1 minute read
In Memoriam
In MeMorIaM JaMes Mccarthy
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We are deeply saddened to being an active member of UCANE announce that on February and the New England Water Works 12, 2021 long time UCANE Association spanned decades. member and friend Jim McCarthy, He was passionate about sailpassed away. ing Boston Harbor and was active in
Jim was the loving husband the Wollaston, Squantum, and Hull of Judy, his wife of 58 years. He Yacht Clubs. But, above all else, was the devoted father of Jeanne Jim’s family and friends were the foO’Brien and her partner Ken Maid- cal point of his life, and Jim will aler of Milton, Beth Capitula and her ways be remembered with a scotch husband David of Watervliet, NY, Brian Mc- in his hand and a smile on his face. Carthy and his wife Kim of Merrimack, NH, and Donations in memory of Jim may be made Nancy Phelan and her husband John of San to the Hospice organization of your choice. In Antonio, TX. lieu of funeral services, a celebration of Jim’s Jim was born in Boston and grew up in North life will be held in his honor when it is safe to Quincy. After his service at Ft. Devens during the do so. Korean War, he graduated from Northeastern The Officers, Board of Directors, Members, University. and staff of UCANE extend their deepest sympa-
Jim’s career as a water pipe salesman and thies and condolences to the McCarthy family. n