UCLA Engineer Fall 2015

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FALL 2015, Issue No. 34

YEARS of INNOVATION 1945 -2015

FROM THE DEAN The Birthplace of the Internet and reverse osmosis water treatment technology. The launching pad of pioneering work in aviation and aerospace engineering, clean energy, and the development   of semiconductors that have changed the way the world communicates. These are just a few of the achievements of what is today the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, and was at first – 70 years ago – the UCLA College of Engineering. Perhaps most importantly, UCLA Engineering has produced more than 40,000 rigorously trained engineers who have made and continue to make profound contributions around the globe. And we are only getting started. As the 2015-16 academic year begins, we have the largest number of students in our history. We have the highest number of full-time faculty in our history. The north wing of our new building, Engineering VI, is open, adding some of the most advanced engineering research space in the world.


Vijay K. Dhir


Richard D. Wesel

Academic and Student Affairs

Jenn-Ming Yang


Tsu-Chin Tsao

James C. Liao

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Research and Physical Resources

Mario Gerla


Gregory Pottie

Chief Financial Officer

Vijay K. Dhir Dean

Dwight C. Streit

James C. Liao

Jonathan P. Stewart

Mary Okino



International Initiatives and Online Programs

Jane P. Chang

We have just completed a record-breaking year in fundraising. Alumni and friends of the school contributed nearly $42.6 million in 2014-15 to support our mission. Providing an excellent engineering education, conducting groundbreaking research, and performing vital service to society and the nation – these are the goals of UCLA Engineering. For the past 14 years, it has been my honor and privilege to champion these goals as leader of the school. At the end of this calendar year, I will leave the dean’s office and turn my full attention again to teaching and research. I’d like to thank all who contribute to the school’s remarkable success – students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, industry partners and the University of California. I am confident that UCLA Engineering’s greatest   achievements are yet to come.

Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Matthew Chin

Communications Manager and Writer

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

HauChee Chung



Bill Kisliuk

Media Relations and Marketing Director


7256 Boelter Hall, Box 951600 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1600 (310) 206-0678 www.engineer.ucla.edu uclaengineering@support.ucla.edu

FALL 2 01 5  |   Issue No. 34


70 YEARS OF INNOVATION UCLA Engineering, from its   founding to today

20 |


Professor Dino Di Carlo’s start-ups put students to work

24 |


Donors and friends gave   $42.6 million in 2014-15

2 | By the Numbers 4 | Breakthroughs 14 | New Faculty 22 | School News 28 | Alumni Notes 33 | 2014-2015 Report

UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science


159 555 714 1 1,429








Student Support

Program Research

Capital Projects


4.0% 3.5% 51.0% 38.0% 3.5%









8 24 4 40 314



journal articles



48 165

conference proceedings ENROLLMENT


36 73 6 6



associate editorships


guest editorships


editors in chief


3,161 972 956 5,089


United States

15,146 4,409 San Mateo/Santa Clara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,612 San Francisco/Alameda/Contra Costa . . . . . . . . . . . 2,196 San Diego County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,683 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,622 California Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,668

769 617 Metro Washington, D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604 Arizona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,314 U.S. Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,855

Los Angeles County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Orange County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Around the World

1,106 200 Middle East and Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Canada, South and Central America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Total Living Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,310 Deceased Alumni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,294 Total Alumni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,604 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*Source: UCLA External Affairs



Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A BIG STEP TOWARD BETTER FUEL CELLS YU HUANG, Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering


ddressing problems that have stalled the adoption of fuel-cell technology,

researchers have developed a more efficient and durable nanostructure for

a catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. An alloy of platinum, an

expensive material, and nickel is typically used to catalyze chemical processes in this technology, which produces electricity by causing oxygen from the

air and hydrogen fuel to react, producing only water as its exhaust. UCLA

researchers used a technique called “surface doping,” in which they added a

third metal, molybdenum, to the platinum-nickel nanostructures. The change

made the alloy surface more stable, and the metal compound is 81 times more efficient than catalysts made from a commercial compounds.  n

A platinum-nickel-molybdenum compound could be used for eco-friendly automobiles and other clean-energy applications.

Finding the Key to TOUGHER GLASS AND CEMENT MATHIEU BAUCHY, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering


esearchers have identified the optimal conditions for strengthening the

molecular bonds in liquid materials cooled into a stable state, such as glass

and cement. The breakthrough could lead to more durable display screens,

fiber optic cables, windows and construction materials. By performing UCLA ENGINEER  |


computer simulations to test the molecular dynamics of these materials,

researchers at UCLA and the Université Pierre et Marie Curie identified a

range of pressures in the manufacturing process best for achieving “thermal A rendering of the molecular structure of sodium disilicate glass. Researchers have identified optimum conditions for producing more durable glass.

reversibility,” in which a material retains the same properties it had when it was produced even if it has been exposed over time to variations in temperature.  n

MONITORING FOOD INTAKE for Better Nutrition MAJID SARRAFZADEH, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science


necklace developed by UCLA researchers can monitor food and drink

intake, unobtrusively helping wearers track and improve their dietary habits.

The device, called WearSens, could help battle obesity, heart disease and

diabetes. The necklace rests loosely above the sternum, using piezoelectric

sensors to capture vibrations from the action of swallowing. The information is translated using a spectrogram, which offers a visual representation of the vibrations. Researchers also created an algorithm that

delivers data from the necklace to users via a smartphone

WearSens rests loosely above the sternum and uses piezoelectric sensors to capture vibrations from the action of swallowing.

app. WearSens can differentiate with high accuracy

between solids and liquids, hot and room-temperature

drinks, and food items with different textures.   n

QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT to Tap the Power of Photons CHEE WEI WONG, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering


esearchers have demonstrated a method of harnessing photons that are

connected to each other and act in unison, no matter how far apart they are

— a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement could allow users to know immediately whether

cepted or altered.

A pair of photons, or light particles, can be sliced and entangled into

multiple dimensions using quantum properties such as the photons’ energy

and spin. This method, called hyperentanglement, could allow each photon

pair to send much denser packets of information along existing networks.  n

An artist’s concpeption of a hyperentangled photon. By Nicoletta Barolini



data sent through a network reached its destination without being inter-

70 YEARS OF ENGINEERING INNOVATION by Bill Kisliuk and Matthew Chin

The rich history of the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science includes life-changing advances in several fields, a

relentless commitment to education on campus and beyond, and service to address the demands of industry and the needs of the nation.

the first home of the UCLA College of Engineering. It was demolished in 1964.



q The Mechanic Arts Building was

t Founding Dean L.M.K. Boelter reaches down

to greet a young visitor at a UCLA Engineering open house in 1961.

q Professor Sheldon Friedlander, a pioneer in

identifying and addressing harmful particles in the air, with a student and their aerosol calibration system.

advances, in areas that cannot

efficient automotive and

Legislature in 1943, the College

even be surmised, and who

airplane engines.

of Engineering’s first students

will use currently unknown

were a band of 25 Naval ROTC

materials, methods and

Eisenhower’s call in 1958 for

members who came to Westwood


improved water technology,

in the summer of 1945.

In response to President

UCLA researchers achieved a

Enrollment that first fall was 379

Cleaner Air and Water

students, a number that tripled

The school’s early successes

– the first working reverse-

the following year.

ranged from addressing pollution

osmosis membranes to make sea

and transportation safety to work

water and brackish agricultural

L.M.K. Boelter, was committed

related to the aviation industry

runoff usable. In the following

to a vision for a single, general

that anchored the Southern

years, the school created the

undergraduate curriculum

California economy. The school

first reverse-osmosis plant, in

designed to give engineers the

also offered training to working

Coalinga, Calif.

tools to operate in any field

engineers in Southern California,

of endeavor and address new

including those based at China

engineers at UCLA published

challenges. As he wrote in 1963 –

Lake and Port Hueneme.

detailed studies of soil-structure

before the advent of the Internet,

Efforts to address air

The school’s first dean,

transformative breakthrough

At the same time, civil

interactions, and Professor

mobile phones or nanotech-

pollution included developing

Martin Duke made the prescient

nologies: “Our job right now is

methods for determining the

call for mapping soils around

to educate engineers who after

nature and source of harmful

the country and implementing

graduation will staff presently

particles in the air and reducing

seismic safety codes to guide

not conceived industries, based

their production through more

building construction.


ormed by an act of the state



on unforeseen technological

p Researchers in an “integrating

sphere” in the early 1950s. The device measured the efficiency of controlled lighting environments.

p The Institute for Transportation and Traffic

Engineering performed influential studies on auto safety.

u A nuclear reactor operated safely at

UCLA Engineering from 1960 until it was shut down in 1984.

q Professor Leonard Kleinrock in

the classroom circa 1970; and later with the Interface Message Processor – essentially a router the size of a refrigerator – used in the transmission of the first ARPANET message.

in the history of communi-

Birthplace of the Internet


of Professor Leonard Kleinrock,

Faculty offices were scattered

researchers created the first node

across different science buildings

of what was then known as the

in the college of engineering’s

ARPANET. On Oct. 29, they sent

early years, and temporary

the very first message over what

structures stood where the four

is now called the Internet to the

dedicated engineering buildings

Stanford Research Institute.

are today. Engineering I, the first

Research in bioengi-

permanent structure built for the

neering began in earnest in

school, was completed in 1951.

the early years of the school,

Engineering II and


cation. In the Boelter Hall lab

with an emphasis on improved

Engineering III – two connected

prosthetics, foreshadowing the

structures – were completed in

school’s current work in surgical

1959 and 1961, respectively.

and rehabilitative robotics.

Upon Dean Boelter’s retirement

In 1980 the Crump Institute

in 1965, the two buildings were

for Medical Engineering was

renamed Boelter Hall.

established to improve surgical

In 1969, the school was

technologies, develop new

home to the launch of a

materials used to repair and

technology that is unmatched

replace damaged tissues and

In 1969, the school was home to the launch of a technology that is unmatched in the history of communication. Researchers in Professor Leonard Kleinrock’s Boelter Hall lab created the first node of what became the Internet.

perform research to more quickly

Years of Achievement

and earned three degrees

The school’s centralized

before heading off to industry.

structure was altered in the

He returned to the school as a

1980s to recognize several

professor of electrical engineering

distinct departments and to

in 1985, and in 1991 joined

offer a wider range of master’s

forces with graduate student

and doctoral degrees than the

Henry Nicholas to launch a

two – engineering and computer

company developing semicon-

science – available until that

ductors for cellular communica-

time. Today the school offers

tions. That company, Broadcom,

degrees in 12 different fields

now is a leader in communica-

and has seven departments:

tions technologies and employs

Bioengineering (created in

more than 7,500 engineers

2002), Chemical and Biomo-

around the world. In 1999,

lecular Engineering, Civil and

Samueli and his wife Susan gave

Environmental Engineering,

$30 million to UCLA Engineering,

Computer Science, Electrical

the largest gift in the school’s

Engineering, Materials Science

history. The school was named in

and Engineering and Mechanical

his honor the following year.

and Aerospace Engineering.


In the 1970s, Henry Samueli enrolled at UCLA Engineering


and accurately detect disease.

In the 21st century, the school has experienced marked growth in enrollment, faculty, space

for teaching and research, as well as the

launch of several forward-looking initiatives

and a steady rise in rankings.


L.M.K. Boelter


Chauncey Starr


Russell R. O’Neill


George Turin


A.R Frank Wazzan


Vijay K. Dhir

t Clockwise from left: Members of



the UCLA Racing club, one of the school’s more than 40 student-run engineering clubs; Professor Suneel Kodambaka recording a lecture for the school’s top-ranked online engineering master’s program; Regan Patterson ’13, student speaker at Commencement 2013 in Pauley Pavilion.

p From left: Engineering V, completed in 2007;

the north wing of Engineering VI, which opened in 2015; and a rendering of the full Engineering VI building, which will be complete in 2017.

Science through a remarkable era of accomplishment,” said

the electrical engineering and

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block.

of Engineering I was cleared to

mechanical and aerospace

“UCLA Engineering is recognized

make way for Engineering VI.

engineering departments, was

around the world as a leader in

The first wing of Engineering VI

completed in 1990.

innovation, and the future holds

opened in 2015, and the second

even greater promise.”

wing is scheduled for completion

school has experienced marked

Since 2001 the school

in 2017. At that time, the school

growth in enrollment, faculty,

has added more than 90 new

will have added or renovated

space for teaching and research,

full-time faculty members. As

300,000 square feet of space in

as well as the launch of several

of Fall 2015-16, the school has

less than a decade, bringing its

forward-looking initiatives and

175 faculty members, the largest

total square footage to 900,000.

a steady rise in rankings. Much

number in its history. In that

of this growth has occurred

time student enrollment has

under Vijay K. Dhir, a faculty

grown from 3,861 to more

member since 1974 who became

than 5,000.

interim dean of the school in

A major overhaul of the

2002 and dean in 2003. Under

UCLA Engineering footprint

Dhir’s direction, the school has

began in 2003 with the razing

renewed its focus on multidisci-

of part of the Engineering

plinary research and education

I building to make way for

while retaining its independent

Engineering V. Engineering V


opened in 2007 and is home to

“Vijay Dhir has led the

the Bioengineering and Materials

UCLA Henry Samueli School

Science and Engineering

of Engineering and Applied

departments. In 2011, the rest


In the 21st century, the


Engineering IV, home to

p Sports equipment

Easton ’59.

innovator James

p Hon. Heidi Shyu, MS ’81 ENG ’82, Assistant

Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology.

p Broadcom co-founder Henry Samueli ’76, MS

’76 PhD ’80.

evolving fields. UCLA researchers have developed sustainable

Innovations in Education


construction materials; robotics

clean energy. In healthcare,

for medical and industrial uses;

Recognizing the potential for

the school is developing a wide

and application of the risk and

online education, in 2007 the

range of wireless diagnostic and

reliability sciences to better

school created the Master of

monitoring devices to drive down

protect lives and the environment

Science in Engineering Online

costs and improve outcomes.

against major threats.

Program. Today U.S. News


biofuels that convert CO2 into

Researchers are working

and World Report ranks the

on potentially transformative

Leading the Way

MSOL program as the #1 online

nanotechnologies and nanoelec-

Forty-six years after the launch

graduate engineering program in

tronics that could radically

of the Internet, the school

the country. The following year

improve performance and

continues to be a leader in

the school started the Institute

memory of semiconductors and

computer science, harnessing Big

for Technology Advancement

electromagnetic devices. Industry

Data for use in healthcare and

(ITA) to propel discoveries made

groups and federal government

other areas, advancing artificial

by students and faculty toward

agencies have selected UCLA

intelligence and machine

application. ITA has helped

Engineering to be the home

learning, developing unparalleled

launch more than 25 companies

base for nine national research

tools in cybersecurity, and laying

and has brought in additional

centers in these and other areas.

the foundations for the Internet

industry and federal funding for directed research. Today, the school is home to major advances in rapidly

In addition, researchers from several disciplines are working

of the future. In the U.S. News rankings of

together to craft new solutions

graduate engineering programs,

for greener, longer-lasting

the school has risen from


p NASA astronaut

Megan McArthur, ’93.

21st overall and 12th among public universities in 2002 to 14th overall and 8th among public universities today. Other rankings place the school even higher. The annual Times Higher Education World University Rankings places UCLA as the top public engineering school in the world. While the list of UCLA Engineering’s accomplishments has grown enormously since the founding of the school, the mission Dean Boelter identified is still the one that propels the school forward: Prepare engineers to take on new, sometimes as-yet-unidentified challenges, and make contributions that will improve the world for generations to come.



Freshman Applicants



Total Enrollment






Ph.D. Grads Per Faculty Member



Full-time Faculty*

135 13

Endowed Chairs

165 27

Affiliated Faculty NAE members






Grad Program Rankings, Overall**



Grad School Rankings, Public Schools**



*92 full-time faculty have joined the school since 2002 **U.S. News & World Report





UCLA Engineering New Faculty



The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science welcomes several new faculty members in 2015-16 to a roster that includes 32 affiliated members of the National Academy of Engineering and more than 60 winners of the NSF Career Award. The school now has 175 ladder faculty, the most in its history.

SONG LI Professor of Bioengineering Ph.D. University of California, San Diego


ong Li’s research interests are in stem cell engineering,

vascular tissue engineering and mechanobiology. He is a fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological

Engineering, the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering. He was elected the chair of the 2016 BMES National Conference. Li has a served as the thesis advisor or co-advisor to more than 30 Ph.D. students, has co-founded three companies and serves on the editorial



board for three journals. He comes to the school from the faculty of UC Berkeley.  n

Associate Professor of Computer Science, Samueli Fellow Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania


ei Sha’s research interest is statistical machine learning.

His objective is to advance principled statistical methods and

algorithms, driven by real-world applications for building intelligent and autonomous systems. Other areas of interest include computer vision, speech and language processing, robotics, and computing systems and networks for large-scale machine learning. His honors include the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the Army Research Office Young Investigator Award. He is an associate professor of computer science at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. He will join the school in January 2016.  n

SAMUEL COOGAN Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley


amuel Coogan’s research is in dynamical systems and

control. He develops scalable tools for verification and design of

networked cyber-physical systems, and has applied these tools to create efficient and intelligent transportation systems. His research interests include control theory, nonlinear and hybrid optimization. Coogan received the Leon O. Chua Award from the UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department in 2014 for achievement in nonlinear science.  n


systems theory, formal methods, probabilistic systems, and




ANKUR M. MEHTA Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

SRIRAM SANKARARAMAN Assistant Professor of Computer Science Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley


nkur M. Mehta’s goal is to enable a future filled with

robots. His research interests are in printable robotics, rapid design and fabrication, control systems, algorithms

Artificial Intelligence Laboratories. Prior to that, he


conducted research as a UC Berkeley graduate student in

is interested in developing statistical and computational

and wireless sensor networks. Mehta was most recently a postdoctoral scholar at MIT’s Computer Science and

wireless sensor networks and systems, small autonomous aerial robots and rockets, control systems, and microelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Mehta has received a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship and won the best paper award at the 2014 International



Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.  n

riram Sankararaman’s research interests are at the

interface of computer science, statistics and biology. He

models to answer questions in biology. In Spring 2014, Sakararaman was a fellow at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley. He is a recipient of the National Institutes of Health Pathway to Independence Award, and received an outstanding graduate student instructor award from UC Berkeley. Sankararaman is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. He will join the school in November.  n

R. MITCHELL SPEARRIN Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. Stanford University


itchell Spearrin’s research focuses on spectroscopy and

optical sensors, including laser absorption and fluorescence, with experimental application to advanced propulsion, energy

systems, and other dynamic flow fields. His interests extend to fundamental chemical kinetics studies with relevance to pollutant formation and alternative fuels, as well as broader applications of spectroscopy that involve trace gas detection for environmental monitoring and biomedical devices. Spearrin is currently a research scientist at Stanford University in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He will join UCLA Engineering in March.  n

GUY VAN DEN BROECK Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Samueli Fellow


uy Van den Broeck’s research interest is in artificial intel-

ligence, including topics in machine learning, knowledge

representation and reasoning, and applications of probabilistic reasoning and learning. In 2014 his doctoral dissertation was awarded as best in the field by the European Coordination book in preparation titled “Lifted Inference and Learning in Statistical Relational Models.” In 2013-14, Van den Broeck was a post-doctoral researcher with UCLA computer science professor Adnan Darwiche’s Automated Reasoning Group. Most recently, he was a post-doctoral researcher at KU Leuven.  n


Committee for Artificial Intelligence. He is the author of a


Ph.D. KU Leuven, Belgium

CJ Kim Receives Ho-Am Prize

Liao Named to National Academy of Sciences



hang-Jin “CJ” Kim, professor of mechanical and

ames C. Liao, a

aerospace engineering, in April was awarded the 2015


Ho-Am Prize for Engineering, the highest honor given in

researcher in renewable

Korea to engineers and leaders in other fields.

biofuels and UCLA’s Ralph

Established in honor of the late Samsung founder

M. Parsons Foundation

Byung-chull Lee, the prize goes to “people of Korean heritage

Professor of Chemical

whose accomplishments have contributed to the devel-

Engineering, was elected

opment of industry for greater prosperity for humanity.”

in April to the National

Kim joined the UCLA faculty in 1993 and has

performed pioneering work in microfluidic micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). He received his bachelor’s

degree from Seoul National University and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. Two other

UCLA faculty members, both members of the Mechanical

Liao, who joined

the UCLA Engineering faculty in 1997 and who chairs

the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Bioengineering departments, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2013.

Liao’s research focuses on using scientific principles of

and Aerospace Engineering

synthetic biology and metabolism to solve problems in fuel

prize: Rockwell International

diseases. His lab has synthesized bacteria to both consume

Department, have won the Chair J. John Kim and

distinguished professor

emeritus H. Thomas Hahn. n


Academy of Sciences.

chemical production and in the treatment of metabolic

carbon dioxide, a harmful greenhouse gas, and produce the liquid fuel isobutanol. He has also developed a method for converting waste proteins into fuel.  n

Kleinrock wins BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award

eonard Kleinrock, a distinguished professor of computer science who is known as one of the fathers of the Internet, in January was named a recipient of a 2014 BBVA Foundation

Frontiers of Knowledge Award. The Madrid-based foundation cited Kleinrock for his “seminal contributions to the theory and practical development of the Internet.”



Kleinrock developed the mathematical theory of packet networks, and in the fall of

1969 the host computer in his Boelter Hall laboratory become the first node of and sent the first message on ARPANET, predecessor of the Internet.

Kleinrock earned his Ph.D. from MIT. He joined the UCLA faculty in 1963, and continues

to teach and perform research. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering

and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2008 he received the National Medal

of Science. The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards were established in 2008 to recognize outstanding contributions in science, technology and the arts.  n

YOU CAN HELP BUILD THE FUTURE! Support the Alumni Legacy Campaign for Engineering VI and See Your Name on Display in the Lobby The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science completed the first phase of Engineering VI, a state-of-the-art education and research facility, in early 2015. The second and final phase of construction is under way, and is scheduled   to be completed in 2017. Engineering VI will be a showcase for the school, and a catalyst for developing the engineering leaders and technological solutions to address the great challenges of our times. With limited support coming from the

state, the majority of funding for Engineering VI must come from private donations. You can help build on UCLA Engineering’s history of excellence by contributing to the Alumni Legacy Campaign for Engineering VI. A gift of $1,000 or more will guarantee your name on a donor wall in the second phase of Engineering VI. Only 5,000 spots are available. Gifts can be made over a three-year period. You may also seek a matching gift from your employer to reach the $1,000 minimum.

TO DONATE, FIND OUT ABOUT EMPLOYER GIFT-MATCHING OPPORTUNITIES OR LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ALUMNI LEGACY CAMPAIGN: CALL: 310.206.0678 EMAIL: uclaengineering@support.ucla.edu VISIT: https://giving.ucla.edu/EngineeringAlumniLegacyCampaign

LAB TO REAL LIFE Dino Di Carlo Makes a Splash in the Marketplace


or bioengineering professor Dino Di Carlo, publishing a paper is not the endgame in doing research, and earning a degree is just the beginning



for students. Di Carlo has helped launch three biotechnology companies

based on research performed with students and colleagues, pushing his lab work to the world beyond.

“As an academic, it is the wrong thing to think, ‘Just publish it and it will

happen,’” Di Carlo said. “That’s not the case. If you don’t help research along

towards application, most of the time it won’t get there. It is our responsibility to bring it to the next level, and to train people to have that mentality.”

Photo: Walter Urie

biomolecular engineering, along

technologies licensed by UCLA, add to

with post-docs Westbrook Weaver

the university’s intellectual property

and Don Griffin, launched Tempo

portfolio. They also create jobs for students. At least six former members of Di Carlo’s lab work or have worked for these start-ups. CytoVale, formed in 2012, created a benchtop instrument and disposable sample cartridges that measure biophysical cell markers at more than 2,000 cells per second,

Therapeutics based on their work   with a degradable, microscopic scaffold that encourages tissue growth at the   site of a wound.         Working with prospective investors has honed Di Carlo’s approach to research projects. He is thinking beyond “proof of concept” research that merely shows

rapidly and efficiently detecting disease.

what is possible, and is envisioning the

CytoVale succeeded in early rounds of

technology as applied.

private funding, and Di Carlo estimates

“This might be specific to microflu-

that it will seek regulatory approval for

idics, but when you go from prototyping

its technology within the next two years.

the devices to manufacturing, that’s a

Vortex Biosciences, also founded in

big jump,” Di Carlo said. “Some things we

2012, has developed a “filterless filter” for use

can make very easily in the prototyping world

in medical and other applications. Forcing fluid samples through a specially designed

are hard to make in the manufacturing world.” He believes students must also look ahead.

microchannel, Vortex technology isolates

”Often, graduate students get very

circulating tumor cells, or CTCs, which are

focused on a small piece of research,

key indicators of cancer. The technique

which they need to do,” Di Carlo said.

generates high-purity samples for

“But they also need to see the bigger

genome analysis, allowing physicians

picture — where that work fits in with

to identify appropriate therapies.

everything else. A Ph.D. is only a point

Vortex is backed by healthcare technology incubator NetScientific. This year, Di Carlo and Tatiana Segura, an associate professor of chemical and

on the road to something bigger.”  n t From

top: Renderings of the key technologies for Cytovale, Tempo Therapeutics and Vortex Biosciences.


The companies, with their

— Dino Di Carlo


A Ph.D. is only a point on the road to something bigger.



Goal! THOR, a humanoid under the command of UCLA and

students in Hong’s Robotics and Mechanisms Lab (RoMeLa).

top of the robotic soccer world in July, winning first place at

under the direction of professor Daniel Lee.

University of Pennsylvania students, kicked its way to the the RoboCup tournament in Hefei, China.

Team THORwin (named for THOR and Darwin, a

smaller robotic soccer star) earned the victory in the

adult-size humanoid robot category with a 5-4 win in the

finals over Baset Robot Laboratory of Tehran. The team also



earned RoboCup’s Louis Vuitton Cup Best Humanoid Award. The crown is the second straight for UCLA and the fifth

in a row for Dennis Hong, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Hong led teams for Virginia Tech before joining UCLA in 2014. THOR, short for Tactical Hazardous

Operations Robot, is a 5-foot-tall humanoid

with hardware designed and built mainly by

THOR’s software was developed primarily by Penn students RoboCup athletes are autonomous robots

programmed to perform independently of humans once they are on the pitch. They must combine speed and

agility, and be able to sense the locations of opposing players as well as the goal.

UCLA students who traveled to China for the

tournament included Min Sung Ahn, robot handling and

software; Kevin Liu, hardware; and Rachel Park, strategy.

Postdoctoral researcher Hak Yi was team manager. UCLA Engineering alumnus Virgil Bourgon

’61 MS ’64, and his wife Mary sponsored the

trip. A UCLA-Penn team also competed in the DARPA Robotics Challenge in June.  n

COMMENCEMENT 2015 frontiers of their fields. Reeling off

in offering a toast to his fellow

the names of innovators ranging

graduates. Dean Vijay K. Dhir told

packed Pauley Pavilion to toast

Harrison, Mote said, “These people

you will play vital role in solving

the Class of 2015 at the school’s

refused to do what others expected

21st century problems with

51st commencement ceremony

of them.”

creativity, with efficiency and

on June 13. More than 1,400

Photo Courtesy GradImages

from Google co-founder Larry Page to 18th century clockmaker John

Student speaker Skyler

graduates, “I have no doubt that

with integrity.”

students earned degrees in

Ferry, who volunteered for a


variety of student organizations

Engineering students earned their

Commencement speaker C.D.

In 2014-15, 159 UCLA

and causes while on campus and

doctorates, one earned an engineer

Mote, Jr., the president of the

earned his bachelor’s degree in

degree, 555 earned Master’s

National Academy of Engineering,

civil engineering, cited notables

degrees, and 714 earned Bache-

encouraged graduates to “break

from Winnie the Pooh to UCLA

lor’s degrees.  n

a rule every day” and work at the

basketball legend John Wooden


Henry Samueli School of

Engineering and Applied Science



riends and family members of students at the UCLA





The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science had a recordbreaking year for fundraising in 2014-15, bringing nearly $42.6 million to the school. The funds support student scholarships, faculty chairs, research, and the school’s cutting-edge new building, Engineering VI. The $42.6 million surpassed UCLA Engineering’s previous record of nearly $37 million, set in 1999-2000, when Henry Samueli ’75, MS ’76, PhD ’80 and Susan Samueli made a landmark $30 million gift. Several donors committed to gifts in excess of $1 million. They include: ■■

B. John Garrick MS ’62, PhD ’68, and Amelia Garrick, $9 million to support the B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences in Engineering VI


Jim Easton ’59 and Phyllis Easton, $5 million to support Engineering VI and the Easton Labs for Engineering Innovation


Mukund Padmanabhan MS ’89, PhD ’92, $2.5 million to support the Padmanabhan



Systems Scaling Technology Laboratory in Engineering VI ■■

Venkroy Makoto Watanabe ’72, $1 million in support of research


Microsoft, more than $6 million in gifts for student projects


Hong Kong-based ENN Group, $3.75 million for research into green energy and healthcare technologies


Angstron Holdings, a China-based automotive firm, $3.5 million for research into nextgeneration batteries The Engineering Annual Fund, which focuses on unrestricted giving from alumni, also

set records in 2014-15, receiving more than 4,000 gifts totaling $1.55 million.  n

Three graduate students win prestigious

NATIONAL DEFENSE SCIENCE FELLOWSHIPS Three UCLA Engineering graduate students received National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships

in 2015, one of the nation’s top honors for researchers in

the early stages of their graduate work. The fellowships,

administered by the American Society for Engineering Education and awarded to students in 15 areas of Department of Defense interest, pay full tuition and academic fees for three years, as well as a stipend. All three awardees – Andrea Besnard, Carleton Knisely, and Gary Li – are in the Mechanical and

Aerospace Engineering Department. They are among six UCLA students and 180 students nationwide to be awarded the fellowships in 2015.

ANDREA BESNARD Area: Aeronautical and   astronautical engineering

CARLETON KNISELY Area: Aeronautical and   astronautical engineering

GARY LI Area: Aeronautical and   astronautical engineering

Research interests: Issues in transverse jet shear layer instabilities and their control, structural characteristics, mixing, and localized straining.

Research interests: Analysis of hypersonic real gas boundary layers using advanced numerical tools.

Research interests: Investigating the behavior of advanced aerospace materials under unique plasma conditions.

Besnard was an engineer at SpaceX in Hawthorne, Calif., before joining UCLA.

Knisely was an undergraduate student in mechanical engineering at Bucknell University before joining UCLA.

Faculty advisor: Richard Wirz Lab: Plasma and Space Propulsion Laboratory Li was an undergraduate student in physics and astrophysics at UC Berkeley before joining UCLA.


Lab: Energy & Propulsion Research Laboratory

Lab: Hypersonics and Computational Aerodynamics Group


Faculty advisor: Ann Karagozian

Faculty advisor: Xiaolin Zhong

ASCE sees three top-10 national finishes Members of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers at UCLA traveled the country in 2014-15 and

returned with top 10 finishes in three national competitions. The UCLA Seismic Design Project, in which students design and build

a balsa-wood model skyscraper engineered to withstand the energies

“These were incredible accomplishments and ones that our project leaders will look to build upon during the upcoming year, a year in which we will continue to grow as an organization.”

from a series of simulated earthquakes, was the top team from a U.S. university at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute’s 2015

Zachary McFann,

Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, and took second overall.

2015-16 ASCE at UCLA president

The event was held in Boston.

The UCLA GeoWall team designs

and builds a mechanically stabilized

earth retaining wall with poster board and paper. Walls are scored for using the least amount of material while successfully reinforcing loads. The

UCLA team placed sixth overall at   the International Foundations

Congress and Equipment Expo,   held in San Antonio.

p Seismic design

team members: Top Row - Zachary McFann, Justine Gee, Sam Zabb-Parmley, Eric Roberts, Abby Chung and Michael Daciolas-Semon. Bottom Row - Matt Stewart, Suraj Patel and Victoria Lam.

The UCLA Concrete Canoe team placed



p Rhonda El-Hachache and Soheil

Kashani prepping the GeoWall.

10th nationally at the ASCE’s National Concrete Canoe Competition, held

at Clemson University in South Carolina. Teams are judged on the

quality of their canoe’s design and construction, a design report, an

oral presentation, and their performances in a series of races. The UCLA team scored top five in three categories: oral presentation, the men’s endurance race and the co-ed sprint race.

For more details, please visit www.ascebruins.org.

p Megan Nazareno and Abby Gunning paddle UCLA’s

concrete canoe.

SUPPORT THE ANNUAL FUND Thanks to the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, the future is bright. UCLA Engineers are conducting research that will create better sources of renewable energy, improve the ability to detect and cure cancer, enhance cybersecurity, and make our physical infrastructure stronger and safer. All this, and more, is possible thanks to Bruin Engineers who support the UCLA Engineering Annual Fund. Every gift to the Engineering Annual Fund moves the school closer to our goal of raising $250 million during the Centennial Campaign for UCLA, designed to prepare UCLA for a second century of achievement. Make your gift by calling 310.206.0678 or visiting www.engineer.ucla.edu/giving.

THE UCLA ENGINEERING FUND | Enhancing Engineering Excellence



1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979



second edition of his book, “Systems

instructor in software development, cybersecurity

SCOTT JACKSON MS ’66 saw the

Engineering for Commercial Aircraft,”

released in February by Ashgate

Publishing Limited in the UK. He

also is a consultant for the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer.

YACOV Y. HAIMES MS ’67, PhD ’70 was selected as

the 2014 recipient of the UCLA Civil and Environmental

Engineering Department Distin-

guished Alumnus Award. Haimes is

the Lawrence R. Quarles Professor of

Engineering and the founding director

of the Center for Risk Management of

Engineering Systems at the University

of Virginia.

DENNIS R. MURPHY ’68, JD ’71, a

founding partner at the Sacramento law firm Murphy Austin, will return

campuses of the ITT Technical Institute.


distinguished professor emeritus

at UC Davis, will receive the 2016

Lifetime Achievement Award of the Environmental & Water Resources

Institute – American Society of

Civil Engineers (EWRI-ASCE), recognizing “a life-long and

eminent contribution” to environmental engineering, water resources engineering and related disciplines.


professor emeritus of mechanical

and aerospace engineering at UC San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering, was appointed center director

of Interdisciplinary & Systems

Engineering at Texas A&M University. Skelton, a member of

first UCLA football team to win the

Fellow of the Texas A&M Institute for Advanced Study.

Rose Bowl, a victory over top-ranked


and computer engineering for the Oxnard and Sylmar

to Pasadena on Oct. 31 as part of the

50th anniversary celebration of the


JEFF DROBMAN ’70, MS ’73, PhD ’80, is now an adjunct

the National Academy of Engineering, also was elected a

Michigan State on January 1, 1966. Murphy, an all-Pac-8

ARUNAS SLEKYS PhD ’76 joined the board of directors

was on the U.S. national team in that sport. “I can say,

deploying satellite antenna systems based in Ottawa,

engineering school has provided a substantial contribution

for Hughes Network Systems, based in the Washington

football honoree, also played rugby while in college and without doubt, that the analytical thinking I learned in to my success in practicing law,” Murphy stated.

of C-COM Satellite Systems, a provider of mobile auto-

Ontario. Slekys is vice president of corporate marketing

D.C. metro area and responsible for managing marketing,

communications and advocacy initiatives worldwide.

Share news about your personal life, career, honors, awards, and more! Send to: uclaengineering@support.ucla.edu

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


TONY MUELLER ’93, MBA ’02 was named president of

IVAN A. GARGUREVICH, MS ’80, PhD ’97, a consultant

in the fields of process development and reactor design, is preparing a book titled “Conceptual Foundations of

Chemical Kinetic Modeling.”

PETER RELAN ’84 saw Google purchase Agawi, a startup

company he co-founded. Agawi allows users to stream and

use applications before deciding whether to purchase them.


based subsidiary of Boeing. Prior to joining Spectrolab,

Mueller was director of spacecraft design at the Boeing

Satellite Development Center in El Segundo. He also served

as director for the 702 communication satellite product line.

FRANCIS SORIANO ’96 performed at the Music Center in

July with his group Los Angeles del Tango Ensemble.

U.S. Army Brigadier General RICHARD MARK TOY ’96,

an engineering officer with 28 years of active service,

firm Kilopass Technology. Hsu manages all of Kilopass’

anti-fuse one-time programmable memory engineering.

Previously, he was a vice president of engineering at Pericom

Semiconductor and worked at Global Unichip and Intel.


PhD ’01 has been promoted from

associate professor to full professor

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in June 2014. The division

includes California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah,

and parts of Colorado, Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho, and Texas.

Toy leads a workforce of 2,300 in a $1.24 billion military   and civil works program.


ORLANDO FURTADO ’02 and ANU (NALAMWAR) FURTADO ’01, MS ’03 celebrated their 10th wedding

of civil & environmental engineering

anniversary in 2015 and in May welcomed their second son.

Engineering at Clarkson University

ALEXANDER GENG ’05 finished his residency in radiation

director of distance learning in the

the CyberKnife Radiosurgery Center at St. Francis Memorial

in the Wallace H. Coulter School of in Potsdam, N.Y. Janoyan is the

Office of the Provost and served as executive officer of

the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

from 2010 through 2014. Janoyan is the co-director of

Clarkson’s Center for the Evaluation of Clean Energy

Technology’s blade testing facility and is the director of the

Laboratory for Intelligent Infrastructure and Transportation

oncology at UC San Diego and is now medical director at Hospital in San Francisco, supervising robotic surgery on tumors and conditions of the brain and spine.

AVI OKON, ’02, MS ’05, mechanical engineering, received the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal for providing

essential contributions to the development and successful operation of the Mars Science Laboratory drill used on   Mars rovers.


engineering for the San Jose-based nonvolatile memory

assumed command of the South Pacific Division of the


JEN-TAI HSU PhD ’93 was named vice president of


solar cell and panel manufacturer Spectrolab, a Sylmar-


ALEX CAPECELATRO, ’10, co-founder and former CEO

Livermore National Laboratory’s

and app, saw the company acquired by private investors.

principal investigator at Lawrence

Center for Micro and Nano Technology

Materials Engineering Division, was featured in April in OneDublin.org’s

Women in STEM interview series.

RIZWAN KASSIM ’06 is a co-founder and chief technology

of Yeti, developer of a local information search engine

Capecelatro will continue to serve as a strategic advisor to Yeti as he focuses on a new voice-controlled home

automation venture.

ZHEN GU PhD ’10 was named one of MIT Technology

Review’s 35 Innovators Under 35 for 2015. Gu, an assistant

officer of Ultra Mobile, a Costa Mesa-based mobile phone

professor in the Joint Department

company for 2015 by Inc. Magazine.

University of North Carolina at

services company named the fastest growing private

MARZENA LASKOWSKA ’06, a project manager in charge

of health facilities for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, was part of the team on construction of the new surgical center at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,

which opened in 2014. Laskowska oversaw the upgrade of the Harbor-UCLA data center.

YIYU SHI PhD ’07, an assistant

professor of electrical and computer engineering at Missouri University

of Biomedical Engineering at the

Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, is developing insulin

delivery methods for diabetics that do not involve an injection.

DAISUKE KANDA ’10 was married this year in Bali to the

former Keiko Yamamoto, a high school science teacher.

Kanda also became managing director of Stellasia LED, a

Tokyo start-up developing technology to illuminate LED lamps without an AC/DC converter.

of Science and Technology, received

a 2015 Innovation Award from the

Academy of Science of St. Louis.

The award recognizes a scientist

or engineer age 40 or younger who has demonstrated

exceptional potential for future accomplishments in

science, engineering or technology.


BENJAMIN BAKER ’10 received the Outstanding Civil



Engineer in the Private Sector Award from the American

Society of Civil Engineers Metropolitan Los Angeles Branch. Baker is a project engineer with Walsh Shea Corridor

Constructors, working on the Metro Crenshaw/LAX Rail

Transit Corridor Project.

AMBIKA LUTHRA ’10 completed the Animation Mentor program and has enrolled at the California Institute for

the Arts to study character animation.

She is working as a project coordinator for a Bollywood-themed enter-

tainment venue in Dubai owned

by RIVA Creative USA. She formerly

worked as an engineer at Southern

California Edison.

MATTHEW BARRIENTOS ’11 is a project engineer at

its functionality. Garg is now an assistant professor of

Swift Engineering and an avid skydiver and parachutist. In

computer science at Johns Hopkins University.

States Parachute Association Florida state record for

JAMES BARBOUR ’14 is a civil engineer for the city of

stated, are “only made possible due to my understanding

projects include sewer-separation design and designing

April, Barrientos was part of a team that broke the United

largest wingsuit formation. His airborne achievements, he

Omaha, working at its wastewater treatment plant. His

of aerodynamics and aircraft performance theory, which I

plant upgrades.

LOUIS DIAZ ’12 and ROXANNE LOO ’13 married

and is now is in the mechanical systems group at

Diaz works as a structural

aircraft. “It’s pretty amazing using knowledge from school,

learned during my time at UCLA.”

in June in Los Angeles.

DERRICK LLOYD ’14 travelled in Europe after graduation

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems in San Diego,

working on landing gear for the Grey Eagle, a U.S. Army

engineer at AECOM while

applying it, and seeing it actually come to life in something

degree at CSU Long Beach.

much I have continued to learn outside of school.”

pursuing his graduate

Loo was recently promoted to systems engineer

that you are working on,” Lloyd stated. “It’s also crazy how


UCLA Engineering Edward T. Rice Outstanding Student

at Northridge-based

Award winner, completed

Medtronic MiniMed.

the first year of the MD/PhD

KHALED REFAAT MS ’12, PhD ’15 works at Google X, a

program at Johns Hopkins

advancements, as a software engineer.

in the white coat ceremony,

the Doctoral Dissertation Award

from the Association for Computing

Machinery for developing tools that

enable the first secure solution for

making computer program code

“unintelligible” while preserving

which celebrates the

transition from classroom to

clinical training.  n


SANJAM GARG PhD ’13 received

University and participated


Google lab dedicated to making major technological

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Greg P. Carman, mechanical and aerospace engineering professor and TANMS engineering research center director, received the 2015 Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award from SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics. Tyson Condie, Symantec Term Chair in Computer Science, received an Okawa Research Grant to support the work titled “Towards a Big Data Application Server Stack.” Okawa grants are awarded each year to support research in the fields of information and telecommunications in Japan, the United States, China and Korea.

received a Global Achievement Award from Johns Hopkins University, his Ph.D. alma mater. Ho was honored for innovation with significant international impact. Ho also received a Doctor of Engineering honoris causa from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He was also elected as a Fellow of the International Society of Nano Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement.

Dino Di Carlo, professor of bioengineering, was named a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the United Kingdom for outstanding contributions to the advancement of chemical sciences.

Dean Ho, professor of bioengineering and dentistry, was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

Mario Gerla, computer science professor and department chair, and graduate students Tuan Le and You Lu, received the Best Paper Award by the 2015 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). Gerla also received the 2015 SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contributions Award in recognition of his “pioneering contributions to mobile computing and communications and wireless networking.” Chih-Ming Ho, UCLA’s Ben   Rich-Lockheed Martin Chair in Advanced Aerospace Technologies,

Tatsuo Itoh, the Northrop Grumman Professor of Microwave Electronics, received an honorary doctorate from the Universit Autònoma de Barcelona, in Spain. Bahram Jalali, the Northrop Grumman Opto-Electronic Professor of Electrical Engineering, was awarded the Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 Achievement Medal. He was recognized for “pioneering contributions to silicon photonics and real-time instrumentation and their application in cancer detection.”


Scott J. Brandenberg, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, received a 2015 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The prize honors notable achievement in research with an emphasis on researchers who are 40 years old or younger.

Jason Cong, Chancellor’s Professor of Computer Science, received a Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award from the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cong and colleagues also received the   Ten- Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award from the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design.


Asad Abidi, Chancellor’s Professor of Electrical Engineering, received the Distinguished Alumni Award for 2015 from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley, his Ph.D. alma mater.

Mona Jarrahi, associate professor of electrical engineering, was named a 2014 Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences. The program honors young scientists who are considered leaders in their fields and who have made significant contributions to science. Jiann-Wen “Woody” Ju, professor of civil and environmental engineering, received an Honorary University Professorship from Southwest Jiaotong University in China, the university’s highest honor. Ju also received a permanent appointment as the editor-in-chief of the   International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJDM). Daniel T. Kamei, associate professor of bioengineering, received a UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award for 2015. The award recognizes extraordinary teachers who have made a significant impact on their students through classroom teaching and curriculum development.



Richard Kaner, professor of chemistry and biochemistry and materials science and engineering, was admitted as a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the United Kingdom for outstanding contributions to the advancement of   chemical sciences. Pirouz Kavehpour, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, was elected as an ASME Fellow for his contributions to the understanding of mechanisms of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Chang-Jin “CJ” Kim, professor of mechanical and aerospace

engineering, received the 2015 Ho-Am Prize for Engineering, considered Korea’s highest honor for engineers. Leonard Kleinrock, professor of computer science, received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Communication and Information Technologies area. The foundation, based in Spain, recognizes outstanding contributions in science, technology and the arts. James C. Liao, Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Professor of Chemical Engineering and chair of the bioengineering and chemical and biomolecular engineering departments, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Liao is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Asad Madni ’69, MS ’72, adjunct professor of electrical engineering, was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He was also named named an Eminent Member of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu, the society’s highest membership classification for significant contributions in electrical and computer engineering. Vasilios I. Manousiouthakis, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, was a co-winner of AIChE’s 2014 Research Excellence in Sustainable Engineering Award. The award recognizes significant technical contributions in teaching and development activities. Aydogan Ozcan, Chancellor’s Professor of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering, received the Society of Postdoctoral Scholars Mentoring Award from the UCLA Graduate Division. The award

recognizes faculty mentors who have gone above and beyond requirements in helping post-doctoral scholars in their careers. Judea Pearl, Chancellor’s Professor of Computer Science, was named a 2015 recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science and Technology degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Yahya Rahmat-Samii, UCLA’s Northrop Grumman Professor in Electrical Engineering/Electromagnetics, along with colleagues at JPL’s RapidScat Antenna Team, received NASA’s Group Achievement Award for work on International Space Station RapidScat antenna design. Ertugrul Taciroglu, professor of civil and environmental engineering, was elected as a Fellow of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute. Engineering Mechanics Institute Fellows are recognized for their membership, participation, quality of work, involvement and publications. Kang L. Wang, Raytheon Professor of Electrical Engineering, received the 2015 Pan Wen Yuan Outstanding Research Award for a broad spectrum of contributions in the semiconductor industry. Yang Yang, Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas Jr. Chair of Materials Science and Engineering, was named a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in the United Kingdom for outstanding contributions to the advancement of chemical sciences. William W-G. Yeh, Richard G. Newman AECOM Professor of Engineering, was awarded the Water Management & Protection Prize from the Prince

Nabil Alshurafa PhD ’15  Preventive Medicine  Northwestern University  FACULTY ADVISOR: Majid Sarrafzadeh Michael Calkins PhD ’10  Physics  University of Colorado, Boulder  FACULTY ADVISOR: Jeff Eldredge Thomas Courtade PhD ’12 Electrical Engineering and   Computer Science UC Berkeley  FACULTY ADVISOR: Richard D. Wesel Arthur Densmore, PhD ’15  Electrical Engineering California State University,   Long Beach FACULTY ADVISOR: Yahya Rahmat-Samii Leyla Esfandiari PhD ’14 Electrical Engineering and   Computing Systems University of Cincinnati  FACULTY ADVISOR: Jacob Schmidt Sanjam Garg PhD ’13  Computer Science  UC Berkeley  FACULTY CO-ADVISORS: Rafail Ostrovsky and Amit Sahai Maziar Hemati PhD ’13  Aerospace Engineering  University of Minnesota  FACULTY ADVISOR: Jeff Eldredge

Abhishek Jain PhD ’12  Computer Science  Johns Hopkins University  FACULTY CO-ADVISORS: Amit Sahai and Rafail Ostrovsky Jungseock Joo PhD ’14  Communication Studies  UCLA  FACULTY ADVISOR: Song-Chun Zhu Joseph Sang-Il Kwon PhD ’15  Chemical Engineering  Texas A & M University  FACULTY ADVISOR:   Panagiotis D. Christofides Dong Ni PhD ’05  Control Science and Engineering  Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China  FACULTY ADVISOR:   Panagiotis D. Christofides Indranil Saha PhD ’13  Computer Science and Engineering  Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur  FACULTY ADVISOR: Rupak Majumdar Vanessa Thulsiraj PhD ’14  Mount St. Mary’s College  FACULTY ADVISOR: Jennifer A. Jay Thien Tran PhD ’12.   University of Danang, Vietnam   FACULTY ADVISOR: John W. Wallace John Valdovinos PhD ’14  Biomedical Engineering  California State University, Northridge  FACULTY ADVISOR: Greg Carman

Jie Xu PhD ’15  Electrical and Computer Engineering  University of Miami   FACULTY ADVISOR:   Mihaela van der Schaar Sam Yniesta PhD ’15   École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada  FACULTY ADVISOR: Scott J. Brandenberg Tadeh Zirakian PhD ’13  Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management  California State University, Northridge  FACULTY ADVISOR: Jian Zhang

POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLARS ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Shweta Agrawal  Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi POST-DOCTORAL ADVISOR: Amit Sahai Dorinamaria Carka Engineering and Computing Sciences New York Institute of Technology, Manhattan POST-DOCTORAL ADVISOR:   Christopher Lynch Lianyi Chen Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Missouri University of Science & Technology POST-DOCTORAL ADVISOR: Xiaochun Li Anja Kunze Mathematics  UCLA




Soojung (Claire) Hur PhD ’11  Mechanical Engineering  Johns Hopkins University  FACULTY ADVISOR: Dino Di Carlo


Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water, for development of optimization models for large-scale water resources systems.

Hemanta K. Maji Computer Science  Purdue University


Cem Tekin Electrical and Electronics Engineering   Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey  POST-DOCTORAL ADVISOR:

Mihaela van der Schaar

Guy Van den Broeck Computer Science UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science POST-DOCTORAL ADVISOR:   Adnan Darwiche Jaclyn Winter Medicinal Chemistry  University of Utah


FACULTY ENDOWED CHAIR HOLDERS L. M. K. Boelter Chair in Engineering  Rotating Nippon Sheet Glass Company Chair in Materials Science  Bruce S. Dunn



Norman E. Friedman Chair in Knowledge Sciences  Carlo A. Zaniolo

Northrop Chair in Electrical Engineering/Electromagnetics  Yahya Rahmat-Samii

Wintek Chair in Electrical Engineering  M.C. Frank Chang

Northrop Grumman Opto-Electronic Chair in Electrical Engineering  Bahram Jalali

Dorothea and Traugott Frederking Chair in Cryogenics

Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Chair in Chemical Engineering  James C. Liao Jonathan B. Postel Chair in Computer Systems  Lixia Zhang Raytheon Chair in Electrical Engineering  Kang L. Wang Raytheon Chair in Manufacturing Engineering  Xiaochun Li Edward K. and Linda L. Rice Term Chair in Civil Engineering  Gaurav Sant Ben Rich-Lockheed Martin Chair in Advanced Aerospace Technologies  Chih-Ming Ho Rockwell Collins Chair in Engineering  J. John Kim William Frederick Seyer Chair in Materials Electrochemistry  Jane P. Chang

Evalyn Knight Chair in Engineering  Ali Mosleh

Ronald and Valerie Sugar Chair in Engineering  Jason Speyer

Richard G. Newman AECOM Chair in Civil Engineering  William W-G. Yeh

Symantec Term Chair in Computer Science  Tyson Condie

Northrop Grumman Chair in Electrical Engineering  Tatsuo Itoh

Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr. Chair in Engineering  Yang Yang


Leonard Kleinrock Chair in Engineering Levi J. Knight, Jr., Chair in Engineering Jonathan B. Postel Chair in Networking Charles P. Reames Chair in Electrical Engineering William Van Vorst Chair in Chemical Engineering Education Volgenau Chair in Engineering CHANCELLOR’S PROFESSORS

Asad Abidi Jason Cong Subramanian Iyer Aydogan Ozcan Judea Pearl Behzad Razavi Yi Tang Demetri Terzopoulos Mihaela van der Schaar SAMUELI FELLOWS

Danijela Cabric Eric Hoek Yu Huang Fei Sha Guy Van den Broeck Benjamin Williams

Charles Bergan Vice President Engineering R & D Qualcomm Vint Cerf MS ’70, PhD ’72 VP & Chief Internet Evangelist Google Lucien “Al” Couvillon, Jr. ’62, MS ’66  Retired Vice President for Corporate R&D (Ret.) Boston Scientific Marshall W. Davert MS ’92, PhD ’93  Director of Strategic Business Growth MWH Global Vijay K. Dhir  Dean UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science James L. Easton ’59  Chairman and President Jas D. Easton, Inc. Timothy Frei ’85, MS ’87 Vice President of Communication Systems Space Systems Division Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Joel Farrier Manager, Los Angeles Metropolitan Area AECOM B. John Garrick MS ’62, PhD ’68  President and CEO (Ret.) PLG, Inc.

Sam F. Iacobellis MS ’63  Deputy Chairman (Ret.) Rockwell International Leslie M. Lackman Deputy Director, Institute for Technology Advancement UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science

Michael D. Rich JD ’76  President, CEO RAND Henry Samueli* ’76, MS ’76, PhD ’80  Co-founder Broadcom Gerald Solomon  Executive Director Samueli Foundation

Jeff Lawrence ’79  President and CEO Clivia Systems

Dwight C. Streit MS ’83, PhD ’86  Professor Director, Institute for Technology Advancement UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science

Steven D. Liedle  Project Manager Bechtel Power

Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr. ’59, MS ’61  Electronics Consultant Tannas Electronics

Rajeev Madhavan  Former Chairman and CEO Magma Design Automation

John J. Tracy CTO & Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations & Technology Boeing

Joanne M. Maguire MS ’78, CERT ’89  Executive Vice President (Ret.) Lockheed Martin Space Systems Group Richard G. Newman  Chairman AECOM Pankaj Patel  Senior Vice President and General Manager Cisco Systems Edward K. Rice  Chairman CTS Cement Manufacturing

Stephen Trilling CERT ’00 Vice President Security Technology and Response  Symantec Bill Welser IV Director, Engineering and Applied Sciences Department RAND David A. Whelan MS ’78, PhD ’83 Vice President, General Manager, and Deputy to the President Boeing *Dean’s Advisory Council Chair


William F. Ballhaus, Jr. CEO (Ret.) The Aerospace Corporation

Peter Gould   Vice President and Chief Engineer Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems



FACULTY PATENTS ISSUED Ivan Catton, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, and Ladan Amouzegar, Sean Reilly, Michael Stubblebine, Jacob Supowit, Huishu Thomas Tao and Qi Yao: Inorganic aqueous solution for phasechange heat transfer medium.

Chih-Ming Ho, Ben Rich Lockheed Martin Chair in Advanced Aerospace Technologies, and Pak Kin Wong: Apparatus and methods for manipulation and optimization of biological systems.

M.C. Frank Chang, Wintek Chair in Electrical Engineering, and Daquan Huang: Phase coherent differential structures.

Yu Huang, professor of materials science and engineering, and Jingwei Bai: Graphene nanomesh and method of making the same.

M.C. Frank Chang and Sai Wang Tam: Milli-meter-wave-wireless-interconnect (m2w2-interconnect) method for short-range communications with ultra-high data.

Bahram Jalali, Northrop Grumman Opto-Electronic Chair in Electrical Engineering, Claus Ropers and Daniel Solli: Method and apparatus for generation and detection of rogue waves.

Timothy Deming, professor of bioengineering, and Jarrod Hanson: Compositions and uses of materials with high antimicrobial activity and low toxicity. Dino Di Carlo, professor of bioengineering, Daniel Gossett and Henry Tse: Method and device for high throughput cell deformability measurements.


Bruce Dunn, Nippon Sheet Glass Company Chair in Materials Science, Kurt Star and Grand Umeda: Chemical protection of metal surface.


Lei He, Zhe Feng, Naifeng Jing and Ju-Yeah Lee: In-place resynthesis and remapping techniques for soft error mitigation in FPGA.

Rajit Gadh, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, Lei He, professor of electrical engineering, Chi Ching Chu, Ching Yen Chung, Siddhartha Mal, Brahmavar Prabhu, Omar Sheikh, Yiyu Shi and Bingjun Xiao: Smart electric vehicle (EV) charging and grid integration apparatus and methods.

Bahram Jalali, Keisuke Goda and Kevin Kin Man Tsia: Apparatus   and method for dispersive   Fourier-Transform imaging. William Kaiser, professor of electrical engineering, Majid Sarrafzadeh, professor of computer science, Christian Behrenbruch and Maxim Batalin: Apparatus and method for implementing a mobility aid device. William Kaiser, Majid Sarrafzadeh, Navid Amini, Hagop Hagopian, Shaun Ahmadian, Mars Lan, Hyduke Noshadi, Jonathan Woodbridge and Wenyao Xu: Method of assessing human fall risk using mobile systems. Chang-Jin “CJ” Kim, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, and Wyatt Nelson: Monolithically formed   EWOD device and method of making the same.

Chang-Jin “CJ” Kim, Supin Chen and Gaurav Jitendra Shah: Digital microfluidic platform for radiochemistry. James C. Liao, Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Chair in Chemical Engineering, Shota Atsumi, Anthony Cann, Michael Connor, Claire Shen and Kevin Smith: Biofuel production by recombinant microorganisms. Jia-Ming Liu, professor of electrical engineering, and Sze-Chun Chan: All-optical AM-to-FM up-conversion for radio-over-fiber. Yunfeng Lu, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering: Hierarchially porous carbon particles for electrochemical applications. Yunfeng Lu, Hiesang Sohn and Qiangfeng Xiao: Nanocrystalline mesoporous spherical particles. Yunfeng Lu: Asymmetric hybrid supercapacitors based on nanotube nanowire composites. Christopher Lynch, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, and Wen Dong: Energy harvesting utilizing stress induced phase transformation in ferroelectric piezocrystals. Rafail Ostrovsky, professor of computer science and mathematics: Authenticated adversarial routing. Aydogan Ozcan, Chancellor’s Professor of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering, and Waheb Bishara: Lens-free wide-field superresolution imaging device. Aydogan Ozcan, Stoyan Dimitrov, Onur Mudanyali, Isa Navruz, Swati Padmanabhan and Uzair Sikora: Portable rapid diagnostic test reader.

Aydogan Ozcan, Serhan Isikman   and Chetin Oztoprak: Incoherent lensfree cell holography and microscopy on a chip.

Jacob Schmidt and Jason Poulos: Droplet bilayer formation using high throughput liquid handling techniques.

Aydogan Ozcan and Hongying Zhu: Compact wide-field fluorescent imaging on a mobile device.

Yi Tang, Chancellor’s Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Xinkai Xie: Methods and materials for making simvastatin and related compounds.

Sudhakar Pamarti, professor of electrical engineering, and Nitesh Singhal: Digital polar and ZVS contour based hybrid power amplifier. Sudhakar Pamarti and Nitesh Singhal: Zero-voltage-switching contour based outphasing power amplifier. Sudhakar Pamarti and Tzu-Chien Hsueh: CDMA-based crosstalk   cancellation for on-chip global high-speed links. Miodrag Potkonjak, professor of computer science: Methods and systems of digital rights management for integrated circuits. Majid Sarrafzadeh, Foad Dabiri and Roozbeh Jafari: Method and apparatus for quantitative assessment of neuromotor disorders.

Yi Tang, Xue Gao and Xinkai Xie: Variant LovD polypeptide. Ingrid Verbauwhede, adjunct professor of electrical engineering, and Kris Tiri: Wave dynamic differential logic. Kang L. Wang, Raytheon Chair in Electrical Engineering, Dejan Markovic, professor of electrical engineering, Pedram Khalili, adjunct professor of electrical engineering, and Richard Dorrance: Digital polar and ZVS contour based hybrid power amplifier. Kang L. Wang, Dejan Markovic, Pedram Khalili and Richard Dorrance: Nonvolatile magneto-electric random access memory circuit with burst writing and back-to-back reads.

Kang L. Wang and Pedram Khalili: Systems and methods for implementing magnetoelectric junctions. Kang L. Wang and Yi Zhou: Epitaxial growth of single crystalline MGO on germanium. Kang L. Wang, Augustin Hong and Ji Young Kim: All graphene flash memory device. Kang L. Wang, Ajey Jacob and Faxian Xiu: Spin transistor having multiferroic gate dielectric. Kang L. Wang, Dejan Markovic, Chih Kong “Ken” Yang, professor of electrical engineering, and Fengbo Ren: Body voltage sensing based short pulse reading circuit. Kang L. Wang, Pedram Khalili and Juan Alzate: Voltage-controlled magnetic memory element with canted magnetization. Jenn-Ming Yang, professor of materials science and engineering, and Henry Colorado: Chemically bonded ceramics based on fly ash. Yang Yang, Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas, Jr., Chair in Engineering, Chun Chao Chen, Letian Dou, Gang Li, and Rui Zhu: Semi-transparent, transparent, stacked and top-illuminated organic photovoltaic devices.


Jacob Schmidt, professor of bioengineering, Tae Joon Jeon and Jason Poulos: Membrane precursors and membranes formed therefrom.


Aydogan Ozcan, Anthony Erlinger and Ting-Wei Su: Compact automated semen analysis platform using lens-free on-chip microscopy.

2015 BOELTER SOCIETY HONOR ROLL DEAN’S VISIONARIES The Dean’s Visionaries are individuals who have commited $1 million or more over the course of their lifetimes to support the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. Degrees listed for UCLA alumni

Anonymous (4)

Muriel K.* ’50 and   Robert B. Allan* John Burnett

Joyce ’71 and Aubrey Chernick

Nancy D. and Aaron S. Cohen* ’58

Robert N. Crane MS ’65, PhD ’70 Marjorie L.* ’46 and   Ralph E. Crump ’50

Phyllis F. and James L. Easton ’59

Dorothea H. and Traugott H. K. Frederking* Amelia and B. John Garrick   MS ’62, PhD ’68

Rhodine R. and Jack Gifford* ’63 Grace and Hyley Huang P Kalosworks.org

Therese Kerze-Cheyovich*

Jennifer Liang and W. N. Lin P Emmy and David Mong ’84

Robert B. Nakich* ’65, MS ’69



Mukund Padmanabhan   MS ’89, PhD ’92

Deborah A. and Charles P. Reames MS ’80, ENG ’82, PhD ’85

Linda L. and Edward K. Rice

Susan and Henry Samueli ’75, MS ’76, PhD ’80 Michele and Patrick Soon-Shiong

Jacqueline ’69 and Oscar M. Stafsudd Jr. ’59, MS ’61,   PhD ’67 P

Joan and Herbert Stark ’57

Valerie H. ’71 and Ronald D. Sugar ’68, MS ’69, PhD ’71 Carol A. and Lawrence E. Tannas Jr. ’59, MS ’61 P

Sara and Ernst Volgenau   PhD ’66

Jui-Chuan Yeh MPH ’96 and Fang Lu MS ’88, ENG ’89, PhD ’92 LIFETIME MEMBERS Lifetime members are individuals who have committed $100,000 or more over the course of their lifetimes to support the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Anonymous (8)

Miriam O. and Sheldon G. Adelson

Natalie and Robert E. Englekirk MS ’65, PhD ’70 P Thelma* and Gerald Estrin* Lyudmila and Herschel R. Evans ’91 Lydia J.* and Kenneth I. Friedman* ’61 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Richard L. Gay* ’73, MS ’73, PhD ’76

Margaret E. Phillips ’70, PhD ’90 and Mario Gerla MS ’70, PhD ’73 P H. P. Gillis

Beverly J. ’59 and Bruce E. Gladstone ’57, MS ’62

Gwendolyn O. and Eugene C. Gritton ’63, MS ’65, PhD ’67 Gerry Hall ’06

Mohini and Balu Balakrishnan MS ’76 P

Kevin G. Hall P

Stephen D. Bechtel Jr.

Sudha Neelakantan and Venkatesh Harinarayan   MS ’90

Evelyn* and Paul Baran* MS ’59 Wanlyn and Benton Bejach ’45 Sharon ’91 and Mark Berman MS ’92, PhD ’95

Lauren and James N. Harger ’80

Ernest R. Harris ’49

Helen S.* and Llewellyn M. Boelter*

Robert Hawley MS ’91, PhD ’97

Susan and Ivan Catton ’59, PhD ’66

Sandy and Scott W. Huseth DDS ’83

Alyne G.* and Leon W. Camp*

Hua J. Chang MBA ’88 and Jau-Hsiung Huang MS ’85, PhD ’88 Josephine Cheng ’75, MS ’77 and Michael Y. Pong Jin Hee Choi and Youngsoo Cha P Alan P. Cutter ’61, MBA ’64

Jean ’70 and James Doane ’68 Stanley A. Dashew*

Una Davis* and Kirk Kerkorian

*Deceased  P=Parents  ºDean’s Loyalty Circle

Sonya and Jerome Hollander ’48

Anu and B. V. Jagadeesh

Margy and George V. Jiran*

Laurene P. and Steven P. Jobs*

Celia ’89 and Robin B. Joshi ’89, MS ’91, PhD ’95 Irene C. Kassorla ’63, MA ’65 and Norman E. Friedmann ’50, MS ’52, PhD ’57

Linda P. B. Katehi MS ’81, PhD ’84 and Spyros I. Tseregounis MS ’82, PhD ’84 Toshiko and Ryoichi Kikuchi* Chang-Jin Kim

Caroline and Sidney Kimmel Elizabeth Argue Knesel

Evalyn* and Levi J. Knight, Jr.* Ryo Kokubu

Kentland A. Krause MBA ’80 Leslie M. Lackman

Louis G. Levoy Jr. Trust

Janq-Yann Lin PhD ’87

Lily W. and Robert P. Lin* Susan* and Tung H. Lin* Yen Ting Lin MS ’11

Daniel C. Lynch MA ’65

Gowhartaj A. and Asad M. Madni ’69, MS ’72 P Dennis Maynard ’69

Ellen A. McNulty* and Peter A. Horn* Kathleen J. and Mark J. Miller MS ’82

Leslie A. Momoda ’85, MS ’87, PhD ’90 and James D. Barrie ’83, MS ’85, PhD ’88

Henry T. Nicholas III ’82, MS ’85, PhD ’98 Stacey E. Nicholas ’85, MS ’87

Smita P.* and Pankaj S. Patel P Michael W. Phelps ’71, MS ’71 Virginia* and Simon Ramo John E. Rex ’74

Margaret J. ’43 and Louis B. Rockland* ’40, MS ’47,   PhD ’48 Jamie K. and Kenneth L. Rosenblood Dorothy Rubin

Shirley H. Rubin* ’56

Sandy Wu and Shioupyn Shen PhD ’91 Shiva Shivakumar ’94 Joyce and Alfred W. Sommer

Kirsten L. Sommer ’60 and Richard Stevenson

Adele R. and George S. Stern ’58, MA ’59, PhD ’64 David E. Storrs ’82, MS ’83

Raymond M. Taylor ’62, MS ’66, MBA ’86

Sigrid L. Thorstenberg and Vinton G. Cerf MS ’70, PhD ’72 Kathleen Tipton

Diane E. Troth ’80, MS ’81 and Jeff Lawrence ’79 Ching-Chiao* and   King-Ning Tu

Sandeep Vardhan ’98, MS ’03 Raj Kumari Vardhan and Sumermal Vardhan P Alan L. Wood*

Jane J. PhD ’71 and Tien-Tsai Yang PhD ’68

Jennie P. PhD ’75 and William W. Yeh Norman L. Yeung ’77

Harriet S.* ’49 and George A. Zizicas* PhD ’52 THE UCLA LEGACY SOCIETY The UCLA Legacy Society is a special group of generous alumni, friends, and parents who have chosen to remember UCLA in their estate plans. This honor roll gratefully acknowledges members of the society who have directed their gifts to support the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Muriel K. Allan* ’50 and Robert B. Allan* Anonymous (1)

Mohini and Balu Balakrishnan MS ’76 P Marilyn and Harold Becker ME ’59

Lois and Bernard Beskind ’62, MSE ’66

Stella S. ’67, MSW ’75 and Leonard Kleinrock

Sandra and Robert Williamson ’62, MS ’64, PhD ’69

Susan and Ivan Catton ’59, PhD ’66

Gladys Kovitz*

Lucille and Taro Yodokawa ’68, PhD ’77

John Burnett

Valerie and Ajit Choudhury* MS ’67, PhD ’69

Nancy ’58 and Brian Cochran ’54 Neal M. Cohen ’87

Robert N. Crane MS ’65,   PhD ’70

Irina and Leslie Cromwell*   MS ’51, PhD ’67 Alan P. Cutter ’61, MBA ’64

Robert and Noel Deitrich ’67

Jean ’70 and James Doane ’68 Barry J. Forman ’60, MS ’62

Dorothea H. and Traugott H. K. Frederking* Amelia and B. John Garrick MS ’62, PhD ’68 Richard L. Gay* ’73, MS ’73, PhD ’76

Rhodine and Jack Gifford* ’63 P Beverly J. ’59 and Bruce E. Gladstone ’57, MS ’62

Victoria ’87 MBA ’93 and   Ken Goldberg

Hisayo MS ’60, PhD ’69 and Jesse Graham*

Gail and Frederick Hardy ’65, MS ’67 P Ernest R. Harris ’49

Doris B. and Franklin J. Henderson MS ’66

Judy and P. Michael Henderson Pearl Illg ’70

Marion H. J. and Alfred C. Ingersoll*

Daniel Janeves Living Trust

Margy and George V. Jiran* Mary K.* and Melvin O. Kappler*

Elizabeth Szeliga-Kerswell ’76 and James Kerswell ’66 Therese Kerze-Cheyovich*

Elizabeth Argue Knesel

Kentland A. Krause MBA ’80

Marc Alan Wood ’69, ME ’85

Leslie M. Lackman

Harriet S.* ’49 and George A. Zizicas PhD* ’52

Louis G. Levoy, Jr. Trust


Carolyn E. Leffler* ’36

Elaine C. Lewis-Hovind ’52 and Brian J. Lewis* MS ’54 Terence Lim ’92

Margaretha and David Mac Culloch Jr.* ’48

Gail Masutani MS ’81, PhD ’88 and Tracy Nishikawa MS ’85, PhD ’88 P Judith and Joseph Miller* ’57, MS ’58, PhD ’62

Lynn ’60, MS ’71, MED ’89 and D. L. Mingori MS ’62 Robert B. Nakich* ’65, MS ’69 Rose Marie* ’57 and Richard Nesbit ’58, MS ’60, PhD ’63

Marie and Louis Oberholtz* ’57

Sallie B. and Russell R. O’Neill*   PhD ’56 P Richard W. Phillips ’68, MLS ’75 John E. Rex ’74

Shirley H. Rubin* ’56

Barbara W. ’68 and Bernard Shyffer ’49, MS ’63 Lenore Simon and Michael Phelps ’71, MS ’71

Jacqueline ’69 and Oscar M. Stafsudd Jr. ’59, MS ’61, PhD ’67 P Joan and Herbert Stark ’57 Winifred Stockwell*

David E. Storrs ’82, MS ’83 Carol A. and Lawrence E. Tannas Jr. ’59, MS ’61 P

Raymond M. Taylor Jr. ’62, MS ’66, MBA ’86 Kathleen Tipton

David K. Triolo ’80

Sara and Ernst Volgenau PhD ’66

The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science gratefully acknowledges individuals who made gifts to the school from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Degrees listed for UCLA alumni ºDean’s Loyalty Circle Members of the Dean’s Loyalty Circle are among UCLA Engineering’s most dedicated supporters, providing the school with a consistent source of vital funding by making a gift of $2,500 or more to the school for three or more consecutive years.

Dean’s Visionaries - $1 million and up

Anonymous (1)

Amelia and B. John Garrick MS ’62, PhD ’68 Phyllis F. and James L. Easton ’59 Mukund Padmanabhan   MS ’89, PhD ’92º

Dean’s Ambassadors - $100,000 to $999,999

Sharon B. ’91 and Mark Berman MS ’92, PhD ’95º Susan and Ivan Catton ’59, PhD ’66 P

Nancy D. and Aaron S. Cohen ’58*º

Natalie and Robert E. Englekirk MS ’65, PhD ’70 P Hua J. Chang MBA ’88 and Jau-Hsiung Huang MS ’85, PhD ’88 Leslie M. Lackman

Danmei Lee and Yang Yangº


Marilyn L. and Eugene P. Stein ’68

Mary E. Bosak ’72, MA ’72, EdD ’77 and Richard G. Somers


Anne-Marie MBA ’78 and Alex Spataru ’70, MBA ’79

Emmy and David Mong ’84º Sudha Neelakantan and Venkatesh Harinarayan   MS ’90º

Linda L. and Edward K. Riceº

Susan and Henry Samueli ’75, MS ’76, PhD ’80º

Anne-Marie MBA ’78 and Alex Spataru ’70, MBA ’79 Marilyn L. and Eugene P. Stein ’68º Valerie H. ’71 and Ronald D. Sugar ’68, MS ’69, PhD ’71º Carol A. and Lawrence E. Tannas Jr. ’59, MS ’61ºP

Jui-Chuan Yeh MPH ’96 and Fang Lu MS ’88, ENG ’89, PhD ’92º Judy Yeung

Norman L. Yeung ’77º Dean’s Scholars - $50,000 to $99,999

Mary J. and Virgil R. Bourgon ’61, MS ’64

Joyce ’71 and Aubrey Chernick Kalosworks.org

Louis G. Levoy, Jr.* Ruigang Li

Margarite and Tom T. Tang* ’57, MS ’61

Boelter Sponsors - $5,000 to $9,999

Marina I. and Wei H. Kao

Marion MS ’72 and   Douglas Lee

Wanlyn and Benton Bejachº

Tzu-Chen Hung MS ’87, PhD ’89 Marina and Wei Kao P

Renee ’53 and Meyer Luskin ’49 Joanne M. Maguire MS ’78

Donna E. Lee-Pruett and John P. Pruett ’78, DDS ’82

Nina and Ghassan Toubia ’81ºP

Ching-Chiao* and King-Ning Tuº Erna and Andrew J. Viterbi P Bing Zhu

Boelter Fellows - $10,000 to $24,999

Muriel ’50 and Robert Allan Anonymous (2)º

Jane K. and William Ballhaus, Jr.º Su and Fred J. Barker ’71,   MBA ’73 P

Ildiko V. and Robert J. Barker ’68, MBA ’70º

Beatrice D. Beggs ’63, MA ’67

Lorraine and Raymond Beggs Phyllis B. ’62 and Sanford M. Beim ’57, MBA ’89 Josephine Cheng ’75, MS ’77 and Michael Y. Pongº Bonnie and Illiya Cheyovich Hilda C. ’85 and C. Robert Chow ’83, MS ’85

Anonymous (1)

Margaret E. Phillips ’70, PhD ’90 and Mario Gerla MS ’70, PhD ’73ºP

Jin Hee Choi and Youngsoo Cha P Marjorie L.* and Ralph E. Crump ’50º


Stella ’67, MSW ’75 and Leonard Kleinrock P

Boelter Investors - $25,000 to $49,999

David H. Alexander MS ’71, PhD ’75


Vincent S. Ho ’86, MS ’86, PhD ’90, MBA ’94

Judith L. Estrin ’75

Lyudmila and Herschel R. Evans ’91

Lisa M. ’84 and Timothy J. Frei ’85, MS ’87

Gwendolyn O. and Eugene C. Gritton ’63, MS ’65, PhD ’67ºP

Charles B. Fiscus*

Sherry and David Gold P

Judy A. and Robert A. Green ’72, JD ’75 P Lauren and James N. Harger ’80º Andrew A. HoldenºP

Deborah K. and Paul J. Jansen P

Celia ’89 and Robin B. Joshi ’89, MS ’91, PhD ’95º

Robert A. Kotickº

Huaiyu H. Liu Bussel MS ’97 and Barak H. Bussel MS ’93, MBA ’95 John A. Lyddon

Rosita N.* and Ajit K. Malº

Kathleen J. and Mark J. Miller MS ’82

Leslie A. Momoda ’85, MS ’87, PhD ’90 and James D. Barrie ’83, MS ’85, PhD ’88º Helen K. ’66 and Seiki Ogura MS ’67, PhD ’69 Katherine H. ’71, MS ’75 and Paul D. Page ’69, MS ’71

Smita P.* and Pankaj S. PatelºP Jeffrey A. Pawlan ’68

Maria D. MA ’90, PhD ’97 and Daniel E. Pradel Deborah A. and Charles P. Reames MS ’80, ENG ’82, PhD ’85 Marvin Rubinstein ’53

Barbra A. and William H. Schumann III ’72

Haya S. and Peter B. SenderºP Jeffrey Su ’10

Joyce and Laurance J. Suter Mineo Takai

Vijayakumar Tella MS ’88

Sigrid L. Thorstenberg and Vinton G. Cerf MS ’70, PhD ’72 Yuko and Myles H. Wakayama ’84, MS ’87º Patricia Watts Leamy ’70 and Robert C. Leamy ’70º

Dorothy and Robert Webb ’57, MS ’63, PHD ’67º Kin Wah Wong PhD ’77

Kimberley E. ’73 and Allen M. Yourman Jr. ’76, MS ’78º

Barbara and Ethan Aronoff PhD ’71

Terese C. and Brian K. Blockhus P Hui-Ming Cheng MS ’80

Lisa S. and Daniel M. Cislo ’81 Shirley J. and Donald E. Cole ’56, MS ’65

Victoria Cortessis MS ’86, PhD ’93 and Professor Richard E. Korf Mary L. and Lucien Alfred Couvillon Jr. ’62, MS ’66

Alan P. Cutter ’61, MBA ’64º

Suanne C. and Hernan Pongan De Guzman ’85 P Pratima and Navin H. Doshi

Deborah D. Downs PhD ’80 and Rami R. Razouk ’75, MS ’75, PhD ’80

Leslie A. and Dennis J. Drag MS ’69, PhD ’82º Ruth N. and Frank W. Feiler ’50, MBA ’64* P Diana J. Ford ’83 and James W. Winchester MA ’72, PhD ’80 Marjorie R. and Sheldon K. Friedlander*º Albert J. Glassman PhD ’71

Sandra and Ramon A. Gomez ENG ’90, PhD ’93º Richard A. Gottscho P

Daniel Lihui Gu PhD ’00 Arnold Hackett ’87

Ernest Raymond Harris ’49

Bhavani S. and Subramanian S. Iyer MS ’78, PhD ’81 P Owen W. Lee MS ’97 Yuk C. Lo ’84º

Linda ’84 and Kenneth H. Ma ’83, MS ’84º

Christianne Melanson and Durwin L. Sharp ’70, MBA ’74, PhD ’79 Mumtaz L. and Imtiaz A. Mohammady ’93º

Nancy G. ’78 and Kenneth W. Privitt ’77, MS ’80º

Julie A. ’82 and Christopher S. Proctor ’82ºP

Helene and Sam F. Iacobellis MS ’63 P Stephen D. Ishmael MS ’76

Hongyu Jiang and Xiaojun Li MS ’96

Rebecca C. ’86 and Brent T. Toland MS ’89, PhD ’94 P

Susan and Aaron M. Tout ’99, MBA ’08 Hanna L. and Sang V. Tran ’87, MS ’88

Thelma Puckett

Henry G. Jung ’87 and Mark DeAngelisº

Claudia H. and John Schauerman ’79

Rosalie Kou-May ’91º and Martin Kuhlmann

Jacquelyn J. Weber and Christopher G. Peak P

David K. Triolo ’80º

Amy Lam ’94 and Andrew Kenneth Newman MS ’95, PhD ’05

Maria Yang and Steven J. ShireºP

Glenn M. Sakamoto ’82, MS ’84º

David W. Kim ’98, MS ’01

Susan R. ’75 and Van N. Schultz ’74, MS ’75 P

David M. Lackman ’93

Florence H. Yong MS ’93 and Victor S. Lo

Anna M. Zara and Bob English ’82

Syndie B. Meyer and Daniel C. Pappone ’77º Nancy L. and Craig R. Moles MS ’89º

Hoai X. Vu MS ’85, ENG ’87, PhD ’89

Betty L. and Benjamin M. WuºP

Sigmundo M. Bautista ’00

Dian S. and James L. Bechter ’82, MBA ’88

Cindy and Richard E. Becker ’76 Aidan S. Begg ’08º

Carlos L. Beltran ’00

Cathy M. and Lawrence A. Bennigson ’60

Barbara J. and Paul T. Bent ’73

Jayne S. ’80 and James R. Berg ’80 P Katherine S. Berkenbile ’83

Peggy G. ’84 and Ron Yee ’84 P

Sandeep K. Bhateja ’12

Shigeru Yoshida

Karen D. Biggerstaff-Lundquist and Dennis Edward Lundquist ’70, MS ’71

Jeonghee Yi MS ’94, PhD ’01

Boelter Contributors - $1,000 to $2,499

Robert H. Biggadike ENG ’77

Steve A. Acelar ’02

Maha A. Al Moosa and   Abdulla M. Bin Thaneya P

Carey S. Nachenberg ’95,   MS ’95º

Angela and Darren Aghabeg ’89

Sunita and Navneet K. Boddu P

Julie J. ’93 and Sean F. Nazareth ’92, MS ’94

Agnes An and Song-Haur An MS ’81, ENG ’83, PhD ’86

Elisa M. and Leonard Gerald Bonilla ’70 P

Kathleen R. and Paul H. Chandler MS ’74

Charles Y. Park ’88, MS ’91

Lisa and James Edward Anhalt III ’92

Sandra G. ’79 and Mayer A. Brenner ’78

Gabriela A. ’85 and Vito A. Costanzo ’84 P

Wendy and Rayman Pon P

Douglas T. Aoyama ’98

Candace E. and Robert N. Savoie P

Vatsala and Portonovo S. Ayyaswamy PhD ’71

Donna Mae and Tom Ellis P

Akira Shinoda ’67º

Mary T. and Richard D. Baily MS ’84

Robert J. Gaspar ’95

Elena L. Stenberg P

John M. Haworthº

Hsiao-Te Su MS ’94

Boelter Associates - $2,500 to $4,999

Sema Z. MBA ’76 and Bulent M. Basol MS ’74, ENG ’77,   PhD ’80 P

Sherry L. ’86, MBA ’90 and Gary H. Burdorf ’87, MS ’89, PhD ’93º Gretchen A. Burton ’66 and David E. Schwab MS ’67

Janice Clemson

Lee and Leslie C. Munson ’68 Eiko and Seishin Murahashi ’62

John S. Adams ’62

Kousha Najafi ’08

Daniyal A. Ali ’11

Jean E. and Glen Boe ’60

Jerry Y. Ogawa ’69º

Chrisanne V. Angsuco MS ’13

Jill and Dennis J. Brand ’83

Pat and John B. Peller MS ’66, PhD ’68

Anonymous (5)

Donna J. and Derrell L. Brown ’68, MS ’70

Lisa H. and William J. Rehrig ’93

Brian J. Attiyeh ’07, MS ’08

Nirmala and Prithviraj Dharmaraja P

Juliet N. ’82, MS ’86 and Hermann D. Schurr ’82, MS ’85 P

Nohad Badran-Videau and Pierre A. Videau P

Peggy J. ’59 and David G. Frostad ’59

Anna Swastley and David S. Sabih MS ’62, JD ’73

Mohini and Balu Balakrishnan MS ’76 P

Tamara and Richard   Gildersleeve P

Deborah and Dwight C. Streit MS ’83, PhD ’86º

Stephanie* and Warren Holman ’59

Midco K. and Jeremy L. Switzer ’98, MBA ’07

Valerie Cox

Elena and Michael Deutsch ’78, MS ’80º

Kevin Hsiang

Meera Blattner-Kamegai PhD ’73 and Minao Kamegai

Janet L. and Brian J.   Thompson P

Shelley and Miguel Banuelos ’89 Lisa L. Barker ’84

David C. Barr ’80, MS ’82, MBA ’88 Linda S. and Richard S. Baty PhD ’70 Carol C. Baumann ’92

Lettie M. Burgett and Benjamin F. Cowan ’67,   MD ’75

Judith A. and Raymond C. Burt ’58 Stacey Byrnes and Paul R. Eggert MS ’77, PhD ’80

Mary L. and Kenneth W. Campbell ’70, MS ’72, PhD ’77 Bryan S. Carpentier ’13

Ricki ’68, MA ’70 and Kenneth O. Cartwright ’72 Daniel Ceron ’97

Janice D. Chaffin MBA ’81 and J. Steven Chaffin Qing Chai and Zhongliang Shu P


Puya Partow-Navid ’01


Kim-Thao Nguyen

Mary Jane R. ’60 and Gordon J. Chambers ’60 Betty Chan and Benjamin Lee P Brian W. Chan ’05

Ka Y. Chan ’95, MS ’97 Suk Ha Chan ’94

Robert S. Chandler Jr. ’82 Brian Chang ’07

Hsu-Yu Chang PhD ’12

Janet B. ’77 and Benny C. Chang ’70, MS ’72

Jing Chang and Jason Cong P Shelly and Frank M. ChangºP Sydney and Dennis S. Chang ’80 Claire T. Chao and   Chungdo Yang P

Mary Louise ’60 and Stanley E. Charles ’56, MS ’68 Eddie C. Chau ’89 and   Curtis Adams

E-Hung Chen MS ’08, PhD ’11 Felix C. Chen PhD ’94 and   Lena Y. Lin PhD ’95

Joe C. Chen ’97, MS ’98, PhD ’02 Josan C. Chen and Che M. Tsai ’88 Liming MS ’76, PhD ’78 and Teh-Chung J. Chen PhD ’78

Frank J. Hanzel Jr. ’79, MS ’81

Catherine E. and Michael T. Clarke ’71 P

Kathryn L. and David L. Fischer P

Annette and Jan Harzan ’76

Christopher R. Clarke ’03

Sunny S. and Richard A. Clute ’81 Kathleen JD ’84 and Joseph Coleman P

Antony H. Fung ’83 and Diana Fung

Paul R. Cooley ’58

Janet ’90 and Robert Galvin ’90, JD ’93 P

Neal M. Cohen ’87

Doris R. Fujii ’87

Cynthia B. and William U. Cooley MS ’84

Sonia Furman ’72, MS ’74,   PhD ’03

Lisa L. and Douglas Corbett ’73

Ann and R. Karal D. Cottrell ’60 Timothy L. Cyr ’70

Sabiha and Yousufali H. Dalal ’02, MS ’03, MBA ’14 Tuyet N. ’09 and Nathaniel T. Dang ’08 James J. Day ’74

Cecilia M. de Leon ’89 and   Leo L. Lam ’88

Fleurdeliza A. De Peralta ’86 and Thomas Meister Kevin B. Deggelman ’12

Maureen and Emil Dionysian ’81, MS ’83 Julie Dobson and   Chet Thaker ’74

Geraldine F. and Louis T. Cheng MS ’71

Carol L. Donald and James Murray ’70, MS ’71 P

Adam J. Cheyer MS ’93 Andrew C. Chiang ’97 Ryan Chien ’09

Barbara L. and Steven D. Chin ’80, MS ’80 P John K. Chiu ’00

Mazen Chmaytelli ’94, MS ’95 Harry K. Cho ’92

Le-Ming and Kenneth Chou P

Lorraine M. Fesq MS ’90, PhD ’93 and Frank Tai P Joann and Oliver N. Frankel MS ’84

Caroline Dockrell and William R. Goodin MS ’71, PhD ’75, ME ’82

Teresa Cheng MS ’84, ENG ’85, PhD ’91 and Tom W. Kwan   MS ’86, ENG ’88, PhD ’90


Jane M. Evans

Julia and Wesley W. Chu P

Ming and Nan-Rong Chen MS ’85, PHD ’90 Yi-Ting Chen MS ’13


Victor K. Chu ’05

Michelle ’86 and Joon Dokko ’87

Jing Gao MS ’11, PhD ’14

Shifra and Terry N. Gardner PhD ’75 James M. Gariffo MS ’08,   PhD ’13

Edward Gastaldo ’72, MS ’76, MD ’80 Arnold J. Gaunt ’86

Sharon P. ’90 and Andy Gavin Ameya Gawde MS ’12

Sarah and Kevin Geary MS ’02, PhD ’06 Sheldon D. Geller ’61, MS ’64

Newsha Ghodsi ’94, MBA ’01

Nancy P. and Rodney C. Gibson MS ’66, PhD ’69 P Vanessa and Matthew D. Ginzton Ryan A. Gochee ’11

Ramanjit and Gagandeep Grewal ’93

Erin M. Downey P

Laurie A. Groehler ’88 and James G. Zeiner ’90, MS ’91

Elise G. and Wayne Dunlap ’68

Rakhee Gupta

Yue Du ’10

Franklin N. Gump MS ’69

Peter Durojaiye ’06, MS ’12

Gloria M. Gusler PhD ’94 and Gary L. Fong ’86, ENG ’91, PhD ’94

Kristin and Howard S. Eller ’78 Ivan H. English Jr. ’62

Pearlie W. and Robert W. Erickson Sr. MS ’61

Augustine M. O. Esogbue ’64

Julie S. and Todd A. Ethington ’89

Michael C. Gutierrez ’13 Kyung and Kim Ha P

Sonia E. and Yacov Y. Haimes MS ’67, PhD ’70 Myrna ’64, PhD ’87 and William Hant PhD ’70 P

Gail R. and Frederick W. Hardy ’65, MS ’67 Alma T. ’53 and Donald G. Hazzard ’53

Barbara C. ’69 and Larry Heiller Christine A. and Matthew William Heintz ’89 Lina and Tarek Hijazi ’84 Steve S. Hirai ’92, MS ’93

Bradley S. Hirasuna ’02, MS ’04 Nancy K. ’60 and Jerre A. Hitz ’58, MS ’61

Sou K. and Wai K. Ho ’78, MS ’79 Mark P. Hocking ’94

Linda J. ’71 and Stanley R. Hoffman ’66, MA ’72

Willmore Frederick Holbrow III ’90

Robin and Alec W. Holland ’70 Ray R. Hollar ’78, MS ’83

Ruth A. Holly and David B. Kennedy ’83 P

Paula L. ’89 and Kenny W. Hom ’87 Mark Y. Honda ’95

Naiyana and Yasukazu Hoshino MS ’94, PhD ’02

Edwina and Donald R. Howard ’58 Yemay Hsieh and Hsie-Keng D. Liaw P Shiow-Ju and Jen-Tai Hsu   PhD ’93 Linden Hsu ’91

Steven Huang ’96 Ziyue Huang ’08

Denise D. and James R. Huddle PhD ’66 Jamie and Jason K. Hui ’97,   MS ’98, PhD ’02

Teresa J. and Robert W. Hulvey MS ’93 Ming-Tsung Hung PhD ’07

Clifford Y. C. Hwang MS ’94, ENG ’99, PhD ’99

Anna L. C. ’80 and Daniel T. Kuo ’79 P

Ashok C. Iyer ’01, MS ’04,   MBA ’09

Peggy S. MN ’82 and Rodney A. Kurihara P

Eunice Y. and Stephen Y. Itoga PhD ’73

Faith D. ’82 and Daniel L. Jackson ’83

May Jang MS ’73, ENG ’77,   PhD ’81 Mary D. and Timothy L. Johnson ’87 Erik B. Jue ’14

Kathryn Jue and Reginald Jue MS ’80

Jean P. and Wilton B. Kanode ’52 Cindy W. ’96 and Albert Y. Kao ’94, MS ’01

Ann Renee Karagozian ’78 and Theodore Aram Sarafian Rizwan F. Kassim ’06

Denise L. and Andrew E. Katz ’69, JD ’72 P Margaret A. and Jeffrey L. Kean P

Liana S. and Karapet Khanoyan ’95, MS ’99 Cynthia M. and James J. Killackey ’57

Wen W. William T. Kuo ’77,   MS ’78

Gail and Roderick O. Kurtz ’95 Mary A. and John Kurylo P Roman M. Lansang ’86

Soyoun and Shane P. Lansing MS ’98 Wan Y. Law ’95, MS ’95 and John C. Sun ’94, MS ’01 Carol and Doron Lean Luan Le-Chau MS ’11

Marko N. Kostic MS ’09, PhD ’13 Linda ’81 and La Roc Kovar ’81

Linda M. and Russell W. Krieger Jr. ’70 Jane A. Kucera MS ’84

Eulalia D. and George M. Kunkel ’62, MS ’68

Yukiko Y. ’61 and Hiromu J. Kuno ’61, MS ’63, PhD ’66

Jean and Sze-Yuan Lu MS ’84 Eden Ma ’05

Regina and Kenneth Ma ’67, MS ’71 Charlene and Gary E. MacDougal ’58 P

Geetha and Rajeev MadhavanºP

Kelvin Kuang Chi Lee PhD ’10

Daniel Maldonado ’89

Patricia Lee and Steve ChiouºP

Ruth Manling and John Suihon Wong ’74

Stanley S. Mak MS ’81 P

Margaret H. P. Lee and Ming G. Wong P

Durga P. Malladi MS ’95,   PhD ’98

Peter S. Lee ’70

Sabing Lee ’94, MS ’94 Kristie S. Leiser ’95

Lori E. and Robert Gerard Lepore ’76, MS ’78

Jenny F. and Marshall Lew ’72, ENG ’76, PhD ’76

Mei H. and Tony C. Li P

Tina and George P. Kolovos MS ’66

Tracy Lou ’03

Howard Chung Hoe Lee ’14

Elizabeth and Yong U. Kim   MS ’83, PhD ’87

Thomas S. Koga ’02

Gary Loo ’81, MS ’84

Anna and Sun Moo Lee ’12

Ling F. Li MBA ’00 and Patrick Ping Yee ’89, MS ’91

Irene S. ’79 and John L. Koehler ’78

Andrea Loeb-Smith* and David P. Smith MS ’68

Gowhartaj A. and Asad M. Madni ’69, MS ’72 P

Ki Young Kim and Digvijay Singh MS ’10, PhD ’14º Seon M. Kim PhD ’90

Karen A. Livesay ’73 and Randall L. Conilogue ’75, MS ’75, PhD ’83

Lydia L. Li ’94

Jia-Dong Liang

Lauren R. ’91, MLI ’08 and John R. Liberati MS ’85, PhD ’95 John H. Lienhard, V ’82, MS ’84 Siaw-Yen Lim and Yuan-Ching Liu P Terence Lim ’92

Alexander C. Lin ’14

Yu-Hua and Victor Lin

William H. Lingle IV ’80º Eveleen C. Liu ’94

Holly H. Liu ’99 and Paul L. Dutra ’96 Yi Liu and Tao Dai P

Sandy Mar and Eric S. Deyerl ’90, MS ’92 Donna and Wilbur J. Marner Ryan Martin ’03, PhD ’08 Juan V. Martinez ’81

Anne T.* and Peter F. Mason PhD ’68

Kathleen T. ’86 and Roger D. Massengale ’88 Maria and Kevin M. Matney ’92, MS ’94 Traco Matthews

Jeof McAllister MS ’12 Brian McInnis ’95

Asha C. Mehta-Yee ’99 and Stanley R. Yee ’00

Gilda and Daniel A. Menasce PhD ’78 Benjamin D. Merello MS ’06

Richard A. Meyer ’88, MS ’95, PhD ’00 Charles A. Miltenberger ’89

Lynn ’60, MA ’71, MED ’89 and D. L. Mingori MS ’62 Scott Mishima ’87

Shailen S. Mistry ’96

Holly A. and David Glen Mitchell ’77 Allan K. Miyata ’82 Lily Y. Miyata

Ellen K. ’63 and Don M. Mizota ’62 P Michael K. Molloy PhD ’81 Afshin Momtaz MS ’92

Chinsook and Gary Lee Moore ’85 Hajime Morita ’06

Deidre L. and Robert J. Murphy Catherine B. and Roger Patrick Murry ’73, MS ’76 Dorothy and Mas Nagami ’53

Miwa J. Nakagawa ’95, MS ’98 and Arthur Smalley Waleed Namoos ’94

Linda Lujan-Nelson and   Eric A. Nelson Jr. ’82 Anna and Won K. Ng ’58 Cary G. Ng ’99, MS ’14

Christine F. Ng and Kim Fan Wong P

Michelle E. and David Ng ’81 Ngan T. Ng and Wai Yip   Chan ’00

Diem-Trang T. Nguyen ’89, MS ’91 Nam T. Nguyen and   Ngoc N. Tran P

Kathleen and Kenneth S. Nishida ’82

Deborah M. and Howard S. Nussbaum ’71, MS ’72,   PhD ’76 Jeffrey A. O’Donohue ’09

Masaaki Ogawa MS ’06,   PhD ’10

Rae H. and Kenneth K. Okikawa ’67 Robert Oshiro ’81

Rita and William Overman ’73, PhD ’81 Hui Pan PhD ’99


Anand Inani MS ’99, MBA ’09


Elliott K. Inamasu ’09

Wenda T. and Francis M. Pan ’62, MS ’66 P

Sharon J. Pang ’87 and Jack F. Castro ’87, MS ’91 Judy M. ’83 and Gei J. Pao   MS ’80

Asha S. and Sanjay K. Parikh P

Hee Soon Park and Choong Ki Han P Heemin Park PhD ’06

Anjalika and Surya Pattanaik PhD ’78

Kate and Frank G. Pearce Jr. ’90 Elizabeth J. PhD ’87 and   Arne J. Pearlstein ’77, MS ’77, ENG ’79, PhD ’83 Maria H. Penedo PhD ’80 and John A. Silvester PhD ’80 Mario P. Pereira ’08

Keren O. Perlmutter ’90 C. Frank Peters II

Lisa J. ’81 and Daniel J. Peterson ’80 Marie E. and Robert L. Phen Jr. ’57, MS ’61

Elaine W. and Michael Y. Pines MS ’71, PhD ’75 Catherine T. and James D. Pinkerton PhD ’71

David L. Platus ’54, PhD ’62

Rosemary ’57, MBA ’82 and Ronald L. Plue ’56, MS ’62

Vasilis Polley MS ’91, PhD ’99 Gil Porat ’86

Jeanette and Andrew J. Powell PhD ’61 Blanca E. and Leon Presser PhD ’68



Ghanshyam P. Purohit MS ’77, ENG ’95, PhD ’98 Wei Qiang Qu and Johnny Chen P Matthew Brett Quan ’86 Girish Ramakrishnan ’10

Dolores C. and Alfonso Fred Ratcliffe ’51, MS ’63, PhD ’70 Dean R. Reyes ’04, MS ’06

Valeria W. and Paul B. Ricci MS ’80

Leslie E. and Takashi Shiozaki ’69

Mychele Riddick

Charlene M. and Michael W. Sievers ’73, MS ’75, PhD ’80

Monica and Joseph J. Rice ’88 Christine ’93 and Christopher A. Rimer ’91 Vivian K. ’03 and Geoffrey F. Robertson ’03 Lyn A. Robinson ’80

Kurt M. Shiraishi ’98

Rachel M. ’07 and Matthew D. Sirignano ’07 Rowena Siu and Paul Lam P

Josue Roman ’94

Mary Margaret and Gary Soe ’04

Patricia Rose and Renato G. Cabanban Jr. MS ’97

Jennifer T. Song ’03 and Damon G. Gilkerson ’04

Nadine B. and Francisco Romero ’90, MAR ’95

Sandra B. and Kenneth A. Solomon ’71, MS ’71, PhD ’74

Jamie K. and Kenneth L. Rosenblood

Miryeong Song ’88, MS ’91, PhD ’94 and Michael Han

Nicholas K. Rubi MS ’09

Alisa F. and Jonathan P. Stewart

Pavansoam P. Tripathi ’06 Jack E. Trost ’56

Marian Tsai-Bangayan and Phil T. Bangayan ’94, MS ’96 Benjamin K. Tsang MS ’10

Betty C. ’76, MA ’83 and Egbert S. Tse MS ’73, MS ’77, PhD ’79 Su-Hwa T. and Carter Tseng MS ’73 Fan-Gang Tseng PhD ’98

Roberta T. and Frank C. Tung PhD ’68 Ahmet Tura MS ’07, PhD ’10 Brian P. Tzeng ’94

Thomas Howard Udall

Carolyn A. and Douglas A. Rotman P

David W. Stephens MS ’89

Efren Vasquez ’07

Meike Rumalean ’94

Anne and Samuel Stokes

Sree W. Viswanathan MA ’70 and Chand R. Viswanathan MS ’59, PhD ’64

Lisa P. ’94 and John R. Rydell III ’93 Iman Saberi ’07

Neal J. Sainani ’01

Stephanie S. Saito ’00 and Dannie Lau ’97, MS ’99,   MBA ’09 Dorothy W. ’55 and Roy R. Sakaida ’53 P

Shu-Ling C. and Ti-Huan Su ºP Gloria M. and John Susnir ’51 Luna* and Herbert T. Suyematsu ’58

Jiraporn and Varun   Taepaisitphongse PhD ’93

Takaye and Norito R. Takamoto ’56

Karina Vergara ’09

Joseph A. Vitti MS ’61

Anna N. ’84 and Son T. Vo ’83 Melody B. T. Vo ’11

Susan Vuong MS ’94 and   Allen Tran MS ’88, ENG ’93, PhD ’94 P Linda S. Wah and James M. Okazaki ’69, MS ’75

Kari S. Sanders MS ’01

Norma ’93 and Foster K. Tam ’91, MBA ’00º

Harriet J. Scharf and Bart Ben Sokolow ’70, MS ’73, DENV ’77

Jean Elizabeth Tanaka JD ’84 and Marko Sokolich PhD ’89, MBA ’97

Kane K. See MS ’04

Faryar Tavakoli PhD ’14º

Ren Wang MS ’00, PhD ’04

Nathaniel B. Sepulveda ’13

Loretta A. Testa ’01, MS ’04

Joyce M. and Phillip M. Shigemura ’69, MS ’71

Grace H. ’93 and David Ting ’93, MBA ’01

Linda K. and Jeffrey S. Way ’76 P

Karen and Robert S. Tokashiki P

Tova ’61 and Gershon Weltman ’58, MS ’60, PhD ’62

Joyce and Thomas E. Sawyer ’60

Sandy and Kevan V. Tan ’99

Mary Wakefield-O’Neal ’83 and Donald D. O’Neal ’82 Jonathan A. Walcott ’02 Chih-Li Wang PhD ’13

Grace I. Wang and Joseph H. Chi ’87, MBA ’05

Laurie G. ’83 and William Schoellkopf III ’81 P

Sandra H. and Robert C. Tauscher ’63, MS ’65

Eddy Seetho MS ’12

Helene and Ira Terris PhD ’65*

Wen Z. and Wayne Seto P

Maud and Tonis Tilk MS ’70

Tai-Jan D. and Shean L. Wang ’68, MS ’76, PhD ’81

Grace S. Shih ’07, MS ’09 and Alden C. H. Wong ’07, MS ’09

Ryan P. Tish ’07

Jill C. ’96 and Ken Weiner ’95

Erica D. Shim ’05, MS ’07,   PhD ’09

John A. Toman ’80

Vinh T. Ton ’86, MS ’86, PhD ’93 Katherine K. and John J. Tracy

Paulwei Wang ’02

Sherman Wang ’04

Anita J. ’62 and Leonard Wexler ’64, MS ’68 Jen and Ken R. White ’94

Andrew J. Winther ’03

Carol and Christopher J. Wolf ’80 P Jason F. Wolven ’95 Amy R. Wong ’98

Barbara and Philip H. Wong ’67 Dennis J. Wong MS ’94

Jessie and Wilson W. S. Wong ’87 Leslie E. and Brian P. Wong ’83 P Susan F. Wong ’78 Tommy Wong ’10

Agnes ’86, MS ’88 and Jason Woo Huangyu and Chang Wu   PhD ’99 P Jay M. Wu ’05

Jane Q. Xia and Anming   Xiong P

Xiaojing Xu MS ’08, PhD ’09 and Ning-Yi Wang ’03, MS ’07, PhD ’11 Naomi J. ’86 and Nelson T. Yamagata ’84 P

Terri Y. and Cheng Chih Yang MS ’81, ENG ’83, PhD ’91

Jonathan L. Zweig ’00

Julie L. ’07 and Terence F. Heinrich ’08, MS ’11

Edgar L. Zwieback ’54

Kenneth Hsiang ’13

Young Professional Boelter Society

Vincent En Hu ’10, MS ’12

Daniyal A. Ali ’11

Hammam H. Alshagra ’14

Chrisanne V. Angsuco MS ’13 Brian J. Attiyeh ’07, MS ’08 Hoang M. Banh ’07 Aidan S. Begg ’08

Sandeep K. Bhateja ’12 Julian T. Brown ’14

Alex N. Capecelatro ’10 Bryan S. Carpentier ’13 Brian W. Chan ’05 Brian Chang ’07

Eric Chang MS ’11

Hsu-Yu Chang PhD ’12 Alexander Chao ’06

E-Hung Chen MS ’08, PhD ’11 Yi-Ting Chen MS ’13

Yu Chen MS ’11, PhD ’14 Ryan Chien ’09

Victor K. Chu ’05

Yin-Ting Chu MS ’08, PhD ’08 Wei-Yen Chung MS ’10

Eric Y. Hsu ’14

Jenny M. Robinet ’08

Nicholas K. Rubi MS ’09 Kendra Rusinek ’13 Iman Saberi ’07

Qiao Huang ’13 and Yuxin Yang

Vidyut Samanta MS ’05,   PhD ’12

Ming-Tsung Hung PhD ’07

Eddy Seetho MS ’12

Ziyue Huang ’08

Elliott K. Inamasu ’09

Daniel P. Ithurburn ’09 Zhuang Jin MS ’12

Tingting Juan PhD ’11 Erik B. Jue ’14

Rizwan F. Kassim ’06

Ki Young Kim and Digvijay Singh MS ’10, PhD ’14 Marko N. Kostic MS ’09,   PhD ’13

Andrew H. Schurr ’12, MS ’13 Nathaniel B. Sepulveda ’13 Wayne V. Shen ’13, MS ’14

Grace S. Shih ’07, MS ’09 and Alden C. H. Wong ’07, MS ’09 Erica D. Shim ’05, MS ’07,   PhD ’09 Vikramvir Singh MS ’14

Rachel M. ’07 and Matthew D. Sirignano ’07 Michael H. Smith ’05

Luan Le-Chau MS ’11

Jeffrey Su ’10

Kelvin Kuang Chi Lee PhD ’10

Faryar Tavakoli PhD ’14

Alexander C. Lin ’14

Ryan P. Tish ’07

Breanna C. Marcinek ’11

Benjamin K. Tsang MS ’10

Jeof McAllister MS ’12

Michael S. Tung ’09

Hajime Morita ’06

Efren Vasquez ’07

Samantha G. Nano ’11

Melody B. T. Vo ’11

Long H. Nguyen ’12

Mark A. Warwick ’14

Anna and Sun Moo Lee ’12

Bingyong Tan ’11

Cory Li ’10

Saurabh Tewari PhD ’07

Eden Ma ’05

Pavansoam P. Tripathi ’06

Wai Lin Maung ’11

Tiffany M. Tsao ’10

Benjamin D. Merello MS ’06

Ahmet Tura MS ’07, PhD ’10

Kousha Najafi ’08

Karina Vergara ’09

Arjun Narang ’10

Chih-Li Wang PhD ’13

Tuyet N. Nguyen ’09 and Nathaniel T. Dang ’08

Tommy Wong ’10

Fan Yang PhD ’02

Kevin B. Deggelman ’12

Paul C. Yang ’91

Peter Durojaiye ’06, MS ’12

Phani M. Yannam MS ’14

Nahal Farhi MS ’08

Toyken Yee MBA ’90 and David R. Hemmerling ’85

James M. Gariffo MS ’08,   PhD ’13

Allen K. Yu ’93, MS ’03, ENG ’98

Charles M. Glavin ’14

Silvia W. Yu and Jim J. Wei

Matthew R. Grimm ’13

Heemin Park PhD ’06

Phani M. Yannam MS ’14

Angela Zhang and Binghua Cai ’95

Helen ’04 and Adam David Harmetz ’05

Mario P. Pereira ’08

Chen Zhang MS ’11

Jun Y. Yang ’99, MBA ’06

Yue Du ’10

Stephanie Yang ’07

Ryan L. Evans ’11, MS ’13

Eric T. Yee ’00, MS ’02

Jing Gao MS ’11, PhD ’14

Xiaofan Niu MS ’09, PhD ’13

Jay M. Wu ’05

Xiaojing Xu MS ’08, PhD ’09 and Ning-Yi Wang ’03,   MS ’07, PhD ’11

Bill Young ’89

Ameya Gawde MS ’12

Seung K. Yu ’03

Ryan A. Gochee ’11

Masaaki Ogawa MS ’06,   PhD ’10

Michael C. Gutierrez ’13

Bryan E. Parker ’09

Karlson K. Yuen ’12

Amir Ali Radjai MS ’11

Yan Zheng MS ’04 and Dan Shi PhD ’05

Hyunjin J. and Jay C. Yun ’90

Zhimin Zhou ENG ’93, PhD ’97

David R. Harwin ’09

Jeffrey A. O’Donohue ’09

Girish Ramakrishnan ’10

Stephanie Yang ’07

Renyu Zhu ’11


Eva E. and Geoffrey M. Wilson P

Renyu Zhu ’11


Sylvia and Duane E. Wikholm ’55, MS ’58, PhD ’66


Honda Research Institute USA Inc.

The Aerospace Corporation

JSR Corporation

Alcoa Company

KPFF Consulting Engineers

Atom Inc.

Matech Industrial Co. Ltd.

Bellagio Engineering and Technology

The National Gem Consortium

The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science gratefully acknowledges the organizations that made gifts to the school from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

Additional Support – $5,000+

CORPORATIONS $1 million and up

ENN Group International Investment Limited

HK Graphene Technology Corporation Microsoft Corporation $100,000 to $999,999

Aero Institute

Airbus Americas Inc.

Beijing Samsung Telecom R&D Center The Boeing Company

Enli Technology Co. Ltd. GI Logic LLC Google Inc.

Hang Zhou Linker Digital Technology Co. Horizon PV Inc.

Intel Corporation

Mentor Graphics Corporation National Instruments Northrop Grumman Corporation

Real Communications Inc. RICOH Silicon Valley Inc.

Sharp Electronics Corporation

Aerojet Rocketdyne

IBM Corporation

Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France

Juniper Networks

Analog Devices Inc.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

BASF Corporation

Maury Microwave Corporation

Bloomberg L. P.

Brocade Communications Systems Inc. Bruin Biometrics LLC Cellphone-Mate Inc.

Chevron Corporation

China Tactic Development Limited Cisco Systems Inc. DirecTV Inc.

E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company Exxon Mobil Corporation Facebook Inc.


NovaWurks Inc.

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Qualcomm Incorporated

Raytheon Systems Company RAND Corporation

SanDisk Corporation

Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.

$100,000 to $999,999

Broadcom Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Additional Support – $5,000+

Air Products Foundation

Joseph Beggs Foundation for Kinematics Inc. Gencorp Foundation Inc. Sheila Gold Foundation

The Kay Family Foundation Okawa Foundation

The Simons Foundation

Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

FutureWei Technologies Inc.

Symantec Corporation

GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems Inc.

NCR Corporation

Fujitsu Laboratories Limited

Suzhou Industrial Park

Geosyntec Consultants Inc.

Taylor Exhibition Services Inc.

Headwaters Resources Inc.



Silvus Technologies Inc.

Fujitsu America Inc.

Global Research Collaboration

Yara International

Selfa Inc.

Southern California Edison Company

HK Eoulu Trading Limited


NOF Corporation

W. E. O’Neil Construction Company

Texas Instruments Inc.

$100,000 to $999,999

Howard Hughes Medical Institute MK Level Playing Field Institute

Additional Support – $5,000+

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Jackson Laboratory

Utopia Compression Corporation

Japan Patent Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

VeriSign Inc.

Transformers LLC

Vast Films Ltd.

Nagoya University

Stepping Up to STEM Education Giving tomorrow’s engineers a head start, the UCLA Henry Samueli School of

Engineering and Applied Science hosts several programs for youth through its Engineering Science Corps.

High School Summer Tech Camp allows teens to work on a design

engineering project and get a taste of college life under the guidance of UCLA Engineering faculty and undergraduate mentors. The camp is held at the

Student Creativity Center, a 5,000-square-foot technology sandbox on campus. The High School Summer Research Program is designed for high school

juniors preparing to pursue an engineering education. In this eight-week

program, participants work alongside faculty and students in UCLA Engineering labs, attend faculty presentations and meet with the dean of the school.

UCLA Engineering also offers an Online Tutoring and Mentoring Program to

high school students taking STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) courses. Mentors visit high school campuses and host the twice-annual UCLA Engineering Day.

For more information, visit https://esc.seas.ucla.edu


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AWARDS DINNER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2016 The Beverly Wilshire Hotel 9500 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California


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