1 minute read
Aidan Byrne, BSocSci Social Science
"I decided to sign up to the Career Mentoring Programme as I am studying to be a social worker, so the opportunity to gain advice from a practitioner was immediately of interest. The programme is a golden opportunity to get a sense as to whether the area of interest to you would really match up to your expectations as a place you would like to work. In my case, I was particularly pleased with the excellent match that the programme was able to make for me between my mentor who works for Education & Welfare, Tusla, Child & Family Agency. My Mentor and I engaged straight away following the introductory evening and have been actively corresponding ever since, including two face-to-face meetings and further contact is planned.
The benefit to me has been easy access to practitioner expertise and the value of the guidance that I am receiving through that contact. It has helped me to gain valuable knowledge of the practicalities of social work in the child and family protection sphere, and has confirmed that I would like to work for Tusla as the work they do is excellent.
I would strongly recommend the Career Mentoring Programme as I have found it to be exceptionally helpful and the whole experience has been positive. It is an opportunity not to be missed!"
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