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Power belongs to those who know knowledge is power. Knowledge and power are the keys to self-improvement. The pale man is a man because the Black man is not a man. The system has power because the Black man fails to recognize his power. Once the Nubian people rise and stand as men and women, the system will systematically change. Once we recognize our inner power, then we can use it to better our character, position, and plight.
It is a disgrace that our people live in slums, projects, poverty, crime etc. In the community in which we live, we must create change. We are the people who want better living conditions, quality education, safe streets, respectful citizens, etc. If we want it we must use intelligent power and go get what we desire. To study and observe our condition on a wide scale would and should force us to push and strive with unified power.
The penal system is ravenously devouring away our Black and Brown brothers. The government is falsely advocating our manless women. This system is a trick to take and handicap our power. They teach that power is in the man’s ability to make babies, get drunk, buy fancy sports cars, do the freak, dress to impress, play sports, etc. That’s all apart of manhood, but the ultimate reality is the power to recognize the power in man. Man is mind, and mind is raw intelligence that produces power. Our sisters are taught that to be big women you need a big butt, long legs, red lips, a $200.00 hairdo, expensive clothes and blue contacts. Sisters, brothers, look at yourselves, study self and do for self. You have the power, you are the power, let’s use the power. Peace be unto you.
NOMMO Issue, December 1992 - “In The Belly of the Beast”