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Concrete Pumping & Material Placement Office 34 Topalian Street Boston, MA 02126 T: (617) 296-0290 Email: info@guerini.com www.guerini.com
L. Guerini Group, Inc. is a premier full service material placement contractor serving the Northeast. In addition to a full line of concrete pumping equipment, L. Guerini Group also offers mobile material conveyors to contractors facing difficult material placements. From a complex concrete pour on the largest industrial project, to a small quantity on a residential job, we have the concrete pumps, conveyors and experience to do it right.
Our highly skilled and certified operators, our modern equipment, and our third generation owner support combine to provide our customers with the highest level of service available anywhere.
CONCRETE PUMPING ety of materials ranging from sand to 4-inch rock.
L. Guerini Groupmaintainsan extensivefleet With its steel/aluminum truss and three aluminum of state-of-the-art Putzmeister concrete pumpsections, this four-section telescopic conveyor ofing equipment. fers 106 feet ofhorizontal reach. The unit can set Ranging from trailer mounted line pumps, up and operateunderheightsaslowas15′9”. to some of the region’s largest boom pumps we The Stone Spreader truck/conveyor can have the equipment to place concrete anywhere pick up and deliver, or be loaded from your stockyou need it. From residential projects in the subpile and will accurately place stone, gravel, topurbs to the largest commercial projects in the city, soil, mulch, etc. rightatyourlaborer’sfeetforfinal our equipment and operators will complete the grading. Using less labor and equipment, you will job faster and easier for your team. Site access still realize increased productivity. With the 75- problems are made simple with truck-mounted foot reach of the remote controlled conveyor you booms that will reach up to 137-feet vertical and will have less material waste, avoid tracking over 125-feet horizontal. We can push concrete up, sensitive areas, and have less cleanup – all addover, or around any obstacle, and at whatever ing up to real savings. rate per hour your crews can handle. PARTS, SUPPLIES, and MISC. EQUIPMENT
MATERIAL PLACEMENT EQUIPMENT L. Guerini is your one stop source for con
Our Tele-Belt and Stone Spreader conveycrete pumping equipment and related supplies. ors provide quickand efficientplacementofmateWe stock a complete line of parts and accessorials such as concrete, stone, gravel, sand, excavries, including pipe, hose, clamps, elbows, and atableflowablefill, loam, and mulch tochallenging boom systems. We are your source for genuine jobsites. The Tele-Belt 110 Conveyor can place Putzmeister and Reed Concrete Pumps sales, concrete at high volumes and convey a wide variparts, and service.