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About MC2CM
Internal and international migratory movements in the wider Mediterranean region have a direct and long-term impact on the development of the region's urban areas, as these are often the departure, transit and destination points for migrants. As the first interlocutors of the inhabitants, local governments are also key actors in removing barriers for the economic, social and cultural inclusion of newcomers, as well as fostering their contribution and participation in the local life. In order to maximise this development potential, local governments need to be recognised as institutional partners in migration governance policies and endowed with the necessary and relative competences, resources and capacities, especially with regard to guaranteeing access to rights and services.
In this context, the Mediterranean City to City Migration Project (MC2CM), launched in 2015, aims to contribute to improving the urban governance of migration, particularly within a network of cities in North Africa, the Middle East and Europe. The project's activities are grouped into a Dialogue component to facilitate the exchange of experiences and policy options between cities, a Knowledge component that assists partner cities in studying their migration situation and defining their profile, and an Action component that accompanies the transfer and implementation of cooperation actions.
The project is implemented by a consortium led by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in partnership with the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Network and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).
More information at: icmpd.org/mc2cm @urban_migration
Mediterranean City-To-City Migration (MC2CM) https://www.facebook.com/mc2cm
Nurturing dialogue between cities and relevant stakeholders through peer-to-peer learning and exchanges
Supporting knowledge generation and development of evidencebased approaches
Providing sustainable solutions and testing tools to address migration-related challenges and opportunities