FALL 2014
regionalcampuses.ucf.edu • www.ce.ucf.edu
During October, the UCF ads in the Chronicle of Higher Education sent a significant message about the strong commitment of faculty and staff to students at state colleges through DirectConnect to UCF. Cited as the leading partnership university, we, at UCF, are extremely proud of this distinction. In the nine years since this partnership was formed, a climate of “aspiring, seeking and attaining” has been emphasized. The operational design has fostered one of the most successful partnership models in higher education today, a legacy to its innovative creators.
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We’re Hiring.
Think UCF.
This issue of the UCF Regional Campuses News highlights the innovative and current sustainable initiatives, and it places focus on another new tool for students called the DirectConnect to UCF “Pathway.”
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Think UCF.
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A MESSAGE FROM THE VICE PROVOST I have a question for all of you: What images come to mind for you when we use the name “Regional Campuses?” Do you immediately think about the services we provide to a wide range of students, DirectConnect or others? Do you think about our support services to students bound for the Orlando campus? Do you think about the student advising and enrollment services we provide in the regions for students who may never attend a UCF class at that location? Or, do you think about our large and growing online educational offerings? Our marketbased master’s degree and graduate certificate programs? Continuing education, contract training, and non-credit offerings? Testing services for students taking classes offered through Orlando? Do you immediately focus on locations, buildings, joint-use facilities and classroom utilization? Information technology services through our wide-area network? Library services offered on-site? If you thought of any or all of the above-mentioned items, of course you’re right. Some of your reaction is probably related to what you do and your unique perspective. We provide all of these programs, services, and much, much more. Hopefully, we are providing a level of service that exceeds the expectations of our students in a comfortable and approachable setting. Perhaps our students are even availing themselves of these services online in a virtual setting. Unfortunately, while the descriptor Regional Campuses may conjure up all of the above images for you (the hard-working people that make all of these things happen), I don’t think that level of understanding occurs among others with whom we deal: our partners and our stakeholders. I think for many people, on campus and in the community, this name is simply a description of our physical locations, our bricks and mortar, serving only the students who take classes there. Regional Campuses was probably an appropriate name when we primarily offered site-specific degree programs for place-bound students. I believe we are more than that, and we need to change the perception of what we are among our colleagues and publics as well. To that end, I have sought and received approval from Provost Dale Whittaker to move forward on a project to rebrand Regional Campuses, to make clearer to the casual observer (and our customers) what we are, what we do and for whom, to refine our “brand promise,” if you will. Organizations change. It’s a common thesis in organizational systems theory that organizations which don’t change, which don’t evolve, will encounter entropy and wither. We do not want to be one of those organizations. Over the next few months, I will be launching an effort to determine a new brand identity for Regional Campuses. My intent is to include a variety of stakeholders, including faculty and staff, in arriving at a descriptive, value-added identity that will implicitly and explicitly describe what we do, what we are, and who we serve. Stay tuned as we begin this process. I believe this will be an exciting time, given the brief history of our organization, and will serve as an evolutionary milestone as well.
Jeff Jones Vice Provost
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THE INAUGURAL CLASS OF JOHNSON SCHOLARS: Eastern Florida State College • Tonya Jacques In 2012, the Foundations of UCF, Eastern Florida State College, Lake Sumter State College, Seminole State College, and Valencia College partnered with the Johnson Scholarship Foundation (JSF) to create scholarships for students in the DirectConnect to UCF pipeline who showed financial need. The first recipients of the scholarships were honored at the inaugural luncheon, hosted by Valencia College, on October 14, 2014. Sandy Shugart, President, Valencia College, welcomed the scholars and Kelly Dowling, UCF Foundation, introduced the program and the scholars. Malcolm Macleod, President, JSF Board, assisted with the ceremony. The first Johnson Scholars were awarded medallions (as pictured) and had the privilege of meeting with four members of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation Board: Malcolm Macleod, President and CEO; Richard Krause, Treasurer and CFO; Robert Krause, Director; and David Blaikie, Director.
Lake-Sumter State College • Santosh Katta +1 Seminole State College • Velencia Duvra • Felipe Mireles • Sandra Francis • Laura Bragg Valencia College • Paola Albino • Therlisha Jean-Francois • Duneishka N. Roman • Daniel Salas (Valencia to UCF Fall 2014) • Ekaterina Karelova (Valencia to UCF Fall 2014)
LAKE SUMTER STATE COLLEGE re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
DIRECTCONNECT TO UCF PARTNERSHIP Curriculum Alignment Conference 2014 A College Access & Success Initiative
STEM course analysis studies: CHEMISTRY
The annual Curriculum Alignment Conference was held on October 31, 2014, at the Valencia Public Safety Institute. The conference followed academic discipline meetings held during the fall semester in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Math and Physics.
The program for the CA conference addressed course success research at UCF after transferring. Jeff Jones, Vice Provost, UCF Regional Campuses, welcomed the faculty. Mike Hampton, Chair and CA Lead, provided a brief history of the substantial work that has been accomplished since 2005-06 and provided the overview of the conference.
Our Partners
Pat Ramsey and Meghal Parikh, UCF IKM, introduced the course success research and portfolio. Following the explanation of the research, Teresa Dorman, Associate Dean-COS, set the stage for the working round tables and break outs where faculty discussed specific questions and gaps in learning that the course success research indicated. After a working lunch, the academic discipline groups reported out the results of their discussions and provided recommendations to be addressed during the Spring 2015 meetings.
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DIRECTCONNECT TO UCF PARTNERSHIP TAKING THE DIRECTCONNECT TO UCF STUDENT EXPERIENCE TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL (46-60 credit hours as they are admitted to UCF), and the Golden Knight level (1st and 2nd semesters at UCF).
This year, DirectConnect to UCF will begin offering the “Pathway” to UCFbound students just entering college at our partner state institutions. The Pathway will couple the outstanding services provided to all DirectConnect to UCF students with new and exciting opportunities, designed to provide earlier contact and preparatory guidance to those students who are earlyin-their-college careers. Students joining the Pathway will have (1) opportunities for career and major exploration with the completion of, and reflection on, career assessments; (2) earlier academic planning and preparation by researching and declaring their metamajors and majors; (3) skill development by participating in multiple workshops and student groups; and (4) structured and guided support before, during, and even after their transfer into UCF. These touch points are framed around four levels of achievement, which include the Page level (0-30 credit hours), the Squire level (31-45 credit hours), the Knight level,
What makes this Pathway unique and innovative is the purposefully- and exclusively-designed technology elements, with highlights including: • THE PATHWAY PORTAL. Students are offered all of the aforementioned advising and preparation in a specifically-designed, online environment. This “Pathway Portal” is the students’ 24/7 online access to the Pathway and to its various touch points; the Pathway Portal contains everything that students need in order to prepare for, and to successfully transfer to, UCF. • VIRTUAL GUIDANCE AND ADVISING. Throughout the Pathway experience, everything needed is virtual and accessible to all students, which helps to provide a rich and exciting experience. Virtual elements include: videos that guide students through their portal, a virtual UCF campus tour, and web-based advising applications like live chat, web-conferencing, and online-hosted workshops.
FOUNDATIONS OF EXCELLENCE (FoE) TRANSFER INITIATIVE On October 29, UCF kicked off its Foundations of Excellence (FoE) Transfer Initiative with a launch party that was attended by over 200 faculty, staff, and students from across UCF and its Regional Campuses. The purpose of the event was to introduce the UCF community to the “FoE Transfer Initiative”and to highlight areas where participation is needed. The event featured Provost Dale Whittaker, who spoke to his previous work with Foundations of Excellence while at Purdue and to his now strong championing of UCF’s involvement in this critical process. Announced by President John Hitt as a major UCF initiative, the purpose of the FoE Transfer Initiative is to create an excellent transfer experience for students by first reviewing UCF’s current practices of how we work with transfer students, and then by recommending and implementing areas of improvement. A Universitywide, comprehensive team consisting of faculty, staff members, and students will examine transfer issues around nine specific dimensions: Philosophy, Organization, Learning, Transition, Faculty, All Students, Roles and Purposes, Diversity, and Improvement. There will also be data collected via surveys that will be re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
• INCENTIVE POINT SYSTEM. Touch points and activities along the Pathway have “points” that are associated with their completion. As students master their skills, they accumulate their points, which can be exchanged for tangibles, such as UCF-branded merchandise. • DIGITAL BADGING. Along their Pathway experience, students receive digital badges to acknowledge and to recognize their completion of the various touch points and milestones on the Pathway. The DirectConnect to UCF Pathway is partnership-planned and driven, and takes the student experience to a whole new level. More importantly, the Pathway provides an intentional and guided support structure, whereby students are engaged with advising and services that will help them clarify their career goals and academic plans.
distributed university-wide to all faculty, staff, and students, providing a better understanding of the perceptions of transferrelated topics at UCF. Through this multi-tiered process, UCF will work to raise awareness of transfer student issues, shape the university culture to better accommodate our transfer students, and focus on transfer student success. The FoE Transfer Initiative is in partnership with the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, and is jointly led at UCF by Regional Campuses’ Vice-Provost Jeff Jones and Vice-President Maribeth Ehasz from Student Development and Enrollment Services. Together, Jones and Ehasz serve as the co-chairs for the FoE Executive Council, which helps to lead a task force made up of faculty, staff, and students from all across UCF. Jenny Sumner serves as Project Leader with Chanda Torres from SDES and Manoj Chopra from CECS and Faculty Senate. This is an exciting and wide-ranging initiative, and one that requires participation from everyone at UCF. Together we can help shift the conversation from challenges to solutions, bridge gaps between academic and student affairs support for transfer students, and, ultimately, create an excellent transfer experience for students. R E G I O N A L
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STUDENT SERVICES AND ADVISING The Student Services and Advising (SSA) team prepared for the new academic year with the SSA Huddle, a two-day educational planning experience of self-discovery, leadership development, strategic planning and a special UCF Spirit Day, with a special appearance by Knightro.
WELCOME NEW SSA TEAM MEMBERS! • Christopher Quintero, DirectConnect to UCF Coordinator, UCF Valencia East • Erica Atterbury, DirectConnect to UCF Coordinator, College of Engineering and Computer Science PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Jenny Sumner presented “Enhancing DirectConnect to UCF: Adding Virtual Footprints to a Transitions Pathway” at the Florida Virtual Campus Distance Learning & Student Services Symposium during the summer. Waheeda Illasarie partnered with Marisa Gonzalez, Registrars’ Office, and Andrea Morlini, College of Arts and Humanities, to present “A Collaborative Effort to ReConnect Students” at Florida’s NASPA Drive-In Conference in October. Kim Poppert, Colleen Scott, Kim Martinez, Lourdes Acevedo, Andrea Velez and Ginny LaRue are completing the Career Development Facilitator Training. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Regional Campuses’ Student Services professionals are serving as lead ambassadors with SDES departments to intentionally partner with these areas and to provide more leadership and resources for these respective areas at our sites. SDES RC TEAM LEAD SDES RC TEAM LEAD Career Services.......................................... Ashley Squillante SARC.............................................................Pam Brady CAPS.............................................................. Angie Jones Diversity & Inclusion................................ Carol Black OSRR............................................................. Pam Brady Health & Wellness..................................... Raphel Robinson Health Services.......................................... Angie Jones OSI (ROS, RSO, LGBTQ, leadership). Ashley Squillante FYE~Orientation........................................ Raphel Robinson VARC............................................................. Angie Jones SDS................................................................. Angie Jones MASS............................................................. Carol Black Raphel Robinson has led the revitalization of the Regional Campuses’ Virtual Orientation, including adding student videos and embedding our KnightsPrep into the virtual segment. The SSA Assessment Team, led by Pam Brady and assisted by Tina Davis, has finalized the development of a point-of-service assessment for Student Services, DirectConnect to UCF, and Advising Services. A Student Disability Services (SDS) Partnership Review will be jointly coordinated by Regional Campuses and the Office of SDS. Angie Jones will work with Johanna Thompson from SDS on facilitating this process to streamline a standardized Regional Campuses process. 6
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ENROLLMENT SERVICES It has been a busy summer for Enrollment Services. In May, Pam Williams (Assistant Director, Sanford/Lake Mary/Daytona Beach) was Enrollment Services’ representative at the Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (FASFAA) in St. Petersburg. In June, the professional staff attended the 6th Annual Florida Higher Education Summit & Florida Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (FACRAO) Annual Conference in Orlando. The Summit provided an opportunity to attend sessions related to admissions, financial aid and records/ registration; continue progress toward earning a certificate with the Florida Institute for Strategic Enrollment Management (FISEM); hear briefings from various state and national organizations regarding changes in policy, budget, etc.; and, finally, to network with colleagues from around the state. Jessica Matos (Coordinator, Valencia Osceola campus) completed her FISEM certificate which was awarded during the final business meeting. Gina Clifton (Admission Specialist, RCHQ) made the Dean’s List this past semester. Congratulations, Gina! There were several new employees added to the Enrollment Services ranks since our last issue. Melissa Kors became the permanent Coordinator for the UCF Valencia West campus. Melissa served in several OPS positions at the West Campus prior to coming to Enrollment
Services. Autumn Adams became our newest Program Assistant at the Cocoa campus. Autumn came to us with high praise from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Our newest staff member is a Senior Admissions Specialist and will be the first Regional Campuses’ employee at the Valencia East campus. Priscilla Alejandro will join Chris Quintero, DirectConnect to UCF Coordinator, to assist students at the Valencia East Campus. Priscilla worked for UCF in the past, but also spent some time with the University of Phoenix. Welcome to all!
UCF COCOA AND PALM BAY CAMPUSES Jessica Houts (Coordinator) and Nick Pantloni (Assistant Director) attended Brevard Public Schools College Fair on Oct. 15, Boo at the Zoo on October 24, and Welcome Back events at all Brevard campuses. They provided information about UCF and DirectConnect to UCF to hundreds of prospective students and their families. In addition, the staff completed 44 classroom visits at EFSC this fall, speaking with almost 600 students about UCF and DirectConnect to UCF.
We are currently searching for a replacement for Kathy Voudry, Assistant Director. UCF Valencia West/Osceola/ East. Kathy took a position at Seminole State College in their Enrollment Services office. We are looking forward to working with her now as a partner!! There was yet another addition to the Enrollment Services family, but not an employee. Jessica and Jaime Matos now have a baby boy born on September 19. Jaime Matos IV weighed 7.6 pounds. He was not scheduled to arrive until October, but we all know babies have their own timetable. Please see the adjacent picture of this little sweetheart.
UCF SOUTH LAKE, LEESBURG AND OCALA CAMPUSES Crystal Flynn (Advising), Christy Pasnisin (Enrollment Services) and Thomas Morris (Ocala) participated in the Careers and Colleges Expo 2014 on Sept. 18 at College of Central Florida Ocala campus. Close to 7000 participants attended. Thomas Silarek (Coordinator), Beth Larson (Academic Advisor) and Colleen Scott (DirectConnect Advisor) participated in the College Night recruiting event on Oct. 6 at LSSC’s Leesburg campus. About 450 high school and LSSC students and their parents stopped to ask questions and pick up handouts. Thomas Silarek (Coordinator) and Crystal Flynn (Academic Advisor) participated in College Outreach at Santa Fe College on Oct 16. They met with Santa Fe academic advisors to discuss the UCF application process, majors available at UCF Ocala, smaller class sizes, flexible schedules, eminently qualified professors, cost effectiveness, and knowledgeable staff that provide excellent customer service.
Degree Expo staff (front row: Lisa Cruz, Barbara Reeder, Vanessa Delgado, Sylvia Romeus, Malcom Alexander, Melissa Kors, Melissa Rojas- Second row: Heidi Ovalles, Akilah Reeder, UCF Cheerleader, Carol Black, UCF Cheerleader, Stephane Dorilas, Kim Martinez, UCF Cheerleader, Elba Arroyo-Cid, Knightro, UCF Cheerleader, Jim Smith, Jason Mayer, UCF Cheerleader, UCF Cheerleader, UCF Cheerleader, Salema Mohamed) re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
UCF VALENCIA WEST AND OSCEOLA CAMPUSES In addition to visiting classrooms and conducting Knights Connect and Knights Aid sessions, the staff participated in the Valencia College Nights at the Valencia West, Osceola and East campuses, Career Day and Discover Osceola events at the Osceola campus.
Western Region was awarded a Tech Fee during the 2012-2013 and, beginning in January, they will embark on a full network infrastructure upgrade with UCF Network Services. Once complete, the proposal will modernize the network at all facilities in the Western Region. This includes replacing nearly all network equipment (including wireless) and updating cabling to support the next generation of network technology. Palm Bay has reached substantial completion of their network infrastructure updating, using Tech Fees. The final phase involves wireless enhancements and some minor facility changes to support the new equipment. Cocoa had the Grand Opening of their upgraded CBA Testing Lab, funded through the Technology Fee. Cocoa has also recently completed upgrades to six multimedia classrooms.
Microsoft Lync is a unified communication tool that allows people to Instant Message (IM), Chat, Video Conference, Meet, and Collaborate. Regional Campuses initially had access to IM only; however, the University recently began a Phase 1 rollout of all features in Lync. Working in conjunction with UCF Unified Communications, the Western Region piloted the use of those advanced features and has been a leader in coordinating a full-scale roll out of Lync for use in all Regions. Currently, assessments are ongoing with Regional IT for webcam and headset needs, as well as software updates to Office 2013 to support the new Lync tools. Train the trainer sessions will be occurring at the end of the year or early next year, so they can act as on-site experts in educating and training faculty and staff on usage and features.
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UCF Regional Campuses proposed four new tech fees and partnered on one for the 2014-2015 cycle. They are as follows: WAN Optimization – Creates a High Availability Wide Area Network for all Regional Campuses as well as increases the speed of connectivity to the UCF Core Network and Internet. Multimedia Classroom Updates – Updates the oldest classrooms in Cocoa, Palm Bay, Daytona, and South Lake to current UCF digital standards. Sanford/Lake Mary Network Refresh – Updates selected switches to add capacity to the overall network, as well as installs new switches to provide service to the Sanford Lake Mary Library. Daytona Library, Photography, and Wireless Enhancement – Installs new networks in the photography building, the Daytona library, and adds support for shared wireless coverage with Daytona State College. Southern Region Student Use Computers – Replaces approximately 142 obsolete computer systems in Cocoa and Palm Bay. UCF Apps Round 2 – Grows the number of license and storage to increase capacity to the UCF Apps initiative, giving students access to select software on any device at any location. Daytona’s Tech Fee-funded network rebuild is on the home stretch! UCF network services has already cut over to their new network and will begin the process of removing the old cabling and equipment in the next few weeks. The UCF Apps Project is about to make a soft launch with the Central Region participating as an early launch site. The project will allow Central Region students access to the following apps on any device, any time and anywhere there is internet: 3D Studio Max (Limited) , AMOS, ArcGIS, Chrome, Firefox, Google Earth, JMP Pro, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Revit (Limited), Rhino (Limited), and SAS Base. The three apps noted as “Limited” are
July Employee of the Month! Eric Nielsen July USPS Employee of the Month. Eric is a Senior Computer Technician at UCF Regional Campuses. He has been described by his nominators as “the superman” at Regional Campuses’ administrative office. Eric does more than his position requires and goes above and beyond. “Eric’s attitude is one to be admired; he can be pulled in a million different directions and he is always happy, positive, and jovial. Eric is a valued staff member to all of the Regional Campuses sites. He is often sought out to assist the sites and they are very appreciative of his skill set and computer knowledge.” We’d like to thank this outstanding employee for his dedication and hard work. We’d also like to recognize those nominators who took the time to recognize outstanding efforts among their colleagues.
specifically for our architecture students. It allows students to run their specialized software from anywhere, not just in their architecture studio. This provides not only increased access and convenience, but also a cost savings to updating desktop systems, as processing and graphics is offloaded to high end servers. In conjunction with RC IT, SDES IT, and ROS, Altamonte Springs recently completed an upgrade of the free student printing system to enable the same card swipe access as on the Orlando campus. Sanford/ Lake Mary is slated to receive the same installation before the end of the year.
Please join us in congratulating our newest USPS Employee of the Month for October, Michael McCombes. Michael is a Computer Specialist for UCF Regional Campuses. He has been described by his nominators as someone who takes on challenges that save the university money. For example, Michael recently repaired a poly camera with an expired warranty rather than returning it to the vendor for repairs, an action which resulted in considerable savings. Michael “brings to the table a wealth of experience in the IT field as well as outstanding customer service.” Finally, he “does exemplary work and is a valuable asset” to UCF Regional Campuses and “UCF as a whole.” We’d like to thank this outstanding employee for his dedication and hard work. We’d also like to recognize those nominators who took the time to recognize outstanding efforts among their colleagues.”
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DCE Conferences and IT Services in the Works... The DCE Conference Services has been busy this fall with many programs, including the new partnership with the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC). We are proud to welcome AALNC to our offices to host their monthly chapter meetings, face-to-face and live online, and to co-create asynchronous online courses. The new courses are approved and geared for licensing renewals and CEU requirements for registered nurses. Topics already implemented include “Avoid a Lawsuit- Critical Documentation of Pressure Ulcers and Wounds” and “Florida Laws and The Nurse.” Many more to come. Along with the AALNC meetings, CE Conference Services assisted with the following programs: • Florida Statewide Symposium: Engagement in Undergraduate Research • International Lymphedema & Wound Care Training Institute • South Atlantic Regional Moot Court Tournament at UCF • UCF Urban and Regional Planning Distinguished Lecture Series with Anna Ricklin
The team has also been busy updating the UCF CE Online Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate Program. We welcome Suzanne Meehle, attorney at the Meehle Law Firm, who has joined us with an informative module within our interactive course. While DCE Conference Services is working toward bringing seminars to live online formats, the DCE IT team is supporting the growing demand for online training. New partnerships in the division include the National Center for Forensic Science and the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), which will be hosting their online programs with DCE.
New Monthly Short Video Segment
Besides releasing new online endeavors to clients, the team is very proud to be adding “UCF CE News,” a monthly short video segment included in the monthly CE Newsletter, showcasing upcoming CE programs. It features our very own actress, Amanda McCarthy (Autographs will cost you!). View all our videos at www.youtube.com/ucfce re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
DCE IT has also been busy meeting deadlines and releasing new applications and websites for the UCF Stormwater Academy, College of Business Administration, and College of Medicine.
ce.ucf.edu R E G I O N A L
Cocoa-Palm Bay
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FACULTY AND STAFF Barbara Alderman, Librarian, became the 2014-15 president of the Library Association of Brevard (LAB). Susan Craig, Criminal Justice, was promoted to Associate Lecturer starting with the Fall Semester 2014. Shloe Kerness, Education, graduated with her Ed.D. in August as part of the first UCF cohort of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate. Her dissertation was “Defining and Building Excellence: A Model for Teacher Professional Development at Arete Charter School.”
Charlotte Neubauer and Joyce Burr, Nursing, started a “Nurture the Nurse” (NTN) pilot program to teach students methods for stress reduction. Paula Cepero, Megan Haught, Darlene Kraft and Teresa Youngman completed the Safe Zone Advocates training series which supports the LGBTQ+ community at UCF. Angel Edgecombe and Angie Jones are representing the Southern Region as a part of the new initiative Transfer Launch. Denise Young, Lauren Miller, Jessica Houts, Kim Poppert, Angie Jones, Angel Edgecombe, Karri Williams, and Shloe Kerness attended the UCF Space Coast Alumni’s Starry Knight event which honored alumni who made significant contributions within the community.
Joe DiNapoli, Communication Sciences and Disorders, was promoted to Associate Instructor, effective Fall Semester 2014. Adam Pritchard, Sociology, joined the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office workforce to improve the county’s response to domestic violence cases involving non-fatal strangulation. Pritchard, along with Sociology graduate students Chelsea Nordham and Shannon Frey, will oversee data collection and evaluation of the pilot project in hopes of developing a model for use throughout the state of Florida.
Brevard Business News personnel interviewed Denise Young, Southern Region, and Robert Cassanello and Rosalind Beiler, History, for an article regarding program expansion of its public history bachelor’s degree program to include new media and cultural heritage management. Autumn Adams joined the Cocoa and Palm Bay campuses as the new Program Assistant for Enrollment Services in May.
STUDENTS Amanda Grimsley placed first in Program Oral Interpretation, first time a UCF student has been event champion. Six teams competed on such topics as Ebola policy, ISIS policy and Amendments 1 and 2 to Florida constitution. Alexandra McConnell, a Palm Bay Psychology student, was awarded the 2014-15 Florida Executive Women scholarship worth $2,500. McConnell is mentored by Karen Mottarella.
The Cocoa Future Educators Association teamed up with Brevard County FEA to host the annual leadership seminar at the Brevard County School Board. Approximately 30 high school students attended along with 3 advisors. The UCF Speech Team won its first team sweepstakes trophy as the 4th place team in the Capitol City Classic.
The Cocoa campus hosted a viewing of “The Committee.” This award-winning documentary, created by UCF Honors in the Major class, examines the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee’s efforts to root out homosexuality in higher education in Florida.
The Cocoa/Palm Bay USPS support staff, as part of diversity efforts, organized bulletin boards, wall displays and posters on variety of subjects: sexuality, gay rights and state rights.
Daytona Beach
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The RNO Anna Mae Ericksen Award is given for exemplary commitment, dedication, leadership and advocacy. This prestigious award was presented to Angeline (Angie) Bushy, PhD at the International Rural Health and Rural Nursing Research Conference in Bozeman, Montana July, 2014. The nomination letter for this award summed up a few of the contributions Dr. Bushy has made to rural nursing in the following narrative: “… Dr Bushy personifies leadership in rural nursing, which is the major criterion for the RNO award. She has published extensively
on rural nursing, health care for rural populations and ethics in rural health care practice. She has and continues to provide a voice for rural nursing in many organizations, not the least of which is the RNO. Angie has been active in our organization over an extended period and is currently Executive Director. Angie has influenced rural health and rural nursing in organizations as diverse as the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) and the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE). Not only has she held key leadership positions in many professional organizations but she has and continues to add contributions in writing and presentations, around the world, on topics that affect the health of rural populations and the discipline of nursing. She is well known for her mentorship of doctoral students both internationally and within the US. Dr Bushy is recognized not only by her peers but across disciplines as one who will have a long lasting influence in rural nursing and health care. The name Angie Bushy has become synonymous with Rural Nursing.” Congratulations to Dr. Angeline Bushy.
FACULTY AND STAFF Desiree Freeland, USPS Staff Council Regional Campus Representative, hosted an appreciation event for the Daytona Beach campus staff in September. The Staff Council was given a campus tour and was able to meet and chat with our staff here on campus. Ruthann Griggers was named Chair of the Volunteer Donor Appreciation Committee as part of the UCF LIFE United Campaign. She has represented our campus since 2008. Laine Wyatt was featured in a Faculty Focus Exhibition at Southeast Museum of Photography. The Exhibit presents works from faculty of the Southeast Center for Photographic Studies, a joint enterprise at Daytona State College, the University of Central Florida (Daytona campus) and Southeast Museum of Photography. To view online, visit http://www.smponline.org/ex_FacultyFocus_LaineWyatt.html#VCr2X-eD2U4.
Lindsey Fiskell, an active SNA member, commented on the event. “For me, it was sad to see how many veterans were homeless. It was an eye-opening experience! And I thought the whole event was incredible! The veterans were so appreciative... It was an awesome event all around.” Also in October, SNA joined forces with Knight’s Give Back at Turie T. Small Elementary. The students worked diligently scouring the grounds of the school as well as the surrounding community. As the volunteers were collecting trash from the roads, some community members driving by stopped to thank everyone and say how much they appreciated their hard work. Amanda Anderson, an active SNA member, stated “While picking up trash doesn’t sound like an ideal way to spend a Saturday morning, it really leaves you with that special feeling knowing that you’ve made a difference in the community. Not to mention it’s a great way to bond with fellow classmates outside of lectures and clinicals!.”
Bonnie Marsh continues to be an active member in SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management. She stepped in for Continuing Education when two members from the local chapter received their certification: Wanda Lawson and Ruth Anzola. They were able to complete the high quality HR Certification prep course offered by CE on the Daytona Beach campus. We were very proud to be involved in this partnership. Steve Berman is the Guest Editor of a special issue of Identity: An International Journal of Theory & Research on problematic identity development that will be coming out this semester. Mark Soskin, Economics, was quoted and/or interviewed in the following articles: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/opinion/os-florida-low-wage-scottmaxwell-20140515,0,3448165.column http://www.news-journalonline.com/article/20140816/NEWS/140819537?p=all&tc=pgall http://watchdog.org/144553/florida-tourism/#sthash.JIBJNmM0.dpbs re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
Student Nurses Association (SNA) students reached out to the community of Daytona Beach in October. A handful of nursing students paired up with Hospice nurses from Halifax Hospital in the Veteran Stand-Down event. This event was held for all veterans in Volusia County and featured free health screenings and donations. The nursing students provided blood pressure checks to all veterans and also donated items including various canned goods and clothing.
SNA also participated in the annual FNSA Convention held in Daytona. SNA President, Erica Thomas, states “We are glad we were able to make an impact on our community and we look forward to planning more ways to give back in the spring.” Psychology hosted a workshop on taking the GRE for our undergraduate students, October 22, 2014.
Sanford/Lake Mary
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FACULTY AND STAFF Jonathan Matusitz was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award (20132014) by the Nicholson School of Communication. He also has a new book published by Rowman & Little Field titled Symbolism in Terrorism.
Andrea Velez attended the Seminole County Chamber Recognition Luncheon on October 16 to promote DirectConnect to UCF in the Seminole Region.
Ray Sturm was invited to serve on and co-chair the Faculty Dimension of the Foundations of Excellence Transfer Initiative.
On October 29, students were invited to sign up for DirectConnect and Trick or Treat Down DirectConnect Street.
Mark Long authored a chapter in the publication, Surfing Florida, A Photographic History. Dr. Long’s chapter was titled “Florida’s Maritime History.”
On November 5, the SL campus, in partnership with Seminole State, hosted a STEM workshop to discuss STEM majors at UCF. Melissa Dagley from UCF’s STEM program was the guest speaker.
Lisa Brooks, Congratulations to Lisa on earning her doctorate in the School of Teaching Learning and Leadership of Education and Human Performance.
DirectConnect to UCF Pathway to Success event held November 19, helped Seminole State students get on the DirectConnect to UCF Pathway. The event was organized by Andrea Velez, DirectConnect Coordinator. Sanford/Lake Mary, in partnership with Seminole State College, hosted the Leadership Seminole Class #24 Education Day. UCF Sanford/Lake Mary, in partnership with UCF’s Institute of Government, hosted a five-day, state-wide training for Code Enforcement Officers.
Staff at the Sanford/Lake Mary campuses are once again teaming up with the Honors Institute at Seminole State College to help dress over 400 teddy bears to be given to the Salvation Army, who in turn will distribute the bears to children during the upcoming holiday season. Knightro and the UCF cheerleaders stopped by to pose with the bears. Please join us in welcoming 3 new members to the Sanford/Lake Mary team. They are, Jessica Banos, Office Manager, Nakia Randell, Program Assistant and Britnee Youman, Program Assistant-Nursing Program, Altamonte campus. Staff and faculty are gearing up for our third annual Food and Toy Drive to benefit the Kids House Wayne Densch Children’s Advocacy Center in Sanford and The Sharing Center (Seminole County) in Longwood. Food and toy donations are being accepted from November 1 through December 11. Plans for a bake sale are in the works.
STUDENTS Education majors from the SL campus are volunteering again this year at the Families in Transition (FIT) event. This is the third year that a group of education students will gather to volunteer in helping homeless families in Seminole County. The event took place November 15 at Winter Springs High School. Sanford Lake Mary campus hosted their annual Homecoming Event on October 21. UCF and Seminole State students were greeted with a surprise treat from Knightro and the UCF cheerleading team, as well as a member from KnightMoves. Students participated in fun activities, such as pizza, refreshments, carnival games, Wii video games, and a dress up photo booth. Lake Mary Police Department attended with their two K-9 units.
South Lake-Leesburg-Ocala
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FACULTY AND STAFF Congratulations Lisa Dunn on her appointment in May as Administrative Assistant to CeCe Rivers. Lisa previously served as an OPS Office Assistant in the WR Student Services office. Tanya Armstrong was awarded educational development leave for the fall semester to continue progress on her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, returning in December. CeCe Rivers served on scholarship committees for three central Florida organizations: Florida Executive Women (FEW), the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, and Clermont’s Pig on the Pond. FEW’s $2500 scholarship award went to a current UCF student, Alexandra McConnell, who attends the Cocoa campus. The Western Region held its annual team retreat at the Appleton Museum of Art in Ocala in July. The theme of the retreat was “Thinking Outside of the Box: Creating Work Environments That Enable People to Thrive.” Beth Scheitzach, UCF Human Resources OD and Training office, conducted a session on “Conduct Resolution Using the TKI.”
UCF South Lake supported the SL Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Teacher Appreciation Breakfast as a sponsor in August. More than 1000 attended and several teachers recognized are UCF graduates. Faculty and staff who attended the breakfast: CeCe Rivers, Tanya Armstrong, Junie Albers-Biddle, Christy Pasnisin, Jeanne Battersby, and Stephanie Luke. A Safety Security Workshop was co-hosted by UCF South Lake and LSSC in September at the SL campus. Faculty and staff heard presentations by the LSSC officials as well as the Clermont Police Department. re g io n a l camp u se s.u cf.e d u
In October, Mei Wong and Michael McCombes attended the Microsoft Tech Days Conference in Tampa as well as the UCF Information Security Conference in Orlando. Thomas Silarek was joined by Jim Smith and Barbara Reeder (from Valencia Osceola) at the Orange Lake Health & Safety Expo in Kissimmee. More than 150 Osceola County employees stopped by the UCF table for information about the UCF and DirectConnect to UCF. Congratulations to Lecturer Jeff Biddle (Sport & Exercise Science) and Associate Lecturer Junie Albers-Biddle (Early Childhood) on the completion of Doctorate of Education degrees from UCF. Junie Albers-Biddle presented at the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) Conference on November 5-8 in Dallas on the topic of “Implications For The PreK-3 Continuum and Hiring Practices of Elementary School Principals for Teachers in Primary Grades.”
The Lake County UCF Alumni Club hosts a Watch Party for every away UCF football game at Blue 42 Sports Grill in Winter Garden. Junie Albers-Biddle and Jeff Biddle, two of UCF’s most staunch alumni supporters, help coordinate the gatherings, attracting over 40 alumni and UCF fans.
The Western Region hosted its first student intern, Rita Simpson, this fall semester. Rita is pursuing a master’s degree in Career and Technical Education, working closely with our Regional Outreach and Student Services team.
STUDENTS Psychology major Natasha Vashist is the recipient of the Western Region’s Fall 2014 Honors in the Major Scholarship. Presently, Natasha is in the data analysis phase of her thesis and plans to defend next semester. In addition to her HIM engagement, Natasha is also research assistant for the Media and Migration Lab (SL) and serves as president of WR Psychology Club. Chrysalis Wright is her advisor. November’s HAPPY Hour Workshop at the Leesburg campus was entitled “Rise and Shine: Tips for First Year Teachers.” UCF Alumnus Audrey Dench, a second grade teacher at Sorrento Elementary School in Lake County, was the presenter. Thanks to Regional Outlook Services (ROS), free printing for students is now available at all three Western Region campuses.
Valencia East, Osceola, and West
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UCF Valencia West and Osceola hosted their fall Degree Expos on October 8 and 14. These events provided valuable information to Valencia College students, either on their way to UCF as part of the DirectConnect to UCF program or contemplating, but not yet committed, to UCF. The events were an immense success, with over 240 students attending at each location. More than nine colleges and departments participated, with many regional faculty members representing their majors along with our colleagues from Orlando. A special treat this fall was a visit by Knightro and the UCF cheerleaders! Participants valued the opportunity to interact with prospective students.
COLLEGE NIGHTS The UCF Central Region campuses participated in Valencia’s College Night events at the Osceola and West campuses on October 7 and 9, along with representation from more than 100 colleges. DirectConnect to UCF Coordinators and Enrollment Services staff assisted 440 students at these events, with numerous follow ups with students seeking more information on DirectConnect to UCF and our partnership with Valencia. GO KNIGHTS!
HISPANIC HERITAGE CELEBRATION The UCF Valencia Osceola campus hosted their annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration in September, which included a diversity movie and potluck lunch with dishes from several Latin American countries. The movie, “A Day without a Mexican,” was hosted by Barbara Thompson, Assistant Director of the UCF Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Over 30 people participated in this event and more than 15 different dishes were served.
OPEN CLASS EVENT Iryna Malendevych held an open class event at UCF Valencia West in September focusing on Careers in Criminal Justice. This event was open to any student interested in pursuing a career in this field. The speakers included UCF alumni Postal Inspector David Keith, who is currently assigned as a Financial Crimes Investigator, and Special Agent Richard Kim with the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation. 14
We are pleased to announce that Erica Atterbury has joined the Regional Campuses as part of the TEAM grant. She will be recruiting prospective Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Information Technology majors for the College of Engineering. Erica’s home base is at the Valencia West campus, but she will be visiting some of the other Regional Campuses to meet with prospective students in these areas. Please join us in welcoming Erica to our team! We are pleased to welcome Christopher Quintero to Regional Campuses, our new DirectConnect to UCF Coordinator, working at the Valencia East campus. Many of you may know Christopher, who previously worked as an advisor for the Western Region and also at the Orlando campus. We are glad to have him aboard! The Central Region is happy to welcome Bruce Turner as part of the IT team. Bruce recently moved to Orlando from Texas. In addition to his extensive knowledge of computer hardware, Bruce will be assisting Regional Campuses in adopting automated management and deployment tools. Although he is housed at the UCF Valencia West campus, Bruce also will spend some time at UCF Valencia Osceola and the Orlando campus at RCHQ. We are delighted to welcome Bruce to the Central Region!!
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1ST ANNUAL CAREER DAY UCF Valencia Osceola Student Services, in partnership with UCF Career Services and CareerSource Central Florida, hosted their first annual “Career Day.” More than 150 students RSVP’d for the event, which featured 30 local agencies, five workshops, and two panel discussions. The workshops included topics such as Networking, The Experienced Professionals Panel at the 1st Annual Career Day at UCF LinkedIn and Social Media, Student Financial Literacy, and Informational Valencia Osceola Campus included (from left to right): Jason Chesnut, UCF Osceola Psychology faculty and local Counselor; Judge Heather Pinder Interviews. The panel discussions focused on experienced professionals Rodriguez, Florida 9th Circuit Court; Consra Rosales, Partner, New York discussing the journeys they have taken in their career fields and a Life Insurance; Joshua DeVries, Planner III with Osceola County; Claudine Hawthorne, Grants Analyst with The Nature Conservancy; and Rudy Young Alumni Panel reflecting on what they have learned since Ramjaewan, Ramjaewan Law Group and President-Elect of the Osceola graduating from UCF. County Bar Association.
1ST BI-ANNUAL CENTRAL REGION FACULTY CONFERENCE Recognizing that professional development is an important part of being an engaged faculty member, the Central Region is offering an opportunity for professors/instructors to attend professional development activities at a regional campus. A new, bi-annual Central Region Faculty Conference was offered at the Osceola campus on November 4. The all-day event featured workshops on a variety of topics, including inclusion in the classroom, funding academic research, and open educational resources. The conference kicked off with a keynote address by Jordan White of Alexander Street Press.
UCF Valencia West and Osceola are celebrating international education week in November with a variety of activities, including an art exhibit, poster contest, international food potlucks, online trivia games, and the screenings of two films, “Girl Rising” and “Wild India.”
The Central Region staff supported breast cancer awareness in October and participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.
Signing up for DirectConnect to UCF!
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KNIGHT COUNTRY U C F R E G I O N A L C A M P U S E S 1 2 2 0 1 R e s e a r c h P a r k w a y, S u i t e 1 0 1 • O r l a n d o , F L 3 2 8 2 6 P h o n e : 4 0 7. 8 2 3 . 4 5 4 7 • F a x : 4 0 7. 8 2 3 . 1 3 9 9 regional@ucf.edu