The 5th Report "Towards the Localization of the SDGs"

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Leaving no-one behind This Subsection addresses the trajectory of LRG efforts for the localization of the 2030 Agenda in reporting countries and gives some updates of the processes in other countries that are not reporting this year. The main sources of information are the answers to the 2021 Survey collected by the GTF/UCLG in more than 90 countries (see, above, Section on “Methodology”). This Subsection also analyses the Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) produced in reporting countries throughout 2020-2021. Finally, it summarises the main action undertaken during the past year by all the different global and regional networks included in the GTF.

The actions of LRGs to localize the SDGs in the countries reporting in 2021 Local and regional governments have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 response. More often than not, this has been through actions aimed at containing the pandemic and promoting a safe, inclusive and sustainable recovery, in line with the 2030 Agenda. This Subsection shows how, despite the severity of the present situation, they have continued to promote initiatives to accelerate the localization of the SDGs both in their own territories and as part of the wider, global movement. The following figures and information give account of the views of LRGs working in 28 of the countries reporting this year; they include those of 46 LRGs from 17 countries and 28 LGAs from 21 countries. 25 As mentioned in the Subsections above, LGAs play a critical role in advocating strengthened localization strategies at the national level, as well as in making the voices of LRGs heard within coordination mechanisms and national reporting processes. They also help to deliver the SDGs by mobilising their members; disseminating key information and best practices through training sessions, toolkits and support programmes; and generally increasing and improving the involvement of LRGs in this joint undertaking. On digging deeper into the 2021 GTF/UCLG Survey responses, it can be seen that 71% of the LGAs that answered the 2021 GTF/ UCLG Survey have a high level of acquaintance

with the 2030 Agenda. In Cape Verde, the Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mexico, Niger (ARENI), Norway, Spain and Zimbabwe, the SDGs are used as important points of reference when developing strategies, while in Colombia, Denmark, Guatemala, Sierra Leone and Sweden, the majority of LGA staff are aware of, and make reference to, the SDGs, even though they may not necessarily be among their highest priorities. However, a worrying 29% of LGAs had a low level of awareness of the SDGs, showing that there is still a lot of work to be done. LRGs are moving from making acquaintances to making concrete commitments and institutional arrangements to support the sustainability agendas. Two thirds of the responding LGAs (38%) have already shown a high level of commitment through the adoption of specific statements and strategies.26 Almost half of the LGAs (48%) have already nomina-ted a specific unit to support SDG implementation, or coordinate SDG work at the highest levels of their respective organisations. Of the LRGs that answered the 2021 GTF/UCLG Survey,27 65% had a good level of awareness.28 Furthermore, 92% had already assumed political commitments to implement the 2030 Agenda at the local level and 56% had adopted either a strategy or an action plan.29 A large majority of LRGs stress that they have aligned their local plans with the SDGs and prioritised a set goals and targets. For example, 53% have established SDG 11 as one of their priorities (particularly for planning, resilience, transport and pollution). This is followed by SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 9 (infrastructure), SDG 3 (health), SDG 8 (economic development), SDG 10 (inequalities) and SDG 4 (education). SDG 6 (water and sanitation), SDG 7 (energy), SDG 13 (climate change) and SDG 12 (waste management) fall into a second group of priorities. LRGs from the majority of reporting countries are progressively moving forward in their commitments towards SDG implementation. They are doing this by adapting their agendas and institutional structures to accommodate what is an evolving context, and one which has been hard hit by the epidemic and the associated socio-economic crisis. Through VLRs and VSRs, their initiatives are also being increasingly analysed through bottom-up approaches to monitoring and reporting.

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