response to the the increased business of thefastfashionindustry,thecitydesignated two areas on the outskirts of the town to keep the rising industry out of the historic center.
This established the macrolotto 1, situated around 3 km southwest of the city. The identity of the macrolotto sharply contrast thecenter. ThecenterofPratomaintainsthe strongItalianvernacularandurbantypology, whilethemacrolottoincreasesinscale. The macrolotto also has a strong ethnic identity as many Chinese immigrants have traveled toPratotocapitalizeonthisnewfastfashion district.
primary urban developments
major roads & highways

The Existing Conditions
Gora Bresci o di San Giusto Gora Mazzoni o di Gello Gora Castagnoli o di Grignano

Gora di Castelnuovo o del Castagno

Gora Bini o di Mezzana

t h e b o u n d a r i e s t h e g r e e n f i n g e r t h e g o r e n e t w o r k the existing urban extent boundaries provide a container for the site footprint

the agriculture finger reaching from beyond the macrolotto to the mall establishes a landscape network
the existing gore infrastructure provides an opportunity to engage and activate this landscape.
development clusters
While these lands are currently preserved through private ownership, there is little cultivation of these crops, which may make themsusceptibletodevelopment. Thisstrategyseekstonotonlypreservethis belt, but activate it with controlled developmentandpedestrianinteraction.

1. Define the limits of the green belt system.
2. Establish vehicular east-west connectivity.
3. Unearth the gore and integrate a north-southpedestrianrightofway.
4. Create cluster developments at intersections.
parco prato macrolotto 1
parco della liberazione
The Proposal the institute

y pace