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Learning and Memor y 2023

Volume II

The fie d of learning and memory has evolved rap dly over the last fifty years Technologica advances have made it possible to observe and record from a large number of neurons simultaneously, man pulate cellular act vity to influence reg onal dynamics visual ze whole bra n structure and function with unprecedented resolution and create art ficial inte l gence that s capable of complex prob em-solving With new technologies the nature of the questions the field is ab e to address has also evo ved The 2023 Internat onal Conference on Learn ng and Memory (#LEARNMEM2023 s held on April 26-30 2023 to celebrate the field’s accomplishments and chart the path for the next fifty years

This Research Top c serves as a repos tory of the discoveries and advances featured a the conference

In this Research Topic we welcome papers on mechan sms of learning and memory broad y construed subfields of neuroscience ncluding cel ular/mo ecular systems cognitive and computational neurosc ence Works cons dered inc ude emp rica reports, computationa models reviews, and meta-ana yses as we l as position/theoretical papers Al contributors to #LEARNMEM2023 are strongly encouraged to subm t the r work to the Research Topic however the topic is open to anyone

A Research Top c coord nated by Michael Yassa, UC Irvine

Laura DeNardo, UCLA

Cory Inman Un vers ty o Utah

Brice Kuhl, Univers y of Oregon

Dav d Clewett UCLA

Brock Kirwan Un vers ty o Utah

Benjamin Clark Un vers ty o New Mexico

Kas a Bieszczad , Rutgers Un versity

Andrew Maurer Univers y of Flor da

Jav er D az Alonso UC Irvine

FOR MORE INFORMATION https://fro.ntiers. n/LearnMem23

Learning and Memory 2018 (Volume I) was one of the most successful and highly viewed Research Topics in the Frontiers series.

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