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Generation One

A UCL education is a climate education. We are Generation One – a collective of people committed to a new era of positive climate action. By turning science and ideas into action we are working towards creating a positive, fair and progressive future. For us and for the generations to come. Join us.

To join us scan the QR code, or search: ‘UCL Generation One’ to find out more. As a community of staff, students, citizens and partners, UCL is addressing the climate challenge on multiple fronts – ranging from what we can achieve today to pioneering future system change, as well as putting sustainability at the heart of our campus. Our students bring new thinking on climate action to their studies and everyday lives. The UCL experience provides a wealth of opportunity to take climate action while you’re here and to develop as climate leaders for when you go into the wider world. We can all play our part. Get inspired by the extraordinary breadth of climate-focused activity taking place at UCL, find out about our Generation One campaign and how you can get involved.

Does the Earth have to be a fashion victim?

Every year, the fashion industry generates 10% of the world’s global carbon emissions. It’s why UCL scientists have pioneered a more sustainable method to help make propylene – a common ingredient in the fabrics and plastics of the clothes and shoes we wear.

Take action now

Visit a charity shop or try a swap shop when looking for a new outfit and reduce the 10,000 items of clothing sent to landfill every five minutes in the UK.

Trees matter, but just how much?

Trees are crucial to combating climate change. It’s why we’ve developed 3D laser mapping to help measure how much carbon dioxide the world’s trees absorb today – and predict how much they’ll store in the future.

Take action now

Use your smartphone to help NASA measure the world’s trees and find out how much carbon they store.

How can we eat our way to a better planet?

UCL researchers are tracking the environmental impact of food production on the environment to help industry and individuals make healthier and more sustainable choices.

Take action now

Take a look at the carbon footprint of your favourite foods and consider the lower environmental impact of plant-based food.

How far can we go with electric batteries?

Cars account for 18% of the UK’s carbon emissions, so it’s essential we move to electric vehicles. At UCL we’re developing lithium-ion battery cells with a higher energy density to enable electric vehicles to go further in between charges.

Take action now

Walking, cycling and public transport are still the most climate-friendly modes of travel. If you do have a car, electric or otherwise, keep your car tyres fully inflated to improve fuel efficiency by up to 3%.

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