1 minute read
Altering Perception through Architecture
S S Anudeep Mummareddy
The possibility of a nuanced architecture is explored through the translation of the terms indifference, estrangement and ambivalence into prosaic elements that are acontextual.
Indifference: The architecture explores the interior which is independent of the exterior, the larger control layer. Using poche technique to augment the volume on the interior to create immersive and curated experiences, the implied volumes produce confrontation through counter-positioning.
Estrangement: The defamiliarization of regular semi-circular arch, places emphasis on the cognitive perception of the space. By morphing the techtonic composition of simpler architectural elements, the chunk is articulated to construct and disrupt cohesive experiences and subjecthoods.
Ambivalence: The overlap of architectural forms as two layers of spaces that interact with a sandwich logic. The spatial stacks of layers when juxtaposed have a simultaneous yet contradicting attitudes that create really undecided and ambivalent spaces.
Parti diagram
Indifference Estrangement Ambivalence