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Homecoming Parade Makes History
On Oct. 23, 2021, in recognition of the university’s 150th celebration, UCM set the world record for the “Largest Ridden Parade of Mules.” A total of 50 volunteers came from across Missouri and neighboring states to ride their mules in the parade, which coincided with the state’s bicentennial celebration. With the mule being both the state animal and the university mascot, there was no shortage of enthusiasm from the community to help mark these anniversaries and achieve a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title!
Alumni Riders
These alumni came back to their alma mater to help us set the world record!
Certified Mules
Setting the world record was no small feat. A Coggins report was required for each mule to prove it was not a carrier of equine infectious anemia, along with paperwork demonstrating it was at least 1 year old and the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. The mules had to travel at least 1 kilometer (0.62 mile) down Holden Street, maintaining a distance apart of no more than 3.96 meters (13 feet). A veterinary physician was on site to ensure the safety of the animals participating.
Set your record of support for UCM to keep the university going Mule Strong for 150 more years! www.ucmfoundation.org/give/world-record.