UCD Architecture Yearbook 2007

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Foreword Twenty seven years ago the School of Architecture at UCD was in real danger of being closed down. The dramatic events that led to this near tragedy began innocently enough. The Masonic Boys School at Richview, a boarding school for young gentlemen, which had been in decline for decades decided to close the school and sell the buildings and the land of about 10 hectares. The government promptly decided to have UCD buy Richview and to move the School of Architecture from Earlsfort Terrace and so make more space for the new National Concert Hall which had been planted in our midst. This was shocking news and was likely to lead to trouble. Architects had been to the fore in criticising the move to Belfield in the 1960’s as we passionately believed that the city was the only suitable environment for the study and practice of architecture. As expected, the staff was totally opposed to the move and the students had the same view. On a practical level, the move to Richview would create problems getting there, difficulty finding accommodation, and for the tutors there was the problem of commuting from their city offices. All I could offer was the promise of more space for studios, crit spaces, library and exhibition areas and a building laboratory as well as the opportunity to associate with the students from a greater number of faculties, albeit at a distance of a kilometre. In October 1981 the School of Architecture moved to Richview (the Planning Department moved the following year) and in the following November the first Richview Ball was held that attracted such a large attendance, including many graduates from the past, that the large marquee, and all the rooms on the ground floor were filled to capacity for the dinner and the subsequent dancing. It has been an auspicious first quarter century at Richview during which the School has expanded and prospered educationally with new courses and post-graduate degrees, and physically with the addition of the new buildings for Planning, the Urban Institute, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Hopefully the quality of the work will remain high and the premises will continue to support the educational ambition of the school and the high standards which have been achieved. My thanks are due to the many staff and students who encouraged me during the difficult days and made my time in the School a very happy one. The students were indeed prescient at least with regard to me when they declared at the time of the move “it may be a rich view for Cathal but it is a poor lookout for the rest of us.” Cathal O’Neill Student: 1949-1955 Studio Lecturer: 1961-1973 Professor and Head of School: 1973-1996


This is a watershed year for Architecture at UCD. It is now 25 years since the School of Architecture moved from Earlsfort Terrace in the city centre to its present home in the former Masonic Boys School at Richview. It is coincidental that this year also marks the final departure of the university from the Earlsfort Terrace site. By the next academic year Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture colleagues will join us on this campus in the newly formed School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering. The primary intention of this catalogue is to provide a window into the work being undertaken at all levels in UCD Architecture. It reflects the changing world of architectural education in this university. As well as documenting the Architecture end-of-year exhibition, it contains a selection of work from our sister disciplines, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering, and from the UCD Architecture programme at CESUGA in Galicia, Spain. The end-of-year exhibition in Architecture is a significant event. As well as being a celebration of achievement, it provides an opportunity to see the design work of the students of architecture as a collective endeavour, and to reflect on how the work represents the ambitions of the programme. The exhibition is bounded in space and time. The catalogue provides more enduring documentation and covers a broader range of work, outlining the areas of study and research that form a challenging and supporting environment within which architectural design can flourish. Such environments come about through the thoughtful, passionate engagement of creative people, students and staff, operating in a climate of intensity and freedom. They cannot be taken for granted and the conditions for their existence are ever changing. The catalogue is a testament to the work, an opportunity to open that work to others, and an invitation to experience this and future exhibitions. The inclusion of work from Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering suggests that the multi-disciplinary adventure that our School represents can provide new conditions through which design education at UCD can explore the demands of the emerging future. Loughlin Kealy Professor of Architecture

BSc Architecture

First Year Design Studio The programme introduces students to architecture and seeks to awaken individual creativity. Students are encouraged to develop a method for their creative work. They are asked to discover, to craft, to reflect and to judge their own way of working. This process is supported by teaching a broad range of skills, including various drawing techniques and model making, by motivating the student's response and invention, and is informed by inviting students to apply analytical skills to diverse contexts. The idea that constructional technique and understanding of materials are embedded in the design process is encouraged through the strategic integration of design and technology studio. Moving through a series of projects of varying length, the programme begins with a close consideration of things and places, and gradually introduces a wider range of constructional, social, cultural and environmental concerns. Studio Programme 2006/07 In the first project students undertake the intense observation of an object through drawings, collage and photography. Then students observe, record and analyse various spaces and buildings in the urban environment. They are introduced to architectural texts debating constructional, social, environmental and cultural concerns. There follows a design project for a bench in an urban space, exploring material and construction. The first semester culminates in a long design project for the design of a bookshop within an existing building. Issues of scale, light and movement are addressed. At the beginning of the second semester, students make studies of particular pieces of architecture, using collated information to create a model and a representative drawing. The students are then introduced to the challenges of designing a building which responds to its context. This year they were asked to design a sculptor’s house and studio in an urban setting, requiring them to think about both domestic space and work space and to create various layers of privacy. The final design project allows an in-depth study of building in the landscape. After a field-trip to Sligo, the students were asked to design a seaweed baths on the coastline. The project invited the creation of an architecture for the senses, thereby focussing attention on construction methods. Studio Staff Tiago Faria, Irena Kondratenko, Mary Laheen, Max O’Flaherty, Mark Price, Brian Ward Guest Lecturers & Critics Shane DeBlacam, Noel Dowley, Jamie Doyle, Loughlin Kealy, Jim Murphy, Peter Tansey, John Tuomey Students David Ahearne, Aisling Ahern, Eimear Arthur, Marian Balfe, Leila Budd, Moira Burke, Emma Byrne, Jarlath Cantwell, Rachel Carmody, Niall

Carroll, Claire Cleland, Daniel Collins, Alan Coughlan, Eimear Daly, Christina Devereaux, Raymond Dinh, Andrea Doyle, Rachel Dudley, Megan Etherton, Edward Feeney, Kate Griffin, James Hayes, Michael Hayes, Matthias Horn, William Hutch, Jonathan Janssens, James Kennedy, Shirley Kenny, Hyung Joon Kim, Damien King, Philip King, Donal Lally, Colm Mac Eochagáin, Sarah Madigan, Conor Maguire, Jennifer Martin, Suzanne Maverley, Ciara Mc Curtin, Aonghus Mc Donnell, Kevin McGonigle, Patrick McGrath, Sarah McKendry, Louise Moriarty, Scott Morton, Sorcha Murphy,

Stephen Murray, Sean Naughton, Christina Ní Riain, Fiona Nulty, Caitriona O'Connor, Jennifer O'Donnell , Aoife O'Leary, Aisling O'Sullivan, Darren Snow, Patrick Stack, Patrick StokesKelly, Albert Tobin

Stephen Murray Object Study

Jarlath Cantwell Bookshop

James Kennedy Small Building Study

Matthias Horn Artist's House & Studio

Andrea Doyle Seaweed Baths

Second Year Design Studio The Second year studio programme aims to develop the student's understanding of the role and responsibilities of architecture in the world. Through a series of projects, the interaction of functional, social, technical, aesthetic and environmental factors in architecture is explored. The exploration of materiality and construction is fostered through both the technology and design studio and through joint projects, and the insights of history and theory are brought to bear through tutorials and seminars. The programme is structured to enable the student to develop their design methodology that encompasses both the ability to work strategically and creatively, and the skills to develop a design project through every stage from inception to a good level of completion. Studio Programme 2006-07 This year we changed the focus from the study of place to the study of particular issues where architecture has a significant social role. In the first semester the students explored the issue of housing, beginning with an analysis of typologies and organisational strategies. Three sites were chosen for the design project dealing with the distinct conditions of urban, inner suburban and outer suburban. The focus of the project was on the mediation between the housing unit and the city. To this end the two scales of 1:500 and 1:50 were used for precedent studies of 20th Century housing and returned to as the requirements for the final presentation, seeking to achieve an exploration of both strategy and detail. Studio Staff Vivienne Brophy, Gerry Cahill, Kevin Donovan, Fiona Hughes, Stephen Mulhall, Orla Murphy, Michael Pike, Daniel Sudhershan, Simon Walker Guest Lecturers, Workshop Leaders and Critics John Tuomey, Shelley McNamara, Peter Tansey, Brian Ward, John Casey, Sterrin O’Shea Students Rahman Salma Abdel, Timothy Brick, Lisa Cassidy, Claire Chawke, Ciaran Conlon, Alex Crean, John Crowley, Brendan Dalton, Rachel

Delargy, Michael Doherty, Leonie Fitzgerald, Sean Finnegan, Padraig Flynn, Denis Forrest, Alessandra Fugazzi, Katy Giblin, David Hannon, Riona Hartman, Karla Hayes, Leah Hogan, Eoin Horner, Mary Hughes, Alison Hyland, Rachel Jennings, Elaine Johnson, Fergal Joyce, Sorcha Kenneally, Anthony Lambert, Elspeth Lee, Meabh McCarthy, Patrick McGlade, Padraig McMorrow, Cillian Magee, Alva Maguire, Brian Massey, Caitriona Moloney, Laura Moran, Conor Morrissey, Maria Mulcahy, Mark Murphy, Kieran Murray, Matthew Nagle, Banbha NicCanna, Aisling NiDhonnchu, Aedamair NiGhallchoir,

Donncha O Brien, Maurice O Brien, Luke O’Callaghan, Jennifer O Leary, Caoimhin O’Maollaigh, Patrick Phelan, Orla Phillips, Sarah Prendergast, Hugh Queenan, Patrick Roche, Conor Rochford, Cian Scanlon, Sean Schoales, Enida Skalonjic, Ruth Stewart, Robert Tobin, David Walsh, Su Wang

Sean Schoales & Conor Morrissey Precedent Study: Lina Bo Bardi

Sean Finnegan Public Baths Sectional Model

Ciaran Conlon Public Baths Sectional Model

Leonie Fitzgerald Public Baths Roof Studies

Jennifer O’Leary Public Baths Light and Materials

Third Year Design Studio The course focuses on developing an understanding of the demands and opportunities for architecture in collective and civic buildings. The course deals with buildings at many levels - from materiality and detailed design to analysis of intention and meaning. There is an emphasis on development and refinement of skills and design technique in the studio course, in particular drawing, model making, analysis of context and analysis of buildings and building types in the form of precedent studies. A number of short projects deal with observation and visual interpretation. Students are encouraged to use a wide range of descriptive and interpretative models and drawings. Studio Programme 2006/2007 The year objectives were pursued through three design projects in Cork city. These consisted of a short introductory project, involving urban analysis and design interventions in the existing city context, and two major design projects. The first of these major design projects used the standard brief for an eight-class primary school and addressed issues of functional analysis, repetition, ordinariness, the social role of architecture, appropriate expression and relationship to context. A subsequent project for a Library and Exhibition Space for Cork City again confronted all these issues as well as requiring the design of a major space with more complex functional demands and the careful consideration of the appropriate expression of a public building in the city. Technology studio studies were integrated with the detailed design development of the major design projects. Selected precedent studies were carried out in relation to each of the design projects. The course was supplemented by lectures and seminars on survey and landscape drawings, model making as a design tool, the role of drawing in design and presentation, elevation studies, and structure and form in architecture. Parallel themes on the city, utopian ideas and sustainability were covered in the History and Theory and Ecology lecture courses. Studio Staff Wendy Barrett, Will Dimond Eileen Fitzgerald, John-Barry Lowe, Jim Murphy, Ruth O’Herlihy Guest Lecturers & Critics Julia Barrett, Miriam Fitzpatrick, Seán Harrington, Mary Laheen, Pierre Long, Michael McGarry, Alan Mee, Andrew Morrison, Orla Murphy, Liam Ronayne, Emmett Scanlan, Sarah Sheridan Students Gillian Brady, Elizabeth Burns, Blaine Cagney, James Casey, Amelie Conway, Peter Cosgrave,

Cait Elliott, Dara Farrell, Amy Fitzgerald, Joseph Flood, Paul Flynn, Danielle Fox, Shea Gallagher, Patricia Gavin, Edin Gicevic, Ciara Grace, Aideen Hannon, Eimear Hanratty, Patrick Hunt, Raphael Keane, Caroline Kennedy, Caroline Kiernan, Ronan Kenny, Dominic Lavelle, James McBennett, Dermot McGlade, Liam McInerney, Claire McMenamin, Steven McNamara, Sarah Maguire, Beatrice Moran, Eoin Murphy, Niamh Murphy, Enda Naughton, Roisin Ni Bhuadain, Aine Nic an Riogh, Colm O’Brien, Iseult O’Clery, Tapologo Odubeng, Lisa O’Kane, Blathmhac O’Muiri, Alison Rea, Cliodhna Rice, Katya

Samodurova, Deirdre Spring, Joseph Swan, Gabriel Sweeney, Martin Tiernan, Aisling Walker, St John Walsh, Brendan Ward, James Young

School in a Walled Garden James Casey

School on Riverside Site Patrick Hunt

Library on Riverside Site Patricia Gavin

Perspective of Library Park Site Sarah Maguire

Model of Library on Riverside Site James Casey

History & Theory of Architecture The first year course follows the evolution and metamorphosis of architectural form from antiquity to modernism. This narrative is punctuated by lectures dedicated to selected cultural contexts, and diversions and eulogies on particular architects and individual buildings. Central to the course is the exploration and understanding of building forms, their evolution and transformation and the pressures that effected these changes. In this the great pieces of architecture can been seen in relation to traditions of building, and insight gained into how traditions, images and ideas have been assimilated to create new forms that respond to new requirements. The second year course deals with the development of modern architecture from the latter half of the nineteenth century to the latter half of the twentieth. While concentrating on key figures and movements, the course situates changes in architecture over this time in their wider social, cultural and technological context. It firstly analyses the way in which social imperatives and ideals have shaped modern architecture, before changing its focus to the influence of aesthetic theory and cultural critique in its development. The course then examines how modern architecture adapted to changing technologies and structural theories. The lecture course aims to enable students to use history as an integral part of their architectural understanding and of their own design process. The third year course investigates the forces and ideas that have shaped architecture, the city, the landscape and gardens from antiquity to the present. Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction and inter-dependencies of the range of different scales, from architectural space of the interior through to the wider landscape. Staff John Olley, Finola O’Kane, Brian Ward, Loughlin Kealy

Architecture and its Environment The course introduces the student to the relationship between the built and natural environments in the context of sustainability. It considers architecture in a broad environmental context with emphasis on climatic response. Course topics include: environmental concepts, landscape & site ecology, natural resources, comfort, climate, wind and shelter, shading and solar access. Students acquire the ability to develop, represent and articulate environmentally responsible siting of buildings and to utilise analysis techniques to inform and interpret design decisions. The latter is achieved through a major project undertaken as part of the course work. The Indoor Environment The course explores the relationship between the external microclimate, the indoor environment and occupant comfort. It considers the physical role of the building and its components in modifying the internal environment. Subject areas considered include the visual, thermal and auditory environments, ventilation, indoor air quality and health, comfort and the energy and environmental consequences of related design strategies. Students learn about key concepts of sustainable and healthy design and of generic environmental attributes of contemporary buildings and their indoor spaces. They become familiar with building energy modelling and performance assessment tools and techniques, understand their applicability to informing design decisions and use them to assess comfort, environmental impact and performance of buildings and urban spaces. This is, in part, achieved through a major project undertaken as part of the course work. Staff Paul Kenny & Irena Kondratenko (project work)

Architectural Technologies The first year course introduced Architectural Technologies in its broadest sense, including its principles and applications in order to provide a foundation for an understanding of the construction methods and performance of a building at a domestic scale. The module examined in detail the building envelope: materials, their properties and appropriate applications; foundations to roof structure was examined through a formal lecture series, which was complemented by demonstrations in the Building Laboratory. In particular, the course focused on the interconnection of materials, construction and maintenance of a domestic scale building at an elementary level. In the Technology studio, which is part of this module technical drawings, simple surveying methods and generic material studies are introduced. The aim of this interconnected approach was to help to recognise the important role of Architectural Technologies in the creative process of making Architecture. In the second year the emphasis changed gradually from domestic scale load bearing walls to medium-sized framed multi-storey public buildings. Timber frame walling was used to facilitate the transition, which was followed by a detailed study of concrete and steel structure. New materials and structural methods as well as relevant environmental issues and technologies were introduced. The second semester furthermore encompassed related environmental issues and technologies. The principles of building services and fire safety were also examined in this year. Simultaneously, the Technology Studio accommodated structured technology projects to emphasise the connection between design and technology. The Building Laboratory continued to complement the lecture series with demonstrations of non-domestic trades and technologies. The aim of this interconnected approach was to help to recognise the important role of Architectural Technologies in the creative process of making Architecture. In the third year the emphasis was placed on medium-rise complex public buildings. This encompassed the introduction of modern building components, construction and structural methods as well as related environmental issues and technologies. The scope of the subject area was broadened to examine the implications of industrialisation, mass production and design intentions, and the processes of assembly. The subject of building economics was introduced, while the principles of fire safety in buildings were discussed in depth. In the Technology Studio students undertook an extended technical study on timber, concrete and steel, examining their structural and architectural properties, which accommodated structured technology projects to emphasise the connection between design and technology. Throughout the course the Building Laboratory continued to complement the lecture series with demonstrations of non-domestic trades and technologies. Moreover, the importance of interdisciplinarity was emphasised in the lecture series. The aim of this interconnected approach was to help to recognise the important role of Architectural Technologies in the creative process of making Architecture. Staff Vivienne Brophy, Tiago Faria, Brian Gallagher, Joseph Gannon, Anne Gorman, Paul Hughes, Irena Kondratenko, Pierre Long, Seoirse MacGraith, Andrew Morrison, Michael Murphy (Senior Technician – Building Laboratory), Daniel P Sudhershan

Structures In the first year objectives for satisfactory structural design are addressed to develop an intuitive understanding of structural behaviour and the geometry of structural form. Issues addressed include the properties of structural materials and their appropriate use, the properties of common structural shapes and their appropriate use, the nature and magnitude of loading in building structures, the significance of force equilibrium and Newton’s Laws, the structural consequences of designing for compression, tension, bending, and shear. The course also covers serviceability and deflection and reviews approximate methods of member sizing. In the second year a review of the concepts underlying the limit-state design philosophy is undertaken. Applied topics addressed include; the geotechnical aspects of foundations with a discussion of the appropriate use and preliminary sizing of concentric and eccentric pads, strips, combined bases, rafts and piles; the preliminary sizing of beams, slabs and columns in reinforced concrete framed buildings; precast concrete floor systems and preliminary sizing; preliminary sizing of columns and beams in steel framed buildings; an introduction to trusses and space frames; preliminary sizing of joists, laminated beams and posts in timber structures and finally an introduction to more specific applications such as prestressed and post-tensioned concrete, thin shell structures, cable structures and the stability of tall buildings. In the third year significant systems such as domes, vaults, arches, long-span roofs, high-rise buildings, cable structures and glazed facades are examined affording students the ability to identify the structural system inherent in any building. Staff Holger Falter, Amanda Gibney, Mark Richardson

Visualisation and Photographic Technique The elective explores the use of visual images in communication. It introduces the student to digital imagery, focusing primarily on photography. The basis of the module is a project in which the student acquires a broad range of skills including camera technique, image composition, computer manipulation and presentation. The syllabus includes both a historical context and practical application. The course is delivered through a series of lectures with tutorial support. On completion of this module students should be able to: • Demonstrate the ability to develop a contextual story based on a project brief. • Demonstrate the competence to compose original visual imagery using photographic equipment and a palette of computer based tools. • Demonstrate the ability to communicate a storyline through the use of visual and textual content. The skills acquired are transferable to other contexts where generation and presentation of visual imagery is relevant. These specifically include photographic technique and computer based manipulation. Staff Pierre Jolivet

Drawing Systems This module examines the geometries that underlie drawing and design, both in terms of their historical development and their practical construction. The projection of solid form onto surface is the basis of most drawings. Two dimensional drawings are used by artists and designers to invent and represent three dimensional form. The geometries of representation have both cultural and historical significance, as well as everyday practical application. They inform architectural design, fine art, graphic design and typography. Staff Bill Hasting


Fourth Year Design Studio In the fourth year studio, students re-evaluate what has been learnt in the first degree and on their year-out experience. They are encouraged to develop a more personal direction in their own work, drawing on the various debates operating within contemporary architecture. If the first three years were devoted to learning and acquiring design skills, the next two years are about applying knowledge and skills in an increasingly rigorous manner, about engaging with the broader culture of architecture and questioning how architecture can operate in the world. Students are invited to develop a solid intellectual basis for architectural endeavour and to advance ideas through design, writing and research. The focus is on the development of skills in critical thinking, in research analysis and critical evaluation, and in the use of design as a means of investigation and research. Studio Programme 2006/2007 Each year the work in the 4th year studio is based around a set theme, with a number of linked projects investigating issues through analysis, strategic planning, building design and detailed design studies. The year starts with a short building design project with a set brief and site, which introduces aspects of the year’s theme, and re-integrates students with the studio environment after the year out spent working and travelling.This year the project was the design of an architects house and studio and included a detailed three dimensional study of a part of the building. The theme for the rest of the year has been Living and Learning, explored through the development of the UCD’s Belfield Campus. In the first semester students worked in groups to analyse the campus, made comparative studies of relevant precedents in campus design and eventually made strategic development proposals for the future of the campus. Studio Staff Chris Boyle, Peter Cody, Merlo Kelly, Sheila O’Donnell, Emmett Scanlon, Stephen Tierney Guest Lecturers, Workshop Leaders & Critics Hugh Campbell, John Tuomey, Andrzej Wejchert, Edward Jones, Hugh Campbell, Michael Pike, Daniel Rosbottom, Shelley McNamara, Alan Mee, Philip Nolan Students Michael Bambrick, Darragh Brogan, Ignacio DeMema, Christiansen Finn, Brian Collins,

Christopher Collins, Cathal Curtin, Joaquin Dabezies, Catherine DeGroot, John Dobbin, Tara Doherty, Hugh Dolan, Michael Duffy, Clement Duranton, Cormac Fahey, Paul Finn, Graham Fitzpatrick, Moritz Fritz, Neil Gleeson, Brian Guckian, Brian Hagan, Clare Heffernan, Heikki Karppinen, Orla Kennedy, Pascale Klaunig, David Leyden, John Lineen, Matthew McCrum, Aoghan MacDomhnaill, Deirdre McKenna, Claire Meunier, Emma Murtagh, Celine NiChonchuir, Conor O’Brien, Kitty O’Brien, Sorcha O’Higgins, Orla O Loinsigh,

Carl O’Reilly, Kevin O’Sullivan, Neal Patterson, Kaisa Paavilainen, Magdalena Paskiewicz, Alice Platriez, Jan Patalon, Patrick Quinlan, John Quinn, Kate Rhatigan, Shane O’Reilly, Andreu Santacreu, Janette Scott, Mark Skehill, Laura Sloan, Caroline Stieghorst, Bryan Tormey, Tim Varian, Sonja Waloszek, Bent Westendorp, Ruben Weyers, Patrick White

New School of Architecture John Dobbin

New School of Architecture Brian Guckian

Civil Engineering Research Laboratories & Teaching Rooms Deirdre McKenna

New School of Architecture Mark Skehill

Fifth Year Design Studio The thesis programme has been structured as a series of research studies on a theme of the student’s choosing which is intended to culminate in both a written dissertation, summarizing their investigations and conclusions, and one or more design projects which manifest this research in architectural form. As a thesis is about defining a position within a broader architectural discourse it involves articulating an argument that is identifiable and comprehensible in reference to other ideas. To achieve this students are expected to draw upon a variety of sources, architectural and otherwise, to identify, develop and support their arguments. Equally critical to this study is the continual testing and translation of these ideas into architectural form, as the most productive means of investigating any architectural polemic is through design experiments. The thesis research is pursued through readings, precedent studies, lectures, workshops and a series of design investigations or a single substantial design project. In the first semester a series of lectures and workshops allow students to investigate their thesis ideas relative to certain fundamentals in architecture [environment and economy; material and structure; context and brief] through group design work and individual design experiments which are intended to focus their research, clarifying and developing the argument. In the second semester the emphasis shifts to the development of one or more significant design studies that tests this position in an effort to evolve and strengthen the argument. The final dissertation submission is an articulation of the position within the larger culture of architecture and a critique of the research undertaken thus forming an important part of the overall submission at the end of the year. Studio Staff Marcus Donaghy, John Parker, Elizabeth Shotton Tutors Chris Boyle, Michelle Fagan, Tiago Faria, Brian Gallagher, Roisin Henegan, Mary Laheen, Tom Maher, John McLaughlin, Shelly McNamara, Jim Murphy, Shi-Fu Peng, Michael Pike, Esmonde O’Briain, Mark Price, Jimmi Sheilds, John Tuomey Lecturers, Workshop Leaders & Critics Hugh Campbell, Peter Cardew, Adam Caruso, Tom de Paor, Michelle Fagan, Tiago Faria,

Francois Fleury, Brian Gallagher, Alan Jones, Donal Lennon, Aidan Madden, Laura Mays, Fiona McDonald, John McLaughlin, Ciaran McNally, Roger Mullin, Jim Murphy, Michael Murphy, Max O’Flaherty, Finola O’Kane Crimmins, Michael Pike, Mark Pimlott, Jimmi Sheilds, Peter Tansey, John Tuomey Students Jerome Breslin, Niamh Burke, Elizabeth Burns, Sinead Cahill, Fiona Carroll, Aoife Cleary, Gordon Chrystal, Cillian Collins, Sinead Collins, Anne Marie Cooke, Maire Costelloe, Jacinta Curley, Sarah Curran, Una Daly, Robert Denvir, Matthew Fagan, Brian Flynn, Alan Flood, Kate

Gannon, Cillian Gray, Eimear Hassett, Justin Hayes, Zoe Hayes, Gary Hoban, Gary Holt, Sinead Hugh, Paul Jeffries, Dierdre Keeley, Jennifer Kenefick, Brian Mallon, Hilda Markey, Mercedes Martinez, Ashling McCoy, Jill McGovern, Barry McNaboe, Owen McSwiney, Brendan Money, Marcus Mulvihill, Trevor Nolan, Mark Noonan, Paul O’Brien, Lucy O’Connor, Ronan O’Connor, Cathal O’Fearghail, Suzy O’Leary, Nick O’Shee, Nicki Power, Brendan Redmond, Robert Salmon, Clara Seeballuck, Sandra Sibley, Niall Small, Padraic Ward, Chris Whelan

Experiments in Translucency Sinead Collins

Material Structure Workshop Les Grands Ateliers, France Gordon Chrystal, Jacinta Curley, Dierdre Keeley, Sandra Sibley, Padraic Ward, Lucy O’Connor

Infrastructure Studies Niall Small

Diary of a Small House, Day 13 Gordon Chrystal

Datum Pitch Environment Economy Workshop Fiona Carroll, Gordon Chrystal, Una Daly, Cillian Gray, Jill McGovern, Clara Seeballuck

Urban Forest Clara Seeballuc

Reading Place: Ennis Brendan Redmond

Poolbeg Recycling Plant Robert Salmon

History & Theory of Architecture The course involves a weekly seminar and is examined by the production of a dissertation usually but not necessarily in written form of at least 5000 words. Seminars are offered on various themes that address contemporary and historical issues in architecture, urbanism and landscape. These seminars lay the foundations from which individual study and research can emerge for the preparation of a dissertation. The dissertation involves critical reappraisal of built or published materials, or original research dealing with primary documents. The seminar groups for 2006/07 were: Staff Urban Open Space – Vandra Costello Architecture and Metaphor – Kevin Donovan Social Use of Real and Virtual Space – Loughlin Kealy The Productive Landscape – John Olley Experience and Design – John Olley Theatre and Spectacle – John Olley The Lived-in House – John Tuomey Global and Local Spaces – Brian Ward

Design Technologies I Integrated Design Strategies The emphasis of this course is on environmentally based building technologies and structural systems with a view to developing a more integrated and holistic approach to design. The lectures and projects run in parallel to studio design work to enable a synthesis between the design process and the technology programme. The term begins with an overview of sustainable building principles leading to more specific lectures on issues such as embodied energy, life cycle costing, advanced envelope technologies and the appropriate selection/assembly of materials for energy performance. Lectures and projects on preliminary scheme design principles and design tools with respect to both structure and enclosure technologies also form a major part of the course content, including an introduction to performance based specifications, a review of material based criteria in structural design and the evaluation of alternative structural systems. The course is principally project based and includes a shared workshop on Materials | Structure with the design studio. Staff Peter Flynn, Elizabeth Shotton Guests Aidan Madden, Graham Fitzpatrick

Design Technologies II Special Topics The Special Topics course varies each year, representing emerging issues in contemporary architectural technologies and research interests of staff. Representative topics include Irish Timbers and Sustainability; Light Perception Experience; Research in Concrete Design; Conservation of Historic Materials; Advanced Envelope Design; Lightweight Structures; and Performance Analysis Methods. Offered in the 2006-07 were; Light Perception Experience Irish Timbers and Sustainability Conservation of Historic Materials Coordinator Elizabeth Shotton Staff Paul Arnold, Pierre Jolivet, Loughlin Kealy, Paul Kenny, Donal Lennon, Michael Murphy, Elizabeth Shotton Guests Light: Donal Lennon, Michael Pike, Sarah Sheridan Timber: Seamus Heaney, Mike Keane, Dr. Maarten Niewenhuis, Bill Robinson Conservation: Dr. Aubrey Flegg, Alistar Lindsay, Dr. Sara Pavia, Grellan Rourke, Susan Rowntree, Linzi Simpson, Dan Sudhershan

Irish Timbers and Sustainability

Light Perception Experience

Professional Studies The intention for the course is to enable graduates to be confident, effective, knowledgeable and comfortable in their work and to be able to choose their mode of professional activity. The fourth year course content is designed to engage the interest of the students and to stimulate them to develop their own knowledge and understanding of the architect as a professional. The course provides a picture of the architect at work and of the skills required with which they survive and flourish. The course content deals with these skills which are encompassed in the headings: communicating, leading and working effectively. The intention of the fifth year course is to equip graduates with the knowledge skill and attitudes which will enable them to have freedom in choosing their professional mode of activity within their working life. The course provides the outline of the knowledge of the practice of architecture having regard to the graduate’s need to be able to work effectively as a junior member of a team, and to be able to advance to running smaller projects under the supervision of a senior member of the office. Staff Dorothy Jones

Research & Advanced Studies

Research Degrees Architecture supports a wide range of research leading to the degrees of PhD, MArchSc, MUBC and MSc(Urban Design) Current doctoral research covers the history of designed landscapes, sustainable development and landscapes, quality of life in the built environment, historical and critical architectural studies, and conservation: Daylight Dynamics Paul Kenny, supervisor: John Olley

Landscape, Water and Sustainability Elizabeth McNicholas, supervisor: John Olley

Health, Pedagogy and Sustainability: the Quality of the School Environment Sarah Sheridan: supervisor: John Olley

Notating Space: Music, Architecture and Acoustic Performance Fiona Smyth, supervisor: John Olley

Technology and 20th Century Irish Architecture Dan Sudershan, supervisor: John Olley

The Landscape of the Garden City Brian Ward, supervisor: John Olley and Hugh Campbell

Later Medieval Irish Wall Paintings Karena Morton, supervisor: Loughlin Kealy

Scottish Vernacular Architecture Audrey Dakin, supervisor Loughlin Kealy and Finola O’Kane

Conservation Policy and Globalisation Marie Robinson, supervisor Loughlin Kealy and Finola O’Kane

Indoor Air Quality in Irish Dwellings Liyan Guo, supervisor: Owen Lewis

Energy Performance Evaluation of Buildings Patxi Hernandez, supervisor: Paul Kenny

Notating Space: Music, Architecture and Acoustic Performance

Daylight Dynamics

Later Medieval Irish Wall Paintings

Degree of MSc In Urban Design The programme in Urban Design was introduced in response to the developing awareness and perceived need for advanced skills in urban design. The degree is offered as a two year part-time programme, leading to a research thesis. Students undertake a programme of introductory projects and seminars / lectures, and develop their thesis over the rest of the two years. The course addresses the current urban situation, responding to legislative change and the political/social parameters of urban design, and engages in the environmental issues associated with the rapid process of urbanisation. Models for action are examined in the broader European context. The thesis subject may incorporate a design element. The course is seen as interdisciplinary and is open to professionals in the fields of architecture, planning, engineering and surveying. Staff Hugh Brady, Philip Geoghegan, Loughlin Kealy, Alan Mee, Derry O Connell Invited Speakers Michael Creegan, Douglas Gordon, Seamus Mc Gearailt, John Prosser, Sarah Rock, Aine Ryan

Degree of Master of Urban and Building Conservation The programme in Urban and Building Conservation prepares students and the professions for an enlarging role in the conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of buildings and the re-vitalisation of urban areas. The degree of MUBC is a research degree. A supporting programme provides an advanced course of study to enable the preparation of a thesis. The programme has an emphasis on methods of recording, researching, analysing and evaluating the heritage of buildings and towns, and on the ability to make considered judgements on the issues involved in their conservation and continuing use. The programme provides a balance between theory and practice through a combination of project work, lectures, seminars and study visits to significant buildings and sites. The course culminates in the preparation of a substantial thesis on a chosen research topic. The purpose of the thesis is to enable each student to develop an in-depth knowledge of a particular area within the field of conservation. Staff Paul Arnold, Loughlin Kealy, Finola O Kane Crimmins Contributors Ed Burke, John Cahill, Mary Clark, Jackie Donnelly, Lisa Edden, Jason Ellis, Dr Aubrey Flegg, David Griffin, Aideen Ireland, Frank Keohane Donal Lennon, Alistair Lindsay, Charlie Lyons, Daniel McInervey, Paul McMahon, M. McParland, Emily Moore, Rachel Moss, Conor Murphy Ciaran O Brien, Dr Freddie O Dwyer, John Olley, Mona O Rourke, Aighleann O Shaughnessy, Sara Pavia, Margaret Quinlan, Noel Riordan, Susan Roundtree, Pat Ruane, Linzi Simpson, David Wall

Urban Design Analysis

Affiliated & Associated Courses

UCD Architecture @ CESUGA UCD Architecture has establish its programme at the Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios de Galicia (CESUGA), located in La Corunna. CESUGA was established in the early 1990s with a view to providing high quality university level education in Galicia in the north west of Spain. UCD offers three degrees there, the BSc (Architectural Science), the BArch and the BComm in partnership with CESUGA, and other programmes will follow. The Architecture programme is now in its third year. The staff are drawn from varius regions of Spain but with a strong Galician character, and UCD staff contribute to the teaching programme. It is hoped to established an exchange programme for students and staff as the programme develops.The benefits for UCD include bringing an international perspective to our programmes in Dublin, and hopefully creating further possibilities for postgraduate research and collaboration.

Landscape Architecture This four-year undergraduate degree prepares students for careers in landscape architecture or associated professions such as planning. The two main elements of the undergraduate programme are studio work and lectures. The study of landscape architecture involves learning many skills, but design is essential to this specialist degree and site-based projects are the basis of studio. Design methodology is taught and practised in the studio-based modules that make up almost 50% of this 4-year course. Students learn to inform their design decisions by analysis of information concerning the natural and cultural processes affecting particular case studies. There is an important element of self-direction to these modules. Studio work is supported by lectures providing theoretical material in the areas of biology, ecology and the earth sciences, landscape planning, management, materials and construction techniques.

Structural Engineering with Architecture This programme focuses primarily on the design of structures. The aim of the programme is to develop an appreciation for architecture and the mathematical ability to challenge the traditional boundaries of structural design. It has been said that engineers use the language of mathematics in developing their designs whilst architects use a visual and graphical language. Through the design content of the programme we aim to interlink these thought processes encouraging exploration of structural forms and materials. Stage 1: This includes mathematical and science subjects, graphics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanic. History and theory of architecture is introduced in addition to theory and design of structures. Students are challenged to build structural models using the knowledge gained relating to structural form and shape and stability. Stage 1 Students: Arthur Avkhadiyev, Ruth Baldwin, Jack Buggy, Julie Clarke, Sean Connon, Daniel Coyne, John Daly, Paul Farrell, James Forkan, Jason Goldrick, Laura Hannigan, Keelan Hegarty, Niall Keaveney, Brendan Kelly, Damien Kelly, Colin Long, Catherine McHale, Eoin McPartland, Stephanie Monaghan, Noel Moran, Thomas O’Boyle, Edel O’Connor, Alan Sherry, Manus Sweeney, Peter Wall, Robert Wasson

Stage 2: In stage 2 the modules providing the main foundation for structural design are introduced, including construction materials, building construction and the mechanics of solids and fluids. Design studio work enhances the creative skills through introduction to model making and 3D computer aided design. Stage 2 Studio Staff: Fiona McDonald, Mark Price, Peter Flynn Stage 2 Students: Jack Browne, Rory Burke, Emer Collopy, Bernard Conry, Michael Dowd, William Fadden, Michael Fenton, Michael Fitzgerald, Alan Garvey, Robert Harrington, Barry Kavanagh, Susan Keller, Fiona Little, Eoghan Maloney, Orlagh McHugh, Laura McLoughlin, Simon Mitton, Denis Murphy, Síofra Nolan, Cian O’Lionsigh, Aisling O’Shea, Brian Parades, Justin Perry, Conor Whelan

Stage 3: Stage 3 of the BSc programme takes the design and analysis skills to a more advanced level through both formal lectures and studio and design projects. The integration of building services within structures is also examined. Stage 3 Studio Staff: Chris Bakkala, Brian O’Brien, Mark Tucker, Judy McCabe Stage 3 Project Supervisors: Mark Richardson, Holger Falter, Paul Kenny, Eugene O’Brien, Paul Fanning, Mike Long Stage 3 Guest Lecturers: Keith Finglas Stage 3 Students: Rory Beirne, Orlaith Bermingham, Maire Bradley, Cloragh Byrne, Eoin Casserly, Deborah Condon, Aifric Delahunty, Austin Devin, Kate Fitzgerald, Diarmuid Kelleher, Noel Kennedy, Claire Mullen, Richard Nelson, Blain Newsome, Aodhán Reane

Acknowledgements This document was produced by: Brian Ward & Pierre Jolivet. With special thanks to Gerry Hayden and to all the students who submitted material. Addresses UCD Architecture, School of Architecture, Landscape & Civil Engineering, Richview, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland T +353 1 716 2757 F +353 1 283 7778 architecture.ucd.ie/07

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