We are the triplets, The baby triplets Look, we’re three: Annie, Nellie and me We have it all A’ Playing with our toys My teddy bear, My rabbit and my doll. We are the triplets, The baby triplets. Look, we’re three: Annie, Nellie and me. Nellie, Tessa and me. Tessa, Annie and me. Triplets, one, two, three. WHERE’S ANNIE? Tessa: Nellie: Nellie: Annie: Tessa: Tessa: Nellie: Annie: Annie:
Catch it, hey! Annie, catch it! Oh, Annie, what are you doing! Oh, I’m sorry. Ann, Let’s try again. Catch it, Nellie. Catch it, Annie. OK. Catch it, Tessa. Nellie: Tessa: Nellie: Annie: Tessa: Tessa: Nellie: Tessa: Tessa: Annie: Annie: Annie: Annie: Annie: Annie: Annie: Annie:
Oh! Come on, Annie, pass the ball properly! She can’t play at all. Yes, I can. Take the ball harder. Catch, Nellie. Mine. Catch it! Come on, Annie, pass the ball to me! Oh. Annie, what are you doing? I’m sorry. I threw the ball too high. I’m going get it. Oops Oh. Oh. The ball’s moving. Ha-ha-ha. The tortoise is pushing the ball!
Nellie: Tessa, catch the ball Tessa: Got it! Tessa: Nellie, catch it! Annie: Hey, what about me! Pass me the ball. Tessa: You’re not playing. Annie: Why not? Tessa: You’re not playing well today. Nellie: Play with your teddy bear. Annie: No, I want to play with you. Tessa: Yours. Nellie: Mine. Yours. Tessa: Mine. Annie: That’s not fair. Tessa: I don’t care. Annie: I’m leaving. Tessa: Yours. Nellie: Mine. Yours. Tessa: Look. The tortoise. Nellie: He wants to play ball too. Tessa: Throw her the ball. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Tessa: Where’s Annie? Nellie: I don’t know. Tessa: Is she angry? Nellie: I think so. Tessa: Here’s the ball. Play with it. Nellie: Annie, where are you? Tessa: Annie, are you in here? Nellie: No, she is not here. Tessa: Annie, where are you? Nellie: Not here. Tessa: Nellie, can you see her? Nellie: No, she’s not here. Tessa: Hey, look. It’s Annie’s teddy bear Nellie: Oh, no. Tessa: Annie, where are you? Nellie: Annie, please, where are you? Tessa, Nellie: Mommy! Mommy: What’s wrong? Tessa: Annie is not with us. Nellie: We can’t find her. Mommy: Have you looked in the garden? Tessa, Nellie: Yes. Mommy: Have you looked in your bedroom? Tessa, Nellie: Yes, she’s not there. Mommy: Don’t worry. Let’s look for her. Mommy: Have you looked in my bedroom? Tessa, Nellie: No. Mommy: Let’s have a look there. Tessa, Nellie: Ha-ha-ha. Tessa: Annie, are you there? Tessa: She is not under the bed. Nellie: She is not in the wardrobe. Mommy: Have you found your sister? Tessa: No, we haven’t. Mommy: Have you looked in the bed? Tessa, Nellie: No. Oh. Nellie: She is here! Tessa: Annie’s here. Tessa, Nellie: Annie, Annie, wake up! Annie: What’s wrong? Nellie: Annie, come and play with us. Annie: Oooh. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Nellie: Annie: Tessa: Tessa:
It’s great fun. Tessa, catch it. Oh. Oh, the ball. Nellie: The tortoise is playing with us. Annie: Yes, we’re four now. One, two, three, four. Tessa, Nellie, Annie: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Annie, don’t be angry, Annie, don’t be sad, Don’t go away, Please, please come back! Play ball with us, And have lot’s of fun. Annie, don’t be angry, Annie, don’t be sad! Mommy: Let’s play with words. Tessa: Annie is not with us. Mommy: Have you looked in the garden? Tessa, Nellie: Yes Mommy: Have you looked in your bedroom? Tessa, Nellie: Yes, she’s not there. Mommy: Have you looked in my bedroom? Tessa, Nellie: No. Mommy: Let’s have a look there. Can you repeat it: Garden Bedroom Bed Wardrobe