limits in wearing the dress which the shariah has appointed for them and the men may take care of those limits which the shariah has appointed for them. 3. If it is possible so do wear white dress, white dress is more recommended for the men. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do wear white cloth, this is the best dress. Only the white dress shall be worn in the life and the dead people shall be buried in the white cloths only. (Tirmizi) 4. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that there are three kinds of people that the Almighty Allah will not even talk with them on the Day of Judgment and neither he will look towards them and nor he will make them clean and pure and make them enter in the heaven. In fact he will give them the intense harmful torment. Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬asked that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬who are these failure and unsuccessful people? It was said that the one who use to hang the cloth of him below his ankles in due to the pride and arrogance. The other is that man who uses to mention his favor and the third is that man who wants to promote his business with the support of false promises. (Muslim) 5. Do wear the dress according to your level and status always. Neither wear such dress from which there shall be the expression of pride and show off and you may feel arrogant after thinking the other people as unworthy and show off the wealth of yours and nor do wear such dress which shall be much more expensive from your level and you may get involved in the sin of lavishness and do not even stay like becoming so much bad condition that all the time the face of yours may keep on becoming like a beggar and apart from having every thing you may seem like a deprived person. In fact do wear the decent and clean and pure cloths according to the level and status of yours always. 6. Few people use to keep on being in very much bad condition after wearing the cloths which are torn and old and has raged and do think this as a piousness. Not only this but in fact they think those people as involved in the world who use to wear the clean and pure cloths


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The 13 rules of the path


which are also decent although this faith of piousness is worthy of getting the correction. By reciting this dua at the time of wearing the cloths the sins of past use to get forgiven. (‫( )الحمد ہلل الذی کسانی ھذا من غیر حول منی وال قوۃ‬Mishkat)






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1. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to keep big and long steps and he used to keep the feet after picking up, he never used to walk after dragging his feet. 2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to bow his holy body in front side at the time of walking just like as if any one is getting down towards a low land from the height. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to walk with a little bit fast speed along with decency and he used to keep the body of him very much active and well mannered and he did not use to look to left or right while walking. 3. Do walk after wearing the shoes always, do prevent to walk and roam without the shoes. 4. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that no any man shall walk after wearing one shoe only. Either a man should walk after wearing both of the shoes or else do walk after taking off both of them. (Shamail Tirmizi) 5. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬never used to express his unique status while walking with his companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ . Most of the time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to walk at the back of the people and sometimes just being informal he also used to walk after holding the hand of his partner. 6. Do also take care to fulfill the right of the path. Do take care about six things for fulfilling the right of the path. 1) Keep your gaze low. B) Do remove the sins from the path which use to give the harm. C) Do give the reply of the Salam. D) Do give the advice of the good deeds and do stop from the bad things. E) Do show the path to the misguided and lost people. F) Do help the ones who are involved in the problem. 7. Always do hold the companionship of good people in the path, do prevent to walk along with the bad people. 8. On the path the man and woman should not walk after mingling with each other.the woman should walk on the corner after getting away from the centre of the path and the man should do this that they shall walk after being away from them. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that this can be even bear to get hit with the pig which is filled in the dirty bad smelled and rotten mud and filled with the sand but this is not a thing to be bear that the shoulders of any man shall hit with any strange woman. 9. When the decent ladies shall walk on the path with any maid so they shall hide the body of them, the dress of them and every single thing which is of decoration and make up very much nicely with the abaya or a big sheet and do keep on putting a veil on the face. 10. Do not walk after wearing any such jewelry from which at the time of walking the voice may get produce or do walk with slow speed so that the voice of it may not make the stranger attentive towards them. 11. The ladies should not walk on the path after applying the fragrance which uses to get spread. About such ladies the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has sent very much intense words.


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The duas to be recited in the market place




1. When you may go to the market so do recite this dua. ( ‫بسم ہللا اللھم انی اسئلک خیر ھذہ السوق و‬ ‫ اللھم انی اعوذبک ان اصیب بھا یمینا فاجرۃ او صفقتہ خاسرۃ‬،‫)خیر ما فیھا و اعوذبک من شر ھا و شر ما فیھا‬ 2. It has been said by Hazrat Umar Ibn e Khattab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the

The (13) rules of travelling


man who may recite this dua while entering in the market so the almighty Allah will write ten million good deeds in the book of acts of him. He will forgive ten million sins of him and he will make his level high till ten million. ( ‫ لہ الملک ولہ الحمد‬،‫ال الی اال ہللا وحدہ ال شریک لہ‬ ‫( )یحی و یمیت وھو حی ال یموت بیدہ الخیر وھو علی کل شیی قدیر‬Tirmizi)




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(1) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when used to go on the tour by himself or when he used to send someone on the tour so in a general way he used to think the day of Thursday as appropriate. (2) Do not do any journey alone, if it is possible so at least take three people with you. Once upon a time, one man got present in the service of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬after doing the journey of a very faraway place so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked from the traveler that who is along with you? The traveler said that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah, ‫ ﷺ‬no any person is along with me, I have come alone. So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that the alone traveler is the devil and the two travelers are the devils in fact the three travelers are the travelers. (Tirmizi) (3) The woman should always do the journey along with the mehram man. (4) You should do the best behavior along with the travelling partner of yours and do try this that with any of the act and words of yours he may not get any physical or mental pain. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the leader of nation uses to be the servant of them. The man who use to move forward than the people in doing the service of others, if there can be any person to move forward than him in the good deeds so he is only the one who may get the martyr in the way of the Almighty Allah. (Mishkaat) (5) On the completion of the need of the journey, do hurry in coming back to the house. On coming back from the journey, do not come back suddenly without doing inform, at the night time do not come to the house, do give the news from before. Otherwise, offer two rakat of nafil in the mosque and give the time to the members of the house that they may become prepared very much nicely to welcome you. (6) If the animals are along with you on the tour so, do take care about the comfort and ease of them also. (7) If few people are doing the journey so, make one of them as the leader of yours. Although every person should keep the ticket of him, the money which is needed and the other important things in his own custody. (8) When any person may come back from the journey so, do welcome him and do shake hands with him while saying the words which use to express the love while taking care of the need and situation or so the hug also.


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The duas of the journey






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1. When you may sit on the vehicle and the vehicle may start moving so, do recite this dua. ( ‫ اللھم انا نسئلک فی سفرنا ھذا البر و التقوی‬-‫سبحن الذی سخرلنا ھذا وما کنا لہ مقرنین و انا الی ربنا لمنقلبون‬ ‫ اللھم ھون علینا سفرنا ھذا و اطوعنا بعدہ اللھم انت الصاحب فی السفر و الخلیفتہ فی االھلء‬-‫و من العمل ما ترضی‬ ‫اللھم انی اعوذبک من و عثاء السفر و کابتہ المنظر و سوء المنقلب فی المال و االھل و الولد و الحور بعد الکور و‬ ‫( )دعوۃ المظلوم‬Muslim, Abu Daood, Tirmizi) 2. When a car, bus or air plane may move on the height or do fly so do recite this dua. ( ‫اللھم‬ ‫)لک الشرف علی کل شرف ولک الحمد علی کل حال‬ 3. When the night may come during the journey on some place so do recite this dua. ( ‫یا ارض‬ ‫ربی و ربک ہللا اعوذ باہلل من شرک و شر ما خلق فیک و شر ما یدب علیک و اعوذ باہلل من اسد و اسود و من‬ ‫( )الحیتہ و العقرب ومن شر سا کنی البلد ومن والد وما ولد‬Abu Daood) 4. And when a person may come back to his home from the journey so do recite this. ( ‫اوبا اوبا‬ ‫( )لربنا توبا ال یغادر علینا حوبا‬Hussain Hussain) We have to back towards our lord only and there is the repentance only from the lord, such repentance which may not let the expression of any of the sin remains on us. 5. At the time of sending someone on the journey do request him also to do the dua for you and do him good bye also while giving him this dua. (‫)استودع ہللا دینک و امانتک و خواتیم عملک‬ (Hasan Hussain)



The prayer of respect of the people of the Almighty Allah

When Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to sit to do the ablution for offering the prayer so the holy face of him used to become yellow and when he used to stand up for the prayer so, it used to be difficult to recognize him due to the change of the color. The people used to ask to him that O the son of the Prophet ‫ !ﷺ‬What such condition does happens to you? So he said that o people! The prayer is the time to be present in front of the Almighty Allah, who will be such stupid human being who would laugh and smile and play at the time of being present in front of the lord of the world. Who will be present in the court of him. (Awarif Al ma’arif)

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The condition of Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of standing in front


The prayer is the reason to extinguish the fire of the hell


Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to offer every single day and night the prayer of one thousand rakat nafil. One day he was offering the nawafil in the house of him that the fire got burn in his house. The people started making the fire extinguish but he kept on offering the nafil prayer along with that same devotion and interest. When the fire got extinguish so he became free from the prayer. The people said that sir! The house got the fire burned in


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it, we people were busy in making it extinguish but you did not even care? He said this that you people were making this fire extinguish and I was busy in making the fire of the Day of Judgment extinguish. (Roz ul Rayaheen, Hawat ul Haywan, Khazeenat ul Asfiya)

The snake even was not able to bring the disturbance in the prayer


It is the experience of the life of the people of the Almighty Allah that the man who will do the practice of offering the prayer till few days after taking care about the rules, he will get the prayer of complete friends of the Almighty Allah. May the Almighty Allah grant all of us the prayer of the companions, people of the family of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the complete friends of the Almighty Allah ‫رحمہم ہللا علیہ‬. Murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the man who use to take care about the protection of the gaze and the protection of the hands in the prayer, the merciful Allah use to grant the devotion to the prayer of him and outside the prayer, he use to beautify the life of him.

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The twenty five rules of the prayer



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Imam Talha Safii ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written that once upon a time, in the place of the worship, the devil came in the form of a snake so that he may enter disturbance in the devotion of Ali Ibn e Hussain ‫(رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Imam Zain ul Abideen) it pressed the finger of the foot of him in its teeth but not even a little bit of the difference came in the devotion of him. At last, he became embarrassed and stood up while going far and then this voice became loud in the air three times which was saying this that (‫ )انت زین العابدین انت سید الساجدین‬only you are the decoration of the worshiping people, only you are the leader of the ones who use to do the sijdah. (Asah Al Tawareekh) Hazrat Jaffar Sadiq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that when my grandfather Hazrat Zain ul Abideen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do the recitation of the Holy Quran so the people used to come by getting attracted from the good tone of him till this time tat a large crowd of the people used to get gathered around him and the audience used to become so much unconscious that they did not even use to have any news about each other. This is only the choice of few of the incidents. How did the prayers of these people of the Almighty Allah become so much alive, there is very much great effort and struggle at the back of it. In the following, the rules of offering the prayer are being written, on doing practice on which, the prayer of us will also become alive and great in sha Allah.



(1) Do take care completely about the purity and cleanliness for the prayer. (2) Do offer the prayer after wearing the clean and clothes of decency. It has been mentioned in the Holy Quran that ( ‫یبنی‬ ‫ )ادم خذوا زینتکم عند کل مسجد‬O the sons of Adam! At the time of every prayer, do get along with the beauty of yours. (3) Do offer the prayer along with the regularity of the time. It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the man who will offer the prayer along with the first takbeer till forty days, along with the group of people, he use to be made safe from the hell and the evil both. (Tirmizi) (4) The first row of the group of people who are there for praying is like this that as if it is the row of the angels. The group of two people is better than offering the prayer alone. (Abu Daood) (5) After getting straight from the ruku, do stand straight along with the comfort. (6) Do recite this


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dua also in between the two sijdahs. (‫( )اللھم اغفرلی و ارحمنی و اھدنی و اجبرنی و عافنی و ارزقنی‬7) The man who use to offer the prayer in a nice way, the prayer use to give the duas to him that the lord may do the protection of yours even just like you have done the protection of mine. (8) The worst of steeling is the steeling of the prayer. The people asked that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬How any person use to do the steeling during the prayer? He said that if he uses to do the ruku and sujood as incomplete. (9) Do start doing the preparation of the prayer just after listening the voice of the call of prayer and do reach to the mosque from before the time after doing the ablution and do sit in the row with silence and wait for the prayer. (10) Do also recite the call of the prayer even along with the interest and spirit. (11) After offering the prayer of one time, do wait for the other prayer with very much discomfort and interest. One day some people were waiting for the prayer of Isha after the prayer of Maghrib. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬came and he ‫ ﷺ‬came while walking with so much fast speed that the breath of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬became short. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that O people! Do become happy. The lord of yours has made you in front of the angels after opening one door of the sky and said while feeling proud that look, my slaves have offered one prayer and they are waiting for the other prayer. (Ibn e maja) (12) Do remember the lord with the devotion of the heart and do offer the prayer after becoming attentive towards the Almighty Allah in a complete way along with the heart, mind, feelings, emotions, thoughts and views, with every single thing and along with complete devotion and care. (13) The prayer of the hypocrites uses to be empty with the remembrance of the lord. (14) Do fulfill the right of the prayer outside the prayer also and do make the whole of the life as the mirror of the prayer. (15) Do offer the prayer along with the regularity. Never do skip it. The basic quality of the true believers uses to be this that they use to offer the prayer with the regularity without skipping it. (16) Also do the arrangements of the nafil prayers. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also used to offer the nafils and Sunnah by him own self at his house most of the time. (17) Do take care in a complete way to keep the rows of the prayer of the group of people correct. Do keep the rows completely straight and while standing, the shoulders should be attached with the other shoulder in such way that there shall be no empty space in the middle and till when the rows of the front may not get full, do not make the other rows at the back.

The nine gifts for the one who use to take care about the prayers


It is the quote of Hazrat Usman ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Almgithy Allah use to give these gifts to the one who use to pray in a regular way. (1) The Almighty Allah use to start loving him. (2) He uses to grant him the physical health. (3) The angels use to do the protection of him. (4) The beatitude use to come to the house of him. (5) On the face of him, the signs of the pious people use to become obvious. (6) The Almighty Allah use to make the heart of him as soft. (7) He will pass from the bridge of sirat with the speed of the electricity. (8) The Almighty Allah will make him safe from the fire. (9) The Almighty Allah will give him the place beside those people on whom neither there will be the fear and nor they will be sad. (Makashifa tul Quloob)


The recommended duas to recite after the prayer (1) According to the quote of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the one who use to recite (‫ )اللھم اجرنی من النار‬after the prayer of fajr and maghrib seven times, if he dies on that day or on that night so he will get


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rid from the hell for sure. (Mishkat) (2) Affter doing the Salam of the obligatory prayer, to recite (‫ )ہللا اکبر‬one time, and (‫ )استغفر ہللا‬three times, and the third time recite a little bit loudly and by stretching it is recommended. (Tirmizi) After that do recite this dua. ‫)اللھم انت السالم و‬ ‫( )منک السالم تبارکت یا ذاالجالل و االکرام‬Muslim) (3) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to recite in this way after doing the Salam of the prayer. (‫)اللھم ال مانع لما اعطیت و ال معطی لما منعت وال ینفع ذالجد منک الجد‬ (Bukhari) (4) The man who may recite after every obligatory prayer thirty three times ( ‫الحمد‬ ‫)ہلل‬, thirty three times (‫)ہللا اکبر‬, thirty three times (‫)سبحان ہللا‬, these became ninety nine, and for completing the counting of one hundred do recite ( ‫ال الہ اال ہللا وحدہ ال شریک لہ لہ الملک ولہ الحمد‬ ‫ )وھو علی کل شیء قدیر‬one time so, all of the mistakes of him will be forgiven whether they may be equal to the bubbles of the ocean and according to the other hadees, the one who will recite this will not become unsuccessful. (Muslim) (5) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also used to recite thi dua after doing the salam that (‫ عالحمد ہلل رب العالمین‬-‫ و سالم علی المرسلین‬-‫)سبحان ربک رب العزۃ عما یصفون‬ (Tirmizi) (6) According to the quote of the Prophet (peace be upon him) the one who use to recite Ayat ul Kursi after the obligatory prayer, use to be in the protection of the Almighty Allah till the other prayer. (Tibrani Kabeer) According to the other hadees, there is no anything else as hinderance between him and the heaven apart from the death. (Shaab Al Iman)



Look, o people of the Almighty Allah! Do make the intention that we will learn the duas of the Prophet (peace be upon him) one by one and will bring them in our lives.


The rules of the time near to the death

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1. When you may go to meet any person who is just about to die so do keep on reciting the kalma (‫ )ال الہ اال ہللا محمد رسول اہللا‬with a little bit of loud voice. 2. At the time of the death, do the recitation of surah e yaseen. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do recite surah e yaseen near to the person who is about to die. (Alamgiri) 3. After the departure of the soul, do the feet of the dead body straight, do close the eyes of it and do tie one broad piece of cloth from below the chin to the top of the head and then join both of the thumbs of the feet and then tie them with a piece of cloth and do cover it with a sheet and do keep on reciting this (‫)بسم ہللا و علی ملتہ رسول ہللا‬ 4. Do tell the good qualities of the person who has died and do not mention the bad qualities. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do tell the good qualities of the person who has died and do keep the tongue close with the bad qualities of them. (Abu daood) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has also said this that whenever a person use to die and the four neighbors of him use to give the witness of him to be a nice man so the lord use to say this that I have accepted the witness of yours and the things about which you were not having awareness, I have forgiven them. (Ibn e Hiban)





The rules to do advice to the one who is near to the death


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5. Once upon a time, in fron of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬did the praise of one dead man. He said this that the heaven has been made obligatory on him. O people! You are the witness of the lord on the earth. The one to whom you use to say good, the lord use to make him enter in the heaven and the one to whom you use to say bad, the lord use to send him to the hell. (Bukhari and Muslim) 6. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has also said this that when you may go to asking about the health of a sick person or if you may attend any of the funeral so always say the words of goodness from the tongue of yours because the angels use to keep on saying amen on the words of yours. (Muslim)

The rules to give bath to a dead man


The importance


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1. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that whoever would have made the dead man wear the coffin so the lord will make him wear the dress of sandas and istabraq in the heaven. (Hakim) 2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that whoever would have given the bath to a dead man and would have hide the faults of him, the lord use to forgive the forty big sins of such man and whoever would have made the dead man get in to the grave so it is like this as if he has provided a house to the dead man to live till the day of Judgment. (Tibrani)




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Whoever has come to the world, he has come to go back. Murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that “one name of the life is also the death.” Some people have gone and nearly all of us are also about to go and the one who has to go, it is the command of the shariah to give him a bath and to make him wear the coffin. But today, we use to think this work as very much difficult. Now I may present the importance of it in the service of you people, after that I will write the rules of giving the bath to the dead man and to make him wear the coffin. May the Almighty Allah would become happy from all of us before this time may come. Amen!

The rules of the appreciated coffin

It is a Sunnah to make a male dead person wear the three clothes of the coffin. (1) Kafni, meaning the shirt which shall be from the shoulders till the feet. (2) Azaar: From the head till the feet. (3) Lifafa: Meaning that the sheet should be one hand longer than the azar. This is the recommended coffin and the coffin of kafaya is two clothes meaning that one azar and one lifafa.


The coffin of the woman


It is a Sunnah to make a female dead person wear the coffin of five clothes. (1) Kafni, meaning the shirt. (2) Orhni, meaning the white head scarfs. (3) Azaar. (4) Lifafa meaning the sheet. (5) The one to cover the chest.


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The chest cover should be three hands long and the chest cover should be from the part of the arms till the knees, so much wide, and it should be so much long that it may get tied. Rest of the three clothes should be in that same length, how much they use to be used in the coffin of the men. It is bad to do the increase or decrease in this amount of the recommended coffin. There are three clothes for the coffin of kafaya for the woman: (1) Azaar. (2) Orhni. (3) Lifafa.

The rules of the funeral prayer




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1. Do the arrangements to be present in the prayer of the funeral. 2. If there might be the fear that while doing the ablution, the prayer will get finished so do stand after doing the tayammum only. 3. For the prayer of the funeral do keep the bunk bed of the dead body in such way that the head shall be in the direction of the north and the feet shall be in the direction of the south and keep the direction of the dead body towards the qibla. 4. In the prayer of the funeral, always keep the counting of the rows in odd numbers. 5. While going towards the funeral, keep on thinking about the end of yours and do ponder this that today just like you are going to give the other person in the responsibility of the ground, just in this same manner, the other people will take you. As a result of this sadness and worry, at least for this much time, you will get the opportunity to get melted in the imagination of the Day of Judgment and you will be safe from the matters and the frustrations of the world. 6. Hazrat Ibn e Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬asked from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah! ‫ ﷺ‬from how much speed we should take the dead body? He said that, very much quickly, little bit slowly than the speed of running. If the dead man is the one with good character so do make him reach to the good end quickly and if he is the one with the evils so do make this evil man go away from you quickly. (Abu Daood). 7. Do go bare foot along with the dead body. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saw that few people are on the vehicle. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to them that do not you people use to feel ashamed that the angles of the Almighty Allah are walking bare foot and you are at the back of the animals. In fact, after returning from the funeral, you can come on the vehicle. 8. When you may see a dead body coming so do stand up. Then if there may not be the intention to go along with it so does stay, so that the funeral may go a little bit forward. 9. Do the arrangement of offering the prayer of the funeral also and also do the arrangement of going along with the dead body and to give it your shoulder too.

The rules to bury the dead man


1. At the time of making it go in the grave, do the direction of the dead man towards the qibla and do open the knots of the coffin. 2. Do take care about the veil at the time of making a female dead body go in to the grave.


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3. While putting the sand on the grave, do the start from the side of the head and do fill the sand in both of the hands and put the sand till three times. At the first time of putting the sand do recite, (‫( )منھا خلقنکم‬From this same sand we have made you) at the second time of putting the sand do recite this. (‫( )و فیھا نعیدکم‬And in this same thing we are making you return.) And the third times when you may put the sand so do recite ( ‫و منھا‬ ‫( )نخرجکم تارۃ اخری‬And with this same thing we will make you get up again.) 4. After making it bury, do stay with the grave for some of the time. Do the dua of repentance for the dead man, recite some of the Holy Quran and do send the reward of it to the dead man and do also make the people attentive that they shall do the astaghfar. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do the astaghfar himself also after making bury and he also used to say it to the people. This time is of the accountability, do the dua of being consistent for your brother and do ask forgiveness. (Abu Daood)

The four rules of the grave yard




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1. At the time of entering in the grave yard, do recite this dua. ( ‫السالم علیکم اھل الدیار من المؤمنین‬ ‫)و المسلمین و انا ان شاء ہللا بکم الحقون اسئال ہللا لنا ولکم العافیتہ‬ 2. In the grave yard, do not talk about the worldly matters and do not do the jokes and fun just like the careless and the ignorant people. The grave is the door of the Day of Judgment. After looking at this door, do try to cry after making the worry of that place over come on your own self. 3. Hazrat Sufyan Soori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that just like the living human being use to be dependent upon the eating and drinking, in that same way the dead men use to be very much dependent of the dua. It is present in one narration of tibrani that when the lord use to raise the level of one pious man in the heaven so that man use to ask that o lord, I have got this status from where? The lord use to say that due to the son of yours that he kept on doing the astaghfar for you. 4. If the death may happen in the relatives, close people or in the neighbors so, do send the food of one or two times at their place. It is because of this that they are worried in the sadness. 5. Do the charity and the sadqa also from the side of the dead man. In fact in these matters, do try to be safe very much strictly with the unrecommended acts in this matter.


The nineteen rules of the Ramadan ul Mubarak The acts of the great people in the Ramadan


Imam Bukhari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who is the student after student of the Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he used to do the completion of two of the Holy Qurans in one night and day of the month


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of the Ramadan. He used to complete one holy Quran in the prayer of the taraweeh at the night time and one at the day time. Hafiz ibn e hijar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted in the “Tawali al tasees” about Hazrat Imam Shafee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat Imam Shafee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to complete the holy Quran thirty times in every month and he used to complete the holy Quran sixty times in the Ramadan ul Muabarak and this recitation was spate from that qiraat which used to happen in the prayer. (Of five times and in taraweeh) (Tawali al Tasees) It has been said about Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the routine of him was to complete the Holy Quran in one day and night in the common days and in the Ramadan ul Mubarak, (while including the days and nights of the eid ul fitr), he used to complete the holy Quran sixty two times. (Aqood al jaman, page number two hundred and thirteen) (And he used to complete one regular holy Quran in the whole month apart from those sixty two completions in the namaz and taraweeh)


The importance


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has also said this that on the Day of Judgment the fast will do the request and say that O Lord! I have kept this man stopped from eating and drinking in the day and from the other enjoyments, O Lord! You may accept my request in the favor of this man and the lord will accept the request of it. (Mishkat)


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has also said this that at the time of the iftaar, the man who use to keep the fast, whatever dua he may ask, the dua of him use to be accepted, it does not use to be rejected. (tirmizi)




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1. For doing the great and superb welcome of the Ramadan ul Mubarak, do make your mind ready from the Shaban. 2. Do the arrangements to make the fast open also because there is very much big reward of it. 3. Do produce a special interest of doing worship in the Ramadan ul Mubarak. Apart from the obligatory prayers also do take special care about the nawafil and do become ready for doing more and more deeds. 4. If sometimes one may not be able to keep the fast on the basis of the excuse of shariah or due to the intensity of the disease, so then also do prevent to eat very much openly in the Ramadan ul Mubarak very much strictly. 5. Do the special arrangements of the recitation of the Holy Quran. This month use to have a special relationship with the Holy Quran. The holy Quran got revealed in this month only and the other books by the Lord had also got revealed in this same month. Hazrat Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬ got the Saheefa in the first or third date of this same month. Hazrat Daud ‫علیہ السالم‬was given the Zaboor on the 12th or 18th date of this same month. The Taurait got revealed on Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬on the 6th day of this same holy month and Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬was also given the Ingeel on the 12th or 13th date of this same month. That is why do try to do the recitation of the holy Quran in this month more and more. Hazrat Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬used to tell


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and listen the Holy Quran completely every year in the Ramadan ul Mubarak to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and in the last year he went through the Holy Quran two times in the Ramadan ul Mubarak along with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ 6. Do the arrangement to listen the complete holy Quran in the taraveeh. It is appreciable to listen the complete holy Quran one time in the Ramadan ul Mubarak. 7. Do give charity and funds, do look after the poor people, widows and orphans children and do take care about the suhoor and iftaar of the weak people. 8. Do the arrangements to keep the fast with complete interest and spirit by keeping the great reward and benefits in your eyes of the fast. 9. The man who kept the fast with the condition of faith and accountability (the meaning of accountability is this that the fast shall be kept only for the happiness of the lord and the reward of the Day of Judgment and to be safe from all of those foolish things which use to make the fast dead) so the lord will forgive those sins of him which have been committed before. (Bukhari) 10. For getting safe from the show off and pride in the fast do keep on being busy in your acts according to your routine with complete freshness, spirit and active and do not express the laziness and weakness of the fast with your acts and ways. 11. Do complete effort to remain away from every single bad thing with very much care in the fast, it is because if this that the goal of the fast is only to make the life pure. 12. During the journey if you may not be able to kept the fast or in the intensity of the disease so do leave it and do the completion of them in the other days 13. Do the arrangements of being safe from the back biting and bad gaze in the fast in a special way. 14. Do eat the suhoor for sure, with it there will be ease in keeping the fast and the weakness and laziness will not get produce. 15. Do not be late in doing the iftaar after the setting of sun.

The duas regarding to the fast



1. Do try to look at the moon of the Ramadan ul Mubarak along with very much interest and complete arrangement and do recite this dua after looking at the moon ( ‫ہللا اکبر اللھم اھلہ علینا‬ ‫ و التوفیق لما تحب و ترضی ربنا و ربک ہللا‬،‫)باالمن واالیمان و السالمتہ و االسالم‬ 2. Do recite this dua at the time of iftaar (‫( )اللھم لک صمت و علی رزقک افطرت‬Muslim) 3. When you may do the iftar after the fast so do recite this dua ( ‫ذھب الظمئا و ابتلت العوق و ثبت‬ ‫( )االجر ان شاء ہللا‬Abu Daud) 4. If you may do iftaar of the fast at the place of any other person so do recite this dua ( ‫افطر‬ ‫( )عندکم الصائمون و اکل طعامکم االبرار علیکم الملئکتہ‬Abu Daud)


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The importance and rules of the charity





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1. According to the court of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the charity should be given for sure, whether it may be in the least amount. It is because of this that it will be very much for the one who is in need and it will wash the sins of yours in such way just like the water use to extinguish the fire 2. On the Day of Judgment every single person will be standing only in the shade of his charity. 3. The charity use to stop the problems which are about to come. 4. The people ask from the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that to give which of the charity is the most best? So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that when the person may not be rich and healthy and the time when the breath of him would be coming out because at that time he will give forcefully and not with happiness 5. Once upon a time Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬said that the man who use to return a needy person so till 7 days the angels do not use to come to the house of him. 6. The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to give the charity from his own hands and the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this that the man who use to give the cloth to any other person, the lord of the universe use to keep him in the protection of him till that time, till when that cloth use to remain in the use. 7. The man who use to give the charity from the permissible money so the lord of the universe will be kind on him in such way just like you use to remain kind for the animals which you have nourished yourselves.


The spirit of the charity in the Hazraat Sheikheen



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Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that once upon a time the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave the command to give the charity. Coindidently in that time I was having some of the money with me. I said that with coincidence today I have some money present with me, if I can move forward from Abu Bakar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬sometimes so I will move forward today. After thinking this I went home very much happily and whatever was kept in the house I brought half of him. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked that what have you left for the members of the family. I said that I have left the half of the things and Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬brought all of the things which were kept in his house. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked that what have you left for the members of your house. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that for them I have left the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of him ‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that I can say this that I can never move forward then Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬.


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The importance of giving the charity in the life of the people of the Almighty Allah


The charity by Hazrat Ayesha

‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬



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1. One companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that one man spent 70 years continuously while doing the worship but one great sin gor committed by him and all of the worships of him got finished. After that he gave a piece of a flat bread to one darvaish so from the court of the lord that sin was forgiven. 2. Once upon a time Hakeem Luqman ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the advice to his son that when you may do any of the sin so do give the charity. 3. Ibn e Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to give the charity with very much big heart and with the gratefulness. He used to remember this command of the lord of whole of the universe that (‫ )لن تنالو البر حتی تنفقون مما تحبون‬meaning that till when you will not give your most beloved thing in the path of the lord, till that time you will not be able to come on the path of the piousness. The lord of the whole of the universe use to keep the one as his friend who use to be grateful to him. 4. It is the quote of Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the charity use to be accepted at that time only when the one who is giving shall be that much interested in getting the reward how much the person who is taking the charity is interested in taking the charity.


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Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬gave 50 thousand darhams in the charity but she left the stitches keep on being there in her own cloths. Just like this there is one more other incident that more than one lack of dirham were presented in the service of Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬. Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬ got the tabaaq and she started distributing it after filling it completely and till the evening she made all of them finished. She did not even leave one darham, while dshe was herself fasting. At the time of the aftar she said to her slave that does bring something for the iftar. She brought one flat bread and the oil of olives and said that it would have been so good that you would have brought the meat of one dirham. Today we use to open the fast with the meat she said that now nothing is left with us.

One bright incident of the history of Islam


Imam Zain ul Aabideen bin Husain ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to pick up the sac of the flat breads on his bags and he used to give it in the charity. When the death of him happened so the people saw this that he used to do the sponsor ship of hundred houses of the people of Madina. Hazrat Jurair ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that, after the death of him the people saw those sings on the back of him which were there due to those sacs to which he used to take to the poor people at the night time.


It has been narrated by Muhammad bin Ishaq that some people were living in the Madina and they were not even knowing that how they are spending their life. When the death of Hazrat Imam Zain ul Aabideen Ali Bin husain ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬happened so they did not get the monthly grocery and money


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which used to be brought to them at the night time. It is narrated that we found the hidden charity continuously, till this time that the death of Hazrat Ali Bin Husain ‫( رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Hulyat ul Auliya)

The charity is the matchless tip to gain the health

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Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that it has been famous about one rich man of Jalal abad that he use to call the Hakeem, send the car, give the fees and say to the Hakeem Sir that without any formality you may write the prescription of how much money you want, whether it is of 10 or 20 or 40. Therefore the hakeem g use to write the precaution. He used to give it to the servant that go and show it to the brother Atar that how much it is of. The Ataar use to say that it is of 25 rupees, he use to say that do bring the treasure box. He used to give the 25 rupees after counting at that same time that go and do give in the charity to the poor people, only this is my medicine. Therefore when he used to do this act, he used to become better quickly.

The eleven rules of giving the charity in the path of the lord






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1. Whatever thing you may give in the path of the lord, does give only for the happiness of the lord. 2. Do not keep this wish at all that to the ones to whom I have given; they may accept the favor of mine and be grateful to me. 3. Do prevent from the show off and pride and arrogance, the show off use to mix the good and better acts in the sand. 4. Do give the zakat very much openly so that the spirit of fulfilling the obligation shall be raised up in the other people also. In fact do give the other charities while hiding so that the maximum level of sincerity may get produced. 5. To give to make the self respect of the needy people hurt, to make the broken hearts of them hurt by expressing the favors of yours on them and to think this that they may accept the favor of yours and may keep on bowing in front of you, do accept the great level of yours, they are extremely worst feelings. The heart of a true believer should be pure from these feelings. 6. Do keep on shivering after thinking this that I do not know that whether this charity of mine has been accepted or not in the court of the lord. 7. If you may not have anything to give to the beggar so then also do sorry to him with very much kindness and good character so that he may go with silence after gving the dua apart from not gewtting anything. 8. Do spend in the path of the lord along with the open heart and interest 9. Do spend the permissible money in the path of the lord, the lord only use to accept that thing which use to be pure and permissible 10. Do spend the best things in the path of the lord. 11. Do not be late in giving the zakat when it use to become obligatory, do try to give it quickly and do give it after doing the calculations very much nicely. This has also been said that if you are not able to give any of the thing so at least do act with good behavior. Do not be strict with the poor man.


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The rules of the charity of fitr:





Do the arrangement of the charity of fitr very much with interest of the heart and completely and do give it before the prayer of the Eid in fact do give so much that it may provide the needs of the Eid very much easily to the needy and poor people and all of them would be able to go to the Eid gaah along with other people and may get involved in the happiness of the Eid.

The nine rules of the Hajj


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It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that the person to whom any of the disease or any of the need in reality or any cruel and strict leader has not stopped and then also he may not perform Hajj so whether he die while being Jew or while being Christine. (Sanan Kubra). Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ has been listened while saying this that the people who do not use to do the Hajj apart from keeping the power so I feel like this that I may apply the tax on them, they are not the Muslims, they are not the Muslims.





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1. Do not be late and do give the excuses in performing the Hajj. Whenever the lord may give so much that you may perform this beautiful obligation so do go in the first free time. 2. Do not do popularity on going to the Hajj, go with silence and do come back and be safe from that every single act and every single way along with the strictness in which there may be the doubt of show off and popularity and pride. 3. If there may not be the power to go for performing the Hajj so then also do keep the wish to look at the house of the lord and the wish to recite the salam on the Roza of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬ 4. Do take the best things for the Hajj, the best luggage is the fear of the Almighty Allah. Do the complete arrangement in getting safe from the disobedience of the Almighty Allah during this pure journey. 5. During the Hajj, the recommended duas which use to be find in the books of ahadis e paak, do memorize them and do ask that same thing from the lord in the words of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ which the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬asked from the lord. 6. Do the complete protection of your Hajj and do take care that the Hajj of yours may not become the Hajj of those of the world who do not use to have any part on the Day of the judgment. 7. During the Hajj be safe from the matters of the fights and of the quarrels in a complete way 8. During the Hajj be safe from the immodest things also and be careful in being safe from them in a complete way. 9. In the days of the Hajj, remain busy in the remembrance of the lord in a continuous way and do not let the heart to become ignorant with the zikr of him at any time.


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The respect of the land of Tayyaba


The love and respect of the Madina tul Munawarrah






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1. When hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to fgo back from the Madina Munawaarah so he used to go out while crying that the Madina may not be making me go out due to the dirt of mine because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the Madina use to make the dirty man go out in such way just like the furnace use to take out the dirt. 2. In the table of Hazrat Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬there were the horses and the donkeys of the best kind but he never went in the streets of the Madina after getting on them. He used to say this to the people that the land on which the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to walk with the bare foot, how I may crush that with the feet of the horses, how is this possible! I swear by the lord, this is the level to spread the eye lashes. 3. Once upon a time the Abbasi Khalifa Mehdi called Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the court of Caliph and at that time he was very much sick that is why he also sent the vehicle for him that do come while getting on this. After looking at this vehicle he became very much sad and said that it is very much sad that the streets in which the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to walk with the bare foot, I may go in them while being on the vehicle. He sent the vehicle back and reached to meet to the Caliph in the condition of the sickness while stumbling and falling. (Bistan Al Muhadiseen)

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The end of the humiliation of the ones who use to live in the Madina Munawarah



1. Hazrat Saad ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that I have listened the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬while saying this that whoever will do the deception with the people who use to live in the Madina Munawarah, he will get dissolve in such way just like the salt use to get dissolve in the water (Bukhari and Muslim). 2. Once upon a time Hazrat Jabir Bin Abdullah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that, that man may get destroyed who use to make the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬afraid. The son of him asked that O dear father, the death of the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has been happened, how can any person make the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬afraid? So Hazrat Jabir ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that I have listened from the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that the man who use to make the people of the Madina afraid, he use to make that thing afraid which is in the centre of my chest (meaning to my heart) (Ahmed) 3. Hazrat abada Bin Samat ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to quote the words of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that O the Almighty Allah! The man who would do injustice with the people of


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the Madina or make them afraid so you may make him afraid and on him there use to be the curse of the Almighty Allah, the curse of the angels and the curse of all of the people. Neither the obligatory worship of him use to be accepted nor the nafil worship of him use to be accepted. (Tibrani Fil Ausat Wal Kabeer) Hazrat Sheikh ul Hadis ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the people who may get present over there for the ziyarat, they may take care of this thing very much and do the arrangement of it that they may not give pain to the people over there, neither they may do any kind of deception and fraud in the buying and selling, to do any kind of the deception while living here even with the people who use to live on that place is to make yourself enter in the destruction. Be careful of this thing very much that whatever matter you may do with them, it should be very much clean, do very much prevention in doing any kind of deception and fraud with those people.


The beauty of joking


The source of getting the smile of the ontologism


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The jokes and laugh in which there may not be the aspect of pain and breaking the heart of anyone, in fact if there may be the intention of making the heart of the addressing man happy and to make it relaxed and to make the feelings of the love and attachment among each other strong so this thing is also a very much big good deed. Few people use to be strict and serious so it is this much that the good character and humbleness use to be so much far from them, and when few people use to become with good character so this much that the modesty and character use to remain very much far from them. that is why we should keep one special level of guidance and act from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in front of us

To smile is the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

Therefore the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also use to adopt the smiling and laughing (sometimes). From which the aim of him used to be to make the heart of the addressed person happy and comfortable and to make the feelings of love and affection as strong and it is obvious that the thing which use to be proved by the sunnah that will be the source of getting the highest level of the ontologism.



1. Morekh Al ajli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the almighty Allah use to like kindness, smiling face and humbleness very much.. (Behiqi) 2. The respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that you will not be able to overcome on the rich people but you will move forward with the freshness of the face and good character. (Behiqi) 3. It has been written in the life history of Hazrat Muhammad Ibn e Seeren ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he used to smile very much. In the gathering of him, the voices of laughing used to echo and


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at the time of night, the sound of crying used to come. When he use to bow down in front of the Almighty Allah so he used to keep on crying It has been narrated by Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was full of fun and the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to say this that the man who use to be true in the fun of him so the Almighty Allah does not use to do the accountability of him. (It is because that there is the accountability and sin in the false jokes) (Sibil al Huda) Mullah Ali qari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted this narration that when the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to laugh so one special light use to come out from it, the effect of which use to be obvious on the walls, they used to get bright. (Jama Al Wasael) Hazrat Umar Bin Haris ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬say this that I have not seen any other man while smiling more than the Prophet of the almighty Allah (peace be upon him) (Tirmizi) Hazrat Jurair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say this that from the time I have become a Muslim, the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has not restricted me ever and whenever he used to look at me, he used to smile. (Bukhari and Muslim) Hazrat Abu Amama ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬was the most smiling and the owner of pure internal self from the people and the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ was the most fun loving person among the people. (Faiz Al Qadeer)

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The benefit: The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to remain serious in the worry of the Day of Judgment inside him and he used to be seen while smiling in the external way. (Jama All Wasael)


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The elegant way of the respectable friends of the Almighty Allah The elegant sentences


The elegance is one natural thing. Islam does not use to stop from the elegance. The incidence of the elegance of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬are famous. The love use to get increase with the good character and affection of heart. The people use to run away with the strict nature man. It is the proverb of Arabic that the elegance in the words is like this just like the salt in the flower. In fact the Islam has stopped to do the taunt on each other, such conversation from which there shall be the pain of heart to anyone that the heart of one man shall be given pain and rest of the people use to be laughing, this is false and it is a sin. The conversation of the pure Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to be like this that the heart of any man shall not hurt and the thing should not be also against to the nature.


a) It has been narrated by Imam Zehri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he use to say to the companions of him that do bring the utensils (memory) of yours, do tell the couplets of yours, do tell the incidents of yours, do tell any such thing which may make the nature light and the balance may come


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in the nature of yours. It is because that the ears use to become tired and the heart use to become bored. b) It has been narrated by Ibn e Zaid that whenever Ata Bin Yasaar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to tell anything to us so he use to make me and Abu Hazim cry then he used to make us listen more and laugh very much. Then he used to say that one time like this and one time like that. Murshid Ul Ulma Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much great man of the series of chushtiya who was the personality of Jame Al kamaalat with whom thousands of scholars were bait. He has done very much educational services of purification in Sufism. He used to keep on telling the jokes sometimes in the gatherings of him and he used to keep on saying such sentences y himself also that from listening to which the people use to become happy. 1. One man asked that Hazrat that some man is funny apart from being religious and he told few of the things of him about the fun. Hazrat said while joking that he might have got touched with any herb, this is the effect of it. 2. One man asked the permission to bring some of the dry furits. Hazrat sir wrote and sent one letter. The Caliph of him asked this after looking at the letter that Hazrat you have not written the custard apple. Hazrat said while joking that the era of the shareef people is now not here. 3. One villager asked the amulet of the fear with the course of any other person and himself he remained sitting far from Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat asked that the man who has to take the amulet, where is he. It was told that he is sitting there. On this Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that the brother want to have to amulets. One is of that fear about which he has the complaint and the other of that fear that he also use to be afraid while coming to me. 4. Once upon a time he said that the people use to ask the amulets for the strange acts. One wrestler asked the amulet to overcome the other wrestler in wrestling. I said that if that wrestler also may ask the amulet with any other person so then there will be the wrestling between the amulets. 5. In one gathering he said that there was one man Abdur Raheem. He said during the conversation to Shah Ismael ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that to keep the beard is not important because of this reason that at the time of the birth also it was not there. This is against the nature. Shah Sir fgave the answer that at that time the teeth were also not there, do take out them also. That innocent man became very much embarrassed then. Molvi Abdul Hai sir was the friend of Shah sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He said that wow Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬what answer you have given just like breaking the teeth 6. One man asked that whether the Huqqa will be available in the heaven. Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that yes but one will have to go to the hell for bringing the fire. 7. One man in Kanpoor asked that how it is to say ( ‫ )سبحان الملک القدوس‬after the Vitr. Hazrat (May the almighty Allah do mercy on him) said that it is recommended. It is


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The lamp of suhoor



proved by the hadis e paak but that man said that (who was an old man) that, that hadis e paak is weak. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that you are also weak, you are not even strong. 8. Some man said that I have become Abdaal. He said that first you were meet now you have become daal. 9. One man came in the service of Hakeem Ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said that Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ when I came to the station so the Sikh man of the station asked me that where are you going? I told him that I am going to the convent. He said that do say the salam of mine also. (as it is not permissible to give the reply of salam to the non Muslim with the Walikum Assalam) so Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said in the reply that the almighty Allah may give the such to the Sikh and then said that the such is inside the Islam.


Some old man said in front of one young great man that we are the lamp of the suhoor. He gave a great reply that Hazrat you have got lit up for the whole of the night, we are the lamp of the evening, we have got finished in one turn only, we have not even got lit up for a night.

In everything will be completely clear



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One man used to sell the milk while mixing that much amount of water in it. One day he was coming back after selling the milk and he had tied the money in the lower sheet of him (tehband), he kept them under the tree and went for doing the washroom. There was one monkey on the tree, it came down from the tree and picked up the sheet of the money and got back on the tree. When the man of milk came back after getting free so he saw a strange situation that the sheet was in the hand of the monkey and the monkey was up on the tree. He tried very much that the monkey may give the money back but the monkey did not even move a little bit. Helplessly the man of the milk sat on that same place after getting tired. Coincidently there was also a well under the tree. Now the monkey opened the knot of the money with the teeth and started throwing one penny in the well and one penny towards that man of milk from it, till this point that half of the money went in the well and half of them reached to the man of the milk so then it said that now the milk is milk and water is water meaning that the money which was of the milk, I have got them and the money which was of the water, they have gone into the water.


Just like this the money which has been earned in forbidden ways, use to go in the sickness or in the problems and the curse which use to fall of the forbidden income, that is separate. For example the worships not been accepted, the disobedience of the children, the happenings of the fights and the quarrels etc. May the almighty Allah grants us the opportunity to eat and earn the permissible things with his special mercy and may keep us safe from the forbidden income. Amen, summa Aameen!

Do the dead people use to listen?


During one speech some man gave the call to one great man that do the people use to listen or not. In those days the discussion was going on, on the problem of Sama Moti. Shah Sir ( ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was


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not the one to come in the trick of him. he said quickly that o the innocent man, you have the worry about the dead people, it has been twenty years to me, I have got tired while calling the alive people, I do not even know this that whether these living people also listen or not. First we shall do the research about the people who are living then the turn of the dead people will also come. With these words the laughing happened in the crowd and the man who asked the question become ashamed.


Whether you understand me as mankooha or the flat bread


.u bq

Once upon a time while living in the district of Miyanwali, one villager with white hairs came in the gathering of Hazrat Shah Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and apart from saying Assalam o Alaikum he starting touching his feet while saying (‫)بسم ہللا‬. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said quickly after holding the hands of him that the brother! The (‫ )بسم ہللا‬use to be recited in common way at two places. Before eating the flat bread or before going near to the lady who is married to you. What have you thought me, the flat bread or the married wife of yours? The new comer became very much embarrassed. He made him understood in very much loving way that when a Muslim may come to any of the gathering so he should Asslam o Alaikum first which is the command of the shariah and the reason of the reward.

One interesting joke




.u bq




There was one king. He gave the call that the one who may make the elephant of ours cry, we will give him very much gifts. Big and great people came and said in the ear that my son has died; some man said that my business is going in loss and some man said that my wife has got the cancer but the elephant did not cry at all after listening the problem of any single person. But when one Maulana Sir said something in the ear of it, the elephant started crying very much loudly. The people said that Maulana sir, what have you said in the ear of it? He said that I have told the salary of mine to him. The elephant started crying after listening about so much little salary even that how does the life of this innocent would be spending. The elephant started crying but the tears of the people of the committee do not use to come out, may the almighty Allah put mercy in the hearts of them also.

Maulvi Muhammad Sahoor Sir started doing the debate with Qutub ul alam Khana Rasheed Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬once upon a time on any problem. There was argument on argument and doubt on doubt. When the speech became long so he said that the name of yours is Sahool and that who has kept the name of yours shaool, there is no sahoolat in you at all. Your name should be sawal meaning that the one who uses to do very much questions.


The idol of the poet


Once upon a time the famous poet Qazi Nazar Al Islam of Bengal got the news that the municipal corporation of Dhaka wants to fix the idol of him in one park as the return of his forever services of him and it will spend one million rupees on that idol. Qazi sir said to his friends that if the corporation may give this money to me so I will myself keep on standing in that park


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The 11 rules of laughing




To laugh is the nature of the human being and it is one source of the expression of the happiness.



.u bq


1. One should laugh less and cry more. 2. When anything about the happiness may get produced so it is allowed to laugh but it has been stopped to laugh very much loudly on anything. The heart use to become hard by laughing very much 3. When the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to feel like laughing so he used to keep the holy hands on the holy mouth. (Jama e Sagheer) 4. Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنھا‬use to say that I have not seen the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬while laughing in this way that the holy mouth of him would get open and the holy jaw of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬would be seen in fact he used to smile. (Shamel tirmizi) 5. Do act with very much humbleness with every single person who use to meet. If you may not be able to smile unconsciously so at least do smile formally for sure so that the one who has come may also become happy. 6. To laugh very much is the sign of ignorance. By laughing very much, the respect of a person use to become finish and the heart use to become dead 7. It is not correct to speak lie for making the people laugh.




The rules of the time while getting up from the sleep

Do start acting upon the sunnahs just after getting up at the morning and make it the routine of your nights and days.

.u bq


1. Just after waking up from the sleep rub the eyes and the face of yours with both of the hands so that the addiction of the sleep may go away. (Shamael Tirmizi). 2. After waking up do recite this dua (‫( )الحمد ہلل الذی احیانا بعد ما اماتنا و الیہ النشور‬Shamel Tirmizi) 3. In the ablution the miswak will be done again, that is recommended to do separately. Just after waking up to do the miswak is the separate Sunnah.

The way to wear the dress



After getting up from the sleep the cloths are to be worn. Therefore at the time of wearing the cloths do take care of these sunnahs. Do start wearing the trouser, shalwar, shirt or kurta, sadri, sherwani etc from the right side. Do wear the shoes or socks in the right foot first then do wear in the left foot and when you may take off any of the thing from these so first do take off from the left side and then take off from the right side. (Tirmizi). After waking up at the morning in common way there uses to be the wish to pass out urine or waste material. Therefore now the sunnahs of the washroom are being written. For drinking the water do not soak your hand in the dish of water.


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In fact first wash both of your hands three times till the wrists. Then put the hands inside the water. (Tirmizi)

The fifteen rules to go to the washroom






.u bq




.u bq


1. It is better to clean the private part with the water and clod both. If there shall be three clods or the stones so it is better. (Tirmizi, Bukhari, Muslim). Do clean the private part first from the clods and after that do it with the water. (Tirmizi, Razeen). 2. To do cover the head and to go after wearing the shoes is the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. (Ibn e Saeed). 3. At the time of opening the satar how much possible it is open to be downwards, that much better it is. (Tirmizi, Abu Daud) 4. If on the ring or on anything the verses of the holy Quran or the holy name of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬shall be written (and that use to be visible) so one should go after taking off outside the washroom place. (Nisai) 5. At the time of passing out the waste material, do not do your face in the direction of the qibla, neither do the back to that direction, do your direction towards the south or the north or sit after becoming tilted from the direction of the qibla. (Tirmizi) 6. At the time of passing out the waste material (without any intense need) do not do the conversation, just like this do not even do the zikr of the Almighty Allah with the tongue. (Mishkat) 7. At the time of passing out urine or cleaning the private part, do not touch the right hand with your private part in fact do touch it with the left hand. (Bukhari and Muslim) 8. Be safe from the drops of the urine or the waste material because most of the time the torment of the grave use to happen due to not being safe from the splashes of the urine. (Tirmizi) 9. Some of the times there soed not use to be a proper washroom so at such time one should pass out the waste material in such place which is hiding where the gaze of any other person shall not reach. (Tirmizi) 10. If you may have the need to pass out the waste material in a forest or in any ground which is outside the city so one should go so much far at the people may not be able to see him. (Tirmizi) or a person may go to any land which is towards downward direction where nobody would be able to see him. (the Holy Quran) 11. For passing out the urine do find the soft land so that the splashes of the urine may not get up in fact the ground may keep on soaking it. (Tirmizi) 12. At the time of coming out of the washroom first take out the right foot (Tirmizi) 13. After being done with passing out the urine if you want to teach anyone to clean the private place etc so one should stand in the shade of any wall. (Tirmizi, Tahaavi)


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The duas related to the washroom




Before getting entered into the washroom recite this dua. (‫ اللھم انی اعوذبک من الخبث والخبائث‬،‫)بسم ہللا‬ (Tirmizi)


After coming out from the washroom do recite this dua (‫ الحمد ہلل الذی اذھب عنی االذی و عافانی‬،‫)غفرانک‬ (Tirmizi)

Rules of taking Bath


.u bq

Sometimes the bath which is must to take after the sexual intercourse, ejaculation or menstrual cycling should be done because in such condition without doing the bath the prayer will not be done that is why the sunnahs of the bath are being written. We have to take bath in common way also so why do we not do take the bath according to the Sunnah and gather the best things of the world and of the Day of Judgment.





.u bq




1. When the early morning comes and when your eyes may get open so one should not be late in taking the bath. Till where it use to be possible do hurry in it so that the prayer of the Fajr shall be offered with the Jamat. (Tirmizi). After happening of the Fajr also if the person would not do the obligatory bath and he may keep on lying in the condition of being impure so in that house the angels of the mercy do not use to be entered. (Mishkat). At first of all wash both of your hands three times till the wrists then on any place of your body if any impure thing or the fluid is attached so do make it clean three times then do clean the private part the small and big both (whether there is the need or not) after that do the ablution with the told way. If the water of the bath is getting gathered in the feet so do not wash the feet. Do wash them after getting away from this place otherwise it is also allowed to wash at this time even. Now put the water at first on your head, then on the right shoulder, then on the left shoulder (put so much of water that it may get reach from the head till the feet) rub the body with your hands. This is done one time. Then do put water in this same way again. First on the head, then on the right shoulder, then on the left shoulder and then if there is the fear of the body remaining dry from which place so do try to make the water flow from that place by rubbing with the hands. Then in this same way flow the water third time also from the head till the feet. (Tirmizi). After doing the bath to make the body dry with the cloth is also proved and not to make it dry even. Therefore from both of these conditions whatever is in your control do it along with the intention of it as being the Sunnah. (Mishkat) Do offer the prayer with this bath. There is no need to do a new ablution. (whether you have done the bath after becoming nude) (Tirmizi) Or if you do not feel like taking the bath and you want to offer the prayer of Fajr so do all the preprations to do the ablution for the prayer of the Fajr and the sunnahs which are being told related to the ablution, you will have to take care about them at the time of doing the ablution every time.


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2. To go from the house for offering the prayer after doing the ablution (Bukhari) 3. To do the ablution with the complete way (meaning to do the ablution along with the told way, this is the complete way) (Muslim) 4. Especially at the time when it is not lied by the internal self to do the ablution (due to the reason of feeling cold etc) so do the ablution in a good way. (Tirmizi)

The discussion of recommended and liked bath



Do take the bath at the time of ehraam is a Sunnah. (Tibrani) To do the bath after accepting the Islam is a Sunnah. (Kanz ul Amal) To do take the bath for Friday is a Sunnah. (Bukhari) To do the bath for the eid prayer is a Sunnah. (Majma Al Zawaed) To do the bath on the Day of Arfa is a Sunnah. (Ibn e Maja) To do the beth after getting a hair cut or having a pichna is a Sunnah. (Sanan Kubra) To do the bath after giving the bath to a dead person is recommended. (sanan Kubra)

.u bq

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The time on which to take the bath is recommended and demanded



.u bq





Before gettimg entered into the Makka Mukarrama. Before getting entered into the Madina Munawwara. On the night of fifteenth Shabaan on Shab e Barat. If you may get a feeling in a Shab e Qadr. For staying in the Muzdalifa. For the tawaf of ziyarat For the tawaf of wida For getting entered into the Mina For the day of sacrifice. (this one bath use to be enough for five things, staying in Muzdalifa, exiting from Mina, Rami, Jamra, entering into the Makka Mukarrama, Tawaf of Ziyarat) (Shaami: Page number 170) 10. For the prayer of fear: 11. For the prayer of Qasoof 12. For the prayer of Istasqa 13. For the prayer of repentance. 14. For the one who is being killed 15. For getting present in the gathering of the people. 16. For a crazy man when he may come into his senses. 17. For the ones who use to come back from the journey. 18. Everyday in the days of Tashreeq.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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The seventeen rules to do the ablution



Once upon a time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked from Hazrat Bilal ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that how do you got entered in to the heaven before me? He said that O the Propeht of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬whenever I used to give the call of prayer so I use to offer the prayer of two rakat for sure and at whichever time the ablution use to get broken so I do the new ablution quickly and do try to remain with the ablution all of the time. By performing these sunnahs, the ablution will be done in a proper way. At whichever time even you may do the ablution, do take care of these sunnahs.




.u bq




.u bq

1. To do the intension of the ablution. For example this that I do the ablution for offering the prayer and the intension is a name of decision of heart not only to say the words from the tongue. 2. To do the ablution after reciting the (﷽ ). In few of the narration the (‫ )بسم ہللا‬for the ablution has been mentioned in this way. (‫)بسم ہللا العظیم والحمد ہلل علی دین االسالم‬ 3. Wash both of the hands till the wrists three times. 4. To do the miswak, if you may not have the miswak so do rub the teeth with the finger. 5. To do spiting three times. 6. To put the water in the nose three times and till three times even to clean the nose. 7. To wash every single organ three three times. 8. To rinse your beard at the time of washing the face. 9. At the time of washing the hands and feet do rinse the fingers. 10. To rub the wt hands on whole of the head one time 11. Along with rubbing the hand on the head do clean the ears also 12. To wash the organs of the ablution while trubbing them nicely 13. To do the ablution again and again 14. To do the ablution in proper sequence 15. To start washing first from the right side. 16. To recite the Kalma of Shadah after doing the ablution, while doing your face towards the sky) (‫)اشھد ان ال الہ اال ہللا و اشھد ان محمدا عبدہ و رسولہ‬ 17. At the time when you may do the ablution when it is not being liked by the heart, to do the ablution very much nicely at that time even. (Noor Al Aezah, Tirmizi).


The times in which it is not liked to offer the nafil prayer, apart from that in all of the times do recite the prayer of tahaiyya tul wazu of two rakats after doing the ablution (Bukhari and Muslim). The times which are forbidden are these. From after the early morning till the time of ishraaq, at the time the sun is on its peak, after offering the obligatory prayer of Asar till the sun set and at the time when the sun is being set. (Mulkhasan, Alaikum Bil Sunnati)


The rules to do the miswak The importance:


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1. Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنھا‬use to say this that we used to keep the miswak and the water of ablution ready for the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬at whichever time there used to be the command of the lord so he used to get up and do the miswak. Then he used to do the ablution and offer the prayer. (Muslim) 2. Hazrat anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say this that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that I have done very much advice to you people regarding to do the miswak. (Bukhari) 3. It has been said by Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that: The miswak is a thing which use to clean the mouth and use to make the lord happy. (Nisai) 4. It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that if I may not think it as a burden for my nation so I

.u bq

would have given the command to do the miswak at the time of every single prayer. (abu Daud). The miswak should not be long then one foot and it should not be more thick than a finger. (Bahar al Raaeq)


The other times to do the miswak

Apart from the ablution, the other times in which it is a Sunnah or it is recommended to do the miswak those are these.



.u bq




1. For doing the recitation of the holy Quran or to learn or teach the hadis shareef. 2. At the time when the mouth may get smelly 3. Before doing the zikr of the lord. 4. At the time of being entered into the house of the almighty Allah (or hateem) 5. After getting entered in your own house. 6. Before doing the sexual intercourse with your wife 7. Before going any of a good gathering 8. At the time of feeling thirsty or hungry 9. At the time before getting the signs of the death coming to him 10. At the time of early morning 11. Before eating the food 12. Before going to the journey 13. After coming back from the tour 14. Before sleeping 15. After getting up from sleeping (Hashiya Targheeb and Tarheeb Lal Manzari)

The rules of walking for the prayer


Now when you have got free from the ablution so do walk towards the mosque for offering the prayer of Fajr along with the group of people.


1. For every single prayer do go from the house after doing the ablution. (Bukhari) when you do walk for offering the prayer so do walk while keeping the small steps along with the


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decency. Because these foot steps are being written and the reward use to be given on every single step. (Al Targheeb) 2. At the time of going out from the house walk with the intension of offering the prayer (meaning the actual and real intention should only be done to offer the prayer) (Bukhari) 3. After listening the call of prayer do leave the tasks of the world in such way for offering the prayer that you do not even care a little bit about these tasks. (Nashar Al Tayyab) 4. To offer the prayer just after the first takbeer. (Tirmizi)

.u bq

When you may go out from the house for offering the prayer of fajr so do recite this dua ( ‫اللھم اجعل‬ ‫فی قلبی نورا و فی بصری نعرا وفی سمعی نورا و عن یمینی نورا و عن شمالی نورا ومن خلفی نورا ومن امامی نورا و‬ ‫اجعل لی نورا وفی عصبی نورا وفی لحمی نورا وفی دمی نورا وفی شعری نورا وفی لسانی نورا و اجعل فی نفسی نورا و‬ ‫( )اعظم لی نورا و اجعلنی نورا واجعل من فوقی نورا ومن تحتی نورا اللھم اعطنی نورا‬Hasan Husain)


The two rules to go out of the house


1. At the time of fajr two rakats are the Sunnah, the reward of them is much better than the world and all of the things of it. (Tirmizi) now you may go out from the house for offering the prayer so does take care about these sunnahs for sure.





1. After coming out from the house do start walking while reciting this dua ( ‫بسم ہللا توکلت علی‬ ‫( )ہللا ال حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل‬Tirmizi) 2. While walking on the path this dua has also come in the ahadis. 70 thousand angels use to do the dua for the one who use to recite this dua. The dua is this: ( ‫اللھم انی اسئلک بحق السائلین‬ ‫علیک و بحق ممشای ھذا فانی لم اخرج اشرا وال بطرا وال ریاء وال سمعتہ و خرجت اتقاء سخطک و ابتغاء‬ ‫( )مرضاتک و اسئلک ان تعیذنی من النار و ان تغفرلی ذنوبی فانہ ال یغفر الذنوب اال انت‬Ibn e Maja)

.u bq

The three rules to be entered in to the mosque The importance of the mosque:



a) It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that no doubt that the house of the Almighty Allah on the earth are the mosque and the almighty Allah has taken the responsibility that he will do the respect of that man who may come to the mosque for meeting with him. With this it has got to know that in reality the greatness of the mosque is the greatness of the Almighty Allah. Just like this the disrespect of them is the disrespect of the Almighty lord (‫)العیاذ باہلل‬ b) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the mosques are markets from the markets of the Day of Judgment. The man who has got entered in them he use to be the guest of the almighty Allah the hospitality of him is the repentance and for him the gift is the respect and honor. c) It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that from all of the places of the world the most beautiful place near to the almighty Allah are the mosques of him and the worst place from all of the places is the market place.


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1. When you are about to enter in the mosque so first of all do take out the shoe from the left foot and then keep the foot on the left shoe and then take out the right foot from the shoe and then at first keep the right foot in the mosque. (Al targheeb) 2. At the time of entering in the mosque do recite this dua (‫ )اللھم افتح لی ابواب رحمتک‬in the other narration this dua has also come. ( ‫( )اللھم اغفرلی ذنوبی و السالم علی رسول ہللا‬Ibn e Maja) It is better that you may recite both of the duas. 3. After getting entered in the mosque do recite this dua ‫اعوذ باہلل العظیم و بوجھہ الکریم و سلطانہ‬ ‫( )القدیم من الشیطن الرجیم‬Al Targheeb)


.u bq

The fourteen rules to remain inside the mosque





.u bq




1. On reaching to the mosque if you may see some people while sitting over there so do salam to them and if there may not be any person so do say )‫ السالم علینا و علی عباد الصاحین‬but it is in such condition when the audience of the mosque may not be involved in the nafil prayer or recitation or tasbeeh etc. otherwise it is nor correct to do them salam. 2. After getting entered into the mosque, before sitting down do offer two rakats of tahaiyya tul masjid apart from the timings which are forbidden. The forbidden timings are three. Sun rise, sun set and the time when sun is at its peak. 3. Do not sell or buy anything in the mosque. 4. Do not give the call in the mosque to fine anything of yours which has got lost. 5. Do not give the call in the masjid to raise the voice. 6. Do not talk about the worldly things in the mosque. 7. Do not fight with any other person on the place of sitting in the mosque. 8. The place where is no place in the row for you to sit down over there do not get into it and make the place congested for the people. 9. Do not move from front of any person who is offering the prayer. 10. Do prevent to spit or clean your nose in the mosque. 11. Do not take out noise from your fingers. 12. Do not play with any part of your body. 13. Do remain clean and pure from the dirt and do not take any little child or crazy man along with you. 14. Do remain involved in the zikr of the ‫آ‬lmighty Allah very much in the mosque. Imam Qurtubi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said after writing these rules that the one who will have done these acts he has fulfilled the rights of the mosque and the mosque has now become the place of safety and protection for him.


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The summary is this that of all of the royal quotes and quotes of law of whole of the world there are many special and unique rules. As masjid is the great court of the one who has made all of the kings, that is why there are some rules for it also which are taught to us by the special person of that court meaning the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he has told us and it is obligatory on Muslims that they may know them and do try to act according to them and the most biggest right of these mosques is this that one should get present over here for the prayers of all five times and the obligatory prayer shall be offered along with the group of people.

.u bq

The two rules of giving the answer of the all of prayer


There is the time of getting the dua accepted between the call of prayer and takbeer. (tirmizi)





1. To give the answer of the call of prayer meaning the words which are said by the moazzin, the one who use to listen those words he may keep on repeating them but then the moazzin may say ‫حی علی الصلوۃ‬and (‫ )حی علی الفالح‬so in the reply of both of these sentences the one who is listening may say (‫ )ال حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل‬and in the call of fajr prayer he may say (‫ )الصلوۃ خیر من النوم‬in the reply of (‫)صدقت و بررت‬. 2. When the call of prayer may get finished so do recite durood shareef and do recite this dua for waseela ( ‫اللھم رب ھذا الدعوۃ التامتہ و الصلوۃ القائمتہ ات محمد ن الوسیلتۃ والفضیلتہ و ابعثہ مقاما محمود‬ ‫( )ن الذی وعدتہ‬Bukhari)

The ten rules to sit in the rows The importance:

.u bq


At whatever times you may go to the mosque do take care about all of these things.

There use to be twenty seven times more reward on offering the prayer along with the group of people.



1. Till when it uses to be possible always do sit after going in to the first row. Exactly at the back of the Imam or on the right side otherwise on the left side. If there may not be the space in the first row so then along with this same sequence which has been mentioned above do sit in the second row then sit after making the third row. Well, till when you may get the space in any already made row so do not sit at the back. (Muslim Abu Daud). The benefit: This sequence of sitting is due to this so that you may offer the prayer along with the group of people in the first row because the reward of it is most from all. 2. Till when the people use to keep on sitting while waiting for the prayer to be offered, they keep on getting the reward of offering the prayer continuously. (that is why it has been


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5. 6. 7. 8.



prevented to talk about the worldly things over there otherwise this reward will keep on going) (Bukhari) In the middle of sunnahs and farz do any zikr so you will be worthy of getting more reward. If you may recite one tasbeeh of ( ‫ )سبحان ہللا و بحمدہ‬and one tasbeeh of ( ‫سبحان ہللا و الحمد ہلل‬ ‫ )وال الہ اال ہللا وہللا اکبر‬between the sunnahs and farz of fajr prayer so there use to be very much reward of it. When the people are offering the prayer so do the recitation and zikr slowly and in low voice. Do not spit in the direction of the qibla. Do not spread your feet in the direction of the qibla. Well, do not do any act which is against the respect of the mosque. (Tibrani, Ahmed) When the prayer use to get started so always before the happening of takbeer do make your rows straight that the takbeer shall be said after it. it has been mentioned in the tirmizi shareef that Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that had appointed one man to make the rows proper. When he used to come and give the news that the rows have become correct then he use to say the takbeer. Do keep the rows completely straight, do stand while joining with each other, and do not leave empty space in the middle. The shoulder and the ankles must be joining with each other. (sahah)

.u bq








Do offer every single prayer just like this with complete devotion and attention. As if it is the last prayer of my life. (Al targheeb). In prayer also the heart should be attentive towards the Almighty Allah and the organs of the body should also be in comfort. (Abu Daud, Nisai). When the prayer use to be started so do take special care to keep the rows straight. If the other person or the present Imam shall say to move forward or backward so do act upon it.

.u bq

The four rules of after getting free from the prayer



1. After doing the Salam of the farz prayer do recite (‫ )استغفرہللا‬one time ( ‫ )ہللا اکبر‬three time and the third time do recite with a little bit loud voice is recommended. (Tirmizi) 2. Do be involved in the zikr of the lord for little bit of time after the farz of fajr and Asar. (tirmizi) 3. On all of the five times, after getting free from the prayer till when the person who has offered the prayer use to keep on ssitting on his place till that time the angels use to keep on doing the dua for repentance and the dua for mercy for him. (al Targheeb) 4. After getting free from the prayer of Fajr till the time of Ishraaq do remain busy in the zikr of the lord. (Tirmizi)


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The 12 rules of the morning and the evening


By chosing from the ahadis shareef tfollowing azkaar have been written. If you feel like so do recite them in the morning and in the evening. So in sha Allah tala there will be very much benefit.






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1. Recite surah e Fatiha one time, recite ayat ul kurci one time, and recite these verses one time ( ‫ ان الدین عند ہللا‬،‫شھد ہللا انہ ال الہ اال ھو و المالئکتہ و اولو العلم قائما بالقسط ال الہ اال ھو العزیز الحکیم‬ ‫ وما اختلف الذین اوتوا الکتاب اال من م بعد ما جاءھم العلم بغیام بینھم ومن یکفر بایت ہللا فان ہللا سریع‬،‫االسالم‬ ‫)الحساب‬. 2. Recite these verses one time ( ‫قل اللھم مالک الملک من تشاء و تنزع الملک ممن تشاء و تعز من تشاء تذل‬ ‫من تشاء بیدک الخیر انک علی کل شیء قدیر تولج اللیل فی النھار و تولج النھار فی اللیل و تخرج الحی من المیت‬ ‫)و تخرج المیت من الحی و ترزق من تشاء بغیر حساب‬ The importance:The one who may recite this surah e Fatiha, ayat ul kurci and the verses which are along with it after offering the all five prayers so the heaven will be the place for him and he will remain in the hazeerat ul qudus. The Almighty Allah will look to him with the gaze of mercy everyday till 70 times and he will fulfill the 70 desires of him and he will do the forgiveness of him. (Ibn e Al Sani) 3. Recite (‫ )اعوذ باہلل السمیع العلیم من الشیطن الرجیم‬and then recite the last verses of surah hasher one time ( ‫ الملک‬،‫ ھو ہللا الذی ال الہ اال ھو‬-‫ھو ہللا الذی ال الہ اال ھو عالم الغیب و الشھادۃ ھو الرحمن الرحیم‬ ‫ ھو ہللا الخالق البارئ المصور لہ‬-‫ سبحان ہللا عما یشرکون‬،‫القدوس السالم المؤمن المھیمن العزیز الجبار المتکبر‬ -‫)االسماء الحسنی یسبح لہ ما فی السموات و االرض و ھو العزیز الحکیم‬ The importance: The man who may recite this at the morning and at the evening so from the morning till the evening and from the evening till the morning 70 thousand angels keep on doing the dua of repentance for him and if he may die so the death of him shall be written as the death of martyred. 4. Do recite surah e Ikhlas, Surah falaq, Surah Al Naas at morning till 3 times. 5. Do recite (‫ )حسبی ہللا ال الہ اال ھو علیہ توکلت وھو رب العرش العظیم‬7 times, if a person may recite this verse 7 times at morning and evening so the big and great tasks of him are taken by the Almighty Allah in his own responsibility and they use to get completed with very much ease whether he may recite it with a false intention even. (Muslim) 6. Recite (‫ )حسبنا ہللا و نعم الوکیل‬one time. 7. Recite ( ‫اعوذ بکلمات ہللا التامات من غضبہ و عقابہ و شر عبادہ ومن ھمزات الشیاطین و اعوذبک رب ان‬ ‫ )یحضرون‬one time. From this the protection is done with the harm of ghosts and the human beings. 8. Recite (‫ )بسم ہللا الذی ال یضر مع اسمہ شیء فی االرض وال فی السماء وھو السمیع العلیم‬3 times. By reciting it at the morning and evening no anything will be able to give you any harm. 9. Recite (﷽ ‫ )رضیت باہلل ربا و باالسالم دینا و بمحمد‬3 times. By reciting it three times the almighty Allah will give so much of reward on the Day of Judgment that the one who will recite this will become happy. 10. Recite Syad ul Astaghfar one time. ( ‫اللھم انت ربی ال الہ اال انت خلقتنی و انا علی عھدک ووعدک ما‬ ‫)استطعت اعوذبک من شر ما صنعت ابوءلک بنعمتک علی و ابوء بذنبی فاغفرلی فانہ ال یغفر الذنوب االانت‬.


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The one who may recite syed ul astaghfar one time at the morning with the complete faith and he may have the death before the evening so he will go in the heaven. Just like this if he may recite it at the evening and he may have death before the morning. 11. By reciting (‫ )اللھم اجرنی من النار‬7 times the almighty Allah make the person free from hell. 12. Do recite (‫)اللھم ما اصبح بی من نعمتہ او باحد من خلقک فمنک وحدک ال شریک لک فلک الحمد و لک الشکر‬ one time at morning so the gratefulness and the blessing of the whole day will happen and if a person may recite it at the evening so he has done the gratefulness of the blessings of the whole of the night. (Sanan Abi Daud). At evening in place of the word (‫ )ما اصبح‬do recite (space for Arabic text). 13. Do recite ( -‫ ولہ الحمد فی السموات و االرض و عشیا و حین تظھرون‬-‫فسبحان ہللا حین تمسون و حین تصبحون‬ ‫ )یخرج الحی من المیت و یخرج المیت من الحی و یحی االرض بعد موتھا و کذلک تخرجون‬one time. (reference from Saha Sitta). If a person may recite it at night so the azkaar and the deficiency which use to come in offering them in whole of the day use to be fulfilled and if he may recite it at the morning so the deficiency of the azkaar of the night use to be fulfilled. (Saha Sitta) The 3 rules of the prayer if Ishraaq:



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1. After getting free from the prayer of Fajr, keep on being busy in the zikr of the lord till the ishraq. In it the greatest level is this that on the place where you have offered the farz a person may keep on sitting over there. The middle level is this that in that masjid a person may sit on any place. The lowest level is this that a person may go out of the mosque but he may keep on doing the zikr of the lord continuously from the tongue. When after the sun raising the shine may come in it. So nearly after 20 minutes of the sun rise do offer nafil of two rakats so the reward of one complete hajj and one umrah use to be gained, this prayer is used to be said as the prayer of ishraaq. (Tirmizi, Mazahr e Haq) 2. At the time of ishraaq if a person may recite nafil of 4 rakat so the fire of hell will not touch the skin of him. (Behiqi) 3. When he may come out from the mosque so at first take out the left foot and keep it on the left shoe and then wearthe shoe at first in the right foot and then wear it in the left foot and then recite this dua (‫( )اللھم انی اسئلک من فضلک‬Tirmizi) in one narration this has also come that (‫)اللھم اغفرلی ذنوبی و السالم علی رسول ہللا‬

The rules of doing breakfast at the morning



The merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to mix the water in the honey and then drink it at morning. It has also come to drink Nabis tumor. (Do break the Nabis tumor dry dates and keep it in the dish of sand at the night. At morning do drink that water) (Tirmizi)


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The rules of the prayer of chasht



After the ishraq do become busy in the routine and getting the income of the world then do recite the prayer of chasht at the time of chasht. When the intensity may come in the sunlight and in the sun nearly after 8 o clock till one hour before the time when the sun use to come on its peak level so during this do offer two rakat or 4 rakat or 6 rakat or 8 rakat of nafil. (This is said to be as the prayer of chasht) (Muslim) The importance:




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1. By offering only two rakats of chasht, there are total three hundred and sixty joints in the body of a human being so a charity of all of them used to be given and the forgiveness of all of the small sins use to happen. (Muslim) Whether the sins are equal to the bubbles of the ocean. (Tirmizi) 2. By reciting four rakats of the chasht, the Almighty Allah use to complete the big and great tasks of this man of the whole day with very much ease, he use to take the responcibility of the tasks of him. (Ahmed) 3. The man who may go out from his house for offering the prayer of chasht after doing the ablution so he use to get the re3ward of an umrah. (Abu Daud) 4. If a person may offer 8 rakat of nafil at the time of chasht so he use to be written in the Qaniteen (worshiping people). If a person may offer 12 rakat so thehouse uses to be made in the heaven. (Ahmed). After getting free from the nawafil of the time of chasht then keep on being busy in getting the permissible income of yours. Near the time when the sun use to be on its peak level most of the people use to have the habit of eating the food. Therefore, now the sunnahs of eating the food are being written. May the Almighty Allah give the opportunity to all the Muslims to walk according to the sunnahs of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

The rules of eating the food



Very much different kinds and forms of eating the food are being produced and we are keeping on adopting them so do think your own self that what will be the time to act upon the sunnahs of the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ?ﷺ‬The sunnahs of him are worthy of making them beloved to the heart. If there is the love so in the love everything uses to become easy. The love use to make one crazy. (‫ )عضوا علیھا بالنواجذ‬what is to be said by being consistent always on the Sunnah. At least one time do eat those things with the intention of sunnah of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬only which are eaten by the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬or else do say like this that till now we have kept on eating with our own wish and according to our own desire but now we will eat with the intention of the sunnah of the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬there will be beatitude also in it, spiritual light will also be in it, the comfort will also be in it. In sha Allah tala.


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The names of the liked foods


The names of those foods which are eaten by the leader of all of the Prophets ‫ﷺ‬, whether he has eaten it one time or more times or it has been eaten as a habit, allof them have been gathered on one place.



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The thirty rules of eating the food





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Camel, cow, ram, goat, sheep, cock, rabbit, meal cow and the meat of birds, fishes, wet dates and raw which are not completely ripped, every kind of dates, dry dates, flat bread of jaw, flat bread of barley, the flat bread of wheat, by keeping dates on the flat bread, eating by mixing both of them, vinegar and the flat bread, by soaking the flat bread in the gravy which is called as sareed, the meat which has been bride in the sunlight, the roasted meat, the meat which has been cooked with the gravy, the meat of the shoulders and the meat of the dast, meat of thighs, the meat of lower part of body, the heart, the liver, the meat of barnacle, the paste of wheat, to mix the oil of olives in the flour of barley in which the black pepper and other spices shall be added by breaking them, the flour of barley and the beat root which has been cooked along with it, to eat the oil of olives with the flat bread, to soak the flat bread in the ghee, the cheese and dry dates and ghee added together to make a dish, the flat bread of barley along with the gravy, sometimes along with the water, pumpkin, cheese and dates along with the butter, and the food (which has been cooked by mixing the ghee) sometimes along with the water, pumpkin and the cheese and dry date with the butter, (and the food which has been cooked along with the ghee) and sometimes dry dates along with the water. Just like this melon, water melon, cucumber, skinny cucumber, along with the dates. He liked the honey very much. (Tirmizi) (Sharah Safar Al Sadat). He used to like the end part of the food very much. (Nashar Al Tayyab). The food which is to be eaten and the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has told the benefits of them or has praised the foods: Sangtara (orange) (Bukhari), onion, garlic, nigella sativa, mustard, fenugreek, ginger powder, the oil of olives, sana Makki, in the dish of ghee to add the honey and to lit it after mixing it. Apple, fat, aelva, oud hindi, the fruit of the tree of pillo, berries etc. (Nashar Al Tayyab)



1. Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬has said that do start eating the food with the salt, there is the cure of 60 diseases in it. (Shaami). To wash hands and do clean the mouth before eating the food. (Tirmizi) 2. To keep this intention that I use to eat the food under the command of the Almighty Allah and do gain the energy for doing the worship for him. (Al targheeb) 3. To eat the food with the right hand just like this if you may give food to any other person or take the food from any other person so then also uses the right hand. (Ibn e Maja) because the devil use to eat and drink from the left hand. (Targheeb). The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to one man to eat from the right hand, he did not eat with it, therefore after it the right hand of him became paralyzed. (Muslim) 4. To eat the food by sitting together. (Abu Daud). The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the food of one man use to be enough for two people and the food of two people use to be enough for four people, and the food of four people use to be enough for 8 people. (Muslim)


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5. How many hands will be together in the food, there will be that much beatitude in it. (Mishkat) 6. To be happy on every amount of food meaning how much and which kind of food may be received, remain happy on it and to eat it after thinking it as the blessing of the almighty Allah. (Mouta Imam Malik) 7. For eating the food, sit with both legs up (meaning to make both of the knees stand and then sit down so that the private part may also remain above the ground) or to spread one leg and sit on it and to make the other knee remaining stand or to keep both of the legs on the ground and then eat while tilting forward. (Umda tul Aari) 8. To eat the food after taking off the shoes. (Darmi) 9. In the gathering of food the man who use to be greatest and the eldest, to make him start eating the food at first. (Muslim) 10. If the food can be eaten along with the three fingers with ease so do not include the fourth finger in it, well to use the fingers of the hand how much it is the need. (Al Targheeb) 11. To start eating the food from the corner which is in your direction, do not put the hand in front of any other person or in the centre of the utensil. (Tirmizi). Because the beatitude use to be sent on the middle part of the food. (Kanz ul Amaal) 12. Do not blow on the food. (Tirmizi) 13. If there shall be different kinds of food on the mat of food so it is allowed to move the hand, whatever food you may like take it and eat it. (Tirmizi) 14. It is a Sunnah to keep vinegar and honey in the house. (Tirmizi) 15. If the big part of the meat is roasted so it is correct it to cut it with the knife and make it small. (Bukhari and Muslim) 16. Apart from cutting the piece of meat with the knife, do eat it after tearing with the teeth. It seems to be tasty and beneficial in digestion this how. (Tirmizi) 17. Do not eat very much hot food; use it after getting a little bit cool down. (Ahmed) 18. While eating the food the thing which is being eaten or the bite may fall down so one should pick it up and eat it after making it clean. Do not leave it for the devil. (Ibn e Maja). The one who pick up the pieces from the mat of food, the Almighty Allah will give him forgiveness. (Majma Al Zawaid) 19. If anyone may come during eating the food so do take the salah of him. (Ibn e Maja) 20. If the partner of yours is eating the food, so give him the company till where it is possible so that he could eat and fill his stomach. If there is any problem so do excuse from him. (Ibn e Maja) 21. There will be very much of goodness in the house where there may be the habit of washing the hands and cleaning the mouth after eating the food. (Ibn e Maja). While washing the food and not enough to wash only one hand or to wash only one finger in fact it is Sunnah to wash hands till the wrists. (Alamgiri) 22. After eating the food do lick the fingers and the utensil because the one who is eating the food do not know this that may be in this part may be the Almighty Allah might have kept


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the beatitude which has been left in the utensil. (Tibrani). The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who may eat in any utensil then he may clean it very much nicely so the utensil use to give him the dua that O the Almighty Allah just like he has made me free from the devil, O the Almighty Allah you may make him free from the hell. (Mishkat) And the utensil use to do the dua of repentance for him. (Ibn e Maja) 23. If the oil may have applied on the hands so before washing it do clean it with the hands, arms and feet. (Ibn e Maja) 24. The mat of food shall be picked up at first, after that the people are eating may get up. (Ibn e Maja) 25. To eat the food after spreading the food of mat on the ground. (Shamael Tirmizi)

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The recommended duas of eating the food




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) or after reciting (‫)بسم ہللا و علی برکتہ ہللا‬. If a person may 1. To start the food after reciting (‫ﷺ‬ forget to recite (‫ )بسم ہللا‬in start of eating food and he may remember it in the middle so do recite like this (‫( )بسم ہللا اولہ و آخر‬Tirmizi). Do remember that the food on which the name of the lord does not use to be taken, the devil use to make it permissible for himself. (Muslim, Mishkat) and while eating the food eat the food while reciting (‫ )بسم ہللا‬so in that house the cursed devil will not be able to eat the food, neither he will be able to live in that house, the entrance of him will be closed. 2. After getting free from the food, do recite the recommended dua. Plus by reading this dua the sins (small) use to be forgiven. ( ‫الحمد ہلل الذی اطعمنی ھذا الطعام و رزقنیہ من غیر حول منی و ال‬ ‫( )قوۃ‬Abu Daud) 3. If a person may eat the food on the mat of food of any other person so do this dua for him but till that time it has not been proved to pick up the hands for doing the dua. ( ‫اللھم اطعم من‬ ‫ )اطعمنا و اسق من سقانا‬or do recite this dua (‫)اللھم بارک لھم فیما رزقھم خیرا منہ‬. May the almighty Allah give us the opportunity to act upon it. aameen! 4. After eating the food when the mat of food shall be picked up so do recite this dua. ( ‫الحمد‬ ‫( )ہلل حمدا کثیرا طیبا مبارکا فیہ غیر مکفی و ال مودع وال مستغنی عنہ ربنا‬Mishkat) 5. One man said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬I use to remain sick, do dua for the health of mine. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that at the time of eating or drinking do recite this dua (‫( )بسم ہللا الذی ال یضر مع اسمہ داء فی االرض و ال فی السماء یا حی یا قیوم‬Kanz ul Amal). After eating the food do recite surat Al Quraish and Ikhlas. (Ahya ul Uloom)


The rules of tahaiya tul wazu and tahaya tul masjid


Note: at the time of Fajr it has been stopped from the tahaya tul wazu and tahaya tul masjid but at the time of Zohar to offer both of them is very much appreciated.


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1. After doing the ablution in the correct way, do recite two rakat nafil in such way that one should not like to bring the thoughts very much consciously. By offering in this way, the forgiveness of all of the (small) sins use to happen. (Tirmizi). After doing the ablution these both nafils are called as tahaya tul wazu. Apart from the timings which are forbidden, whenever you may do the ablution, do offer these two rakat of nafils. Just like this for entering in the mosque, do recite two rakat nafil for thankfulness. These are said to be as tahaya tul masjid. These are also appreciated. (Tirmizi)

The rules of the prayer of Zohr




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1. For the prayer of zohr in masjid do take care about doing the ablution, about going out from the house, of the path and of entering into the mosque, of sitting in the mosque, in making the rows and of all of the sunnahs of praying with the group of people, which have been told in the discussion of the time of Fajr. 2. Before the frz prayer of Zohr there are four rakat and after the farz prayer there are 2 rakat of Sunnah. 3. When the group has started the prayer so do not walk by running that there may be short breathing. In fact come along with the fine speed and with the decency. (Tirmizi) 4. Those people may stand at the back of the Imam who uses to be more aware with the problems of the prayer. (Tirmizi) 5. It has been proved by the holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬to offer the prayer on the ground and on the mat. (Tirmizi) To offer the prayer on the ground is better than offer on mat and it is better to offer on the mat to offer it on the mat of cloth. (Sharah Naqaya). After the prayer of Zohr do get busy in your routine tasks and do take care about the prayer of Asar very much specially. In the Holy Quran specially the special command of it has come that the prayer of Asar shall be offered along with the group of people. When you may do the prepration for the prayer of Asar so do move forward by offering the sunnahs which has been mentioned.

The four rules of the prayer of Asar



1. Before the farz of Asar it is Sunnah (gher mokidah) to offer 4 rakats. (Tirmizi) 2. Just like the prayer of Fajr, after offering the prayer of Asar do keep on doing the zikr of the lord for little bit time. At that time the duty of the angels who are appointed on the Day and night use to be changed. Most of the time do recite thirty three times (‫ )سبحان ہللا‬thirty three times (‫ )الحمد ہلل‬and thirty four times (‫ )ہللا اکبر‬then do the dua. 3. After the prayer of Asar till the prayer of Maghrib, the man who use to stay in the mosque and keep on doing the zikr of the lord he use to get the reward like doing the four slaves free who are from the decendence of Hazrat Ismael ‫علیہ السالم‬. (Al Targheeb). The warning: At the time of getting busy in the business even, keep on doing the zikr with abundance


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and do prevent with the false promises and with the other sins. Well to take care of them is very much necessary for the whole life and to be safe from the sins. If the sins may happen so one should do the repentance very quickly. The loneliness and the remembrance of lord are better than the bad friend. 4. When the sun is just about to set so do not make little children go out of the house. If they may be outside so do call them inside the house. At that time the army of the devil uses to get spread. Now you will offer the prayer of maghrib, do take care about the sunnahs which are mentioned before. Most of the sunnahs use to come in front at the time of every prayer. One time they have been told, now you may keep on taking care of them at all of the five times.

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The three rules of the prayer of maghrib






1. At the time of call of prayer of maghrib, to do this dua has been told. ( ‫اللھم ھذا اقبال لیلک و‬ ‫( )ادبار نھارک و اصوات دعاتک فاغفرلی‬Mishkat) 2. After the farz prayer of maghrib, it is sunnah to offer two rakat. (Tirmizi) 3. After these two sunnahs, if a person may offer 6 rakat nafil so he use to get the reward of doing worship till 12 years, this is called as salat al Awwabeen. After getting free from the prayer of maghrib, a person may recite all of those duas which have been written to recite after the prayer of morning. If a person may want to eat the food after maghrib so he should take care of all of those sunnahs which have been written of eating food and he should also give the lesson to the children so that the house may become enlightened with the light of sunnah. When the darkness may spread so the children can go outside meaning after the sun set which was stopped as (‫ )شففتہ‬that restriction has now been finished.

.u bq


The 5 rules of the time of being entered in the house



1. At the time of being entered in the house, a person may keep on doing any zikr. (Muslim) 2. The members which are present in the house, whether she is wife or children, do salam to them. (Abu Daud) 3. When there shall be the time or fear of any one present in the house to become uncovered so one should get entered after giving the news. (Nisai). The benefit: Sometimes the mother, daughter, sister even use to sit in such condition that by reaching suddenly, they use to feel embarrassed and ashamed. The sunnahs of eating the food after the maghrib even are those same which have been written before. Keep them in your mind. 4. Take care of that time that the prayer of isha may not get missed with the group of people. This time is good time to tell the teachings of the religion to the children. Now you may do the preparation of the prayer of Isha.


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The dua of the time of getting entered into the house


1. At the time of getting entered into the house, do recite this dua ( ‫اللھم انی اسئلک خیر المولج و‬ ‫)خیر المخرج بسم ہللا و لجنا و علی ہللا ربنا توکلنا‬

The ten rules of the prayer of Isha






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1. Before the farz prayer of Isha, four rakat prayers are Sunnah. (gher mokidah) (Mishkat) 2. After the farz prayer of isha 2 rakat of prayer are Sunnah. (Mishkat) 3. In place of these 2 sunnahs of isha or 2 rakats if a person may offer 4 rakats so he use to get the reward equal to the shab e Qadr. (Al Targheeb) and the ones who does not use to wake up at the time of tahajjud, they may offer these 4 rakats with the intention of tahajjud so then they use to get included in the tahajjud. If a person may get up at the last part of night even so at that time also do offer the prayer of tahajjud otherwise these 4 rakats will also be enough. 4. After the vitr, the 2 rakats which are use to be offered, in those nafils to recite ( ‫اذا زلزلت‬ ‫ )االرض‬after surah fatiha in the first rakat and in the 2nd rakat if the person may recite ( ‫قل‬ ‫ )یایھا الکافرون‬after surah fatiha so these 2 rakats do become in place of tahajjud prayer. (Al targheeb) The benefits: If it would be possible so in both of the place meaning before the vitr 4 rakats and after the vitr 2 rakat nafil, a person may do the intention of tahajjud so then if the almighty Allah will desire so there will not be the depriviation from the reward and benefit of tahajjud prayer. 5. After the prayer if Isha it is prohibited to talk about the worldly things, (without any need) (meaning it is makrooh e tanzeeli) (Mishkat) (This was the routine of Murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ and of the mashaikh of him). 6. If there is the dark night, there is no arrangement of light even so then also to offer the prayer of Isha after going into the mosque is the reason of good news. (Ibn e Maja) 7. Do offer every obligatory prayer along with the group of people with the first takbeer (Al targheeb) 8. The man who may offer the prayer oif Isha till 40 nights along with the group of people just after the first takbeer so he use to be written as free from the hell (free) (Ibn e Maja) 9. In the first rakat of vitrs it is proved to recite (‫ )سبح اسم ربک االعلی‬after surah fatiha, in 2nd rakat (‫)قل یایھا الکافرون‬, in third rakat (‫)قل ھو ہللا احد‬. (Abu Daud). In sometimes do leave it. 10. After getting free from the prayer of vitr, do recite three times (space for Arabic text) along with loud voice. The third time, it has also come in hadis e paak to recite by stretching it a little bit. (Mishkat)


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The rules of before sleeping








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1. Do close the doors of the house by reciting (‫ﷺ‬ ) and put the lock after reciting (‫)بسم ہللا‬ (Bukhari) even this that if there is the bucket of water so keep any wooden piece on the top of it also after reciting (‫( )بسم ہللا‬bukhari) 2. The utensils in which there shall be the things of eating or drinking, do cover all of them after reciting (‫( )بسم ہللا‬Bukhari) 3. The light from which there may be the danger of getting the fire being burned so do extinguish that even. (Bukhari) 4. Do the conversation with the wife and children which is good in nature and stories which use to have the lessons. (Shamael Tirmizi) 5. When the children are nearly of nine or ten years so do make the beds of brothers and sisters even separate. (Mishkat) 6. Keep the box of surma and at the time of sleeping so apply the surma in the eyes of the children and in your own eyes also three times. At first do apply three times in the right eye and then do apply it in the left eye. (Mishkat) 7. Do sleep along with the ablution. It is enough if you have the ablution from before. The one who use to sleep along with the ablution, if he may die at that same night so he will be a martyred. (Ibn e Sani, Kanz ul Amal) the one who use to sleep after doing the ablution he is like the one who use to keep the fast for the whole day and the one who use to do the worship for the whole night (faiz Al Qadeer). The spirits use to go to the world which is above in the condition of sleeping, the ones who are with the ablution, they use to go in the state of sajdah in front of the court. (Behiqi Fee Shaab Al Imaan). If a person could not do the ablution so before sleeping he may do the tayammum at least. 8. If the bed is already spreaded so before lying down do clean it nicely. Do clean it with one corner of the cloth at least. (Mishkat) 9. Do the miswak again for sleeping (Mishkat) 10. Do spread the bed by your own self. (Muslim) 11. Do set the pillows. (Muslim). During the journey it is a Sunnah to take the work of pillow from the hand even. (Zaad Al Meaad). The pillow of leather is a Sunnah. (Seerat) 12. To make the bed of the leather and skin and then to sleep on it, to sleep on the straw bed, to sleep on the sac, to sleep on the floor of cloth, to sleep on the flor, to sleep on the wooden piece, to sleep on the bunk. (Nashar Al Tayyad etc). On every place you can get the reward with the intention of Sunnah. 13. To sleep on the right side in the direction of the qibla (Bukhari and Muslim) 14. To sleep after keeping the head on the right hand. (Bukhari) 15. The husband and wife are to be slept on one bed. (Mishkat) 16. To sleep after doing the intention of waking up for the prayer of tahajjud. (Nisai) 17. Do keep the miswak and water of the ablution ready from before (Muslim) 18. Do sleep after keeping the prayer mat beside you for tahajjud. (Nisai)


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19. At whatever time you may wake up at night, before the rising of sun dfo offer the prayer of tahajjud. (Mishkat) there use to be at least two rakat and maximum 12 rakats of tahajjud. These are the sunnahs, rest of the nawafil how much you want you may offer them. Do any zikr of the lord, do the recitation of the Holy Quran, if you may want so you may sleep again after offering the tahajjud. It is correct but do offer the prayer of fajr along with the group of people.


The duas of reciting at the time of sleeping






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.u bq

1. Along with the (‫ )بسم ہللا‬do recite surah Falaq, surah ikhlas and surah naas, all of them three times, then meet the palms of both of the hands and then blow on them and do rub both of the hands from the head till the feet till where they may reach. First start from the front side of the head, till the feet, after that do rub at the side of back. (Tirmizi) 2. Do recite this dua after lying down ( ‫باسمک ربی وضعت جنبی و بک ارفعہ ان امسکت نفسی فارحمھا و‬ ‫( )ان ارسلتھا فاحفظھا بما تحفظ بہ عبادک الصالحین‬Mishkat). If this seems to be big so do recite it like this (‫( )اللھم باسمک اموت و احیی‬Mishkat) 3. Do recite this astaghfar three times (‫ الحی القیوم و اتوب الیہ‬-‫( )استغفر ہللا الذی ال الہ االھو‬Tirmizi). By reciting it thrre times all of the sins will be forgiven. Whether they are equal to the amount of bubbles of the ocean or the leaves of the trees or the particles of the sand or whether they are equal to the days of the world. (Kanz ul Amal) 4. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who will do the recitation of forty verses at night he will not be written at being included in the ignorant people and the one who will do the recitation of the one hundred verses he will be written in the worshiping and pious people. (Ibn e Sani) 5. At the time of sleeping sdo recite surah Mulk and Alif Laam Meem Sajdah (Tirmizi). Do the recitation of ayat ul kurci. 6. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did not use to sleep till the time he would not recite surah zumur and surah bani Israel (Azkaar e Nabwi). 7. Do sleep after reciting thirty three times (‫)سبحان ہللا‬, thirty three times (‫ )الحمد ہلل‬and thirty four times (‫ )ہللا اکبر‬and recite kalma e tayyaba one time. (Mishkat) 8. By doing the recitation of surah waqiya, the bad time of starvation and poverty does not use to come. (Al targheeb). Do recite surah Kafiroon. (Majma Al Zawaed) 9. It is Sunnah to do the recitation of last verses of surah hasher. (Ibn e Sani) 10. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who may come on the bed of him and do recite this dua (for sleeping) so all of the sins of him will be forgiven whether they may be equal to the bubbles of the ocean. ( ‫ لہ الملک ولہ الحمد وھو علی کل شیء قدیر ال‬،‫ال الہ اال ہللا وحدہ ال شریک لہ‬ ‫( )حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل سبحان ہللا والحمد ہلل وال الہ اال ہللا وہللا اکبر‬Amal Al Youm Al Nisai) 11. If a person may see good dream at night and if he wants so he may tell it to any intelligent and loving person so that he may give good conclusion of it and if a person may see the bad and frightening dream so the time at which he may wake up, at that same time do spit three times in the direction of left hand after reciting (‫ )اعوذ باہلل من الشیطن الرجیم‬one time and


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then sleep after being in another direction and do not mention it with any other person. If the Almighty Allah will wish so there will not bew any harm. (Bukhari andMuslim) 12. When the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to wake up at night, so he used to recite (‫ )ال الہ اال ہللا‬three times. (Al Dua) 13. When you may have the intention of getting up after waking up so do recite this dua ( ‫الحمد‬ ‫ )ہلل الذی احیانا بعد ما اماتنا و الیہ النشور‬and it is also a Sunnah to do the miswak after getting up.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


In which way and at what time one should not sleep



.u bq

To sleep on the stomach is against the Sunnah and a disliked act. (Zarqaani) To sleep in the middle of people or in the path is against the Sunnah. (Majma Al Zawaed) To sleep after the asar is against the Sunnah. (Matalib Aaloiya) To sleep till morning is the reason of shortness in the rizq. (Targheeb) From sleeping till the morning, the devil use to pass out the urine in the ears. (Bukhari) The mother of Hazrat Suleman ‫علیہ السالم‬said to Hazrat Suleman ‫علیہ السالم‬that do not sleep very much at night. To sleep very much at night use to make the one who use to sleep as a poor person on the Day of Judgment. (Adab e Behiqi) 7. To sleep just after the isha prayer is Sunnah. (Masnad e Ahmed)


The rules of prayer of Istikhara The Istikhara according to the Sunnah


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The meaning of istikhara is to ask for the goodness and better thing in any matter meaning to be focused towards the Almighty Allah in every permissible tasks which use to happen in the life of everyday and to ask for the goodness, betterment and guidance from the Almighty Allah in that work. Istikhara is one appreciable act, the way of which and the dua of which has been mentioned in the ahadis e paak of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to give the advice of doing istikhara to the respectable companions ‫رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬before doing every single work along with its importance.

The importance of the istikhara



1. To leave the istikhara and to not do it uses to be included in the unluckiness and wretched for the human being. (Majma Al Asaneed) 2. The good luck of the human being is this that he may do istikhara in his tasks and the unluckiness is this that he may leave the istikhara and the good luck of the human being is in this thing that he shall remain happy on every decision of the Almighty Allah which has been done regarding to him and the bad fate is this that he may express the resentment on the decision of the Almighty Allah. (Mishkat) 3. The man who uses to do the istikhara in his matters, he will never ever be unsuccessful and the man who uses to do discussion with the people, he will never ever have to face the embarrassment or regret. (Tibrani)


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The goal of the istikhara



4. A very much big benefit of istikhara is this that due to it the human being use to become like an angel because he use to come out of the wish of him and he use to make the wish of him under the obedience of the wish of the Almighty Allah and he use to tilt the complete direction of him towards the direction of the Almighty Allah and the person who use to do the istikhara in very much amount, he use to become like the angels slowly and gradually. hazrat Shah Wali ullah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the istikhara is one easy act to become like the angels, the one who wants this may test after experiencing it.

The procedure of the prayer of istikhara




.u bq

The goal of istikhara is this that the work which was in the responsibility of a person, he has done it and now he has given himself in the protection of the complete power and the boundary of the complete knowledge of the Almighty Allah as if he has been done with his responsibility by doing the istikhara. It is also the rule of our common world that if some human being use to go to any experienced, intelligent and decent man to take the advice from him so that man use to give the correct advice only and he use to help him even according to his power, so who will be the most merciful and the most kind more than the Almighty Allah? The mercy of him is exemplary, the knowledge of him is complete and the power of him is incomparable. Now the condition which will be benefit in regards to the human being, the Almighty Allah will give the opportunity of him, he will do guide him towards it, what will be better for you, with the mercy of the Almighty Allah only that will happen.


.u bq



The merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to give the teaching of the prayer of the istikhara in this way to the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬just like he used to give the teachings of the holy Quran. He said that whenever any work may make you enter in the tension and the thoughts (meaning whether I may do it or not do it) so he should offer two rakat of nafil. (After the prayer he should say these words) ( ‫ و‬،‫ و تعلم وال اعلم‬،‫ فانک تقدر و ال اقدر‬،‫ و اسئلک من فضلک العظیم‬،‫ و استقدرک بقدرتک‬،‫اللھم انی استخیرک بعلمک‬ ‫ اللھم ان کنت رعلم ام ھذا االمر‬،‫)انت عالم الغیوب‬. On this place the work which is to be happened, do the intention of it. ( ‫خیرا لی فی دینی و معاشی و عاقبتہ امری او خیرالی فی عاجل امری و اجلہ فاقدرہ لی و یسرہ لی و‬ ‫)بارک لی فیہ و ان کنت تعلم ان ھذا االمر‬. (over here do express the wish of the heart) ( ‫شرالی فی دینی و معاشی‬ ‫( )و عاقبتہ امری او شرافی عاجل امری و اجلہ فاصرفنی عنہ و اقدر لی الخیر حیث ما کان ثم ارضنی بہ‬Ibn e Maja). After this thought may come in the heart, a person may think that aspect as better.

The rules of the prayer of Hajat



Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abi Aufa ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say that the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬came and said that the person who use to have any wish towards the Almighty Allah or towards the creation of him so he should do the ablution and offer two rakat of nafil. Then he should say these words ( ‫ال الہ اال‬ ‫ اللھم انی اسئالک موجبات رحمتک و عزائم مغفرتک‬،‫ہللا الحلیم الکریم سبحان ہللا رب العرش العظیم و الحمد ہلل رب العلمین‬ ‫و الغنیمتہ من کل بر و السالمتہ من کل اثم اسئالک ان ال تدع لی ذنبا اال غفرتہ و ال ھما اال فرجتہ وال حاجتہ ھی لک رضا اال‬


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‫)قضیتھا لی‬. Then he should do the question from the Almighty Allah whatever he may want of the matter of the world and the Day of Judgment. The Almighty Allah is the most powerful. (Ibn eMaja)

.u bq

The rules and beatitudes of the prayer of tahajjud


The importance:





.u bq




1. The prayer of tahajjud is the quality of pious people. (good people) 2. It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that at night when the people use to be sleeping, do offer the prayer so you will be made to be entered in the heaven along with the comfort. (Masnad e Ahmed, Tirmizi, Ibn e Maja) 3. It has been said regarding to the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬that ( ‫سیماھم فی وجوھھم من‬ ‫ )اثر السجود‬the sign of them is the mark of the sujood on the faces of them. (Al Fatah Hazrat Akrama) (Tabaee) ‫ )سیما(رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬meaning of this are those waking up of the nights, the effects of which use to be seen on the faces of them) (Rooh Al Maani) 4. After the Farz prayer the most important prayer is the prayer of night (Tahajjud) (Muslim) 5. Few people got to see Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in their dreams. They asked do tell, what has been happened with you? (meaning that what matter happened with you) He said that all of my knowledge, books and all of the relations proved to be useless, only those few small and little rakats came to be useful which I used to offer at the suhoor. ( ‫ایھا الولد‬ ‫)للغزالی‬ a) There are minimum 4 rakats and maximum 12 rakats of the tahajjud. If there may not be this so only 2 rakats are also enough. If you may not have energy to wake up at last part of the night so you may offer them after the Isha prayer but there will not be the reward like that. Be according to the hadis e paak if not anything else, so at least do become regular to offer the prayer of Isha and Fajr at least along with the first takbeer with the group of the people. (Muslim and Masnad e Ahmed) (Mulkhasan Alaikum Bil Sunnati)


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The three rules of the Friday



1. It is Sunnah to take the bath on the day of Friday after the prayer of Fajr and it is a reason of very much reward. 2. Do wear the best cloths which use to be available after doing the bath on the day of Friday. If it is possible so do apply the fragrance also and also cut the nails 3. Do go in the grand mosque very much early, the man who will be entered in the grand mosque how much early, he will get very much reward equal to that.

.u bq

The level of ontologism through the nikah The need of nikah for the progress in ontologism




.u bq




One great man did not use to do the nikah. Once upon a time he was sleeping that during it he became shocked suddenly and said that bring any girl quickly. One sincere follower was present around him, one daughter of him was unmarried, and he went quickly and brings her in his service. At that same time the nikah happen. The Almighty Allah gave them one child and he died. He said to his wife that O wife, the goal which was of mine, it has now got completed. Now you have the authority if you have the wish of this world so I may make you free, you may do marry some other man and if you want to finish your life in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah so do remain over here. As that girl has now lived with him and the effect of his company has now came inside her that is why she said that now I will not go anywhere else. Therefore both of those husband and wife remained busy in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah. Few of the special people of him asked that Hazrat what was this thing? He said that the matter was this that I was sleeping, I saw this that there is Medaan e Mehshar and the people are passing from the bridge of Siraat. I saw one man that he was not able to walk; he is walking while getting stumbled. At that same time one child came and holds his hand and took him in fast speed. I asked that who is this? It was said that he is the child of him who died in his child hood; he became the guider of him over here. After that I woke up and this thought came to me that I may not remain deprived from this superiority. May be it may happen that this child become the reason of my riddance that is why I did the nikah and this became my goal.

Do become free from tension in regards to the proposals


Many of the people use to remain worried in regards to the proposals for sure. Specially the people use to remain worried in regards to their daughters to where will be they married and how will it happen and few people use to remain being worried due to the spenditures of the marriages of their daughters. In this regard do fix some rules in your mind which are for guidance.


There is no need to become worried on any point. These are the gift of the Almighty Allah; the Almighty Allah is the only one to fulfill all of the sadness of all of the people, depression, thoughts and needs.


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1. The first thing is this that one should have very much strong relation and complete faith along with the Almighty Allah. 2. Do not move out from the limit of balance in all of the tasks of the marriage and wedding. Every task should be inside the status of yourself. 3. Do become completely safe from all of the forbidden acts. 4. Do become safe from show off and pride, when there will be countless forbidden tasks, forbidden acts including in the nikah which is liked so where will be the beatitude? All of the goodness will get away. 5. Some people use to take tension just after they have daughters born to them. What is the matter to take tension in this? When the daughter may get born so along with it do plant one tree also. Just as the daughter will grow up, the tree will also grow up. When the time of the marriage of the girl will come so the wood for her furniture will be ready. If the Almighty Allah will wish it, to think this that without the dowry the daughter cannot be married or we cannot marry her without very much of dowry, all of become very much under the loan, this is not the intelligence. The balance is very much important for us. 6. According to the hadis e paak, that nikah use to have much more beatitude in which there use to be less expenditure. 7. The husband and wife use to want only the beatitude in the nikah which use to be finished in very much painfulness.


What should be the under consideration in searching for the appropriate proposal




.u bq



1. First of all one should see the religion, faith and character. 2. One should not put the limits of any status, in this way the thought of only doing the marriage in your own tribe is not correct. 3. Just after when the daughter may become 18 years old, the search for her proposal should be started. When the appropriate proposal may be find according to her so the nikah should be done. Few people use to start searching for the proposal when the girls use to become twenty five or thirty years old. 4. Few people use to do big and great demands that the boy is like this so the girl should be like this, she should be this must educated and few greedy people use to do the demand of other things also. 5. The marriage which use to happen after looking the religion and character and there does not use to be the demands from both of the sides and then during the marriage they also use to be safe from the false acts so in such marriage there use to be very much beatitude and it also use to be prosperous and there also use to be very much good effect in their children. 6. One should not reject any proposal without any special reason, the effect of it use to fall very much bad. The people who use to have the habit of looking very much proposals, they use to get rejected most of the times.


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To be late in doing the nikah is a big hindrance in the ontologism


It is the result of being limited to modern culture and traditions and acts that in the marriages of the daughters there use to be late without any reason. This is completely going against the shariah. To kill the feelings of the girls and their nature is the synonym of injustice with them. Therefore the results of it are coming in front that the incidence of immodesty and the abundance of adultery are becoming very much common.



.u bq


The most important reason of being late in doing the nikah of daughters are the self made thoughts about the son in law that when he will be perfect on this level so then only the nikah will be done for example in the family and tribe he should be like Hazrat Hasnain ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬in the height of character he should be equal to Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. if the knowledge is religious so he should be equal to the Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, if the knowledge is of world so he should be like Boo Ali Seena. In the beauty and attraction he should be like Hazrat Yusuf ‫علیہ السالم‬, in the kingdom and wealthiest status he should be equal to the Firoun and Qaroon. When they will get the son in law who will have these qualities only then we will say that we have found the worthy son in law. Although the teaching of shariah is this that in regards to do the nikah, to lok only three things is important in the son in law. 1. Religiousness. 2. Equal status. 3. The strength of getting income. In this level also not much struggle and suspense should be done.

The one who does not use to get married, they may do these tasks


.u bq




1. After being completely regular of the farz prayer, do very much duas after every farz prayer. 2. Do very much of forgiveness and repentance. 3. Do think this that whether you might have kept very much conditions and on just little bit things you does not use to reject the proposals, keep on checking this thing. 4. Keep on giving little bit of charity with silence, according to your financial status. 5. Make the piouspeople, parents and teacher do very much dua for you. Do not think the duas of the parents very much light whether the parents are involved in the world. 6. Do leave completely to do gossips about the people and leave listening that also. There will be very much ease in the relationships. If the almighty Allah will wish it, may the almighty Allah give the appropriate proposals of the spouses of the Muslim daughters and may make their end good. Aameen

The ten very much nice benefits of doing the nikah



How much easy act is the nikah in the shariat, may be any other act shall be this much easy. The reality of the nikah is this that in the presence of two witnesses it is to accept and admit in return of the amount of money (Mehr). The way of doing act of the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬do tells us that in regards of the nikah they does not use to do any kind of formality. How much love the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬use to have with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, that is not dependent upon being told but the grate companion like Abdul Rehman Bin Auf ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬also did not use to do the formality of calling the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in his nikah and on getting the news of nikah, there was no any complain


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and no any resentment from the side of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that is why for doing the arrangement of nikah how much one can get safe from the arrangements and the formalities, there is that much of comfort and piece in it.




.u bq




.u bq


1. By doing the nikah the human being use to be pure and clean and he use to remain safe from the sin. 2. A Muslim use to spend whatever on his family after doing the nikha, that is the charity on which he use to get the reward and gift. 3. The Almighty Allah has kept which kept the natural relation between the man and woman, with the nikah not only the desire of the body use to get fulfilled in fact the reward and gift also use to be gained on it. 4. The soul of the human being use to search for the love and affection, the love which is true and clean from every kind of show off, the Almighty Allah has kept it in the nikah. 5. The nikah is not only the meet up of two people in fact through it the two families use to get engaged and the human being use to be involved in the happiness and sorrows of each other and he use to do kindness which is the source of reward and gift and love and brother hood. 6. The Islam use to give the teachings of family life and there is no any thought of Sufism in Islam. With the beatitude of nikah, the environment of purity use to become in the society from which the family use to be protected. 7. While living in the society this use to be the wish of every single person that he may get the power and the best source of getting the power are the children which are gained from the nikha. 8. Nikah is not only the worship in fact it is a great blessing of the Almighty Allah and it is a Sunnah of Prophets of the Almighty Allah ‫علیہ السالم‬. The lady to see whom was not even permissible, due to the nikah she use to become permissible for the man. 9. The nikah is one worship from which the completion of the human being use to happen and there is no any other worship which has been kept on being continued from the era of Adam Alaih Salam and then it has also been remain in the heaven also. There is no other thing except the nikah like this. 10. On getting the blessing odf the nikha, one should be thankful to the almighty Allah and do feel the worth of it.


The reward of getting the happiness of the husband


Once upon a time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬became attentive towards Asma ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬and he said that do listen with care and understand it and the ladies who have sent you, do tell this to them that for a lady do good behavior with their husbands, do find the happiness of him and do act upon it, is equal to the


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‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬

went back


reward of all of these things (good deeds). After listening this answer Asma after becoming very much happy. (Asad Al Ghaba)

.u bq


For the ladies to act nicely along with their husbands, to do their service and to do their obedience and to follow their commands is a very much precious thing. Once upon a time the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬said to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in his service that the people outside the Arab use to do the sajdah to their kings. You ‫ ﷺ‬are the worthy of this that we shall do the sajdah to you ‫ﷺ‬. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that if I would have given the command to do the sajdah to any other person apart from the Almighty Allah so I would have given the command to the ladies that they shall do the sajdah to their husbands. It has been mentioned in one hadis e paak that the lady who would die in such condition that the husband of her would be happy from her so she will go in the heaven. It has been mentioned in the other hadis e paak that the lady will not go in the heaven till that time, till when the husband of her will remain resented with her.


If there shall be wife so like this



It was the rule of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that after the prayer if Isha he used to drink the milk. Therefore just as he used to come so his respectable wife use to be present while taking the bowl of the milk but he used to do the intention of offering the nawafil in due to the interest of worship and he used to spend whole of the night in this condition while doing the worship, it has been told by her respectable wife.


Sometimes it also use to happen like this that Hazrat spent whole of the nights in the nawafil and I also kept on being standing for the whole night while taking the bowl.

.u bq



Allah, Allah, if they shall be the wife so like this. Today to do the imagination of it is even very much difficult. Where are insisters have kept the effect on other people, over there they have kept the effect the most on their wife. The incident of the respectable wife of the Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬himself has been written that on the (‫ )حی علی الصلوۃ‬of the call of prayer she used to get up in this way after leaving the tasks that as if she had no connection with this work at all. She used to become ignorant with every single thing completely.

The seven rights of the husband in the responsibility of the wife Just like there are the rights of the wife in the responsibility of the man, just like that there are very much rights of the husband in the responsibility of the woman, the fulfillment of which is the obligation of the lady.



1. In the responsibility of the woman the biggest right from the entire husband is this that when she has given the entity of her to the husband so she should do the protection of it always and in this regard she may not commit any dishonesty. Whether the husband may be present or absent meaning if he has gone on any journey so to maintain relation with any strange man is the dishonesty and breaking of promise of the greatest level.


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.u bq




.u bq



2. It is obvious that the man who has done the nikah with the woman, one reason of it is to leave the desires of the internal self on the false place and to fulfill them in the permissible and allowed place. That is why whenever the husband may have the demand of it so the opportunity shall be given to him of it and in this regard she should not make any excuse without. It is the meaning of the quote of the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‍ ‏that if the husband may call you for the fulfillment of his need and your flat bread may be on the stove so then also you must leave your work and fulfill the demand of him. 3. The wife should do the protection of whatever things and property is there of the husband, it should not be spend against the wish of the husband and in the wrong place. Just like that the over spending should also not be done in the matters of need. In fact she should make the thingsaccording to her husband demands. 4. The woman should do this that she may learn the tasks of household in a nice way and she should do the arrangements of food and drinking, living and spending and wearing and spreading according to the nature of the husband. 5. It is not a good thing when the wife uses to become resented again and again on the words of the husband and on the work of him and to become resented when anything of her would not be able to get completed. With this the degrees use to come in the love and the husband use to start feeling one burden. The wife should prevent from such useless habits very much. The bride is the one to whom the groom use to love. 6. It is the immodesty and shamefulness of the greatest level when the wife uses to become angry or on anything of him and to do bad conversation or to say him bad, or to say the abusive words. If the husband does not use to say anything due to his simplicity or any other helplessness so the meaning of it is not this that you may do whatever you want. If you may have done such act so the importance and love of yours in the heart of husband will become finished and it is not strange that after some days the matter may reach till the departure and there may not be anyone to wipe the tears of yours. 7. The wife should keep very much balance and attitude of meeting and greeting in a matter of brothers and sisters and mother and father of her husband. Whether she may get any pain even from her in laws. To become frustrated on the ordinary matters and to do complaining and resented on the in laws in front of the husband will make the love of the wife degrees and this use to happen that when in any house there use to be two ladies or two or four children so every single matter will not be according to your nature. Some things will happen for sure against to the nature that is why do keep good attitude with all of the younger people and elder people in the in laws. With this the love will get increased and the enjoyment of the life will become double. The woman should do this that she should do the safety of her natural beauty and attraction and wishes of heart in a complete way. She should make it safe from getting safe so that the gaze of the husband may not get fixed on the other place by getting away from her.


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The quality of the woman ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬

that the quality of a woman is in


It is the quote of the lady of the heaven Hazrat Fatima two things.



The good woman


1. This that no any non mehrum person shall see her. 2. This also that she may not even see any non mehrum.


.u bq

When some man did a question from one Aeraabi meaning from a villager person that who is the most superior in the women? He gave the answer that the one who is when standing so use to have a big height, when she may sit so she may look elder in them, she use to be true in speaking and very much humble at the time of anger. When she may laugh so she may only smile, when she may make anything, she may make it very much nicely and she should be the obedient to her husband and the one to remain in her house very much. She should be respectable in her nation but she should think herself as unworthy. She should be the loving one and the source of children and the every single matter of her should be worthy of praise.

The secret of internal beauty of the ladies



.u bq




One old lady who was very much beautiful and the owner of the decent face, some young girl asked from her that o old lady! What things have you used for the beauty from which so much of light is dripping from the face of yours? The old lady said that o daughter! I have always applied the lipstick of truth on my lips, I have kept the tongue of mine always filled with the zikr of the Almighty Allah, I have always applied the surma in my eyes to be safe from looking the things from which the Almighty Allah has stopped to look to them, I have always applied the henna of favor meaning of giving on my hands. I have learned to give all of the people and have learnt to take only from the Almighty Allah and I have applied the powder of the consistency on my hands. I have fixed the coin of love of the Almighty Allah on the heart of mine, I have made the wisdom and intelligence over come on my mind, I have made my internal self obligatory on the obedience, I have tied my every single desire with this remembrance that the Almighty Allah is watching.

The relation with the Almighty Allah is how much easy for the wife



1. The pious lady who may send the husband of her on the path of the Almighty Allah and do live according to the religion, keep herself safe in the house so she will go in the heaven five hundred years before then her husband, she will be the leader of seventy thousand angels and hoors and she will do wait for her husband and do the welcome of him on the door of the heaven after sitting on the horse of jewel. 2. In the heaven the people will go to see the Almighty Allah and to the pious and pure lady, the Almighty Allah will make her see himself by him own self but the condition is this that this lady should b the one to spend the life with the fear of the lord and covering. 3. One pure lady is more superior then seventy friends of the Almighty Allah.


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.u bq



4. The lady who shall be regular in prayers and fasts, and she use to do the protection of her private part and she use to be obedient of her husband so she will have the choice that she may enter in heaven from whichever door she wants. 5. The lady who use to clean her house while doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah so the Almighty Allah will give her the reward of cleaning the house of the Almighty Allah. 6. When the husband may come home and the wife may say her welcome and she would not have done any dishonesty in the absence of her husband so she use to get the reward of nafil prayer till 12 years. 7. When the husband may come home sad and depressed and the wife of him may do the welcome of him and give him the consolation so the Almighty Allah uses to grant that lady the reward of half of the jihad.

The husband and wife both are of heaven






The wife of Hazrat Imran Bin Khatan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was beautiful and attractive and pretty but he was having very much black color. One day the wife of him laughed at him. he asked the reason after looking the laugh which was being full of naughty the face of her wife so the wife said that Hazrat! I have laughed for this reason that you are also the person of heaven and I am also a person of heaven. He said that how it is? The wife said that it is for this that the almighty Allah has granted you the wife like me who is beautiful. On this you use to do the thankfulness of the Almighty Allah and the Almighty Allah has given me the husband like you, so I use to be patient on it and it is a promise of the Almighty Allah that the patient and a thanks giving person both will go in the heaven. Therefore both of us will go in to the heaven. The husband and wife both should do this that they should look at the good qualities of each other and out cover on the bad qualities.

.u bq


The spiritual diseases of the ladies The care regarding to the make up, dress and jewelry



The matte r of lose is this that if one dress has been made for one wedding so it does not use to be enough for the other wedding. For it then she use to want the other dress, this was the preparation of the cloths now there use to happen some worry about the jewelry. If they does not use to have by themselves so it use to be worn after asking from other people and this use to be kept hiding that it has been asked from any person, it is expressed to be the property of one own self, this is one kind of lie. It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that the man who may express the prosperity (wealth very much confidently for such thing which is not of him) the example of him is like this that some men has worn two cloths of lie and deception meaning he has tied the lie only from the head till the tow.


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The great mistake of the ladies





This is a strange that they use to live in the houses like the mades and servants and at the time of going into the functions they use to become the ma’am after becoming ready. If someone may ask them that whether the reason of wearing the good cloths is only to show to the strangers? It is strange that for whom these cloths were made and the money of whom has been spent, it shall not be worn in front of him and it shall be worn in front of the strange people. It is a surprise that they may never talk nicely with the husband, never use to wear the good cloths in front of him and when they use to go in the houses of other people so they use to have the sweet tongue and they also use to wear the cloths which use to be the best from all while going over there. They use to work for strange people and the money use to be spent of the husband, which kind of justice is this?




.u bq

The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬use to say this that the man who will wear any cloths with the reason of show off, the Almighty Allah will make him wear the dress of humiliation on the Day of Judgment. Can anyone say after looking to these common acts of the ladies the intention of them is correct in such acts? The ladies does not even use to care about this in these matters that this how the intention is use to be correct and false (right or wrong) and over here ones will not do any doubt that when a person use to make new cloths, so he use to take it after choosing from two to four cloths so this all use to be the show off.Do remember that it is not liked to wear the cloth for making one heart happy and if it shall be worn to become superior in the eyes of other people so it is forbidden.


.u bq



The ladies should also listen this that if the cloths are completely dirty so it is better to change them and that should also be simple otherwise do not change them at all. Go and meet in simple and decent cloths. The reason which is of meeting, it will also be gained in this condition and there will also be the correction of the character and if there shall be this thought that in it there will be the disgrace of us so one answer of it is this that the disgrace of the internal self should happen. The other satisfactory answer is this that when there will be common culture of this thing so the people will meet in the decent and simple way.

The anger of the wife of brother and injustice and cruelty on the orphan brother of husband



On many places this use to happen that the death of any elder person use to happen, now there are also some small children of them. Those small children use to come under the guardian ship of elder brothers and there use to be the authority of the wife of the brother. As the children use to live in the house, that is why the care of them etc use to remain more in the hands of the ladies. The elder brother use to remain outside and the wife of him use to take out the grudges of heart from them, use to hit on every single matter and say bad words, make them deprived with every single thing, there does not use to give the food as the requirement, does not use to care about the cloths and use to keep them after making them more humiliated than the servants, this use to remain their attitude and on this also they do not use to feel comforted in fact they use to keep on doing


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The intelligent lady


the complain about them with their husbands. All of this is the attitude which is against the humanity. It is very much important to be safe rom all of these things.


The intelligent lady use to do the obedience of her husband in such way that she use to make him the king and then use to be called herself as the queen and the stupid lady use to wish to make her husband obedient to her and she use to try to make him her slave and then in last she use to be called as the wife of servant only.

How the ladies shall get the level of the ontologism


.u bq

One lady has written in the service of Hazrat Murshid Ul Ummah Hakeem Ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that my husband use to become resented from me on any matter so I use to make him happy after doing sorry and feeling ashamed then I use to get the comfort but sometimes the mistake of mine does not use to feel by the heart (in fact it use to be the mistake of him only) and such moment the heart does not use to feel like asking for the forgiveness. Hazrat do tell that at that time what shall I do?




.u bq




The Hazrat said that whether you may think the mistake or not think, in every condition you may accept the mistake of yours and after asking the forgiveness from the husband do ask him that whether I have the mistake or not? If he may tell the mistake so do the excuse from him. (Well at the time of resentment of the husband) by doing the praise of him, by asking for the forgiveness or giving excuses in however way it use to be appropriate make him happy. Whether there shall be your mistake or not, whether there shall be the mistake of husband so then also one should think to get the mistake to be forgiven after joining the hands as the pride and respect. There is a little bit of defect in our ladies, if that will get erased so they will become the real and actual hoors. That defect is this that the tongue of them is very much bad. The tongue of them uses to keep that effect just like the stinging of the snake. In the little bit of movement even, the man use to become very much resented. One great man has told the great treatment of it. When one lady did the complain to him that there use to be fight with the husband every day, do give any such amulet that there does not use to be the fight. He said that bring the water in one bolttle I will recite something on it, there will be no fight from it. she brought the water in the bottle, he recited falsely on it something and said that when the husband use to come to the house so do sit after taking one sip in your mouth of this water than there will not be the fight. She did in the same manner; in reality the fight became finished. To do the blow on water was only for the name, the actual technique was this that when she will sit after taking the water in the mouth so the tongue will not work like a seizer and fight used to happen with this bad tongue that is why that great man did this wise technique for closing it. Now also if the ladies may close their mouths in any way so in reality there shall be no fight.


The ladies should do this that they may do the obedience of their husbands they should not hurt the hearts of them. These days the ladies do not use to take care of it even a little bit. He use to come to the house for getting some peace after doing the effort and struggle for the whole day


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from outside, in the house the wife is present to make this poor man irritate, if he may say anything for the advice so they use to give the reply to him in harsh tone very much rudely. For god sake do not make the heart of husband hurt, do not use to do big desires from him, do not use to reject anything of him (meaning that do not do this obedience of him) if you may do any wish so do look the time, the heart of the man does not use to remain one at all of the times. When you may see that right now the husband is silent so at that time do express your request with very much respect.


If the husband does not even use to offer the prayer:


.u bq

If the husband does not use to pray the prayer, so then also do not think him as humiliated. This is also one problem in the ladies that if they use to be regular in the prayers and the fasts by themselves and if they have got the husband like this who is very much free so they use to think him very much humiliated. When there is no doubt of him being her husband, the witness of the nikah of them are present, it is known of him to be her husband so then what is the reason that you may do decrees them in the obedience of him. Well to be the spouse (to be the wife) is the reason of the obedience. Whether he may be yazeed but he is bayazeed of yours, what is the right of yours to do the disobedience?



The rules for doing the veil for the ladies The worry of doing the veil on the death of the son


.u bq



The son of Hazrat Umm e Khallaad ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬got martyred in one war. She came to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ for asking about him but in this condition even, there was a veil on the face of her. Few of the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬said with very much surprised that at this time even there is a veil on your face now, after listening the news of the martyre of the son one mother does not use to have the senses about her body and her own self and you are completely in the veil with very much comfort? She said in the answer that I have lost my son for sure but I have not lost my modesty. (Abu Daud)

The covering is the greatest level of the culture of human being



The girl who won the noble prize, who use to live in the city of Yaman named as Tokal Karmaan, when one reporter did a question from that girl so the answer which she gave, do read that and produce the feeling. The reporter said that why do you use to wear the veil although you are very much intelligent and you have also gained the higher education. The girl said that in the start of the world, the human being was completely nude and when he got the intelligence so he started wearing the dress. Today on the level on which I am and whatever I use to wear, that is the greatest level of the thinking of the human being and the culture of the human being. It is not being narrowed minded now the human being has again started to take off the cloths just like the old times. This is being to be as narrow minded.


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The dishonor of the lady who does not use to do the veil on the Day of Judgment



Imam Zehbi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to narrate one incident that one lady use to live while doing very much make up, in this same decoration and make up she used to go out of the house without doing the veil. When the death of her happened so few of the relatives of her saw her in their dream that she has been presented in the court of the Almighty Allah after making him wear the light cloth. While when strong blow of wind came and it made her uncovered. The Almighty Allah moved away his face from him and said that do through her in the left side of the hell because she used to live in the world after getting ready very much. (Al Qabair, Lal Zehbi)

.u bq

The 8 rules of doing the veil for the ladies




O people of the Almighty Allah! The woman is not the lamp of the gathering, but she is the lamp of the house. The pure religion of ours used to grant this sensitive gender with how much respected status. The row of the ladies will be over there at the back of the Imam where even the row of the children will also get finished. Meaning that at the back of the Imam there will be men, at the back of the men there will be children, and at the back of the children there will be ladies. If the need might happen to give the luqma to the Imam Sir (to take out the mistake) so the woman cannot say in fact she will do tasfeeq meaning that she will hit her hand on other hand and do give the warning that it is for this that there is even the covering of the voice of ladies even, which is prohibited in front of the Non Mehrum people without any severe need.




.u bq



1. If the ladies may go out of the house after applying the fragrance so according to the hadis e paak of Abu Daud she has said to be as the adulterer. Therefore no any lady should go out (alone) after applying the fragrance. 2. No any organ shall be remained open because after looking at the color of the skin, the other gender use to become attracted naturally. One great man went to take the exam of the girls so he looked upon the finger of one girl (which was very much white) so he became so much surprised that the Almighty Allah has given her how much beauty, till many days he remained out of his senses. 3. Do walk by being on one side, the ladies should always prevent ot walk in the middle of the path. 4. Do keep your gaze low, this command of the holy Quran is for all of the people, men and women so that they could be safe from the pugnacities. 5. The lady should not do the Salam to any strange man and neither she should give the answer. Hadis e paak: (‫( )لیس للنساء سالم وال علیھن‬Hulyat ul aulia) If she had to talk in the path with very much need so do not talk with the soft voice because this is also a great pugnacity.


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The exemplary fear of the Almighty Allah of the exemplary ladies The half of the Islam got spread through the ladies

.u bq


Islam is a complete code of life. Just like there is the part of men in the Islam, just like there is also the part of the ladies. The Islam has given a very much great level to the ladies. It has been said by the Almighty Allah in the holy Quran that (‫ )من عمل صالحا من ذکر او انثی‬meaning just like the Almighty Allah has given a great level to the men in that same way he has also mentioned the ladies along with the men and made them appointed on a great level.


When the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬spread the call of oneness of the Almighty Allah in the desert of Arab so on the call of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬not only men in fact the ladies also said that we are present (Labaik). The first lady who accepted the call of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was Umm ul Momineen Syeda Tahira Mutahira hazrat Khatija tul Kubra ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬and she is that same lady who got the Salam from the Almighty Allah.




.u bq




Whenever the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked the sacrifice for the religion so just like from the men Hazrat Abu Bakar Sidduqe, Hazrat Umar Farooq, Hazrat Usman Ghani, hazrat Ali, Hazrat Bilal, Hazrat Muaawiya and the other respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬gave the sacrifices just like that the ladies also gave many of the sacrifices. The first lady who got martyred for the Islam, who died for the superiority of the religion, she is Hazrat Sumaiyya ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬and Hazrat Zenaira ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬is that lady who presented the gift of her eyes for the superiority of Islam, when in the war of Badar, the turn of raising the flag of the Army of Islam came so Hazrat Syeda Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬Daughter of Siddique e Akbar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬gave her sheet for making the flag. Whenever the great companions ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہم‬ used to have any problem regarding the religion so they used to ask it from Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬. When there used to be the need of making the injured people drink the water during the war so the great lady like Hazrat Umm e Saleem ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬used to make the injured people drink water inside the ground of the war. When the turn of giving the guard on the fort came so Hazrat Syeda Safiya ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬who was the daughter of Abdul Mutallib gave the guarding and she proved this on the world that we can present the gift of our lives on the religion of Islam and on Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬but we cannot move back. Just like this the other female companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬ also sacrificed their lives for the superiority of the religion on some place just like this also some other place they sacrifice their fathers, husbands and sons but they never let the problem come on the religion.


The mother, daughter, daughter in law, wife of today have forgotten this that the relation of her is towards which direction and she has came in this world after taking which aim. This is a matter to think for all of us ladies, it is the dua from the Almighty Allah that pure entity shall grant us and all of the ladies of the nation of Muslims this opportunity to walk upon the footsteps of thefemale companions‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬and grant us with his complete happiness. Aameen!


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The fear of the Almighty Allah of the mother of Maulana Ilyaas

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



It was the routine of the respectable mother of Hazrat Maulana Ilyas ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that in the month of Ramadan Al Karim she used to recite the whole of the holy Quran every day and more ten parahs along with it. Just like this in every Ramadan Al Karim she used to complete the holy Quran 40 times. She was so much fluent in it that there did not even use to come the difference in the chores of households and in the arrangements. In fact there was so much arrangement that at the time of recitation she used to keep on doing any work with her hands.

The respectable mother of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


.u bq

In the village of Gelaan one god fearing friend of the Almighty Allah Hazrat Abu Sauleh Moosa used to live. Once upon a time he saw that one apple is coming along with the stream of water. Therefore he took it out and ate it. Suddenly a thought came to him that I was not having the right to eat the apple without taking the permission from the owner of the garden. He became very much embarrassed; he got presented in the service of the owner of the garden, Hazrat Abdullah Suameei ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and he asked the forgiveness from him.



Hazrat Abdullah Suamiee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very much surprised after seeing the fear of the Almighty Allah of him and the purity of that young man. He asked about the family and insisters of him. For some time he tried to ignore it and after it he said that I will not forgive you till that time, till then you may not fulfill one condition of mine.


.u bq



He said that I am ready for fulfilling every signle desire of yours. Hazrat Abdullah Suamiee ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ said that do accept my daughter Umm ul Khair as your spouse but do understand this that she is deaf, dumb, handicapped, and blind and idiot. Hazrat Abu Sualeh Moosa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became silent for some time after listening this but then this thought came that there is the danger of getting the fear of the Almighty Allah and piousness of the whole life to get wasted, I have got involved, in the halal rizq, there has been in the addition of haram, there is no other solution apart from accepting this condition, therefore he accepted this proposal. When Hazrat Abu Sauleh Moosa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬reached in to the bridle room so he asked forgiveness and did repentance after looking at one entity of beauty and attraction and said after being presented in the service of Hazrat Abdullah Suamiee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said that you did my marriage with blind, idiot, handicapped, and crippled girl but in the bridal room any non mehrum is present who is pure from all of these false.



Hazrat Abdullah Suamiee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the one who is present in the room of bride O my dear that is my daughter Umm ul Khair Fatima. I said her blind for this reason that till today the gaze of her has never seen any non Mehrum man. The deaf from this regard that till today she has not listened any bad thing, dumb with this regard that she has never ever said any bad thing, idiot for this thing that she has never done any act against the shariah and crippled for this that till today she has never kept her feet on any other path apart from the path of the Almighty Allah. At the


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house of those parents with the qualities of angels, Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilaani Mehboob Subhani got birth. (Debaacha Ghani a Tul Ghalibeen)

1. The funeral of the female friend of the Almighty allah became the source of guidance of a thief:

2. The fear of the Almighty allah of Rabia Adwiya




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Hazrat Qasheri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that there was one thief who used to steal the coffin. Therefore the death of one lady happened. When the people took her till the grave after making her wears the coffin so the thief of the coffin also got present in it. The reason of his presence was this that there shall be ease in recognizing the grave at the night and in stealing the coffin after digging the grave. When the people came back after making her burry and when the night came so the thief of the coffin dug the grave. When he saw the dead body, suddenly the lady started speaking.All the praise is for the Almighty Allah that one already forgiven man is stealing the coffin of a lady who has been forgiven. The thief of the coffin became surprised and said that O lady! It is acceptable that the forgiveness of yours has been happened but how I have become the forgiven one. The lady said that the Almighty Allah has given the forgiveness to me and he has also given the forgiveness to those people who have prayed the prayer of the funeral of me. So you were also present in the prayer of the funeral. After listening this, the thief of the coffin ignored his decision and put the sand again on the grave and then he did such repentance that he started being included in the group of the pious people and he himself told this incident to the people for giving them the lesson with his own tongue. (Resala Qasheeria) ‫رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬



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Once upon a time Hazrat Rabia Adwiya ‫ رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬said to her respectable father that o my beloved Father! I will not let you mix the forbidden thing in the permissible thing. You may make us eat the permissible thing you may make us safe from even a bite of the forbidden thing. The father of her said that if there will be the involvement of the forbidden thing so? On this Rabia Adwiya ‫رحمہا‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ said this that to bear the hunger in the world is very much better than being patient on the fire on the Day of Judgment. 3. The world as the living and visible heaven for one female friend of the Almighty Allah:



Hazrat Maulana Ahmed Ali Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say while telling one incident of his life that my father in law was a very much intelligent man. He recognized me at that time when Ahmed Ali was not Ahmed Ali. When the daughter of my father in law became grown, he went to the madaris for searching a worthy and pious man for her. He got to know about Ahmed Ali Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he searched for the condition of him and through the teachers of him this matter got fixed. After the nikah he brought the wife, they spent the time with very much poverty even this that the husband and wife used to live till many days after eating the leaves. When the wife went back to the house of her father so on the question of her mother she said that O my beloved mother, I used to listen this that we will go in to the heaven after getting died but I have reached in the living and


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visible heaven in the world also. The Almighty Allah granted him so much patient and grateful wife, with the beatitude of the patience of her than the doors of the rizq got opened, even this that then one such time also came that the ladies of the Kalyaar family of Sargodha used to come to the house of Hazrat Lahori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for moping and cleaning it. 4. The interest of doing the worship of Hazrat Rabia Basriya

‫رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬:






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One man got present for doing the duas to Hazrat Rabia Basriya ‫رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬. She ‫ رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬was offering the prayer of Zohr at that time. He thought this that I will come afterwards. When he came afterwards so she ‫ رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬was offering the nafil prayers. Then when he came so she ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was offering the prayer oif Asar. When he came back after the Asar so she ‫ رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬was busy in doing the zikr and Azkaar. Then when he came so she ‫ رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬was offering the prayer of maghrib. Then when he came so she was offering the prayer of Awwabeen. Then when he came so she ‫رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬ was offering the prayer of Isha. Then when he came back after the isha so he saw that she ‫رحمہا ہللا علیہ‬ had done the intention of the long rakat, she was not doing the Salam. He kept on sitting, when he got tired so he said that ok fine I shall sleep and after the fajr I will meet her. Then when the time of fajr came, she was offering the prayer of fajr. After offering it when she lay down for some time after offering the prayer if ishraq so then that man came again. Some other man told that she has lay down just right now after offering the nafil prayer if ishraq. He use to say this that just right now I only sat for some time that she got up after becoming worried and started saying while rubbing her eyes that (‫ )اللھم انی اعوذبک من عین ال تشبع من النوم‬O the Almighty Allah! I seek the refuge of yours from such eyes, which does not use to get comforted with the sleep. After saying this she got up and became busy in doing the worship of the Almighty Allah. 5. The journey of one lady America on path of the ontologism:

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In which way one lady of America walked upon the path of the ontologism, do listen the story of her by her own self. My name is Marry Candy. I belong from the America. Before some years I was an artist, that is why I used to play with millions of rupees but with the bad luck I was a secular person meaning that I used to reject the presence of the almighty Allah and I used to think the religion and character as a useless thing. According to me the goal of life was only luxury. I did four marriages one after the other but not any of husband could live with me happily and one such time came that the peace of mine became finished in a complete way. Not any way of luxury was able to make me meet with the happiness and the depression used to be over come on my mind and heart all the time.



After becoming irritated I started using the sleeping pills. Then I started the usage of other drugs and vine but no any tip became beneficial. The condition of the depression was this that many times I did try to do the suicide. Due to the continuous depression and irritation of all the time, no any person used to like to meet with me and apart from the mother there was no any friend or companion of mine in the world. At last I had to take admission in one Dar ul Aman where the


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treatment of the habitual addicted people used to happen. In such condition one lady got entered in my life after becoming the angel of the mercy. She was the neighbor who was also the best friend of my mother and according to her nature and habits she was having unique qualities. She used to come to Dar ul aman time to time along with my mother and she used to spend very much time with me. She used to say to me that the biggest disease of yours is this that you do not accept the lord, although the own life a human being and every single thing of the universe is giving the witness of the presence of him. She used to say to me that do believe that there is one creator of this great suspicious universe and the owner, only he has made us and he has only granted the surprising physical system and expressible talents to the human beings. Our every single act is in front of his eyes and every single moment of our life is getting safe with him.




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The conversation and the attitude filled with love of that kind and respectable lady took out many of the thorns of the doubt from my heart and after very much long time I felt like this that between many harsh waves, a man who was just about to drown has got the support of one strong ship suddenly. I got to see the darkness of the depression going away and that night for the first night I gained the opportunity to bow down in front of the lord and I did the duas after crying very much. The result came this that the dust of the heart of mine became washed and the light of hope started shining in the darkness of hopelessness. One pure decision started getting produced in my senses and very much quickly my health started becoming better and after some time I came to my home after becoming healthy. I got completely rid off from the curse of the drugs and this became possible only and only due to the belief and faith on the entity of that alone and only lord.




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After becoming healthy I day when I went to the house of the lady who did favor for me so I became shocked after looking this that she was doing the worship in some such way, the observation of which never ever happened by me. On the question of mine she made me introduced with the basic teachings of Islam and she gave few books to me in which there was also the translation of the holy Quran in English. The recitation of the holy Quran made me stand on the bright path of the faith and belief. I became very much inspired with this book. I saw this that the holy Quran used to appeal the intelligence again and again and it use to give the invitation of doing ponder and of thinking after becoming attentive towards the different things and situations which are spread in the universe and are inside the entity of the human being. In contrast to it, the teaching of the present bible is this that there is no relation of the intelligence with the faith and belief. Therefore my relation kept on being stronger with the holy Quran moment by moment. Apart from this when I went through the life of the Prophet of Islam ‍‏so do not ask anything from me that what was the condition of my surprise and happiness and then not much time was passed that one day I accepted the Islam on the hand of that pious lady after reciting the Kalama Tayyaba. Now I use to go to the house of that great lady every day and she used to make me introduce with any new direction of the life of Islam. I have got to know this from the nature of that kind and lovely lady that Islam is the religion of love and sincerity. Today I also use to act on the teachings of the religion just like the lady who did favor on me and after which many letters came to me in which the people have written that the life of yours has given us a new hope to live and the faith of us on


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the entity of the Almighty Allah has become very much strong as compare to past. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to do feel the worth of Islam. Aameen.


The ladies with good character and the training of children The first school of the ontologism




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The responsibility of a mother is not only the nourishment of physical body in fact the lap of a mother is the first school of a child. The mind of the child use to be like a complete clean board, whatever effect the mother will give whether good or bad with her words and actions, that same thing use to get fix on the mind of the child. The starting time and the basic time of the life of a child use to spend with the mother mostly and the child use to be attached with the mother very much. The good or bad habits of a mother use to get transferred in the mind of the child. Every single good or bad human being of the world use to get nourishment in the lap of his mother only. Therefore a mother should do this that she should check the words and actions of her very much quickly and after being strong she should do the correction of her own self and specially in front of the child she should not do any such act or say any such thing at all which use to be against the shariah and below then the level of good character. She should try completely to make the children safe from the lie, complaining, stealing, and saying abusive words and from music and dancing. Do keep the attitude of love and kindness for sure with the child but do not give the permission of doing any kind of bad act at all in the love. Do have the habit of sacrifice and consolation and being patient and grateful. They use to play the important role in the successful life of a child. Do make him learn the recommended duas and rules of eating and drinking, sleeping and waking up, of getting entered and coming out from a washroom, of sitting and getting up in the gatherings. Do give the teaching of the ways of Islam apart from giving the teaching of English words and of the culture and tradition of non Muslims of different occasions and gatherings. With this the direction of the life of a child uses to remain in correct direction for whole of the life. Do make the children learn English language for sure but do not make them English man ever in fact make them Muhammadi. Apart from false and fiction incidents and stories make them listen the feelings of religion of Muslim children and their talents of religion and make the path ready for their good training and this how the first school of a child can be proved as one best training center.

The training of the mother of Khuwaja Bakhtiyaar Kaki

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



1. When Hazrat Khuwaja Qutub uddin Bakhtiyar Kaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬born so after sometime his mother sent him to one school so that the Qari Sir may make him recite the holy Quran. When Qari sir started the first parah so Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that Qari sir by the grace of the almighty Allah my respectable mother has memorized whole of the holy Quran. She used to do the work of house and she also used to pick me up and along with it she also used to


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do the recitation of the holy Quran. So by the grace of the almighty Allah from the lap of my mother I have memorized the ten parahs. If you have to teach me more so do make me learn from the eleventh parah.

The training of the mother of Hazrat Ganj Shakar

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

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2. Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was from the friends of the Almighty Allah. Once upon a time in the childhood he said to his respectable mother that by the grace of the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah has made me habitual of the prayer of tahajjud from a small age. So the respectable mother said that o son, when you got born to me so whenever I used to feel the need to make you drink the milk so I have made you drink the milk after doing the ablution, this is the beatitude of it.

The mothers who use to offer the tahajjud prayers






3. Hazrat Maulana Qazi Zahid Al Husaini ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in the duroos ul Quran that one great man of ours went to Sargodha. He said that at the time of 3 o clock of night, I listen the voices of three or four children and in one time only all of them became silent. At morning while doing the breakfast I asked from the members of the house that one child used to cry or two children used to cry but all of the children of yours started crying in one time and they became quite in one time, what is the reason of it? On this the host told that by the grace of the Almighty Allah all of the ladies of the house use to offer the prayer of tahajjud with regularity. When those ladies use to do the ablution after getting up for the tahajjud so they use to make the small children also get up forcefully and they use to make them drink the milk that this use to be the holy time. After making the children drinking this milk at that time, those children will become pious. (Duroos ul Quran)


The training of the mother of Hazrat Sahal Tastari

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



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4. There was only one son of Hazrat Sahal Bin Abdullah Tastari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The parents gave him such training that in the heart of him at start only the faith on the entity of the Almighty Allah was fixed. It was this how that the respectable mother of him used to keep the food in the cupboard from before. Then when the child used to feel hungry so the mother used to say that o son we also use to ask from the Almighty Allah, you may also ask from him. He used to raise the innocent hands for doing the dua near to the cupboard. After doing the dua when he used to open the cupboard so it was the belief of him that the food which used to be in the cupboard, it used to be there with the beatitude of my dua. One day the mother of him forgot keeping the food over there and she was gone to the house of her relative. She came to the house very much quickly and asked from the child in the tension that o son have you eaten the food. He said that yes mother I have eaten it. She said that from where you have eaten? He said that from where I use to eat every day. Today also I did the dua in front of the cupboard and took out the food. The mother told this to her husband, he said that to not


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keep from now onwards. The faith of him has become strong on the entity of the Almighty Allah. (Dafyaat Al Aayaan) The mothers of pure and pious character, who did the training of their children in their own way and they made the faith of them on the entity of the Almighty Allah, if the mothers of the present era of today may do the training in such way and make the faith of them on the entity of the Almighty Allah so today also the children can become pious and goods. Just there is the need of little bit of strongest.

The training of the motherof Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



Hazrat Imam Ghazali

and the training of children

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



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5. The respectable mother of Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was very much strong and decent lady, she fulfilled the responsibilities of the training and nourishment of him. there was a era of poverty in the house, she used to live after making the threads, most of the time, the time of doing starvation used to come but the training of the respectable mother produced such feelings of patience and tolerance in him that never the words of complain came on the tongue. In such way the first school of the house became the reason of producing the strength and patience and piousness and faith and the qualities of great character like these in him, which proved to be helpful in the work of religion which required patience of giving the preaching and doing the correction afterwards. During the childhood even he remained away from the useless and wasting acts. It seemed to be like this that the mashiyat of Ezdi and unseen help has already done the special arrangement to make him safe from the useless and stupid things.



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6. Hazrat Imam Ghazali used to say this that the lap of a mother is the biggening school for the child. If in this school, the good training of him shall happen so then till the end on this same way the teaching and training of him use to keep on happening and if may the god forbid from the childhood even the training might happen in the bad company and false training might happen so it is very difficult that then the correction of it might happen in the coming time. From the pious mothers, the beginning of teaching use to start Because the lap of the mother is the first school He use to say that just after the birth of the child, he use to be worthy of training. In common way this used to be understood that when the child will become 4 or 5 years old so at that time the time of his training will come but this is not correct. Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written this that one parents decided this that in the days of getting expected (in the condition of pregnancy) they will not do any of the sins so that there may not be the false effect of it on the child. Therefore when the child got born so after it also, the checking of him was done. One day they saw that he picked up one date of the neighbor and ate it by hiding. After looking at him the parents felt very much sad. At last this matter became open that in the days of being expected, one day the mother of him was feeling very much hungry and there was nothing


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Hazrat Imam Raazi

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


to eat so the branch of the tree of the house of neighbors which was coming in their house, she ate one date from it by hiding, the effect of which happened on the child also afterwards. (Maqalaat e Ghazali)

and the training of the children

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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7. Imam Razi use to say this that the mothers should take care of this thing first of all in doing the training and teaching of their children that these children are not only of them but of the nation. If there shall be any kind of problem in the training and teaching of them so it will be very much of dishonesty with the whole of the nation and the deception with whole of the nation and it will be such dishonesty that there cannot be any substitute at all. One should make the children habitual of the faiths, worships, and rules of a best society, character, good acts, and good behavior from the start only so that they could be able to become the true guider of their nation after growing up. Ibn e Khaldoon ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the correct teaching and training of the children and the protection of the balance of their mind and brain is so much important that there is nothing so much important than this thing. (Ibn e Khaldoon)

The role of the mother of Khuwaja Qutub uddin Bakhtiyar Kaki

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬





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8. Hazrat Khuwaja Qutub uddin Bakhtiyar Kaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is buried near the Qutub minaar of Delhi. He was the peer and follower of the kings of Moghal Empire. When the kings of the time are also the follower so then what shall be said regarding to the common people. In this way he became the sheikh of millions of human beings. It has been written in the books related to him that right now when he was only a small child so the mother and father of him did the discussion that we should do the good training of this child. The mother said that I have one advice in my mind. When the child will grow up a little bit so I will act upon that advice and do the god training of my child. When he became grown up a little bit so the mother and father made him have the admission in the madarsa. One day the mother cooked the food and hides it on any place in the room. The son said after coming back from the madarsa that o mother! I am feeling hungry. The mother said that o son! We also use to ask from the Almighty Allah, he is the one only who use to give the rizq only he use to give the rizq to all of the human beings of the world and animals, therefore you shall also ask from the Almighty Allah. The son asked from the mother that o mother! How may I ask from the Almighty Allah? The mother said this that o son! Do spread the prayer mat, the child spread the mat of prayer. The mother said that now you may sit on it, the child sat on the mat of prayer by folding his both of the legs. Then the mother said that do spread the hands of yours. The child raised the innocent hands of him and started doing the dua from the Almighty Allah that O the Almighty Allah! Right now I have just come from the madarsa, O my Almighty Allah! I am also very much tired right now, I am feeling very much hungry, you also give the rizq to my parents, O the Almighty Allah! Do give me also the rizq. The child asked after saying these words that O mother! Now what shall I do? The mother said that O son! You may search in this room;


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you will get the flat bread from any place. Therefore the child searched little bit over here and there. The mother has kept the flat bread by herself after making it. Therefore the child got the flat bread from one place. The child ate the flat bread very much happily. Now this became as the routine of every day. When the child started getting the food in this way every day, the suspense got produced in the mine of child. He said to his mother that O mother! how much good is the Almighty Allah that he use to give the food to every single person, he use to give the food to the people of the forest also, he use to give the food to the people of the city also, he use to give the food to the human beings also, he use to give the food to the animals also. When the child use to talk about the love of the Almighty Allah so the mother used to become happy, she used to think this that the tips of mine are being proved as useful and the respect of the Almighty Allah is getting increased in my son but during this one strange incident happened. One day the mother went to the house of her relatives in regards to any function and she did not felt conscious about the time. When she remembered, it was very much late. The time of the child to come back from the madarsa was here and the mother has not even cooked the food. When this thought came so the tears came in the eyes of her. She wore her abaya and went towards the house while taking big and fast steps and she was also crying and she was also doing the duas on her way back that O my lord! I started this one idea to meet the faith of my child, o the Almighty Allah, do keep my honor, if the faith of the child might get broken today so then the effort of mine will get wasted, this was my mistake that I did not care about the time. When the mother reached to the house while crying, she saw that the son is sleeping. The mother cooked the food very much quickly and hided it on one place. Then she came to the son and made him get up after kissing the cheeks of him. She hugged her with her chest and said that O son! Today you must be feeling very much hungry. The son got up and said that O mother! When I came from the madarsa so you were not at home. I spread the mat of prayer and did the dua from the Almighty Allah that O the Almighty Allah! I am very much tired, I am also feeling hungry, today the mother also not at home, do give me the food. O mother! After that I went into my room, I saw the flat bread being kept on one place, I picked it up and ate it. The taste which I have felt today, I have never felt that taste before than this. The mother said (‫ )الحمد ہلل‬after listening this, the Almighty Allah has kept the honor of mine. So in the times of before, the mothers used to make the faith of their children on the Almighty Allah and the children used to become big and great scholars and mashaikh of the time after growing up. This how you will see the role of one lady on the level of mother, at the back of one successful human being.

The feeling of being conscious about the responsibility of the mandate


9. Once upon a time Hazrat Jabir Bin Zaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was doing the journey of some place along with the members of his family and relatives. On his way the dogs started making them irritate. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became worried that dogs may not give harm to the children. Near to


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that place there was one cottage, he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬took out one branch (the wood of the dates) from it, after looking at which the dogs ran away. When he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬reach to the house so he said to his children that do keep this branch very much safe, I have to make it reach to the owner of the cottage at the morning. The children said that O beloved father will you do the journey again of so much far distance to just give this useless branch of the dates tomorrow? He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that O children! If every single person who use to pass from that place may take out one branch each in this way from the cottage so only in few days there the name and sign of the cottage will get finished and he said that o children! Do keep remember this that the mandate use to be mandate whether that may be precious or unworthy and it is very much important to return it back.

.u bq

The beatitudes of the training of the daughter




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1. The respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man on which there shall be the responsibility of nourishment and taking care of girls and he may fulfill it along with the patience and tolerance, so these girls will become the hindrance for him from the hell. The respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who did the nourishment of two girls and took care of them, he and I will be in the heaven in this way just like these two fingers and then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬showed after doing the indication of it by two fingers of him. 2. It has been mentioned in one hadis sharif that, that lady is the reason of beatitude, in the stomach of which, first a girl may get produced. (Al Jame Al Ehkaam Al Quran, Mauruf Al Quran) 3. Whichever man use to have a daughter born to him so the Almighty allah use to send the angels and they use to say him that O the people of the family, there may be the betterment for you and they use to cover her with their rings and they use to rub her with their hands and they use to say this that she is a weak creation, she has been born with the weak creation, the one who will do the nourishment of her, the help of him will be done till the Day of Judgment. (Tibrani) 4. On the nourishment of three daughters, the heaven will be obligatory. (Majma Al Zawaid)

The journey of the ontologism of the lord from the exemplary life of spousal relationship The training of the wife



One should do the arrangement of good attitude along with his wife. That innocent entity has left the mother and father, brother and sister and other relatives of her and then adopted you. Therefore these all loves shall be received by her from your side. If you will be patient on the pain of her so you will get the great reward. The correction of the bad and dislike attitude of her cannot be done from the anger and wrath of yours. In fact the tip of it which is correct on the target is this that, at


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that time do drink the anger of yours, then along with the kindness and soft tone, do make her recognize the mistake of her. If there is even a little bit of goodness in her so she will accept this advice of yours and do the correction of her. The real person to correct you is the wife of yours. If you may get the certificate from her of you being corrected so for sure this is the strong certificate. To be patient on not being agreed with the wife, this is itself a very much big struggle. One should bear it with the patient.


The life of spousal relationship which is worthy of being praised


One special advice for the followers



.u bq

One great man doctor Abdul Hai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of the series of chushtiya used to say sometimes as the advice that today it has been fifty five years to my nikah but by the grace of the Almighty Allah never ever in this duration I have talked with my wife after changing my tone. I used to say this that the people use to think the wonder to swim on the water and to fly in the air. The real wonder is this that a person may spend the life of fifty five years along with his wife and this relation use to be like this that in which for sure the dislike matters use to get produces. This thing is impossible that there may not be any quarrel and moving more forward than this that the wife of him use to say this that for the whole of his life he never said this that do make me drink the water, meaning never gave the command of any work from his own side that do this work. I use to take care of him by my own self with my own feelings and interest after thinking it as an honor and I use to do the work of him but for the whole of his life he never gave me the command of anything.


.u bq



Once upon a time one man who used to cook the best dish, he did the feast of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬after cooking the food. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that if you may do the feast of Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنھا‬so then I accept it. That man said that, no it is not of Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬. On this the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that so then it is not of mine even. Then he did the insist so then again also the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this thing. He refused few times. If there shall be the wait and pressure of the respect of the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬so then why would have he refused. Then he did the feast of Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬ with his own happiness and the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬accepted it and this is allowed that one may put any condition in accepting the feast.

The entrance in the heaven on the forgiveness of the wife



One great man use to say this that by the wife of one man, the salt became very much high in the food that it was not able to be eaten, he slept in the starvation and looked towards the sky and did the matter completed with the Almighty Allah that Oh the Almighty Allah, she is the slave of yours, today the salt has been increased by her very much, she has always done my service, I am forgiven her only for you. On the Day of Judgment you also do forgive me. When he died so one friend of the Almighty Allah saw him in his dream so he asked that O brother what has been done with you. He said that the Almighty Allah did the accountability of mineand said that there are many of the sins also of yours, I can through you in the hell according to the rule but you did the mercy on my slave and you had forgiven the mistake of her, with the beatitude of it I am forgiving the mistakes of yours of whole of the life because the Almighty Allah has the relationship with the


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man on one place over there he also has with the women but regarding to the mistakes of them, the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‍ ‏use to say this that these wives have been produced with the tilted rib, this thing shall be remained under consideration of ours.

How may the mother in law and daughter in law get the prosperous life


.u bq


One great man use to say this that, one boy used to live in our society. One day he said to me that Hazrat whenever I used to take any gift to my house, sweet meat or fruit etc, if I may give it in the hand of the wife so the face of the mother use to become dull. If I may give it in the hands of the mother so the face of the wife used to become fade. Do tell any tip for the solution of it. I said that the respect and honor is this that, that thing you may present that thing in the service of mother and the demand of the kindness and intelligence of the mother is this that she may call the daughter in law and say that O daughter! You may only divide it among all of the children (the owner of the garden may also remain happy and the Siyaad also). that great man said that whenever any son use to come for meeting with me so the gift which he use to bring along with him, the daughter in law use to take the duas after presenting. When any daughter uses to come so the son in law uses to take the dua after presenting the gift. I am very much happy from this way of them.



How the husbands should get the relation with the Almighty Allah


The rights and rules of the wife for the peace of the spousal relationship

.u bq



In which way one husband should live along with the wife of him in the house so that the life of them shall be filled with peace and comfort and the house of them shall become the place of happiness. There use to be some rules and regulations for making the house as prosperous. If one may spend the life according to them so the houses use to become prosperous and the place where there may not be any of the rules, if there will not be any laws so that house is the place of animals. No one can say it as the prosperous house.

The three basic needs of the wife

Every single lady of the world use to have the need of three things in her life of spousal relationship.



1. Protection:She has come after leaving her house and relatives just for the husband. She wants the protection of her life, respect and faith. The first thing is this that there shall be any place for her to hide her head where she may remain protected in her house along with her children. The husband of her should do the protection of her. This is the natural demand of her. If the husband may keep the wife on any such place that she may remain the victim of the feeling of being unprotected so then the house cannot become prosperous. For this


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it is not important that the arrangement of the separate house shall be done in fact this arrangement can also be done in the joint family. 2. The attention: She wants the attention from her husband meaning that the husband should feel the need of his wife do ask the condition and feelings of her. It is from the responsibilities of the husband that he should give complete attention to his wife. What use to happen in our society? The husband use to come from outside and the wife is sitting after getting ready for him and after making the house clean and food cooked that the husband will come and eat the food along with me. The husband has come after making the mood of him off in regards to any business of him and just after coming he says that I have no need of eating the food, I will only sleep. Do think that what will happen with the heart of the wife. This is the responsibility of the husband that he may give the attention to his wife so that the wife can be able to share the happiness and sad of her heart with him. She could be able to spend the time of her along with him. 3. The appreciation: The wife wants this that when I use to do the safety of every single thing for my husband and according to the commands of the husband I use to do every single work so I should get the appreciation on my good work, I should get the praise and my worth should be done. The husband should provide all of three basic things to his wife. One man of the Almighty Allah used to say this that how much fear of the Almighty Allah will get increase, that much love from the wife will be increased.

The dangerous mistakes of the husbands


.u bq



One very much talented great man has told the dangerous mistakes of the husbands and it is also the experience of mine of many years that they are of that kind in reality due to which the life of house use to become empty with peace. Therefore there is very much need of getting safe from them.

To ignore the wife



The first mistake is this that they use to ignore their wives; they do not use to give time to them, if they will sit in the gatherings so they will give the attention to other people, they will not give the attention towards their wives. It use to be the habit of some people that in the gatherings of the friends they use to sit after becoming the centre point of attraction and they use to have the habit to come back home at night till 12 or 1 o clock. They use to sit after making the gatherings of friends good and they use to destroy the houses of them. few people do not use to give the time to their wives due to their piousness that this is the time of my recitation, this is the time of my meditation, this is the time of my that some good work, due to this als, the enjoyment of the life of them use to get finished.


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The black mailing of giving the divorce



The limitations on the wife


When a little bit of thing use to happen so they use to keep on making them afraid from the divorce. With this the mind of the lady use to become frustrated and the quarrels use to start getting increased or most of the time they use to give them the black mailing of doing the second marriage.


They do not use to act by them own self and they use to try to make it compulsory on the wife.


To be ignorant with the relatives of the wife



.u bq

They use to o the criticism on little and small matters and all of the time they start looking the wives of them with the gaze of doubt. Till when any proper thing shall not come in front or any proof of the shariah may not be present so to come in the doubt on small and little matters and to put the blames, this thing use to destroy the base of the house. The husband and wife should spend such life along with the intelligence that the life of them shall become the example of the heaven in the world even. One mistake which the husbands use do is this that they use to criticize their wives on any mistake of her in front of the people. They use to make fun of them in front of the people, they use to come good by themselves, the other people use to get this effect that look how much I have control in my house. It is for this that every single person use to have his own self respect, when the self respect of any person use to be harm so then the heart of him use to get broken and this thing is included in the sin.


.u bq



It is this that they use to say to the wife that I do have love with you but I do not like the parents and brothers of yours. The relationship of the wife with her parents is involved in the emotional attachment and it is the natural thing. She can never bear this that someone may say any false things regarding to her parents. One should make the wife meet with her maharim aqaarib (close relatives) for some time. According to your status one should not be ignorant with the income and the financial support of the wife. One should keep on making her learn the problems of religion along with the love and affection and keep on doing the advice of doing pious deeds along with the wisdom and intelligence. One should be patient and tolerant on the mistakes of her, if sometimes there shall be the need of warning so do take care about the balance meaning leniency, do not do very much strictness.

The rules of secret matter


The importance:


The respectable Prophet ‍ ‏has said that the man who may hold the hand of his wife with the love so the Almighty Allah use to right 5 god deeds for him, if he hugged her so 10 good deeds, if he kissed her then 20 good deeds, then if he may do sexual intercourse so it is better than the world and all of the things of it. then when he may do take the bath after getting free so at that time from whichever place of the body, the water may flow, from it the sins of him use to be forgiven and


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the level of him use to be raised and on this bath he use to be granted with much more than the world and all of the things of it and the Almighty Allah use to be proud due to this among the angel and he use to say this that do look that my this man woke up in the cold night to become pure from the intercourse and he do have the faith that I am the lord of him. O the angels! You may remain witness that I have forgiven him (al Barka Laabi Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdul Rehman 782 Hijri)

The duas




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.u bq


1. It is also appreciated to give any gift or reward to the bride on the first night. 2. It is also Sunnah to do any joke or play along with the wife. (Tirmizi) 3. If after one time, a person may have the need of doing intercourse so in the middle the most superior thing is this to do take the bath otherwise the ablution is enough. At least one should do clean the private part so it is a thing of very much cleanliness. (Jama Al Fawaed) 4. It is better to do take the bath every time and in the last one bath is also enough. (Mishkat) 5. To take the bath on getting free use to be obligated on both of them but it is much better to do the bath at that same time and then sleep. (Bukhari) 6. If one may not feel like taking the bath so he should sleep after doing the ablution. (Mishkat) If this may also not happen so do sleep after cleaning the private part and if this also not be able to happen so it has also come in hadis e paak to sleep after doing the tayammum. If on shall sleep after without the usage of water so this is also proved by the hadis e paak. (by the grace of the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah has done very much ease) (Jama Al Fawaed) But before the arrival of morning the sequence is this. After the arrival of the morning one should not be late in taking the bath. 7. After doing the bath, to make the body dry or to not make it dry, both of them are proved by the respectable Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. therefore both of the ways are appreciated. (Jama Al Fawaed) 8. In such condition when the bath use to become obligated, if one has to drink and eat, just like at the time of suhoor so one should wash the hands till the wrists, do gargle and then eat or drink. (Jama Al Fawaed) Do take the bath afterwards after the arrival of morning so this can also be done. 9. When the blood of periods shall be coming to the wife so (it is forbidden to do the sexual intercourse with her) in fact the cloth shall be tied form the belly button till her knees so it is permissible to take the benefit from above the cloth and from all of the rest of the body. (Mulkhasan, Jama Al Fawaed) And in these days to sit near, to sleep with her, all of it is permissible but to do the sexual intercourse is forbidden.



When someone shall congratulate some other man for his marriage so do recite this dua ( ‫بارک ہللا‬ ‫ )لکما و بارک علیکما و جمع بیمکما فی خیر‬and when a man shall go near to his wife so he may recite this dua (‫( )بسم ہللا اللھم جنبنا الشیطن ما رزقتنا‬tirmizi Zaad Al Meaad). In the valima reception one should follow the intention of Sunnah. The reception in which the poor people shall not be made to come and the one which shall be done only for the show off and for being popular, in it there is no


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For happy relationship


beatitude and goodness in fact there is the danger of the resentment and the anger and wrath of the almighty Allah. (Zaad Al Meaad)

Before the birth of the child



The rules after the birth of the child


.u bq


To produce the mutual love among the husband and wife do give these verses after writing and after blowing make them eat or drink so in sha Allah tala there will be the love very much quickly, it is experienced. The man who has narrated it, he use to say this that one man used it on any forbidden situation after making some man recite it with the deception, there was no effect of it at all in fact there was very much damage of the one who did it. Therefore all of the people should do this that they may not do the usage of it on forbidden place. (Otherwise there is the danger of getting involved in other problems). Those verses are these ( ‫یا یھا الذین انا خلقنکم من ذکر و انثی و جعلنکم‬ ‫ الف بین فالن بن فالن و فالنتہ بنت فالنتہ کما الفت بین‬،‫شعوبا و قبائل لتعارفوا ان اکرمکم عند ہللا اتقکم ان ہللا علیم خبیر‬ ‫موسی و ھارون مثال کملتہ طیبتہ کشجرۃ طیبتہ اصلھا ثابت و فرعھا فی السماء توتی اکلھا کل حین باذن ربھا و یضرب ہللا‬ ‫( )االمثال للناس لعلھم یتذکرون‬Bayaaz Asharfi). On the place of that some and some do take the name of husband and the father of him and on the place of some and some do take the name of the wife and the mother of her.



Before the birth of the child also till the death even there use to be many rights in the responsibility of the parents, which use to be ignored. This is not the meaning of the boy or girl of being small or immature that we should degrees consciously in the obligatory rights of them. For them one should take very much care.



.u bq


1. The husband and wife should recite this dua during the sexual intercourse so the children use to remain safe till very much vast limit from the deception of the devil. (Abu Daud) 2. During the pregnancy the husband and wife especially the wife has to do very much care. One should get safe from the acts, words, tasks which are against the shariah so that the effect of it may not fall upon the child. 3. There should be very much forgiveness and repentance of duas, for the health, life and training of the child. 4. There shall not be mistake done in the prayer and in all of the other important worships and the act of the nafil tasbehaat and charity should also remain continued. 5. The weight should not come on the stomach and one should not pick up the weight by himself even and one should use the milk, apple, eggs, dates etc in place of the medicines more and more.


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After the birth of the child






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1. Any pious man, who acts according to the shariah shall give the call of prayer in the right ear of the boy or a girl and aqamat in the left ear. (Fatawa Hindiya, Masnad Abu Yaala) 2. To keep the good name of the boy or girl is much better to keep on the first day. (Sharah Al Moove). The name of him can also be kept on the 7th day. (Abu Daud). But the name should be good meaning this that whether it should be any name from the names of the respectable companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬or the respectable Prophets. Then there is no need of looking at the meanings even. If it is away from these so do keep the name with good meaning after looking at the meaning and doing the discussion with any good talented man so that it should not be changed tomorrow and when the child may grow up so he may like the name which has been kept of him. 3. Do make him bald on the 7th day and after it do give the wealth of silver as the charity equal to the weight and amount of the hair. (Fatawa Hindiya) 4. One should also do the Aqeeqa on the 7th day. (Abu Daud, Fatawa Hindiya). If there may be a little bit of opportunity even so it is better to do the Aqeeqa (so that the act of the charity of the life of the child may happen). If it may not be on the 7 th day so on the 14th day otherwise on the twenty first day. 5. Do keep the date or dry date etc in the mouth of him after getting it chewed from any great man. 6. Do not make the children wear the cloths, sweaters of the cartoons so that the angels of the mercy shall remain near to the child. (Bukhari) 7. At the morning after the Fajr and after the maghrib at the evening, do the blowing of all of the last three Qul on all of the young children of the house. All of the children will remain safe in sha Allah tala by getting the bad gaze and many of the incidents and evil things. 8. By making the names of the children bad, the children and the ones who are older than 2 years, do keep on reciting the name of the Almighty Allah and (‫ )بسم ہللا‬and kalma etc in front of them very much from which they will learn by them own self. 9. Do not change the cloths in front of the young and immature children. Do not even become nude and there shall not even any inappropriate act in front of them.

Before the child getting matured



1. Along with the teaching of the religion, do make them get the teachings o the present era also with the secondary choice. 2. Do not leave the boys and girls completely independent, do their complete supervision. 3. Do make them keep on meeting with the pious people, elder people and respectable scholars. Make them keep on doing the dua for them 4. The parents of the children may not themselves forget never ever to do very much duas for their children after the prayers and at the time of acceptance. The duas of the parents in regards to their children use to become accepted very much quickly according to the hadis e paak. (abu Daud)


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5. When the girls and boys would become 7 years old so make them offer the prayer after scolding them and do make the place of them laying down or sleeping separate. (Abu Daud) 6. Do make the boys and girls very much safe from the co education and false company. 7. Do make them safe from the free internet and mobile. 8. Do make them understand the rules which are applied on them after getting matured, even before them getting matured. 9. Do keep the series of dua being continued and do appreciate them on the education of them 10. When the proposal of them would be find which is appropriate so do not reject it because according to the hadis e paak that it has been stopped to do late without any reason. (Masnad e Ahmed) 11. Do not spend very much more than your status in the marriages and weddings. 12. If you are the one from the side of the groom so do make the daughter in law as your own daughter 13. If you are the one from the side of the bride so make the son in law as your own son and then give him the respect. 14. It is a good act to kiss your own child and to give him strength in his disease. (Muslim). One should do the kiss to their children on it there is the reward of the 10 good deeds. (Kanzul Amal) 15. One should make his child learn the bow and arrow, swimming and writing and one should give them the pure rizq. This is the right of them. (Kanz ul Amal) 16. There should be justice in doing the division among the children and the females are worthy of getting the importance. (Tibrani) 17. One should make their children learn three qualities. The love of the respectable Prophet (peace be upon him), the love of the family of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and love of the holy Quran. (Kanz ul Amal). May the Almighty Allah give us the proper understanding of the religion and the opportunity to act upon it in a complete way. Aameen!

The rules to do the service of parents The service of the parents is the path of the success


The obedience and service of the parents is not only this that it use to be supportive in the solution of the problems of this world in fact it also use to make the destiny easy on the path of sulook. One can get to know about it with the wordings of Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬very much easily. The saalik which use to think the service of the parents as an honor, he uses to achieve his destiny very much quickly.


He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said thatthe thing which I kept on searching in the riyazat, struggle and musafirat, I found it in the happiness and service of my mother. It happened like this that on night my mother asked the water from me. I went to take the cooler. There was no water in it, and then I looked in


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the water pot, that was also empty. I went on the stream and brought the water. During this my mother had slept, I kept on being standing while taking the bowl of water in my hand. The night was very much cold even this that due to the cold temperature the bowl of water got attached with my hand. When my mother got up and she became aware with this matter so she said that why did you not keep it down from your hands? I said that I became afraid from this thing that you may wake up and I may not be present. My mother drank the water and did dua for me.

.u bq


He use to tell one more incident just like this that at one night my mother said that to open half of the door and just after that she slept. I kept on being standing till the morning and kept on thinking this after becoming surprised that whether I may open the door of the left hand or the door of the right hand, it may not happen like this that I would do against the command of her, I do not know what she wants. I got this reward of it that the thing which I was finding, that thing got entered from the door at the time of morning meaning that the blessing of the lord.


The pious children are the gift for the parents





One scholar saw in the dream that the dead people are coming out from their graves and are taking up something from the ground. Among them one man is sitting on one side with very much peace. After looking this he became very much shocked and asked from that man that what are these people doing? He gave the answer that the Muslims who use to do the recitation, dua, charity etc for sending the reward so these people are taking those things. It was asked that why are you sitting separate and alone from them and so much careless? He gave the answer that my son use to complete one holy Quran everyday and use to send the reward of it to me. He uses to live in that some place. When the morning came so that scholar went to that place and so the son of that man that while doing the business the lips of him were also moving. He asked that why the lips of yours are moving. He gave the answer that every day I use to recite one holy Quran and do send the reward of it to my dead father.

.u bq


That same scholar again saw the father of that young man also in his dream after very much long time while picking up something along with all of the other dead people. When the morning came, he got to know that the young man has died.

The unconditional spirit of doing the service of the father



Hazrat Sheikh ul Islam ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is a very much big entity of knowledge. More than the time of 18 years he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the teachings of hadis e paak while sitting in front of the Rozah e Aqdas in the mosque of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that some of the times I used to teach the hadis e paak while sitting in the mosque of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so some man use to say after coming that the father of yours is calling you. when I used to get present after making my students go so he use to say that the labor of picking up the sand and bricks has not come, you may do this work complete. I used to do this work for whole of the day from which all the rest become suspended. Some days use to be not happening for one till two week. I used to do all of this service with very much happiness for the completion of the command of my father.


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The curse of the bad dua of the sobbing mother








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In one village of the district of Multan, there used to remain the fight between the mother and the son most of the time due to the wife. One day when the son came home at the time of 4 o clock at the evening from his work so the wife of him did the complain regarding to her mother in law that today again the mother of yours has irritated me without any reason and she has said me very much bad words. The husband picked up the burning wooden piece from the stove which was burning in the house after listening the words of his wife to finish this fight of every day and started hitting his mother with this burning piece of wood. The son kept on hitting his mother with this burning piece of wood from the time of 4:30 of the evening till 5 o clock. The mother kept on being hit and she kept on giving this bad dua that the lord may give you also the tormant of such burning piece of wood and you may also cry like this just like you are making me cry. While giving the bad duas the mother died from that time till now whenever there use to be the time of 4:30 of evening till 5 o clock at the evening the black marks use to become on those same places on which places that son hit the burning piece of wood on the body of his mother and he use to have so much pain that it use to be out of his bearing power. In the nashtar hospital of Multan the father of him use to make his disobedient son getting admitted for the reason of treatment so the doctors does not use to be able to understand this thing that what is this disease and what is the treatment of this disease because when the time of 4:30 use to come so the black marks use to start becoming on the body of him and till the time of 5 o clock at evening that pain use to remain along with a very much painful condition. Then after 5 o clock that pain use to go away and the marks use to get finished from the body. This thing kept on being continued at last one day the father of that son said to the doctors that do give him the injection of any poison and make him die. I am not able to bear this pain of him. He is getting this punishment due to the bad dua and disobedience of his mother.

The punishment of doing the dishonor of the mother



.u bq


Imam Bukhari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written that in one graveyard after the time of maghrib one grave use to be open, from that one man use to be come out. The head of him was like the head of the donkey. After taking out the voice of the donkey for some moments he uses to go back in the grave. Some person asked from the people that at last why this thing happening with this man, what is the reason of this matter? The man who had to tell, told this that this man used to drink the vine, when the mother of him used to stop him so he used to say this that why do you shout like the donkeys. (Al Adab Al Mufrid). How much big punishment that man got of doing the dishonor of the mother, that is why it is very much important for all of us to do the respect and honor of the mother and father and we all should do prevent to do the disobedience, dishonor and to talk with them in a bad manner.


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The 18 benefits of doing the service of the parents

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There is very much right of the mother and the father. After the Almighty Allah and the Prophet of him ‫ﷺ‬, the right of them use to come and the right of them is so much great that apart from doing the service of them for whole of the life with the sincerity and doing the dua of mercy and forgiveness for them for whole of our life, not even the 10th and 20th of the part of them use to be fulfilled. With the mercy of the Almighty Allah I have kept the reward of the nafli worships of my whole of the life safe for my parents and at the time of Hajj, every year I use to do the arrangement of doing the sacrifice from the side of my parents. May the Almighty Allah accept it with his mercy, Aameen!


The benefits:



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The most beloved act near to the lord is to act nicely along with the parents. (Bukhari) The service of the parents is equal to the Hajj and Umrah. (Targheeb) The heaven is under the feet of the mother (Mishkat) The service of the parents is more superior then the worship like the jihad. (Bukhari) The nice act with the parents came and stopped the angels of the death. (Umdah tul Qari) In the heaven the door of the middle place is open for the ones who use to do the service of the parents. (Jam e Kabeer) 7. By doing the service of the parents there use to be abundance and the beatitude in the life. (Majma) 8. The punishment of making the parents unhappy use to be gained in this world even. (Hakim) 9. It is more superior than the jihad to be happy and laugh with one parents. (Behiqi) 10. If the parents may be non believers and use to deny the lord so then also it is Sunnah to do the service of them and do good with them. (bukhari, Muslim) 11. The right of the mother is more than the father. (bukhari) 12. To spend on the parents is like to spend in the path of the almighty Allah (Dar e Manshoor, Behiqi) 13. The one who use to go one time on every Friday on the grave of his parents or on the grave of any one of them so the forgiveness of him uses to be done. (Makarim Ibn e Abi Ad Dunya) 14. The one who use to kiss the forehead of his mother, there is the hindrance for him with the fire of the hell. (Kanz ul Amal) 15. To say the abusive words to the parents of any other person is just like say the abusive words to your own parents it is a great sin. (Kanz ul Amal) 16. The punishment of two things use to be gained very much quickly, injustice and to not fulfill the rights of the parents. (Tibrani)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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17. The brother of the father is also worthy of being honored just like the father in regards with the good attitude. 18. The one who use to finish the relation with his parents would not even be able to get the fragrance of the heaven. (Targheeb)

The disadvantaged of doing the disobedience of the parents






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1. After doing the shirk, the biggest sin is to do the disobedience of the parents. 2. The disobedient of the parents will not b able to be entered in the heaven. 3. The respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has sent the curse on the one who use to say abusive words to his parents. 4. The one who use to do the disobedience of his parents, the Almighty Allah does not use to give the beatitude in the life of him and he use to make the children of him disobedient. 5. The one who use to say the abusive words to the parents will be made upside down in the fire (hell) 6. The disobedience of the parents use to the torment of the lord. 7. To say the abusive words to the parents is the great sin. (Bukhari, Muslim) 8. The man who uses to do the disobedience of his parents at the time of morning, the door of the hell use to be open for him. (Behiqi) 9. The disobedient of the parents does not use to get the opportunity of reciting the kalma on his tongue in the last time of him. 10. The man who use to do the disobedience of his parents or to send him the pain, he use to get the curse of the Almighty Allah, the curse of the angels and the curse of all of the people.

The dua of sending the reward to the parents

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The man who use to send the reward of this dua after reciting it to the parents so it is like this that as if he has fulfilled the rights of his parents. ( ‫الحمد ہلل رب العالمین رب السموات و رب االرض رب العالمین‬ ‫ ہلل الحمد رب السموات و رب االرض رب العالمین ولہ العظمتہ فی‬،‫ولہ الکبریاء فی السموات و االرض وھو العزیز الحکیم‬ ‫السموات و االرض وھو العزیز الحکیم ھو الملک رب السموات رب االرض و رب العالمین ولہ النور فی السموات و االرض‬ ‫( )وھو العزیز الحکیم‬Fazael e Sadqaat) and it has been mentioned in the narration of the mishkat shareef that due to the dua of repentance, the levels of the parents use to get raised.

The ten rules regarding to the hairs, beard



1. The holy beard of the leader of all, of all of the Prophets (peace be upon him) was so much thick and full that it use to fill the holy chest of him. (Shamael e Tirmizi) 2. To cut the hairs which are grown from the left or right side of the beard after it has become equal to the size of one hand so that it may become beautiful. (sharah Al Shamael) 3. To keep the beard of the size of one hand or more big than it. (Tirmizi) 4. To cut the mustachios and do the exaggeration in making it cut. (tirmizi)


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5. To get the beard trimmed by remaining in the limit of the shariah, and to apply the oil after making the hairs of the beard and the head making proper. (Mouta Imam MAlik) 6. To move the comb in the head and in the beard. (Behiqi) 7. To keep the cloth pieces on the head according to the Sunnah. (Mishkat) 8. To clean the hairs of the nose, armpit, bellow the belly button. (Bukhari). If the 40 days may pass and a person may not do the cleanliness so he will be sinful (Marqaat) 9. To make the beard colored with the henna and simma or to let it remin white even, both of the things are recommended. (Mota Ahmed) 10. The ladies should apply henna on their nails. (abu Daud)

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The 12 rules of doing the recitation




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1. It is Sunnah to do the miswak before doing the recitation of the holy Quran. (Kanz ul Amal) 2. It is Sunnah to cry at the time of doing the recitation or to make the face like crying. (Kanz ul Amal) 3. It is Sunnah to do the recitation along with the beautiful voice. (Ibn e Abi Sheeba) 4. It is permissible to do the verbal recitation without doing the ablution even and without even touching the holy Quran. (Kanz ul Amal) 5. That recite of the holy Quran is more beloved who use to be in the white cloths. (Mouta Imam Malik) 6. It is also the source of reward to only look at the holy Quran. (Kanz ul amal) 7. It is against the Sunnah to do the recitation with so much loud voice that from which there shall be disturbance in the prayer of the ones who are offering the prayer. (Ibn e Abi Sheeba) 8. It is more beloved act to recite the holy Quran after looking at it in the day and at the night. (Kanz ul amal) 9. It is not permissible to read it very much quickly. (Kanz ul Amal) 10. The good recitation is that from which the fear of the lord may get produce in the heart. (Kanz ul Amal) 11. When someone may be listening after becoming attentive so it is also good to read with the loud voice. (Kanz ul Amal) 12. It is Sunnah to do the collective dua afte doing the completion the holy Quran. (Majma Al Zawaed)



The 12 benefits of the love and affection among each other 1. The first thing that will be picked up from all of the things in the world, it will be the love and affection among each other: (Al Adab al Mufrid).


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2. When two people use to keep the love and affection between themselves so among them the greater level uses to be of it, the one who use to keep most connection. (al Adab Al Mufrid) 3. After the faith the most superior act is to do the love and affection with the people. (Makarim Tibrani) 4. To make your Muslim brother happy is from among the acts of doing the repentance as the obligation. (Targheeb) 5. The creation is the family of the Almighty Allah and that person is beloved near to him, who use to be full of benefits for the family of him. (Mishkat shareef) 6. The one who use to walk for any of the need of his brother so for him on every single step 70 good deeds use to be written. If the need may get fulfilled so all of the sins of him use to be forgiven. (Targheeb) 7. When the Almighty Allah use to take the decision of doing the god with any person so use to make the needs of the people connected and related to him. (Behiqi) 8. To walk for the need of any brother is more superior than doing the aetikaaf for two months in the mosque of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. (Mustadrik Hakim) 9. To walk for completing the need of any of brother of yours and to do effort in it is more than doing the aetikaf of ten years. (Targheeb) 10. The most beloved act near to the Almighty Allah is to help the person who is in problem. (Tirmizi) 11. To remove the sadness and tension of any Muslim is the reason of becoming safe from the tension on the Day of Judgment. (Bukhari) 12. If you may do friendship and love with any person so do tell it to the brother of yours. (Al Adab Al Mufrid)

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The rules of writing the letter



1. Do always start the letter with the (‫ﷺ‬ ), if you want to make it short so do write (‫)باسمہ تعالی‬ 2. Do write your postal address in every letter for sure. 3. Do write the address of yours on the right side after leaving a little bit of space; do become satisfied with the vocabulary and proper parah phrasing of the address. 4. One should not be stuck very much in the phrases, the real meaning and goal should be finished. After writing the real reason and goal the letter should be finished along with the words which use to express the relation of yours with the one to whom with the letter is being written. 5. Do use very much easy and simple language in the letter 6. Do take care about the level of the one to whom the letter is being written in the whole letter 7. In the letter never ever write anything which is full of anger, which is funny and which is strict.


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8. Do not read the letter of any other person without the permission of him and just like that do not even read the message on the mobile phone this is the dishonesty of the character, although the supervisiors and elder people of the house have the permission of this that they may read the letters of their younger people and they may give the training to them and they may give them appropriate advices. Specially one should an eye on the letters of the girls. 9. Due to the mobile phone and internet, the culture of the letters has become less but we should at least know the way of it.

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The rules of doing the hospitality The spirit of Hazrat Madni

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

for doing the respect:




Once upon a time on guest came to the place of Hazrat Maulana Sheik ul Islam Madni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, from which the bad smell was coming and very much lies were also on his cloths. The place wherever he use to think so hundred or fifty lies use to get on that place. No any person used to let him room around him in the guest house but Hazrat Madni ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬made him eat the food by making him sit beside himself and he gave him his own towel to clean the mouth and the hands. Therefore many of the lies came upon the cloths of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to which the Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ cleaned them after going the inside.



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All the praise is for the Almighty Allah, so much help and mercy on the guests and so much care of them, the mat of Hazrat Madni was so broad that The number of guests wasn’t limited to 20, but often exceeded up to even 200 and 300 people, however not even then a single guest would leave his house being hungry and if he used to find that his guests were missing at the time of food then he used to look for them.



The ones who don’t offer their guests hospitality; there is no benefit. Visitors bring their food with them and leave rendering forgiveness. Guests are the gift from god. A person with no guests is a bad person. There shouldn’t be any calculation on the food which a guest intakes A house with no guests is a house with no angels The food of a guest is brought by Hazrat Jibraeel ‫علیہ السالم‬ To serve hospitality to the visitors is a good thing At least for one day, it’s good to have a standard food arranged for the guests, but in such a way that there is no burden on you and the guest 10. To follow the guest till the house door is a sunnah 11. To accompany the guests while eating food is a sunnah 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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12. A guest should not stay for a long period so that the host is not disturbed 13. Serving the guests till 3 days is must, after all the rendered hospitality is the hosts favor on the guest 14. To arrange a sleeping bed for the visitors is a sunnah 15. To not appreciate what the host has served is against a sunnah 16. To not question the host regarding food is a sunnah 17. One should be happy when meeting the guests 18. One should serve the guests with respect and not hurt them and also deal with them patiently

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Caliph of the time and respect of guests


Hazrat Umer bin Abdullah Al-aziz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to respect his guests alot. Whenever he used visit some place near the house of rahimallah, he used to stay up all night just to safe keep the belongings of his fellow travelers (guests), while they used to sleep. He even didn’t let them know about this kind gesture of his.


The rules of the mandate and the honesty


A weird incident regarding submitting belongings to Allah




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Allama Dameri ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬once said: A lot of books have a tradition, one which Zaid bin Aslam acted out in relation to his father: He says that once Hazrat Umer‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was approaching to the people sitting near Unah, when a person with his son entered and when Hazrat Umer‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬saw them he said that he haven’t ever seen any crow who is this much comfortable with any other crow, the way that the father and child were comfortable with each other. The person replied: Ay Hazrat, the mother of this child gave birth to this child at the time when she was dead. After listening to this, Hazrat Umer‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬sat straight and requested the man to share his child’s incident with him. And therefore the person did so. He said: Ay Hazrat, once I planned for travelling, it was the time when my wife was pregnant, She confronted me and asked said to me that you are travelling and leaving me alone in this crucial time when I’m fainting due to the pregnancy, He said:"‫"استودع ہللا ما فی بطنک‬ That I submit the child in your stomach to Allah. After saying this I left for my journey and returned home after several years. On returning home I found out that there was a lock on the door of the house. When I asked others regarding my wife, they said that she has died, after which I went to visit the grave of my wife. My cousin accompanied me to the grave yard. I stood beside her grave for long and kept on crying. My cousin rendered me support and we planned to return back home. While returning back, we just had taken a few steps only when I saw fire in the grave yard. I asked my cousin regarding it on which he enlightened me that every day, at night, this same fire lights up at my wife’s grave. After listening to this I recited :‫ انا ہلل‬Innallilah and said that my wife was a pious lady with a sound character, take me back to her grave. So they took me back, however, my cousin stood outside the door of the grave yard, and I, alone, went towards my wife’s grave, when


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I witnessed that the grave was opened and my wife was sitting on it and this boy, am carrying with me was circling her . I was intrigued by all of this when I suddenly heard a voice: The one to submit his belongings to Allah must take his belongings back, and if you would have submitted the childs mother to Allah as well, then she would have been given to you as well. After listening to the voice, I took the child in my arms and saw the grave to settle back in position. Hazrat, this incident which I just told, is true, I swear to Allah. The one who doesn’t return back ones belonging to them is not a truthful person To not return ones belongings back is the identification of a munafiq A munafiq cannot enter paradise One who has been submitted belongings, and he return them on time has his certification to enter paradise 5. The one who breaks promises is not a truthful person 6. Breaking promises is breaking love( Mkaram al khartai)

Rules of Collectivity and Unity


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1. 2. 3. 4.




To separate ourselves from jamaat is an indication of problem Jamaat and Ijtimaat are Allahs ropes Seperation form jamat results in hell Sepeartion from Jamat means separation from Islam To create better relationships between two people, is the most meaningful thing For the quest of correction, there is a reward of freeing slaves on kalma

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



His behavior with even the ones whom he knew were his enemies was commendable and sweet, and you can’t even think, I use to tell people I know one thing a lot, that, Allah is ours and we are Allah’s , Allah is everyone’s and everyone is Allah’s, This is why everyone is ours and we are every ones. Now, to live with unity and peace, there are few pointers. May Allah join our hearts forever. Ameen!

Community’s 5 rules



1. Unity is deens first pillar: complete people are those whose buniyad is Allahs deen and Prophets teachings 2. Our main aim must be to prosper Allahs deen and our all efforts must be for this particular cause only, but, one need intelligence and hikmat for the completion of such efforts 3. Despite bad relations, conversing politely is our role and one must not forget it. We should love each other due to Allah, and give such relationships more importance over others. We should stay away from Tang nazri 4. Selfishness and being self interested must be avoided


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Etiquettes of Advised


5. Keep relation with rafkah peaceful and even if there occurs ikhtilaf, keep your heart away from stains of such ikhtilafaat


There are a lot of merits of taking advice from others. Once a man said that there exit three types of men: complete men, half men and a dead man

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Complete Men is the one who himself is known but still ask for advices. Half men is the one who himself is not known of mashfara but he takes advices from others and also works in accordance. And the dead men is the one who is neither himself known and nor he takes advises from others.



If any elderly person takes advise from a young one, so the young one must bear in mind the fact the it is beneficial for him as it encourages and increases intellect and knowledge. There is a chance that young people might guide the elderly person in such a way which might not have come to the elderly person. This is how the intellect of the younger person will enhance and then it will be easier to converse with them.



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1. A person who does istikhara is never disappointed and one who takes advices is never let downed 2. Advises are the building of goodness 3. The one who takes advices never fails 4. To take advice from an intelligent and known person is a sunnat 5. In Silah rehmi from a bukheel, In Jihad from a coward must not be taken advice from 6. The one who gives wrong advices is a khain 7. Prophet said that after giving an advice one must not back out orelse one would have to bear disappointment 8. Advices can be taken from any age group until he is intelligent and known 9. An advice to take an advice must not be done and after giving the advice discussion must not be done 10. If some are people who you know and the others are unknown, so one should trust known’s, unless they are in minority. At the time of gazwah Khunduk, hazrat Salman Farsi’s advice was accepted due to his experiences 11. If an advice is taken in terms of religion, then the advisor must not get stuck in proudiness but should fear that his advice might not result in any sort of harm. And the one whose advice gets rejected must not get disheartened about it but should think that he is safe 12. Once advising for a community, the greater good must be considered


The dua of doing the discussion:


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Before doing the discussion, one should recite this dua. ( ‫اللھم الھمنا مراشد امورنا و اعذنا من شرور‬ ‫( )انفسنا ومن سیئات اعمالنا‬Ibn e sani)

6 Respects for Promising

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Important event: Hazrat Abdullah bin abi Hamsa ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that before prophet received his prophecy, the guy bought something from him and some amount of that thing remained unpaid with a promise to prophet that he shall return at the same place with the leftover amount of money. But later he forgot his promise and returned on the third day and saw that Prophet‫ ﷺ‬is sitting on the same place and he said: You have created hardships for me; I’ve been sitting at this place for 3 days awaiting you.




1. If someone has the intention to return the money back but is unable to do so due to some important need then it isn’t counted as a gunnah 2. If promised to a small kid, then must fulfill orelse would be counted as a lie 3. To fullfil the promise done by a dead person in his life is a sunnat 4. The one who promises and full fills it, has his zamanat for Jannat 5. The one who breaks promises is not diyanatdiyaar 6. Breaking promises end love

17 Etiquettes of Salam (greeting)




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1. To do Salam before conversation is a Sunnat 2. The one who spreads Salam and offers people food: Janat is for him 3. To do 20 Salam in a day: Jannat would be confirmed 4. The one who does Salam first is Afzal 5. The one who doesn’t reply to Salam is not the part of Nabi’s ‫ ﷺ‬umat 6. In debates, introductory Salam is Sunnat 7. To do Salam when coming or leaving a majlis is a Sunat 8. The one who does the full Salam will receive 40 rewards 9. To do Salam to only the ones you know: is an indication of the end of the world 10. Do Salam to women and mehrams: Sunnat 11. While entering the house, one should do Salam. It is a Sunnat 12. While leaving the house one must do Salam: Sunnat 13. To Salam with an expression or via moving fingers or hand gestures is against the Sunnat 14. In a majlis the answer of one person is enough 15. Alone person must Salam everyone in the masjid: Sunnat


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The ten rules of shaking the hands

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(1) The sins use to get off by shaking the hands. (Targheeb) (2) When the two Muslims use to meet and do shake the hands with each other so, the seventy repentance use to get distributed between them. Sixty nine for the one who use to meet with the fresheness and with a smiling face. (Makarim Al kharaiti) (3) The Salam should be done before shaking the hands. (Targheeb) (4) It is also a Sunnah to shake the hands at the time of saying good bye also. (Tirmizi) (5) It is also a Sunnah to shake the hands after doing the Salam. (Al adab al mufrid) (6) It is also a Sunnah to shake the hands with the children. (Al adab al mufrid) (7) It is Sunnah to do the Slam before shaking the hands. (Majma) (8) The love use to get increased by shaking the hands. (Makarim al kharaiti) (9) There will be nine blessings on the one who will do first. (Majma) (10) There use to be the repentance before the hands use to get apart while doing shaking the hands.


The level of the ontologism of ours, in the neighbor of ours The level of the neighbors




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(1) The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ﷽ has said after doing the swear three times that from the evil and pain of that man with which the neighbors of him are not safe, he is not a true believer. (Bukhari) (2) The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ﷽ has said that the person whose neighbors are not safe from the evil of him, he will not get entered in to the heaven. (Muslim) (3) One man said while getting present in the service of the Prophet ﷽ that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ﷽ I use to live in that some tribe, the neighbor which is more near to me, he only use to send me the most of the pain. After listening this the Prophet ﷽ said to Hazrat Abu Bakar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and Hazrat Umer ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and Hazrat Ali Karam Allah wajhi ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that do make a call at the door of the mosque that there is the neighborhood till the forty houses. The man whose neighbors are not safe from the evil of him, he will not get entered in to the heaven. (Tibrani) Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ has said that in urf, from where the neighborhood is said, then in it how much more near it is, there is that much more right and how much far it is, that much less is the right. 4. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that whoever will make the neighbor irritated, he has made me irritated and the one who has made me irritated, he has made the lord irritated. 5. One man asked from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that, that some man use to offer very much prayers, use to give the charity, use to keep the fast but she use to keep on irritating the neighbors with the long tongue of her. He said that such lady is in the hell. Just like this the discussion of the other lady was done that the prayer and fast of her is less. The charity is also less but the neighbors of her are safe from her. He said that she is in heaven. (Ahmed, Bazaar)


6. The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said that the man who slept after filling his stomach and the neighbor of him kept of lying inside of him as hungry.He has not believed on me. (Tibrani) There is the need to also make the hungry neighbor eat the food. Not this that the stomach shall be filled by your own self and one should not take care about the neighbor.


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7. Miqdaad Bin Aswad ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to narrate the Marfooan that to do the adultery with the female neighbor is more sinful that doing the adultery with the strange female plus to do the robbery in the neighbors is much more sinful than doing the robbery in the other houses. (Tibrani)


8. Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that I swear by that entity in whose power and control there is my life, till when any man will not like that same thing for his neighbor also which he use to like for his own self, till then he is not a Muslim. (Muslim)


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9. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that one day the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went out with the intention of doing the Jihad so he said that the man who has given pain to his neighbor, he is not able to come along with us. One man said that O the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that I have put the water in the wall of the neighbor. He said that you are not able to come along with us. (Bukhari and Muslim) meaning that just due to with very much common act this man has been made deprived from the very much big reward.


10. Hazrat Jabeer Ibn e Mutam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that it has been told by the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the one who use to break the relations (the one who stops the conversation and relations) will not be able to enter in to the heaven. (Bukhari and Muslim)


11. It has been narrated by Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the heaven is forbidden on the one who use to break the relations. (The one who use to stop the conversation and relations) (Ahmed Bazaar)


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12. It has come in to the Hadis e paak which has been narrated by Hazrat Abi Bakara ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that there is no any such sin, the punishment of which is to be given very much quickly in the world and on the Day of Judgment but of the one who is rebellion and the one who use to break the relations (the one who use to do the disobedience of the lord, the ones who use to stop the conversations and relations among themselves) (Tirmizi, Ibn e Maja). It is much more important to be careful about the rights of the people more than the nafil worships. It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak that to do good act with the neighbor is the reason of the increase in the life (Makarim Bin Ikhlaq Laa Bin Abi Ad Dunya)

The 11 rules of the neighbors



1. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who use to have the faith on the almighty Allah and on the Day of Judgment, he should do the respect and honor of the neighbor of him. (Kanz ul Amal) 2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that among the two neighbors the one who is more rightful is the one having the door more near. 3. One should add more water in the food and give it to the neighbors also and one should take care of the neighbors of him. (Abu Awana Fee Masnada).


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4. Some man said regarding to one lady that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that lady use to offer the prayer of tahajjud at night, use to keep the fast in the day and use to give the charity and funds but she use to give the pain to the neighbors. The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ said that (‫ )ال خیر فیھا وھی من اھل النار‬that there is no good in her and she will go in to the hell. Then it was said that one lady use to offer the obligatory prayer every day and use to give some cheese in the charity and she do not even give pain to any person so the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that (‫ )ھی من اھل الجنتہ‬that she is from the people of the heaven. (Kanz ul Amal) 5. From the pain of which man the neighbor shall not be safe, he will not be able to enter in to the heaven. (Targheeb) 6. The one who has given pain to the neighbor, he has given the pain to the Prophet (peace be upon him) (Targheeb) 7. The one who did fight with the neighbors, he has done the fight with the lord. (Targheeb) 8. On the Day of Judgment there will be the case of the neighbors first of all. (Targheeb) 9. Apart from the prayers and the fasts and abundance of the charity he will enter into the hell, that man who use to give the pain to the neighbors from the tongue of him (Targheeb) 10. The respect of the neighbors is like the respect of the father. (Makarim Ibn e Abi Ad Dunya) 11. To give leniency to the non Muslim neighbors also is a Sunnah. (Al Adab Al Mufrid)



The 11 rules which have been received from the court of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

.u bq

That if he may do the request of help from you so do the help of him If he may ask the loan so do give him the loan If he is in need so do the best act along with him If he is sick so do look after him If he may die so go along with the dead body On the time of happiness do give him the congratulations Do the consolation in the condition of sadness Do not raise the wall of the house of yours so much that with it the air shall stop If you may buy new fruits so do send him also, if you are not able to send so do keep them hidden and do not even let your children to go out while taking the fruits in their


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Once upon a time the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said after becoming attentive towards the companions ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہم‬ that do you know that what is the right of the neighbors? The companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬said that the lord and the Propet of him ‫ ﷺ‬use to know better. So he said that the rights of him are these.


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hands because after looking at the fruits in the hands of the children of yours, the children of them will become sad. (Ahyaa ul Uloom, Kanz ul Amal) 10. One should behave with leniency and humbleness along with him 11. Keep on sending the gifts etc sometimes do the house of him specially when he is in need so do give some of the food to him for sure. Do not give him the pain. 12. Do not fight with him in the small matters. ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


The care of the neighbors by Farooq e Azam


.u bq

Once upon a time Farooq e Azam ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬saw that Hazrat Jabir ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is going while taking one very much big piece of the meat. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬asked that what is this? Hazrat Jabir ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that oh the leader of the true believers! I felt like eating the food, I have bought it of one dirham. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that o Jabir do you have worry about the stomach of yours after leaving the neighbor or the relatives of yours? Have you forgotten this verse that ( ‫اذھبتم طیباتکم فی حیاتکم الدنیا‬ ‫)و استمتعتم بھا‬.

To take care about the neighbor who have the loan on him



One great man got to know this that the neighbor of him is selling the house of him due to having the loan on him. That great man used to sit under the shade of that house. After listening this news he said that if he would have sold the house due to the need so then we would not have been able to fulfill the right of sitting in the shade of the wall of him. Then he sends the money of the loan and stopped him from selling the house.

To be in the pain by your own self just for the neighbor


.u bq



Just like this at the house of one great man there were very much rats. Some man said that why do not you keep the cat? He said that I have this fear that after becoming afraid from the cat, the rats will go to the house of the neighbor, the thing which I do not use to like for my own self, why shall I like it for them.

The four rules of the gift



1. The gift is very much good culture of our society and along with it, it is a holy sunnah of our Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. it use to come in the hadis e paak that do give the gifts (rewards, with this the love use to increase among yourselves) 2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬never used to refuse the gift of the fragrance. The respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ used to do the exchange of the gifts among themselves. It has been proved according to the ahadis e paak that the love use to get increase with the gifts but few of the situations are like these, due to which the gifts use to adopt the forbidden conditions, for getting safe from which it is very much important to be careful about the following things. a) The gift should only be given for the happiness of the Almighty Allah. B) ‫ االتمنن تستکثر‬In the detail of it the respectable scholars have written this that one should do


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the intention of feeling to do the taking back more than your gift or reward. Meaning that the one who is giving the gift should only give for the happiness of the Almighty Allah but the one who is to be given, he should think as his personal responsibility to give the gift in return of this gift. When the gift shall be adopted as the culture or it shall be given for the show off and pride so the seed of hatred apart from the love among each other. The distance use to get increased more apart from becoming less because the happiness of the creation is not gained after making the creator resented. The reason is this that the gift which is one beautiful Sunnah, has now become the source of the status rivalry in the society. The gift should only be given for permissible and good thing. It is better to not give then giving the gift of the forbidden and disliked things by the Almighty Allah and by the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬. in the marriages, the one who will give how much expensive gift, there will be that much respect of him which is completely against to the teachings of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that no any neighbor should think one foot of the female goat even as unworthy which has been given as the gift by the other neighbor. (Summary) meaning that the reality of the gift is sincerity, not the amount or quality of it.


The 4 rules of the non Muslims The benefits of the kindness and humbleness


.u bq



1. The man used to get the level of the one who use to do worship for the whole night and keep the fast of the whole day just due to kindness and humbleness and patience. (Targheeb) 2. The one with which injustice is done and the evilness shall be done with him and if he may be tolerant and patient in it, he will enter into the heaven without any accountability. (Targheeb) 3. The one who has been said something of anger and he may tolerate it, the love of the Almighty Allah is obligatory for him. (Targheeb) 4. The Almighty Allah use to like two qualities, humbleness and decency. (Behiqi Fil Shaab)

The kind attitude of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with a Jew man



Once upon a time one Jew scholar Zaid Bin Saanta gave the date of 80 misqaal as the loan to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and appointed the duration of the money of it. On the time of the fixed duration, Zaid Bin saanta came to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he pulled the color of the shirt of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said after looking towards the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the anger that O Muhammad ‫ !ﷺ‬will you not fulfill the right of mine? O the son of Abdul Mutallib, you people use to suppress the rights of the other people.


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Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬became very much resented on this and said bad words to him but the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬kept on smiling continuously then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this that O Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬you should not do this, you should have said me to give it very much nicely and to him to ask in a very much nice way. Then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that right now three days are left and he gave the command to Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that do give the loan of him and do give 20 Saa of dates more than the actual amount. When Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the money of him so Zaid asked that why it is increased? Why are they more than the actual amount? Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said this that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave me this command that I may give you 20 Saa of dates more in return of your fair. Zaid said that O Umar ‫ !رضی ہللا عنہ‬Do you not recognize me? He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that No. Zaid said that I am Zaid Bin Saanta.


.u bq

Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said this after becoming surprised that Oh a Rahib. So why have you done such thing with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. he said that when I put a gaze on the face of the Prophet so I saw all of the signs of the Prophet hood on the face of him apart from two things (signs) about which I was not knowing that whether they are in him or not.



The patience and tolerance of him will overcome the anger of him. How much matter of foolishness will be done with him, that much patience of him will get increased and now I have seen both of these qualities in him. Then Zaid Bin Saanta recited the kalma of shahadah and accepted Islam with the beatitude of the patience and tolerance of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. He gets along with the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in many of the wars and he got martyred while fighting of the war of Tabook.

The kindness of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the enemies


.u bq



At the time of the Ghazwa of Uhad, when the holy teeth of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬were made broken and the holy face was made injured so the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got very much pained with the injured condition of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so they said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬You shall do the bad dua for them. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that I have not been made as the one who use to do the curse in fact I have been made as the one to give the dua and to do the mercy. Then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did the dua for them that Oh the Almighty Allah! Do give the guidance to my nation. It is a Sunnah to behave nicely and to do the favor with the strange people. (Bukhari). Hazrat Ibrahim Alai Salam used to find the non Muslim guest and made him eat the food apart from the Islam. (Sadqaat)

The kind attitude of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬with the hypocrite people



In the Ghazwa of Bani Mustalaq the fight happened between Jahja Bin Masood and Sanaan Al Jehni. As Sanaan Al Jehna was the partner of the tribe of Khizraj, that is why he called for the help. O the group of Ansaar, just after looking at him the Jahja also called the migrates for the help. By the calling of Jahja to the migrates, Abdullah Bin Ubai Bij Salool (theleader of the hypocire people) said after becoming very much angry that when we will go back to the Madina Munawwara so for sure the respectful people will take out the humiliated people from the


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Madina. In reality he said the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬as the humiliated ones. (‫)معاذ ہللا‬


The rules for the non Muslims


.u bq


Therefore the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬got the news of this thing. Hazrat Umar Farooq ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ was also present along with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that do give the command to Ibad Bin Bashar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that he may cut the neck of that man (hypocrite). The Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said that how can this happen. When the people will make the gossips that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬use to make the partners of him kill so how much bad it will look. Hazrat Asaid Bin Hafeer ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that I swear by the almighty Allah that if you may want so I will take him out of the Madina Munawarah, in reality only he is the humiliated one and you are the respectful one. When the son of Abdullah Bin Ubai (the hypocrite), the companion of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬Hazrat Abdullah ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬got the news of the abusive tongue of the father of him so he got present in the service of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said that I have got to know that you want to get Abdullah bin Ubai killed, so if you want to do like this so do give me the command, I will present the head of him in the service of yours. The merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave the answer with the forgiveness and repentance and with the mercy that no in fact we will act with kindness and favor with him.


Only on the basis of being a human being, whether they are not the Muslims, they do have these rights and rules.


.u bq



1. One should not give any pain of life or money to any innocent man. 2. Do not say any abusive words to any other person without any reason 3. If you may see any person involved in the problem, starvation or disease so do the help of him, give him food and water, have his treatment and medication done 4. In which condition the shariah has given the permission of the punishment do not do injustice and abundance in it. Do not make him deprived. 5. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the command to his servant that O young man! When you may make the meat so do make it reach to our Jew neighbor first of all. Some man said that to a Jew? May the Almighty Allah give you guidance. So he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that I have listened from the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that he had given the command regarding to the neighbor so much that even we started thinking that maybe he will make him a partner in the legacy. (Abu Daud and Tirmizi)


The rights and rules for the animals The service of the animals is a source for getting connected to the Lord


The teachings of Islam are based upon peace and comfort. Even this that the Islam uses to tell the rights of the animals even. Even this that some times to do kindness and mercy on the animals


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can also become a source of forgiveness. It use to come in hadis e paak that the forgiveness of one bad character lady happened only for this act that she made one thirsty dog drink water who was near to die an one Muhaddis got the forgiveness on this thing that he stopped the pen of him just for one thirsty fly and that fly sucked that ink although on the other side one lady got the torment due to one lady that she kept it after tying even this point that the cat die with hunger. Hazrat Hasan Basri use to do this tafseer of Abraar that Abraar use to be those people who do not even give the pain to an ant even.


.u bq

Once upon a time the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went to one park so one camel came to him while crying. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬rubbed his hand on the ear of it and said that do call the owner of it to me. This camel has done two complains to me. It has done one complaint of this that he use to give less food to me. The second complain is done this that he uses to make me do very much work, I am not able to do this all work. So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to the owner of it that both of these things are false, do make it eat the food complete also and so make it do the work so much how much it is able to do. It has got to know that there are also the rights of the animals in the shariah.

Sheikh Ahmed Qabeer Rafaaee

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



It is a command in the shariah that if you may do the travelling on the horse etc so if it is the green area so then in the middle do take the breaks time to time so that the animal could eat the food of it. If there is the trough so than do walk fast so that after reaching on the destiny the animal may get the time to take the rest and then when you may reach on the destiny so first of all do the arrangement of the food and water of the animal and then do your own work.

and the goodness of the cat


.u bq



This was the routine of the Shekh Ahmed Qabeer Rafaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that just after the call of the prayer he used to go to the mosque. Once upon a time he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was not wearing the shirt for any reason and was busy himself in any work that one cat came and lay upon the shirt and it felt asleep. On the other side the call of the prayer happened, Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got worried for going to the prayer, neither he was able to be late in the prayer nor he felt it right to interrupt the sleep of the cat. At last he took the scissor and cut the shirt from the sides and around the cat and went to offer the prayer in the mosque after wearing the shirt. When he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came back so the cat was gone. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬took those pieces which are lying there and stitched them along with the shirt. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the man of the Almighty Allah who used to fulfill the rights of the animals.


Once upon a time the mosquito was biting him and was drinking the blood of him. One man did the intention of moving it away, he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that leave it, this innocent would be hungry. How much blood will it drink?

The happening of forgiveness with the dua of the child of the cat


One great man was doing the travelling at the time of night in the season of winter. On his way he saw the child of one cat who was shivering with the cold. The great man felt mercy on it and brought it home after picking it up in his lap and made it hide in the blanket. When the death of that great man happened so the Almighty Allah asked him that what have you brought? He said


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that I only have the faith otherwise my acts were not like this that they shall be presented in the court of yours. Then the Almighty Allah said that one night you made one child of the cat to sleep in the blanket of yours who was dying in the cold. So that child of the cat did the dua for you which we have accepted. Go, on the dua of that child of the cat we have forgiven you.

The good attitude with a deer and the dua of it

Got the kingdom by doing the mercy on the deer


.u bq


It has been narrated that once upon a time Hazrat Zain ul abideen ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was busy in hunting in the forest. One deer came and started doing the request after lying down on the floor. The people asked that what she wants. He said that one Quraishi man has caught the child of her and took it along with him; she is doing the request of it. after that he made that Quraishi man called along with the child of it and said to him that O man if you want this that the child of yours may remain safe from the injustice and prison so you shall leave the child of it. Therefore he left that child. The deer said something and went after taking the child. The people asked that Oh the son of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬what she has said? He said that, she said this that ( ‫جزاک ہللا فی‬ ‫)الدارین خیرا‬.




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It has been written in the history of Daulat Nasri that in the starting era Ameer Nasir ud din was one slave of Subugtageen and he was living in the Nesha poor. He was having only one horse, on getting on which he use to roam in the forest in search of the hunting. One day he was roaming in the search of animals that he saw one deer from far away distance which was busy in eating along with the child of it. After looking at it he made the horse move fast and after taking the child of it he started moving towards the city. After reaching near to the city, when he looked towards the forest after turning back, he remained surprised. That innocent deer which was overcome by the motherhood was coming at the back of its child. Ameer Subukdageen felt pitty after loking at this. He thought this that the meat of so much little child will not be enough for me but in fact the mother of it will become depressed with the pain of it that is why it is better that I may leave the child. Therefore he opened the feet of the child and made it free. The child went to the mother of it while jumping and playing and then both of them went towards the forest. On going back the deer kept on looking at the Ameer Subuktageen while turning back again and again and in the eyes it, it kept mercy of its hunter. After that Subuktageen saw a dream that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to say this that Subuktageen you have made the heart of mine happy after doing mercy on that weak deer, you will become one very much king one day. When you may become a king so do mercy on the slaves of the Almighty Allah just like this, so that the kingdom of yours may get maintenance and mortality. After that Subuktageen started doing the effort make that dream true and at last one day he became a very much big king.

The 12 rules of keeping an animal as a pet


1. It is against the Sunnah to hit the animals without any reason. (Behiqi Fil Shab) 2. The milk of animals should not be taken out completely so that the children etc could also drink it.


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There is the reward on the service of the animals also (Bikhari) It is forbidden to hit four animals. Ant, honeybee, hudhud and goriya (Ibn e Maja) It is forbidden to hit a frog. (Abu Daud) It is permissible to kill the dangerous animals. (Majmaa) The animals from which there is no special benefit, do not make it a prison specially to bring out the children and to make the parents of it worried is a very much big cruelty. 8. The animals which are worthy of benefit, do not kill them without any need just as the hobby. 9. The animals which are of work do the complete arrangement of the food and water and comfort and ease of them in a complete way. 10. Do not take the work from them more than the strength of them 11. Do not hit them more than the limit 12. The animals which have to be sacrificed or it has to be killed with the reason of being dangerous so do kill it quickly, do not make it shiver, do not take the life of it after keeping it as hungry or thirsty.


.u bq



3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


In the following, few rights of the animals are being mentioned, from which one will get to know about the greatness of Islam.




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1. The animals do not use to have so much pain at the time of being sacrificed how much it use to be seen. The command is this that the animals shall be made sacrificed after saying starting with the name of the Almighty Allah; the Almighty Allah is the greatest of all because with this the animals do not use to feel the pain. 2. It is disliked to do sacrifice the animals with less sharp knife because with this the animal uses to have very much pain. Just like this to pull the skin of it before getting cool down, to break the hands and feet, all of it is disliked. Few people use to break the neck at the time of doing the sacrifice. With this the animals use to have the extra pain. The restriction of it has been mentioned in the hadis e paak. 3. It is very much important to show the water to the animal before making it sacrifice so that if it may be thirsty so it may drink the water. Do not sacrifice one animal in front of the other animal. Just like this do not make the knife sharp in front of the animal (Badaa) 4. It is not correct to tie any of the animal so much hardly in this way that from which while sitting or getting up the neck of it may get tight. Just like this it is in Rad Al Mukhtar that the cat which may give you the pain, one should not even give it the harsh hitting 5. It is allowed to take the work of lifting up the weight from the animal. This condition has been applied in Durr e Mukhtar for taking the work from the cow and donkey that one should take the work without any effort and hitting and this has been written more that to do injustice with the animal is more intense than doing injustice with the zimme (the non Muslim who is under you) and to do the injustice with the zimme is more intense than doing the injustice with the Muslims. It has been mentioned in the Rad Al Mukhtar that do not keep the weight more than the power of it and do not hit on the face of it and on the


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head of it. Just for making it run fast, to hit the animals is not at all permissible. It has been mentioned in one hadis e paak that O people! Do work with comfort because to make the animal run is not a good deed (Bukhari) 6. The Almighty Allah has created which animal for which reason, one should use it in that regard only. Therefore if any man shall be riding on the goat so this act will be wrong and false. 7. Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say this that the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has forbidden to make the fight happen between the animals. (Tirmizi) 8. It has been mentioned in the hadis e paak, the restriction of saying bad words to the animals. (Abu Daud) 9. It was been asked from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that what is the reward for us in making the animals eat and drink. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that there is the reward in doing the service of the animal 10. It is not allowed to make the forbidden or dirty things eat to the animals even, but yes if the animal eat it by it own self so it is not even important to stop it. 11. It is not correct to remove the birds from their nests and from the place of their living and to them fly (Huqooq Al Habaim)

Ten animals which will go in the heaven




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1. Burraaq, on which the Prophets and messengers ‫ ﷺ‬did the ride. 2. Naaqa Tul Sualeh (that female camel which came out from the stone, it was the mitacle of Hazrat Sauleh ‫)علیہ السالم‬ 3. Himaar Uzair, on which Hazrat Uzair ‫ علیہ السالم‬was riding 4. Ajal Khaleel Alai Salam, that cub to which Hazrat Ibrahim ‫ علیہ السالم‬roasted and fried and brought in the hospitality of the angels. 5. Qabash Ismael, that sheep which the Almighty Allah sent from the heaven in the return of the sacrifice of Hazrat Ismael ‫علیہ السالم‬. 6. Hudhud Sulemaan ‫علیہ السالم‬, that hudhud that, when Hazrat Sulaimaan ‫علیہ السالم‬took the attendance of the birds so it was not present, when it came so Hazrat Sulaiman Alaih salam said that where were you. it said that (‫ )احطت بمالم تحط بہ‬I have brought that news about which you have no information 7. Namla Sulaiman ‫علیہ السالم‬, that ant when Hazrat Sulaiman ‫علیہ السالم‬was coming along with the army so it said that (‫ )یایھا النمل ازخلوا مساکنکم‬o ants do get entered in the holes of yours. 8. Kalb ehl Al Kahaf, the dog of the people of kahaf, which did the respect of them. 9. Hoth Yunus ‫علیہ السالم‬, that fish in the stomach of which Hazrat Yunus ‫علیہ السالم‬stayed. 10. Baqra Bani Israel, that cow which was sacrificed by Bani Israel after the questions and answers.

The great qualities of the lower level of creation


Hazrat Hasan Basri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said that there are 10 qualities in the dog that if one quality from them even may get produced inside the human being so he may become the friend of the Almighty Allah.


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1. There use to be qanaat inside the dog, if whatever may get it, it uses to be happy on it, use to become comforted, this is the sign of the patient or tolerant people. 2. The dog use to remain hungry most of the time, this is also a sign of piousness 3. If any other dog may overcome on it due to the strength so it use to leave the place of him and go to any other place, this is the sing of Razeen. 4. When the owner of it may hit even to it so it does not use to go after leaving the owner of it, this is the sing of saadiqeen 5. If the owner of it use to be eating food while sitting so it do not use to snatch the food from it apart from the power and energy, it use to sit far away and keep on looking him. this is a sing of miskeen 6. When the owneruse to be in the house of it, so it use to sit along with the shoes far away, it use to be happy on the lower level place even. This is the sign of mutawazeeen. 7. If the owner of it may hit it and it may go away for some time and then if the owner may give it the piece to eat again so it use to come and eat again, it does not use to become resented from him, this is the sign of khashieen 8. For living in the world it does not use to have any house of it, this is the sing of mutawakkileen 9. At the night it use to sleep very much less, this is the sing of muhibbeen 10. When it use to die so there use to be no legacy of it. This is the sing of zahideen. Do look carefully that whether we have any of the quality from these qualities of it.




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Hazrat Jafar Sadiq(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬beautifully treated his servant



One day Hazrat Jafar Sadiq(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬was sitting with his servants and was saying to them that come let’s take pledge and let’s take each other’s hands or hold each other’s hand and promise that on the day of judgement whoever gets their account cleared help in so. They all said to him O offspring of beloved Prophet Muhammad(‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬you don’t need our help because your grandfather will be helping mankind. Then he replied to them that I feel shame that with all my deeds on the Day of Judgment I stand in front of my Grandfather(‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬looking into his eyes. Sheikh Jilani’s(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬clemency with his servant: Someone presented a high-class mirror which was made in China to Sheikh Jilani(‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. One day he asked hi servant to bring that mirror but while he was bringing it felt from the hands of his servant and dropped on the floor and broke. Servant came to him and said that “Az qaza aina chene shikast” (by the will of ALLAH the mirror from China broke) then Sheikh Jilani ( ‫رحمتہ ہللا‬ ‫)علیہ‬ immediately said: “khob sahd saman khud bene shikast” (it’s good that the thing in which one can see himself is broken). He meant to say that a thing with which you are able to see yourself and your marvels which can create proud, it’s good that it’s broken.


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4 Etiquettes of owner and Labour


Being merciful with servant and maids is Sunnah. (Arguments) (2) Helping the maids and servants is Sunnah. (Literature) (3) Asking about the needs of servants is Sunnah. (Faiz Al Qadeer). (4) Eating food with your servant is Sunnah. (Literature)


Best etiquettes to Advise



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1. Some people do not pay labours after their work gets done and even if they pay then give them less amount of wages. When labours are hired for work then wages should be negotiated and then they should be given the same amount. If wedges negotiated and agreed with the labour is not fully paid to him and he forcefully took it then against this money which was due on the person who hired will be settled by giving 600 Prayers (Namaz/Salah) to the labour. 2. If the wage of labour is not negotiated in the beginning then labour should be given the same amount of wage that is given to any other labour for doing the same work in that area. 3. Prophet Muhammad‫ ﷺ‬said: Pay the labour his wage before his sweat dries. 4. In another Hadith Prophet Muhmmad ‫ﷺ‬said: ALLAH have said that there are three men on which I will claim, one of them is the person who got his work done completely by a labour and then he didn’t paid him.




.u bq



There are certain situations in life when it becomes compulsory for us to advice. There are good ways of advising and bad ways of advising; son sometimes accept advice from mother and do not listen to his father and sometimes vice versa, similarly student sometimes accept advice from any teacher and sometimes don’t listen to his teacher, if you can give advice in a manner of suggestion then do it in this manner. For example your family have kept food in front of you, your wife have cooked food with all her heart but mistakenly she put salt in food and made it salty , then you are not supposed to say her rudely that what kind of food it is? It seems like that you have poured the whole bottle of salt instead you should say that the food is really good but if you would have used less amount of salt then food would have been much tastier. If you see your son is wearing untidy and dirty clothes then you should give advice in a way of suggestion because today people don’t like to be ruled upon. If student always comes late in class so you can say him that it would have been much better if you didn’t got late. Use this type of attitude. Like you can say in my opinion you can do it like this, or you can say they my suggestion is that you should not do it, because these words are better than saying someone ill-mannered how many times I have told you but you don’t understand and till when I have to keep explaining to you…! Do you know that this kind of attitude is not good because the real purpose is correction and the purpose is not to insult or take revenge from them. People don’t like that you give them orders. Study of Serat E Tayyiba (‫ )ﷺ‬tells us the same. Once Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬wanted to advice Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬about Tahajud. Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬did not said to Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer(‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer(‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬perform the Tahajud prayer


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instead Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in a manner of suggestion said how good it would be if Umer( ‫رضی‬ ‫)ہللا عنہ‬ would have prayed Tahajud. Man sneezed at Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak’s(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬place and he didn’t say Alhamdulillah. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak’s(‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said to that man, what do you say after sneeze? The man replied “‫ ”الحمد ہلل‬then he (‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said “‫”یرحمک ہللا‬.




.u bq


A person took a book from a shopkeeper and after few days when he returned the book, there were some oil on the book and it seemed like he didn’t took care of the book. However the shopkeeper kept quiet and did not said anything to him and when after few days that person again came to shop, the shopkeeper handed over him the book in a plate then the man said I only want the book where would I take the plate ! The shopkeeper said: the book is for reading and the plate is for food. The man took the book and understood that what the purpose of the plate is. Would good it would be if we become advisors and adopt decent attitude; the advice should consist of politeness rather than insult and think good of everyone. Do not advice people in such a way that they have become non-Muslim by their mistake / they are out of the circle of Islam. Instead you have to understand that they did not made this mistake deliberately and you also have to be careful that during giving advice to that person you should not praise your own self because the person to whom you are giving advice will think that you are placing yourself high on the mountains and pushing that person on the ground thus no one likes it. Some parents while giving advice to their children praises themselves that they were this or that. Even if giving example is required in advising then give example of others and not yourself so that they don’t think that you are just praising yourself and insulting them.

Etiquettes of sneezing and yawning


.u bq



Sneeze was originated in the time of Hazrat Adam (‫)علیہ السالم‬. (1) Saying Alhamdulillah (‫)الحمد ہلل‬ (Musand Ahmed) is Sunnah. (2) Answering Alhamdulillah (‫ )الحمد ہلل‬with Yerhamuk Allah ( ‫یرحمک‬ ‫ )ہللا‬is Sunnah (Literature). (3) If Alhamdulillah (‫ )الحمد ہلل‬is not said then answering is against the Sunnah (Muslim). (4) Prophet Muhammad(‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬didn’t use to answer sneeze again and again or when the sneeze comes again and again (Muslim). (5) Covering your mouth with cloth or hand while sneezing is Sunnah (Tirmidhi/Tirmizi). (6) Prophet Muhammad (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬didn’t like loud noise in mosque (Behiqi). (7) Hazrat Ali (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that whoever answers a sneeze with ‘ Alhamdulillah I Rabbil Alameen Ala Kulli Halin Makana’ (‫ )الحمد ہلل رب العلمین علی کل حال ما کان‬he won’t get ear and tooth ache till the day of judgement (Literature). (8)Keeping your hand on your mouth while yawning is Sunnah (Mashquata). (9) Avoiding yawn till last capacity is Sunnah (Bukhari).


Etiquettes of naming


Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬uses to like good name and good patronymic (literature). (2) Near Allah the favourite of the names are Abdullah and Abdul Rahman (‫ عبد الرحمن‬،‫( )عبد ہللا‬Abu Dawood). (3) Getting name suggested by scholar or pious saint is Sunnah (Sibl). (4) Changing bad names with good names is Sunnah (Tirmidhi/ Tirmizi).


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(3) Getting name suggested by scholar or pious saint is Sunnah (Sibl). (4) Changing bad names with good names is Sunnah (Tirmidhi/ Tirmizi). (5) Keeping name from the names of Prophets( ‫علیہ‬ ‫)السالم‬ is Sunnah (literature). (6) Any name which describes the qualities of the person is against Sunnah (Matalib e Alia).



The rights of the relatives



.u bq

Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi once hit someone with one whip. He saw in his dream that there is paradise in front and there is a splendid bungalow and outside on the wall the same whip is hanging. He then asked that whose house is this, and then answer was give that it was Mehmood’s house thus he decided to enter the house but he was ordered that until you won’t get whipped on your back you can’t enter this house. He was scared and woke up from his dream and asked to call the same person he whipped once and asked the person to whip on his back, but how the man could have the guts to do so. Thus he gave that man lots of gifts and made him happy and satisfied. Listen the people of ALLAH you have to give rights to the owner of those rights otherwise you will have to pay them in the hereafter.

.u bq

The rights of the In-Laws





There are rights of the relatives which can be summarized as: * If your close relatives (Mahram) are poverty-stricken and are not able to eat and earn then according to your financial ability helping them is necessary just like your own children. It is not as compulsory to help ones who are your farther relatives as it is of your close relatives but you can help them a bit. Meet them every once in a while and keep inquiring about them. * Do not break or end your relationship with them if they hurt you because patience is much preferred.

ALLAH PAK in Quran e Pak other than close relatives have also mentioned the in-laws which tells us that mother in-law, father in-law, brother in-law, son in-law, daughter in-law and wife’s first child have how many rights and that is why patience forgiveness should be practiced with them more than any other person.

Etiquettes of orphans, feeble and vulnerable


Taking care of orphans and concerning about them is felicity and honor, it is considered virtuous.


It can be summarized into 4 points: (1) Helping them financially. (2) Doing their work with your own hands. (3) Consoling and appeasing them. (4) Refusing their questions and needs.


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Neighborhood of Prophet Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬in paradise


Hazrat Abu Amama(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that messenger of ALLAH Prophet Mohammad(‫)ﷺ‬said: Any person for the love of ALLAH and to make him happy, handover (with love and kindness) on any orphan’s (girls or boy) head, he gets goodness(neki) against each hair that his hand touched.


Indeed the person who treats the orphan child either a boy or a girl who lives with him under his guardianship, in a better way, that person and I (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬will be like this in the Paradise. After saying this Prophet Mohammad (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬joined his both fingers (he showed first shahada finger and middle finger by joining them both), just like these two fingers are near to each other similarly me (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬and the other person will be near in Paradise. (Ahmed, Tirmizi)


.u bq

When one alcoholic behaved graciously with an orphan, he was shown the scene of judgment day in his dream at night, that orphan was brought and on his appeal that alcoholic was listed as heavenly or the people of paradise.

Descent of Anwarat/Angles through Appeasing the Orphan

Verve and Generosity of Saints





Hazrat Sri Saqta( ‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬saw that on Eid day he is picking up the dates, he was asked that Hazrat(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬what are you doing. He answered that I saw this boy standing near to me crying and when I asked him the reason of his crying, he said that today is Eid and all the boys are wearing new clothes and I am orphan. Hazrat(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said this is the reason I am picking the dates so that I will sell them and will buy some walnuts so that he will be happy and forget his grief. Hazrat Sri Saqta(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the boy got happy and because of this deed there was a light produced in my heart that my condition changed. (Madarig Alsalken)

.u bq


Hazrat Abullah bin Umer(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬when once got ill said to his family that “I feel like eating a fish”, they got fish and then his wife cooked the fish with many efforts and they sat on napkin to eat and when they were preparing to eat one poor came and started asking, Hazrat Abdullah bin Umer(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that give this fish to poor, then family members said that this fish was made on your request we can give something else to him. He(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬said give this fish to him because I like it and feeling the desire to eat it. (mukhtasir minhaj al qasden)


Etiquettes of Common Muslim Brothers It is said about Hazrat Hassan Basri(‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬, he said to Sabit Banani(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬that there is a needy person go and help him and fulfill his need. He answered: I am in Nafli aitikaf, I can’t go.


Then Hazrat Hassan Basri(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬advised him and said: “Sabit(‫ !رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬Helping your Muslim brother and fulfilling his need is better than Nafli Hajj(pilgrim)”. Ibn Ailan(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said that it is


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necessary for a Muslim to help and support him Muslim brother by every means possible; whether it is educational or financial aid, help him by himself or guide him and recommend or endorse him or pray for him in his absence. Means in every circumstance and situation try to help him and benefit him. (Dalil as Sualeheen)

.u bq


Islam is one such system of life which on every step of life guides us and gives us the lesson of peace, tranquility and calmness. Islam teaches us such golden rules and regulations that if we truly follow them then we can live a peaceful and calm life and thus we can get taste of paradise in this world. In this age of defiance and insurgence we need a peaceful and calm society, and obviously society is made from people and this peaceful and calm society can be obtained only when every individual takes care and understand other individual’s right. Hence when every individual will take care of every other individual’s rights then society will it become peaceful and this is how the whole environment will become peaceful.




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Allama Asbahani(‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬copy a saying from Hazrat Ali(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬in which he(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬talks about the rights of Muslims on each other in detail. (1) Forgive his Muslim brother on his mistake. (2) Be merciful when he cries. (3) Hide his flaws. (4) Accept his excuse. (5) Take his troubles away. (6) Always be compassionate towards him. (7) Always protect him and love him. (8) Give him some relaxation and relieve. (9) Look after him when he gets ill. (10) Must attend his funeral when he dies. (11) Accept his invitation. (12) Accept his gift. (13) Return his favor. (14) Thank him for his delicacy (divine blessings). (15) Protect his family when needed. (16) Help him and soothe him when in need. (17) Listen to his request. (18) Accept his rightful request. (19) Fulfil his needs. (20) Do not decline his request. (21) When he says ‫ الحمد ہلل‬after sneezing then he should say ‫یرحمک ہللا‬. (22) Return him his lost goods. (23) Give answer to his Salam (greeting). (24) Talk with him softly and smoothly. (25) give him favor. (26) If he swears upon him because he trusts him, then honor his trust on him. (27) If someone is oppressing him then stop him. (28) Do not become his enemy. (29) Don’t insult him. (30) Whatever he likes for himself like it for his brother as well. (31) When he meets him, give him Islamic greetings (Salam) and shake hands with him. (32) If there is any quarrel between both then don’t remain angry and isolated for more than 3 days. (33) Do not suspect or doubt him. (34) Do not get jealous or envy him. (35) ‫( امر بالمعروف و نہی عن المنکر‬Always suggest good deeds and forbid from bad deeds and sins). (36) Be merciful with younger ones and respectful with elders. 37. If there shall be the fight among the two Muslims so do the reconciliation among them both.


38. Do not do the back biting of any other person.

39. Do not do harm of wealth and respect of any person.


40. The two people may not talk alone among each other while leaving the third person. 41. Do not make anyone stand up and sit on the place of him. (Targheeb wa Targheeb)


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(‫کسے رابا کسے کارے نہ باشد‬


These are those rights that if one Muslim shall take care about these rights of the other Muslim so if the Almighty Allah wills, so the life will become peacefull and the example of the heaven. Just like one poet has said that ‫)بہشت آں جاکہ آزارے نہ باشد‬


The heaven is that place that where there does not use to be any pain, no one has any matter with any other person, every single person use to be in the peace.

.u bq

May the Almighty Allah give us all to fulfill these all rights of each other along with fulfilling the rights of him also. (Ameen)

The importance of affairs



The relation of affairs is in reality along with all of the needs and desires of our life and this is a very much big blessing of the Almighty Allah that just like the other worships, he has gives us the commands related to the affairs and has made them also a source for us to gain the reward and his happiness and is closeness.



It is obligatory on every single Muslim to know the rules of the worships, prayers, fast, zakat and Hajj. Just like that it is very much important to know the rules of the affairs so that the income might not be forbidden. It is obligatory for every single Muslim that the permissible food shall go in the stomach and this that he should know the rules of shariah of every single affair.

.u bq



If some man uses to do the job or the business or any other work, so he should do this that he should do it along with the honesty. Especially he should not use the things of the office, paper, pencil, ink, or telephone for his personal use. Just like this there is also the useless use of the electricity of the office, to not take the ticket of the local buses, to adopt the forbidden ways for being safe from the tax and chungi, it is also very much important to be safe from such kind of inappropriate act, this is also involved in the affairs. The reality is this that the life of us and the faith of us cannot become complete till that time and cannot become the life of Islam till when we not make the affairs of ours correct.

The rules of taking the loan



The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said in one more hadis e paak that the man who may die and there shall be any darham or denaar in his responsibility of any other person so it will be completed with the good deeds of him. Where there will neither be any of the denar nor any darham, one denar use to be of the price of ten darham and one darham use to be of four and a half masha of silver. Plus it has been said in one more hadis e paak that the loan use to be of two kinds. The man who may die and the intension of him shall be of fulfilling it so the Almighty Allah use to say that I am the supporter


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of him and the man who may die and the intention of him use to be not fulfilling it so it will be taken from the good deeds of him and on that day they never will be denaar or derham, not anything.

The good attitude of Imam Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬from the one who took the loan


Hazrat Shafeeq Balkhi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to tell an incident which has been seen by his own self that one day I was going along with Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. During this the man who was coming from far away place his path after looking us and he went into one other street.

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Shafiq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that I saw that Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is calling that same man after addressing him that the path on which you were coming, do come back on it brother! Why have you adopted the other path? The traveler stopped on his place. When we went near, we saw that, that innocent man is standing while becoming a little bit shameful.


Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that why did you change your path? The traveler said that Hazrat! The price of ten thousand is remaining on me of yours;I have become late in giving it back. I felt very much ashamed after loking at you; I do not keep the strehgth to meet my eyes with you that is why I changed my direction to the other street.





Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that all the praise is for the almighty Allah! For such a little bit things you changed the path after looking at me and you did an effort to become hidden from me. Not only this in fact Imam Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has gifted you this whole of the money from his own side, Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not only become satisfy on it. Shafiq‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is the narrater that more on it was this that Imam Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was asking the forgiveness from the person who had taken loan from him that o brother! After looking at me, the feeling of embarrassment of or fear which got produced in your heart, for the Almighty Allah does forgive me please.

.u bq


Kindness in taking the loan back became the reason of the forgiveness

It is a stupidity to think any of the sin as small and to have the streght to do it and it is also the stupidity to think any of the good deed as small and so do not even use to care about it. it can happen that in that small sin only the wrath of the almighty Allah may be hidden and in that little bit of good deed even, the happiness of the Almighty Allah may be hidden.



Hazrat Huzaifa ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to narrate this quote of the Respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has said that the angels asked from one man after the death of him who was from the previous nations that have you even done any of the good deed? He gave the answer that no. the angels said that do try to remember, may be you would have done any good deed. (He got remember one of hid good act and) he said that I was a rich man; I used to give the loans to the people. Then (at the end of the given duration) I used to give the command to my servants (at the time of taking the money back) that do give the time to the poor man and do act kindly with the one who use to be in the bad condition. (Then the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said that the voice came from the side of the Almighty Allah that (O the angels!) you also should do forgiveness from my slave.


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Do get to know that the Almighty Allah became so much happy by giving the time to the one who has taken the loan that he give the forgiveness to that man although apart from this act there was no any good deed of him.


The social relations are also very much important for getting the level of the ontologism

.u bq

We people have made the social relations completely exit from the religion






.u bq




We have just kept the name of the religion as the prayer and the fast. Although where the religion of Islam has given the teachings of the faiths and worships over there it has also given the teachings of the social relationships that how the social relationships should be. What are the rules of meeting and greeting with one another, what are the rules of the neighbor, what are the rules of the guests etc etc. the real rule of the social relationships is this that the people of the Almighty Allah should be made safe from the pain of heart and one should do the effort to fulfill the rights of them (while staying in the limits of the shariah) to make them happy, to keep them happy and according to the rights of them to give them the comfort. In this matter the point of view and the goal which is of Islam, the knowledge of it can be gained with this hadis e paak in which the respectable Prophet ‍ ‏has said that when the three people may be sitting on one place so the two of them should not talk separately while leaving one of them alone. (it is possible that the heart of him may get pain and feel sad) in fact when the forth man may come, who may keep on sitting with him so these both people may become separate and do talk among themselves and on the other place it has been said that it is not permissible to go and sit in between those two such people (who may be sitting with each other intentionally) apart from the permission of them. it has got to know from these ahadis e paak in a clear way that one would not do any such thing from which there shall be the pain to the other people but today the condition of ours is this that we use to feel enjoyment in giving the pain to the heart of the other people. May the Almighty Allah do the correction of this disease of ours. The reality is this that the faith of us cannot become complete till that time and the life of us cannot become the life of Islam till that time, till when we may not do the affairs of ours and the social relations of ours correct.


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The politics is also the source of getting the level of the ontologism


The rules of the words of the naat


.u bq


As the Muslim is obedient to the Almighty Allah and is obliged to the commands of the almighty Allah and to the advices of him in the faiths and worships, affairs and social interactions and in character, in the service and support of the religion and in all of the aspects of it, exactly in this way he is also obliged to those rules and regulations if Islam in the politics and government which the Islam has given regarding to this aspect. From one point of view the politics and government is the most important aspect of the life of the human being. On the correction and pugnacities of the world, there use to be the most effect of the correction and pugnacity of it only. That is why it was not possible that the Almighty Allah would have completely ignored this important aspect with the guidance and directions of him and the people of him would have become completely free that however they would want they may drive the car of the politics and government. No, in fact they are also obliged to the special guidance and proper rules and regulations if the Islam in regards to the politics and governments even just like the other aspects of the life.


.u bq




The love of the pure Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the part of our faith. In fact the faith does not use to become complete till the time that when there shall not be the river of the love of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may not be flowing and the effect of the love of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to be expressed in this way that every single act and sunnah of him use to become beloved to the heart. The one who is the true lover of him, he uses to become a big wisher of the sunnah in all of the tasks of himself and there is the source of the riddance of us in the obedience of the sunnah. With this only, this love use to become complete and full. The one who use to have love with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, he use to recite the durood on the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ with the abundance and he use to complete this love and some man use to express the love of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬in such way that he use to present the status of him in the form of speech, poem or written piece.



O lord! Do produce this feeling of the love and affection of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬ in our hearts also and do give us the opportunity to do the obedience of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Aameen! Because only to do the litigate of doing the love with the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and to get rid from the obedience of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is not the proof of the true love. The love is only that in which the obedience of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬should be done. O the Almighty Allah! Do grant us the love of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the obedience of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬. Aameen!


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The importance and rules of the dates of the moon



.u bq


Many of the people do not use to know about the dates and year of the moon at all. Although there is very much importance of the dates of the lunar calendar in the shariah. The Almighty Allah has kept many of the commands of the shariah according to the dates of the lunar calendar and he has also appointed many of the problems according to the solar calendar. It is said that we people do remember those dates, the relation of which is along with the business, job etc. even after being a Muslim we do not even use to discuss about those days ever apart from remembering the dates of the lunar calendar, it is a far away thing. It is not correct to adopt only one system in a complete way and to leave the other system in a complete way. That is why the scholars and fuqha use to write that it is a farz e kafaya also to remember the dates of the lunar calendar. If all of the people of one area would not have remembered the date of the lunar calendar (just like these days there use to be such areas very much) so all of the people of that place will be sinful for leaving the farz e kafaya. (Maarif Al Quran) now do look carefully that in the shariah the problems have been appointed regarding to both of the systems whether lunar or solar, (sun or moon). Therefore one should know the dates of the months of both of these kinds. It is in hadis e paak that do use to look to the moon. (bukhari, Mislim)


The commands which use to have the relation with dates of the lunar calendar




.u bq



1. It is a condition for giving the zakat to pass one year for one time on your property. That is according to the lunar calendar. According to the solar year the year uses to be ten days longer. For doing the check of the zakat, it is important to fix the date of the lunar calendar for the whole life and then to do the checking and accountability of the property on that same date after every single year. It is no limitation whether a person may give the zakat before or after, but the addition and subtraction will be proper on that same day. 2. The base of the month of Ramadan ul Mubarak is on the moon. 3. The coming of Eid ul Fitr also uses to be according to the lunar calendar. 4. The Eid ul Azha is also according to the lunar calendar. 5. The base of the Hajj is also on the date of the lunar calendar 6. The days of the Iddat of the woman is also dependant on the dates of the lunar calendar. 7. The Day of Judgment will also come on the 10th of Moharram according to the date of the lunar calendar. 8. There is also very much importance of the fasts of the dates 13 14 and 15 of the lunar calendar. (Tirmizi) 9. The appointment of the days of the tashreeq is also according to the lunar calendar plus shab e meraaj, shab e barat, 10th of Moharram, 9 or 12 of Rabi ul awwal etc, all of these are even according to the lunar calendar. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to remember the dates of the lunar calendar always. Amen.


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The ten rules for the joint family


One should have very much big heart, great courage and good character for living and spending life in the joint family. In such regard, there are few requests, if the people will adopt them so if the Almighty Allah will wish so they will get them beneficial.






.u bq




.u bq


1. There should be one leader or the supervisor of the house appointed; the final decision of him shall be accepted. 2. The appointed leader or supervisor should take the advice from the mature people, whether individually or in a collective way before taking a decision. 3. All of the members of the house should not only do respect of the advice of the elder people in fact they should take care about the words and wishes of them 4. There use to be the quarrel some times in the joint family, oecially these days due to not being the correct one or due to not understanding the aspect of religion, there use to be very much grudges 5. If the guest may come to the portion of one man so all of the other people should help him, to make the faces, to feel bad and then thinking the guest as a problem or to say like this that the guest of mine has not come, go and bring the things by your own self from the market etc, this is the inappropriate thing 6. If you use to do the monthly or yearly checking and accountabilities so one should not do anyone person humiliated in front of all of the other people 7. The rules should be fixed for all of the tasks of the house. For example today it is the turn of that some man to cook the food or to bring it or to do the cleaning etc. the rules can be made for every single thing and every single task. Do make all of them with the mutual discussion, and then do act on them. 8. All of the people should live with the humbleness, meet with one another and do take complete care about the rights of one another so then there is the benefit otherwise the duas and efforts should be started of becoming separate. Then the life should be spend after keeping the faith on the entity of the Almighty Allah 9. There use to be the separate and different problems and needs of every single family. Do take the steps after doing the discussion with the elder people so that there may not be the condition of the fight and in the future the misunderstandings may not get produced. 10. Do always take care about the comfort of one another, in the happiness, sadness, time of sickness, time of death, depression, good occasion, journey, hizr, greeting and meeting etc, one should always be safe from the selfishness and to give the pain to anyone person. May the almighty Allah give us the opportunity to fulfill the rights in a correct manner to all of the people who have right on us and to act upon the religion. Amen!


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Two very much important tasks


To be careful in two important tasks is very much important for the one who is desirable on the ontologism. In the era of these days we should be careful in the three tasks.




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.u bq


1. In the usage of the mobile phone: In the present era, till where there use to be the involvement of the necessity of the mobile phone, there is no refusal from it but to make it overcome on your own self in such way that a person may remain busy all the time only in the mobile phone is not correct in any way. If we shall look towards the society so you will get to see this that some people use to have the fever of sms to some other people use to have the disease of the night packages and some people use to be busy in doing the missed calls to their friend and close people by using the mobile phone. The problem is this that now even the mosques and places of education are not even safe from it. After becoming lost in this colorful world of the mobile phone, the children are use to becoming empty from the respect of the mother and father. But despite of it mobile phone is one thing which is of need and it should only be limited till the limits of the necessity. 2. Usage of the internet: The damage of the internet is just like the mobile phone in fact it is more 2 steps forward than it. The chatting of the boys and girls after changing their gender on the internet, the usage of the voice message and to take the money after giving the deception to one another is a very much big crime of the character. Well along with looking at the things of immodesty and against the religion on the mobile phone and on the internet, this is one more big damage in a collective way that the young generation of ours is becoming ignorant from the healthy enjoyment, exercise etc. most of the young people use to be seen separate from the marriage after becoming the victim of this same immodest enjoyment because they use to be seen afraid from the health of it because the health of them does not use to give the permission of it. We should do this that we may understand the war of the media, mobile phone and internet and apart from the teachings of the Islam we may not adopt and make any other thing obliged on our selves. 3. Do the usage of the mobile phone with very much care; the disadvantages of the internet are clear today just like the sun. in this matter do make yourself very much careful.

The eleven rules of keeping the mobile phone


It is a famous proverb of the Arabic language that (‫ )من کان لہجوال فلیکرمہ‬the one who use to have the mobile phone he should do this that do the respect of it. These days the mobile phone use to be found in very much in Pakistan in fact in whole of the world. So it has known to be appropriate that few of the important things should be highlighted.


1. If you want to keep the mobile phone so you should also do the respect of it because this is also one very much big blessing. This is also involved in the respect of it that just like


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the mobile phone use to be kept very much far from reaching the water so that it may not be damaged just like that it should also be kept very much far from the reaching of the children. 2. One should not keep the tone which is against the shariah (the one with music and songs) 3. If you may have forgotten to switch off the mobile phone or the ring tone of it before offering the prayer so during the prayer it is very much important to switch off the mobile phone when the call use to come after moving a little bit and moving your hand forward so that the other people may not become sinful and that also in the mosque. 4. Do not waste the time of yours in the affairs of free massages. 5. During the phone call, the one with whom you are talking, do not open the speaker loudly without the permision of him. This is not correct according to the shariah. It may happen that he does not use to want this that any other person may know about the phone call of mine 6. If you have kept warid or jazz but you are using the connection of ufone. Now look this that every single man who uses to do the phone call does not use to know this that you have done this change. You have look upon the convenience of your own self to make your spending less but you have not taking care of the other people. You have done like this from the jazz to the warid or from the warid on the jazz etc, the smell of the deception use to come in all of them. 7. These days this is the race that we have to keep the mobile phone which is the most best. In it there use to be the competition with the other people, show off, pride and smugness as the goal. Do become safe from it also; in fact do keep the mobile phone according to your own status and the finances. 8. If you have kept the internet on your mobile phone so do make it safe from being used in the false way meaning that you or the wife of yours, sons or daughters, friends etc may not use it in false way 9. The usage of the mobile phone which use to change the voice, to buy and keep it for giving the deception, or to give the deception really, all of it is forbidden 10. Whoever man has made any other person irritated in whichever way through the mobile phone so now he should take out the condition to ask forgiveness to it. Meaning he may find that man and do ask forgiveness from him otherwise this act can be very much harmful on the Day of Judgment. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to safe us from the false eyes, ears of every kind of the sin.


Do make the other people safe from the pain and become the friend of the almighty Allah


It is restricted in Islam to use anything of any of the person without the permission of him. If sometime there shall be the need so one should use that thing after taking the permission from the


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owner of it. The strict warning has come in the hadis e paak on using anything of any person without the permission of him. The respectable Prophet ‍ ‏has said that no any person shall take the stick even of his brother without the happiness of him. (Majma Al Zawaed). Today if we may take the notice of our conditions so we will get to see this that we do not know even that in how much aspects we are doing the acts against these commands whether intentionally or in an unintentional way.

.u bq


Although if there shall be the usage of the property of any person against the will of him whether it is in any form, that is included in the sin of the stealing and pinching. The different forms of it are common in our society and very much well educated and apparently decent people are also involved in it. The few examples of it are being mentioned below.


The nine different forms of doing the stealing


May the merciful Almighty Allah forgive us, there are few such things in our life, towards the direction of which the very much well educated people do not use to pay the attention or the people does not use to think them as the sin. I am presenting those such things after choosing them so that it may become easy to be safe from them and one feeling may get produced inside us.




.u bq




1. To take out the luggage of yours in the train or air plane without the tax although if this act has been done after becoming safe from the eye sight of the appointed officers so there is no difference in it and in doing the stealing. 2. After doing friendship with any job man of the telephone, the free calls and chatting in the other cities use to be presented as the proof of your broad connections. Although this is alsothe stealing 3. It is also included in the stealing to take the connection from any pole of the local body of the electricity and then to use the electricity for free. If any man may give anything of him for only due to the shame and embarrassment and he may not be the hurt so this is also included in the forceful leaping. 4. This is also like to break the promise that anything of any person shall be taken for using it and it shall not be given back on the time which has been fixed. This same is the condition of taking the loan that loan shall not be given back after the date which has been fixed of returning it. This is going against the promise and this is the collection of both of the sins, breaking the promise and doing the forceful leaping. 5. If the house or piece of land or shop can be taken from a person till one fixed time so after the spending of time to keep it in your own usage without the permission of the owner of it is also included in breaking of the promise and the leaping. 6. To use such thing with so much bad way this has been taken for only a short period of time, on which the owner of it is not happy. This is also leaping


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7. Just like this if there is the permission of doing the phone call from the side of any other person so to take the inappropriate benefit of it and to do the phone calls from it in far away distant places, for sure it is included in the leaping and it is forbidden. 8. The books and magazines are being kept on the book stalls and on the shops for this reason that the people may be able to buy the things of their own wish but if one may start reading those books and magazines after standing over there in a proper way although when there is not even the intention of buying it. This is also the forceful and false use of it, of which there is no permission in the shariah. This is the ease of the sharaih that it has taken the care of our comfort with how much sensitive way. We should also act upon these rules.

.u bq

The ten rules for the house having the peace


For making the life of the house as prosperous, the different kinds of ways and tips use to keep on getting published in the books, magazines and the news papers. In the following, few such things are being discussed in a short way, after acting on which the ladies can make the life of them as exemplary, after acting with the good attitude along with every single person.





.u bq




1. In the house do produce the full environment of peace all the time. When the husband may come to home at the evening after becoming tired so he use to have the desire of having the peace. Do fulfill this desire of him and do not discuss the affairs of house, fights of the children etc in front of him. In fact according to the nature of the situation, do conversation on the topic of the affairs of the house with the discussion. 2. Do the appreciation of the husband. The words of praise and appreciation use to produce the spirit and hope in the human being and the depression and hopelessness use to make him unsuccessful in the raise of the life. The appreciated conversation of yours can give a new life to the husbands of yours and he can become worthy of taking up extra responsibility with a new spirit to spend the life which is full of some goals. 3. Do give good and nice advices to your husband in regards to the office, business and his work. If the husband of yours is having the loan of any other person, so do the consolation of him along with doing the dua and thinking some solution in regards of fulfilling of that loan and do take care of him to make him safe from getting involved in the mental frustration. 4. Do not poke very much in the personal matters of the husband and do not even do the checking of him all the time that he was on which place at what time and on which place at that time. With this you your self can also become safe from the bad thoughts and you can also make the husband of yours even safe from the mental frustrations. 5. It is the collective point of view of the experts of the health that the breakfast which is full of energy is very much important for the men. Is it not like this that you use to keep on sleeping till the long time of the day and it use to be late in the breakfast and the husband


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would have to go on his work along with the empty stomach. By not getting the breakfast on the time he will remain sad and irritated for the whole day It is important to make the life of spousal relationship as prosperous that you may produce the feelings of the sacrifice and give up in your own self. Both of these qualities can make the house as the example of the heaven. Do not think the entity of the husband as separate from your own entity. He is sacrificing the comfort of him just for you and your children. If the parents of the husband use to live along with you, so on even a little bit of thing, a fight can produce so therefore do prevent to prolong the matter because in the condition of having the fight to opposite forces will pull the husband of yours towards them. One side there use to be the parents and on the other side wife and children, in this mental confusion the talents of him will become damaged and destructed. The intelligent wives use to take all of the affairs along with the wisdom and intelligence. In a collective way do express the love and consolation with the husband. Never use to see the acts and deeds of him with the gates of doubt. Do not make him irritated with the false and weird questions on coming late to the house at late at night. Neither do not blame your own self and nor cry for the children. Do remain peaceful in every kind of situation do make the house as the example of the heaven with the dua and appropriate tips. Every single human being use to love his self. Never ever make fun of the weakness of your husband. After following of these points you will do a favor with your own self and if the Almighty Allah will wish so the house of yours will become one peaceful house.







The rules of school and madarsa for the children

.u bq


1. When you may go to the school or the madarsa so over there you should remain along with the good behavior so that no any act of ours may become the reason of the pain. Now we may tell you the rules of the madarsa and school to which you may read very much carefully.

O dear children! The relation of yours is use to be with some other things also along with the school and madarsa. You should do the respect of all of them, respect of the teachers, respect of the partners in the education and the rights of them etc.


The respect: First of all it is very much important to do the respect and honor of the rules of the school or the madarsa and to act on them and to not act on those rules is just like breaking that promise which you have had at the time of taking the admission and to break the promise is a very much big sin that is why one should be safe from it.


The respect: It is also very much important to do the respect and honor of all of the things of the school or madarsa, desk, table, chair, black board, window, doors, chalk, duster etc, one should do


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the respect of these things. All of these things have been given to you for using them and these are the mandate with you, it is a very much bad act ormakes them damaged. That is why one should not damage the things of the school or the madarsa.


The respect: One right of the school or madarsa is this also that does take care about the cleanliness of it. Just like you use to clean the house of yours just like that you should also keep the school or madarsa clean. Do make this habit from forever that do put the garbage etc only in the garbage can and do not spread it here and there.


.u bq

The respect: This thing is also included in the cleanliness that you may not write anything with the pen pencil or the chalk on the walls of your class and in the school and madarsa. You may think this that do you also use to damage the walls of your house even? If no so then why you may damage the walls of the school or madarsa. Whatever thing a Muslim use to like for his own self, he use to like that same thing for the other people too.


The respect: Few children use to write the slogans etc on the walls of the washroom of the school or madarsa. O beautiful children! This is also a very much bad habit, with this there use to be the respect of the things which are used in learning the knowledge that are pencil, pen etc. on such places commonly the stupid things use to be written because this is not a place to write the good things, that is why you should remain very much far away from this bad habit.




The respect: Few people use to eat the chewing gum, sweet, cupari, chalia etc and after that they use to stick the wrapper of them and chewing gum which is eaten under the table or desk, this is also a very much bad thing. With this the other people also use to have the pain and there use to be the disrespect of the things which are used in learning the knowledge.

.u bq


The respect: Few children use to write their names in very much big size on the table and desk etc. this is also bad because these things are not the property of your own in fact these are given to you just like a mandate for your need only. With this there will be dishonesty in the mandate which is a very much big sin. The other thing is this that if every single child may start writing so the table will become black and it will appear to be very much bad. That is why O dear children! One should be safe from it also.

The six rules of doing the good deeds To be grateful on getting the opportunity of doing the good deed. To worry about the acceptance The sadness of degrees meaning not being able to do more of the good deed. To welcome the other people towards this same good deed


1. 2. 3. 4.


When the Almighty Allah may grant the opportunity to do any of the small or big good deed so after doing the good deed, one should understand these six points as the rights of the good deeds.


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5. To do this dua from the Almighty Allah that do also grant this opportunity to other people also. 6. To do the intention of doing the worry of this good deed in future even (strong decision)


The 7 rules of doing the respect of the human being






.u bq

1. Do think every single human being better than your own self. May god forbid if he is even a non believer so on the basis of the coming days, after adopting the faith he can become more good than us for sure that is why do not think any of the person as bad. 2. According to whichever human being (whether he is a man or a woman) the bad thoughts may come, so the good qualities of him shall be thought and describe, the praise of him shall be done. 3. One should act nicely with every single person who use to come and go, who use to meet and greet, do act with good character 4. Be the first one in doing the salam whether the other person is younger than you in the age 5. In the situation of the worships do the consolation, and at the time of doing the consolation of any dead person, do feel sad (according to the way of the shariah) 6. Do keep your affairs correct in the matter of giving and taking. Be safe from the harsh conversation. 7. For the service of the humanity do remain doing the struggle in a practical way not only with the intention. May the Almighty Allah grant us the opportunity to do the respect of the humanity without any difference.

.u bq


The leader of the family members of the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and the respect of the humanity



in the era of the third Caliph Farood e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬due to the successes there was very much abundance of the richness. That is why with the consent of the discussion of the gathering, the people who were present in Badr was appointed most of all. But Umar Farooq ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬did more increase in the salary of people of the family of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬due to the love with the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬due to which there was most of all prosperity in the family of the merciful Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. But they use to spend that income in the completion of the basic needs of the depressed human beings apart from spending it on their own personal luxuries. Once upon a time Imam Hasan ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ was busy in doing the tawaf. Right now the tawaf was not even completed that one man came who was in very much poor condition and started doing the request after holding the cloths of Imam Hasan ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. I am not nor able to give the rent of my house from few months, the owner of the house has thrown my things outside and he has made the people of my family come out of


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the house and have made them sit in the bright sun. My children are hungry and they are spending their time in the bad condition with the thirst. You ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬may do help of us.

.u bq


He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬left the tawaf incomplete and went straight along with that sad great man and gave the loan of him and he came back to the house of the Almighty Allah after making the members of his family enter in the house again and then he did his tawaf. Some other man asked him ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that you gave the priority to one poor man to the house of a poor man who was dressed in the tattered clothes which was in bad condition while leaving the house of the Almighty Allah? Imam Hasan ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ said that my grand-father Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the one who did the help of the person who use to be deprived from the basic needs and very much poor, he will get the reward of one Hajj and one Umrah. The tawaf can even be completed afterwards.


The help of the creation of the lord which use to be in bad condition can make you reach very much quickly to the highest level of the status of the ontologism.


Do get the height of the ontologism by doing the care of your relatives


The 12 advantages of doing the care of the relatives


.u bq



I have seen in the life of Murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he used to give the teachings of very much love with the close people even and even with the strange people. One man was coming in the service of Hazrat after doing the journey of very much far place that on his way, the pocket of him got cut. He told the situation to the Hazrat after being present in the service of him. So Hazrat started crying very much. Some other man asked after doing the courage so he said that if that thief was in need so it was my responsibility that I would have fulfilled the need of him and then he would not have to cut the pocket and if he was a habitual person of cutting the pockets so it was very much important to make him do the repentance so that he would have left this forbidden work.


When these are the character of the people of the Almighty Allah with the ones who use to want their bad so what will be the condition of the character of them with their own relatives and the people which are connected to them even when very much of the ahadis e mubarika are giving the command of doing the care of the relatives. Today, may the almighty Allah forgive us, we have kept the form of the saint hood and the ontologism and as being alone doing the chillas etc. this is a very much big mistake of the mind. I may present few of the ahadis e paak in the service of yours regarding to the care of relatives from which you will get to know this that what are the wonders of doing the care of the relatives.


1. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the night of every Friday, the worships and acts of all of the people use to be present in the court of the lord. The man who use to act with bad attitude with his relatives so no any act of him use to be accepted. (Targheeb and Tarheeb)


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2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who use to desire this that the age of him may get increased and there shall be ease in the rizq of him and he may not die in a bad condition so it is necessary on him that he may remain getting afraid from the lord and he may keep on doing good attitude with the ones who have relation with him. (Targheeb and Tarheeb) 3. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who use to keep on giving the charity and he use to keep on doing good behavior with the ones who use to have the relation with him, the almighty Allah use to increase the age of him and he useto make him safe from getting die in a bad condition and he use to make the problems and difficulties of him go away. (Targheeb and Tarheeb) 4. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the kindness is one branch of the mercy of the lord; it has said to the lord that the one who will connect the relation with you; I will also make a relation with him. The one who will break the relation of yours, I will also break the relation of him. (Bukhari) 5. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the mercy of the Almighty Allah does not use to get reveal on that nation in which such person shall be present who use to break the relationships with him. (Shab Al Emaan Behiqi) 6. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that there is no reason of the sin more than be ignorant to the relatives and stubborn that is why the punishment of it will be given quickly in the world also and on the Day of Judgment also there would be the tormant on him. (Tirmizi and Abu Daud) 7. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that, that man will not be able to go in to the heaven, the one who use to break the relations and connections of him (Bukhari) 8. The merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was going somewhere. On his way one Arbi person came and hold the rope of the camel of him and said that O the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬do tell me such thing from which I may get the heaven and may get the rid from the hell. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that you may do the worship of one lord only, do not involve any other entity along with him, do offer the prayer, do give the charity and do keep on doing the good behavior with your relatives and close people. When he went back so the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ said that if he will do the obedience of the command of mine so he will get the heaven. (Bukhari and Muslim) 9. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the Almighty Allah use to make a country prosperous through the source of any nation and he use to make it rich and no anyone use to look to them with the gaze of enemy. The companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬why there use to be so much kindness on that nation? He said that by doing the good attitude with their relatives and close people, they use to get this status. (Targheeb and Tarheeb) 10. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said the man who use to be soft spoken, he use to get the benefits of the world and of the Day of Judgment and by doing good attitude with your relatives and close people and by meeting and greeting with the neighbor and by having a good attitude with


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the people in common way, the countries use to become flourish and prosperous and the ages of the people who do like this use to get increased. (Targheeb and Tarheeb) 11. One man came and said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬One very much big sin has been committed by me. How can my repentance be accepted? The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked that is your mother laive? He said that no. he said that the sister of your mother? He said that yes she is! He said that do the good behavior along with her. (Targheeb and Tarheeb) 12. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said in a crowd of people that the one who does not use to do the respect and honor of the relationships, he may not sit with us. After listening this one man stood up from that crowd of people and went to the house of the sister of his mother from whom there was some quarrel. After going over there he asked forgiveness from the sister of his mother and made his mistake forgiven. Then he got present in the court of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. when he came back so the Prophet of both of the worlds ‫ ﷺ‬said that on that nation, the mercy of the lord does not use to get reveal in which there shall be such person present, who use to have some bad relations with his relatives. (Targheeb and Tarheeb)


There will be not the accountability of four kinds of spending


The merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that there are four kinds of such spending that on the Day of Judgment there will be no accountability of them.

.u bq



The spending which has been done on your parents The one which has be done on iftar The one which has be done for sahoor The spending which has been done on your family and relatives (tambeeh ul Ghafileen)


1. 2. 3. 4.

Do good act along with the other people



One man came to Khuwaja Nizam ud Din Auliya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said that Hazrat! That some man is against to me, he use to irritate me very much and he use to keep on doing the tricks against me. In reality he wanted to take the permission from the Hazrat that if I may get the permission so then I may make him taste something from my side. Hazrat also understood the way of his telling because the people of the Almighty Allah use to be very much intelligent. Hazrat gave him one very much strange answer which should be written with the ink of gold. He said that O friend! If some man may spread the thorns on your way so you may not spread the thorns on the way of him otherwise there will be only thorns in the whole world. I wish that we may adopt this rule that if some man uses to do good attitude along with us so we should become the source of finishing that evil act of him after doing the good behavior along with him.


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The need of affairs for the ontologism

The cleanliness of the affairs is an important part of the religion

The atonement of the affairs is very much difficult


.u bq


The affairs are a very much important part of the religion. The meaning of the correction of the affairs and the cleanliness of it is this that the human being uses to be good in the affairs and be with good character. This is a very much important chapter of the religion but it is said that how much important chapter it is of the religion, we people have made it kept away that much far away from the life of ours. We have closed the religion only in few worships for example prayer, fasts, Hajj, zakat, umrah and other wazaif but the chapter which is about giving and taking of money and rupees, we have left it completely free as if there is no any connection of it with the religion. Although if the check may be done of the commands of the shariah of Islam so it will be seen that the commands which are regarding to the worships that are only one part of four paths and the three parts from four paths commands are related to the affairs and social relations.





How many worship are there if the mistake shall be done in them so the atonement of them is very much easy. For example if the prayers are left so now in your life you may offer the prayers. And if may god forbid you are not able to offer them in the life so do go after doing the advice that if I may die and my prayers do not get offered so the ransom of them shall be given from the property of mine and do this repentance that the atonement shall be done in the court of the Almighty Allah but if you have eaten the property of some other person in a forbidden way so the atonement of it will not be done till that time, till when the man whose right was it may not forgive you, whether you may keep on doing the repentance thousand times, keep on offering the nawafil, that is why the chapter of the social affairs and the aspect of it is very much important and in this regard we use to do very much mistakes.

.u bq


The routine of the great man of Chushtiya

There was one very much great man in the series of Chushtiya. With him among the Sufism and the teachings of the school of Sufism, the social affairs were having most of importance. He used to say this that if I use to know something about any of the man who is from my followers that he has not completed the routines, nawafil and wazaif etc of him so I use to feel depressed due to it also and I use to say to that follower that do complete them but if I get to know this about some man that he has done bad thing in the affair of money and rupees so I use to feel hatred with him. This mistake and laziness in the social affairs is a very much bad habit.


The property should be appointed


The teaching of the merciful Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is this that whether the social affairs are among the brothers, whether they are among the son and the father, whether they are between the husband and wife, those social affairs should be completely clean and without any dirt and the property should be allotted in among each other that which thing is in the property of the father and which


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of the thing is in the property of the son. All of this whole thing should be remain clean and clear. This is the teaching of the Prophet )‫( )ﷺتعاشروا کاالخوان و تعاملوا کاالجانب‬Al Mustatraf)

Meaning that do remain like brothers but do the affairs among each other just like strange people. For example if the giving and taking of the loan is being done so do write it, it is because this is the matter of the loan and the returning of it will be done after this much time period.


One should take care about all of these things. May the Almighty Allah grant us the opportunity to do the cleanliness of the social affairs. Aameen. Summa Aameen.


.u bq

The importance of the distribution of the legacy The incident to get the lesson in the distribution of the legacy





One great man went to ask about the health of one Muslim man. He was sitting near to the patient for little bit time that the soul of him got departed. On that time, the lamp which was burning, he quickly extinguished it and he got the oil by giving the money by his own self and did the lightening. The people asked the reason of it. So he said that till when that man was alive, this lamp was the property of him and it was correct to use the light of it. He has now got departed from this world so in every single thing of him there has been the right of the heritors. Therefore only with the permission of all of the heritors only we can use this lamp and all of them are not present over there. That is why I did the lightening after getting the oil from my own money.

The nine disadvantages of not distributing the legacy

.u bq


Many of the dangerous disadvantages of the world and of the Day of Judgment are not distributing the legacy and of keeping the rightful people as deprived, are mentioned as following:



1. To not distribute the legacy according to the holy Quran and Sunnah and to not give the right of the other heritors, is the way of Christians and Jews and Hindus. 2. Not do the distribution of the legacy on the way of shariah, is the open disobedience of the Almighty Allah and of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬therefore such man is sinful, specially to be consistent on it till many years and to not do the repentance is very much big sin and is like being the enemy of the Almighty Allah. 3. It is injustice to eat the property of the rightful people of the legacy and that man is cruel but if the heritors may take it in their control and property and then any other strong heritor may snatch it so it will be encroachment, the sin of it is much more than injustice even. 4. The one who use to take control on the legacy, the property of the legacy will be as the loan in the responsibility of him and the loan is obligatory to fulfill. If any man will not fulfill it in the world so it will be necessary to give on the Day of Judgment.


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.u bq



5. Such property in which there use to be the property of the legacy included, there will be no reward gained on it by doing the charity and sadqa and some other work from it. it is because that the Almighty Allah use to accept the pure and clean property 6. The one who use to eat the property of the legacy, the duas of himdo not use to get accepted. 7. The one who do not use to distribute the legacy according o the shariah will be entered in the hell 8. The people who use to eat the property of the legacy so the rightful heritors use to give bad duas to them 9. The one who does not use to give the legacy to the rightful people, he is the criminal of not fulfilling the rights of people. There are many such incidents in my life in which the people do not use to distribute the legacy so the life of them uses to become problematic, the difficulties use to gather them, the devastation use to overcome on the generations of them.


The rules of distribution of the legacy:

The life which is being spent without doing any checking and accountability that life is being spend by being dirty with the sins. It is because this that, we do not even know that what we are eating, whether we are eating of our own or of some other man.



.u bq




The command of the shariah is this that just as the death of some man may happen so quickly do the distribution of the legacy of him and the shariah has kept how much right of whomever, do give that. The people of the Almighty Allah use to work with very much care in this. When the death of the famous Caliph Mufti Azam Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of Hakeem Ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬happened so Hazrat Aqdas Arfi Noor ul Allah Marqadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to do the condolences, right now the body was not even buried, the body was being kept over there, at that time the health of Hazrat Arfi ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ was not well and along with it there was very much effect of the pain of the death of Hazrat Mufti Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on his health even. The flour of Hazrat Mufti Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was kept over there which any man from the sons of the Mufti Sir presented to Hazrat Arfi Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so that he may eat it and the weakness may go away. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said before taking that flour in his hand that O brother! Now to eat this flour is not permissible for me because now this flour has become the property of the heritors and till when all of the heritors will not give the permission till that tike it is not permissible for me to eat it. The sons of Hazrat Mufti Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that Sir! All of the heritors are mature and all of them are present over here and all of them are giving the permission with complete consent. Therefore you may eat it. After that he ate that flour.



The people of the Almighty allah has done how much care in the matter of the legacy but today it is the result of the stupidity in our society that if this shall be said on the death of some man to the heritors of him that o Brother! Do distribute the legacy so this use to be said in the reply that may the lord forgive, right now not even the coffin of the dead man has become dirty and you have started talking about the distribution of the legacy, therefore they use to leave it. Well it is very much important to act with very much care in the distribution of the legacy and in keeping the property clear. There is being very much mistakes done in it as a result of which the


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The care of Hakeem Ul Ummat

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


fights, quarrels, pugnacities are being increased day by day in the society. That is why we should do special care in a special way about the distribution of the legacy and cleanliness of the social affairs. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to act on it. amen!


.u bq


The life of the people of the almighty Allah use to be the collection of the preventions only. Hazrat Hakeem ul ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that my respectable father was having one pen holder. After the death of him I took it because all of the heritors were mature and all of them were happy on taking of it by me. But I felt worried that with my this act the others will take the proof. So just I kept the prize of it and did the distribution among the heritors (according to the portions of them) and I said that whether if you may want so take the pen holder, or whether if you want so you may take the money and the reason was this that I felt embarrassed in taking it as free of cost because otherwise I would have to do the request of the heritors, make it forgiven by them. Secondly I wanted to make them learn this lesson that this is the way to do.

The other incident of the prevention






Just like this the respectable father had brought some cloths from Lakhnao, one for me and one for my brother but he was not able to give that the death of him happened. If I would have taken so all the praise is for the Almighty Allah, there was no one to do the demand of it and they were not even of any use of any other person. All of them would have given me with their consent but I said that the legacy will be applied on them also. I said this with this reason that the other people will also get a lesson. The division of all of the things, utensils etc was done according to the shariah and in little bit of time only all of the property got divided and there was not even a little bit of quarrel. That is why if the legacy shall be distributed just after the death of any person so it is very much better. Afterwards there use to be very much quarrel and fights, we should just be afraid from the lord and we should make these affairs correct.

.u bq

The wonderful care in the affairs of the office

One very much great man who was the head of the teachers, this was the rule of him that if any personal close relative used to come for meeting during the time of madarsa so he use to look at the watch at the time of starting the conversation and on the end he used to write that much of minutes after looking the watch along with the date and at the end of the month, after adding all of those minutes, if they used to be less than half day so he used to enter the leave of half day and if they use to be more than that so he used to write the leave of the whole day in the madarsa.



Apart from it our insisters used to do very much care in the affairs of the office even. The use of the pen, the papers would not be personal, if the company has given the mobile phone so only the affairs of the office shall be done with it. Just like this if it is giving the petrol so that also would have brought into the use of only the office. Do keep every single step with very much care, do very much care, the saalik who use to keep the cleanliness of the affairs use to reach on the destiny of them very much quickly. The one who use to do carelessness in act do keep on falling in the


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puddle of the difficulties and on the Day of Judgment also they will have to face very much loss. May the Almighty Allah do the protection of all of us. Amen.

The rules of the trade of the beatitude

.u bq


The trade is the demand of the Almighty Allah, and the habit of the Prophets ‫علیہ السالم‬and the people of the Almighty Allah ‫رحمہم ہللا علیہ‬. If you want to become a true, honest and full of beatitude trader so do the trade after taking care o these things. If the Almighty Allah will wish so apart from the rain of the gifts you will also become successful by becoming respectful in the world and on the Day of Judgment.






.u bq




1. Be safe very much from the forbidden rizq and forbidden way of income. 2. Never give the deception to anyone, neither become the victim of the deception and nor do like it. 3. Do gain the permissible rizq after thinking it as the command of the Almighty Allah. 4. Do make the recitation as your routine of everyday. 5. Do not do the gap of the dua and desire of the beatitude. 6. Do use the language of decent people; be safe from the forbidden anger. 7. Be safe from taking even a penny of interest in complete way 8. If the Hajj is obligatory so do not be late in performing it. 9. Do not ever speak lie and do not even like it 10. Be safe from doing the dishonesty, do not use anything without the permission of the owner 11. Do not think something as bad and do not think your own self as great 12. Never ever do jealousy from any shop keeper with this the religion and the world both can get destructed 13. Do not invest time more than the need in the business. 14. Do keep on giving the lesson to your own self and to the members of your family on being patient on even a little bit. 15. Be safe from the bad gaze in complete way; in it also there use to be a big exam. 16. Do not let the cloth go below your ankles for even a minute. 17. In the shop, store or office etc do not hang the pictures of living beings. 18. Do not say any abusive word to any person because with this your own tongue will become dull 19. Do keep on giving the charity on monthly or weekly basis according to your level; do spend the one third percent of your income in the path of the lord. 20. Do work always with the truth and clear speaking. 21. Do keep the level of your work good and in one way always 22. Do keep on doing the zikr and durood shareef etc in your free time 23. Do the arrangement of offering the prayer along with the group of people, whether how much important work is there, do not leave the prayer.


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.u bq



24. Do not leave the fasts of the month of Ramadan ul Mubarak in regards with any work 25. Do not take loan without any need and do not love the property with your heart even. 26. Do fulfill the rights of the parents, wife and children do not make any person resented or irritated 27. Do not do false swearing in your whole life, be safe from the true swearing even till how much it is possible. 28. Do not hide the fault in any single thing; in the situation of helplessness do ask the solution from the scholars. 29. Always say the words of gratefulness, be safe from the words of ungratefulness 30. Never ever do the greediness because in it the loss can also happen and it is even forbidden already 31. If there is fault in weighing and measurement so do the repentance and do not think of it ever again 32. The one who use to do the mixing, he uses to become excluded from the group of the people of truth. 33. Do keep the checking of the present property after writing so that the checking would be easy for giving the early zakat. 34. Do keep special care of your younger people, servants and employees. Take care about their eating and drinking and comfort 35. Do the respect of the coming people and keep on spreading the teachings of the religion 36. Do not think the dua as useless do make the habit of doing dua before every single work. 37. During the trade, be careful about the religious training of the children, this will be the property of the Day of Judgment of yours 38. Do keep the beard according to the Sunnah, with this there will also be beatitude in the rizq.

.u bq


The ten advantages of the honest traders

If the Almighty Allah will desire so the duas of them will be accepted The worships of them will be accepted There will be the beatitude in the property of them The happiness will be seen in the houses of them The children of them will feel hatred with the forbidden income. The generation of them will have the love with permissible and pure things and will have the desire of them. 7. They will get the opportunity to be safe from the continuation of unemployment by their own self and to even make their children safe. 8. They will get the patience and gratefulness and tolerance, and other things like these. 9. They will be safe from the poverty for their whole life 10. After the death they will get the company of the martyres, true people and Prophets.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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The forbidden rizq

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The Almighty Allah use to say this regarding to his beloved friends that (‫)یا ایھا الرسول کلوا من الطیبات‬ (O the group of the Propehts! Do use the permissible and pure things). The respectable Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has said that (‫( )کل لحم بنت من السحت فالنار اولی بھا‬meaning that the flash which has been made with the forbidden rizq, for it only the hell is better) it has been said in one more hadis e paak that there are ten parts of the worship. 9 parts from them are of the desire of permissible rizq. The man who does not use to do the care about it that how he has earned the property, the Almighty Allah also does not use to care about this that how he shall be thrown in the hell. Hazrat Suhail ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that whoever wants this that the condiditons of the true people may get expressed on him so he should not eat any other thing apart from the permissible rizq.

The care of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬


Once upon a time the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬kept on being awake for the whole night and kept on changing the sides. Someone from the pure wives of him said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬today you are not sleepy. He ‫ ﷺ‬said that one date was lying down; I picked it up and ate it so that it may not get wasted. Now I have the worry of this that it may not be of the charity.

The care of Hazrat Umar

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬



Note: this is the condition of our beloved Prophet that only on the doubt he changed the sides for the whole night and he did not feel sleepy and the conditions of the slaves is this that they use to eat every kind of forbidden property, loan, interest, stealing and robbery with very much comfort.


.u bq



Once upon a time hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬drank the milk and then he felt the taste of it as little bit weird. The man who made him drink, he asked from him that how is this milk and from where it has come? He said that in that some forest the camels of charity were grazing and while that I went over there so those people took out the milk from which they also gave it to me. Hazrat umar ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ kept the hand in his mouth and do took out whole of it in the vomit.

The worship not being accepted till the 40 days


Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said while standing up that O the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬do the dua for me that may the Almighty Allah may accept the duas of mine. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that O Saad ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬do keep on eating the pure things and permissible bites, the Almighty Allah will keep on accepting the duas of yours. I swear by that lord in whose hand there is the life of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that the human being who use to enter the forbidden bite in his stomach, due to it the worship of him till 40 days do not use to get accepted, the one who got the flash which got nourished with the forbidden thing is the one who will go in hell. (Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer)

The gift and the bribery


Once upon a time the famous and respectable Caliph Umar Bin Abdul Aziz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of the Muslims expressed the wish to eat an apple. One close man of him also got to know about the wish of him.


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He sent an apple to him as a gift. The man of him reached after taking the gift so Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that go and say that the gift of yours was not liked by me. The man who came said that O the leader of the true believers, this is the things of the house, what is the problem in accepting it? At last the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also used to accept the gifts. The leader of the true believer gave the answer that for the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬those were the gifts for sure but they are bribery for us. (Khazeena)


The decrease in measurement and calculation… benefit or the loss


.u bq

Allama Qurtubi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in one incident that one shop keeper came early in the morning and broke the physical balance of his shop. The neighbor shop keeper ask that why have you broken the physical balance. He said that today the neighbors of ours were dying. We said that do recite (‫ ال الہ اال ہللا‬،‫ )ال الہ اال ہللا‬meaning kalma he said that I am not able to recite it. We said that why you are not able to recite it? He said that, the physical balance of my shop, the weights of them have got stuck in my throat I am not able to recite the kalma.

The care of Hazrat Ganj Shakar

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



When one shop keeper use to measure false he uses to say that I have earned hundred rupees. When at the time of death this condition came that he did not get the opportunity to recite the kalma so what did he get? O the people of the Almighty Allah it is destruction, catastrophe and devastation to die after eating the right of any other person. This disease has been spread very much in our society (that the right of the other people use to be eaten) so for the sake of the Almighty Allah O my brothers! Do make yourself safe from eating the property of the other people.


.u bq



Once upon a time Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬kept a fast on the command of his Sheikh Hazrat Khuwaja Qutub ud Din ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. he did not eat any single thing till three days. On the third day at the time of Aftar one man got present while taking few flat breads. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ate them after thinking it as the rizq from the almighty Allah. Right now he got just free after eating that he felt the condition of nausea and all of that food came out in the form of vomit. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ told this incident to his Sheikh Hazrat Khuwaja Qutub ud Din ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The Sheikh of him ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ said him that Masood! After three days, the food from which you did the iftar was from one man who uses to drink the vine. With the mercy of the lord, the stomach of yours did not accept that doubtful food. (Siar Aulia)

Prevention from the doubtful thing is the secret of all of the progress



Hazrat Sahal Bin Abdullah Tastari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that one night I saw one hungry man. Therefore I gave him the food but he did not touch it because it was somewhat doubtful. He was feeling hungry with so much intensity due to which he was not even able to do the worship on that night although from the three years not even one night has been spent such that he would have remained away form the worship and prayer. On that one night to remain hungry after leaving the doubtful food, on this the reward which heget it was more than the collective reward of all of the good deeds of him and the levels of him got increased very much due to it.


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.u bq






The weekly and monthly routine of monthly house Every Thursday there is sermon and special zikr


On every new Thursday of the month there use to be zikr naĂŻf asbaat, meditation and khatm of ayat e karima


On every last Sunday of every month of solar calendar there use to be halqa kashaf al mehjoob and the detailed meditation (Tasbeeh house Qadri Hajweri) durood mehel



Address of residency and sending letters: Office of monthly Ubqari, Universal institute of spirituality and peace


.u bq


78/3 Ubqari Street near to the Qurtuba Mosque at mazang Chaurangi, Lahore

For listening the sermons in the whole world with live broad cast




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.u bq

The writings of Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Cughtai Sir ‫دامت برکاتہم‬ The confusions of the family



.u bq


Islam and the modern science




1. The confused people the find rules 2. The confusions of the house and the experiences of the experts 3. The kind points, spreaded pearls, unique memories 4. The countless experiences of the life of the elder people 5. The secret of happiness and forever peace in the houses 6. The secret of the prosperous life, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the modern science 7. The 17 rules of a successful marriage, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the modern science 8. The medical and psychological problems of the family 9. From the restless life till the life 10. The strong rules to spend a wonderful life 11. The tips of attractive life, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the modern science 12. The secret to spend the life after marriage with very much happiness



1. The teachings of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 2. The benefits of the sunnah and the modern science 3. The respect of the father, Islam and the modern science 4. The respect of the mother, Islam and the modern science 5. The training of the children, Islam and the modern science 6. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 1) 7. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 2) 8. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 3) 9. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 4) 10. The magic, ghosts, Islam and the modern science 11. The scientific and spiritual secrets of the death 12. The social life of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science


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The diseases of the body and the researches of the modern science


.u bq



1. The scientific and spiritual trick to be safe from the attack of the heart 2. The peaceful sleep, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 3. Stones and the dialysis, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 4. The diseases of the stomach, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 5. The scientific and spiritual treatment of the sugar 6. The scientific and spiritual treatment of the hepatitis. 7. The perfect young age, the strong old age 8. Riddance from being fat, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 9. The scientific and spiritual treatment of the cholesterol 10. The wonders of the natural herb and the researches of the modern science 11. Why is the vitamin very much important for the health of the physical body? 12. The spiritual and the scientific treatment of the high blood pressure 13. The healthy and tasty foods and the rules of the science

The books of history and personalities

.u bq




The books of medical


From singing till the prevention The auto biographies of the famous people The story of the injustice of the 1947, by the victims themselves What happened with the Muslims of India? The martyred Pakistan The story of the moments which were spent in the prisons by the famous people The personality of Maulana Tariq Jamil and the wonders of it In the company of Maulana Tariq Jamil The true friend and the fort of derawar


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



1. The colorful vegetables, medicine also, cure also 2. The health and the beauty from the fruits 3. The unique tonic for the health and the beauty 4. The successful treatment of the sugar 5. The medicine of cure, the curing treatment 6. The ten secret tonics of being healthy 7. The surprising memory is not impossible 8. The medical summary of the life of the Hakeems 9. The experiences of the doctors and the patients 10. The observations and experiments of the medical 11. The failure to the cancer 12. The unique diseases, the unique treatments 13. The treasure of my medical secrets


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.u bq



14. The experienced doctors of the house 15. The natural ways to get the rid from the ellergy 16. To get rid from the chronic constipation 17. The beautiful and healthy hair 18. The cure from the medicines of Ubqari 19. The wonders of the natural herbs told by the ubqari 20. The secret to get the cure from the kitchen 21. Ubqari has brought the matchless and the unique tips (Volume number 1) 22. Ubqari has brought the matchless and the unique tips (volume number 2) 23. The beauty, peace and health from the massage 24. The seven hundred easy tips of the stubborn diseases

The Sufism and the correction of the internal self






.u bq




1. Do learn to live from the people of the family of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ 2. The journey of light from the sufism 3. The bright stars of the Sufism 4. Sufism and the acceptance of the dua 5. The Sufism and the peace of the internal self 6. The Sufism and the tension free life 7. The sermons of the ubqari (volume number 1) 8. The sermons of the ubqari (volume number 2) 9. The sermons of the ubqari (volume number 3) 10. The sermons of the unqari (volume number 4) 11. The sermons of the ubqari (volume number 5) 12. The conditions of the friends of the Almighty Allah 13. The rules of the ontologism 14. The rules of the ontologism, the new addition 15. The researchers of the ontologism 16. The purity of the spirituality 17. The journey of the success on the path of the ontologism 18. The wonders of the repentance… 19. The wonders of the friends of the Almighty Allah 20. The shajra e Tayyaba of the Qadri Hajweri 21. The tears of the embarrassment 22. The interest in Sufism of the scholars of the people of the hadis e paak 23. The true wonders of the people of the hadis e paak (volume number 1) 24. The true wonders of the people of the hadis e paak (volume number 2) 25. The formalities of the insisters of the people of the hadis e paak 26. The scholars of the people of the hadis and the fragrance of the Sufism (volume number 1)


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The spiritualities and the acts


27. The scholars of the people of the hadis e paak and the fragrance of the Sufism (volume number 2) 28. Bayal Al Majzoob Ali Kashaf Al Mehjoob Al Maroof Halqa Kashaf Al Mahjoob 29. The unique incidents of the acceptance of the dua






.u bq




.u bq


The wonders of the bath of the spirituality The experiences of the spirituality of the ones who got rid form the difficulties The two unique treasures (Urdu) Get the sun for sure the surah e Baqarah (If the almighty Allah will wish) The experienced secret of making rich person The suspicious truths of the magic and ghosts and the experienced treatment of the spirituality 7. The spiritual and Quranic treatments of the frustrations of the house 8. The final act to stop the stealing of the ghosts 9. The secret diary of one Aamil of the spirituality 10. Do become a successful Aamil 11. The spirituality, magic and the doubt 12. The experienced wazifa of the problem of the employment 13. The matchless wazaif for the worst problems 14. The treatment of the spirituality of the problems of the house 15. The best treatment of the worst problems 16. Got the family biyaaz from the devastated place 17. The effective treatment of the spirituality of the problems of the hopeless families 18. The unique secrets of the world of the spirituality 19. The gain of kashaf and the suspicious strengths of the spirituality 20. (‫ )افحسبتم‬and the wonders of the call of the prayers 21. The wonders of the Ya Qahhar 22. The wonders of three sips of the water after the ablution 23. The wonders of the surah Yaseen 24. The secret of becoming the complete Aamil 25. The ones who got rid from the problems of the house 26. How did I get the hidden help from the wazaif 27. The mountains of the problems and expericnes of the apirituality 28. The life become easy from the seventeen wazaif 29. The wonders of the (‫)حم ال ینصرون‬ 30. The wonders of the act of the moti mosque 31. How did I get the cure? 32. The black magic of the black world, the wazaif of the friends of the Almighty Allah and the researches of the science 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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33. The wonders of the salat ut Tasbeeh, 34. The exemplary memory and the experienced act of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ 35. The condition of the heart 36. The experienced acts of the scholars of the people of hadis e paak 37. The child hood friend of the ghosts (Volume number 1) 38. The child hood friend of the ghosts (volume number 2) 39. The wazaif of the sky and the experienced results of the world 40. The experienced acts of the scholars of the people of the hadis e paak 41. The true meetings with the ghosts 42. The exemplary experiences of the talented Aamileen 43. The wonders of the bed tea of the spirituality 44. The wonders of the (‫)ربنا اتنا فی الدنیا‬ 45. The wonders of the surah Kausar 46. The wonders of the Surah Fatiha and Surah e Ikhlas 47. The wonders of the Surah Quraish 48. The wonders of (‫ )یا حفیظ‬and the wonders of the (‫)یا سالم‬ 49. The wonders of the cover of the Holy Rozah 50. The wonders of the two unique treasures 51. The seven hundred fine wazaif of the confused life


The treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science



.u bq



The healthy habits, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science The lethal medicines, the medicines of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science The lethal foods, the foods of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science The treatments of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 1) The treatments of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 2) The treatments of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 3) The treatments of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (Volume number 4) The herbs of the Holy Quran and the modern science The mat of food of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the secrets of the health and the fitness and the modern science 10. The lethal habits, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 11. The natural tonic and the treatment of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ 12. The correction of the mistakes, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 13. The wonders of the honey 14. The wonders of the nigella sativa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The problems of the young people


1. The problem of the married life, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science


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2. The problems of the gender of the young people, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 3. The gender frustrations of the young people, the treatment of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 4. The purity of the body, the treatment and preventions of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science 5. How the protection of the young age shall be done? 6. Love, Islam and the modern science 7. The genetic life, Islam and the modern science 8. The hopeless young people, the ugly young age 9. The genetics, young age, Islam and the modern science

The psychological problems

The women



The foods which are responsible of forever beauty The precious secrets of the beauty and the attraction of the ladies The woman, Islam and the modern science The scientific rights of the life of Islam of the ladies The lethal diseases of the forever beauty


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


The scientific and the spiritual treatment of the tension The ones who got rid from the depression The search for a peaceful life, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science The pain of the feelings and thoughts, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science The wonders of the curing thoughts, the ways of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


The translations in the other languages



The spiritual and the physical tips of the Ramadan ul Mubarak The mountains of the good deeds in the Harmain The secrets of the medical and spiritualities thousands of years old The protection of the worshiping place of the non Muslims, the rights of them and the responsibilities of us 5. The good behavior of the Prophet of the Islam ‫ ﷺ‬with the non Muslims


1. 2. 3. 4.

.u bq

1. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (volume number 1) (English, hindi, French, bangle etc) 2. The sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the modern science (volume number 2) (English, Hindi, Bangla, French etc) 3. The two precious treasures (English) 4. The surprising benefits of the easy good deeds (English)


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6. The efforts and the sacrifices 7. The hell of the prison 8. The unique and seen incidents of the animals 9. The spiritual and the physical health in the Ramadan ul Mubarak 10. The special gifts of the Ramadan ul Mubarak


The rules of the ontologism (the new Edition) The need of every single traveler who use to walk on the path of the sulook:






.u bq

Where the Almighty Allah has mentioned the reasons of the Prophet hood of the respectable Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in the holy Quran, over there he has alos mentioned one of this reason that (‫ )و یزکیھم‬so that you may do the purification of the hearts of the people. In easy words the purification use to be said to that thing that the effort shall be done on the heart of any person and the false things shall be taken out from the heart of him or in other words the treatment of the spiritual and the internal diseases shall be done from which the hatred of those sins and those false things may come in the heart and the love and the attraction of the commands of the Islam may get fixed in the heart. The result of which may happened this that the act of the commands o the lord and on his wishes and to be away from the disobedience may become easy for the human being and then after this the next step is this that the love and the ontologism of the Almighty Allah and the greatest Allah and the experiences of the Holy names of the Almighty Allah which are the qualities of the Almighty and the Greatest Allah, the ontologism of them may be received and then after that the progress should be done and the next levels of the ontologism may get achieved.

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In easy words the ontologism is said to be knowing and recognizing. If the Almighty Allah will wish so the “The rules of the ontologism (the new edition)” will not only prove as the basic syllabus and the source of the guidance for only the salikeen who are the beginners in fact it will also become a source to give the taste of the faith to the complete people of the ontologism. Commonly the men use to attend the majaalis or the gatherings form which the training of the correction use to keep on happening but the ladies use to get such situations very much less commonly. In this book this aspect has also been kept under the consideration. The attitudes of the social life, the great sins, the incidents of the correction of the friends of the Almighty Allah, the recognition of the complete sheikh, the ways of getting the benefits from the aktisaab of sheikh, the rules of the sheikh and the topics have also been included in it.


It is the humble dua in the court of the Almighty Allah that he may make it a source of the guidance and the ontologism and the progress of faith and may grant it the degree of acceptance and love, with word by word of it only with the mercy of him.


‫سلطان وی توں سرکار وی توں‬

‫جو یار فرید قبول کریں‬

Office of the monthly ubqari


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Phone number: 0322-4688313, 042-37425801


78/3 Institute of spirituality and peace, Ubqari Street near to the Qurtuba Mosque, Mazang Chaurangi, Lahore


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