Understanding the Holocaust: How and why did it happen?

Page 26

2.2 How did the Nazis rule Germany?

2.2 How did the Nazis rule Germany? Once in power, the Nazis seized opportunities to take control of Germany. In March 1933, the Enabling Act was passed, which gave Hitler the sole power to make laws. In July 1933, all other political parties were banned and Germany became a one-party state. Legal system: The Nazis took control of the legal system and the courts. Only pro-Nazi judges were appointed.

After the death of Germany’s president Hindenburg in 1934, Hitler ruled as a dictator. As the diagram below shows, the Nazis attempted to control all aspects of people’s lives.

Propaganda: Nazi ideas were powerfully communicated through rallies, speeches, films and posters.

Führer (Leader): All Germans were expected to be loyal to Hitler. Political opposition was banned.

Schools: Teachers were forced to promote Nazi ideas (e.g. students were told Jews were a threat to the ‘Aryan’ or ‘master race’).

Family life: The Nazis pressured women to marry, stay at home and have children. Men were expected to work and join the army.

Terror: Germany became a police state. Nazi officials had the power to attack, spy on and arrest people without explanation.

Censorship: Newspapers and radio stations were taken over by the Nazis. All art, books and plays were checked before they could be produced.

Religion: The influence of the Church was controlled. Church leaders were expected to support the Nazis and their ideas.

Youth groups: Non-Nazi youth groups were banned. Young people were taught to be loyal Nazis. While boys were prepared for the military, girls were prepared for motherhood.

Economy: All businesses were expected to work for the success of Germany and accept Nazi controls. Trade unions were banned.

Figure 2.4 How the Nazis controlled Germany.

Think about

Activity Pick three of the methods of control in the diagram. Explain how each of these would have helped the Nazis to rule over the German people.

Why do you think the Nazis were keen to gain the support of young people? How might this have helped them to keep control in Germany?


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