4 minute read
The Great William
Writers Reading Shakespeare
Theodore Leinwand
“A powerful and subtle investigation of seven ‘writers reading Shakespeare.’ . . . Leinwand turns up a remarkable number of connections between his chosen writers, who include Coleridge, Keats, and Virginia Woolf; all of them engage adventurously with the lively immediacy of Shakespeare’s writing.” —Times Literary Supplement
2016 240 p. 6 x 9 10 halftones 479 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-36755-2 $35.00
Your Price: $12.00
480 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-52762-8 $27.50
Your Price: $9.00
Beasts at Bedtime
Revealing the Environmental Wisdom in Children’s Literature
Liam Heneghan
“Heneghan dives deep into the world of children’s literature and brings out the environmental wisdom from works old and new. So many of our favorite books in our youth use nature or ideas from nature to enlighten our imagination. From Peter Rabbit to Harry Potter, from Middle Earth to the hungry nation of Panem, it’s all covered in here.”—Daily Journal
2018 338 p. 6 x 8 8 halftones 481 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-43138-3 $27.50
Your Price: $10.00
Who Reads Poetry
50 Views from “Poetry” Magazine
Edited by Fred Sasaki and Don Share
“Economists, musicians, philosophers, journalists, musicians, doctors, soldiers, an iron worker and an anthropologist explain why poetry matters to them. Their responses are funny, moving and inspiring.”—Australian
2017 240 p. 6 x 9 2 halftones, 1 map 482 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-50476-6 $24.00
Your Price: $9.00
The Great Fall
Peter Handke
“You are advised to read this book, take a cane, tuck a feather onto your hat like the hero, and to follow him. . . . German literature is not conceivable without Peter Handke.” —Die Zeit
A Winter’s Tale
Thomas Bernhard
“What is extraordinary about Bernhard is that his relentless pessimism never seems open to ridicule; his world is so powerfully imagined that it can seem to surround you like little else in literature.” —New Yorker
Combining the darkly comic voice and vision of Bernhard with the lush and beautiful collages of Indian designer Sunandini Banerjee, Victor Halfwit is a unique and collectible artist’s book.
Distributed for Seagull Books
2011 208 p. 81/2 x 11 208 color plates 484 Paper ISBN: 978-0-85742-583-6 $40.00
Your Price: $11.00
Thomas Bernhard
“For all of its easily identifiable Bernhardian preoccupations—its suicides and murderers, its haunted characters—the previously untranslated story collection Prose provides, in miniature, both an ideal introduction and a refresher to the work of one of the singular European writers of the twentieth century.” —Three Percent
Distributed for Seagull Books
2010 180 p. 5 x 8 485 Paper ISBN: 978-0-85742-576-8 $19.00
Your Price: $7.00
A Long Saturday
George Steiner with Laure Adler
In a stimulating series of conversations, George Steiner and journalist Laure Adler discuss a range of topics, including Steiner’s boyhood in Vienna and Paris, his education at the University of Chicago and Harvard, and his early years in academia.
2017 144 p. 51/2 x 81/2 486 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-35038-7 $22.50
Your Price: $7.00
Shaggy Muses
The Dogs who Inspired Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edith Wharton, and Emily Brontë
Maureen Adams
“Move over Marley. Make room for Carlo (Emily Dickinson’s giant Newfoundland). Or Flush (Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s golden cocker spaniel). Or, maybe, Keeper (Emily Bronte’s intimidating mastiff mix). In Shaggy Muses, the work of each author is viewed intimately within the context of the canine companions who provided love, comfort and inspiration.” —Chicago Tribune
2007 320 p. 51/2 x 81/2 43 halftones 487 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-00536-2 $16.00
Your Price: $5.00
A Literary Companion to Recovery
Neil Steinberg and Sara Bader
“A vivid and accessible panoply of literary and philosophical wisdom that is singular in the field of contemporary self-help. . . . This is not a book solely for the intellectual. The well-chosen quotations that are the core of the book express the deep longings and suffering of people from all walks of life.” —New York Journal of Books
2016 256 p. 51/4 x 81/4 488 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-14013-1 $22.50
Your Price: $7.00
The Curious World of Dickens
Clive Hurst and Violet Moller
“Shows how integral Dickens’s everyday world was to the creation of his texts. . . . An interesting and tactile look at the intersections between Dickens’s literary world and the everyday world in which he lived.”—Victorian Periodical Review
Distributed for the Bodleian Library
2012 108 p. 71/2 x 71/2 95 color plates 489 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-384-6 $27.50
Your Price: $9.00
London in Quotations
Compiled by Jaqueline Mitchell
“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” Samuel Johnson spoke highly of London in Boswell’s famous biography, but not all have shared his enthusiasm. Since, the capital has been characterized as a “riddle,” a “cesspool,” and a “modern Babylon”—the last by none other than Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.
London is one of the world’s great cities—a source of inspiration to generations of poets, novelists, journalists, and commentators who have visited or called it home. This slender volume—filled with wise, witty, and sometimes scandalous quotes—presents the full range of impressions the city has made.
Distributed for the Bodleian Library
2014 96 p. 31/2 x 41/2 490 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-401-0 $11.00
Your Price: $5.00
Folktales of India
Edited by Brenda E. F. Beck, Peter J. Claus, Praphulladatta Goswami, and Jawahar
“It is the type of book that can be enjoyed by all readers who love a well-told tale as well as by scholars of traditional narrative and scholars of India in general.” —Asian Folklore Studies
“The stories collected here are representative, rich in structural subtlety, and endowed with fresh earthy humor.” —Contributions to Indian Sociology