UCalgary Medicine Dean's Edition '10

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JANUARY 2010 A UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Faculty of Medicine Publication

The Dean’s Edition

Teaching the world…

How to heal Developing international guidelines for the use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance—just one of this year’s many advancements, discoveries and breakthroughs at the Faculty of Medicine.





Creating a student-run clinic to help the homeless

Faculty of Medicine welcomes largest undergraduate class ever

Identifying how inflmmatory disease causes fatigue; developing an insulin nasal spray; and more







2 Message from the Dean

Our bright future comes from our past success While it would be extremely cliché to say a lot has changed in 10 years at the Faculty of Medicine, we cannot ignore the fact that change has encompassed us over the last decade. But, as with any successful Faculty, change is something we have embraced; an ever-constant certainty that’s helped us become more innovative and progressive. Heading into 2010, many of us will likely find ourselves looking back at the decade past. 10 years ago the world’s population was just over six billion people, the U.S. had the closest presidential election in its history, and the 2000 Summer Olympics were held in Sydney, Australia. At the same time the Faculty of Medicine was a still-burgeoning medical school, had yet to create any of the seven health institutes we are now partnered with, and admitted only 69 medical students per year. How times have changed. This past year has again brought change—in the form of restructuring at Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research—but also tremendous achievement for the Faculty of Medicine. In this Dean’s Edition of UCalgary Medicine I am given the opportunity to reflect on some of the past year’s accomplishments, a task I truly enjoy. In the following pages you will read about some of the very talented Faculty members who’ve either been honoured for their achievements (page 5); taken on new roles at the Faculty of Medicine (pages 12 and 13); or are improving countless lives as leaders of various health organizations outside of our Faculty walls (page 6). You will also see how our research endeavours—like those of Dr. Matthias Friedrich who has developed international guidelines for the use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (cover and page 11)—are helping to heal our local and global communities. 2009 also saw the Faculty of Medicine welcome 180 new first-year medical students, our largest class ever (page 8). But as we reflect on an incredibly productive decade, we shift our focus to the future. With a new strategic plan in place, the Faculty of Medicine is poised to enhance our reputation as a leader in medical research, education and care. Being a part of Canada’s most innovative Faculty of Medicine is extremely rewarding, and I hope you enjoy reading about our achievements as much as I enjoy sharing them. ■

Tom Feasby, MD Dean, Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary


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Contents Volume 2 Issue 1 | Dean’s Edition 2010



Building on a legacy | Philanthropy



“And the award goes to…” | awards


Nur ses work on a patient before he enters the Car diovascular Magnetic Resonance machine at the Stephenson MR Centre.

Four years and over $300 million later, the co-Chairs of Reach!—the joint fundraising initiative of the University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary Health Trust—talk about the incredibly successful campaign.

Each year dozens of our Faculty members are presented with awards for their incredible efforts and achievements. Here’s a snapshot of some who were honoured this year.



On the cover :


Hail to the chiefs | service to society Improving the health of our global community is at the core of our service to society mandate. While many of our faculty members are accomplishing this through their work outside of their faculty duties, some are doing it as current presidents of various medical organizations.

Training more doctors…faster | EDUCATION This year the Faculty of Medicine’s undergraduate medical education program took in its largest class ever—180 students in all. That, combined with our unique three-year medical curriculum, means more doctors for our communities in less time.


Teaching the world how to heal hearts | RESEARCH A University of Calgary doctor has developed international guidelines for the use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) which is used to diagnose myocarditis, a potentially fatal heart disease.






Our best is the best | OUR TEAM Great people make for a great Faculty. We are fortunate to have an abundance of dedicated professionals on our team, some of which are stepping into new roles at UCalgary.

2008 – 2009 Financial Report



4 philanthropy

Building on a Legacy By Lois Epp


hen former Reach! co-Chairs Ken King, Brenda Mackie and Bill Sembo get together to talk about Reach!, their focus easily shifts from the hugely successful fundraising initiative to a much bigger picture. “We really cannot look at Reach! as a stand alone project without recognizing the generation of leaders who came before us,” states Bill Sembo. “It is because of the groundwork laid by people like Harley Hotchkiss, Bud and Ann McCaig, Alvin and Mona Libin, Doc Seaman, Dick Haskayne, Charlie Fischer and others that Reach! was able to succeed in achieving its goals.” Reach!, the joint fundraising initiative of the University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary Health Trust launched in the fall of October 2005 with an ambitious goal to raise $300 million in targeted philanthropic support. There had never been a fundraising campaign of such magnitude in southern Alberta before. The three co-Chairs however were confident Reach! would succeed thanks to the aforementioned community leaders, evident in part with two earlier campaigns—Partners in Health and All For One. All For Kids.

“We have made remarkable gains at the Faculty of Medicine, thanks to Reach!, with new recruits, new education programs and new research initiatives,” says Feasby. “But while the campaign has formally ended this is by no means the end of the road. The Faculty of Medicine is building on the momentum created by Reach! and is continuing to fundraise for other important projects to elevate our Faculty to the top rank in Canada.” This sentiment is strongly echoed by the former Reach! co-Chairs.

“Reach! is a piece of a larger philanthropic puzzle for health care in our community,” states Ken King, “and to the credit of Calgarians, they will continue to be willing to pitch in when they know it will make a difference”. As co-Chairs of the largest successful philanthropic fundraising initiative in southern Alberta history, Sembo, Mackie and King are to be commended for their efforts in setting a new standard of fundraising in Alberta. Like those who came before them, the names of the three former Reach! co-Chairs will also be included in the list of community leaders who have helped pave the way for future fundraising initiatives. ■

In 1995 the University of Calgary, the Calgary Health Trust and what was then known as the Calgary Health Region came together to raise $25 million in support of health research, education and care through the Partners in Health campaign. The campaign concluded in 1999 having raised $54 million. On its own this was a tremendous achievement and the campaign also set a new standard for collaboration between the health system and the community. Strong partnership with the community was also a hallmark of the Alberta Children’s Hospital All For One. All For Kids campaign which raised more than $52 million in 2003. In 2006 Calgary opened the first free-standing pediatric facility to be built in Canada in more than 20 years. Fast forward to 2010. The health system has been strengthened by $312 million in philanthropic support through Reach!. Thanks to over 900 generous donors, the health of our communities are being directly impacted through gifts to over 100 priority projects, including new health care facilities, innovative research and improved patient care. “It is rewarding to know we played a role in what has become a milestone for Calgary’s fundraising community,” says Brenda Mackie. “As Calgarians we are fortunate to have a health system that is full of passionate and committed physicians, researchers and educators who have the vision to make transformative changes.” As someone on the front lines, Dr. Tom Feasby, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, has seen firsthand the impact of philanthropic support. He is also keenly aware of the importance of continuing an ongoing partnership with the philanthropic community.


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Reach! co-Chair s from left: Ken King , Brenda Mackie and Bill Sembo

awards 5

“And the award goes to….” A

t the Faculty of Medicine were are fortunate to have a team of dedicated professionals committed to improving and enhancing health care at all levels. This fall the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), Canada’s oldest and most prestigious academic body, elected four of our Faculty members to become Fellows with the RSC. These individuals were selected by their peers on account of their outstanding contributions to science, and are among the finest and most respected scientists and researchers in their respective fields.

Dr. J. Gregor y Cairncross

Paul Kubes, PhD

Samuel Weiss, PhD

Dr. J. Gregory Cairncross

Paul Kubes, PhD

Samuel Weiss, PhD

Michael Walsh, PhD

A Professor and head of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at UCalgary, Dr. Cairncross is best known for his research contributions to the field of neuro-oncology, the study of brain cancer. In 1988, Cairncross and Dr. David MacDonald discovered that oligodendrogliomas, a type of brain cancer, are sensitive to chemotherapy. Later, he discovered a molecular marker of this unusual sensitivity. His work has provided a new framework for basic research and clinical trials in neuro-oncology.

Paul Kubes, Director of the Calvin, Phoebe and Joan Snyder Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, has spent nearly two decades investigating the mechanisms leading to white cell recruitment in cardiovascular and immune disorders. He and his team identified that a gas produced inside the body, nitric oxide, functions to reduce white blood cell recruitment and maintain bodies in a non-inflamed state. Dr. Kubes, who leads the Alberta Sepsis Network funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, is currently examining how white cells and bacteria battle in blood vessels and how we can help defeat these pathogens.

Samuel Weiss, PhD, Director of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, says he’s delighted to join the ranks of the RSC, and views it as a significant milestone in his career.

“I was delighted, and felt privileged and honoured to be invited to join this elite group of Canadians,” says Michael Walsh, PhD, of his election to the RSC.


“When you reach a certain level—hopefully it’s not simply a consequence of age— whereby your peers tell you that your body of work is important, it allows you to reflect on that, but further, it gets me excited about being able to do more,” he says. Weiss’ groundbreaking research into the brain has changed the fields of developmental neurobiology and neural regeneration. In 1992, he discovered the existence of neural stem cells in the adult brain; research that has led to international investigations into how to stimulate those cells to heal the brain.

Dr. Andrew Demchuk

Dr. Fiona Costello

Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer

Dr. Demchuk, an Associate Professor with the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, the Department of Radiology and a member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, was named to the 2009 Caldwell Partners Top 40 under 40 list, celebrating Canada’s leaders of today and tomorrow. The Director of the Calgary Stroke Program and Chair of Pillar 2 (Acute Care and Emergency Services) of the Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy, Dr. Demchuk is also a world-renowned researcher in cerebral vascular imaging and its application in developing new treatments for those who have suffered from stroke.

Dr. Costello, an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, was also named to the 2009 Caldwell Partners Top 40 under 40 list. Her research and clinical expertise are in the areas of neuro-ophthalmology and multiple sclerosis, and she is a clinician scientist and co-Director of the NeuroProtection and Repair Evaluation Unit (NPREU) with the Arresting Multiple Sclerosis (MS) program at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute. Together with her collaborators, she has been awarded $2.5 million in research grant funding to implement a novel experimental model of MS she has developed in ongoing studies.

The Associate Dean of Continuing Medical Education (CME) at the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Lockyer was honoured with the 2009 Canadian Association for Medical Education Ian Hart Award for distinguished contribution to medical education throughout her academic career. Her dedication to her profession is reflected through her work on numerous boards and committees over the last two decades, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, the Alberta Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, to name a few.

Walsh, a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, researches the molecular mechanisms that regulate smooth muscle contraction and relaxation, which also control blood flow to organs such as the brain. Deficiencies in these mechanisms can lead to diverse diseases associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, hemorrhagic stroke and diabetes.

Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer




Hail to the Chiefs


ervice to Society—three words that are spoken often at the Faculty of Medicine, and words that represent one of our most crucial priorities. But serving society cannot be accomplished solely within the walls of our Faculty or our affiliated hospitals, clinics and learning centres. Serving society is only truly accomplished when we affect positive change in our communities outside of our regular duties as faculty, staff and students. This concept is not lost on us here at the University of Calgary. Many of our faculty are members in several medical organizations on various levels and in several capacities. Through these dedicated professionals and their continued efforts we are affecting change around the world. Here now is a snapshot of some of those dedicated professionals who are current presidents of medical organizations that are improving our global community.

Dr. Cathy MacLean in the Dean’s Conference Room at the Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. Cathy MacLean – President of the College of Family Physicians of Canada The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) couldn’t have a better advocate for family medicine than Dr. Cathy MacLean, head of the Department of Family Medicine at UCalgary. In her new role as President of the CFPC, Dr. MacLean is working to address the national shortage of family physicians by improving the number of graduates choosing family medicine. Since arriving at the U of C’s Faculty of Medicine over two years ago, she has seen the number of students choosing family medicine residency in Calgary rise from around 18% to over 26% last year. MacLean believes the key to attracting students to the discipline is more exposure to family medicine during medical school and in clerkship. “Early exposure for longer periods of time will allow students to see everything family medicine has to offer. It is very flexible and in addition to family practice you can work in emergency, palliative care, maternity care, surgical assists—the list goes on.”

Dr. Chip Doig – President of the Alberta Medical Association Dr. Christopher (Chip) Doig’s induction as President of the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) in September marked the first time a full-time faculty member from the University of Calgary has been named AMA President. An intensive care unit specialist at the Foothills Medical Centre and head of the Department of Community Health Sciences at UCalgary, Doig’s pride in the Faculty of Medicine is obvious. “We have extremely talented physicians providing outstanding care, and who are international leaders. They serve not only as role models for students and residents, but also other faculty.” During his presidency, Doig has a few simple tasks he would like to accomplish, but his priority is putting the interests of the patients first. “We are privileged to be physicians and are permitted by virtue of our role to participate in some of the most intimate times of a family.” UCALGARY MEDICINE

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Student-run clinic a reality thanks to unique fundraiser By Kyle Glennie Struggling to pay for food and shelter is a situation thousands of Calgarians find themselves in daily. While this predicament has befallen so many, for most of us it’s an unimaginable way of life. Bridging that disconnect—and raising money to start the Calgary Drop-In Centre Student Run Medical Clinic—was the goal of a unique fundraiser called Rich Man, Poor Man, organized by a group of Faculty of Medicine students.

Clockwise from above: Dr. Ron Bridges at the Forzani & McPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre; Dr. Andrew Kirkpatrick in the Trauma Unit at Foothills Hospital; Dr. Cy Frank; Dr. Chip Doig.

Dr. Cy Frank – President of the Canadian Orthopedic Association Dr. Cy Frank, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Calgary, was elected by his fellow Canadian Orthopedic Association (COA) members as President in July 2009. Among the many credits to his name, Dr. Frank is an Alberta Heritage Foundation Medical Research (AHFMR) scientist, the Executive Director of the Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute, and he’s been honoured with such awards as Alumnus of the Year in 2002, International Bone & Joint Decade ‘Builder’ in 2005 and among the Top 40 Alumni at UCalgary in 2006. Dr. Frank says he’s thrilled to be chosen as COA President, and has several goals he would like to achieve during his term. “I am deeply honoured to represent all orthopedic surgeons in Canada. Among my presidential duties, I will be visiting all the national meetings of the orthopedic associations of the English speaking world this year to learn what is happening in orthopedics world wide, and to help bring best practices in musculoskeletal clinical care, research, education and administration back to our association in Canada.”

Dr. Andrew Kirkpatrick – President of the Trauma Association of Canada Dr. Kirkpatrick, a Professor in the Department of Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and a trauma surgeon at the Foothills Medical Centre, was elected as President of the Trauma Association of Canada (TAC) in March 2008. As part of his two year presidential term, Dr. Kirkpatrick oversees all of the TAC committees which collectively strive to improve the quality of care provided to the injured patient, including pre-hospital management and transport, acute care hospitalization, and reintegration into society.

“The Rich Man, Poor Man dinner is different in that for each table of eight people, one random person received the rich man dinner which consisted of beef tenderloin, a shrimp skewer and lobster bisque,” explains Christine O’Reilly, President of the Global Public Health Interest Group (GPHIG) that helped organize the event. “The other seven received a modest yet delicious vegetable, mixed rice and lentil dish.” The students’ strong desire to help Calgary’s homeless population—and to gain valuable experience working with those in need of health care—is behind their efforts to start the student run clinic. After raising more than $10,000 through the Rich Man, Poor Man event and other contributions, the students were able to launch a six-week pilot project on January 26, 2010. They’ll use this time to determine their roles and the clients’ needs in hopes of establishing a more permanent and valuable presence in the Drop-In Centre. It’s the first step towards creating a fully operational, student-run medical clinic at the facility. “Homelessness is a global health problem,” says O’Reilly, “but with this we are doing our part on a local scale and we’re getting Calgarians involved.” ■

Dr. Kirkpatrick has authored and co-authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and abstracts in the trauma field. A member of the National Ultrasound Faculty of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Kirkpatrick is also an editorial board member of the Journal of Trauma.

Dr. Ronald Bridges – President of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology

The rich man plate at the event….

Dr. Bridges has been a part of the Faculty in several areas in the past. First as a student, then as a Professor and head of the Division of Gastroenterology, before finally taking on the position he currently holds as Senior Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs. But outside of the University of Calgary, Dr. Bridges’ work with the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) highlights the shared goals this outstanding organization and our Faculty both strive to achieve. With over 1100 members, the CAG seeks to promote the advancement of gastroenterology by providing leadership in patient care, research, teaching and continued professional development. These objectives mirror our own as we work to promote all forms of health research and care. ■

…and the poor man plate.




Training more doctors


ducation, of course, is a priority at the Faculty of Medicine. We strive to create the future of health by anticipating and fulfilling societal needs for well trained health professionals, a goal that has played a significant role in shaping our long term educational strategy. By educating and training future physicians we fulfill two of our greatest ambitions: improve the health of our communities, and expand our social accountability. This past August, the number of first-year students in our undergraduate medical education program increased to 180 from 150. While this growth in students has created challenges for us, we are excited to help train and educate even more future physicians who will promote and support the health of our communities. Through the use of the new South Health Campus (under construction), through major renovations to virtually all of our pre-existing teaching spaces, and with the recruitment of more teachers, we are able to effectively accommodate this increase in class size. While our number of medical students may have changed, our unique threeyear curriculum has not. Recently a group of Faculty of Medicine members including Dr. Bruce Wright, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education,


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and Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer, Associate Dean, Continuing Medical Education, completed an analysis comparing three and four-year medical school curricula. With leaders in both Canada and the United States expressing concern about the length of time needed to graduate a physician—and with the cost of tuition and living expenses acting as a deterrent to potential medical school applicants—the purpose of the study was to determine long-term effects of curriculum length on physician competence. “The results of our study show the three-year curriculum developed at the University of Calgary produces an equivalent graduate, with possibly slightly better communication and professionalism skills,” says Lockyer. Overall, the study provides us with comparative data that shows graduating competent physicians in a shorter time period is not only possible, but it’s an effective way to train and produce qualified, competent physicians more effectively. ■ Academic Medicine 84:1342-47, 2009


Together, we make a difference “A

lot of our students have been to places where there are conflicts and incredible poverty, and they come back and understand that their fellow Canadians who are immigrants have been through these difficult situations. This makes them more competent as people, as researchers, and as physicians because they have that understanding.” Dr. Jennifer Hatfield, Associate Dean of International/Global Health at the Faculty of Medicine knows first hand what she speaks of. Having spent extensive time in Africa, Afghanistan and India to name a few locations, she has felt the significant effects many students experience when returning from international electives, often in developing countries. With the opportunity to complete research abroad at the undergraduate level, and with our extensive UME international electives program, the Faculty of Medicine attracts a large number of students interested in global health. And with good reason—the Faculty has long been in partnership with many international health programs that continue to be incredibly successful. Our ongoing work in places like Lao, Uganda and Nepal forms the foundation of our future international and global health vision.

Lending a hand–and learning–in the Congo By Krista Goheen University of Calgary medical student Wendy Pitchko knows the true meaning of stepping out of one’s comfort zone. For her, that meant stepping in to a six-week medical elective in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “My family was terrified for me,” Pitchko says, “especially because of the dangerous reputation the Congo has. But the biggest reservation I had was the language barrier; I don’t have anything beyond normal grade school French.”

But as the Faculty itself refocuses its strategy and goals for the future, so too does the International/Global Health program. “We have a history in the Faculty of carrying out extremely important humanitarian work,” explains Hatfield. “By building on this history and strengthening our existing international institutional partnerships—such as with the University of Bugando, Tanzania; Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda; and our collaboration with the National University of Laos—we will align our social responsibility goals with those of the entire Faculty of Medicine.” As part of this new focus, the International/Global Health office will also look to forge new partnerships on projects that will improve our capacity as global health researchers and clinicians. Our goal is to work alongside colleagues in developing countries to provide a sustainable improvement in the health and well-being of vulnerable populations around the world. ■

Pitchko recalls. “And the electricity at the hospital would go out constantly, sometimes in the middle of surgery.” Pitchko attended to patients suffering from medical conditions rarely seen in Canada. “We saw anything and everything,” she says. “We had a lady with a very advanced case of what we thought was gout but was actually cellulitis. She had growths all over her hands and feet. It’s something you wouldn’t see in Canada because it would never be allowed to get that bad.”

Despite her fears about working in a developing country ravaged by war, Pitchko boarded a plane bound for the city of Bunia. What she found was a medical system facing a lack of resources and an overwhelming need.

In spite of working with primitive medical equipment, Pitchko says her elective in the Congo helped to advance her medical skills. “It felt like we were practicing medicine as it was done thirty years ago, which was actually a neat learning experience. Our hands and eyes became so important.” She also developed a special rapport with many of the patients by being a part of their treatment from beginning to end. Overall, Pitchko says the experience was extremely fulfilling.

“We tried to do prenatal exams but instead of using ultrasound gel we had to use hand sanitizer, because that’s what was available,”

“I really think it will help to shape me into a better doctor—the kind of doctor I hope to become.” ■ medicine.ucalgary.ca

Main photo: two young boys carr y water from a well in the Congo; Top photo: An old hospital building in Bunia, Congo; Above: Pitchko holding a newborn at the hospital.


10 Research

Creating–and innovating–a healthier future Through our seven research institutes at the Faculty of Medicine—in partnership with the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services—we are quite simply changing the very idea of health prevention, care and treatment for now and future generations. By rapidly translating basic biomedical findings from our laboratories to clinics and hospitals where physicians can apply this new knowledge, we are improving health care from its foundation to its application. Research finds older woman who are physically fit have better cognitive function

Insulin nasal spray could help diabetics suffering from a debilitating nerve disease

January 8, 2009: New research published in the international journal Neurobiology of Aging by Marc Poulin, PhD, DPhil, finds that being physically fit helps the brain function at a higher level. The study compared two groups of women whose average age was 65 years old, with one group taking part in regular aerobic activity while the other group remained inactive. Poulin’s team recorded and measured the women’s cardiovascular health, resting brain blood flow and the reserve capacity of blood vessels in the brain, as well as cognitive functions.

June 22, 2009: Clinical scientists at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute in the Faculty of Medicine have started a pilot study for local patients with type 1 diabetes, looking at the delivery of insulin through the nose as a potential new treatment for diabetic neuropathy, a diabetic nerve disease.

“Being sedentary is now considered a risk factor for stroke and dementia,” says Poulin, a scientist in the Faculties of Medicine and Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. “This study proves for the first time that people who are fit have better blood flow to their brain. Our findings also show that better blood flow translates into improved cognition.”

Dr. Cory Toth, a neurologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, is co-leading the study. His laboratory work, which demonstrated that intranasal insulin helps protect nerves in the brain and central nervous systems of mice, was published in the journal Diabetes. About 50% of people with diabetes will develop the debilitating and painful nerve condition. Currently, the treatments for diabetic neuropathy are limited to pain management.

UCalgary study shows Canada a world leader in high blood pressure treatment

Surgeon pioneers new method of “gluing” the breastbone together after open heart surgery

February 3, 2009: A study from the Faculty of Medicine shows Canada has recorded a marked reduction in cardiovascular death and hospitalization rates occurring in people with high blood pressure. Dr. Norm Campbell, lead author of the study published in the February 1st edition of Hypertension–Journal of the American Heart Association, says the rates decreased at the same time that the Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP) was introduced.

November 9, 2009: An innovative method is being used to repair the breastbone after it is intentionally broken to provide access to the heart during open-heart surgery. The technique developed by Dr. Paul Fedak, MD, PhD, FRCSC, a cardiac surgeon at Foothills Medical Centre and scientist at the Faculty of Medicine, uses an adhesive that rapidly bonds to bone and accelerates the recovery process.

Dr. Campbell, who is also the chair of the CHEP, says Canada has become a world leader in the treatment and control of hypertension. He also points out that in the first five years of the program there were one in seven fewer stroke deaths, one in five fewer heart failure deaths, and one in 10 fewer heart attack deaths compared to before the program started.

“We can now heal the breastbone in hours instead of weeks after open-heart surgery. Patients can make a full recovery after surgery and get back to full physical activities in days instead of months,” explains Dr. Fedak.

Canadian researchers indentify how inflammatory disease causes fatigue

UCalgary researchers find physician wellness is key to a quality health care system

February 17, 2009: A research team from the Faculty of Medicine, led by Dr. Mark Swain, has identified how immune cells infiltrate the brain during experimental liver inflammation, potentially explaining why people with inflammatory diseases develop symptoms such as fatigue. This new understanding could lead to treatments that improve the quality of life for patients with chronic inflammatory diseases.

November 17, 2009: When doctors are sick, tired or burnt out, the performance of a health care system may not be at its best. University of Calgary scientist Jean Wallace, PhD, along with co-authors and Faculty of Medicine colleagues Dr. Jane Lemaire and Dr. William Ghali, describe the consequences unwell physicians have on health systems in their narrative review published in The Lancet.

The study published in the February 18th issue of the Journal of Neuroscience demonstrates the existence of a communication pathway between the inflamed liver and the brain. Fatigue, lethargy and loss of interest in social activities are commonly encountered in patient’s suffering from inflammatory diseases such as hepatitis, arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

In their work the researchers assessed a number of issues affecting physician wellness, including work stress, barriers to attending to their wellness, the harmful consequences of unwell physicians to physicians themselves, and several other factors.


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After a pilot study in Calgary showed promising results, a worldwide study is now underway to further investigate its benefits.

“Because the practice of medicine is very stressful, the risk of ill health for physicians is very high” says Lemaire. “There is ample evidence that excessive work stress and burnout may lead to substance abuse, relationship problems, depression and even death for physicians.” ■


cover story Teaching the world…

How to heal Calgary protocol for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance adopted worldwide By Jordanna Heller A University of Calgary doctor has developed international guidelines for the use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR). CMR is used to diagnose a commonly occurring inflammation of the heart known as myocarditis, a condition that in some cases can lead to heart failure and sudden death. The new guidelines will benefit millions of people because CMR simplifies making a diagnosis, says Dr. Matthias Friedrich. “What we are doing here in Calgary has been shown by research to be the best protocol and the consensus group has now agreed to recommend its use worldwide.” It took 17 authors two and a half years to put the protocols together. Although research in Calgary has shown the value of the guidelines, the protocols will be new for other centres across Canada and around the world. The new guidelines are published in the April 28th edition of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a high impact and prestigious medical journal.

adds Dr. hens on Dr. Matt hias Fried rich at the Step Stephen re. Cent MR ar scul Card iova Duckett, President and Chief Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services. “Highcalibre clinical expertise remains one of our province’s most valued resources, as demonstrated by Dr. Friedrich and everyone involved in the development of this important, made-in-Alberta protocol. Albertans can be proud of our significant contributions to health care in Canada and on the world stage.” Opening its doors in March 2005, the Stephenson Cardiovascular MR Centre was the first CMR centre in Canada, and continues to be the leading cardiovascular magnetic resonance facility in the country. It is currently one of the top five centres globally as measured by the number of patient studies. Research from the Stephenson Cardiovascular MR Centre complements other strengths of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta. According to the Canadian Institute of Health Information, Calgary has the highest heart attack survival rates in the nation. ■

“It will make it safer for the patient because an invasive procedure can be avoided and it will speed up the diagnosis process. Before CMR came along, making a diagnosis was only possible by performing a biopsy,” says Dr. Friedrich, an Associate Professor in the Departments of Cardiac Sciences, Medicine, and Radiology at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Medicine, and Director of the Stephenson Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Centre at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta. Blair Cashin was surprised to be experiencing chest pain because he is only 29 years-old, and there is no history of heart disease in his family. But when he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with myocarditis he was thankful doctors used CMR. “If I wouldn’t have had a CMR I wouldn’t have known what was wrong,” says Cashin. “I am lucky I was here in Calgary where they could detect it early, and I’ll have the ability to recover from this.” Photos from top: Dr. Lawrence Korngut and Dr. Cor y Toth with their insulin nasal spray; a par ticipant of a study done by Marc Poulin, PhD, is monitored; Dr. Paul Fedak (right) at a news conference announcing his breastbone “gluing” technique.

“These guidelines will be instrumental in the advancement of patient care for individuals with myocarditis throughout Alberta and indeed the world,”

Top photo: A patient is prepped before a CMR session; Above: The patient set to enter the CMR machine.



12 Our team

Our best is the best R

ecruitment and retention of highly skilled and dedicated individuals is at the heart of all successful faculties. This, I believe, is particularly true in medicine where compassion and commitment to our communities and our patients drives us. Ours is a Faculty that not only educates, but innovates, and I am very pleased to welcome the following to their new roles at UCalgary.

From left: Dr. Stephen Robbins, Dr. Jon Meddings and Dr. Gerald Zamponi.

Dr. Nigel Shrive – Director, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health After serving as the McCaig Institute’s Interim Director for over a year, Dr. Nigel Shrive, D.Phil., P.Eng, C.Eng, has been confirmed as the Institute’s Director effective January 1, 2010. A key figure in both the University of Calgary and the Faculty of Medicine’s biomedical engineering initiatives over the past two decades, Dr. Shrive also holds a Killam Memorial Chair and is a long-time collaborator and member of the McCaig Institute. Dr. Shrive’s research is in the area of structural mechanics, ranging from materials science to structural behaviour. In the biomechanical field, this research has provided insight into the mechanical and structural behaviour of ligaments and articular cartilage. More specifically, this research has been focused on defining how the properties of these tissues change with age, and improving the healing of damaged and transplanted tissues to restore as close to normal function as possible. It is through this engineering research—combined with the work of Faculty of Medicine colleagues Dr. Cy Frank and Dr. David Hart—that clinical treatment of damaged ligaments has changed.


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13 Guy Levy – Interim Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Currently the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Guy Levy has also been appointed interim Executive Director of the Faculty of Medicine. Guy held the position of Director of Finance in Medicine prior to becoming CFO, and over the past 18 months has provided important leadership in developing a decentralized budget and reporting process for the 54 cost centres at the Faculty. With more than 30 years of experience in public accounting, Guy has created unique solutions for restructuring and refinancing organizations across a wide range of industries and sectors. Prior to joining the Faculty of Medicine in 2007, he was a partner with both Myers, Norris & Penney and Ernst & Young.

Dr. Stephen Robbins – Director, Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute Having been with the University of Calgary for over 10 years and building an extensive research portfolio in the process, Dr. Stephens Robbins has been chosen as the new Director of the Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute. Dr. Robbins’ awards and distinctions are numerous and include an Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Scientist Award and Cancer Research Chair in Cancer Biology (Tier II). His current research focuses on how extracellular signals are transmitted to the nucleus to control such biological processes as growth and differentiation of eukaryotic cells.

Dr. Michael Hill – Associate Dean, Clinical Research One of our country’s leading stroke researchers, Dr. Michael Hill has been appointed Associate Dean, Clinical Research as of July 1, 2009. Dr. Hill’s administrative duties in the Faculty of Medicine include his roles as Hotchkiss Brain Institute Stroke Program Lead, co-Chair of the Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy Calgary Region, and most recently the Director of the Calgary Centre for Clinical Research. He holds membership on several societies such as the Canadian Federation of Neurological Sciences, the Canadian Stroke Network and the American Academy of Neurology. In his new role as Associate Dean, Clinical Research, Dr. Hill will lead our clinical research enterprise and will liaise with key partners such as Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the University of Alberta. Dr. Hill will represent the Faculty in the development of research at the South Health Campus and other AHS sites, and will also facilitate communication between faculty members and granting agencies.

Dr. Jon Meddings – Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine The former head of the Division of Gastroenterology here at the University of Calgary, and Chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of Alberta, Dr. Jon Meddings has been chosen as our new Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Meddings has been honoured with several awards and distinctions for his research innovations in celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and bowel permeability. His research has been supported by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, Medical Research Council, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of Canada and the Broad Foundation, and he sits on the editorial boards for such journals as the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and the Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology.

Dr. Jennifer Hatfield – Associate Dean, International/ Global Health Listed as one of Canada’s 100 most powerful women in 2008 by the Women’s Executive Network, Dr. Hatfield has been appointed Associate Dean, International/Global Health as of December 1, 2009. The Director of the Health and Society Program and the Global Health Program at the O’Brien Centre for the Bachelor of Health Sciences, Dr. Hatfield is leading many innovative research projects around the world on behalf of Canada and the University of Calgary. She is also a senior mentor for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, and has participated in post-conflict reconstruction leadership development projects for civil service and NGO professionals in Afghanistan. This year Dr. Hatfield traveled to India and Japan to mentor a new group focused on gender and equity, supporting women leaders in the country. ■



14 financials University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine (unaudited) Statement of Revenue as at March 31, 2009 Trust (Operating) Revenue Research1 Federal Overhead Funds in Support of Indirect Research Costs Subtotal Operating Funds2 Clinical Salary Recoveries (AHS, CLS, TBCC) University of Calgary Medical Group (UCMG) Levy Other3 Subtotal Total

2007-08 $129,214,905 2,727,169 $131,942,074

2008-09 $129,075,525 2,454,452 $131,529,977

$44,510,112 28,187,143 13,674,328 13,998,387 $100,369,970 $232,312,044

$51,097,919 30,314,459 15,355,460 25,543,733 $122,311,571 $253,841,548

Research Operating Funds Clinical Salary Recoveries UCMG Levy Other

1 Does not include any funding for Health Research Innovation Centre 2 Represents operating funds received from the University exclusive of support services provided by the University to the Faculty including infrastructure, payroll, library, finance, information technology and other support services 3 Includes non-research (i.e.: Rural Physician Action Plan, Continuing Medical Education, Post Graduate Medical Education, Foreign Tuition, Alberta International Medical Group etc) trust accounts and donated capital and operating funds

University of Calgary Medical Group (audited)

Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as at December 31, 2008 Revenue 2007 Medical Billings $37,655,991 Other Medical Revenue 42,807,327 Other Professional Revenue 2,337,439 Total Revenue $82,800,757 Expenditures Paid to Members $68,577,558 Operating Expenses (OE) 5,712,440 Members Infrastructure Support (MIS) 4,766,025 Clinical Departments (CD) 1,276,614 Professional Development Fund (PDF) 1,191,506 Faculty Support (FS) 851,076 Dean’s Fund (DF) 212,769 Medical Trainee Fund (MTF) 212,769 Total Expenditures $82,800,757


2008 $35,473,455 54,077,031 2,918,492 $92,468,978


$76,778,544 5,727,321 5,579,343 1,494,467 1,394,836 996,311 249,078 249,078 $92,468,978

OE Paid to Members



2%2%1% 0% 0%

Research Revenue (unaudited)

Sources of Revenue Federal Government Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Other Federal Government Canada Research Chair Total Federal Government Alberta Provincial Government AHFMR Provincial Research Envelopes Alberta Health Services (AHS) Alberta Provincial Government Total Provincial Government Other Canadian Universities and Hospitals Other Foreign Sources U.S.A. Sources (Public and Private) Other Foreign Sources Total Foreign Sources Business Non-Profit Organizations Foundations Endowments, Individuals and Internal Sources Total Revenue

Amount $29,218,244 1,224,199 677,360 4,875,000 $35,994,803 $20,486,194 4,055,776 6,017,619 6,103,749 $36,663,338 $4,090,285

Other Canadian Universities and Hospitals Endowments, Individuals and Internal Sources Foundations Non-Profit Organizations Business Total Foreign Sources Alberta Provincial Government

$9,947,132 727,464 $10,674,596

Alberta Health Services (AHS) Provincial Research Envelopes AHFMR

$7,025,108 $5,354,606 $13,485,483

Federal Government

$15,787,306 $129,075,525 Faculty of Medicine 12%


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Medicine - Fund Development (unaudited) Statement of Revenue Donation Revenue Faculty of Medicine Annual & Alumni Giving Planned Giving/Bequests Major Gifts (Cash only) 2,3 General Giving, Honours & Memorials Total Revenue

2007-08 $85,292 2,494,873 398,196 $2,978,361

2008-09 49,142 151,768 1,205,133 258,288 $1,664,331

$34,033,684 Reach! Major Gifts (Cash only) 4 NOTES: 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary only (does not include gifts to Reach!) 2 Gifts over $5,000 made to the University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine, excluding Reach! gifts 3 In 2005/2006 the Faculty of Medicine joined Reach!, the joint fundraising initiative of the University of Calgary and Calgary Health Region / Alberta Health Services and the majority of major gift activities for the Faculty were included within Reach!. Gifts recorded in this line were therefore generally to support non-Reach! related ongoing Faculty of Medicine projects and programs 4 Gifts to Reach! include cash gifts and pledge payments for pledges made in prior years to the University of Calgary and the Calgary Health Trust.

Statement of Endowment Valuation (unaudited)

As of March 31, 2009 Closing Balance 2007/2008 Funding Sources 1 $43,726,708 Donor Contributions 17,252,409 Province of Alberta Matching Grants 33,898,266 Capitalized Income 4,573,513 Market Value Adjustment $99,450,897 Total Endowment Value

Changes 2008/2009

Closing Balance 2008/2009

$1,893,096 250 (4,037,428) (21,977,108)

$45,619,805 17,252,659 29,860,838 (17,403,595)



$4,282,118 Total Faculty of Medicine Expenditure Allocations 2 Investment Information Faculty of Medicine endowments are invested in the university’s long-term investment pool. Each endowment has units in the pool. 957,913 Number of units held by the Faculty of Medicine $103.82 Market Value of units at March 31


925,943 $81.35

$99,450,897 Market Value of Faculty of Medicine at March 31


3,838,390 Add: Market Value for endowment not part of pool 3 $103,289,287 Total Market Value of Faculty of Medicine at March 31

2,890,392 $78,220,098

NOTES: 1 Total of 111 endowments for 2008/2009 and 110 endowments for 2007/2008 2 Based on 5% of the four year rolling market average 3 The Faculty of Medicine has one endowment that is not part of the University’s investment pool

Research Revenue 2008/2009 Federal Government AHFMR Provincial Research Envelopes 29%

Alberta Health Services (AHS)



Vol 2 Issue 1 | Dean’s Edition 2010

UCalgary Medicine is published three times a year by the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, providing news and information for and about our faculty, staff, alumni, students, friends and community. For more information contact: Managing Editor Kyle Glennie T 403.210.6577 E kglennie@ucalgary.ca Dean Dr. Thomas E. Feasby Vice Dean Dr. Jon Meddings Senior Associate Deans Dr. Richard Hawkes, Research Dr. Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Education Dr. Ronald Bridges, Clinical Affairs Associate Deans Dr. Anthony Schryvers, Undergraduate Science Education Dr. Bruce Wright, Undergraduate Medical Education Dr. Jennifer Hatfield, International/Global Health Dr. Doug L. Myhre, Distributed Learning & Rural Initiatives Dr. Joanne M. Todesco, Postgraduate Medical Education Dr. Frans A. van der Hoorn, Graduate Science Education Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer, Continuing Medical Education Dr. Samuel Wiebe (Interim), Health Research Dr. John Reynolds, Research Dr. Michael Hill, Clinical Research Dr. Janet de Groot, Equity & Teacher-Learner Relations Design and Production Imagine Creative Illustration Mark Gervais Photography Marie-Claire Bourque, Chris Kindratsky, Trudie Lee, Janelle Pan, Bruce Perrault, Wendy Pitchko, Calvin Sun PM AGREEMENT NO. 41095528 Free Copy/Alumni Update To receive a free copy of UCalgary Medicine please call 403.220.2819 or email medcomm@ucalgary.ca The Faculty of Medicine is committed to staying in touch with our alumni. Please update your contact information at our website www.alumni.ucalgary.ca (click on “update your info”)

RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADRESSES TO: University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Communications & Fund Development 7th Floor, TRW Building 3280 Hospital Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 4Z6

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