City News No. 6

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Year 3 - Issue No. 6

June - July 2013



A Beautiful Girl An Evil Man Kate Elizabeth "Katie" Piper (born 12 October 1983) is a philanthropist, television presenter and former model from Andover, Hampshire in England, UK. She had everything going for her - a blossoming career, a wonderful life and a beautiful face. But that all changed after a horrific acid attack in March 2008 destroyed everything as she knew it. The young model and television presenter, who was 24 years old at the time, was leaving her apartment in a London suburb when she was attacked by a stranger waiting for her with a cup of sulfuric acid. Stefan Sylvestre threw the cup of corrosive liquid on Piper, burning the skin on her face, neck, chest and hands. She was also left blinded in one eye. Sylvestre was asked by Piper's former boyfriend, Danny Lynch, to throw the acid on her face because she ended their short relationship. To make matters worse, two days before the attack, Piper was raped by Lynch in a London hotel room after ending the partnership. CONTINUE READING ON PAGE 3...

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The Campaign of Israel What is the Campaign of Israel?

who received health, prosperity, a blessed family, who found their other half, in other words, people who could only see their dreams come true when they exercised their faith and participated in a Campaign of Israel.

Since the beginning of the UCKG, the Campaign of Israel has been taking place twice a year, usually in the months of January and July. The objective of the Campaign of Israel is to awaken people’s faith. Everybody has faith but, if it’s dormant, it will not bring any benefits to the one who has it.

The UCKG is a reflection of the people, who have been growing spiritually; and this spiritual growth results in a better quality of life. The Campaign of Israel is a major worldwide event, where bishops and pastors from all over the globe gather people’s requests and take them to special places in the Holy Land, where important historical events took place, changing the life of many people, nations and even humankind.

For this reason, during the Campaign of Israel, we talk about events that happened in the time of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, and other men who, through practical faith, achieved the fulfilment of God’s promises. When a person’s faith is awakened and he puts it into practice, he is blessed—regardless of his skin colour, race, education, social status or physical appearance.

Prayer Request Form : Financial


Mount of Olives

“Yes, many people and strong nations shall come to Jerusalem... to pray to the Lord for His favor.” Zechariah 8:22

There are thousands of testimonies of people

Spiritual life Health

The Tomb of Jesus

Love life

Collect your prayer request when you visit the HelpCentre Open 7 days a week _____________________________________________

Campaign of Israel July 14-21

The Wailing Wall of Jerusalem

If you are facing an impossible problem or you want to materialise a big dream, the Campaign of Israel will surely inspire you! For more information about how to take part and what it involves, you can call the Helpline on 2827 2525, text 6079 9107, visit our website at or walk into the UCKG HelpCentre.

Gideon’s Spring

14/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan - MTR Exit A1 (Opposite Wing On Department Store)

14/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan - MTR Exit A1 (Opposite Wing On Department Store)

Prayer Requests sent to Israel

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I had enough of the situation...

BY: ROLANDO PAMPOLINO went to college to study Engineering and I was expecting to achieve a better life through my efforts in school. After graduating in 1998, I was confident about a bright future full of achievements. Unfortunately, things did not work out that easy. I got a job as an engineer in one of the biggest corporations in the Philippines, nevertheless my position in that company didn't make a great impact in my finances. My salary was around $200 a month, and that couldn’t offer me much quality in life.

though I had been 4 years in the church, I never gave it faithfully, just occasionally. I had many doubts about how to give tithe properly. That was the stumbling block on my way to prosperity; I realized that it would be impossible for me to move forward without being totally faithful to God, since He is the source of all blessings! From the moment I started returning my tithe faithfully I could see my life improving day by day.

At that time I could not take my fiancée out, not even to eat at McDonalds, let alone in a good restaurant. I had only one pair of shoes to go to work daily and was really tired of that situation.

I had only one pair of shoes to go to work daily and was really tired of that situation.

That's how I came to the UCKG HelpCentre. I was invited by one of my co-workers. I thought that with God my life could finally change for the better. By attending the church I learned a lot through the teachings and decided to open up my own engineering company. I learned about tithe but even

dreams and furnish it with the best home interior and were able to buy 2 new cars and company vehicles. Now, I can finally provide all I ever wanted for my family. I’m only looking forward knowing that greater things are yet to be done, because with God there are no limits!

I also participated in the Cam-

paign of Israel and all of a sudden my company begun to sign huge contracts and I was in need to hire more workers. I began my company with 30 employees but due to the number of contracts we got, today my company employs 300 workers. As the business grew, we were able to build the house of our Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

Katie Met Her boyfriend, Danny Lynch on Facebook FROM PAGE 1...

his all started when Katie was contacted by a man called Danny Lynch on Facebook. They had 30 mutual friends on the website, so he seemed credible at first, and after he bombarded her with lovely messages she started to see him. He told her he was a martial arts enthusiast who owned property and was also studying computing. Before long, she began to doubt his stories and had resolved to break up with him. Then he raped

her. He threatened to harm her or her family if she told anyone. In the following days he continued to call and text constantly, until the moment he implored her to go outside, to an internet cafe, to pick up an email he had sent. An associate of his, Stefan Sylvestre, was waiting in the street and the acid he threw in her face led to the loss of her eyelids, most of her nose and part of one ear. Her face had to be cut away entirely, in the first of almost 100 operations.

It's hard to accept what happened but a reality of how careful one has to be with online dating. Her attackers are now behind bars and she is moving on with her life, but will she ever find peace? The big question people have is what led Katie to give her private details to a stranger on the internet? Could this have been avoided? If you have been a victim of internet scam, threats, etc. Email us on for FREE consultation & advise. We can help you!

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Picking up the pieces of a broken home... BY: ELENA V. GUCANA

My mum and I, living in a world of two BY: DESIREE DA SILVA used to hate my mum and I really mean hate. As teenager I couldn’t wait to leave home because I wanted to get away from her abusive behaviour both verbal and physical. Always quick to point out my family members failures, she’d make sure to bring them up again on any occasion and she would rarely support us when we needed comfort. She was terribly jealous once throwing my baby brother at my dad in anger because she thought he was doing something behind her back. That is not to say my dad or any of the rest of us never did anything wrong, but her reaction was always unbalanced to the situation. She was so full of anger and lacked peace. She wouldn’t stop at anything until she got her way even if that meant doing things behind my dad’s back. Very illogical, we would never go to her for advice because her advice never made sense or she would come back with some superstitious beliefs.

lena’s son became a drug user and alcoholic at the age of 19 years old. He was violent when under the influence and would break anything he could get his hands on inside the house. The problems with her son led Elena to have severe depression often having suicidal thoughts. All the while Elena was suffering from her own physical problems. From the age of 14 she had migraine head-

I didn’t have reasons to live. My life was simply torn into pieces. aches and was put on maintenance medication. At 18 years of age she began experiencing breathing difficulties and was diagnosed with enlargement of the heart. Being unable to breath made it difficult for her to laugh

and every time she cried she would collapse. On many occasions she was rushed to the hospital but each time when she arrived the doctors found that her breathing had returned to normal and she would be discharged without a single prescription. To add to her struggles she also developed a big lump in her right breast. Elena was then invited to the UCKG HelpCentre. When she arrived at the church she was seriously struggling to breathe and so the pastor at the time assisted and prayed for her. Right in that moment, she received instant healing. When she went for a check-up soon after and the doctor declared her heart completely normal! Later she joined the Campaign of Israel in which she sought a change for her son. After completing her vow, her son has since completely transformed giving up both drugs and alcohol and deciding to get a job to support himself. As for Elena, the lump in her breast is gone, she is no longer taking maintenance medication, her migraines have stopped and her heart is normal.

Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

Before she started going to the UCKG HelpCentre she was pretty much an alcoholic. She even tried to get me to drink with her during breakfast on one occasion... She was depressed having grown apart from my dad and she kept threatening to take her life. She was constantly in and out of the hospital apparently sick but on many occasions she was just trying to get attention from my dad. Thankfully however, all that has changed. It didn’t happen overnight but after much perseverance in applying what she learned at the HelpCentre, and by taking part in the Campaign of Israel, my mum has changed immensely. She is now one of my closest friends, I love being with her and being able to talk to her. Inevitably as mother and daughter we don’t always agree on every topic in life, but now thankfully she is respectful of other people’s opinions (that includes mine!) unlike before. I now seek guidance from her as her advice finally makes sense! I truly believe this is because she seeks guidance from God first. Always willing to help others in the past, she would often give money run by her emotions. Now she has discernment and gives only within her means. She has become so calm and at peace; my whole family has seen the change. I am so proud of my mum and how far she has come. She is learning and still has much to learn like all of us, but I can beyond a doubt say that my mum is now a new woman.

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MY BROTHER WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH brother had worked as an overseas contract worker in Dubai for 10 years. Married with two teenage children, he and his family were doing well until he was convicted and sentenced to death for possession of drugs by the Sharjah Central Court of Dubai. For admitting the crime and showing remorse, his verdict was lowered to a life sentence then again reduced to 25 years for a good behavior. I was also working in the Middle East when my brother was convicted. I managed to visit him in prison several times but I could not do anything for him while I was there. When I went back to Philippines, I contacted government agencies (OWWA, DFA, OUMWA, etc) to seek their assistance in deporting my brother back home. I also sought the assistance of MIGRANTE International who promised to look into my brother’s case. Desperate, I also wrote directly to various Philippine journalists to help my brother, all of whom promised to do

Two years passed and I came to Hong Kong to work for my two


children and to help the family of my brother. That same month, I started attending the UCKG HelpCentre services. I prayed for deliverance and freedom for my brother and never lost hope. I joined the Campaign of Israel and offered my sacrifice for my brother’s freedom. I gave my 100% trust to God for H e

brother, to set him free and give him another chance to live a new life.

alone could set my brother free. For foreigners in the Middle East it is impossible to escape the

Every week, I sent him the UCKG bulletins, which my brother also shared with his inmates in prison. Twice a month my brother called me and we prayed together. In my heart, I knew that God was

Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

what they could in their position but justice seemed very slow.

death sentence, but I knew that nothing is impossible with the Lord. So I persevered with Chains of Prayer asking God to forgive my

working on my brother’s transformation as he repented for his sins and renewed his Christian faith. He was changing and as he did he

UCKG HelpCentre - Macau The UCKG has expanded around the world and reached people of all nationalities, faiths, races, and backgrounds. The UCKG is now established in over 100 countries. Our church in Macau has recently opened and you can visit every Sunday. Sunday at 11am & 4pm Address: Travessa da Areia Preta EDF No. 3 Industrial Fat Lei Room B, 4/F HelpLine: 6284 4396 (Macau) 6273 6282 (HK)

became a model for the other inmates by example through his good behavior. Only three months after the Campaign of Israel, I received the news that my brother was one amongst the foreign inmates nominated for pardon and release. I knew God had done the impossible to facilitate my brother’s release from prison. My brother flew back to the Philippines and is now doing well, employed and together with his family. God honored my prayers and sacrifices.

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I wanted to quit my addiction but I didn’t know how…

troke attacks were common in my family and I feared that my 7-year-old son would suffer the same problems. My son was then diagnosed with tuberculosis and my husband was suffering from high blood pressure. Using my faith, I joined the Campaign of Israel and as a result today my husband and son are both healthy.

BY: ROSELI LISBOA ose Silva went through a lot of problems between the ages of 8 to 15. Her situation was so terrible she felt like she was living in hell.

down the wrong path. When drinking alone was no longer interesting enough she began mixing medication and alcohol to increase the effects.

Aged 8 her mother got married a second time. Her mother’s attention was completely transferred to her stepfather and Rose felt abandoned. She often went from house to house living with many different people. In her teens, she ended up living with her boyfriend but she was never happy. At 21, they separated and she went her own way.

“I wanted to quit my addiction but I didn’t know how. My addiction was pulling me to crave for more. There were nights I didn’t know who I slept with. I just woke up with someone beside me.”

She found refuge with friends and with whom she began drinking alcohol. It became a habitual pastime until she found her self addicted. She started getting attention from men and she was happy for it but little did she know her life was headed

After Rose was introduced to the UCKG HelpCentre she gradually started changing. She prayed, fasted and participated in the Campaign of Israel; in short she did whatever it would take to change. Eventually she did change and completely stopped drinking. Today she is radiant, sure of herself, happily married, and a mother with a beautiful daughter! “It is extremely hard to say no to an addiction you were hooked on for many years but with the help of God, I managed to totally quit it.”




I had migraines and suffered severe menstrual pains for 13 years. Apart from this I had a hearing impairment and my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. I took a leap of faith through the Campaign of Israel and today, my dad and I are healthy and sickness free.

husband and I had envisioned putting up our own business (Water Refilling Station). We tried many possible ways to have that dream come true but no success. At the UCKG, I asked God to show me the way. Following the principles of the Bible, my husband and I pursued our dreams. Today, we have our own Water Refilling Station under my name and it is profitably doing well. BY: ANGELINA GABI

Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To kn




am a single mother of one; my son Philip. As he grew up he went on the wrong path of drugs. I spent all my strength trying to change him but did so unsuccessfully. At the UCKG HelpCentre, I found the help I was looking for. I learned to use my faith and when the Campaign of

Israel was announced in church I took action. I made a sacrifice for my son to change completely.

I got my life back... BY: GREGORY

Today Philip is serving God on the altar as a pastor. Once a drug addict, God has transformed Him into a man of God.

My son was born with very little chance of survival. Weighing only 430 grams, the doctors told me that my son could die anytime soon. While the doctors did their best to save my son’s life, I kept praying for God to give my son a chance to live, to work a

miracle. Revolted with the unstable health condition of my son, I participated in the Campaign of Israel. God honored my faith and sacrifice! My son is now 10 years old, and doing well in his primary studies and is very active and talented in arts.

husband had irregular and infrequent bowel movements that led him to be confined in the hospital for three days. An X-ray showed he had colon cancer and the doctor advised immediate surgery. Attending the UCKG HelpCentre for quite sometime, I learned not to accept sickness as a way of life. I joined the Campaign of Israel because I knew only God could perform the miracle I needed. After a few days, my husband went for a check-up and the result turned out negative. Surgery was no longer needed! BY: JULITA VEGA

now more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

came from a very poor background, my family and I would eat leftover food from the pigs, and sometimes we had no food at all. I never finished primary school and started working when I was 15 years old. I moved to the United States in search for a better life, but as time passed, life got worse! After 15 years of marriage my wife cheated on me, my son was selling drugs and I was into USD80,000 debts. This is how I came to UCKG HelpCentre, full of problems and suicidal; after 3 weeks attending I participated in my first Campaign of Israel. It was the opportunity to change my life! After I made my sacrifice God began to change my life. Step by step He restored my marriage, my son stopped using drugs, my finances improved, I paid off my debts and was promoted to manager. I had more than 2000 employees under my responsibility and I was earning USD75000. In the next Campaign of Israel that followed, I made a sacrifice for God to open my own business and it grew very fast, in the first year I earned USD 3Million, in the second year USD 16Million, last year alone I earned more than USD 85Million. Today I own a management company, I have several agriculture companies, I have 2 private airplanes, I have a large collection of cars, I own houses, I have tractors to work the land and I own 25 trucks to transport the harvest. Everything has changed for me!

My son stopped using drugs and I got back together with my wife.

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Amidst Economic Crisis BY: GEMMA MACAALAY oming from a difficult background I came to Hong Kong to work as a domestic helper. A few months after, my sister followed. In Hong Kong, I found my other half; we got married and are blessed with two kids. My husband had a shoe company before we met and the company did well in terms of sales, but it wasn’t enough for our families needs.

attending together with my kids. We envisioned praying for our business to grow and I strongly believed the same God that healed my daughter would bring prosperity to our business by doubling our income.

So to help out with our finances I opened up an outlet with my sister where we sold different kinds of bags. We bought a stall and sold various designer handbags. We didn’t make much profit initially and there was a financial crisis at the time we started up, so we were worried about the possibility of getting bankrupt.

When the Campaign of Israel was announced in faith I took part of the challenge together with my sister. The Campaign was all about letting go of something valuable in exchange of something bigger. I prayed for my business to grow despite

My sister and I are God fearing people and since we learned about tithing, we stayed always faithful in returning our tithes. The only thing missing was we didn’t know how to claim God’s promise of prosperity in our lives. I then came across the UCKG HelpCentre in a newspaper and immediately went in search for help because my eldest daughter was suffering from asthma for 5 years. After receiving healing prayers and Holy Oil from Israel my daughter was completely healed. She never had to visit a hospital again. Seeing the power of God through my daughter, my sister and I continued

I strongly believe the same God that healed my daughter is the same God that will open doors for my business to grow. Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

the financial crisis at the time and despite having strong competitors. My sister made the same vow on her own accord; we prayed, fasted and attended every service we could together. God saw our sacrifice and in return he doubled our income! We used to purchase stock only twice a month but now we do it on a weekly basis because all our stock gets sold. Our envious competitors next door who badmouthed our business suddenly transferred to another location far from us and my husbands shoe store started prospering too! To top it off, we now own two houses, which today are worth 5 and 10 million Hong Kong Dollars respectively. We recently paid our last installment to legally become the owners of the houses.

The shop is located at: Superstar Company, 168 Temple Street, Jordan - MTR Exit A1

I am glad to say we don’t pay rent, our businesses are growing and my kids are in good health and performing well in their studies. My sister on the other hand recently bought a fully furnished duplex house. God has worked miracles for my family and I.

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Hardship made me more determined to succeed


 Depressed with symptoms of heart

attack at 27 year old

 Came to the UCKG HelpCentre and

learned to use her faith

 Free of depression and life com-

pletely transformed

 Took part of the Campaign of Israel

and was able to open a beauty school

 Beauty school doubled in size and


came to the UCKG HelpCentre when my life was a mess. I would see visions and hear voices, had depression and panic attacks. I was prescribed antidepressants, but the side effects were so harmful that I was hospitalized with symptoms of a heart attack at just 27 years old. My dad passed away, my mother developed cancer and my marriage was suffering. I looked for help in different churches but my depression only worsened. My last resort was UCKG HelpCentre, and I was ready to listen and learn. I was taught how to fight against my problems and use my faith. After years of suffering, it only took a year and a half of praying and growing that turned my life completely around. I'm now free from depression and fears, and no longer see visions or hear voices.

Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

When I heard about the Campaign of Israel I knew it was for me. If God had set me free from my misery, so He would bless me through this opportunity to become financially stable. I made my sacrifice and God answered, providing the funds for me to open my own cosmetology school of beauty just the way I wanted it. Shortly after that my school doubled in size and in enrollments. I acquired the best cosmetology equipment for my school, worth more than USD20,000 and my business has continued prospering even during the financial crisis. Since I turned to God, He has caused me to grow each day spiritually and financially. Inside of me there is plenty of ambition left to achieve more.

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Sacrifice, an investment with guaranteed returns BY: MARITES ALTAREJOS

arried for 33 years, I can tell you marriage is not always a bed of roses. My husband and I learnt this when, after a horrendous argument in public, we drifted apart and became strangers. As you embark on your journey together as man and wife, everyone wishes you health and happiness over the coming years. That said, it’s important to recognize that there are likely to be lows as well as highs. Long working hours, health problems, financial pressures and the challenge of parenting can all seriously rock the boat as they say and they did indeed for us. You don’t need a lot of marriage skills for the good times, but how do you rise above the bad times? When our marriage couldn’t get any worse, because of an extra-marital affair, divorce came to mind and it was in that moment that UCKG HelpCentre provided us a lifeline. We received marriage counseling and were anointed with Holy Oil to bring back our unity. I sent a prayer request to Israel during the Campaign of Israel believing in God to bring my husband back home to me.

was 3 years old when I realized that my family’s life was not easy; we had no slippers or shoes, no transportation and barely enough food to eat. Aged 4, I had to walk 9 kilometers barefoot just to get to school and once there I had to borrow stationery and books from my schoolmates to get by. At the age of 5 I started to make money of my own. Both my parents were working in Manila and sending money was difficult as there were no door-to-door or money transfer services then. I used to gather cans of fallen tamarinds but it would take a week just to fill a single one which I could then only sell for 2 to 3 pesos.

Today our marriage has been restored. There is love, patience and we respect each other more than ever before. We value the time we spend together, especially on our days off, it’s like we are boyfriend and girlfriend again.


Diabetes was a hereditary sickness in my family; my grandfather, aunt, and uncle all died because of it. My mother also had diabetes and was taking monthly medication in order to control her sugar levels.

w o r k abroad. Our lives got a little bit better and I was able to graduate from University; then with the help of my mother I was able to come to Hong Kong. I was full of hope believing I could realize my dreams here in Hong Kong but one year passed then two and nothing changed. But then five

years on and there were still no changes materializing in my life. I had no savings, no investments and no realization of ANY of my dreams. I had nothing! That is until my family came to the UCKG HelpCentre. We started learning about tithing and put into practice the teachings and practical advice we received. When I learned about the Campaign of Israel, I participated and trusted God through my sacrifice and prayed for Him to bless us and make our dreams come true. God did. Just a year in the church and we already saw changes in our finances. Today, my husband and I have acquired large farmland, we have agricultural investment, we own two houses, we have investment savings in the Philippines and Hong Kong. There is now a difference in my life and I only have God to thank for it.

Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

My battle against multi-diseases... rom Hong Kong to Philippines, I went home for a few weeks vacation to relax but instead of having my mind and body rested, I was brought to the hospital and stayed there for 14 days. The doctor then diagnosed me with pneumonia, anemia and symptoms of diabetes.

Having gone through all this I put in mind that I had to improve my life. My childhood went on like that until my mum went to

After my vacation, I came back to Hong Kong and my health continued to deteriorate. I was confined in the hospital a few weeks after because my left leg was paralyzed then later I discovered I had a big lump on my back. I was prescribed pain relievers, various medicines and creams by the doctors and my employer gave me two weeks sick leave to recover but my situation grew worse. Hopeless, I turned to God for help at the UCKG HelpCentre.

I learned how to make a sacrifice and trusted God to fulfill his divine healing in me. After attending for only a couple of weeks a miracle happened! All the body pains were gone, the lump vanished, I had no more pneumonia, no more anemia and even the symptoms of diabetes disappeared. A doctor has since confirmed that I am healthy and am no longer in need of medication. All the while my mum had her own health scare

BY: REMELY VALDEZ as they said she needed to have her legs amputated because of the diabetes, but she has also received healing and both her legs remain intact. Thank you God!

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Finance Success: Prayer and faith building meeting to help tackle financial issues such as: debts, slow business, court cases, unemployment and money wasting.

Tuesday 9am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm

Hong Kong








Healing: See the Healing Day meeting as a way to promote physical well-being as a complement to your doctor’s advice as you receive healing prayers for health related issues.

Wednesday 9am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm

Personal Growth: Be equipped with the right tools to develop an intimate relationship with God as you receive the spiritual understanding to make it through life...and beyond.


Thursday 9am, 11am, 3pm & 7pm

Family: No success can compensate for failure in your family. Receive guidance and prayerful support to resolve various family issues.



South Africa







Friday 9am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm & 10pm

Deliverance/Spiritual Cleansing: All evil needs to prosper is for good people to do nothing. Receive strong prayers with the laying on of hands and determine your deliverance and spiritual protection.

Sunday 7.30am, 9am, 11am, 3pm & 5pm Also Saturday at 10am & 3pm

Empowerment: This is the main weekly meeting. Get closer to God, learn how to pray effectively, seek God’s intervention.

Sat & Sun 3pm Afternoon of Power: Strong prayers with the laying on of hands.

UCKG Hong Kong 14/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central Sheung Wan - MTR Exit A1 (Opposite Wing On Department Store) HelpLine Nos: 2827 2525 / 2545 2535

I will not let You go unless You bless me. Genesis 32:26 Send your prayer request to Israel from July 14-21. To know more visit or call 2827 2525 or text 6079 9107.

City News is a publication of the UCKG HelpCentre, a registered charity in Hong Kong No. RT - 108. All letters and comments should be addressed to City News, UCKG HelpCentre, 14/F, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. The UCKG HelpCentre’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving. The UCKG does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions. The views and beliefs of independent authors and statements given in testimonials are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Church Board. Testimonies are integrally transcribed from the person’s written and signed declarations, and may be edited for clarity.

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