Talha Aamir
Los Angeles | 607-765-9089 thetalhaaamir@gmail.com | linkedin.com/pub/talha-aamir/69/85b/97b | talhaaamir.com
University of California, Irvine Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design September 2016-September 2017
UX Intern at Infusion, Jan 2016 Designed wireframes and prototypes based on usability principles Utilized lean and agile UX methodologies Consulted with clients on a frequent basis and iterated deliverables rapidly Identified user stories, tasks, and goals to formulate process flows Produced user interface elements for websites, applications, and kiosks __________________________________________________________________________________
Binghamton University Master of Computer Science September 2014-May 2016
Plant cARe, Augmented Reality Design, Jan-Mar 2017 University of Pittsburgh Convened with group twice a week on Google Hangouts to go over what Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies we accomplished since the last meeting, to outline what our future goals Bachelor of Science in Psychology are, and to work synchronously on our project deliverables. We also September 2010-August 2014 ______________________________________ worked asynchronously through Figma and Google Docs and Slides Initially researched both AR through hands on experience, and potential Tools and Languages plant users via directed interviews and surveys UX Software Developed personas, scenarios, and storyboards to help define our product Axure, InVision, Omnigraffle, Brainstormed and peer reviewed sketches and wireframes Balsamiq Finalized our designs into mockups and prototypes, again peer reviewed Produced and directed a commercial to highlight the functionalities, Coding information architecture, and visual design of our final product Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, C User Experience Evaluation Research of Zabihah.com, Jan-Mar 2017 Design Conducted an in-depth heuristic evaluation with three fellow graduate Sketch, Photoshop, Figma students following Jakob Nielsen’s 10 usability heuristics Analyzed step by step navigation and user flow on a granular level by Video Editing undertaking a cognitive walkthrough Sony Vegas Pro, Final Cut Pro, Compiled a competitive analysis by comparing strategies and high-level Adobe Premiere Pro evaluations of Zabihah.com with Yelp, Zomato, and Airbnb ______________________________________ Directed unmoderated remote qualitative, via usertesting.com, and quantitative, via loop11.com usability tests on target users Skills and Interests Delivered a comprehensive usability presentation with actionable feedback Wireframing and recommendations to site founder Prototyping Ethnographic Research Ethnographic Research Project at Philz Coffee, Sep-Dec 2016 Heuristic Evaluation Understood the process flow and movement of customers through each Cognitive Walkthrough stage of the coffee shop experience as guided by the layout of the physical Contextual Inquiry space, subtle technological cues, and social mini-cultures and norms User Needs Analysis Collected data via directed ethnographic observational periods and from Usability Testing interviews based on a semi-structured interview protocol Programming Coded, categorized, then diagrammed data into contextual inquiry models Filmmaking Analyzed models to identify and assess any roadblocks in the process flow Fluent in English and Urdu Presented findings and potential solutions to stakeholders in a final report Volunteering Philz Coffee applied one of my solutions in their recent store redesign
Debr aChi ang
Desi gner/St udentofHumanComput erI nt er act i on&Desi gn@ UCI r vi ne
Icur r ent l yl i vei nI r vi ne, Cal i f or ni a +1. 323. 369. 7601 mhci d. debr achi ang. com www. debr achi ang. com
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Res ear c hAs s i s t ant
i Lab,Uni ver si t yofSout her nCal i f or ni a,CA
SKI LLSETS AdobeCr ea t i v eS ui t e: PS , AI , I D
-Runeyet r acki ngexper i ment sanddesi gnexper i ment al set ups. -St udysal i encymodel pr edi ct i onofeyef i xat i onandhumanmemor y. -JOVAbst r actPubl i cat i on:Sal i ency,Memor y,andAt t ent i onCapt ur ei nMar ket i ng.
HT ML+CS S+j a v a s c r i pt+j Quer y Ba l s a mi q+S k et c h+I nVi s i on
WebDes i gnI nt er n
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-Desi gngr aphi csandwebpageswi t hpr oducer sandwebdesi gnl eadsf or E!Ent er t ai nment ,TheEl l enDeGener esShow,andot herTVshowwebsi t es.
UI / UXDes i gns Us erRes ea r c h
Pr oj ec tmgmt
M. S.HumanComput erI nt er act i on&Des i gn Uni v er s i t yofCal i f or ni a,I r v i ne
M. A.Communi cat i onManagement Uni v er s i t yofSout her nCal i f or ni a
Human Behav i or s Fi l m + Musi c
Tr av el
Lear ni ng NewSt uf f
CTF .Des i gnCommuni cat i onAr t s Uni v er s i t yofCal i f or ni a,LosAngel esEx t ens i on
B. A.Bus i nes sEngl i s h J i NanUni v er s i t y
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E D U C A T I O N 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 ( E X P E C T E D ) U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A L I F O R N I A , I R V I N E [ I R V I N E , C A]
M H C I D : H U M A N C O M P U T E RI N T E R A C T I O NA N DD E S I G N 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 7 M A R I S T C O L L E G E [ P O U G H K E E P S I E , N Y ]
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2 0 1 4 2 0 1 6 R T i [ L O S A N G E L E S , C A]
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Experience Charlene Fan ! mscharlenefan.com # cfan723@gmail.com " 714-925-4796
Freelance UX Designer Kelley Blue Book September 2016 - Present | Irvine, CA
●Quickly create client-branded assets for custom ad products in 1-2 weeks ●Envision new ad solutions including ad blocker initiative and custom ad prompt tool through sketches and hi-fi mock-ups •Conduct usability tests and lead brainstorming sessions •Tools: Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Axure
UX Designer SmartZip April 2015-June 2016 (1 year, 3 months ) | Pleasanton, CA
●Multiple-sprint project in 6 person team redesigning client Saas portal and creating new mobile app ●Delivered responsive desktop user interfaces consisting of 200+ screens
UX Designer Keaton Row Feb 2015 (1 month) | San Francisco, CA
●3-week client project in 4 person team making communication platform for stylists and clients ●Delivered clickable prototype with chat and style board features
Research Assistant - Child Interviewer UC Berkeley Culture and Family Laboratory Aug 2010-May 2011 (10 months) | Berkeley, CA
●Interviewed first and second generation immigrant children about family dynamics, culture and language ●Performed 3 hour behavioral assessments with puzzle tasks and videos
Skills Research Surveys Usability Testing Contextual Inquiries “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” -Antonie de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
Design Tools Sketch Invision Adobe Illustrator Adobe XD
Prototype HTML/CSS Languages Mandarin
Education University of California, Irvine Masters in Human Computer Interaction and Design, Sept 2017 University of California, Berkeley B.A. Integrative Biology
General Assembly, San Francisco User Experience Design Immersive
Timothy George You can design and create, the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality. -Walt Disney
1255 N Moraga St Anaheim, CA, 92801 (949) 346-6176 timsfilez@gmail.com
University of California, Irvine — MHCID Student
September 2016 - Present
IN4MATX 280 (Intro to HCI), 281 (User Needs Analysis), 282 (Design and Prototyping), 283 (User Testing Methods), 284 (Advanced Design and Prototyping)
Bapko Metal, Inc., Orange, CA — Project Manager March 2014 - September 2016
Adobe XD Balsamiq Mockups HILTI Profis Anchor Weyerhaeuser Forte
Designed and implemented job-tracking database to coordinate shop
load with clients’ construction schedules, eliminating over 70% of
required shop overtime. Managed projects from contract award to closeout with up to 60% profit margin on jobs ranging from $250K-$2.6M contract value.
(Strengthfinders 2.0)
Strategic: People talented in the
Strategic create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given
ESI/FME Inc., Santa Ana, CA — Design Engineer
scenario, they can quickly spot
April 2013 - March 2014
the relevant patterns and issues.
Structural design of wood/steel/glass for tract and custom homes.
Individualization: People talented
Foundation Design for residential buildings and freestanding structures. EDUCATION
University of California, Irvine — BS Civil Engineering August 2006 - July 2009
Project Manager for senior project on fly-over bridge design
Studied Abroad, Beijing Normal University, Summer Intensive Mandarin Program
in Individualization are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.
Ideation: People talented in
Ideation are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
Bethel School of Ministry, Redding, CA — Certificate September 2009 - July 2011
Leadership development school focused on servant leadership. Pioneered a micro-finance program in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. CERTIFICATIONS
Input: People who talented in
Input have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.
Activator: People who are
talented in the Activator theme
F.E., California — (E.I.T.) April, 2008
can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. They are often impatient.
VERONICA HERNANDEZ 714-485-3970 • hernandez.ve@gmail.com • www.vehernandez.com
Summary UI/UX Professional who is passionate about engaging clients to better understand who they are personally as well as what their core business functions and needs are. Actively involved in all stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Specific expertise in the overall user experience and UI development.
Skills •
Software:Adobe (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Acrobat), TopStyle(CSS tool), IBM Rational (ClearQuest, ClearCase), SourceSafe, iRise Studio, Google Analytics, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, MS Office, LotusNotes, Adobe RoboHelp 8, JSFiddle, Visual Studio 2010
Programming:HTML5/xHTML/DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
Experience UI/UX Consultant, ( v a r i o u s p r o j e c t s ) October 2013 – Ongoing
Work with customers to design and develop web and mobile UI solutions. Analyze business requirements to create a quality overall user experience. Work ranges from full-scale projects (conception to implementation) to smaller projects (creating graphic and web design elements). • Completed Projects include: Orange Country Structural Engineering (web portfolio), RH Church (software app), MLink (mobile UI solution), FTA (UI dashboard) Admin. Analyst/Professional, U C I T e m p . E m p l o y m e n t S v c s . ( v a r i o u s a s s i g n m e n t s )
• •
Library Assistant III, UCIMC-Grunigen Medical Library (October 2015 – January 2016) Billing Assistant, UCIMC-Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Dept. (February 2016 – November 2016)
UX Analyst/Developer, I n h o u s e I T / N u v o t e r a ( C o s t a M e s a , C A ) April 2014 – February 2015
• • • • •
Evaluate UI and workflow for existing web-based software and provide latest concepts for usability and best user experience across multiple platforms. Collaborate with product managers, creative team, developers and end-users to create an experience that is intuitive, simple, and meets business goals. Generate and present new design alternatives for stakeholders, project managers, and end-users. Provide production ready pages using the latest technologies and capabilities in Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JavaScript libraries (jQuery). Maintain graphics standards and branding as well as overall design consistency throughout the software application; creating and editing using Photoshop CC.
Web Services Administrator, H o p e I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y ( F u l l e r t o n , C A ) November 2011 – October 2013
• • •
Provide leadership in the design, development, strategy and implementation of a new website incorporating responsive web design and ensuring cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility. Participate in project planning meetings with internal university clients and external vendors. Organize and manage testing and troubleshooting of web site systems and applications software and hardware.
• •
Contribute to university's online marketing programs by measuring and analyzing website data using Google analytics, SEO, social media, email marketing, and landing pages. Create landing pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
UI Analyst, D e l o i t t e C o n s u l t i n g L L P ( S a n t a A n a , C A ) July 2007 – September 2011
• • • • • • •
Work closely with functional teams, technical teams and end users to design and update the user interface for a web-based enterprise application. Enhance, develop, and debug systems issues in Java using Eclipse on an Oracle DB. Communicate designs through wireframes and design comps using prototyping tools such as iRise & Dreamweaver. Develop effective and visually appealing prototypes based on established visual design and usability standards. Ensure all designs comply with ADA/Section 508 standards. Participate in client JAD sessions (focus groups) to understand and document ideas and requirements. Interpret UI requirements and Use Cases into low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes using HTML, xHTML, CSS & JavaScript.
UI Analyst/Developer, A M C M o r t g a g e S e r v i c e s ( O r a n g e , C A ) June 2003 – May 2007
• • • • • •
Design and maintain default management application interface using established specs and guidelines while also incorporating usability and HCI factors. Collaborate with business analysts and developers to ensure business requirements and users’ goals and objectives are met. Create sitemaps, wireframes, storyboards, process flows, prototypes and other deliverables to communicate product objectives and concepts prior to development. Consult with development team throughout implementation and programming to ensure proper coding with AJAX, XML and portal technology. Create high-fidelity prototypes using HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Project file management, versioning and builds maintained and supported using ClearCase and ClearQuest.
Sr. Web Designer, M o u n t S a n A n t o n i o C o l l e g e ( W a l n u t , C A ) August 2002 – June 2003 • Responsible for design and content management for Staff Development website. • Created PDF files for reports, brochures, and applications using Acrobat. • Provided technical support to users of Staff Development Technology Center. • Designed and developed online surveys in Dreamweaver using JavaScript and HTML.
Education • •
University of California, Irvine – Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design | September 2017 (current) Vanguard University of Southern California – Bachelor of Arts, Psychology | December 2013
PACE/Northwood University – Certification in Basic Electricity and Digital Technology | August 1996
katie jones
katie.anne.jones@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/katieannejones 202.364.7378 | katie-jones.com
About me
2015 - present Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA Communications Manager
I am a content strategist learning how to practice usercentered design. A decade of work in nonprofits and education has taught me to be scrappy, to tell stories that matter, and to listen first.
Created and oversee the communications program for the liberal arts college Lead strategy and production of news, email marketing, print, and social Support web governance for 30+ academic units Project managed 1000-page website redesign (over 50 stakeholders) Supervise communications undergrad and graduate student staff
2014 - 2015 Community of Hope, Washington, DC Communications & Events Specialist
- Project lead on all content creation, email, social, and web management - Team secured a 3-year story partnership with The Washington Post - Social media following grew 40% in one year 2010 - 2014 Sisters of Loretto, Washington, DC Coordinator, Volunteer Program -
Managed a paid social justice internship program; one direct report Led branding/mission articulation, recruitment strategy, website redesign Oversaw 3x program expansion, tripling applicant pool and program size Overhauled financial model to lower total cost while growing the program
2007 - 2009 Interfaith Voices (public radio), Washington, DC Assistant Producer
- Wrote and edited copy for a weekly public radio show about religion - Pitched ideas, researched, edited interviews and audio - Wrote and managed the show’s web content, social media and email
education University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA M.S. Human-Computer Interaction and Design, 2017 (expected) General Assembly, Washington, DC Digital Marketing, 2015 Pomona College, Claremont, CA B.A. Religious Studies, 2007 Graduated cum laude Won Hager Prize in Religious Studies
Writing/Editing Web, social, and print Copy editing Ghost writing Web Management Wordpress, Drupal, T4 Google Analytics SiteImprove Email Marketing Mailchimp Constant Contact Imodules Design (in progress) HTML/CSS Sketch Photoshop InDesign Balsamiq Invision User Research (in progress) Contextual Inquiry Interviews Observations Heuristical Evaluation Usability Testing People Facilitation Public speaking
Eon Jung UX/UI Designer
Jan. 2013 to Oct. 2016
User Experience Designer / Founding Member • Establish Oubly’s first UX design methodology by developing and maintaining style guidelines to support mobile, web and iPad interface. • Lead UX and IA for Oubly’s new launch in a fast-paced agile environment. • Work closely with the engineering team to develop the product iteratively to meet the user’s goal. • Conduct user survey, interview, usability testing for proposed designs and make actionable recommendations and updates/ changes based on feedback. • Drive the use of A/B testing, facilitating the user engagement, which led to an increase in new client subscriptions by 3.5% within 3 months of launch. • Overhauled Oubly’s website by producing aesthetically rich user interface designs which lead to 50% increase in sales within 5 months.
Dec. 2011 to July. 2013
Color OnDemand User Experience Designer • Develop user personas and scenarios in order to enhance functionality and usability for key audiences. • Design adaptive layouts to create a consistent user experience across all digital platforms. • Working in close coordination with other team members to compete for the project in a timely manner. • Create actionable and intuitive design flows by developing an Information architecture and high-fidelity wireframes. • Redesign the website based on heuristic evaluation leading to an increase in sales conversion by 7.38%.
hello@eonly.co +1 310-560-0070 in linkedin.com/in/eonjung
Education M.S. Human-Computer Interaction & Design University of California, Irvine GPA 4/4 Sep 2016 – Sep 2017 B.A. Visual Commnication Design Keimyung University, South Korea GPA 4.2/4.5 2004 – February 2008 •March Keimyung Scholarship Awards for 4 years • Double Major in Fashion Design • 2006 The student president of Fashion Design
Skills User-Centered Design Persona & Scenario Sketching Wireframing Prototyping Interviews Surveys Journey Mapping Interaction Flow Map User flows Usability Testing A/B Testing Ethnographic Research Competitive Evaluation
Feb. 2013 to June. 2013
Novica Freelance Web User Experience Designer • Communicated with stakeholders, marketing team on a weekly basis to ensure deliverables are met in a timely manner. • Attend weekly scrums and rapidly design low-to-high-fidelity wireframes/ prototypes. • Improve NOVICA’s visual identity keeping in view the market standard. • Conduct competitive analysis for proposed designs and make actionable recommendations.
Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough Usability Testing Contextual Inquiry Visual Design GUI Design Motion Graphic Brand Identity Art Direction Print Design Illustration
• Exceeded client needs and expectations by offering actionable recommendations based on competitive analysis and brand's key messages.
Tools Sketch Axure RP After Effect
Aug. 2008 to Dec 2011
Elite Color Technologies
Adobe XD Balsamiq
Web & Print Designer
• Worked with the in-house design team in redesigning GUI, graphics, website
and marketing materials which lead to an increase in gross sales by $100,000. • Created all promotional materials including but not limited to; banners, emails, web, and print materials, thus increasing new client subscriptions by 250%. • Reduced production costs by 8% by minimizing operation errors and optimized the workflow of internal design and production teams. • Maintained solid relationships with clients and offered solutions to client’s needs in a timely manner.
Flinto Photoshop Illustrator MarvelApp Omnigraffle Google Analytics Programming HTML CSS
BRENON KALU Product Designer, UX
www.brenonkalu.com b.kalu.bz@gmail.com 707.853.2227
UX Intern
May 2017 - Aug 2017
Bloomberg LP • Designing community and collaboration solutions for Bloomberg Terminal
Designer, UX
Mar 2015 - Mar 2017 Comrade • Produced annotated wireframes for various applications, websites, and platforms • Conducted heuristic evaluations to identify usability issues in web and mobile applications • Created strategy documents such as journey maps, sitemaps, and storyboards • Oversaw the development of testing scripts for user and concept testing • Built robust, test-ready prototypes with Axure, Invision, or iRise • Designed high-fidelity visual mockups • Collaborated and interfaced with clients daily to ensure client satisfaction and successful completion of project deliverables • Performed field research including site visits, contextual inquiry, interviews, and observation Select Clients: Wells Fargo, BlackRock, Charles Schwab, TIAA
Design Mentor
Aug 2015 - Present Designlab • Provide guidance and feedback to young designers on projects pertaining to design fundamentals, user experience design, and interaction design • Coach visual designers on the foundations of user experience and interaction design • Assist young designers with portfolio development, networking, and job hunting
Marketing Operations Specialist
Feb 2014 - Jul 2014
Data Analyst
Jul 2013 - Dec 2013
Radius Intelligence • Tracked all outbound marketing and sales campaigns via Salesforce and Excel • Supplied the sales team with over 20+ qualified leads per week • Generated over $5,000 in monthly recurring revenue
Avadyne Health • Configured and validated ETL processes from multiple sources • Monitored analytics and alert mechanisms to ensure secure and efficient data transfer • Performed daily, weekly, and monthly validation of reports and analytics
EDUCATION M.S. Human-Computer Interaction & Design University of California, Irvine
Sep 2016 - Present
Product Design and UX Design
Sep 2014 - Nov 2014
International Economics, Exchange Program
Aug 2012 - Jan 2013
B.S. Business Administration: Information Systems
Aug 2009 - May 2013
Chinese University of Hong Kong San Diego State University
Sketching Prototyping Wireframing Storyboarding Mockups Personas Sitemaps Journey Maps
Tools Sketch Invision Keynote Figma Axure RP Adobe XD Illustrator Photoshop Balsamiq Omnigraffle
Interests Art Food Music Travel Basketball Photography
UX Designer megan.matsumoto@gmail.com
• • • • • • •
SKILLS Excel Figma Illustrator InVision & Axure Photoshop Premiere & After Effects Sketch
• • • • •
Communicating w/ Stakeholders Content Creation Evaluating Usability Information Architecture Interaction Design
Cupertino, CA
• • • • •
Project Management Prototyping Understanding User Needs UX Design Visual Design
Designed an augmented reality experience to help plant owners take care of their plants in an immersive and empathetic way using the iterative design process.
Lead contributor to the data visualization assets and copy that made the plant health data comprehensible for any skill level.
Composed the onboarding experience that is communicated to new users in a concise and enjoyable manner.
Developed a test plan for a qualitative and quantitative remote study with clear and succinct instructions that produced insightful data and surfaced participant pain points.
Presented a high level report to tell a story of the usability issues and the areas of opportunities to improve efficiency, ease of learning, and engagement throughout the site.
Conducted observation studies and contextual interviews with Google’s onsite furniture vendor on the effectiveness of their customer request ticket tracking interface.
Identified pain points with heuristic diagrams to demonstrate flow interruptions, backlogs, and work-arounds.
Presented to management a comprehensive report with recommended solutions to improve the team structure and workflow.
Augmented Reality App Design January 2017 - March 2017
Keep it simple: a usability study of Booking.com Unmoderated Remote Usability Study January 2017 - March 2017
The costs of ineffective communication tools for customer centered roles Contextual Inquiry Analysis September 2016 - December 2016
Design the layout and workflow of our new email based learning program - perform A/B tests to determine optimal design for maximum engagement.
Analyze data and survey feedback to demonstrate program impact and suggest improvements to the program managers and stakeholders.
Create and document new spreadsheet processes to improve workflow efficiency across the team.
Support 9 global training programs with a reach of 1000+ Googlers.
Create and maintain written communications with program participants, facilitators, and external vendors.
Google, onsite via Adecco, Mountain View, CA June 2016 - Present
UX Designer www.meganmatsumoto.com
Cupertino, CA
Subject matter expert and voice of the customer to our product management and design team for the online patient portal and mobile app - theranos.com/me.
Analyzed customer feedback for product usability reports used to prioritize high impact needs and solutions.
Created training materials for onboarding new hires.
Balanced multiple ongoing projects: managing the customer feedback reports, creating training documents, and handling cases an average of 60+ inbound/outbound calls a day with Theranos customers.
Identified and document problem areas in customer service process, implementing subsequent improvements with new hires in a start-up environment.
Account Manager
Magnifi Group, San Diego, CA April 2013 - August 2014
Successfully managed 30 eLearning enterprise client accounts, retaining 100% of new and original client base.
Trained corporate executives and administrators on the Learn-Wise online learning platform utilizing public speaking skills and tools such as Articulate Storyline and PowerPoint.
Collaborated with management and development teams on client feature requests and design parameters, leading outreach initiatives to proactively solicit and address customer feedback.
Improved customer support efficiency by instituting Zendesk, a support ticketing program and help article database to better serve client requests and track issues.
Spearheaded the development of compliance courses with a third party vendor, working cross functionally with a remote team to ensure courses were delivered on time and exceeded quality standards.
Coordinated marketing, arrangements, budget, and registration for 4 corporate offsite events, including the Spine IEP Fellows & Young Surgeons’ Course that resulted in a 73% net profit increase over previous years and a rating of 4.5/5 on feedback surveys.
Theranos, Palo Alto, CA September 2015 - June 2016
EDUCATION Masters of Human Computer Interaction & Design University of California Irvine September 2016 - September 2017 (expected) B.S. General Biology University of California San Diego Latin Honors: Cum Laude
Todd Mihlbauer
mobile: 949.423.5864 Email: tmihlbauer@me.com
Skills Business
• Leadership
• Ethnographic studies
• Project Management
• Heuristic evaluations
• Communication
• Cognitive walkthroughs
• Presentation
• Usability testing
Software • Prototyping: Sketch, OmniGraffle, InVision • User testing: Loop11.com, UserTesting.com • Design/Video: Adobe Creative Cloud • Productivity: Microsoft Office, Apple iWork
Experience Cofounder Kanopik, Inc., Newport Beach, CA 2016 - current
• Development of an analytic platform for leveraging proprietary and non-proprietary data lakes for Data driven enterprises Sr. Technical Producer Pacific Communications, Costa Mesa, CA 2012 – 2016
• Drove and managed the first transition of a Client business unit (Allergan Facial Aesthetics: BOTOX Cosmetic, JUVÉDERM, LATISSE, and VIVITE) to a closed loop marketing platform within four months • Provided post-mortem analysis and quality improvement recommendations to account service counterparts and client for evolving user experience enhancements • Interfaced with corporate marketing operation department for Skura (an iPad app/web based closed loop marketing platform) regarding agency process integration of new workflow • Fostered the growth of the agency’s SharePoint development capabilities Interactive Producer Pacific Communications, Costa Mesa, CA 2010 – 2012
• Managed a ~30 member team including project managers, developers, designers, production artists, motion graphic editors, and QA team which generated $16 million in revenue • Developed and fostered relationships with account service teams and clients by demonstrating value as a strategy partner for brainstorming and problem solving • Facilitated process refinement and department structure adjustments • Proactively sought interactive and motion graphics project opportunities for the team
Recognition: • Industry recognized awards for projects include: Webby nomination (2011), W3 silver awards (2010), Rx awards (2007-2011), MM&M awards (2007-2011) Interactive Design/Production Studio Manager Pacific Communications, Costa Mesa, CA 2006 – 2010
• Increased revenues by supporting a wider variety of interactive projects and facilitated growth of peripheral groups, such as digital traffic managers, project managers, online strategists, metric analysts • Expanded studio capabilities into web site design, web site development, and video editing and established process, protocol, and quality standards • Acted as a resource for entire agency regarding interactive projects and was technical lead with client IS departments • Managed vendors that were subcontracted for specialized projects and coordinated equipment, software, and server needs with our corporate IT department Recognition: • Agency’s Person of the year award, 2009, Award of Excellence, 2009 • Several awards for interactive projects from Rx club and MM&M through out 2007-2010
Education University of California Irvine (UCI) Masters of Human-Computer Interactions and Design (MHCID), 2016-2017, expected graduation date Sept 2017
California State University Fullerton UX Certification Program, 2014
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting and Drawing, 1993 – 1998
References Available upon request
STEVED. NGO Us erExper i enceDes i gner
CONTACT 4026W.Rober t sDr i ve, Sant aAna,CA92704 ( 714)5480291( mobi l e) l i nkedi n. c om/ i n/ s t evengo h p: / / s t evedngo. c om s t evedat ngo@gmai l . c om
•LeadUXDes i gnerons al ar yexper t . c om andERIWebAs s es s or s ,acl oud ent er pr i s ec ompens a ons o war e •Cr eat eandpr es entdes i gns ol u onsus i ngs ket ches ,s i t emaps ,flow di agr ams , wi r ef r ames ,pr ot ot ypes ,andpi xel per f ectmockupst oeffec vel ys i mpl i f yand di sl lc ompl expr oc es s esi nt oi nt uiveandel egantUI s •Cr eat edandi mpl ement edpr oductandSEO s t r at egi est oi ncr eas et r afficf r om 50kamont ht o260kus er samont h
AL TAMETRI CS Mar ke ngCont entCoor di nat or / Edi t or
SKI LLS SOFTWARESKI LLS AdobePhot os hop AdobeI l l us t r at or Sket ch Bal s ami q I nvi s i onApp Mi cr os o Exc el Googl eAnal y cs
PROFESI ONALSKI LLS UXDes i gn UIDes i gn I nf o.Ar chi t ect ur e Us erRes ear ch SEO Copywr ing
J ul y2015-Pr es ent
Oc t2014-J ul y2015
•Cr eat emar ke ngc ont entwi t ht heobj ec veoff unnel i ngl eadsal ongt hebuyer ' sj our neyi nac c or danc et oeachbuyerper s onawi t hi nt heent er pr i s e. Mar ke ngc ont enti ncl udesbutl i mi t edt o:eBooks ,whi t epaper s ,cas es t udi es , bl ogs ,i nf ogr aphi cs ,vi deos ,Sl i des har es ,ands el ls heet s . •Hi r eandmanageat eam ofwr i t er s ,gr aphi cdes i gner s ,vi deoedi t or s ,voi c e act or s ,andf r eel anc er st oas s i s ti nt hecr ea onofmar ke ngc ont entwhi l e adher i ngt os t r i ctfinanci albudget sandpr oj ectdeadl i nes . •MapB2Bc ont ents t r at egyt hats uppor t sandext endsmar ke ngi nia ves , bot hs hor tandl ongt er m.Devel ops t andar ds ,s ys t emsandbes tpr ac c esf or c ont entcr ea on,di s t r i bu on,c ont entr et r i evalandc ont entr epur pos i ng, i ncl udi ngt her eal - meupkeepofc ont ents t r at egi es . •I mpl ementSEO s t r at egi esandbes tpr ac c es .I ncr eas edt r afficby5, 014%.
LAW OFFI CESOFWI LI ANIMALEK L egal / Mar ke ngAs s i s t ant
Sep2013-Oc t2014
•Cr eat edandmai nt ai nedanaggr es s i vemar ke ngcampai gni ncl udi ngt hei mpl ement a onofSEO s t r at egi es .Achi evedat op5pos iononGoogl e. •T ooki nia vet os eekout ,or ches t r at e,andes t abl i s hani nt er na onal bus i nes sc ooper a onwi t haVi et nam l aw fir mt os t r eaml i nei nboundl eads . I ncr eas edt ot alcl i ent sby32%.
EDUCATI ON Uni ver s i t yofCal i f or ni a,I r vi ne Mas t erofHumanComput erI nt er ac on&Des i gn
Pr es ent
Cour s er aCour s eCer ficat es I nt er ac onDes i gn
Aug2015-J an2016
Uni ver s i t yofCal i f or ni a,SanDi ego B. A.i nPol icalSci enc e:Amer i canPol ics
Strategic business professional offering project management experience in education and design. Highly valued as a source of new ideas and business relationships. Recognized for accountability, honesty and consistent results. Skilled listener and communicator. Proven effective in managing large groups of people and dynamic presentations.
Jacquie Parker
CU S TOMER SUCCES S M A NA GER | 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 - P R E S E N T
M AS T E RS OF H U M AN C OM P U T E R IN T E RA CT I O N & D E S IG N , M . S . | 09. 20016-09. 2017
ILLUMINATE EDUCATION Spearhead integrated partnerships and collaborate with implementation teams to help develop tools to promote student success and equity. Guide educators in supporting the next generation of solutions
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Leader in user experience research and design, interaction design, information architecture, product design, and human-computer interaction.
for teachers and scholars.
IN T E RN AT ION AL RE L AT ION S , B. A. | 09. 2009-05.2013
PROJECT MANAGE R | 0 8 .2 0 1 5 - 0 1 . 2 0 1 6
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES GROUP Business development for non-profits and small businesses, by providing Consultative Leadership Empowerment workshops; Communication Strategy; Major Donor Cultivation Seminars.
COMMUNICA TION S M A NA GER | 0 8 .2 0 1 4 - 0 8 . 2 0 15 ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Identified measurable performance indicators for underserved student populations: EL, foster youth, low- income subgroups' and aligned these needs to the district’s School Site Plan for success and equity.
B US INE S S D EVE LO P M ENT | 0 8 .2 0 1 3 - 0 7 . 2 0 1 4
Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures: Major in Latin American Politics & International Business Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Minor in Human Rights
E D U C AT I O N A L H O M E STAY PR O G R AM O C , F O UND ER | 2015 E F E D U C A T I O N F I R S T , LT D
WORLD TRADE CENTER SAN DIEGO Closed largest private sponsorship in company history. Increased levels
of participation and interest from C-level executives and policy makers
in topic of Latin American trade with a private policy briefing and
reception for Dr. Joaquin Vial, Head Economist for Chile.
Sk et c h Photoshop Ill u s t r a t o r Ba l s a mi q
21887 Bahamas, Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Stacey A. Seronick sseronick@gmail.com | (347) 495-7777 www.staceyaseronick.com
Career Highlights: • • • • •
International conference speaker; meet up and webinar presenter Brought over 100 products and services to market – B2B, B2C, B2P Managed long-term service design for a non-profit, resulting in operational savings of an average of 15-45% per page scanned Built on-boarding and training process and tools for UX content strategy and writing team within a large matrixed enterprise Founding member of Service Design team within large enterprise; responsible for building internal training and educational materials and tools on service design methods, processes, and tools
Skills: Software
Adobe CC – Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Acrobat
Design and thought leadership with or without managerial responsibilities
Axure, Sketch, Balsamiq, InVision, HTML, CSS, node.js, Python UserTesting.com, Reframer, Loop11
Public speaking, creative presentation design
Mural, GoTo Meeting, Zoom, Camtasia
Plays well with others
Participatory design, collaborative design
Experience: Wells Fargo | San Francisco, CA Content Strategist and Service Designer | 05/2015 – Present • Create learning objectives, paths, and curriculum for on boarding new content team members; create separate but similar “courses,” including original games, about service design for educating team members and partners on the what and how of service design. • Design and lead half and full-day design and rapid prototyping workshops. • Part of a cross-functional team investigating machine learning and deep neural network innovations for use at Wells Fargo; acting as link between the highly technical data scientists and the less-technical UX team. • Co-design and attend user research sessions, gather site analytics, and strategize with Interaction Design, customers, tech partners, and Product to create well-defined, usercentric content strategies for redesigns and new desktop and mobile applications. • Write, edit, and advise on content for in-application messaging, error messaging, and User Assistance (Help) guides
Cengage Learning | Boston, MA Content and Product Developer/UX Designer | 07/2013 – 05/2015 • Part of a team that put out seven iterative releases of an educational web app in twelve months, working in an Agile-based development environment • UX liaison to Gamification task force • Assist with Architecture requirements-gathering and documentation • Code in a proprietary language (akin to MS SQL), using a proprietary CMS • Decreased time spent on author and SME training by 75% by building training materials in PPT as well as web-based app in HTML, CSS, and PHP Internet Archive | Boston, MA; Washington, DC; Jersey City, NJ; New York, NY; San Francisco, CA Enterprise Service Designer and Regional Operations Manager | 11/2007 – 02/2013 • Change management for standardization of Quality Assurance (QA) assessments and evaluations of digital photographic imagery; service design engagement included ethnographic, long-term UX research, including taking on the job of QA analyst, and maintaining an ongoing dialog with a representative group of other QA analysts for continuous improvements and refinement • Standardized training and certification with a web-based app built with HTML, CSS, and MySQL/PHP • UX Designer and Front End Developer for company intranet project • Managed a multi-site, multi-time zone team of 7-15 QA Analysts • Managed two shifts of digitization specialists, comprised of up to 42 FTEs, including one junior manager Novel Box Company, Ltd. | Brooklyn, NY Art Director | 01/2005 – 09/2007 • Designed and successfully brought to market more close to 75 products, including several branded display and store designs for jewelry and gem retailers • Managed 2 FTE creative/design department Freelance Designer and Strategist | 12/1997 - Present • Experience/Omnichannel design • Branding consultant • Content creation and strategy • User research • Fashion and product display design
Volunteering: YBUSA | Oakland, CA UX Researcher, Service Design Lead | 06/2016 – 09/2016 Managed a design and strategy team of 8 to build a set of deliverables for a reimagined business model building and mentoring service. MissTeen USA | Cambridge, MA Pageant Judge | 04/2015 One of several local business women who interviewed and evaluated a large group of young women ages 8-18, for an inspirational, body-positive pageant.
University of California, Irvine – Irvine, CA; Master’s Human Computer Interaction and Design (MHCID), expected 2017 Current GPA: 4.0 Bennington College, MFA Poetry, 2002 Did not complete studies towards this terminal degree Bennington College, BA Liberal Arts, 1998 Concentration of studies in Intuitive Interactivity; Digital Art, Painting, Creative Writing, SiteSpecific Sculpture School of the Museum of Fine Arts, visiting student, 1996 Coursework in graphic art, animation (digital and analog), drawing
Isha%A.%Shaikh% !
Profile( !! Work!closely!with!stakeholders!to!gain!deep!insight!into!client's!enterprise!architecture,!business!model,!and!key!goals!ensuring!business!needs! are!being!met!and!pain!points!are!being!relieved,!while!advising!clients!on!implementation,!industry!and!ongoing!business!best!practices.! !! Conceptualize,!translate,!and!communicate!functional/technical!requirements!and!specifications,!test!plans,!scripts,!strategies!and!related! deliverables!including!the!design!and!facilitation!of!knowledge!transfer!sessions.!! !! Collaborate!with!project!teams!including!cross!functional!domains!and!offshore!teams!to!drive!development!accurately!and!efficiently! troubleshoot!issues,!while!cultivating!strong!client!relationships!to!deliver!a!successful!client!engagement.!! !! Diligent,!selfBmotivated,!goalBoriented,!excellent!communicational,!organizational,!and!analytical!skills.! !! Proficiency:!MS!Office,!Visio,!Project,!Team!Foundation!Server,!Microsoft!Dynamics!CRM,!Dynamics!Marketing,!Parature!CSS,!Sitecore!CMS,!CA! APM,!MySQL,!Javascript,!CSS,!HTML.!Experience:!Sharepoint,!Linux/CentOS/RHEL!Java,!C#,!ASP!MVC,!XML,!JSON.! !
Experience( !
Design,!build,!test,!scalable!complex!innovative!solutions!for!enterprise!environments!across!industry/technology!domains!helping!clients!drive!brand! loyalty,!manage!omniBchannel!interactions,!optimize!performance,!revitalize!business!processes!and!deepen!the!overall!customer!experience.! •! Functional!Test!lead!on!a!$1.2!million!energy!industry!xRM!solution!successfully!implementing!a!revised!test!strategy!optimizing!root!cause! analysis,!defect!resolution,!and!test!automation!aligning!a!delayed!and!over!budget!project!with!an!achievable!goBlive.! •! Improved!account!management,!sales!lead!detection!and!marketing!campaign!delivery!efficiency!from!80!to!150%!through!design/delivery! of!an!innovative!solution!tailored!around!Insurance!Sales!and!Marketing!processes.!! •! Managed!major!retailer’s!core!commercial!website!and!mobile!app!reBdesign!supporting!over!90%!of!online!sales!leading!to!an!additional! $1.5!million!opportunity.! !
Demonstrate!and!articulate!the!value!of!the!CA!APM!solution!suite!in!the!areas!of!customer!experience!management,!application!performance!and! delivery!management,!developer!and!usage!analytics!with!deep!visibility!from!mobile!to!mainframe!enabling!clients!to!improve!end!user!experience.! •! Design,!build,!test!and!integrate!on!premise,!hybrid,!and!cloud!CA!APM!solutions!including!solution!installation,!upgrade,!and!configuration! collaborating!effectively!with!stakeholders!to!define!key!business!processes,!create!baselines,!diagnose!performance!failures,!tune!metric! collection,!and!investigate!deviations!in!the!endBtoBend!transaction!stack!of!mission!critical!applications.! •! Improved!user!experience!of!an!online!banking!tool!for!a!Canadian!Bank!reducing!the!MTTR!by!over!40%!through!installation/configuration! of!TCP/IP!based!traffic!analysis!supported!by!actionable!reports!to!automate!detection!of!simple!and!complex!anomalies.! •! Strengthened!major!Airline’s!ability!to!rapidly!resolve!outages!and!performance!threshold!violations!saving!over!25%!of!application!support! costs!utilizing!JavaScript!to!instrument!server!agents!and!monitor!component!response!times!against!SLA’s!through!custom!dashboards.! !
Collaborate!with!project!teams!across!multiple!marketing/technology!functional!areas!on!several!key!projects!through!concept!ideation,! development,!launch!and!ongoing!maintenance.!! •! Develop,!execute!and!track!segment/seasonal/special!offer!email!and!website!marketing!strategies!and!campaigns,!as!well!as!conduct! online!reporting!and!performance!measure!analysis!for!Partner!Managers.!! •! Develop!test!strategies,!plans,!and!procedures!to!validate!work!before!campaigns!are!launched!and!emails!are!deployed;!perform!quality! control!on!developed!campaigns/email!content!and!website!optimization.! •! Redesigned!the!weekly!email!content!template!“Click!n’!Save”!using!research!and!user!studies,!data!and!measurements!pulled!from!Adobe! Omniture,!Cision,!and!Google!Analytics.!! •! Created!an!ancillary!revenue!business!model!winning!internal!ideation!competition,!selected!for!executive!review!by!Senior!VP!of! Marketing.! !
!! Children’s!Medical!Center![Volunteer,!Cleft!Lip/Palate!Camp]!‘07!–!Present!
!! Youth!Flyers![Volunteer,!Pilot]!’11!–!Present!
Education( !! UC!Irvine!–!Human!Computer!Interaction!Design![Master’s!Candidate]! ! !! University!of!Texas!B!Management!Information!Systems![Bachelor!of!Science]!!
! !
! !
! !
! !
!!!!!!!!!!!Class!of!2017! ! Dec!2013!
Certifications( Accenture!Industry!Generalist!•!CA!Application!Performance!Management!r9.x!Certified!Professional!•!ITIL!v3!Foundation!ITSM!! Microsoft!Dynamics!CRM!Application!•!Microsoft!Dynamics!CRM!Customization!and!Configuration! !! Awards/Honors( CA!Services,!Associate!of!the!Year!•!United!States!President’s!Education!Award,!Outstanding!Academic!Achievement!•!Team!Player!Award! Certificate!of!Special!Congressional!Recognition!•!United!States!President’s!Gold!Volunteer!Service!Award!! Avanade!Go!Orange!Award!•!Senator!Kay!Bailey!Hutchison!Academy!Nomination!Awardee! Outstanding!Commitment!to!Community!Award!•!World!Taekwondo!Federation!Recognized!Blackbelt%%% %
www.linkedin.com/in/nadia-shamsedin 803.719.1349
M.S. Human-Computer Interaction & Design University of California, Irvine
S e p. 2 0 1 6 Present
B.S. Sociology and Biology Furman University
2009 - 2013
Howard Hughes Fellow
EXPERIENCE Researcher Specialist Medical University of South Carolina • • • • •
Researched and designed for optimal workflows in databases utilized by multiple users Responsible for distributing materials to users and collecting all data Analyzing data and making recommendations to improve overall Created and maintained database for all data and analytics Video editing
CCPL Website Analysis Charleston County Public Library • • • • • •
Aug. 2014 Present
Jan. - Mar. 2017
User experience consulting of www.ccpl.org Created a high-level heuristic evaluation report with 3 other designers Created a cognitive walkthrough report that unconvered a crucial UX design flaw Created a comparative review report of other libraries Conducted unmoderated remote user testing of the website through Loop11 and UserTesting.com Created a recommendations report to present to the executive directors of the CCPL
UX Research User Metrics Statistical Analysis Interface Design Sketching Personas Scenarios Wireframing Prototyping Mockups Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough Competitive Evaluation Information Architecture Usability Testing Interviews
Design Sketch Photoshop Illustrator Adobe XD Axure RP Invision Balsamiq Mural Research Loop11 UserTesting.com Analysis SAS JMP
Meghna Sheth’s Resume
Meghna Sheth Irvine, California Phone: 714-350-2583 E-mail: msheth@uci.edu Portfolio: http://www.meghnasheth.com/ OBJECTIVE UX/UI Designer/Visual Designer/Web Designer with skills in Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, InVision, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Design, problem solving, and creativity. EDUCATION Masters in Human Computer Interaction & Design, University of California, Irvine Expected Graduation Date: September 2017 Bachelor of Arts, Hood College, Frederick, Maryland GPA: 3.3/4.00 (Overall) Major: Computer Science and Information Systems Minor: Management Graduation Date: September 2002 TECHNICAL SKILLS Web Applications : Design Software : Skills
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, php, Web 2.0, WordPress. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Framer, InVison, Axure, Adobe After Effects, Principle, and Omnigraffle.
: User Experience, User Interface Design, Interaction Design, Customer Experience, Mobile Web Design, Responsive Web Design, SEO, Flow Charts, Concept Models, Wireframes, Usability, Web Application Design, Social Media Integration, Basecamphq, and CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation, Sass/Less, and Grid 960.
WORK EXPERIENCE HRAdvocate (Neudesic) Irvine, CA (June 2015 – Present) Lead UX Designer -http://www.hradvocateonline.com/ -Lead/Mentor junior UX /UI team. -Participate in the planning process for new features and projects. -Develop and iterate on concepts for web, mobile, and tablet design experiences in a fast-paced agile team environment. -Develop and contribute to wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes. -Refine designs, considering live customer data, market research, and usability studies. -Assist in the development and evaluation of personas, and user stories. -Work with a top-notch engineering team to implement solutions based on created design. -Apply skills in Visual, User-Centric, and web-based design. -Create mockups, wireframes, and style guides. -Apply skills in information architecture and design, as well as in usability principles and techniques. -SAAS interface design processes and methodology. -Create high-fidelity prototypes in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. - Conduct user research, identify unmet user needs; develop design solutions, and tests for usability throughout the process. -Use variety of design tools such as Lucid Charts, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and Invision. Sutro, San Francisco, CA (February 2016 – August 2016) UX Designer (Side Project) - http://www.mysutro.com/ - Develop low and high fidelity wireframes, clickable prototypes, site maps, and design documentation that incorporate all technical, editorial, and usability specifications of the project. - Leverage Sutro and product style guides to ensure consistent user experience across products and features. Nexgen Pharma, Irvine, CA (February 2014 - March 2015) UX Designer w/Front End -Design and implement responsive websites using Bootstrap framework. -Maintain front-end of large consumer ecommerce (pet pharmacy, pet products, nutrition products) websites, shopping cart/ e-commerce store. -Design new and improve on current applications and websites. -Work closely with back-end developers to ensure the integrity of the UI. 1
Meghna Sheth’s Resume
-Implement new site design and collaterals. -Design cross platform/browser compatible, dynamic web applications and web pages which give users a unique experience -Write, maintain, and integrate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for interactive, front-end elements -Contribute to a standards-based website architecture using some of the best tools, including Bootstrap, Angular.js, jQUERY. -Research user experience of products. -Create mockups to communicate design ideas. -Convert static mockups to semantic, cross-browser HTML/CSS/JS templates -Daily activities included creating wireframes, clickable prototypes, gathering feedback, and usability tests. -Ensure cross-browser compatibility and identify and resolve bugs where required. -A/B, multivariate and/or behavioral targeting tests. -Expert UI/UX focus on transitions, rollovers, responsive web design Wollner Studios, Buena Park, CA (March 2013 - December 2013) Web Designer http://www.wollnerstudios.com/ -Work with Product Managers and the business owners to understand business requirements and translate them into visual design -Create interactive design mockups and wireframes. Establish and produce visual assets. -Design clean, efficient, reusable application components, working closely with the development team to gather requirements and implement the designed components within applications. -Oversee design vision from wireframes to live release. Work closely with development to integrate code with frontend frameworks and implement visual designs. Work with the Product Manager and business owners during QA stages. -Lead cross-functional design reviews for design concepts, from initial wireframes and prototypes through feature completion. -Design workflows that work on multiple devices and platforms including mobile -Create custom WordPress and Shopify themes. Work in code using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to fix defects and adjust interface to match the designs created -Develop and maintain visual design library and UX pattern library for consistent design -Highly customized WordPress theme development. Responsive website development. Software used: Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator) Sunland Nutrition, Lake Forest, CA (November 2012-February 2013) Contract Web Designer http://www.sunlandnutrition.com Design and Develop custom WordPress website, using Bootstrap 3.0, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Google Analytics, and SEO. Software: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator) Firebrand Group Newport Beach, CA (July 2012 – November 2012) Graphic/Web Designer http://www.thebillcoach.com -Design and develop micro websites ads in collaboration with Media Buyer. -Design and develop Interactive Web and Mobile Landing Pages and E-Newsletters. -Cake Marketing, Google Analytics, A/B Testing, SEO, AdSense, PPC, AdWords. Software used: Adobe Creative Suite 6 (Photoshop, Illustrator), Visual Studio, and Sublime Text.) David Riley Associates, Newport Beach, CA (May 2012 – June 2012) Contract Web Designer http://www.strandoc.com Create custom WordPress theme for the clients. Create HTML, CSS webpages from PSDs. Fixed websites for bugs, using cross browser issues, redesign websites using HTML, CSS. Integrate websites with Constant Contact, and various Social Media portals. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, Adobe Photoshop CS5.5, and Adobe IllustratorCS5.5. 2
Meghna Sheth’s Resume
SERJ Solutions Inc. Yorba Linda, CA (October 2011- March 2012) Contract Web Designer http://www.serj.com/ Design, develop and maintain website using XHTML, CSS, JQuery, WordPress, PHP, Blog, SEO, and Google Analytics. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, Adobe Photoshop CS5.5, and Adobe IllustratorCS5.5. Business Card Design, Presentation Folders Design (March 2012) Path of Light Center, Orange, CA (November 2011-February 2012) Contract Web Designer http://www.pathoflight-center.com/ Design, develop and maintain website using XHTML, CSS, jQuery, WordPress, PHP, Blog, SEO, and Google Analytics. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, Adobe Photoshop CS5.5, and Adobe IllustratorCS5.5. Email Marketing, Newsletter design and release. Red Hot Chilli Pepper Restaurant, San Carlos, CA (August 2011-October 2011) Contract Web Designer http://www.redhotchillipepperca.com Design, develop and maintain website using XHTML, CSS, jQuery, WordPress, Blog, SEO, and Google Analytics. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe IllustratorCS3, and Adobe InDesignCS3. Email marketing, brochure design and branding. Dongyu United Samples Inc. Irvine, CA (March 2011- July 2012) Contract Web Designer http://www.dongyu.us Design, develop and maintain website using XHTML/CSS, jQuery, WordPress, SEO, and Google Analytics. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, and Adobe Illustrator CS3. Brochure Design, Banners Design Vacations That Matter Tustin, CA (December 2010-February 2011) Contract Web Designer http://www.vacationsthatmatter.com Design, develop and maintain website using XHTML, CSS, jQuery, WordPress, Blog, SEO, and Google Analytics. Software used: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe IllustratorCS3, and Adobe InDesignCS3. Email Marketing, brochure design and branding. Hi Tech Protection Systems Inc. San Clemente, CA (September 2008-November 2010) Contract Web Designer http://www.hitechprotectionsystems.com Design and Develop the website with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe, HTML and CSS3. User Interface Design for Admin Application using Adobe Photoshop, Omnigraffle, HTML, CSS, Javascript. Ionidea, Inc. Fairfax, Virginia: (www.ionidea.com) Account Executive (Feb 2002-Jan 2004) - Manage accounts focusing on contracting and staff augmentation and providing Information Technology solutions to clients. Recruiting, tech screening, preparing consultant for interview, problem solving, attending networking events, and accomplish weekly team goals. Ionidea, Inc. Fairfax, Virginia: Part-time (Nov 2002-Feb2002) – Application Development using Java Server Pages, Enterprise Java Beans, Servlets, Java, based on the Java 2, Platform Enterprise Edition specification. Distributed programming using RMI, JDBC, JNDI and XML. Assist in research, and software testing. Maryland Inter-Library Consortium, Frederick, Maryland: Systems Operator (August 2001-Sep 2002) – Update the Library System on a daily basis using Unix. Processing daily reports, setting backup and overnight jobs, attending to problems of various Stations running on the Library System (Sun Voyager). Arranging meetings for the Consortium, Filing, Cleaning Database, Updating the database and monitoring. First Data Merchant Services, Hagerstown, Maryland: Internship (May 2002-August 2002)-Intranet development, planning, research and identification. Procedure development/design/Application Development with web programming using ASP, ADO (with MS Access and Oracle 8i backend), SQL, HTML, VB Script, JavaScript, and CSS. Determine and implement efficient methods of presenting information via the company’s Intranet site. Graphic design and layout using Dreamweaver, Fireworks, PaintShop Pro, PhotoShop, and Illustrator. 3
Meghna Sheth’s Resume
Research on Reddot Solutions, ASP.NET, and XML. Automation Counselors, Frederick, Maryland: Internship (Dec 2001-May 2001)- Changed Corporate Website as per needs using DHTML, JavaScript, CSS and ASP. Created Graphics using PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro. Layout and Design using Allaire HomeSite and Dreamweaver. Used VB Help Writer to create “Help” for Visual Basic applications. Hood College, Frederick, Maryland: Student Technology Assistant (August 2001 – May 2002) – Supervising the computer laboratory, assisting students in using computer applications, identifying and solving common problems, monitoring use of the network. Assistant Web Master (August 1999- May 2001)- Worked under Hood College Web Master. Experienced with HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, and CSS using BBEdit on Mac Computers. Created Web Graphics using Adobe PhotoShop. Also worked in Unix environment using Vi editor. Familiar with FTP in both Telnet and WS-FTP environments. REFERENCES: Available on request.
Content Design § Requirements analysis § Content testing and analysis § Content writing § Content strategy § Technical writing § Editing and proofreading § Database management Game Design § Game design documentation § Game prototyping § Game testing and analysis § World building § Interaction design § Scripting § Lighting UX Design & Research (In Progress) § Ethnographic research (field site observing & interviewing)
Sketching Wireframing Prototyping Heuristic evaluations § Cognitive walkthroughs § Competitive reviews § Usability testing Project Management § Agile Scrum § Project conception § Project planning § Project execution § Project closing Other § Front-end programming (HTML, CSS, JS) § Cross-functional collaboration § Leadership § Issue resolution § Public speaking § § §
Selected Software § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §
Adobe Photoshop Atlassian Confluence Atlassian Jira Camtasia FogBugz Microsoft Office Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Visio Omnigraffle Professional Sketch 3 Shotgun Software SourceGear Vault Tortoise SVN Unreal Editor Valve Hammer Editor
Content Specialist May 2015 to Present Facebook – Menlo Park, California § Recipient of the “Scale Over Self” award for implementing analytics dashboards to help content professionals be more data-driven § Collaborate cross-functionally with engineering, marketing, and product teams to ensure 1.8 billion users are onboarded on Facebook’s products § Oversee onboarding for Content Operations, and recently reduced training time by 50% § Serve as an expert on Facebook’s friendly, jargon-free voice § Manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining close attention to detail
Technical Writer October 2014 to May 2015 Sailthru - New York City, New York § Supervised technical communication for #3 fastest-growing private company in New York City § Integrated documentation request pipeline into existing product development cycles § Built and maintained a client-facing documentation website with a strong focus on usability § Developed clear and concise documentation for a variety of departments, including Account Management, Implementation, Professional Services, Product, and Support Producer/Technical Writer October 2013 to September 2014 High 5 Games - New York City, New York § Oversaw all technical communication for Game Design and Product departments, including end-user documentation (i.e. game rules), marketing communications, product specification documents, and training documents (i.e. wikis) § Managed a documentation database for over 300 games § Produced a document style guide to maintain clarity and uniformity, while adhering to gambling compliance standards § Collaborated with mathematicians to create new gameplay features and mechanics § Acted as a gameplay subject matter expert, and address questions from other departments, including Art, Consumer Relations Management, Marketing, Product, and Quality Assurance § Coordinated weekly game review meeting to discuss the status of games in production § Analyzed industry trends and presented to senior management to drive product innovation Associate Producer March 2011 to October 2012 The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University - Dallas, Texas § Led teams of up to 20 developers on projects up to 8 months in length using agile software development methodologies § Developed and managed project planning and tracking mechanisms throughout products’ life cycles § Established a self-governing team culture to improve team buy-in, dynamics, and morale § Acted as a liaison between Producers and development team, addressing both side’s concerns regarding project requirements, milestone deliverables, and team dynamics § Edited team’s planning documentation for grammar and uniformity prior to submission to Producers § Oversaw all team pitches, presentations, and user playtest sessions
Master of Human-Computer Interaction & Design University of California, Irvine – Irvine, California Master of Interactive Technology The Guildhall at Southern Methodist University - Dallas, Texas Grade Point Average: 3.66 (A+ = 4.0)
September 2016 to September 2017 (Expected)
January 2011 to December 2012
Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing, Rhetoric & Technology University of South Florida - Tampa Bay, Florida Grade Point Average: 3.65
August 2001 to May 2006
jontedesign4@gmail.com 559.679.3506 http://jontew.com
RESEARCH & DESIGN Competitive Analysis Contextual Inquiry Heuristic Evaluation Cognitive Walkthrough Survey / Interview Persona & Scenario Usability Testing User Journey Map
TOOLS Keynote Adobe Creative Cloud Invision Sketch Balsamiq MarvelApp Principle
EXPERIENCE Tulare, CA 2012 - Present
Oakland, CA 11/2015 - 12/2015
Hanford, CA 03/2015 - 08/2015
Fresno, CA 01/2012 - 05/2014
EDUCATION Irvine, CA 2016 - Present Fresno, CA 2009 - 2014
Graphic Designer | Jonte Design
Produce designs that get the clients messages across with high visual impact. Work on a huge variety of products, including websites, packaging, books and magazines, corporate identity, advertising, and exhibitions and displays.
Seasonal Design Associate | Minted
Creating and editing design file templates using Adobe Creative Suite. Proofing orders to ensure accuracy and providing quality control assessment for our products. Preparing and color correcting photos for optimal printing quality. Creating print-ready files corresponding with customers regarding their customization instructions.
Graphic Designer | Sasser Specialites
Was responsible for creating computer generated vinyl and full color graphics output that can be weeded, cut, and applied or printed and mounted to a substrate. In the production room responsible for all aspects of the physical construction and assembling of signs.
Graphic Designer | California State University, Fresno
Assist with creation, design, and layout of Educational Opportunity Program, off campus and on campus clients’ materials including illustrating, proofing, gathering assigned information for design ideas, and utilizing design methods and resources as necessary for completion of projects.
Master in Human-Computer Interaction/Design University of California, Irvine
Bachelor of Fine Arts in of Graphic Design
Emphasis: Interactive Multimedia Design California State University, Fresno
Music, Workout, Painting, Traveling, Gaming, Learning, and more
Hi I’m Krystle Young UX Designer Profile
I’m a design geek with a deep love for thoughtful, research-backed solutions for great user experiences
Sep 2016 - Sep 2017
Phone (909) 638-9164 Email krystlehyoung@gmail.com Portfolio www.krystleyoung.com
MS, Human Computer Interaction & Design University of California, Irvine 3.9 GPA • UXD@UCI Club President/Founder, SpaceX Hyperloop competition • Interests: aerospace, autonomous transportation, VR/AR/MR
Jun 2007 - Jun 2011
BA, Psychology & Social Behavior University of California, Irvine • Emphasis in: Social Behavioral Research Methods • SoCal Edison Scholarship, Kong Chow Benevolent Scholarship
Projects In Progress rLoop Hyperloop Rebranding, MSC Software Capstone Project Completed Plant Care App for AR Glasses , Prius Auto Dashboard, Netflix and Yelp Mobile, Healthcare Interface (various) Redesigns
Skills Research Methods
Usability Testing, Survey Design, Interviews, Competitive Analysis, Heuristic Evaluation, Information Architecture, Contextual Inquiry, Field Research
Ideation & Prototyping
Design Thinking, Storyboarding, Wireframing, Interaction Design, Personas, User Flows, Mockups
Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketch, After Effects, Figma, Axure, InVision, Balsamiq, Xtensio, Camtasia, Prezi, Keynote, Slack, Asana, MS Office
HTML5 + CSS3, Mandarin + Cantonese Chinese, French
Work Experience Jan - Mar 2017 Amarilo Jewelry User Experience Research & Strategy • Reported research & design recommendations for eCommerce site that uncovered several crucial usability flaws & growth opportunities • Conducted qualitative and quantative data research methods for analysis with a team of 3 usability experts • Recruited paid and unpaid users as test participants for unmoderated, remote testing via Loop11 and usertesting.com
Sep 2013 - Present Priority Health Design Consultant, Marketing & Sales • Led research and design strategy for branding, advertising, and web to launch health insurance sales agency with team of 2 • Achieved 71% client retention via custom appreciation campaigns • Increased sales team of 4 to 50-60+ agents (with continuous growth) through implementation of custom sales recruitment presentation
Jun 2011 - Sep 2013 Central Health Supervisor, Marketing & Sales • Promoted within 1 yr to Lead, within 3 yrs to Supervisor with staff of 3 • Initiated usability testing for custom enterprise software, saving up to $300K per year, and achieved a 100% adoption rate in 2 months • Analyzed survey and test results to enact policies & procedures that defined user-focused design methods for improved user experience • Implemented Section 508 Compliance web features, which improved accessibility for people with disabilities • Streamlined department audit with limited resources and a tight deadline, resulting in a 100% pass rate, ranking 4th nationally