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President’s Message

Safety is Always the Priority

It is the time of year when jobsites are buzzing and UCANE members are working hard to complete their projects. Thus far, we are experiencing a much more “normal” summer, and residents are able to enjoy the offerings of clean beaches, lakes, ponds, and other waterways because of the vital work that UCANE members perform. And while UCANE members strive to finish these critical jobs on time and under budget, our primary goal is to make sure that at the end of the day, every worker makes it home safe.

Construction of any kind contains inherent risk. There is no way to avoid this, especially in our industry, with excavation and trench work part of our everyday routine. What we CAN avoid is unnecessary risk. Safety should not just be about following the rules, it should be a part of the culture of the company, and it must start at the top.

When UCANE member employees see that the company is investing in and promoting safety, they in turn will treat it just as seriously, resulting in more productive and safe jobsites. The goal should not just be accident reduction, but zero accidents.

During the pandemic, the UCANE Safety Committee came together to produce a model Covid-19 Safety Plan and our members proved that they could continue to work safely throughout the crisis. I am extremely proud of that accomplishment, but not necessarily surprised, as our members have continually attended the safety classes that UCANE has offered on Confined Space, Competent Person, OSHA Regulations, Asbestos Removal, and various other topics.

In June, UCANE members once again participated in the National Trench Safety Stand Down Week. This is an OSHA endorsed effort in which companies emphasized trench safety by planning a toolbox talk or other safety activity to take a break and emphasize the importance of trench safety. We once again set the standard for our industry nationwide, and since its inception in 2018, UCANE has had close to 8,000 employees participate in Stand Down activities.

Peter Barletta, from the Region 1 OSHA office continues to meet with UCANE Safety Committee Members on a regular basis in order to update them on the latest OSHA activity, and in particular OSHA’s Trench Emphasis Program. We also continue to update members on other safety related topics, as well as DPU citations, revisions to Dig Safe Regulations, and the latest information on drug and alcohol testing policies.

Job safety isn’t only the right thing to do, it’s smart business. The end result is that the safer jobsites are, the healthier and stronger your company will be overall. The motto is not simply “safety first,” but also “safety always,” so that all of us may be able to enjoy what is shaping up to be a beautiful summer with our families

and friends. n

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