Dean Ron Brookmeyer
Abdelmonem A. Afifi Student Fellowship
Celia G. and Joseph G. Blann Fellowship
E. Richard (Rick) Brown Social Justice Fellowship
Juneal Marie Smith Fellowship in International Nutrition
Samuel Tibbitts Fellowship
Dean's Outstanding Student Award
Carolbeth Korn Scholars Award
Dean Ron Brookmeyer
Welcome to the 2023 Student Academic Honors and Awards. We're thrilled to welcome you to our ceremony, which recognizes the exceptional achievements of our students as well as the support they have received from all of you with us today.
Dr. Ron BrookmeyerThis celebration provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the dedication and distinction of each of our student award winners The unwavering commitment and academic excellence of our students is inspiring, and it is just the beginning of their incredible public health journeys. I greatly look forward to seeing the impact that our students will have in years to come, in pursuit of transformational and lasting health equity.
Thank you for joining us and congratulations to all of the award winners!
Dr. Ron Brookmeyer Dean & Distinguished Professor of Biostatistics UCLA Fielding School of Public HealthThe Abdelmonem A. Afifi Student Fellowship was established upon Professor Afifi's completion of 15 years of service as Dean of the school. Recipients are selected for academic excellence and demonstrating a well-balanced and humanitarian understanding of the field of public health.
Annette Blann created the Celia G. and Joseph G. Blann Fellowship, awarded annually to doctoral students on the basis of academic excellence, to honor the memory of her parents. A 1954 UCLA graduate, she was committed to the enhancement of health and the promotion of well-being.
The E. Richard (Rick) Brown Social Justice Fellowship was established in honor of the late faculty member Rick Brown, founder of the Center for Health Policy Research, and provides support to a student who conducts research and/or advocates policy to expand health coverage for all.
Juneal Smith's parents established the Juneal Marie Smith Fellowship in their daughter's memory to support graduate students pursuing careers in international nutrition. Juneal Marie Smith, who received her MPH and PhD from the Fielding School, combined her scholarship with a commitment to helping underserved communities worldwide through her work in the area of nutrition.
Family members and friends established the Samual J. Tibbitts Fellowship in honor of Samuel Tibbitts to award students for their academic excellence and commitment to public health. Samuel Tibbitts received a bachelor's degree in public health from UCLA in 1949. A pioneer in the field of managed care, he founded PacifiCare, one of the nation's first major HMOs, and was vice chair until his death in 1994.
Joseph Nwadiuko
Each year all five departments nominate one student who has demonstrated exemplary scholastic achievement, community service and leadership in their class to receive the Dean's Outstanding Student Award.
The late Carolbeth Korn received her bachelor's degree in public health from UCLA and was a long-time supporter and former member of the Dean's Advisory Board. In 2005, Carolbeth established an endowed prize to financially and publicly acknowledge, for generations to come, the Fielding School's most outstanding graduating student. Each year's recipient is selected by the Dean and academic leadership from across the school.