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Honor Rolls/In Memoriam
Donor Honor Rolls & In Memoriam
The annual Donor Honor Rolls are available on our website at chemistry.berkeley.edu/donors. The rolls include individual, corporate, and memorial donations. The College of Chemistry deeply appreciates each and every gift from our incredible alumni, students, parents, friends, and corporate community. Your generosity, now more than ever, is critical as we strive to increase scholarship offerings for students, provide funds to support our stellar faculty, augment support programs, enhance our facilities, and work toward funding our new building. Through our Distinguished Dean’s Society, the College of Chemistry recognizes annual gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporations that support the many areas of College research, teaching, and operations. Eight levels of giving are recognized. Membership is determined for each level by gifts made during the previous fiscal year, which is the period from July 1 – June 30. The online rolls note gifts made during the fiscal year 2020-2021. Please accept our sincere gratitude for your generous support of the College of Chemistry.
The 2021 In Memoriam for the College of Chemistry is located on our website at chemistry.berkeley.edu/memoriam. We create an annual list in honor of our deceased alumni, adding names throughout the year as they become available to us. It is our hope that this In Memoriam will help you to keep abreast of news of your friends and colleagues. When possible, we link to obituaries.
Laurent “Lo” de Janvry Senior Assistant Dean, College Relations and Development ldejanvry@berkeley.edu Mindy Rex Senior Director of Development rex@berkeley.edu Camille Olufson Senior Director, Strategic and Philanthropic Partnerships colufson@berkeley.edu Adam Farrish Associate Director, College Relations & Development amf190@berkeley.edu
By making a gift to the College of Chemistry in your will or irrevocable trust, you are creating a legacy that impacts the College’s future without depleting your assets now. This allows you to make a meaningful gift to the programs that are important to you. In addition, it will support future generations of chemistry and chemical and biomolecular engineering students. Learn more about gift planning and the potential tax benefits by contacting the Office of Gift Planning: 800-200-0575 | ogp@berkeley.edu | planyourlegacy.berkeley.edu
Leverage the impact of your 2021 giving!
What the CARES Act means for your end-of-year charitable giving
On December 27, 2020, a stimulus package was signed into law to help combat the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19. This bill extends the charitable tax incentives enacted by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act back in March 2020, but it also provides some additional provisions. As you look for ways to help those in need, the following may impact your charitable contributions in the 2021 tax year:
The adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for cash contributions to qualifying public charities remains increased for individual donors. For cash contributions made in 2021, you can elect to deduct up to 100 percent of your AGI (formerly 60 percent prior to the CARES Act).
• The CARES Act allows for an additional, “above-the-line” deduction for charitable gifts made in cash of up to $300. This provision is extended into 2021 for taxpayers filing single/separately. • New in 2021 is an additional “above-the-line” deduction for those married filing jointly. Joint filers (who aren’t itemizing) will be allowed to take an above-the-line deduction of up to $600 in cash contributions to charity this year
PLEASE CONTACT MINDY REX FOR MORE INFORMATION: rex@berkeley.edu or (510) 326-4424