Uckele Brand Standards Guide 2021

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BRAND & USAGE STANDARDS This document has been prepared to serve as a set of guidelines for development of new materials and while updating current materials that reflect our enhanced brand.



To maintain a consistent look, feel and level of quality, this information should be shared with all who are involved with the development of Uckele branded materials. 2


Corporate Logo


Corporate Logo uses


Animal Brand Logo uses


Color Palette & Font uses


Photography Usage


Logos & Swag


Brand Sponsorship Logo uses

10 ID System 11 Website / Social M


Registration Symbol Descriptor

The Uckele corporate logo combines the two most important visual elements of our brand, the Uckele logotype and the Uckele descriptor. The diagram above illustrates the recognizable graphic features that make the Uckele logo unique. Position, size, and color, along with the spatial and proportional relationships of the Uckele logo elements (including font) are predetermined and should not be altered. Uckele Logotype The Uckele logotype was created as a specific artistic style to convey the personality and voice of the Uckele brand. The color choice acknowledges Uckele’s history while the typeface (font) choices are contemporary and look forward to future successes.


A Registration Symbol must always be displayed in the lower right corner of the logo as shown.

UCKELE BLUE PMS: 2935 CMYK: 100/46/0/0 RGB: 0/118/192 Hex: 0076c0

UCKELE BLACK 100% Black (No RGB or CMYK split)

Tagline - preferred use in single line San Serif Font - Helvetica preferred


In order to protect the integrity of our brand, the logotype must never be altered or replaced by any other type.


UCKELE LOGO USES Backgrounds & Contrast The Uckele logo must always appear clearly and legibly on its backgrounds. Always observe clear space specifications and use high-quality vendors and reproduction methods. The Uckele logo may appear on black, dark-colored, and light-colored backgrounds as long as sufficient contrast is provided. In situations where the background color is a grayscale somewhere between absolute black and white, please observe the following recommendation: when the background shifts to more than 50% gray in density, the Uckele logo must appear in reverse. A gray background density of less than 50% requires the use of the one or two color logo.

Logo with descriptor Corporate and people products only. Not to be used with animal brands.

Acceptable - blue logo wblack tagline solid color with clear Uckele letters/seethru background.

Logo without descriptor.

Acceptable - all white logo and tagline over photo with clear Uckele letters/seethru background.

Logo Black & White or all Gray with or without descriptor is acceptable.

Unacceptable - blue logo over photo with clear Uckele letters/seethru background w/tagline.

One Color - Black or grayscale only Acceptable Reversed (white logo/descriptor on black or drk color background) Not Acceptable Reversed. When placing the logo on a background other than the ones specified in these standards, use your best judgement to determine which logo renders the highest contrast.


Always ensure legibility by placing the logo in an area that is simple and uncluttered.


Request assistance from Marketing Department with any questions.

Acceptable - blue logo over photo with clear Uckele letters/seethru background w/tagline.

Animal Uckele Brand

Acceptable Uckele Animal Brand Appearance.

For use with animal products.

EQUINE CANINE Uckele Sub-Brands Pantone colors and alternate logo usage available upon request from Marketng Department. Supports horse’s individual needs. ®


CANINE When It’s time for performance.


All-natural herbal based topical products.



UCKELE COLOR & PALETTE / FONTS Blue and black serve as our master brand’s corporate colors with use of light blue as 3rd option, for print, electronic and environmental applications. Blue serves as our animal sub-brand primary color palette with use of provided additional colors, for print, electronic and environmental applications. Green and black serve as our human sub-brand primary color palette with use of light green as 3rd option, for print, electronic and environmental applications. To ensure consistent representation of our brand identity always use high-quality vendors and reproduction methods. When printing digitally, match the PMS chip as closely as possible. Product names should appear on same line rather than broken on next line in headline or caption. Follow Uckele font famillies or similar appearance for usage.


Uckele Corporate PMS 2935 PMS 2915 Uckele Equine PMS 2995 PMS 636 Uckele Canine PMS 1595 PMS 123 Uckele People PMS 7473 PMS 3248 Blacks 100% Black Grays % of 100% Black (No RBG or CMYK split)

Product Names - appearance Good Examples: keep product names on one line especially when used in caption. HERBAL-MUNE PLUS™ PHYTO-QUENCH+DC™ Bad Examples: broken product name. PHYTOHERBALQUENCH+DC™ MUNE PLUS™

TM (trademark) or ® (register mark) Must appear at all times where applicable on product brand names.

Uckele Fonts:


San Serif - Helvetica Neue LT Std Or, similar San Serif substitute. Usage: product descriptives / bullets.

Serif - Glypha LT Std Usage: product names

Script -

Viva Beautiful Pro B

Usage: Simple highlight descriptives only

Product specific category colors provided upon request.

Images evoke a holistic, natural, authentic, commited approach to achieving a healthy life and lifestyle for both humans and animals. All photo usage to follow purchase license aggreement and obtain photo release where applicable. Or, give photo credit where due on promotional materal and online uses.





UCKELE LOGOS & SWAG Apparel & Other Incentives In situations such as embroidery and promotional products, use common sense in sizing the logo accordingly. In the logotype, the letter spaces of the word ‘Uckele’ are intended to be left as negative space, meaning the apparel color and fabric will show through and there will be no threaded embroidery or ink in that space. Globally speaking, on a white surface the logotype is embroidered or printed in blue, and the phrase ‘Health & Nutrition’ is embroidered or printed in black. On a non-white surface, the logotype and phrase ‘Health & Nutrition’ are embroidered or printed in white.

Light color clothing

Dark color clothing White Uckele lettering with logo on clear promo products

With regard to items such as pens, mugs or banners, the size and position of the logo should be treated on a case-by-case basis. Additional information permitted on swag:

800.248.0330 www.uckele.com



SPONSORSHIP For opportunities such as high school athletic sponsorships o r stadium billboards, use the Corporate Uckele logo all white or Uckele blue w ith black descriptor. For animal related events, use the logo only without descriptor.





Any sponsorship that applies to: Uckele animal sub-brand uses the blue Uckele logo without descriptor or Logo with Equine or Canine descriptor Example photo caption and photography acknowlegement: Lauren Sprieser, Uckele Sponsored Rider Internationally-Ranked USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist

Use Uckele Sponser’s name, title, their website, on all promotional material both print and online use along with photographers’ credit.

Photo courtesy of Lauren Sprieser (High Time Photography)


The Uckele ID system is comprised of letterhead, business card and various size envelopes as required. The clean, streamlined Uckele layouts quickly communicate the master brand logo, descriptor phrase, corporate address and tagline.

Uckele ID System A well-developed identity system (ID) defines an organization, describes its culture, differentiates and positions the organization within the context of the competitive marketplace, and ensures that messages sent to and received by appropriate target audiences are clear and consistent.

Business Card front & back

The role of the ID system is to provide an appropriate “first impression” of the brand. Its role is not promotional in nature. The goal is to provide a concise, at-a-glance understanding of the Uckele brand. Visual identity:

Logo, descriptive, tagline as shown and placement as per desired size envelope.

Sincerely, Associate’s Name

• Provides an organization with visibility and “recognizability”. • Symbolizes an organization for external stakeholders thereby contributing to its image and reputation.

Uckele Associate Email signature as shown. No additional images or information should be added without approval.

Job Title Letterhead

• Expresses the structure of an organization to its external stakeholders, visualising its coherence as well as the relationships between divisions or units. • Internally, relates to employees’ identification with the organization as a whole and/or the specific departments they work for.


ID System

www.uckele.com Ph 800.248.0330 ext. 000 517.486.4341 Fx 517.486.3125


Photo imagery, font styles and proper logo usage should be followed. Color usage should follow corporate and category requirements.

Website / Social M


Uckele Health & Nutrition 5600 Silberhorn Hwy. Blissfield, MI 49228

800.248.0330 | 517.486.4341



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