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The “Spirit of Giving” was in the Air at UCANE’s 48th Annual Christmas Party and Scholarship Auction

Sponsored by C. N. Wood Company, Inc.

The mood was festive and smiles and good cheer abounded as more than 175 UCANE members and guests socialized in the ballroom at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel in Norwood on December 8, 2021. The room was aglow with Christmas lights and decorations setting the tone for the evening. Tables were set up displaying some beautiful and useful items that were included in our online auction. On display were a host of sparkling items that would be awarded as raffle prizes.

Bidders checked out the goods and purchased raffle tickets while also catching up with fellow members, customers, and competitors. With the pandemic having interrupted several UCANE functions throughout 2021, there was an upbeat atmosphere in the room as members and friends could finally share a fun and worthwhile event again.

For close to five decades, the generosity of UCANE members at our annual auction has allowed our Association to recognize the achievements of more than 500 high school and college students, by awarding each of them scholarships to further their education. The recipients are the sons, daughters, and grandchildren of our member firm owners and their employees. Our Scholarship winners never cease to impress our judges with their outstanding successes in scholastics, athletics, and community service. UCANE members take great pride in being able to support these future leaders.

UCANE Executive Director Jeff Mahoney kicked off the meeting by thanking everyone for joining us and reminding them that the format for our auction would again be online. Large screens on each side of the room rolled through the bid items and displayed the current high bid.

Most attendees had preregistered for the auction earlier in the week, and others were assisted by members of the UCANE staff with the registration process. Bidders on-site, as well as off-site, could pull up the auction items on their cell-phones, see the current bids, and bid electronically on their favorite items. Jeff reminded all that the bidding on all items would close at exactly 8:00 p.m.

Jeff also attended to a few business items while at the podium, and then announced the names of the Officers and Board of Directors who were elected via ballot to lead UCANE in 2022. He also thanked those who guided our Association through 2021. After a round of

applause for the Officers and Board, Jeff then directed the guests to both sides of the room where a delicious hot buffet dinner awaited them.

As the members enjoyed their meal, and conversation flowed at every table, Jeff drew raffle tickets and more than 40 lucky ticket holders had some great prizes brought to their table.

Our member’s homes and offices would soon be decorated with giant reindeer, colorful sleighs, table lamps, poinsettias, and 6’ tall nutcrackers. Throughout dinner, the raffle drawings and the online auction continued. Bidders had some awesome choices. There was David Yurman jewelry, Southwest airline tickets to anywhere in the Continental USA, a Kate Spade tote bag, classic wall art, and a motorized Spider-Man car for the kids, to name just a few. Looking for sports tickets? If you like the Celtics, the Bruins, the Red Sox, or the Patriots, there were multiple dates available for all of them. Are you, or somebody you know, a golfer? There were 11 choices to bid on at some of the finest courses in Massachusetts.

The two big ticket items of the night were once again the “priceless” 22 seat Luxury Suites at Fenway Park, both graciously donated by McCourt Construction Co. It will be a very special outing next summer for UCANE members Garrity Asphalt Reclaiming and A. R. Bell, Inc.!

Overall, a wonderful time was had by all who attended. The online auction format was another success, and it was a fun filled evening highlighted by our members generosity and their desire to support our Association and our Scholarship Program. It was the perfect way to kick off the Holiday Season and UCANE would like to thank all of our donors, bidders, and attendees for their unwavering

support! n

A world of thanks to the following UCANE members and friends who donated cash or provided items to our auction... and to those who purchased auction items.

Ats EqUipMENt, iNC. AggrEgAtE iNdUstriEs - NorthEAst rEgioN, iNC. AlbANEsE bros., iNC. A. ANdrEAssi & soN, iNC. AMEliA’s rEstAUrANt (CANtoN, MA) AMEriCAN EqUipMENt & FAbriCAtiNg Corp. A. F. AMorEllo & soNs, iNC.

AqUA liNE UtilitY, iNC. bAdgEr dAYlightiNg bAltAzAr CoNtrACtors, iNC. bArlEttA hEAvY divisioN A. r. bElli, iNC.

biszko CoNtrACtiNg Corp. riChArd j. brAdlEY Co., iNC. brookMEAdoW CoUNtrY ClUb dENNis k. bUrkE, iNC. C. C. CoNstrUCtioN, iNC. C.j.p. & soNs CoNst. Co., iNC.

C&s iNsUrANCE AgENCY, iNC. josEph p. CArdillo & soN, iNC. jAY CAshMAN, iNC. CElCo CoNstrUCtioN Corp. CENtiNEl FiNANCiAl groUp, llC N. Cibotti, iNC. CoNCrEtE sYstEMs, iNC. CorE & MAiN CUllEN, MUrphY & Co., p.C.

dAglE ElECtriCAl CoNst. Corp. dAlE CArNEgiE iNstitUtE d’AllEssANdro Corp. k. dApoNtE CoNstrUCtioN Corp. dArModY, MErliNo & Co., llp

dAvAgiAN grillo & sEMplE llp dEFEliCE CorporAtioN dEsANCtis iNsUrANCE AgENCY, iNC. pAt diCErbo (NorthWEstErN MUtUAl) jAMEs j. doWd & soNs iNs. AgENCY, iNC. thE drisColl AgENCY Ej

EAstErN stAtEs iNs. AgENCY, iNC. EAstpoiNt lAsErs, llC EqUipMENt Corp. oF AMEriCA EvErsoUrCE FEd. Corp.

FEENEY brothErs UtilitY sErviCEs FErgUsoN WAtErWorks FrANk Corp. ENviroNMENtAl sErviCEs W. l. FrENCh ExCAvAtiNg Corp. gvC CoNstrUCtioN iNC. gzA gEoENviroNMENtAl, iNC. gAgliArdUCCi CoNstrUCtioN, iNC. gArritY AsphAlt rEClAiMiNg, iNC. gENAlCo, iNC. p. gioioso & soNs, iNC.

pEliNo gioioso grEEN ENviroNMENtAl, iNC. i.W. hArdiNg CoNst. Co., iNC.

hENNikEr dirECtioNAl drilliNg, llC hilb NEW ENglANd hiNCklEY AllEN llp hUb iNt’l NEW ENglANd, llC

idEAl CoNCrEtE bloCk iroN hAUlErs, iNC. kjs, iNC.

p. j. kEAtiNg CoMpANY lAWrENCE lYNCh Corp. lAzAro pAviNg Corp. lorUsso CorporAtioN lorUsso hEAvY EqUipMENt, llC s. M. lorUsso & soNs, iNC.

MAbbEtt& AssoCiAtEs, iNC. MAssAChUsEtts rEAdY Mix llC MCCoUrt CoNstrUCtioN CoMpANY MCgill hosE & CoUpliNg, iNC. MClAUghliN ChEvrolEt MCWANE dUCtilE MiltoN CAt Nsi CoNtrACtiNg llC North AMEriCAN CrANE & riggiNg NorthstAr iNsUrANCE sErviCEs, iNC. ohs trAiNiNg & CoNsUltiNg, iNC. oCEAN stAtE oil robErt b. oUr Co., iNC.

pAlMEr pAviNg Corp. pAWtUCkEt hot Mix AsphAlt pErMA-pAtCh, llC

podgUrski Corp. E. j. prEsCott, iNC. h. r. prEsCott & soNs, iNC.

pUtNAM pipE Corp. qUiNN-pErkiNs sANd rsM Us llp

rjv CoNstrUCtioN Corp. rAiN For rENt - NEW ENglANd rApid FloW, iNC./ vACUUM ExCAvAtioN, iNC. ritChiE brothErs AUCtioNEErs roAdsAFE trAFFiC sYstEMs rodMAN Ford sAlEs, iNC. rogErs & grAY iNsUrANCE sps NEW ENglANd, iNC.

sCitUAtE CoNCrEtE prodUCts Corp. sCrAp-it, iNC./

MiNiChiEllo bros., iNC. shEA CoNCrEtE prodUCts, iNC. siMpsoN gUMpErtz & hEgEr iNC. skANskA UsA Civil soCiAl iNdoor stArkWEAthEr & shEplEY iNsUrANCE brokErAgE, iNC. stilEs CoMpANY, iNC. tAYlor oil CoMpANY tENNA toNrY iNsUrANCE groUp, llC trAvElErs tWElvE poiNts rEtirEMENt Advisors U.s. pipE

UMbro & soNs CoNst. Corp. UNitEd CoNCrEtE prodUCts UNitEd CoNstrUCtioN & ForEstrY, llC vEtErANs dEvElopMENt Corp. viCo ristorANtE itAliANo WEs CoNstrUCtioN Corp. F. W. WEbb CoMpANY WEstoN & sAMpsoN ENgiNEErs, iNC. r. h. WhitE CoNst. Co., iNC. C. N. Wood CoMpANY, iNC.

WoodCo MAChiNErY, iNC. xYlEM, iNC. r. zoppo Corp.

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