3 minute read
Award Year: 2010
Course: English & History
Activities: Dramsoc; Musical Society
A group of us attended UCD between 2005 and 2010 whose interests lay in theatre of scale. There was a desire within Dramsoc to produce shows outside the LG theatre (the Dramsoc home at the time), specifically the first Leaving Certificate production of Macbeth, which made use of the Astra Hall in a way that had never been done before. This was my first experience working on this scale and the excitement (and tension) in the Society was electric.
The following year Eoin Kilkenny became Dramsoc Auditor during a year where we produced a show in Russia, swept the boards at ISDA, produced a Fr Ted show (that can now be seen as the initial stages of Foil, Arms and Hog), as well as launching the 24-hour musical. On the side we had been asked to get involved in a UCD Community Musical in O’Reilly Hall, a scale that had never been attempted before. We had no idea what we were doing but we sought guidance, help, and support for various sources and produced the biggest show ever put on the Belfield campus up to that point.
Occupation: Manager, UCD Student Centre
The friends and colleagues developed over that period led to a team that went on to produce the Dramsoc musical RENT which then set the ball rolling for the creation of the UCD Musical Society. I went on to produce the Community Musical Footloose and became Auditor of the Musical Society. It was the team, including the Musical Society Treasurer (and now my wife) Ciara and those on the inaugural committee that got involved who paved the way for the Musical Society that we have today.
David Matthews
Award Year: 1995
Course: Commerce
Activities: Track & Field Scholarship
Occupation: Regional Development Officer, Athletics Ireland
– Noel Carroll, UCD Track & Field Coach (19911998)
It was on a balmy June evening in 1992, Belfield, when I first heard those words. Over the next 6 magical years before Noel passed away I must have heard it a hundred times. The net was cast and I was caught that evening.
An International Athletic meet was being held on the track in UCD. Irish University Selection v Brown University v British University Selection. The last thing the various Athletic coaches expected was a fresh-faced secondary school student upsetting the odds. I was introduced to two men who over the next 6 years would mould and mentor me: Noel Carroll and Dr Tony O’Neill. They were enthusiastic, ambitious, and forward thinking. At the time they had a vision for UCD Sport and wanted me to be a part of it.
When word spread in Ireland that I was taking up an Athletic Scholarship in UCD it certainly raised an eyebrow or two among the Athletic fraternity. Conventional thinking was if you wanted to pursue your athletic career and be successful the USA Collegiate system was the tried and tested formula, following in the footsteps of Ronnie Delaney, Eamon Coughlan, and Sonia O’Sullivan. The “Doc” & Noel had other ideas. With the help of Finbarr Costello (Chairman of the Sports Development Trust) and the College authorities they established a programme that would help nurture athletic talent at third level and provide a viable alternative to having to leave Ireland.
I studied a Bachelor of Commerce and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was exciting times in the world of Business: lots happening in Europe; Ireland emerging from recession into exponential growth. I still remember with fondness the contrasting (but highly effective) styles of both Dr Desmond Norton & Dr Martin Butler. We were blessed to have over 300 acres to train: I can say I’ve covered every inch of the vast Belfield campus, from the hill at Merville Residence to the grass pitches opposite the Sports Centre. In all types of weather, training was never cancelled on Noel’s watch. “No such thing as bad weather lads…only weak men.” Twice a day for 345 days of year we trained in UCD. “Miles to run, promises to keep” - another one of Noel’s one-liners. Simple but deep.
Friendships were fostered (some more than others) and it was over an infamous game of pool in the Trap with Pierce O’Callaghan (BComm 98) that I was introduced to Niamh Jacob (BA 98) and as they say, “The rest is history”. Not only did UCD provide me with an education and athletic career but also the final piece in life’s jigsaw: a beautiful wife!
From 1992-2000 I wore the UCD singlet with pride: Madison Square Gardens, The Penn Relays, “The Golden Four” (Berlin, Brussels, Oslo, Zurich), and Australia. In a sporting world where the landscape is dominated by large commercial athletics companies it was always gratifying to wear the St Patrick’s Blue & Saffron while competing against the best.
1 wife, 2 Olympic Games, 2 Irish Track records, 4 European Championships, 5 World Championships: what more could a person ask for. I will be eternally grateful for all that UCD has done for me.
Now in my early forties I don’t run as fast, in fact I do well to run at all. But while out running now my mind regularly wanders back to Belfield and those magical times. I suppose it’s an age thing, but what I’d give to go back one last time to that balmy evening in Belfield, just one more lap with both Dr Tony & Noel.
A chat, a laugh, a story, a one liner, a lesson.
I would call it, “A Lap in their Honour”.