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A Note from the Dean

The research subjects showcased in this edition of Research in Action are both varied and topical. One of these research papers explores the advantages of shareholders directly controlling corporate takeover decisions empowered with previously hard article examines the practice of targeting minority groups with online e-cigarette marketing. An alternative commission like Uber, is the focus of a third published paper. We also explore a study suggesting that measurements of the housing component within the consumer price index do not accurately

The depth and breadth of research activity within the Merage School spans just about every industry. In the last several years, the focus on the realities of digital transformation has greatly impacted the topics that our faculty members investigate – regardless of their academic specialty.

Please visit merage.uci.edu/abstracts to view all of our faculty research and learn more about future research collaboration opportunities.


b Eric R. Spangenberg Dean and Professor of Marketing

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