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Faculty Awards, Honors and Books
Professor Vijay Gurbaxani Named a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS)
Professor Margarethe Wiersema Receives 2022 Strategic Management Society Service Award
Professor Philip Bromiley Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Management
Professor Margarethe Wiersema Receives 2022 Academy of Management’s STR Irwin Outstanding Educator Award
Professor Terry Shevlin Awarded the American Taxation Association Outstanding Service Award
Professor Ed Coulson GSSI Best Paper award at the Asian Real Estate Association/American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association International Meeting in July Title: Housing Wealth, Fertility, and Child Quality. Co-author: Ming-zhe Tang Accepted at: International Real Estate Review
Professor Imran Currim 2021 Marketing Science Institute Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award Title: The Right Metrics for Marketing Mix Decisions Co-authors: Ofer Mintz (PhD alumnus), Timothy Gilbride, and Peter Lenk Accepted at: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Professor Libby Weber Best Paper Proceedings for the 2022 Academy of Management Conference Title: Manipulating Perceptions of Asset Specificity in Alliances: A Microfoundational Approach Co-author: Russell Coff
Professor L. Robin Keller Title: Valuing sequences of lives lost or saved over time: Preference for uniform sequences Co-authors: Jeffrey L. Guyse (PhD alumnus) and Candice Huynh (PhD alumna) Accepted at: Decision Analysis
Retired Faculty
Robin Keller Professor Emerita
New Faculty
Michael Imerman Associate Professor of Finance
Noah Askin Assistant Professor of Teaching
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