2 minute read



As UCASU Presidents, voted for by the student body, your Presidents’ role is to:

• Be the main student representation for all UCA students (our members) seeking and taking their feedback to the highest levels within the university

• Deliver on their elected manifesto points and lead on campaigns.

• Liaise directly with UCA’s Leadership Team building strong communication skills and good university relationships.

• Be an active representative on University committees and Be an active representative on university committees and working groups including Academic Quality, Student Participation, Achievement and Retention (SPARC) and Sexual Violence & Misconduct.

• Sit on your Union Board of Trustees; this is where decisions such as strategic direction are made as well as ensuring we are financially viable.

Campus Officer

Our Campus Officers are volunteers who are part-time and support the Union whilst continuing their studies. The responsibilities of the role include:

• Being a voting member of our Union Council.

• Act as student representation for not only their respective campus’ but the entire student body, taking feedback from students to Union Council.

• Getting involved with the planning and running of Union events and activities.

Get Involved With Elections

If joining our Union Council is something you are interested in, we hold our annual UCASU Elections in Term 2. This is where any current UCA student at any point of their studies can run for the full-time President roles, and any continuing student can put themselves forward for volunteer Campus Officer positions to sit on Union Council.

If you are more interested in voting for your representation, you will have the opportunity to do that too – just keep your eyes out for Weekly What’s On emails from us and be sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates.

For more information about student elections and how you can get involved, visit:



Our Union Council are responsible for the direction of UCASU through the execution of policy, promotion of student rights and the development of projects and campaigns to represent you, our members of the Students’ Union.

Learn more about your current Union Council and keep up to date with what they’re working on at:

UCASU.COM/UNIONCOUNCIL representing the student voice for positive academic change and development


A Course Rep is elected to act as a voice for their peers on their course. They will represent the interests of students to work towards enhancing the overall academic experience and fostering a positive learning environment for everyone.

Get Involved With Course Reps

Course Reps are elected at the start of each academic year, meaning you will have the opportunity to nominate yourself and vote for Course Reps who will act as the voice of all students on your course – all to make positive changes to your learning experience.

We have Course Reps for every course at UCA, and depending on course size, there could be up to six representative roles


If you decide to run as a Course Rep, we will empower and support you the whole way.

There are many benefits to becoming a Course Rep. On top of being the influential driving force for improvements to the student experience, you can:

• Gain professional skills such as networking, developing stronger relationships with academic staff, and meeting etiquette.

• Develop your feedback and communication skills by gathering students’ opinions, relaying this information to university staff, and reporting any comments and responses back to the student body.

You can learn more about Course Reps and see the positive changes made at:

Our Course Rep system connects you, your course staff and your Union, ensuring you’re getting the very best from your experience at UCA. UCASU.COM/Coursereps

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