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What is CKI? Pg 2: What terms should I know?

What is CKI?

CKI stands for Circle K International and we are the largest collegiate student-led service organization in the world. Circle K revolves around three core tenets: service, leadership, and fellowship. Here is a breakdown of the levels of Circle K to make it easier to understand.


The Golden Gate Division is a group of Circle K clubs located in the eastern part of the Bay Area. Clubs within the Golden Gate Division often collaborate with one another through events like the monthly Divisional Council Meetings (DCM), where clubs gather to give their updates, and the monthly Divisional Service Projects (DSP), where members of the Golden Gate Division work together in a large service event. Schools within the Golden Gate Division are Cal State East Bay, San Francisco State University, Sonoma State University, University of California, Berkeley, University of San Francisco and more!

The CNH District of Circle K is a supergroup of nine divisions in the three states of California, Nevada, and Hawaii. These divisions meet together for several annual district-wide events, including Fall Training Conference (FTC), Crazy Kompetition for Infants North/South (CKI North/South), District Large-Scale Service Project (DLSSP), and District Convention (DCON).

Kiwanis International is a service organization dedicated to improving the lives of children within different communities all around the world. To accomplish and spread this mission, Kiwanis Clubs often sponsor Kiwanis Family clubs at different branches: K-Kids (Elementary School), Builders Club (Middle School), KIWINS (High School), Key Club (High School), Circle K (College) and Aktion Club (Adults with Disabilities). Our sponsoring Kiwanis International Club is Berkeley Kiwanis.

What terms should I know?

Circle K is full of terms and always remember it's okay to not know everything! You definitely learn as you go.

Here is a glossary of terms for you to refer back to whenever needed!

This graphic is titled "CAL-NEV-HA District Circle K International 2019-2020 General Member Handbook" and can be found on the cnhcirclek.org website !

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