The Graduate 2011

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Graduate THE




NRC Rankings

Robert Reich

50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps

National Research Council Ranks UC Berkeley’s Ph.D. Programs among Nation’s Best


he first detailed survey since 1995 of doctoral programs at the nation’s research universities shows that the University of California, Berkeley, continues to have the largest number of highly ranked graduate programs in the country.

Released in September 2010 by the National Research Council (NRC), the survey did not assign a single rank to any program, but rather placed programs within a range, such as between second and sixth place in their discipline. “We are very proud of our standing, which is validated by our own surveys showing that students come to UC Berkeley for Ph.D.s primarily because of the distinction of our programs and faculty and the public nature of our mission,” said Chancellor Robert Birgeneau. “In a recent faculty survey, professors said the quality of the graduate students was the single most important factor in their job satisfaction here. Our faculty and graduate students work together to support our public mission of teaching, research and scholarship for the continued betterment of society. This key symbiosis between our faculty and graduate students makes us distinctive and is at the heart of Berkeley’s teaching and research excellence.”

• Read more of the full story by Robert Sanders of UC Berkeley Media Relations: • The National Research Council’s own site: • Compare programs nationally using the materials at PhDs.Org: • UC Berkeley rankings by department:

Number of Ph.D. programs ranked within a range that extends into the top ten: University of California, Berkeley

48 of 52


46 of 52

University of California, Los Angeles

40 of 59

Number of Ph.D. programs ranked within a range that extends into the top five: Harvard


University of California, Berkeley




Number of Ph.D. programs assigned an upper range of first place: Harvard


University of California, Berkeley




MIT; Princeton


Other Rankings —

to be (measured) is to be perceived (quantitatively, qualitatively, and through a variety of lenses)



The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) has been issued by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai’s Jiao Tong University since 2003. The 2010 ranking of 500 institutions, issued in mid-August, showed American institutions dominating once again, with eight in the top ten and 54 in the top 100. For the eighth year in a row, Harvard came in at number one, immediately followed by UC Berkeley and Stanford. The ARWU broke the rankings down into “broad subject fields” and “selected subject fields” as well, and Berkeley appeared in the top three in Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Engineering/Technology and the Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Computer Science. (Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, and Cambridge have all been in the top five behind Harvard since 2004.)



In the burgeoning (and increasingly ...or 28 confusing) array of rankings, one prominent player has split and become two, and, this year at least, UC Berkeley probably doesn’t mind a bit. World University Rankings was launched by the education/study abroad firm Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in 2004 in cooperation with the Times Higher Education

Supplement. After the 2009 rankings, the two divided, Times Higher Education going with a new partner, Thomson Reuters, and a new methodology. So in 2010, two separate but different ratings emerged, the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. Their differing approaches brought split receptions, along with varying results. UC Berkeley, on the THE ranking, was given the eighth-place world rank (after Harvard, CalTech, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, Cambridge, and Oxford). On the QS ranking, by contrast, Berkeley was assigned 28th place (up, at least, from its 2009 rank of 39th).



UC Berkeley alums are among America’s best prepared college grads, according to a new Wall Street Journal survey of job recruiters nationwide. In the report, “Paths to Professions,” Berkeley ranks 15th on the list of top recruiter picks. The Journal surveyed hiring professionals at non-profits, government agencies, and large companies, who together account for 43,000 hires over the past year. It found, overall, that public universities are seen as producing the most academically prepared, well-rounded, and job-ready graduates.



On the “Cool School” rankings of green colleges published by Sierra magazine, shifting survey priorities plummeted UC Berkeley to 32nd place, a long drop from its top-ten placement last year. Within the UC system this year, Berkeley came in behind Irvine (6th), San Diego, and Davis (15th and 16th, respectively), but ahead of Merced (39th) and Santa Barbara (44th). Stanford surpassed all the UCs, sliding into 5th place (just above UC Irvine). Symbolically, if not suspiciously, the only two schools on the list with the verdant color in their names, Green Mountain College and Evergreen State College, came in first and third, respectively.



There will always be partisans. One Chronicle of Higher Education reader (self-identified as “22286593”), commenting on a July column by Ben Wildavsky, said, “As an objective observer of university rankings, I will support whatever entity and/or methodology that ranks UC Berkeley at the top since there is absolutely no doubt that it is the best research university in the world. Anyone who disagrees are East Coast snobs, English who still think they have an empire, or a dullard from Stanford. The fact that I received all my degrees from Berkeley is completely beside the point.”

Graduate THE

S P R I N G 2 0 11

University of California, Berkeley Peg Skorpinski

Volume XXIII, Number 1 Executive Editor Kasia Allen Editor & Senior Writer Dick Cortén Art Director & Project Manager Andrea Sohn Contributing Writers Abby Cohn, Amy DerBedrosian Janet Silver Ghent, Keri Hayes Troutman Sharon Page-Medrich Photography Peg Skorpinski, Dan Polley, Dick Cortén, Andrea Sohn, Arnold Yip

6 Robert Reich teaching grad students in his interactive Leadership and Social Change course.


The Graduate magazine is published by the Graduate Division at UC Berkeley Andrew J. Szeri Dean

Carlos A. Fernandez-Pello Associate Dean/Student Support Kasia Allen Assistant Dean/External Relations Corinne Kosmitzki Assistant Dean/Student Services Diane Hill Assistant Dean/Academic Affairs Judi Sui Assistant Dean/Research & Planning Moira Pérez Chief Administrative Officer n

Please send correspondence to: The Graduate 425 Sproul Hall #5900 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-5900 n

Current and archived copies of this publication are available to view or to download in PDF format on the Graduate Division website: Copyright 2011 Regents of the University of California


Robert Reich at Berkeley Physically one of the smallest people on campus, Robert Reich has a vast list of accomplishments, a huge national reputation, and an ego to which none of that particularly matters. By Dick Cortén

Dan Polley

Joseph J. Duggan Associate Dean/Admissions & Degrees

features 9 Mellon Foundation Endowment

Enhances Graduate Recruiting The Mellon Graduate Student Excellence Fund is strengthening the arts and humanities departments’ ability to attract top graduate students to UC Berkeley. By Keri Hayes Troutman

12 The Peace Corps is Very Berkeley

the Corps turns 50, some of the 3,400 As volunteers from Cal look back at their service and the years since. By Dick Cortén Editor’s Note New York artist, Norman Kanter, featured in last year’s The Graduate magazine, passed away on August 23, 2010. He was 83 years old. We were very fond of him at UC Berkeley Graduate Division and appreciated his art. His obituary is in The Tribeca Tribune: norman-kanter-artist-who-came-to-tribeca-50-years-agodies-at-83.html.

4 Berkeley Optometry students volunteer in Nicaragua.

departments 2 From the Desk of

the Graduate Dean

3 In the News 10 Graduate Research 14 Fellowships 19 Alumni & Friends Cover photo by Peg Skorpinski

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


Karl Nielson

From the Desk of the Graduate Dean

Why Graduate Education at Berkeley Matters


ver the past year I’ve spoken personally with scores — a few hundred, really — of graduate students and graduate alumni in Berkeley, on West and East Coasts, in Europe and Asia. Each and every one care deeply about the continuing academic distinction and societal impact of the best public university in the world. Each is concerned that Berkeley’s reputation for excellence endure for generations to come and that our campus receive the support necessary to continue to earn this reputation. Sustaining such support depends, at base, on the public’s understanding of why Berkeley’s unique environment for preparing scholars and scientists with advanced degrees matters — why and how our academic enterprise matters to the state of California, the U.S., everywhere. As Dean charged with oversight of 100-plus graduate degree programs at Berkeley, last spring I helped take our message to our State Legislature in Sacramento (it should be no surprise that every cohort of legislators includes Berkeley graduate alumni). Our graduate students were the most eloquent spokespersons for the innovative research being undertaken on our campus, whose relevance to the vitality of our state is clear and compelling. You can read more about this on the following pages. The talents and energy of our graduate student body garner the highest tribute from a most authoritative source: our faculty. Respondents to a recent campus-developed


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

survey of Berkeley’s professors rated the quality of graduate students as the most important contributor to their university work. The quality of Berkeley’s graduate students also ranked as one of the most satisfying elements of faculty life. The dynamics between outstanding students and stellar faculty create the special environment of learning and discovery that makes Berkeley’s graduate programs top-notch. And it’s not just we who say so. The National Research Council — the nation’s preeminent review body whose periodic, comprehensive assessments of American doctoral programs are the gold standard among academic institutions — in September released longawaited results from its detailed survey (the first since 1995) of doctoral programs at U.S. research universities. Read more about the results on the inside front cover. (Hint: Berkeley’s rankings were among the very best!) Despite state budget woes impacting the UC system, Berkeley continues to attract and admit the best and brightest of applicants nationally, holding our own against the most elite (far wealthier) private universities. Adding breadth and depth to perspectives in every discipline, our incoming classes include growing numbers of students from traditionally underrepresented groups. By way of illustration, more than half of graduate majors now enroll women in at least equal numbers as men. Our campus works hard to create the conditions for success for all who seek to excel, whatever their backgrounds. That matters profoundly.

Alumni and friends of the University, I’m grateful to report, are increasingly stepping forward to help bridge the gap caused by decreased state revenues. Contributions to graduate fellowships, as part of the larger Campaign for Berkeley, have now exceeded $120 million — well over a third of our goal by mid-2013. Please read more about recent gifts for graduate student support, and the matching program we have launched, later in these pages. At the start of the second decade of the 21st century, I remain buoyed by the resiliency and inventiveness of UC Berkeley. I see every day how our faculty’s research and teaching conducted hand-in-hand with graduate students, and the public service taken up by all sectors of our campus, have powerfully constructive impacts beyond our own classrooms and laboratories, out into communities, counties, and countries near and far. I invite you to stay connected with the optimism and excitement generated by our graduate education enterprise — and to find your own ways to matter in this too.

— Andrew J. Szeri, Dean of the Graduate Division

in the  news A troupe of graduate division deans and graduate students from each of UC’s 10 campuses went to Sacramento in May to remind legislators of graduate education’s important and historic role in research and the economic well-being of the state. The individual students, among them Berkeley Ph.D. candidates Holly Brown (of Earth and Planetary Science) and Gabriel Lopez (of Bioengineering), encapsulated their own projects (hers in earthquake early warning for California, his in synthetic biology methods that might produce new drugs, fuels, or materials). As a group, they underlined the UC system’s major role in American graduate education. Among their facts: n  As

of 2009, seven percent of the nation’s graduate students were in graduate school at UC campuses, winning 20 to 30 percent of the most competitive and prestigious fellowships in science, art, and the humanities.

n  One

fourth of all UC and California State University faculty received their Ph.D.’s from a UC graduate program.

n  The

UC awarded nearly two-thirds of the 5,923 doctorates earned in California in 2007-08.

n  The

Berkeley campus alone produces more Ph.D.’s than any other American university.

Julie Kang, a psychology graduate student at UC Riverside, stated the case more baldly than most: “Without graduate students, (the university) quite honestly would come to a screeching halt. It’s graduate students who are conducting the research, who are coming up with the fresh new ideas.” Santa Cruz doctoral student Walter Heady, who works on saving threatened steelhead, said, “We are the individuals who get in a car and drive to monitor a hundred different sites from Alaska down to Baja California to look at biodiversity.” Steven Beckwith, UC vice president for research, could not agree more: “They spark ideas, make discoveries, enrich the arts, and work to solve some of society’s most pressing problems.” UC President Mark Yudof bolstered the point: “They go in and they actually do the research. It wouldn’t happen without them.” — Dick Cortén n n n

Photos Courtesy the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Grad students show legislators how UC really works

Economist Emmanuel Saez and Dawn Song of EECS were each pleasantly surprised with MacArthur Foundation fellowships, popularly called “genius grants.” Saez researches the connection between income and tax policy. Song, who teaches in the department where she earned her Ph.D., is a pioneering computer security specialist.

Two More “Geniuses” for Berkeley Thanks to two young faculty members — and, of course, the MacArthur Foundation — the already-sizeable total of active Berkeley campus MacArthur “genius” Fellows grew to 32 at the end of September. Dawn Song, 35, an associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences, and Emmanuel Saez, who is the E. Morris Professor of Economics and just turned 38 in November, each will receive $500,000 in unrestricted funds over the next five years from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Song’s recognition comes for her innovative work on protecting computer systems from malicious software, or malware. The MacArthur Foundation cited her approach of identifying security breaches by examining underlying patterns of computer system behavior that can be applied across whole classes of security vulnerability, rather than focusing on specific errors in programming logic. “The call was out of the blue and such a pleasant surprise,” said Song, about learning the news. She is particularly looking forward to the potential impact of the award on her ability to pursue unconventional research. “To me, life is about creating something truly beautiful, and in order to do that, it often involves taking a path that is less traveled,” she said. “The MacArthur Fellowship will allow me to take that path to explore new territory that other people have not walked.”

One of Song’s project topics is analogous to biological defenses against infection. Much like our human immune system is constantly on the lookout for invaders, the BitBlaze program developed by Song’s lab scans and analyzes binaries of vulnerable software and malicious code, and automatically identifies the root cause of attacks to generate defenses. Her lab is now working on the next generation of the program, making it more scalable and powerful than its predecessor and is exploring how to extend this technology to other areas, such as networked medical devices and systems. Song earned her Ph.D. in computer science at Berkeley in 2001. (Her bachelor’s degree is from Tsinghua University in China, and her master’s is from Carnegie Mellon University.) Emmanuel Saez was praised by the MacArthur Foundation for his quantitative analyses, behavioral experiments, and theoretical insights which enhance “our understanding of the relationship between income and tax policy and reinvigorating the field of public economics.” Saez said the fellowship offers “great encouragement to devote more time to help explain my work to the broader public, especially when the results can have an impact on current policy debates, such as the taxation of top incomes.” — Dick Cortén n n n

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


in the  news courtesy of the Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley

Chancellor Robert Birgeneau (center) and his wife Mary Catherine (left) meet with Ma Ying-jeou (right), the president of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Taiwan Partnership a Boon for the Humanities and Social Sciences Last October Berkeley sealed an unprecedented partnership with Taiwan, setting the stage for an influx of cross-cultural resources in the humanities and social sciences. With this partnership, Berkeley becomes the first member of Taiwan’s Top University Strategic Alliance, a program created by the country’s Ministry of Education to increase the international exposure of top Taiwanese scholars and researchers. “For the humanities and social sciences, it doesn’t happen very often that we receive external funding to support activities on this scale,” says Professor Wen-Hsin Yeh, director of Cal’s Institute of East Asian Studies. “This partnership involves an international component and helps the campus strengthen its connections with major institutions in East Asia; it is really something to be welcomed.” The research funding provided through the partnership will promote international academic cooperation in the humanities and social sciences. The project, titled “New Approaches to East Asian Studies: Building Intellectual Networks across the Pacific,” will facilitate organized research among Berkeley faculty and scholars from Taiwan and elsewhere on the themes of sustainable urban living; nature, society and the humanities; media, public and governance; borders, boundaries, and networks; and knowledge, professions, and the economy. With this agenda, the Institute of East Asian Studies seeks to advance its research internationally,


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

highlighting its importance both inside and outside of academia. The program will grant Berkeley $5 million over the course of five years to fund graduate fellowships, visiting scholars, and collaborative research projects. The fellowships will go to top-performing Taiwanese graduate students in the social sciences and humanities, drawn from 15 major Taiwanese universities. The program also funds five visiting scholars and five postdoctoral researchers each year for three years. “The benefit for us is that this is essentially about supporting the best or most competitive students from Taiwan,” says Yeh. “It really brings a lot to Berkeley. Any time we welcome international students, we welcome the perspectives and connections, training and background that they represent,” says Yeh. “Such diversity helps enrich our intellectual community.” As a graduate student at Berkeley during the late 1970s and early 1980s, renowned Taiwan-based playwright and theater director Stan Lai completed his Ph.D. in Dramatic Art. At the Berkeley Taipei Forum that recently took place, Lai spoke of what his experience at Berkeley brought to his art. Lai said that the influences from his time at Berkeley are forever imprinted upon him and his work. Lai is now one of the most prominent and influential voices in the Chinese language theatre. — Keri Hayes Troutman n n n

Berkeley Optometry’s 20-20 Vision for Doing Good A Free Clinic, Nicaraguan style Along the Nicaraguan coast, villagers come by the busload for the free eye clinic held each January in the town of San Juan del Sur. Children unable to read a blackboard, elderly people struggling with the cloudiness of cataracts, and others simply wanting their vision checked all wait their turn. This marks the 13th consecutive year that Berkeley Optometry students have joined Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) in providing eye care to the under-served community. For Cal’s doctors-in-training, the four-day service trip is a true eye-opener. “It’s amazing how quickly you progress, how quickly you grow and what an impact you can make on people’s lives,” says Melissa Lester, a second-year optometry student and two-time VOSH participant. Teaming up with optometrists, opticians, translators and other volunteers from VOSH’s Connecticut chapter, Berkeley students see some 2,800 patients and get a chance to treat diseases that they might have only heard about in lectures. Their makeshift clinic, set up in an elementary school, is far removed from Minor Hall. “We don’t have all the nice equipment and resources we might have in our clinic in Berkeley,” says Megan Lee, Vice President of Berkeley Optometry’s VOSH club and one of 14 Berkeley students on this year’s trip. Students check patients’ visual acuity, perform a retinoscopy to estimate any needed prescriptions, and do eye health exams. While this is a repeat visit for some, “for many patients, this is their first eye exam,” says Lee. Though doctors are always nearby to help or take over a difficult case, “you’re thrown into a situation where you’re really having to learn on the fly,” says Lester. Last year, she saw an elderly woman who had already lost one eye and was anxious because her remaining eye was hurting. Lester referred the woman to one of the volunteer optometrists, who determined the woman was suffering from a severe case of dry eye. The woman was given drops to relieve her condition and calm her fears. For Lester, such an experience “kind of recharges me and reminds me of why I’m doing this.”

Dan Polley

VOSH distributes prescription glasses, readers and sunglasses to patients. In past years, Berkeley students have joined the organization in such countries as Vietnam, Peru, Thailand, and Kenya, along with the annual pilgrimage to Nicaragua. n n n

n n n

Berkeley student volunteers see more than 2,800 patients during their four-day annual service trip with Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) to Nicaragua.

A Visionary Gift to generate $25,000 annually for student When UC Berkeley Optometry students fellowships. Along with establishing a discovered they were sitting on a whopper permanent support fund, the money will help of a nest egg, they hatched a plan to put the current optometry students, who have faced money to work. sharply rising fees. The result? A $250,000 gift to the School of Administrators were understandably floored Optometry that was immediately doubled by by UCOSA’s generosity. “Getting a gift like the Chancellor’s Challenge for Student Supthat from current students just blew me port. The UC Optometric Student Association away,” says dean Dennis Levi. (UCOSA) donation is the biggest-ever conIn fact, a philanthropic spirit permeates tribution by current students to the Berkeley Berkeley Optometry. Some 40 fellowships campus and perhaps to the entire UC system. have been established by current and retired It will provide much-needed financial aid to optometry professors and staff, and the current and future generations of optometry school’s alumni association recently made a students. $160,000 gift. It, too, will be doubled by the “We wanted to be proactive about this and Chancellor’s Challenge. have it go to the greater good of the Univer— Abby Cohn sity rather than sitting in our account,” explains Britta Hansen, the former President of UCOSA, who initiated the gift. UCOSA, which represents all 260 Optometry students, has a long tradition of successful fundraising and frugal spending. For decades, the group had been tucking away profits from its publication of a popular study guide used by optometry students nationwide, along with proceeds from student dues and cap and clothing sales. “All of that money had been growing on its own for many years,” says Hansen. “When I became UCOSA President, I got to thinking about the money and how it could be better used by Berkeley OptomUCOSA students hold a copy of their $250,000 check etry and the University as a whole.” to the School of Optometry, the largest contribution to the Berkeley campus by current students ever. The $500,000 endowment is expected

Ken Huie

Hold the S’mores, this Summer Camp Serves Up Career Paths and More The Berkeley campus is home to the country’s first summer camp dedicated to introducing underrepresented college students to the field of optometry. Since its 2006 launch, Opto-Camp has hosted nearly 300 students, with 63 percent of them going on to enroll in optometry schools nationwide. The three-day program has “turned out very, very well,” says its creator, Sharon Joyce, Director of Admissions and Student Affairs at Berkeley Optometry. “The biggest complaint is it’s not a week long.” Joyce began Opto-Camp after learning that the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry was seeking programs that would boost diversity in the profession and applicant pools. “There’s definitely a shortage of underrepresented students going into the health professions,” she notes. At Opto-Camp, participants meet professors, hear presentations about the anatomy of the eye, learn about the profession, receive a free eye exam, and get pointers on how to apply to optometry programs. Opto-Campers stay in residence halls and are mentored by optometry students who serve as counselors. Some 30 students attend one of two summer sessions. “After Opto-Camp, I knew I wanted to be an optometrist,” says Yari Diez, a former camper now in her third year at Berkeley Optometry. Diez, who grew up in San Diego, credits the camp with acquainting her with the field and the steps she needed to take to join it. In 2009, she returned to Opto-Camp as a counselor. “It was interesting to see students in the same situation I was,” says Diez, the first in her family to attend college and to go on to graduate school. “I could relate to them.” Inspired by Berkeley’s success, three other optometry schools — Illinois College of Optometry, The Ohio State University, and Pacific University — have started summer camps of their own.

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


Big Man On Campus Robert Reich at Berkeley

Physically one of the smallest people on campus, Robert Reich has a vast list of accomplishments, a huge national reputation, and an ego to which none of that particularly matters.


n the off chance that you’ve never heard of Robert Reich, here’s a quick list of who he was and is:

n   Former

U.S. Secretary of Labor (appointed by Bill Clinton, served through Clinton’s first term)

n   Member

of the transition teams for both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama


Taught at Harvard and Brandeis

n   Ran

for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 (came in second in the Democratic primary, i.e., lost)

n   Chancellor’s

Professor of Public Policy in UC Berkeley’s Goldman School (which he joined in 2006)

n   Author

of 13 books, some of them bestsellers (An expert self-deprecator, in late November Reich said of his books that “they’re the kind that once you put them down, you can’t pick them up.”)


By Dick Cortén

His last name is pronounced “RYsh.”

n n n Photo by Douglas Adesko


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

Behind all this, there are, as you might imagine, any number of interesting stories. How he became a Friend Of Bill is one. Reich recalls their meeting in his 1997 book Locked in the Cabinet. Both Rhodes Scholars, they were on their way to Oxford on the S.S. United States in 1968. The sea was choppy and Reich was seasick, “belowdecks in a tiny cabin, head spinning and stomach churning. There’s a knock at the door. I open it to find a tall, gangly, sweet-faced fellow holding a bowl of chicken soup in one hand and crackers in the other. ‘Heard ya weren’t feeling too well,’ he drawls.” That was Bill Clinton, who, after handing over the universal remedy, only had time to say “Maybe when you feel better we can get to know each other” before Reich closed the door and bolted for the bathroom. His biggest impact on American politics, he told a group of Berkeley grad students, “was that in graduate school I introduced Hillary Rodham to Bill Clinton.” Not long before that, he said, “I had a date with Hillary Rodham.” (A movie. She had extra butter on her popcorn.) Reich was the nation’s 22nd Secretary of Labor. In that capacity, he implemented the Family and Medical Leave Act, led a national fight against sweatshops in the United States and illegal child labor around the world. He headed the administration’s successful effort to raise the minimum wage and secure workers’ pensions. At the end of Bill Clinton’s first term, a poll of cabinet experts conducted by the Hearst newspapers rated Reich the most effective cabinet secretary during the Clinton administration. Much more recently, Time magazine named him one of the Ten Most Successful Cabinet Members of the century, and the Wall Street Journal listed him among the Top 20 Most Influential Business Thinkers. n n n


N MID-2005, a Boston Globe headline read: “Area losing a star as Reich heads west to UC Berkeley.” Reich had told his colleagues at Brandeis University that week that after eight years there, and a previous 12 at Harvard, he was following a long-held desire to teach at a public university, and he called Berkeley “the best public university in the world.”

Reich’s GSIs says, “I would look around at Bob’s class of 300 students, and they would be mesmerized. Bob’s ability to captivate every student was incredible.”

Other factors may have entered the picture. Reich’s elder son, Adam, was working on his doctorate in sociology at Berkeley. And then there was Berkeley’s built-in ace: the weather. Reich told the Globe, “Boston winters are getting a little harder, and Berkeley is a place where I want to spend a chunk of my productive years.”

His first line, as the students saw him step out with the microphone

n n n

AS THE FALL SEMESTER BEGAN IN 2009, Reich helped welcome all new graduate students to Berkeley as the keynote speaker at their orientation.

n n n

Regretting the loss, Brandeis president Jehuda Reinharz pointed out part of what Berkeley would gain: “He’s a master teacher. He has the ability to stand in front of 200 students and make every single one of them feel he is speaking to him or her and engage them in a real discussion.” n n n

IN THE SPRING OF 2009, Reich, whose self-possession is astonishing even while under verbal assault by blowhards, found himself completely at a loss. He was teaching a roomful of undergrads in his marquee course, Wealth and Poverty. Without a clue what was happening, he watched, stunned into silence, as a “prize patrol” briefly and peacefully took over the packed lecture Peg Skorpinski hall and made an award presentation to him. When it became evident that his Robert Reich teaching one of his classes (Leadership and Social Change) in the Goldman School of Public Policy Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) had last fall while being recorded for an upcoming documentary on the Berkeley campus by renowned filmmaker Fred Wiseman and cameraman John Davey. nominated him for the Graduate Division’s Faculty Award for Outstanding Mentorship of GSIs and conspired in this from behind the podium, was, “As you can see, my years in the cabinet “ambush,” he teared up momentarily, then found words to thank them with. wore me down. I was six-foot-two when I started.” And then said, “Where were we?” He is four-foot-ten. And a half. The award stemmed from his student colleagues’ admiration and affecHe told of spending half his adult life in academe, and the other half in tion for their “professor, mentor, and friend” Bob. Many of them had helped public policy and politics, which he said can be a very satisfying way to live. design one of the courses they now assisted in teaching, Leadership and Reich says now, “I view myself, first and foremost, as an educator. It’s Social Change. This birth process, his nominators said, revealed “Bob’s always seemed to me that the most important role I can play, either as a collaborative approach to teaching and mentoring” and demonstrated the public official or as an academic, is in helping others connect the dots and important principle that effective leadership and social change efforts come see how politics is connected to economics, or how both are connected to from the bottom up rather than from the top down. He taught his students sociology, and to lay out the basic choices in front of us.” — and his GSIs — that “Leaders must surround themselves with ‘truth-tellers’ — people unafraid to make inconvenient or unpopular observations — n n n thereby assisting leaders in identifying how they can continually improve.” REICH’S PERIODIC JOURNEYS into public service even took him into a run The way he runs his course is a living laboratory, demonstrating within that for the governorship of his previous state of residence, Massachusetts, in small society how things should work in the wider world. Reich tells GSIs, 2002. Not infrequently during the campaign, he had to stand on a stepstool fervently, “What students are picking up from you as teachers, beyond what to be at microphone level. He turned this into a rhetorical advantage, sayis in the course, is as important, if not more important, than the substance ing, “I’m the only candidate with a real platform.” of what you are teaching.” The most obvious example of this, he says, “is Responding to some criticism that he was exploiting his lack of height, your enthusiasm about the subject matter, but also your excitement about he said “Look, self-deprecating humor is something we don’t hear enough, doing the job you are doing.” In this, Reich is his own best example. One of especially in politics. I have joked about my height all my life.” He got 25

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


Peg skorpinski

Communist crusades of Joe McCarthy and the red scares and red-baiting. The problems today are manageable, and I’m very optimistic that we’ll get through them.” n n n

O “We need to get into the habit of citizenship. We’re in the habit of being consumers, of choosing, and of taking care of ourselves and our families. But we have somehow along the way lost the habit of effective citizenship. In order to fix what is out of control in our society, we have to take the responsibility for fixing it, rather than assuming some group of people in Washington or some others are going to do it in our stead.”

That same year, he published a brief solutions-oriented book whose subtitle was “Essentials for a Decent Working Society.” The main title was his oft-repeated starting point at campaign whistle-stops: I’ll Be Short.

citizens’ lobby and advocacy group founded in 1970 by another former cabinet secretary, John W. Gardner, a Republican who headed the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson. (Gardner earned his Ph.D. in psychology from UC Berkeley in 1938.)

When he left the Cabinet after Bill Clinton’s first term in large part to spend more time with his family (both sons were teenagers who would, before long, be headed for college), he wrote a book called Locked in the Cabinet, a journal-like recollection of his four years in Washington. It was a bestseller. The San Francisco Chronicle called it “the funniest memoir ever written by a government official, as well as one of the most instructive.”

Reich is a frequent guest commentator on television news shows, particularly on NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC. Usually related to breaking economic and political news, these spots are brief and Reich folds them into his routine without undue strain. Just a block downhill from his Goldman School office, the Graduate School of Journalism has a convenient professional-level high-tech studio set up for feeds of this sort as well as instructional purposes.

percent of the vote in the Democratic primary, which put him in “a very close second place.”

In total, he has published 13 books, including the bestsellers The Work of Nations, Reason, Supercapitalism, and, most recently, Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future. He writes frequent posts on his own blog (http:// about the political economy and cross-posts to The Berkeley Blog (http://, where more than 175 UC Berkeley professors and scholars share their thoughts on topical national and global issues. n n n

IN 2010, REICH TOOK OFFICE as chairman of Common Cause, the nonpartisan, nonprofit


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


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LTHOUGH BEING UPBEAT isn’t easy when you’re dealing with the economy, particularly in times like these, Reich says that overall, “I’m as optimistic as ever, if not more so. This nation went through some terrible times in the 1930s, ‘40s, and ‘50s. The current Great Recession is nothing compared to the Great Depression. The wars that are raging in Iraq and Afghanistan, the foreign policy problems we’re having, are nothing compared to the Cold War and the so-called Soviet Menace. Our fights domestically are different from and much easier to deal with than the anti-

N WHAT’S AHEAD FOR THIS CAMPUS, Reich says, “it seems fairly clear to me that the Berkeley campus and the UC system as a whole will have to choose between three very sharp alternatives. One is becoming a private university, raising tuition or fees to the level of private institutions around the country, financing itself and organizing itself the way a private university would. The second alternative is becoming mediocre, losing the truly exceptional nature of UC Berkeley and other campuses in the UC system. The third option is some quite dramatic reform, which I hope is the option a large number of people are trying to achieve — reform that both finances the place as it should be, and therefore does not compromise the quality of the education or research, but at the same time keeps the special quality of a public university. It’s not a private investment for the sake of young people who are coming here to make a bundle of money or researchers who are coming here to patent their products and make fortunes. We have a public responsibility because we are generating public goods, and I would hate for us to choose either of the other alternatives.” n n n

WHEN REICH LEFT BRANDEIS, its president, Jehuda Reinharz, said there was no way to talk him out of departing. “My assumption is, after a couple of years at Berkeley he will miss Brandeis so badly that he will come back,” he said, “and we’ll be happy to have him back.” In September of 2010, Reinharz told the community there that he would be retiring from the presidency. His successor, Frederick M. Lawrence, took office January 1, 2011. The rest of Brandeis could still be waiting for Reich’s return. They shouldn’t hold their breath. n

Robert Reich Links n   His

blog: recent Weinstock Lecture on the aftermath of the economic meltdown and his Conversations with History interview: event.php?id=746&lecturer=480 n   His extraordinary video with Conan O’Brien: watch?v=kWliylnxSrA n   His

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$6 million endowment grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is at work strengthening arts and humanities departments at UC Berkeley. The Mellon Graduate Student Excellence Fund is giving these programs the resources to attract top graduate students who in turn strengthen and enrich the departments themselves. “Having great graduate students at Berkeley helps us to recruit and retain a great faculty, and vice versa,” says Janet Broughton, UC Berkeley’s dean of arts and humanities and, starting this July, the University’s new vice provost for academic affairs and faculty welfare. “It is an upward spiral.”

Mellon Foundation Endowment Enhances Graduate Recruiting

The Mellon Fund, announced in 2008, allows Berkeley to offer a select group of arts and humanities graduate students a five-year financial package providing $26,600 annually.

“This will support graduate education in the arts and humanities at Berkeley for generations to come.”

The fund came at an especially critical time for Berkeley, as financial support from the state became more uncertain. “The Mellon Foundation has been working closely with Berkeley because they are concerned about the widening gap of resources between excellent public universities and peer private universities,” says Broughton. “They understand that the strength of studies in humanities requires sustaining a diverse and broad group of first-rate institutions nation-wide, and we are absolutely delighted that they see Berkeley as among those institutions.”

As the first two cohorts of Mellon-Berkeley fellows finish up the year, their perspectives on what this funding has brought to the University are clear.

English Ph.D. student Richard Lee says that his offer of the Mellon grant solidified his decision to come to UC Berkeley. “My offer was definitely as competitive, or even more so, than my friends’ who received offers from private universities,” he says.

The financial security of the funding has allowed Griffith to pursue her area of interest — Middle Eastern history — without worries of how she will support herself while doing so. Her focus is primarily the Ottoman Empire, and in particular Egypt in the 17th and 18th centuries. The best sources available to her are archived records in the Middle East, so she plans to spend two of her five years doing field work abroad. This summer she’ll make her first research trip to Cairo and Istanbul libraries to start gathering data from huge volumes of handwritten records. “If I were focusing on U.S. history or European history, a lot is available online,” says Griffith. “But that’s not an option for me. In fact, I am not sure

Competition for graduate students is fierce. The best students often receive multiple offers, frequently from private institutions that have more financial resources than Berkeley. “The Mellon Fund gives us the ability to compete on a more level playing field. We are especially grateful to the Mellon Foundation for providing a gift that funds an endowment,” says Broughton.

Zoe Griffith, who is pursuing a Ph.D. in History, is in her second year at Berkeley as a Mellon grant recipient. She says that her offer from Berkeley definitely stood out from others she received and that the Mellon grant influenced her decision to come to Berkeley. “Being offered the Mellon fellowship made me feel that my work would be really valued by the faculty at Berkeley and that they wanted me to be here,” says Griffith. “It was very encouraging.”

Zoe Griffith (left) and Emily Rabiner (right) discuss their plans for research abroad with Dean Janet Broughton.

how I would be doing my research abroad without this grant.” Emily Rabiner, who is in her first year of the doctoral program in Italian studies, admits the generous multi-year funding and the prestige of the fellowship were definitely factors in her decision to attend Berkeley. Now that she is on campus, she mentions the ability to focus on coursework and research in her initial two years of graduate study as a major benefit of the Mellon grant. “It’s nice to know that I can have these first couple of years to get involved in the department and get my bearings,” says Rabiner. Studying Italian art and poetry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Rabiner hopes to spend a semester in Italy later in her graduate program. She will also become involved in teaching undergraduate language courses. After finishing her Ph.D., she’d like to become a professor. The benefits of richer graduate student experiences go beyond the Mellon fund recipients, adding to their departments and the University as a whole. “We find over and over as we recruit and retain faculty that it matters to them what kind of graduate students they’ll be able to work with,” says Broughton. “All the faculty here love the idea that when they’re working with graduate students they’re working with the next generation of great scholars and teachers.” n — Keri Hayes Troutman

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011



team of UC Berkeley faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers has developed a pressure-sensitive electronic material from semiconductor nanowires that could one day give new meaning to the term “thin-skinned.” “The idea is to have a material that functions like the human skin, which means incorporating the ability to feel and touch objects,” said Ali Javey, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and head of the UC Berkeley research team developing the artificial skin. The artificial skin, dubbed “e-skin” by the UC Berkeley researchers, is the first such material made out of inorganic single crystalline semiconductors. A touch-sensitive artificial skin would help overcome a key challenge in robotics: adapting the amount of force needed to hold and manipulate a wide range of objects. “Humans generally know how to hold a fragile egg without breaking it,” said Javey, who is also a member of the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center and a faculty scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Materials Sciences Division. “If we ever wanted a robot that could unload the dishes, for instance, we’d want to make sure it doesn’t break the wine glasses in the process. But we’d also want the robot to be able to grip a stock pot without dropping it.” A longer term goal would be to use the e-skin to restore the sense of touch to patients with prosthetic limbs, which would require significant advances in the integration of electronic sensors with the human nervous system. Previous attempts to develop an artificial skin relied upon organic materials because they are flexible and easier to process. “The problem is that organic materials are poor semiconductors, which means electronic devices made out of them would often require high voltages to operate the circuitry,” said Javey. “Inorganic materials, such as crystalline silicon, on the other hand, have excellent electrical properties and can operate on low power. They are also more chemically stable. But historically, they have been inflexible and easy to crack. In this regard, works by various groups, including ours, have recently shown that miniaturized strips or wires of inorganics can be made highly flexible — ideal for high performance, mechanically bendable electronics and sensors.” The UC Berkeley engineers utilized an innovative fabrication technique that works somewhat


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

PHOTO: Ali Javey and Kuniharu Takei, UC Berkeley

Growing Avenues for Research

An optical image of a fully fabricated e-skin device with nanowire active matrix circuitry. Each dark square represents a single pixel. Pictured to the right is an artist’s illustration of an artificial e-skin with nanowire active matrix circuitry covering a hand. The fragile egg illustrates the functionality of the e-skin device for prosthetic and robotic applications.

Nanoscience Berkeley engineers make artificial skin By Sarah Yang, Media Relations | September 12, 2010

like a lint roller in reverse. Instead of picking up fibers, nanowire “hairs” are deposited. The researchers started by growing the germanium/silicon nanowires on a cylindrical drum, which was then rolled onto a sticky substrate. The substrate used was a polyimide film, but the researchers said the technique can work with a variety of materials, including other plastics, paper or glass. As the drum rolled, the nanowires were deposited, or “printed,” onto the substrate in an orderly fashion, forming the basis from which thin, flexible sheets of electronic materials could be built. In another approach utilized by the researchers, the nanowires were first grown on a flat source substrate, and then transferred to the polyimide film by a direction-rubbing process. For the e-skin, the engineers printed the nanowires onto an 18-by-19 pixel square matrix measuring seven centimeters on each side. Each pixel contained a transistor made up of hundreds of semiconductor nanowires. Nanowire transistors were then integrated with a pressure sensitive rubber on top to provide the sensing functionality. The matrix required less than five volts of power to operate and maintained its robustness after being subjected to more than 2,000 bending cycles.

The researchers demonstrated the ability of the e-skin to detect pressure from zero to 15 kilopascals, a range comparable to the force used for such daily activities as typing on a keyboard or holding an object. In a nod to their home institution, the researchers successfully mapped out the letter C in Cal. “This is the first truly macroscale integration of ordered nanowire materials for a functional system — in this case, an electronic skin,” said study lead author Kuniharu Takei, a postdoctoral fellow in electrical engineering and computer sciences. “It’s a technique that can be potentially scaled up. The limit now to the size of the e-skin we developed is the size of the processing tools we are using.” Other UC Berkeley co-authors of the paper are Ron Fearing, professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences; Toshitake Takahashi, a graduate student in electrical engineering and computer sciences; Johnny C. Ho, a graduate student in materials science and engineering; Hyunhyub Ko and Paul Leu, postdoctoral researchers in electrical engineering and computer sciences; and Andrew G. Gillies, a graduate student in mechanical engineering. The National Science Foundation and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency helped support this research. n

Connecting with Energy For the Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative (BERC), the word “collaborative” is key. The graduate-student-led organization brings together people across campus — in the sciences, business, law, and policy — to address pressing energy and natural resource issues. BERC also helps to link the Berkeley campus to other professionals working in these areas.

Berkeley graduate students have many outlets to showcase their work n n n

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Highlighting Berkeley   Privacy Research

“A major global problem has to be addressed in an interdisciplinary way,” says Asher Burns Burg, M.B.A. ’11 and BERC’s co-president. “BERC connects all of these incredible people in research, policy, and business around energy. We tap into their ideas and creativity. Networking and connections, especially at the graduate level, are important to advancing your career, personal growth, and thinking.” Since its founding in 2005, BERC has become one of Berkeley’s most active student organizations. Its leadership team alone represents 13 campus colleges and programs, and its flagship event — an annual energy symposium — has attracted more than 700 attendees. “Students and faculty across the institution bring cutting-edge research to the event,” says Burns Burg. “Business, venture capital, and policy people can have a conversation around new research and ideas to commercialize solar, wind, biofuels, and other energy technologies.” Burns Burg’s co-president, applied science and technology Ph.D. student Sebastien Lounis, is among the researchers who have benefited from BERC connections. Another BERC forum, the Idea Lab, sparked his current solar energy research. Lounis is the first Ph.D. student and scientist to lead the organization. He says, “BERC gives Ph.D. students a connection to other issues related to energy and resources. You can see how the conservation, social, and political issues affect your lab.” The co-presidents want BERC to be what Burns Burg describes as “the best collaborative energy group on a college campus.” He says, “We want to improve our existing offerings and extend the access and reach of the organization.” Lounis adds, “Most important to our success is to absorb the community and build on our connections.”

as the Haas School of Business. Kwong notes the importance of the ties between science and business, saying, “It’s beneficial to those in science to have speakers come in to talk about how to promote and sell your ideas.” This approach has proven successful. Since its start in 2004, Kwong says, the Nanotechnology Club has helped a number of scientists create and fund businesses.

Promoting Big Ideas   in Small Science Nanoscale science may involve the smallest of dimensions, but graduate students in Berkeley’s Nanotechnology Club have big ambitions. Club president and physics graduate student Anthony Kwong wants his group to be the “go-to” organization for information about nanotechnology resources at Berkeley and throughout the Bay Area. He also wants to increase the club’s impact on members and contributions to Berkeley’s leadership in nanotechnology. “We want to familiarize more people with nanotechnology and get them involved in the latest and cutting-edge technology,” says Kwong. Events are the backbone of the club’s strategy to encourage science, engineering, and business graduate students and alumni to share knowledge and entrepreneurial opportunities. The annual Nanotechnology Forum is the group’s signature program, drawing international speakers and more than 300 attendees. This event — in addition to other speaker presentations, industry partnerships, and visits to area labs — helps members make connections that can lead to research positions and collaborations. “We’re a big group with a lot of interests,” says Kwong. “People are excited to come.” As a result, the club’s reach extends to nearly all of Berkeley’s science-related departments as well

When the Future for Privacy Forum looked for the most relevant and timely scholarship on current and emerging privacy issues, it turned to Berkeley. Researchers with campus connections contributed to four of the six papers selected for the Washington, D.C., think tank’s new journal, Privacy Papers for Policy Makers. The publication highlights writing on privacy that the organization’s advisory board considered most useful to federal policy makers, based on the clear analysis, fresh approaches, and achievable solutions the authors presented. Among those featured in the inaugural issue was School of Information Ph.D. student Jennifer King, whose work shared the publication’s pages with an article co-authored by her faculty advisor, Deirdre Mulligan, and two others coauthored by 2003 alumnus Alessandro Acquisti. “It’s exciting because of the other people selected,” says King. “These are other folks whose work I really respect. It’s very complimentary to see my name next to theirs.” King co-authored a paper titled “How Different Are Young Adults from Older Adults When It Comes to Information Privacy Attitudes and Policies?” Based on a nationally representative survey of 18- to 24-year-olds, she determined the two groups largely agree that personal information should remain private, even if the online behavior of younger people might suggest otherwise. King says, “I was surprised that there wasn’t a difference, but you can’t say that young adults don’t care about privacy online. There’s a lot more under the surface.” Though her findings show media reports about privacy attitudes are inaccurate, King welcomes the attention to the issue. She says, “I was looking at privacy before there was social media. Having people sharing more information online has made it more exciting.” n — Amy DerBedrosian

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011



ddressing a crowd of more than 80,000 in Memorial Stadium on Charter Day, March 23, 1962, President John F. Kennedy somewhat unexpectedly quoted Otto von Bismarck about students and the society they would soon enter:

“One third of the students of German universities,” he told his audience, “broke down from overwork, another third broke down from dissipation, and the other third ruled Germany.” “I do not know which third of students are here today,” he continued, “but I am confident

“After Kennedy challenged us, it was more ‘What can we do to make a better world?’” Mossman married a grad student, Paul Vitale, that year, and he caught the bug. They had two priorities: first, for him to finish his graduate degree in city and regional planning, and then for them to apply for the Peace Corps. His master’s was awarded in 1963, and they signed up and were accepted as trainees. In November, they were in New York, scheduled to be sworn in, when they learned the horrible news that President Kennedy was dead, shot in

photographer. In retirement of a sort, they run a nonprofit enterprise, Endangered Threads Documentaries.


n n n

n February of this year, Meera Chary was pleased with the Peace Corps veterans from the Berkeley campus. More than 300 of them had braved lousy weather — snow had been predicted but didn’t happen — to attend a symposium and reunion at International House celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps. As one of the event’s organizers, Chary had pride and hope invested

The Peace Corps is very Berkeley In the half century since the Corps was founded, uC Berkeley has supplied more volunteers than any other university in the u.S. — over 3,400 in more than 120 countries. And the numbers don’t begin to tell the tale.

ul Vitale (left)

Kathleen and Pa

that I am talking to the future leaders of this state and country who recognize their responsibilities to the public interest.” Kennedy got the laughs he planned on, but could not have anticipated the public-interest fires he lit in many who heard that speech, or the lives that would be influenced by his listeners. He did not mention the Peace Corps by name in that speech, but a year earlier — on March 1, 1961 — he had created it, by signing Executive Order 10924. That was less than three months after his inauguration, when he touched a chord in young Americans with a single sentence that concluded, “ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”


n n n

itting among the 80,000 in the stadium in 1962 was kathleen Mossman, who had acquired her art history bachelor’s degree just the year before. Always an eager traveler before the speech, Mossman’s perspective changed in those 20 minutes. Instead of having a how-many-places-can-you-see outlook,


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

Dallas. They nonetheless went through training, then flew to their assignment in Ecuador. They served in Quayaquil and Quito, where Paul put his degree, and shovel-handling muscles, to work, sometimes literally in the trenches, while Kathleen taught in schools and helped local artisans export their products. Both helped local residents navigate the bureaucracies around them. The Peace Corps, Kathleen now says, “defined our lives.” They stayed in Ecuador for a total of seven years, the last five of which Paul was employed by the U.S. Agency for International Development. They adopted two children while in Ecuador, and their third child was also born there. When she returned to Ecuador with their three children 12 years after the Peace Corps stint, their Quito neighbors had fulfilled their dream list: curbs, electric lights, schools, a health clinic, and more. Kathleen says, “We take credit only for helping them understand how to petition the government. They did the lion’s share.” Paul worked as a foreign service officer, then returned to academe, teaching at the University of Oregon. Kathleen worked as a journalist and

in its success. While she greeted attendees and watched them place pins on a world map to show where they’d served, she saw an energetic cross-section of the people-power Berkeley had supplied to the Corps, many now grey or white on top, but still brimming with optimism and can-do spirit. Of Indian descent herself, by way of Marietta, Ohio, Chary managed to bookend her Peace Corps service in Uganda with two Berkeley degrees. She did her undergraduate work in mechanical engineering, graduating in 2002, then went off to teach people how to be teachers in the rural Kamwenge District (and, using her engineering background, to troubleshoot solar energy systems at local schools). Back in the Bay Area after her two years, she worked for a San Francisco educational nonprofit group, then earned an M.B.A. from the Haas School. She’s now a consultant at Bain and Company and the Bridgespan Group. n n n

The initial impulse toward international assistance Ben Bellows felt had an element of escape to it. One summer, he “passed a Peace

Corps booth at the Michigan State Agricultural Exposition.” Looking back, he says he found the images on the brochure and its hint of adventure strongly appealing after a hot summer spent baling hay on his dad’s Michigan dairy farm. After college in Michigan, he joined up. He was sent to Ecuador, where the Peace Corps placement folks “figured I would be perfect teaching subsistence Ecuadorean farmers how to raise healthier guinea pigs and castrate boars in the somewhat remote village of Chiguinda” in the Amazon cloud forest. He also organized regional rabies vaccination campaigns, created a women’s gardening

munity projects in Ecuador every year through a project they and two others manage online: n n n

Jason Price served as a secondary school teacher in northern Malawi from 1999 to 2001, teaching English grammar and literature to secondary school students while living in sub-Saharan Africa’s largest pine plantation, where it was “very chilly and windswept, cloudy and rainy.” After the Peace Corps stint, Price worked at various jobs, was an Americorps volunteer

e shirt)

Kathleen Vi


”When I came back to the U.S.,” he says, “I scrambled to find a job that would carry forward that sense of adventure I had learned to relish. I ended up in a cubicle, but a very fine cubicle indeed, at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,” helping with the CDC’s Global AIDS Program in East Africa. A year and a half later, infused with a new passion for public health, he decided to go back to school. He bought a bicycle and rode across America from Boston to the West Coast. “I got to Berkeley tanned and rail-thin and able to eat a godawful number of calories.” In the School of Public Health, Bellows earned a master’s degree in 2004 and a Ph.D. in 2009, in epidemiology. When he graduated, he joined the Population Council, an international nonprofit NGO that carries out research and service related to HIV/AIDS, poverty, gender, youth, and reproductive health — in Nairobi. He still keeps a toe in that the western hemisphere, though; he and another returned Peace Corps volunteer raise money for com-

in Chicago, studied anthropology and film at New York University, returned to Malawi for a number of projects, then came to Berkeley to work on his Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology, which he hopes to complete in 2013. In 2007 he shot, edited, produced, and directed, with extensive volunteer translation help, a video documentary of a day in the life — literally 24 solid continuous hours — of Edith, a 13-year-old student at the Domasi Mission Primary School in Malawi’s Zomba District, for the nonprofit Global Lives Project. Price went back to Malawi in March 2011 as a Fulbright Scholar.


Meera Chary: “The millions of stars in the sky at night, taking a bucket-bath by candle light, looking over my sigiri (charcoal stove).” Ben Bellows: “I remember the colors just before sunset in Chiguinda when the sunlight had left our valley but was still shining over the mountain ridges and throwing a pinkish

Meera Chary

Jason Price (in blu

project, directed a local agricultural fair, and managed a municipal fruit tree nursery.

One thing they all remember, no matter how far away they are in miles and time from the countries they served in, are the friendships. And some, perhaps the ones who didn’t serve in cities, recall the skies, especially at night.

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ne observation that the Peace Corps folks from Berkeley seem to share and say in similar words is that “people are people.” This is the way Kathleen Mossman Vitale puts it: “I learned that in Vallejo growing up, and at Cal living across the street from the I-House.” “People are the same everywhere,” says Meera Chary, adding, “Especially kids. They are innocent, they love to play, and they are curious!”

(in orange)

afterglow over the incredibly green hillsides. Garish, otherworldly light for about ten minutes on days like that.” Julie Epley Klee, who earned her law degree here in 1980 after serving in Kenya: “The warmth of my students and their great smiles; the vast open spaces of East Africa with what were then gloriously clean, clear skies.” n — Dick Cortén

A Peace Corps Legacy The Joe Lurie Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Fellowship provides room and board at International House to a financiallystrapped RPCV who’s an entering doctoral student at Berkeley. The Graduate Division matches this with a year’s tuition and fee support plus a $5,000 stipend. Launched in 2007, the fellowship is named for the I-House’s third executive director, Joe Lurie, who retired that year after 19 years at the helm. Lurie served in Kenya during his three years in the Peace Corps.

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011




2010-11 Fellowship Recipients

University-wide Recruitment and Dissertation Fellowships

Kareem Abu-Zeid, Comparative Literature Nima Ahmadi Pour Anari, Computer Science Edward Alexander, English Kristina Anderson, Buddhist Studies Michael Arrigo, Romance Languages and Literatures Laura Balzer, Epidemiology Ritwik Banerji, Music Emily Bartlett, Chemistry Annelise Beck, Chemistry Tripti Bhattacharya, Geography Judson Boomhower, Energy and Resources Hiba Bou Akar, City and Regional Planning Andrew Brighten, Jurisprudence Keith Budner, Comparative Literature Marshall Burke, Agricultural and Resource Economics Dylan Byron, Logic and Methodology of Science Frank Chuang, Mechanical Engineering Kelly Clancy, Biophysics Alasdair Cohen, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Michael Cohen, Energy and Resources Esther Conrad, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Kathryn Crim, Comparative Literature Laura Croft, Bioengineering Kenton de Kirby, Education Paul Dobryden, German Herbert Rizal Docena, Sociology Eric Driscoll, Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology Sam Dubal, Medical Anthropology Michael Edge, Psychology Aisha Ellahi, Molecular and Cell Biology Erika Erickson, Plant Biology Priscilla Erickson, Molecular and Cell Biology Seth Estrin, Classical Archaeology Kenneth Fockele, German Francesca Fornasini, Astrophysics Scott Fortmann-Roe, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Rachel Friedman, Near Eastern Languages Erin Gallagher, Chemical Engineering Ilaria Giglioli, Geography Cristina Graybill, Near Eastern Languages Jennifer Greenburg, Geography Eric Greene, Buddhist Studies Noah Greenfield, Jewish Studies Zoe Griffith, History Maya Guendelman, Psychology Shaun Halper, History Craig Hargis, Civil and Environmental Engineering Bharath Hariharan, Computer Science Alani Hicks-Bartlett, Romance Languages and Literatures


Gregory Johnson, Chemical Engineering Julian Jonker, Philosophy Dhikshit Jonnalagadda, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Katherine Kadue, Comparative Literature Bre Kaneyasu Maranhao, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Anthony Kelman, Mechanical Engineering Peter Kim, Ethnic Studies Chloe Kitzinger, Slavic Languages and Literatures Patricia Kubala, Anthropology Antony Lee, Physics Richard Lee, English Florian Adrie Lionnet, Linguistics Mengshi Lu, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Linnea Lundblad, Slavic Languages and Literatures Zachary Manfredi, Rhetoric Ivy McDaniel, Molecular and Cell Biology Gavin McNicol, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Ryan Melnyk, Microbiology Toby Mitchell, Civil and Environmental Engineering Zachary Newman, Molecular and Cell Biology Emily Ng, Medical Anthropology Win Pin Ng, Bioengineering Khoa Nguyen, Mathematics Sean O’Connor, Environmental Health Sciences Michael Pacer, Psychology Samuel Penwell, Chemistry Ulrike Petersen, Music Brian Phegley, Mechanical Engineering Erin Pitt, Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology Obie Porteous, Agricultural and Resource Economics Jennifer Pranolo, Rhetoric Eric Prendergast, Linguistics Emily Rabiner, Italian Studies Miklos Racz, Statistics Daniel Reinholz, Science and Mathematics Education Qingchun Ren, Mathematics Benjamin Ross, Applied Science and Technology Laura Schewel, Energy and Resources Joshua Schraiber, Integrative Biology Chia-Yi Seetoo, Performance Studies Shaul Setter, Comparative Literature Angeline Spain, Education Piyush Srivastava, Computer Science Zehavit Stern, Jewish Studies Martha Stroud, Medical Anthropology Ke Te, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Rachel Walsh, Integrative Biology Yang Wang, Physics

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

ANdy sohn

Berkeley Fellowship for Graduate Study

James Apgar James Apgar has played piano since age four, sung in choirs since his youth, and composed and studied organ since age 14. In 2008, he traveled to Oxford University for the premiere of a composition he wrote for the Magdalen College Choir. Now a Ph.D. student in musicology at UC Berkeley, Jamie is thinking beyond the score. Although some “think of music scholarship as just looking at notes and trying to explain them,” he’s studying music “in a broader context, as a phenomenon of culture and a phenomenon of society.” Jamie says he owes his “whole presence at Berkeley” to the Ausfahl Family Fellowship Fund. It enabled the Baltimore native to return to his studies, after performing professionally following his 2009 graduation from Yale. He plans a career in academia, perhaps focusing his research on Elizabethan music, but he also wants to perform, possibly as a university organist. A countertenor, he is lead alto in the choir at Berkeley’s St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and sings with Pacific Collegium, an Oakland boys’ and men’s choir. “To me scholarship and performance…should always be informing each other, because music is a performed art,” he adds. “Sometimes people too easily forget that.” — Janet Silver Ghent Ying Wang, Statistics Shira Wilkof, Architecture Joshua Williams, Performance Studies Stephen Yee, Plant Biology Di Yi, Materials Science and Engineering Jingwei Zhang, Bioengineering Wenlong Zhang, Mechanical Engineering Xiaofan Zhao, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Chancellor’s Fellowship for Graduate Study

Suzanne Ali, Chemistry Karen Andrade, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

James Arnemann, Physics Claudia Avalos, Chemistry Perla Ayala, Bioengineering Michael Barnes, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dominick Bartelme, Economics Jacqueline Bass, Political Science Natalee Bauer, Education Fareed Ben-Youssef, Rhetoric Amy Bergerud, Materials Science and Engineering Elizabeth Boatman, Materials Science and Engineering Christopher Bravo, Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology

[ Fellowships ]

Aubree Kendall, Ethnic Studies Mary Anne Kidwell, Molecular and Cell Biology Amy Kim, Art History Jessica Kisunzu, Chemistry Thomas Kleist, Plant Biology Elaine Kwan, Civil and Environmental Engineering Irene Kwan, Civil and Environmental Engineering Phoebe Lai, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Diane Phuong Lam, Science and Mathematics Education Serena Le, English Sibel Leblebici, Materials Science and Engineering Leece Lee, Ethnic Studies Ming Li, Mathematics Christine Lim, History Liliana Loofbourow, English Silvia Lopez, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Nicole Louie, Education Yuan Lu, Civil and Environmental Engineering Alexander Luce, Materials Science and Engineering Xuan Luong, Integrative Biology Helena Lyson, Sociology Tia Madkins, Education Victoria Martin, Physics Johanna Mathieu, Mechanical Engineering Marquise McGraw, Economics Katherine McKinstry, Mechanical Engineering Kimberly McNair, African American Studies Robert Medina, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Michael Mendez, City and Regional Planning Kevin Metcalf, Chemical Engineering John Metcalfe, Epidemiology Ty Michelle, English Eric Morales-Franceschini, Rhetoric Kim Nalley, History Diane Nava, Vision Science Abu Nayeem, Agricultural and Resource Economics Araba Nti, Anthropology Andres Osorio, Mechanical Engineering Ana Ovcharova, Physics Marissa Perez, Molecular and Cell Biology Tacuma Peters, Political Science Maria Ramirez, Social Welfare Ivan Ramos, Performance Studies Amadeus Regucera, Music Christopher Reyes, Chemistry Jace Ricafrente, Sociology Omar Ricks, Performance Studies Jose Rodriguez, Mathematics Nicole Rodriguez, Civil and Environmental Engineering Diana Rodriguez Ortiz, Chemical Engineering Javier Rosa, Computer Science Cameron Rose, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Kihana Ross, Education

Maritza Ruiz, Mechanical Engineering Evan Runnerstrom, Materials Science and Engineering Becky Rutherford, Chemical Engineering Rashmi Sahai, Energy and Resources Bushra Samad, Bioengineering Jorge Santiago Ortiz, Chemical Engineering Faiza Sefta, Nuclear Engineering Mark Sena, Bioengineering Steven Shelton, Materials Science and Engineering Justine Sherry, Computer Science Rebekah Shirley, Energy and Resources Hunter Shunatona, Chemistry Froylan Sifuentes, Energy and Resources Nicole Slusher, Microbiology Carolyn Smith, Anthropology Peter Soler, Chemical Engineering Daniel Sparks, Mathematics Corine Stofle, French David Tamayo, History Aracely Tamayo, Epidemiology Alexis Taylor, Anthropology Iris Tien, Civil and Environmental Engineering Anna Torres, Jewish Studies Nesty Torres Chicon, Physics Kim Tran, Ethnic Studies Linda Tran, Statistics Victoria Tran, Chemical Engineering Johnathan Vaknin, Comparative Literature Alberto Velazquez, Geography Derek Vigil Currey, Physics Monica Villalobos, City and Regional Planning Genia Vogman, Applied Science and Technology Genevieve Walden, Integrative Biology Pamela Washington, Public Health Sidney Wilkerson-Hill, Chemistry Aaron Wilkinson, History Alexandria Wright, Rhetoric Moises Yi, Economics Kristina Yoshida, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Min Zin, Political Science Jeremias Zunguze, Hispanic Languages and Literatures

Eugene Cota Robles Fellowship for Graduate Study Katherine Ashley, Business Administration Evra Baldinger, Education Clara Berridge, Social Welfare Naomi Bragin, Performance Studies Chariss Burden-Stelly, African American Studies Roslyn Burns, Linguistics Carlos Bustamante, Sociology Maggie Elmore, History Clea Goldblatt, Comparative Literature Joy Hightower, Sociology Sharon Hsu, English Miyo Inoue, Japanese Danfeng Koon, Education Yang Lor, Sociology Peter Nelson, Anthropology Gustavo Oliveira, Geography Seong Jae Paeng, Hispanic Languages and Literatures

Lori Glenwinkle ANdy sohn

Sarah Brodsky, Mathematics Brandon Brooks, Microbiology Heather Bruce, Molecular and Cell Biology Gustavo Buenrostro, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Charlotte Carlstrom, Microbiology Kayla Carpenter, Linguistics Mariana Carrera, Economics Lilia Chaidez, Agricultural and Resource Economics Joseph Chavarria-Smith, Molecular and Cell Biology Adam Chavin, Mathematics Letha Chien, Art History Yenhoa Ching, Education Laurence Coderre, Chinese Robert Connell, African American Studies Amy Cook, Psychology David Covarrubias, Molecular and Cell Biology Adam Cranmer, Mechanical Engineering Anna Cruz, Near Eastern Languages Mona Damluji, Architecture Yael Degany, Mathematics Mikel Delgado, Psychology Ziza Delgado, Ethnic Studies Anthony Diamond, Materials Science and Engineering Mara Diaz, Education Nancy Diaz, Mechanical Engineering Stephanie Dixon, Classics Timothy Downing, Bioengineering Eduardo Escobar, Near Eastern Languages Carla Espana, Psychology Jason Ferguson, Sociology Elizabeth Ferrer, Integrative Biology Israel Figueroa, Microbiology Taryn Flock, Mathematics Layla Forrest-White, Comparative Literature Lisa Fowler, Computer Science Marcos Garcia, English Trevor Gardner, Sociology Marcelo Garzo, Ethnic Studies Brian Gillis, English Jarvis Givens, African American Studies Lori Glenwinkel, Molecular and Cell Biology Christopher Goetz, Rhetoric Tania Gonzalez, Molecular and Cell Biology Alma Granado, Ethnic Studies Richard Grijalva, Rhetoric Katherine Guerra, Rhetoric Lauren Hallett, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Alexan Harmon-Threatt, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Shaddi Hasan, Computer Science Irene Headen, Epidemiology Charles Hespen, Molecular and Cell Biology Christian Hilaire, Mathematics Kimberly Hoang, Sociology Alea Holman, Education Katrina Honigs, Mathematics Zohora Iqbal, Bioengineering Lissette Jimenez, Near Eastern Languages Tyrone Johnson, Education Marianne Kaletzky, Comparative Literature Adam Kalman, Mathematics

As a Cal State Long Beach undergrad, Lori Glenwinkle reached out to homeless youth through StandUp for Kids. Concerned about hunger, she focused her undergraduate research on the genetics of crop production and the maintenance of world food supply. At UC Berkeley, she’s examining how animal genomes evolve in response to environmental changes. A fellowship gives her “the intellectual freedom to explore my interests,” says Lori, a first-year Ph.D. student in molecular and cell biology, genetic genomics and development division. UC Berkeley is “ideal for doing evolutionary research, [with] world-class DNA sequencing facilities,” says Lori. “I’m interested in using computer programs to further investigate…how DNA encodes the physical differences…in animals and how those differences arose.” She continues to volunteer with low-income youth, turning kids on to science through Berkeley’s Community in the Classroom program. By sharing her enthusiasm and expertise, Lori wants to pique kids’ curiosity at an early age. “I see myself continuing in academia,” she says, exploring evolutionary biology and hoping “to make discoveries that lead to human therapeutic advances,” including the cure of diseases. — Janet Silver Ghent

Lori is the recipient of a fellowship from The Rose Hills Foundation’s Graduate Science and Engineering initiative.

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


Tenzin Paldron, Rhetoric Shota Papava, Slavic Languages and Literatures Rebecca Poon, Education Jennifer Salinas, Anthropology Janet Um, South and Southeast Asian Studies Linh Vu, History Anisah Waite, Education Gabriella Wyatt, English

Graduate Opportunity Program Master’s Fellowship

Maricar Aguilar, Social Welfare Jimmy Alamillo, Law Farzana Ansari, Mechanical Engineering Jannon Barrow, Journalism Rasika Behl, Public Health Hector Beltran, Folklore Luis Campos, Statistics Stephanie Chen, Optometry Kathryn Cook, Materials Science and Engineering Luis Cruz, Architecture Govinda Decastro, Architecture

Anthony Ervin, Education Roberta Ang Feliciano, Architecture Maria Garcia-Jimenez, Health and Medical Sciences Lu Gonzalez Fernandez, Law Norma Guzman, City and Regional Planning Rosa Guzman, Education Elizabeth Ha, Information Management Ashley Hopkinson, Journalism Patrick Johnson, Education Jennifer Khem, Optometry Heidi Kim, Optometry Sarah Kochik, Optometry Sarah Leslie, Education Octavio Lopez Raygoza, Journalism Christina Lopez, Journalism Sarah Lopez, Optometry Michael Mangahas, Health and Medical Sciences Frank Marquez-Leonard, Art Maria Martinez, Mathematics Arianna Morales, Education Mic Newton-McLaughlin, City and Regional Planning Courtesy of Jessica Ling

In seventh grade, Jessica Ling read Journey to Topaz, the late Yoshiko Uchida’s novel about an 11-year-old Berkeley girl sent to a Japanese internment camp in Utah. “She does an amazing job of describing the Asian experience,” says Jessica, who is the daughter of immigrants from Hong Kong.

Now a second-year Ph.D. candidate in English, Jessica was awarded the Yoshiko Uchida Endowed Scholarship, which assists Asian graduate students who want to become writers. With the help of her fellowship, Jessica is pursuing research on the nineteenth-century novel. “My goal is to go into academia and become a professor,” she says.

Jessica Ling

By focusing on the humanities, both she and her brother, a film student, resisted the expectations of immigrant parents, who favored a more lucrative path for their children in the sciences. However, the intersection between science and humanities intrigues Jessica, who studied Charles Darwin’s writings in class last year. ”It’s the strangest thing to expect from an English department, but Berkeley is a place where the boundaries between disciplines are crossed, and crossing those boundaries can be very fruitful.” — Janet Silver Ghent


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

Duylinh Nguyen, Public Health Naomi Norris, Civil and Environmental Engineering Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck, Art Joanna Ortega, Public Health Yasmine Pilz, Optometry Suzette Puente, Statistics Patrick Ramirez, Public Health Latoya Reed, Social Welfare Trevor Rodriguez, Public Health Enrique Ruacho, Public Policy Timothy Sasaki, Social Welfare Brandee Tate, Public Policy Truyet Tran, Optometry Asiya Wadud, City and Regional Planning Francesca Weems, Education Nazret Weldeghiorgis, Optometry Vincent Yates, Statistics

Mentored Research Award for Graduate Study

Amanda Alvarez, Vision Science Matthew Bonal, Rhetoric Dallas Dissmore, Civil and Environmental Engineering Jessyka Finley, African American Studies Pablo Gaston, Sociology Alvaro Huerta, City and Regional Planning Jessica Jimenez, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Natalie Mendoza, History Keramet Reiter, Jurisprudence Robert Reyes, English Marisol Teresa Silva, Ethnic Studies Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Information Managegment

University Predoctoral Humanities Fellowship for Graduate Study James Apgar, Music Anna Avrekh, Rhetoric Eyal Bassan, Jewish Studies Kevin Block, Rhetoric Erik Born, German Tegan Bunsu, Near Eastern Languages Charles Frankl Creasy, English Kathryn Fleishman, English Aglaia Glebova, Art History Andrew Griebeler, Art History Matthew Hoberg, Philosophy Tae Hyun Kim, Chinese Arthur Lei, Italian Studies Derin McLeod, Classics Susanna Merrill, Slavic Languages and Literatures Megan O’Connor, English Elizabeth Olson, Italian Studies Shiying Pang, Buddhist Studies Dong Min Park, Architecture Hannah Rivera, Classics Shadi Saleh, City and Regional Planning Karin Shankar, Performance Studies James Smith, Art History Ragini Srinivasan, Rhetoric Cheryl Young, City and Regional Planning Amber Zambelli, Near Eastern Languages

Regents’ Intern Fellowship for Graduate Study

Nicholas Baer, Rhetoric Teofilo Ballve, Geography Victoria Bergstrom, French Reiko Boyd, Social Welfare Christina Bush, African American Studies Bryan Cockrell, Anthropology Samuele Collu, Medical Anthropology Katherine Ding, English Megan Downey, African American Studies Yedidya Etzion, Near Eastern Religions Adrianne Francisco, History Eric Giannella, Sociology Daniel Gross, Economics Jaren Haber, Sociology Peter Hall, English Katherine Kaplan, Psychology Tala Khanmalek, Ethnic Studies Emmanuel Letouze, Demography Sebastiao Macedo, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Jonathan Markle, Geography Kelsey Mayo, Jurisprudence Marion Phillips, French Shaina Potts, Geography Liana Prescott, Sociology Marina Romani, Italian Studies Manuel Rosaldo, Sociology Jillian Swift, Anthropology Jennifer Terry, History Jacob Wegmann, City and Regional Planning

Chancellor’s Dissertation Fellowship

Filippo Andrei, Romance Languages and Literatures Sean Curran, Music Timothy Fisken, Political Science Jennifer Gipson, French Leigh Johnson, Geography Dean Krouk, Scandinavian Languages and Literatures Erica Levin, Rhetoric Nancy Lin, Buddhist Studies Sarah Lorenz, Comparative Literature Shauhin Talesh, Jurisprudence Alyson Tapp, Slavic Languages and Literatures Nicholas Wilson, Sociology

UC Dissertation Fellowship

James Battle, Medical Anthropology Helaine Blumenthal, History Ming Chen, Jurisprudence Dawn Dow, Sociology Sherrie Gallipeau, Integrative Biology Hal Haggard, Physics Juan Herrera, Ethnic Studies Danielle Lussier, Political Science Jamie Lyon, Art History Jennifer Morazes, Social Welfare Sylvia Nam, City and Regional Planning Matthew Parrott, Philosophy

[ Fellowships ]

University-wide Fellowship Endowments and Foundation Grants Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Fellowship

Nicholas Ellis, Molecular and Cell Biology Kathryn Fink, Bioengineering Erika Houtz, Civil and Environmental Engineering Alejandro Levander, Materials Science and Engineering Mark Lipke, Chemistry Brian McDonald, Civil and Environmental Engineering Laura Nielsen, Earth and Planetary Science Clare Saunders, Physics Mason Smith, Computer Science Felicia Svedlund, Materials Science and Engineering Kevin Woods, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Ausfahl Family Fellowship James Apgar, Music

Phoebe Hearst Bannister Endowment Pierre Bachas, Economics Catherine Barry, Sociology and Demography David Berger, Economics Hana Brown, Sociology Orestes Hastings, Sociology

Berkeley Graduate Fellowship Zachary Newman, Molecular and Cell Biology

James A. Buchanan Scholarship

Patrick Baur, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Judson Boomhower, Energy and Resources Brandon Brooks, Microbiology Zoe Davis, Infectious Diseases and Immunity Sara Emery, Environmental Science, Policy and Management April Falconi, Health Services and Policy Analysis Tania Gonzalez, Molecular and Cell Biology Irene Headen, Epidemiology Samuel Lendle, Biostatistics Zachary Newman, Molecular and Cell Biology Ajay Pillarisetti, Environmental Health Sciences Rosemary Romero, Integrative Biology Nicole Slusher, Microbiology

Thelma E. Buchanan Scholarship

John Blanchard, Chemistry Catherine Cassou, Chemistry

Jonghwan Kim, Physics Raj Misra, Physics

Sylvan C. and Pam Coleman Memorial Fellowship

Eric Allen, Business Administration Bradford Cowgill, Business Administration Lucy Hu, Business Administration Kari Marboe, Art

Frederick and Edith Ehrman Fellowship

Daniel Appel, Mathematics Andrea Chiang, Earth and Planetary Science Kevin Grosvenor, Physics James Hinton, Physics Doosung Park, Mathematics Christopher Peterson, Mathematics

Sidney Hellman Ehrman Fellowship Jared Hudson, Classics

Faculty, Staff and Student Graduate Fellowship Adam Cohon, Political Science

Art and Mary Fong Graduate Fellowship in the Health Sciences

Federica Sarti, Molecular and Cell Biology

Joseph Leconte Goldsmith and Amy Seller Goldsmith Public Service Award Jason Ferguson, Sociology

William T. & Helen S. Halstead Scholarship

Hamilton Ackerman, Statistics Megan Adams, History Khalid Afsar, Education Kehinde Ajayi, Economics Melanie Akau, Optometry David Alcocer, Mechanical Engineering Astrid Alfaro, Molecular and Cell Biology Letizia Allais, Education Christopher Alvaro, Molecular and Cell Biology Soledad Anatrone, Italian Studies David Arroyo, Molecular and Cell Biology Jason Atwood, Education Brian Ayash, Business Administration Mohammad Azimi, Bioengineering Samuel Banales, Anthropology Stephanie Brown, Near Eastern Languages Samantha Bryson, Journalism

Sigmund Martin Heller Traveling Fellowship

Faiz Ahmed, History Angela Brooks, Molecular and Cell Biology Jonathan Cole, History Aaron deGrassi, Geography Momen-Bellah El-Husseiny, Architecture

Brian McDonald

As his plane descended on Beijing, where he spent six months as an undergraduate, Brian McDonald was shocked by the palpable layer of smog. Concerned about pollution and climate change, the Virginia native decided to pursue a doctorate in environmental engineering. An ARCS Foundation Scholar, Brian is combining his Ph.D. studies in engineering with a master’s program through the Goldman School of Public Policy. In his research at the university’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center, Brian is examining ways to measure and curb emissions in the movement of freight on California’s highways and evaluating the impact of state legislation on reducing greenhouse gases and improving air quality. Now in his third year, Brian says the joint program in engineering and public policy ”is challenging, but I’m glad I’m in an environment where I can pull the two together. … Without the ARCS scholarship, I don’t know if I would have been able to add the public policy degree.” Whether he teaches or goes into governmental service, Brian will examine “how engineering can inform public policy and environmental policy.” — Janet Silver Ghent

James Fraser, Molecular and Cell Biology Muna Guvenc, Architecture John Hall, Education Reino Makkonen, Education Michael McGee, African American Studies Akasemi Newsome, Political Science Paul Roge, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Joe Lurie Peace Corps Scholarship Leah Rubin, Chemistry Adrian Hao Yin Ü Gateway Fellowship Xunxun Liao, Materials Science and Engineering

International House Gateway Fellowships for Graduate Study

Japanese American Women Alumnae of UC Berkeley Scholarship

Chevron-Xenel Gateway Fellowship in Public Health Li Zhu, Public Health Chevron-Xenel Gateway Ph.D. Fellowship Mayssa Dabaghi, Civil and Environmental Engineering Eltoukhy East-West Gateway Fellowship Mohamed Moustafa, Civil and Environmental Engineering EWJ Gateway Fellowship Andre Wibisono, Computer Science Carl & Betty Helmholtz Scholarship Endowment and Allan & Kathleen Rosevear Gateway Fellowship Ka Hei Kolen Cheung, Physics Daniel Mouen-Makoua Gateway Fellowship Assane Gueye, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Nellie, Emmett and Ida Louise Jackson Fellowship James Battle, Medical Anthropology

Theresa Molino, Anthropology Mie Sato, Science and Mathematics Education

George & Nancy Leitmann Graduate Student Support Fund Tyler Jones, Mechanical Engineering Devin Yeates, Mechanical Engineering

Tse-Wei Liu Memorial Fellowship

Ka Hei Kolen Cheung, Physics Assane Gueye, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Mohamed Moustafa, Civil and Environmental Engineering Andre Wibisono, Computer Science Ajay Yadav, Materials Science and Engineering Li Zhu, Public Health

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011


Courtesy of Charlie Yeh

Janet New Fellowship Mona Kim, Education

Janet T. New Graduate Fellowship in Economics Jeffrey Kang, Economics

Ning Fellowship for Chinese Students

Xiaodan Sun, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nonresident Tuition Fellowship Shilpa Raja, Materials Science and Engineering

Arthur Ferreira Pinto Foundation Fellowship

Charlie Yeh Er-Chia “Charlie” Yeh thinks a human cell is “the most intricate machinery” in creation, the “ultimate in engineering.” Bringing an engineer’s expertise to the diagnosis and cure of health problems, the Taiwanese Ph.D. student chose UC Berkeley, which has a joint program in bioengineering with UCSF Medical School, to launch a career that will seamlessly combine his interests in biology and engineering. The Soong Fellowship is helping him achieve his goal. “ I believe integrating engineering with biology is going to be the hot stuff in the future,” says Charlie, a straight-A student who is fluent in English, Japanese and Chinese. He is working with Luke P. Lee, Lloyd Distinguished Professor in Bioengineering, on biomedical devices for drug delivery and point-of-care diagnoses. “The lab is a crazy blend of engineering and biology,” says Charlie, who was inspired by his father, a noted molecular virologist. In addition to UC Berkeley’s stellar bioengineering department, the Bay Area had other appeals: “the entrepreneurship culture and opportunities … and great outdoor entertainment. I love it here. I go biking. I go surfing. I go to Napa. I go skiing.” Plus, “there’s very authentic Asian food here.”

— Janet Silver Ghent

Rui Bento, Business Administration Raul Cardoso, Business Administration Ricardo Cardoso, City and Regional Planning Rebecca Daley, Public Health Maria Jose Delgado Coelho, Economics Pedro Gardete, Business Administration Beatriz Gomes, Architecture Thiago Ojea Rodrigues Campos, Business Administration Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Mathematics Eloi Pereira, Civil and Environmental Engineering Pedro Pinto, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Ana Sofia Rufino Ferreira, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Patricia Soares Castro Lopes, Integrative Biology Ricardo Sousa, Landscape Architecture Gisela Tavora Rua, Economics Felicia Viator, History

Nelson Polsby Memorial Fellowship Daniel Laurison, Sociology

Micheline Maccario Fellowship in Neuroscience Claire Oldfield, Neuroscience

Milton I. and Florence Mack Neurology Research Fellowship Oscar Vazquez, Neuroscience Alana Wong, Neuroscience

G. Fitzgarrald Martin Fellowship

Simona Balan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Joan Ball, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Gordon Bennett, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Christopher Golden, Environmental Science, Policy and Management

Mellon Graduate Student Excellence Fund

Edward Alexander, English Michael Arrigo, Romance Languages & Literatures


Ritwik Banerji, Music Laurence Coderre, Chinese Seth Estrin, Classical Archaeology Marta Figlerowicz, English Kenneth Fockele, German Rachel Friedman, Near Eastern Languages Noah Greenfield, Jewish Studies Zoe Griffith, History Chloe Kitzinger, Slavic Languages and Literatures Richard Lee, English Zachary-John Manfredi, Rhetoric Ty Michelle, English Jennifer Pranolo, Rhetoric Emily Rabiner, Italian Studies Althea Wasow, Rhetoric Joshua Williams, Performance Studies

Edward M. Nagel Scholarship

Thomas Beckford, Economics Dorian Carloni, Economics Momen-Bellah El-Husseiny, Architecture Elena Tomlinson, Architecture

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

The Rose Hills Foundation Science & Engineering Graduate Scholarship

Michael Barnes, Civil and Environmental Engineering Lori Glenwinkel, Molecular and Cell Biology Gregory Johnson, Chemical Engineering Yuan Lu, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Frank Schwabacher Graduate Scholarship Lara Roman, Forestry

Allan Sharlin Memorial Award

Tsung-Te Liu, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Erh-Chia Yeh, Bioengineering

Eric H. and Rachel K. Stern Health Sciences Graduate Student Award Fund Benjamin Gaub, Neuroscience

Patricia St. Lawrence Memorial Fellowship

Ivy McDaniel, Molecular and Cell Biology

Chang-Lin Tien Graduate Fellowship in Environmental Sciences

Manisha Anantharaman, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Steven Bellan, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Christopher Golden, Environmental Science, Policy and Management Lars Plate, Molecular and Cell Biology Chodon Sass, Plant Biology James Schnable, Plant Biology Andrea Silverman, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Yoshiye and Yaye Togasaki Fellowship

Stephanie Brown, Near Eastern Languages

Eugene E. Trefethen Fellowship Abigail Ridgway, Business Administration and Public Health

UC Chinese Alumni Association Fellowships Robert Foo Memorial Fellowship Jason Atwood, Education Jackson Kee Hu Memorial Fellowship John Arthur Kamm, Statistics Ching Wah Lee Memorial Fellowship William Hsingyo Ma, History of Art Bertwing C. Mah Memorial Fellowship Evelyn Ming Whai Shih, East Asian Languages Patrick and Judy Young Fellowship Choi Man Li, Molecular and Cell Biology

Yoshiko Uchida Endowed Scholarship Julia Chan, Journalism Bo Kim, Journalism Jessica Ling, English Jessica Lum, Journalism

Desmond Fitz-Gibbon, Institute of International Studies Melanie Tanielian, Institute of International Studies

Una’s Fellowship in History

Dr. and Mrs. James C.Y. Soong Fellowship

Ephraim Weiss Scholarship

Shih-Chia Hsiao, Chemistry

Guinevere Allen, Hispanic Languages and Literatures Jennifer Ingalls, German Amy Hamlin, Chemistry


[ Graduate Giving ] Alumni & F Ri ends ]

2010 Donors to University-wide Fellowships and Graduate Division ARCS Foundation, Inc. Northern California Chapter Google Inc. Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, Newhouse Endowment Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund The Rose Hills Foundation

$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Georges Lurcy Charitable & Educational Foundation Sperry Fund

$10,000 to $49,999 Capital Group Companies, Inc. Arthur and Mary Fong Nancy K. Lusk and Michael Harvey Smith Sarlo Foundation Prabha Sinha Society of Women Geographers Terrence P. Speed Eric H. and Rachel K. Stern Tanner Foundation Teagle Foundation Incorporated

$1,000 to $9,999 Christopher Achen Karyn Krause Amore and Carmelo Amore Li-Kuan Chen Russell Scott Gould Douglas and Alison Greenig Robin Grey and James E. Cunningham George Edgar Haggerty III John W. Johnson Kerry Ellen McDermott Nancy Olson Charles J. and Barbara Laraine Stone Judi Sui and Bruce C. Bernhard Andrew J. Szeri and Callen Sor UC Chinese Alumni Foundation Diana C. Wu and Marc Dragun

$999 and below Paul Joel Alpers Walter and Mildred M. Alvarez Robert M. Anderson James Campbell Nelson Apgar Rachel Bernstein Glenn R. Butterton Natalie Nicole Castriotta Chung and Marian Chan Catherine Sung Cho Courtney Owen Clark Lawrence Cohen Anand Dalvi Manuel Erviti Juan Fernandez Carlos Fernandez-Pello Alison Gopnik and Ray Alvy Smith Annette Marie and Martin Greiner

Maxine Frances Griffith Daniel J. Guhr Lois Hartley-Cannady Robert L. and Susan Smith Heath Shie-Rei and Chia-Li Bien Huang Bradley Hubbard-Nelson Randall Benjamin Irmis Melanie S. Ito Japanese American Women Alumnae of UC Berkeley Rebecca Elizabeth Jones Robert Kagan Stephanie Kenen Melanie Ann Killen John Young Kim Douglas Kohn Maria Lorna Azul and Sashi Kumar Kunnath Jason M. Kwong

Jane Ann Lamph Roger Q. Landers, Jr. and Helen B. Landers Michael Richard Lazarus Linda Lees Thomas Leffler Linda Lichter and Norman Marck Everett H. Lindsay Lockheed Martin Michael Lucey Corbin Brooks Lyday Davitt Moroney James and Lucy Meng Natalie Anne-Marie Melas Alexey Leonidovich Nazarov Kristen and Kent Ng Sharon Page-Medrich and Elliott Medrich Kristen Pendleton Brian D. Quigley

Ramon Ramirez Kosti Ranki Laura Schattschneider Andrew Schechter Jonathan Robert Schiesel Hope Selinger Sasha Hadi Shafikhani Robert Socha Harry Stark Lynn Patrick and Damian Stein Lior J. Strahilevitz Prashant Subbarao Silvia Tomaskova Neil Marchard Wigley Lynne M. Wiley Alexander Sheng-Hsi Wu June M. Yoshii

2010 Alumni & Donor Events San RaFael, CAlifornia, September 2010 On a warm September afternoon, fellowship recipients mingled with major supporters of UC Berkeley, in Nancy Olson’s Marin hills garden. On the decks, with views of terraced roses and lavender, they sipped wine, sampled hors d’oeuvres, and engaged in lively discussions about the importance of graduate education and why private help is vital. With California providing less than 30 percent of the funding for its universities, “the funding has to come from other sources,” says Olson, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1978, with an honors degree in bacteriology. That’s why she is hosting intimate parties where about 20 university supporters and potential donors have the opportunity to meet fellowship recipients, as well as Graduate Dean Andrew J. Szeri, and become inspired to increase their gifts to the university. Mary Kate Stimmler, a Ph.D. candidate at the Haas School of Business who is researching risk taking, spoke at the event. (See her profile on page 20.) “I have learned a lot about risk taking, both of the financial kind and of the intellectual kind,” Mary Kate said. “…your support enables us as researchers to stretch even further and to take more risks; when we do that, what we discover is more likely to be more innovative, more challenging to the status quo, and, ultimately, more valuable. We couldn’t get there without your support.” n n n

New York City, October 2010 With its rich wood-paneled, high-ceiling rooms, Manhattan’s 112-year-old University Club bespeaks Ivy League establishment. However, the hearts of thirty or so UC Berkeley alumni and friends who gathered there in October belonged to a public university on the West Coast. Hosted by Doug Greenig, Ph.D. ’93, the after-work recep-

Brenden Hussey ‘92

$100,000 and above

Doug Greenig (center) and Dean Andrew Szeri (right) speak with Professor Carl Shapiro in NY, October 2010.

tion connected recent graduates to one another and to the campus. “I’m very passionate about the place,” says Greenig, in an interview from his Manhattan office, where he is managing principal and CIO of CastleRock Global Macro Fund. “I’m worried because our funding is threatened by budgetary woes in California. …It’s time for all of the alums to step up and keep Berkeley at the forefront through our support.” The event featured a talk by Berkeley Professor Carl Shapiro, who currently serves as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economics in the U. S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. A number of the graduates had studied with Shapiro, including Greenig, who had taken a class from him as an undergraduate at Princeton. Calling UC Berkeley “the best educational experience of my life,” Greenig says: “We really need to come together to support Berkeley in the way private universities are, by alumni. …There are a billion charities out there and there are many good causes, but I think investing in our future through Berkeley is really at a different and higher level. This is where the future is going to happen.” n ­— Janet Silver Ghent

The Graduate  |  Spring 2011



Alumni & FR ien ds ]

Andy Sohn

Donors Make a Difference, Investing in the Future Educated Policymakers Bolster Democracy Mel Levine ’64 came of age during the optimistic Kennedy era, on a vibrant campus that “inspired me to feel that you could have an impact on changing the world.” The former Cal student body president kept that in mind throughout his life. Graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in political science, and later completing degrees in public administration and law, Levine served in the California Assembly, the U.S. Congress, and as a presidential adviser on Middle Eastern policy.

Mary Kate Stimmler In her personal life, Mary Kate Stimmler shies away from risk. She’s won three California State Fair medals for baking crackers, a category she thought would be “the least competitive.” But as a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Haas School of Business and a recipient of the Coleman Memorial Fellowship, Mary Kate is researching how organizations manage risk, what propels social deviance and why “people consciously make the choice to increase the likelihood of failure.” In light of the collapse of major financial institutions and the trading of exotic derivatives, these issues are particularly germane. The fellowship, she says, enabled her to concentrate on her research. She will submit her results for publication in the spring. A native of Minnesota, Mary Kate majored in English at Barnard. “I thought I would be a great novelist or maybe a playwright.” Now planning a career in academia, she chose Berkeley because of its interdisciplinary approach. Her research is linked to sociology, psychology and philosophy. “I don’t think you have to be an artist to be a creative person,” she says. “I think there’s a lot of creativity, innovation and artistry in business today, and if you want to understand how that’s happening and how it can happen better, I think business academia is a great place to be.” — Janet Silver Ghent


The Graduate  |  Spring 2011

His Berkeley values not only color his professional life as an attorney, serving as a partner and public policy specialist in the Century City and Washington, D.C., offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher. They also underlie his commitment to “America’s competitiveness in the world market by improving education.” That is why he and his wife, journalist Connie Bruck, have chosen to give a significant gift to support graduate fellowships at the Goldman School of Public Policy. “Public education is indispensable for democracy,” says Levine. “I believe that informed and educated policy-makers are ultimately the people who are going to make decisions about our democracy. Therefore, my wife and I have chosen to direct a substantial portion of our charitable dollars to the Goldman School.”

Financial Incentives Further Social Objectives As a professor in the Haas School of Business from 1966 to1972, Richard Sandor not only experienced the political and social ferment of the era, but also a spirit of intellectual possibilities. “While we tend to think of the ’60s in terms of radical social change, it was also a breeding ground for radical change in the capital markets,” he says, noting that he was motivated to develop “a market-based solution to climate problems.” While continuing a career in academia, Sandor founded the Climate Exchange family of companies including the Chicago Climate Exchange. In 2007, Time magazine honored him as one of its “Heroes of the Environment” for his work as the “Father of Carbon Trading.”

Richard and his wife, artist Ellen Sandor, are supporting a graduate fellowship in environmental finance because of the Haas School’s “deep commitment to environmental and energy” issues. “If we really want to effect change,” says Sandor, “we should understand that most of us aren’t Mother Teresas. Linking financial incentives to social objectives is the way to do something that is transformational.”

Graduate Fellowships Matching Program Through its Graduate Fellowships Matching Program, the Graduate Division will match the gifts of donors such as Levine, Bruck and the Sandors. The goals of the program are to keep Berkeley competitive in recruiting top graduate students and to increase the size of the fellowship endowment for the future. For more information, go to: http://www.grad. Investments in institutions of higher education have “historically been the underpinning of America’s ability to compete, and if we shortchange them, we do so at our peril,” says Levine. “When I went to Cal, there was no tuition. That’s no longer the case. For Berkeley, and for public education in California at the highest level to survive, let alone thrive, requires a great deal of help.” Sandor wishes to “build critical mass” in support of innovative graduate education by encouraging others to fund these fellowships. “Transformational events can never be achieved by one person,” he says. “If one person is involved, it’s an idea. If it’s a group, it becomes a movement. I’d prefer to see a movement.” These days, movements toward positive change involve funding. That is why Sandor and Levine want others to follow their lead. n — Janet Silver Ghent


“My fellowship has given me the freedom to rotate in research labs before I have to commit to a particular lab. It has given me a chance to find the type of research I am most excited about pursuing.”

Double Your Impact with a Gift to the Graduate Fellowships Matching Program All gifts toward endowed graduate student fellowships are tax-deductible. New endowments — established with a commitment of $50,000 or above — will be matched by UC Berkeley’s Graduate Division through its unique endowment payout matching program. • How does the match work?

Each year a portion of the endowment payout (the amount distributed for current spending) is matched dollar for dollar. The other portion of the endowment payout is invested back into the fund to accelerate its growth over time.

• How does the match double the impact of my gift?

The match increases the impact of your gift in two critical ways. First, the matching continues until the original endowment has doubled in value. Second, because of the structure of the match, students receive more support from funds in this program during the matching period than they would from endowed fellowships of equal value.

For more information or questions about the Graduate Fellowships Matching Program: gradsupport/matching.shtml Contact Kasia Allen, Ph.D. Assistant Dean of External Relations or David Nakayama Director of Major Gifts Tel. 510.642-8614

“The funding I have received has been absolutely instrumental in my success as a graduate student. It has allowed me to concentrate exclusively on my studies without having to take on additional work outside the university. This has been especially important to me as a graduate student parent. As a result, I have maintained academic excellence with a 4.0 GPA in addition to a healthy family life.” — Marisol Teresa Silva College of Letters & Science, Ethnic Studies

To make your tax-deductible gift to a graduate fellowship today, please visit:


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C A L I F O R N I A ,


Great Minds at Your Fingertips

The Graduate Council Lectures welcomed a number of engaging and provocative speakers this past year. Each of these unique lectureship programs was open to the public, and now they are also available as video webcasts and audio podcasts on Renowned historian Roger Daniels’ Jefferson lecture examined and analyzed the changing place of the World War II incarceration of the Japanese Americans of the West Coast in American culture. “Japanese American Incarceration Reconsidered: 1970-2010” Nobel Laureate biologist Sidney Altman’s Hitchcock lectures provided a general description of the problem of the origin of life on Earth. Lecture I: “Entering the RNA World” Lecture II: “Ribonuclease P: A Small Step in the RNA World” Leading behavioral economist Richard H. Thaler has made it his habit to look for data in unusual places. His Hitchcock lectures pinpointed and explored the activities of varied groups for insight into human behavior. He also considered the public policy implications of behavioral economics. Lecture I: “Studying Economic Behavior in Unusual Places: From Deal or No Deal to the National Football League” Lecture II: “Rethinking Regulation after the Financial Crisis and the Oil Spill: A Behavioral Approach” Distinguished philosopher Ian Hacking, who delivered the Howison lecture, explored how our innate sense of symmetry has enabled us to probe the most hidden secrets of nature and also to get along with each other. “Proof, Truth, Hands, and Mind” Renowned economics expert Robert Reich asked in his Weinstock lecture, why has income and wealth become so concentrated at the top? What are the consequences of such concentration, both for the economy and for politics? And what, if anything, can or should be done about it? “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future”

THE TANNER LECTURES The Tanner Lectures on Human Values is another lecture series managed by the Graduate Division for The University of California, Berkeley. For more information see watch • listen • download

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